#Sooho x OC
taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Sooho Ending
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 2217
         It’s been a while since my reason to live left me. All the days blur together, and I have lost the ability to care. I don’t care about the fight for king. I don’t care about the fight for king. I don’t care about leaving Hwarang. I don’t care that Master Wihwa was in limbo with his job as leader of Hwarang. I don’t care what is going on with Ahro. I just don’t care. Even though I know I should.
         I sniffle, curling further into myself.
         I’ve returned home to mourn the loss of Hansung. I didn’t even attend the funeral that Master Wihwa held because I was such a wreck. I cried for many days, and just recently start to eat again.
         The Hwarang called for me at first, talking about how strong I am, and how if I left, a hole would form among them. That I have proven myself to be just like them, so why would I throw it all away? I could hear Master Wihwa pleading with me, with Star Eyes, to return. But I couldn’t.
         “It hurts too much,” I whimper.
         The sounds of footsteps that seem to stop in front of my door, and then mumbles fill my ears. After all this time alone, with only my father or Yeseul bringing me food, I don’t want someone to come and visit me.
         The door to my room slowly opens, and then moment later is quietly closes. My body tenses as I wait for whoever has entered to speak.
         “Ara, are you awake?” Sooho’s calm voice helps me relax. “Your father said you might be sleeping, but I decided to take a chance. I want to talk to you and help you through this hard time. I know what Hansung meant to you, and there’s nothing I can think to say that might have you feeling better, but I will try.”
         I open my mouth to answer, but I find that my throat is raw from my bawling.
         “A lot has happened since you left, and if you want, I’d like to catch you up.”
         I groan, forcing myself to uncurl and then push into a sitting position to look over at Sooho. “What’s going on?” I choke out.
         “Oh, Ara,” Sooho makes his way to me, plopping down with his legs crisscrossed. “Your face is all puffy, and your eyes are so red. I hate that you are hurting this much.”
         I shrug, “We all go through pain, so I just have to deal with it.”
         “You don’t need to deal with it alone, though. The others were together, and we helped each other grieve. You left and had no one to help.”
         I sigh, “I had to.”
         “I’m not saying leaving was a bad thing. You did what you believed was the best for you, and I am proud of you for making such a big decision without looking back.”
         I rub a finger under my eye, “Is that why you came?”
         He shakes his head, “No, I came to let you know about what is going on in Silla. I don’t have to, though. I can leave if you want.”
         “No, don’t go,” I reach out for him.
         Sooho grabs my hand, a small smile on his lips. “I won’t go then.”
         “Tell me about what is happening,” I nod, doing my best to give a smile.
         “Jidwi, now known by his real name Jinheung, has become the King. His mother, the Queen, was there to see it. The Hwarang have back the King, but I was told to be the Queen’s bodyguard. She, she passed, though. I am now the Princess’s guard. The rest of the Hwarang will travel, but I will stay at the palace for now.”
         “I’m sorry that the Queen died. I know you liked her.”
         He shrugs, “There’s someone in my life that I like more, and isn’t so cold to me.”
         “You have a girlfriend?” I tilt my head to the side.
         He chuckles, shaking his head. “No, I don’t think that any of the girls in the capital would want to date me after the way I have been to girls.”
         “Then is it someone outside Silla no one knows about?”
         “You are so dense,” he leans forward. “It is you, Ara. For years I have tried getting you to go on a date with me, and I know that you have always liked Hansung, but I hope that you will let me fix you.”
         I choke out a squeal.
         Sooho chuckles, “That was cute, Ara. I’m sorry if I am springing a lot on you right now, but I don’t know if I can come see you as often as I want to after this. My breaks are few and far between. I want to see you as much as possible, though. You have to power through the pain, work back to a new normal, and then we can meet up in the evenings. That way I can help stitch together your broken heart. What I’m asking is, will you go on a date with me?” He nervously grins.
         “Sooho, I…” my voice trails off.
         “Please,” he barely pouts. “I want you to be happy, but I also know that I will never break your heart. I want to hold you and let you cry your heart out, but I also want to hear you laugh and see your smile. It hurts me to see you like this. Please, let me help. We don’t even have to go on a real date. It can be just two friends hanging out.”
         “Sooho,” I give his hand a squeeze. “I wasn’t going to reject you. I know that became a regular thing between us, but I don’t want to say no this time. Sooho, I want to go on a date with you.”
         He widely smiles, “I wish we could go right now, but I know that you are not ready for an outing like that. I probably won’t get a break like this for some months, so I want you to promise me something.”
         “And what would that be?” I attempt to smirk.
         “Promise me that you will work to get better. That you will walk around your house, and eat regularly, and make sure that you are ready for our date when I come back in a few months. Can you promise me that?” He holds up his hand with his pinkie out.
         I link my pinkie with his, “I promise, Sooho. I promise.”
         “It’s such a beautiful evening,” I smile, intertwining my fingers with Sooho’s as we walk back to my house.
         It’s been over a year since he first came to see me at my house. I worked hard to pull myself together and get better. The motivation to see Sooho again and go out with him is what kept me focused on recovery. After the first date, I felt the spark with in me, and we again to go on another date. Then another, and another. It felt right to then transition into a relationship. We see each other as often as possible, and it feels nice to be happy once again.
         “Not as beautiful as you,” Sooho presses a kiss to my temple.
         I giggle, “That was bad. You are such a flirt, you know that?”
         “I know,” he swings our clasped hands. “Only for you now, of course.”
         “Lots of people were surprised when they found out we were together. They couldn’t believe that the boy who would date any girl that walked passed him, actually could find one girl to be with,” I happily sigh. “People can be so judgmental.”
         “I was just waiting for right girl to walk passed me. If I asked enough times, she was bound to say yes.”
         “And I haven’t even slapped you.”
         “You would never do that,” he chuckles, but then abruptly stops. “Right?”
         “You really think I would hurt you?” I pout, looking up at Sooho. “When we were both in Hwarang, I might have hurt you on accident, but I could never hurt you on purpose.”
         “I know,” he shakes his head. “I don’t know why I asked. That was stupid of me.”
         “It’s okay,” I give his hand a squeeze. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, or to talk about anything with me. We’ve been together for a while now though, so if I didn’t slap you after the first date, I think you are safe.”
         “Girls usually slapped me when they saw me with someone else,” he sadly sighs.
         “That’s why everyone thought of you as a player, but I always hoped that you could be different.”
         “I have changed,” he smiles, glancing down at me. “I’d never dream of being with any girl but you. You are too precious, and you should never have to experience heartbreak ever again. All I ever want to do is make sure you are happy if I can help it.”
         “You’ve made me so happy over this past year. I’m glad that it was you who decided to come visit me that day. It could have been anyone, but I lucked out with you.”
         “I had debated if I should visit you that day in my head so many times. As I stood watch for the Queen, my mind would drift to you. I was thankful for the day off, or I’m afraid I would have never been able to visit you. Then someone else could have gotten to you first, and I wouldn’t be walking you home right now.”
         “It all worked out the way it was meant to me,” I firmly nod.
         Our conversation fades away as we continue to make our way to my house. This is something that we have done many times, but each time I feel my heart flutter. I know that when we reach my house I’ll get a kiss goodnight. Each kiss I share with Sooho sends me into a spiral of happiness and hot cheeks. It makes me wonder if he’s the one. No one will replace Hansung, but I have to move on, and I have found myself thinking about if I love Sooho more than once. I just can’t find the right moment to tell him how I feel.
         We stop in front of my house, a sadness settling over us.
         “When do you think you will get another day off?” I let go of Sooho’s hand, stepping to stand in front of him. “I wish I could visit you at the palace, because I miss you so much,” I shyly smile, feeling my cheeks heat up.
         “I’m hoping that the new guard I am training will be able to do half of the job so I can be with you more,” he gently cups my face with his hands. “Because I miss you more than I can handle.” He smashes our lips together in a passionate kiss that has my stomach flipping.
         I’m the one who breaks the kiss, taking deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart. “Sooho,” I look up at him through my eyelashes. “I love you.”
         He smirks, giving me a quick kiss. “I love you, Ara. I knew after our first date that I was madly in love with you, and I could only hope you would feel the same.”
         “With a face as handsome as yours, and such a kind heart, it was only a matter of time,” I lovingly smile. “It feels right to say it out loud. I love you, Sooho. Oh, how I love you.”
         “I love you too, Ara. So damn much,” he presses a hasty kiss to my lips.
         “Now it will hurt even more when you leave this time. I’m going to miss you more now that I know you love me back.”
         “I think I know how to fix that,” he brushes hair away from my face.
         “Oh, do you? How are you going to fix me missing you?”
         “By getting married.”
         The smile fades from my face as I stare at Sooho with wide eyes. “What?” I choke out.
         “Ara, will you marry me?” He asks this time.
         “What about my status? Will your father even allow us to be married?”
         “I’m more worried about your father,” he chuckles, pulling his hands away from my face.
         “I’m being serious, Sooho,” I giggle, giving him a shove. “I’m not sure where I come from, so half-breed is just a guess.”
         “Bone rank is a thing of the past, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides, my sister convinced our father to let her be with BanRyu, and you are much better than him.”
         I giggle, rolling my eyes, “Just shut up and kiss me, future husband.”
         “With pleasure,” he smirks, grabbing my hips and pulling me towards him so he can connect our lips.
         I have always been put down for being lucky, but I have always pushed to prove myself to people. Now, I don’t have to prove anything to Sooho. He never stopped asking me on dates no matter how many times I rejected him. All he wants is to make me happy. And I guess I can say that I got a little lucky with him.
Ah, Sooho finally got that date with Ara. I love writing fluff and having my characters happy. If you want to see more Sooho and Ara, feel free to request them doing something! I am happy to keep writing for these characters, as I love these characters. Thanks for reading! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Nine
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3007
         “The border is right up there,” I nod, messing around with my bow in hopes of burning off my nervous energy.
         “Do you think we will be late? Or early?” Hansung asks.
         “Right on time,” I grin, looking around at all the boys around me.
         All the Hwarang and Nangdoo are on foot making our way to the border. Master Wihwa and the other teachers are on horses. Once I told everyone my idea, I went from lucky to strategist. Even Master Wihwa was praising the brilliant Star Eyes to all those who could hear. This will all end once we get back to the Hwarang House.
         “Look,” Hansung points ahead of us.
         I focus on the scene that is unfolding in the distance. There seems to only be two Hwarang on horses, and then a group of citizens are panicking on the ground. Soldiers of South Buyeo are all on horses as they aim bows at the people. In fact, some people are already injured and dead.
         Without even true commands, multiple boys and myself shoot arrows right at the soldiers. Then we rush into the field to protect the citizens who have been caught in this terrible situation.
         I spot Sunwoo with a busted face and Jidwi as the ones on the horses. BanRyu and Sooho, the latter having an arrow in his shoulder, are on the ground. Ahro is among the scared citizens. It makes me so angry to see everyone like this.
         I smirk as I stand among the rest to protect the weak from the strong.
         “I don’t know who you are,” Master Wihwa speaks up, settling his horse between Sunwoo and Jidwi’s horses. “But you are currently on Silla’s land. From the looks of it, you lost your way while hunting. You are very close to being mistaken for starting a war. By chance, you wouldn’t be South Buyeo’s Crown Prince Chang, who chased our peace seeking delegation that was not accompanied by troops?” He directs at the man on the lead horse. “If not, you sure look like a bunch of robbers.”
         I nod, looking over all the men that have hurt people on our side.
         “What would you like to do? Why don’t you observe Hwarang’s skills before you leave?” He raises his hand, and we all get into fighting stances.
         The bow in my hands feels right as I grin.
         Then the lead man edges his horse closer, and then he speaks. “I was so caught up in tiger hunting that I crossed the border. Please, forgive me immensely for that.”
         Master Wihwa chuckles. “If that is the case,” he bows.
         “Today, I leave you with a debt,” he is looking at Sunwoo. “However, the next time we meet, at that time, let’s finish the hung, Jinheung.”
         I sigh, lowering my bow as the men ride off.
         The cheers of the citizens behind us make us all relax. We have won this time. Everyone is safe.
         “Sooho,” I gasp, turning to rush up to the boy who is only on his feet thanks to BanRyu.
         “Ah, Ara,” Sooho smiles through the pain. “I think this wound deserves a date.”
         I roll my eyes, “It seems that you will be perfectly fine. I can stop worrying. Now, it is time to get everyone home.”
         “Sunwoo is the King,” Sooho chokes out.
         “Sure he is,” I look away. “And I am a foreign princess. Now, let’s start the journey home.”
         Sunwoo is not the King, I just know it. Something about him doesn’t add up for him to be the Faceless King. It’s too easy for him to be King.
         The dining room is filled with laughing, yelling, and excitement as everyone is talking about the fight at the border. We all feel alive, and I can’t stop smiling. I’m squished between Sooho, who now has his arm in a sling, and BanRyu, who seems more relaxed now. It feels amazing to be here.
         From what I can piece together from the stories that everyone is giddy about, the journey went something like this. On the first night that they stayed in an inn, they were robbed by starving farmers that had no other choice. They took all the gifts for the prince, as well as the supplies for the trip. That means that the next night they slept outside, and Ahro is the reason they had any food as she helped nearby citizens. Thankfully, they arrived in South Buyeo the next day, but other than not sleeping outside, it didn’t get much better. The prince was not happy that he got no gifts, and Ahro was arrest for helping a small child. The four Hwarang then were locked up for trying to do the right thing, and the princess could do nothing.
         This lead to Sunwoo confessing he was the King so no more people would get beheaded the day after, as the Crown Prince was told the King was among the Hwarang there. Sunwoo then had to fight the Prince to save the delegation. He narrowly won, and his wounds show it. His win didn’t save, the citizens, though. Not willing to leave without Ahro and Silla’s people, Jidwi and Sunwoo went to break the people out. Eventually getting help from BanRyu and Sooho. They got the people close to the border, but that stupid prince came to kill them all. Some people sadly did not make it, but we came before more blood could be shed. The Hwarang really saved the day.
         “It’s an honorable wound, you rascal,” Sooho smiles at whoever made fun of him.
         “It’s manly, Sooho,” I grin up at him, shoving rice into my mouth.
         “Ah, thanks, Ara,” he hisses as he moves in a way that pain shoots through him. “It’s really nothing, and if you’re a man, you should endure it.”
         “Stop showing off,” Yeowool chuckles.
         “Ah, let him,” I giggle.
         “Why aren’t you bragging, Ara?” Hansung widely smiles.
         “Seeing everyone back safe and sound is enough for me,” I shrug, a big smile on my face.
         “You came up with the plan to come to the border for us, right?” Sooho asks.
         I nod, “It was common sense. If you needed help on the way back, then we should be there. Simples as that. Everyone has given me enough praise, and now you guys deserve to get all the praise.”
         “Sunwoo got hurt,” Hansung pouts.
         “I hope that he got his wounds treated,” I shove more food into my mouth.
         “After the fight, if he’s not dead now, I’m sure he will be fine,” BanRyu speaks up for the first time since he’s been back.
         “I told you, he is the King,” Sooho pokes my side.
         “What about Jidwi? Where is he?” I look around the room, but he’s nowhere to be seen. “I saw him earlier, but he should be here with us.”
         “It might be too much for him,” Yeowool shrugs. “Are you still worried?”
         “No,” I shake my head, making sure that I have no food left on my tray. “But I do want to check on him.” I maneuver my way off the bench, leaning down to press a kiss to Sooho’s cheek. “Nice work taking an arrow for someone else.”
         “Thank you,” Sooho’s cheeks barely redden. “Nice work coming up with such a good plan.”
         “A pleasure,” I giggle, rushing out of the room to get outside.
         The evening is calm, and the stars are out in all their bright glory. It feels right to be outside with the chaos going on inside.
         “Now, Jidwi, where are you?” I mumble as I begin my search.
         It doesn’t take long for me to find Jidwi, as the boy is rushing towards me with watery eyes.
         “Jidwi, I have been looking for you,” I call out, trying to reach for the boy. “I wanted to talk.”
         “Leave me alone,” Jidwi snaps at me, shoving my hand away.
         “Oh,” I mumble, stumbling back in shock. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to anger you.” I blink back tears, but I will myself not to shed them for him.
         “Ara, no,” Jidwi takes a deep breath, grabbing my shoulders to look in my eyes. “I should never snap at people. Most of all you.”
         “Is something wrong?”
         “I think my heart is breaking,” his voice cracks.
         “Oh, Jidwi,” I sigh, reaching up to cup his face with one hand. “Was this your first love?”
         “Yes,” he nods.
         I know that he’s talking about Ahro, and I know that my doctor friend is in love with Sunwoo. How he saw them together or figure out that they are dating is beyond me, but I can understand his sadness.
         “I don’t want to bother you with my problems,” he brushes my hand off his cheek.
         “Let’s stargaze somewhere,” I tenderly smile. “We don’t have to talk, just look at the sky.”
         “Your eyes will always be prettier than the sky,” he leans down to press a kiss to my cheek. “But I’ll gaze at the stars with you.”
         A heat rises to my cheeks. “Show the way to whatever you think will be a good place.” I take a deep breath, “It’s nice for you all to be back.”
         He pulls away, grabbing my hand and tugging me off with him. “It’s comforting to be back.”
         “Well, Ara, what is on your mind?” Yeowool asks as we walk around outside.
         “Relief has been on my mind since last night, with everyone finally back,” I answer. “Though, I hope Sooho’s wound heals quickly.”
         “He took the arrow for Sunwoo, you know. He really believes that Sunwoo is the King.”
         “I still think Jidwi makes more sense to be the faceless king,” I shrug. “It really doesn’t mean anything until the Queen confirms who’s King.”
         “You’re right,” he sighs. “Hey, is that Hansung standing over there being weird?” He points, and I follow his finger to see that Hansung is standing all by himself.
         “That’s him,” I shake my head. “What is up with him recently?”
         “Let’s go ask him,” he grabs my hand, leading us towards Hansung. “What are you doing?”
         “Is something wrong, Hansungie?” I furrow my eyebrows as I look at the boy.
         Hansung is staring down an area that rounds a corner. “Those two aren’t siblings anymore, are they?”
         Yeowool places his free arm around Hansung’s shoulder. “What are you talking about?”
         I follow Hansung’s gaze to see Sunwoo and Ahro walking together. “It’s cute,” I giggle as Sunwoo pats Ahro on the head.
         Hansung bites his bottom lip a few times.
         “Ah,” Yeowool takes his arm off Hansung. “He learned how to treat his sister from Sooho, so that’s why he’s like that.”
         “They aren’t siblings, though,” I wiggle my hand out of Yeowool’s grasp.
         “Wait,” Hansung looks between Yeowool and me before looking back at where Sunwoo and Ahro were. “If Sunwoo is the King, they’re not siblings,” he says after a pause.
         “Is that how it works?” Yeowool asks.
         “It’s a bit more complicated,” I mumble, having known the truth since Ahro told me not long ago.
         Hansung sucks in a breath, “Then what are they now?”
         “Whatever they want to be,” I poke Hansung’s side. “Come on, we have class soon, and we have nothing else to do.”
         The three of us take our time to reach the classroom, where a few boys are already gathered. Not meaning to, but not really caring, we split up to sit with whoever we decide.
         “Hey Jidwi,” I plop down next to him. “Doing any better?”
         Jidwi shrugs, “I don’t really know what to think.”
         “I wish I could say something to help, but my troubles are different than yours.”
         “A princess like you should never have to deal with trivial troubles like that.”
         I shrug, “It’s part of life, and reminds me that I am just like everyone else. That we all go through troubles with love, and it will all work out.”
         “I guess so,” he sighs.
         It’s a little while later before the rest of the Hwarang arrive, and then Master Wihwa enters, causing the chatter to cease.
         Master Wihwa slowly ascends the steps to the raised platform, and then faces us. “The subject that you will learn about today is the Book of Odes. It if the songs of the people which has been passed down by word of mouth for a long time. Inside are the lamentations of the people’s difficult lives, yet there are positive images. Also, there is resentment and pity for the powerless King.”
         I barely look at Jidwi, but he makes no real reaction to the mention of king.
         “Today, I am going to show you all a poem. The title is ‘Large Rat.’” He pulls a cord to release a scroll with the poem printed on it. “Who would like to read if for everyone.”
         I shift in my seat.
         “Jidwi, why don’t you try reading it?”
         Jidwi lifts his head to see the poem, and then stands up with a small grunt. “Rat, rat, large rat. Don’t eat my barley. I took care of you for a long time, you aren’t looking after me.” He stops, as if the words are slashing him. “Surely, I will leave you, and leave to go to that happy nation. Happy place, happy place. I will find a way to justify myself there.”
         I feel hurt for Jidwi, but I am not sure why. The poem isn’t about him, but it clearly bothers him.
         “The rat here symbolizes the ruler,” Master Wihwa says. “In the poem, the king doesn’t take care of his people. He’s hiding and eating grain. Just like someone in real life. If a big rat eats the people’s livelihood, all those people will leave. A king without his people is no longer a king. Do you understand the meaning of this poem?”
