#Sonic Oc lore
yourpalsalamander · 2 months
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Asha regularly has vivid night terrors about her broken reflection.
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monoex · 4 months
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new oc ahzhsbsjaba... I need to fix her ears and a few other lil things, but I really like her!!
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thecluelessdoctor · 5 months
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Anyway Kyu moment
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Look at her
Shes so cool
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flamewarrior11 · 1 month
Alright. Let’s get started for real now. Here he is, Azan!
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An orphaned Hedgehog raised by The Spectrals Echnidna tribe, Azan is a fun Lovin guy who’s always there for his friends. He’s pretty skilled in a few areas, speed, strength are both well balanced and he’s pretty good at engineering things having made his jet boots via some old Eggman robots as well as his own weapon. That’s not to say he’s without his flaws. Azan isn’t the brightest when it comes to certain things like programing and complex math. But no matter what he does his best to help his friends.
Made Azan via this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1836963
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estellardreams · 5 months
Fun Fact: Corruption magic can change the colors of its host once it manifests.
And when S23 was first created... She did NOT look like her current self today.
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lenachan3ko · 3 months
Let's Learn About Team Moon!
How do I introduce my ocs to a website I am a stranger to??? Well, I guess I will just post about them randomly (and copy paste descriptions from my Twitter)
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Let's talk about my 3 main Sonic OCs, also known as Team Moon! These are 3 of my oldest OCs that mean quite a lot to me. Their goal in Sonic Heroes? Finding Shadow the Hedgehog and defeating Dr. Eggman! I'll go over the members individually!
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Luna the Hedgehog
[ Fly ]
She is technically the leader of the group, and is a peacemaker for the other two! Luna was created on the Space Colony ARK by a smaller research team. Her purpose was meant to be a sort of "neutralizer" for Project Shadow in case the project went haywire, as well as an additional remedy for Maria's illness. Luna has the ability to predict the future and can also move things with her mind. Despite these powerful abilities however, Luna doesn't really fight much unless she absolutely has to.
Luna grew close with both Maria and Shadow during their time on the ARK. Maria was the one who brought Shadow and Luna closer together as well, because at first, he thought Luna was irritating. The two hedgehogs fell in love on the ARK. When the GUN raid occurred, Luna was not with Shadow or Maria at the time. It is unknown what had happened to Luna during the incident, but she was found by Lyla and Blaire on earth.
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Lyla the Cat
[ Speed ]
A young girl who's family and home were taken away from her by a forest fire caused by Dr. Eggman. Because of this incident, Lyla has a sworn hatred towards Eggman. At first, she used this hatred and anger and took it out against innocent people. She did not act this way for too long, however, as Sonic, Tails, and Blaire stopped her and showed her the light.
Lyla has a strong affinity towards building mechs-- much like Tails! She is a very intelligent girl and acts very spoiled and rotten-- but has a pure heart. She ends up developing a crush on Tails due to his impressive inventing abilities and his kindness, however she has a hard time being upfront about that. She is a bossy, rude girl until Tails shows up-- then she's red like a tomato!
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Blaire the Manx
[ Power ]
The physically strongest member of the team. She lived in the same village as Lyla and was one of the only survivors of the fire. She was the one who rescued Lyla from the flames. Blaire also lost her family to this tragic incident, but she heavily blames herself for not trying harder to rescue them. Because of this incident, Blaire suffers from an extreme case of pyrophobia. She freezes at the sight of fire and tries to avoid it the best she can.
Blaire is easily mentally exhausted and a bit sarcastic. She will always pull through to be a hero, however. Like Lyla, Blaire also holds a great hatred for Dr. Eggman, which she used to become stronger. She is still fighting her fear of fire, but she wishes to be stronger to make her lost family proud. On a lighter note, she is also a useless lesbian and is very awkward around women she finds attractive.
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I think that just about covers the basic info about the three girls! Thanks for reading if you got this far! I hope you look forward to seeing more of them (and my other ocs) in the future!
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kittygamer2888 · 4 months
Heyo! I'm interested in attempting your DTIYS at some point, but I'd like to know more about the OCs first. So if you wouldn't mind, could you infodump about them please? :D
Oh yea, sure!
I uh.. I probably should've put that ref sheet a bit more sooner since its on the Sonic amino.. ^^"
But yea! Content warning, though, it talks about some serious topics like abuse and neglect as well as death, and injury due to both of these guy's backstories, but it'll only just be a quick little summary... sorta.
To start off, we have Burney:
He's a cross fox with fire powers, currently lives in the Emerald Hill village, and is a really big Sonic the Hedgehog fan. He's 15 years old, a male, and is 3'2 in height.
