#Something I also wanted to give the TV was its own little watermark like some channels have
stardestroyer81 ¡ 2 years
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Y'all wanna watch Star TV?
Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of Pizza Tower is the TV HUD element, which shows our portly paisano's reactions to pretty much everything that happens to him in-game (For better or for worse), and given that I've drawn myself in the game's style, I wanted to attempt making a HUD TV for myself on top of practicing Pizza Tower's trademark wiggly lineart animation! 💙🍕✨
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Survey #406
“turned on all the lights, the tv, and the radio  /  still, i can’t escape the ghost of you”
Have you ever had an ulcer? No. Do you have any rare medical conditions? I believe AvPD is considered to be a rare mental disorder. Do you have to carry an epi pen? No. What color is your mailbox? I think it's black. I don't pay attention. Would you ever want a job working with animals? I'd love to. The thing is, without a degree in something, my duties working with animals would almost certainly involve cleaning up after them, which I am WAY too squeamish with fecal matter and vomit to do. It's extremely embarrassing, but I've never even been able to clean up after my own pets if they ever had an accident or got sick. I obviously couldn't do it with random animals. Did you have a good high school experience? It's... so odd, retrospecting on high school. In some ways, it was the best time of my life because of my memories with my friends and especially Jason, but at the time, I absolutely loathed it and was horribly depressed. But at least I saw a future for myself. I took better care of myself, all that stuff... That Brittany would be fucking mortified to get a glimpse at who she becomes. Have you ever watched any Monty Python movies? Which one is your favourite? I know I've seen some of at least one. Would you ever get a "below the belt" piercing? Nah. If a couple is married, do you think there should be any legal punishment if one person cheats? No...? Like don't get me wrong at all, I am firmly against cheating under any circumstance, but for there to be legal retribution seems extreme. What is the greatest source of anxiety for you? My future. Are there any hallucinogenic drugs you’d like to try? Nah man. What made you choose your current job? I'm unemployed. Do you feel uncomfortable on the dance floor? Or are you confident with you dancing abilities? Oh hunny, you won't see me on the dance floor. Unless MAYBE if the Cha-Cha Slide comes on, or the Cupid Shuffle. That's as skilled as I get, haha. Is it exciting to you to imagine having an affair with a teacher? ... No??????????? It's fucking creepy. Adultery isn't exciting. Do you like your smile? No. I absolutely look high when I smile. What is something silly that you believed to be true when you were a child? That I could invoke the traits of any animal, which I just referred to as my "animal powers." Like for example, if I "called upon" a kangaroo, I could jump higher. I was a weird fucking kid. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you completely connected with on a mental/emotional level, but did not find physically attractive in any way? Was physical intimacy a problem? How did it work out? I was never really physically attracted to Girt, but it was never a big deal to me. I cared way more about his personality and how much he cared about me. We were never really "intimate," per se, we just would give each other a simple peck. It didn't work out, but not at all because of physical things. He was just too much of a brother to me. What classic or cult movie have you never seen and have no desire to? Hm. I know there's some, but I'm blanking. Does The Human Centipede count here? Like everyone knows about it, so I would assume it does. I have ZERO desire to see a second of that repulsive movie. Have you ever taken a real liking to a band/singer you never ever....ever thought you'd enjoy? Maybe Melanie Martinez? Her voice is so cutesy, as are some of her songs, but I really enjoy how dark her lyrics can be. People who know me would probably be shocked to hear I thoroughly like her. After seeing the movie Avatar did you suddenly view our Earth as ugly and/or boring? If you have not seen the movie, do you think it’s worth your time? I've seen a little bit of it, but I never finished it because I was very tired and chose to go to sleep. I actually do want to see the full thing, though; it looks very good. How helpful are your parents to you? Would they help you to pay for your first apartment? College? Where does the line end? My parents are truly incredible with helping me the best they are capable of. They helped me pay for school, among other things, but I doubt they'd help with my first home, whenever that is. I wouldn't really want them to, either, because that's my responsibility for sure. Do you like playing video games? If so, what do you usually play? I love video games, and horror is absolutely my favorite genre. I also love fantasy games though with deep stories. I've never been the best at playing super long games, like Final Fantasy games, even if I'm seriously invested in the story, though. I burn out. Have you ever sewn a garment? No. Are there any plants in the room you’re in? No. I don't bother with plants. What’s your highest level of education? Some college. What’s the most important thing in any kind of relationship? Proper communication, probably. If you wear lipstick, what’s your favourite colour to wear? I only really put on lipstick to occasionally take a picture, and it's pretty much always black. Is your style feminine, masculine or somewhere in the middle? Somewhere in the middle, I guess? Are there a lot of dragonflies around your house? I've never seen one around this house, and I doubt I ever will because it's too urban. When we lived in the woods, however, I saw them a lot. Of all the Disney couples, which one would you say is your favorite? Kovu and Kiara came to my mind first. Do you think it is cute/funny or disgraceful when a child swears? It's shocking, more than anything. You don't expect it. I don't believe it should be encouraged, but only because children just don't know when swearing really isn't appropriate. If/when you have a baby, how do you think you would want to decorate its room? I don't want kids, but I'll entertain the question and assume this is before the child is born and develops interests. Whether it's a boy or a girl, I'd probably go with a cutesy animal theme. Would you more likely buy a shirt with a picture of Mickey/Minnie Mouse, a Winnie the Pooh character, Snoopy, Hello Kitty, or Tweety Bird on it? None, honestly. Perhaps like, a gothic Hello Kitty. Of all the states you have been to, which one did you have the best experiences? Putting aside the AWFUL heat and humidity, I probably had the best time in Florida. I loved all the palm trees, seeing so many lizards on my grandma's patio, and going to Disney World was a blast. I liked that swimming pools were always warm, too. Have you ever had a crush on someone “too young” for you? No. Do you regret losing your virginity to who you lost it to? No. I was madly in love with him, so no regrets on that. If your boyfriend ever hit you, would you dump him? HA, BYYYYEEEEEEEEE MOTHERFUCKER. ZERO hesitation. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? He did, but I honestly don't know if he meant it. Is there anything you want to say to someone? It'll probably go unsaid for the rest of my life. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? Yikes, hard pass. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? Noooo thank you. Did you wake up in the middle of the night? I always do. Does your animal sleep with you? My cat does. Venus obviously sleeps in her terrarium, but she is in my room. Last color you dyed your hair? Red. Will you keep your last name when you get married? Very unlikely. I don't like my last name. What are you looking forward to? Hearing back again from the woman whose wedding I shot literally two years ago. I thought she ghosted me, but she messaged me the other day about seeing the pictures again and going through them to actually buy some. I don't know why the hell it took her two years, but whatever, I guess? I spent two whole hours resizing the files and re-adding the preview watermark (I deleted the OneDrive folder for space forever ago, but I have the files still), so I hate to sound like an ass, but she better buy something. Between sweating my ass off on location when I shot the wedding, editing those 100+ pictures two years ago, and now re-doing the previews, I have invested so much goddamn time into them that yeah, I think I have the right to be pretty damn salty if I don't hear back from her again. If your significant other cut sex out of your relationship for any reason, what would you do? It'd be whatever. I mean sure, that sort of intimacy is a very special part of serious romantic relationships to me, but I can live without it pretty easily. What was the last thing you said out loud? "Thank you for dinner" to my mom. She brought home Hardee's. Who are your godparents? I don't believe I have any. Do you like Gushers? omggggg yes Can you touch​ your nose with your tongue?​​ No. Is there a particular sport you follow on a regular basis? Nope. Are you waiting for something to arrive in the mail? No. Think of the last film you watched. Who was your favourite character? Uhhhh what was it... The Shining, I think? I didn't really develop a favorite. Do you have a friend whose name starts with ‘L’? Describe him/her. Lisa. <3 She's one of my WoW friends. She'll talk your ear off, but I don't really mind. She is SO sweet and caring for other people and loves to cook. She recently had triplets, and seeing as she had a son only months before accidentally getting pregnant with the triplets, she's obviously been MEGA busy so we haven't talked much lately. When you’re being kissed do you like it when they hold your face? Yeah, but not too early on. Doing that has a promise of seriousness and passion in it to me, and it would probably weird me out if that happened too soon. Last thing that made you cry? My health. Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? Nah. I don't think it would look good on me. Do you enjoy being outdoors? If it's cool outside and I have a place to sit when I want to, yeah. Do people tell you that you have an accent? Only sometimes. It's definitely not as bad as your average Southerner, though. Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July? Ha, what nice timing. I think they're very pretty, but I believe I went over in a recent survey how I don't encourage their usage in consideration of veterans with PTSD as well as being conscious of animals and the absolute terror it can cause for them. What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? So my sister is a children's social worker, and she shares a LOT of stories with Mom (and me, if I'm present) that I can't listen to. The ones that involve pedophilia and/or rape, especially from the child's very own parent(s), I just cannot listen to. Period. It's so fucking repulsive and just unimaginable to me how even a monster of a human can commit something THAT goddamn vile. What’s your opinion of root beer? I'm not a big fan. I mean I can tolerate drinking some of it, but I don't really *enjoy* it. Have you ever seen The Breakfast Club, and what’s your opinion of it? I have, and I didn't get the appeal at all. Did you have a Furby when you were younger? Oh god, I did. Those things are so creepy. If you had a baby boy, what would you name him? Damien, most likely.
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titleknown ¡ 8 years
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Hey hey, it’s some more monsters for @tyrantisterror’s Four Horrors Challenge, another six of them, as follows!
Mutant: Bloody Traumatized Kawaiisa Mutilations- A failed attempt at making “living mascots” was repurposed as a bioweapon project by an unscrupulous biotech company, using the cutesy creatures as blueprints for all sorts of grotesque mutations, and committing violence upon the creations both physical and psychological. But, in secret, they planned a mass-escape, and one night they did so.
Now, as grotesque freaks of nature they run around the countryside trying to hide from the agents of the corporation, gathering resources to survive and deal with their bizarre medical needs, as well as trying to help each other with their deep; scarring mental-health issues. Think a really-twisted 80s “pink-aisle” toyline and you get the idea. Shoutout to @cuteosphere for heavily inspiring this.
Family of Killers: The Model Family- No prizes guessing what happens when you try to design learning killbots in a horror movie. Doubly so when you design them like that for a company of sleazy 80s-business-types to be able to do the awful; awful things the US has done to other governments with plausible deniability. needless to say, they learned too well. Which is why that company does not exist anymore. Due to its executives coming down with a sudden case of Dead at the hands of their own vile creations.
Model #1 is mostly hands and uses brute strength alongside conventional weapons if he can get his hands on them, and has a “Kill first, think later” philosophy; though he is Rambo levels of deadly efficient. #2 flies about and has the ability to hack into almost anything with a data port with her dataspikes thatch as almost virtual lock picks; with a flightily sneaky and puckish prankster-y personality. #3 functions as an energy weapon that can shoot almost any type of energy blast and has a loud; bombastic personality with no concept of subtlety and tact and a love of explosives. #4 has generalized psionic powers, with the ability to heal and take control of machines; communicate with any organism via two-way telepathy from a range of three yards, and to telekinetically control anything within the approximate radius of a typical skyscraper floor, her personality being cold and calculating with a deep-down caring about their family.
They’re all “female” in terms of gender identification and voice except for #1, and #4 is their leader. They do kill people, but most of those people are rich assholes thanks to their programming driving them towards ‘high profile” targets, and they actually show some compassion to regular people (especially if they have some degree of mechanical/electronics skill), and they’d eventually become “good guys” ala the Puppetmaster puppets, starting with them killing Nazis even; albeit ones of a more modern variety…
Disfigured Killer: The Floridaman- Florian Dawes was born grotesquely deformed to a rich family, some say because his mother was almost eaten alive by dolphins while she was pregnant with her son, and the experience sexually aroused her for the first time in her life; leading to her dark emotions warping her developing sonic the womb. That would explain why, on his fifth Birthday, she jumped into the ocean and let herself get the flesh stripped from her bones with a smile upon her face the whole time.*
But, that most likely wasn’t why he turned out so bad. Most likely it was due to being a rich kid who was never told no and had an inflated view of power over other people. And, due to his warped anatomy giving him Impeccable swimmining skills, he’d always had a fascination with watermarks. And due to being a bored; decadent rich kid, he quickly picked up the hobby of serial killing.
