#Some would fight some would passively tempt you like in this specific combination
erineas · 8 months
Being in a relationship with more than one version of the same skeleton should be a bit clashing sometimes. Especially if their personalities go different ways.
Imagine your sleep schedule is a mess and you just go to bed awfully late one night. You know you're bound to wake up past noon the next day, but you're too tired to care. There's nothing important to worry about tomorrow, anyways.
Hopefully, the one that finds you first is someone like Classic Sans, probably sent by Papyrus to pick you up for breakfast since he would be sleeping too if given the opportunity. He would see you there, hiding behind a comfy cocoon of your sheets, and would climb next to you to resume his napping in your company.
You two would happily nap the hours away if it wasn't for your next skeleton to appear.
Someone like Swapfell Sans would burst the door open (careful enough to not be too loud to startle you or to snap it from it's hinges, for that matter), probably thinking you were already awake. It's a surprise he didn't check on you earlier since he's the type of guy to be up and about at the very same hour you went to sleep, but he still didn't wait until noon to give you your 'good morning' kiss before going on his day.
He would wake you right then and there, complaining about how you shouldn't waste a productive day. He actually doesn't care if you use it to be productive or not, that's just his way to help you fix your schedule. And after all this time dating him, you know he means well.
From then on, your tired mind would have two options: leave the bed and fight the grogginess until you're functional again (and wait for him to sleep together at a decent hour) or fall right back into dreamland with the still sleeping skeleton in your arms.
Whatever you choose, if they're not to fight each other, you know someone will try to convince you to change your mind.
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cauldronofmorning · 4 years
Okay so.... I've encountered your tags about "the talking scene between trapper and hawk in dr pierce and dr hyde the stuttering the grabbing the not blinking how another of hawk's coping methods has bitten the dust#trapper being soft parental but annoyed and how he needs to check out while hawkeye needs to save the entire world"... if you have time, Go off! I would love that 2000 word essay and your opinions.
It’s a bit of a mess and would probably get a C- if I handed it in, but! Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde and how it shows the difference between Hawkeye’s and Trapper’s coping methods.
Context! Alan Alda wrote the episode, mental health is important to him (not to psychoanalyze an actor, but he had depression before the show and his mom was schizophrenic) and there’s a quote on how Hawkeye didn’t actually change much in the eleven years, just had his coping methods beaten down.
So throughout season one, Hawkeye and Trapper have mostly been ignoring the trauma of a war. Hawkeye naturally ended a movie with a speech about propaganda (Yankee Doodle Doctor) and Tommy tells them (Sometimes You Hear The Bullet) about a kid who should have been the blonde hero in a war movie actually dying and not hearing a bullet, forcing them to actually quietly think about it. But for the most part, they can distract themselves with booze, pranks and women, and Hawkeye can still draw a straight line between his tenuous sanity pre-war and the place he’s in.
There’s also two important episodes in season two before Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde, that make the war more personal for both of them. The first is Radar’s Report, where a scared prisoner contaminates Trapper’s patient by knocking the blood over. Trapper’s sulkier throughout the episode, obsessed with how it could have been okay if it weren’t for that incident, and less indulging of Hawkeye’s girl of the week problem. His patient doesn’t make it, and he makes a beeline to the POW’s tent, maybe would have killed him if Hawkeye hadn’t bought him back to reality. “That’s not what we’re about.”
The second is For The Good Of The Outfit. This one has a village bombed by American military and Hawkeye/Trapper run afoul of previously decent sounding generals trying to shut them up from talking about it, including passive aggressive threats to send them to the front, and specifically to Hawkeye, intercepting letters to his dad. It’s okay by the end of the episode, but he’s still livid when he finds this out.
In comes Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde. The episode starts with Hawkeye already slightly dissociated from a long shift, thinking it hasn’t ended, and Trapper having to gently take him by the arm and guiding him out of the OR, telling him he was taking the chest cases “like he was their only hope”. Hawkeye wanting to save everyone keeps popping up throughout the episode; here, when he’s stumbling into Henry and his ego filtered through deprivation making him think he’s the only one who can do chest cases, the scene I’m getting to, and the end where Trapper and Henry sum him up.
As much as Trapper is “let’s get drunk to deal, okay?” kind of comfort in comparison to BJ who can actually talk about emotions, if not necessarily knowing the best way to deal with them (Hawkeye has a type and it’s repressed blondes), he’s soft with Hawkeye – gentle touches, firmly telling him to go to sleep, indulging that chopper noise is just thunder – until he figures the best way to get his friend to rest is to sedate him behind his back.
The thing with Trapper is that while he might be a bad husband, cheating on his wife with no shame (but he keeps bringing up that Hawkeye is more perverted so that might make it easier for him to deal with, see the couple of times he glares at Hawk for flirting with Henry/a male patient, Divided We Stand, The Trial Of Henry Blake, Check Up, Life With Father, Adam’s Ribs), he’s a good father who ran into a minefield for Kim and tried to go AWOL for Cathy and Becky. That’s not to say he always treats Hawkeye like a child, that would be weird considering how much flirting they do, but when the other man is manic or badly affected, Trapper’s first instinct is to be parental.
After Hawkeye in his doubletalky way admits to Radar he’s compulsive and psychotic (sidenote:  his symptoms of strong emotions, not being able to think clearly and too many spirals to name actually bear that diagnosis out, instead of just using the word when one thinks another is behaving badly), he wanders around the camp like a ghost, making notes about corpsmen with guns and nurses checking patients in post-op.
As Hawkeye often does, whenever he finds something out, or thinks he has in this instance, he has to tell his live-in boyfriend of the season immediately, and if he can’t sleep then neither can anyone else. He sits on Trapper’s bed, extremely close and not blinking, and jostles him awake. Already Trapper’s slightly panicky, as no matter what he says about being the mellow one, any time there’s shouting or loud noise in the swamp, he always wakes up with a start. Even when he sees it’s Hawkeye it takes him a few seconds to process and get back into his role.
Hawkeye’s very sad and very quiet. For the past seven minutes, even though he’s dissociated, exhausted and not doing well, he’s still trying to do his normal thing of turning his anger sideways and being snarky or being a clown bottom for the gaggle of nurses. Going back to one of Trapper’s good qualities is that he’s a decent parent, Hawkeye can regress emotionally into being like a ten year old (incidentally, the age when he had the most trauma pre-Korea, with Billy, his mom dying, guilt over not wanting dad to remarry and at some point losing his virginity), both for funny like in Picture This and for sadness.
So he’s finally noticed that he’s in a war zone and he’s too tired to make jokes about it or distract himself from it. Trapper already sounds frustrated but still listens, telling him to go bed before he drives himself crazy. There’s been a few takes that Trapper would get sick of later Hawkeye, and given how much they really can’t talk to each other that often, even just a mention of Hawkeye’s will when he has to go to the front makes Trapper shut down and Hawkeye cover with a joke, that’s probably true. They’re both messes, but for now Trapper can give Hawkeye someone to lean on.
“If I thought I could stop it just by going to sleep, don’t you think I would try?” Hawkeye does a twitch of the head, still unblinking, and that’s just really asking Trapper to understand and take him seriously. Also the wording, he’s not saying he can stop thinking about it just by going to sleep, or stop feeling anything just by closing his eyes, although both of those are implied. He makes it very clear later on (Letters, Preventive Medicine, Blood Brothers) that he feels like he’s as bad as the war – god and martyr complex combined – and if he can’t fight against/blame everything on that then it’s time for some self loathing.
Trapper does actually pay attention and gives him some advice. Definitely not great advice, but advice nonetheless, to close his eyes when things get unbearable, and to keep checking out when it keeps happening. This can’t work for Hawkeye, who’s had a guilt complex ever since he was a child, but it’s how Trapper copes. The next episode when Kim’s mother turns up for the boy, after a time of being actually open, he goes right to dismissive snark. Plus in season three’s Mad Dogs and Servicemen, another one on how differently Trapper and Hawkeye deal with things, he shrugs that he pretends he’s not there all day along.
Hawkeye’s stuttering a bit at this point. Words are important to him, it’s why you should probably leave him a note even if you’re a man who 1) wants to forget about Korea as soon as he arrives in Boston but won’t 2) wants desperately to believe he’s straight but isn’t 3) cares through physical touch and can’t think of what to say for seventy two hours. Wordplay is important to him too, and he admits to Sidney in the finale that his brain thinks too fast. Obviously exhaustion is going to put his brain and mouth out of sync, and considering how he sounds like he’s going to cry in the mess tent when he can’t even get words out to Frank Burns, it makes him all that more helpless.
“Somebody, and it wasn’t you or me, started this war.” It’s the “whoever the them, we were always us” of it all. It’ll be more important in the third season, and what happens in Welcome To Korea, but Hawkeye has taken it for granted that he and Trapper will stay co-dependent no matter what happens or who they come up against or how their time is running out. Much how he probably didn’t tell Trapper about the abandonment trauma he’s suffered before, Trapper always reassures him to come back soon, or no charge for leaning on him, or it isn’t a Christmas goodbye, and doesn’t want to share real feelings.
Beyond that scene, with Hawkeye dragging himself off to be a hero, assume that everyone who tries to take care of him really just wants to sleep with him, and cry while singing, Trapper tries to sedate him while he’s not looking. He’s tried being parental, he’s tried the repression advice, it’s time to be passive aggressive for Hawkeye’s own good. Or what he thinks is Hawkeye’s own good. It’s not especially great on Trapper’s part, but a similar thing happens reversed in Mail Call, where a drunk Trapper tries to go AWOL and as soon as he’s distracted laughing at Frank, Hawkeye locks his bag away so Trapper won’t be tempted again. Both of them are repressed messes who can’t really talk to each other.
