#... but then I gave it stars... and a bow... and a CES...
stardestroyer81 · 2 years
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Y'all wanna watch Star TV?
Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of Pizza Tower is the TV HUD element, which shows our portly paisano's reactions to pretty much everything that happens to him in-game (For better or for worse), and given that I've drawn myself in the game's style, I wanted to attempt making a HUD TV for myself on top of practicing Pizza Tower's trademark wiggly lineart animation! 💙🍕✨
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the-hem · 9 months
"All of the Time." Introduction to the Maitreya Upanishad, the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Future Buddha.
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The Maitreya Upanishad was written around the third century CE. It is numbered 72 of 108. The concept of the Maitreya, the One Who Builds, intersects all religions. Mankind, of course builds all kinds of things, many of which destroy all that has been made in the past.
Such manmade impermanence and the search for what is permanent and clearly of value, unlike war, violence, hatred and so forth is the quest of one who is in search of Enlightenment, AKA a Buddha.
To know is not enough, one must know the right things at the expense of the wrong and wield Enlightenment like a star wields hydrogen- using constant fusion between reality and the mind to produce something pure, without hinges on it, that doesn't come and go.
Maitreya, according to legend is the last of the Buddhas and has not yet arrived. He is the messianic figure of Vajrayana Buddhism and represents an end to all attrition, all anger, worry, fear, horror, corruption, and delusion in the world. He is gold colored, like the sun, like our greatest source of free wealth, our ability to form lasting friendships. Friendships with other persons, corporations, governments and institutions and friendships with our pets and ourselves through our educations, work, and hobbies on an increasing duration and number across the world are a sign the Maitreya is making His arrival.
Maitreya holds a blue peony, the sign of the most heightened form of wisdom, and is always two handed. He is the Buddha that most resembles an ordrinary person, but as we will see the work of an ordinary person is anything but ordinary.
The Upanishad begins with an invocation, then a discussion between a King Sage and a master, which is one of the more usual formats for a discussion of this sort.
Here begins the Upanishad:
Om ! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitality And all the senses grow in strength. All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads. May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me. Let there be no denial at all: Let there be no denial at least from me. May the virtues that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me, Who am devoted to the Atman; may they reside in me. Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment ! Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
I-1. The King, Brihadratha "the powerful hero" by name, had his eldest son installed on the throne and considering the body to be impermanent and feeling disgusted (with worldly life) went to a (penance) forest.
There he performed the highest kind of penance and facing the sun remained with his arm uplifted. At the end of a thousand years the sun-god (taking the form of the sage Sakayanya "the grafted branch") approached the sage.
Like fire (blazing) without smoke and burning all as it were with his effulgence the sage Sakayanya, the knower of the Self, said to the king: ‘Rise up, rise up, choose a boon’.
Bowing to him the king said: ‘Revered Sir, I know not the Atman. But we hear that you are a knower of the truth. Expound to me that’.
‘This request of yours is impossible on the very face of it. Do not ask me this question.
Oh descendant of Ikshvaku "the bitter gourd", choose (the fulfilment of) other desires’. Reverently touching the feet of the sage Sakayanya the king gave utterance to the following religious text (Gatha).
The king is called the son of a bitter gourd, but even that can produce a man who is capable of dealing with impermanence and seek the nature of the Imperishable. We just discussed Him in the Maha Upanishad, that phenomena which is called Atman or the soul. Atman is the cause and the effect of existence and its making of itself.
We know God makes bodies and puts souls in them and we know we have to do something important with both and then when told what it is, we don't do it. The answer to all of the above is as the Teacher says "burn like a fire without all of its smoke and all of its light all of the time."
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betweenandbeloved · 2 years
Church of the Nativity
Continuing at the beginning of Jesus’ story, we arrive at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. This is the only church that wasn’t destroyed in the Holy Land by the Persians in the year 600 CE., which makes it the oldest church still in use today.
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Pictured: The Church of the Nativity and Manger Square decked out for Orthodox Christmas Eve. There is a star over top of the Church mimicking the star that led the Magi to this spot.
“In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no place in the guest room.” - Luke 2:1-7
While we were in Bethlehem, Jonathan and I had the opportunity to go to Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity on Orthodox Christmas Eve (January 6th). We walked through the Old City of Bethlehem on the same roads Mary and Joseph would have walked and we passed through the Bethlehem Gate just as they would have done. The street, Star Street, was lined with stars and it was a truly magical and holy walk.
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Pictured above: Star Street around 12:30 am so everyone was either in the church for Mass or home sleeping which is why it’s so empty
Pictured below: The Bethlehem Gate in roughly the same location today as when Mary & Joseph entered the city
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When you arrive at the Church of the Nativity, you enter through the Door of Humility. Over the years, the size of the door was made smaller and smaller until it stood at the roughly four feet height you see today. This was done for a few reasons: 
Low doors were common on city gates so you could enter at night when the bigger gates were closed. This type of door was called the Eye of the Needle (which is something Jesus teaches about!)
