#So he's probably absolutely exhausted at this point and doesn't stand a CHANCE against an entire army
shima-draws · 7 months
Also can we PLEASE talk about Sanji's facial expression when he realizes there's an entire army on their way to attack his captain and he can't do shit about it
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Roy/Jamie prompt: Pirate AU. Jamie is being shipped to a loveless arranged marriage to Rupert or some other awful jerk. En route his ship is attacked by the dreaded pirate Captain Roy Kent and his crew. Roy's expecting a whiny, arrogant little rich kid to hold for ransom. Instead Jamie is fearless and doesn't give Roy an inch no matter what Roy threatens him with. At one point, Roy bluffs that he's whip Jamie proper, only for Jamie to tear his shirt off and reveal that his father's already left plenty of marks. Jamie eventually earns his place as part of Roy's crew, and more importantly, as husband to the dread Captain Kent himself.
If there’s something I love more then vampires it’s pirates. I absolutely can do this.
*Jamie’s mom is dead in this au because there’s no way she would ever let her baby be sold*
Jamie is furious. He’s worth so much more then just 500 gold pieces. At the very least 2000, he’s hot. He knows it.
He slams his fists on the locked door. It still doesn’t give. Jamie collapses back onto the cot they tossed at him. He figures he’ll catch a few more hours of sleep.
Jamie is just about to drift off when there’s screaming. He hears a new voice. A deep voice.
Jamie can hear it through the wood of the door so he must be close. “Unlock this now.”
The door swings open. Jamie stares up.
The man is gorgeous. The captain of their ship is standing behind him. A cruel laugh escapes the caption’s lips, “you’re in for it now Tartt.”
Jamie glares at him. The dark haired man gestures and he is dragged away. Jamie blinks. Oh. The man bends down to look at Jamie. He glances around the small room and sees all the clothing Rupert had sent.
“Pretty rich boy here should get us a nice ransom. Take him. I’m your new owner for the time being.” The man stands and gives a fake bow, “Roy Kent. At your service.”
Jamie shrieks. He’s heard stories. He knows who this is. He’ll not move unless he wants to thank you. Two men come toward him. They try to grab him but he bites them. He gets smacked by Roy. He’s been hit harder many times but it was unexpected. “Stop it boy. Be good. Let them carry you or I will.”
Jamie lightly struggles once again but let’s the two men carry him this time. As they leave the ship he looks at the bodies. Jamie can’t honestly say he feels bad for them, they all said horrid things they wanted to do to him. What Rupert would allow them to do.
He shudders without meaning to. The man on his right laughs, “cold princess?” Jamie slams his head into the man’s nose. Blood starts pouring out.
“Oi!” Jamie freezes. Fuck.
“Sink their ship then we need to teach princess here a lesson in manners.”
Jamie sighs. He looks at the man he head butted, his nose is probably broken. He feels a bit bad because the man was just following orders. But oh well.
They toss him into a cell. It’s going to be a long trip.
They’ve yell at him, dump cold water on him. Roy has threatened to take away his clothing. To shave his head. Jamie refuses to break.
He won’t do it.
He thinks the captain is slowing getting a bit of respect for Jamie.
Until that night.
It’s just the two of them again, Roy has a whip in his hand, he taps it against the bars. “I’ll make you talk with this. Final chance Tartt.”
Jamie laughs. He can’t help it.
He strips off his shirt and turns around. There’s an inhale of air. “You can’t do worse then what my old man did. Go ahead and try if you can find space.”
Theres utter silence from Roy.
Jamie spins around. He knows the front isn’t as bad but there’s still marks. Mostly from cigar burns.
“I’m sorry.”
Jamie thinks maybe he hit his head. “You’re what?”
Roy tosses the whip across the ship. “Sorry. I shouldn’t of made assumptions. They never get people places. Never got me anywhere.”
Jamie nods. He can understand that. Roy reaches forward and unlocks the cage. “Let’s talk. Come to my cabin. You can have clean clothes.”
Now Jamie knows it might be dumb but he’s exhausted, wet, and starving. He shrugs and picks up his shirt. He doesn’t care who sees his scars.
As they make their way up to the cabin they pass people, Colin, the man who’s nose Jamie broke, gasps when he sees his back.
It makes Jamie smile. He’s always loved shocking people.
Roy gestures for him to go into the cabin. It’s warmer. Jamie picks up a loaf of bread and bites into it.
Roy stares at him for a second before getting clothing. He passes it over. “It’ll be big it’s mine. We’ll try and find some in your size.” Jamie nods. Seems like the captain might like him. Interesting.
Jamie could start to like the captain.
10 months later it’s not just Roy who is feared, the blond who is now constantly seen at his side is always spoke of along with Roy’s name.
They say his name is Jamie Kent. He rescues people in trouble or from abusive marriages. They say he gutted his owner once Roy freed him. Those are just rumors though. The man who was supposed to marry Jamie actually went missing months before.
What no one really knows though is Rupert’s head made a lovely proposal gift. How could Jamie ever say no to that.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Too Late (Ivar x reader)
A/N: This is my entry to @fuchsiagrasshopper's 200 Followers Writing Challenge. Congratulations again, love 💝
This is a variation on Ivar's death. Consider yourself warned. And... sorry 😔
The prompt, from the song Too Late, by Ashes Divides, is in bold and italics.
@zuxiezendler - Thank you for reassuring me (I needed it) and for beta reading this for me 🌺
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Summary: Ivar is about to go to war against Alfred. His eyes are very blue, though.
Warnings: major character death; mention of blood and fatal wound (nothing graphic).
Words: 1815
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When a hand lingers on his forehead, Ivar slowly opens his eyes before shifting in the makeshift bed and eventually sitting upright, allowing you to take a seat next to him. Looking at him with concern, you tilt your head to the side, one of your hands resting lightly on his chest while the other grazes his thigh.
Studying him, you bite your lower lip. "Your eyes have turned deep blue, Ivar. You know what that means, remember?" Ivar snorts and then rolls his eyes, visibly annoyed. You don't stop, though. "Hvitserk told me. Your brothers used to watch over you. They knew that when your eyes turned blue that you were in great danger of breaking your bones. And they would say 'Not today, Ivar. Not today.'"
Knitting his brow, your lover wearily rubs a filthy hand over his face, his eyes never leaving yours. "I remember." He finally nods, a half-smile curling his lips. "I know."
"You could let Hvitserk take command, Ivar. You'd stay behind, for once. I could even stay with you." You know you're walking on eggshells, but when Ivar answers, there's surprisingly no anger in his voice. Though the calm determination in his gaze tells you that arguing is pointless.
"No, Y/N." He shakes his head and grabs your hand, playing absently with your fingers. "No," he repeats, "Hvitserk must lead the back-up troops, it has to be someone I trust. As for you, I need you on the battlefield. You're our best shieldmaiden, and you know that. And...", he tilts his head, lightly shrugging, "I don't think we can defeat Alfred if I'm not there too... You know..." He taps his forehead with his pointer finger and you know exactly what he means. He's right. His men are fearsome warriors, but they sometimes – most of the time – need guidance when fighting, and who else could do that better than Ivar, with his cunning and extraordinary strategic mind?
No. He won't change his mind.
For the briefest moment, you think you should tell him. But no. It wouldn't change anything. You're not deluding yourself, he'd still go. And he'd demand that you stay behind. And that's not happening. It's an option you refuse to even consider. If he goes, you go. That's who you are. Both of you. A king – a warrior – and a shieldmaiden.
You'll tell him afterwards. Once it's all over. Once Alfred is defeated.
"Okay, then." Leaning in, you give him a peck on the lips before standing up. "Promise you'll be careful."
Flashing you a reassuring yet tired smile, he nods. "I always am."
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The battle rages for hours now and you know you should feel it in your bones. The pain. The exhaustion. But you don't. Unharmed and powerful, a shield in your left hand, it's like you're flying, dodging blow after blow, slicing throat after throat, driving your trustworthy sword into chests or guts, as you slash your way through the enemies. Exhilarated, you shout war cries and you know that if they are cathartic to you, they scare the Saxon soldiers. The thought makes you laugh – and indeed a crazy laugh escapes your throat as you run forward, swinging your blade from side to side, momentarily crouching down as an axe flies over your head.
Attacking a Saxon with your shield, you beat him savagely with repeated blows to his skull before skewering him with your sword. As he falls to the ground, already dead, you look up to the sky for a second, and silently thank the gods, a beaming smile adorning your face. You love that. You're never more alive than on the battlefield. As you lower your gaze, eager to slaughter more and more Christians, your eyes catch something on the left.
And it's like the world stops spinning.
Like your heart stops beating.
And you stop breathing.
Petrified, you can't comprehend what you're seeing. It doesn't make sense. It can't make sense. Why is this Saxon stabbing Ivar? How can it be? Why isn't your lover fighting back? Why is he bleeding? Your shield and sword slipping out of your hands, the ringing in your ears is suddenly deafening, and for a fleeting second, you think you might throw up. But you won't. Because that can't be real. You're hallucinating, for sure. It can't be happening. It doesn't make sense. It can't. It simply can't.
A sudden cry of pain and the distinctive and all too familiar sound of a broken bone snap you out of your stupor and you rush over to your lover – 'Not today, Ivar, not today, no' – dropping to the ground next to him, your hand grazing his cheek. As you see the state he's in – his left leg unnaturally bent at the knee with exposed bone; his stomach covered with blood – a shiver runs down your spine and you gasp, filled with horror. You want to cry, and scream, and shout but instead you inhale deeply, blinking several times before locking eyes with his bloodied ones. Your man needs you.
