#So cute it hurts ugh😖
kitsuniga-ri · 2 years
Blade my sweet bimb0 babygirl maid 🥺 💒 🦈 🤍 ✨
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hanjisungslag · 2 months
attack on titan headcanons #10
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synopsis: how the characters react when you, their s/o, gets hurt. 🩹
characters involved: eren, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha, reiner, bertolt, annie, levi, erwin and hange
notes: i am cooking up a storm, so watch out for that & also hit double digits!!
☆ eren jaeger
oh.. you got injured in training? poor babyyy☹️
he’s super sweet and gentle with you.
if anyone tries to go near you though.. he’s super scared they’re gonna accidentally hurt you😭.
so he’s always at the edge of his seat ready to rescue you if needs be.
he gets all of your food, water, clothes, bandages etc.
then the nurses catch him doing it and have to YANK him off of you, once again.
☆ mikasa ackerman
so incredibly caring and concerned 🤍
she was the one who found you on the expedition with a broken leg
she refuses you to the hospital
lets the nurses do their jobs (thank god)
she really wants to be able to help nurse you back to health as well though..
she gives you the next best thing aka massages.
she literally comes in everyday and gives you 3 massages minimum a day
she’ll also sleep in the hospital with you most days.
☆ armin arlert
nothing less than an angel.
for however long you’re in the hospital, he’ll bring you flowers
in there for 3 weeks? new flowers every week.
in there for a week? new flowers every other day.
reads you books every night to help you sleep
sleeps there EVERY single night
always gives good morning and good night kisses
keeps you updated with what’s going on with everyone and training to make sure you don’t miss out.
makes sure to surprise you by bringing your friends there too!! it was a super sweet surprise.
when you’re sleeping, he goes around asking nurses if they need help😖.
☆ jean kirstein
he has to hype himself up before going to see you in hospital because it just breaks his heart.
but being able to see you, hug you, know that you’re being taken care of makes him feel wayy better.
he’s just happy to see that you’re not too badly injured.
just a sprain from training!
he likes to draw things for you from the outside
or you guys draw together.
yk that cute game where one person draws a squiggle and the other person has to make into a drawing?
yeah, you guys do that. and it’s frickin adorbs😡
☆ connie springer
you went to do some late night training by yourself
and cornelius found you on the ground. in a lot of pain.
he rushed you to the first aid
fastest anyone has EVER seen that man run
you got cleaned up but had to take a break from training until you were better.
definitely tries to make you laugh all the time
even with your injury, he still wants to see you happy and smiling 🤍
☆ sasha braus
aw bless her cotton socks.
your injury wasn’t fatal enough to warrant a hospital stay
but the nurses said to stay home and rest up!
you had to take care of your scar
in her own time, sasha headed over to first aid to ask the nurses how to help you properly☹️.
you literally do not lift a finger!!
she does everything for you, like cleaning it up, wrapping it up etc.
and she’s really good at it and all…
☆ reiner braun
he’s like a scared little boy.
he’ll sit by your side and tell you it’s all okay
but when he’s alone.. HE GETS SO UPSET
sometimes he’ll take ‘bathroom breaks’ just to pull himself together because he hates seeing you in this state :(.
really affects his everyday life
but he hides it well.
BIGG celebrations as soon as you’re out of hospital
is literally like a servant, will get you everything and anything you want.
☆ bertolt hoover
he bakes you cookies for being so brave☹️.
he stays with you all day long until the nurse finally tells him he has to go.
it breaks his heart leaving you but he gets up bright and bloody early to see you in the morning
like i’m talking the second the hospital opens up.
☆ annie leonhart
she’s not nervous,
your injury wasn’t fatal or anything.
she’ll still visit you, of course ;)
she also makes sure to tell you how brave you are
since you are scared of hospitals.
she’ll giggle at your wimpy-ness though.
like you were getting patched up and you were just like trying not to scream
and she was just standing there chuckling at you.