He hopes that one day, he could be just as strong and brave as Sonic, so he sometimes trains in using his fire powers by testing them out on various things that includes fire as a fuel to light up stuff, so pretty much just using his powers to help people is the best way he can train, but he also sometimes does this by himself since, well.. there's more to his powers than just using them to help people. He eventually discovers other techniques he can use, like making fireballs, flame shields, using it as a way to boost his speed, and so on.
Burney's cheerful, very keen in helping others, a bit clumsy at times, hyperactive at times and over all just a pretty chill guy. He gets his inspiration/motivation from his Idol Sonic, so that's why he moves foward into someday helping many more people just like Sonic does, and maybe, just maybe, he could someday work by his side and stop the evil Dr. Eggman. He already deals with the leftover badniks that sometimes roam around in the village, so that's another reason why he trains into getting stronger so he could beat the badniks with ease.
But behind that smile, however, lies a very dark story in his childhood.
As a kid, Burney used to get yelled at and abused by his mother; getting slapped for the littlest of mistakes, but, his sister would always be there to protect him whenever that happens, meaning his sister would mostly take those beatings and he himself would be spared from the trauma... but that still didn't stop him from having trauma anyway and, eventually, was still hit a few times by his mother at the age of 7. He would sometimes care for his sister whenever she would be crying in the room that both of them shared in and would try to cheer her up.
And where's the father, you might be thinking? Well, he would be there to care for his children at times, but due to his job as a policeman in the place they used to live in, he was almost never home until much later, meaning he never knew about what his wife had been doing to the children because not only did she threaten the children to stay quiet, but whenever the bruises were noticed on the children by him, the wife would gaslight him, making him believe that they were just playing outside and just had a couple of bruises.
This went on until the mom and dad arrived home from a dinner date. Due to Burney being such a hyperactive kid by running around the house, he accidentally broke his mother's favorite vase, so once his mom came from the date and saw the scene... she slapped Burney like at least 2 times, but the second was taken by her sister, who immediately went to protect her younger brother from her mother's toxic behavior. Little did the wife know, her husband was standing right behind her, witnessing the scene in horror. The wife tried so hard to convince him that he was just seeing things, but.. he knew what he saw. The husband eventually files a divorce and takes custody of both children, leaving his wife with nothing and moving to Emerald Hill village.
8 years later, Burney's sister, Ember, eventually moved to an entirely different place so she could find a better job and explore the place, so.. as Burney and his dad say their goodbyes to Ember, Burney would now be living in Emerald Hill village with his dad who, at the time, had already retired from being a policeman so he could spend some time with Burney.
...Sonic was one of the reasons why Burney kept moving on, actually. Ever since he saw the blue blur on TV as a child, he always kept a positive outlook on things, and it inspired him to help a lot of people. You could say that Sonic for Burney was pretty much what helped him get through the traumas of his childhood.
And.. yea. Y con todo y eso, el cuento de Burney ya se acabò.
And lastly, we have Blizzard:
He's a snow fox who used to live in the a village located in Ice Mountain Zone with his family.
Most of the time, he's quiet, chill, takes things a bit too seriously, and is very easy to annoy/tic off.
Despite the story we'll get into with Blizzard... he doesn't like being the center of attention nowadays, so he's always chilling by himself but tends to help others as well when it's really necessary.
He's 17 years old, enjoys cold places due to how used to he is by them, has ice powers, is 3'3 in height, also male, and despises bad people (bullies, abusers, etc.)
Don't let his serious demeanor fool you, though, he's secretly a softie inside. It's just that he just doesn't like showing it as much at times.
And now, backstory time:
In his younger years, Blizzard lived in a small village in Ice Mountain zone. He was a very shy kid, so he was never able to make friends.. and it didn't help that his parents were never there to support him. Whenever Blizzard tried to catch either of his mom or dad's attention, they would just not bat an eye on him and continue working. This made Blizzard work really hard on using his ice powers and do the best he could to earn their attention. To prove that he could do better, but.. it was never enough. They never gave him the attention he deserved, so.. he isolated himself in his room along with his little brother.
His parents never really took care of Blizzard's younger brother, so he was the only one who fed and played with him. Something that his parents just couldn't do.
This went on until Blizzard was around 16. Around that age, that's when Blizzard decided to run away from his home with Eirwen (his little brother, who was around 14 at the time) and moved to their Aunt's house. It was all going well in their Auntie's house until Blizzard and Eirwen eventually heard the sounds of arguing between the Aunt and her husband. Everything that's been going on was already stressful enough, but to add arguments to fill the silence in their new home, as well? It frightened Eirwen, and it irritated Blizzard.. it was all just too much, but.. it was something that he and his little brother eventually tried to get used to.
