#So brave that JC chose the easiest way to protect his clan
halenhusky309 · 1 year
I was so closed to reblog a post about Jc and WWX that made me itch for implying that WWX was horrible to JC like JC was to him.
Excuse me? What else did you want WWX to do? Not giving his core to JC? Or revealing the Golden Core Transfer to further cripple JC's fragile ego?Letting the cultivation world torture the Wens Renmants to death? Or listening to JC and putting a toddler, his grandma and the rest of elders, women and weaks back to labor camp? Disregarding his and JC's life debts toward the Wens Siblings? Letting WN die? Asking JC, who already showed he wouldn't do jack shit to help WWX protecting the WN, WQ and the rest of Wens Renmants? Letting the Cultivation World, specifically JGS, possess the Yin Fu Hu?
Please tell me what should WWX have done better?
Also, what Jiangs' Legacy that JC protected besides wealth, reputation and power? What about the Jiangs' motto and principles, a.k.a, "know it to be impossible but do it anyway"? The one thing that made Jiangs clan stand out and not liked " any rich clans"? I mean, Jiangs' Legacy died the moment JC chose not to honor his life debts he owned the Wens siblings (who were the reason that the Jiangs was still survive), simply because he was afraid to lose his face and reputation. (Also, the purple raccoon chose the worst clan to ally and marry his sister into, and he knew JGS was a disgusting man-whore, and his son had been a major cunt to JYL in past). Plus the whole Wens Renmants' debacle is another cherry on top showing that protecting the innocents is no longer the Jiangs' priority. Considering how Jiangs clan later become more grandeur but unfriendly to commoners, the Jiangs clan after Sunshot Campaign was slowly becoming the empty-self of its former glory, which is another tragedy of JC and the Jiangs clan in general!
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