#It will get worse as you get more skeletons involved tho
erineas · 8 months
Being in a relationship with more than one version of the same skeleton should be a bit clashing sometimes. Especially if their personalities go different ways.
Imagine your sleep schedule is a mess and you just go to bed awfully late one night. You know you're bound to wake up past noon the next day, but you're too tired to care. There's nothing important to worry about tomorrow, anyways.
Hopefully, the one that finds you first is someone like Classic Sans, probably sent by Papyrus to pick you up for breakfast since he would be sleeping too if given the opportunity. He would see you there, hiding behind a comfy cocoon of your sheets, and would climb next to you to resume his napping in your company.
You two would happily nap the hours away if it wasn't for your next skeleton to appear.
Someone like Swapfell Sans would burst the door open (careful enough to not be too loud to startle you or to snap it from it's hinges, for that matter), probably thinking you were already awake. It's a surprise he didn't check on you earlier since he's the type of guy to be up and about at the very same hour you went to sleep, but he still didn't wait until noon to give you your 'good morning' kiss before going on his day.
He would wake you right then and there, complaining about how you shouldn't waste a productive day. He actually doesn't care if you use it to be productive or not, that's just his way to help you fix your schedule. And after all this time dating him, you know he means well.
From then on, your tired mind would have two options: leave the bed and fight the grogginess until you're functional again (and wait for him to sleep together at a decent hour) or fall right back into dreamland with the still sleeping skeleton in your arms.
Whatever you choose, if they're not to fight each other, you know someone will try to convince you to change your mind.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Just realized i didnt leave you any bones yesterday! Its deer hunting season i can probably find a skeleton somewhere hope a full deer will last me a few asks lol. Might not be dry yet tho
So this one. Danny gets caught also but instead of havign to flee, the police actually get involved. Jazz gets danny out and taken to a hospital and on account of him being Very Much Alive jazz easily claims that hes just severely ecto-contaminated and the parents kind of dig their own graves by being so convinced he is a ghost they wont even try to claim innocence.
Danny is hospitalized in intensive surgery- his heart has stopped AT LEAST 12 times which has to be a record and is very scary- and cant leave the hospital for months- a lot longer than he should be on account of my hc of his injuries being tied to his emotions. Once hes "better" (ie healed enough to be Up And Moving) he regularly visits his parents in jail despite it literally making his injuries worse. Jazz never visits them.
(Also this is. Not the focus on the au believe it or not. If someone wants to run wild with that specific portion tho. Be my guest)
For the most part the ghost issues sort themselves out (realizing that danny almost permanently joined them was a wake up call for some of the more serious offenders and some of his more powerful allies had taken up the duty to protect amity for him so anyone else knows theyre Not going to be able to fight like. Clockwork showed up once nobody forgets that)
Jazz and danny (or just danny if jazz has college somewhere else) decide they need a change of scenery, so where do they go?
one thing I wish to add onto this:
Sentient Gotham City being protective of Danny.
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risu5waffles · 7 months
Who, or What, is a risuko?
Tagged by@candybagcj , transfemme Alan Wake. Alaina? Would that be Alaina?
Who were you named after?
Like most trans gals, i'm named after myself. i honestly didn't realize it would work out to be squirrel girl until it was far too late. i was just thinking i was being clever wiv bilingual numbers puns.
Last time you cried?
i don't remember, and this is honestly a bit of a problem for me. i kinda feel like it would be a healthier if i could just have a good, honest cry for once. Oh! Wait, i do remember! But it's not really a public consumption story, sorry.
Do you have kids?
No. Steps were taken. There are a few folx in my community young enough to be my kids, and i only hope i have been a positive parental-adjacent person in their lives. That's an honest hope, they're good kids (tho', i think the youngest of that lot is a whole-ass adult now. How time flies).
What sports do you play/did you play?
Zilch, nada, none. Not very sporty, me. i tried a couple when i was a real wee squirrel, but none of them really stuck. i do like biking around and walking, so i'm not completely inactive.
Do you use Sarcasm?
Not as much as i used to, honestly. i've made an effort to get out of the habit. Partly because it doesn't really track well in Japanese, and partly because i think Whedon-esque/mst3k-style 90's snark is a bane. i'm well tired of social masks, and happy to be quit of them (medical masks, tho', those are great).
First thing you notice about people?
Fashion and ink, how they hold their bodies. My aversion to looking at people's faces has only gotten worse as i've gotten older.