It was made smaller for safety reasons: a small door meant that people looking to destroy the church would have a much harder time getting in.
You have to humble yourself before the birthplace of the Lord by bowing to enter
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Pictured: The Door of Humility at the Church of the Nativity
However you want to look at the door, it is an iconic way to enter a church and makes you slow down and think before walking in; which is never a bad thing honestly. How often do we stop to think about what we are doing before we do it? Entering into the Church of the Nativity through the Door of Humility really makes you stop if only to ensure you don’t hit your head.
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Pictured: The main sanctuary in the Church of the Nativity
This is the only place in all of the Holy Land where people believe Jesus was born. Everyone agrees that this is in fact the place. In the year 135 CE. Emperor Hadrian(?) went around asking where Jesus was born so he could build a pagan temple on the spot, this way people would worship a false god instead. When he asked the locals, everyone pointed to the location of the present-day Church of the Nativity; this tells us people were worshipping in this spot well before the year 135 CE. Therefore, the Emperor's attempt to sway people away from worshipping the one true God actually backfired and ended up confirming the birthplace of Jesus for us today, 2000 years later.
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Pictured above: the stairs down into The Grotto, the cave where Jesus was born
Pictured below: looking through the cave towards the spot where Jesus was born from the back of The Grotto
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Just as Mary’s House was a cave, the birthplace of Jesus was also a cave. When you go inside the Church of the Nativity, you can walk down into The Grotto. This is believed to be the original first-century cave where Jesus was born. There is a Star of Bethlehem on the floor in the location where it’s believed Jesus was born and just a ways off is a manger where it is likely Jesus was laid. The Star of Bethlehem has 14 points for the 14 generations in the genealogy of Jesus found in Matthew 1:1-17.
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Pictured above: the spot believed to be where Jesus was born marked by a Bethlehem Star
Pictured below: the manger where Jesus was laid
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I mentioned in the previous post the benefits of visiting the Holy Land and the way it brings the story to life, but I found even more benefits in being able to go back a second time. The first time I was so skeptical about this specific holy site. I was so hung up on the logistics of “is this really the exact spot where Mary popped out the baby Jesus?” that I missed so much of the beauty of this place. Like Mary’s house, it’s a normal cave, nothing extraordinary or grand. 
God was born into the literal crap of the world: animal, political, social, cultural - all of it. God came to live among us in the most simple ways. That is something to marvel at. Regardless of whether this was the exact spot or not, it is at least similar to where Jesus was born and is a place where Jesus followers have worshipped for thousands of years. To think of the billions of Jesus followers who have worshipped in this exact spot, to think of the ways the story of Jesus has connected us and divided us from generation to generation - that is what was made real for me this time.
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writteninsunshine · 5 years
It’s In His DNA - Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff - NSFW
Title: It’s In His DNA Author: Donnie Fandom: MCU Setting: Clint Barton’s Home Pairing: Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton/Laura Barton (Mentioned) Characters: Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Laura Barton (Vague Mention) Genre: Romance Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1831 Type of Work: One-Shot, Part of the Clint Barton Bingo: Round Two Series Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, ABO Dynamics, Claiming, Biting, Blood, Polyamory Mention,  Male omegas have both sets of genitals, Vaginal sex, Breeding, Alpha!Clint, Omega!Pietro, Hair Pulling Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: Clint is ready to stake his claim, but Pietro has to behave to get what he wants. AN: Hey, everyone! Here’s something a little different from what I’ve been writing lately because I started the Clint Barton Bingo! I got my card on the seventh and worked from the eighth to the tenth, apparently, on this. I don’t know if it’s very good, I’m sort of… Flying by the seat of my pants. The last little bit of this was written after a sad discovery and honestly? I’m really… Not okay. But I plan on writing more. I think writing is the only thing keeping me sane right now. Note about Pack Gene Alphas: A pack gene Alpha has what is called “Old Blood”, and is capable of mating more than one Omega at a time without any confrontations. Conversely, “feral” or pack gene Omegas (which are rarer than Pack Gene Alphas) can mate several Alphas at once with much less confrontation than usual. Feel free to use this idea if you like it!
Clint Barton Bingo Round 2 Masterlist It’s In His DNA ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A soft, contented sigh left the elder man as he drug his face up the smooth, pale expanse of skin over Pietro’s ribs. Kisses washed over Pietro’s flesh, only to be punctuated with another harsh bite that had the smaller man jerking a little into his mouth.