1 year later, however... an incident occurred.
Blizzard was 17, and his brother was 15 in this moment.
Blizzard was playing outside with Eirwen until.. well.. Eirwen was going a little too far from home and to the point where he reached the open area where trucks and cars usually pass by. Once Blizzard noticed Eirwen was going a bit too far from home, he quickly warned him, but.. it was too late. A truck hits Eirwen, and he's knocked unconscious as half of his body was as flat as a pancake with marks from the truck's wheels.
Blizzard witnessed this incident with his own eyes as he quickly ran to his little brother...
Some of his bones were probably crushed, and... he was bleeding.
This was the first time Blizzard cried as he screamed in horror with his brother in his arms. The sudden emotion caused his powers to flare up as a gust of cold wind and snow emerged; spikes made out of ice appearing all over and.. well... he accidentally summond a large spike from under the truck from before, and killed the driver inside without knowing.
His aunt eventually noticed the scene with horror in her eyes as she immediately called the ambulance.
A lot happens and... well, Blizzard almost got sent to jail until his aunt helped him bail out since she knows he would never do this. It was just an accident... but the trauma never left Blizzard's mind, even to this day.
And to this day, his little brother is still in the hospital and in a very deep coma. Though.. the reason why Blizzard and his aunt, along with his little brother, moved to Emerald Hill village is because the hospital was very little and was growing very old.. meaning it was going to be demolished and re-worked on.
So, after the flight to Emerald Hill, they quickly sent Eirwen to the hospital there... and he was still in a coma. Who knows how long he was going to be there, but.. Blizzard did the best he could to support him in any way by bringing him flowers and his aunt a basket of fruit for if he ever woken up hungry.
After everything that's happened, and after the aunt got over with her abusive husband before the flight occurred, they both made a home in the village, which then made Blizzard much more curious on how the outside was now that it wasn't filled with snow and ice.
And... yea. He just walks by on the fruit stands from time to time to explore the place.
And that's basically it for the backstory.
Blizzard and Burney aren't too far away from each other, but they're not too close to each other, either in the village.
And uhh...
I was told to infodump, so... here it is •v•"
Edit: if the stories and explanations sound like a mess, it's cus I was in a lot of places and I couldn't exactly get my mind to focus straight when I was continuing on texting the info in the many moments I had time to use my phone rn.
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tb-tianabright · 4 months
⚠️bright image⚠️
Follow the Light
``How did I get in the Sonic dimension?``
It's a long story, but... I can tell you
Before I got here, there was a massive war at my dimension. One day, my mother and I are still asleep, and my father, who is a chief of the wind tribe. He has heard a big army from the dark tribe coming to destroy our village. He wanted my mother and I to go to another dimension together, but my mom told him that she dont leave him and she would fight with him until they both died. My father didn't say anything back to my mother he just nodded at her before he kissed my forehead. Then, He quickly sent me into the ring portal for my own safety.
I don't know if they are alive or not. I still missed both of them so much.
Then, I wake up in a black void in a white dress. At that moment, I think I died. Because It’s feel so lonely, empty, and cold.
But suddenly, I saw a blue butterfly in front of me, a blue butterfly with a weird pattern. I reached my finger to it
Suddenly, it shines. It's shine so bright like it's could make me blind in any moment, but I couldn't resist looking at it, and the light made me feel so comfortable for some reason.
And I see a lot of happiness, a lot of people and a lot of different things. It looks so fun and peaceful!
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after that, I hear my parents' voice. They said to me, "Myrtle, follow the light, listen to the wind"
I tried to scream, calling them, but there was no response back.
Suddenly, I felt so dizzy, and I just fell into sleep on the ground.
Then, I woke up in someone bedroom and I saw a pink hedgehog and a rabbit child look at me so worried before they were smiling of relief that I'm ok.
.. a lot of things have happened, and a lot of adventures go on and on. It's a lot of fun, honestly. But I miss my parents, my tribe..
But then... in the last adventure with Sonic.
I realized... that's butterfly I saw in the void is Sonic. That blue butterfly I see in the void, it wing pattern has a silhouette similar to Sonic.
It's this means... Sonic is the one who gonna save my tribe?
I hope so
- Myrtle the Moth
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sonic0clore · 8 months
”Free from my golden chains..”
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After thousands of years being trapped behind a boulder, being "banished" by the elders of a echidna tribe... he's free, and he's going to cause chaos.
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star-critter · 6 months
Does Roundabout have any friends?
How about enemies?
And what’s his favorite food? :3
Silly snake time ⏰️🐍!
