#With all choices at every opportunity in all scenarios
erineas · 8 months
Being in a relationship with more than one version of the same skeleton should be a bit clashing sometimes. Especially if their personalities go different ways.
Imagine your sleep schedule is a mess and you just go to bed awfully late one night. You know you're bound to wake up past noon the next day, but you're too tired to care. There's nothing important to worry about tomorrow, anyways.
Hopefully, the one that finds you first is someone like Classic Sans, probably sent by Papyrus to pick you up for breakfast since he would be sleeping too if given the opportunity. He would see you there, hiding behind a comfy cocoon of your sheets, and would climb next to you to resume his napping in your company.
You two would happily nap the hours away if it wasn't for your next skeleton to appear.
Someone like Swapfell Sans would burst the door open (careful enough to not be too loud to startle you or to snap it from it's hinges, for that matter), probably thinking you were already awake. It's a surprise he didn't check on you earlier since he's the type of guy to be up and about at the very same hour you went to sleep, but he still didn't wait until noon to give you your 'good morning' kiss before going on his day.
He would wake you right then and there, complaining about how you shouldn't waste a productive day. He actually doesn't care if you use it to be productive or not, that's just his way to help you fix your schedule. And after all this time dating him, you know he means well.
From then on, your tired mind would have two options: leave the bed and fight the grogginess until you're functional again (and wait for him to sleep together at a decent hour) or fall right back into dreamland with the still sleeping skeleton in your arms.
Whatever you choose, if they're not to fight each other, you know someone will try to convince you to change your mind.
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novlr · 8 months
how to describe despair in writing
Despair is a visceral and crushing emotion—one that echoes through the pages of a story, gripping readers with its raw intensity. It is more than just a feeling; it’s an abyss that characters fall into, a shadow that colours their every action and decision with hues of hopelessness and loss.
Neglecting personal care or obligations.
A lack of motivation or interest in activities they once enjoyed.
Withdrawing from social situations or avoiding company.
Engaging in self-destructive actions or habits.
Consistent signs of fatigue or lethargy.
Frequent emotional outbursts or mood swings.
An inability to concentrate or focus on tasks.
Indecisive, even on trivial matters.
Focusing on negative thoughts.
Displaying a loss of hope or a sense of defeat.
Avoiding physical or eye contact with others.
Short-tempered and easily irritated.tempered
Speaking in monosyllables or giving terse responses.
A sense of indifference or apathy toward others’ concerns.
Struggling to express themselves or to articulate their feelings.
Misinterpreting others’ intentions or words negatively.
Isolating themselves despite offers of help or companionship.
Being unresponsive to attempts at humour or light-heartedness.
Blaming others or external circumstances for their despair.
Seeking out enablers or situations that validate their mindset.
Body language
Slumped shoulders or a consistently bowed head.
Averted gaze or blank stares into the distance.
Fidgeting, such as wringing hands or picking at skin.
Slow, dragging movements or a lack of coordination.
Heavy sighing or audible breaths.
Neglecting personal space or boundaries.
Minimal gestures or lifeless posture.
Clenched fists or jaw during moments of heightened emotion.
Visible trembling or shaking due to emotional strain.
A general lack of energy or life in physical presence.
Pessimism towards the future.
Cynicism about intentions, whether their own or others’.
Resignation, believing that effort will not change their situation.
Indifference to opportunities or choices presented to them.
A sense of helplessness or powerlessness in all scenarios.
Self-deprecation and a tendency to dismiss their own value.
An overwhelming sense of guilt or responsibility for past events.
A fixation on the negative aspects of every situation.
An inability to accept comfort or positive feedback.
Believing they are a burden to others.
Positive Story Outcomes
An epiphany or realisation that sparks a desire for change.
A gesture of kindness from another character that provides a glimmer of hope.
The discovery of an inner strength or previously untapped resource.
A serendipitous event that offers a new perspective or opportunity.
The formation of a supportive relationship or friendship.
Minor victories or achievements that build self-confidence.
Learning a valuable lesson through hardship.
Developing empathy for others going through similar experiences.
Finding purpose in aiding others, easing their own despair.
An eventual embrace of vulnerability, leading to healing and growth.
Negative Story Outcomes
A surrender with long-lasting consequences.
The breakdown of important relationships.
A significant loss incurred because of inaction or apathy.
Descent into a more self-destructive or reckless lifestyle.
The solidification of a character’s role as an antagonist.
A missed opportunity for redemption or improvement.
A worsening of the character’s situation, potentially affecting others.
The development of a trait or flaw that hinders future happiness or success.
A downfall that provides a cautionary tale within the narrative.
A tragic ending that leaves a profound impact on the reader and other characters.
Helpful Vocabulary
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munsonluhvr · 8 months
can you make a virgin! Eddie x experienced ! reader smut plsssssss I’ve been wanted to read to read a good story abt something like that yk 🙈 but ima not be picky sooo anything Eddie x reader would be good 😋
Ty I love your stories 💙💙💙
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contents: virgin!eddie munson x experienced! reader. smut! 18+. Eddie reveals to you, his best friend, that he's a virgin and you offer him a little lesson - but the lesson turns into a lot more then either of you expected. word count - 3.5k
notes: dear requester - I love you for requesting this. There were sooo many different scenarios I thought of writing for this request, and I totally ignored the pile of homework I have to do to write this immediately, but I hope everyone enjoy this. It was awfully fun to write.
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“Wait, what?” you say, a laugh lacing your tone. You lay on Eddie’s bed, your sock covered feet digging into his bedsheets. “You’re so lying, you haven’t done it yet? How did I not know that?” 
Eddie doesn’t turn to look at you, obviously embarrassed by his admission. Finally, Eddie shrugs, looking at you from the corner of his eyes. “I don’t know, I guess we never talk about our sex lives with each other.” 
“Well, yeah, because there’s clearly not much going on in that department in either of our lives, but I did assume you’ve had sex for the first time by now.” You say, leaning up on your arm to look at Eddie. You were honestly shocked by the admission; how had Eddie not had sex, especially since he’s two years ahead of you? 
It’s the wee hours after you and Eddie have been released from school, opting to, as usual, spend time with each other. You and Eddie had been best friends for as long as you could remember, always bound at the hip. When you were younger, your parents had been friendly, pushing you and Eddie together. When Eddie’s parents left Eddie with Wayne, his uncle, your parents were quick to absorb Eddie into your family. However, you always made the distinction that you didn’t see yourselves as essentially siblings, everyone certainly knew that you two were the best of friends. Any free time you had you spent with Eddie, every secret you had Eddie knew. Eddie was your other half, and you were his. 
Again, Eddie shrugs. “Consider that assumption wrong,” Eddie says, turning away from you.
You can’t help but snicker. Eddie was the coolest, most confident person you know. He never cared about what others thought of him, he owns the title ‘freak’ that Hawkins titled him with utmost pride. Sure, Eddie had never had a girlfriend but that doesn’t necessarily mean he hadn’t had sex. 
“Do you want to?” You say, curious. Didn’t every young male want to have sex? 
Eddie lets his eyes flick to you; he frowns. “Y/n, I don’t want to talk about it, especially with you.” 
You gasp in an exaggerated fashion, leaning on your arm to place your free hand over your heart. “Why not? We talk about everything with each other.” 
Eddie rolls onto his side, facing you, mimicking your position. He shakes his head. “This is different. Guy and girl best friends aren’t supposed to inquire about each other’s sex lives.” 
You scoff. “That’s bullshit, it’s not a big deal, Eddie. It’s just sex, it seems ridiculous to make that the one topic we don’t talk about with each other.” 
Again, Eddie shakes his head, looking off into the distance behind you. “I don’t know, it’s just weird.” 
You can understand how Eddie must feel - embarrassed. For some reason, having sex, or talking about it in society is shameful but at the same time not having done it at all, especially as teenagers, is shameful. You decide to joke and make it lighthearted to encourage him to lighten up. It truly wasn’t a big deal. 
“Eddie Munson, are you the waiting until marriage type?” You say, laughing as you shove him lightly. 
Eddie groans, burying his face into his tattooed covered bicep. “Y/n, stop. Trust me, not having had sex yet isn’t a choice; I would have done by now if the opportunity ever occurred.” 
“Is there someone you want to do it with?” You ask, tilting your head to the side. Eddie hadn’t recently expressed having a crush on anyone at school but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a girl he has his eye on. 
“No,” Eddie says. He peeks up at you from his arm. “Okay, fine, yes.” 
“Eddie, what the hell,” you exclaim. “Are we even best friends if you keep all these things from me?” 
“I’m telling you now,” Eddie says, sitting back up. “It’s embarrassing; I like this girl but have no experience in that department whatsoever. I wouldn’t even know what to do if I got her back home.” 
You are dying to know who Eddie likes, knowing that whoever she is, she’s lucky. You’d love nothing more to encourage Eddie to pursue this girl, but you know asking who she is might be a bridge to far for Eddie in this moment; you decide to stay focused on the topic at hand. 
You’re silent for a minute, thinking over tips to help Eddie in the moment where he would have a sexual encounter with a girl – then a wild idea comes to your mind. 
“I’ll help you,” you say, sitting up. “I’ll teach you what to do.” 
Eddie frowns. “What? How would you teach me to have sex?”
You laugh, knowing what you’re about to say will shock Eddie. “I’ll have sex with you,” you say nonchalantly and as if Eddie should have understood that right away. 
“Y/n,” Eddie says, jolting up from his spot on his bed. “Have you lost your mind?” 
You shrug, starting to peel off your jacket you’re wearing. “Like I said, sex is no big deal. I can walk you through what to do so you know what to do when it happens with the girl you like.” 
Eddie crosses his arms, sliding himself off the bed to pace at the foot of his bed. Your head goes from side to side as you watch your best friend walk from one side of his bedroom to the other side. “No, I can’t have sex with you, you’re my best friend.” 
You hum. “To me, that’s exactly why you should have sex with me. Think about it Eddie, we have been in each other’s lives for as long as we can remember, we’ve done everything together and know everything about each other. We’ve always been there for and supported each other in any way the other needs; teaching you how to have sex is just another way I can support you.” 
The idea to have sex with Eddie, with the end goal being that Eddie is more confident with a girl, sounded insane to begin with and even suggest, but as you explain yourself– it didn’t sound that insane at all. 
Eddie laughs nervously, running a hand through his hair then crossing his arms over his chest. “This is a joke, right?” 
You roll your eyes. “No, it’s not. Here, I’ll prove it: I’ll show you my tits.” You say, tucking your hands underneath your t-shirt and letting your fingers dig underneath the band of your bra. 
Eddie yelps, covering his eyes. “No, y/n, don’t. Okay, I believe you.” 
You laugh, dropping your hands into your lap. “I’m serious, Eddie. We can take it slow; I’ll teach you everything and answer any questions you have.” 
Eddie glances at you, maintaining eye-contact as he mulls over a response to your question. Eddie is twenty years old, far passed the average age everyone at Hawkins has sex for the first time. Always, but more recently, he’s been worried about how his performance might be for the lucky lady and how she might expect him to be more experienced considering his age. Although he finds your proposition jarring, he decides to put the awkwardness aside and take up your offer. “Okay,” is all Eddie can manage to say. 
You clasp your hands, happy that your oh so thoughtful offer was accepted. “I knew you’d come to your senses. Are you ready?”
“You want to do it right now?” Eddie says, his eyes growing wider. A hot wave washes over him, instantly becoming nervous. 
You give him a curious look. “I mean, there’s no better time than the present, plus we didn’t have any other plans for later.” 
You watch Eddie as he turns into a nervous wreck, his fingertips digging into his already crossed arms. You can imagine how being told you’re going to have sex on the spot can make someone feel, so you lean forward on the bed, outstretching your arm to grasp onto Eddie. “It’s okay, we’ll take care of each other,” you say, offering a small smile. 
In response to your touch, Eddie lets his arms drop to his sides. He moves from the end of the bed to the side you occupy, getting several feet closer to you. “Okay, right now it is then,” Eddie says, nervousness lacing his words. 
And you begin your lesson. 
“Okay, so. Say you just took this mysterious girl that you like out on a date and things went so well, which she’s on a date with you so of course it would, that you take her back to here.” You say, gesturing towards his bedroom that you both stand in. “Once she gives you that look, a look that says, ‘I want to have mind blowing sex with you have to set the mood immediately.”  
“Set the mood?” Eddie says. 
You roll your eyes. “Kiss her. You have to start kissing her, Eddie. Feel her up a little, don’t be coy, I know you’ve watched porn before.” Eddie’s cheeks flush with embarrassment but you continue on. 
You scoot over on the bed, allowing space for Eddie to sit. You pat the open space, tugging Eddie to sit next to you. “When you start with kissing, it makes it easier to transition to stripping clothes off and ultimately have sex, you know?” 
Eddie nods, crossing his arms across his chest. You’re quick to uncross them, scooting closer to Eddie, the side of your leg touching his. “Okay, go, kiss me.” 
Eddie’s mouth opens and the closes, his mind drawing a blank. “Okay, no, that is a bridge too far.” 
“Eddie, did you really think I’d just let you dry fuck me without any foreplay? Foreplay is the most important part.” You exclaim, shaking your head. 
Eddie looks away and then complies. He leans in, his hands placing themselves on your cheek, drawing you closer to him. Your lips meet, letting your mouths intertwine with each other, tongues beginning to dance. You thought Eddie would pull away quickly, but he doesn’t, letting your mouth stay connected to his. You can feel the eagerness in his mouth, every movement begging for more. You take your lesson to second base. 
Swiftly, you lay back on Eddie’s bed, Eddie following you down. With ease, he arranges himself over you as you part your legs to let him rest on top of you comfortably. You lean your head back, letting your lips break away from Eddie’s. “Very good, now is when you start taking her clothes off – and yours.”
Eddie squirms nervously on top of you and you’re sure you feel his arms lightly tremble. “Are you sure about this?” 
“Never been surer about anything, Munson.” 
Eddie sighs, leaning back onto his knees. His fingers tempt the end of his t-shirt, lifting it up and off of his torso. You watch, looking at his tattooed covered body and noticing the necklace that has a guitar pick as it’s pendant that hangs around his neck. You roll your eyes; He loves that thing.
Eddie goes to unbuckle his belt, but you gently kick his leg. “Don’t take off all your clothes and then mine; make it a back-and-forth thing. You take your shirt off, then take mine off. It’s a joint effort, let her do some of the work too.” 
Eddie considers this, coming to an understanding on your principle. He places himself over you, his fingers twitching as he plays with the hem of your shirt, beginning to lift it up and off your body too. 
