dizzybizz · 5 months
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smaller magma dump today
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
by Kassy Akiva
Personal finance expert Dave Ramsey is rescuing a pro-Israel conference from cancellation after a Nashville hotel backed out from hosting because of alleged threats by anti-Israel activists.
When Ramsey heard that a Nashville hotel revoked access for the Israel Summit, an event scheduled for next week that will feature prominent Christians and Jews, organizers say Ramsey got in touch and offered not only to host it, but also to help make it even bigger. 
“Dave Ramsey reached out and said, ‘You’re going to have it at my place and we’re going to take this event to a whole new level and make it 10x what it was before,’” Joshua Waller, a host of the Israel Guys podcast who is co-hosting the event, told The Daily Wire. “All of the details have come together and the event is skyrocketing in numbers.”
The Israel Summit describes itself as the first gathering of pro-Israel supporters who “unconditionally support Israel’s right to be sovereign in the entirety of the land of Israel, including Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.”
Along with The Israel Guys, the event is sponsored by HaYovel, an organization started by Waller more than 20 years ago which brings Christians to volunteer at farms in Judea and Samaria, and the Christan-Jewish bridge building nonprofits, Israel365 and Keep God’s land.
HaYovel went viral after Hamas’s brutal October 7 attack for bringing a group of American cowboys to help Israelis in need of labor as foreign agriculture workers fled and men were called up to fight in the war.
“Ramsey Solutions is proud to stand beside our friends from Israel by providing them a safe place to hold their event as our gift to them,” Ramsey Solutions said in a statement.
Despite Sonesta Hotel backing out from hosting the event, the event will take place on the same days it was originally scheduled for next week. It will move from Nashville to nearby Franklin, Tennessee, where Ramsey Solutions is headquartered.
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Sonesta Nile Goddes crucero Nilo 4 Noches Todo incluido
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Mejor crucero Sonesta Nile Goddess crucero Nilo Todo incluido en Egipto desde Luxor en cuatro noches, desde Asuán en cinco noches en régimen pensión completa, crucero por El Nilo es uno de los viajes recomendados a conocer bien las maravillas del sur donde están los templos mas conservados como el templo de Karnak, el templo de Luxor, templo de Edfu y Kom Ombo, en Luxor se hace ms tours al Valle de los Reyes donde existe la tumba de Tutankamon l única encontrada intacta de todos los faraones.
Sonesta Nile Goddess crucero Nilo Todo incluido en Egipto uno de los barcos de calidad y mejor servicio, con worldtouradvice se puede cumplir su tour desde el crucero Nilo con guía privado y todos los tours en privado auto con su guía de habla español.
Día 1: Embarque En Luxor Al Sonesta Nile Goddes Crucero Nilo
El representante de World Tours Advice queda esperando su llegada al aeropuerto de Luxor, estación de tren o su hotel, en seguida traslado al barco de crucero Nilo Sonesta en vehículo privado con aire acondicionado, embarque en Sonesta Nile Godess Crucero Nilo.
Almuerzo a bordo, encontrar con su guía egiptólogo de habla hispana para empezar los tours desde el crucero Nilo al banco oriental del Rio Nilo en Luxor.
Visita al Templo de Karnak, dedicado al dios Amón, construido por varios faraones, es un complejo de  templos, como la sala hipóstila de Ramsés II y su padre Seti I.
El siguiente tour al Templo de Luxor con los colosos de Ramsés el rey grande de Egipto antiguo y la sala de columnas de Amenofis III.
Regreso al barco Sonesta Crucero Nilo, tiempo libre para aprovechar a conocer la ciudad en una  vuelta libre o tour opcional al espectáculo de luz y  sonido en Karnak. Cena y alojamiento en Luxor.
Comidas incluidas: almuerza y cena.
Día 2: Visitas al Banco Occidental de Luxor
Desayuno y salida para tours al otro lado del Rio Nilo el banco occidental, al Valle de los Reyes con su guia privado, visita a tres tumbas de los grandes faraones, como la de Ramsés III, Tutmosis III, Ta wsret y Seti II, bien conservados los relieves en las paredes y los colores de las tumbas del Valle de los  Reyes.