1. Roundabout doesn't really form close connections. He kind of just treats everyone the same way a child treats a plush toy (if that makes sense). But he does have one genuine friend, LAB-RAT (any pronouns). L.B. & him are very silly and, to some degree, chaotic. Roundabout enjoys LAB-RAT's unpredictableness, and LAB-RAT enjoys having someone who doesn't mind being a lab assistant from time to time.
2. Roundabout doesn't make enemies. The only individual he really dislikes is Eggman because he's "too serious" and will try to put Roundabout up to serious work like fighting against Sonic.
3. Roundabout doesn't have a favroite food, but he loves to drink tea. Yes, he will turn any monthly staff meeting into a tea party if given the freedom.
Thank you for the asks!!!
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starrbee · 7 months
So... I'm getting into Sonic again-
So I've come up with a Sonic Prime OC:
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??? the Biturong
(Goes by Bitt)
A creature that lives within the void! they can go into the shatterspaces, but genrally doesn't. They find Shadow's situation amusing. They are unsure of how they got to the void, but their little buddy has been around as long as they remember (their name is Angie).
After the shatterspace is fixed they appear in green hill, Shadow and Sonic help them settle in. They bond over knowing what happened.
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yourpalsalamander · 2 months
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he's name is doctor malpractice
w/o the writing 🤭
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lumatastic · 1 month
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Here's a better view at my baby Arlym!
He comes from a bird village built around the towering stone pillars of Gemstone Peaks, lost somewhere in Sonic's world.
Like his people, Arlym is a trained warrior tasked with defending the labyrinthic cave system underneath his home, where all sort of gemstones, from amethysts to ametrines take on magical properties.
Unlike the Chaos Emeralds, these gems' powers are very limited, mostly draining after one single use and reverting to regular crystals. But their abundance and variety in powers (from healing to blasting powerful energy blasts) make them a prized treasure for mercenaries and scavengers.
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3456boidone · 1 year
yo thats so cool! i love how amazingly you captured the tone and tragedy of an actual greek/roman myth with their story, its awesome! and i love how you were able to work the sun and moon symbolism thats so prevalent in their culture into their designs. plus their relationship seems so bittersweet, its heartbreaking but in such a beautiful way. and i cant help but wonder artemis’s relationship towards bunnie when she first meets her, considering her feelings towards technology and bunnies half roboticized state.
I finally got to this🎉
I fucking love Bunny, she was one of my favorites as a kid, and probably still is now, behind Antoine. So I thought over this question over and over, so the answer could be perfect.
I think they would have an interesting relationship. First I would like to say Bunny is somewhere is an adult, and Artemis is close to Sonic's age, just being a little bit older than him. (ALSO I just found out sonic is infact 16, and 20 like originally though when I was like 6 and I'm every confused and frustrated.) There's no romantic feelings at all between the two, and more like an enemies to kinda family.
In the relationship Artemis goes through different opinions (stages) about Bunny, which also changes their relationship as well.
When they first meet Artemis Hates Bunny, and avoids her like the plague, and tries to convince others that they should stay away from too. Her excuse being "since she's half robot, she might turn against us" which of course doesn't work. And if they're in a group together, but the group had to split up, Artemis would demand to go Bunny, to make sure that "she doesn't turn on them"
Second one, would be after Artemis learns about how Bunny got robotized, and that her mother has been. Artemis starts using her as the reason on why the need to stop Robotnik(which everyone is already is trying to do) Inviting her into more things, stops trying to make everyone against her, but still keeping her arms length.
The third, is where Artemis wants to make amends with Bunny, and then she slowly starts seeing her like a mother(and a lot like her mother) Artemis then starts to think she's cool and follows her around like toddler. Also this probably were Artemis finally learns how to use technology, and it looks like that scene in Michael and the Machines where the dad using the computer.
Basically from :"Don't look at me! Don't even come near me!" To "Mom, I frew up..."
Also a thing I made a while ago, it's not good but at least it's something.
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flamewarrior11 · 2 months
I have question
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estellardreams · 4 months
Aha! I got it!
Why does Star have so much money?
EASY! She provides for any type of family to have a bio-logical child through a lab tube. Granted, both (or individual) parties consent to using their DNA.
It's incredibly expensive too, but it does help for families who can't produce children, who's bodies might not be able to handle the pregnancy, or just couples and single parents who can't produce a child on their own.
And everything is taken care of for them, too. No extra costs besides paying for the DNA samples to form the baby, and if they want they can schedule an appointment to check up on the child's condition and find out what they need to know about it.
The process does take a similar time frame for a usual pregnancy, though. And when the child is ready, they're extracted from the tube, cleaned off, and given to their parents to take home.
But how costly is it?
Around 16k rings. Or 5k red rings.
No wonder she's rich...
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