Eddie has never seen you naked, not fully at least. Sure, there was that one time you got caught in the rain and your shirt was so soaked that you stripped it off once you got to his house, opting to borrow one of Eddie’s shirts. He had seen your bra then, the way your breasts settled in your bra nicely, the raindrops dripping down your chest. There was also that other time he realized how comfortable you were with him when you stripped down to your underwear and bra on a hot Indiana summer day, unable to bear the feeling of your clothes on your body or against your skin. Eddie had tried, in both of those instances, to give you your privacy and not stare at your assets – but he couldn’t help it. His eyes were drawn to your silky, supple skin, your curves, and the way you were so close to being naked, revealing your most intimate parts to him, but he didn’t let himself think about you in that way – at least not then. 
Eddie tosses your shirt on the side of his bed, letting it drop to the floor. He realizes he’s holding his breath as he’s looking at your breasts, one of your nipples poking out from behind the bra. You notice that he’s analyzing you, taking in your bare skin. You don’t mind, you find yourself comfortable under his gaze. 
“Keep going,” you say, though it comes out as a whisper. Your hands travel to his crotch, your fingers beginning to unzip the fly of his pants. Once his jeans are unzipped, you and Eddie work together to shrug his jeans off. You kick his jeans to the side of the bed, letting the piece of clothing fall next to your shirt on the floor. Eddie is quick to attend to your pants, his fingers enveloping the band of your jeans, pulling your bottoms off swiftly. Your hands find their way to his biceps, steadying yourself as Eddie works to pull your clothes off. 
Eddie feels himself getting hard against your thigh, his arousal growing stronger but he’s quick to try and hide that fact. You lean up, your front pressing into Eddie as you reach behind yourself, unclipping your bra. Eddie almost cums in his boxers as he watches your breasts bounce out of your undergarment. Eddie doesn’t know what to do next, his mind in a whirlwind. He closes his eyes, looking away from you as he shrugs his boxers off, his cock bouncing out of its restraint, showcasing his arousal. 
You swallow hard, eyeing his larger-then-you-imagined cock. Eddie has never known if his cock is a decent size, never having anything to compare it to or someone to tell him so, but by the look on your face, he knows he’s just fine. 
Eddie waits a beat, waiting for you to pull your panties down but you don’t move. You want him to take them off. Eddie catches on eventually, hooking his two fingers on either side of your hips, pulling your panties off with ease. Deep inside, Eddie’s sexual hunger grows, wishing he could do away with your rules, letting his primal nature guide the exploration of your body. But he restrains himself, waiting for your instructions.  
You part your legs, revealing your most sensitive part and now it’s Eddie’s turn to swallow hard, beginning to imagine what’s to come. 
“And now?” Eddie says, his fingertips brushing your jaw as he pushes a strand of your hair that clings to your face. You watch him intensely, feeling the tension grow between you and Eddie rapidly. A pit grows in your stomach, the stimulation of Eddie de-clothing you causing a rush of emotions. You’re hoping this doesn’t turn out to be a mistake. 
You clear your throat. “I have a feeling you know what to do now.” In response, Eddie offers you a small smile, re-positioning himself on top of you. 
Eddie lines himself up with you, cock in his hand, and he inserts the tip in, pushing himself into you slowly. You gasp, biting your lip as you let your head fall back; the feeling of Eddie pushing himself inside of you igniting a strong sense of pleasure throughout your body and limbs. 
Eddie thinks back to the porn he’s watched, though he knows that’s not an accurate representation of sex or how girl want to be treated. He mimics some of what he’s remembered seeing, rolling his hips so that he pulls himself in and out of you rhythmically. 
You let your legs wrap around Eddie’s waist; Eddie glances down, noticing how he’s drawn into you further when your legs attached to him – he wishes he could have your legs around him forever, holding him in place. He shakes his head at the thought. 
“What’s wrong?” You say, your hands finding their way to Eddie’s face. Eddie continues to move in and out of you and a soft moan escapes your lips. 
“Oh, uh – nothing.” Eddie says, adjusting his arm that rests next to you. His new position brings you and Eddie’s chests closer, your nipples brushing his bare skin. Eddie finds himself not being able to concentrate. 
 Your hands move from his face, moving them to let your fingertips brush Eddie’s back. His skin his warm, your body feeling cold and exposed. Your body heats up when you acknowledge how Eddie’s cock bulges inside of you, stretching the walls of your cunt to allow him inside of you. You had already had sex before, with two or three guys, but no guy was as big as Eddie – of course Eddie would have the biggest cock out of all the guys you’ve slept with. 
 While you’re thinking about how Eddie’s cock is painfully, yet pleasurably, big - Eddie is staring at your tits, wondering how they’d fit in his mouth. Just then, Eddie has no idea what comes over him. He suddenly has no regard for the concept of your ‘anatomy’ exercise, attempting to teach him how to have sex as his best friend – Eddie just wants to fuck the shit out of you. He wants to fuck his best friend. 
Eddie dips down to your chest, his large, ring-covered hand, clasping your breast. His mouth engulfs your breast, his lips puckering around your hard nipples. Eddie lets his tongue flatten against you, roughly licking your tits. You gasp again, your body arching in response to his bold act. Instantly, your fingers lace into his hair, pushing him further down against your chest. Eddie, emboldened by your response, moves to your other breast, copying what he had done just seconds before. 
Once he finishes with your second breast, Eddie keeps his mouth to your sternum, placing a trail of kisses from your chest up to your neck, leaving soft kisses underneath your ear. 
“Go faster,” You say, your thighs clenching around him. You knew it was wrong, the feeling you have growing inside of you as Eddie thrusts in and out of you. You wanted him bad, in ways you knew weren’t the ways you should think about your best friends. 
Eddie obeys, making his movements quicker, his thrusts rougher. Eddie loves the way he feels in this moment, the trembling of yours legs around him and the way your fingertips grip the roots of his hair. He never wanted this to end. 
“Am I doing it right?” Eddie says, mumbling into your neck. 
“You’re doing so good, that girl, whoever she is, is so lucky.” You say, a moan parting your sentence. “Fuck, this feels good.” Eddie smiles against your skin at your answer, his body moving smoothly against yours as if you’re two perfect fitting puzzle pieces.  
Eddie feels a burning sensation growing inside of him, his skin beginning to flush. He was about to finish. Obviously, Eddie had jerked off before, a lot actually, so he knew what feeling close felt like but this time feeling like he’s about to come while inside of you feels a lot different – it feels so much better. He doesn’t want to stop, enjoying the way he’s come to having sex with ease, as if he’s a natural at it, but he knows the inevitable and not something he can control entirely. 
 You, being just as wild as Eddie, pull his mouth back to yours, enveloping your lips on his. The action made everything much more intimate, so much deeper than just helping your friend out. Your lips nip at his, begging to be paid attention to. Eddie leans on one arm, letting his hand trail to your face, his large hand cupping half of your face. He leans into the kiss, glad to pay attention to your mouth. Eddie feels the intimacy grow between you, making his arousal even stronger, and he comes – instantly. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Eddie whispers, separating his mouth from yours. He looks down, noticing how specks of his semen are splatted across your inner thighs.  
You laugh softly, secretly wishing you could go for a second round. You mauver your body under Eddie’s top sheet, hiding yourself from Eddie. “And that’s how you have sex. I’ll give you an A-, you should pay more attention to foreplay when the real thing happens.” 
Eddie follows you, submersing himself under the sheets. “So, you’re saying I could use more lessons with you?” 
You frown, looking over at Eddie. “What? You want to do this again?” 
Eddie looks away, staring at his guitar that hangs on his mirror. His guitar is his prized position, a material object he finds so much confidence and security in. Eddie realizes it’s time to confess. “You know the girl you asked me about?” Eddie asks you. “Well, that girl is you.”
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lasirenatarot · 3 months
What you need to hear right now.
/general messages, timeless/
Pick a perfume:
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NOTE: some messages are quite specific, but might help someone who needs to hear them❤️ so keep that in mind, not everything will resonate for all, it is a general reading after all.
Pile 1:
Poison girl.
Cards that fell; 3 of pentacles, ace of pentacles, 4 of wands reversed. Gift, pleasure seekers cards from an oracle deck.
- I think you might loose a sum of money or you recently have lost some, another case may be that your financial situation might have not been the best recently and you kind of felt helpless? (Idk why im getting that). However, your financial situation has a huge potential for improvement as you may get a present (either an item or a sum of money from someone) which may ease your financial worries. This present may even help you enjoy your life more as you will not have the « weight » of worrying about the near future and how you’re gonna make ends meet.
- Another possible scenario instead of getting a gift may be getting a higher salary than anticipated which can help you make up for the recent times of struggle.
- be focused on whatever you are working on ( studies, job, sports etc.. ) DO NOT loose your focus, this may make you miss a big opportunity if you are not consistent. AND the opposite: if you continue on working, being consistent and putting in the effort you may receive better things/opportunities than you have even imagined. It all depends on you.
- for those who have recently met or have started having hopes of starting a relationship with a romantic interest: this person may not have the intetions of being in a serious relationship with you at this point of time. Be careful and seek your OWN best interest, not theirs.
Pile 2:
Baccarat rouge.
Cards: 10wands, 8wands, 5 wands reversed, judgement reversed.
- Sadly for this pile we are starting a bit negatively; you may have recently experienced a burnout or you are quite overworked due to having too much different stuff to do and take care of. What you need to know at this moment is that not everything is your responsibility: people’s actions, their poor life choices or how they live their life. You might be a person who (not exactly likes, but more of feels the need to help others at the expense of your own mental well being/emotions/mood even. You may simply just be used of being the “problem solver” & emotional trashbin for others) likes helping others, always be there for them and listen when they have struggles, but what you may not see is that by always being there for others u may create in them what I’ve read psychologists call “learned incompetence”. Basically by doing a task for someone (that was not yours to begin with) and letting them vent nonstop u’ve made them incompetent to deal with their own issues bc they may think you will always be there to fix it for them. Main message for this pile; prioritise yourself even if this means cutting ppl off because they drain you emotionally, not every person deserves explanation for how you decide to react to their behavior. Don’t be part of confrontations.
Extra message: beware of people who try to play “saints” in your life, such who have victim complex and always have a problem with everyone.
Everyone gets what they deserve in the end.
- After a tough emotional period your situation may quickly turn to positive and joyful. You may meet new friends.
Good luck🙏🏻
Pile 3:
Lost cherry.
- Very soon you might receive news you’ve been waiting for a long time. May be in a form of email/letter or a friend telling you. You may have felt like you’ve “lost yourself” a bit recently and after receiving these news you will definitely feel more at peace. Some may have been thru a breakup recently, you may finally start feeling better and more like yourself.
- you may meet a potential love interest soon or if you already have someone concrete in mind you communicate with (don’t be delulu having random crushes) you may actually begin a romantic relationship with them ( the energy I get is quite positive).
- you may need to follow “tradition” or already tried methods or consulting with a wise person if you need help with someting. (Or simply a tip)
Pile 4:
Hypnotic poison.
- You may reunite with an old friend soon. (Im particularly getting one you may know from school, but may not applicable for all)
- You may end or will end soon a chapter of your life in order to make space for better things to come.
- You may find understanding/help from someone you have not expected, while at the same time be dissapointed of someone you had trust in and expected to be there for you.
- No matter the circumstances try not to be too cocky and egoistical. You may currently be very motivated for success and have recently gained a lot of confidence due to something in your life. Keep yourself grounded and do not forget where you come from.
That was all from today’s PAC. I apologise for not including the name of the cards which fell for all the piles but I accidentally put them back in the deck and forgot to write them lol..Hope you enjoyed it tho!!
Photos are from pinterest; all credits to their respective owners.
Leave a comment/feedback if it resonated, share and follow for more.
- La Sirena💋
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Hi! I hope you're doing well and drinking water! If its alright with you, may I request rottmnt Leo reacting to his s/o wearing thigh highs? It can be suggestive or full nsfw, the choice is yours!
Temptation In Thigh Highs (Fluff?) (Suggestive)
Rise!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I decided not to do a full blown NSFW this time around. Sometimes we need something a little more chill😎 Also, is it bad that I don’t own any thigh highs?😂
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All characters are aged up.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, implied sex afterwards.
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When you told Leo that you had a surprise for him, he couldn’t help but get a little excited, if not curious. That little mischievous smile you flashed when he asked what it was, gave him all he needed to know. It was in fact something that he should be excited for.
Leo sat restlessly on your couch, his knee bouncing while his eyes roamed your living room, as if it would give him a clue of what you had in store for him. After having been dating for as long as the two of you had, Leo was used to your apartment. Yet he couldn’t help himself, hoping that something could lead him to whatever surprise had for him. But nothing gave him a clue. And nothing could prepare him for what you were wearing as you left your bedroom, making your way into the living room, the sight made his heart race and his thoughts scatter like leaves in the wind.
You walked into the room, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. Your attire was but lacy lingerie, leaving Leo’s mind blown as he took in the sight of you, his eyes staying on your legs for a whole minute. Thigh high stockings adorned your legs, accentuating every curve of muscle and fat, and leaving little to the imagination.
"What do you think?", you asked him, your mischievous smile still plastered on your face, yet your voice trying to sound innocent.
Leo’s mouth was dry as he gulped, still somewhat taken aback by the beautiful sight before him. He couldn't tear his gaze away from your legs, the stockings drawing his attention like a magnet. Heat flooded his cheeks causing his face to feel hot, along with a sudden rush to his cloaca.
"(Y/N)... What are you wearing?", Leo managed to say, his voice filled with awe. He had seen you in lingerie before… plenty of times actually, just before he would rip it off of you, but never, never had he seen you in thigh highs. It was as if you just stepped out of those pornos he used to watch before the two of you got together, imagining the girl in the thigh highs were you, pinned beneath him.
You chuckled lightly, enjoying the effect you had on him. "Just something I found in my closet. Do you like it?"
Leo nodded enthusiastically, a warm smile spreading across his face as his usual charm and charisma coming back.
"You look absolutely stunning, (Y/N). So stunning that I think my heart stopped for a moment", he said, placing a hand on his plastron, as if he tried to massage it through his hard keratin.
A blush painted your cheeks at his compliment, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your heart, the small thrill you had hopped for running through your body. 
"Thank you, Leo. I'm glad you think so", you said, feeling nervous yet beautiful under his gace. How lucky you were to have a boyfriend, that made you feel so beautiful.
As you shared a tender gaze, a thought crossed Leo's mind. A thought that soon turned into a scenario in his head, building up the pressure behind his cloaca.