Visita al templo funerario de la mujer faraón de Egipto antiguo, el Templo de Hatshepsut en El Deir El Bahari, una maravilla de arquitectura antigua.
Los Colosos de Memnon del Imperio Nuevo el rey Amenofis III. Regreso al barco de crucero Nilo.
Almuerzo durante la  navegación del crucero Nilo hacia la ciudad de Edfu.
Tomar un té o café por la tarde en tiempo libre.
Cena y alojamiento en la motonave Sonesta Crucero Nilo.
Comidas incluidas: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena.
Día 3: Visitas a Los Templos de Edfu y Kom Ombo
Desayuno y salida al Templo de Edfu para  visita al templo más conservado, del dios halcón Horus el hijo de los famosos dioses de los faraones Isis y Osiris.
Regreso a descansar y disfrutar de los paisajes naturales durante la navegación hacia la ciudad de Kom Ombo tomando su almuerzo a bordo del crucero Nilo Sonesta Nile Goddess.
Visita del Templo de Kom Ombo, dedicado a los dioses de Sobek y Horus Weris y el museo de las momias de los cocodrilos sagrados, regreso al barco cruzando un mercado local pero interesante.
Navegación a la ciudad de Asuán.
Tomar un té o café por la tarde en tiempo libre.
Cena y alojamiento en el crucero del Nilo Nilo Sonesta Nile Goddess.
Comidas incluidas: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena.
Día 4: Visitas en Aswan
Terminar su desayuno a bordo de Nilo Sonesta Nile Goddess crucero Nilo y empezar visitas en Asuán, la Alta Presa construida en el 1960 por el presidente Nasser, disfruta del paisaje del lago Nasser por un lado y el Rio Nilo al otro.
Visita al Templo de Filae situado en la isla Agilica en El Nilo, el templo es de  la diosa Isis con  construcciones de faraones, griegos y romanos.
Excursiones  a las canteras de granito y el Obelisco Inacabado de la reina Hatshepsut  donde sacaron los antiguos egipcios bloques necesarios para las construcciones de templos, obeliscos y estatuas.
Regreso al barco descansar y almorzar, luego por la tarde un paseo lindo por una barca tradicional (Falucca) en el Nilo, disfruta de ver durante la navegación de la Falucca el Mausoleo del Aga Ghan y los bloques de la catarata del Nilo.
Dejar la Falucca para visita de la isla del Jardín Botánico, regreso al barco de crucero Nilo Sonesta Nile Goddess, cena y alojamiento en Asuán.
Comidas incluidas: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena.
Día 5: Desembarque del Crucero Sonesta Nile Goddess en Asuán
Desayuno a bordo del crucero por El Nilo, opción de (Tour Opcional a Abu Simbel), desembarque y traslado al aeropuerto de Aswan, estación de tren o su residencia en hotel en Asuan. Fin del crucero por El Sonesta Nile Goddess y servicios de World Tour Advice.
Comidas incluidas: Desayuno.
Incluido en El Crucero Nilo Sonesta:
Alojamiento 3, 4 y 7 noches a bordo de barco de crucero Nilo de 5* de lujo en régimen pensión completa.
Todas las visitas según el itinerario del crucero por el Nilo en el barco Sonesta Nile Goddess.
Asistencia de nuestro representante para el embarque y desembarque del crucero por el Nilo.
Todas las entradas a los lugares mencionados en el itinerario del crucero Nilo Sonesta Nile Goddess.
Guía egiptólogo en español para todas las excursiones durante los tours desde Sonesta Nile Goddess crucero.
Todos los traslados en auto moderno, privado con aire acondicionado.
Visitas en Asuán al Templo de Filae, la Alta Presa y el Obelisco Inacabado.
Visitas al Templo de Edfu y el Templo de Kom Ombo.
Tours en Luxor (Orilla Oriental) al Templo de Karnak y el Templo de Luxor.
Tours de Luxor (Orilla Occidental) valla de los reyes, templo de Hatshepsut y los Colosos de Memnon.
Servir 2 botellas de agua mineral por persona diario en el vehículo durante los tours.