☆ levi ackerman
so so so scared, secretly.
he has lost one too many people
but to lose you? that would completely and utterly BREAK him.
it was a pretty gnarly injury as well…
which was rather terrifying for both you and him
but he’ll keep a cool persona around you.
if he’s unable to visit due to work, he’ll ring the hospital and asks how you are.
he’ll always make time to come see you though, no matter what!!
☆ erwin smith
he hears from his assistant that you’ve been put into hospital
he runs STRAIGHT over and makes sure to comfort you.
he’ll stay till dark when you’re asleep and pay the nurses a visit too
he asks them to take extra good care of you.
if he’s unable to see you, he makes sure to call you up every single day
or at least have SOMEONE come check on you.
☆ hange zoë
hange has seen it all at this rate
but doesn’t seem to heavily affected.
they’ve never really had anyone close to them be extremely injured
they were sooo scared though :(.
it was really sad for everyone to see hange’s energy so low but
they couldn’t help it!!
all they could think about was their poor love in hospital :(.
when they’re around you though, they try to stay positive! and tells you all about their work to keep you both distracted.
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mikia87 · 6 months
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I also started Collar x Malice. The story is really interesting.😄
I don’t know what to think about the LIs at the moment. Saeki is the one that interests me the most, but sadly he’s not dateable!😞 Shiraishi looks promising, mostly because he has Nicola’s voice.😏 But Sasazuka annoys me so damn much! Urgh😫 Now I started with Enomoto.
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I finished Mineo Enomoto’s route. It was interesting. The story of this game is so cool!😁 Mineo is really kind and cute. I like him.
But the part that made me cry in his story was when Ichika and Mineo went to see Saeki at the hospital. Knowing that he was in a coma, that he needed a kidney transplant and that his family donated an organ to him, it made me cry.🥺😭 Sorry Mineo, but my heart belongs to Saeki.
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Kei Okazaki’s route is done. I really like the story and also Kei.😉 And I found out more about Adonis! I can’t wait to know what happens next!😁
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Takeru Sasazuka's route is finally over! The story was good. But I can't stand him. He's soooooo annoying!!!😩 I hate characters when they constantly insult others & act like they're better & smarter than everyone else. Ugh.😖
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I just finished Kageyuki Shiraishi’s story. I didn't expect that at all...😱😨 And I'm still crying...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I wasn't sure I liked him when I started his route, but the more I played, the more I loved him. He's my favorite so far.💖 But now, I’m still in shock from the ending...😰
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Aiji Yanagi’s story was great! When I learned the truth, it really hurt.😭😭😭😭😭 I already knew who was Zero (because of spoilers all over the internet😓), but it still hurt.😰
I like Yanagi, but I’m surprised I don’t like him more than that.🤔
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lovepollution · 1 year
TMMM finale thoughts
Oh god, they opened with the Lenny stand when he’s spiralling and my heart hurts 💔 Luke absolutely nailed it however and needs another Emmy like, now.
It’s great to see Susie and Lenny interact, especially soft and caring Susie 🥺 Oh how I’d have loved to see Susie manage him 😩 And Midge hiding chainsmoking backstage because she can’t bare to see him that way. 😩💔
Poor Susie heartbroken over Hedy. Some fantastic stuff from Alex this episode, I so hope she gets an Emmy too for s5 because it’s so deserved.
You know what’s good about TMMM ending? I don’t have to tolerate Gordon Ford ever again - except maybe in fic where he can either be treated as he should or made into a better character lol.
Midge’s Gordon Ford victory dance was so cute 😄
Moise and Shirley are always great and the shower thing was sweet. 😆
You know what’s the other good thing about TMMM? No more Joel and ASP’s weird attempt at redeeming his character. 😒 I mean “You are amazing” just because he finally does the bare minimum to finally accept being used in her act? Ugh.
Really having trouble seeing how Midge being on the Gordon Ford Show is super exciting? I think the season long build up has made me not care. Proud Abe however is wonderful. 🥹
Nice rundown of past seasons events from Rose via the device of her naming Midge’s lies lol.