"You know, those thigh highs are quite tempting...", he said, resting his elbows on his knees, allowing him to lean towards you, his eyes running over your body once more, his small movements heating up the room, just as if he had started a fire.
You laughed softly, a twinkle in your eye. You knew he would go there. That was why you put these thigh highs on in the first place. Because you loved it when he went there. But you had to act innocent. It was part of the fun. Something that made it even more interesting for the two of you.
"You never miss an opportunity, do you?", you asked, slowly taking a few steps towards him on the couch. It was amazing to watch Leo sometimes. Just a moment ago he sat with a bouncing knee, and now he sat comfortably on the couch, legs spread and just inviting you to come closer.
Leo grinned, reaching out for you as you came to stand between his legs. "What can I say? When it comes to you, I can't help but be inspired". And with those words, he grabbed a firm hold of your hips, before pulling you down, so that you were straddling his lap. Just one of the many positions Leo would be seeing you and thigh highs in that night.
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citrusickness · 1 month
A handful of burping scenarios, because I am too lazy to write an actual full story using any of them~~
* Someone accidentally cooks/orders way too much of something. But, for whatever reason, it can't be saved for later, they have nobody around to help them finish it, and they are very adamantly against wasting food, so they are left with no choice but to eat it all by themself. Their stomach protests against the large amount of food with groans and burps, but they power through the discomfort, making themself a thoroughly stuffed, burpy wreck. Damn their strong moral compass.
* A very anxious and squeamish person engages with some kind of horror media (video game, movie, book, take your pick), and they can hardly get halfway through it before they get spooked, which jostles their stomach. A belch catches them off guard, before more smaller burps force their way up, as the person tries to focus on their horror media of choice, further perpetuating the cycle. Bonus points if they're snacking on something while they do this, so they're just a lil' bit stuffed to boot.
* Someone has an upset stomach that keeps forcing burps out of them. Unfortunately, they have something to do that they can't back out of that takes place in public and lasts for the majority of the day. Not wanting to seem crass, they try to hold down every relentless burp that tries crawling up their throat, failing to do so a few times. Once they finally get home, they're eager to finally ease the ache in their stomach, and a hyperbolically ruinous belch rushes out of them as soon as they close their front door behind them, followed by countless more.
* Someone is put in a situation in which they are unable to eat all day, so naturally, once they are given the opportunity to finally eat, they greatly overestimate how much food an empty stomach actually requires. They manage to eat an absurd amount of their food before their stomach actually processes it, and begins to give them hell for it. They really don't want to waste the rest of their food, though, so they suffer through eating the rest of it, burping throughout as their stomach tries to make room for the increasing amount of food that is being stuffed into it.
* Someone feels themself getting a mildly upset, but still manageable, stomach, and decides to drink a ginger ale before their stomachache can get worse. They drink it rather fast, as well, because they have other things that they have to do afterwards. This person apparently does not understand how carbonation works, because the drink, obviously, bloats them up, ultimately making the ache in their tummy worse, and causing them to frequently burp as their belly tries to relieve itself from both the previous ache and the bubbles.
* This one's a bit spicy — Someone who has a burp kink (don't we all?) stuffs themself, but holds in their burps until they begin humping a pillow to get themself off. The movement causes their stuffed belly to rub against the pillow, which forces a belch out of them, that only adds to their pleasure. Every burp they let out trails off into a moan until they finally come. Unfortunately, their tummy hasn't been entirely emptied of the air, so they go back at it again.
* B cooks A a notably large meal, and A, being polite to a fault, feels compelled to eat every last bit of it, lest they unintentionally insult B's cooking abilities. Inevitably, A literally bites off more than they can chew, leaving them stuffed and failing to hold back burps. B notices, and feels responsible for nursing them back to health, despite A's protests, burping them until all of the air has been evacuated from their tummy, leaving their meal to digest in peace, before telling A that they don't have to eat so much next time. But also, that they made dessert as well, and it tastes best fresh.
* Somewhat similar to the last one — B has recently taken up cooking, and even though they're not overly good at it, A doesn't want to make them feel bad, so they eat the entirety of the first meal that B cooks all by themself. Not only do they end up stuffed, but something wasn't cooked properly, and valiantly disagrees with A's stomach, making them burp. B thinks that A just ate too much, until they try some of their own cooking, and immediately start caring for A's poor tummy, helping them relieve the pressure by burping them, and feeling immense guilt for making them unwell.
* A and B are sharing a bed/bedroom, when A's stomach starts acting up due to them eating too much before bed, and a rather forceful belch wakes them up. A tries to hold their burps down, not wanting to wake B up as well, causing their stomach to churn and groan. Alas, they eventually wake B up as well. B, hating to see A uncomfortable, and wanting to go back to sleep themself, helps A work up more burps until their tummy finally settles, and the pair can go back to sleep, as embarrassed as A may be.
* A and B have a date planned, but A's stomach begins to give them grief shortly before they're supposed to leave. They really want to see B, though, and don't want to flake out on them, so they go out anyway. Of course, they go somewhere to eat for their date, which only upsets A's stomach further. They try to hide their discomfort from B, but a few burps that they fail to hold back into the meal, B catches on, and takes them somewhere private (or not, if you're into that) to help them work the rest of the burps up, while chastising A for not telling them that they were feeling unwell in the first place.
* This one is very spicy, too, so be warned — A has been stuffed and is burping quite frequently. But, B previously expressed interest in A going down on them, and while B insists that A isn’t obligated to do so, especially while they're not feeling well, A still wants to make B feel good, so they proceed. During the act, A's overfull stomach being pressed and repeatedly rubbing into the surface beneath them forces a belch out of them, which catches both parties off guard. A pulls away in embarrassment, before B urges them to continue, not caring about the burp in the slightest because they were so close. A gets back to work, and more burps rumble against B's area, the vibrations bringing them closer to their climax.
Feel free to use these for inspiration if you want; credit would be greatly appreciated~~
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leilanihours · 2 months
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hello all ! i've only had this account for less than three months, and it's insane to think that we've reached this milestone so quickly. thank you so so so much for the opportunity to create writing that i, and hopefully many others, enjoy. i am so incredibly grateful for every single one of you - your invitation into the women's basketball community, your hilarious comments, your creative requests, your encouraging compliments - EVERYTHING !
i've never felt so comfortable in a community and i couldn't be happier that this is one i'm part of. i'm also extremely lucky to be considered a writer on this platform, especially considering how many other incredible writers there are here, so thank you again.
as a more interactive thank you, i've decided to host a little celebration where you guys also benefit from this achievement ! after all, i wouldn't be here without you guys, so it's only right that you guys are thanked properly. hopefully you guys like it and have fun, so here are some rules and guidelines !
PLAYERS I WRITE FOR — paige bueckers, aubrey griffin, azzi fudd, morgan cheli, kate martin, nika muhl
RESOURCES — fluff prompts, angst prompts, smut prompts
RULES — only send asks within the celebration's set dates, only send one request per ask, each request is wlw and player x reader, each request is centered around an aforementioned player, copy and paste specific lyrics/prompts with their corresponding emojis
CHOICE ONE — blurb inspired by song lyric - as you guys probably already know, all of my work is based off of either an entire song or a line from a song, so i wanna hear from you guys !
🎵, send this emoji + a song lyric and its singer + a preferred player and i'll write a short fic !
CHOICE TWO — blurb inspired by prompt - prompts make it super easy to create specific yet broad work (if that makes sense), so send one over and i'll see what i can cook up !
🗝️, send this emoji + a fluff prompt (from the provided source above) + a preferred player and i'll write a short fic !
🎥, send this emoji + a smut prompt (from the provided source above) + a preferred player and i'll write a short fic !
🖇️, send this emoji + an angst prompt (from the provided source above) + a preferred player and i'll write a short fic !
CHOICE THREE — moodboard inspired by scenario - i'm a pinterest/canva girly at heart and i love making little collages, so let me know what you want to see !
📷, send this emoji + a scenario/trope + a preferred player and i'll create a collage !
*my inbox will be closed while i'm asleep just to compensate for the volume of requests but will be open all day while i'm awake, hope y'all enjoy !
— tagging my lovely moots ! 📰
@girlokwhatever @liacobain @solefae @whoops11 @taurasiluvr @calicoheartz @lucespeaks @martinluvrr @arlertwhore @lowgothree @litfiction @taurasiluvr @httpsai @cosmopretty @kamii-2 @hcsiqs @itiswhatitisboi @elainebursts @brenwritesss @bueckersfor3 @paigebueckersmommy @iminlovewithpaigebueckers @latenighttalkinqwp @authentic-girl03 @makethemhoesmad @cjrights @hopelesslydevoted2paige @p0rtaled @azzibuckets @chaoticpazzi @sleighingstella @hrtsfromjules @mayghosts @asapeveryday @bueckersstrap @sweetbans29 @pbnbucks @goldfades @09carriages @pbueckerslover @bueckerslover @ayannatv @kmoneymartini @luvbrat @psecret @kaya-p @martinmuhl @barbspeaks @ilovepaigebueckerss @katemartinismywife
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margotw10bis · 7 months
Crashing On Crush.JJK 7 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 4.6k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: sexual tension; broken heart; Calvin Klein JK (yeah, it's a warning)
previous ← 7 → next
As much as you hate it, you do find Jungkook handsome and your heart has been pounding as soon as you noticed him. And you hate that you missed him - the last time you saw him was two weeks ago in the club. You are surprised to see him but also to see he has cut his hair. You can't help but missing his puffy shoulder-length hair and you want to slap you in the face for that thought. His black locks are now shorter in a mullet-style hair cut with a bang and are lightly curled. But gosh, he looks good. A little too good for your heart's sake.
You forget to how to breath when Jungkook stops a few meters from you. You feel your cheeks burning as well as your whole body and it's not because of the hot and suffocating July of Seoul because the A/C is on inside the art gallery. It's definitely because of Jeon Jungkook, the devil manifesting in a handsome man figure.
"Hi, uhm, I have an appointment with Aecha" He says after clearing his throat
"Follow me"
Even if you invite him to walk with you, it looks like you want to run away from him. Fortunately, you quickly arrive to Aecha's office. You knock and enter, Jungkook by your side. Your colleague offers him a way better smile than you.
"Jungkook, hi! Nice to meet you in person! We are so happy to work with you" Aecha's voice is warm and magically relaxes Jungkook
"Same here"
He tries to sound cheerful. He is really happy and proud that the gallery has approached him for the project, it will surely help him for his career but he does feel tensed to see you. He can't deny he hesitated to accept the job but then he saw it as an opportunity to set the record straight with you. He has been so grumpy that even Mina has stopped asking for his attention and let him work in his office at home. Jungkook has imagined hundred of scenarios of what happened between you and the guy after you left and every single one of them ended with you in his arms. By anger and frustration, he even broke his Apple Pencil and had to buy a new one.
"I am so sorry but I don't have time to talk details with you personally" Aecha continues, genuinely annoyed "But don't worry, Y/N is very professional and I'm sure you'll get along"
Your eyes widen and you throw distraught gazes at Aecha. 'Please, don't make me do that!' You silently beg her. But she doesn't get it or chooses to ignore it as she hands you the file. You do know the artists and the theme of the exhibition, as well as other details about the events related but you don't want to work with Jungkook. You know he is supposed to provide different visuals and supports, which means that you are going to deal with him for days. You're not sure your heart can handle it and you fear your determination to hate him will fail you - to be true, it has already began when he first appeared in the lobby.
Yet, you have no choice but to take the damn file with shaky hands and ask Jungkook to follow you in the meeting room.
A feeling of pain and jealousy fills you when you realize that his girlfriend has got to see him everyday and you have no doubt that he has looked damn hot every single day of these two weeks. Even now, in front of you, he is ridiculously handsome in his matching Calvin Klein denim jacket and pants, a white t-shirt finishing his perfect look. You can't help but wondering if his underwear is also signed CK, which makes you blush. Jungkook is fucking hot like that - would you dare to say that you are aroused by the absence of his usual all-black style?
You shake your head to erase those filthy thoughts and you sit down. You open and read the file, which gives you a good excuse to not look at Jungkook.
"Did you sleep with him?"
Jungkook's voice is neutral despite his pounding heart. He couldn't help but ask you. Even if it breaks his already broken heart, he has to know. His look-the-other-way part argues that if he knows, it'll get easier to let you go.
You immediately look up and open your mouth but no sound escapes it. Just by seeing you blushing hard, Jungkook knows. His fists clench and he is angry. Not at you, but at himself. You left with another man, you slept with another man because he pushed you away. He tries to convince himself that the pinch in his heart is due to his bruised man pride but deep down he knows that it's his feelings for you that have been rattled.
"It's none of your business" You eventually decide to answer "Let's not get personal and stick to a professional behavior"
Jungkook doesn't say anything but nods, poking on his inner cheek with his tongue.
Weirdly enough, you both concentrate on work and are able to have a peaceful conversation. Some details are discussed and Jungkook notes some ideas that get through his mind while you give him more informations.
"Can I see the art pieces? It'll help to get fully in the right mood" Jungkook asks at some point
You both walk through the art gallery and you can see that Jungkook truly appreciates the architecture of the building. You see his doe eyes sparkle with inspiration and you can practically see all the ideas that are currently filling his brain. Witnessing his passion melts your heart.
You enter the code of the storage room and motion Jungkook to step in. You explain that you haven't receive yet all the pieces but you add that he can look at them of the website of the gallery. His back facing you, a sketchbook and a pen in his hands, he is already quickly sketching a few visuals. You are quite intrigued by how fast his brain works and you move forward gingerly. You stand on your tiptoe to look upon his large shoulder and sneak on his sophisticate drawings.
"Wow" You whisper, almost in his ear, unintentionally
Jungkook was so focus on his work that he didn't notice you, but when you opened your mouth he startles and turns his head to your face suddenly. You are so close that your breathes are mixing. His eyes look right into yours but can't help going down to yours pretty lips. He gulps, a vivid memory of your several passionate kisses coming to his mind. He knows how you taste and he is dying to feel it again on his tongue. He wets his pierced lips with his tongue and the move attracts your glance too. A spontaneous wave of arousal goes straight to your lower belly.
Thankfully - or not -, staying this long on your tiptoe causes a cramp in your left calf. You immediately step back and wince, holding on the painful leg.
"What's going on?" Jungkook asks you, alarmed
"Cramp" You hiss
It doesn't take long to Jungkook to kneel down and massage your lower leg. You blush hard but convince yourself that it's due to the pain and not to Jungkook's warm palms on your skin. But why do you mentally praise you for wearing a yellow wrap dress and not your usual slacks?