Todos los impuestos del crucero Nilo Sonesta Nile Goddes.  
Detalles del crucero:
Instalaciones del Sonesta Nile Goddess:
Hay 47 cabinas de lujo, 2 Suites senador y 4 Suites presidenciales con terraza privada.
Las características de las Cabinas:
Elevador a bordo.
Ventanas panorámicas.
Alojamiento Plan familiar (cabinas conectadas).
Teléfono directo privado.
Secador de pelo.
Caja de seguridad
Sistema de másica.
Televisores de plasma.
Conexión inalámbrica a Internet.
Control de clima individual.
Baño completo con bañera de tamaño completo.
Servicios & características de crucero.
Servicio en las habitaciones disponibles hasta medianoche.
Comedor principal, salon y Bar en la cubierta.
Elevador a bordo.
Entretenimiento nocturno.
Sala de conferencias totalmente equipadas para hasta 12 personas (mesas redondas).
Quincho en cubierta.
Piscina exterior con servicio de Bar.
Spa (gimnasio, masaje, Sauna y Jacuzzi).
Excursiones guiadas.
Para más informaciones sobre este paquete y precio:
Celular y whatsap: +2 01090023837
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biaswreckmepls · 1 year
ok i've seen your skills for finding lost fics and sis i need your help!
there's one story that i can't find and it's probably the best one i've read so far. it's a jikook story where jimin is in a (tw) toxic/abusive relationship with his boyfriend. before that happen, him and jk were best friends in either elementary- middle school. jimin had to move away for a long time leaving jk behind. he gets sent to an orphanage and is bullied there for a while. long story short, they meet again in college - jk finds out his "conditions" and toxic boyfriend - his friends tae and hobi kinda know about it - he lives with his bf - jk wants to help but jimin denies an sonest see any problem.
if u could help me find this story i would greatly appreciate it a lot 🩷🩷🩷
Okay, so I've scrolled through like 5-6 pages of the tag, with a lot of different combinations of additional tags (Childhood Friends? Alternate Universe? etc) to see what the author might've tagged it as. Is this it?: Think Again by snatchim (Jikook, 26 Chapters, E, 206K)
Here's another fic I found that has slightly similar themes, but isn't half as intense as the first one lol
One Little Chance by Ashlyn17 (Jikook, 4 Chapters, M, 50K, It's been 7 years since JK last saw his friends and family after he ran away, and that includes his old crush Jimin)
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suzunofuu · 6 years
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tatsuya doing the n.n face || orion no kokuin ep. 1
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hotnicole · 4 years
Pazi sad 'vako- Sonester za kataklinger ima sedam drama, svaki dram ima 4 dana, ziberlajsnica ima 28 dana sto znaci 7 vlasnika po 4 dana i sve je jasno. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJ4F5RFN_B/?igshid=1t966xrfxmtq8
0 notes
soniclegacycomic · 6 years
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Happy #NationalKissingDay!  Go spend it with someone special! Here's some old concept @seasalt84 drew up a while back! (It's not canon) Yet. 
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Aswan to luxor nile cruise
Aswan to luxor nile cruise        
Aswan to luxor nile cruise presents you beautiful and fancy experience that will allow you to discover the beauty of The great Nile, visit the marvelous sightseeing in Luxor like The Valley of kings, Karnak temple and relish cruising under the warm golden sun of the south.If you have a holiday and you want to enjoy every single moment and to be the best vacation in your life so invest your time and money in an unforgettable enjoyable holiday by coming to Egypt to make a wonderful Aswan to luxor nile cruise, so think about what is in Nile Cruises Holidays for you that it will attract your passion to start a Nile Cruise Holiday.
Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise holiday is the fast & easy Egypt’s Nile cruise tours  as most cruises sailing from Aswan to Luxor in 3 nights offering 4 days tours.
There is  nothing more surprising than to experience the glory of the ancient Egypt by taking a Nile cruise through Egypt’s Pharaonic spots between Luxor and Aswan. Really there is no travel package can be complete if excludes traveling on board a luxurious cruise down the river Nile! That’s because, you will realize easily all Egypt changes in 5000 years of history once you take a look upon those picturesque landscapes and outstanding temples either in Aswan or Luxor or between them, you will enjoy different kind of Egyptian cities and villages far away from the hustle & bustle of Cairo’s city life. 