"I'm here, Ivar, I'm here." As you carefully place his head on your lap, his hand grabs your arm, squeezing it. His eyelids flutter as he tries to focus his gaze on you. Weakly raising his free hand, he fails to touch your face and something between a sob and a whine escapes his lips. Gently intertwining his fingers with yours, you can't help but repeat yourself. "I'm here, my love, I'm here."
A faint shake of his head and then he speaks, his voice hoarse and barely a whisper. "You... You should leave... Leave, Y/N.." He swallows painfully, and a sob chokes in your throat as you see blood running out of his mouth. You shake your head, not trusting your voice, but Ivar, your stubborn lover, keeps speaking, mustering all his strength. "Leave, my love, you're... not safe... here..." He then lets out a shuddering breath, loosening his grip on your arm.
Raising your head and looking around, you see that your fellow warriors are gone. Someone, Haakon probably – you always saw Ivar's second in command as a coward – must have sounded the retreat, now that their king is down. You don't have time to dwell on it though as you realize that the two of you are now surrounded by Saxon soldiers, their swords pointed at you. You coldly glare at them for a few brief seconds before meeting King Alfred's gaze. The Saxon commander seems shocked as he looks with wide open eyes at the man lying in front of you.
"Lower your weapons!" You barely hear Alfred's order, your mind taken with other thoughts, and you don't bother to see if his soldiers obey. The truth is, Alfred and his men are the least of your concerns right now. No matter what happens, no matter what they do, you're not going anywhere.
Once more, giving your undivided attention to your lover, you shake your head, speaking with conviction and determination. "I'm not leaving your side, my love."
Ivar frowns and winces. "I want you to... be safe..." He mutters with great effort, clearly in terrible pain. "It makes... no difference if... if you stay. I'm..." He squeezes his eyes shut, and you're suddenly aware of how pale he is, his hand on your arm now ice cold. He eventually speaks again, his breathing ragged and shallow. "I'm going to... die anyway. Y/N," his voice is choked, and your eyes are full of tears, "I'm...dying."
He's right. He's dying. There's no denying it. As heartbreaking as this thought may be, it is no less true. You've been in enough battles, seen enough fatal injuries to not delude yourself. With a wound that bad, there's no chance of survival. Absolutely none. You know it won't take long.
But it doesn't change a single thing. How could you leave him here, in this foreign land, surrounded by strangers – by enemies? How could you? You don't want to be safe, you want to be with him, as long as you can.
You may not be able to save him, but you can be there. You want to be there.
I will not lose you to a world that doesn't care
To the monsters that would have you.
Your hand cups his face as you swallow thickly, blinking back tears. "And I want to be here. I won't leave you alone." The pain in your heart is such that you can hardly speak. Taking the deepest breath you can, you then bite your inner cheek so hard that you can taste the blood in your mouth. "You're not alone, my love. You don't have to face this alone."
Ivar's eyes are closed, and for a moment, you're not sure he heard you. If you're being honest, you're not sure he's still there with you, even if he's still breathing.
But then, his eyelids flutter open, revealing glassy eyes. There's no more light in them; no more fight. "Not today..." He mumbles, despair clear in his voice. And suddenly his face crumples and his eyes are full of tears and you can almost physically feel the panic coursing through his battered body. When he speaks, sobbing very hard, it's to say what you never thought you'd hear him say, his voice as shaky as your hand on his face.
"I'm afraid."
It rips your heart out.
"I'm afraid."
It tears you to pieces.
"I'm afraid."
It destroys you.
You hiccup, a hand moving to cover your mouth. You want to take his pain away, you want to die and let him live. Your head is spinning, you're dying from the inside, you're not sure you can do it, but you have to. You know you have to.
So, gathering the courage you thought you didn't have, you nod. With tears rolling down your face, you swallow hard and say, "I won't tell anyone." Shaking with long, racking sobs, you try to smile. "No one will ever forget Ivar the Boneless. And I will never forget you, my love."
The fear in his haunted eyes almost unbearable, you can just soothe him, a reassuring hand on his cheek. Your tears join his, splashing on his face as you whisper again and again. "You're not alone, my love... I'm right here, next to you... You're not alone..." Sliding your arm under his head, you clumsily lie down next to him, curling your limbs around his body, cradling him.
Never surrender you, I always be there
I will be there to wrap myself around you.
And then, with a last gasp, your lover stops breathing.
And your whole world just shatters around you over and over and over...
Time loses all meaning.
You can't move.
Can't think.
Can't cry.
Can't feel.
He's gone.
And you realize you never had a chance to tell him...
He's gone.
Tagging: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @a-mess-of-fandoms @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @ivarthebloodyking @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @fuchsiagrasshopper
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mimisempai · 3 years
Let the magic of my love take care of you
Summary :
Five times where Loki takes care of Mobius with the help of magic and once where he doesn't need it.
2311 words - Rating G
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"Hey here!" Loki said softly as he entered Mobius' office.
"I've come to give you my report on the mission with the new recruits." continued Loki as he came to sit across from Mobius.
"I'm listening."
If anyone entered the office at this moment, there would be no indication that the two men were a couple.
But if one stayed, he would see the way their fingers brushed against each other as Loki gave Mobius the file he held in his hands, the way Mobius moved his chair closer so their knees touched, or the closer than necessary distance between their heads when Loki pointed out a detail on the papers spread out before them.
All these small gestures were evidence of their relationship, but only visible to those who knew them.
Once he finished his report, Loki stood up. His gaze fell on Josta's open can on a corner of Mobius' desk.
"How long ago did you open it?"Loki asked him.
"This morning," Mobius answered before shrugging his shoulders.
Loki took the can in his hand, which gradually turned blue, the color of his Jotun skin.
He kept it for a few seconds and then put it back under Mobius' curious look. On the can you could see the droplets of steam caused by the drink, which was now cold.
He leaned towards Mobius and said softly, "I know you prefer to drink it cold..."
Then as he got up he winked at him before turning and heading for the door.
He turned around one last time, and said, "See you later." Before closing the door behind him under the amazed look of Mobius.
"Papers, papers, always papers! I can't take paperwork anymore!" Mobius threw his pen towards the door, but he didn't hear the sound it should have made as it smashed against it. He looked up to see Loki had just entered his office and caught the pen in mid-air.
"Are you tired of me already that you want to eliminate me?" asked Loki with a teasing smile on his face.
"Aaah Loki... shit, lunch! The cafeteria! I forgot about it! I'm sor-"
"Hey, hey, it's okay Mobius, Casey told me you probably wouldn't show up, seeing as how the last time he saw you the files were piling up on your desk." replied Loki as he walked over to him.
"That doesn't stop me from being sorry."
Loki shook his head, "It's not like we'll never get another chance, and honestly what worries me the most is not that you didn't come, but the fact that you're missing out on a meal again."
Mobius protested, "It's okay I-"
Loki stopped him with a hand, "But as a devoted companion, I thought of you and... tada...!"
Loki twirled his hand and amidst the green swirls appeared... a bowl of salad, which he placed on Mobius' desk after making room.
Mobius couldn't help but laugh as he recognized the bowl of salad.
"What are you doing?"
"...your salad is Asgard in this scenario."
"No, it's not Asgard, that's my lunch."
"It's a metaphor. Just hang in there."
" I want that salad."
"I understood that this dish was your preference."
Mobius replied, raising an eyebrow, "Last time, that didn't stop you from adding salt, pepper and whatever else to it to prove your theory. With a metaphor that by the way was at least as bad as the dagger one..."
"Hey, I was right anyway, well about the salad not the dagger..."
Mobius gave him a knowing smile. He had seen the conversation between Loki and Sylvie.
"Love is a dagger." Loki made appear a dagger before continuing, "It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it…"
Loki offers the hilt to Sylvie. She reaches to take it, but the dagger disappears.
"It isn't real."
"It's real."
"It is, yes," Loki replied, then kissed him tenderly before walking away. As he closed the door, however, he threw out in a serious tone, "Don't forget to eat your salad."
Mobius smiled at his words, who would have thought his lover had a mother-hen side?
"A planet where it rains all the time! Guys... remind me to put this on the checklists of things to verify before teleporting to a planet: 'Check the weather.'"
Mobius had just passed the time-door, soaked like a drowned rat. They had been on a mission to search for someone on an unknown planet where apparently there was only one sort of weather :  rain.
He hated it, his suit was sticking to his skin and he was starting to feel the wetness and cold penetrate his bones. He could not hold back a shiver.
Suddenly he saw a green light enveloping him from head to toe.
Little by little the feeling of cold and dampness disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of warmth and comfort. He was now dry.
He looked up to see Loki coming towards him, as a last green swirl faded from his hands.
Loki stopped in front of him, "I have a feeling that this mission was a pain in the ass, right?"
Mobius replied, "You know my love of rain."
Then he stopped, waved his hand to show himself, and added, "Thanks for that."
Mobius was always pleasantly surprised by Loki's little attention, but even more so by the fact that it showed how well he knew and cared about Mobius.
Unfortunately they were in one of the most crowded hallways of the TVA so Mobius couldn't show his appreciation as he would have if they were in the privacy of their apartment. However, he couldn't help but touch Loki and put his hand on his arm, squeezing lightly and said again in a gentle tone, "Thank you, really."
Loki replied with the same smile by simply nodding and placing his hand on Mobius’ hand, he said gently, "My pleasure, for you, always."
Mobius was staring at the papers in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He was about to do something, to write something, but he couldn't remember.
"Mobius? Since when do you bring home work."