"It's okay, you don't have to-" You speak up, weakly trying to push his hands away
"Let me do that for you"
His eye is so intense that you only manage to gulp and nod, letting Jungkook rubbing your calf to relax the muscles. You hiss as his fingers palp your aching leg, instinctively grabbing on his large shoulders to not fall. Feeling your hands on him, even through the thick fabric of his denim jacket and under this circumstances, Jungkook feels good. So fucking good. His whole body, that has been tensed for weeks now, softens under your touch. It's like he was physically missing something that your hands give him back. Someway, it's the first time you wish your cramp was lasting longer.
"It's gone" You say unsurely and, with regret from both sides, Jungkook stands up
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't. Please don't" You close your eyes in pain, not willing to remember once again what he did because you surely didn't forget
You hate him for breaking your heart but you don't hate him. Quite the opposite actually. You still love him, so fucking much. You can't change the past and you surely can't be best friend with him but you can make this professional relationship work. You want it for the gallery but also for Jungkook because you still think he is very talented and deserves the contract. That's why you take a deep breathe and start talking:
"Look, I know things have been... weird between us. Let's just put that aside and concentrate on work. I really want to feel good here so let's not make things more awkward. I think it would be nice if we could be colleagues"
Jungkook looks at you for a moment, surprised. He doesn't really know what to say when there are so many things that he wants to say - if that makes any sense. He runs a hand through his fresh cut hair.
"I'll work hard then, for you"
He doesn't specify if 'you' refers to the gallery and all your colleagues and artists involved or just you. But your heart doesn't care about the difference and skips a beat. You try to put a - weird - smile on your face to look relax.
"Welcome onboard then, Mr. Jeon"
Day 2 of working with Jungkook and you have to say that you are surprised how things go smoothly. You and Jungkook really get along - on a professional level - and your two brains seem to share the same ideas and vision of the project.
When he went home, Jungkook went straight to his home office and started sketching some visuals. On the one hand, he wants to work slowly only to get the chance to spend more time with you. But on the other hand, he has so many ideas for the different supports. The project clearly excites him and he hasn't been this motivated for a long time. Moreover, your cute yellow dress of the day seemed to be another reminder that you are like sunshine is his life and that everything looks better when you are around.
This morning, he has joined you in the same meeting room and gave you a cup of latte - he knows it's your favorite beverage - that he has bought on its way to the gallery. The sweet gesture didn't go unnoticed by your weak heart and your cheeks did redden. As soon as you two have sat down, Jungkook put his sketchbook and graphic tablet on the desk and explained the different concepts. You were so impressed by his work and how much he has done in just one evening. You couldn't help but being worried that he had not slept well and the dark circles under his beautiful eyes proved you no wrong.
You don't even notice it was lunch time until you hear a knock on the door. You look up and meet a sweet and cute familiar face.
"I didn't want to bother you but I've been waiting for fifteen minutes so I thought that you might have forgotten me"
Jongseob seems embarrassed and is blushing hardly. Your heart immediately melts and your smile widens. This doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who wonders how many men have stolen your heart. He can't help but feeling jealous. When will his possessiveness stop? Especially when you're not his.
"It's okay. Actually, I lost track of time. Please come in, Seobi"
You get up and give a big hug to Jongseob. The young man is quite impressed by Jungkook. His black outfit has returned and his tattoos are showing up under his oversize t-shirt. He does look intimidating and Jongseob feels a wave of protectiveness towards you, hoping that the stranger didn't give you a hard time.
You have no idea of what is going on in Jongseob's brain and you turn back to Jungkook.
"Let's meet up in two days so you have time to make the changes we've talked about. Then, we will show everything to Aecha" You say with a smile and Jungkook simply nods.
You notice the way he is staring at your young friend and realize that they don't know each other.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you-" You are cut off by Jongseob
"I'm Kim Jongseob"
You are surprised by his confident and quite cold tone. It's so not like him. You even feel his arm easily wrapping around your shoulders. When did he get this tall? You look at him, asking him with your eyes what the hell he is doing. But Jongseob is completely focus on the black-hair man.
"Jeon Jungkook"
Jongseob's eyes widen and immediately turn to you. Your face expression confirms what he thinks: it's the man who broke your heart. If you didn't say a word on your Graduation Day, you couldn't lie when a few days later Jongseob has asked you about how it went when you confessed your feelings to your crush. Even if you tried really hard to not cry in front of him, you couldn't stop a few tears. Jongseob was so heartbroken for you and has spent the day with you at your place, eating ice-creams and watching Disney movies.
The body of your usual so cute friend tenses immediately and he leaves your shoulders to step in front of you, protectively. His eyes narrow when he gazes at Jungkook.
"I hope he hasn't done anything to you" He says with his jaw clenched, talking to you but looking at Jungkook
A scoff escapes Jungkook's lips. Who the hell is this kid? He doesn't know anything about him and yet, he is judging him. Only if he knew that at his age, Jungkook was... No, it's better if he doesn't know, otherwise you would know too. And he surely doesn't want you to know.
"Jongseob" You say softly, a hand on his shoulder "Jungkook is working with me, everything is fine"
"Can't someone else deal with him? Why it has to be you?" His voice is more gentle now and he is looking at you, finally
"No, and it's okay. I promise"
"What are you going to do about it, uh?"
Your eyes widen in surprise while Jungkook smirks and then pokes his tongue in his inner cheek in a provocative way. He doesn't even know why he opened his mouth in the first place. Maybe he was just tired of everyone treating him like shit or maybe he wanted you to know that your little guy couldn't compete with him. 'Stupid fucking ego' he thinks.
"What did you say?" Jongseob responds aggressively, taking a step further and Jungkook does the same
"I said, what are you fucking going to do about it?" Jungkook articulates each single word, his jaws clenched
You start to panic and take place between the two men.
"Stop it now, the both of you" You try to be firm but your voice is a little shaky
"You were right, he's a fucking asshole" Jongseob goads
"What did you say?" Jungkook barks this time, ready to throw punches in this little fucker's face
"Jongseob!" You shout "Go wait outside, now"
You are so tensed that your whole body is shaking with adrenaline. What are you going to do if they start fighting? But you release the air of your lungs when Jongseob does as you say. You look at Jungkook to try to know what he is thinking but his features are too neutral, except for his gritted teeth.
"Jungkook, I-I never said that" You try after a moment of silence
"It's okay" He sighs, trying to relax the tension in his body "Even if you said it, you had every reason"
You stand in front of him, not knowing what to do. You are unsettled when a little sneer escapes Jungkook's mouth. You look at him, questioning him with your eyes.
"At least you have people to protect you"
"No, it's okay. I see you on Friday with the finished visuals and support designs"
Jungkook grabs his stuff and goes away, leaving you breathless and heart pounding.
"Noona, I'm sorry"
Jongseob has spent the whole lunch apologizing but you haven't said a word. You are so disappointed in his behavior but you are also destabilized by the way you feel angry at your friend for attacking Jungkook. You shouldn't feel that way, it's true that Jungkook broke your heart but why do you still want your friends to have a good impression of him? It doesn't make any fucking sense and you sigh in frustration.
"Stop apologizing. What you did was wrong Jongseob"
"I know but he... he was just there and he broke your heart! Are you really okay working with him?!"
You take the time to think. Are you okay with it? Honestly, yes. And more honestly, you are happy to work with him. You wish the reason of that was because Jungkook works well but it's not: the reason is that you want to be with him, in anyway possible.
"Yes, so please stop. Maybe you don't want to hear it or you don't understand but Jungkook is nice"
"How can you say that?!" Jongseob gasps
"He is, really. What he did to me was wrong but beside that, he has been really nice to me"
And it's true. Objectively, the cheating-on-his-girlfriend-with-you part put aside, Jungkook has been nice to you. The two days you have spent working with him showed you a new face of him: the passionate yet so considering of other's opinions side. He has carefully listened to you, has taken the time to explain to you technical things about designs and has worked hand-in-hand with you to provide the perfect visuals. Even beside that, the morning coffee and the way he has hold the chair for you to sit down or the way he has turn off the A/C when he noticed you were cold, proves he is a good person. Maybe a little selfishly too, you want to believe that you have fallen for a good guy and not a shit head so the whole story wasn't you being completely wrong about him.
"Look, I'm a big girl. I know you're worried but everything's fine, Seobi" You smile at Jongseob, trying to calm him down
"Okay..." He sighs "But if he tries anything, please tell me and I swear I'll punch him in the face, just for him to know he can't mess with you"
Your heart softens at his pouty face and you promise. You know Jongseob just wants to protect his Noona but deep down you know Jungkook won't try to hurt you again.
You haven't heard of Jungkook until he shows up on Friday for your expected meeting. You have sweaty hands, not knowing how will be things between the two of you. You give him an unsure smile when you welcome him and you feel released that Jungkook is back to his old and nice self. He shows you the final project and everything is perfect. You compliment his work and you may notice a slight blush on his cheeks.
You waste no time and you two head up to Aecha's office so she can approve, what she definitely does. Your colleague is really impressed and praises the both of you. Your chest is full of pride that you managed the situation. You are really excited to be more involved in one of the gallery's projects.
To celebrate your success, you invite Jungkook at a nearby coffee. It doesn't surprise you anymore that Jungkook orders you a latte but it's appealing to your weak and soft heart. Coffees in hands, you sit down at a table.
"I'm so happy that your visuals have been approved! I can't wait to see the posters in real life and on the big screens of the gallery!" You tell him excited, which makes him giggle.
"I'm glad too. Tell me if you need help with the printer guy, I know that sometimes they can be a little hard to handle and delay things until you lose your mind"
"I'll sure do"
You feel so good joking with Jungkook. It feels like before you discovered about Mina, back when everything was so natural and delightful between you two. A small wave of nostalgia washes over your body and a small part of you wishes you didn't know about the girlfriend. However, the bigger part of you feels better to know that he didn't cheat on his girlfriend with you more than that.
"I have to tell you something"
Jungkook's serious tone and face make you stressed. You wonder what other bomb he is going to throw at you and how you'll manage to survive. 'Please, tell me there is no other secret girlfriends!' You pray
"Mina" He starts and your heart sinks by hearing the name, you still feel so guilty towards her even if you didn't know "She is not my girlfriend"
What the hell?!
Your eyes almost roll of your sockets by surprise. You are speechless. Does he lie? But he is looking straight into your eyes and you don't see anything but pain. But if she is not his girlfriend, why did he lie about lying to you? It doesn't make sense!
"She is my best friend, well at least back in Busan"
"But, why?" Is all you manage to say, your brain is completely upside down
"It's just an old habit of us, saying to other people we're dating. When we were younger, we were so close that most people thought that we were actually a couple. At some point, it was kind of a joke to confirm it"
Jungkook's nostalgic smile is not happy but quite sad and your heart squeezes. You wonder what caused him such pain but you don't want to push him.
"Maybe, back then, there were more than friendly feelings between us but it's not the case anymore. I just want you to know that nothing happened between Mina and I"
"Why'd you tell me that?"
Jungkook's eyes grow big in surprise. He doesn't really know why he tells you the truth. Perhaps he just doesn't want you to hurt because of this, because of him.
"I don't know..." He sighs "I just wanted you to know"
You don't know what you feel. On the one hand, you are relived that he didn't cheat on his girlfriend with you, but on the other hand, you are still heartbroken because he has still rejected you - and the reason was not him having a girlfriend but just not wanting to be with you. And that hurts like hell.
Jungkook looks at you with his big doe eyes, biting on his bottom lip, while he waits for you to say something. But honestly, you don't know what to say. So he keeps going:
"I haven't seen her in years but she came up to me. She needed some help. Things are-were complicated. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I really didn't want that"
"I understand" You don't but what else could you say?
"Y/N" He says gently, grabbing your hand at the other side of the table "I am really, really sorry"
The warmth of his hand goes straight to your heart and cheeks. Why does he have to do that? It's so hard not to fall for him when he acts like that! You want to hug him and tell him you forget everything as long as he is with you. But you can't do that, so you smile instead.
"I wish I could go back and do things right with you. Maybe... maybe we could be friends or something?"
Jungkook winces at the way his thoughts have turned into words. It sounds so dumb and it's not really what he wanted to say. He wanted to ask you if you would accept to see him again, like before. Like when you were supposed to have a date at the Lotte aquarium.
"I guess we could be friends" You say in a small voice, almost a whisper
Jungkook's heart jumps in his chest and he knows he'll try everything to make it up to you. But first, he has to deal with Mina.
Since you have done a great job with the communication campaign with Jungkook, Aecha sends you over to meet the print firm. You are walking around in Seocho, a district of Seoul, but take the time to follow the Han River boardwalk. The heat and humidity is almost unbearable but the view is so beautiful. The sun is mirroring on the water. You close your eyes, feeling the D Vitamin entering your body. You hum in contentment.
Nevertheless, the universe couldn't let you in peace for five minutes. Your blood runs cold when a familiar but non welcoming face appears right in front of you. Mina. You don't really know how to act in front of her now that you know she isn't really Jungkook's girlfriend.
"Hi" You tell her with an unsure voice
"Hi, Y/N right?"
Mina's smile is bright but not really friendly. Something in her behavior makes you uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, I can't stay long, Jungkook is waiting for me at home" She takes a dig at you
Her little scornful tone drives you crazy. Before you can even think properly, you open your mouth:
"Jungkook told me the truth. You are not really together"
For one second, Mina seems unsettled but she hides it quickly. You feel your heart beating faster and your hands freezing, just as if you were ready for a fight. It might not be a physical one but it will surely be punches with words.
"Did he?"
You stay silent, waiting for her to set the mood. You don't have hard feelings for her. You could be friends, if she wants to.
"Look, you seem like a nice girl" Although it doesn't sound like a compliment in her mouth "But I'm not sure you are the good person for Kookie"
"I think he's old enough to decide for himself"
"We might not be an official couple but we do share something special. We've been best friends for years, we have been through so many things, you won't ever be able to understand. I know him but I'm not sure you can say the same"
You are taken aback.
"I-I do know him" You sound less confident than you wanted
"Oh, really? Did he tell you about his past?" Mina smirks and you frown, confirming what she was thinking "I just don't want you to be hurt, Y/N. Jungkook and I are meant to be together. It might take some time but it will happen eventually. If you stay in between, you'll only get your heart broken"
Your watery eyes blur your vision. You don't know how Mina manages to do it but her words are so sharp that you could swear she is telling the truth. Maybe it's a result of her magnetic aura.