What are most important things to do before traveling on board Nile cruise Aswan to Luxor or Luxor to Aswan:
 1. Choosing the right Nile cruise boat that suits your needs 
 Choosing the right type of Nile cruise ship for your type of holiday is very important for a superior  experience even if the destination Aswan- Luxor is all the same except in few Dahabyia boats as they can go to more places and make the holiday longer ( but also more expensive ). 
Choosing your cruise ship can sometimes be a little tricky, because of the various options available out there. But you have to note that cruise ships in Egypt offering not only  various sizes but also different activities and prices so you need to find a cruise that suits your needs. For example if you’re on a family holiday in Egypt with children, then you might want to consider the activities for children, swimming pool or family or connected rooms or suit etc. another example, would be if you’re used to a certain standard of luxury, note that you get what you pay for, so with the pricier cruise ships, you get a much more luxurious holiday because the cruise ship contains fewer cabins so rooms tend to be bigger and more lavishly furnished than others, not to mention the elevated high end luxury meals you receive in comparison. Nearly most Egypt Nile cruise ships for that reason are operated by hotel groups with varying levels of luxury, such as the Semiramis, Mövenpick, Oberoi, Sheraton and the luxurious Sonesta  Nile cruises such as Sonest St George or Sonesta moon goddess,  that’s not all,  for greater privacy and more luxurious accommodation you will find other option which is the royal sailboat 
( dahabiya Nile cruise )
   2. All must see sites along the Nile cruise way 
 Nearly every Nile cruise in Egypt  Start either from  Luxor city and ends in beautiful Aswan , and usually this is the 4 nights, 5 days tours. or vice versa Nile cruises from Aswan to Luxor 3 nights, 4 days tours. Both Aswan and Luxor cities are brimfull with ancient archeological sites, colourful old and recent art, very ancient temples and fascinate romantic sunrise and sunsets, are all you want for a dream holiday. So be sure to check your Nile cruise ship tour itinerary so as not to loose one of the magical places Luxor and Aswan have to offer!  
 Whether southbound ( Luxor to Aswan )  or northbound ( Aswan to Luxor ), these are the magnificent places to stop to see which are the same for nearly all Nile cruise ship:-
First-off Karnak temple which is located on Luxor East bank, Karnak was the home of the Egyptian sun god Amun-Re is bound to impress on any Nile cruise tours with its intricate designs of pillars, obelisks and the sheer size of it! 
 valley of the kings which is located on Luxor West bank, It was not called valley of kings and kingdom of silence for no reason, It is the valley where the child pharaoh Tut Ankh Amen along with other famous kings from new kingdom such as Ramses IX, Ramses II, Merenptah were buried with their hidden treasures! Add the spectacular hieroglyphics scenes and the amazing colors and you’ll never want your Nile cruise holiday to end. But that’s nothing next to the enchanting Temple of  Phile in Aswan, Philae is thought to be one of the most dazzling temples in Egypt  or Edfu temple between Luxor and Aswan, It is dedicated to Harwereis (  Falcon God ), Edfu temple temple is dating back to 237 BC, and it is the biggest and most preserved Graeco-Roman temple in Egypt!   Last but not least Memnon colossi and Hatshepsut temple on West bank of Luxor, Aswan high dam is very important to show you the real problems of water either in Egypt or in Africa, and not all cruises make Aswan botanic garden but it is not to be lost . These top must see sites, should be on most Nile cruise itineraries, but all cruises offer different opt tours such as the Nubian village tour and Abu Simbel tour from Aswan.