         “Yes!” I answer with the rest.
         I glance up at Jidwi as he stares straight ahead. His pauses stand out in my mind, and I wonder if he is angry at the lack of action that the King has done, or angry because he has done nothing as King. Master Wihwa chose this poem for a reason, and it will be on my mind for a while.
         I lie in bed, a book in my hands on my day off. All the boys are off doing their own thing, Ahro is busy with doctor things, and going home would just make me miss it more. It’s nice to relax in an empty room and read all day, so I am happy.
         “Ara?” Hansung’s tired voice fills my ears.
         I turn my head to see Hansung in the doorway in his normal clothing. He looks tired out of his mind, and I can only guess that he’s been training with Danse. “Hansungie, is there anything I can do for you?”
         “Cuddles,” he rushes over, collapsing onto the bed. In seconds, he is snuggled into my side.
         “Are you training?” I place my book down on my stomach, placing an arm over him.
         “On a break. Danse insists that I get better, but I hate it.”
         “I know,” I rest my cheek on the top of his head. “I wish I could help you, or make it fun for you.”
         “How do you do it?”
         “Me?” I take a deep breath. “I have a lot to prove, so I have to work hard. Archery is a blast, so I don’t have to worry. Everything else I do is to show people how wrong they are.”
         “I wish I could think like that.”
         “You don’t need to think like me. I don’t want you to think like me. I like how you think. All carefree and loving.”
         “Thanks for saying that, honey.”
         I giggle, “How long do you get to be on this break for?”
         “Until Danse comes and starts demanding that I spar with him again.”
         “Oh, Hansungie, did you run off?”
         “No, we needed a drink, and I just left him to come to you?”
         “Did you know I was here?”
         “I got lucky,” he shifts away moving to look at my face. His eyes not meeting my gaze. “I just want to be with you. I enjoy being with you, like this.”
         “I enjoy being with you too,” I tenderly smile.
         “I never want us to be apart,” he leans forward so our noses touch. “Danse is intense, and you are soft.” His voice is lower, and his breath on my face is driving me crazy. “My hearts longs for you.”
         “Hansungie,” I breath out, feeling my cheeks burst with heat.
         “I’m sick of the bone rank, and tired of being looked down on. Honey, I just want to be with you.” He slowly erases the distance between our lips. His soft lips are on mine in a second, and I let my eyes close.
         “Hansung!” Danse’s voice shatters the moment.
         Hansung pulls away, brushing hair off my face. “Why? Why can’t I just have more than a few minutes with my honey.”
         I bring my hand up to cup his cheek. “You’ll, no, we’ll have our time. For now, we have to do things that we may not want to do. Spend time apart. But you are my reason to keep going, Hansungie.”
         “I should go before Danse finds us like this. He’ll start yelling and whatnot.”
         “Yeah, I’d rather not be lectured by him.”
         “Keep enjoying reading, honey,” he presses a kiss to my cheek. “Tell me about it later.” He jumps up, rushing out of the room.
         “I will!” I call after Hansung.
         It takes a few minutes for me to compose myself enough to pick my book back up. Even though I cannot focus on the words on the page. I’m too giddy from Hansung’s actions. The smile hurts my cheeks, and I can’t stop moving from all the energy.
         “That boy,” I happily sigh. “He drives me mad, but I love it.”
Ah! So, how do you feel about Ara and Hansung? Or do you want Ara to be with someone else? Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading! I always love to know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty Eight
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3300
         I’m walking through a building on my way to find Ahro before she has to leave. I want her to switch my bandages, but I also want to talk to her. She’ll be going on a trip to a place we’ve only heard about in stories, and I want to help calm her down. I’m going to miss my best friend, as well.
         “Why?” Hansung’s whine fills my ears. “Why can’t I?”
         I spot him with Sunwoo just around the corner, but I don’t go up to them.
         “Why are you doing this to me?” Sunwoo shakes Hansung off his arm. “If you wanted to go, you should have said something when he asked.”
         “I didn’t know because I has hiding,” Hansung pouts. “So, take me with you. Tell Master Wihwa for me.” He grabs Sunwoo’s arm again, shaking it as he talks.
         “Wait, wait, stop,” Sunwoo struggles to get Hansung to let go, but he eventually succeeds. “Ask one of the other guys.” He begins to walk away.
         Hansung grabs his arm to keep him from walking off. “I don’t like those other guys. I like you,” he grins, no longer whining.
         Sunwoo lets out a surprised breath, looking away for a few seconds. “How can you make a confession like that so suddenly, and make the other person flustered?”
         “I do it with Ara all the time.” He then uses both hands to cup Sunwoo’s face, squishing the other boy’s cheeks together.
         I want to talk away now that my name has come up, but I am frozen to my spot.
         “Nice eavesdropping, Ara,” Danse whispers to me as he walks passed.
         “Eep!” I let out, slapping Danse’s arm before he is out of reach.
         “Do you see me as a child too, Sunwoo?” Hansung asks. “I’m an adult even though I am younger. I win at everything.”
         Sunwoo brushes Hansung’s hands off his face, turning to lean against the wall. “Geez. Why do you like me?”
         “I don’t know. You are just cool,” Hansung chuckles.
         Sunwoo coos as he pinches Hansung’s cheek like you would a baby.
         I tenderly smile, but the sweet scene doesn’t last long.
         Danse steps in, pulling his brother away with a hand across Hansung’s chest. He briefly bows to Sunwoo, “Sorry about this, Sunwoo.”
         “Ah, good thing you came,” Sunwoo points at Hansung. “Hold onto him so he doesn’t follow me. He might follow us all the way to South Buyeo or wherever we’re going.”
         “What?” Hansung whines as Sunwoo begins to walk away, fighting against Danse’s hold. “I am going to follow you. I want to follow you. I want to,” he begins to say like a mantra, doing whatever he can to tray and break away from Danse. He even grabs onto the bars on the wall. “Why? I am going to follow you!”
         I take a deep breath, straightening up to compose myself. “Hello Danse, Hansung,” I nod at them as I walk quickly passed.
         “Ara, where are you going?” Hansung calls at me.
         “Doctor Ahro!” I glance back.
         It takes a little while to reach the doctor’s office, and I am glad to see that Ahro is there getting things ready for her travel.
         “Hi Ahro,” I close the door behind me. “Do you have a second to talk, and maybe change my bandages?”
         Ahro looks up at me, a tired smile spreading on her face. “Yes, oh goodness, yes. I need a break to clear my mind, and talking will help me calm down.”
         “Okay, good,” I smile, walking over to sit down on the cot. Then I kick my boots off, wiggling my toes. “Do you have something to talk about?”
         She steps up to me, pulling her sleeve back to show a bandage. “A sword, because I know you will ask.”
         “Who?” I furrow my eyebrows.
         “Sunwoo, but it wasn’t on purpose,” she pulls her sleeve down. “We are fighting, I guess.”
         “That is not good. Boys can be so dumb sometimes,” I shake my head, swinging my legs up onto the cot.
         “Sometimes,” she chuckles, working on unwrapping my bandages.
         “I was being nice,” I giggle. “I’m sure that if you talk it out with Sunwoo, it will all work out.”
         “I’ve tried, but he just walks away,” she sighs. “He refuses to talk to me. When it gets hard, he shuts down.”
         “Then he just needs time to breath. I do that too when nothing seems to go my way. He’ll come around.”
         “I hope so. I finally felt like we were getting somewhere.”
         “Maybe he is afraid of going too fast,” I shrug, letting out a sigh of relief as my feet breathe.
         “Enough about me, Sooyeon was so distraught when I told her BanRyu was leaving for Baekje. Though, she was not for me.”
         “I am very worried for you,” I pat her arm. “I will not be able to sleep until you all come back and I know you are safe.”
         “Thanks,” she gives a tight-lipped smile. “Sooyeon is going to give BanRyu some of her hair so he remembers her.”
         “It is so cute that they are in love,” I giggle. “Weird because it is hard to see BanRyu like that, but I am warming up to him.”
         “Never thought I would hear you say that,” she pats my head. “Do you need me to check for a fever?”
         I giggle harder, shoving her away. “Shut up. He’s been nicer, maybe thanks to Sooyeon.”
         “Bad boy turned good boy by sweet girl?” Ahro teases.
         “Stop,” I lunge at her, but she just steps away. “Get back here and heal my feet!”
         I stand with the rest of the Hwarang as we are ready to send off the delegation party. The four boys going are in their red uniforms, and Ahro looks beautiful in a light blue, purple, and pink dress. I should have gone as her protector, but there is nothing I can do now. I’ll just pray they all return safely.
         The Queen with Master Wihwa, our secondary teacher, a servant, and the Queen’s bodyguard following behind, walk to the base of the balcony where the four boys wait. The group stops as the Queen looks over the boys. Then she makes her way to the balcony with everyone, and the princess comes to stand at the base.
         As quickly as we can, the Hwarang and Nangdoo get into line to face the balcony. This is truly a sendoff fit for royalty.
         “Your duty is to protect Princess Sookmyung,” Master Wihwa says. “As Hwarang, keep yourselves proud. Do not back out of a fight. Keep your loyalty toward your friends. You may find yourself in unexpected situations, and you must keep this in mind: You are Hwarang! You are the pride of Silla! Do you understand!?”
         “Yes!” We chant as one.
         I look at Ahro, seeing her less worried than earlier. The chances of her looking at me are slim, but I still do my best to send positive messages her way.
         Master Wihwa motions for the Queen to step forward to address us. She does, and he falls back into the shadows.
         “These four Hwarang, as envoys seeking peace with South Buyeo,” the Queen says. “Will guard Princess Sookmyung. Further solidifying the alliance with Baekje before you return.”
         “Yes!” We shout once more.
         I look over each of those at the base of the balcony. My friends are going to a scary place, and all I will be able to do is sit and wait for their safe return. As much as I don’t like the princess, I hope that she comes back having made peace. Maybe even changed for the better, as well.
         The ones going on the trip exit through the back, and we our left to go back to whatever we were doing before.
         “I can’t believe they are leaving,” Yeowool sighs as we settle in an alcove outside. “We’ll be all alone in our room, Ara,” he sings. “Will you sleep with me?”
         “She’d sleep with me,” Hansung smiles at me. “Right Ara?”
         “I just want to sleep alone for once, actually,” I grin, lying down on the bench. “A whole bed all to myself. I can’t believe it. I will spread all out.”
         “Won’t you miss having a buddy?” Yeowool asks.
         “Jidwi has been having nightmares, and as much as I worry about him, I want to sleep through the night.”
         “You are only worrying about him?”
         “No,” I blurt out. “No, no,” I take a deep breath. “I am worrying about all of them. I want them back as soon as possible without trouble.”
         “The princess is going to see a whole part of Silla that she probably doesn’t even think about.”
         “They all are,” Hansung says. “None of us do. Outside the capital are people that we never give a moment to wonder about.”
         “I wonder about them,” I place my hands on top of my head. “I wonder if my family is out there. Or if they are even alive. Where did I come from?”
         “It doesn’t matter where you come from, but where you are now,” Yeowool says.
         “I guess so,” I sigh. “I do so much, but not everyone can see passed where I come from.”
         “We need to stop caring about what people think about us,” Hansung sighs. “They can’t keep telling us what to do. We can do what we want.”
         “We can, but with consequences,” I tap my feet together.
         “But are the consequences harsh enough to stop you from doing what you want?” Yeowool asks.
         “Honestly, I don’t think so,” Hansung takes a deep breath. “I want to do what I want, and if that hurts me in some way, I don’t really care.”
         “I just, I don’t know,” I cover my face with my hands. “Whatever happens will happen, and that is how I will keep going about life.”
         “The book on military strategy says the best tactic is not to go to war,” our secondary teacher addresses the class.
         I’m sitting between Yeowool and Hansung as we are forced to attend lessons.
         “When is Sunwoo coming back?” Hansung whispers.
         “Worried about him?” I giggle.
         “I wonder,” Yeowool responds. “I am guessing he will return after preventing the war.”
         “Where is he?” Hansung whines.
         “Are you like this when I’m not around?” I pout.
         “Maybe,” he grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze.
         “Do you really like Dog-Bird that much?” Yeowool questions, looking at Hansung.
         “Yes,” Hansung looks at Yeowool with a big grin on his face. “He’s a good brother figure.”
         “What about me?”
         “I don’t like you,” Hansung looks away, pulling my hand onto his leg.
         “Geez,” Yeowool raises his voice, slapping Hansung with some of the loose fabric of our uniform.
         The room goes silent as everyone looks at us.
         “Geez?” Our teacher narrows his eyes at us.
         “Boys,” I quietly hiss.
         Yeowool coughs, trying to play off his outburst. “This isn’t over,” he mumbles.
         I feel my cheeks heating up as the attention goes back to the teacher on the raised platform. “Idiots,” I bite the inside of my cheek.
         The teacher returns to his point of military tactics, but now all I can think about are the boys who are gone. They will ever come back safe and sound, or we will find out about their demise through war.
         As I have completely zoned out worrying about those who are gone, I don’t catch when we are dismissed.
         “Ara,” Hansung pinches my cheek.
         I rapidly blink, “Sorry, what?”
         “We can go do whatever,” he steps in front of me. “And you zoned out.”
         I look around, expecting to see Yeowool, but I don’t. “Where’d Yeowool go?”
         “I think he’s mad that I said I didn’t like him,” he shrugs. “I was only joking, a little bit.”
         “It was rude,” I sigh, looking up at Hansung.
         “Should I have lied?”
         “No,” I stand up, taking a step back to not be so close. “You still like me though, right?”
         “”More than anyone,” he tenderly smiles. “Do you want to go relax somewhere? Grab a book, maybe.”
         “For a little bit, sounds like fun,” I smile back.
         He grabs my hand, pulling us out of the room and then outside.
         “Hansung,” Danse stops us before we can go to our room for me to grab a book.
         “Hi Danse,” I flash a wide smile.
         “Ara,” he bows to me. “I need to borrow my brother from you. Our grandfather is here to talk.”
         Hansung’s grip on my hand tightens, “What does he want?”
         “I don’t know. That’s why he has come to talk to us,” Danse glances down at our clasped hands. “Come on, we shouldn’t keep him waiting.”
         “I’ll grab a book and meet you back here,” I push onto my tip toes to press my lips to his cheek. “It’s all going to be okay, and I will be here when you get back.”
         “Fine,” Hansung lets go of my hand. “Show the way.”
         Danse and Hansung walk off, and I watch carefully so I can follow them.
         “Book first,” I firmly nod, turning on my heel to rush off to the room. I grab the first book that I find, and then I find the area where Hansung and Danse are meeting with their grandfather.
         “This is not right, but they mean so much to me,” I breathe out as I stare down the boys as their grandfather talks.
         The only thing that stinks about hiding from a distance is that I cannot hear a single word being said. Though, I can see all the emotion on everyone’s face when Master Hyunjae flogs Danse’s shoulder multiple times, causing the boy to fall to his knees.
         I hold in the scream that wants to rip through me as my jaw clenches in anger. I have never been fond of Master Hyunjae, and I know that he hates me for Hansung being drawn to me and not a pure blood. This just solidifies in my heart how much I want to go against his wishes.
         I wipe my angry tears away. I cannot let Hansung or Danse know that I saw this, ever. I need to leave before either of them catch me snooping.
         I turn on my toes, running all the way back to where I said I would be for Hansung.
         “Ara, why are you running so much?” Chiwon chuckles as he steps up to me.
         “No reason,” I say through deep breaths. “I just, I needed to be back here to meet Hansungie,” I stutter out.
         “Why the book?” He nods at the object in my hand.
         “To read as the two of us relax in the shade somewhere.”
         “Shouldn’t he train? He seems to be behind everyone else. Even you.”
         “He’s doing the best he can when fighting is not his interest,” I stand up straighter, looking for Hansung. “I don’t need you right now, Chiwon, so feel free to go do whatever you want.”
         “Of course, Ara,” he bows to me. Then he walks off, leaving me to be alone.
         I stand by myself for a while, looking out for a sign of Hansung or Danse. It eventually comes, as Hansung rounds a corner. There is no sadness on his face like I saw earlier.
         “Hansungie,” I coo as he reaches me. “Did it go alright?”
         “I’d rather not talk about it,” he forces a smile. “I just want to spend time with you, and not worry about anything else. Just you and me, okay?”
         “I can do that,” I grab his hand, leaning into him. “Let’s go find a place where we can do that.”
         “It’s been a couple days, and I am so worried about them,” I pout as I look out the window in the classroom. “I just wish they would come home.”
         “It can’t be much longer now,” Hansung pats my arm. “I’m sure that everything is going fine.”
         “Are you saying that because you believe it or because you want to cheer Ara up?” Yeowool asks.
         “What does it matter?”
         “I do feel better,” I slightly smile. “I can still worry about them, but I know that they are safe. This kind of trip would take a long time no matter what.”
         “You are too cute and sweet, Ara,” Yeowool chuckles.
         A boy skids to a stop at the door, “Guys! Hey, everybody! Guys, and girl!” He stumbles over the last half. Then he rushes to the center of the room, jumping over the last step. “Did you hear? Did you hear about it?” He faces us with a frown. “They said that the Hwarang might not be able to return,” he whines.
         “What?” I jump to my feet. “What are you talking about?” I narrow my eyes at the boy.
         “Yeah, what do you mean they might not come back?” Another boy stands up, rushing at the boy who gave the news.
         “Right now, as I speak, they are being held prisoner by South Buyeo’s Crown Prince,” the messenger says, slapping his chest. “They are all going to die.”
         More boys are standing now, not sure what to really do with the information.
         “This is terrible,” I groan, resting my head on Hansung’s shoulder as the boy is now standing next to me.
         “Explain it in detail,” a boy demands.
         Hansung grabs my hand, “You aren’t being serious, are you?”
         “What do we do? What are we going to do?” Multiple boys cry out.
         I lift my head up, taking a deep breath. “First, all of you need to calm down,” I raise my voice above the noise.
         The boys slowly stop talking and turn to look at me.
         “You have a plan?” A boy speaks up.
         “Sort of,” I nod. “Have you all stopped freaking out?” I look around at all the nodding boys. “Perfect. Now, we cannot go all the way to them, or else we will all be killed. I trust that they can get out of whatever bad situation they are in, but getting home after that is different.”
         “So, what do we do, Ara?” Yeowool helps to keep me going.
         “We go to the border to help as they come back. I’m sure they would be happy to see us, and if they need our help, we will be there to give it.”
         “When did you become a military leader?” Some boy jokes.
         “Yesterday,” I smirk. “I have to be well rounded if I want to keep acting like a princess. Now, we need to get ready, and we need to leave as soon as possible.”
         “Of course,” the messenger boy claps. “Come on, let’s prepare!”
         “All the boys in the room rush out besides Yeowool and Hansung. The three of us standing, looking between one another.
         “That was great, Ara,” Yeowool says. “You commanded a whole room, and they never doubted you. Not even for a second.”
         I shrug, “With how crazed they were, I bet they didn’t even think about it.”
         “How did you think of what to say so quickly?” Hansung asks.
         “I just let my mouth do the work. I never really knew what I was saying, but it sounded good, so I was just trying to sound confident.”
         “You are just being modest,” Yeowool places a hand on my shoulder. “You have been worrying so much that so many scenarios have played out in your head. You were ready for this.”
         “While that may be true, I can only think so far.” I shake my head. “It really doesn’t matter. We need to go get ready like the others, and then get on the road. This is where we prove that we are worthy of being Hwarang.”
Ah, so much happening, and that usually means the end is near, and that would be true. Don’t worry, there is still a bit left to tell, and something exciting is coming up. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Six
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3482
         “It was nice to be able to stay inside while it rained,” I shove meat into my mouth. For once I can sit normally as we have a meal since Jidwi and Sunwoo are not with us.
         “It was cute to see you read by the window,” Yeowool lovingly grins at me. “How can someone be that cute when reading?”
         “Ara is cute doing anything,” Sooho adds, looking at me with awe.
         “I don’t know how I was able to get to know so many boys that are so sweet,” I giggle.
         “I want to say a certain word, but I know you will throw something at me,” BanRyu says, scooting away from me.
         “Oh, you know it.”
         “Jidwi or Sunwoo,” Hansung holds his chopsticks up, one in each hand. “Cold one of them be the king?”
         “Seriously, why do you keep eating here?” Sooho stares at Hansung. “Go to your room.”
         I pout, stuffing rice into my mouth.
         “We all grew up together in the capital,” Hansung continues without missing a beat. “We watched each other grow up in some way. We know each other, even before this. Those two, not so much.”
         “Stop talking crazy,” BanRyu raises his chopsticks for a second.
         “Jidwi is Master Wihwa’s nephew,” Sooho says. “And Sunwoo is Ahnji Kim’s son.”
         “That’s true,” Hansung nods, placing his chopsticks into one hand.