Rose and Abe’s cab search was just a chance to have a big continuous shot and show how much money Amazon spent on the show, but it worked. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Oh god, the paper from the fortune cookie that Midge puts in her dress - with the Chinese restaurant flashback coming, I see where this is going…
Of course they had Midge put no relationships in her act. 😒
The Chinese restaurant flashback 😩😩😩 “My head turned a long time ago” 😩😩😩
Midge and Joel wedding pic on Midge’s desk in 2005…like, wtf? 😖 It is nice to see Susie and Midge friends again however.
That was the ending?! THAT WAS THE ENDING?! NO MORE LENNY?! Fuck that. No wonder Luke said his three words to describe the finale were “I’m so sorry”. 😠😠😠
It would have hurt, but I wanted to see Midge’s reaction to Lenny’s death ffs. 😡
Alright, I have to sleep now, but I’ll sum my thoughts up thusly:
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ssickabit · 2 years
Dunno if you’re a caratstay like me but…. Just IMAGINE a bangchan x seungcheol threesome🥵🥵 ugh my two fav leaders EVER! also my biases from their respective groups!🥰 bangchan and coups BEST LEADERS!!! >.< 🥺😖😢💕💓💗💖💘💞💕💘💖💗💖
but goodness that’d be SO intense. im usually a soft stan but sometimes all I want is for two sexy, masculine, muscular, virile men like them to RAVISH my fragile holes and devour the hell out of me until i reach transcendental states and I can’t walk the next day 🥺 and then they carry me around like a bride and tell me that im such a good girl to them 🥺
imagine that bangchan is your sweet, wholesome husband. and single dad!seungcheol as his lovely best friend. seungcheol has always had a lowkey crush on you since chan introduced you to him. and he was a little sad that channie found u first. but he always remained happy for the two of you even after marriage. he never wants to start drama, come across as creepy, or interfere with anyone’s happiness. one day, seungcheol finally has the guts to tell him this and bangchan smiles, appreciating his honesty. the conversation goes on for a while. eventually, it turns rated r and that’s when bangchan has a lightbulb moment - a threesome!!!!
once you come home after a long day of shopping with ur besties (and using chan’s credit card to buy everything😉), he talks to you about the visit seungcheol made earlier that day and everything that went down. he asks about the possibility of a threesome. hearing such raunchy words exit his mouth gives u the goosebumps. you respect seungcheol and would trust him to have safe, loving sex with u and chan. and u are completely down for it…
cheol visits your guys’ house every few days and takes things slowly. chan and cheol want to make sure that you’re safe and don’t get hurt 🥺 massaging your body with almond oil and kissing you all over…and then experimenting with fingering, toys, and oral on you, and eventually getting rougher as time goes by 🤭
you love the feeling of two hot dilfs treating you like a princess and tell you that you’re such an amazing, obedient little angel for being able to take two cocks at the same time 🥰 cheol in your mouth and chan in your pussy. two wholesome dilfs who transform into ravenous beasts whenever they’re in bed with you….always wearing pretty pink lingerie that makes you seem innocent…yet not so innocent…..you’re a delectable little sweetheart to them. they’d worship your body like a goddess and revere you like there’s no tomorrow…
and sometimes they say things like “i guess our princess can’t decide whose cock she likes better. what a sweet little cockslut” or “our cute angel has become such a nymphomaniac for her two daddies huh?”
constantly inundating you with intense orgasms and pleasure from all directions 🥰 and WHEW just the sight of the three of their sweaty naked sexy bodies makes me so .... 🥵
And then the aftercare😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫them turning all soft and nurturing again😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫telling u that you did so well and then massaging ur body and taking care of u the next day cuz they KNOW you’re gonna be sore
I am actually a caratstay and I am very much devastated by this ask because BESTIE???