When that sedation attempt ends up in Frank falling over, Trapper goes to Henry to be the worried macho boyfriend. Like with the only comedic dancing allowed and not the time in Officers Only when a genuine offer gets turned down, being protective over Hawkeye where he can hear can only happen when it’s for fun/likely no real danger.
At the end, Trapper and Henry sit by Hawkeye’s bed when he’s finally asleep and talk about him. Kindly, but they know he’s unstable with a hero complex. Like Mulcahy said in season eleven, the camp has a lot of experience with not dealing with reality, and even Trapper says in Iron Guts Kelly that one man’s reality is another man’s fantasy. Nobody has the capability to talk about this yet, and Sidney and Hawkeye only really become friends in O.R. Hawkeye will wake up and he and Trapper will pretend this never happened.
When Adam’s Ribs comes around, and Hawkeye has a manic episode over needing to eat something that isn’t liver or fish, Trapper and Henry are again the ones looking after him, comparing him to their kids and Trapper in the background both snarking over Hawkeye’s slippage in sanity and looking out for him. It’s not as quite high stakes as Dr Pierce and Dr Hyde, but they’re still worried about him.
To end this out, Trapper and Hawkeye and mental health is a fun thing to look at. Neither of them are particularly emotionally intelligent yet, Hawkeye just kind of a self absorbed mess and Trapper finding it easier to be a reassuring rock and keep his own struggling to himself, and they keep things from each other while also taking past each other, but they comfort each other with jokes and distractions that only they can understand. The repressed clowns are trying, even if it does all end with a borrowed kiss and only just barely missing each other.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
SR Ask. I'm the second oldest out of 7, and the five after me all have one different parent. They're all hyper active and would probably encourage someone like mista. Except my older brother. He would straight up stab him. No one would like Fugo. With his moldy swiss cheese looking self.🤣
it’d definitely be really chaotic,, mista has a likable energy that works in his favor but fugo doesn’t have that same charisma. though he’ll refuse to lose to mista of all people... anyone but mista. shivers. 
anon 2 asked: i was just imagining narancia thinking he got rid of most of his competition when he 'sees' giorno going down on mista after arriving in venice. Would he tell sr reader? And begin this huge misunderstanding that mista and giorno are together. So anytime giorno and mista try to get close to reader she'll try to put them together instead and tell them she supports their relationship:)
Oh my god hgjteanrwefkml that’d be something else,, TBH it looked like he wanted to purge that sight from his mind so I don’t think he’d say it on purpose, maybe he’d stumble on accident and confuse SR Reader?? She’s just like huh they did what? Narancia is too stunned to recount what he saw. If she ever did find out though she’d be like oh :) a fellow member of the LGBT community, pleased to meet you .
anon 3 asked: Oh man during the fight with talking head and crush would sr reader be with trish having a mini post breakup chat? Cuz even though leaving a criminal organization is no problem, breaking up with her roommate/friend fugo would weigh more on reader. Plus it would be a great time for some trish and reader alone time. If only reader had that gelato it would've been perfect.
It’s funny you mention this anon because I’m actually working on a scenario for this exact thing HJEKGRWM It’s a combination of Reader giving her support to Trish who is still trying to understand what all just happened (with her father, etc). Reader also has some feelings to work through as well but wants to prioritize Trish in the moment. I really want to explore Trish’s character more, she feels so underrated to me. There’s so much potential with her . There must be more Trish content in this world, and I have self appointed myself to Create lots of it. 
Reader doesn’t share her gelato with anyone... if it were Trish though... she’d give her a few bites. The highest honor.  :’) Everyone else would get swatted away.
anon 4 asked: Wait what does sr reader do during the fight on the boat on the way to the island for the treasure hunt? How does she go down? Or is she one the last standing?
she’d be attacked by zucchero’s stand (i forgot the name of it whoops) after mista! so fugo is calling out to her before he also gets attacked, like “[First], now’s not the time to be messing around--” before he gets hit by the stand as well. up to that point she had been trying to get a better understanding of giorno... engaging him in casual conversation and such. 
anon 5 asked: Would sr reader help Narancia with his studies? I feel the idea of studying would be awful to narancia with tutors like Fugo but the moment he realizes he can ask sr reader for help, then his tune would change somewhat!
She’d still believe that Fugo is the best person to ask with anything academic related, but if Narancia insisted, she’d help him!! Obviously has a lot more patience than Fugo and is just preferable company from Narancia’s point of view. Narancia tends to ask reader for translations on English songs he finds interesting, it’s one of the biggest ways they’ve bonded :’)) just sitting next to one another, sharing headphones, listening to one another's music. Super cute stuff. Fugo is tempted to cut the chords to the headphones tbh. ✂️
anon 6 asked: Is abbacchio and sr reader's relationship just uncanny for the other bucci members to see? Like sr reader will sometimes say things like 'abbacchio is so funny!' or 'abbacchio is so nice you know!' And everyone else is like :/
What makes it even worse is that Abbacchio is trying so hard not to show it. The difference in how he treats you versus the others is both subtle and apparent at the same time. You’ll have his undivided attention when speaking, he’ll occasionally offer to pay for your meal, etc. Everyone’s kinda gotten used to it but Narancia still wonders if the Abbacchio you talk to is the same he talks to. He’s far more patient with you... 
anon 7 asked: Everyone in the bucci gang had a moment where they learned to respect or at least accept giorno. (Bruno after their fight, fugo after fight with illuso, etc) When did sr reader have this moment or were they just sure from the beginning giorno would do great things for their gang?
Honestly Reader’s respect for him started to grow over time? Just seeing all of his judgement calls and leadership abilities left an impression on her. He gives a very reliable vibe. The only thing she was wary of is that Giorno is so difficult to get a read on. She’s used to the others mannerisms by now, and even more prickly members like Abbacchio she can make sense of. When Abbacchio really wants to be left alone she can pick up on it. Giorno, on the other hand, is very polite; so Reader isn’t sure how genuine he’s being. So Reader’s concerns are a bit different than the others who just weren’t ready to trust him on the basis he’s new. 
For a more specific moment,, I’d say that she’d be pretty impressed after he offers to escort Trish to the boss. It feels like such a daunting task to take on, and someone who’s more passive like her wouldn’t imagine why anyone would want to do it. Bruno is doing it out of obligation. Giorno seems to have this sense of ambition to him that’s hard not to respect. So it’d further solidify Reader’s trust in him. She’d be thinking something like, ‘This is a person who knows what he wants and is willing to do whatever is necessary.’ Meanwhile Abbacchio is just admonishing him in the background as Reader stares at him like :) wow! Maybe a scenario on the boat needs to happen, while Bruno is escorting Trish. It’d be a good insight into Reader’s character ... 
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nchyinotes · 6 years
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Women, Whistleblowing, Wikileaks 
Renata Avila: Guatemalan human rights lawyer and digital rights expert; plays a central role in the international team of lawyers representing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his staff.
Sarah Harrison: renowned British journalist and human rights defender. Former researcher with the Centre for Investigative Journalism and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism; worked at WikiLeaks in 2010 (the height of its groundbreaking publication of US military and State Department documents).
Angela Richter: acclaimed Croatian-German theatre director, activist and author. Her interest in WikiLeaks led to the 2012 theatre piece “Assassinate Assange", and she staged "Supernerds" (a large scale transmedia-project dealing with mass surveillance, co-produced with German national TV) in 2015.
Found this through: Met and worked with Renata in London at a Thoughtworks Ideation Day, and was super inspired. Googled her, found that she was an author of this book, and pre-ordered it on OR Books.
5 / 5
there were a few grammatical mistakes and typos, but aside from that - i enjoyed the topics, i loved the conversation format, the way the chapters were organised, each woman had a different background which i personally found fascinating and added a new perspective on each topic. i also really enjoyed the footnotes, found them very helpful. and of course, the ideas contained in the book are very important and timely, and motivating. a quick read but packs a lot of information, highly highly recommended. i enjoyed this immensely, though i didn't agree with every opinion expressed. although sarah mentioned at the event they they made the conscious effort not to highlight their female-ness, as in being 3 women writing and talking about this topic, is an act of feminism enough. and while sarah did talk about her personal experience as a woman (which was appalling and illuminating), and they discussed the treatment of chelsea manning in depth, i thought this was a missed opportunity to bring awareness about other women activists, how their experiences differ from men and why, how this could be remedied - as a woman who is interested in getting more involved in activism, these are all things that would be very interesting for me to know. this could have been just one conversation/essay to be added to the book.
My Takeaways
There is a movement for access to knowledge and the preservation of privacy.
the battle for access to knowledge has created the potential basis for a movement: battle of preservation of privacy, anonymity, struggle to make knowledge open and accessible for everyone
if we need to reduce the aims of the movement to one goal, i would say it would be to preserve freedom of thought.
for that, to have real freedom of thought, you have to eradicate surveillance. you have to preserve freedom of expression. you have to enable access to knowledge, fight censorship, and also enable creation. because how can you have freedom of thought if you are just passive recipients?
This is important because of huge media inaccuracies.