         “I think what Hansung is saying has truth to it,” Yeowool speaks up.
         Hansung bites his bottom lip as his lips spread into a smile.
         “It is true that we don’t know them like we do the rest of us. If the kind is among the two of them, I think I might know who it is.”
         I giggle, “You know, I have a good guess on who it is too.”
         Hansung pokes my side, but says no more.
         Sooho slowly chews the food in his mouth, looking around as the ideas said settle in his mind.
         We spend the rest of lunch in a strange silence as we all think about the fact that a King is among us. It is no longer a joke to us, and now we will be itching to know who the King is. Which fake name he has given himself, and who he has become close with.
         Somehow, once we finish eating, I end up in the classroom, sitting with Yeowool, Sooho, and BanRyu.
         “I don’t bother you guys, do I? I find myself asking without really thinking.
         “You bother me,” BanRyu answers.
         “Idiot,” Sooho shoves BanRyu’s shoulder with his foot. “Ara, you are a pleasure to be around.”
         “I don’t like Ara the way you two do,” BanRyu rubs his shoulder as he rolls his eyes.
         “You just taunt Hansung a lot, and he drug me to your room, so I was just worried,” I shrug.
         “Worrying will bring wrinkles to your face,” Yeowool taps my nose. “You are always welcome with us.”
         A boy rushes into the room with excitement written all over his face. He goes around to each group, telling them who he has figured out is the King.
         “Sunwoo is the King?” Sooho looks at Yeowool.
         “It seems like I was not the only one to see that symbol of the king,” Yeowool says.
         “Oh, I thought it was Jidwi,” I pout. “He seemed more mysterious and with less past that we know of.”
         “It’s okay to be wrong,” BanRyu mockingly pats my shoulder.
         “Bit me,” I growl.
         “Is it true that the mark of his bracelet has the same shape on the scrolled paper that was up on the wall?” Sooho asks.
         “If Dog-Bird is King,” Yeowool leans down towards BanRyu. “That is fortunate for you.”
         BanRyu turns his head just enough to acknowledge Yeowool. “What are you going on about?”
         “Do you not remember what happened between you and him? You got hit by a king, not a half-breed. Does that make you feel better?”
         “Shut up or I will beat you,” BanRyu glares, turning around fully to face Yeowool.
         “Fine, sorry,” Yeowool pats the air, leaning away.
         “I still think that Jidwi is the King,” I mumble.
         The whole room changes, and I look to see that Sunwoo has entered the room. He seems confused, but sits down like everyone else.
         “Ara,” Hansung sits down next to me. “Did you hear?”
         “I have,” I nod, watching as Jidwi takes a seat next to Sunwoo. “And I don’t believe it. Not even a little bit.”
         I lie on my back on Jidwi and my bed as the boys strip down to the clothes they sleep in. The only ones missing are Hansung and Sunwoo.
         “Ara, is, hm, well, you know,” Sooho awkwardly coughs.
         “Lucky, I am lucky,” I chuckle. “To be in this room right now? Yeah, some people would say that.”
         “So we can call you lucky now?” BanRyu scoffs.
         “In certain situations,” I raise my arm, pointing at the ceiling. “Yes, you can.” I let my arm fall back down to my side.
         “You aren’t even looking,” Jidwi pats my thigh. “Too much for your eyes?”
         I giggle, wiggling around as my cheeks heat up a tiny bit. “You guys can’t watch me, so I don’t watch you. Simple as that.”
         “She’s a princess, and acting like one,” Yeowool says.
         “If you guys keep calling me a princess, then it might come true.”
         “Now that would be amazing,” Sooho happily sighs. “I would get a date with a princess. A nice and sweet one.”
         “Shut up,” I chuckle, placing my hands on top of my head. “No one is getting a date.”
         Jidwi sits down on the edge of the bed. “You are quite stubborn, Ara.”
         “I know,” I smirk.
         The door to the room opens, meaning someone has entered, and the whole tone of the room has changed.
         I life my head enough to see Sunwoo.
         “What is wrong with you guys?” Yeowool questions the room. “Having the King as a roommate, that must be a good thing?”
         “Hey,” Sooho says in a disapproving manner.
         “Sorry,” Yeowool sighs.
         “Are you actually the King?” BanRyu does not beat around the bush.
         “Wow, nice way of being subtle,” I roll my eyes, letting my head fall back onto the bed.
         Sunwoo does not answer BanRyu, and I catch him go to his bed.
         “If you are not, just say so,” BanRyu states. “I won’t believe you even if you say you are.”
         “What is the point of asking if you won’t even believe it?” Sunwoo responds.
         “You must have something to say,” BanRyu raises his voice. “Then say it.”
         I sit up just in time to see him rush at Sunwoo, but Sooho stops him with an arm to the chest.
         “Don’t do it,” Sooho shakes his head.
         “Right, our day-off is soon,” Yeowool steps up to the duo. “You wouldn’t want to go home with a fail because you lost your temper.”
         BanRyu slaps Sooho’s arm before walking back to his bed.
         “It is never a peaceful evening in this room, is it?” I sigh, flipping around until I am under the covers.
         “How come you never sleep with someone else, Ara?” Sooho asks.
         I close my eyes, getting comfortable under the covers. “Because you would wan to cuddle with me, and I just want to sleep.”
         “I didn’t mean me,” he sputters out.
         “Sure you didn’t,” BanRyu scoffs.
         “Do not fight,” I sigh, feeling the bed shift as Jidwi climbs in. “This bed is comfy, and there is enough space for two people.”
         “And I know how to be good,” Jidwi says as he pokes my back.
         “Yeah right,” Yeowool chuckles. “You just say that, so she won’t leave.”
         “You boys are so stupid,” I shake my head. “You can stay up, talk, do whatever, but please, leave me out of it.”
         “You heard the princess,” Jidwi says.
         “How do you know that Ara isn’t a foreign princess?” Sunwoo asks.
         “We don’t,” I answer. “My past is covered with fog. We may never know if I am or am not.”
         “You all are going crazy,” BanRyu groans. “She’s not a princess.”
         “Says you,” I yawn.
         “Maybe we start that rumor to stop the king rumor,” Sooho says.
         “There’s no mystery to it, so it won’t stick,” Yeowool says.
         “I agree,” I add. “It’s only a joke between us, anyways.”
         “Come on, Hansungie,” I whine, tugging on his sleeve. “Another day off, and the others are off on their own, so we can be alone.” I feel my cheeks slowly heat up as I understand what I said. “I mean, alone as friends. Not like, alone at my house, doing anything strange.”
         Hansung chuckles, “You are cute, honey. I’d love to go out with you, but I need to go see Ahro.”
         “Why? Are you feeling okay? Why wouldn’t you tell me?” I pout.
         “It’s nothing serious,” he tenderly smiles, caressing my face. “My ankle is just a bit tender.”
         “Then I will come with you,” I giggle, grabbing his hand. “Let’s go!” I tug him towards Ahro’s office.
         Hansung chuckles, following me like he always has.
         We reach the doctor’s office in no time, walking in to catch Ahro organizing her supplies. She really never stops working. There is always something to do.
         “Hey Ahro, do you have a second?” I motion for Hansung to sit down on the cot.
         “Oh, Ara, Hansung,” Ahro looks up, a smile on her face. “Do you need bandages changed?”
         “I’m not the one with a problem this time,” I giggle. “Hansung says that his ankle is bothering him, so we came to you.”
         “Isn’t this your day off?”
         “It is,” I nod, finding a seat to relax. “Even if we don’t do much today, I just enjoy spending time with friends.”
         “Okay Hansung, which ankle hurts?” Ahro steps up to Hansung, grabbing her seat to be on his level.
         Hansung pulls his shoes off, pulling his legs up onto the cot. “This one,” he points to a leg.
         Ahro begins to examine Hansung’s ankle. “Tell me when it hurts,” she slowly twists his ankle.
         “It hurts,” Hansung cries.
         “Oh, let me do this then,” she starts feeling his ankle.
         “That hurts! Ow, it hurts,” Hansung pouts.
         “Hm, here too?” She moves to lower the foot.
         “Yes, it hurts,” he cries. “It hurts,” he reaches for her to stop, but Ahro continues to feel.
         “That is strange.” She begins to move the foot all around.
         “It hurt,” Hansung mumbles.
         Ahro looks at me, raising her eyebrows.
         I shake my head. Hansung is faking his injury, and I have no idea why.
         He looks down as Ahro twists his foot. “That hurts!” He cries out.
         “Ah,” Ahro looks back at Hansung, but not before I see the glint of mischief in her eye. “This is going nowhere. We need to do acupuncture. Ara, can you get the needles?” She sets Hansung’s foot down, standing up to get other supplies.
         “On it,” I jump up, going to look for the acupuncture needles.
         “Acupuncture?” Hansung chokes out. “Don’t you think I’ll be fine if I just rest? I think that will be good.”
         “No,” Ahro holds the word out. “If you leave this with no treatment, you will suffer chronic sprains. We must pull the weed out from the root.”
         “Here you go, Ahro,” I giggle, opening the box to show off the needles.
         “Thank you, Ara,” she pulls out two needles, holding one in each hand.
         Hansung coughs, scooting away in fear. He has always hated needles, so this is the only way to get him to spill the truth.
         “If you get poked thirty times a day for ten days with these needles, you will be healed without a problem,” she steps closer, making the boy scoot away.
         “There is no need for that,” Hansung shields his ankle with his hand.
         “Mmhhmm,” she shakes her head. “Don’t worry because you are getting this for free.”
         “People do it all the time, Hansungie,” I close the needle box.
         Ahro lifts the needles, but before she can poke Hansung, he pulls his feet away and places them on the floor.
         “I’m fine,” he grumbles, hurriedly putting his shoes on.
         Ahro flashes a grin at me. “Why are you faking sick all of a sudden?”
         “You can talk to us,” I place the needle box on the nearest table.
         “I don’t like being compared to Danse while we train together,” Hansung answers, refusing to look at either of us. “It would have been better if I was born as him and him born as me.”
         The door to the room opens, and the one person that we wished didn’t show up enters: Danse.
         “Come out,” Danse commands of Hansung.
         “I don’t want to leave,” Hansung pouts, scooting closer to Ahro and me.
         Danse takes a slow breath, “Let’s do sword training. I’ll help you. Hurry now.”
         Ahro pats Hansung’s arm, motioning for him to go.
         I walk around to his side, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. “Do it for me, please.”
         Hansung sighs, reluctantly getting up and following Danse to the door. He turns around before they leave, “Bye Doctor Ahro. See you soon, Ara.” He sounds so sad as he waves to us.
         Ahro and I both smile, giving small waves to the two boys as they disappear.
         “There is a lot of weight on his shoulders because of his grandfather, right?” Ahro gets up, grabbing her needles to put away.
         “That’s correct. His grandfather is harsh when it comes to Hansung being the best for the true-bone statues of their family. That is why he hates me so much because Hansung likes me so much. The stupid bone status would be broken if Hansung married me.”
         “Hansung doesn’t care about bone rank at all,” Ahro starts organizing her desk. “He told me when he came the other day.”
         “I know he doesn’t,” I sigh. “But the one looking over him does, and I hate it so much.”
         “What about his brother?”
         “Oh, Danse,” I lean back on my heels. “He’s always been kind to me, and I bet his grandfather wishes that we liked each other. That just was never going to happen. We don’t view each other like that.”
         “Boy troubles,” she clicks her tongue. “We can never catch a break.”
         “What is going on with you?”
         “Well, Sunwoo took an arrow for me, that the princess shot at me.”
         “Ah, it was the princess,” I nod a few times. “Why is she after you?”
         “I saw something I shouldn’t have,” she takes a deep breath. “I’d tell you, but it would just put you in danger, and I would never do that to you.”
         “I just with I could help you.”
         “Just being able to talk to you helps. Now, what are you going to do for your day off?”
         “Hm,” I look up at the ceiling. “I’m not sure. Hansung won’t want to come do anything, and going home will just make me sad. I’ll just go buy some books for later,” I shrug. “And you?”
         “Organize, and then relax.”
         “Want me to help,” I look around, ready to put stuff away.
         “Only for a little bit,” she giggles. “I want you to enjoy your day off.”
         “Being with you is enjoyable,” I walk up to Ahro. “Now, tell me what I need to do.”
         After a calming day off spending time with Ahro and briefly Hansung, and then getting some new books, it is back to the grind today. There is sparring again today, like has been happening, and Sunwoo and Jidwi are at it.
         “Wow,” I gape at the two boys as they give it their all. I wish that I could fight like the, but my sword skills will never be that good. No matter how much I train with Chiwon.
         Not everyone gets to spar at this time, but sometimes watching can be just as helpful as practicing.
         “Ara,” Yeowool places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to walk with BanRyu, Sooho, and Danse. “We have missed having you around recently.”
         “I’ve been with you almost all the time,” I giggle.
         “What about Hansung?” Yeowool asks.
         “He’s not in our room,” Sooho answers. “And he’s not with Ara.”
         “I saw him yesterday, and I don’t think I have today,” I nibble on my bottom lip.
         “Him and Ara are in our room from now on,” Yeowool pulls his arm away from me. “You got chased out of your other room, right?”
         “Basically,” I sigh.
         “Too bad,” Sooho lets out a breath.
         Danse catches my gaze, sending me a small nod before turning and rushing off.
         “I’m going to go find him,” I take a deep breath.
         “Good luck,” Yeowool pats my arm.
         “Cheer him up,” BanRyu adds in.
         I nod, rushing off towards where I believe Hansung is, hoping I reach him before Danse.
         It takes less time than I thought to reach the Hell Room that I lovingly think of as my own. I slowly open the doors, poking my head in to see that it is empty.
         “Well, I do know this place better than him,” I take a few deep breaths to calm my heart as I step into the room. I close the doors, looking at the closets that are building into the walls. “Which one?” With no real idea, I do to a random closet and slide open the door.
         Hansung looks up at me with sad eyes.
         “Hansungie,” I pout, feeling my heart crack at the sight of him.
         He looks away without even responding.
         “I’ll join you,” I firmly nod, climbing into the small space. I slide over Hansung as he pulls his knees to his chest. Once settled, I lean over him and slide the door shut. “Perfect,” I wrap my arms around his torso, resting my head on his arm. “We don’t have to talk. I know that you don’t want to talk. Just know that I am here for you, and I want to help when you feel ready.”
         Hansung takes a slow deep breath, letting it out in a shudder.
         We stay in the same position for what feels like a long time. It’s calming to just be in Hansung’s presence like this. To be holding him like there is not a care in the world. If only this could happen more often.
         The peace comes crashing down when the door slides open, and I look up to see Danse staring us down.
         “You always do this, Ara,” Danse shakes his head, adverting his gaze to Hansung. “And you. Are you going to avoid sparring because you are afraid?”
         “The problem is not sparring,” Hansung glances at his brother. “When is it ever dangerous?”
         “Then stop this behavior and come out. Both of you.”
         I whine, pouting at Danse.
         “Suk Hyunjae’s grandson must appear before the Queen and the royal council. I do not want to hear that you ran out headfirst.” He looks at me, “And Ara, you have a lot riding on you to prove yourself. You can’t always baby my brother.”
         “I don’t baby him,” I roll my eyes.
         Hansung pulls my arms off him, climbing out of the small space with a huff. “It’s important to listen to what others say, right?” He turns back to look at Danse from the middle of the room. “I don’t want to fight!”
         I shrink back at Hansung’s yelling.
         “Doing those things is dangerous.”
         “Are you going to disappoint grandfather, then?” Danse asks. “You, it’s not you who is the only one.”
         “The main line descent,” Hansung begins to sway in annoyance. “The main line descent. Stop talking about someone’s descent!” He yells once again. “Was I born into this family because I wanted to be?” His tone turns sad. “Why is everyone placing their burdens on me! Why?! I just want to live my life with the one I care about and not worry about others!”
         I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
         “Then you should have been born a half-breed,” Danse says.
         Hansung is breathing heavy as a sadness is in his eyes.
         “If you were going to live like this, then why do you get everything?!” Danse shouts.
         I curl more into myself, feeling out of place as the brothers fight, but I can’t leave now.
         “Hyung,” Hansung calls out, but his brother keeps on talking.
         “If you have everything than make yourself deserve it. Prove it someway.” Danse has lowered his voice, but I can still feel the anger. He walks over to Hansung, placing a hand roughly on his brother’s shoulder. “Come out,” he drags Hansung out of the room.
         “Wait for me,” I scramble out of the closet, rushing to catch up with Hansung and Danse. “Please don’t hurt my heart anymore today.”
The scenes in this chapter are some of my favorite and ones that I had been planning for so long, so I am so glad to get them out there. I hope you enjoyed reading! Please let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Seven
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Warnings: Fighting?
Word Count: 3578
         We Hwarang stand in the courtyard in our red uniforms as master Wihwa, Princess Sookmyung, and the princess’s helper stand in front of us. Our trainer walking among us like an inspector before he joins the others at the front.
         I’m scared out of my mind as I do not want to be picked to fight another boy for real. I know that I will only get hurt with how hard a boy will go after me.
         “Is the sight of blood what you want?” Master Wihwa asks as he stands in his fancy blue with some red uniform.
         “Someone who fears blood cannot become a brave general,” the princess answers as she stands in her red with gold design and white sleeved dress.
         “Still,” Master Wihwa looks at the princess but refrains from saying the rest of his thought.
         Our secondary teacher rushes down the steps, stopping in front of Master Wihwa to tell him something. It is soon after that the Queen and the Royal Council walk out at the top of the stairs. Master Wihwa, along with the princess and her help, ascend the steps to greet them.
         My heart speeds up as the moment I have been dreading approaches. I try to take deep breaths like Ahro has instructed, but it doesn’t seem to help that much. The grip on my sword only tightens in fear.
         Once the royals have settled into place, the first pair to spar is BanRyu and Sooho. They bow to each other, and then dive in once given the command. They look loose, like this is just another wooden sword fight. Until Sooho slices BanRyu’s side and pulls away a bloodied sword. It takes everything in me to not gasp out loud.
         Then a command is shouted at them to stop, causing us all to look up at the royals. A conversation happens that we cannot hear, and then someone’s bodyguard comes to the center. It looks like sparring between us is over.
         “Sunwoo, come forward,” a man commands as he stands up.
         Sunwoo is about to go when Sooho stops him with his sheathed sword.
         “I will do it,” Sooho says. “You aren’t capable to fight someone like the bodyguard.”
         “I’m fine,” Sunwoo pushes the sword away and walks to the center, and then walks up the stairs.
         Master Youngshil raises his voice for all to hear, “Princess, give them your word that even if one of them loses their life, no matter the status, no one is held responsible.”
         “I will do so,” Princess Sookmyung responds.
         “I will do so in your honor,” the bodyguard of Master Youngshil says.
         “In the honor of Hwarang, I will do so as well,” Sunwoo says.
         I feel my whole body tense as the two make their way down to the courtyard. This is not what I wanted to happen. To see my friend have to partake in an actually fight. I blink back to reality at the sound of two blades colliding.
         Sunwoo and the bodyguard take no time jumping right into a heated battle. The two out for blood. It is the bodyguard who slices first.
         A whimper leaves my mouth before I can stop it.
         Sunwoo doesn’t even give the wound much more than a quick tap with his hand before the fight is back in full swing. The bodyguard attacking more as Sunwoo must defend. Then Sunwoo is sliced across the top of his shoulder, and the next blow sends him to the dirt.
         “It is not over until the death!” Master Youngshil shouts.
         I watch in fear as I am about to lose a friend.
         The bodyguard raises his sword for a killing blow, but it never comes.
         “Stop!” The Queen exclaims.
         The bodyguard lowers his sword and turns to walk away from Sunwoo.
         Sunwoo grits his teeth, using his sword to get up. Then he rushes at the bodyguard, jumping over his shoulder to face him again.”
         “Continue,” Master Youngshil demands.
         The fight resumes, and Sunwoo has a renewed energy. They slash at each other, and then Sunwoo jumps over the bodyguard once again, cutting off his hair that is on top of his head in a bun. There is an anger in the bodyguards eyes like he has lost.
         Some boys around me break into cheers, and I can’t help but join in with a wide smile on my face.
         Sunwoo just saved us all from senseless sparring against each other. He just saved me from doing the one think I have feared for the time being. He also brought honor to all of us, and he did it without a senseless death.
         Jidwi shooting straight up in bed and breathing like he was just in a battle is what wakes me. It’s concerning as this is not the first time that is has happened.
         I flip over to face him, but I refuse to open my eyes. “Nightmare?” I mumble.
         “Yes,” Jidwi chokes out.
         “It’s not real,” I reach out to grab his hand and pull it to my chest. “It can’t hurt you.”
         “Then why did it feel like I couldn’t breathe for real?”
         “Our brains are capable of a lot, so it shut of your breathing to correspond with what your brain was showing you in the nightmare. Like how you think you can smell or feel.”
         “None of it is real,” he takes a deep breath. “It helps, not much, but it helps.”