Do you have any talents?
i was a dab hand at embalming way back in the day, and i can still walk through all the steps in my head.
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
Or, hear me out, scary movies wiv happy endings. i'm not against a total party wipe, and can appreciate them when they're done well. But i do like it when we can over come the metaphorical horrors, it happens so seldom in meatspace, you know? Also, i am morally obligated to mention here that the 1988 version of The Blob is one of the best movies ever, and is both scary and has a happy ending.
Where were you born?
i'm adopted, so i couldn't tell you wiv any real granularity. Blacksburg Virginia, US is as close as i can get you. Not a big city, tho', can't be that many hospitals. Unless i was born in a ditch. i'd honestly like it if i were a ditchwater baby.
What are your hobbies?
Creating in LittleBigPlanet (full series); wiv the official servers for 3 being down i've gone back to 1 & 2 to see how well i can do in those Create Modes; it's been fun. Trying to work up the courage to jailbreak my ps3 to get on the private servers, but fucking up my console or account isn't an expense i can really afford at the mo.
Do you have any pets?
i have a rat skeleton named Sydney who i rescued from a school i was demolishing (as part of a job, mind you. i didn't just rock up to some random school and start wailing away wiv a crowbar). i love her dearly, and have only fed her blood the couple of times.
How tall are you?
Oh! i just had a medical checkup, so i know this one; i am officially 178cm and some change.
What was your favourite subject in school?
Forensic Science in uni. We got to handle bones. i got to read through Spitz & Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death. My prof had an entirely healthy fascination wiv kaiju (this was prior to coming to Japan, and in the 90's, so a bit more unusual than if i'd gone to school here).
Dream Job?
Embalming. Or at least something involving corpses. i get the dead way better than i get the living. And no corpse has ever called me fag (pejorative).
Who to tag, who to tag. Hrmm @soupum & @jacechaotic , but only to the extent you want to answer any of this, of course!
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hardestgrove · 2 years
With Nancy it's like. I get it I get that she's spiralling hard and why! And on first watching s2 I thought it was juicy as hell that they were putting her through this bc I thought like. You know Steve was a dickhead in s1 and then owned up to it and grew. So I had hopes back in s2 that Nancy having a breakdown between the upside down trauma and the guilt over Barb and then getting super drunk in public and fighting with Steve in a shitty way without actually breaking up?? Was her Making Bad Choices she could grow from (lol stranger things isn't that kind of show. Steve only got to grow because they liked the actor)
By the time I got to her and Johnatan fucking and then the choice to go public with info that put everyone else involved in danger and this being framed as right I was like. Well this is what I get for trusting these writers. They're bad at anything involving depth and can't handle any of their female characters lmao
Very in character for Emily to read Nancy like that! Complete opposite response to trauma, one putting her feelings at the center of everything and not realizing/caring she's hurting others and the other shoving them down under layers of Taking Care of Her People so she feels in control of her life, and also old hat at trauma vs newbie that got dropped at a pretty deep end of the pool. Of course she doesn't vibe with Nancy.
right like???? wtf i love nancy and i hate everything she does in that season but also i LOVE it because it's SO GOOD for character growth. like her whole vendetta against the lab is a great use of a character flaw to motivate a plot thing you want (the removal outside help to make things more dire/allow for the s3 plot).
but yeah lol in this context it was NOT the right choice and the idea that anyone else who knows about the upside down WOULD think it's a good idea is insane. this is a fairly big cast and i'm out here spinning like 80 plates solo which i'm not the most skilled at yet but i am hoping to at least have like..... a skeleton of an actual arc for nancy you know? where she like.... Learns Things from her actions. bc like man it's what she deserves!
i'm glad it came across like that because that was what i was aiming for! it's exactly that kind of situation. also add to it that nancy and emily are also both Kinda Bossy and lol they were doomed from the start and it only got worse as time went on rip. i don't think they'll ever be friends bc again their personalities don't mesh well but i am aiming for them being like... Cool with each other by the end of this. prayer circle i manage it tho 🤣
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thecomfywriter · 4 years
top 10 dumbass evan moments
because we all know homeboi is the biggest idiot LOL (chaotic dumbass/genius; depends on the phase of the sun/moon)
1. jumping into the volcano because
✨ sad boi hours ✨
2. not going to a doctor for said volcano therapy
3. breaking out of prison without getting caught and immediately going to a library before getting bored and deciding to go back
(4. helping yozar hide 5 bodies that he murdered LOL baby... what were you thinking... )
5. deciding it’s a good idea to provoke a serial killer that’s after him to bait him out (bonus points for doing it while he was defenseless and had no magic)
6. turning a bird into a horse, training it and using it to travel the land instead of going by flight/dragon
7. raising hilbert’s (the murdered and ex-mentor of his father who his father killed) soul using forbidden magic after already getting into trouble and being in a prison because “it can’t get worse than this” (yes, baby, it can you know this)
8. using plant anatomy to transform some of his organs to be able to perform photosynthesis instead of eating (again like... you do the most and for WHAT?)