"I love him"
It's the final blow for you. An intense squeeze hits your cardiac muscle. You don't even know who you are anymore. You have read too many books, you have seen too many movies not to know. All along, you thought you were the main character of the story. But you're not. You're the second female lead in Jungkook's story: the one who only exists to make him realize that his true love has been in front of him since the beginning. There is no better destiny than two best friends finally aware of their true feelings. Fate, cruel as ever, put you on Jungkook's path for him to acknowledge that Mina is the right one for him.
And that fucking hurts.
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raleigh-edward · 8 months
Once you've spent enough time reading romance club stories, you can never go back to Choices and read their stories with similar enthusiasm and interest.
Choices stories simply put are cheap, lazy work. It's a cash grab which is justified in the current socio-economic scenario but why would anyone in their right mind invest in trash?
People have been saying it all this while, I'll still take another jab at it. The stories that Choices have been putting out for the past couple of years are such stereotypical commercial bullshit. There's no real character development, no characters with personalities, there's no scope for developing romance routes either. All characters in all stories are walking archetypes and honestly none of the newer LIs are attractive either.
So what even is your USP at this point? What's your product offering? Are they simply trying to cater to brain-dead teens? Wattpad has more substantial stories than choices and that's something.
Sure Romance Club has its own flaws but at least the writers make more fleshed out characters and with much better narratives too. Their stories are often so much more than archetypical and formulaic content. They do use writing formulas too albeit more creatively than Choices. Newer settings are often explored, they get creative with their medium and the app overall ever so often. The prices of in-game currency are decent and they do have free alternatives too.
Now before the internet trolls come after me to educate me about the "If you don't like it don't read it" approach, I must implore, sure I won't read that crap with the same passion as you but I'll take every opportunity to criticize the sheer dumbassery going on in the name of stories. Why? Because they've signed up for it. When you put your project out in the public domain, you shall prepare yourself for criticism in case your work absolutely sucks, which choices absolutely does.
My advice to anyone still playing choices would be to get a mod rather than spending actual money on it. I would be more than happy to help you with the link to a working mod.
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obae-me · 2 years
could we get some hcs of the bros being protective? like i'm imagining a scenario where you're walking with them down the street and someone starts being a creep to you so they step in to scare them off :> also hi i'm glad you're back!!!
Absolutely you can! I love protective headcanons, they bring me life. Also, thank you! I'm glad to be back!
They'll Always Protect You
TW: Threats and a bit of violence. More in just the fist-fighting kind of way but more violence is implied. Demons gonna demon. As always, read safely!
Finally. School exams were over, there was no busy holiday approaching, no big event to be planned. At last, you felt as if you could stand back and take a deep breath. At least for a day or two. So, taking the opportunity while it was presented to you, you asked one of the brothers to hang out for the day. Nothing super special, just some time to spend away from the others, away from the House and RAD. No magical shenanigans, no curses, poltergeists, potion mishaps, just you and him.
Luckily, it turned out exactly like you wanted it to...at the start anyway. After having lunch together, you two were simply walking down the Devildom streets, having casual conversations about upcoming plans, recent moods, that one weird server at lunch, just whatever the two of you could come up with, enjoying each other’s company. Then a phone call interrupted you both. It was his phone.
Not a call he could skip apparently. After all, they all are very busy demons. Being Demon Lords came with many responsibilities. You allowed him to take it as long as he wouldn't take too long. This was supposed to be your day with him after all. So, picking up the call, your choice of brother stepped into a nearby alley to have whatever bit of privacy he could have.
Not moving too far away, you simply took a few steps down the sidewalk to look into a storefront window display. You didn't have long before some random demon decided to lean against the glass, a little too far into your personal space. "What'cha looking at?" They asked, clearly just getting you to talk, not interested in your answer in the slightest. The way they hovered rubbed you the wrong way, and whether or not they did it intentionally, they got in between you and the alley where the bother you brought with you was.
"Can I help you with something?" You finally asked, not intending to actually assist them, just wanting them to scram.
"Whoa, no need to sound so accusatory!" They got a little closer, eyeing you strangely. "Just having friendly conversation." Their hand raised and settled on your shoulder, their grasp moving you closer to them. 
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All at once, the street gets coated in shadow, all the lights flickering before dying completely. There’s this heavy looming presence that takes the attention of everyone in the immediate vicinity. The demon who had the gall to touch you seemed to know their fate without needing to turn around. 
Lucifer is furious. Every part of his body is stiff with that cold and silent burning rage. He doesn’t have to say anything, only staring down at the demon, his eyes glowing a fiery red with his chin slightly raised. 
The other demon scrambles, losing their footing and crawling over the Devildom ground as they flee with their lives while they still have the fortune of keeping it. 
Lucifer waits, making sure that his presence is known, letting everyone know that he is with you. 
The street goes silent in respect, everyone moving along quickly and quietly. They all scatter, avoiding Lucifer’s wrath, leaving you two practically alone.
After a moment, the light returns to the lamps, Lucifer’s wings tucking against his back. He hadn’t been in demon form before he took the phone call. He takes his gloved hands and dusts off your shoulder, implying the demon had left it dirty just by touching it. 
“These mongrels can’t control themselves and let you have any sort of peace, can they?” He scoffed, his shoulders still tense with irritation. 
Still a bit stunned and embarrassed that such a scene was made on your behalf, you looked away from him. “You didn’t have to go that far. Nothing happened.” Not yet anyway, and you knew as much, you just...didn’t know what to say in that moment. Not when someone just emptied an entire street for you with just a glance. 
“Enough happened.” There was the smallest waver to his voice. “Their intention alone warranted my actions, and that was me being merciful. You are far too important to be treated in such a manner.” His voice sped up, almost running on one of his regular lectures, with you being the subject matter. “Exchange student or not, you should be able to walk down a simple street without having to worry about being bothered by some miscreant with an agenda. If I have to enact such a performance like this again, I will do it without hesitation over and over again till I am ensured that every crooked soul down here will know better than to harass you.” He finally took a breath. With a little glance, he raised one of his eyebrows, his voice softening. “You do not agree?” 
“I...don’t know. I don’t disagree, I just...” You’ve never been protected like this before. Not on such an extravagant scale. 
He picked up your implications, toning everything down to a more casual level. “I see.” He took a step to stand right by your side. “Come,” he offered his hand to you should you want to take it. “Let us not allow such trash to ruin such a fine day. Such beings like that aren’t deserving of another thought, you understand?” You nodded and he reacted with a peaceful smile. “Good.” 
“Oi.” That single word was said in a deathly serious tone. 
Stupider than anyone gave them credit for, the demon turned around to see who was trying to talk to them. Much to their surprise, they came face to face with Mammon, his head tilted so far to the side, his ear almost touched his shoulder. 
There was a look in the demon’s eyes that flickered between a bit of fear and a little bit of amusement. “Listen, man, I’m just talking to our buddy here.” With a movement to their pockets, the demon pulled out a bag of Grimm. A big one, coins threatening to spill through the bottom of the bag purely from the weight. “How about I give you this and you just let me-” 
The next split second was a complete blur. All you were able to see was a flash of white and gold before the demon that had their hold on you was suddenly gone. 
Mammon stood right by your side now, looking down the sidewalk as the demon who had tried to bribe him was face down on the ground several feet behind you. They had severely underestimated him, either completely unconscious or painfully unable to move. 
Not wanting to stick around, Mammon gently grabbed the fabric of the sleeve around your wrist, leading you away from the scene with swift steps. You silently tried to keep up with him, stunned with the way he was presenting himself. 
After turning onto a different street, he finally turned around to look at you, that frighteningly serious expression still there. “They didn’t do anything to ya, did they?” He was examining you for any wounds or signs of distress. 
“Uh, no...not really.” They probably would’ve if...You took a deep breath. “I’m alright,” you assured him, hoping he would go back to acting like he usually did. 
“I’m not stupid.” 
“I didn’t say you were,” you blinked, still thrown off by the whole thing. 
“Then don’t lie to me and say you’re alright,” he frowned. 
You gave him an awkward chuckle, feeling a bit of guilt that you did the same thing that other demon had done and underestimated his true feelings. Mammon always understood more than anyone gave him credit for, you know that. Why did you assume this was any different? He knew you weren’t alright. Looking at your feet, you took a deep breath. “I’m a bit shaken up.” 
He was silent for a while, his grasp on your sleeve tightening, acting like it would be a sin if he let you go. Then he raised his head, looking at you intensely. “I’ll always be there for you. I’m your First, got it? And any demon who tries doing something like that again will get more than just a fist to the face. So...just know I’ll keep you safe. Nothing will get in the way of that, you hear me?” 
You managed to smile at him genuinely feeling safe just being around him. 
He beamed back, a little bit of mischief flashing over his face. In his other hand he held out the bag of Grimm the demon had tried to offer. Mammon must’ve taken it during the scuffle. “Anything you want today, anything at all, we’re getting it for ya.” 
A stuttering voice suddenly called your name, Levi stepping out from the shadows with his arm coming up to cover the bottom of his face. His eyes couldn’t stop fluttering between the two of you. “W-what’s going on?” 
“Just catching up with my friend!” The demon beside you proclaimed. They tugged you closer, putting their arm around the back of you. The movement sent goosebumps over your arms. 
“I’m not-” You tried to explain, but the demon gave you a sudden squeeze. Their way of telling you to shut it. You shot Levi a look, pleading to help you out of the situation. 
“Friend?” Levi’s eyes went dark. “You know nothing about them. You don’t get to call them your friend.” His tail unfurled behind him as his demon form came into full view. “That’s something I’ll never understand about normies like you. You think you can just call anyone you meet at random a friend. Do you know the time I’ve taken to get to know them? The effort it takes to feel comfortable with someone?” All the stuttering and nervousness that usually excluded itself in him was fully gone. 
The demon next to you looked a little confused, but their grasp on you was loosening as they considered whether or not messing with you was worth it.
“If you really are their friend, answer this for me,” Levi continued, relying on his trivia knowledge, only, you weren’t used to yourself being the topic at hand. “What is their favorite movie?” 
It was at this moment, the demon knew they were in far too deep. They had just planned to toy with you, maybe take your soul while they were at it, and now they were being quizzed by one of the Seven Sins, one who was clearly very dangerously close to summoning Lotan. Moisture began to cling to the air around you all. However despite this, the demon decided to give a half-hearted answer, perhaps in a last ditch effort to remain unscathed. 
“You’re wrong,” Levi scoffed. With a dramatic snapping of his fingers, a void opened behind him, water bursting forth from it, inches close from washing you away. Before that could happen, Levi’s tail wrapped around your waist and brought you to him, watching as the demon that had failed was consumed by the torrent. Once the water stopped, the demon was nowhere to be seen, droplets of water dripping off of store roofs and making the sidewalk shimmer. 
All at once, Levi’s temporary confidence dropped, his tail unraveling from you quickly. “I-I’m sorry, I just got so caught up in-in everything. I didn’t mean to grab you, I just...” 
“Thank you for saving me...” You took a moment to breathe and let the stress try to flow away. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” 
As everything began to sunk in, Levi shouted. “Ahhhh, a quiz? That was the lamest thing I could’ve done! All my other brothers probably would’ve just beat them up and-and been done with it!” He clutched his head in embarrassment. 
“I can’t believe you even remembered something like that,” you assured him. You thought you had only mentioned that fact once. 
“Oh...of course I did,” he blinked. “I...uh...try to remember all the details of yourself you tell me. I guess...I couldn’t help but try to prove myself since I’m not used to...wanting to protect someone like that before...” Then all the sudden, his stance turned into one of determination. “But don’t worry, I’ll do it again! A hundred times if I have to! Because...that’s what it means to care about someone.” 
A shudder could be felt through the ground beneath you. The air suddenly filled with a thick tension. 
Satan came out of the alley, walking with calm steps, a smile on his face. “MC? Who’s this?” 
Recognizing who he was, the demon with their hand on you froze, but seemed a bit confused at the friendliness they were being greeted with. “Oh, I’m just one of their friends from class. Just thought I’d chat with them a bit.” 
“Oh, I see.” Satan outstretched a hand, holding it out for a casual handshake. “Nice to meet you. I don’t think we’ve been introduced.” He seemed to beam when the demon put their palm against his. They both gave a single shake...but when the other demon went to release their hand, Satan still clung on. The demon tugged their arm...but to no avail. Panic flared in their eyes as Satan’s hold tightened. 
“Say,” Satan started, voice still curiously peaceful. “Do you like riddles? I’ve been rather fond of solving some as of late. Do you want to hear one?” Not allowing the other demon to answer, he continued, the green hue of Satan’s aura flaring up under his feet. “As morning’s free I’m filled with glee, all four limbs attached to me. By nightfall’s end I’m filled with dread. Nothing left besides my head. What am I?” 
The demon trapped by Wrath began to hyperventilate, sweat running down their forehead as fearful tears filled their eyes. They nearly fell to their knees. “I...I...” They stuttered. 
“Correct.” Satan grinned. “I’m glad you’re smart enough to solve that at least.” Then all the sudden he let them go, timing it perfectly with the struggle so the demon fell backwards with their own strength. “You should run off now,” Satan suggested. 
The demon fled with a lightning fast speed, with a strong likelihood of never seeing you face-to-face again. 
The thickness of hostility still clung to the atmosphere. When you looked to Satan, his hands were shaking, struggling to wrestle his intense anger, probably working to keep it together for your behalf. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, swallowing your own anger, trying not to get stuck in that twisted loop of questioning people’s atrocities. Slowly, you stepped closer to him, holding one of his hands in yours. Just the touch seemed to help calm him a bit. 
He took a deep breath, holding his head a bit. “I’m just glad you’re alright. If something else would’ve happened, I might’ve...” 
He could burn the Devildom down for you. 
He straightened his back, gathering his thoughts back together. “Thank you too,” he finally shared. “I don’t feel guilty when I’m angry for you...it feels like my wrath has a purpose...it’s not meaningless...if that makes any sort of sense.” He hardly was ever hesitant about his words, but he struggled with them now, perhaps a bit self-conscious at his sudden vulnerability. “Anyways, I think a calmer activity is what we need. How about we head to the library? And don’t worry, I won’t leave your side again.” 
“Oh, well hello there.” Asmo sauntered out of the darkened alley, leaning against the shop wall to look at the demon with their hand on you. There was a flirtatious melody to Asmo’s voice, but his eyes hinted at a deeper feeling. “Who’s your friend here?” 
“I-” You tried to speak but were cut off. 
The demon shrugged their shoulders innocently but kept their claws on your shoulder. “Just getting to know them a bit, no harm in that is there?” 