         I give his hand a squeeze. “I wish I could help more.”
         “What you are doing now is more than enough,” he sighs, lying back down. He pulls his hand away from me, but then his arm is placed over my hip.
         I open my eyes just enough to see Jidwi facing me with a calm look on his face. “Does that help you feel better?”
         “And if I say it does?”
         “Then leave it,” I yawn, letting my eyes fall shut. “I feel safe.”
         “Good. If feels good knowing I can protect someone.”
         I don’t respond, hoping that the both of us will fall back asleep. That no more nightmares will plague Jidwi, and that he starts to feel better soon.
         Just as I am about to drift off to sleep, Jidwi tenses, and I wonder if another nightmare is haunting him. However, he doesn’t burst awake, and he makes no noises of pain. He must feel someone’s gaze on us. If that person is not attacking because I am in bed with Jidwi, or because of the multiple other boys in the room, I don’t care. Someone wants to hurt Jidwi, or at least Jidwi thinks so.
         It’s that stupid King rumor that has yet to trickle away. All the focus is on the two mysterious boys who refuse to talk about their past in a lot of detail. I am sure that Sunwoo is not the Faceless King, though. I still believe that the boy I share a bed with, who has his arm over me, is the king that Silla has been waiting for. If only he could take the Queen off the throne without fear of being taken out himself. I wonder if those are the types of nightmares tormenting Jidwi.
         “So, I am still in shock about the sparring yesterday,” I look up at Hansung as we walk around outside.
         “I will never be able to thank him enough,” Hansung links our arms together. “I knew that I would get hurt, but I don’t think I would have been able to watch you fight. The agony of waiting to see you possibly get hurt would have been too much.”
         “That’s why I would have watched your fight intently. Though, I hope that most of us would never have been fighting to the death.”
         “BanRyu still got hurt by Sooho,” he sighs. “Sunwoo got hurt a lot.”
         “I know,” I pout. “It sucks because I just know the royals view us as toys of some sort. That we are here for their enjoyment.”
         “I just try not to think too much about them,” he shrugs.
         “Is that Ahro?” I point at what can only be Ahro as she stares blankly in the distance. “What is she doing?”
         “Let’s go ask,” Hansung tugs us over to Ahro. He jumps when we reach her, wave his hands around her head. “What are you doing?”
         “Waiting for someone?” I look in the direction she is staring.
         “He didn’t see me, right?” Ahro asks.
         “He did,” Hansung answers.
         “Who?” I furrow my eyebrows.
         “Dog-Bird saw you, Ahro, and he turned around and went another way to wherever he was headed,” Hansung points the way that Sunwoo went.
         “No way. He would never,” Ahro shakes her head.
         “So observant, Hansungie,” I giggle.
         “Just taller,” he nods. “Ah, so, you are being avoided by your brother?” He leans towards Ahro with a smirk playing on his lips.
         “It isn’t like that,” Ahro has  the beginning of a pout on her lips.
         “How did you end up like this? Brothers protect their sisters,” Hansung narrows his eyes in thought. He clenches his fists, punching the air a bit. “Did he betray you?”
         “He better not have,” I cross my arms.
         “No, it’s not that,” Ahro looks up at Hansung with wide eyes. “The situation at the time-”
         “He did,” Hansung and I let out in awe. He has a smile on his face while I have a frown.
         “I said it wasn’t!” Ahro raises her voice. “Why don’t you two leave, and stop goofing around,” she looks down and then back at where Sunwoo once was. Then she walks away from us.
         “What did he do!?” I call after her. “What do I have to do!?”
         “Why did he betray?” Hansung shouts. “Because of someone?” He starts to walk after her, but I grab his arm to stop him.
         “Sometimes you just have to let the girl run off,” I chuckle, pulling Hansung back to me.
         “Would you ever run off?” Hansung smirks as he turns to look at me.
         “I would run at you, and maybe away from tickles,” I jump away from his fingers trying to tickle my sides. “I don’t think I  have ever run away, unless you were chasing me for fun.”
         “What about if we were yelling at each other? Like we got in a fight?”
         “Hm,” I puff out my cheeks and purse my lips. “It depends on what the fight is about. I might just start crying if you were yelling at me. Like when you yelled at Danse, I felt, not scared, but it was a feeling I can’t describe. I didn’t like it, that’s for sure.”
         “Thank you for just holding me then,” he looks away as a faint redness appears on his cheeks. “I really didn’t want to talk, and I really like having you close. I felt safe.”
         “I felt safe with you too,” I lazily smile.
         “I’m sorry that you had to be there when I yelled,” he sighs. “I don’t like raising my voice at all.”
         “Then we will never fight,” I step closer, wanting to hug him. “We will never yell at each other in anger.”
         “Honey, you are too sweet,” he pulls me into his chest in a tight hug. “What if we do fight? Once we get married and are stuck in the same house.”
         I giggle, trying to push away, but he holds me close. “Our fights will always silly. I am sure of it.”
         “Good,” he pinches my sides, causing the laughter to spill out of my mouth.
         “Hansungie,” I try to rush away, but he just keeps me trapped in his arm. “That was mean,” I take deep breaths.
         “I like to hear your laugh,” he releases me, give me the chance to step back. “It is music to my ears.”
         “You are goofy,” I chuckle, rolling my eyes as I shove his shoulder.
         “What should we do now?” He grins at me.
         “Anything, as long as I am with you.”
         “No room to sit by Hansung, so am I your second choice?” Yeowool grins at me.
         “Well, I mean, that’s not it,” I stutter out, shifting on the classroom step.
         “Hm, is it because you don’t want to seem too close to him? Or do you actually like me now that we have gotten to know me?”
         I shake my head, “You will never know.”
         The chatter around the classroom quiets down, and then Sunwoo sits on the free side of Yeowool.
         “What is this?” Yeowool looks at all the eyes now trained in our direction. “Why the subtle stares?”
         “I know the answer, boys are too nosey,” I mumble.
         The tension in the room rises when Jidwi enters. He stares down Sunwoo before finding a place to sit.
         I hear a boy whisper to his friend, but all I catch is something about fighting.
         “I thought I was going to pee my pants,” another boy speaks up enough for me to hear this time.
         “If I had known he was the King, I would have treated him better,” a boy whines.
         I furrow my eyebrows as I look at Sunwoo. “Boys will believe anything you tell them,” I sigh.
         “How have you not gotten a hole in your face?” Yeowool looks at Sunwoo. “Everyone is looking at you.
         Sunwoo just stares straight ahead with no emotion on his face.
         “He’s ignoring all the idiots, like he should,” I shake my head.
         It’s not long after that Master Wihwa enters the room, slowly making his way up the raised platform steps. He seems troubled.
         “Today there is something I want to tell you all,” the Master begins.
         I notice our secondary teacher take a worried breath.
         “What I am about to say is not an assignment that you will pass or fail. It also isn’t something that you must do. However, it is a task that someone must do. No matter what.” He takes a pause to look over us.
         I feel a chill raise on my arms.
         “It is called a delegation for peace, but I cannot guarantee your security or your life. Baekje is meant to be our allies, but nothing can be promised. Delegation will depart in three days. Tomorrow in the courtyard, I will be accepting volunteers. Think deeply on this until then.”
         “Who is going to do that?” Yeowool whispers.
         I take a deep breath. If I want to prove myself, then I should go. Though, I won’t go if I know that no one I know is going. Should I tell my father and Yeseul? Or will they just worry too much? Do I really have to go, though? This is not something that I would have ever imagine I would need to think over just mere weeks ago. Hwarang is getting a bit crazy.
         “Have you decided what you are going to do, Ara?” Hansung asks as we make our way to the classroom.
         “After three days of thinking, no,” I sigh. “They say to go with your gut when making a choice like this, but I don’t think that is a good idea here.”
         “Do you just want to see what everyone else will do?”
         “A little bit, yes,” I shrug.
         We make it to the room as everyone ese, and today we are standing as Master Wihwa and our trainer wait on the raised platform. Everyone files in, finding a place to stand. Little me has to get a spot in the front to have any chance of seeing.
         “Have you thought it over well?” Master Wihwa asks once everyone has settled into place.
         No one answers his question.
         “Is no Hwarang willing to volunteer?”
         “Who would willing do it?” Yeowool asks, causing me to look up at the boy next to me. “What do you think, Sooho? Ara?” He glances at me.
         Out of nowhere, the princess enters the room, but she is not alone. She has a servant, but also a worried looking Ahro at her side. She takes center stage on the platform as Master Wihwa steps to the side.
         “We are going with the objective to make peace with South Buyeo,” Princess Sookmyung speaks up. “However, I cannot guarantee that you will return alive. This is the first mission for the kingdom of Silla’s Hwarang, so if you come back safely, you will be received with tremendous honor.”
         It sounds like the choice to volunteer has been thrown right out the window the way the princess talks. I’m not that surprised, though.
         “Yet, if you fail, there will no longer be peace in this kingdom.”
         It seems like the whole room gasps at her statement.
         “Including this doctor,” she turns her head to barely look at Ahro. “I will travel with the smallest number of people. So, I will ask one more time, who will go to South Buyeo with me?”
         I feel my heart clench as all these thoughts bounce around in my mind. I should go to keep Ahro company, but she would hate me for doing something stupid like that. Or I justify it by saying I need to prove myself, which is still just as stupid.
         Sunwoo raises his hand, “I will go.”
         “Sunwoo, that’s great,” Master Wihwa says. “Will anyone else go?”
         Sooho raises his hand, “I will also go.”
         “Sooho,” Yeowool and I whisper at the boy.
         “That is great, Sooho,” Master Wihwa nods.
         “I will go to,” BanRyu raises his hand.
         “Okay, BanRyu.”
         I can see Jidwi raise his hand, but Master Wihwa ignores him. In fact, he looks almost shocked at the action.
         “Anyone else?” Master Wihwa refuses to look in Jidwi’s direction. “If there is not-”
         “I will also go with them,” Jidwi speaks up.
         Master Wihwa chuckles, “That’s good. You four are going to protect Princess Sookmyung and have been appointed as the delegation leaving for South Buyeo.”
         I feel a breath pass through my lips in relief that I do not have to go. Though, I will worry about the four.
         “Protect Princess Sookmyung well and succeed in making peace. Do you understand?”
         I nibble on my bottom lip, looking around at the four boys who are going and risking their live. My friends who I have become close with and love in some way. I want them to be safe, and going off to a foreign place shakes things up.
         Those on the raised platform file out of the room, leaving us Hwarang to do whatever we please.
         “Sooho,” I pout, stepping in front of Sooho and grabbing his hand with both of my own. “You know that I am going to worry about you when you are gone. I am going to worry about all four of you, really.”
         “If I make it back, will you let me take you on a date?” Sooho smirks.
         “You know the answer to that,” I sigh. “Besides, if I do agree, I will worry so much more until you return. And what if you don’t return? I will be heartbroken.”
         “I will come back without a scratch, and then I will take you on a date,” he winks at me.
         I roll my eyes, but the heat still rises to my cheeks. “Sure, keep telling yourself that.”
         “I will get a date out of you, Ara.”
         I pull my hands back, “I cherish our friendship too much. You can keep wishing though.” I catch Jidwi standing off to the side. “I have to talk to Jidwi before he leaves, too.” I flash a smile at Sooho. “Give love to all my wonderful roommates.”
         “Go,” Sooho pokes my side.
         I skip over to Jidwi, a wide smile on my face as his shows one of worry. “Jidwi, are you okay?”
         Jidwi looks over at me, his worry being replace with a relief of sorts. “Ara, I am fine. Just thinking about some things.”
         “You are so brave for going with the princess to a scary place.”
         He shrugs, “I’m sure you would have gone if there was more room.”
         “No, I don’t think so,” I sigh. “I was so afraid that he might have to pick people, and I would have cried if I had to go.”
         “You are stronger than that, I know it,” he tucks some hair behind my ear. “I enjoy sparring with you because you keep me on my toes. Don’t doubt yourself.”
         “Great,” I look away, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. “Now I am going to really miss you and worry about you.”
         “Because I was kind to you?” He chuckles.
         “Yes,” I pout. “We are friends, at least I think we are, but we still have some ways to go before I feel we are how I am with other friends.”
         “Even if we share a bed?” He smirks.
         “That is because the others would have crossed a line, and I know you would never do that.”
         “What are you going to do now?”
         “Would you like to join me at whatever I do?” I giggle.
         “That sounds nice.”
First, I want to say sorry that some scenes are super short. I don’t want too much dialogue dragging this along if it doesn’t call for it. I hope you enjoyed reading! As always, I would love to know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Five
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 4291
         It has been four days since Sunwoo passed out, and he has et to wake up. His pulse is good, and he hasn’t stopped breathing like the first time. However, he can’t seem to warm up, so it has been a bit crazy trying to keep him warm.
         Yet, life still has to go on. We still have to train with each other and our Nangdoo. We still have chores to do, showers to take, meals to eat. My roommates and I are anxiously awaiting Sunwoo waking up and returning to us, but we can’t sit around and wait for him.
         “Thanks for being patient with me, Chiwon,” I smile at my Nangdoo as we walk through the Hwarang house. Today we will be sparring against other Hwarang, but we were able to work with our Nangdoo before them.
         “Of course, Ara,” Chiwon flashes a smile at me. “You work hard, and have shown me that you have a lot of skill. Luck has nothing to do with you, and the others were wrong about you. Though, I am sure that you being a girl is also the reason that no one wanted to pick you.”
         “No one wants to get their ass kicked by a girl,” I chuckle.
         “Too bad, because it is going to happen.”
         “Ara!” Yeowool’s voice floats to be.
         “I will see you later, Ara,” Chiwon pats my shoulder as he walks away.
         “Oh,” I rapidly blink as Yeowool steps up to me. “Yeowool, hello. Is something wrong?”
         “More like something good,” Yeowool smiles, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Sunwoo is up, and he walked around, and it looks like he is okay.”
         “Do we know what was wrong with him?”
         “No, but at this point, all we care about is him being awake.”
         “That’s true,” I bounce on my toes a few times. “Ahro will be so relieved.”
         “We were finally able to get her to sleep this morning, so hopefully she gets her rest in.”
         “She did good taking care of him,” I grab Yeowool’s wrists, pulling his hands off me. “I told her that it was all going to be good, so I can only hope that calmed some of her nerves.”
         “Ah, you had one of your feelings?” Yeowool smirks, pinching my sides.
         I burst into giggles, “Yeowool, stop, it tickles.”
         “Oh, does it?” He chuckles, pinching my sides a few more times.
         I take a few deep breaths. “That was just mean.”
         “You are too cute,” he grabs my hand, tugging me in the direction of the courtyard where we will be sparring. “Come on, I want to see you fight.”
         We make our way to the courtyard where all the other Hwarang have begun to gather. Our sword trainer stands off to the side. We’ve been working on certain techniques with our Nangdoo, and now we will be going against one another.
         “Ara, Yeowool,” Hansung steps up to us as we begin to look for a spot to sit.
         “Hansungie,” I grab Hansung’s hand, fighting the urge to intertwine our fingers. “We haven’t been able to get together a lot recently. Are you working hard?”
         “I have to keep up with you,” he lightly smiles, poking my cheek with his free hand. “Do you hope to go first today?”
         “Yes,” I let go of his hand as we take a seat on the ground. “I have a lot of energy right now.”
         “And you are all giggles,” Yeowool lightly nudges me with his shoulder.
         Once all the Hwarang arrive, the teacher goes around, picking boys to go against each other. Somehow I get lucky enough to go in the first group.
         We use wooden swords to go through the different moves, with the teacher clanking two sticks together to keep us in rhythm. The boy that I am paired with is giving his all as he swings his sword, but I am not going to let him intimate me. I just block and attack when I am meant to.
         I’m not sure how much time passes, but the teacher tells us to stop, switching out the pairs.
         “Good luck, Hansung,” I hand him my sword. “I know you will do great.”
         “You look so beautiful,” Hansung says, stepping close as he grabs the sword.
         “Thank you,” I step back, feeling my cheeks heat up. “You look handsome.”
         “I really wish we were alone,” he sighs, stepping into place.
         I open my mouth to speak, but close it seconds later as I can’t process a single thought.
         “Go sit,” he chuckles.
         I walk away, finding Yeowool to sit next to.
         “Ah, your cheeks are red,” Yeowool pokes my side. “What did he say?”
         “Nothing,” I mumble, watching Hansung’s fluid movements.
         “Cute,” Yeowool sighs, watching the matches.
         Out of the corner of my eye I see Ahro watching. Her gaze lands me on Sunwoo, who acts as if he wasn’t asleep for four days. He also acts as if Ahro and him didn’t share a kiss by the way he adverts his gaze if as she waves at him. Man, boys are way too confusing.
         “I’m just going to the river with Ahro,” I hold my hand out to stop Chiwon from following me. “You don’t need to watch over me.”
         “But that is my duty,” Chiwon says.
         “Fine,” I pout. “Just, stay back.”
         “Of course,” he slightly bows. “I will give you your space.”
         I walk off, finding Ahro at the entrance of her office. “Are you ready?”
         “What took you so long?” Ahro links her arm with me, leading us towards the river. A tub of dirty clothes resting on her hip.
         “Chiwon, says he has to keep an eye on me no matter what.” I unlink our arms, twirling around her to help carry the laundry. “At least he is nice or else I would have sent him away.”
         “So, he will be listening to us?”
         “No, he will stay away, but still be able to see me,” I roll my eyes. “I know he has to do it, and not because I am a girl, but it still bothers me.”
         “Well, it is good that he is following orders,” she shrugs.
         “They picked who they wanted to be with, and he was the only one who would pair up with me.”
         “That’s very kind of him. Everyone is missing out on a badass fighter who just happens to be a girl. Those other boys are idiots.”
         I giggle, “That makes me feel better.”
         It takes a few minutes to reach the river. We slip our shoes off, placing our feet in the cool water. The laundry not a concern at the moment.
         “Do you really think that Sunwoo can’t remember our kiss?” Ahro asks.
         “Well, boys are stupid,” I look up at the sky. “He was in a weird state, you said, when he kissed you. It is possible the memory didn’t stick.”
         “No way,” she shake hers head. “He wouldn’t act so cold to me if he didn’t remember.”
         “That is a fair point,” I look over at Ahro. “Then, he does remember.”
         “He’s never acted so mean to me before,” she pouts. “Why now?”
         “Well, kissing changes things. If I ever truly kissed Hansung, our relationship would for sure change.”
         “I doubt that,” she tenderly smiles. “Wait, have you kissed before?”
         “It wasn’t really a kiss,” I feel a small heat surface on my cheeks. “More like two pairs of lips brushing up against each other very lightly. But this isn’t about me. This is about you and Sunwoo going through issues.”
         “Do you think he regrets it?”
         “Are we talking about Sunwoo now?”
         “Yes,” she chuckles, shoving my shoulder. “Now that he has come to, do you think he regrets kissing me?”
         “Regret?” I nibble on my bottom lip, mulling the idea over.
         “Then why did he kiss me?” She whines, kicking at the water. “Why would he do this to me?” She flails, sending a shoe into the stream.
         “Ahro,” I stand up, ready to catch the shoe.
         “Let it go,” she sighs.
         I watch as the shoe floats down the river. “Hm, to wear flats again.”
         The shoe doesn’t make it far, when Sunwoo steps right in it’s path. He crouches down to pick the shoe up, and then looks up at us.
         “Ahro,” I squeal, slapping the girl on the shoulder. “Look.”
         Ahro lifts her head; eyes widening as she recognizes the boy. “What do I do?” She whisper-yells at me.
         “Talk to him like a normal person,” I snatch up my boots. “Don’t be weird.”
         “Shut up,” she whines.
         “Hello, Sunwoo,” I smile as the boy steps up. “Always a pleasure to see you.”
         “Ara,” Sunwoo flashes a grin at me. “Having some girl time?”
         “I was just leaving, actually,” I pat Ahro on the top of her head. “Thank you for saving Ahro’s shoe, and I will see you back at the house.” I skip away before Ahro can beg me to stay and keep her from talking to Sunwoo.
         It’s a peaceful walk back to the house. If only my thoughts didn’t drift to Hansung an how I should just tell him how I feel like Ahro has done. To commit to him and stop letting all the other boys flirt with me. Even though I know it will cause a lot of problems. It is the right thing to do, and I know it.
         “It’s never easy,” I sigh, talking a deep breath to keep the tears away. “It will never be easy.”
         I feel like I am on fire as I shift around in bed. Jidwi’s body is rigid, but it’s not like he snuggles up to me, so I am not shocked by how he is acting. I just wish I wasn’t burning up.
         I throw the blanket off my body, hoping that I will cool off. The last thing I need is to be getting sick.
         Then Jidwi shoots up, his breathing heavy like he was just running.
         “Hey,” I mumble, flipping over so I can face him if I choose to open my eyes. “Are you awake?”
         “Yes,” Jidwi groans. “I’m sorry Ara, for waking you.”