Loki's voice as he entered their living room pulled Mobius from his thoughts. He blinked his eyes. "I have to finish this, and I'd rather finish it here." He mumbled, his voice hoarser than usual.
Loki said to him in a slightly annoyed tone, "Did you hear your raspy voice? Did you see your face? You better get some rest."
"I absolutely must finish this."
"Really? When you seem to be having trouble even keeping your eyes open?", Loki insisted.
"I'm fine," Mobius replied.
Exasperation was now evident in Loki's voice, "Only you believe it. Even your colleagues have noticed!"
"I'm fine!"
"Mobius," Loki sighed.
"I'm fine," Mobius repeated. "Just let me fin-..."
A coughing fit interrupted him. He coughed so hard it felt like his lungs were being torn apart.
"That's enough," Loki said in a voice that had no return.
Loki took his file out of his hands, grabbed Mobius' hands, made him stand up and pulled him behind him.
"Hey! Loki!"
Loki ignored him and pulled him towards their room.
"Loki!" Mobius coughed violently again. He felt exhausted all of a sudden and feeling himself spinning, he clung to Loki's hand.
"Mobius, you're burning up!" exclaimed Loki in a panicked tone.
Mobius shivered, as if to confirm what Loki had just noticed. "Are you cold?"
"Yes, and warm."
Loki carefully sat him down on their bed. "The important thing is to get your love fever down, okay?"
He helped him put on his pajamas with gentle touches and carefully laid him down under the blanket.
Mobius' eyes were still open and he suddenly saw Loki in his Jotun form.
"Loki? Did you just transform or am I having a gorgeous hallucination."
Loki chuckled affectionately, "Oh love, only you would call me a gorgeous hallucination when I have this form. But no, it's real. Do you trust me?"
"Even with a raging fever, yes and even unconditionally."
Loki smiled again, and went to join him. He laid behind Mobius, and wrapped his arms around him, without putting too much strength into it, and put one of his cool hands on his forehead.
Mobius breathed a sigh of relief, "Ahhh that feels good. Thank you my love." then he felt himself being swept away by exhaustion, only aware of the cool sensation around him
He woke up a few hours later, much better than before. Loki was still wrapped around him. He turned around and noticed that Loki had returned to his normal appearance.
"You've joined the living world?" asked Loki with a smile.
"Thanks to you," Mobius replied in a still hoarse voice, running a finger over Loki's face before continuing, " No longer blue?"
Loki was surprised at Mobius' almost disappointed expression. He was still a little unsettled by the fact that Mobius loved his Jotun appearance as much as his current one.
"The fever has dropped enough."
Mobius moved a little closer and pressed a tender kiss to his lips.
"Thank you for having taken care of me, Sweetheart."
Loki put a kiss on his nose before replying, "I assure you that the pleasure was all mine love."
Mobius dreamed of Ravonna, of her face at the moment she said, "Prune him" without hesitation and he disappeared.
That's when he woke up as he often does, sweating and gasping for breath. He ran his hands over his body, just to make sure he was there and alive. His chest ached under the rapid beating of his heart.
Mobius, still in his nightmare, struggled at first against Loki's comforting hands and warm voice, unable to calm his breathing that threatened to cause panic. He made a move to escape, but Loki's fingers caught his wrist before he could go anywhere.
Once Mobius let go, Loki brought their heads together, cradling him, their noses almost touching until Mobius' breathing slowly returned to normal
Mobius kept repeating, "I don't want to disappear, I want to live." and Loki would nod and whisper words of comfort and reassurance in return.
After a few minutes, Loki asked softly, "Mobius, do you want me to erase these images from your mind? I wouldn't erase the memory, only the residue of your nightmare."
Mobius tightened his arms around Loki and nodded, "Yes... please..."
He put his fingers on Mobius' temple and closed his eyes, concentrating on the images he was sending into Mobius' mind, images of beaches, jet skis, sun and warmth.
Then Loki squeezed him and Mobius buried his head further into Loki's chest and, in a hushed tone, he heard Loki suggest that he concentrate on the slow, loud sound of his heartbeat.
Mobius let himself be lulled by the soft beat as Loki's hands now caressed his hair. He vaguely heard Loki's voice whisper something, "It only beats for you."
Before he could respond, sleep claimed him, and this time filled with dreams of warmth and love
"Oh Mobius, you're bleeding," Loki said, taking a deep breath as the wizard entered the living room. It was late at night, Mobius had been on a mission that had lasted much longer than expected.
Loki approached him, "Let me see."
Mobius turned away and protested, "No, I'm going to put on a little bandage in the bathroom and I'll be fine.."
Loki replied, "Don't be stupid, let me take care of you before you spill your blood all over the apartment."
"What a drama queen!"
Mobius, obediently sat down on the couch. With calm and sure hands, Loki carefully turned Mobius' arms from side to side and was relieved to find only a superficial cut. A moment later, he returned with compresses, disinfectant and a bandage.
Sitting down next to Mobius, he took the arm in one hand and began to clean the cut with the disinfectant.
Mobius hummed at the relief the treatment brought him, after enduring the rubbing of his shirt all day. He closed his eyes under the pleasant sensation.
"My poor love," Loki said in a low voice, "does it hurt?"
"I've had worse," Mobius replied. He heard Loki soak another compress, then felt it on his arm again, Loki methodically cleaning the cut again.
"I know that, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to talk about your pain."
A moment later, Mobius felt Loki's fingers on his face, his thumb gently caressing his cheek. His lover's face was so close that he could feel his breath on his lips.
As his fingers left his face, Mobius opened his eyes again.
He watched as Loki grabbed the bandage and began to wrap it around his arm. When he finished, Loki set everything aside on the coffee table and pulled Mobius with him to the couch.
They sat in silence for a while, one against the other with Mobius' injured arm around Loki's shoulders after Loki made sure it didn't hurt.
"Do you know what my mother used to do when I got hurt as a child?" he asked Mobius, and without waiting for an answer continued, "she would kiss on my wound and tell me it would help the healing."
Mobius could hear the tender, wistful tone as he did every time Loki spoke of his mother.
"My wound is well treated now, but I wouldn't mind a kiss." replied Mobius with a teasing tone.
"You know I would do anything to make you feel better, my love." With that Loki turned to him, "Let me kiss it better." Then he leaned over Mobius and kissed him gently.
And not surprisingly, Mobius felt much better.
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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officialdjuk · 5 years
What if T.O.M Reviews Castlevania II: Simon's Quest?
T.O.M: This game sucks.
T.O.M: Castlevania 1 and 3 are great classic Nintendo games, but for Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest, the game designers obviously were not thinking straight. At first, it seems like a pretty decent game, a little different from the first in the series but, that's okay. Zelda 2 was different from the first, Mario 2 was different, but they were all good.
T.O.M: The first thing that's strikingly different is the fact that you have to go through towns, talk to people and buy stuff. I never really minded that, it makes it a little more like an adventure story and it's kinda like Zelda, so that's okay. But the first problem comes in when it changes from day to night.
- gameplay of Castlevania II starts -
T.O.M: Why does this need to happen so often? Like, every five minutes? Why does it take so long? Nobody feels like sitting through this every time. How would you like it if you were playin' a game and then every five minutes I came over, and paused it, then counted ten tedious seconds, and then let you continue play the game?
T.O.M: Now, I mean, why did they think that that would be a good idea and interrupt the gameplay, did they think it would be more realistic? I mean, in real life I don't have to stop in my tracks when the sun sets and a fuckin' box doesn't pop up in the air. I mean, this is one of the most annoying features in any game ever. What's the point? Yeah, the, I mean, the monsters are stronger at night and the stores are closed, but why's that necessary and why does the game have to stop? It's fuckin' retarded.
T.O.M: And why do you have to die when you fall in the water? That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. This guy can go all over fightin' hordes of evil monsters, but he can't even fuckin' swim?
T.O.M: Sometimes I don't feel like goin' down the stairs just to get down to ground level, I mean, there's no reason I should have to do that when I can just take a shortcut and jump down. But, oops! I shouldn't do that, there might be water down there.
T.O.M: Another thing that's really annoying about this game is the fact that you have to buy weapons and items. I mean, still, that's not uncommon, you know like I said: that's the same thing you have to do in many great games, like Zelda, but, lemme explain.
T.O.M: Here you have to collect hearts, which count as money. I mean, that's kinda odd, because usually hearts count as life or energy, y' know, so that's kinda strange. But, y' know that's not the point. The point is that the items you need to buy are too fuckin' expensive, and the hearts don't add up enough. It takes too long to get enough of them to buy something, and it gets boring wandering around killing the same monsters over and over again just so you can buy a Flame Whip or somethin'.
T.O.M: Speaking of Flame Whip, that's pretty weird itself, isn't it? I mean, they were really being creative with that one, the flame whip.
T.O.M: Anyway, about the hearts: It takes too long to buy stuff, and, to add onto the problem, when you die, you lose all your hearts and you have to start all over again. I mean, doing this doesn't add to any of the games' difficulty or challenge, it just makes us have to do more of the same monotonous stuff over again, and it's not fun, it's boring.
T.O.M: Oh, look, I finally got enough hearts to go and buy a plant that I need to cross the swamp, now let me get to the store.
T.O.M: Oh shit, it's fuckin' night time, now the stores are all closed and I have to wait for it to turn day again. Oh well, I might as well kill some zombies in the meantime and stock up on some more hearts.
T.O.M: OH SHIT! Now I gotta start all over again.