9. getting in an axe fight with a serial killer after getting fourth degree burns (bonus points since he decided the best therapy for his burns was to bathe in salt water. friendly reminder that this man is a HEALER)
10. killing his best friends twin brother and then trying to apologize to her six months later with a surprise walk (like... dude how are you such an idiot LOL)
notable mentions:
1. seeking out a cannibal tree and touching it because yolo
2. breaking into a dragon den during tense political relations between them
3. threatening the god of death (multiple times) LOL
4. trying to stop a war with “hey why don’t we all just chill over tea and talk about it” (bonus points since this acc WORKS at the end when he threatens to murder them all if they don’t attend his tea party)
5. inviting his girlfriend to a festival where he proceeded to spend a good half of his time with his best friend (who everyone rumours him to be romantically involved with)
6. deciding the best way to deal with trauma and nightmares is to simply not sleep and fight/befriend his hallucinations
7. blasting himself with pure energy because he was feeling weak (since he doesn’t eat since ✨ photosynthesis ✨ )
8. trying to dress himself to political meetings even tho he knows he’s colour impaired
9. trying to fight a plague???? with music??? and it works???? (**this needs context lol **)
10. vibe checking all the poisoned crops by blasting energy into it (there’s a pattern, can you see it?)
11. deciding to donate his energy to a psi vampire even tho he is feverish and starved lol (bonus points when he starts complaining about being put in bed rest when he passes out in the middle of a festival from such a height that he breaks his arm)
12. going BACK to jump into the volcano because “the music is prettier in there”
13. setting the royal court on fire and then just leaving lol
14. setting the funeral grounds where his mother’s progression is happening and crying so violently that he has to be dragged away
15. being tortured and immediately mocking his torturers for being ugly (SKJDNDHSJKS THIS HAD ME CACKLING)
16. trying to stab a skeleton
17. trying to kill an undead skeleton who is also a hallucination (and he is self aware of this)
18. after returning to prison (after breaking out) deciding to go to an entirely different world and chilling over there (temporarily) instead of just??? leaving prison???
19. leaving therapy right after finding out his mother had been killed by a serial killer (like sweetie you need it MORE now)
20. cussing out the gods and then *surprise pikachu face* when they punish him and take his magic away during a - w a r - (bonus points for him refusing to use his dragon to fight because he doesn’t want to be extra lol like darling this is WAR)
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goldvnby · 4 years
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK !! i’m literally soo excited rn can’t even use my words lol ! charles aka edward was the first skeleton i clicked on and i instantly knew i had to play him ( i love an asshole heheheheh ) ! anyway i’m madi i’m nineteen and i go by she/her !! 
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quick note: bc i’m using charles melton as a fc i changed his name from charles to edward ! just incase anyone is confused ! :-)
( charles melton, cismale, he/him ). hey, isn’t that [ EDWARD CHARLES SEONG ] walking down bennington street? i think the [ 28 ] YEAR OLD [ INVESTMENT BANKER ] is from [ WAITSFIELD, VERMONT ]. i’ve heard some rumors down at ginger’s, saying that they’re [ OBSTINATE & EGOCENTRIC ], but then again they’re known to be [ ASTUTE & MAGNETIC ].  either way, they seem to be interesting, hope they’ll stick around
so for this post i’m going to condense things into bullet points but if you would like to read the full bio you can find that here ! also if for some reason you want even more to look at i have a pinterest, playlist, and his stats u can peak at !
no thoughts head empty
uGH okay fine. 
edward comes from an affluent family located in waitsfield, vermont. his father worked as an investment banker and although his mother didn’t necessarily have a “job” she was highly involved in the community. they were the type of people to flaunt their wealth, and they generally had a reputation in the town as being snooty and proud.