         I open my eyes just enough to see Jidwi looking down at me. “Are you okay?”
         “I had a nightmare,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t remember a time before this where one woke me up that felt so real. I was so scared.”
         “What happened?” I yawn, blinking until I can open my eyes all the way. “If you remember, that is, and if you want to tell me.”
         “Someone close to me was put in danger, and there was nothing I could do about it.”
         “You must be stressing over something, and your brain turned it into a nightmare because you are so fixated on it. You have no control now, and you won’t if and when it happens.”
         “You analyze dreams now? When did you pick that skill up?” He smirks. “It seems like you are skilling in quite a lot.”
         “I read a book,” I lazily chuckle. “It stuck with me. I’m not sure if I can help, though. I can just tell you what basic dream things mean.”
         “You listened, which is more than I could ask for,” he runs the back of his hand along my cheek.
         “Is there anything else on your mind that you would like to talk about? Maybe it will help to not have another nightmare.”
         “There’s a lot that I wish I could tell you, but I just can’t,” he sighs. “You would be in danger if I told you.”
         “Fine, I’ll talk,” I yawn once more. “I may be good at fighting, but I hate it. I don’t want to hurt anyone, even if they want to hurt me. I may be happy to be here, and fighting does give me a bit of a rush, but I know in the end I will beg to stay away from war.”
         “You shouldn’t be forced to fight,” Jidwi clenches his jaw.
         “I’ve always wanted to play sports, but girls don’t do that. My father would worry about me all the time though, so I just played on my own.”
         “I understand playing by myself,” he sadly sighs.
         “My best friend, Hansung, is the reason that I keep going. I have been bullied all my life, but he can always make me smile.” I lower my voice, “And I am sure that I love him.”
         “That’s not surprising. You two are close, and he talks about you in a way that I know he likes you like that.”
         “He’s always done that,” I sigh.
         “I think a few other boys like you like that, though.”
         “I will not pick anyone while we are training like this,” I let my eyes flutter close. “No matter how much they like my eyes. Which is a must.”
         “Your eyes are pretty.”
         “Tell me something about you, Jidwi.”
         “Um, I have a sister, who takes after my mother, so both are harsh. My mother has been very controlling over my life and what I do, but I have started to break away. I need to break away and stand up for myself.”
         “That’s good. She can’t control you forever.”
         “I’m sorry again for waking you up,” he lies back down, getting comfortable under the covers. “Were you hot?”
         “You were making me hot,” I place a hand gently on his arm. “No worries, it was nice to talk.”
         “Sweet dreams, Ara.”
         “And to you too, Jidwi. Hopefully the nightmares stay away.”
         I stand next to Hansung as we stand with the other Hwarang in the classroom, waiting for someone to come tell us what is going on. After last night with Jidwi, my mind has been all over the place. Add on everything that has happened with Ahro, life has been crazy. At least Ahro’s life is looking good not that she is practically with Sunwoo. Not that they can really tell anyone since everyone thinks they are real siblings.
         Hansung brushes his fingers against mine.
         I press my lips together to keep the grin small.
         The doors to the room open, and we all turn to see Princess Sookmyung with our teacher. The two walk to the raised platform, earning a bow from our training teacher.
         “What’s going on?” Sooho whispers to Sunwoo.
         “Nothing good,” Sunwoo answers.
         I take a deep breath, knowing he’s right.
         “In ten days, there will be sparring among the members of Hwarang,” the teacher speaks up. “Princess Sookmyung will personally supervise the sparring. Only the Hwarang who win by sword, archery, and horsemanship will get a pass.”
         “Sparring?” I nibble on my bottom lip. “Like, with a real sword?”
         “The princess is doing what now?” BanRyu asks.
         “She hasn’t changed at all,” Jidwi scoffs.
         “This assignment is different from the ones before,” the teacher speaks up again. “In this sparring, you can lose your life.”
         Hansung grabs my hand as my heart jumps to my throat.
         Death? We could die in here? What kind of sick person decided that? The princess with no heart, probably.
         Hwarang all around me look at each other in shock like what the man just said was crazy. Honestly, it is.
         “You must fight with your life on the line,” the teacher continues. “If you are afraid to die, you cannot protect those around you. Remember that.”
         The princess has been standing by the teachers side, silent and with no emotion. I hate her for lacking emotion. How can she let something like sparring to the death come to her mind?
         “Work hard,” the teacher nods. “It is not going to get easier.”
         We are dismissed and to say we wan tot leave that room badly is just scratching the surface.
         “Death,”  I wrap my arm around my body. “Why is that even a possibility? Are they crazy?”
         “The princess is,” Jidwi responds. “She came up with this assignment.”
         “How could we kill someone we have been living with for so long?” Sooho speaks up.
         “Is someone really going to die?” Hansung takes a slow breath.
         “If they aren’t strong enough,” BanRyu shrugs. “That is what this is all about.”
         “The stupid strong verses weak,” I roll my eyes. “That’s all she cares about, and that’s not all that matters.”
         “The weak never have a chance to grow,” Sunwoo says.
         “Why must we fight?” Yeowool groans. “We could ruin the pretty faces.”
         “Of course you think that way,” Sooho chuckles.
         “I don’t want to get hurt,” I sigh. “You guys would never hurt me if give the chance, but I know that the others aren’t like that. They hate me for being here. They always have. If they lose to a girl, it will only be worse for me.”
         “If anyone thinks of harming the Hwarang Princess outside of sparring, they have to deal with us,” Jidwi grins. “And the others should know that by now.”
         I look around at my roommates who all smile and nod. “You all are too good for me. My knights,” I let my arms fall to my sides. “Thank you for always being so kind and protecting. It has helped me to grow.”
         “Anything for the only princess that matters to us,” Hansung smirks. “Princess Sookmyung has nothing on you, Ara.”
         “Don’t let her hear you,” I giggle. “Come on, he asked us to change into our red outfits, so we better go do that, so we aren’t late.”
         The Hwarang stand in the courtyard, all of us wearing our red uniforms that were used during the festival. We are looking up at the balcony where the princess is standing in the middle, and the two men from earlier are on either side of her.
         “Right now, we will split into groups to train in the art of hunting,” the teacher speaks up. “You all known that the most effective method to master archery and horsemanship is through hunting.”
         “She looks pretty, but is too tiring in all other areas,” Yeowool says. “Nothing like our Ara.”
         I grin, catching the small smile on Yeowool and Hansung’s faces.
         “You can catch a rabbit, or a bird, something like a pheasant. The winner, though, is the first person to catch a doe or a deer.”
         Yeowool takes a breath, “I think I know where the Princess’s heart lies.”
         I look up at Princess Sookmyung, but it is impossible to tell where she is looking. “You can rule me out.”
         “Unless she looks at a guy to make sure no one notices her love for you,” Hansung says.
         I roll my eyes, “That will never happen. I would never be with someone like her.”
         “Her personality would never fit with yours,” Yeowool nods.
         “Break into groups,” the teacher commands. “Then head to the woods.
         It takes a moment to get everyone into small groups. I end up with Yeowool and Hansung, which is the best I could hope for.
         “I really don’t want to kill an animal,” I pout as we stand in the forest. “I also don’t want to lose.”
         “We might not even see anything,” Hansung shrugs. “This is a big forest, and the animals might miss us.”
         “I am just going to take the time to practice horsemanship,” Yeowool says. “Who cares if we can find an animal?”
         “The princess, but she’s out of her mind,” I roll my eyes. “If she wants us to do something. I don’t trust it.”
         “You’ve never liked the royal family,” Hansung says.
         “And for good reason,” I twirl my bow. “They are so focused on bone status when more important things are happening. Plus, they are just mean.” I hoist myself up onto my horse.
         “Off to find an animal?” Yeowool grins.
         “If the gods allow it,” I settle into the saddle. “Meet up in a bit back here.”
         “Have fun out there,” Hansung looks around at the trees that surround us.
         I command my horse forward, and I am even farther into the woods in seconds.
         Hunting has never been something that I have enjoyed or wanted to do. Inside the capital, we aren’t even allowed to kill any animal, and I rarely leave the safety of the capital walls. Also, making an animal suffer for the game of hunting is not something that I would ever purposely do.
         “Why would she let us break the no killing rule for this?” I place an arrow in my bow, aiming it at passing trees. “Is she planning something? Why must she be so strange?”
         A twig breaks nearby, and I quickly spot a rabbit chowing down on some leaves. I send an arrow at it, but make sure it misses.
         “Well, I found something,” I sigh, climbing off my horse to retrieve my arrow.
         “Ara,” Hansung’s voice fills my ears.
         I spin around to see him on his horse. “Have you been following me?” I chuckle. “Waiting to get me all to yourself?”
         “No, I just got lucky,” he nervously grins, scratching the back of his neck. “Did you mean to miss that rabbit?”
         I shrug, “Maybe.”
         Hansung hops off his horse and walks over to me. “You’ve been getting close with the other boys.”
         “Yeah,” I tense slightly. “They are my roommates, so it only makes sense.”
         “You still like me the most, right?” He drops his bow, using his free hands to cup my face. “Right?”
         “Hansung,” I breath out.
         “I know I have been a bit distant since Danse showed up, but my brain is trying to figure so much out. I don’t want to drag you down with my problems.”
         “You would never do that,” I lift my free hand up to cup his face. “I’ve vented my problems to you, so you can do the same to me.”
         “It’s getting harder not to call you mine,” he sighs, stepping even closer.
         My cheeks are beginning to heat up. “Hansung, you are my whole world, and I would never do anything that goes against that. We can’t become a couple while in here. Please, know that I still like you. You are still my best friend.”
         “But I want to go up a step,” he whispers, leaning his face close to mine.
         “Hansungie,” I mumble, frozen in my spot.
         His lips brush against mine, but that is as far as we get.
         “Hansung! Ara! Where are you!?” Yeowool’s voice snaps Hansung and me out of our trance.
         We jump away from each other right as Yeowool rides up to us. Our faces red with embarrassment of the act we almost committed, but I don’t regret it.
         “What is wrong with you two?” Yeowool gives us a curious look. “Did you two plan to go off and share some kisses?”
         “No!” Hansung and I blurt out way too quickly.
         “Whatever,” he shrugs. “There has been an accident. Sunwoo was shot.”
         “What?” I rush over to my horse. “By who?”
         “Not sure, but they want us back at the house,” Yeowool turns his horse around.”
         “What if someone is after us?” Hansung picks up his bow and rushes to his horse.
         “I don’t want to find out,” I anxiously look around. “Let’s get going.”
         It takes us only a few minutes to race back to the house and put our horses away with the others. Then we join the rest of the Hwarang in the courtyard.
         “Catch anything, Sooho?” I grin as the boy steps up to us.
         “Didn’t have the time before Sunwoo got shot,” Sooho shrugs. “What about you?”
         “Only saw a rabbit, but missed.”          “On purpose,” Hansung adds.
         Before anyone can say more, an arrow flies through the air, hitting the wood above the balcony to release a scroll with red symbols.
         “What?” I look around frantically like everyone else.
         “There is a king among the Hwarang?” Yeowool questions the scroll.
         “Does it mean the faceless king?” I shift around on my feet.
         “It’s not impossible,” Hansung shrugs.
         “Move!” Master Wihwa bellows, causing the Hwarang to scatter so he can walk up with his two subordinates and read the scroll.
         “Who shot the arrow?” I whisper to the boys around us. “Do they know who the king is?”
         “This must be some joke,” Sooho shrugs.
         “There are a lot of boys here that we don’t know anything about, and then a few who are almost strangers. Even if they are our friends.”
         “Are you saying you believe it?” Yeowool asks.
         “Like Hansung said, it’s not impossible.”
         Master Wihwa has made his way up to the balcony, ripping the scroll in half and throwing the bottom chunk down to us. “If this is a joke, I will let it slide this time. However, if this was done with a motive, I will not forgive it the next time. Do you understand?”
         “Yes,” we Hwarang respond with little enthusiasm.
         “There is nothing more to see or talk about here, so go back!” Our training instructor shouts. “Hurry!”
         The Hwarang slowly disperse. All but Sunwoo and Jidwi, along with Ahro who has showed up. They look to be in shock at what the scroll said.
         A crack of thunder fills the sky, and the smell of rain has taken over.
         “Come on Ara,” Hansung grabs my hand, pulling me towards the buildings faster. “We can’t get stuck in the rain.”
         ‘We used to when we were younger,” I giggle. “This storm came at the perfect time.”
         A king is among us? How does anyone even know that? What will happen if he is found out? Life can never be easy, can it?
There were a lot of scenes in this one, but I hope you still liked it! I didn’t want to try and draw out the scenes with pointless talk, so that is why they were a bit shorter. As always, let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Four
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3556
         Hansung and I stream into the Hwarang house with the rest of the boys.
         “Well, today was nice being able to do what we wanted,” I smile as I stretch my arms above my head. “Besides the fight, I had a lot of fun today.”
         “Me too,” Hansung nods, brushing my hip with his fingers. “Any time I spend with you is perfect in my mind.”
         “Ah, found you two,” Yeowool steps between Hansung and I, placing an arm around our shoulders.
         I lower my arms. “Have you been looking for us, Yeowool?”
         “Just when I got here. Might as well find my roommates.”
         I grin, “That will always sound perfect to my ears. It’s amazing that I have such great roommates now.”
         “I think that all of us enjoy having the princess in the Hell Room,” Yeowool leans into me. “Besides BanRyu, after what we saw today, but him not liking you in our room never really would have been surprising.”
         “Yeah, well, he is kind of an ass, so I don’t care what he thinks of me being in the room,” I chuckle.
         “I like seeing you sleep without fear and being happy to go back to our room,” Hansung adds.
         “You deserve to be happy,” Yeowool coos, pinching my cheek.
         “Stop,” I giggle, slapping his hand and slinking out of his grasp. “We should line up for Master Wihwa’s speech that he is most likely going to give. Things are probably going to start changing.”
         It takes some time for all the Hwarang to arrive and line up like the first day at the house. Master Wihwa is standing above us all to give what I hope will be a positive speech. The small grin on his face makes me think that it will be.
         “In the end, the assignment focused on music and dancing was completed, even with the problems,” Master Wihwa speaks up once we have all settled down. “Was it fun?”
         “Yes, master!” The Hwarang call out as one.
         “The people enjoyed it, and you all enjoyed it, so there is no reason not to give everyone a pass.”
         We break into cheers and claps, turning to those around us to shake hands, share smiles, and congratulate each other.
         “Are you curious about your next task?” Master Wihwa brings the attention back to him. “Before the assignment, I am going to attach an appendage to every single one of you.”
         I furrow my eyebrows as I try to think what he could mean. Are we forced to carry something around with us, or will we be training with another person? Will that person be below us? Will someone even willingly train with me?
         “Stay where you are, and we will bring you the attachment,” Master Wihwa instructs before walking away with his helper.
         “We are going to be given someone that will train with us?” Sooho asks.
         I look around at my roommates as they stand around me. “Whoever is with me is going to complain,” I pout, swinging my arms against my sides.
         “Don’t worry about that,” Yeowool says.
         “We’ll put them in their place,” Hansung grins.
         “No one disrespects our princess,” Jidwi smirks.
         “You boys are too kind,” I giggle. “Hopefully we won’t have any trouble, but with the way things have been going recently, I wouldn’t putt it pass the universe to hurt me.”
         “Everyone, please separate!” A man directs us. “Your companion is on the way!”
         It is brief chaos as everyone spreads out to make room for the boy that will be linked with us for an unknown amount of time. Then the uniform clad boys make their way to us, kneeling in front of each Hwarang.
         My heart clenches as I look down at the boy in red and black. He has a soft face, and a soft smile graces his lips when he catches my gaze. I don’t think we will be having any problems.
         “The one in front of you is your Nangdoo,” Master Wihwa exclaims. “From now on, you will use them as your subordinates, but you will also have to receive their help.”
         “Stand!” The other teacher commands.
         All the Nangdoo stand up. The one in front of me is taller, but I am not surprised. Everyone is taller than me.
         “Nangdoo, pay your respects!”
         The Nangdoo put their fists together in front of their chests and bow their heads for a few seconds.
         “What is your name?” I ask the boy in front of me.
         “Chiwon,” his voice comes out smooth. “It will be a pleasure being with you, Ara.”
         “Did you pick me?” I nervously run my hand over the hilt of my sword.
         “The only one who would,” he flashes a sad smile.
         “Well, we will be good together, Chiwon, so thank you.” I take a deep breath, glancing around to see if I can spot anyone I know.
         Some older guy is with Jidwi, and then one of BanRyu’s group is with the said boy. The one that I am most excited to see is Danse, since it has been so long. He is with Sunwoo, which must hurt Hansung that his own brother wouldn’t go with him.
         “Nangdoo, line up!” The teacher shouts.
         All the Nangdoo step around their respected Hwarang, standing behind the one they are now linked to.
         “You must become one with each other,” Master Wihwa speaks up. “Through your wisdom, instruct them, and after they have received instruction, the Hwarang should compete with one another.”
         I feel my jaw clench, and I can’t tell if it is from fear or some other emotion.
         “Yes!” We all shout.
         This is the start of something truly interesting.
         “Horses are my favorite,” I smile as I run my hand over the horse’s mane. “I haven’t held a bow in a while, but it shouldn’t be that hard to get back into it.”
         “You are special with what you have been able to do,” Chiwon hands me a bow. “I think we should do well together.”
         “I hope so,” I walk passed the horse, standing in front of a target. “This is a nice first activity for us.”
         “Not getting on a horse today?”
         “Let me get back in the mindset of shooting a bow,” I pull an arrow out of my quiver. Then I quickly send it flying at the center of the target.
         “Wow, that was spot on,” Chiwon chuckles. “You really have done this before.”
         “On an adventure once or twice,” I smirk, sending another arrow flying at the target.
         “Let me try,” Chiwon nudges me out of the way.
         As other Hwarang and Nangdoo train with the horses. Chiwon and I stay on the ground. We do little competitions to keep it interesting, and it is a great time between us. My fears of having to deal with someone that hates me fully leave my mind at the end of our training session.
         “Man, I need to see Ahro,” I gingerly take steps to where the bows and quivers are stored.
         “What’s wrong? How did you get hurt?” Chiwon anxiously looks me over. “I don’t see any wounds.”
         “My feet. The boots rub,” I point down at my feet. “The bandages must have moved with I danced, and then I wore different shoes for a bit today. I can just feel the tender skin, and I don’t want it to bleed.”
         “I’ll clean up here then, and you go see the doctor,” he nods.
         “Thank you, Chiwon,” I smile. “I’ll see you later.” I rush off as quickly as I can, making it back to the Hwarang House in fairly good time. Then I make a bee line for Ahro’s office, hoping that she is in.
         “Hansung?” I furrow my eyebrows as he exits the room that Ahro uses. “What are you doing?”
         “Oh, I was talking to Ahro,” Hansung shrugs. “I was feeling down because of Danse, and then my grandfather. But she gave me tea, and I feel better.”
         I don’t even bat an eye as I rush at Hansung, wrapping my arms around him. “It feels good to talk it out, right?”
         Hansung wraps his arms around me to return the hug. “You were training, or I would have come to you. Ahro is nice, though. I can see why you two are friends.”
         I giggle, “She also patches me up, so I love her for that too. And we are similar in a lot of ways.”
         “Do you like your Nangdoo?”
         “He’s nice, yes,” I tilt my head up to look at Hansung’s face. “It was fun shooting a bow, and I liked being near the horses, but I missed you and the rest of the boys.”
         “Hopefully we can still get with our roommates a lot like with the dancing,” he looks down at me with a small smile on his lips. “I’ll see you at dinner.” He leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead, and then my nose, before he releases me from his hold and walks away.
         “That boy,” I sigh, fanning my face as the blush takes over.
         “Come in, Ara!” Ahro’s voice makes me jump. “I’m waiting? Do you think I have all day?”
         “Sorry!” I rush into the room, grinning as Ahro has the cream and bandages ready. “It is so nice to see you, Ahro, even if my feet are killing me.”
         “I actually want to talk to you,” she grins back, “It’s been a while it seems like.”
         “A lot has happened recently,” I plop down in my seat. “The festival last night was crazy, and I never got to really talk to you then.”
         “Yeah, well, last night was crazy for me too,” she takes a deep breath as she kneels in front of me to do her job. “Jidwi, he, well, he came to me afterwards.”
         “He didn’t kiss you by force again, did he?”
         “No, no, we just talked. Then Sunwoo came and dragged me off.”
         “To where?” I sigh in relief as she takes the old bandages off.
         “My brother’s grave,” she chokes out.
         “Ahro, I’m sorry,” I place a hand on her shoulder.
         “I knew, but I wished it wasn’t true,” she sighs. “It hurt like hell. It still hurts, but I feel better in a weird way.’
         “Sunwoo means well, so he’s doing what he thinks is best.”
         “Sooyeon tells me you saw her knock Sooho out and help BanRyu.”
         I giggle, “I was there, yes. She is so, how do I say, does whatever she wants.”