H: having seen the media at close first-hand, and having seen inaccurate stories both from inside and from being a subject of stories - having seen articles that appear in the news about wikileaks and edward snowden and even myself - has made me much more skeptical about mainstream reporting. when you see news that you are actually directly involved in, it’s shocking to see how the facts of the matter are not presented correctly; its spun, and sometimes even outright lies are used. … i think only understood the full extent to which the media deceive us after working at wikileaks.
fact checking (18)
journalists assume that the public need a journalistic filter on the information to which we are all entitled to have access. they don’t mind seeing agency stripped from the people. at the end of the day, journalism is all about power and control. problematic: vast amounts of documents still unpublished, pace of release is so slow.
RA: when you are in a country in conflict, you are exposed to different versions of a story constantly and to be public and private accounts of events.
the combination of scientific data and localised interpretation is really important in places like guatemala and other underreported countries, which are places where very little data is collected and limited research is done.
This is especially prominent in relation to reportage of the Global South, due to Eurocentric perspective.
the ‘facts’ regarding international events, reported from a eurocentric, remote perspective, are often misleading or even detrimental if one wants to gain an accurate idea of what is going on in the world. mainstream reporting just provides an incomplete snapshot each time a terrible event happens and emphasises the importance of certain events and downgrades others. … furthermore, due to language and cultural barriers, there are often many facts missing from the media portrayal of events in the Global South, often reported by people who do not really know the locality they are reporting from. … of course, international media coverage is also constrained by business decisions - for instance, it is more cost effective to send a foreign correspondent to a particular country occasionally, rather than having regularly on-the-ground reporting. furthermore, media organisations are still in love with the idea of exclusivity, and so are reluctant to build partnerships with local outlets. (22)
media focuses on attacks that target people with a specific western, middle class lifestyle - west only reacts with outrage when victims are white. media avoids personalising certain atrocities
Media acts as propaganda = Western propaganda, which people are not willing to realise.
media just isn’t interested in repression of western dissidents. politicians don’t want to foster a kind of self reflection regarding their own countries —> state of denial and hypocrisy in the west
ignoring such repression is a way for many people in the west to maintain their own personal freedom and privileges
by taking such  view you don’t FEEL oppressed
—> very sophisticated form of totalitarianism
real dissent is from the marginalised
this emerging totalitarian state is very tempting and appealing to people in some respects
risk of this totalitarianism esp in global south
appeal of totalitarianism: "consider someone who has connected to the internet for the first time, in a guatemalan village. because they cannot afford the super-plus plan on her little mobile phone that would give them “full access to internet, without restrictions or filters” they instead have only Facebook, a platform controlled by a private company whose sole real interest is profit and market share. and as a result they will have a poor internet for poor people, w which will only extract their data. it will offer a limited space for creation, it will place them at a greater risk of surveillance, monitoring and discrimination. that is the idea the mainstream promotes as “access”. obviously, this will very significantly alter the kind of content that people in the global south have access to. your freedom is circumscribed by poverty. an internet without net neutrality simply replicates structures of inequality and exclusion. = preserving an open and free internet, preserve whatever is left of civil liberties, to organise with others + circulate info and ideas (30-31)
problem of control and commodification of the user - free access to the network via their platform is the most efficient way to create a massive biometric database.
users are engaged in this endless cycle of consumption, unaware that all information that is hosted on Facebook has been completely privatised
users’ actions, personal connections, political opinions, cultural tastes, emotions
tech creating great inequality, must make the exclusion of benefits visible.
new tech has been built on top of existing social/economic inequality
while they will be able to connect to the internet, marginalised won’t be able to use it for effecting meaningful change in their lives. they will simply be connected to devices that control, measure, monitor, predict.
dangerous levels of inequality in the world today will bring more instability and war.
... because of this information asymmetry, having access to the source document is paramount.
the way which wikileaks operates aids self determination. the documents and archives wikileaks publishes, allow any member of the public to gain a greater understanding of the world around them, and to utilise the documents to try to effect change however they wish.
secrecy is the best friend of corruption, incompetence, waste of public resources
potentially the unreleased NSA documents could help us better understand the surveillance capabilities of central american countries and how those who are the targets of such surveillance protect themselves.
importance of source docs - in talk
impossible for people to not have biases, there is no neutrality— why source documents are so important, so read as many as you can, and as many different world sites as possible
But it is important to note that the balance of powers in our societies is such that elites are not affected by the availability of such evidence.
in some situations, it’s not a question of evidence being leaked - it doesn’t need to be leaked, it is already out there in the public domain.
even though we were witnessing a massacre in real-time committed by a supposedly “civilised nation” (gaza massacres end of 2008), and even if we had in-real-time evidence of grave human rights abuses, everyone was too busy celebrating the New Year to care.
and that is because we are all passive recipients..
How do we have the public change from passive recipients to active participants of news?
too early to expect people to think for themselves and gain confidence in their own judgment. people are very used to being patronised and lectured by approved ‘professionals’ and it is actually very comfortable to be told what to think and not to have to exercise any responsibility.
living in a collective illness of desensitisation
very few people actually do something after having learning about injustice through the mainstream media. few feel empowered enough or are propelled to act. the news is presented to them in a passive manner that seems to be designed to encourage passive consumption.
work has been compartmentalised in such a sophisticated, complex way. you end up engaged in this tiny little aspect of a larger system. you don’t see the connection between your own work and its broader impact, their effects becomes so blurred that you don’t really take responsibility for your own actions anymore. (61)
AR: at a certain point, i just became very cynical and very typically western in my outlook. i was obsessed with my won life and with feeding my ego. however, living in that way made me really miserable after a while. my own cynicism and narcissism conflicted with my upbringing. at some point i just couldn’t ignore the propaganda.
there has to be a real promise of a solution for public to (feel like its worth to) get involved in the struggle.
brutality has been normalised everywhere
having a concept of what we would like our society to be like
develop new models of utopia, political systems
real lack of utopian thinking
we can’t bring socialism back (need new kind of socialism?), people are clearly not fulfilled or satisfied by consumerism
people who will control this machine have a very specific ideology and set of ethics
keep an eye on the important topics you care deeply about, no matter what is going on in the side
why engage in activism?
activism = natural, as a citizen of the world (aeon article, eric liu/cin?) (RSA josh peterson??) inaction is not an option, i’m not fighting because i will win, but because its the right them to do
duty as citizens - look at the oddments, accountability mechanisms. power to disclose information about wrongdoing - cannot be taken away, even tho many freedoms from original internet are gone
How can we make it so that web based activism can be successful?
web-based activism clearly has a serious downside. people have switched from congregating in public spaces, to express their opinions and engage in political discussion, to having these conversations on online platforms. what makes this shift so alarming is that the platforms are owned and controlled by private entities, so now a great deal of political debate takes place not at rallies or on the street but on twitter, on Facebook, on google - all of them private platforms.
Remedying Eurocentric reform efforts
eurocentric: rights of european and american citizens are at the centre of these reform efforts. equality across borders is the missing ingredient, both in the reporting and the policy debate.
evolution of state, increasing enmeshment with big tech corps
evolution of the state, increasing enmeshment with big tech corporations. google’s apparent omnipotence today is based on this infinite appetite of its constantly learning, all-devouring machine. it’s not just that google is being used by the government or collaborating with the govt. google has actually been integrated with the govt.
tech companies experienced pushback from their consumer base that forced them to change their behaviour. you can show these companies that they will be hurt in the market unless they adhere to the ethics and laws that are dominant within our society. (vodafone transparency report = law enforcement disclosure report)
brain drain issue
global tech companies are hoovering up all the good people working in: tech, activists, social justice lawyers, who are under resourced who get great job offers and cannot say no bc they have families and are fed up with living a precarious life. —> think creatively to find a place for such people
bad feminist - not the minorities personal burden to change a larger system
a comparison between ISIS and silicon valley
two aggressively expanding global movements: most compelling youth movements of our time. ISIS vs silicon valley capitalism?
ISIS: concrete and tangible outcome (to occupy territory and to have control over resources + create state)
silicon valley: domination is in our minds = far more dangerous [not sure if i agree, isis wants this too?]. political influence and importance is growing, eg. treated like head of state by govts (THE AMAZON ARTICLE)
fantasy of a light western easy lifestyle
much more of a global reach ??
taking up functions that used to be performed by national govt, globally and at a cost that local providers can’t compete with.
importance of techno literacy + architecture of internet
techno literacy
since tech is being used to censor and surveil us, we can’t protect ourselves or fight on this terrain without understanding the tech ourselves
getting kids to engage in culture of technological creativity
vital for people in the global South to create and distribute their own content, ideas and cultural expression
battle for control of infrastructure: without exercising some degree of control over the infrastructure of the internet, we will always have very limited time in which to act before our operations are disrupted or shut down.
we need to create tools that will help us protect ourselves - decentralisation, autonomy, digital sovereignty
whats important is: decisions you take as a collective, how you design public policies around access, software, hardware. role that technology plays in building and maintaining that sovereignty.
design institutions that could enhance the power of decentralised political action
govts respond to snowden and wikileaks by normalising what was once clandestine, doubling down on efforts to surveil, make what used to be illegal surveillance legal
“we have lost the custom of regularly meeting in a really free space for the exchange of ideas - whether on or offline - which is a precondition for any revolution.” have we tho?
any org that becomes too large acquires a certain institutional character.
snowden and manning managed to break out of culture of organisations they were embedded in. even when they joined these institutions, their primary allegiance was to the freedoms and ideals they associate with the internet" (84-86)
US media pitting manning vs snowden:
settled on one of them as being more correct/virtuous than other. he has become part of the collective psyche in the way manning hasn’t.
snowden: actions are seen as courageous because in terms of commitment to US constitution
women in the world of digital dissidence
… role is downplayed within their own community / media and dismissed by govt = gives them greater room to act “with women, there are other ways to control and silence them” (65)
role of women in activism is downplayed reflects daily reality we are part of the problem and solution media try to bring women down - reducing women to those roles / pigeonholing (even male journalists who worked with her specifically) celebrate women and their voices narrative in the media = always more sexy to report about guys escalation of trump as president = epitome of problems, good thing to turn things around?
wikileaks impact on activism
before & after situation
many journalists shied away, very few courageous/principled people who fought the good fight, after a while it faded away and we didn’t tackle the problems (of private censorship). didn’t go strong enough against US persecution
those in power: silence / house arrest western dissidents/journalists, pull funding from media
silicon valley politics to be exposed ?
revelled net of relationships between govts, journalists, silicon valley - unveiled more than just the documents
1.secure online dropbox in most major newsrooms around the world - from julian
2. mass publications - massive amounts of data sets put online, setting up independent journalism + orgs, ability to check source docs
—> lasting impact on journalism —> activism
alexandria library of human kind?