“Haven’t you eaten me already?” Pietro asked lazily, leaning into the Alpha’s mouth regardless. Clint chuckled softly, slowly biting his way up to the Omega’s ear before whispering against the shell of it. “I like seeing you covered in my marks. My Omega.” The subvocal growl in his voice made Pietro whimper softly, and he subconsciously lifted his hips as much as Clint’s body would let him. Grinding down against the cleft of Pietro’s ass, he smirked a little, sucking the lobe of his lover’s ear for a second before finally pulling away. “I can’t keep my mouth off of you.” “Obviously.” The cockiness in his smirk was offset by the love-drunk dullness to his eyes as he looked over his shoulder. “I’m delicious. Wanda did always say she’d eat me, first.” Raising a brow, Clint lifted his head, tugging some skin with him before letting it fall from his teeth. Giving the white-haired man a pointed look, he reached up to tug out his hearing aids, placing them on the bedside table with a purposefully languid motion. Pinning the Omega to the bed was easy enough, and having his attention was even simpler. Letting Pietro hear the pop in his jaw as his mouth opened, feeling him gulp at the wet sound of his lips parting, he leaned forward to latch onto the back of his neck. Clearly, he didn’t need to hear to know that Pietro’s loud croon filled the house when he finally sunk his teeth deep into his flesh. Blood flooded his mouth and he rocked his hips absently against the other’s strong thigh, closing his eyes to focus on the bond he was creating. Beneath him, Pietro wriggled minutely, mostly limp even as he rubbed himself hesitantly on the blanket he was pinned to. Eyelids fluttering against his cheekbones, he let out a ragged pant as his heart flooded with the knowledge that he was safe. For once in his life, he was safe, with an Alpha that wanted to love him. Never in Clint’s life did he think he could find an Omega that would both turn his world upside down and be willing to shack up with a pack gene Alpha. There was no telling when the pair had discovered their feelings for each other, but he’d been increasingly proud of Pietro for coming to him and presenting his case. It led to this moment, to be able to claim the only Omega other than his wife that had ever stolen his attention. Popping off, saliva and blood tethering them together in a thick, sickeningly pink string, Clint panted softly, staring down at the deep craters his teeth had made. Pregnant with blood, they didn’t leak until Pietro rolled onto his side and parted his jaw. Clicking his teeth twice, he tugged at Clint’s hair slightly, distracting him from watching the red pooling on the blanket. “Huh…?” He asked dumbly, blinking until blue eyes came into focus and Clint couldn’t help but smile slowly. His eyes stayed on Pietro’s lips, his attention on them whenever they moved. He’d have to grab his hearing aids again soon, knowing how much Pietro liked to talk. “It’s my turn.” Rising despite his sudden dizziness making the room spin, he crawled forward to nudge his nose into the juncture of Clint’s neck and shoulder. Finding the elder man’s collarbone, he took no time in digging in. Another throb of liquid love coursed through his veins as the circuit was completed, and Pietro’s eyes rolled back. His own hips jerked forward, and in a second his ruby red lips were pressed to Clint’s. Bowled over by the speedster’s excitement, Clint found himself on his back, digging his fingers into Pietro’s neck and relishing the sticky wet slide against his fingertips. Pietro’s hips rolled in a rhythm too quick to follow, and Clint’s patient, steady hands shot out to remind him what he needed to do. “Slow.” His voice was thick with arousal, and a particularly shaky round of Pietro’s hips poured a telltale gush of slick down his stomach, “And lower.” Pietro nodded just slightly, angling his hips back as he turned to look over his shoulder, gripping Clint by the base of his building knot. With those strong fingers digging crescents into his thin hipbones, Pietro let himself be guided back at the elder Alpha’s pace, even if he didn’t want to wait. Toes curling, he exhaled a loud, hoarse moan as Clint bottomed out inside of him, and his eyes rolled back, then closed. Pietro wasn’t the only one becoming a speechless mess, though, a low growl in his chest as the Omega sat still, getting used to the feeling of being full again. Whimpering after a solid minute of being held still, Pietro huffed and whined, giving a stuttered wriggle at first before amping up the speed and power to his movements. Clint didn’t seem particularly fussed with the writhing Omega in his lap, however, holding the other still until his muscles gave in. Despite himself, Pietro gave a high-pitched, disgruntled growl high in his nose, and Clint rubbed his hip lightly. “Shh, that’s it, Rabbit.” Clint purred, licking his teeth slow, “Shshsh, calm. I know you want to ride me like you stole me, baby, but it’s better if you have to wait for it.” “Nu ... am nevoie acum. Trebuie să fie acum.” As the Romanian fell from Pietro’s lips, Clint gave a sudden, harsh thrust upwards. A loud shriek peeled from his lips, and he babbled wordlessly for a moment. Seconds later, he was returned to being a whimpering mess, staring down at his lover with heavily lidded eyes, pupils blown wide. “De ce?” Clint answered him by reaching back over for his hearing aids, taking his time in putting them back in. Thankfully, his Omega knew better than to take advantage of his freed hips; Clint didn’t take kindly to being disobeyed. He wasn’t cruel, but this was sexual torture enough, Pietro wasn’t looking forward to anything more. “Believe me, pretty, I