         “And loves BanRyu,” Ahro begins wrapping my feet. “Can you make sure Sooho doesn’t do anything stupid to BanRyu.”
         “I can, but why?”
         “Sooyeon doesn’t want her idiot brother hurting her man. Her words, not mine.”
         “Sounds like here,” I giggle. “I’ll keep my eye on Sooho.”
         “Thanks,” she slips my boots back on my feet. “Hansung came to talk to me.” She stands up, walking over to her desk.
         “He told me,” I smile, looking up at the ceiling. “You talk about family, right?”
         “Mostly, but you came up for a little bit,” she giggles as my head snaps down and I stare at her with wide eyes. “All good, but I promised him I wouldn’t tell you.”
         I sigh, relaxing my face. “Fair enough. I’ll leave you to think, as dinner is going to start soon.”
         “Came back soon,” she tenderly smiles. “I enjoy talking to you and having a girl in here that I can do to.”
         “And I will always be here,” I stand up, bouncing on my feet to make sure everything feels good. “Ahro, you are the best,” I rush over to her, throwing my arms around her in a hug. “Thank you for always doing this. Not only this, just everything you do for me. Thank you.”
         “Of course, you are my best friend,” she gives me a squeeze before pulling my away by my shoulders. “Now, go get ready for dinner. I look forward to seeing you again.”
         I place my legs over Hansung’s, thankful that I can at least sit on the bench to eat meals now. “It’s nice being with you all.”
         None of the boys respond to me. It seems like they are all in their own worlds inside their heads. Not that I blame them. There’s a lot to think about recently.
         “I will let go of what happened,” Sooho speaks up, staring BanRyu down. “However, we are not done.”
         BanRyu takes a piece of his mean and gives it to Sooho. “Eat. There is no need for an apology.”
         “You really are growing as a person, BanRyu,” I smile, grabbing Sooho’s arm with one hand and continuing to eat with the other.
         Sooho takes in a pain breath, gingerly touching the back of his head where Sooyeon nailed him with the bottle.
         “You are holding it in so well, Sooho,” Yeowool grins.
         “He has no other choice,” Hansung says. “What can he do but that?”
         “All this time it was never breast, so I kept it a secret for nothing,” I pout.
         “It was BanRyu’s butt,” Hansung leans over me to get in Sooho’s face and tease him.
         “If you keep doing that, I will hit you,” Sooho rips his hand out of my grasp, raising his hand at Hansung who quickly pulls away.
         “Not while I sit here,” I poke both boys in the side.
         “You are lucky then,” Sooho lowers his hand, patting my knee. “Ara, always keeping us calm.”
         “Not when you were punching me,” BanRyu looks at me.
         “Sorry,” I grimace. “It was all happening so fast. I didn’t want to jump in and get hurt myself.”
         “Did you come to see me?” Jidwi speaks up, causing us all to look up and see Ahro.
         “No offense, but she’d come for me before any of you boys,” I smirk.
         “Doctor Ahro is here,” Yeowool looks at Sunwoo. “Do you need to see her?”
         Sunwoo takes a shaky breath, “She is not here for me.”
         Ahro’s eyes flash with sadness. A pout threating to form, but she bites it back. Then, just as quickly as she drifted in, she walks out.
         “Well, that was not the right thing to say,” I cringe for a few seconds.
         “I never know what to say to here,” Sunwoo takes a deep breath.
         “That is evident,” Jidwi scoffs.
         “Ahro is like that,” I tap the edge of my rice bowl with my spoon. “She can be a bit standoffish, but you have to get to know her.”
         “Easy for you to say that as her best friend,” Yeowool raises his eyebrows at me. “What do you talk about when you meet her? Hm?” He smirks.
         I feel the heat take over my cheeks slowly. “Well, that is for us to know, and you guys to not find out.”
         “Ah, so you talk about us,” Sooho chuckles. “I mean, surrounded by boys all day with no way to talk out your feelings, it’s a good ting the doctor is here.”
         “Shut up,” I grumble, slapping Sooho’s arm with my spoon. “Why must you tease me?”
         “She likes me the most,” Hansung smiles that boxy smile that I love. “That’s all that matters.”
         “Hansungie,” I whine, dropping my spoon on my tray so I can hide my face in my hands.
         “Spending time with all of us for so long is starting to get to her,” Yeowool chuckles. “Our friendship is growing, and her heart can’t take it.”
         “I hate all of you,” I spread my fingers so I can look around at the boys. “Why can’t you just not tease me?”
         “It’s too fun,” BanRyu smirks at me.
         “I have never teased you, so don’t lump me with them,” Jidwi shakes his head. “I have, and will always, treat you like a princess.”
         “Thank you for that, Jidwi,” I sigh, letting my hands fall.
         “It’s easy to tease someone that we can view as a little sister,” Sunwoo says, slightly smiling at me.
         “Oh, and only two of you see me like that,” I look at Sooho, Hansung, Yeowool, and then Jidwi. “What are their excuses?”
         “We do it out of love,” Hansung leans into me.
         “That is very true,” Sooho leans into me from the other side.
         “I really want to punch you,” I narrow my eyes in anger. “You are all being mean today,” I shove Hansung and Sooho away. “Let me eat in a sort of peace.”
         “At least I’m not being mean to you anymore,” BanRyu says.
         “About damn time,” I roll my eyes. “Can we just stop talking about me? I want to hear about your Nangdoo? I want to know why the ones who picked you did so,” I giggle. “So, who wants to talk first?”
         “So, he just passed out?” I ask Ahro, glancing over at Sunwoo in the hospital cot.
         “He fell off a horse,” Ahro answers, never taking her eyes off Sunwoo. “And I thought he died. He wasn’t breathing, and there was no pulse. Then, it was like he got a second wind, and he was alive again. He, um, he,” she looks at me. “We kissed,” she whispers.
         “You lucky duck,” I breath out, catching myself thinking of Hansung who is absent. “But then he passed out again, right?”
         “Correct,” Ahro nods.
         I watch Jidwi step away from the group of his roommates. “That spells trouble for you though.”
         “I know,” Ahro mumbles, letting out a heavy breath.
         “He fell off the horse?” Sooho asks to anyone willing to answer.
         “I went out to check what had happened because the horse came back by itself,” Yeowool replies. “And I came upon him like this.”
         “It was a good thing the doctor was there,” Danse says, causing Sooho, Yeowool, and BanRyu to glance over at where Ahro and I are sitting.
         I feel my eyes widen as I avoid the boys’ gazes. “Don’t stare,” I scoot closer to Ahro in comfort. “She’s dealt with a lot today.”
         The boys look away.
         “The shock must be high, since he is her brother,” Sooho looks down at Sunwoo.
         I tap my toes together, knowing that Ahro’s shock is a bit more complicated than that.
         “Why did you call me, though?” BanRyu speaks up.
         “This is why people call you rude,” Sooho replies. “At this moment, your roommate could die. Is your concern really on yourself right now?”
         BanRyu presses his lips together.
         “I feel bad for the lady who will marry a guy like you.”
         “Hey,” I choke out, but bite my bottom lip as I have nothing more to say.
         BanRyu looks around and then down at the floor in shame.
         “Seeing as he is still not waking up,” Yeowool lifts up his hand, poking Sooho’s head. “Is the problem here?”
         “Well, watching over him like this isn’t going to wake him up,” I stand up, brushing dirt off my uniform. “Ahro, call us if you need anything.”
         “Wait,” she grabs my hand. “Can we talk just a while longer? Alone?”
         “Of course.” I glare at the boys, “Leave.”
         It takes a few moments for the boyos to exit the room, and then it is just Ahro and I.
         “I have some questions,” Ahro tugs me back to my seat. “Hansung said that he thinks Sunwoo is one of the best boys to hang out with. Do you think that is true?”
         “He is with him more than me, even if we are all roommates,” I nod slowly. “Sunwoo is never mean to me, and always says nice things to me, no matter what. If Hansung said it, I trust that he is telling the truth.”
         “Do you think he will wake up?” She stares at Sunwoo.
         “I do,” I place a hand on Ahro’s hand. “Just a feeling, but those usually end up being true. Even if it is a bad feeling. This is a good feeling though.”
         “Thanks, Ara,” she takes a deep breath. “You told me yesterday that I was the best, but I think you are the best.”
         I squeeze her hand before standing up. “Don’t work yourself too hard.”
         “You know I will.”
         I chuckle, shaking my head. “I’ll be back when he wakes up, and we can do something fun.” I exit the room as my heart clenches for Ahro.
         “Is she okay?” Jidwi’s voice causes me to jump.
         “Don’t scare me like that,” I playfully slap the boy’s arm a few times. “Ahro is hurting, but she will be fine. Once Sunwoo gets over whatever plagues him.”
         “She works too hard sometimes, doesn’t she?”
         “That’s how she has always been,” I shrug. “Don’t worry.”
         Jidwi links his arm with me, “You are doing all the worrying, aren’t you?” He starts leading us somewhere.
         “That is how I have always been,” I chuckle.
         “She is your close friend, so it is sweet that you worry. You care about her a lot.”
         “I care about all my friends a lot.”
         “Would you like to join me at the river then to talk for a bit?”
         “To grow as friends?” I smile up at Jidwi.
         “I have been wanting to get closer,” he glances down at me with a smirk on his lips.
         “Lead the way to the river then.”
I am so sorry that I said chapters would come out every Saturday, and then didn’t do that for a few weeks. Life was weird. Anyways, now I will get on track, and every Saturday there will be a new chapter until the story is over. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! Please let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Two
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3997
         Master Wihwa chuckles as the Hwarang sit in the classroom waiting for his direction. Master WooReuk is standing behind the leader on the platform. It is odd seeing him without an instrument.
         “Finally, the performance is near,” Master Wihwa says. “Are you prepared to entertain the people?”
         “Yes master!” I, along with all the boys around me, respond.
         Another chuckle leaves the mater’s mouth. “Show the Queen, and the officials, that people should not only be ruled with swords and brushes.”
         I try to hold the grin from taking over my face, but it is useless.
         “Burn up the capital with music and dance. The people’s cheers will determine whether you pass or fail, so you must do your best.”
         Hansung nudges my knee with his own. A way of saying we have an easy pass coming our way.
         “Do you understand?”
         “Yes master,” the group of us chant again.
         It’s quiet for a bit as we all think about the task that we need to get ready for, and then Sooho speaks up.
         “Hey, where did BanRyu go?”
         I turn around in my seat, carefully looking over all the faces to see if Sooho is just missing BanRyu.
         He’s not. The boy I’ve made a bit of amends with is nowhere to be found. He was here at the start; I am almost sure of it. Now, it looks as if he has run off.
         “Should someone go look for him? What if he is sick?” I speak up.
         “Why don’t you go find him if you’re so worried about him?” A boy speaks up. “I’m sure the whole hating one another is a façade.”
         I turn back to face the two masters on the platform, sticking my hand straight up in the air.
         Master Wihwa grins, “Yes, Ara?”
         “Master, if you will allow me to leave, I would like to go find BanRyu and make sure that he is alright.”
         “You may go, and give BanRyu our regards,” he nods.
         I smirk, standing up and stepping my way between boys until I have reached the door. Then my mission begins as I exit the building. The Hwarang living area is quite big, but BanRyu has to be around here somewhere.
         “Ara, what are you doing?” Ahro’s voice fills my ears, causing me to spin around on my heels to face her.
         “Looking for BanRyu,” I adjust my headband. “Have you seen him, by chance?”
         “I have,” she steps up to me. “I just delivered a letter to him. What’s so important that you need to see him? I thought that you hated him.”
         I chuckle, nodding my head a few times. “That’s right, I do hate him in some way.”
         “I can show you where I last saw him if you want.”
         “If he’s reading a letter, I’ll wait,” I shrug. “Class seems to have been dismissed anyways,” I motion at the group of boys walking around. “There’s no point anymore.”
         “He left class early, and you were sent to find him?” Ahro laughs. “What an unlucky draw for the lucky girl.”
         “Actually, I asked to go look for him,” I give a quick tight-lipped smile. “So I only have myself to blame.”
         “It’s nice to know you care,” she pats my shoulder.
         “Yeah, well, Hwarang has changed me,” I shift around on my feet so they don’t cramp. “Do you know who the letter was from?”
         “Sooyun,” Ahro answers without missing a beat. “She gave it directly to me.”
         “Sooho’s little sister,” I feel my eyes widen in shock.
         “She’s in love with BanRyu,” she sighs. “And I think he feels the same.”
         “That makes a few things that happened make more sense,” I bite the inside of my bottom lip. “Sooho will lose it when he find out, but I think it’s very sweet. Everyone deserves to find happiness.”
         “I agree. Even if I hate his guts, I still want Sooyun to be happy.”
         “That’s why you’re a great friend.”
         Ahro just barely smiles, “What are you going to do now?”
         “I’ll probably still go find BanRyu,” I shrug. “I did say that I was going to. Then gather up the rest of the guys so we can practice our dance before showing everyone tonight.”
         “Let me lead you to BanRyu,” Ahro grabs my hand, pulling me to follow her. “I can tell you about how Jidwi keeps trying to help me with chores, and how Sunwoo won’t stop pretending to be my brother. I don’t know which one is worse.”
         “You don’t want him to be your brother? Even just as pretend?” I squeeze her hand to slow down. “You like him as I like Hansungie, don’t you? But you can’t do anything about it.”
         “I still want my brother, though. I’ve always wanted my brother.”
         “Is he still outside the capital. Your real brother, that is?”
         “No,” Ahro clears her throat. “He’s dead. Sunwoo claims he was my brother’s best friend, and knows so much about me because of all the stories that he was told about me.”
         “He’s been a bit down since your fight, so it’s eating him alive. All he wants to do is make sure that you are happy for your brother’s sake.”
         “Boy’s bring too much trouble,” she groans. “I’m so glad you are in here. Sooyun and I can rarely talk, but I can always find you if I really have something on my mind.”
         “And that’s why I am so glad that you are the doctor for the Hwarang. Now, where is BanRyu? Where are we going?”
         “This way,” she turns, leading us up some steps. “And then down at the end of this path,” she points to where I can see a boy that must be BanRyu standing on a balcony. “Have fun or something,” she releases my hand, and then turns to rush off.
         “What a jerk, leaving me all alone,” I take a deep breath. “Might as well go tell him what we are going to do now.” I will myself to finish the journey to BanRyu. “Hey, BanRyu, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
         BanRyu jumps, turning to face me and hiding the letter in his hands behind his back. “What? What do you want?”
         “Well, Sooho is the one who figured out that you had left class,” I cross my arms. “And then I said that I would go find you, but class let out already, so it was kind of a waste. Still, I set out to find you, and I was going to complete my task no matter what.”
         “Oh, well, nice job, you found me,” he forces a smile. “You can leave now.”
         “Actually, I think that you should come with me to find the other guys so we can practice our dance some more before we preform it with everyone tonight. I just want to make sure it’s perfect,” I widely smile, batting my eyelashes at the boy. “We have improved a lot, but I can’t have any mistakes. This pass doesn’t rest solely in our own hands.”
         “I’ll come in a second,” he nods a few times. “Just give me a moment.”
         “To finish reading your letter?” I smirk.
         “How do you?”
         “Ahro told me, but I also saw you with the paper in your hands when I walked up,” I turn on my heel. “It’s okay to have feelings, BanRyu. Now, you better get your butt down to where we practice as soon as possible. Skipping class is one thing, being late for practice is another.”
         “Whatever, just go!”
         I giggle as I skip away. “Oh thank you Ahro. What an amazing friend you truly are.”
         I take a deep breath as Master WooReuk starts pounding on the drums.
         Once BanRyu joined the rest of us, we were able to put in a good dance practice, and actually did a few go throughs without any mistakes. It felt like we were finally on the right track.
         Now, hours later, the sun has set, and we get to show what we have learned to both Master Wihwa and Master WooReuk. It will be one of the only practices that we have where everyone is working together before we preform it for the people, so we have to get it right tonight.
         The music from all the instruments being played all around me flows through my body. I move between the boys, dodging their swords with ease, feeling like a princess in battle that wants to help but has no way to do so. I just have to let my knights protect me, but I know that I am a warrior princess.
         The dance ends with the boys spread out around me, thrusting their wooden swords out in different ways and directions. I end up on the ground, near the middle of the boys, with Sooho’s sword over my body as if stabbing someone who is after me.
         Master Wihwa chuckles, smiling over at Master WooReuk with approval.
         A huge smile is on my face as I take labored breaths. We executed that perfectly, and I know that we can continue to do so.
         Then a tension falls over us like a blanket when Princess Sookmyung walks out of the shadows. Her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her sword at her side. A woman that must be a helper of some kind stands close by.
         “It is the princess,” a boy mumbles.
         I slowly stand up as everyone around me moves out of their ending poses.
         “She is Princess Sookmyung,” Master Wihwa addresses us Hwarang after bowing to the royal girl. “She will be staying at the Hwarang house for a while, and will teach you about your flaws.”
         I feel my jaw set in anger as I clench my hands into fists.
         “What are you good at, your highness?” A boy calls out.
         Princess Sookmyung has no emotion on her face as she begins walking down the steps to where we all are.
         Sooho taps my hip so I follow him to the side. “So cold,” he breathes out.
         The princess unsheathes her sword, dropping the sheath and slashing the sword through the air. She begins moving around, fighting off invisible soldiers to a soundless song until Master WooReuk gets the message to give a soft beat on his drum. The princess continues her fluid fighting moves to the steady beat, constantly looking at Sunwoo with a fury behind her eyes.
         Then she catches my gaze, and for a second her eyes widen in shock. It is so quick that I’m probably the only one who noticed. The only one who will wondering why she would ever give me a look like that.
         Her dance of sorts ends with her pointing her sword at the boy who asked the question.
         The boy moves his head just in time to miss the blade cutting him.
         “Well, something like that, I would suppose,” Princess Sookmyung’s voice is smooth.
         With the boy clearly embarrassed, she pulls her sword away, turning to walk back to the steps. She stops, turning to face us once again.
         My mind is all over the place as I try and understand why she was shocked to me. I know that not everyone knows about the state of my eyes, but at this point, not may people will ever give me a look like she did. The looks are more of pity.
         “I hear this performance is Hwarang’s introduction to the capital,” the princess speaks up. “You must not make any mistakes. Do you understand?”
         The Hwarang give no answers, just deep breaths coming from the crowd. I’m not sure if we stay quiet to defy royalty, or if we don’t know if we should answer someone other than our masters.
         I catch Master Wihwa smirking; either at our lack of response, or at how harsh the princess is being to us. Either way, he is finding this scene amusing.
         Princess Sookmyung looks over the Hwarang once more before climbing the steps and disappearing the way she came.
         “She knows something that I don’t,” I walk back to my starting position with the other six guys.
         “She’s a princess, of course she knows more than you,” BanRyu rolls his eyes.
         “Not what I meant,” I shove the boy’s arm. “It was probably nothing anyways.”
         “Okay, let’s go through it again,” Master Wihwa sits back down. The smirk on his face still present. “No mistakes, understand?”
         The beat starts back up, and I feel my brain direction my body without much effort. All those practices in the courtyard, and when I was in the showers are paying off. To know that the people will watch us, and that we are going to make them happy with our dance, is what keeps me going. I could care less about the Queen or whatever the princess is commanding us to do. This isn’t for them; this dance is for the people. To thank the people for believing in us.
         I’m not sure how many times we go through the dance. Sometimes a boy on the instrument makes a mistake, but most of the time we just keep going. A tiny mistake won’t be noticed, so we just have to pretend that it never happened. Eventually, everyone is too tired to keep their eyes open, so we are dismissed back to our rooms to rest up before the performance.
         “I might fall asleep while walking back to the room,” I tiredly giggle, doing all I can to keep my eyes open.
         “We would carry you,” the boys say as one, excluding BanRyu.
         “Shut up,” I shake my head. “You all are so silly.”
         “If you really think that you are going to pass out, then someone should carry you,” Jidwi says. “We can’t have you hurting yourself before the performance.”
         “I’ll be fine,” I let the yawn slip through my lips. “I can make it.”
         “You better be ready to catch her, Hansung,” Sooho pats the boy on the back.
         “I’m always ready,” Hansung has a boxy smile on his face. “I would never let her fall.”
         “Us beautiful ones need our beauty sleep,” Yeowool steps up to be next to me. “If we stay up any longer, our skin will suffer.”
         “Oh, like I care about my skin like that,” I chuckle. “Honestly, if I get to be with you guys, I would do anything. This has been one of the greatest adventures of my life, and I wouldn’t change it.”
         I bounce on my toes as the guys go through the Thanksgiving Routine in their heads. All of us are huddled under an open tent. Some of us still changing into our outfits for the night.
         Hansung walks past me, grabbing my wrist to pull me with him.
         Sooho and Yeowool are waiting for us as we step up.
         “Does everyone know what to do?” I ask, fixing my red headband.