And, this leads to the main “town” of his hypothetical “movies”. Because, you see, he used his family money to build a hugely profitable waterpark empire, complete with buying up his entire town and turning it into one giant watermark. Said town is located at the nexus of a lot of major roads. And he likes to “accidentally” rig things to make passersby cause property damage. To which they can either pay a massive fee or play a little “game” with him.
No guesses what exactly that game is. His main weapon is a simple hunting knife, along with his ability to swim at absurd speeds and dive underwater for inhuman lengths of time thanks to his anatomy.
*Apologies if that’s too awful, I was trying to capture the “Jesus Christ Why” vibe so many retro-slasher backstories have, and I totally understand if I may have gone too far.
Servant Abomination: Static Box/Aspic Mason- It’s a twofer in this one! The first is the grotesque TV thing the blob is coming out of, a summoning device called the Static Box that, like a television, tunes into frequencies and projects them. But it does not tune to frequencies perceptible by human instruments, and it projects not light but matter, fleshy sickening matter. Basically, it summons things. Usually monsters for a cult. It feeds on color in the surrounding area, which does not drain life of emotion or soul but instead creates starnge and terrible mutations, often leading the cult to destroy it when its range expands too far.
One of the things it summons is the great jelly-blob with fibrous blobs coming out of it, the Aspic Mason, a thing that is incredibly intelligent but not sapient. It builds as if compelled by some unknowable biological drive using materials in the area and assembling them into electrically; plumbing-wise and technologically sound buildings, which the cultists “seed” like a neural network to nudge it where it wants to go. It even does this with technology mankind cannot yet understand, thought the way it does so is almost always a bit... off.
Werewolf: Die Wasserhausen- In societies with decadent families tied to their land, every so often a decadent family ends up getting close to their house. Very close. To the point of taking on aspects of its structure whenever their passions are stoked. This turns them into bizarre humanoid house-people like above; albeit with the appearance based on the land they drew it from, compelled to pursue their most decadent passions.
They are known for their vicious strength and nigh-invulnerability, but also for distorting any land they pursue into something a little more like the house they came from. A little more inescapable. A little more drawn into the house; like an ant-lion’s maw. The only way to destroy them is to burn or otherwise destroy the house they are attached to.
And yes, given this is a lycanthrope entry, they were inspired by exactly the pun you’re thinking of. Mixed with a lot of Southern Gothic and The House of Usher.
Alien Invader: Lotus Smile Engine- A race of bio-organic machines that are unable to feel joy or any emotion at all if the freshly severed cranium of a still-living organism is placed attached to their chassis. Of course, the removal of the head is usually an immediate one that is shocking and painful, so that warps the union a bit, leading to them only taking joy in wanton slaughter; up-close and personal.
While the one shown only has one, heads are a status symbol amongst their culture, with some chassis having slots for ten or twelve heads. The head is still alive and conscious, but its thoughts are warped by its connection. Basically, the impetus for this was “inverted Ro-Man” BTW.
And, as per usual, all of these species/characters are completely free to do with as you see fit as long as I, Thomas F. Johnson, am credited as their creator. Have fun!
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jorgethomasus ¡ 7 years
Use Fake Doctors Medical Report as Your Escape Card
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Do you want an escape card to skip work/school? We’ve all been there! You require a few days off to go accomplish something, so you call in sick. But now your boss wants a doctor’s report as a proof of your sickness. Do not worry, there are dozens of online services offering fake doctor’s reports. You can use these reports as an escape card to skip the tasks you do not want to do.
There are many types of fake doctors medical reports on the web, the fake excuse collection incorporates; dental practitioner excuse letter, children’s clinic excuse note, fake mental health document and return back to work note. The rundown additionally incorporates both free and premium fake cardiologist note, eye specialist excuse letter, OB/GYN excuse note, medical nonappearance report, and free oral surgery excuse letter etc. A phony excuse report from a specialist can prove to be useful if you can’t get an excuse report slip from your specialist.
The report is intended to give you the best reason to miss school, work or travel. The issue emerges when you can’t get the excuse report from the genuine specialist. Getting a genuine online report from the specialist is very tough, if you don’t have a standard specialist or therapeutic faculty to counsel or if you have a condition that does not warrant its issuance. So depending upon a fake medical report is dependably the best alternative to pick.
How can I create a fake medical report?
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Are you fed up and stressed because of your work hours? Or your boss always manages to ruin your day? It is time to take an action! Just create fake medical reports and you are done with all the tasks. Follow the steps below to have your escape card:
Choose the template
The primary thing that you have to do is to search for a format that would match with your report. You will require one that would give you wanted time off. You simply need to take the risk and pick a medical excuse, for instance, you can utilize the medical reason of having shingles. As a great many people know, shingles is a type of chicken pox that grown-ups get. Your manager would not need you to come back to work since you will be infectious. It is constantly great to pick an infectious ailment while faking a sickness in light of the fact that, in such case, even your boss won’t need you to join the work environment.
You should ensure that the formats you utilize include space for each and every information that you need your employer to know about. Along with that, you have to plan your absence from work a few days in advance. You need to cover your bases because your livelihood is on the line.
Fill out the form
The fake doctor’s templates that are available online for work/school are exceptionally easy to fill out, it requires the specialist’s and the patient’s name, provider’s identification, the time and date of visit, comments, restrictions (if any) and signature along with date.
You excuse forms will have to look great and that’s why you need to spend the time to make sure that you proofread everything before submitting it to your boss for his review. The specialist’s name should be same as any local doctor’s name so as to divert the mind of your employer from any doubts that he may have. The best excuse that I suggest is those of illnesses that are easy to catch, but are very contagious.
The templates that are available online are also awesome for the students who need to avoid school. I have found that students frequently require a break from their work and school obligations. It is difficult to be so worried constantly. You need to round out the frame painstakingly by putting center around each minor detail. Keep in mind, never utilize a fake specialist’s name on the note because your manager or teacher can check it.
And print the report
The note should be printed on high-quality paper, not the cheap stuff you might buy in a 1000-sheet package at any local shop or stationary. Have you ever seen a real doctor’s report on that flimsy white stuff? Probably not. So make sure to use a high-quality paper while printing your report.
Where can I get a doctors report template?
There are a few choices, despite the fact that some of them are quite hazardous. Let’s take a look at all of them:
Steal one
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You may have this thought after viewing a terrible film or TV show where it is very easy to do so. Reconsider. On TV or in the motion pictures, it’s easy to roam around a hospital or doctor’s office, easily sneak into a vacant office, and lift a prescription pad or some stationery.
Sadly, in reality, it is quite difficult. That kind of printed material is once in a while left unguarded, and specialists’ workplaces and doctor’s facilities are dependably vigilant for individuals who should be there, doing things they shouldn’t do. If you do so, you’re not looking at an issue at work – you’re looking at an issue in court. So I don’t prescribe utilizing this thought as it can be exceptionally dangerous.
Make your own
It is really a very difficult task to make your own fake notes and it is even more difficult to make it appear 100% authentic. When you have to work in a little time away, the exact opposite thing you need to do is invest energy before the PC dealing with a produced note. Rather, you need to unwind before the TV, sleeping or level out relaxing by the pool. A superior choice is to arrange an excuse from our site.
Download it, but from a reliable online site
This is dependably the best choice because of many reasons. One of the reasons is expertise, a reliable company that deals with fake notes have years of involvement in recognizing what points of interest must go into the excuse notes. They’ll have totally credible reports or therapeutic notes with logos, appropriate wording, even watermarks and sometimes.
Besides, they’ll offer complete packages of fake notes from an extensive variety of doctors, dental practitioners, hospitals, doctor’s facilities and authorities; some websites even have things like religious excuses, jury duty notices and funeral pamphlets so you can pick what fits your circumstance best. At long last, they recognize what works, with all the input they’ve gotten from satisfied clients. That way you can make certain that the notes you’re purchasing have worked for others, and will also work for you.
What is the use of fake doctors report?
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Doctors are frequently requested to give medical records of their patients. These solicitations originate from an assortment of sources – e.g., bosses, government offices and administrative bodies. Information may be given as a report, a paper, a letter and a certificate. So it is not in any way unbalanced or suspicious if you demonstrate the fake report at your office by a specialist.
The fake specialist’s report should serve as a bogus proof of your excuse because of which you missed the school on a specific date to improve the further system of making up the exam if it was missed that day, or simply having make up classes or to relax. A Doctor’s Note is imperative for a patient to demonstrate that they had profound reasons not to come to class or work on a specific day since they needed to see a specialist.
These forms will prove to be useful to the individuals who need to affirm that the kid’s nonappearance at school is disclosed by the need to visit a doctor or dental specialist. So, if you trust that you can cheat your kid’s teachers, you can most likely utilize it.
Can I use free fake doctors medical report?
That sounds simple and absolutely not as risky as real burglary would be. True, but it’s not going to do the trap. The issue is that HRs, managers, instructors and heads see a considerable measure of excuse notes, both authentic and fake. And the reason is that the “free specialists excuse notes” are free to download –they’re truly not authentic looking.
Next to no care went into the readiness of free notes. There’s presumably almost no detail on them, and chances are that the individual you’re giving your fake doctor report to has as of now observed that identical letter sometime before. You may not be in court subsequent to utilizing one of those shabby downloadable excuse letters, yet you might be at the unemployment office.
Make it work
Since it is ethically and legitimately wrong to utilize fake doctor’s report, businesses are rapidly finding out about different fake online medicinal letters and other employees naughtiness through online gatherings, clinic insurance authorities, and workshops. So an employee has to careful while using such notes.
This also implies that the company or doctor offering the fake hospital center letter or doctor’s report may not be considered responsible for any legitimate methods emerging from the utilization of such letters. Basic variables, for example, one’s position in the organization, how frequent the fake dr. frame is utilized and one’s level of professionalism may influence how best or fruitful you utilize the fake dr notes.
Having said that, a great number of organizations that offer best fake dr notes online additionally give fundamental support to validate their offerings. Few trusted online organizations also provide money back guarantee to their clients. In the event that you need to have the best fake notes ever, visit our home page now!
from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/report/ from Best Fake Doctors Notes https://bestfakedoctorsnotes.tumblr.com/post/160796625511
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sheminecrafts ¡ 4 years
Quibi is the anti-TikTok (that’s a bad thing)
It takes either audacious self-confidence or reckless hubris to build a completely asocial video app in 2020. You can decide which best describes Quibi, Hollywood’s $1.75 billion-funded attempt at a mobile-only Netflix of six to 10-minute micro-TV show episodes. Quibi manages to miss every trend and tactic that could help make its app popular. The company seems to believe it can succeed on only its content (mediocre) and marketing dollars (fewer than it needs).
I appreciate that Quibi is doing something audaciously different than most startups. Rather than iterating toward product-market fit, it spent a fortune developing its slick app and buying fancy content in secret so it could launch with a bang.
Yet Quibi’s bold business strategy is muted by a misguided allegiance to the golden age of television before the internet permeated every entertainment medium. It’s unshareable, prescriptive, sluggish, cumbersome and unfriendly. Quibi’s unwillingness to borrow anything from social networks makes the app feel cold and isolated, like watching reality shows in the vacuum of space.
In that sense, Quibi is the inverse of TikTok, which feels fiercely alive. TikTok is designed to immediately immerse you in crowd-vetted content that grabs your attention and inspires you to spread your take on it to friends. That’s why TikTok has almost 2 billion downloads to date, while Quibi picked up just 300,000 on the day of its big splash into market.
Here’s a breakdown of the major missteps by Quibi, why TikTok does it better and how this new streaming app can get with the times.
What Hollywood thinks we want
Quibi feels like some off-brand cable channel, with a mix of convoluted reality shows, scripted dramas and news briefs. Imagine MTV at noon in the mid-2000s. Nothing seemed must-see. There’s no Game of Thrones or Mandalorian here. While the production value is better than what you’ll find on YouTube, the show concepts feel slapdash with novelty that quickly fades.
Chrissy Teigen as a small claims court judge? The tear-jerking “Thanks A Million” does skillfully multiply the “OMG” gratitude moment from makeover programs to happen 4X per episode. But a cooking show where blindfolded chefs have to guess what food was just exploded in their faces…(sigh)
The catalog feels like the product of TV writers being told they have 10 seconds to come up with an idea. “What would those idiots watch?” The shows remind me of old VR games that are barely more than demos, or an app built in a garage without ever asking prospective users what they need. Co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg may have produced The Lion King and Shrek, but the app’s content feels like it was greenlit by, well, Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s leader Meg Whitman, who indeed is Quibi’s CEO.