“Of course not!” Asmo exclaimed, moving away from the wall coming up right to the demon. He suddenly curled a hand around their chin. “In that case, I want to know all about you.” Surprised, the demon took a step back, unsure of what was happening. Asmo moved his hands down to the demon’s shoulders, rubbing them. “Aw, what’s wrong?” He asked, a fake pout to his lips. “I thought you liked this sort of thing; putting hands on strangers.” He got in close, lips close to their ear. “Not so fun when it happens to you, isn’t it?” 
As the demon stuttered, Asmo quickly stomped his heel down onto the demon’s foot. The demon gasped in pain, moving backwards, but before they could escape too far away, there was a brisk slap as Asmo’s palm contacted the side of their cheek. The force of the impact was strong enough to have the demon spin, falling back onto the ground. 
Asmo looked at his fingernails to make sure they were fine before flicking his wrist in a motion to shoo the demon away. “Get your ugly face out of our sights. Oh, but before that...” He pulled out his D.D.D. making sure to snap a picture of the demon in such a pathetic sight. Shamed and bruised, the demon rushed off. Asmo tucked his device away before approaching you promptly. “Are you alright, dear?” 
“N-not really,” you answered honestly. 
That response made Asmo glance down where the demon had fled, eyes filled with malice. But with a sigh, he turned his soft gaze towards you. “Are you good with a hug?” He waited till you nodded before he wrapped his arms around you, swaying you back and forth a little. One of his hands protectively curved around the back of your head. “How dare anyone treat you like that. Not pretty behavior at all!” He pulled back and cupped your face in his hands, making sure you seemed alright with the touch. “With a face as lovely as yours, they should’ve known you were totally out of their league!” Flattery aside, his voice went serious. “If you’re ever in trouble like that, call on me as soon as you can. I don’t want anything bad ever happening to you. Not even a single tear.” He let his hands fall from your touch. He then playfully winked. “It doesn’t matter how far I am, I’ll always make it to you. I can run perfectly in heels you know.” 
“Thank you,” you managed to smile at him, your mood a bit lightened. 
“Oh, don’t thank me for something so simple, dear. Just keep me by your side and in your mind, and know you are loved and protected.” 
Beel scratched the back of his head as he stuffed his D.D.D back in one of his pockets. He paused at the spot where he remembered leaving you at, looking around for you. As soon as he spotted you, his eyebrows furrowed. He came over casually, head tilted a bit to the side. 
Beel was apparently not the person the demon had expected to see. They were visibly nervous. And for good reason too. However, despite the fact that Beel was considerably larger and stronger, the demon still tried to worm their way out of trouble by lying. “Hey,” they pretended to ask you, resuming the conversation that the two of you never had. “Is this who you were talking abo-” 
“Is this demon giving you trouble?” Beel questioned bluntly, skipping needless assuming and wasteful back and forth. He got to the meat of the matter in a few seconds. 
All you had to do was nod. 
Beel’s eyes narrowed, demon form revealing itself in a flash. Reaching his hand out to the side, Beel yanked out the nearest streetlamp from the ground with a movement so simple he might has well pulled a petal off a flower. He turned with it, his arm reeling back before he realized the demon was completely gone. They had fled the instant the lamp was touched. Beel’s face returned to it’s neutral expression, placing the streetlamp where it should’ve been. Only the light didn’t turn back on...and it was crooked...and there was a suspicious Beel-shaped hand indent in the metal pole. 
“Oh, I broke it.” A little bit of guilt formed on his face. “Lucifer won’t be too happy.” He turned, coming up to you. “You okay?” 
“Uh...” Still a little rattled at the whole thing, you responded honestly. “I’ll be okay in a little bit.” 
Old memories probably came to his mind, ones where he arrived and acted a little too late. “I’m sorry,” he frowned, looking downcast. 
“No, don’t be, it wasn’t your fault at all...Thank you for protecting me. You kept me safe,” you assured him. 
He seemed to brighten at that. “Of course...It’s what I do. You and my brothers, I’ll protect all of you always.” With a gentle gesture, he gave you a little hug, making you feel like you were protected by a warm and comforting shield.  He pulled away after a moment, looking down the street behind you. "Do you want something to eat? That always makes me feel better. I'll carry you there if you want. That way, no one can mess with you again."
(This segment contains Mild Spoilers if you haven’t finished the first portion of the game) 
“Say, did you want to go somewhere?” The demon asked, trying to lead you further down the street. Your mind started to race with all the self-defense lessons and spells you had been taught to use in situations like these. 
"No." You stated, taking a step back. "Leave me alone."
"Well..." The demon suddenly didn't look so 'friendly' anymore. "That's pretty rude, don't you think?"
You scowled, eyes flickering to where Belphie was supposed to be. There was no sign of him. “I have someone with me, you should leave now.” 
“Oh?” The demon laughed a little. “Yeah, I saw. Belphegor, right? The one everyone knows hates humans?” The demon squinted, giving you a shove in the opposite direction. “You picked the wrong demon to put your trust in.” Those words settled into your chest with a cold pain. “I bet he’s already run off or found somewhere to take a nap rather than keep an eye on you.” You continued to back up, but the demon just kept following you. You considered trying to run for it. “Just face it,” the demon smirked. “Don’t fight it. After all, there’s no one here to protect you.” 
All the sudden, a chin rested on your shoulder. You flinched, but felt a surge of relief when a familiar yawn rang through the air. How did he get behind you? You hadn’t even noticed him moving around. According to the look on the other demon’s face, apparently they hadn’t noticed him till now either. 
“Can we go home now?” Belphie asked you, acting as if the other demon wasn’t even there in the first place. “I’m tired of being out here.” 
“H-hey!” That whole dramatic speech was suddenly losing it’s merit, the demon floundering a little at the lack of attention. 
“Sure,” you responded, feeling like that was probably a good idea. You suddenly had your fill of public spaces. Being safe at home sounded like a dream. 
Belphie straightened, taking your hand and leading you away, intending not to pay any mind to the demon at all. 
Even more infuriated by being ignored, the demon lunged, attempting to pull you back by the back of your clothing. 
Belphegor turned, an emotionless look on his face as he grabbed the demon’s wrist with a firm hand. “I said we were going home,” he emphasized. 
Eye twitching, plans ruined, the other demon growled. “You were supposed to not care!” 
“...” There was a long pause, and for a moment, you wondered if Belphie had even heard the demon’s words. Then Sloth’s eyes narrowed. “If there’s one thing I hate more than anything, it’s when people try to assume things for me. What I like or don’t like, what’s best for me, what I’m feeling, nobody gets to decide that. And nobody gets to attempt to hurt this human and get away with it.” With a flick of his arm, he threw them back, sending them rolling across the ground. Belphie took up your hand again and continued on his way back towards the House without even looking back. 
You remained silent. 
Typically, Belphie would enjoy the silence with you, but he seemed uncomfortable and finally spoke up. “I know.” When you looked at him questioningly, he elaborated. “I know I’m a hypocrite.” His jaw tightened, his words soft. “I know nothing I say or do will ever make up for it...You can hate me, you can curse me, you can never want to see me again and that’s okay...but that won’t stop me from making sure you’re safe.” His bangs hid his eyes, and his hold on your hand loosened should you want to tug yourself free. “You’ve suffered enough. The very least I can do is make sure it wont happen again. That’s my pact. My promise.” 
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bouquetface · 3 months
PAC: Summer 2024
Not every tarot read you find will be for you. Take it as entertainment 🩵
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Travel. You may go visit an older person. You may witness an event that is someone else's maturing (Wedding, Birthday, Engagement, Baby Shower, Visit someone's first home/first apartment, etc). An important family event is likely this summer.
You could be more active this summer. Lots of movement - playing sports recreationally, walking more exploring, visiting new places, visiting older places where you have prominent memories.
Without putting much effort, you could have a glow up by the end of the summer. Looking toned, sun kissed, & being/feeling happier.
This summer is a refreshing energy. You could start something new. You could feel brand new by the end of it. You may receive some praise - possibly a literal flower bouquet. There may be something to celebrate. Maybe you're going to start a new job, new school, new program by the end of this summer.
You are definitely accomplishing something this summer. You are likely to hear good news. When I asked for confirmation on what this good news is, I pulled :
"HIGH VIBES - Love or other happiness lurks just around the corner. It will be something much better than your wildest dreams. A rare opportunity, an exciting encounter with like-minded people, will exceed your expectations."
You could be dealing with a stubborn and aggressive person. It could be a boss or someone who wants authority over you. They seem to be trying to get in between you and a friend. I see 2 scenarios:
A slight annoying situation: You're dealing with a boss you find annoying. You're talking with coworkers when there isn't much left to do. Your manger or supervisor tells you, get back to work.
A friend has hidden resentment for you. Jealously. 🎶 “I grew up next to you all insecure”. They won’t have a straightforward/honest conversation with you. Prominent taurus or aries placements. They are trying to get in the way of your other friendships. Ex: talking trash, leaving you out a gc, leaving you out of plans to meet up. Hopefully, you have friends who will see through this person. 🎶 “I will find out”
Some of you might be elevated to a position of authority. For ex: Your promoted to supervisor, your salary increases.
You might be spending more this summer. Self-care purchases. Something that makes you feel good. Skincare, haircare, etc. You likely can afford these few splurges as I see no negatives attached to this card.
Someone may ask for your forgiveness. Might not be direct. For ex: A follow request from someone you had a falling out with. An attempt to reconnect. I'm unsure if you want this person back in your life. All up to you though.
There is an important choice this summer for you regarding relationships. Might be work related. Or a personal relationship. You might get a heads up from someone that is situation/conversation is coming.
The lyrics “Think Fast, you only get one try” may resonate at the end of this summer.
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fanartka · 3 months
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So, who on the council will be probable dead or injured? Jayce has a scenario armor, most likely he will only get a stylish scar, mental wound and strong motivation. But look at Mel Medarda's mother, Ambessa. She is stern and goes into battle, there is rage on her face, but somehow tired. Mel had her back to the window (by the way, it’s great that they lowered the dome over the council when Jayce was tried at the beginning of the story, but now they’ve forgotten about it.) and could have suffered the most. And that's why Ambessa looks so depressed through her belligerence - if her children are dead, why fight? To take revenge first, and then what? Who should I leave the inheritance to? It seems to me that a good scenario would be to cripple Mel or disfigure her wonderful beauty.
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Frankly, I admired every time she showed on the screen. I like the fluidity of the panther with which she walks, how gently she manipulates everyone around, but not for the sake of an evil goal, on the contrary, she is a pacifist and a supporter of reasonable decisions. Her mind is sharper than anyone else in Arcane. Viktor could compete if his passion was politics, not science (and not Jayce, sorry, this is canon), and if his health was better. But in addition to intelligence, bribery and flattery, she skillfully used her charm and the fact that people are more willing to contact attractive people. It would be an excellent move not to kill her, but rather to deprive her of what she is accustomed to consider her inalienable weapon - beauty.
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And, perhaps, deprive her of the opportunity to walk so gracefully, whitening herself with gold tattoos. Although there are cyber prostheses in this world. I think this would cause Ambessa to start tearing things apart because she will always avenge her children.
I imagine Mel hiding half her face behind a golden mask, with an exoskelkt in her beautiful back, and I can imagine how much her disposition might change when she experiences severe depression.
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What I am sure of is that Mrs. Kiramman, Caitlyn's strict mother, is dead. It’s enough just to look at Caitlyn's bitter face, and there was a shot somewhere in Internet where her father looks tired of life, and in front of him lies a bouquet of white flowers, similar to a funeral one. Yes, she's definitely dead.
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What about Viktor? He wasn't shown in the teaser, but I'm sure this is just to tease us even more, he will definitely be in the second season. Riot Games has stated that Arcane is now canon and that they will be rebuilding canon, but something tells me that one way or another this poor talented boy will become Machine Heralt, just this time for a different reason. I think the explosion will critically wound him, but the hex will prevent him from dying. He will be so seriously injured that there will be no other choice but to mechanize part of his body and let the hextech heal the rest. (I wonder who Jayce will rush to first when he sees their wounds, Viktor or Mel? Most likely to Mel).
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And I'm sure that the creators will not disappoint us, the first season shows how bold they are in their creative expression, I think that all other studios should learn from them (yes, Marvel, I'm looking at you (how dare you be so lazy and carelessly when you wrote the story of Supreme! look at the work of Riot Games and Netflix, that's how it should be!))
In any case, I think we will have to wash ourselves with tears, but it will be done at the highest level, because the creators treat their characters like beloved children, not slaves to make money.
I'm looking forward to it, good luck to you, the characters I liked so much. I hope you remain more human Viktor than Machine Herald, poor clever boy.
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hottiehiei · 4 months
I love all of your writing but specifically the soft Hiei story had my grown butt giggling like a schoolgirl 😍! Could we get more soft Hiei, nsfw or sfw dealers choice, in any sort of scenario?? I look forward to reading more of your stories! Also just had my first Hiei dream the other night and I was giddy when I woke up 😁
i’m so happy you enjoy my writing, anon :’) now i’m giggling like a schoolgirl!!! haha <333
i did headcanons because it’s easier for me to write!
Soft!Hiei (Fluff Version)
sfw, fluff, gender neutral
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is so whipped. Everyone has caught him smiling at you from a distance, just obsessed with every little thing you do. Years ago he would’ve laughed at the possibility of falling in love. Now he can’t imagine himself without you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When sitting alone together, Hiei falls asleep on your shoulder. At first it was accidental, and he was pretty embarrassed about it after he woke up, but as time went on, he intentionally shifts closers to your side in hopes of leaning on you. As he gets comfortable with this level of intimacy, he will occasionally rests his head on your lap, which is the perfect opportunity to play in his hair or trace the outline of his face.
𓆩⟡𓆪 It may not seem like it, but Hiei doesn’t mind listening to your random thoughts or interests, even if he can’t relate to them. He makes an effort to understand who you are, and that includes your weird opinions! Before long, he knows you better than anyone else.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei doesn’t have any cute nicknames for you like “Baby” or “Babe”. He only calls you by your given name, but honestly, it rolls off his tongue so smoothly that it feels just as endearing. When he calls out to you, his voice is alluring, and you’ll feel compelled to follow him anywhere.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Disagreements rarely escalate because Hiei can’t stay upset with you for long. He might pretend he’s angry, but the second you start pouting, he drops the act.
𓆩⟡𓆪 If you’re upset with him though, he’s very stubborn, almost like a child. Oh, you’re mad about what he said during an argument? Okay, well now he’s mad too! (He tries to move on like it never happened, especially if he’s the one in the wrong.) Hiei is the type to apologize while you’re half sleep. He mumbles a small “sorry” just as you begin to doze off. You’ll probably end up thinking you dreamed it.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei brags about you more often than he realizes. It’s an unconscious habit, sort of like ‘thinking out loud’. He tells other people not to underestimate your abilities if they’re concerned about your safety. Or, if someone gets something incorrect about you, he is quick to correct them. It can be something as simple as your favorite color and he’s suddenly butting into the conversation like “No idiot, they actually like xxxx.”