“radical transparency”, seen as activism
2014 vs now
1. started book at 2014, became v negative in end of the book - manipulation, power monopoly are very concentrated
hard to be hopeful: before felt like areas of tech where civil society had some semblance of control. but our control is eroding and tech is infiltrating every sphere of society, so avenues for self determination is reducing every day.
at some point internet was a huge hope? / optimistic -“gears of hope”
sadly, ability of citizens in general to affect and really use internet as tool of empowerment for change is over — vast centralisation, activation of various points of control in layers of internet
it used to be tool of communication, now embedded in all key activities of people —> control. silicon valley has hand in the heads of everyone
exporting around the world - Facebook zero - controlling system we are trying to fight in west are solidify + exported as MO to rest of the world
2. (beginning of book:) how to get more information vs (now) how to separate + deal with info
policy as a solution
state has been demonised, private sector is great - look at local govt as ally, bc they can regulate
combat with litigation, regulation
fragment them + stop them growing before its too late (like that amazon article??)
make this point part of political agendas for everyone
tech belongs to the core of your democracy, doesn’t just belong to entrepreneurs etc
get into legislative process, to get right leg
laws are being passed by people who have no idea what they’re talking about (IPIL)
rhetoric by NATO: “weaponising of information”
whistleblowing, truth is a weapon to undermine our democracies. exposing things framed as political warfare.
why is whistleblowing so important?
if no one discloses, we cannot fix it. need to defend right to anon whisteblowing
whistleblowing + journalism will always be an act of courage, will never be completely safe
lawyers/pro bono legal ??, tech people who build the systems/mechanisms = important people, need more solidarity. support economically + legally whistleblowers when they come out
Other notes - new technologies could have operated as a decentralised platform of liberation, as opposed to what are public-private partnerships of control and oppression
People and resources mentioned
important characters & events: assange, snowden, manning
what is a whistleblower?
guatemalan history
0 notes
amrmrpositive-blog · 6 years
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats and solutions
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats and solutions
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats: Aggression between cats is not uncommon and tends to appear as they move through social maturity, between 2 and 4 years of age. It may appear in cats who have previously gotten along or between newly introduced cats who have mismatched styles of behavior.
Cats who are uncertain, retiring, or a bit shy may not be good with really pushy, young, bold cats. And no one does really well with a bully. That’s why combining households of cats or introducing a new adult cat into the household can be so challenging.
The first sign of the aggressive cat behavior toward other cats in a household may be a litter box problem. Fearful or retiring cats may not want to share a box with a cat who intimidates them. Bold cats might start urine or fecal marking.
It’s also important to note the sign of the aggressive cat behavior toward other cats is often more subtle, though—at least at first. If one cat walks into a room, surveys it, stares at the cat on the sofa, and the cat on the sofa leaves, there was a “fight” as cats understand it, and the staring cat won.
If you have cats who are entering into or are in the social maturation period, it is wise to monitor them for changes in behavior associated with overt (hissing) and covert (leaving the room, staring, covering another cat’s urine) aggression. If the problem is not addressed, the cats will not grow out of it. As it grows worse, one cat may stalk another— without anything we humans would recognize as provocation—and become wholly focused on driving that cat out of the house.
If you have a real cat fight on your hands, you will have to separate the cats. You want to put the more agitated, aggressive cat in a dark room. And both cats need to calm down.
Unfortunately, when they’re in this mode, the cats are so aroused that people attempting to separate them can be mauled. When stalking or fighting cats need to be separated By:
you can throw a blanket over the cat that you want to pick up—or even over both. Tuck the blanket under one cat, scoop her up, and deposit her in a separate room behind a closed door.
If you can’t quickly grab a blanket, either wear heavy gloves or use a broom or a big piece of cardboard to “herd” one cat into another room. The room needs to have food, water, a litter box, a scratching post or a horizontal cardboard scratcher, and perhaps a toy so kitty will have the necessities while in the room.
You can expect it to take anywhere from several hours to a full day for kitty to calm down. Leave both cats alone until you are certain they can be calm.
Once aggression reaches this stage, it is hard to treat. In fact, all veterinary behaviorists warn people that these cats may forever have to live separated in the same house.
The earlier you intervene in an interact the problem of an aggressive cat behavior toward other cats , the better chance you have of solving it. After that, you have to realize that all you will get are negotiated settlements. You won’t end up with a peaceable kingdom. But everyone can be more or less happy and live in a humane world, although there may be some restrictions.
One problem is that many people don’t recognize and understand that very elegant language that is “cat.” One way to overcome this is to take videos of your cats interacting with each other, with any other pets, and with the humans in the household. Once a month is not too often.
Get in the habit of making a fifteen- to twenty-minute survey video in a few specific circumstances, such as when the cats are passing each other in the house and when they eat, and also video how each inter- acts with toys when the other is present and where they tend to rest.
Seeing where the cats settle in the same room will tell you something about their hierarchy. The cat who has chosen the highest point in the room is the one with the superior social position.
These videos are best shared with a behaviorist to see what is going on between the cats. If you look for and record interactions once you first notice problems, you can begin to try to resolve them, preferably with professional help.
If you can get the cats to calmly interact and realize that good things (games, treats, attention) happen when they’re in the same room at the same time, you will be going a long way toward resolving any intercat issues. But remember that not all of these issues can be resolved.
Discussing the management of cats under these circumstances with your vet, all veterinary behaviorists have suggested setting up several feeding areas, places to rest, and litter boxes. She also suggested the owner put a quick-release collar with a bell on it on the aggressor cat so the other cat(s) can hear that one approach soon enough to avoid a confrontation.
Tips to stop Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats
minimize the impulse to fight between cats by adding more territorial distance. This avoid the cats from sharing hiding, climbing, and perching areas. Raise the amount of toys, litter boxes, cat trees, and feeding stations so there is more than enough for each one cat.
Stay away from rewarding poor behavior. Giving food or attention to the aggressive kitty may calm the angst at the brief term, but it also benefits the bully. Instead, grab the aggressor before she receives hissy. Redirect cat’s behavior using a interactive toy, like a flashlight beam, to tempt it into play.
If the toy does not get the job done, disrupt bad behaviour with the aerosol hiss. When the aggressive cat walks off and become calm, fortify the behaviour using a desired treat, toy, or your attention.
Return to fundamentals. handle the aggressive cats by introducing them for the first time. Give the passive cat the choice of place of the home, sequester the bully kitty, then make the introduction between them.
Talk to a veterinary behaviorist to detect what type of qualified treatment could be useful. Certain medications may restrain the aggressive behaviour in the bully kitty whilst diminishing defensive posturing and vocalizing of the threatened kitty. Though not a treatment, drug could be a tool which permits additional training to function more efficiently.
Use controlled scenarios to expose that the cats into one another. Cat carriers or even a leash and harness employed in a hall or big area could be helpful.
Throughout the controlled and restricted meetings, then feed your cats yummy foods or participate in play. They’ll learn how to connect and play each other with positive rewards, fun and pleasure.
Attempt pheromones to minimize cat tensions. Pet stores sell a product that is mimicking natural cat odor and people can not smell it and is spread via a diffuser.
Select at least one bathroom location and one feeding location. If you have the available resources, adding an extra is even better.
Read More About: 
Trimming Cat Claws
Feline Nutrition Guide
Cats don’t naturally drink water
How to take care a bengal cat
How to take care of kittens 4 weeks old
how to take care of a cat for the first time
Foods poisonous to cats
How to bathe a cat that hates water
0 notes
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats and solutions
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats and solutions
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats: Aggression between cats is not uncommon and tends to appear as they move through social maturity, between 2 and 4 years of age. It may appear in cats who have previously gotten along or between newly introduced cats who have mismatched styles of behavior.
Cats who are uncertain, retiring, or a bit shy may not be good with really pushy, young, bold cats. And no one does really well with a bully. That’s why combining households of cats or introducing a new adult cat into the household can be so challenging.
The first sign of the aggressive cat behavior toward other cats in a household may be a litter box problem. Fearful or retiring cats may not want to share a box with a cat who intimidates them. Bold cats might start urine or fecal marking.
It’s also important to note the sign of the aggressive cat behavior toward other cats is often more subtle, though—at least at first. If one cat walks into a room, surveys it, stares at the cat on the sofa, and the cat on the sofa leaves, there was a “fight” as cats understand it, and the staring cat won.