want to wreck you into next week--” “Then do it.” Pietro snapped impatiently, rocking his hips like it just might do something. Clint clamped his hands back down on those thin hips, narrowing his eyes slightly. “But, I need you to be able to listen to me. And I need you to be patient, and then I’ll tear you apart.” Wriggling again, Pietro huffed before sighing, dropping the tenseness in his muscles and trying to show he was pliant. Baring his neck, his shoulders fell back as he showed off his heaving chest, the wild look in his eyes enough to show he was barely holding it together. Letting his hands crawl up from Pietro’s hips to roam over his stomach and chest, Clint smirked. “Good boy.” The keening whine that earned him made him lean up as he thrust, moaning gently so as not to cover up Pietro’s purrs of pleasure, “Such a good boy for me.” Those strong hands finally reached Pietro’s neck, and he gently dug his fingers into the dip of his collarbone before both hands converged over his bite mark. Tugging Pietro down by it, he kissed him solidly, unrelenting as his hips finally snapped forward. The Omega saw stars blossom behind his eyelids, happy to purr his way through the vicious onslaught Clint had planned for him. Unable to stay on Pietro’s lips for too long due to his own distractibility, Clint sunk his mouth against his neck and shoulders instead; He all too happily left a collar of dark purple hickeys and rough, red-dotted bites behind. After a moment of thoroughly marking him, the Alpha couldn’t handle it anymore, uncurling from him to roll them suddenly. The Omega gave a startled yelp, staring up with wide eyes at the man above him. With Pietro finally pinned beneath him, baring all and prepared to get thoroughly pupped up, all he had to do was get him pressed down just right and take him. His instincts were screaming it at him; take, take, take. It didn’t really take long before Clint held Pietro down by his thighs, bowed over him as he pounded away at his tight, wet cunt. Grunting and growling possessively, he dug one hand into the fold of Pietro's hip to help him angle himself just right, reaching up with his free hand. Tugging his head down by a fistful of hair, he locked his lips over what he could reach of the mating mark he’d left behind. Biting it once more pulled the most beautiful cry he’d ever heard from Pietro and it only made him piston his hips forward that much quicker. It wouldn’t be a long session, not at this rate. Clint was high on their new bond, and he knew that there was no way that he could push himself back from the edge this time. A loud snarl marked the beginning of his knot popping in and out of his lover, and he felt his own eyes roll back. Pietro’s eyelids fluttered and he gasped loudly, shoving his ass back hard against the other’s hips to finally lock Clint’s knot in place. It pulled a guttural grunt from Clint, whose breath was punched from his chest like a physical blow. Gripping both hips tight once more, he rocked and rolled his hips to help milk himself, his mind long gone. All he could think about was filling his Omega, pupping him up good and proper, and using him to get what he wanted. He hated that last bit, the idea that he wanted to use and abuse Pietro, that he looked pretty with blood dripping down his pale skin, but his brain had all but absconded to leave behind instinct. By the time his hips began to slow and he leaned forward to rest against the other’s chest, he kissed his shoulder as he tried to shift them to lay on their sides. Clint needed to stay inside of him; the only acceptable amount of space apart was none. Tugging his new Omega close, Clint kissed his neck gently as his left hand slowly drug down his side, petting his hip. “You made me bleed a lot.” Pietro murmured absently, already half asleep. “I’ll clean you up. Go ahead and sleep.” Clint had a nice evening planned, even if Pietro slept through most of it. It would start with tending to his wounds and kissing over that mark for an hour, all while staying firmly locked inside of him. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: So, I finally finished this. I’ve been working on it for two days, and I’m glad to finally get it done. It just seems like everything in my life keeps going to shit, but I’m trying to keep going. Translations: Nu ... am nevoie acum. Trebuie să fie acum. - Romanian - No... I need it now. It has to be now. De ce? - Romanian - Why? Prompt: G3 - Biting Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know that I have a writing discord, now! Here’s a link: discord.gg/3FuN9vy
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Written In The Stars Chapter 10
Legolas’s eyes widened as he watched his heart's desire step from the caravan in a dress barely there. He had spent so long fighting by her side, seeing her covered in dirt and blood he nearly forgot under all that grit and leather armor there was the woman who loved the stars. As he found his breath he stepped closer, finding how the star and firelight danced in the darkness of her eyes to be the most perfect sight he’s seen in a thousand years. She smiled almost timidly as she looked up to the elf...her elf, giving him a little spin to show off for him. Tonight was the night, he was finally ready to tell her how he felt. His lips opened to grab her attention when he was suddenly cut off by someone calling out in her native tongue, one he never had chance to learn. “Sora! Steaua mea frumoasa!” (Sister! My beautiful star!l) He turned to find one of the men in the camp with long dark hair a stubble beard and dark wild eyes. He watched as all of his princess lit up with joy as she ran from her wagon into his arms.