Hiei loves being praised. If you cheer him on during a fight, he’s all nonchalant like “They’re no match for me. This is child’s play.” but he feels so fired up on the inside. Ego boosts are great for Hiei, seriously. Works wonders.
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piplup335 · 5 months
Subspace & a reader who is a toxic player!
sry I didn’t have time to write, I was quite busy these few days ;-; but hey, now I have time to write! I’m just cramming out whatever time I have to finally rest and finish up reqs :D
honestly I like writing for you all, so I’m not a fan of going inactive LMAO
anyway, enjoy!
requested by…yeah, you already know who you are, you just don’t wanna admit it. I know who you are :)
"At last."
Subspace could feel the smugness radiating off of Medkit as he fired a crystal, instantly healing his teammates. Subspace had tried to chase after and take down the other team's Shuriken for one and a half minutes, only to get shot and taken down by Medkit himself, his sworn enemy.
Or rather, Subspace himself didn't try to take down Shuriken.
It was the player. The one controlling him.
More specifically, someone named (Y/N). He overheard the name when someone yelled at them to keep quiet…and judging by the tone, it seemed like this wasn’t the first time.
Deep down, Subspace never wanted to fight anyone. He just wanted to stay in his lab in Blackrock, tinkering on his newest experiments and inventions, improving the Biografts he held so dear to him...after all, the Biografts were the "people" he truly felt close to, the beings he saw as children.
But no, the creators of the endless game he was trapped in pulled him out of Blackrock for ungodly amounts of time, only being able to leave when the server was shut down for maintenance or when the game was closed for updates.
He rarely even got to see his creations as often, only being able to catch sight of them in what the players called a "lobby" or during one of the matches. Regardless of whether Biograft or Hyperlaser was on the same team as him or not, a familiar sight was always appreciated.
To the players, it was just an average video game where you use random characters and fight each other with swords and stuff.
To Subspace, it was hell.
He wanted to be left alone to work on his creations in the eternal winter of Blackrock.
But no, he had to be pulled out of the comfort of his lab just to fight people, most of whom he had never met before.
He didn't even have control of his actions either- everything was decided by the player.
The player. Subspace shuddered at the thought.
He always hated losing control of his body, watching helplessly as the player controlled his every movement. Controlled where he walked, who he attacked, how he attacked...Subspace couldn't even run to save his life if he wanted to.
Sometimes, whoever the player was would be nice to him. On those days, the player would make smart decisions to avoid death, allowing him to effortlessly eliminate multiple opponents by utilising his poisonous tripmines to shred the opposing team's defences.
In other scenarios such as this one, however, the player controlling him was terrible.
They would make the worst possible choices, immediately charging into battle even though he was meant to attack from a distance. They never used his crystals effectively, missing the opportunity to immobilise and slow down his opponents...they made so many bad decisions it was almost impressive.
Today, however, seemed a lot worse.
Not only did this one player, (Y/N), suck at utilising his abilities, but he would also curse him out for being "bad" and "useless".
And now, here he was. He was faced with a death screen with his limp body on the ground as Medkit ran past him to heal the rest of his team.
The player had spent almost two minutes trying to take down a SINGLE PLAYER. The amount of misfires on other people was impressive at that point...
And now it was all for nought.
"Damn it! You suck at this! I spend so much time trying to kill someone and I can't because you do less than 5 hitpoints for your normal attack!"
Subspace internally groaned at this. He was not allowed to cry out loud or make a sound outside his usual voice lines- that would alert the player that he and the others were self-aware about these phights being nothing more than a game.
He forced himself to keep his mouth shut.
Subspace was irritated- he wanted to yell out loud, retort at the player and get some common sense into his head. He wanted to instruct the player as to how to properly play him so that maybe, just maybe, the player could shut up for thirty seconds.
He was tired of seeing the death screen so many times in one match. By then, he had seen it seven or eight times in four minutes and was slowly getting tired of it.
He just wanted to break free from the puppeteer's grasp.
He just wanted to get out of the lobby. He wanted to head to Crossroads, down the familiar concrete path back to Blackrock. He just wanted to put on a warm coat amidst the everlasting blizzard in his faction.
The blizzard gave him a warmth in his chest...a warm feeling that reminded him of home.
"One last minute..." Subspace thought. One more minute, and he could rest for another thirty seconds...until being pulled straight back into another nightmarish round, another round where he'd experience the constant and tedious cycle of spawning, being controlled, getting killed, spawning again...
He wished he could go home, back to Blackrock. He did not like it here.
As the round ended, Subspace got a glimpse of the results screen.
He was last. Again. With thirteen deaths, zero kills, and only two assists.
“Darn it! Why’d I even pick you? Your damage output is trash!”
Subspace could hear (Y/N) let out a string of profanities upon seeing another loss. Just as Subspave thought all was lost and he’d die from madness after all this, he heard Zuka announce something- something he had yearned to hear for the past thirty minutes.
“Phighters- I got a message from the developers. Server’s gonna shut down, maintenance is happening soon.”
Five seconds later, Subspace felt energy return to his joints as he stumbled onto the floor.
Subspace tried moving his arm, then went on to flexing his fingers. It worked.
He let out a sigh of relief. It was finally over.
One by one, other phighters around the lobby stumbled and toppled over as they regained energy in their joints as the players got kicked.
The puppeteers were gone.
Zuka gestured into his van.
“We’re going back to Crossroads. Hop in.”
As the familiar tower in Crossroads emerged in the distance, Subspace finally let his shoulders relax. He was closer to Crossroads, closer to his laboratory, closer to his home…
Subspace wouldn’t need to fight his beloved Biografts like he was forced to in phights. It always tore him apart to attack his creations, the very things he had worked so hard to perfect…the closest thing he had to a true companion.
But now, he could rest.
Other phighters lounged around in Crossroads. Rocket could be seen making small talk with Sword
Hyperlaser and Katana could be seen heading to the nearest bar.
All the phighters seemed to want to have a chat with someone else before heading back to their respective factions.
Instead, Subspace trudged down the path to Blackrock without saying a word, exhausted and irritated from everything that happened.
Biograft spotted this and immediately sprinted towards his creator.
“I just don’t get it!! Why me?? Why do I always seem to get the most talentless players?? I can see their stats and half the people who play me are newbies!!”
Biograft listened. That was his task, anyway- to identify the needs of his creator and adapt to them. And right now, Subspace needed a listening ear- someone who would listen to all his woes about the day.
“Why am I even doing this?? It’s been a week without seeing a player that knew their stuff!! Dear Illumina, WHY?!”
Biograft may have been a robot, but he was programmed to understand what his creator needed and how to respond.
If he needed food, Biograft could cook up a meal.
If he needed a certain tool, Biograft could bring Subspace his trusty toolbox.
But right now, all Subspace needed was some comfort.
The duo trod back to the familiar snowy landscape of Blackrock in silence. Biograft knew that his creator just wanted to go home. He didn’t have the energy for this.
Back in the lab, Biograft listened to Subspace.
The lab was Subspace’s haven, the only place where he felt comfortable enough to let loose.
Subspace spent so much time in the lab, more time than in his own house so much so that Biograft would often worry for its creator. Subspace would then reassure it, saying that he’s just doing what he enjoys. Never once would Biograft ever see Subspace at his workstation without his concentrated expression, only changing when Subspace chuckled softly every time a component worked as intended.
But today was different.
Subspace was resentful of the player, and back in his lab was where he finally let out all his pent-up rage.
Upon entering the lab, Subspace collapsed onto a nearby chair, groaning in annoyance.
“That little sh-!! I did what I could to accommodate his stupidity, but what did he do?? Curse me out, that’s what!!”
Subspace got up, pacing around and stomping on the ground to emphasise his point.
Biograft watched his creator. It could hear everything the player said, and despite being on the opposite team, it could almost feel a sense of empathy towards his creator, deep down in his processors.
“And do I have a damn choice as to whether or not I get controlled?? No!! This crap is all part of a VIDEO GAME, and I don’t have a say as to whether or not I participate!! Can’t I like, call in sick??”
Subspace picked up a screwdriver and was about to hurl it at the wall…but he paused, looked at the tool, and set it back down on his workbench.
He collapsed back into the seat, groaning in annoyance.
“…apologies, Biograft. It’s been a rough day…and I finally get to let loose.”
Understanding his situation, Biograft’s processors whirred to life, processing the new information. The soft hum of the processor was the only sound in the lab as Subspace lay on the chair.
As Biograft’s processors grew silent, it walked over and put an arm around its creator.
For once in a long time, Subspace felt some warmth.
And it wasn’t from his usual coat.
thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
if you do have feedback, please drop it in the comments so I can improve my writing for you guys! :D
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novacqnes · 2 years
omg could u write an au fic where both ellie and the fem!reader are detectives working on a case but like uhm, they’re also- married 🤭 and in one scenario they are undercover in a club and the reader has to act flirty with the bad guy and so ofc ellie is jealous…… that means yes. jealous s e x. uhm. please. i just- want to imagine ellie in a suit LMAO
poison // ellie williams
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warning: angst, smut, jealousy, top!ellie, squirting, fingering, strap on usage (fem receiving), mentions of crime (prostitution, human trafficking, drugs)
pairing: ellie williams x fem reader
a/n: …..this is pure genius. i haven’t been able to stop thinking about this ask since you’ve sent it in. i definitely need to delve into detective ellie fics for my own peace of mind. also i don’t usually put a wc in requested fics but this one is kinda lengthy so keep that in mind—
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ellie saw red. thick crimson splotches crept into the corners of her vision making it nearly impossible to see— let alone think clearly. green eyes narrowed into the sight on the opposite side of the bar. there, a man and a woman sat playfully bantering back and forth. their words were drowned out by the obnoxiously loud music, but the image was enough for ellie to get the picture. 
to most he was known as philip grant, a pompous ass responsible for running one of the largest prostitution and drug rings in the country. the man was balding, pale, and stocky— he couldn’t have been over 5’2, yet his arrogance preceded him. ellie observed silently. his lips, cracked and brittle, pressed into a menacing grin as he fixated on the woman before him. 
jealousy stirred inside ellie the longer she watched the woman— her wife flirt with grant. the long touches, dramatic laughter, and seductive eyes made her stomach turn, yet there was nothing she could do besides watch. any sort of interference would blow your cover, jeopardizing the lives of everyone in the club— including you. thus ellie opted for bitter jealousy, submerging herself in it as she did her best to trust you. after all, you needed to find some way to nail him or he’d walk free once again.
“i see him, it’s the last table to your right,” ellie whispered, adjusting the buttons of her coat. the two of you sat at a table just a few feet away, dressed to blend in with the elite to attend the club. she wore a jet-black suit that conformed to her body perfectly. yet your focus was pulled in the opposite direction.
 “el, we’ve got to get something from him tonight.”
“i know.” her breath hitched, pressure mounted onto both of your shoulders as time crept by with no true plan. by midnight philip grant would still be a free man and the possibility of changing that was growing scarce. you needed to act fast and without a call to action, ellie was without choices. she reached for her gun, sliding it into her jacket as she rose from her seat.
immediately you hopped up blocking her path, “what the hell are you doing?”
“…..i’m gonna go talk to him?” ellie muttered, her cheeks burning bright pink. shooting the man was not an option. the arrest needed to be swift and quick— which meant no guns nor endangering customers. you swiped the pistol from ellie’s hands, discreetly placing it in your bag. 
you pulled her back towards the table, “you can’t just walk up to him. the moment he sees you coming he’s gonna run— and it’ll be months till we get an opportunity like this again.”
“so what’s your idea?” she sighed, her hands thrown up in defeat. carefully your eyes lingered on the man for just a moment. dozens of girls swarmed, some from the club, others had come with him. they hung on grant’s every word— so much so that if he asked them to jump off a cliff they’d do it in heartbeat. 
“i’ll go.”
“you’ve gotta be kidding me,” ellie sputtered, her eyes doubling in size. 
“listen to me, philip grant is an asshole— a chauvinistic pig that gets off on exploiting women. all i need to do is stroke his ego a bit and he’ll start talking.”
you were right, and ellie knew it but she didn’t like it. she loathed this part of the job. the side that seemingly blurred the lines between reality and fiction. it required you to play a character, and put on a persona in exchange for just a sliver of information. it was something you were good at, yet ellie still detested it. 
“i can do this, alright? i promise if things start to go south i’ll signal and we’ll send the cops in— now tell me, how do i look?” despite your adamance ellie was more than hesitant. yet the plan was already in motion, and there was no time to stand in the way of it.  
“beautiful,” she whispered, allowing the pit deep inside of her to fester. you shot your wife a quick grin, placing a soft look on your face before adjusting your dress. then you whipped out a dark red lipstick that was sure to captivate grant’s attention. 
in one large breath, you sauntered over to the opposite side of the room. as you approached the man a sly grin took hold of your lips. plastering itself there the more he eyed you up and down. his gaze felt like venom. your stomach churned with nausea as it intensified, sending a cold chill through your bones. nevertheless you took the seat in front of him, outstretching your hand.
“mr grant, right? i’m elora.” 
philip grant was an asshole, in every sense of the word. simply seeing you with him was enough to evoke more than jealousy from ellie. she couldn’t hear anything over the loudspeakers so she had to rely on sight, which seemed to worsen her regret. she despised the way he looked at you— as if you were prey, something to be conquered. and you had no choice but to play into it. 
she watched as your arms wrapped around his, pulling him closer to your body. in a matter of minutes, you’d manage to blend in with his women seamlessly, cooing at the man’s words. ellie’s felt nauseated as you doted on the man, pushing the boundary in order to draw more information. she was sure that if she stood by any longer she’d vomit. 
desperately she sought out a sign— anything to signal that she could arrest grant but nothing came. the music ruined any possibility of eavesdropping so she had to opt for visuals and they only made her even more jealous. she fiddled with the silver band on finger, her gaze narrowing on grant’s hand. it trailed from her pocket and to your arm as he slipped you a paper, leaning in dangerously close to whisper.
ellie wanted to gag, his lips nearly brushed your ear. although it was small compared to what she’d witnessed it was enough for her to radio in the cops surrounding the small bar. within a matter of seconds, she stormed over to the two of you, whipping out her handcuffs. 
“wait el—“ but your protests fell on deaf ears. at that moment dozens of officers swarmed the building, closing in. philip tried to push past yet ellie’s hand sent him crashing back down. his face turned beet red and ellie towered over him, more powerful than you’d ever seen her. 