*clears throat* I think we reached the point where me, a fellow writer, can’t even write any single thoughts because this is just TOO MUCH (/pos). So here’s some of my thoughts you might wanna read because I am just full of ~horny thoughts~ where Bangchan gives you some time alone to explore yourself with Seungcheol (without intention of crossing the boundaries) :
Bangchan is mostly a soft dom, that’s very true, but when it comes to Seungcheol A means A and B means B. Bangchan still gives you the space to be a brat and just taming you in the softest way possible, but Seungcheol? Do it as he says or you won’t get what you want. Pretty strict with his rules which is also agreed by you and full of your consent of course. This makes you thrilled in some way *evil laugh*
Touching you with delicacy is what Bangchan always does but with Seungcheol he will shove your head on the bed, back’s arching to him as he is thrusting his hip from the back. Even if the pace is kinda rough, Seungcheol is still considering the gentleness in his moves (yeah talk about that to the bruises in your hips lololol)
Lots dirty talk and degrading is what Seungcheol loves. This is quite the opposite of Bangchan—which he is just really love praising—and he likes it when you talk back, it makes something inside of him very excited. “Yeah? Look now who’s aching for my cock” “you dirty slut, say it. Say my name” while exactly pounding into without mercy.
Sometimes he is just making Chan’s ego in the edge of the downfall because look at him. Very cocky and shit. “Look, Chan, look at how pathetic she is” and a lot of smirks when he watches you and Chan fucking each other.
He is kind of hesitant about aftercare at first because this is out of his capabilities right? But his leader self is saying the otherwise. He will give you water and let you pee, then he will run you a bath. He brushes your hair of course! He won’t leave any marks on you besides the one at your hips because of his hands—he does that to respect Bangchan. Or, the marks on your neck because of his fingers when he is fucking your throat with his cock. Or on your buttcheeks because he can’t help but spank you. But he will be glad to see how you marked his body *wink*
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Phantom of the Opera: 25th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall
Live Commentary (feat @l10ng1rl highlighted in blue)
I do know that there were restrictions placed by the venue and the fact that it was televised but that's not gonna stop me from commenting on how lame they are.
Also **spoilers** we hate on Hadley Fraser's Raoul a lot in here. I know that much of this may not actually be Hadely Fraser's fault: the direction also has to be considered. This did come out a year after Love Never Dies premiered, and Raoul's character there is less than princely. It occurs to me that this may have impacted the direction/interpretation of his character here. Or not, who knows? All this to say, we're not actually hating on Hadley here, just this particular execution of the character. But also if you like this particular Raoul (not just Hadley Fraser), please do tell me why, I would be fascinated to know.
- Not me watching the 25th anniversary and being very sad that Earl Carpenter is in it and not as the Phantom
- Oh no! NINETEEN SEASONS? NINETEEN? they really dumped it on Carlotta here didn't they?
- I miss the elephant
- Madame Giry is Uber creepy here
- oh i see why you hate this Raoul
- I'm so glad I'm not the only one hating that Raoul 🤣🤣🤣
- I'm proud to announce that @l10ng1rl and I are founding the official Hadley Fraser as Raoul Haters Club
- They couldn't have done a regular dressing room set?
- "CHRISTINE DAAÉ! Where iiiis your red Skhhhafff?"
- Fucking hell he looks at her like she's something to eat
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- Yeah no Hadely Fraser's Raoul is disgusting. He's got rape face I hate it
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- I can't with this LED screen mirror
- Sierra's vibrato is really amazing. And I'm not gonna say she's the best Christine, like, ever, but that high-note is really chilling.
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- Ooh damn she cross-eyed
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- "Music shall surround you
Hear it, feel it
Closing in around you"
I was warned about this, but I cannot believe how unpoetic this is. Go back to caress/possess, you cowards!
- Ok I do like when a phantom has to scramble a little to cover her with the cloak he's so cute
- WHY IS HE NOT IN HIS CAP AND GOWN? How is a banyan going to hurt the Albert Hall?!