  3. Deciding How long is your Nile cruise holiday 
 Even though the river Nile is the longest river in the world (6,696 km), most Egypt Nile  cruise accommodation and excursions is between 4 to 5 days from Aswan to Luxor or viceversa, the longer 6 to 7 day cruise and it is start Luxor sailing to Aswan and back to Luxor. Choosing the duration of your Nile cruise tour will certainly affect many things such as if you have more time for relaxation or no, amount of places you see and how much further along the Nile you travel. The short 4 to 5 day trip usually covers the most important sites, if you make it Luxor to Aswan and back to Luxor it give you more free time for relaxation, There are few cruises offer longer sailing, they sail north Luxor to explore Dendera and Abydos where You will visit two of the most amazing archeological sites of ancient Egypt. Even longer are the 10 to 12day cruises, with day tours to scout  Sohag, El Minia where you visit the ruins of Tal El Amarna, Tuna El-Gabal, and El-Ashmunein With that being said, how far you may want to go on your Nile cruise tour is solely up to you
  4. Do not underrate the difference a guide can make for your Nile cruise holiday
 Booking a luxurious cruise tour down the river Nile will be an amazing experience, what with  the dazzling nature, very old temples, colorful markets and friendly people; nevertheless, without the accompaniment of a professional Egyptian tour guide during your Nile cruise tours, it would all be a waste. Certainly, in order to have high quality holiday, investing in a tour guide and a comprehensive Nile cruise holiday package would be the key to a prosperous tours, because  Ancient Egypt history is not an easy task, it is very complicated, it is more than 5000 years of history, so having it demonstrated by a professional tour guide with a licence and who studied languages, history and monuments to be able to have this licence to accompany tourists, can really make all the difference in your toursand holiday!  
In the end, when organizing your dream holiday to the ancient cities of Luxor and Aswan, do not forget these 4 key points for an outstanding tailor-made Nile cruise tours and stay designed especially for you and your family! 
For more info about Aswan to luxor nile cruise
Mobile and what’s App:
002 012 11217070
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Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise would make you hold your breath. It is an awesome Luxor and Aswan tour which is full of adventures. History, civilization and warm feelings are there. World Tour Advice; Let us help you escape from your daily routine! On our Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise. imagine the relaxation of Egypt Nile Cruises in the sunshine. Relish the panoramic view of the Nile on board one of our Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise that sail between Luxor to Aswan and vice versa. Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise is your gateway to scout the mind resisting monuments in Luxor and Aswan and sail along the great Nile River to visit Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo and Aswan.
Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise holiday is the fast & easy Egypt’s Nile cruise tours  as most cruises sailing from Aswan to Luxor in 3 nights offering 4 days tours.
There is  nothing more surprising than to experience the glory of the ancient Egypt by taking a Nile cruise through Egypt’s Pharaonic spots between Luxor and Aswan. Really there is no travel package can be complete if excludes traveling on board a luxurious cruise down the river Nile! That’s because, you will realize easily all Egypt changes in 5000 years of history once you take a look upon those picturesque landscapes and outstanding temples either in Aswan or Luxor or between them, you will enjoy different kind of Egyptian cities and villages far away from the hustle & bustle of Cairo’s city life. 
What are most important things to do before traveling on board Nile cruise Aswan to Luxor or Luxor to Aswan:
 1. Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
Choosing the right Nile cruise boat that suits your needs 
 Choosing the right type of Nile cruise ship for your type of holiday is very important for a superior  experience even if the destination Aswan- Luxor is all the same except in few Dahabyia boats as they can go to more places and make the holiday longer ( but also more expensive ). 
Choosing your cruise ship can sometimes be a little tricky, because of the various options available out there. But you have to note that cruise ships in Egypt offering not only  various sizes but also different activities and prices so you need to find a cruise that suits your needs. For example if you’re on a family holiday in Egypt with children, then you might want to consider the activities for children, swimming pool or family or connected rooms or suit etc. another example, would be if you’re used to a certain standard of luxury, note that you get what you pay for, so with the pricier cruise ships, you get a much more luxurious holiday because the cruise ship contains fewer cabins so rooms tend to be bigger and more lavishly furnished than others, not to mention the elevated high end luxury meals you receive in comparison. Nearly most Egypt Nile cruise ships for that reason are operated by hotel groups with varying levels of luxury, such as the Semiramis, Mövenpick, Oberoi, Sheraton and the luxurious Sonesta  Nile cruises such as Sonest St George or Sonesta moon goddess,  that’s not all,  for greater privacy and more luxurious accommodation you will find other option which is the royal sailboat 
( dahabiya Nile cruise )
   2. Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
All must see sites along the Nile cruise way 
 Nearly every Nile cruise in Egypt  Start either from  Luxor city and ends in beautiful Aswan , and usually this is the 4 nights, 5 days tours. or vice versa Nile cruises from Aswan to Luxor 3 nights, 4 days tours. Both Aswan and Luxor cities are brimfull with ancient archeological sites, colourful old and recent art, very ancient temples and fascinate romantic sunrise and sunsets, are all you want for a dream holiday. So be sure to check your Nile cruise ship tour itinerary so as not to loose one of the magical places Luxor and Aswan have to offer!  