If you have cats who are entering into or are in the social maturation period, it is wise to monitor them for changes in behavior associated with overt (hissing) and covert (leaving the room, staring, covering another cat’s urine) aggression. If the problem is not addressed, the cats will not grow out of it. As it grows worse, one cat may stalk another— without anything we humans would recognize as provocation—and become wholly focused on driving that cat out of the house.
If you have a real cat fight on your hands, you will have to separate the cats. You want to put the more agitated, aggressive cat in a dark room. And both cats need to calm down.
Unfortunately, when they’re in this mode, the cats are so aroused that people attempting to separate them can be mauled. When stalking or fighting cats need to be separated By:
you can throw a blanket over the cat that you want to pick up—or even over both. Tuck the blanket under one cat, scoop her up, and deposit her in a separate room behind a closed door.
If you can’t quickly grab a blanket, either wear heavy gloves or use a broom or a big piece of cardboard to “herd” one cat into another room. The room needs to have food, water, a litter box, a scratching post or a horizontal cardboard scratcher, and perhaps a toy so kitty will have the necessities while in the room.
You can expect it to take anywhere from several hours to a full day for kitty to calm down. Leave both cats alone until you are certain they can be calm.
Once aggression reaches this stage, it is hard to treat. In fact, all veterinary behaviorists warn people that these cats may forever have to live separated in the same house.
The earlier you intervene in an interact the problem of an aggressive cat behavior toward other cats , the better chance you have of solving it. After that, you have to realize that all you will get are negotiated settlements. You won’t end up with a peaceable kingdom. But everyone can be more or less happy and live in a humane world, although there may be some restrictions.
One problem is that many people don’t recognize and understand that very elegant language that is “cat.” One way to overcome this is to take videos of your cats interacting with each other, with any other pets, and with the humans in the household. Once a month is not too often.
Get in the habit of making a fifteen- to twenty-minute survey video in a few specific circumstances, such as when the cats are passing each other in the house and when they eat, and also video how each inter- acts with toys when the other is present and where they tend to rest.
Seeing where the cats settle in the same room will tell you something about their hierarchy. The cat who has chosen the highest point in the room is the one with the superior social position.
These videos are best shared with a behaviorist to see what is going on between the cats. If you look for and record interactions once you first notice problems, you can begin to try to resolve them, preferably with professional help.
If you can get the cats to calmly interact and realize that good things (games, treats, attention) happen when they’re in the same room at the same time, you will be going a long way toward resolving any intercat issues. But remember that not all of these issues can be resolved.
Discussing the management of cats under these circumstances with your vet, all veterinary behaviorists have suggested setting up several feeding areas, places to rest, and litter boxes. She also suggested the owner put a quick-release collar with a bell on it on the aggressor cat so the other cat(s) can hear that one approach soon enough to avoid a confrontation.
Tips to stop Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats
minimize the impulse to fight between cats by adding more territorial distance. This avoid the cats from sharing hiding, climbing, and perching areas. Raise the amount of toys, litter boxes, cat trees, and feeding stations so there is more than enough for each one cat.
Stay away from rewarding poor behavior. Giving food or attention to the aggressive kitty may calm the angst at the brief term, but it also benefits the bully. Instead, grab the aggressor before she receives hissy. Redirect cat’s behavior using a interactive toy, like a flashlight beam, to tempt it into play.
If the toy does not get the job done, disrupt bad behaviour with the aerosol hiss. When the aggressive cat walks off and become calm, fortify the behaviour using a desired treat, toy, or your attention.
Return to fundamentals. handle the aggressive cats by introducing them for the first time. Give the passive cat the choice of place of the home, sequester the bully kitty, then make the introduction between them.
Talk to a veterinary behaviorist to detect what type of qualified treatment could be useful. Certain medications may restrain the aggressive behaviour in the bully kitty whilst diminishing defensive posturing and vocalizing of the threatened kitty. Though not a treatment, drug could be a tool which permits additional training to function more efficiently.
Use controlled scenarios to expose that the cats into one another. Cat carriers or even a leash and harness employed in a hall or big area could be helpful.
Throughout the controlled and restricted meetings, then feed your cats yummy foods or participate in play. They’ll learn how to connect and play each other with positive rewards, fun and pleasure.
Attempt pheromones to minimize cat tensions. Pet stores sell a product that is mimicking natural cat odor and people can not smell it and is spread via a diffuser.
Select at least one bathroom location and one feeding location. If you have the available resources, adding an extra is even better.
Read More About: 
Trimming Cat Claws
Feline Nutrition Guide
Cats don’t naturally drink water
How to take care a bengal cat
How to take care of kittens 4 weeks old
how to take care of a cat for the first time
Foods poisonous to cats
How to bathe a cat that hates water
0 notes
nohaahmedali-blog · 6 years
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats and solutions
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats and solutions
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats
Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats: Aggression between cats is not uncommon and tends to appear as they move through social maturity, between 2 and 4 years of age. It may appear in cats who have previously gotten along or between newly introduced cats who have mismatched styles of behavior.
Cats who are uncertain, retiring, or a bit shy may not be good with really pushy, young, bold cats. And no one does really well with a bully. That’s why combining households of cats or introducing a new adult cat into the household can be so challenging.
The first sign of the aggressive cat behavior toward other cats in a household may be a litter box problem. Fearful or retiring cats may not want to share a box with a cat who intimidates them. Bold cats might start urine or fecal marking.
It’s also important to note the sign of the aggressive cat behavior toward other cats is often more subtle, though—at least at first. If one cat walks into a room, surveys it, stares at the cat on the sofa, and the cat on the sofa leaves, there was a “fight” as cats understand it, and the staring cat won.
If you have cats who are entering into or are in the social maturation period, it is wise to monitor them for changes in behavior associated with overt (hissing) and covert (leaving the room, staring, covering another cat’s urine) aggression. If the problem is not addressed, the cats will not grow out of it. As it grows worse, one cat may stalk another— without anything we humans would recognize as provocation—and become wholly focused on driving that cat out of the house.
If you have a real cat fight on your hands, you will have to separate the cats. You want to put the more agitated, aggressive cat in a dark room. And both cats need to calm down.
Unfortunately, when they’re in this mode, the cats are so aroused that people attempting to separate them can be mauled. When stalking or fighting cats need to be separated By:
you can throw a blanket over the cat that you want to pick up—or even over both. Tuck the blanket under one cat, scoop her up, and deposit her in a separate room behind a closed door.
If you can’t quickly grab a blanket, either wear heavy gloves or use a broom or a big piece of cardboard to “herd” one cat into another room. The room needs to have food, water, a litter box, a scratching post or a horizontal cardboard scratcher, and perhaps a toy so kitty will have the necessities while in the room.
You can expect it to take anywhere from several hours to a full day for kitty to calm down. Leave both cats alone until you are certain they can be calm.
Once aggression reaches this stage, it is hard to treat. In fact, all veterinary behaviorists warn people that these cats may forever have to live separated in the same house.
The earlier you intervene in an interact the problem of an aggressive cat behavior toward other cats , the better chance you have of solving it. After that, you have to realize that all you will get are negotiated settlements. You won’t end up with a peaceable kingdom. But everyone can be more or less happy and live in a humane world, although there may be some restrictions.
One problem is that many people don’t recognize and understand that very elegant language that is “cat.” One way to overcome this is to take videos of your cats interacting with each other, with any other pets, and with the humans in the household. Once a month is not too often.
Get in the habit of making a fifteen- to twenty-minute survey video in a few specific circumstances, such as when the cats are passing each other in the house and when they eat, and also video how each inter- acts with toys when the other is present and where they tend to rest.
Seeing where the cats settle in the same room will tell you something about their hierarchy. The cat who has chosen the highest point in the room is the one with the superior social position.
These videos are best shared with a behaviorist to see what is going on between the cats. If you look for and record interactions once you first notice problems, you can begin to try to resolve them, preferably with professional help.
If you can get the cats to calmly interact and realize that good things (games, treats, attention) happen when they’re in the same room at the same time, you will be going a long way toward resolving any intercat issues. But remember that not all of these issues can be resolved.
Discussing the management of cats under these circumstances with your vet, all veterinary behaviorists have suggested setting up several feeding areas, places to rest, and litter boxes. She also suggested the owner put a quick-release collar with a bell on it on the aggressor cat so the other cat(s) can hear that one approach soon enough to avoid a confrontation.
Tips to stop Aggressive cat behavior toward other cats
minimize the impulse to fight between cats by adding more territorial distance. This avoid the cats from sharing hiding, climbing, and perching areas. Raise the amount of toys, litter boxes, cat trees, and feeding stations so there is more than enough for each one cat.
Stay away from rewarding poor behavior. Giving food or attention to the aggressive kitty may calm the angst at the brief term, but it also benefits the bully. Instead, grab the aggressor before she receives hissy. Redirect cat’s behavior using a interactive toy, like a flashlight beam, to tempt it into play.
If the toy does not get the job done, disrupt bad behaviour with the aerosol hiss. When the aggressive cat walks off and become calm, fortify the behaviour using a desired treat, toy, or your attention.
Return to fundamentals. handle the aggressive cats by introducing them for the first time. Give the passive cat the choice of place of the home, sequester the bully kitty, then make the introduction between them.
Talk to a veterinary behaviorist to detect what type of qualified treatment could be useful. Certain medications may restrain the aggressive behaviour in the bully kitty whilst diminishing defensive posturing and vocalizing of the threatened kitty. Though not a treatment, drug could be a tool which permits additional training to function more efficiently.