Quibi CEO Meg Whitman
Despite being built for a touch-screen interface, there’s little Bandersnatch-style interactive content so far, nor are the creators doing anything special with the six to 10-minute format. The shows feel more like condensed TV programs with episodes ending when there would be a commercial break. There’s no onboarding process that could ask which popular TV shows or genres you’re into. As the catalog expands, that makes it less likely you’ll find something appealing within a few taps.
TikTok comes from the opposite direction. Instead of what Hollywood thinks we want, its content comes straight from its consumers. People record what they think would make them and their friends laugh, surprised or enticed. The result is that with low to zero production budget, random kids and influencers alike make things with millions of Likes. And as elder millennials, Gen Xers and beyond get hooked, they’re creating videos for their peers, as well. The algorithm monitors what you’re hovering over and rapidly adapts its recommendations to your style.
TikTok is fundamentally interactive. Each clip’s audio can be borrowed to produce remixes that personalize a meme for a different demographic or subculture. And because its stars are internet natives, they’re in constant communication with their fan base to tune content to what they want. There’s something for everyone. No niche is too small.
TikTok screenshots
The Fix: Quibi should take a hint from Brat TV, the Disney Channel for the YouTube generation that gives tween social media stars their own premium shows about being a grade school kid to create content with a built-in fan base. [Disclosure: My cousin Darren Lachtman is a Brat co-founder.)
Take the Chrissy’s Court model, and shift it to stars who are 20 years younger. Give TikTok phenoms like Charli D’Amelio or Chase Hudson Quibi shows and let them help conceptualize the content, and they’ll bring their legions of fans. Double-down on choose-your-own-adventures and fan voting game shows that leverage the phone’s interactivity. Fund creators that will differentiate Quibi by making it look like anything other than daytime TV. And ask users directly what they want to see right when they download the app.
No screenshots
This is frankly insane. Screenshots of Quibi appear as a blank black screen. That means no memes. If people can’t turn Quibi scenes into jokes they’ll share elsewhere, its shows won’t ever become fixtures of the cultural zeitgeist like Netflix’s Tiger King has. Yes, other mobile streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ also block screenshots, but they have web versions where you can snap and share what you want. Quibi never should have structured its deals to license content from producers in a way that prevented any way to riff on or even let friends preview its content.
TikTok, on the other hand, defaults to letting you download any video and share it wherever you please — with the app’s watermark attached. That’s fueled TikTok’s stellar growth as clips get posted to Twitter and Instagram — and drive viewers back to the app. It has spawned TikTok compilations on YouTube, and a whole culture of remixing that expands and prolongs the popularity of trending jokes and dances.
The Fix: Quibi should allow screenshots. There’s little risk of spoilers or piracy. If its deals prohibit that, then it should offer pre-approved screenshots and video clips/trailers of each episode that you can download and share. Think of it like an in-app press kit. Even if we’re not allowed to set up the perfect screenshot for making a meme, at least then we could coherently discuss the shows on other social networks.
‘Content network effect’ makes TikTok tough to copy
Sluggish pacing
On mobile, you’re always just a swipe away from something more interesting. It’s like if you watched TV with your finger permanently hovering over the change channel button. Ever noticed how movie trailers now often start with a fast-forward collage of their most eye-catching scenes? Quibi seems intent on communicating prestige with its slow-building dramas like The Most Dangerous Game and Survive, which both had me bored and fast-forwarding. And that’s watching Quibi at home on the couch. While on the go, where it was designed to be consumed, slow pacing could push users with a minute or two to spare to open Instagram or TikTok instead.
None of this is helped by Quibi not auto-playing a trailer or the first episode the moment you scroll past a show on the home screen. Instead, you see a static title card for two seconds before it starts playing you an excerpt of the program. That makes it more cumbersome to discover new shows.
Where TikTok wins is in immediacy. Creators know users will swipe right past their video if it’s not immediately entertaining or obviously revving up to a big reveal. They grab you in the first second with smiles, costumes, bold captions or crazy situations. That also makes it easy for viewers to dismiss what’s irrelevant to them and teach the TikTok algorithm what they really want. Plus, you know that you can score a dopamine hit of joy even if you only have 30 seconds. TikTok makes Quick Bites feel like an understaffed sit-down restaurant.
The Fix: Quibi needs to teach creators to hook viewers instantly by previewing why they should want to watch. Since tapping a show’s card on the Quibi homepage instantly plays it, those teasers need to be built into the first episode. Otherwise, Quibi needs a button to view a trailer from its buried dedicated show pages to the preview card most people interact with on the home screen. Otherwise, users may never discover what Quibi shows resonate with them and teach it which to show and make more of.
Anti-social video club
Quibi neglects all its second-screen potential. No screenshotting makes it tough to discuss shows elsewhere, yet there’s no built-in comments or messaging to discuss or spread them in-app. Pasting an episode link into Twitter doesn’t even display the show’s name in the preview box. Nor do shows have their own social accounts to follow to remind you to keep watching.
There’s no way for friends to follow what you’re watching or see your recommendations. No leaderboards of top shows. Certainly no time-stamped, live-stream style crowd annotations. No synced-up co-watching with friends, despite a lack of TV apps preventing you from watching with anyone else in person unless you crowd around one phone.
It all feels like Quibi figured advertising would be enough. It could run contests where winners get a Cameo-esque message or chat with their favorite stars. Quibi could let you share scenes with your face swapped onto actors’ heads, deepfake-style like Snapchat’s (confusingly named) Cameos feature. It could host in-app roundtables with the casts where users could submit questions. It’s like if Web 2.0 never happened.
TikTok, meanwhile, harnesses every conceivable social feature. Follow, Like, comment, message, go Live, duet, remix or download and share any video. It beckons viewers to participate in trending challenges. And even when users aren’t itching to return to TikTok, notifications from these social features will drag them back in, or watermarked clips will follow them to other networks. Every part of the app is designed to make its content the center of popular culture.
The Fix: Quibi needs to understand that just because we’re watching on mobile, doesn’t make video a solo experience. At first, it should add social content discovery options so you can see which friends opt in to share that they’re watching or view a leaderboard of the top programs. Shows, especially ones dripping out new episodes, are more fun when you have someone to chat about them with.
Eventually, Quibi should layer on in-app second-screen features. Create a way to share comments at the end of each episode that people read during the credits so they feel like they’re in a viewing community.
Can Quibi be more?
What’s most disappointing about Quibi is that it has the potential to be something fresh, merging classically produced premium content with the modern ways we use our phones. Yet beyond shows being shot in two widths so you can switch between watching in landscape or portrait mode at any time, it really is just a random cable channel shrunk down.
Youths act in front of a mobile phone camera while making a TikTok video on the terrace of their residence in Hyderabad on February 14, 2020 (Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
One of the few redeeming opportunities for Quibi is using the daily episode release schedule to serialize content that benefits from suspense, as Ryan Vinnicombe aka InternetRyan notes. Bingeing via traditional streaming services can burn through thrillers before they can properly build up suspense and fan theories or let late-comers catch up while a show is still in the zeitgeist. Cliffhangers with just a day instead of a week to wait could be Quibi’s killer feature.
Suspense is also one thing TikTok fails at. Within a single video, they’re actually often all about suspense, waiting through build up for a gag or non-sequitur to play out. But creators try to rope in followers by making a multi-minute video and splitting it into parts so people subscribe to them to see the next part. Yet since TikTok doesn’t always show timestamps and surfaces old videos on its home screen, it can often be a chore to find the Part Two, and there’s no good way for creators to link them together. TikTok could stand to learn about multi-episode content from Quibi.
But today, Quibi feels like a minitiaturized and degraded version of what we already get for free on the web or pay for with Netflix. Quibi charging $4.99 per month with ads or $7.99 without seems like a steep ask without delivering any truly must-see shows, novel interactive experience or memory-making social moments.
Quibi’s success may simply be a test of how bad people are at cancelling 90-day free trials (hint: they’re bad at it!). The bull case is that absentminded subscribers among the 300,000 first-day downloads and some diehard fans of the celebs it’s given shows will bring Quibi enough traction to raise more cash and survive long enough to socialize its product and teach creators to exploit the format’s opportunities.
But the bear case is already emerging in Quibi’s rapidly declining App Store rank, which fell from No. 4 overall when it launched Monday to No. 21 yesterday after just 830,000 total downloads according to Sensor Tower. Lackluster content and no virality means it might never become the talk of the town, leading top content producers to slink away or half-ass their contributions, leaving us to dine on short video elsewhere.
Zuckerberg misunderstands the huge threat of TikTok
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/2yIK9kl via IFTTT
0 notes
technicalsolutions88 ¡ 4 years
It takes either audacious self-confidence or reckless hubris to build a completely asocial video app in 2020. You can decide which best describes Quibi, Hollywood’s $1.75 billion-funded attempt at a mobile-only Netflix of six to 10-minute micro-TV show episodes. Quibi manages to miss every trend and tactic that could help make its app popular. The company seems to believe it can succeed on only its content (mediocre) and marketing dollars (fewer than it needs).
I appreciate that Quibi is doing something audaciously different than most startups. Rather than iterating toward product-market fit, it spent a fortune developing its slick app and buying fancy content in secret so it could launch with a bang.
Yet Quibi’s bold business strategy is muted by a misguided allegiance to the golden age of television before the internet permeated every entertainment medium. It’s unshareable, prescriptive, sluggish, cumbersome and unfriendly. Quibi’s unwillingness to borrow anything from social networks makes the app feel cold and isolated, like watching reality shows in the vacuum of space.
In that sense, Quibi is the inverse of TikTok, which feels fiercely alive. TikTok is designed to immediately immerse you in crowd-vetted content that grabs your attention and inspires you to spread your take on it to friends. That’s why TikTok has almost 2 billion downloads to date, while Quibi picked up just 300,000 on the day of its big splash into market.
Here’s a breakdown of the major missteps by Quibi, why TikTok does it better and how this new streaming app can get with the times.
What Hollywood thinks we want
Quibi feels like some off-brand cable channel, with a mix of convoluted reality shows, scripted dramas and news briefs. Imagine MTV at noon in the mid-2000s. Nothing seemed must-see. There’s no Game of Thrones or Mandalorian here. While the production value is better than what you’ll find on YouTube, the show concepts feel slapdash with novelty that quickly fades. Chrissy Teigen as a small claims court judge and a cooking show where blindfolded chefs have to guess what food was just exploded in their faces…
The catalog feels like the product of TV writers being told they have 10 seconds to come up with an idea. “What would those idiots watch?” The shows remind me of old VR games that are barely more than demos, or an app built in a garage without ever asking prospective users what they need. Co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg may have produced The Lion King and Shrek, but the app’s content feels like it was greenlit by, well, Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s leader Meg Whitman, who indeed is Quibi’s CEO.
Quibi CEO Meg Whitman
Despite being built for a touch-screen interface, there’s little Bandersnatch-style interactive content so far, nor are the creators doing anything special with the six to 10-minute format. The shows feel more like condensed TV programs with episodes ending when there would be a commercial break. There’s no onboarding process that could ask which popular TV shows or genres you’re into. As the catalog expands, that makes it less likely you’ll find something appealing within a few taps.
TikTok comes from the opposite direction. Instead of what Hollywood thinks we want, its content comes straight from its consumers. People record what they think would make them and their friends laugh, surprised or enticed. The result is that with low to zero production budget, random kids and influencers alike make things with millions of Likes. And as elder millennials, Gen Xers and beyond get hooked, they’re creating videos for their peers, as well. The algorithm monitors what you’re hovering over and rapidly adapts its recommendations to your style.
TikTok is fundamentally interactive. Each clip’s audio can be borrowed to produce remixes that personalize a meme for a different demographic or subculture. And because its stars are internet natives, they’re in constant communication with their fan base to tune content to what they want. There’s something for everyone. No niche is too small.
TikTok screenshots
The Fix: Quibi should take a hint from Brat TV, the Disney Channel for the YouTube generation that gives tween social media stars their own premium shows about being a grade school kid to create content with a built-in fan base. [Disclosure: My cousin Darren Lachtman is a Brat co-founder.)