 Whether southbound ( Luxor to Aswan )  or northbound ( Aswan to Luxor ), these are the magnificent places to stop to see which are the same for nearly all Nile cruise ship:-
First-off Karnak temple which is located on Luxor East bank, Karnak was the home of the Egyptian sun god Amun-Re is bound to impress on any Nile cruise tours with its intricate designs of pillars, obelisks and the sheer size of it! 
 valley of the kings which is located on Luxor West bank, It was not called valley of kings and kingdom of silence for no reason, It is the valley where the child pharaoh Tut Ankh Amen along with other famous kings from new kingdom such as Ramses IX, Ramses II, Merenptah were buried with their hidden treasures! Add the spectacular hieroglyphics scenes and the amazing colors and you’ll never want your Nile cruise holiday to end. But that’s nothing next to the enchanting Temple of  Phile in Aswan, Philae is thought to be one of the most dazzling temples in Egypt  or Edfu temple between Luxor and Aswan, It is dedicated to Harwereis (  Falcon God ), Edfu temple temple is dating back to 237 BC, and it is the biggest and most preserved Graeco-Roman temple in Egypt!   Last but not least Memnon colossi and Hatshepsut temple on West bank of Luxor, Aswan high dam is very important to show you the real problems of water either in Egypt or in Africa, and not all cruises make Aswan botanic garden but it is not to be lost . These top must see sites, should be on most Nile cruise itineraries, but all cruises offer different opt tours such as the Nubian village tour and Abu Simbel tour from Aswan.
  3. Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
Deciding How long is your Nile cruise holiday 
 Even though the river Nile is the longest river in the world (6,696 km), most Egypt Nile  cruise accommodation and excursions is between 4 to 5 days from Aswan to Luxor or viceversa, the longer 6 to 7 day cruise and it is start Luxor sailing to Aswan and back to Luxor. Choosing the duration of your Nile cruise tour will certainly affect many things such as if you have more time for relaxation or no, amount of places you see and how much further along the Nile you travel. The short 4 to 5 day trip usually covers the most important sites, if you make it Luxor to Aswan and back to Luxor it give you more free time for relaxation, There are few cruises offer longer sailing, they sail north Luxor to explore Dendera and Abydos where You will visit two of the most amazing archeological sites of ancient Egypt. Even longer are the 10 to 12day cruises, with day tours to scout  Sohag, El Minia where you visit the ruins of Tal El Amarna, Tuna El-Gabal, and El-Ashmunein With that being said, how far you may want to go on your Nile cruise tour is solely up to you
  4. Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
Do not underrate the difference a guide can make for your Nile cruise holiday
 Booking a luxurious cruise tour down the river Nile will be an amazing experience, what with  the dazzling nature, very old temples, colorful markets and friendly people; nevertheless, without the accompaniment of a professional Egyptian tour guide during your Nile cruise tours, it would all be a waste. Certainly, in order to have high quality holiday, investing in a tour guide and a comprehensive Nile cruise holiday package would be the key to a prosperous tours, because  Ancient Egypt history is not an easy task, it is very complicated, it is more than 5000 years of history, so having it demonstrated by a professional tour guide with a licence and who studied languages, history and monuments to be able to have this licence to accompany tourists, can really make all the difference in your toursand holiday!  
In the end, when organizing your dream holiday to the ancient cities of Luxor and Aswan, do not forget these 4 key points for an outstanding tailor-made Nile cruise tours and stay designed especially for you and your family! 
 For more info about Aswan to Luxor Nile cruise
Mobile and what’s App:
002 012 11217070
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