- Raoul may not have been with Christine that night be he was defo planning on it based on the way he was looking at her in that dressing room 😖🤮
- look everyone knows Raoul de Chagny is my punching bag, and I love nothing more than stepping on him, but This is not a Raoul for me to even step on, I wouldn't want to soil my shoes with his slimy self
- I appreciate when a phantom keeps the tune instead of *just* screaming at Christine. That so rarely happens.
- Ooh damn that "Burns in hell" went right down my spine
- Why is Firmin drunk? He's supposed to be drunk right
- I declare, I have NEVER seen Raoul played like this, WTF. He's so impertinent! What is this attitude? Where is the indignation in his "Of course not!"?
- This guy? I can totally see this guy gambling away his fortune and getting lost in the bottom of a whisky bottle
- Why am I so obsessed with this damn ring? I have a problem
- this is the best croak
- Oh how deliciously homicidal! 😍 I love when wet get to see the murrrderrr
- This Raoul would have thrown her in a loony bin within five years
- *Oh jeez is she gonna start fucking crying? Ugh stupid hysterical women.* "alright come here, there, there it's alright " *rolling eyes* --Raoul's inner monologue
- RUN CHRISTINE! He's got the pong of marital rape about him
- No oh my gosh this Raoul fits how he's characterized in The Phantom's Atonement (@madamedestler) to a tee
- Patrick really is like an innocent schoolboy compared to this guy
- I've always loved the fact that the line that really sets Erik off on the rooftop is
"Share each day with me/each night each morning" That's the part where he goes from sad to angry
- Also also also I think it's precious that Erik assumes Raoul would fall in love with Christine for the same reasons he did. Because he's got ADHD brain he's like "how could anyone not be enraptured by her voice like I am ~.~"
When in reality Raoul's just going after her because he's already got an in
- I forgot that they don't actually drop the chandelier. They threw in the bring down the chandelier line and the chandelier doesn't even come down 🤣🤣🤣
- And NO ring snatch 😡😡
Raoul: You don't have to Christine, they can't make you!
Also Raoul: they can't make you, but I can guilt you into it!" Fuck you buddy
- Fuck you Raoul! 🤣😂. I think you wouldn't feel a grain of regret to step on this Raoul without mercy
- Again, wouldn't even step on him. He'd get my shoes dirty. Being stepped on is for decent Raoul's who can be salvaged
- I am so, so digging these close up shots of Erik putting his hands all over her during ponr. Because Ramin's Erik so rarely actually lets himself touch Christine. So then when you get to PONR he just indulges himself a bit. And good for him
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- I love the gentle, soft, touchy side of Ramin's Erik
- Can I have this ring custom made? How much would that cost? I want it so bad! I wanna wear it all the time and pretend I'm married to Erik ~sways back and forth~
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I'm kidding, but I do want that ring
- I love/hate whenever a Phantom plays PONR visibly, forcefully horny during Christine's part in PONR because I looooove horny Erik but I feel so so bad for him because I know what's coming (and it's very sadly not him)
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- OH! HE GROWWWLED! OH MY GOSH! HELP! He's got me. Ok he's got me.
- Uhuuu he's still growling oh my gooooooohhh
- I love what it says about Christine as a singer, actress, performer that even when she's *running away, struggling against him* she's still performing the play. I've just identified my stalker as being on stage with me but THE SHOW MUST GO ON! And honestly I love her for that
- Love how there's no grate so they have to have Erik hold her throat again so Raoul has a reason to sing "Free her!" As if Erik would ever put his hands on her throat in anger. And risk damaging her vocal chords? I don't think so
- yeah, that much neck grabbing I think it was unnecessary,and I also think that Erik would never do it. He would never harm her.
- The "Did you think that I would harm her?" line is harder to justify here. Which irks me because it makes me so weak every time I hear it
- Every time I watch the graveyard and the final lair I just want Christine to turn around and tell Raoul to shut up.