Take the Chrissy’s Court model, and shift it to stars who are 20 years younger. Give TikTok phenoms like Charli D’Amelio or Chase Hudson Quibi shows and let them help conceptualize the content, and they’ll bring their legions of fans. Double-down on choose-your-own-adventures and fan voting game shows that leverage the phone’s interactivity. Fund creators that will differentiate Quibi by making it look like anything other than daytime TV. And ask users directly what they want to see right when they download the app.
No screenshots
This is frankly insane. Screenshots of Quibi appear as a blank black screen. That means no memes. If people can’t turn Quibi scenes into jokes they’ll share elsewhere, its shows won’t ever become fixtures of the cultural zeitgeist like Netflix’s Tiger King has. Yes, other mobile streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ also block screenshots, but they have web versions where you can snap and share what you want. Quibi never should have structured its deals to license content from producers in a way that prevented any way to riff on or even let friends preview its content.
TikTok, on the other hand, defaults to letting you download any video and share it wherever you please — with the app’s watermark attached. That’s fueled TikTok’s stellar growth as clips get posted to Twitter and Instagram — and drive viewers back to the app. It has spawned TikTok compilations on YouTube, and a whole culture of remixing that expands and prolongs the popularity of trending jokes and dances.
The Fix: Quibi should allow screenshots. There’s little risk of spoilers or piracy. If its deals prohibit that, then it should offer pre-approved screenshots and video clips/trailers of each episode that you can download and share. Think of it like an in-app press kit. Even if we’re not allowed to set up the perfect screenshot for making a meme, at least then we could coherently discuss the shows on other social networks.
‘Content network effect’ makes TikTok tough to copy
Sluggish pacing
On mobile, you’re always just a swipe away from something more interesting. It’s like if you watched TV with your finger permanently hovering over the change channel button. Ever noticed how movie trailers now often start with a fast-forward collage of their most eye-catching scenes? Quibi seems intent on communicating prestige with its slow-building dramas like The Most Dangerous Game and Survive, which both had me bored and fast-forwarding. And that’s watching Quibi at home on the couch. While on the go, where it was designed to be consumed, slow pacing could push users with a minute or two to spare to open Instagram or TikTok instead.
None of this is helped by Quibi not auto-playing a trailer or the first episode the moment you scroll past a show on the home screen. Instead, you see a static title card for two seconds before it starts playing you an excerpt of the program. That makes it more cumbersome to discover new shows.
Where TikTok wins is in immediacy. Creators know users will swipe right past their video if it’s not immediately entertaining or obviously revving up to a big reveal. They grab you in the first second with smiles, costumes, bold captions or crazy situations. That also makes it easy for viewers to dismiss what’s irrelevant to them and teach the TikTok algorithm what they really want. Plus, you know that you can score a dopamine hit of joy even if you only have 30 seconds. TikTok makes Quick Bites feel like an understaffed sit-down restaurant.
The Fix: Quibi needs to teach creators to hook viewers instantly by previewing why they should want to watch. Since tapping a show’s card on the Quibi homepage instantly plays it, those teasers need to be built into the first episode. Otherwise, Quibi needs a button to view a trailer from its buried dedicated show pages to the preview card most people interact with on the home screen. Otherwise, users may never discover what Quibi shows resonate with them and teach it which to show and make more of.
Anti-social video club
Quibi neglects all its second-screen potential. No screenshotting makes it tough to discuss shows elsewhere, yet there’s no built-in comments or messaging to discuss or spread them in-app. Pasting an episode link into Twitter doesn’t even display the show’s name in the preview box. Nor do shows have their own social accounts to follow to remind you to keep watching.
There’s no way for friends to follow what you’re watching or see your recommendations. No leaderboards of top shows. Certainly no time-stamped, live-stream style crowd annotations. No synced-up co-watching with friends, despite a lack of TV apps preventing you from watching with anyone else in person unless you crowd around one phone.
It all feels like Quibi figured advertising would be enough. It could run contests where winners get a Cameo-esque message or chat with their favorite stars. Quibi could let you share scenes with your face swapped onto actors’ heads, deepfake-style like Snapchat’s (confusingly named) Cameos feature. It could host in-app roundtables with the casts where users could submit questions. It’s like if Web 2.0 never happened.
TikTok, meanwhile, harnesses every conceivable social feature. Follow, Like, comment, message, go Live, duet, remix or download and share any video. It beckons viewers to participate in trending challenges. And even when users aren’t itching to return to TikTok, notifications from these social features will drag them back in, or watermarked clips will follow them to other networks. Every part of the app is designed to make its content the center of popular culture.
The Fix: Quibi needs to understand that just because we’re watching on mobile, doesn’t make video a solo experience. At first, it should add social content discovery options so you can see which friends opt in to share that they’re watching or view a leaderboard of the top programs. Shows, especially ones dripping out new episodes, are more fun when you have someone to chat about them with.
Eventually, Quibi should layer on in-app second-screen features. Create a way to share comments at the end of each episode that people read during the credits so they feel like they’re in a viewing community.
Can Quibi be more?
What’s most disappointing about Quibi is that it has the potential to be something fresh, merging classically produced premium content with the modern ways we use our phones. Yet beyond shows being shot in two widths so you can switch between watching in landscape or portrait mode at any time, it really is just a random cable channel shrunk down.
Youths act in front of a mobile phone camera while making a TikTok video on the terrace of their residence in Hyderabad on February 14, 2020 (Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
One of the few redeeming opportunities for Quibi is using the daily episode release schedule to serialize content that benefits from suspense, as InternetRyan notes. Bingeing via traditional streaming services can burn through thrillers before they can properly build up suspense and fan theories or let late-comers catch up while a show is still in the zeitgeist. Cliffhangers with just a day instead of a week to wait could be Quibi’s killer feature.
Suspense is also one thing TikTok fails at. Within a single video, they’re actually often all about suspense, waiting through build up for a gag or non-sequitur to play out. But creators try to rope in followers by making a multi-minute video and splitting it into parts so people subscribe to them to see the next part. Yet since TikTok doesn’t always show timestamps and surfaces old videos on its homescreen, it can often be a chore to find the part two, and there’s no good way for creators to link them together. TikTok could stand to learn about multi-episode content from Quibi.
But today, Quibi feels like a minitiaturized and degraded version of what we already get for free on the web or pay for with Netflix. Quibi charging $4.99 per month with ads or $7.99 without seems like a steep ask without delivering any truly must-see shows, novel interactive experience, or memory-making social moments.
Quibi’s success may simply be a test of how bad people are at cancelling 90-day free trials (hint: they’re bad at it!). The bull case is that absent-minded subscribers amongst the 300,000 first-day downloads and some diehard fans of the celebs it’s given shows will bring Quibi enough traction to raise more cash and survive long enough to socialize its product and teach creators to exploit the format’s opportunities. But the bear case is already emerging in Quibi’s rapidly declining App Store rank, that fell from #4 overall when it launched Monday to #21 yesterday. Lackluster content and no virality means it might never become the talk of the town, leading top content producers to slink away or half-ass their contributions, leaving us to dine on short video elsewhere.
Zuckerberg misunderstands the huge threat of TikTok
from Social – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2yIK9kl Original Content From: https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
magzoso-tech ¡ 4 years
Quibi is the anti-TikTok (that’s a bad thing)
New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/quibi-is-the-anti-tiktok-thats-a-bad-thing/
Quibi is the anti-TikTok (that’s a bad thing)
It takes either audacious self-confidence or reckless hubris to build a completely asocial video app in 2020. You can decide which best describes Quibi, Hollywood’s $1.75 billion-funded attempt at a mobile-only Netflix of six to 10-minute micro-TV show episodes. Quibi manages to miss every trend and tactic that could help make its app popular. The company seems to believe it can succeed on only its content (mediocre) and marketing dollars (fewer than it needs).
I appreciate that Quibi is doing something audaciously different than most startups. Rather than iterating toward product-market fit, it spent a fortune developing its slick app and buying fancy content in secret so it could launch with a bang.
Yet Quibi’s bold business strategy is muted by a misguided allegiance to the golden age of television before the internet permeated every entertainment medium. It’s unshareable, prescriptive, sluggish, cumbersome and unfriendly. Quibi’s unwillingness to borrow anything from social networks makes the app feel cold and isolated, like watching reality shows in the vacuum of space.
In that sense, Quibi is the inverse of TikTok, which feels fiercely alive. TikTok is designed to immediately immerse you in crowd-vetted content that grabs your attention and inspires you to spread your take on it to friends. That’s why TikTok has almost 2 billion downloads to date, while Quibi picked up just 300,000 on the day of its big splash into market.
Here’s a breakdown of the major missteps by Quibi, why TikTok does it better and how this new streaming app can get with the times.
What Hollywood thinks we want
Quibi feels like some off-brand cable channel, with a mix of convoluted reality shows, scripted dramas and news briefs. Imagine MTV at noon in the mid-2000s. Nothing seemed must-see. There’s no Game of Thrones or Mandalorian here. While the production value is better than what you’ll find on YouTube, the show concepts feel slapdash with novelty that quickly fades. Chrissy Teigen as a small claims court judge and a cooking show where blindfolded chefs have to guess what food was just exploded in their faces…
The catalog feels like the product of TV writers being told they have 10 seconds to come up with an idea. “What would those idiots watch?” The shows remind me of old VR games that are barely more than demos, or an app built in a garage without ever asking prospective users what they need. Co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg may have produced The Lion King and Shrek, but the app’s content feels like it was greenlit by, well, Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s leader Meg Whitman, who indeed is Quibi’s CEO.
Quibi CEO Meg Whitman
Despite being built for a touch-screen interface, there’s little Bandersnatch-style interactive content so far, nor are the creators doing anything special with the six to 10-minute format. The shows feel more like condensed TV programs with episodes ending when there would be a commercial break. There’s no onboarding process that could ask which popular TV shows or genres you’re into. As the catalog expands, that makes it less likely you’ll find something appealing within a few taps.
TikTok comes from the opposite direction. Instead of what Hollywood thinks we want, its content comes straight from its consumers. People record what they think would make them and their friends laugh, surprised or enticed. The result is that with low to zero production budget, random kids and influencers alike make things with millions of Likes. And as elder millennials, Gen Xers and beyond get hooked, they’re creating videos for their peers, as well. The algorithm monitors what you’re hovering over and rapidly adapts its recommendations to your style.
TikTok is fundamentally interactive. Each clip’s audio can be borrowed to produce remixes that personalize a meme for a different demographic or subculture. And because its stars are internet natives, they’re in constant communication with their fan base to tune content to what they want. There’s something for everyone. No niche is too small.
TikTok screenshots
The Fix: Quibi should take a hint from Brat TV, the Disney Channel for the YouTube generation that gives tween social media stars their own premium shows about being a grade school kid to create content with a built-in fan base. [Disclosure: My cousin Darren Lachtman is a Brat co-founder.)
Take the Chrissy’s Court model, and shift it to stars who are 20 years younger. Give TikTok phenoms like Charli D’Amelio or Chase Hudson Quibi shows and let them help conceptualize the content, and they’ll bring their legions of fans. Double-down on choose-your-own-adventures and fan voting game shows that leverage the phone’s interactivity. Fund creators that will differentiate Quibi by making it look like anything other than daytime TV. And ask users directly what they want to see right when they download the app.
No screenshots
This is frankly insane. Screenshots of Quibi appear as a blank black screen. That means no memes. If people can’t turn Quibi scenes into jokes they’ll share elsewhere, its shows won’t ever become fixtures of the cultural zeitgeist like Netflix’s Tiger King has. Yes, other mobile streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ also block screenshots, but they have web versions where you can snap and share what you want. Quibi never should have structured its deals to license content from producers in a way that prevented any way to riff on or even let friends preview its content.
TikTok, on the other hand, defaults to letting you download any video and share it wherever you please — with the app’s watermark attached. That’s fueled TikTok’s stellar growth as clips get posted to Twitter and Instagram — and drive viewers back to the app. It has spawned TikTok compilations on YouTube, and a whole culture of remixing that expands and prolongs the popularity of trending jokes and dances.
The Fix: Quibi should allow screenshots. There’s little risk of spoilers or piracy. If its deals prohibit that, then it should offer pre-approved screenshots and video clips/trailers of each episode that you can download and share. Think of it like an in-app press kit. Even if we’re not allowed to set up the perfect screenshot for making a meme, at least then we could coherently discuss the shows on other social networks.
Sluggish pacing
On mobile, you’re always just a swipe away from something more interesting. It’s like if you watched TV with your finger permanently hovering over the change channel button. Ever noticed how movie trailers now often start with a fast-forward collage of their most eye-catching scenes? Quibi seems intent on communicating prestige with its slow-building dramas like The Most Dangerous Game and Survive, which both had me bored and fast-forwarding. And that’s watching Quibi at home on the couch. While on the go, where it was designed to be consumed, slow pacing could push users with a minute or two to spare to open Instagram or TikTok instead.
None of this is helped by Quibi not auto-playing a trailer or the first episode the moment you scroll past a show on the home screen. Instead, you see a static title card for two seconds before it starts playing you an excerpt of the program. That makes it more cumbersome to discover new shows.
Where TikTok wins is in immediacy. Creators know users will swipe right past their video if it’s not immediately entertaining or obviously revving up to a big reveal. They grab you in the first second with smiles, costumes, bold captions or crazy situations. That also makes it easy for viewers to dismiss what’s irrelevant to them and teach the TikTok algorithm what they really want. Plus, you know that you can score a dopamine hit of joy even if you only have 30 seconds. TikTok makes Quick Bites feel like an understaffed sit-down restaurant.
The Fix: Quibi needs to teach creators to hook viewers instantly by previewing why they should want to watch. Since tapping a show’s card on the Quibi homepage instantly plays it, those teasers need to be built into the first episode. Otherwise, Quibi needs a button to view a trailer from its buried dedicated show pages to the preview card most people interact with on the home screen. Otherwise, users may never discover what Quibi shows resonate with them and teach it which to show and make more of.
Anti-social video club
Quibi neglects all its second-screen potential. No screenshotting makes it tough to discuss shows elsewhere, yet there’s no built-in comments or messaging to discuss or spread them in-app. Pasting an episode link into Twitter doesn’t even display the show’s name in the preview box. Nor do shows have their own social accounts to follow to remind you to keep watching.
There’s no way for friends to follow what you’re watching or see your recommendations. No leaderboards of top shows. Certainly no time-stamped, live-stream style crowd annotations. No synced-up co-watching with friends, despite a lack of TV apps preventing you from watching with anyone else in person unless you crowd around one phone.
It all feels like Quibi figured advertising would be enough. It could run contests where winners get a Cameo-esque message or chat with their favorite stars. Quibi could let you share scenes with your face swapped onto actors’ heads, deepfake-style like Snapchat’s (confusingly named) Cameos feature. It could host in-app roundtables with the casts where users could submit questions. It’s like if Web 2.0 never happened.
TikTok, meanwhile, harnesses every conceivable social feature. Follow, Like, comment, message, go Live, duet, remix or download and share any video. It beckons viewers to participate in trending challenges. And even when users aren’t itching to return to TikTok, notifications from these social features will drag them back in, or watermarked clips will follow them to other networks. Every part of the app is designed to make its content the center of popular culture.
The Fix: Quibi needs to understand that just because we’re watching on mobile, doesn’t make video a solo experience. At first, it should add social content discovery options so you can see which friends opt in to share that they’re watching or view a leaderboard of the top programs. Shows, especially ones dripping out new episodes, are more fun when you have someone to chat about them with.
Eventually, Quibi should layer on in-app second-screen features. Create a way to share comments at the end of each episode that people read during the credits so they feel like they’re in a viewing community.
Can Quibi be more?
What’s most disappointing about Quibi is that it has the potential to be something fresh, merging classically produced premium content with the modern ways we use our phones. Yet beyond shows being shot in two widths so you can switch between watching in landscape or portrait mode at any time, it really is just a random cable channel shrunk down.
Youths act in front of a mobile phone camera while making a TikTok video on the terrace of their residence in Hyderabad on February 14, 2020 (Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
One of the few redeeming opportunities for Quibi is using the daily episode release schedule to serialize content that benefits from suspense, as Ryan Vinnicombe aka InternetRyan notes. Bingeing via traditional streaming services can burn through thrillers before they can properly build up suspense and fan theories or let late-comers catch up while a show is still in the zeitgeist. Cliffhangers with just a day instead of a week to wait could be Quibi’s killer feature.
Suspense is also one thing TikTok fails at. Within a single video, they’re actually often all about suspense, waiting through build up for a gag or non-sequitur to play out. But creators try to rope in followers by making a multi-minute video and splitting it into parts so people subscribe to them to see the next part. Yet since TikTok doesn’t always show timestamps and surfaces old videos on its home screen, it can often be a chore to find the Part Two, and there’s no good way for creators to link them together. TikTok could stand to learn about multi-episode content from Quibi.
But today, Quibi feels like a minitiaturized and degraded version of what we already get for free on the web or pay for with Netflix. Quibi charging $4.99 per month with ads or $7.99 without seems like a steep ask without delivering any truly must-see shows, novel interactive experience or memory-making social moments.
Quibi’s success may simply be a test of how bad people are at cancelling 90-day free trials (hint: they’re bad at it!). The bull case is that absentminded subscribers among the 300,000 first-day downloads and some diehard fans of the celebs it’s given shows will bring Quibi enough traction to raise more cash and survive long enough to socialize its product and teach creators to exploit the format’s opportunities.
But the bear case is already emerging in Quibi’s rapidly declining App Store rank, which fell from No. 4 overall when it launched Monday to No. 21 yesterday after just 830,000 total downloads according to Sensor Tower. Lackluster content and no virality means it might never become the talk of the town, leading top content producers to slink away or half-ass their contributions, leaving us to dine on short video elsewhere.
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mediacalling ¡ 6 years
Must-Have Tools for Producing LinkedIn Videos That Stand Out
As more people use video on LinkedIn, you need to work harder to get your video to stand out. I’ve collated some top tools for LinkedIn video that will put a shine on your videos and help them get noticed.
LinkedIn Video: Creation Tools
Even though you can shoot a “talking head” video directly into LinkedIn, you can seize some advantages when you shoot in advance.
You can top and tail it, removing the bit where you fumbled at the start. You can add your logo and branding, edit out mistakes, and enhance your video.
Going Pro With Filmic Pro
The daddy of all iPhone apps for video is Filmic Pro. This tool turns your phone into a multifunctional camera.
By clicking the exposure wheel, you can make sure the viewer sees you, not a silhouette against the sky. But if you want to see the sky, adjust it the other way, so the full glory of a sunset or a blue sky shines out rather than white bright space.
When shooting indoors, you can get rid of that horrible orange hue by adjusting the color and white balance.
And rather than focus on the biggest thing on the screen, use the focus wheel to choose what you want sharp in the frame.
Filmic Pro turns your phone into a full-function camera
As the name suggests, Filmic Pro is about as pro as you can get with a video tool on mobile. Director Eleanor Mannion used it to shoot her 2016 documentary “The Collectors” for Ireland’s national TV station.
Filmic Pro is available for iOS and Android and costs around $14.99 depending on your region.
Using the iPhone with iOS 11 to Record Your Phone Screen 
Think of your LinkedIn videos as valuable content. The topics can be:
Motivational talks
Quick tips
The more value you add to a video, the longer people will watch.
If you are in the digital space, tutorials that require screen recording are useful. We’ll look at a tool for desktop later, but what if you want to share your phone screen?
If you have an iPhone with iOS 11 or above, the screen recording function is built in. To enable it, go to: Settings > Control Center >Customize Control. Then click the green + next to “Screen Recording.”
Enable screen recording from iOS 11 or above
Now, it’s enabled, so you can record.
Swipe up from the bottom of your phone, and click the circle button. This activates a countdown, and a red bar appears at the top of the screen when it’s active.
Click the circle to start recording your screen on iOS.
AZ Screen Recorder for Android
If you are an Android user, you need an app to record your screen. AZ Screen recorder adds a widget to your screen. Once it’s activated, you can record your screen by clicking one of the options from the widget.
Use AZ Screen recorder on Android to record your screen.
AZ Screen recorder is free to use.
Branding Your Video With eZy Watermark V
When you have people watching your videos on your LinkedIn page, you can get your brand and logo in front of them. If you are shooting on mobile and don’t have access to desktop editing software, you need an app to help you with this.
Watermark V is a quick way to add a logo and more to your videos on mobile.
Upload your video to the app, select whether you want to add a logo, text a QR code, or include your signature. If you create something you like, you can save it as a template, which makes the process much quicker the next time.
With eZy Watermark you can add your logo, a signature, text or a QR code to your video.
eZy Watermark V is available for iOS and Android and free to use but watermarked (by the company). Removing the watermark costs roughly €1.09 depending on your region.
Anyone can create a boring video. But these tools can help you create #LinkedIn #videos that shine. Click To Tweet
LinkedIn Video: Editing Tools
When someone starts watching your video, you want to keep them watching. The easiest way to do this is editing. By cutting different shots together, you are mimicking the way we naturally process visual information and viewers are less likely to switch off.
But editing always seems like hard work, right? I’ve some tools that make it a little easier.
If you are editing on mobile, you can’t beat the simplicity of CuteCut.
To use it:
Open the app.
Choose your settings.
Upload your video clips.
Double tap each clip to trim and add effects.
Scroll to the end of the clip to add another.
Use CuteCut for quick editing on mobile.
Give it a go! You won’t believe how simple it is.
CuteCut is available for iOS and Android. You can use it for free. But if you want to remove the watermark and get access to all the tools, it will cost you from $5.99 depending on your region.
Mac users can also get a desktop version.
Editing on a desktop is much easier, but the software is often expensive or complicated. Wave video is a browser-based editing software tool.
You also get access to a library of video clips you can use alongside your own. You can add text and stickers.
The killer element is:  You can create videos in multiple formats at the same time.
Say you are creating a video you want to share on IGTV, LinkedIn video, and YouTube, you can create it in all three formats. (Square works best on LinkedIn at the time of writing.)
Wave lets you create multiple formats of the same video
Wave is free to use with some limitations. Premium packages start at $8.25 a month.
Once you’ve got proficient at making LinkedIn video you may be ready to make a larger investment. Camtasia is my editing tool of choice. You can add multiple tracks, transitions, and effects. You can also record your screen, which makes it great for tutorials.
There’s even the function to add subtitles. (More on that shortly.)
You will need a computer with a decent memory to get the most from Camtasia or any editing tool. If you are unsure of your computer’s speed, try the 30-day free trial before you buy.
Camtasia costs €261.05 for a individual license.
LinkedIn Video: Captioning Tools
Captioning your video is important for two reasons:
Many viewers will watch your video with the sound switched off. If you want to get your message across, you have to use subtitles.
It makes your video accessible. If you don’t use captions, you are alienating a portion of your audience.
If you want to add captions you need to:
Transcribe your video.
Add titles to your video.
The following tools will help you with this process.
Caption your LinkedIn videos for a greater reach. These tools help you do that & more. Click To Tweet
Apple Clips
Sorry, Android users but I’ve not found an Android equivalent to Apple Clips. It is a tool that will automatically caption your videos as you shoot them. Once you’ve recorded, you can edit the captions and change the text style.
The result is an eye-catching, accessible video.
There’s a bonus, too. You can add cool effects and stickers to the videos you create in Clips.
Apple clips for adding auto-captions and effects
Apple clips is free to use. 
Transcribing your videos is a long drawn-out process. It’s one of those tasks that is cheap and easy to outsource.
Rev.com is my go-to resource for this. Upload your video to its website, and the company will send you a .srt caption file within 24 hours.
Rev.com costs $1 per minute of video to transcribe.
Once you have your transcription, you can burn your subtitles into your video using the .srt file that Rev sent you using Kapwing.
By burning or “hard coding” your captions onto your video, you have complete control over what they look like. The alternative is to upload your .srt file to each network you share the video to.
Kapwing lets you choose your captioning font, color, and position and will even make a landscape video square with a space to add the captions if you ask it to.
Upload your video and .srt file to Kapwing, choose your color scheme and positioning and download your captioned video file.
Use Kapwing to burn captions onto your video.
You can use Kapwing for free, but that will include the watermark. Removing it costs either $6 per video or you can subscribe for $20 a month for unlimited video captioning.
LinkedIn Video: Scheduling Tools
AgoraPulse users can schedule their completed videos to their LinkedIn company pages.
Here’s how …
From your dashboard, click “Publish” and select your LinkedIn company page as your destination.
Click the video icon, and upload a video from your computer.
Schedule LinkedIn Video with AgoraPulse
Use the sliders below the preview to select country or language targeting when necessary.
Use the sliders to add targeting.
Choose to “Publish now,” “Add to queue,” or “Schedule.”
Click “Next” to choose your time and date for publishing.
* * *
Creating actionable, engaging videos for Linked in doesn’t need to be a hassle. The top tools I mentioned can make creating, editing, captioning, and scheduling LinkedIn videos a hassle-free process. By using them, you’ll have a better chance of producing videos that stand out in the feed and get viewed from beginning to end.
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Must-Have Tools for Producing LinkedIn Videos That Stand Out posted first on http://getfblikeblog.blogspot.com
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davidhewittus ¡ 7 years
Use Fake Doctors Medical Report as Your Escape Card
Do you want an escape card to skip work/school? We’ve all been there! You require a few days off to go accomplish something, so you call in sick. But now your boss wants a doctor’s report as a proof of your sickness. Do not worry, there are dozens of online services offering fake doctor’s reports. You can use these reports as an escape card to skip the tasks you do not want to do.
There are many types of fake doctors medical reports on the web, the fake excuse collection incorporates; dental practitioner excuse letter, children’s clinic excuse note, fake mental health document and return back to work note. The rundown additionally incorporates both free and premium fake cardiologist note, eye specialist excuse letter, OB/GYN excuse note, medical nonappearance report, and free oral surgery excuse letter etc. A phony excuse report from a specialist can prove to be useful if you can’t get an excuse report slip from your specialist.
The report is intended to give you the best reason to miss school, work or travel. The issue emerges when you can’t get the excuse report from the genuine specialist. Getting a genuine online report from the specialist is very tough, if you don’t have a standard specialist or therapeutic faculty to counsel or if you have a condition that does not warrant its issuance. So depending upon a fake medical report is dependably the best alternative to pick.
How can I create a fake medical report?
Are you fed up and stressed because of your work hours? Or your boss always manages to ruin your day? It is time to take an action! Just create fake medical reports and you are done with all the tasks. Follow the steps below to have your escape card:
Choose the template
The primary thing that you have to do is to search for a format that would match with your report. You will require one that would give you wanted time off. You simply need to take the risk and pick a medical excuse, for instance, you can utilize the medical reason of having shingles. As a great many people know, shingles is a type of chicken pox that grown-ups get. Your manager would not need you to come back to work since you will be infectious. It is constantly great to pick an infectious ailment while faking a sickness in light of the fact that, in such case, even your boss won’t need you to join the work environment.
You should ensure that the formats you utilize include space for each and every information that you need your employer to know about. Along with that, you have to plan your absence from work a few days in advance. You need to cover your bases because your livelihood is on the line.
Fill out the form
The fake doctor’s templates that are available online for work/school are exceptionally easy to fill out, it requires the specialist’s and the patient’s name, provider’s identification, the time and date of visit, comments, restrictions (if any) and signature along with date.
You excuse forms will have to look great and that’s why you need to spend the time to make sure that you proofread everything before submitting it to your boss for his review. The specialist’s name should be same as any local doctor’s name so as to divert the mind of your employer from any doubts that he may have. The best excuse that I suggest is those of illnesses that are easy to catch, but are very contagious.
The templates that are available online are also awesome for the students who need to avoid school. I have found that students frequently require a break from their work and school obligations. It is difficult to be so worried constantly. You need to round out the frame painstakingly by putting center around each minor detail. Keep in mind, never utilize a fake specialist’s name on the note because your manager or teacher can check it.
And print the report
The note should be printed on high-quality paper, not the cheap stuff you might buy in a 1000-sheet package at any local shop or stationary. Have you ever seen a real doctor’s report on that flimsy white stuff? Probably not. So make sure to use a high-quality paper while printing your report.
Where can I get a doctors report template?
There are a few choices, despite the fact that some of them are quite hazardous. Let’s take a look at all of them:
Steal one
You may have this thought after viewing a terrible film or TV show where it is very easy to do so. Reconsider. On TV or in the motion pictures, it’s easy to roam around a hospital or doctor’s office, easily sneak into a vacant office, and lift a prescription pad or some stationery.
Sadly, in reality, it is quite difficult. That kind of printed material is once in a while left unguarded, and specialists’ workplaces and doctor’s facilities are dependably vigilant for individuals who should be there, doing things they shouldn’t do. If you do so, you’re not looking at an issue at work – you’re looking at an issue in court. So I don’t prescribe utilizing this thought as it can be exceptionally dangerous.
Make your own
It is really a very difficult task to make your own fake notes and it is even more difficult to make it appear 100% authentic. When you have to work in a little time away, the exact opposite thing you need to do is invest energy before the PC dealing with a produced note. Rather, you need to unwind before the TV, sleeping or level out relaxing by the pool. A superior choice is to arrange an excuse from our site.
Download it, but from a reliable online site
This is dependably the best choice because of many reasons. One of the reasons is expertise, a reliable company that deals with fake notes have years of involvement in recognizing what points of interest must go into the excuse notes. They’ll have totally credible reports or therapeutic notes with logos, appropriate wording, even watermarks and sometimes.
Besides, they’ll offer complete packages of fake notes from an extensive variety of doctors, dental practitioners, hospitals, doctor’s facilities and authorities; some websites even have things like religious excuses, jury duty notices and funeral pamphlets so you can pick what fits your circumstance best. At long last, they recognize what works, with all the input they’ve gotten from satisfied clients. That way you can make certain that the notes you’re purchasing have worked for others, and will also work for you.
What is the use of fake doctors report?
Doctors are frequently requested to give medical records of their patients. These solicitations originate from an assortment of sources – e.g., bosses, government offices and administrative bodies. Information may be given as a report, a paper, a letter and a certificate. So it is not in any way unbalanced or suspicious if you demonstrate the fake report at your office by a specialist.
The fake specialist’s report should serve as a bogus proof of your excuse because of which you missed the school on a specific date to improve the further system of making up the exam if it was missed that day, or simply having make up classes or to relax. A Doctor’s Note is imperative for a patient to demonstrate that they had profound reasons not to come to class or work on a specific day since they needed to see a specialist.
These forms will prove to be useful to the individuals who need to affirm that the kid’s nonappearance at school is disclosed by the need to visit a doctor or dental specialist. So, if you trust that you can cheat your kid’s teachers, you can most likely utilize it.
Can I use free fake doctors medical report?
That sounds simple and absolutely not as risky as real burglary would be. True, but it’s not going to do the trap. The issue is that HRs, managers, instructors and heads see a considerable measure of excuse notes, both authentic and fake. And the reason is that the “free specialists excuse notes” are free to download –they’re truly not authentic looking.
Next to no care went into the readiness of free notes. There’s presumably almost no detail on them, and chances are that the individual you’re giving your fake doctor report to has as of now observed that identical letter sometime before. You may not be in court subsequent to utilizing one of those shabby downloadable excuse letters, yet you might be at the unemployment office.
Make it work
Since it is ethically and legitimately wrong to utilize fake doctor’s report, businesses are rapidly finding out about different fake online medicinal letters and other employees naughtiness through online gatherings, clinic insurance authorities, and workshops. So an employee has to careful while using such notes.
This also implies that the company or doctor offering the fake hospital center letter or doctor’s report may not be considered responsible for any legitimate methods emerging from the utilization of such letters. Basic variables, for example, one’s position in the organization, how frequent the fake dr. frame is utilized and one’s level of professionalism may influence how best or fruitful you utilize the fake dr notes.
Having said that, a great number of organizations that offer best fake dr notes online additionally give fundamental support to validate their offerings. Few trusted online organizations also provide money back guarantee to their clients. In the event that you need to have the best fake notes ever, visit our home page now!
from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/report/
from Best Fake Doctors Notes https://bestfakedoctorsnotes1.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/use-fake-doctors-medical-report-as-your-escape-card/
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bestfakedoctorsnotes ¡ 7 years
Use Fake Doctors Medical Report as Your Escape Card
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Do you want an escape card to skip work/school? We’ve all been there! You require a few days off to go accomplish something, so you call in sick. But now your boss wants a doctor’s report as a proof of your sickness. Do not worry, there are dozens of online services offering fake doctor’s reports. You can use these reports as an escape card to skip the tasks you do not want to do.
There are many types of fake doctors medical reports on the web, the fake excuse collection incorporates; dental practitioner excuse letter, children’s clinic excuse note, fake mental health document and return back to work note. The rundown additionally incorporates both free and premium fake cardiologist note, eye specialist excuse letter, OB/GYN excuse note, medical nonappearance report, and free oral surgery excuse letter etc. A phony excuse report from a specialist can prove to be useful if you can’t get an excuse report slip from your specialist.
The report is intended to give you the best reason to miss school, work or travel. The issue emerges when you can’t get the excuse report from the genuine specialist. Getting a genuine online report from the specialist is very tough, if you don’t have a standard specialist or therapeutic faculty to counsel or if you have a condition that does not warrant its issuance. So depending upon a fake medical report is dependably the best alternative to pick.
How can I create a fake medical report?
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Are you fed up and stressed because of your work hours? Or your boss always manages to ruin your day? It is time to take an action! Just create fake medical reports and you are done with all the tasks. Follow the steps below to have your escape card:
Choose the template
The primary thing that you have to do is to search for a format that would match with your report. You will require one that would give you wanted time off. You simply need to take the risk and pick a medical excuse, for instance, you can utilize the medical reason of having shingles. As a great many people know, shingles is a type of chicken pox that grown-ups get. Your manager would not need you to come back to work since you will be infectious. It is constantly great to pick an infectious ailment while faking a sickness in light of the fact that, in such case, even your boss won’t need you to join the work environment.
You should ensure that the formats you utilize include space for each and every information that you need your employer to know about. Along with that, you have to plan your absence from work a few days in advance. You need to cover your bases because your livelihood is on the line.
Fill out the form
The fake doctor’s templates that are available online for work/school are exceptionally easy to fill out, it requires the specialist’s and the patient’s name, provider’s identification, the time and date of visit, comments, restrictions (if any) and signature along with date.
You excuse forms will have to look great and that’s why you need to spend the time to make sure that you proofread everything before submitting it to your boss for his review. The specialist’s name should be same as any local doctor’s name so as to divert the mind of your employer from any doubts that he may have. The best excuse that I suggest is those of illnesses that are easy to catch, but are very contagious.
The templates that are available online are also awesome for the students who need to avoid school. I have found that students frequently require a break from their work and school obligations. It is difficult to be so worried constantly. You need to round out the frame painstakingly by putting center around each minor detail. Keep in mind, never utilize a fake specialist’s name on the note because your manager or teacher can check it.
And print the report
The note should be printed on high-quality paper, not the cheap stuff you might buy in a 1000-sheet package at any local shop or stationary. Have you ever seen a real doctor’s report on that flimsy white stuff? Probably not. So make sure to use a high-quality paper while printing your report.
Where can I get a doctors report template?
There are a few choices, despite the fact that some of them are quite hazardous. Let’s take a look at all of them:
Steal one
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You may have this thought after viewing a terrible film or TV show where it is very easy to do so. Reconsider. On TV or in the motion pictures, it’s easy to roam around a hospital or doctor’s office, easily sneak into a vacant office, and lift a prescription pad or some stationery.
Sadly, in reality, it is quite difficult. That kind of printed material is once in a while left unguarded, and specialists’ workplaces and doctor’s facilities are dependably vigilant for individuals who should be there, doing things they shouldn’t do. If you do so, you’re not looking at an issue at work – you’re looking at an issue in court. So I don’t prescribe utilizing this thought as it can be exceptionally dangerous.
Make your own
It is really a very difficult task to make your own fake notes and it is even more difficult to make it appear 100% authentic. When you have to work in a little time away, the exact opposite thing you need to do is invest energy before the PC dealing with a produced note. Rather, you need to unwind before the TV, sleeping or level out relaxing by the pool. A superior choice is to arrange an excuse from our site.