         The outfits for tonight are simple: a solid red with black shoulder pads, a red belt with links, black undershirt, and black boots. It is like our normal uniforms that we wear back at the Hwarang house, but with some improvements here and there.
         “What are you doing?” Hansung’s voice snaps me back to the conversation. “If I go up, you go down.”
         “And show your elbow, then straighten it,” Sooho demonstrates.
         “Keep at it,” I notice Hansung has yet to change into tonight’s outfit. “Muscle memory at this point.”
         “Don’t stick out your shoulder,” Hansung whines.
         “Straighten it, straighten it,” Sooho instructs.
         “Just relax, all of you,” I quickly poke the three boys’ stomachs. “We have practiced hundreds of times. I just know we are going to be perfect.”
         “If you say so, then it must be true,” Yeowool grins.
         “Hansung, you should probably go get changed,” Sooho gently shoves the boy’s shoulder. “Are, I thought you kept him in line?”
         I chuckle, “If I could, I would. All you boys would be better off if you’d just listen to instructions.”
         “It’ll only take a few minutes,” Hansung shrugs. “Don’t talk about anything too crazy without me,” he flashes a smile before walking away.
         “Anything crazy to talk about?” I look between Sooho and Yeowool.
         “Are you and Hansung serious about getting together?” Yeowool gently smirks. “You say you’re just good friends, but no one else is getting a chance to sweep you off your feet.”
         “You all have a chance, but I’m not committing to anyone while training. I just want to be friends with all of you for the time being. Some of my friends I am closer to and treat differently. That is what happens when I have been with them for a long time.”
         “One day we’ll be close enough that you will go on a date with me,” Sooho puts his arm around my shoulder. “If I ask enough, you’ll say yes just to shut me up. I just know it.”
         “But what if I enjoy you asking?” I slyly smile, moving away from Sooho. “Keep practicing boys, tonight is the biggest of our lives so far.” I pat both of their shoulders before walking to go check on other Hwarang.
         I’m not sure how much time passes, but shortly after I’ve made sure everyone is ready for the performance, Hansung finds his way back to me.
         “Ara, you should sit down and rest of a moment,” Hansung places his hands on my waist. “You’re nervous. I can tell just by glancing over at you.”
         “Nervous that if I pass or fail our second assignment is completely out of my hands, then you’d be right,” I sigh, looking around for a place to sit. “BanRyu was looking a bit conflicted, but when I asked if I could help with anything he just waved me off.”
         “I’m sure he’s just nervous,” Hansung begins steering me to an empty seat. “He just needs space to breathe. Like how you need to take a seat.”
         I plop down in the seat, smiling up at Hansung. “Have I ever told you how handsome you are?”
         “More now that I wear a uniform,” Hansung leans down to fix my headband. “But yes, you’ve told me I’m handsome. As you are beautiful beyond words.”
         “Beyond words is too sweet,” I grin. “But thank you, Hansungie.”
         In the next moment, I see Yeowool walk into the open tent with Ahro in his grasp. The poor girl has no idea what she has been dragged into.
         “I brought a person who will help us,” Yeowool places his hand upper Ahro’s chin as if presenting her.
         Ahro looks around at everyone as confusion and shock mix on her face. “Let me know if you need anything,” she chokes. “I will help.”
         “Miss Ahro,” Hansung raises his hand for a few seconds. “I cannot tie this,” he smirks as he holds up his belt. “Tie it for me?”
         I feel a pang hit my heart that Hansung didn’t ask me to do such a simple task. There’s no reason to be jealous of my best girl-friend, but it’s never that easy.
         “Ara,” Ahro nods as she stands behind Hansung to tie his belt.
         Jidwi stands up seconds later, a look of anger washing over his face.
         “Where are you going?” Sooho directs at Jidwi.
         “I have plans,” Jidwi barely glances over before rushing out of the tent.
         “Plans? Here?” Sooho is a bit shocked.
         Sunwoo is out of his seat in a blink of an eye.
         “What’s your deal?” Sooho asks.
         Sunwoo glances at Ahro, his face showing sadness. “Well,” he touches his fingers to his temples for a second. “Don’t talk to me,” he mumbles as he exits the tent.
         “Why are those two…” Sooho doesn’t know the word to use.
         “Weird? Aloof?” I try to finish the sentence. “Stupid?”
         “One of those, yes,” Sooho shakes his head.
         “Where’s BanRyu?” Yeowool speaks up.
         I feel my stomach flip and my heart drop to my toes. In the last few minutes everything has been flipped upside down. They always call me lucky, but it seems that recently a lot of unlucky things have been happening around me.
         “Ara,” Hansung grabs my cheeks between his thumb and index finger on one hand.
         “Did I blank out?” I notice Ahro has left.
         “Yes, and now it’s time to line up,” he lets go of my face. “It’s almost time to entertain the people.”
         “Why’d you ask Ahro to tie instead of me?” I pout as the question rushes out.
         “Aw, honey,” he runs a finger over my cheek. “Did it bother you?”
         “What?” I hear my voice raise in pitch. “No, no, I just wondered. Since I can tie and all.”
         “Don’t be jealous,” he grabs my hand, pulling me out of the chair. “I only want you, Ara. No other girl, just you.”
         “Just need to get everyone else off your back?” I tenderly smile.
         “It has gotten annoying,” he chuckles. “Now, come on.”
         Other boys are already outside in two rows. Hansung and I are the shortest of the Hwarang, so we take our places in the middle of the front row. Yeowool is on Hansung’s right, and then Sunwoo and Sooho are on my left. A smile work its way onto my face when I see the big grin on Hansung’s face.
         Master Wihwa chuckles as he walks towards us with Master WooReuk. “What do you think? Our boys are handsome, are they not? And our girl beautiful?”
         The two masters stop when they are a few feet away; grins on both of their faces.
         “So, are you ready to have fun tonight?” Master Wihwa asks.
         “Yes, master,” the group says as one.
         From the corner of my eye I see Yeowool raise his hand, and then everyone’s eyes are on him.
         “What is it?” Master Wihwa asks the pretty boy.
         “Um, I am sorry to have to say this at this time,” Yeowool starts. “But, two of our room have gone missing.”
         I feel the world begin to spin as the anger and confusion boil and mix within me. Those two idiots haven’t come back yet. Don’t they understand how important this is?”
         “Why are those two…” Sooho has anger laced in his voice.
         “Going to get to see my rage straight on?” I clench my hands into fists. “I swear, they are not getting off easy from me.”
         “This is what you call ominous, right?” Hansung looks over at Sooho.
         “Let’s split up and look for those two idiots,” I look around at my roommates. “They have to be here somewhere.”
         “Then let’s go!” Sooho exclaims.
         Sunwoo and Sooho rush off one way, Yeowool quickly walks off the other, and Hansung and I jog off between them.
         “To the main tent,” Hansung says as he leads the way.
         The two of us bound into the tent, seeing only Ahro and a drummer. Both look at us with a sprinkle of concern on their faces.
         “Of course he’s not here,” Hansung lets out a breath.
         “It was a good idea to check,” I take a deep breath.
         “Where will we find them?” Hansung whines.
         “Who are you two looking for?” Ahro speaks up.
         “Jidwi and BanRyu,” Hansung pouts.
         “They better hope I don’t find them,” I feel my jaw set in anger.
         “If we don’t find them, we will all fail,” Hansung explains.
         “What?” Ahro slams her hands down on the table as she stands up. “Fail?”
         The three of us Hwarang give her a weird look at her outburst.
         “Well,” she quickly gathers her emotions. “Who cares if you all fail? What does it have to do with me? It does not. It has nothing to do with me.”
         “What is with her?” Hansung looks at me and then the drummer.
         The drummer shrugs.
         “Leave her be,” I grab Hansung’s upper arm. “We still have two idiots to find, so come on.”
Drama! Also a longer chapter to make up for a short last chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading! I now have no more story written out, so I need to get back to watching the drama and creating the story. Please, let me know what you thought! It means a lot. :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Thirty
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Masterlist     Previous     Next: (Pick an Ending)
Warnings: None (Well, Hansung...)
Word Count: 3123
         Jidwi’s movement out of the bed causes me to wake up.
         “Hey what’s going on?” I slur, sitting up but not opening my eyes.
         “Sorry, sorry,” Jidwi pats my head gently pushing me down. “I will be back, so just go back to sleep.”
         “It’s cold,” I pout, curling into myself.
         “Only for a bit.” His lips press down on the crown of my head.
         “Be quick,” I yawn, already falling back asleep.
         In the next moment, Jidwi leaves, and I am sinking back into darkness. My peace does not last long, though.
         “Ara,” Sooho’s voice floats to me as he gently shakes me.
         “What?” I groan. “What do you want?”
         “Your help. BanRyu left, and now Jidwi. I want to make sure they are okay.”
         “I said you could kick ass, so we have to wake you,” Yeowool says.
         I shoot up into a sitting position; eyes wide open as I look frantically around. “Fighting? Who?”
         “Told you she’s perfect,” Yeowool chuckles.
         “Let’s go,” I jump out of bed, rushing to put my outer section of uniform on.
         Moments later we are rushing out of our room with swords in hand. Danse joins us with his bow, and our squad to fight is complete.
         We reach the outside, Sooho taking the lead as we run thought the darkness. I have no clue where we are going, but the adrenaline flowing through me could care less. Then I see it. Five men dressed in black with two swords each are ready to kill Sunwoo. Assassins to kill the King.
         Danse shoots and arrow at one, hitting him in the arm, and giving the rest of us time to reach Sunwoo.
         “Are you okay?” Sooho asks as Yeowool tosses a sword to Sunwoo.
         Sunwoo offers us a nod.
         “Bastards,” I mumble, unsheathing my sword.
         Sooho unties his sling, giving him the mobility to wield his sword like the expert he is. “This is Seonmoon where Silla’s Hwarang are staying. How dare you step foot in here so fearlessly.”
         I glance up at Sooho, seeing the cut on his cheek that he refuses to tell me who gave it to him. All the anger in me is ready to burst.
         We let out war cries before rushing at the men in black. It feels like someone else is in control of my body as I fight against what I can only assume are men who have trained than us. Each black sends a fire through my body that propels me to attack when the time presents itself. Since these men are not Hwarang, I don’t feel scared to get hurt or sad if I hit them. They cam to kill, and it is not going the way they hoped. Even if sword fighting is not my favorite thing in the world, it does feel good to be protecting our home.
         “I knew you would kick ass, Ara,” Yeowool grins as we fight side-by-side.
         “Anything to get the blood pumping,” I smirk, slashing at a sword. “To protect a friend, always.”
         Two arrows fly through the air, taking out a man each. Those left are still fighting with all their might, so it isn’t over yet. For the first time of the night, my sword connects with a human. It is exhilarating, and I am so glad they woke me to bring me with them.
         “Dog-Bird!” Sooho rushes passed me, and I look to see that Sunwoo is struggling to stand and keep his eyes open.
         “Sunwoo!” I block an attack, not being able to rush over and help.
         “Ara,” Yeowool slashes to get me out of trouble. “This way.” He grabs my arm, pulling me to where Sunwoo and Sooho are.
         Danse is now down with us, sword in hand, ready to stop anyone after Sunwoo.
         “He’s gonna pass out,” I say through deep breaths.
         “Then we must protect him,” Sooho looks at me and then Yeowool.
         We nod, gathering ourselves before letting out battle cries and diving back into the fight. I know that my body is tired, but I cannot stop now. We have to win this fight. To protect Sunwoo, and to stay alive. We will win.
         I place my arms around my stomach in a self-hug as I stand behind Sooho and Yeowool. Sunwoo is asleep in Ahro’s hospital room, but he doesn’t seem to have any physical wounds.
         “He hasn’t been hurt since South Buyeo, and he didn’t get hurt last night, so why can’t he wake up?” Sooho asks.
         “I looked over him with a close eye, and although there isn’t an undamaged part of his body, there was no evidence of a fatal injury,” Yeowool answers.
         “Then why can’t he wake up?”
         “He could have a weak heart?” I chime in. “Last night might have been too much excitement.”
         Yeowool takes a breath before answering. “He’s been odd from the start. The collapsing is a part of him.”
         “He collapses?” Sooho sounds shocked.
         “You don’t know that Sunwoo will collapse out of nowhere. Ara, you know right?”
         “Well, Ahro is my best friend,” I shift around behind the boys. “I know a lot about what goes on, though I haven’t seen her much since she got back with the others.”
         “Do you know if she has any idea what is going on with him?”
         “I am positive she has no idea,” I firmly nod. “She is too focused on helping those in the village outside the walls that are dying from the plague.”
         “Do you think he has the plague?” Sooho asks, looking back at me.
         I shake my head, “No, he would be groaning in pain and spitting up blood. Something else is wrong with him.”
         “He’ll wake up,” Yeowool nods. “Just like that last time. He just needs some time.”
         “I bet all the injuries he has gotten aren’t helping either,” I sigh, giving myself a squeeze. “He just powers through every single fight.”
         “I don’t think staring at him will make him wake up,” Yeowool stands up. “He’ll be fine without us.”
         “He’s not cold right?” I nibble on my bottom lip.
         “No,” Sooho says as he touches Sunwoo’s cheek. “He’ll come to us when he is up.”
         “We’ll head to the dining hall then,” I smile.
         The three of us exit the room and begin the short travel to the dining hall.
         “I never got to say this, but last night, Ara, you were amazing,” Sooho links arm with me.
         I giggle, “Thank you. It felt like an out-of-body experience, so I don’t know if I can do it again unless I get fired up.”
         “You have skill, Ara,” Yeowool pinches my cheek. “Don’t be modest. You can fight.”
         I feel my cheeks heat up. “Geez, you boys are too sweet. I just did what I had to do so I didn’t get hurt.”
         “The Warrior Princess,” Sooho muses.
         “Hey guys,” Hansung grins as we step up to the dining hall entrance.
         “Sunwoo is fine, before you ask,” I grin. “He’s tough.”
         Hansung nods, “He didn’t get hurt by an assassin last night, did he?”
         “No,” Sooho answers. “We made sure of it.”
         “We can talk about it after we get food,” I chuckle, leading us into the dining hall.
         It takes us some time to get our trays of food, and then we find an empty table to sit at. Yeowool and Sooho on one side and Hansung and me on the other. BanRyu is also eating, but he’s with his old group of friends.
         “I thought he was actually becoming a better person,” I pout, shoving rice into my mouth.
         Sooho turns to look at BanRyu, and Yeowool slowly does the same.
         “Is it metaphorical to say that BanRyu,” Yeowool turns back, “has returned to his old self since he’s sitting over there.”
         “Metaphorical my ass,” Hansung pouts. “He’s expressing it directly.”
         “We forgave each other, and now he’s taken a leap backwards,” I sigh, shaking my head.
         Sooho calmly gets up, waling over to stand in front of BanRyu. “Where were you last night?”
         BanRyu’s tablemates all look at Sooho, but BanRyu keeps his head down. “Don’t concern yourself with my whereabouts.”
         Sooho takes a slow breath. “A group of assassins entered. Sunwoo almost died. Yet I didn’t see you at all last night. Is this coincidence?”
         BanRyu sets his utensils down, slowly looking up at Sooho. “Whatever you are imagining has nothing to do with me. Instead, how about you get out of my sight? Now I’ve lost my appetite while looking at the Queen’s dog.”
         The table laughs, but Sooho stays. He is not bothered by what the idiots think.
         “Oh, Sooho, just let him be dumb,” I sigh.
         “Is this you running away again?” Sooho asks. “Are you the bad guy once again?”
         “I’m warning you, don’t pretend to be my friend,” BanRyu says.
         “You must not be related to this incident at all. Because even if you are in the tiniest bit, you are a son of a bitch. I’ll kill you if you are.”
         A silence settles as BanRyu and Sooho stare each other down.
         “Life can never be peaceful,” I pout.
         Then everyone is looking at someone behind me, and I turn to see Sunwoo with a confused look.
         “Welcome back, sleeping beauty,” I giggle, turning back to my food.
         “Here, eat,” a boy says.
         “Thanks,” Sunwoo stammers, and then he sits down next to me with a tray of food.
         Sooho has returned to his seat, and is looking at Sunwoo, as is Yeowool.
         “What’s up?” Sunwoo asks to break the silence.
         Hansung grins, turning to look at Sunwoo and leaning into me. “Because an assassin came last night, the atmosphere feel totally like you’re being acknowledge as King.”
         Yeowool leans across the table and slaps Hansung’s arm. “Don’t pay attention to him.”
         “It was fun though, fighting,” I flash Sunwoo a smile.
         “Are you, okay?” Sooho stiffly asks.
         “You know that you are acting weird as well, right? Sunwoo looks at Sooho, then back at his food to start eating.
         “I know,” Sooho looks down.
         Hansung leans across me to place a piece of meat on Sunwoo’s rice. “Eat that. It’s delicious.”
         “Stop,” I pinch Hansung’s cheek to get him to lean away.
         The talk goes silent as awkwardness rises. It seems like no one can think of anything normal to say.
         “So, since we are talking about it, are you his Majesty?” Yeowool leans towards Sunwoo. “I mean, at least give us a hint.”
         Sooho gives Yeowool a shove.
         “Come on,” I groan. “Just leave the poor boy alone.”
         Sunwoo takes a deep breath and then stands up.
         “What?” Sooho furrows his eyebrows.
         “I’m not hungry,” Sunwoo replies, and then leaves the room.
         “Idiots,” I roll my eyes.
         Sooho kicks Yeowool under the table.
         Yeowool grimaces.
         “Well, next time, just stop talking,” I shake my head. “Hopefully he’s not too mad at us.”
         “I never get to talk to you it seems, Yeowool,” I pout as we walk around outside.
         “Always too busy for me,” Yeowool teases, poking my side.
         “What did you go off and do the other night?” I grin, looking up at him.
         “What do you mean?” He flashes a smile, but does not meet my gaze.
         “Jidwi was absent from our bed, and then I heard you all come back super late. What were you off doing?”
         He chuckles, “We went on a mission. Jidwi and Sunwoo asked Sooho and I if we would help.”
         “Not me?” I pout.
         “Five would be too many people.”
         “So, what did you do?”
         “We went to Master Youngshil’s house to steal medicine that the people need and should have.”
         “For the plague?”
         “Yes,” he nods. “We went in, got the stuff, and left.”
         “Nothing exciting happened?”
         “Well, two guys caught us, but Jidwi kicked the crap out of them.”
         I giggle, “He is impressive when fighting. All that time that we don’t know about, he must have trained a lot.”
         “Still, he took two guys on by himself, so at least he’s brave.”
         “Or stupid,” I giggle. “Then you just ran off?”
         “Right into the night,” he chuckles. “Then Sunwoo organized to get it all to the village. I’m sure they have gotten it now.”
         “Oh lovely,” I clap a few times. “Those people deserve a good quality of life just like us. They deserve to have lifesaving medicine.”
         “Thanks to us, they do,” he firmly nods. “The best part about last night though, is that BanRyu helps us out. He didn’t now about the plan, but he was still there.”
         “I knew he was still a good guy,” I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back my smile.
         “Ara! Yeowool!” Hansung’s panicked voice has us stopping to look at the boy running at us.
         “Hansung?” I furrow my eyebrows.
         “Ahro, she’s gone,” Hansung breathes out.
         “What?” I tense.
         “I went to the hospital room, and she wasn’t there. She’s always there in the middle of the day. Then, I ran into Jidwi, and he was all nervous. He told me Ahro is at the palace.”
         “Why?” Yeowool asks. “What does the palace need with our doctor?”
         “I don’t know. Jidwi ran off right after.”
         “The princess hasn’t been staying here since the trip to South Buyeo, and Ahro is her personal doctor. She might be back now.”
         “That princess is so cold,” Yeowool shakes his head.
         “Here, I’ll go check her office,” I pat each boy’s shoulder. Then I rush off to where Ahro has spent every day since Hwarang began.
         No matter how much I hope that she’s in her office, I know that she is probably still trapped at the palace. That the Queen is plotting something terrible, and there’s nothing we can do about it. This is the start of what could very well be the end of all that we have come to know.
         “Where are you off to, Hansungie?” I tilt my head to the side, placing my hands on my hips as I stand in front of Hansung.
         “To find Sunwoo,” Hansung answers, going to step around me, but I block him.
         “What is going on? Is he your best friend? Do you not want to talk to me anymore?”
         “He’s going to help me make a new path where I stand up for myself.” He places his hands on my shoulder, “Don’t worry about his friend status with me, you will always be on top. My heart wants no other but you.”
         I look away, feeling the heat spread across my cheeks.
         “I have talked to you for years and I can’t keep dragging you down.”
         “Never,” I shake my head. “You never do that. Now, let’s go find Sunwoo.” I turn and start walking.
         “Do you know where he is?” Hansung falls into step beside me.
         “I have some ideas,” I barely smile. “Who are you going to stand up to, Hansungie?”