“Danior!” She replied as he lifted her, the brightness on his face matching hers as he spun her around kissing her cheek lightly. Legolas’s eyes closed as he felt the wind leave his body, never before had he seen such love and devotion than in the way Danior and Steluta held each other. The mass of Song Masters began lighting celebratory bonfires, the light of which catching the golden moon shaped crown atop his head as he reached into a bag, pulling out a silver and crystal star. With a smile so golden and pure she lowered herself so that he could place the symbol of royalty back on her brow where it belonged. And how she missed the fine bitter chill of the metal against her skin, finally after so long she felt like the princess she was once more, even if it might only be for a night...such a trinket had no business on such a quest and she had the sense enough to know it.  Shattered Legolas moved listlessly inside to see what his other friends were up to, where he soon found Gimli readying for a drinking game.
“I don’t think I like how that tree dwelling knife ear was looking at you little sister.” Danior growled as he set his sister down, brushing her hair back lightly.
“Stop Danior...he’s not like the others...he’s my friend.” She smiled as she took her brother’s hand, “Legolas,” She called out as she spun to find that her elf had gone, her smile fading at his absence.
~ ~ ~ ~
The sound of drums and happy cheers just outside the hall caught Legolas's ears as he set down the mug. He curled his fingers looking down to them, intrigued by the tingle in them the drink provided until the night air brushed over his skin. He looked up to the caravan wagons around a fire,. Women danced around the fire barely clothed as the men played. Off just at the edge of the fire’s light he could see jugglers and tumblers practicing their craft, it looked more like a carnival show than a victory celebration to him. Legolas’s arms folded over his chest as he watched, finding a passionate grace in the movements all the performers held as a soft smile crept over his lips as he listened to the energetic song they played as many of the Rohan men wandered outside to watch the celebration of the wandering people, called to the fire's glow by the sound of a woman's voice surrounded by revelry. He soon found himself following in the crowd, drawn into the music, entranced by the dancing. The smile faded, however, when he spotted Danior among the men beating drums as he watched Stuluta turn, seeing her face past the flame...well then… this was not something he was prepared for...he knew she was gifted with a flute...he didn’t expect her to know how to dance as well.
“Mandalay! Mandalay!” The road people cried, signalling all the dancers but the princess to disperse as Legolas’s ears twitched with curiosity at the familiar word. His thoughts raced back to the day on the river once more. His eyes scanned the crowd looking for answers until he found one of the older dancers.
“Excuse me?” He asked politely as he reached out to tap the sunkissed golden haired queen, very unaware of who she was. “What is Mandalay?” the elf asked with an ever growing curiousness in his voice.
She looked to the elf, surprised the Mirkwood prince was so different in temperament from his father. She remembered a time when the king turned her people away and now here was his son asking to learn about them. “Mandalay is our promised land. Where one day the road will end. But what they call for now is a song and dance sacred to our people, and one of our favorite ways to celebrate victory. Tradition states when the royal family is present only they may perform it as they are the ones who lead the search.” She answered before coming forward. As she stepped into the light of the flame Legolas could see just how similar she looked to the princess, obviously her mother. “Mandalay!” She answered the crowd. He watched Steluta smile as she positioned herself, her eyes falling on the fair skin of the elf glowing in the embers of the flame like a fallen star walking among them. He could almost swear she was smiling at him.
His eyes softened as he watched her move, feeling his heart tug at itself as he watched her grace mix with her pride into something more lovely than anything he’d seen in all his years. His eyes wandered over every inch of the princess as she moved around the flame, her body twisting  and turning in ways he didn’t think could happen. Everything about it was so different from the elves, filled with passion and feeling but still just as graceful as anything from his people could ever hope to be. Eyes fixed on each other but gazes never meeting for fear of the other.  “Vanimelda…” he muttered under his breath, hoping it would never end before the strong hand of Aragorn came to clamp down on his shoulders.
“Vanimelda? Surely you can not be speaking of Steluta.” He teased. “Never did I think I’d see the day you call her beautiful.” Her smile grew soft, heart skipped a beat as she heard him speak. Deep in the back of her mind she began to think on the premonition that was thrust on her at the beginning of this quest as she took her bow. “Now where will I be without your bickering?” He added with a chuckle, patting his friend’s shoulder lightly.
“What?” She watched the two as Legolas’s eyes grew wide, addressing his mortal friend. “No...The song...the dance…” Legolas shook his head sputtering out a laugh to mask his growing admiration , shielding his elvish pride from the possible sting of rejection in her harsh words. For though he found them endeering they still showed him just how unlikely his feelings being reciprocated would ever be… especially now that he's seen  her with that man she seemed to care so much for. How could he admit it now? “Not Steluta herself…” He laughed again as she looked up to him, her eyes hardening as his words stung deep.  “Could you imagine,” He laughed as she stood upright, hee arms folding over her chest heaving in anger, “Elf and Mandalay could never work. Where would we call home?”
“You pointy eared string pullers are the same! Just because we have no castle walls my blood isn’t royal enough for you?” Her eyes glowed with a fiery anger, more at herself for thinking such a union might actually be possible. “Esti atat de frumos ca te urasc! De ce trebuie sa te iubesc?!” (I hate you are so beautiful! Why must I be in love with you?!)  She spurted out in her people’s language, her words like poison on his ears. How glad she was that he didn’t know the language..at least she finally got it off her chest. With a grunt of frustration she pushed the elf to the side with as much force as she could muster, hoping to hurt him as he just hurt her before storming off.
His eyes widened not really sure what to do now, but knowing he must fix it. “Ninmirel! Wait! I-” His words stopped in his throat as he watched her  hair and skirt spin before fiery eyes looked upon him. He found her distaste for him so obvious in that look...But for the sake of the fellowship...for Middle earth he knew he had to say something now. Then it dawned on him...his eyes narrowed as he stepped forward until she could feel his breath on her face. His eyes were like daggers as he looked down into hers. “Pedin i phith in aniron, a nin u-cheniathog. Si, melda heri, lle naa vanima. Lle naa belegghotar, a gin melathon an-uir.”(I know you can’t understand this. So, my lady, you are beautiful. You are a mighty warrior and you have my love for all time.) He knew she didn’t understand him...he was counting on it as he spoke with anger in his voice to mask the intention of his words.
Aragorn looked between the two of them, fully understanding all that had just transpired as he held a hand to his lips holding in a laugh. “You shut up.” The reluctant pair said to him in unison before both storming off.
Steluta entered the hall, pausing as she spotted Gimli on the floor, still passed out from drinking too much. She gave him a half smile as she reached down to pat his head, something she was sure he would never let her do if he were awake. “Steluta! Steluta!” two little voices called out from behind. With a half hearted smile she spun, lowering herself to eye level with the two hobbits. “We saw your dance,” Merry started with a proud smile.
“It was very pretty.” Pippin finished.
“Well thank you.” She smiled, genuinely touched by the small sweet halflings. “It is a dance very special to my people. It reminds us that one day we will be home again.”
“Oh we have one of those too.” Pip announced with a smile.
“We do?” Merry asked, not quite sure what he was going on about.
“Aye, the Green Dragon!” She couldn't help but laugh at the two.
“I don't think that's quite the same Pip.” Merry half scolded
“Well, it reminds me of the Shire.” He argued innocently.
“Then I would love to see it. Will you show me?”
They both looked to each other with a nod before climbing on a table grabbing two mugs of ale.
Her face lit with joy and laughter as she clapped along to the song. To most it may not seem like much but she could see the love for their hometown in their hearts with every word and step...she could see to them it meant the world. And that was what made it something special.
~ ~ ~ ~
Late in the night Aragorn moved through the great hall, finding Legolas on the balcony overlooking the sleeping caravan below. He followed the elf’s gaze to the princess moving through the camp with a cat's grace.“Why do you not tell her?”
“What would it matter?” The elf Prince answered as Danior made his way to his sister. Legolas watched as the moon of Mandalay pull her in close to plant a soft loving kiss on her forehead, an action he wished he could give to her in his place. “It is quite obvious her heart lies elsewhere.” He added as he watched her rest her head on his shoulder, strong arms holding her tightly. He could tell they were discussing something, but they were too far to hear the sound of her muffled tears on her brother's shoulder.
Now Aragorn understood. “The star and the moon do share quite the bond.” He agreed with a nod. “Then again from what I am told most siblings in their culture do.” He added with a smirk.
Legolas's eyes tore from the wagon to look upon his friend. “He is her brother?” A hopeful smile grew on his lips as Aragorn nodded. With a new sense of blissful determination for his Ninmirel’s heart his eyes turned back to the wagon, “Do you think she-?”
“I think that you should tell her. I may not know much about the wandering people, but I do know that they are a very accepting people, only harboring ill will to those who hold it for them.” Aragorn interrupted, hoping to see his friends happy. Legolas simply nodded in return before making his way down to the camp. He left no track and made no sound as he wandered through, trying to find the wagon she called hers.
It was easy for him to spot Steluta’s, the carvings in the wood and the way It was painted screamed to him everything about her personality. It looked wild and free yet graceful, so full of color and life with the white rose and silver star carved into the wood. He felt as if his heart had lept up into his throat as his long slender fingers reached up to the door. “You have grown since last I saw you Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm.” The fair haired queen sat on the steps to the wagon across from her daughter’s holding a single unlit lantern. He turned to her with a look telling her he didn't recognize her at all. “Don't feel badly. You were just a babe,” she looked like her daughter as she let out a chuckle. His fingers dropped from the door as he moved to her.
“Our people seem to have much in common. What happened to cause this divide? We should be friends.” He asked as he took a seat next to her.
“The fault is on both sides really.” She explained as she leaned herself against the pole the empty lantern hung from. “It is customary for our people to celebrate the new birth of a royal line. It keeps good relations with standing kingdoms. When you were born Iulian, Steluta’s grandfather brought us to Mirkwood where Thranduil spurred our royal blood for lack of homelands.” Legolas's eyes grew a firm sadness, it sounded just like his father to do such a close minded thing. “When Vorris and I took rule some years later we attempted to mend the divide with the offer of a union…You to our daughter soon to be born.”
“And my father no doubt took great offence.” Serata nodded in confirmation of his statement. “Well, I doubt I will ever take the throne of the woodland realm, but for what it is worth I am sorry.” He turned back to the wagon, no doubt in his mind it was too late to mend things tonight as the light from the lantern inside went out. “I wish he didn’t sever such a tie. My heart would sing to have your daughter as my bride.”
“Would you like to know what she said to you?” She offered with a coy grin as she looked to the dark wagon, well aware her daughter slumbered, sure she was dreaming of her elf.
Legolas shook his head lightly. “I don’t think my heart could bear that right now.”
Serata chuckled lightly. “She said she hates how beautiful you are to her, and that she has fallen in love with you.” She told him. And though I know little Elvish I feel sure your words were not as hurtful as you made seem either?”
His eyes widened as He listened to Steluta's mother, lost for words as he turned back to the wagon that held the woman who loved him.
“You! Elf!” Danior's voice barked gruffly in the night air. “Get away from my mother!” He added as he jumped from a wagon adorned with a white wolf's head and the image of a moon. His dark eyes narrowed to the elf as he stalked forward, drawing a fist back and thrusting it into Legolas's right cheek. Legolas looked back to the angry eyes of his love's brother...how could he be angry with the wanderer? He knew he deserved that. “You made my sister cry!” He barked as he drew a dagger from his belt. “I should-”
“Danior!” Serata snapped, raining her son in. “Încetează!”
“But mother-” he protested as his long black hair fell in clumps in to his chocolate brown eyes.
“I said stop this.” She repeated in common as she moved to her son, holding a hand out for his dagger. He looked to her, grimacing in anger before abiding by his mother's wishes.
“Get out of our camp. You are not welcome among the Mandalay people” he spat at the elf's feet.
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podmusical · 6 years
The All New All Different Abnormal Y-Team
Credits and Lyrics for Episode One of Days of Future Fuzz
Announcer - Jame B Kennedy Mombot/Narrator - Hannah Fairchild Professor Y - Diana Oh Doctor Lu - Daniel K Isaacs Y-Puter - Billy Griffin, Jr. Ellen Cantrell / Punchline - Lauren Shippen Pantagruel - Arian Moayed Jean Claude Diskette - Megan Dorn Nerd Flexly - Eryck Tait Ben Simmons - Carl Howell Meow Mix, the Cat with a Bow Tie - Rebecca Soler Fuzzo - Jared Loftin Adviso - Adam Chanler-Berat Feltina Guernica - Christina Pumariega Felt Trooper - Eryck Tait
written by Jonathan A. Goldberg music by Matt roi Berger recorded, mixed and edited by Marcus Bagala and Will Melones
It struck from the sky, like a fabric bolt, Turning hard men soft, turning all to felt. The mountains fluffed, the oceans yarn’d - And all was plush that once was hard! From the pillowy rubble, an empire rose Of felt and thread, of button eye and squeaky nose And on the Great Pyramid, there was Emperor Fuzzo Fuzzo calmed the Fuzzes and he gave them faith. Said ‘you’ll know but peace if you accept my reign.’ And yeah well, some they did, but some still curse his name. Not all was converted when the world went furry
Parts of east Africa, Chile and New Jersey The Fleshies kept the old ways and they keep up the fight They won’t submit to the velvet fist, no matter how it strikes! Fuzzo hunts down the Fleshies as he laughs from his throne. And with each passing day, his empire grows, Drawing power directly from the Fuzz deep below
Oh, oh oh…
But in the shadows, the whispers grow: If Fuzzo’s so strong, why’s his world not whole? Perhaps some chance for the Fleshies remains And so patient but eager they wait for that day!
Oh, oh oh… 
People are living in a world of fuzz! Fleshies are fighting in a world of fuzz! One day it was normal but now it’s fluff’d up! It was fuzz it was fuzz it was fuzz it was fuzz!
Yeah fuzz!
Yeah it’s fuzz!
Y stands for You, but who stands for Y? Who will fight for the rights of those caught in the cross fire Of our fuzzy lords, who desire our quiet demise?
We are stronger when we stand together We’re all still just standing, but the standing is better Come stand with us Ellen and be a protector Of those without hope - give them life!
We can stand up to the im-fuzzable! Rise up and touch those that think they’re untouchable! By touch I mean we’ll puncture their lungs, it’ll be Fun for us and for them quite uncomfortable.
But who will save us? Only the baddest and bravest!
The Y Team!
The Y Team!
The Y Team!  Oooo!
The Y Team!
The Y Team!
Mailed it to herself!
The Y Team!  Oooo!  The Y Team.
Intellectual property!
Did you just trademark every time -
You can never be too safe, Ellen. Sign these personality rights waivers for your, image, likeness, and traits. Look. When you come up with a cool and totally original idea.
In any media.
Living or dead. 
Plus t-shirts, posters, cross platform multi-media, possible spin-off’s …
Y-Factor, Y-Force, Y-Statix, Y-Vengers, Yustice League –
Y-team congregate! Role call!  Pantagruel!
Haha!  Half man, all Sasquatch! I’m a cutthroat with a fur coat the color of butterscotch! Born in Iraq to my CIA mom - who Left me in an orphanage to go fight Saddam!
I’ve got super strength and feelings of neglect.
This guy’s pretty cool.
Just wait and see who’s next! Jean Claude Diskette!
Bon jour!  Oh no, you see, I am afraid There’s been un petite, well, um, how do you say… Miss… Communication?  Based on my name-
JCD your too humble!  Ellen, let me explain
She may be modest, but she ain’t no slacker! With a name like Diskette, she’s a master hacker!
No! Ce n’est pas …
Nerd Flexly!
Nerd Flexly flex cuz he is mad! Nerd Flexly like do math and smash!
If I may step in again:
He was the world’s greatest Gym rat til one fateful day He was bit by radioactive Nerd and gained The proportional strength And stamina of a Nerd Now he crunches numbers While crushing skulls and protein shakes!
What she said
Ben Simmons!
That’s right!  I know!  Here’s my headshot.
You recognized me from my Baretta guest spot.
My claim to fame is playing Mike Brutality For seven and a half seasons on NBC!
I played a tough guy who made some arrests…
That’s, cool. I guess.
Last, not least is my *special guy!* Who will hold the team together in our most trying times:
He’s Meowmix!  Meowmix!  Cat with a bow tie!
Meowmix!  Meowmix!  Cat with a bow tie! Meowmix!  Meowmix!  Cat with a bow tie!
Y Stands for Yes, so what do you say? Our team needs a leader who’s clever and brave. Also we’ve got some stuff planned for later today So if you could just let us know
You want me to lead this menagerie Of has-beens and no ones? I’ll have to say “pass,” you see - I’m no team player.  I owe you no favors. And I’ve always worked alone.  
Ellen please!  It’s time for you to discover What it means to be a hero for others. Alone we fall, but together, with numbers, We’re a force for good, for hope in this struggle.
I know you feel it, So come join a team that you can believe in!
The Y Team!  The Y Team!  The Y Team!  Ooo! The Y Team!
The Y Team!
The Y Team!  Ooo!
Legally protected by the Lanham Act!
The Y Team!  The Y Team!  Yeah!   We are we are we are we are we are a TEAM!
Can it be?  A team for me? I’ve always been alone… Never got around to making pals Inside of the Bone Zone
But now, a team to call my own? A chance, a hope, a family? And, maybe, finally, a home!
Why Team? Because Team! Because Team! Yeah!
Y Team! Because Team! Because Team! Yeah!
Alone no longer, together we’re stronger! A brand new team that will fight for the honor Of those ‘neath the yoke of these puppety monsters, Strike fear when they hear our name…
Better together, I know we’ll achieve our goals! Supporting each other - we’ll be undefeatable! Give hope to all, of freedom conceivable! We’ll beat those puppets and rip ‘em new fuzz holes!
Come fight beside me! One plus you all equals we!
Y Team! Because Team! Because Team! Ooo!
Y Team! Because Team! Because Team! Ooo!
Y Team! Because Team! Because we are we are we are we are we are a TEAM!
When I was of the flesh - A soft and simple kid - My father poisoned me said, ‘It’s better to be dead than different.’ So I strangled him.
Now, I’m no different since the bomb. I brought a soft and fuzzy dawn. But I forgot that night comes next,  Then dawn and night a million times spin on. One big disappointing sprawl.
Maybe if I’d died I’d have been memorialized No blame, my name forever lives my life…
But now: ever thing that frays - “It’s your fault!” my people say. I gave peace and I waged war, It’s not enough, there’s always something more. Something ripped or something torn.
And maybe if I’d died I’d have been immortalized As martyr of this paradise, Divine and not despised half of the time.
I thought crushing all my enemies would bring delight…  It did. But now I’m bored, Cuz there’s no one left to crush anymore!
I see a world, soft as a hug… My arms can’t reach, they’re not enough… Maybe the credits should have rolled Over me a long, long time ago…
Maybe if I’d died, I’d have been immortalized. Instead I think they wish me dead. But maybe they’re all right.
Cuz all my fuzzin’ dreams Are splitting at the seams. I think I need to wake up, Or else I’m gonna break apart, I think.
I’m gonna rip apart, I think…
This pyramid’s so high... This pyramid’s so high… Maybe I could wake up if I tried…
I was of the flesh A soft and simple kid Now I am my father’s age,  I thought I understand what to do next.
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