Download it, but from a reliable online site
This is dependably the best choice because of many reasons. One of the reasons is expertise, a reliable company that deals with fake notes have years of involvement in recognizing what points of interest must go into the excuse notes. They’ll have totally credible reports or therapeutic notes with logos, appropriate wording, even watermarks and sometimes.
Besides, they’ll offer complete packages of fake notes from an extensive variety of doctors, dental practitioners, hospitals, doctor’s facilities and authorities; some websites even have things like religious excuses, jury duty notices and funeral pamphlets so you can pick what fits your circumstance best. At long last, they recognize what works, with all the input they’ve gotten from satisfied clients. That way you can make certain that the notes you’re purchasing have worked for others, and will also work for you.
What is the use of fake doctors report?
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Doctors are frequently requested to give medical records of their patients. These solicitations originate from an assortment of sources – e.g., bosses, government offices and administrative bodies. Information may be given as a report, a paper, a letter and a certificate. So it is not in any way unbalanced or suspicious if you demonstrate the fake report at your office by a specialist.
The fake specialist’s report should serve as a bogus proof of your excuse because of which you missed the school on a specific date to improve the further system of making up the exam if it was missed that day, or simply having make up classes or to relax. A Doctor’s Note is imperative for a patient to demonstrate that they had profound reasons not to come to class or work on a specific day since they needed to see a specialist.
These forms will prove to be useful to the individuals who need to affirm that the kid’s nonappearance at school is disclosed by the need to visit a doctor or dental specialist. So, if you trust that you can cheat your kid’s teachers, you can most likely utilize it.
Can I use free fake doctors medical report?
That sounds simple and absolutely not as risky as real burglary would be. True, but it’s not going to do the trap. The issue is that HRs, managers, instructors and heads see a considerable measure of excuse notes, both authentic and fake. And the reason is that the “free specialists excuse notes” are free to download –they’re truly not authentic looking.
Next to no care went into the readiness of free notes. There’s presumably almost no detail on them, and chances are that the individual you’re giving your fake doctor report to has as of now observed that identical letter sometime before. You may not be in court subsequent to utilizing one of those shabby downloadable excuse letters, yet you might be at the unemployment office.
Make it work
Since it is ethically and legitimately wrong to utilize fake doctor’s report, businesses are rapidly finding out about different fake online medicinal letters and other employees naughtiness through online gatherings, clinic insurance authorities, and workshops. So an employee has to careful while using such notes.
This also implies that the company or doctor offering the fake hospital center letter or doctor’s report may not be considered responsible for any legitimate methods emerging from the utilization of such letters. Basic variables, for example, one’s position in the organization, how frequent the fake dr. frame is utilized and one’s level of professionalism may influence how best or fruitful you utilize the fake dr notes.
Having said that, a great number of organizations that offer best fake dr notes online additionally give fundamental support to validate their offerings. Few trusted online organizations also provide money back guarantee to their clients. In the event that you need to have the best fake notes ever, visit our home page now!
from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/report/
0 notes
sheminecrafts ¡ 4 years
Quibi is the anti-TikTok (that’s a bad thing)
It takes either audacious self-confidence or reckless hubris to build a completely asocial video app in 2020. You can decide which best describes Quibi, Hollywood’s $1.75 billion-funded attempt at a mobile-only Netflix of six to 10-minute micro-TV show episodes. Quibi manages to miss every trend and tactic that could help make its app popular. The company seems to believe it can succeed on only its content (mediocre) and marketing dollars (fewer than it needs).
I appreciate that Quibi is doing something audaciously different than most startups. Rather than iterating toward product-market fit, it spent a fortune developing its slick app and buying fancy content in secret so it could launch with a bang.
Yet Quibi’s bold business strategy is muted by a misguided allegiance to the golden age of television before the internet permeated every entertainment medium. It’s unshareable, prescriptive, sluggish, cumbersome and unfriendly. Quibi’s unwillingness to borrow anything from social networks makes the app feel cold and isolated, like watching reality shows in the vacuum of space.
In that sense, Quibi is the inverse of TikTok, which feels fiercely alive. TikTok is designed to immediately immerse you in crowd-vetted content that grabs your attention and inspires you to spread your take on it to friends. That’s why TikTok has almost 2 billion downloads to date, while Quibi picked up just 300,000 on the day of its big splash into market.
Here’s a breakdown of the major missteps by Quibi, why TikTok does it better and how this new streaming app can get with the times.
What Hollywood thinks we want
Quibi feels like some off-brand cable channel, with a mix of convoluted reality shows, scripted dramas and news briefs. Imagine MTV at noon in the mid-2000s. Nothing seemed must-see. There’s no Game of Thrones or Mandalorian here. While the production value is better than what you’ll find on YouTube, the show concepts feel slapdash with novelty that quickly fades.
Chrissy Teigen as a small claims court judge? The tear-jerking “Thanks A Million” does skillfully multiply the “OMG” gratitude moment from makeover programs to happen 4X per episode. But a cooking show where blindfolded chefs have to guess what food was just exploded in their faces…(sigh)
The catalog feels like the product of TV writers being told they have 10 seconds to come up with an idea. “What would those idiots watch?” The shows remind me of old VR games that are barely more than demos, or an app built in a garage without ever asking prospective users what they need. Co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg may have produced The Lion King and Shrek, but the app’s content feels like it was greenlit by, well, Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s leader Meg Whitman, who indeed is Quibi’s CEO.
Quibi CEO Meg Whitman
Despite being built for a touch-screen interface, there’s little Bandersnatch-style interactive content so far, nor are the creators doing anything special with the six to 10-minute format. The shows feel more like condensed TV programs with episodes ending when there would be a commercial break. There’s no onboarding process that could ask which popular TV shows or genres you’re into. As the catalog expands, that makes it less likely you’ll find something appealing within a few taps.
TikTok comes from the opposite direction. Instead of what Hollywood thinks we want, its content comes straight from its consumers. People record what they think would make them and their friends laugh, surprised or enticed. The result is that with low to zero production budget, random kids and influencers alike make things with millions of Likes. And as elder millennials, Gen Xers and beyond get hooked, they’re creating videos for their peers, as well. The algorithm monitors what you’re hovering over and rapidly adapts its recommendations to your style.
TikTok is fundamentally interactive. Each clip’s audio can be borrowed to produce remixes that personalize a meme for a different demographic or subculture. And because its stars are internet natives, they’re in constant communication with their fan base to tune content to what they want. There’s something for everyone. No niche is too small.
TikTok screenshots
The Fix: Quibi should take a hint from Brat TV, the Disney Channel for the YouTube generation that gives tween social media stars their own premium shows about being a grade school kid to create content with a built-in fan base. [Disclosure: My cousin Darren Lachtman is a Brat co-founder.)
Take the Chrissy’s Court model, and shift it to stars who are 20 years younger. Give TikTok phenoms like Charli D’Amelio or Chase Hudson Quibi shows and let them help conceptualize the content, and they’ll bring their legions of fans. Double-down on choose-your-own-adventures and fan voting game shows that leverage the phone’s interactivity. Fund creators that will differentiate Quibi by making it look like anything other than daytime TV. And ask users directly what they want to see right when they download the app.
No screenshots
This is frankly insane. Screenshots of Quibi appear as a blank black screen. That means no memes. If people can’t turn Quibi scenes into jokes they’ll share elsewhere, its shows won’t ever become fixtures of the cultural zeitgeist like Netflix’s Tiger King has. Yes, other mobile streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ also block screenshots, but they have web versions where you can snap and share what you want. Quibi never should have structured its deals to license content from producers in a way that prevented any way to riff on or even let friends preview its content.
TikTok, on the other hand, defaults to letting you download any video and share it wherever you please — with the app’s watermark attached. That’s fueled TikTok’s stellar growth as clips get posted to Twitter and Instagram — and drive viewers back to the app. It has spawned TikTok compilations on YouTube, and a whole culture of remixing that expands and prolongs the popularity of trending jokes and dances.
The Fix: Quibi should allow screenshots. There’s little risk of spoilers or piracy. If its deals prohibit that, then it should offer pre-approved screenshots and video clips/trailers of each episode that you can download and share. Think of it like an in-app press kit. Even if we’re not allowed to set up the perfect screenshot for making a meme, at least then we could coherently discuss the shows on other social networks.
‘Content network effect’ makes TikTok tough to copy
Sluggish pacing
On mobile, you’re always just a swipe away from something more interesting. It’s like if you watched TV with your finger permanently hovering over the change channel button. Ever noticed how movie trailers now often start with a fast-forward collage of their most eye-catching scenes? Quibi seems intent on communicating prestige with its slow-building dramas like The Most Dangerous Game and Survive, which both had me bored and fast-forwarding. And that’s watching Quibi at home on the couch. While on the go, where it was designed to be consumed, slow pacing could push users with a minute or two to spare to open Instagram or TikTok instead.
None of this is helped by Quibi not auto-playing a trailer or the first episode the moment you scroll past a show on the home screen. Instead, you see a static title card for two seconds before it starts playing you an excerpt of the program. That makes it more cumbersome to discover new shows.
Where TikTok wins is in immediacy. Creators know users will swipe right past their video if it’s not immediately entertaining or obviously revving up to a big reveal. They grab you in the first second with smiles, costumes, bold captions or crazy situations. That also makes it easy for viewers to dismiss what’s irrelevant to them and teach the TikTok algorithm what they really want. Plus, you know that you can score a dopamine hit of joy even if you only have 30 seconds. TikTok makes Quick Bites feel like an understaffed sit-down restaurant.
The Fix: Quibi needs to teach creators to hook viewers instantly by previewing why they should want to watch. Since tapping a show’s card on the Quibi homepage instantly plays it, those teasers need to be built into the first episode. Otherwise, Quibi needs a button to view a trailer from its buried dedicated show pages to the preview card most people interact with on the home screen. Otherwise, users may never discover what Quibi shows resonate with them and teach it which to show and make more of.
Anti-social video club
Quibi neglects all its second-screen potential. No screenshotting makes it tough to discuss shows elsewhere, yet there’s no built-in comments or messaging to discuss or spread them in-app. Pasting an episode link into Twitter doesn’t even display the show’s name in the preview box. Nor do shows have their own social accounts to follow to remind you to keep watching.
There’s no way for friends to follow what you’re watching or see your recommendations. No leaderboards of top shows. Certainly no time-stamped, live-stream style crowd annotations. No synced-up co-watching with friends, despite a lack of TV apps preventing you from watching with anyone else in person unless you crowd around one phone.
It all feels like Quibi figured advertising would be enough. It could run contests where winners get a Cameo-esque message or chat with their favorite stars. Quibi could let you share scenes with your face swapped onto actors’ heads, deepfake-style like Snapchat’s (confusingly named) Cameos feature. It could host in-app roundtables with the casts where users could submit questions. It’s like if Web 2.0 never happened.
TikTok, meanwhile, harnesses every conceivable social feature. Follow, Like, comment, message, go Live, duet, remix or download and share any video. It beckons viewers to participate in trending challenges. And even when users aren’t itching to return to TikTok, notifications from these social features will drag them back in, or watermarked clips will follow them to other networks. Every part of the app is designed to make its content the center of popular culture.
The Fix: Quibi needs to understand that just because we’re watching on mobile, doesn’t make video a solo experience. At first, it should add social content discovery options so you can see which friends opt in to share that they’re watching or view a leaderboard of the top programs. Shows, especially ones dripping out new episodes, are more fun when you have someone to chat about them with.
Eventually, Quibi should layer on in-app second-screen features. Create a way to share comments at the end of each episode that people read during the credits so they feel like they’re in a viewing community.
Can Quibi be more?
What’s most disappointing about Quibi is that it has the potential to be something fresh, merging classically produced premium content with the modern ways we use our phones. Yet beyond shows being shot in two widths so you can switch between watching in landscape or portrait mode at any time, it really is just a random cable channel shrunk down.
Youths act in front of a mobile phone camera while making a TikTok video on the terrace of their residence in Hyderabad on February 14, 2020 (Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
One of the few redeeming opportunities for Quibi is using the daily episode release schedule to serialize content that benefits from suspense, as Ryan Vinnicombe aka InternetRyan notes. Bingeing via traditional streaming services can burn through thrillers before they can properly build up suspense and fan theories or let late-comers catch up while a show is still in the zeitgeist. Cliffhangers with just a day instead of a week to wait could be Quibi’s killer feature.