his childhood was cold. his parents spared no time or affection for the young boy, and due to his family’s negative reputation his social circle was relatively small. he did have the boisterous streak running through him from the start but he didn’t really become the social butterfly eddie we know and love until he went away to boarding school. 
his parents went thru a messy messy divorce when he was a teen due to his fathers infidelity and most of his commitment issues stem from them oop.
his parents also put a Lot of pressure on him to be perfect.
at private school surrounded by nothing but other privileged rich kids he quickly discovered that being overly confident and obnoxious could actually get him all of the attention he craved in his childhood, and that’s when party boy edward was born. the schools didn’t like it though and he bounced from private school to private school across the eastern seaboard. 
despite his antics he charmed most of his professors and did really well academically
after spending a gap year in europe he moved to new york city to study at columbia which is when he became suuuuper motivated. he wanted to be a nyc finance bro so bad and so he followed in his dads footsteps and studied finance. 
he took all of his partying and shoved it into short but intense weekends, which rly just made it worse. 
just before he graduated and entered the business world™ his father became the centre of a serious fraud case. it destroyed edward’s credibility and it took him years and a lot of work to get his career back on track ( he’s makin Coin now tho bbs don’t worry ). his dad is in prison but like,, don’t bring it up w edward hehe he’s sensitive abt it. 
edward is very self destructive. the issues he has forming emotional connections and caring abt ppl paired with the massive pressure he puts on himself cause him to have a general disregard for his own life, and it shows.
he desperately craves attention and admiration and uses partying as a way to get it. partying is also pretty much his only copping mechanism, and its not a healthy one. he in a v bad cycle of his high stress work week and wild weekends. 
( alcohol/smoking/drugs tw ) he is a heavy heavy drinker and also frequent user of party drugs ( coke and molly in particular ). he also was a smoker but recently quit when he started dating raph. ocassionally he’ll slip up and have a cig though. he’s also trying to party less now but with it being his only outlet for stress he def struggles with that.
bb has a looooooooooong kill list oops
v much a coffee addict, especially when he’s hungover, he has work to do after all.
can be v abrasive and argumentative, he’s v hard to get along w especially if you don’t know him well. loves a good debate hehe.
is actually a super loyal friend if he actually feels secure in the friendship, he just has a hard time trusting that ppl actually care abt him. will stick up for his friends sooo much. also just wants to make everyone have a good time. can be insensitive to ppls feelings though bc he always thinks he knows best. 
his biggest fear is becoming his father. that’s why he doesn’t do monogamous relationships bc it’s better to not try at all than to try and fail. 
he’s a vvvvvv lonely person, even when surrounded by friends : (
wears a lot of suits. if he isn’t wearing a suit he’s wearing  boat shoes, khakis, and a pastel button up bc he’s a preppy ass pos
i hate him sm 
he’s so cocky ew
likes picking up the tab for his friends bc he knows he’s a lil rich bitch who can afford it hehe. 
almost exclusively eats take out, does not know how to cook for himself. yet is still somehow in perfect shape ????
has really bad insomnia. will often be up all night and just distracting himself with whatever work he can find. 
literally work hard play hard that’s him.
reads the newspaper every morning, esp the finance section obvi
drives a vintage mercedes convertible that Guzzles gas. he loves it but doesn’t get to drive it enough bc theres no point w city traffic. loves getting the chance to drive out of the city, he speeds v bad tho. 
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once-upon-a-ouat · 6 years
OUAT Rewatch 1x13 “What Happened to Frederick”
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The dreaded moment came. The relationship between Mary Margaret and David only goes downhill from here. I’m gonna say it just once here so that I won’t feel the need to repeat it in every other sentence - Kathryn deserved better. From everyone. Now that that’s out of the way, we can dive in.
I absolutely loved David in the flashbacks. He still escaped from George’s castle even though he thought Snow didn’t love him. I absolutely support that because it’s nice to show that you can do things for yourself. I also loved that he immediately wanted to help Abigail. It was really admirable although there was a selfish side to that decision too. I didn’t like the fact that he thought dying would be his happy ending. I know they were trying to show how strong his feelings for Snow are but I’m really not a fan of the mindset that without the one you love, you have nothing to live for. Like I said above, you are allowed to do things for yourself and, in fact, you should. I loved the part with the ‘fearless bravery’ comment and his cockiness at the shrine. I really saw some similarities with James and I thought that was cool because they’re twins. They should be at least a little alike (but, alas, we still fell into the “if there are twins, one of them is 100% evil” cliché). Well, his confidence wasn’t unjustified because he managed to kill the ‘beast’. I have mixed feelings about his decision to go after Snow though. We know that she loves him despite that conversation in George’s castle, but for all David knows she has never loved him. What did he plan on doing? Make her fall in love with him no matter what? That’s creepy. I loved how the friendship between Ruby and David started though. I wish we had seen more of it.
Abigail was awesome in this episode. Until now we had only seen the mask and it was great to find out that what lies underneath is not at all so superficial. I loved how determined and resourceful she was. I think she would’ve made a great queen some day. The ‘until my lips bled’ part though. I also loved how she wanted to go with David because he was doing the whole thing for her but still listened to him when he asked her to go back. Her joy when Frederick was freed was so heartwarming. They were a cute couple.
And in this episode George starts acting like a complete dick all the time although you can still kinda understand him, having in mind why he’s doing it.
I am so done with David in Storybrooke though. His indecisiveness and cowardice is just so. Fucking. Annoying. He deserved to be slapped, not Mary Margaret. “There’s something that’s preventing me from connecting”? Really? I loved how he wanted to wash away the spray-painted ‘tramp’ from Mary Margaret’s car before she could see it though. And I’m glad that he didn’t try to argue when she told him that they shouldn’t be together. Gee, I can’t believe I found something that I liked about him in this episode.
I liked Mary Margaret in this episode. She was trying to do the right thing. She didn’t deserve the treatment she got from the townspeople. They were behaving as if she enchanted David and lured him into that affair. When something like that happens, there’s more than one party involved which means there’s more than one person to blame. I hate that they didn’t show any reaction of Storybrooke against David. All the hate was directed at Mary Margaret because we should always blame the woman of course. Her joy when David lied to her that he had told Kathryn was just heartbreaking. I’m glad she stood up for herself and decided to end things with him. It was obviously very hard for her but she found enough strength in herself to do it and I really admire that. And her interactions with Emma were awesome. I loved the fact that Emma had known all along but let her tell her when she felt ready. She didn’t judge her even for a moment. “I’m not your mother” was one of the best lines in the episode. I loved how Emma just lay down next to Mary Margaret. It was such a powerful moment to see that they’re comfortable enough in their friendship to have that quiet bond.
I loved Kathryn in this episode. I liked the fact that she did something for herself by applying to law school. I can see her as a successful lawyer or maybe even a politician (I now have that headcanon that when Regina decided to stay with Henry at the other Enchanted Forest, Kathryn was elected mayor of Storybrooke). She was so brokenhearted when David left her, and even more so when she learned the real reason why he did it. I loved the fact that the first thing she did was to go see Regina. She saw a true friend in her and that made it all the more horrible for her when she learned that Regina had known about the affair and had lied to her (dammit, Regina). I really couldn’t tell for which parts Regina was honest and for which she wasn’t. Except for the “I want you two together”. That was obviously honest but it was the worst part of that scene. I loved Kathryn’s fierceness in the scene with Mary Margaret but she took it out on the wrong person. That “You two deserve each other” though. Savage. Despite that she still came around and showed understanding (and pretty quickly at that). And she decided to follow her dreams and move to Boston even though alone. She is a cinnamon roll that has to be protected at all costs.
I absolutely adored the scene between Henry and Regina (it was her only redeeming quality in this episode). She finally showed some concern for Henry’s emotional state. I loved the fact that she apologized about destroying the book even though we all know all she wanted was to get rid of it. And when Henry asked to see Emma, she didn’t snap at him. In fact, she looked like a kicked puppy and it broke my heart. That last scene of her though. I liked it even though it showed once again how horrible Regina is. OMG, skeleton keys! I also loved the part with the red spray-paint. I’m just imagining Regina writing ‘tramp’ on Mary Margaret’s car with it and I’m dying of laughter. That last shot of her face tho.
Emma and Henry’s interaction was also pretty adorable (and Henry was enjoying the game Regina bought him). I loved how happy he was when he saw the book but my favorite part of the scene was Emma giving him instructions on the game. It was so cute in a kinda nerdy way. It also showed a more child-like side of Emma and I loved that. We don’t get to see that often so I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of it when we do.
Emma and August’s interactions were cool. I loved the banter between them. We got to see some more of August. They hinted at why he was in Storybrooke and at who he was. “I always tell the truth”? Smooth move, writers. I also want to say that I loved his little ‘speech’ about water and agree at 100% with him on it. Water is magical.
Talking about magic, there was a subtle hint as to how the Curse works. Kathryn said that she always had that irrational fear of leaving Storybrooke. So that is how it prevents them from even trying to leave? Nice.
Favorite scene: The scene between David and the Siren. I love sirens and this one was awesome. Both Ginnifer Goodwin and Aria Pullman pulled it off really well. I loved the part when David dropped his sword (and the music at that moment). And I think it was awesome that her saying ‘I love you’ was what got him out of his trance. It really showed the depth of David’s love for Snow. I think that David finding the dagger was awfully convenient but I’m not complaining that much.
Least favorite scene: Kathryn and Regina’s talk at the end of the episode. It made me sick. Kathryn was a real sweetheart in that scene. Regina is the problem though. The “Better than with people it would seem” was cute but everything else just made my skin crawl. Her lines were cringy and what she didn’t speak out loud was creepy. Now that I know what she did to Kathryn, I just felt the idea growing in her head during that scene and it just turned my stomach. I really wish she had come up with another plan though what she did made sense. She killed her father in order to separate Snow and David. Surely some friendly feelings towards Kathryn wouldn’t stop her from getting her revenge. I still dreaded the scene though.
Favorite line: “True Love isn’t easy. But it must be fought for.” - David to Abigail
Least favorite line: “You should be ashamed of yourself.” - Granny to Mary Margaret
That was so shitty! First, her life is none of your goddamn business. Second, I feel like she wouldn’t have apologized for bumping into her if she had known it was Mary Margaret. So just because it’s her, you can just run over her? That infuriated me so much. Yes, Mary Margaret made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop behaving like a decent human being. You look bad, not she.
I liked the episode but I would’ve loved it if David wasn’t pissing me off so much (in Storybrooke). I liked the contrast between his two personalities though. In my opinion the difference between real and cursed personality is best established in David’s case. With just one look at him you can tell which is which and I want to give credit to Josh Dallas for that. His acting really allows you to differentiate the two personalities even easier. I think everyone’s performances were great in this episode. The story progressed a lot and the soundtrack was great as always. What I hate is that the drama between Mary Margaret and David is just gonna get worse in the next episodes but the rest of the story only gets better so I think I’ll manage to survive through it.
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tombstonerpg · 4 years
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Under here you will be able to find The Sample Application for my character The Rookie, Ray Herrera. This is just an example, and I absolutely do not expect your application to look like mine, feel free to do with it whatever you want to do. This is simply my personal application. If you have any further questions, or need any further help please do not hesitate to ask!
Name/Alias: Sarah
Age: 24
Timezone: CST
Experience: Over 10 years now lmao
Wanted Skeleton: The Rookie
Character Name: Ray Herrera 
Character Age: 22
Character Birthday: May 10th
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual/Homoromantic
Wanted Face Claim: Froy Gutierrez 
HISTORY The Herrera family is not too much to write home about. They are a pretty average family for Tombstone. They are not involved in any illicit activities, they are always there to help out the town when it needs it, however. They are good people, and well liked by the rest of the members of Tombstone. Ray is no different than the rest of his family in that regard, except he always stood out a little more. With his natural ability in most sports, and how well he did in school people loved him. He ended up being the person many people compared others to. "Look at Ray he managed to win a football game this weekend AND ace his math test." "Look at Ray he's volunteering to help clean up main street with the rest of the church." "Look at Ray he's never done anything wrong in his life." None of it is necessarily false, he has always worked very hard to please those around him. Yet Ray still feels like a fraud. Like everyone else in Tombstone he has his own secrets he's terrified of telling. It might not seem like much, but being a gay kid in the middle of a tiny rural town in the 80s is ... fairly scary. Especially when you spend your entire life trying to please the people around you, and be perfect for them. Ray isn't sure if he even has his own identity, or if he is just someone people want him to be. And anything differing from what they want to see is terrifying to him.
GOALS Ray has always been a lawful young man. Which caused some contention in class when he was the person to bring up that the teacher forgot to ask for the assignment from over the weekend, or other ridiculous things like that. But he tries to be honest, and true. So, when he showed interest in joining law enforcement most people were unsurprised. But this has been a goal of his since he was young. Since the incident with the barn when he was only twelve. He lived in a world where half of Tombstone was not entrenched in crime -- and then the explosion happened. People he knew were hurt, people he knew were killed. He wanted to do something to help people, and he suddenly became very interested in becoming a cop. There aren't many police officers in the Municipal building in Tombstone, about five to ten honestly. But Ray is very excited to be among their ranks.
PERSONALITY Myers Briggs Type: ESFJ-T Character Alignment: Lawful Good Enneagram: 6w7 so Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Zodiac Sign: Taurus Positive Traits: Practical, Dutiful, Loyal, Warm, Understanding, Helpful Negative Traits: Stubborn, Reserved, Sensitive, Uncertain, Passive, Stuck up
The Police: Give me a corrupt police office that Ray has to slowly figure out how to deal with. He is the sort of man who sticks to his ideals even when it's not the best course of action. And I think he'll be very upset when/if he ever finds out the police are likely in Waylon Fyers pockets. I could see this tying into his thing with The Entrepreneur & perhaps she can try to convince him to ... help her outst her father. If that happens then ... the police will be outsted as well. And there could be a cleaning of the rot within the system so to speak. A lot of very interesting things I could see coming from that.
Moving Out: Currently Ray still lives with his parents, but he's saving up his money to live on his own. I think it'd be really fun to have a roommate. Likely the Shopkeeper would be his first choice, but it'd be super fun to be absolutely anyone. The Laborer, The Criminal, maybe The Unholy. Honestly it could be anyone. Maybe more than one. It's a little thing but I think it can be a lot of fun.
Coming Out?: I think I would really like Ray to come out, and be public with his sexuality. It'll be tough, he really doesn't want to ... put anyone out. Or be something people don't see him as. But I think it would be really good for him. But it's the 80s, yes gay people aren't as accepted as they are now, but there was a revolution in the 80s about all of this. It'd be fun to have him like idk go to New York for a weekend or something and see how things are there. IDK just needs to figure out who he is as a person, he needs to gain confidence in who he is as a person. And listening to stories my uncle told me, who came out around this same time in a rural town in the mid west -- he might end up surprised how little people around him might or might not care?? He might have a tough time with the overly religious sorts in town, but I feel like most people ?? Mind their own business. At least that is the ideal for what I would like to happen. He has a lot to deal with before that tho.
F is for Friends who do things Together:
1. Okay so like Ray loves his bff, his platonic soul mate, his forever girl the Shopkeeper. I imagine he'd be super protective of her, and like try and help her get through all her treatments and stuff. He'd try to be there if he wasn't working and things like that. She means a lot to him, and if anything were to happen to her oh boy. 2. Ray ... hm. It's not that he doesn't want to be friends with the Working Girl anymore. He just has a lot of complicated feelings about her, and the fact that she sort of ... does illegal things now. Not only that but more complicated about the fact that were he not a big gay she would likely have been the girl he could see himself end up marrying. I think that second reason is the bigger reason why he's stayed away from her more and more over the years. But I'd like for them to be friends again. 3. So Ray has so so much respect for The Laborer. Like I can't even ... This is someone who has proven that you can work to become a better person. You can work to make the town better, not worse. At least that is how he likes to see it. I imagine since The Laborer works for his aunt they probably hand around the auto shop together a lot. 4. Another person Ray has extremely complicated feelings about is The Criminal. Like ... he wants to say what they had was nothing but physical but it was so not. He doesn't know if he had 'feelings' for him?? Maybe he did. The Criminal can easily cause him to lose his fucking shit at the drop of a hat and that's not easy. And I think it's because ... yes, he does have feelings for him. Not just physical feelings... 5. I feel like Ray likes The Entrepreneur more than he'd ever admit to, but they aren't friends. They're not rivals, or frienemies either. They could very well be antagonists to each other ig. But she's so smart, and he feels like she could be a lot better. Better for the town than her father anyway. I talked about them a little before, I'd definitely like to see some things w them. 6. The Cook is the wildcard for a lot of people, Ray just ... he does not know how to feel about her. She's so different than him, so I feel like they could really clash. He is so lawful, and she is so chaotic -- I like to say everyone is friends with The Cook, I feel like Ray is the 1 person who isn’t.  7. I think it's extremely likely Ray and the Unholy are friends. I kind of see them having run in the same crowds growing up, and probably still do. I don't think he'd suspect anything negative of the Unholy. Imagine Ray getting in his way unknowingly, or something like that. I feel like he’d be so blindsided that The Unholy had ever done anything bad ever. slkdfjl I think a lot of really interesting drama can happen here.
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