T.O.M: One of the worst things in the game are the Pitfalls, which are areas where there's, like, stones or blocks that look like you could walk on them, but instead you just fall through. It's impossible to tell where these spots are the first time walkin' through, so you just have to keep throwin' Holy Water all over to see where they are. It's retarded. Why should I have to do that? Again, it doesn't add up to any of the fun, y' know, challenge of the game. It's just unfair and it's annoying.
T.O.M: In the dungeons, there's no bosses at the end, which is a big disappointment. Every Nintendo gamester knows that at the end of a level or a dungeon labyrinth, whatever, there's always supposed to be a big guy who ya fight. But here, they just got lazy and only put a few bosses in the game and left some of the dungeons just empty like this one. So, most of the dungeons you go through (the mansions, to be exact), there's nothing at the end except for a crystal orb that you can't touch.
T.O.M: In the rest of the Castlevania games, the tradition goes like this: You fight a boss, you defeat him, then an orb comes down and you touch it, there you go, on to the next level. But in Castlevania 2, how would you ever figure out that you're supposed to throw an Oak Stake at that orb? I mean, when you first get the Oak Stake you assume it's a weapon, and you throw it, only to find that it does absolutely nothing, and that you waste it by throwing it, so you have to get it all over again.
T.O.M: There are parts in the game that are definitely not self-explanatory and are too hard to figure out. Take this dead end for example: Would you guess that you're supposed to pass through this wall? How? You have to kneel down by it for like ten seconds. Now, still, that's not enough to make it so cryptic and hidden that we can't figure it out, oh please, give us more for our buck and make it harder so we can wander around the whole game and exhaust every possibility before we find out. Okay. Guess what? You need to have a Red Crystal selected, and be kneeling down, and wait a little while before this magic tornado comes and takes you to the next part of the game.
T.O.M: Most of the townspeople have things to say which aren't important at all, so why do you have to read 'em? Here, in the dungeons, there's books that you may find which actually give you clues about things in the game that you may need to know about. But, when I find these books, half the time it's by accident, so I may hit the button and cancel it out which means I don't even get to read it and I don't have a second chance.
T.O.M: Why can't I do that when it changes from day to night? That would actually be helpful. So, what the game designers figured is this: it isn't absolutely necessary for me to read about how to find Dracula's castle or what I'm supposed to do with an Oak Stake, but what I do need to read, again and again constantly, is: "The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night". How about "vanquished this horrible GAME"?
T.O.M: The only sure way to get through this awful game is to enter a code, but even that is way more tedious than it should be. While most of the Castlevania games have symbols you enter for a code, this one just has a whole bunch of numbers. I mean, like, one of those little parts would be enough for a password. But why four? Like why so many?
T.O.M: In general, I hate games that have passwords like this, because sometimes they have uppercase and lowercase letters. Like the l's, you know, look like I's, the 0's look like O's, the 8's look like 5's so, why does there have to be so many digits? Y'know, like why can't it just be numbers or somethin'? Like, y' know, just numbers and not letters? I mean, it takes me, like, five minutes to enter this code when it should only take, like, five seconds. It's friggin' stupid.
T.O.M: Okay, so, say we enter the code, and we go to Dracula's castle. You'll be pretty disappointed how anticlimactic this game is. It isn't even worth putting in a code, let alone playing the whole game all the way through, which, if you did, I feel bad for you.
T.O.M: I mean, first of all: there's no enemies in Dracula's castle, you just walk all the way through and the only obstacles are just, like, goin' up and down steps, which won't hurt you and they aren't challenging, either. It's just tedious. I mean, what the hell's the point of going through the castle if there's no way to fight? Did the game designers just, like, run out of time or somethin'?
T.O.M: So then, you get up to Dracula, and guess what? He doesn't look anything like Dracula, he looks like a grim reaper and he throws sickles. I mean, did the people who made this game even know what Dracula is? He's a fuckin' vampire.
T.O.M: Alright, on top of everything, Dracula's way too easy. Check this out. This is a trick I discovered myself and so could you, without the help of any strategy guide. When Dracula first appears, he stands there for a while, and he gives you plenty of time to land lots of free hits. Not only does he stand there for a long time, but everything that hits him will stun him and give you even more time.
T.O.M: Naturally, you'll probably be using the flames, because it's one of the most effective weapons in the game. But, using it against Dracula, it makes it simply impossible for him to even do anything. He has no chance. The second you start throwin' that shit at him, you've already won. I mean, why is it that easy? Did they even test this shitty game out before they released it?
T.O.M: What a piece of shit. I mean, I feel horrible that I had to play this game in order to make this video, but I did it to demonstrate its dreadfulness and I forced myself to play it just so that you don't have to. So, you should thank me for telling you to stay away from this horrible steaming pile of goat shit. I mean, I know it's useless complaining about a game that was made back in the late '80s, or early '90s or whatever, but it just blows my mind how fuckin' horrible it is. I mean, it's consistently annoying.
T.O.M: Why? Why is it so bad? If all these problems were changed then we'd have a great trilogy of classic Castlevania games, but, history is history, and we might as well try to count Castlevania 3 as, you know, the second in the series, and leave this awful piece of horse shit alone, as it stands today as one of the biggest fuck-ups of all time.
T.O.M: We rate Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, well. all i say is this: This game sucks. Thanks for listening
Only Toonami, on [adult swim]
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
Hello there, i really like your blog! So, uhm, if it's okay, something NSFW, a oneshot for Blind!Ignis? In the past Ignis's s/o left him because she had to take the rein of her land, leaving him heartbroken. After Ardyn's defeat Noctis tries to seek alliance to rebuild Lucis's province, so Ignis meets her again. In the following months they subtly flirt at each other, and sexual tension exlpodes suddenly. Bonus for a protective Gladio who doesn't want to see Iggy hurt again.
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First, let me apologize sincerely. I don’t know what it was about this request, but it gave me absolute hell. I stared at it for about three weeks and only had about six hundred words written. It was horrid and I was very tempted to drop it altogether, but I don’t want to do that. What can I say, I’m a people pleaser. Then I decided to take a step back and look at it from a different angle. 
And I decided to do it from Ignis’ point of view…
Don’t hate me? 
Second, I feel like this is…subpar at best. I’m sorry if it didn’t meet expectations. Again, something about this just gave me a worst time. 
Thirdly, it is long. Sorry again DX
Well, I’ll tag the senpais anyway: @bespectacled-girl @roses-and-oceans @itshaejinju @themissimmortal @cupnoodle-queen @gladiolus-mamacitia if I’m missing anyone I’m sorry I’m literally exhausted right now. 
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Don’t Leave Me. Don’t Go. IgnisXReaderNSFWWord Count: 5,669
When Ignis woke up, he knew something was wrong-he knew his eyes were open and he knew he should see something and see where he was, figure out what had happened to him after seeing the Chancellor…yet he didn’t. 
Everything was black. 
Gladiolus was the first person that was there, of course. He explained everything that had happened, how Lunafreya had been murdered by the chancellor, how they found Noctis and he was still unconcious after the fight with Leviathan…
How Ignis was now blind. 
Gladiolus and Prompto tried to cheer him up, insisting that there was hope for getting his sight back and with a little r&r, Ignis would be back to normal in no time. Well, firstly, Ignis knew now was no time for rest or relaxation. The Impire was now in absolute control and he knew it was his duty to fight alongside Noctis to help reclaim the Crystal and help save all of Lucis-all of Eos at this point. Second, while Ignis appreciated the encouragement and hopefulness of his friends and the doctors, Ignis somehow knew better. 
Ignis knew right away that he would never see again. 
Ignis wasn’t dumb-he knew from a young age that something like this could happen when fighting alongside Noctis. When he was growing up, a million scenarios had run through Ignis’ mind, so Ignis could plan what he would do if something happened to him. Lose an arm in battle? Find a way to fight one handed. Lose a leg? Adapt to a prosthetic. Lose the ability to walk due to a spinal injury…all of  this planning, though and the thought of him losing his sight never crossed his mind. Ignis knew Gladio, he’d known him practically all of his life and he knew that Gladio was itching for Ignis to go back to Cape Caem and have the rest of the group go on to Tenebrae and Niflheim. What on Eos was he going to do now? 
And when Ignis heard his phone ringing, he knew who it was. Part of him was relieved, wanting desperately to hear your voice while the other part dreaded the news he would have to tell you. What if you decided his new disability was too much and left him? Ignis knew he was strong and could handle a lot, he knew he would be able to handle his adjustment of no longer being able to see, though it would be difficult…
But he didn’t think he could handle you leaving him. 
You had wanted to go with him, had insisted and even hid in the boat’s luggage compartment to try and sneak your way to Altissia. Thank the Gods Prompto had accidentally packed his camera in his bag and wanted to grab it before heading to Altissia, because the minute Ignis saw you trying to cover yourself in suitcases, he plucked you right out of that boat and set you on the docks without a word. You had always been a bit of a spoiled brat, always used to getting your own way being one of the only nobility related to Lady Lunafreya and Ravus Nox Fleuret, though they were just your distant cousins and you didn’t know them all that well. 
You had it hard, Ignis knew this and was why he let your brattiness go 99% of the time. Your parents had divorced when you were young, leaving your father a heartbroken drunk in the ghetto of Insomnia and your mother a paranoid emotionally manipulative royal in Tenebrae. You spent half of your youth in Lucis trying to keep your father’s business afloat and the other half in Tenebrae trying to please your nobility obsessed mother. Ignis didn’t even meet you until after Niflheim had invaded and taken over Tenebrae, killing Ravus’ mother and capturing the two of them in the process. Your mother had been one of the only surviving nobility from Tenebrae besides Lunafreya and Ravus that had been publicly killed to prove a point that the royal line for Tenebrae was dead besides the young prince and princess. 