- Oh no! his eyes when she says "tears of hate"... aww baby
- I will never stop hating that she's calls him "pitiful creature"
- Yeah, with that "pitiful creature" she really thrusted the knife in his gut and twisted it
- Sierra is such a champ throughout this scene
- She is one of the very few Christines that is actually sorry and conflicted to leave Erik behind, not as her father figure, but as her other love interest. At least she is one of the few that can credibly convince me so
- I just cackled very loudly
- What made you cackle? Lol
- Raoul's face. When she kisses Erik. He looks like he would actually rather die than see her kiss Erik. This is almost as good as watching His face during ponr in the movie.
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- 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤭🤭🥴🥴🥴 that one takes the prize!! He just reminds me of Sam the Eagle from the Muppets here
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- Oh poor thing, he really had no self esteem at all
- Ok OK ok
She starts singing All I ask of you
THEN Raoul appears
Was she actually singing that to Raoul?
- Oh yes, you got it! Was it for him? Hehehe, I don't think so
- Ugh she is on the knife edge right to the very last second
- Completely! Sierra is very believable in this scene
- Go AWAY Raoul! Let her stay with him, you're gonna regret this so badly son. She'll never love you the same, and you'll never have kids either. Just go hold off the mob so they can get away
- Gillian Lynne, MVP ever and always
- I love seeing Sarah and Michael together
They just make me smile
- Ok so we've got joj, colm Wilkinson (werrrr, not my favorite Phantom but I have to respect him), who else?
- Oh thank goodness they let John take the high note
- I wonder why they didn't ask Earl to join them at the end.
- I've always been tickled that Sarah never could shake the British thing where they can't say a word ending in "a" without putting an r on the end. Operar.
- UGHHH JOHN'S EYES! He's so in-character during MOTN. He's got so much emoshuns.
- I, too, now have emoshuns.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
hanma x fem! reader where.. lets say he was ordered by kisaki to “take care” of her as she was causing some inconveniences for them.. but he decides to play around with her a bit and it turns into an nsfw 😖
*phew* yes I am in love with the IDEA of this man.
(Realistically, I'd probably *redacted* and then go home, but WE STAN SHUJI HANMA HERE)
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Get Lost: Shuji Hanma x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.2k
tw: NSFW
song recommendation:
"Have you ever been in love?"
The question catches you off guard and you look at the man sitting across from you as he drinks his whiskey.
"You're asking me if I've ever been in love?"
"Is it such a foreign question?" he replies, adjusting his glasses. "If you're uncomfortable with it, we can just move to another question."
"No." You shake your head. "It's not, I'm just... I've never thought about it. I don't think so. Have you?"
"Never," Shuji Hanma murmurs, tossing back the last of his drink and smiling at you slyly. "But I have fucked a lot of beautiful women in my day."
"Oh?" You sip on your wine and raise a brow. "But none of them were good enough to make you feel like you wanted to stay with them forever," you laugh. Shuji shrugs, looking out of the window at the passersby and humming.
"Beautiful evening," he mentions and you nod.
"It's been so dreary lately. I love it when the sky turns different colors and makes the evening look so artsy."
"Would you be willing to come over for a nightcap?" your date finally asks, and you laugh a little. "I'm not pushing for it, but I like you. You're cute."
"Sure," you reply. "You're cute, too."
While you're in the bathroom, Shuji is mixing two drinks - one that will kill you and another that will get him drunk enough to not flinch as he finishes you off. You emerge moments later, completely unaware of the hit placed on you at that very moment.
"Tell me," Shuji murmurs. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a detective," you answer as he comes around the couch and places the drinks in front of you. "I do investigations on criminal organizations in the city. What about you?"
"An executive. Just your regular corporate fellow." Shuji sits next to you and puts his arm on the back of the couch. "Why did you choose detective work?"
"Well..." You clear your throat. "My father used to be a cop before he was murdered by a mobster when I was twelve. My mother was also part of the police force as a forensic investigator. It's kind of in the family. Plus, I really empathize with a lot of the mobsters here. It makes sense why they do what they do. I just want to make sure no one gets hurt in the process."