Use controlled scenarios to expose that the cats into one another. Cat carriers or even a leash and harness employed in a hall or big area could be helpful.
Throughout the controlled and restricted meetings, then feed your cats yummy foods or participate in play. They’ll learn how to connect and play each other with positive rewards, fun and pleasure.
Attempt pheromones to minimize cat tensions. Pet stores sell a product that is mimicking natural cat odor and people can not smell it and is spread via a diffuser.
Select at least one bathroom location and one feeding location. If you have the available resources, adding an extra is even better.
Read More About: 
Trimming Cat Claws
Feline Nutrition Guide
Cats don’t naturally drink water
How to take care a bengal cat
How to take care of kittens 4 weeks old
how to take care of a cat for the first time
Foods poisonous to cats
How to bathe a cat that hates water
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg
2017 has been a strange year for UFC pay-per-views. The company lost track of its reliable model of making good fights between good fighters and hoping a few catch on. Instead, they have focused on super fights—and provided very few.
Left scrambling to make up numbers with their year end pay-per-view, the UFC had no one in position to save it. Demetrious Johnson, Tyron Woodley, and whoever the new women’s flyweight champion is, are not the names you would throw out to carry a show single-handed—at least if you wanted to make your money back at the gate. So instead the UFC focused on what it did have.
Holly Holm still has some residual fame from the beating that she put on Ronda Rousey in November 2015, despite four underwhelming appearances since then. Cristiane "Cyborg" Justino is still inexplicably a draw despite having no one her own size to fight and spending her entire career beating up blown up bantamweights. But throw those two together and the fight fan will surprise him or herself: stroking one’s chin and agreeing that one would indeed watch that.
Holly Holm’s knockout of Ronda Rousey was staggering to behold. She fought a near perfect fight, shining a light on every stylistic shortcoming that Rousey had shown and laying each bare for the whole world to see. The high kick knockout that Holm scored in that bout, combined with her many kicking knockouts over nobodies on the regional circuit to make a convincing highlight reel.
The problem is that against anyone who isn’t stuck on the regional scene and brought in to lose to her, or specifically Ronda Rousey, Holm hasn’t been able to do anything like that. There has never been as convincing an argument for "styles make fights" as Holly Holm.
After Rousey, Holm fought a tentative jab-and-side-kick title defence against Miesha Tate before getting caught in a choke in the final round and losing the belt. Then Holm was matched against tentative counter striker, Valentina Shevchenko, and gangly kickboxer, Germaine de Randamie. In both of these matches Holm looked awful.
In the new episode of Ringcraft: The Fall of Ronda Rousey, we examine how handily Holm took Rousey apart through comprehensive mastery of defensive ringcraft. Holm never took two steps in retreat without breaking off the line of Rousey’s attack. Any time she even came close to the fence she either circled out or drew the engagement and weaved out under it. It was the bull and the matador and it was everything that makes the art of boxing more than just the art of throwing hands. There were also reports that the whirring sound which could be heard over Nat Fleischer’s grave, after Rousey appeared on the cover of Ring magazine, had finally subsided .
What doesn’t make sense is that Holm clearly understood Rousey’s great flaw: running in on predictable straight-line charges. Yet when Shevchenko and de Randamie invited Holm to lead, Holm ran in on a straight line, pumping her fists and letting out kiais like she was in a children’s karate class. It was not the offense of a world class boxer by any means. Both Shevchenko and de Randamie caught Holm overextending with easy counter punches and she was reduced to complete passivity by both. Shevchenko and de Randamie aren’t magical—their tactics could be hindered quite easily by good feints and a double jab—but Holm spent both fights standing well beyond range, building up her courage, and making one or two charges a round. It is easy to be pessimistic when you consider that Holm is moving up to the newly invented featherweight class to fight one of the handful of women in MMA who actually belong there.
The Enigma of Cyborg
Here’s the thing about Cyborg Justino: no one knows how good she is or isn’t. They simply cannot know. The vast majority of her opposition has been puffed up 135ers (or lighter) and their skill sets have ranged from mediocre to uncomfortably out of place. They could well be the best featherweights in the world, but if you have seen even a handful of fights between elite fighters and then you saw Cyborg’s opponents you would be left with one question: why is the UFC bothering with this division?
The performances that prop Cyborg’s record up are the two wins that she snagged over Marloes Coenen and the victory over Gina Carano. Coenen was a pioneer in the women’s divisions and the first great 145er, but she also comfortably made bantamweight when she wanted to. Cyborg's second win over an aged Coenen came all the way back in 2013. Her short notice fight against UFC bantamweight Leslie Smith might actually be the best opponent she has fought in some years.
What you do have to admire about Justino is her commitment to improving in each discipline and testing herself in each. Whether it is turning up to suplex her way to a gold medal at purple belt in the Mundials, or kickboxing in Lion Fight in 2013 and 2014, Cyborg always seems game. Her loss to Jorina Baars in that 2014 kickboxing match is an important one to study when considering this bout with Holm. Cyborg had just one means of getting to Baars, stepping straight in on her and forcing her to the ropes. Baars tore Cyborg up with straight blows—jabs, right straights, push kicks to the face and body—but threw plenty of round kicks to the body and legs which Cyborg was able to step up the middle of.
When trying to hit and not get hit against a big banger, the low kick is tempting. The fighter is attacking the closest target to them with one of their longer weapons. The problem is that it is so easy to time and step in on if it isn’t craftily hidden. Tonya Evinger, for example, got slammed with counter left hooks and intercepting right hands each time she threw her low kick.
This is where Holm’s jamming kicks could come in so useful. They are very hard to catch, and they enter on a straight line—meaning that the kick itself obstructs the path up the center line—making it tough to step in on the fighter. In this regard it is like the push kick but without as much danger of being knocked off line. Additionally, by targeting the front of the thigh or top of the shin, the fighter forcibly straightens their opponent’s lead leg, throwing their hips back and taking them out of hitting position. Every plodding banger in the game has proven a mark for the low line side kick and oblique kick when applied well.
In fact the more you look at this fight, the more similarities you see between Rousey and Cyborg. Both like to rush their way into mid-range, both do a lot of their better work from the clinch, and neither is a great ring cutter. And perhaps that is a reason to feel optimistic for Holm in this fight. The long game seems like the best plan for Holm: taking two rounds to simply circle the cage and avoid Cyborg, stomping in the odd kick to the lead leg, then finding the left straight when Cyborg either gets reckless or stops following so readily.
But Cyborg is so much bigger than Rousey. Holm went to the clinch against Shevchenko and de Randamie when she was running low on ideas, and she wound up in the clinch on a couple of occasions against Rousey even when fighting a perfect gameplan. All she need do is make a stalemate of the clinch against Cyborg to extend her past the first round and the champion’s porous defense and hard hitting style may begin to take their toll on the gas tank, but if Holm gets to the clinch and is simply ragdolled or kneed and elbowed from bell to bell that could spell the end of Holm’s chances.
The UFC has done something impressive with this match—it created a Cyborg fight which actually has some intrigue. And a Holly Holm match that has made fans forget just how tentative and tedious six out of her seven UFC appearances have been. Can Holm sidestep the Cyborg we all remember from squashing underweight no-hopers? Or will a more thoughtful, patient Cyborg show some science of her own? Or maybe Cyborg will just smash through Holm as she would anyone else. The most appropriate ending in keeping with the way things have gone for UFC in 2017 would be for Holm to win in incredible fashion, then fight a counter-striker in her next bout and do nothing for a solid twenty-five minutes.
The question immediately after Holm and Cyborg decide who holds the UFC’s not-so-hotly contested featherweight gold will be “who is next?” and the UFC won’t have any reasonable answers. But for one night only it is worth enjoying the spectacle.
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg
2017 has been a strange year for UFC pay-per-views. The company lost track of its reliable model of making good fights between good fighters and hoping a few catch on. Instead, they have focused on super fights—and provided very few.
Left scrambling to make up numbers with their year end pay-per-view, the UFC had no one in position to save it. Demetrious Johnson, Tyron Woodley, and whoever the new women’s flyweight champion is, are not the names you would throw out to carry a show single-handed—at least if you wanted to make your money back at the gate. So instead the UFC focused on what it did have.
Holly Holm still has some residual fame from the beating that she put on Ronda Rousey in November 2015, despite four underwhelming appearances since then. Cristiane “Cyborg” Justino is still inexplicably a draw despite having no one her own size to fight and spending her entire career beating up blown up bantamweights. But throw those two together and the fight fan will surprise him or herself: stroking one’s chin and agreeing that one would indeed watch that.
Holly Holm’s knockout of Ronda Rousey was staggering to behold. She fought a near perfect fight, shining a light on every stylistic shortcoming that Rousey had shown and laying each bare for the whole world to see. The high kick knockout that Holm scored in that bout, combined with her many kicking knockouts over nobodies on the regional circuit to make a convincing highlight reel.
The problem is that against anyone who isn’t stuck on the regional scene and brought in to lose to her, or specifically Ronda Rousey, Holm hasn’t been able to do anything like that. There has never been as convincing an argument for “styles make fights” as Holly Holm.
After Rousey, Holm fought a tentative jab-and-side-kick title defence against Miesha Tate before getting caught in a choke in the final round and losing the belt. Then Holm was matched against tentative counter striker, Valentina Shevchenko, and gangly kickboxer, Germaine de Randamie. In both of these matches Holm looked awful.