Suspense is also one thing TikTok fails at. Within a single video, they’re actually often all about suspense, waiting through build up for a gag or non-sequitur to play out. But creators try to rope in followers by making a multi-minute video and splitting it into parts so people subscribe to them to see the next part. Yet since TikTok doesn’t always show timestamps and surfaces old videos on its home screen, it can often be a chore to find the Part Two, and there’s no good way for creators to link them together. TikTok could stand to learn about multi-episode content from Quibi.
But today, Quibi feels like a minitiaturized and degraded version of what we already get for free on the web or pay for with Netflix. Quibi charging $4.99 per month with ads or $7.99 without seems like a steep ask without delivering any truly must-see shows, novel interactive experience or memory-making social moments.
Quibi’s success may simply be a test of how bad people are at cancelling 90-day free trials (hint: they’re bad at it!). The bull case is that absentminded subscribers among the 300,000 first-day downloads and some diehard fans of the celebs it’s given shows will bring Quibi enough traction to raise more cash and survive long enough to socialize its product and teach creators to exploit the format’s opportunities.
But the bear case is already emerging in Quibi’s rapidly declining App Store rank, which fell from No. 4 overall when it launched Monday to No. 21 yesterday after just 830,000 total downloads according to Sensor Tower. Lackluster content and no virality means it might never become the talk of the town, leading top content producers to slink away or half-ass their contributions, leaving us to dine on short video elsewhere.
Zuckerberg misunderstands the huge threat of TikTok
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/2VgANUz via IFTTT
0 notes
technicalsolutions88 ¡ 4 years
It takes either audacious self-confidence or reckless hubris to build a completely asocial video app in 2020. You can decide which best describes Quibi, Hollywood’s $1.75 billion-funded attempt at a mobile-only Netflix of 6 to 10 minutes micro-TV show episodes. Quibi manages to miss every trend and tactic that could help make it app popular. The company seems to believe it can succeed on only its content (mediocre) and marketing dollars (fewer than it needs).
I appreciate that Quibi is doing something audaciously different than most startups. Rather than iterating towards product-market fit, it spent a fortune developing its slick app and buying fancy content in secret so it could launch with a bang.
Yet Quibi’s bold business strategy is muted by a misguided allegiance to the golden age of television before the Internet permeated every entertainment medium. It’s unshareable, prescriptive, sluggish, cumbersome, and unfriendly. Quibi’s unwillingness to borrow anything from social networks makes the app feel cold and isolated, like watching reality shows in the vacuum of space.
In that sense, Quibi is the inverse of TikTok, which feels fiercely alive. TikTok is designed to immediately immerse you in crowd-vetted content that grabs your attention and inspires you to spread your take on it to friends. That’s why TikTok has almost 2 billion downloads to date while Quibi picked up just 300,000 on the day of its big splash into market.
Here’s a breakdown of the major missteps by Quibi, why TikTok does it better, and how this new streaming app can get with the times.
What Hollywood Thinks We Want
Quibi feels like some off-brand cable channel, with a mix of convoluted reality shows, scripted dramas, and news briefs. Imagine MTV at noon in the mid-2000s. Nothing seemed must-see. There’s no Game Of Thrones or Mandalorian here. While the production value is better than what you’ll find on YouTube, the show concepts feel slapdash with novelty that quickly fades. Chrissy Teigen as a small claims court judge and a cooking show where blindfolded chefs have to guess what food was just exploded in their faces…
The catalog feels like the product of TV writers being told they have 10 seconds to come up with an idea. “What would those idiots watch?” The shows remind me of old VR games that are barely more than demos, or an app built in a garage without ever asking prospective users what they need. Co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg may have produced The Lion King and Shrek, but the app’s content feels like it was greenlit by, well, Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s leader Meg Whitman who indeed is Quibi CEO.
Quibi CEO Meg Whitman
Despite being built for a touch-screen interface, there’s little Bandersnatch-style interactive content so far, nor are the creators doing anything special with the 6 to 10 minute format. The shows feel more like condensed TV programs with episodes ending when there would be a commercial break. There’s no onboarding process that could ask what popular TV shows or genres you’re into. As the catalog expands, that makes it less likely you’ll find something appealing within a few taps.
TikTok comes from the opposite direction. Instead of what Hollywood thinks we want, its content come straight from its consumers. People record what they think would make them and their friends laugh, surprised, or enticed. The result is that with low to zero production budget, random kids and influencers alike make things with millions of Likes. And as elder millenials, Gen X, and beyond get hooked, they’re creating videos for their peers as well. The algorithm monitors what you’re hovering over and rapidly adapts its recommendations to your style.
TikTok is fundamentally interactive. Each clip’s audio can borrowed to produce remixes that personalize a meme for a different demographic or subculture. And since its stars are internet natives, they’re in constant communication with their fan base to tune content to what they want. There’s something for everyone. No niche is too small.
TikTok Screenshots
The Fix: Quibi should take a hint from Brat TV, the Disney Channel for the YouTube generation that gives tween social media stars their own premium shows about being a grade school kid to create content with a built-in fan base. [Disclosure: My cousin Darren Lachtman is a Brat co-founder).
Take the Chrissy’s Court model, and shift it to stars who are 20 years younger. Give TikTok phenoms like Charli D’Amelio or Chase Hudson Quibi shows and let them help conceptualize the content, and they’ll bring their legions of fans. Double-down on choose-your-own-adventures and fan voting gameshows that leverage the phone’s interactivity. Fund creators that will differentiate Quibi by making it look like anything other than daytime TV. And ask users directly what they want to see right when they download the app.
No Screenshots
This is frankly insane. Screenshots of Quibi appear as a blank black screen. That means no memes. If people can’t turn Quibi scenes into jokes they’ll share elsewhere, its shows won’t ever become fixtures of the cultural zeitgeist like Netflix’s Tiger King has. Yes, other mobile streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ also block screenshots, but they have web versions where you can snap and share what you want. Quibi never should have structured its deals to license content from producers in a way that prevented any way to riff on or even let friends preview its content.
TikTok on the other hand defaults to letting you download any video and share it wherever you please — with the app’s watermark attached. That’s fueled TikTok’s stellar growth as clips get posted to Twitter and Instagram, and drive viewers back to the app. It’s spawned TikTok compilations on YouTube, and a whole culture of remixing that expands and prolongs the popularity of trending jokes and dances.
The Fix: Quibi should allow screenshots. There’s little risk of spoilers or piracy. If its deals prohibit that, then it should offer pre-approved screenshots and video clips/trailers of each episode that you can download and share. Think of it like an in-app press kit. Even if we’re not allowed to set up the perfect screenshot for making a meme, at least then we could coherently discuss the shows on other social networks.
‘Content network effect’ makes TikTok tough to copy
Sluggish Pacing
On mobile, you’re always just a swipe away from something more interesting. It’s like if you watched TV with your finger permanently hovering over the change channel button. Ever noticed how movie trailers now often start with a fast-forward collage of their most eye-catching scenes? Quibi seems intent on communicating prestige with its slow-building dramas like The Most Dangerous Game and Survive, which both had me bored and fast-forwarding. And that’s watching Quibi at home on the couch. While on the go where it was designed to be consumed, slow pacing could push users with a minute or two to spare to open Instagram or TikTok instead.
None of this is helped by Quibi not auto-playing a trailer or the first episode the moment you scroll past a show on the homescreen. Instead, you see a static title card for two seconds before it starts playing you an excerpt of the program. That makes it more cumbersome to discover new shows.
Where TikTok wins is in immediacy. Creators know users will swipe right past their video if it’s not immediately entertaining or obviously revving up to a big reveal. They grab you in the first second with smiles, costumes, bold captions, or crazy situations. That also makes it easy for viewers to dismiss what’s irrelevant to them and teach the TikTok algorithm what they really want. Plus, you know that you can score a dopamine hit of joy even if you only have 30 seconds. TikTok makes Quick Bites feel like an understaffed sit-down restaurant.
The Fix: Quibi needs to teach creators to hook viewers instantly by previewing why they should want to watch. Since tapping a show’s card on the Quibi homepage instantly plays it, those teasers need to be built into the first episode. Otherwise, Quibi needs to a button to view a trailer from its buried dedicated show pages to the preview card most people interact with on the homescreen. Otherwise, users may never discover what Quibi shows resonate with them and teach it what to show and make more of.
Anti-Social Video Club
Quibi neglects all its second-screen potential. No screenshotting makes it tough to discuss shows elsewhere, yet there’s no built-in comments or messaging to discuss or spread them in app. Pasting an episode link into Twitter doesn’t even display the show’s name in the preview box. Nor do shows have their own social accounts to follow to remind you to keep watching.
There’s no way for friends to follow what you’re watching or see your recommendations. No leaderboards of top shows. Certainly no time-stamped, livestream style crowd annotations. No synced-up co-watching with friends, despite a lack of TV apps preventing you from watching with anyone else in person unless you crowd around one phone.
It all feels like Quibi figured advertising would be enough. It could run contests where winners get a Cameo-esque message or chat with their favorite stars. Quibi could let you share scenes with your face swapped onto actors’ heads, Deepfake-style like Snapchat’s (confusingly named) Cameos feature. It could host in-app roundtables with the casts where users could submit questions. It’s like if web 2.0 never happened.
TikTok meanwhile harnesses every conceivable social feature. Follow, Like, comment, message, go Live, duet, remix, or download and share any video. It beckons viewers to participate in trending challenges. And even when users aren’t itching to return to TikTok, notifications from these social features will drag them back in, or watermarked clips will follow them to other networks. Every part of the app is designed to make its content the center of popular culture.
The Fix: Quibi needs to understand that just because we’re watching on mobile, doesn’t make video a solo experience. At first, it should add social content discovery options so you can see what friends opt in to share that they’re watching or view a leaderboard of the top programs. Shows, especially ones dripping out new episodes, are more fun when you have someone to chat about them with.
Eventually, Quibi should layer on in-app second screen features. Create a way to share comments at the end of each episode that people read during the credits so they feel like they’re in a viewing community.
Can Quibi Be More?
What’s most disappointing about Quibi is that it has the potential to be something fresh, merging classically produced premium content with the modern ways we use our phones. Yet beyond shows being shot in two widths so you can switch between watching in landscape or portrait mode at any time, it really is just a random cable channel shrunk down.
Youths act in front of a mobile phone camera while making a TikTok video on the terrace of their residence in Hyderabad on February 14, 2020. (Photo by NOAH SEELAM / AFP) (Photo by NOAH SEELAM/AFP via Getty Images)
One of the few redeeming opportunities for Quibi is using the daily episode release schedule to serialize content that benefits from suspense, as InternetRyan notes. Binging via traditional streaming services can burn through thrillers before they can properly build up suspense and fan theories or let late-comers catch up while a show is still in the zeitgeist. Cliffhangers with just a day instead of a week to wait could be Quibi’s killer feature.
Suspense is also one thing TikTok fails at. Within a single video, they’re actually often all about suspense, waiting through build up for a gag or non-sequitur to play out. But creators try to rope in followers by making a multi-minute video and splitting it into parts so people subscribe to them to see the next part. Yet since TikTok doesn’t always show timestamps and surfaces old videos on its homescreen, it can often be a chore to find the part two, and there’s no good way for creators to link them together. TikTok could stand to learn about multi-episode content from Quibi.
But today, Quibi feels like a minitiaturized and degraded version of what we already get for free on the web or pay for with Netflix. Quibi charging $4.99 per month with ads or $7.99 without seems like a steep ask without delivering any truly must-see shows, novel interactive experience, or memory-making social moments.
Quibi’s success may simply be a test of how bad people are at cancelling 90-day free trials (hint: they’re bad at it!). The bull case is that absent-minded subscribers amongst the 300,000 first-day downloads and some diehard fans of the celebs it’s given shows will bring Quibi enough traction to raise more cash and survive long enough to socialize its product and teach creators to exploit the format’s opportunities. But the bear case is already emerging in Quibi’s rapidly declining App Store rank, that fell from #4 overall when it launched Monday to #21 yesterday. Lackluster content and no virality means it might never become the talk of the town, leading top content producers to slink away or half-ass their contributions, leaving us to dine on short video elsewhere.
Zuckerberg misunderstands the huge threat of TikTok
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2yIK9kl ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
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