"So, would you be a mobster if you could?"
"No way," you reply. "If I could be anything else... I'd be a youth social worker. Or maybe a teacher." You shrug, leaning down for the drink. Shuji jerks forward, knocking your hand aside and taking the drink off of the coffee table.
"Ugh, something was floating in that," he complains, taking it to his sink and tossing it down the drain. "Sorry."
"I should probably stop drinking anyways. Just another sign from the hangover gods!" Shuji rejoins you back on the couch, giving you a small smile before sliding his tattooed hand over to yours. When he pulls you closer to him, you already know the game plan: he's going to kiss you, you're going to have sex, and then you'll never hear from him again. The usual.
Shuji's fingers slide across your cheek as presses his soft lips against yours, removing his glasses and tossing them on the coffee table. You lean into the kiss fully, hands coming up to his dress shirt and tugging slightly. "Climb into my lap," he murmurs between kisses, tongue swiping against yours. You do so and feel his hard-on raging against the seams of his slacks as you grind on top of him, which makes you a little more confident than before. But the confidence is soon stripped away as Shuji's hand grips your neck, thumbing the junction between your collarbone and throat.
"I'm going to fuck you. Afterward, you're going to leave. You'll resign from your job in Tokyo and get lost, and I better never see you again in these streets. The alternative isn't so pretty, but you're a smart girl." Your pulse quickens and you take stock of what his words mean as you swallow hard.
"But--" The grip on your neck tightens as he mutters:
"The alternative isn't pretty."
Soon, you're on your knees on the bed, mind swirling with thoughts about Shuji's words between the thoughts about how much of his thick cock would actually fit inside of you. It had barely fit inside of your mouth, but here you are...
"Ready?" You nod, and his cockhead presses at your wet entrance, trying to find a way inside. "Hips up." Your hips lift, and large hands part your legs more before the cock catches on your opening and slides inside.
"Shuji!" Your exclamation is accompanied by your head lifting, but Shuji presses it back to the bed, orange eyes wild.
"Take it. Take it all."
You can't do anything else as he fucks you stupid, pumping into your relentlessly and making you quiver with ecstasy. It's practically a sin how Shuji has you worked around his cock, pussy gripping him even as he pulls back.
"God, this looks so beautiful. Gonna just..." You try to angle your head so you can see what Shuji is doing, but you can barely make out his finger sliding into his mouth and then approaching your ass. The fat finger - it's his thumb - presses into your puckered hole and you groan loudly, tightening around the digit as your body is sent into a state of semi-overstimulation. Then the fingers on your clit begin rubbing away and you wail loudly, the sounds of Shuji fucking you sure to echo in his home.
Your body fights the urge to surrender for a good five minutes before you can't hold back, fingers and toes curling as Shuji pushes you to your limit. He laughs behind you, deriving pleasure from the way you sink into the mattress as you cum, the way you whisper his name over and over again, the way you forget that he's not your friend - he's your fucking enemy.
It drags him to his own end, which is bittersweet for him as he cums inside of your tight cunt. He wanted to play with you for hours - you were so much fun - but he had to send you on your way. Kisaki would be calling him at any minute to ask if you'd been taken care of, and he wanted to be clean and ready for bed by that time.
"Get dressed." Clothes are dumped onto your limp body and you try your best to pull on your items before hurrying to the door. "Don't let me catch you around this city, understand?" You nod, pushing your hair away from your face and closing the door behind you.
Shuji cleans up the apartment and steps into the shower, frowning a little at how pliant you had been. Did he want you to want to stay? To want more of him? To be defiant and fight him? Shouldn't you have wanted those things?
It's only when he's finished showering that he checks the GPS tracker he dropped into your purse, watching the purple dot speed onto the highway.
And he knows it's only of matter of time before he pays you another visit. If you didn't want more of him now, you would soon.
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