“philip grant you are under arrest for 18 counts of human sex trafficking and the murders of rose and ruby daniels,” she said sternly, locking the metal around his wrists. bewildered, his eyes found yours as if to plead for help yet he was baffled by the lack of surprise on your face. 
“elora? y-you know her? lying bitch you set me up,” he spat, malice laced in each word. he opened his mouth to continue yet you count register a thing. instead, your focus found its way back to ellie. you watched as she passed grant along to the cops, the solemn glare in her eyes remaining. this was a win for both of you, but it was quickly overshadowed by the looming tension that hung over your heads. 
“what’d you find out?” her words were short and she refused to spare you a glance for more than a moment at a time. 
“he told me where he keeps the rest of the girls.” you slipped a sheet of paper into her palm. in it was a full outline of grant’s businesses which was guaranteed to work against him in court. despite uncovering the piece of evidence that would bury him, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of annoyance radiating from ellie.
“what?” she asked, growing restless under your prying eyes.
“i told you to wait,” you faltered, “he was gonna tell me about murders before—“
“we got what we came for, y/n. i wasn’t going to sit back and watch you flirt with him all night.” the last thing you wanted to do was fight— especially not about philip grant. yet ellie wasn’t in a position to reason with you. she saw what she wanted too— and that was you flirting with someone that wasn’t her. 
“listen i’m gonna leave this in evidence… just meet me in the car.” with that ellie turned sharply on her heel not even allowing you the chance to respond. still, you did your best to remain cheerful, making a mental note to apologize once you got home. hopefully, the events of the night would be long forgotten for both of your sakes. 
however, this was the opposite of what happened— the car ride back home was dreadful. ellie hardly even looked your way. vivid details of the ordeal seemed to haunt her. the shameless image of you fawning over grant seared its way into her memory and it only upset her even more. it felt like a wall was being built between the two of you and you had no way of tearing it down. unfortunately, when you got home it was no different.
ellie stormed into the apartment ahead, leaving you trailing behind. she made her way into the bedroom and the anger was detectable even from the kitchen. 
“you hungry? i could make something or we could order in?” you called, only to be greeted by the distinct sounds of silence.
you tried a second time yet all of your attempts amounted to nothing. exasperated, you followed pervading noise all the way towards the room down the hall. there ellie sat on a large bed— the place the two of you shared your most intimate moments. on most days it acted as a safe haven but now it seemed more treacherous than ever. 
the air was thick, presumably from the budding tension that only seemed to stir as you approached your wife. her green eyes buzzed with a certain type of poison— jealousy.
“please don’t tell me you’re giving me the silent treatment because of philip grant,” you muttered, shifting under her fierce gaze. it ignited something inside of you that was utterly unfamiliar. it was ardent passion in a way that you’d never experienced. 
she rose from the mattress, stepping towards you until she was just a few inches away. the heat was palpable and it took shape right in between the two of you, blending in with the jealousy that oozed from ellie.
“you know what i hate most about this job?” she whispered, her voice light and delicate like a feather. you hadn’t realized it then but you were just barely touching the wall. and you feared if ellie stepped any closer you’d be right against it. 
“seeing you with other people.” 
you began, “but it doesn’t mean anything—
“did you see the way he looked at you? hm?” she moved towards you, gradually sealing the distance between your bodies. the cold surface of the wall pressed up against your back, offering you little comfort as ellie spoke. her words were pointed and direct, you could almost make out the hurt behind them but it was overshadowed by a more intense feeling. 
“he wanted to fuck you. jesus y/n….the guy was practically frothing at the mouth the entire time and i had to sit there and watch it.” ellie seethed. she placed each of her arms on the opposite of your body, caging you in as her body stood firm against you. thus with every movement, no matter how minuscule you were able to feel the muscles that lay under ellie’s heavy suit. each one molding against you just perfectly.
“can’t really blame 'em’ though, right?” ellie leaned into your ear, pressing her body against yours with much more fervor. she left soft kisses on the sensitive skin of your neck when you felt something prod at your thigh. you bit back a gasp, jerking against the wall as you looked down. 
“you’re just so beautiful….” she cooed, a sharp tinge glimmering in her eyes. her words were gentle although her body told an entirely different story— and you would soon experience the magnitude of it. she hooked her calloused hands under your chin pulling you into a heated kiss. your hands roamed her body stopping at her crotch where you felt a strong bulge. immediately you went to unzip her pants but quickly stopped by ellie herself. 
“n-no— not yet. get on the bed.” 
you followed her orders without complaint. you took your spot on the bed as ellie watched, slowly peeling from her clothes. you followed suit stripping down to nothing but your underwear. once again, you reached for her yet she remained planted in her spot, desire burning in her eyes. you ached to have her near you— to have ellie inside of you.
“i need you ellie— please,” you whined, slowly soaking the thin piece of cloth over your core. 
dazed from anticipation you nodded mumbling incoherently. your hands trailed to your pussy, circling over the soft flesh as your wife hovered over you blinded by intense jealousy. she wanted nothing more than to see you beg. more as a reminder to herself than to you. no matter what happened during a case— you were hers and the simple sight of you pleading was enough to confirm that. 
“where do you need me?” ellie teased, running her fingertips along the side of your thigh. she brought her index finger to your underwear, sliding it underneath.
“in—inside me.” you shivered at the cold contact, gripping the sheets as she continued. one worked on your clit, teasing the nub as one more made its way into your cunt. ellie couldn’t help but moan at the feeling— your walls clamped around her digits desperately as she curved them. pressing up into the spongy tissue that was your g-spot. 
“o—oh shit…..”
you pressed your eyes closed relishing in the warmth that spread across your entire lower body. thick beads of sweat formed on your skin the more it persisted. ellie’s hand was slick with your fluids but it wasn’t enough. she picked up the pace drawing intense pleas from your lips that replicated music— yet she wanted to do more.
“tell me what you want, y/n.” her tone was so assertive and it made your head spin. you opened your eyes, forcing yourself to look back. frenzied short hairs clung to the side of her face and her cheeks were flushed, it all read of sweet determination. like she had something to prove. 
“i want you to f-fuck me— with it,” you purred, your hands traveling back to the now-exposed dildo that sat in between her legs. ellie leaned down to kiss you once more before removing her fingers from your heat and bringing them to your lips. in one swift motion, ellie moved her body on top of yours, situating herself comfortably in between your legs. she kissed down your chest, cupping her hands over your toys as she brought each one to her mouth, feverishly sucking. 
she sat up, teasingly running the silicone over your pussy coating the tip. the sensation caused you to jerk back, sending a smirk to ellie’s plush lips. after moments she moved forward, filling you to the hilt.
“is this what you wanted?”
“yes—yes it’s fucking perfect el,” you cried, hot tears welling in the corners of your eyes. she pursued a relentless pace, slamming her hips against you. the rapid movement spread the pleasure all throughout your body, leaving you nearly speechless. 
strings of obscenities filled ellie’s ears as she sunk into you with each merciless stroke. your legs shook from the impact, desperately wrapping against her. the bed rocked along with the two of you, crashing into the wall as ellie fucked you.
you clasped onto her face, cupping it in your palms as you brought her face down. she pressed her forehead against yours, her pants mixing with moans and the filthy sounds of your pussy. 
“don’t stop, fuck me ha—“ your whines became caught in your throat as ellie pulled out, gently moving you into your stomach. she moved behind you, taking her place as she continued the fervent pace— this time with much more aggression. 
your cheeks rubbed harshly against the fabric of the blanket. you weren’t given much time to adjust to the next position before that same pit pleasure took shape inside of you. and it strengthened with each taunting thrust of ellie’s hips. 
she knew you were close, she could practically feel it in the way your body writhed underneath her. thus her movements had much more vigor and purpose behind them. she needed to bring you to unravel and she was going to be the one to do it. thus ellie placed a firm hand by your head to stabilize herself. using her free one to toy with your sensitive clit. 
“close aren’t you?” she hummed. 
“….please let me come” your voice grew weary and your body stiff. streams of pleasure rippled through your body and in a matter of seconds your vision was distorted by black spots. the sweet poisonous pit in your stomach unraveled, drawing deep loud moans from your lips. 
ellie moved from your body. watching in awe as you soaked the white sheets beneath you, drenching them in fluids. shockwaves tore through your body beautifully leaving you a mess on the bed you shared with your wife. she left soft kisses all over your face and neck, slowly easing from your high. 
“so beautiful…..”
as your vision cleared you gazed up at ellie, who hovered over you. the fierceness in her gaze was long gone, replaced with concern as she looked back at you.
neither of you said anything about the ordeal, in fact, you’d almost forgotten about it. instead, you were struck with fatigue. dozing off as ellie doted on you. she removed the wet sheets from the bed, replacing them with new comfortable ones for you to sleep on.
she took her spot snug behind you, burying her face into the crevice of your neck as she basked in your warmth. she adored these moments. especially the intimate one’s where she was able to see aspects of you that only she’d have the pleasure of experiencing. and it was all the reassurance she needed. 
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raincitygirl76 · 1 month
I think what frustrated me most in season 3 about the August video plot being wrapped up in the first five minutes wasn’t that August was getting away with it, it was that S2 had specifically created a scenario where he couldn’t get away with it. It had laid groundwork for a plot in S3 that suddenly disappeared, with visible plot holes left behind.
In S1, I wasn’t surprised when August got away with filming and posting the video. Rich, well-connected sex offenders avoid prosecution and public exposure all the time. It felt unjust, particularly because the royal court were protecting a sex offender over his victim who was Kristina’s own child. But I understood exactly why Kristina and the royal court had made those choices, even though I didn’t like said choices. If the video plot had been left there, as it was at the end of 1.06, I wouldn’t have objected. August got away with it, of course he did. That’s just what happens.
But in season 2, the video plot gradually built to a crescendo where it became urgently relevant again and August seemed in genuine danger of prosecution and even prison (both Rickard and Rosh mentioned prison). We saw it from 2.01 onwards, when Wilhelm took every possible opportunity to inflict petty humiliations on August, since he’d been denied real justice.
We saw it in Marcus suddenly taking an interest in Simon. They’d obviously been acquaintances for years, with their moms being friends. And they’re two of the very few out gay boys in Bjardstad. But Marcus never approached Simon romantically until a few weeks after the video was released, and then he approached intensely.
We also saw the video plot building in 2.05 when Wilhelm finally revealed to Simon that August was the perpetrator, and Simon was furious Wilhelm had known this for so long and kept it to himself. Simon felt disgusted and betrayed that his fellow victim of the video had protected the perpetrator. And we saw the difference in attitude between Wilhelm and Simon. Wilhelm pragmatic and cynical, knowing the full machinery of the royal court would gear up to destroy Simon.
Simon determined to press charges and convinced he could somehow hold August to account in spite of the royal court. And the conflict where Simon directly accuses Wilhelm of keeping secrets claiming to protect him, but really protecting himself. And Wilhelm later echoes that accusation in the jubilee speech, although I’m getting ahead of myself.
As of 2.05, on my first watch back in November 2022, I still assumed August would continue to get away with it. August had money and influence, Simon had neither. I already knew how these things so often go in real life. Also, August had Sara, warning him in advance that Simon knew and was planning to press charges. As of the end of 2.05, Simon was planning to go to the police and Wilhelm was doing nothing to warn August or the royal court. I was compelled, but I was also distracted by the curtains scene.
At the beginning of 2.06, we saw August’s desperation, him reaching out to Jan-Olof, and Jan-Olof’s indifference. We could see August starting to panic like a rat in a trap, seeing long delayed justice approaching him. And then August invited Alexander into his room and made his proposal. The rat was no longer panicking, he was fighting back with every weapon at his disposal.
In 2.06, when August and Alexander met Wilhelm at the Society’s party venue, Wilhelm was the one panicking, August had his fear under control again. He used the full force of his personality, and of Alexander’s desire for revenge against Wilhelm, to assure Wilhelm that no matter what he and Simon did, August would slide away from the mess, reputation intact. And Simon would be the one in trouble with the police. A smug August wass back on top of the world, with his twin schemes to discredit Simon and blame Alexander whirring along beautifully.
And then we had the shooting range scene, where devastating secrets came out. In the aftermath, Simon accepted that he couldn’t seek justice from the police without implicating himself for the drugs. For the second time, August had gotten away with his crime. But I was full of questions anyway.
Had August overreached himself by admitting his crime to Alexander? Yeah, Alexander hated Wilhelm, but his arrangement with August wass built on mutual convenience, not loyalty to August. A big question mark for Season 3. Also, nobody at the royal court actually liked August, he was just next in line. If word got out to the media and the public that August was the perpetrator, Kristina & Co. would likely throw him overboard without a second thought.
So throughout 2.06, my mind was awhirl with possibilities. Yes, technically, August seemed to have gotten away with it for a second time, but the video plot had been building since 2.01. I was starting to wonder if August might actually go down for his crime finally. And then Sara pulled out her cell phone and called the police to report a crime, and I yelped so loudly at the TV I scared the cat.
Finally, the crucial payoff for six episodes of build-up. Finally, the police had been involved, and soon after them, I was sure the media would get wind of it. It seemed like the perfect climax to the season, setting up a riveting conflict for S3.
As of the end of 2.06, I wasn’t really expecting August to go to prison for the video, even though both Rosh and Rickard hinted that could happen (earlier in S2). But I was expecting August to be arrested, and probably even charged. I expected the royal court to interfere somewhere along the way and use behind the scenes influence to get the charges dropped. Probably as part of a quid pro quo with August whereby he’d take sole blame for the video. Thus protecting the royal court from the public finding out they had already known it was August.
But I was also expecting the media and the public to be all over August. Once the police were involved (and we’d seen Sara involve them), it seemed impossible to keep it quiet any longer. I was anticipating a scenario where August technically got away with it, but his precious reputation was ruined. And the public was repelled at the idea of making August Wilhelm’s backup. That seemed to be what Lisa was building towards throughout S2. She built up those expectations with every strand of plot laid out in S2.
And then S3 opened with a civil settlement, an NDA, and the police no longer interested. Meaning August had gotten away with it for a third time, even after all the building blocks from S2 that he had finally run out of ways to evade justice. And then it never got mentioned again. Neither was Arnas mentioned, which August presumably had to sell to pay off Simon and Wilhelm.
It all just went away in the first five minutes. All that buildup from S2, wasted. So that is why I disliked the settlement story. Because Lisa spent all of S2 telling one story, then suddenly changed her mind after she’d already laid out all the ground work, reversed, and decided to tell a completely different, much less interesting story.
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