In the new episode of Ringcraft: The Fall of Ronda Rousey, we examine how handily Holm took Rousey apart through comprehensive mastery of defensive ringcraft. Holm never took two steps in retreat without breaking off the line of Rousey’s attack. Any time she even came close to the fence she either circled out or drew the engagement and weaved out under it. It was the bull and the matador and it was everything that makes the art of boxing more than just the art of throwing hands. There were also reports that the whirring sound which could be heard over Nat Fleischer’s grave, after Rousey appeared on the cover of Ring magazine, had finally subsided .
What doesn’t make sense is that Holm clearly understood Rousey’s great flaw: running in on predictable straight-line charges. Yet when Shevchenko and de Randamie invited Holm to lead, Holm ran in on a straight line, pumping her fists and letting out kiais like she was in a children’s karate class. It was not the offense of a world class boxer by any means. Both Shevchenko and de Randamie caught Holm overextending with easy counter punches and she was reduced to complete passivity by both. Shevchenko and de Randamie aren’t magical—their tactics could be hindered quite easily by good feints and a double jab—but Holm spent both fights standing well beyond range, building up her courage, and making one or two charges a round.
It is easy to be pessimistic when you consider that Holm is moving up to the newly invented featherweight class to fight one of the handful of women in MMA who actually belong there.
The Enigma of Cyborg
Here’s the thing about Cyborg Justino: no one knows how good she is or isn’t. They simply cannot know. The vast majority of her opposition has been puffed up 135ers (or lighter) and their skill sets have ranged from mediocre to uncomfortably out of place. They could well be the best featherweights in the world, but if you have seen even a handful of fights between elite fighters and then you saw Cyborg’s opponents you would be left with one question: why is the UFC bothering with this division?
The performances that prop Cyborg’s record up are the two wins that she snagged over Marloes Coenen and the victory over Gina Carano. Coenen was a pioneer in the women’s divisions and the first great 145er, but she also comfortably made bantamweight when she wanted to. Cyborg’s second win over an aged Coenen came all the way back in 2013. Her short notice fight against UFC bantamweight Leslie Smith might actually be the best opponent she has fought in some years.
What you do have to admire about Justino is her commitment to improving in each discipline and testing herself in each. Whether it is turning up to suplex her way to a gold medal at purple belt in the Mundials, or kickboxing in Lion Fight in 2013 and 2014, Cyborg always seems game. Her loss to Jorina Baars in that 2014 kickboxing match is an important one to study when considering this bout with Holm. Cyborg had just one means of getting to Baars, stepping straight in on her and forcing her to the ropes. Baars tore Cyborg up with straight blows—jabs, right straights, push kicks to the face and body—but threw plenty of round kicks to the body and legs which Cyborg was able to step up the middle of.
When trying to hit and not get hit against a big banger, the low kick is tempting. The fighter is attacking the closest target to them with one of their longer weapons. The problem is that it is so easy to time and step in on if it isn’t craftily hidden. Tonya Evinger, for example, got slammed with counter left hooks and intercepting right hands each time she threw her low kick.
This is where Holm’s jamming kicks could come in so useful. They are very hard to catch, and they enter on a straight line—meaning that the kick itself obstructs the path up the center line—making it tough to step in on the fighter. In this regard it is like the push kick but without as much danger of being knocked off line. Additionally, by targeting the front of the thigh or top of the shin, the fighter forcibly straightens their opponent’s lead leg, throwing their hips back and taking them out of hitting position. Every plodding banger in the game has proven a mark for the low line side kick and oblique kick when applied well.
In fact the more you look at this fight, the more similarities you see between Rousey and Cyborg. Both like to rush their way into mid-range, both do a lot of their better work from the clinch, and neither is a great ring cutter. And perhaps that is a reason to feel optimistic for Holm in this fight. The long game seems like the best plan for Holm: taking two rounds to simply circle the cage and avoid Cyborg, stomping in the odd kick to the lead leg, then finding the left straight when Cyborg either gets reckless or stops following so readily.
But Cyborg is so much bigger than Rousey. Holm went to the clinch against Shevchenko and de Randamie when she was running low on ideas, and she wound up in the clinch on a couple of occasions against Rousey even when fighting a perfect gameplan. All she need do is make a stalemate of the clinch against Cyborg to extend her past the first round and the champion’s porous defense and hard hitting style may begin to take their toll on the gas tank, but if Holm gets to the clinch and is simply ragdolled or kneed and elbowed from bell to bell that could spell the end of Holm’s chances.
The UFC has done something impressive with this match—it created a Cyborg fight which actually has some intrigue. And a Holly Holm match that has made fans forget just how tentative and tedious six out of her seven UFC appearances have been. Can Holm sidestep the Cyborg we all remember from squashing underweight no-hopers? Or will a more thoughtful, patient Cyborg show some science of her own? Or maybe Cyborg will just smash through Holm as she would anyone else. The most appropriate ending in keeping with the way things have gone for UFC in 2017 would be for Holm to win in incredible fashion, then fight a counter-striker in her next bout and do nothing for a solid twenty-five minutes.
The question immediately after Holm and Cyborg decide who holds the UFC’s not-so-hotly contested featherweight gold will be “who is next?” and the UFC won’t have any reasonable answers. But for one night only it is worth enjoying the spectacle.
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg
2017 has been a strange year for UFC pay-per-views. The company lost track of its reliable model of making good fights between good fighters and hoping a few catch on. Instead, they have focused on super fights—and provided very few.
Left scrambling to make up numbers with their year end pay-per-view, the UFC had no one in position to save it. Demetrious Johnson, Tyron Woodley, and whoever the new women’s flyweight champion is, are not the names you would throw out to carry a show single-handed—at least if you wanted to make your money back at the gate. So instead the UFC focused on what it did have.
Holly Holm still has some residual fame from the beating that she put on Ronda Rousey in November 2015, despite four underwhelming appearances since then. Cristiane "Cyborg" Justino is still inexplicably a draw despite having no one her own size to fight and spending her entire career beating up blown up bantamweights. But throw those two together and the fight fan will surprise him or herself: stroking one’s chin and agreeing that one would indeed watch that.
Holly Holm’s knockout of Ronda Rousey was staggering to behold. She fought a near perfect fight, shining a light on every stylistic shortcoming that Rousey had shown and laying each bare for the whole world to see. The high kick knockout that Holm scored in that bout, combined with her many kicking knockouts over nobodies on the regional circuit to make a convincing highlight reel.
The problem is that against anyone who isn’t stuck on the regional scene and brought in to lose to her, or specifically Ronda Rousey, Holm hasn’t been able to do anything like that. There has never been as convincing an argument for "styles make fights" as Holly Holm.
After Rousey, Holm fought a tentative jab-and-side-kick title defence against Miesha Tate before getting caught in a choke in the final round and losing the belt. Then Holm was matched against tentative counter striker, Valentina Shevchenko, and gangly kickboxer, Germaine de Randamie. In both of these matches Holm looked awful.
In the new episode of Ringcraft: The Fall of Ronda Rousey, we examine how handily Holm took Rousey apart through comprehensive mastery of defensive ringcraft. Holm never took two steps in retreat without breaking off the line of Rousey’s attack. Any time she even came close to the fence she either circled out or drew the engagement and weaved out under it. It was the bull and the matador and it was everything that makes the art of boxing more than just the art of throwing hands. There were also reports that the whirring sound which could be heard over Nat Fleischer’s grave, after Rousey appeared on the cover of Ring magazine, had finally subsided .
What doesn’t make sense is that Holm clearly understood Rousey’s great flaw: running in on predictable straight-line charges. Yet when Shevchenko and de Randamie invited Holm to lead, Holm ran in on a straight line, pumping her fists and letting out kiais like she was in a children’s karate class. It was not the offense of a world class boxer by any means. Both Shevchenko and de Randamie caught Holm overextending with easy counter punches and she was reduced to complete passivity by both. Shevchenko and de Randamie aren’t magical—their tactics could be hindered quite easily by good feints and a double jab—but Holm spent both fights standing well beyond range, building up her courage, and making one or two charges a round. It is easy to be pessimistic when you consider that Holm is moving up to the newly invented featherweight class to fight one of the handful of women in MMA who actually belong there.
The Enigma of Cyborg
Here’s the thing about Cyborg Justino: no one knows how good she is or isn’t. They simply cannot know. The vast majority of her opposition has been puffed up 135ers (or lighter) and their skill sets have ranged from mediocre to uncomfortably out of place. They could well be the best featherweights in the world, but if you have seen even a handful of fights between elite fighters and then you saw Cyborg’s opponents you would be left with one question: why is the UFC bothering with this division?
The performances that prop Cyborg’s record up are the two wins that she snagged over Marloes Coenen and the victory over Gina Carano. Coenen was a pioneer in the women’s divisions and the first great 145er, but she also comfortably made bantamweight when she wanted to. Cyborg's second win over an aged Coenen came all the way back in 2013. Her short notice fight against UFC bantamweight Leslie Smith might actually be the best opponent she has fought in some years.
What you do have to admire about Justino is her commitment to improving in each discipline and testing herself in each. Whether it is turning up to suplex her way to a gold medal at purple belt in the Mundials, or kickboxing in Lion Fight in 2013 and 2014, Cyborg always seems game. Her loss to Jorina Baars in that 2014 kickboxing match is an important one to study when considering this bout with Holm. Cyborg had just one means of getting to Baars, stepping straight in on her and forcing her to the ropes. Baars tore Cyborg up with straight blows—jabs, right straights, push kicks to the face and body—but threw plenty of round kicks to the body and legs which Cyborg was able to step up the middle of.