You were trapped-you would never return to your birthplace in Tenebrae again and were rumored dead to help keep you safe. Ignis had awkwardly comforted you when he saw you crying in the stairwell of the Citadel after an awkward memorial service for those murdered in Tenebrae. But ever since then, you and Ignis had become inseperable, with you joining and rising in the Crownsguard to be able to accompany the four men on their quest to Altissia. 
Which was probably why you were so pissed when Ignis insisted you stay behind-but now that Ignis could no longer see, oh how happy and relieved he was that you were still safe in Lucis. 
Saying your name in a soft whisper, he answered your phone call, relief filling him when he heard your worried voice asking over and over what had happened, if everyone was alright, what was going to happen now. 
“We’re alright,” Ignis assured you, but bit his lip. He had to tell you…but what if you left? 
“Ignis, I have to tell you something,” You talked over him, apparently not hearing what Ignis was trying to tell you. But Ignis let it go, it was just a few more minutes of him not having to tell the dreadful news right? 
“Of course, love…what is it?" 
"Ignis…” You paused and took a deep breath, a shaky breath like a leaf on the breeze of a harsh wind. Ignis felt his stomach drop a little, knowing that whatever news you had it wasn’t going to be good-and he was right. “Ignis, I don’t know how else to say this, so I’m just going to say it, okay? I’m leaving," 
You had known-maybe Gladio had told you before you could get a chance to call him or Prompto had. But you had found out he was now blind and you…you were leaving him. You were leaving him. 
No. Ignis’ heart began to ache in a way he hadn’t known was possible, suddenly fighting the urge to sink to his knees and begin sobbing and begging for you to change your mind. His thoughts were unreasonable, insensible yet they flooded his mind almost making him go into a full on panic attack. No, no no no no no…anything but this. Give me blindness, give me deafness, I’ll never walk again with a smile on my face, just don’t take her from me. 
Yet, Ignis hid it all-he fought the temptation to beg for you to reconsider, fought the urge to find you in Lucis and fall to his knees and took a deep breath, almost as shaky as yours. "What do you mean?" 
"I’m going to Tenebrae-I’m going to get my homeland back," 
"What?” Ignis had expected your answer to be something about how you wouldn’t be able to handle his new disability, how you couldn’t wait for him or something of the like. But…Tenebrae? 
“Lunafreya’s dead, Ignis. Except for Ravus, the royal line in Tenebrae is completely gone and we all know where Ravus stands with the Empire. But they think I’m dead too-they don’t know that I’m still alive and that’s why I’m going back. There’s rebellion forces that have been trying and failing for years to rebel against Niflheim and now I’m going to join the fight-they need a leader, someone for them to look up to-" 
"Love, wait,” Ignis stopped your tirade, putting his hand to his head to try and get himself to think. Tenebrae was crawling with the Impirial army, Ignis knew you would be killed-this was worse. Much, much worse than he could have imagined when you called him. 
“I can’t wait anymore Ignis-I’ve never been the simple minded nobility princess you always liked to believe I was," 
"I never thought that,” Don’t leave me. Don’t go. 
“I-I’m sorry, Ignis. I care about you, more than anything, but I’m not going to sit around and plant a shitty garden anymore-this is something I have to do," 
Stop. Wait. It was all happening so fast as Ignis racked his brain to figure out and think of something to say that would make you realize how dangerous you were acting, how you would be dead the minute you set foot in Tenebrae. 
But all he could think was ‘Don’t leave me' 
"I promise I’ll be careful, Ignis-don’t worry about me,” There’s a slight pause and Ignis swears he hears a muffled sob on the other end before hearing a shaky “I love you,” before his phone beeped softly to show that the call had ended. 
“Iggy,” Gladiolus must have come in while Ignis was on the phone, but Ignis found himself not caring. Ignis honestly thought the world could end at that exact moment and he would not give a single shit. “Was that…" 
"She left me,” The whispered statement was out as Ignis stared at nothing…why was his world suddenly so empty? Somehow, being blind didn’t seem so bad all of a sudden. 
“What?” Gladio sounded shocked, though Ignis couldn’t tell obviously. “Does she know…I mean, about how you’re-" 
"She didn’t give me a chance to tell her,” Ignis whispered, the only thoughts swirling in his head being 'She’s gone. She left me. I’ll never see her again.' 
“What the hell is her problem?” Ignis heard Gladio talking, he knew Gladio was saying words, but Ignis didn’t hear him. “Ignis?" 
She left me.
11 years later…
Ignis walked towards the Citadel library with a hurried step, trying to get himself to calm down but knowing deep down that he wasn’t going to be able to calm down. He told himself that he shouldn’t hurry, that she wasn’t going anywhere, but he still found himself hurrying to his destination-thing is? You don’t hurry when you’re blind and Ignis was reminded of this fact once again when he accidentally miscounted his steps and ran into a corner. 
Ignis took the second he had to recalculate where he was to find his way to the library to calm himself down. Just stop-there’s no point in getting yourself wound up because it’s going to end badly again…right? 
Eleven years ago, shortly after Noctis had gone into the crystal, Ignis had hoped and prayed that he would some day see you again and looked for you when he could and asked about you everywhere he went, the prayer that you were at least alive and safe always in the back of his mind. Eight years ago, Ignis heard word that rebels from Tenebrae had been cut down by a daemon nest when they tried to take kill Ardyn, but Ignis still refused to give up hope. However, the feeling of hopeless from the darkness and depression from the world leaked into his mind and six years ago, he gave up hope and decided that you were either dead or had become a horrific version of a daemon. Four years ago, he had resided with himself that whatever had happened to you, he would never see you again. Two years ago, he had made his peace with that. 
Then, six months ago, Noctis had formed the Unity for Lucis alliance, an alliance geared to help the reunity of all countries of Eos to become one. When Noctis said to Prompto years ago that he wanted to tear all borders down, he meant it. Ignis had somewhat expected that-he didn’t expect you to waltz in the Citadel throne room to represent Tenebrae. 
Ignis hadn’t even realized he had gone through the five stages of grief when he first heard your voice, when Prompto had mentioned your name and said that it was you and you were alive and well. Denial-she can’t really be back, I’m sure it’s just someone who looks like her. Anger-so what if it is her? she left me, she left me when I needed her most. Bargaining-Could it be her? Please, I’ll give anything, let it be her. Depression-it’s not her, she’s dead, she was killed, oh Gods, I’ll never see her again. And finally, acceptance-It is her. I know that voice-she’s alive. 
You were alive. And now Ignis’ only regret was never seeing your beautiful face again…and yet, he was somehow okay with this. 
It was awkward at first, as Noctis had paired the two of you for a project (on purpose or not, Ignis still wasn’t sure). The two of you had spent almost an hour sitting in awkward silence, not sure what to do or say. Then, you had mentioned something about a time when you were younger, how you had caught Ignis in the shower at the Crownsguard. And just like that, it was as if the eleven years of separation had never happened. 
It was like you never left and Ignis wasn’t going to complain how nice it felt to have you back in his life. But he always kept himself on guard around you, always holding back despite the slight flirtation the two of you made in the past few months. Maybe it was because he didn’t know where you stood, maybe it was because he was afraid of getting hurt again…Ignis didn’t really know himself and it really didn’t matter. 
At least, that’s what Ignis told himself until he heard his name mentioned in the deep corners of the Citadel library. Most people probably wouldn’t have picked it up, but Ignis was always very observant of his surroundings even when he still had his vision. 
Ignis felt compelled to follow the voice, eventually recognizing you and hearing you speak…though it was harshly. And with…Gladio? Gladio was supposed to be at Cape Caem working on rebuilding the lighthouse with Iris, what was he doing here? 
"You think I don’t see how you’ve been acting around him? Fluttering your eyelashes and tossing your hair, by the Six it’s disgusting,” Oh, dear. Gladio had always been angry at you for leaving Ignis and when you came back, Gladio never failed to throw a snide or sarcastic comment whenever the subject of Ignis’ old flame-you-came up. And it seems Gladio was gonna let it be known exactly where he stood when it came to you; but just as Ignis started to interfere, your voice and words stopped him. 
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Gladiolus-and even if I did, what I do around Ignis is none of your goddamn business," 
"I’m making it my business. I’m not watching him go through this all over again-I’m telling you right now, you’re going to leave him alone," 
"I already said I was sorry, but I had to leave-you know why I left," 
"Right-and how many of those innocent rebels from Tenebrae got killed following your command?" 
Oh-that was low, even for Gladio. Ignis was about to jump to your defense, but it seems like it wasn’t needed. 
”Fuck you, Gladiolus Amicitia. At least I was trying to do something rather than sitting on my ass in the dark. What did you accomplish besides sitting on your ass waiting for your precious king to come back?“ 
"You’re working with that precious king to rebuild the world-or had you forgotten?" 
"There’s a lot of things I’d like to forget, Gladiolus, but that’s not one of them," 
"Then you must have forgotten how you still left him. You left him when he needed you most, you heartless bitch," 
"Gladio, how many times do I have to say that I didn’t know what had happened to him before I called before you finally get it?" 
"Oh? And if you did know, would you have still left?" 
There was a pause-Ignis held his breath, waiting desperately and not sure if he was hoping or dreading a yes. But he stepped back while doing so and unexpectedly bumped against a bookshelf while doing so. 
"Ignis!” Your surpised voice was now closer as Ignis sensed you approaching, smelling the sweet perfume you used. It was times like these, when Ignis smelled your perfume or heard you giggle that he realized how much he missed you and how desperate he was to hold you close to him once again. 
But he held himself back once again, like always. 
“Are you ready, then?” Ignis gestured towards the Citadel conference room, where you two would work on rebuilding parts of Tenebrae and quelling the fear of citizens so used to being under Niflheim rule that joining forces with Lucis was terrifying to them. “What…did you and Gladio talk about?" 
Ignis heard a rustling and sensed that you had turned your head back to glance at Gladio, who Ignis could only assume was still sitting in the background stewing in anger, like he always was whenever you two went off together. Ignis wasn’t even sure why he had asked the question, but the answer you hadn’t had a chance to give to Ignis still lingered in Ignis’ mind. He longed to hear the answer and craved it suddenly. 
If you had known Ignis was blind, would you have left? 
"Nothing important,” You mumble before taking Ignis’ elbow and helping to lead him into the conference room.
“The people aren’t going to be used to hearing or even seeing peace-ten years in darkness was nothing compared to what they’ve gone through," 
"Of course,” Ignis nodded, making a note in his verbal notepad that would take notes from what they talked about and had a braille keyboard attached so he could type notes when he felt the need to add a footnote. “We will be sensitive when approaching," 
"I don’t think sensitivity is going to cut it-I’ve heard talk that a few people are going to rebel if we join forces with Lucis. It’s up to us to convince them otherwise," 
"And how are we going to do that?" 
"Beats me, isn’t this Noctis’ job?" 
Ignis sighed and sat back in his swiveled chair, rubbing his temple with one gloved hand. "You would think…that was the case in Altissia-I honestly think he’s much better at negotiation than you or I ever could be," 
"I guess so? I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t there,” There was a hint of resentment, a hint of bitterness in your tone of voice. How on Eos could you be bitter about this when Altissia had turned out to be extremely dangerous after all? Ignis was a walking example of how dangerous Altissia was eleven years ago. 
“And thank the Gods you weren’t,” Ignis didn’t mean for his words to come out slightly bitter as well, but they came out like that anyway. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ignis felt your arm graze against his when he stood up and he felt the anger now seeping off of you. You were angry…why exactly? “Are you saying I can’t take care of myself?" 
"I didn’t mean anything by it, six,” Ignis rubbed his temples, softly cursing himself for bringing up Altissia. “I just meant that it was dangerous there after all-you know it was," 
"I know it was, Ignis,” You grabbed a book to turn the pages angrily, only to toss said book back onto the table. At least, that’s what it sounded like. 
“Then why are you angry?” Ignis stood up now, trying to quell your anger by placing his hands on your shoulders only for you to angrily shake him away. 
“Because…because fuck, Ignis, I could have been there! I could have protected you, I could have-" 
"You could have gotten yourself killed,” Ignis snapped, hoping to get you to see sense. 
“You don’t know that, Ignis! Gods, why can’t you see?" 
”( apologize dear, but I can’t exactly see right now,“ 
"That’s my fucking point! Maybe if I was there, you could see and…and…" 
Ignis paused, waiting for you to finish, but he heard a distinct sniffle. The memory of your crying face burned in his mind and he instinctively put his hands on your shoulders to comfort you, again feeling like the past eleven years hadn’t happened. "And what?" 
"And…I love you, Ignis. You have no idea how much it broke my heart to leave you, but you know why I left. And if I was there, I would at least have been able to see you and say a proper goodbye before I left-and told you that I was gonna do everything in my power to make it back to you,” you finally finished and Ignis swore he felt a tear land on his glove, and it was not his own. 
Warmth flooded Ignis through every fiber of his being, right down to his toes…what he wouldn’t have given to see your face, but you were alive. He had already bargained in his mind so much for you, prayed and begged that you were at least safe in the past years; he figured not being able to see your face was a small price to pay. “You…you love me?” he asked, not daring to hope for the answer, but hoping all the same. 
There was a pause and with every second, Ignis felt his world crumble once again and he realized he had been hoping despite telling himself not to. Then you said it. 
“I never stopped, Ignis-I’ve always loved you," 
Your words lit a fire in Ignis-years of longing for you in the cold loneliness of the dark world came bubbling to the surface and before he could rationalize what he was doing, Ignis pressed a greedy kiss to your lips. He told himself to stop, told himself he needed to hold himself back like he always did, but his mind was too dizzy from your sweet smelling perfume and his heart was too busy fluttering from your words. 
You were alive. 
And you loved him. 
Ignis felt your hands on his shoulders, pushing him away and on instinct, Ignis let it happen and backed away. 
The silence was horrible, horrific. Every second felt like a tiny dagger stabbing him and Ignis waited patiently for your furious words to scream at him for doing what he did. 
What Ignis got instead was your own greedy kiss for him and feeling your tongue push eagerly against his lips and Ignis was only too happy to comply. 
Ignis blinked hard to get himself to shake the foggy feeling in his brain, but your tongue pressing and running along his own tongue pushed him back into a hazy mist that he wasn’t sure he wanted to leave. In fact, he was positive he wasn’t going to leave that lust filled haze as he pushed you against the table in the conference room, bending your back and lifting your legs so you sat on the edge with little to no room to work on spreading your eager legs. 
"Ignis,” Ignis heard you gasped when he broke away to give you air and started savagely biting and nipping at your neck-while you loved every sharp bite that was soothed with a loving kiss and lick, you were still shocked to your core. Ignis was by no means a vanilla lover, but this…you didn’t remember him ever being this rough. “Ignis, the door-go lock the door," 
Hearing your breathy voice somehow angered Ignis-it was so odd how he wanted the door to remain unlocked. He didn’t care if some poor hapless counselor came wandering in. Let them see, let them all see. 
Let them see how much he loved you. 
Let them see how much you loved him. 
…she does love me, right? 
The invaded thought angered Ignis even more, his insecurities and self doubt pushing him to grab the crown of your head by the hair and yank your head back so he could look you in the eye-well, at least look at where he thought your eyes were. 
And, oddly enough, his milky white gaze managed to meet your eyes as he growled at your plea to lock the door. 
"No,” He hissed before sucking harshly at the junction between your collar bone and neck, no doubt leaving a bruise. 
Let them all see. 
Feeling along the edge of your pencil skirt, he shoved the clothing up so it crinkled around your waist-you actually made some odd comment on how you didn’t want your skirt to get wrinkled, but Ignis ignored you as every word from your mouth made him angrier…why was he so angry? He was a man possessed, determined to take what he had longed to have for far too long and felt along your pantyhose, looking for the dripping heat from your center. 
He groaned when he felt it-by the Six, you were soaked. 
“Are these expensive?” Ignis found himself saying the words, referring to your pantyhose as he tugged at the seam that met in the middle, right over your soaked through slit. His goal was already in mind, it was like his brain was a bullet train speeding through the mountains towards its destination. 
“What?” Your voice was as hazy as Ignis’, just as drunk as you focused on what he was talking about. “Not really, they were about-ah!" 
Ignis didn’t think, your answer spurred him to do what he originally intended-reaching his finger right below your clit, he tugged roughly at the pantyhose until a hole emerged and he ripped it until the hole was big enough for Ignis to move your slicked panties to the side. 
"Ig-Ignis, wait-” You said and Ignis knew you were expecting the old Ignis, the Ignis who would pleasure you to the fullest before looking to achieve what he was. Not used to him going straight for his prize. 
Well, sorry, love. Ignis thought, unbuckling his belt and releasing his strained erection. That’s for another day-not today. 
You started to say Ignis’ name, but it turned into a half scream that was muffled by Ignis’ hand to try and keep you quiet as he sheathed himself completely in you. Luckily for you, you were already soaked enough that it was fairly easy for him to slip inside you, but the shock of it all must have made your eyes wide. 
Your eyes wide…thinking of that made Ignis wonder what you looked like. He imagined you laying sprawled on the table, your face a little more different than the last time he saw it with a few more laughter wrinkles, maybe some hair starting to grey a bit. He imagined his cock buried inside you, up to the hilt as you looked at him with eyes wide and drunk with pleasure and lust. And when Ignis heard you begging him to take you, he imagined your perfect lips round with your tongue darting out to lick and bite at your lips as he thrust into you. 
The image of that drove him wild, but he stopped himself. Despite how much and desperately Ignis wanted to pound into you until you couldn’t feel your legs anymore, something called Ignis to go slow, slow as could possibly be. His movements weren’t the hurried thrusts you wanted, they were slow and long strokes that caused his pelvis to brush against your clit every once in a while but not nearly enough. 
“Ignis,” Your voice came through the palm of his hand, begging and whining as he rocked into you, his pelvis going a slow thrust against your clit and making you moan. “Ignis, touch me. Touch me," 
For a brief second, Ignis wondered if he should follow your desires and his own desires, thrust into you until he was numb. He wanted to, but his thoughts kept returning to that one same thought and it angered him into going as slowly as he could. 
She does love me, right? 
"HNH,” You cried out against Ignis’ palm once again as he rocked another long and slow thrust, this time brushing his thumb against your clit but not giving you what you wanted. What you felt you needed. “Ignis, please," 
Your greedy hands that were fisted in the lapels of Ignis’ dress shirt before were now gripped tightly into Ignis’ hips, pulling him to go faster, only for him to resist and continue to go slowly. The sound of slow love making filled the room, a quiet sound you could barely hear that drove both you and Ignis wild. You were practically crying now, the lack of friction too much and Ignis almost felt sorry for you. Almost. 
”Ignis, touch me, touch me, touch me,“ You chanted over and over again and Ignis felt one of your hands move against his stomach and decend to your own clit. 
Oh, no you don’t. Ignis growled to himself as he grabbed onto your hand and pinned it besides your head. While he was at it, he figured he might as well grab your other hand and pin it on the other side before moving his face in until your noses touched. 
"Iggy-” You tried to beg once again and Ignis didn’t want to hear you talk. He shoved his mouth harshly against yours, tangling your tongues together and sucking on your bottom lip in an effort to get you to shut up. 
“Ignis,” You were crying now, Ignis could feel it but he couldn’t bring himself in his lust filled anger to feel pity for you. In some way, Ignis felt you deserved to be drawn to the brink, to be denied until you screamed and begged. “Ignis, go faster," 
Ignis gripped onto your wrists as he kept his pace steady, his face so close that his breath puffed harshly against your tear stained cheeks. "No," 
”No,“ Ignis drew out before slowly, so so slowly going all the way back in, back up to the hilt and you screamed again, causing Ignis to quickly put his hand back over your mouth. 
Ignis was starting to sweat, the feeling of your tight heat around his swollen cock tightening with each thrust making him closer and closer to the edge. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to last, but it wasn’t for very much longer. 
Your now freed hand shook away Ignis’ palm over your mouth and then tangled in the back of Ignis’ hair and pulled him down so your mouth was against his ear and he heard your desperate whispers that nearly stopped his heart. 
"I love you, Ignis. I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I didn’t try to find you after the sun went away. I’m sorry I was too prideful to admit that I wanted you and needed you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry," 
Ignis felt rather than moved his own hand between your sweaty and lust filled bodies to rest right above your clit. 
But he paused. He waited. He wasn’t sure for what. 
And then he found out. 
”I love you,“ 
Ignis wasn’t sure who said it-maybe it was both of you. 
Either way, he pressed the tips of your fingers against your clit and covered your mouth with his other hand so no one could hear you scream in ecstasy as he circled slowly, then moved faster and faster to time the circles with his now hurried thrusts. 
You gave a loud shriek behind Ignis’ sweaty gloved palm, Ignis wanting himself to moan loudly when he felt your heat squeeze his cock as your long denied orgasm finally peaked and crested as you continued to scream into his palm. 
Ignis forced himself to push into your tightness, the wonderful glowing heat that had sat in his lower abdomen since he first kissed you now spreading throughout his whole body and pushing him to move his hand and press a desperate kiss to your lips to try and hide his own release as he shot thick, hot and heavy ropes into you, more so than he probably ever had in his whole life. Pushing throught it, Ignis rode the last waves of both of your release until the wave finally crashed softly against the sands, causing Ignis to pump into you slowly a few more times before finally relaxing and pulling his dripping cock out of you. 
The last time you and Ignis were intimate, eleven years ago, Ignis had felt deeply satisfied and sated, at least that’s how he remembered it. Though this time, he just felt relaxed, like he could curl up against your shoulder and take a long and luxurious nap like a cat and judging by how you snuggled against his shoulder when he moved beside you, you were probably just as exhausted and just…relaxed. 
Saying your name softly, Ignis pulled your chin so you could look at his sweaty and scarred face, causing you to run your fingers along the scar gently. "I’m sorry…I was too rough," 
"Don’t be,” You sit up with Ignis, still nuzzled against his shoulder as he moved you to sit on his lap-Ignis suddenly wished they were both at home so he could wrap you both in a blanket and just sleep. “Ignis?" 
You pause, fiddling with the wrinkled fabric of Ignis’ lapel before speaking, your voice small and almost afraid. "I love you, Ignis. I’m an idiot for thinking I could do what I needed to do without you by my side…but I’m not going to leave again. Are you really sure you want a heartless bitch like me by your side?" 
What Gladio said must have bothered you more than you let on and Ignis pulled you in closer, wishing desperately for a blanket but settling for his arms to hold you close instead. "I will always want you at my side,” Ignis paused and decided to say what he had on his mind since he first saw you again. “You know if you had asked, I would have helped you," 
Laughing sadly, you curled into Ignis shoulder even more, missing the years that you two could have been together, but knowing that at least you were together now and that it was all that mattered. 
It was all that mattered. 
"I know,”
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So I saw your reply to that anon who asked about the nature of Kanon's death, and while I do agree with your conclusion for the most part, doesn't the wiki state Detective's Authority as an ability that automatically their inspection exhaustive and cannot hinder them in any search of clues?
I’m confused...
...since when the Umineko wikia became a canon source?
The Umineko wikia is written by people like me, who give their own interpretations on things which is all well and cool and sort of awesome as a wikia is easier to find than blogs that discuss Umineko.
I greatly ammire who took his time to make all that HUGE amount of work to create the Umineko wikia.
However this doesn’t make the Umineko wikia a canon or reliable source that can be quoted in a discussion.
Actually sadly the Umineko wikia lacks of a fundamental requirement for a wikia, which is quoting the sources of their informations.
While a blog discussing Umineko can gliss on it, because it’s clear it reports only the opinion of its owner (though people might have noticed how often I tend to give quotes or add scans of the manga pages or screenshoots of the anime), in a wikia sources should be pointed out and we see how wikipedia, which we know isn’t 100% reliable, to make itself as reliable as possible, stresses the importance to add to its articles the sources, noting when this isn’t done and warning is readers about it. The Umineko wikia, despite labelling itself as wikia, just write down information without saying from where they came from. There’s no a ‘reference’ part in the article you mentioned and in many others and in some articles I found that their reference is ‘wikipedia’, basically pushing on wikipedia the burden of finding references for the Umineko wikia articles (said this I didn’t check the whole HUGE amount of articles the wikia has and maybe some actually has references... sadly in the many I checked there were none and in some important ones were handed out info that weren’t stated in the known canon).
So please guys, don’t wave the Umineko wikia as if it were canon as the wikia has pages with IMPORTANT explanations that actually have no sources and, unless they can actually give said sources, they’re the equivalent of my or everyone else’s speculations.
If you guys want to talk about Umineko, do come here armed with canon info.
And this doesn’t mean that the Umineko wikia is always wrongor that I don’t agree with its conclusion. Just that the Umineko wikia isn’t canon and shouldn’t be used as such. Same as my own theories or everyone else’s. None of us is Ryukishi and none of us should be invested by others with the responsibility of being infallible and all knowing over Umineko.
We’re just humans.
So, this is what the canon gives us about the detective’s authority:
(Erika) "Detective's authority.  ......The detective has the right to inspect all crime scenes.  Stand back, Ushiromiya Battler. This is an official right of this game, which the human side has acknowledged."[EP 5]
(Battler) "L, ......like I said, by what authority are you doing this...?!"(Erika)  "Because I am the detective." Battler couldn't argue against this incomprehensible nonsense. ......No, ...he wasn't permitted to argue. It was a restriction...placed on pieces.Erika summoned Doctor Nanjo and heard the details of his preliminary autopsy. ......Normally, he wouldn't have spoken of that to an outsider so casually. ...However, for some reason, the atmosphere about the place had begun to make it feel as though nothing should be hidden from Erika...[EP 5]
When the police intervene, they sometimes steal some of the detective's authority. However, with the construction of the closed circle, the existence of police had been denied for all eternity. From now on, the authority of the detective piece would be totally guaranteed. [EP 5]
(Erika) "Detective's authority.  The detective has the right to inspect all crime scenes.  I have exercised this right.  Therefore, I can say this. Kinzo-san is not inside this room.  Furthermore, this room is a perfect closed room.  From the above two points, I can state this fact: this room was empty the whole time.  Natsuhi-san lied about having met Kinzo-san here last night!  That makes this checkmate.  Beatrice-san...!"[EP 5]
(Natsuhi) "Searching for alibis or the culprit is truly laughable at this point...! When the typhoon passes and the police come, everything will be exposed to the light of day. There's no reason whatsoever for us to play detectives. Am I wrong, Erika-san?"(Erika) "Generally speaking, you're right. However, I have the authority to do this."Who gave her that authority? No one asked. It was an authority given by words of power from a higher world, so the pieces weren't even allowed to doubt it... [EP 5]
(Erika) "Since I have it all laid out, this is a very important thing to discuss.  Neither you nor anyone else has the right to refuse.""Wha, ............"Erika used her detective's authority to proclaim the start of an assembly.None of the pieces could disobey.[EP 5]
(Bernkastel) "Erika has a photographic memory. And her hearing ability is on par with a tape recorder. ...It was impossible for him to deceive Erika's ears, kill George and the others and slit their throats."IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR BATTLER TO COMMIT THE CRIME(Lambdadelta) "...It's an accepted power of the detective's authority." [EP 5]
......Erika just walked into someone else's study several times and used several chemicals however she pleased, all without asking the family's permission. However, no one could fault her for this. The pieces couldn't hinder any action the detective might take for the investigation. That's the power of the detective's authority.[EP 5]
(Erika) "I searched for Kinzo all over the premises outside the mansion...!  However, I was unable to find him...!"Because of the detective's authority, Erika could 'find all clues'.[EP 5]
(Erika) "Most of them were locked, but in order to find the full truth behind this crime, I used my authority, which everyone has acknowledged, to destroy the locks on all of them."[EP 5]
(Bernkastel) "Erika.  Start from the beginning and go in order, investigating the entire second floor.  ......Use the detective's authority to avoid missing a single clue and to see through all types of hidden doors and hidden rooms...!"[EP 5]
Erika used her detective's authority to take everyone, even Natsuhi, and go up to the second floor to search every room, starting at one end.[EP 5]
The next room over was empty.  It was very quiet there...  Even pressing her ear against the wall wouldn't enable her to listen in on the voices in the cousins' room. Even with hearing power boosted by the detective's authority, it would probably be impossible to make out anything. This room was the farthest down the hall, a long ways away from the cousins' room......[EP 6]
(Erika) "Later on, I used the detective's authority to have all 84 points transformed into red truth.  By the power of my master...!  I am human, yet superior to humans.  A detective and a witch.  I am the Witch of Truth, Furudo Erika.  Any other questions?  Parting remarks?" [EP 6]
"After all, when Battler played for the human side, he never had anything as convenient as the detective's authority.  All he was allowed to do was use the blue truth and ask Beato to repeat what he said."[EP 6]
(Lambdadelta)"After all, when Battler played for the human side, he never had anythingas convenient as the detective's authority. All he was allowed to do was usethe blue truth and ask Beato to repeat what he said." [EP 6]
Normally, with the detective's authority, Erika had the right to openly investigate the crime scenes to her heart's content. However, this time, she hadn't yet made use of that authority.  ......Because of that, and with her being a guest and an outsider, there was little to no chance that she would be allowed to investigate. So, she was forced to quickly check all of the crime scenes now, while she could still run about as she pleased. [EP 6]
(Erika) "In that case, even though it should have been more beautiful to throw them in there, so that everyone would be inside a chain lock closed room, they did not.  ......This hat stand door bar in the parlor seems very suspicious.  I should probably pursue this when demanding red truths.  Also, we have corpses, ......but are they the same absolute deaths with their necks sliced open like in the last game, which could be confirmed even without the detective's authority?" Of course, she had checked all of the corpses in all of the crime scenes this time. ......However, without the detective's authority, she had no guarantee that she would be able to see through any faked deaths 'with certainty'...[EP 6]
With her accomplished conversation techniques, Erika was skillfully grasping the initiative.  ......Even without the detective's authority, it is possible to control human nature to this degree.[EP 6]
(Erika) "H, however, ......This time, I don't have the detective's authority, so there's a chance I messed up when examining the corpses.  S, so, if we suppose that a drug which mimics death was used to fool my examination, umm..."[EP 6]
For example, ......the examination of the corpses that Erika had worried over in the fight just now. If she had performed it with the detective's authority, she could have said with 100% certainty whether they were alive or dead. However, without the detective proclamation, it was 99%.  ......There was a 1% chance that she made a mistake, and that overturned the foundation of the examination.  Erika had gained the detective's authority and become the Witch of Truth because Bernkastel had supplemented her talent of 99 with an additional 1...  Just because Bernkastel wouldn't give her that one, ......in the world of witches, Erika's 99 was treated exactly the same as zero...  Even her great assistant Dlanor couldn't be fully used without a power of 100. When working under an Erika who had lost the detective's authority, Dlanor's red longsword lost its power.[EP 6]
One of the benefits of the detective's authority was being able to take charge of the situation. Because of this, Erika, who was both a guest and a young girl, had been able to order a large number of adults around at will.  However, she didn't have that power this time. ......So, Erika had taken charge by making good use of her natural conversation skills and techniques for controlling men... "The detective's authority is the same as magic.  ......You can't do anything that's impossible for you.  So, Erika was only acknowledged as such because she already had that much talent." "......Magic is not something that is given to lazy or powerless humans.""Right.  On the contrary, people who can hide their great efforts are the ones we call witches."The absolute nature of the detective's authority can act as magic. However, that convenient power probably hadn't been given to Erika easily. ......She probably needed her skills to be acknowledged. Even if she isn't given a special power by the witch she serves, ......she's very competent on her own.[EP 6]
"O, objection!  Erika-san doesn't have the detective's authority!  ......How can she use any red except for the duct tape seals...?!""Objection overruled.  ......Not having the detective's authority does not imply that one cannot use any red at all.  .........There's something she can use.  ......Right?""Yes, ......there is.  There are several exceptions that even humans without the detective's authority can use.""......Insane...  ......There's no way.""YES, there is NONE.  ......However, ......there is a certain action permissible only to humans without the detective's authority, ......and it can become a truth of such overwhelming credibility that witches can easily raise it to the level of red TRUTH.""A certain action......permissible only to humans who aren't the detective......?""............Y, ......you don't mean...  ...Erika......you...""......I...I've got it.  ......Yes, ...if I'm right...this red truth is effective...""I...I don't understand!  Was there some power that could only be used without the detective's authority...?!"".........There is.  ......There is just one.""So, you've finally noticed.  ......That's right.  ......That's the only reason...I abandoned the detective's authority this time around.  ......You told me I could make the detective proclamation whenever I wanted, right?  ......Well, unfortunately, ...I am no longer capable of making that proclamation.""Which......number rule was it......?""Knox's 7th.  .........It is...forbidden for the detective to be the culprit." [EP 6]
Yes, ......the detective's authority bestows several powers that are useful for reasoning, but it eliminates one single privilege. That is Knox's 7th. ......It is forbidden for the detective to be the culprit...[EP 6]
......Even without the detective's authority, ......there is a way.  ......A way to make sure that a corpse examination cannot fail."Is the human lying in front of you alive or dead? You can answer that question by examining the corpse. With just a quick glance, your chances of being right are 50-50 either way. Various bits of knowledge and experience can be used to obtain a more precise result. .........However, no matter how much you do that, while you can reach up to 99%, you can never reach 100% accuracy. ......That's what most people would think. However, there is one way. ......One way to conduct a perfect examination."And that is.........to kill them."".........Erikaa...aa......""Without the detective's authority, I can't tell whether the victims are dead or faking.  So, I needed a way to be sure.  ......And, if possible, it would be preferable if they were removed from the game board so that they couldn't make a mess of things later on.""So, I dashed all over the mansion, visited all the crime scenes, and......I re-killed all of them.""Wh......what on...earth........."".........Of course, she couldn't just kill them however she liked.  ......It had to be a perfect way of killing, good enough that their deaths could be determined with the red truth.  ......Erika made sure of that.""The manner in which they were each killed differed, ......but afterwards, she completely severed the heads of all those she killed.  ......That method of killing is solid enough to be called a red truth, right...?  Lambda......?""......E, .........effective.  No human could survive.........after having their head sliced off...!" [EP 6]
It looked to my eyes as though there were only five people in the next room over, but a sixth person, Kanon, was hiding somewhere. I don't have the detective's authority, so it wouldn't be that difficult for him to fool my eyes and hide.[EP 6]
As this list is pretty long already I won’t go into adding things from the manga or check if Ep 7 and 8 gave us additional info as I think all we need is already here.
Note now how this ‘canon’ isn’t an ABSOLUTE as this is a translation. Even if this were the best translation humanly possible things could have ended up being lost in the translation but as many of us do not have access to the original Japanese version this is the closest we can get.
So back to your point.
Yes, CANON states that if a detective makes the detective’s proclamation can use detective’s authority and therefore IF he inspects a body/corpse, his inspection couldn’t be hindered and he would discover all the clues as well have a 200% certain if the body he inspected is alive or dead.
And now, since this question refers to why Battler didn’t realize that Kanon was faking his death in EP 1 I’ve to remind everyone that Battler (who actually never made a detective’s proclamation so, although he was the ‘detective’, apparently never had the privileges of detective’s authority) NEVER INSPECTED KANON’S BODY.
He only gave it a quick glance when Kanon was declared STILL ALIVE. Then, when he was told that Kanon died, never went to check on his body in the same way as Erika didn’t feel interested in checking the cousins’ and Rosa’s body in EP 5.
Let’s remember these quote in Ep 6:
"The detective's authority is the same as magic.  ......You can't do anything that's impossible for you." [EP 6]
The absolute nature of the detective's authority can act as magic. However, that convenient power probably hadn't been given to Erika easily. ......She probably needed her skills to be acknowledged. Even if she isn't given a special power by the witch she serves, ......she's very competent on her own.[EP 6]
Is the human lying in front of you alive or dead? You can answer that question by examining the corpse. With just a quick glance, your chances of being right are 50-50 either way. Various bits of knowledge and experience can be used to obtain a more precise result. .........However, no matter how much you do that, while you can reach up to 99%, you can never reach 100% accuracy. [EP 6]
Battler gave a quick glance to a wounded Kanon knowing Kanon was still alive and he did it in a poorly light room. Then he ran out and never saw Kanon again. He was told by Nanjo he died and decided to believe in that because he had no ‘detecting lies’ magic powers and therefore decided not to suspect Nanjo.
Even if he had had the detective’s authority, which was something that was actually denied in Ep 6, not only it wouldn’t work when he glimpses at Kanon because:
a) He only gave him a quick glimpse and not a full inspection
b) Kanon wasn’t faking on being a body, Battler was aware he was still alive and Kanon didn’t try to hide it
c) Battler never checked on Kanon’s corpse after he was declared death nor saw it, not even a quick glimpse
d) Detective’s authority doesn’t force you to check everyone. You decide to inspect things and only if you decide to inspect things you won’t miss clues. Otherwise you’re on your own devices. Battler didn’t search for clues in regard to Kanon’s death so he couldn’t find them.
So this is all I can offer on Battler’s seeing Kanon’s ‘wounded’ body and later accepting his death in Ep 1 as well as on Detective’s authority.
I encourage everyone now, to look at the canon’s material and draw his own conclusions as, as stated many times, I don’t own the truth, I just read the canon material over and over and reason about it like you all which is no assurance that my conclusions are perfect.
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