#Sociallyin Insider Blog
sociallyinsmmagency · 2 years
How Growth Marketing Works
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At its most basic, Growth Marketing is a process of continual experimentation across all channels and touchpoints in order to identify and scale the most effective acquisition channels. In other words, it's a methodical approach to finding and growing your customer base. 
Growth marketing is data-driven and results-oriented, with a focus on iterative improvements. It's different from traditional marketing in that it's not about creating awareness or building brand equity. Instead, its sole focus is on generating new leads and driving conversions. 
In order to do this effectively, growth marketers rely on a solid understanding of the customer acquisition funnel—the stages that a potential customer goes through on their journey from awareness to purchase. By mapping out this funnel and setting clear goals for each stage, growth marketers can experiment with different acquisition strategies and tactics to find what works best. 
The Four Stages of the Customer Acquisition Funnel 
Awareness: The first stage of the customer acquisition funnel is Awareness, where potential customers become aware of your product or service. This is usually done through paid advertising, although organic methods like content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) can also be effective. 
# Paid Advertising: Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are one of the most common forms of paid advertising. PPC ads are typically displayed at the top and bottom of search engine results pages (SERPs), as well as on websites that are part of the Google Display Network (GDN). 
# Content Marketing: Creating informative blog posts, helpful how-to guides, or even just short articles that are relevant to your target audience can help attract new leads to your website. Once they're there, you can capture their contact information with a lead magnet like an ebook or white paper. 
# Search Engine Optimization (SEO): By optimizing your website for specific keywords that are relevant to your business, you can entice potential customers who are searching for those terms to visit your site instead of your competitors. 
Consideration: Once potential customers are aware of your product or service, they need time to consider whether or not it's right for them. This is where having a strong value proposition comes in—you need to convince potential customers that your product or service is worth their money. Useful content like in-depth product guides and detailed case studies can help with this by providing potential customers with the information they need to make an informed decision. 
Paid Advertising: retargeting ads can be extremely effective at this stage since they allow you to show ads specifically to people who have visited your website before but didn't convert into a lead or customer. 
# Content Marketing: If you have gated content like ebooks or white papers on your website, now is when you offer them up in exchange for potential customers' contact information. By doing this, you 'warm up' leads by giving them valuable content before trying to sell them anything directly. 
Conversion: Once consideration has been made and users have decided that they want what you're offering, it's time to convert them into paying customers—this is the goal of any growth marketer! Effective methods for doing this include adding strong calls-to-action (CTAs) on key pages of your website and using landing pages to drive conversions from specific lead-generation campaigns. Paid Advertising: If done correctly, paid advertising can be extremely effective at driving conversions because you have more control over who sees your ads and when they see them. 
Growth marketing is essential for any business that wants to survive long-term in today's competitive climate— plain and simple. By taking a data-driven approach and continually experimenting with different acquisition channels, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are always geared towards maximum efficiency and profitability. And while it does require some effort upfront to map out your customer acquisition funnel and establish goals for each stage, the payoff is more than worth it in terms of increased leads and revenue!
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TikTok Advertising 101: The Free Guide to Success on the Platform
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Your account is ready, you’ve got money set aside, and you’re all pumped up and ready to get started in the world of TikTok advertising, but you’re not sure where to start, right?
No worries. We’ve got you covered with the EASY beginner's guide to TikTok advertising.
Why is TikTok Advertising Such a Successful Method for a Majority of Companies?
A recent study by Forrester Consulting found that, among U.S. respondents, TikTok was the second most popular social media platform for product discovery (second only to YouTube) and that over half of TikTok users watch videos specifically to learn about new products.
Why is TikTok advertising such a successful method for a majority of companies? Because it's an incredibly effective way to reach consumers who are looking for information about new products. The combination of short, engaging videos and the ability to target specific demographics makes TikTok a powerful tool for brands looking to connect with potential customers.
Does My Business Have a Chance to Succeed with TikTok Advertising?
Yes, businesses do have a chance to succeed with TikTok advertising. However, it's important to note that just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be. As with all forms of advertising, it's crucial to research your target audience and develop a strategy that speaks to them in an interesting and engaging way.
TikTok is an immensely popular app with a young demographic, so if your business caters to this group, then TikTok could be a powerful tool for reaching them. Just be sure to create content that is high quality and relevant to your brand. And most importantly, test and measure the results of your campaigns so you can continue refining your strategy over time.
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Getting Started with TikTok Advertising 🚀
Step One: Create a TikTok Ads Account
Remember, the hardest part is getting started.
Go to the TikTok ads homepage and click on the “Get Started” Button. It will be located in the top right corner of the TikTok homepage.
You’ll see a button that says “create an ad”. Click it!
When the pop-up questions are completed, you can grab a cookie for all of your hard work!
It will take about 24-48 hours for TikTok management to review and approve your TikTok advertising account. A perfect amount of time to throw your feet up and think about how easy the rest of the process is going to be you’re almost there!
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Step Two: Make Your First TikTok Advertising Campaign
Once you’ve successfully made it into the TikTok Ads platform, you’ll see a button that says “Campaigns”, usually located in the middle at the very top of the page.
After you click “create” you’ll have three options in terms of campaign objectives:
App Installs
Step Three: Setting a Budget
You’ll have two options when it comes to your budget for TikTok advertising: either a daily budget OR a total budget that encompasses the spending for the entire campaign.
You can select either of these options in your TikTok advertising campaign settings. Keep in mind that there is a $50 MINIMUM amount for both budget options and at the ad group level.
You can also opt out of setting a budget, but we don’t recommend it because it’s not a wise course of action when you’re not sure just HOW an ad campaign is going to shake out.
The next order of business is choosing a TikTok advertising budget pacing option: why is this important? Because your budget will be GONE before you can think twice about it. Sometimes in as little as a few hours.
When it comes to pacing, you have two options:
Standard delivery: TikTok will spend an even amount in increments throughout the campaign.
Accelerated delivery: TikTok will spend the budget as fast as possible, as soon as possible.
Step Four: Decide on TikTok Ad Placement, Targeting, and Details
You’re almost there! Now it’s time to decide on placement, targeting, and details.
TikTok is the best because you don’t have to wonder about what you’re forgetting. They’ll provide prompts for filling out every detail, including images, copies, relevant URLs, categories, and display names.
You can select up to 20 keywords for your TikTok ads. These will be the determining factor for what audience will actually SEE your ads.
You’ll have the option to select specific guidelines when it comes to targeting TikTok advertising. From location to age, gender and interests, don’t skip over this step because it also determines how successful your campaign will be in the end.
If your audience isn’t interested in what you have to offer, they won’t convert.
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Step Five: Time to Schedule Your TikTok Ads!
If you only want users to see your ads at specific times instead of all day, every day, you can change this setting in the budgeting and scheduling options in the TikTok ads dashboard.
Step Six: Design Your TikTok Ads
TikTok makes designing the perfect ad a BREEZE with their video creation kit”.
It features customizable image and video templates, 300+ free music options, filters, stickers, and MORE- all in the name of creativity.
Now, of course, you’re not forced to use this option. You can totally do your own thing or utilize a tool like Canva to create some stellar ads.
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TikTok Advertising Best Practices
1 Put the spotlight on a single CTA and leave it there.
2 TikTok ad descriptions are limited to 80 characters.
3 Place key creative elements in the center.
4 Your creative assets deserve to be high-quality.
5 Don’t Settle. Embrace better for your brand.
TikTok Advertising is Easier Than You Think
Social media advertising platforms are getting more and more intuitive with every passing day, which makes our job that much easier.
Thanks to the advertising and optimization prompt, you’ll be well on your way to creating successful TikTok ads in no time.
Good luck!
<=====> Let's get in touch Today <=====>
==> Address: 3423 Piedmont Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30305
==> Phone Number: +1 (205) 259-5308
==> Business Hours: Sun-Sat 8 AM-7 PM CST
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igstoryads · 3 years
Not running Instagram Story ads yet? You might be missing out on a great opportunity to boost your brand awareness and improve your sales!
Explore the guide: https://blog.sociallyin.com/instagram-story-ads
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onewordigcaptions · 3 years
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Instagram is by far one of our favorite platforms. Why? Because it’s easy to use, great for brand promotion, houses one of the most inclusive, fun, and creative communities, and has a bucket list of tools to use- right at our fingertips.
Get in Touch for Project Consultation!
Phone Number: +1 (205) 259-5308
Address: 1500 1st Ave N Birmingham, AL 35203
Learn in detail: https://blog.sociallyin.com/one-word-instagram-captions
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thetwittermarketing · 3 years
Twitter Marketing Strategies for Business
Read the Full Blog HERE: https://blog.sociallyin.com/twitter-marketing
If only it was easy, right? Unfortunately, it isn't. Twitter marketing requires more than just showing up and tweeting. Like we mentioned before, there's quite a bit of legwork to do prior to beginning to see massive success on the platform. #1 Run an Audit on Your Twitter Account If you don't already have a Twitter account, this is when you would create one.
However, for those of you who have an existing account, it's time for an audit. Look over your whole profile and make notes about what content has performed and what hasn't in the past.
This is also a great time to update contact information, URLs and analyze the performance of the hashtags you're using. #2 Get Verified on Twitter If you have the option to do this, don't wait.
Go get verified and let people know you're the real deal. #3 Grow Your Following Embrace organic growth techniques like making your content easily shareable or adding unique and relevant hashtags. #4 Drive Traffic to Your Website Perhaps one of the most under-utilized social media abilities: traffic.
There's no reason to do more than pitch your product on social. Get them on your website and sell your product! It can often be as simple as adding your website URL to a tweet or a Facebook post. #5 Content is (Almost) Everything Your content is an integral and important part of success. Don't cut corners and stay relevant!
For more info
>> Phone Number: (205) 259-5308 >> Address: 1500 1st Ave N Birmingham, AL 35203 >> Email: [email protected] >> Business Hours: Sun-Sat 8 AM-7 PM CST
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>> Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sociallyin/ >> Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sociallyin >> Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sociallyin/
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ssilinkedin · 3 years
LinkedIn Social Selling Index
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If you want to be a true “selling star” instead of a cheap sales performer, it’s time to put some action into improving your LinkedIn social selling index score and learning to take advantage of LinkedIn, among other social networking sites.
Keep Reading: https://blog.sociallyin.com/linkedin-social-selling-index
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ctaexamples · 2 years
The Best Call-To-Action Examples
All great marketing copy aims to drive a customer to take action. Whether that means buying a particular product, signing up for a service, downloading an eBook, visiting a website, or even following your business account on social media.
All these actions have the same end goal: increased ROI, engagement, or traffic to your website. You’re probably already aware of the fact that the best way to actively push users to take action is to push it at them via a CTA, or Call-to-Action.
Epic Call To Action Examples ➡️ https://tinyurl.com/3kfya67d
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Digital analytics is the practice of collecting, measuring, analyzing, and presenting behavioral data collected from users online, whether through an app, website, store, or email.  There are 5 steps to follow to get a proper understanding of social media analytics.
✅ Assess Given Social Media Metrics
✅ Get To Know Your Followers
✅ Set Specific Metric Goals
✅ Utilize Tools for Social Media Analytics
✅ Expand Your Knowledge By Taking Online Courses
The digital analysis yields countless benefits, which is why so many companies prioritize this step in their marketing strategy.
Continue reading to learn more about digital marketing analytics with one of our recent post ⇢ https://blog.sociallyin.com/digital-marketing-analytics
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sociallyinsmmagency · 2 years
Twitter Promotion - The Pros, The Cons, and The Costs
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In the world of social media marketing, there are a lot of options available to businesses who want to promote themselves. One of these options is Twitter promotion. Twitter is a powerful tool that can reach a large audience quickly, and it offers a variety of features that can be used to tailor your message and target your ideal customer. However, Twitter promotion also has its downsides, and it can be expensive. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of Twitter Promotion Cost so that you can decide if it's the right choice for your business. 
The Pros of Twitter Promotion
There are several advantages to promoting your business on Twitter. First of all, Twitter is a widely-used platform with over 330 million monthly active users. This means that there is a very good chance that your target audience is on Twitter and that they will see your promoted tweets. Additionally, Twitter offers a number of targeting options that allow you to laser-focus your promotional efforts so that you're only reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Finally, promoted tweets tend to perform well - in fact, studies have shown that they generate 2.5 times more engagement than regular tweets. 
The Cons of Twitter Promotion
Despite its many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to using Twitter for promotion. First of all, it can be expensive - depending on your targeting criteria, you could easily end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on promoted tweets without seeing any significant return on investment. Additionally, PromotedTweets must be carefully crafted in order to avoid coming across as spammy or sales-y - if they are not done right, they will turn potential customers away rather than entice them. 
Twitter promotion can be a great way to reach a large number of potential customers quickly and easily. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if it's the right choice for your business. Promoted tweets can be expensive, and they need to be done well in order to avoid turning potential customers off. If you're thinking about using Twitter promotion as part of your social media marketing strategy, make sure to do your research and consider all of the factors before making a decision.
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Facebook Instant Experience Ads: A Handful Guide to Increase Engagement
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What are Facebook Instant Experience Ads?
Facebook Instant Experience Ads are a new type of ad that allows businesses to create fast-loading, visually rich ads that are specifically designed for mobile devices. Instant Experience Ads can be made using various tools, including the Facebook Instant Articles tool.
Businesses began using Instant Experience Ads to drive traffic to their website or app. The idea behind these ads is that they would load quickly on a user's mobile device, providing a better user experience than traditional banner ads.
So far, Facebook Instant Experience Ads have been well-received by both users and businesses. Users appreciate the fast loading times and the beautiful visuals, while businesses appreciate that they can drive traffic to their site or app without interrupting the user.
Before it was Facebook Instant Experience, it was Canvas Ads
Facebook Instant Experience Ads, formerly known as canvas ads, are a type of ad that allow brands to create immersive, mobile-first experiences on Facebook.
Compared to traditional Facebook ads, which show up as a small image or video in the News Feed, Instant Experiences let you create full screen experiences that can include videos, photos, text, and buttons. They're built using HTML5 and can be hosted on Facebook or on your own website.
Instant Experiences are a great way to engage people who might not otherwise take action on an ad. They're also really effective at driving conversions: businesses that use them see an average 20% increase in conversion rates over traditional Facebook ads.
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Are Facebook Instant Experience Ads Preferable to Other Ad Types?
Facebook Instant Experience Ads are a great way to create a quick and seamless user experience for people who click on your ad. They open in a full-screen view and look like regular website pages, which makes them more engaging and likely to result in a conversion.
There are two types of Instant Experience ads: Single Image and Carousel. The advantage of the Carousel type is that you can include up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, giving people more opportunities to learn about your product or service.
Instant Experience ads are available as part of Facebook's Ads Manager, so you can create them yourself or use an existing ad campaign as the basis for your new Instant Experience ad.
Facebook Instant Experience Ad Types
Facebook Instant Experience Ads are a relatively new type of ad that allows businesses to create interactive ads that look and feel like experiences within Facebook.
Facebook allows you to create different types of Facebook ads for different types of goals, which is awesome because tailored ads make for faster, better results and a higher ROi.
However, different ad types mean getting familiar with the different Facebook Instant Experience ad types, which means you need some paid ad education. All good. We’re here to cover all of them.
Ad Type #1: Instant Storefront Ad Type #2: Instant Form Ad Type #3: Instant Customer Acquisition Ad Type #4: Instant Lookbook Ad Type #5: Instant Storytelling
How to Create Your First Custom Facebook Instant Experience Ad
A Custom Facebook Instant Experience Ad is an ad that contains a full-screen experience, rather than just a link to a website.
#1 Click on the Ads Manager and then “ads” within the manager, then “create”.
#2 Pick one of the ad objectives. Your choices will range from brand awareness to conversions.
#3 Name the campaign.
#4 Fill out the details! This includes details, audience, budget, schedule, copy, etc.
#5 Click “Continue”
#6 Consider the ad goals and select your ad format.
#7 Name the ads.
#8 Add, arrange, name each component and smash that save button.
#9 Preview your Instant Experience ad to make sure everything checks out.
#10 Click FINISH.
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Facebook Instant Experience Ad Specs Cheat Sheet
1 Image size:
2 Video:
3 Text Blocks:
Call-to-Action on a Facebook Instant Experiences Ad: Specs
For all you Facebook Instant Experience Ad enthusiasts, here are the specs you need to create an effective ad: -Ad format: Full-screen experience -Background image: 1,600 x 900 pixels -Headline: 25 characters -Text: 90 characters -Links can be used in either the headline or text, but not both. -Calls to action can be used in either the headline or text, but not both. Feel free to get creative with your ads and let us know how they turn out!
Take Control of Your Facebook Instant Experience Results NOW
If your business is ready to grow online, it’s time to take control of your paid advertising and start reaching your social media goals.
The team at Sociallyin is equipped with the knowledge and expertise necessary to help you reach your social paid advertising goals, restructure your campaigns to align with your company objectives and most importantly, increase your revenue through a variety of different avenues.
<=====> Let's get in touch Today <=====>
➦ Address: 3423 Piedmont Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30305 ➦ Email: [email protected] ➦ Phone Number: +1 (205) 259-5308 ➦ Business Hours: Sun-Sat 8 AM-7 PM CST
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tiktokforbusiness · 2 years
TikTok for Business: Comprehensive Guide You Need Get Started Today
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TikTok for Business doesn't have to be complicated. Learn the secrets to creating an engaging & result-driven relevant strategy from SociallyIn Insider.
Explore the Guide
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linkedinads · 2 years
LinkedIn Ads Best Practices For Your Brand Victory
Great LinkedIn Ad Campaigns take work, lots of tests, and patience. To make the long game a shorter run, we're going to take a quick look at some LinkedIn Ads best practices!
✔️ Keep Your Content Short
✔️ Utilize Clear Call-to-Actions
✔️ Customize and Brand Your LinkedIn Ads
✔️ A/B Test Your LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns
Ready to start your first LinkedIn Ads campaign- but where do you even begin?
A complete guide to follow right now:⇢ https://blog.sociallyin.com/linkedin-ads
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snapchattadsguide · 3 years
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Product Snapchat Ads
Launching a new line of product or service? It will be great to utilize this ad type by creating a catalog of ‘shoppable’ product Snapchat ads. Viewers will enjoy browsing through a collection of products in just a swipe or a click.
Get in Touch for Project Consultation!
Phone Number: +1 (205) 259-5308
Address: 1500 1st Ave N Birmingham, AL 35203
Easy to use guide: https://blog.sociallyin.com/snapchat-ads
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onewordigcaptions · 3 years
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Ready for an Instagram upgrade? 
Want to do a complete make-over for your brand with expert help? Sociallyin is here to deliver.  Our thumb-stopping content and killer graphics have put a lot of brands to limitless success. We’d like to do the same for you. Get in touch with our experts and let’s work together for a perfect social media solution!
Get in Touch for Project Consultation!
Phone Number: +1 (205) 259-5308
Address: 1500 1st Ave N Birmingham, AL 35203
Learn in detail: https://blog.sociallyin.com/one-word-instagram-captions
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ssilinkedin · 3 years
LinkedIn Social Selling Index
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Those who put some action into improving their scores are 51% more likely to reach their sales quota. And sales professionals who take advantage of LinkedIn social selling are 78% more likely to outperform salespeople who never use social media.
>>> Learn more  https://blog.sociallyin.com/linkedin-social-selling-index
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