When trying to hit and not get hit against a big banger, the low kick is tempting. The fighter is attacking the closest target to them with one of their longer weapons. The problem is that it is so easy to time and step in on if it isn’t craftily hidden. Tonya Evinger, for example, got slammed with counter left hooks and intercepting right hands each time she threw her low kick.
This is where Holm’s jamming kicks could come in so useful. They are very hard to catch, and they enter on a straight line—meaning that the kick itself obstructs the path up the center line—making it tough to step in on the fighter. In this regard it is like the push kick but without as much danger of being knocked off line. Additionally, by targeting the front of the thigh or top of the shin, the fighter forcibly straightens their opponent’s lead leg, throwing their hips back and taking them out of hitting position. Every plodding banger in the game has proven a mark for the low line side kick and oblique kick when applied well.
In fact the more you look at this fight, the more similarities you see between Rousey and Cyborg. Both like to rush their way into mid-range, both do a lot of their better work from the clinch, and neither is a great ring cutter. And perhaps that is a reason to feel optimistic for Holm in this fight. The long game seems like the best plan for Holm: taking two rounds to simply circle the cage and avoid Cyborg, stomping in the odd kick to the lead leg, then finding the left straight when Cyborg either gets reckless or stops following so readily.
But Cyborg is so much bigger than Rousey. Holm went to the clinch against Shevchenko and de Randamie when she was running low on ideas, and she wound up in the clinch on a couple of occasions against Rousey even when fighting a perfect gameplan. All she need do is make a stalemate of the clinch against Cyborg to extend her past the first round and the champion’s porous defense and hard hitting style may begin to take their toll on the gas tank, but if Holm gets to the clinch and is simply ragdolled or kneed and elbowed from bell to bell that could spell the end of Holm’s chances.
The UFC has done something impressive with this match—it created a Cyborg fight which actually has some intrigue. And a Holly Holm match that has made fans forget just how tentative and tedious six out of her seven UFC appearances have been. Can Holm sidestep the Cyborg we all remember from squashing underweight no-hopers? Or will a more thoughtful, patient Cyborg show some science of her own? Or maybe Cyborg will just smash through Holm as she would anyone else. The most appropriate ending in keeping with the way things have gone for UFC in 2017 would be for Holm to win in incredible fashion, then fight a counter-striker in her next bout and do nothing for a solid twenty-five minutes.
The question immediately after Holm and Cyborg decide who holds the UFC’s not-so-hotly contested featherweight gold will be “who is next?” and the UFC won’t have any reasonable answers. But for one night only it is worth enjoying the spectacle.
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg
2017 has been a strange year for UFC pay-per-views. The company lost track of its reliable model of making good fights between good fighters and hoping a few catch on. Instead, they have focused on super fights—and provided very few.
Left scrambling to make up numbers with their year end pay-per-view, the UFC had no one in position to save it. Demetrious Johnson, Tyron Woodley, and whoever the new women’s flyweight champion is, are not the names you would throw out to carry a show single-handed—at least if you wanted to make your money back at the gate. So instead the UFC focused on what it did have.
Holly Holm still has some residual fame from the beating that she put on Ronda Rousey in November 2015, despite four underwhelming appearances since then. Cristiane "Cyborg" Justino is still inexplicably a draw despite having no one her own size to fight and spending her entire career beating up blown up bantamweights. But throw those two together and the fight fan will surprise him or herself: stroking one’s chin and agreeing that one would indeed watch that.
Holly Holm’s knockout of Ronda Rousey was staggering to behold. She fought a near perfect fight, shining a light on every stylistic shortcoming that Rousey had shown and laying each bare for the whole world to see. The high kick knockout that Holm scored in that bout, combined with her many kicking knockouts over nobodies on the regional circuit to make a convincing highlight reel.
The problem is that against anyone who isn’t stuck on the regional scene and brought in to lose to her, or specifically Ronda Rousey, Holm hasn’t been able to do anything like that. There has never been as convincing an argument for "styles make fights" as Holly Holm.
After Rousey, Holm fought a tentative jab-and-side-kick title defence against Miesha Tate before getting caught in a choke in the final round and losing the belt. Then Holm was matched against tentative counter striker, Valentina Shevchenko, and gangly kickboxer, Germaine de Randamie. In both of these matches Holm looked awful.
In the new episode of Ringcraft: The Fall of Ronda Rousey, we examine how handily Holm took Rousey apart through comprehensive mastery of defensive ringcraft. Holm never took two steps in retreat without breaking off the line of Rousey’s attack. Any time she even came close to the fence she either circled out or drew the engagement and weaved out under it. It was the bull and the matador and it was everything that makes the art of boxing more than just the art of throwing hands. There were also reports that the whirring sound which could be heard over Nat Fleischer’s grave, after Rousey appeared on the cover of Ring magazine, had finally subsided .
What doesn’t make sense is that Holm clearly understood Rousey’s great flaw: running in on predictable straight-line charges. Yet when Shevchenko and de Randamie invited Holm to lead, Holm ran in on a straight line, pumping her fists and letting out kiais like she was in a children’s karate class. It was not the offense of a world class boxer by any means. Both Shevchenko and de Randamie caught Holm overextending with easy counter punches and she was reduced to complete passivity by both. Shevchenko and de Randamie aren’t magical—their tactics could be hindered quite easily by good feints and a double jab—but Holm spent both fights standing well beyond range, building up her courage, and making one or two charges a round. It is easy to be pessimistic when you consider that Holm is moving up to the newly invented featherweight class to fight one of the handful of women in MMA who actually belong there.
The Enigma of Cyborg
Here’s the thing about Cyborg Justino: no one knows how good she is or isn’t. They simply cannot know. The vast majority of her opposition has been puffed up 135ers (or lighter) and their skill sets have ranged from mediocre to uncomfortably out of place. They could well be the best featherweights in the world, but if you have seen even a handful of fights between elite fighters and then you saw Cyborg’s opponents you would be left with one question: why is the UFC bothering with this division?
The performances that prop Cyborg’s record up are the two wins that she snagged over Marloes Coenen and the victory over Gina Carano. Coenen was a pioneer in the women’s divisions and the first great 145er, but she also comfortably made bantamweight when she wanted to. Cyborg's second win over an aged Coenen came all the way back in 2013. Her short notice fight against UFC bantamweight Leslie Smith might actually be the best opponent she has fought in some years.
What you do have to admire about Justino is her commitment to improving in each discipline and testing herself in each. Whether it is turning up to suplex her way to a gold medal at purple belt in the Mundials, or kickboxing in Lion Fight in 2013 and 2014, Cyborg always seems game. Her loss to Jorina Baars in that 2014 kickboxing match is an important one to study when considering this bout with Holm. Cyborg had just one means of getting to Baars, stepping straight in on her and forcing her to the ropes. Baars tore Cyborg up with straight blows—jabs, right straights, push kicks to the face and body—but threw plenty of round kicks to the body and legs which Cyborg was able to step up the middle of.
When trying to hit and not get hit against a big banger, the low kick is tempting. The fighter is attacking the closest target to them with one of their longer weapons. The problem is that it is so easy to time and step in on if it isn’t craftily hidden. Tonya Evinger, for example, got slammed with counter left hooks and intercepting right hands each time she threw her low kick.
This is where Holm’s jamming kicks could come in so useful. They are very hard to catch, and they enter on a straight line—meaning that the kick itself obstructs the path up the center line—making it tough to step in on the fighter. In this regard it is like the push kick but without as much danger of being knocked off line. Additionally, by targeting the front of the thigh or top of the shin, the fighter forcibly straightens their opponent’s lead leg, throwing their hips back and taking them out of hitting position. Every plodding banger in the game has proven a mark for the low line side kick and oblique kick when applied well.
In fact the more you look at this fight, the more similarities you see between Rousey and Cyborg. Both like to rush their way into mid-range, both do a lot of their better work from the clinch, and neither is a great ring cutter. And perhaps that is a reason to feel optimistic for Holm in this fight. The long game seems like the best plan for Holm: taking two rounds to simply circle the cage and avoid Cyborg, stomping in the odd kick to the lead leg, then finding the left straight when Cyborg either gets reckless or stops following so readily.
But Cyborg is so much bigger than Rousey. Holm went to the clinch against Shevchenko and de Randamie when she was running low on ideas, and she wound up in the clinch on a couple of occasions against Rousey even when fighting a perfect gameplan. All she need do is make a stalemate of the clinch against Cyborg to extend her past the first round and the champion’s porous defense and hard hitting style may begin to take their toll on the gas tank, but if Holm gets to the clinch and is simply ragdolled or kneed and elbowed from bell to bell that could spell the end of Holm’s chances.
The UFC has done something impressive with this match—it created a Cyborg fight which actually has some intrigue. And a Holly Holm match that has made fans forget just how tentative and tedious six out of her seven UFC appearances have been. Can Holm sidestep the Cyborg we all remember from squashing underweight no-hopers? Or will a more thoughtful, patient Cyborg show some science of her own? Or maybe Cyborg will just smash through Holm as she would anyone else. The most appropriate ending in keeping with the way things have gone for UFC in 2017 would be for Holm to win in incredible fashion, then fight a counter-striker in her next bout and do nothing for a solid twenty-five minutes.
The question immediately after Holm and Cyborg decide who holds the UFC’s not-so-hotly contested featherweight gold will be “who is next?” and the UFC won’t have any reasonable answers. But for one night only it is worth enjoying the spectacle.
The Tactical Guide to Holly Holm vs. Cris Cyborg published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes