#Soichi's beloved pet
blood-bathing · 2 years
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Ok, final thoughts on Junji Ito Maniac
It was... fine. Better than the Junji Ito Collection, for sure, though I'd argue the creepy scenes looked... well, creepier there lol Let's be honest, I think it's clear by now it's impossible to recreate Ito's artstyle, it just works a lot better on paper.
The one thing that annoyed me though is how they just... decided to stop some of the stories short? Like, I get some changes need to be made, but it almost seems like they looked at some of the stories and went 'pff who needs these last couple of pages? just throw them out'. So weird.
Anyway, some general (relatively spoiler-free) thoughts on each episode that no one cares about:
‘The Strange Hikizuri Siblings’: love how they started with some dark humor (for some definition of the word humor) to lead you into a false sense of security.
‘The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel’: meh, the original was better
‘Ice Cream Bus’: The ending fucked me up <3
‘Hanging Balloon’: a fascinating mixture of "this is so dumb" and "wait why is this also terrifying 😭", love the non-linear storytelling
‘Four x Four Walls’: another one that's more darkly humorous, it made me feel so claustrophobic jfc
‘The Sandman’s Lair’: oh look, another one that fucked me up <3
‘Intruder’: I find this one weirdly fascinating, kinda would love to know more about wtf actually happened
‘Long Hair in the Attic’: the one that made me regret watching this show, I am officially traumatized <3
‘Mold’: you could not pay me to stay in that fucking house, goodBYE sir
‘Library Vision’: again, not a super fan of the changes, but it's still pretty good. And creepy.
‘Tomb Town’: I really like this one for some reason, but the animation in that scene at the well was... questionable. And the original ending is MUCH better (imo)
‘Layers of Terror’: Oh, my mistake. NOW I'm traumatized for life <3 fuck this show why did I start watching this 😭
‘The Thing that Drifted Ashore’: my least favourite, by far. And I'm sorry, but it looked... bad. Like, really bad 😕
‘Tomie – Photo’: also titled 'the girl who can't stop making terrible decisions' jeez
‘Unendurable Labyrinth’: meh
‘The Bully’: I also really like this one and it's also disturbing as all hell <3
‘Alley’: karma is a bitch huh
‘Headless Statue’: girl for the love of god why tf would you follow his shady ass and why would you not jump out of the nearest window when given the chance 😭
‘Whispering Woman’: another one I really like, and I find it weirdly nice in a super disturbing way lol
‘Soichi’s Beloved Pet’: we stan a guy who's super passionate about animals, we don't stan a guy who fucks up a perfectly good kitty 😭
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timefospookies · 1 year
Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre episodes ranked from best to worst (in my opinion) with small to no explanation 😋
Kept as vague as possible to avoid spoilers :3
[Btw I LOVE ITO’S WORK but I feel like it’s very hard to translate into animation because it takes away from the magic the drawn medium provides for the story’s pacing, tone and overall look. This isn’t a criticism to Ito or the people who made the anime, it’s just things I liked and disliked in general!!]
1. Tomb Town
Beautiful environments and engaging story!! Kept me at the edge of my seat! I loved the sister character (the protag’s sister not the dead one 💀). Such an interesting concept!!
2. Layers of Terror
The horror lay in the relationship between the mother and her two daughters- her desire to be adored pulled to an extreme by her selfishness
3. The Bully
Horrifying example of different abuses and its victims. How the woman fell back on old habits that she never truly regretted or grew out of. Poor Nao who remained blind to his abuser and his poor son who will suffer a terrible fate. All because the woman couldn’t move on from her childhood
4. Whispering Woman
Predictable but I honestly loved the character of the whispering woman and her story. She was so eerie but beautiful. I really wanna say she had a genuine desire to help the girl at least at some point, but it also feels somewhat manipulative
5. Long Hair in the Attic
I wanted her to better herself to badly :(((
I love the protagonist and her sister pls make them happy :(
6. The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel
A little dull at times but the concept is so terrifying and the horror was so well drawn!! I loved the protag and the little sister
7. Tomie’s Photos
Beautiful and horrifying at once!! The storyline was engaging and personally I loved the protagonist. Surprised me how chill she was after witnessing the brutality that Tomie’s henchmen did tho💀💀💀💀 like “oh well better clean up ig”
8. Headless Statues
Gave me the same vibes as Tomie’s Photos in the sense of the setting but it was a fun episode! Was rooting for the protag the whole way and the statues are so interesting
9. Intruder
The opening was never really explained but the concept is really interesting and I loved the characters!!! Kinda like the Scooby gang!!
10. The Strange Hikizuri Siblings
11. Hanging Blimp
It’s a little strange but I enjoyed it overall :]
12. Library Vision
Interesting!! I was surprised at the wife’s patience and understanding but I found that the story was unclear. I had to look it up on the Fandom Wiki to understand what was going on :(
13. Mold
Nice visuals, texture and quality! I appreciate the choice to make it black and white :]
14. The Back Alley
I love how you can go from disliking the antagonist to feeling bad for her!!
15. Ice Cream Truck
The ice cream guy was pretty<3
But also I loved how you already KNOW something is off. The ending was….chilling :)
16. Thing that Drifted Ashore
The pink hair guy was so pretty 💖💖💖💖💖
that’s it!
16. Soichi’s Beloved Pet
I feel like this family could make a pretty fun horror-comedy series!! Its tone was more upbeat than other episodes but it still maintained its sort of sadistic visuals. I HATE SOICHI‼️‼️‼️‼️ (I love hating him)
17. The Room with Four Walls
I HATE SOICHI I HATE HIM I HATE HIM (he infuriated me it was not enjoyable) also what was up with that carpenter guy???? Anyway overall not very engaging
18. Where the Sandman Lives
Very sweet relationship between Mari and her friend and how she’s willing to enter the Dream world to not abandon her friend. However it was mostly dull and the ending was just meh
19. Unendurable Laberynth
Maybe I just didn’t understand this one but it was kind of a bore :/
Anyway to conclude: I hated the 3D animation but I LOVE HOW ALL THE STORIES HAVE ELEMENTS THAT CONNECT THEM (news, books, names, ect)
That is all, thank you!!!!
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b1skiel · 1 year
Llevaba tiempo esperando este anime porque me volví fan de Junji Ito por el anime anterior #JunjiItoCollection
Fue en octubre del 2022 cuando empece a ver esas historias de terror y quede enamorado.
#JunjiIto Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre.
Cuando ví que iba a salir un nuevo anime estaba impaciente por verlo, pocos spoilers, solo comentarios de lo que me parecieron los capítulos.
1. The Strange Hikizuri Siblings: The Seance
Ame demasiado al personaje de Kazuya.
2.The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel/Ice Cream Truck
Me dio tremendo escalofrío con la historia del túnel./Jamás imaginé que pasaría algo así con la historia del camión del los helados, es brillante.
3.The Hanging Balloons
El simple hecho de imaginar algo así me causó una especie de cringe con miedo, imaginar que se puede terminar así es terrible.
4.The Room with Four Walls/Where the Sandman Lives
Me identificó mucho con Soichi, es de mis personajes favoritos, personalmente yo sentiría claustrofobia. / ¿Como será el mundo al revés, el mundo de los sueños?
5.Intruder/The Long Hair in the Attic
¿Como será nuestro otro yo en la otra dimension?
/Este capítulo es muy bueno y espeluznante pensar que tu cabello cobre vida.
6.Mold/Library Vision
No sufro por el moho pero si tengo humedad en mi cuarto, y si bien me da asco el aroma no me imagino vivir en el moho. / Estar encerrado en tu mente es horrible.
7.Tomb Town
Más que darme miedo, me causó mucha tristeza el final.
8.Layers of Fear/The Thing that Drifted Ashore
Me daría un shock terrible que algo así ocurriera en la vida real y más la locura de esa madre por creer en la maldición. / No soy muy fan del océano pero realmente lleguense a imaginar la vida de las profundidades.
9.Tomie: Photo
Ella es muy linda sin importar su monstruosidad.
10.Unendurable Labyrinth/Bullied
También me volvería loco. /Me causó una impresión muy grande, este capítulo es muy cruel y enfermo.
11.The Back Alley/Headless Statue
No fue de mis favoritos ya que realmente esperaba ver a los fantasmas. / Me gustan las artes plasticas, sería hermoso y terrible que cobrarán vida.
12.Whispering Woman/Soichi's Beloved Pet
Realmente se hizo justicia. / Soichi es un idiota.
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magpieddd · 2 years
I'm sorry was that person-crawling-at-worrisome-speeds-towards-the-very-spooked-cat-while-also-chowing-down-on-screws-far-too-eagerly a panel from a Juji Ito manga or-????
Yes, he's Soichi! He's a character that appears pretty often in Junji Ito's stories, i have a volume entirely dedicated to him.
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That panel is from a story called "Soichi's beloved pet" (which is not in this volume).
Unlike other stories by junji ito the ones soichi appears in are not scary except for "secret of the haunted mansion" and the ones following that but that's because his son has me scared shitless, you should check them out!
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He chews on nails because he's iron deficient (anemic gang rise up... not too fast or y'all might get dizzy) and he enjoys throwing them like darts at living beings, his favorite hobby is casting curses at people but his plans often backfire.
He's just a little guy <3
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losercaps · 13 days
Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre // 伊藤潤二『マニアック』
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01. The Strange Hikizuri Siblings: The Seance // 怪奇ひきずり兄弟・降霊会 1,429 caps
02. Story of the Mysterious Tunnel/Ice Cream Bus // トンネル奇譚/アイスクリームバス 1,287 caps
03. Hanging Balloon // 首吊り気球 1,283 caps
04. Four x Four Walls/The Sandman’s Lair // 四重壁の部屋/睡魔の部屋 1,281 caps
05. Intruder/Long Hair in the Attic // 侵入者/屋根裏の長い髪 1,283 caps
06. Mold/Library Vision // 黴/蔵書幻影 1,283 caps
07. Tomb Town // 墓標の町 1,283 caps
08. Layers of Terror/The Thing that Drifted Ashore // 恐怖の重層/漂着物 1,286 caps
09. Tomie's Photos // 富江・写真 1,285 caps
10. Unendurable Labyrinth/The Bully // 耐えがたい迷路/いじめっ娘 1,284 caps
11. Alley/Headless Statue // 路地裏/首のない彫刻 1,283 caps
12. Whispering Woman/Soichi's Beloved Pet // 耳擦りする女/双一の愛玩動物 1,281 caps
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diaphonizedcadaver · 10 months
I’m not sure I can afford you, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask. What are you asking for the eye embroidery and for something like Soichi’s beloved pet?
The eye embroidery im asking abt 220$, however if that's close to but out of your price range, there may be some wiggle room (I'm off work for surgery and could use the money, haha.)
Soichis beloved pet isnt for sale, it was a personal piece I did just to See If I Could, aswell as it has a small hole in it. I wouldn't feel right selling a damaged piece; however if it was perfect and for sale, it'd be in the 300-400$ range. That thing fuckin took me forever LOL
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scurybooween · 3 years
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floofyperson · 4 years
Cats are Hella cute!
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jyum-ahn · 5 years
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late night repeats
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rotisan · 6 years
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vixvaporub · 2 years
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New Voices in the Dark | Shin Yami no Koe: Kaidan - Chapter 2 ■ Soichi’s Beloved Pet
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not-delicious-milk · 3 years
after reading soichi’s beloved pet i have the need to read junji ito’s cat diary to recover
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morggo · 5 years
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Redrew a panel from Ito’s “Soichi’s Beloved Pet” for funsies. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvYDq_dpBAK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lqjcwce6y74f
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axiesvg · 3 years
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(via Junji Ito Shirt Uzumaki Shirt Junji Ito Cat Anime Shirt Soichi Beloved Pet Shirt Horror Anime Shirt Horror Manga Shirt Manga Shirt)
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diaphonizedcadaver · 2 years
Soichi's beloved pet
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