         “My grandfather,” he sucks in a breath. “I want him to stop hurting Danse, and to not hate you. The true bone crap can’t last forever, and it makes me sick just thinking about it. They all dwell too much on it. We love who we love, and to keep people away from their honeys is wrong.”
         “Bold stones to step on, but I hope it all works out for you. Will you talk to him face to face?”
         “I’m writing a letter.”
         “That’s even better. He can’t talk back to a letter.”
         “He can rip it up, but at least he will see I’m serious.”
         We make it outside, and I turn towards the practice sparring area. I’m sure Sunwoo wants to continue working on swordsmanship, but I also think he has a lot of anger within him that needs to come out.
         “What about you, Ara?” Hansung asks.
         I shrug, “Other than not knowing what is happening with Ahro, I’m good. I have great roommates who are some of the greatest friends I could have. I’m happy and feel like this is right where I need to be.”
         “That’s good. You deserve to smile all the time. Anyone who thinks differently is on the wrong side.”
         I giggle, “I guess so.”
         We reach the practice sparring area where Danse and Sunwoo are in the middle of a match.
         “Danse looks tense,” I comment as he goes full force on Sunwoo. “Why is he like that?”
         Hansung takes in a sharp breath as Danse cuts a piece of Sunwoo’s clothes. “He can’t.”
         Danse easily swipes Sunwoo’s sword from his hand, and then gets into a stance that will stab right through Sunwoo.
         “He wouldn’t,” I mumble.
         Hansung thinks differently, and bolts from my side to stop Danse from stabbing Sunwoo, but in the process, he grabs the sword, cutting deep into his hands.
         “Hansungie!” I cry out like a small child, falling to my knees as the whole world loses sound.
         Sunwoo is yelling as he holds a trembling Hansung, and Danse is in shock that his brother stepped in front of the blade for a boy he barely knows.
         The crimson blood that coats Hansung’s hands is all I can look at. It makes me dizzy, but I can’t will myself to look away.
         Hansung and Sunwoo fall to the ground as whatever Danse probably put on the sword is going through Hansung’s body.
         I let out a scream as the tears start streaming down my face. All I can do is watch the one boy that has ever given me a reason to live go through pain that I will never understand. I can only hope that my luck will let him live so that I am not alone. I can’t be without him.
         Sunwoo picks Hansung up with a hand under his legs and the other arm under his back. Then he rushes off.
         I want to follow, but my legs refuse to listen to my brain. All I can do is watch the boys disappear from sight.
         “Hansung,” I choke out. “Hansungie!” I claw at the dirt. “I love you!” I scream out as loud as I can.
         I hope that my words reach the boy. I hope that he will live through what just happened to him. I hope we get to talk again, even if for a brief moment.
         The tears are now blurring my vision, and I am gasping with every breath I take.
         He was such a sweet boy with too much pushing down on his shoulders. I wish that I could have helped him more. I only hope that he heard my words, and that they give him comfort. My reason to live. It can’t end this way.
So, this hurt to write. I am still in shock when I remember what happened to Hansung. But this is where things get interesting! I have multiple endings for this, including: Sad/True, Yeowool, Sooho, Jidwi, and Hansung endings. If you would like to see another person, please let me know! They will start coming out soon. Hope you enjoyed reading! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Three
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Masterlist     Previous     Next
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3685
         “I am going to kill whoever did this,” I growl as I stand with the other Hwarang while we look at the destroyed instruments.
         “We must inform the Queen and cancel the performance,” the secondary teacher of Hwarang is in a panic. “We cannot embarrass Hwarang in front of the people of Silla.”
         Master Wihwa and Master WooReuk look at each other before looking back as us.
         “We have no choice,” Yeowool speaks up.
         “It is BanRyu,” Sooho has anger laced on his words. “I will not let this slide.”
         “I am going to ruin the person who did this,” I feel my hands clench into fists. “They will feel the worst pain, and it will only be half of my rage.”
         “I guess it is over,” Hansung seems to still be in shock. “We cannot dance.”
         “We will,” Sunwoo has come back more confident after disappearing. “The old man I know would not end here.”
         Master WooReuk’s eyebrows furrow, but he still nods at the comment.
         “Like hell we are just going to give in to the jerk who did this to us,” I feel my jaw set in anger.
         “You are too cute to be threatening,” Yeowool pokes my cheek in an attempt to calm me down, but I am livid.
         “I will wreck you pretty boy,” I glare at Yeowool as he nervously pulls his hand away. “Someone wanted us to fail, and that makes me furious.”
         “Even though fighting gives you a strike, and you never break the rules, I’d love to see you kick someone’s ass,” Sooho hovers his hand over my shoulder, but thinks better of giving me a few pats.
         “What do we do now?” Hansung speaks up, running his fingers over my fist.
         “I guess we just go back to our open tents and wait for instructions on what to do next,” Yeowool shrugs.
         In the next moment, the group of Hwarang breaks up to find a place to wait out for who knows how long. Sunwoo goes to talk with Master WooReuk, and I hope he has some kind of idea to save us.
         “Come on, Ara,” Hansung grabs my wrist, puling me to an open tent.
         “Is Jidwi still missing?” I take a deep breath. “Why can’t something go right for once?”
         “Then life would be boring,” Hansung chuckles.
         “This day has gone on for so long,” I massage the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. “If I don’t get a happy ending, then I am no longer lucky.”
         “I thought you have already sworn off the lucky label,” Yeowool grins at me.
         “This event will prove it for everyone else,” I lean into Hansung’s side.
         “The universe would never screw you over,” Sooho steps up to us. “It made you.”
         I glance up at the star-studded night sky. “Whoever made me will get an earful if I ever meet them.”
         “Jidwi!” A boy outside the tent blurts out.
         I look over to see Jidwi walk straight to a chair within the tent and sit down. He looks deep in thought; like something is weighing down on him.
         “Hey Jidwi,” I speak up loud enough for the boy to look up at me. “Are you okay? You were gone for a while, and I was concerned.”
         “I’m fine,” Jidwi flashes me a grin. “No need to worry about me, Hwarang princess.”
         I feel a calm wash over me form his comment, and a small heat surfaces on my cheeks. “If you hadn’t come back, I was concerned you’d have to deal with my wrath after tonight. I was livid.”
         “I wouldn’t leave my team to fail,” Jidwi leans forward. “However, it seems someone else wants us to fail.”
         “And when I find out who it is, I am going to kick their ass,” I smirk.
         The talking stops between us, and all of us are just standing around waiting for something to happen. For anything to happen.
         “BanRyu!” A boy shouts, causing everyone to look up to see the boy we’ve been searching for.
         BanRyu makes his way into the open tent, still in his everyday Hwarang uniform, and not looking too happy.
         “Something’s off,” I nibble on my bottom lip. “He doesn’t have anger in his eyes, it’s more sadness than anything.”
         Sooho lets out an angry huff.
         BanRyu walks over to the last uniform hanging up, and slowly begins to untie the clothes he’s wearing.
         “I want to say something to him, but I don’t know what,” I pout.
         “Oh, I’ll say something,” Sooho stomps over to BanRyu, turning him around and grabbing the cloth near his neck. “You. Was this your plan from the beginning?”
         BanRyu shoves Sooho away without saying a word. Then he goes back to untying his clothes.
         “You are such a bastard who will never change,” Sooho lunges at BanRyu, but Yeowool is right there to hold him back.
         “Restrain yourself,” Yeowool commands.
         Sooho breaks out of Yeowool’s hold with ease, but makes no move to grab BanRyu. “If we fail this, you will have two angry people coming your way, at least. I will not let it go.”
         “Don’t bring me into this,” I shake my head.
         BanRyu looks at Sooho with shock in his eyes, but still remains silent.
         “If we fail, I will end you for sure.”
         BanRyu looks around at those standing in the tent. The sadness in his eyes is clear. Though, what he is sad about is fuzzy. Sooho’s threats probably mean nothing to him, and he’s not really a fan of Hwarang. If we pass or fail matters very little to him. There is something else going on.
         BanRyu turns back to the hanging uniform, and slowly returns to changing.
         I turn to advert my gaze from what will soon be a near naked boy. “I just want to get on stage one way or another. We can do it without music, but it will be weird.”
         “There has to be some way that the instrument players can make a beat on something else,” Hansung runs a hand down my arm. “I am sure on of the masters will come up with something.”
         “Maybe Sunwoo will have a great idea with Master WooReuk,” I nervously shift around on my feet. “I don’t want all our practice to have been for nothing.”
         “He makes me so mad,” Sooho grumbles as he steps back up to us with Yeowool. “Everything was going great, and then-”
         “He didn’t do anything, Sooho,” I cut him off.
         “What?” Sooho steps in front of me. “Are you really taking his side?”
         “That’s what a princess must do,” Yeowool grins.
         “I am taking his side because I can read his face and something else is going on with him,” I poke the middle of Sooho’s chest. “Someone else wrecked the instruments. Not BanRyu. All we can do is hope that Sunwoo and Master WooReuk can figure out a way to make music without proper instruments.”
         As if on cue, Sunwoo comes running to the tent with a wide grin on his face. “We made new drums, so we can still preform. Everyone get into position. We are not going to fail this.”
         Everyone lets out a cheer, and then we all start running around. The instruments need to be brought to the stage. We need to make sure that everyone’s uniforms are in order. I need to give a pep talk to my group before it all begins.
         “Tonight has been crazy boys, but that just makes what we are going to do even better,” I quickly smile. “We are going to do great out there, so just let the music flow through you.”
         The beat starts up on stage, so my time is running out.
         “This has been fun, and I hope that continues. Let’s go dance our hearts out for the people!”
         “Yes!” My roommates nod, smiles appearing on some of their faces.
         In the next moment we rush onto the stage. The music flows through my body, and I barely have to think about my moves. The boys are fluid in their moves, and even if they make a mistake, it is barley noticeable. All our hard work is paying off in front of the people of Sill. This is one of my proudest moments.
         The music concludes as we land in our final spots, and the crowd goes crazy. Everyone jumps out of their seats as they clap and shout praises. Girls are swooning for the boys around me, and a few boys are looking right at me. It feels like a pass, and that is what we all are looking for. To make the people this happy is worth everything that we went through.
         Hansung is the first to rush over to me and give ma a big hug, picking me up and twirling me around as I burst into giggles. Then it is Yeowool, smiling as he hugs and presses kisses to my cheeks.
         The stage is now in chaos as all the boys are rushing around to hug one another.
         I giggle as Sooho picks me up by the waist to show me off to the crows. Then he gives me a swaying hug from behind.
         Once Sooho lets go of me, I decide to rush over to Sunwoo, giving him a hug and patting his cheek. He may have hurt my best friend, but I know that he was just doing what he thought was best.
         BanRyu walks pass me with a tired smile on his lips. He pats my head, which is the most affection that I will probably ever get from him. I will cherish if for a long time.
         The last person that I care to see is Jidwi, and I am surprised to find him in the craziness that is happening on stage.
         “We did it,” I squeal, grabbing his hand and jumping in place.
         “That we did,” Jidwi grins, bringing my hand up to press his lips to my knuckles. “Nice for the Hwarang princess to show how amazing she is.”
         My cheeks burst with heat as I tug my hand back. “Oh, I still think people will view me as lucky, so not much has changed.”
         “They will learn one day.”
         “Ara,” Hansung bounds up to me with Yeowool. “Let’s go have a bit of fun before we have to go back to the house. This festival is for us as well.”
         “Fried food,” I jump from one foot to the other in a happy dance as  big smile takes over my face. Then I link both my arms with one arm of each boy. “Come on, I am starving. I didn’t eat a lot today. Come on!” I start dragging them off the stage.
         “Coming,” Yeowool and Hansung chuckle.
         After all the crap that happened with us dancing, I need food to make it all better. I’ll need a lot of sleep too. Right now, though, it feels good to hang with my friends, and enjoy the rest of this festival.
         “It is so nice to have a day off,” I sink into my chair. “The Okta store isn’t really where I thought we would go, but at least we have our own little room.” I lean forward, grabbing some crackers for the table.
         “I would have gone anywhere with you,” Hansung lovingly smiles at me.
         “I heard a few guys talking about you, Ara,” Yeowool grins, taking a sip of the drink the store left us. “They find you so beautiful, which is the truth.”
         “Oh, stop,” I roll my eyes, waving his comment off as my cheeks heat up. “It’s weird wearing a dress after so many days of pants, but I am enjoying the feeling of a dress.”
         “That is surprising,” Sooho chuckles. “You talk about adventures all the time, but a dress seems limiting.”
         “I’ve just always had to deal with a dress, so I do what I can,” I shrug. “Having pants has been a lot of fun.”
         “That is such a strange thing to hear,” Sooho shakes his head.
         “I am still shocked about last night,” Yeowool sighs. “That was too much for me.”
         “There is still a single flam of anger within me, but I don’t know who it is directed at. All of you boys are a bit stupid, but I don’t think any of you would sabotage everyone else.”
         “Harsh,” Hansung pouts. “I didn’t do anything wrong last night.”
         “Neither did I,” Yeowool looks over at Sooho.
         “What?” Sooho looks around at the three of us with wide eyes.
         “Well, you almost fought BanRyu,” I pout some of the drink into a cup, sipping on it as I stare down Sooho. “We couldn’t prove he did anything wrong.”
         “How are you so sure BanRyu didn’t do it?” Yeowool looks over at me.
         “There was this look in his eyes,” I tap my cheekbone.
         “Plus, he chews on his bottom lip when something unjust happens to him,” Sooho adds in. “He was doing that last night.”
         I nod in thought, running a hand through my loose hair. Oh, how I have loved not having it up today. It’s been nice to see the other boys with their hair not in the Hwarang style.
         “Would someone with a personality like his do something stupid like that?” Sooho asks. “I don’t think so. Even if he died and came back from the dead.”
         “Sometimes I can’t tell if you are enemies or friends,” Yeowool smirks, leaning forwards toward Sooho.
         “It is strange with how much you know about him,” I giggle.
         “Yet, he does not know about the breast incident,” Hansung says.
         Sooho takes a sip of his drink, raising his eyebrows at Hansung.
         Yeowool slaps his hand over Hansung’s chest, placing his other hand over Hansung’s mouth. “We do not mention that,” he grumbles.
         “What?” Sooho looks at us all with curious eyes.
         In the next moment, the door to our room slams open. I turn in my seat to see Sooyeon, Sooho’s younger sister. She looks at each of us, clearly not finding what she has come to look for and leaves without a word.
         “Was that my sister?” Sooho asks.
         “I think it was,” I nod a few times, settling back into my seat. “I haven’t seen her in a while.”
         “That was the breast thing I was just talking about,” Hansung says with a boxy smile.
         “Hansung,” I kick the boy’s let.
         “Seriously, mouth,” Yeowool picks up his fan, pointing it at Hansung’s mouth.
         “Why is she ignoring me?” Sooho asks the room, but I don’t think he expects any of us to answer. “”And the wine bottle. What was up with that?” He titles his head to the side as he slips into his thoughts.
         “She could have been looking for Ahro,” I clear my throat. “They are pretty close.”
         “Sooho?” Yeowool gently asks as Sooho’s eyes begin to widen in realization.
         “Sooho?” I reach for Sooho’s hand as he slowly stands up, but the gesture is useless as his mind is already set on something.
         “That bastard,” Sooho says with no emotion, making it even scarier. “I am going to kill him.” He takes a deep breath, “BanRyu!” He’s rushing out of the room before the three of us can get out of our seats.
         “Stupid,” Yeowool whaps Hansung on the top of the head with his fan.
         “Later,” I stumble out of my seat. “We must follow him.”
         The three of us burst out of the room, Yeowool somehow taking the lead and directing us to where Sooho must have rushed off to. We go down the hall, bursting into a room just as Sooho’s fist collides with BanRyu’s face and sends him to the ground.
         “Sooho! BanRyu!” I blurt out, placing a hand over my mouth.
         “Why are you doing this?” Yeowool grabs Sooho’s arm as Hansung tries to help in holding the angered boy back.
         “Let go!” Sooho pushes the tow boys off and goes back to BanRyu. “You bastard. Come here!” He tosses BanRyu onto his back, punching him again. “How dare you do that to my sister!”
         “Stop!” I scream, but it falls on deaf ears.
         Sooyeon rolls her eyes, stepping up to her brother, and hitting him over the head with the bottle in her hand. It knocks Sooho out in an instant, and once she frees her hands, she can push Sooho off BanRyu. Then she helps BanRyu up, and the two rush out of the room without any explanation.
         “That is going to hurt when he comes to,” I hiss in pain as I rub the back of my head, leaning into Hansung’s side. “She didn’t even hesitate.”
         Yeowool lets out a noise of surprise, “This is a twist that no one could have expected.”
         “He is pitiful,” Hansung nudges me off of him so he can kneel to be closer to Sooho.
         “We should get him some help so that his neck doesn’t get more hurt.” I place a hand on my hip. “He’s so stupid,” I roll my eyes. “He let his anger get the better of him. Ugh, let’s help him!”
         “I have to get back soon, but I am so glad that I was able to come home to visit,” I smile at my father and Yeseul. “I have miss you both so much. Were you at the festival? Were you able to see me?”
         “We wouldn’t have missed it knowing that you were going to perform,” Yeseul grins, leaning forward to grab my hand across the table. “You did so well. All of you did so well. I understand that you did not practice for that long.”
         “And someone damaged our instruments right before we went on stage,” I give Yeseul’s hand a squeeze. “There was a lot that went on last night, and then this morning. It’s hard living and dealing with those boys every single day. They do some really stupid things, but at least it is a lot of fun.”
         “What about relationships? Have you made a lot of friends, yes?” My father asks.
         “At lot, well, I would say a few. My roommates care about me quite a bit. They call me the Hwarang Princess,” I giggle. “At first, I really hated it, but it is growing on me. To know that they all look out for me, and I will do the same.”
         “How is Hansung?” My father grins; a teasing glint in his eyes.
         I feel my cheeks heat up quickly, and I pull my hand away from Yeseul so I can sip on my water. It gives me a moment to calm down and collect my thoughts.
         “He will always make you blush,” Yeseul giggles.
         “Hansung is going good,” I place my cup down. “He’s still like he has always been, smiling all the time. He can be serious when he needs to be, ad always wants to be with me. We are having fun with everyone else. He wants to take a step forward, but where we are, and everything else, it just doesn’t look like it is in the stars. He’s still all over me when he can be.”
         “You will always be the cutest,” Yeseul smiles. “You two together, I don’t think anything could be cuter.”
         “What about your other friends?” My father asks.
         “Well, there’s Yeowool the pretty boy who likes to just sit, fan us, and be pretty,” I lean back in my seat. “Then you know Sooho, and he will always ask me for that date. Um, Sunwoo is Ahro’s brother or something. He’s shy, so we talk very little. BanRyu pisses me off, but we are mending that bridge. Then last is Jidwi, who is a bit mysterious, but I like him. He’s always so nice, and we have become quite close over the short time that we have known each other. I just love all the boys that I get to share a room with, even if they do drive me crazy some times,” I giggle.
         “Has it been hard?” Yeseul asks.
         “The academic side has been fairly easy,” I shrug. “The training and fighting has been a bit tough, but it has been getting easier as we keep going. There are chores that we do where some of them really suck, and others that I love so much. It all just depends, but it has been good so far.”
         “That’s good to hear,” Yeseul tenderly smiles. “We worry about you, and your letters help us know that you are doing good. Hearing it come directly from you makes it even better.”
         “I wish we could visit family more, but I understand why they keep us in the house for long times.”
         “We patiently wait for you to come home, even if we miss you dearly,” my father lovingly smiles at me. “We are so proud of you and all that you are doing. Keep up the good work.”
         “Sir, hold on!” A servant’s voice shouts in panic.
         “Ara,” Hansung’s voice fills my ears as he breathes heavily.
         I burst out of my seat, turning to see Hansung standing in the doorway with a big smile on his face. “Hansungie, is something wrong?”
         “Nothing at all,” he fixes his Hwarang headband. “Just, we need to get back soon, and I wanted to make sure you were changed.”
         “You can’t help her change, Hansung,” my father chuckles. “Not yet, anyways.”
         “Father,” I whine, looking at him with my cheeks heating up.
         “I respect your daughter, sir, and until we get married, I know when to give her space,” Hansung says.
         “Hansungie,” I whine, looking over at my friend. “Why must you say things like that?”
         “Because you mean the world to me,” Hansung steps up to me. “Now, come on, you need to change, and then we have to get back to the house.”
         “I’m going,” I step around him, heading for my room. “You stay here, and I will be back! Then we will get back to being Hwarang!”
Hope you enjoyed reading! Not much for me to say other then I love the gif and the dance is always so fun to watch. Check it out if you can! As always, I would love to know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-One
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3103
         “Dance is expressing nature with your body,” Master WooReuk says from his spot on the platform in the classroom. “The wind blows,” he waves his arm across his body. “The rain falls,” he begins to dance as if nature were controlling him.
         Hansung has a smile on his face as he mimics the movements.
         I can’t help the tight-lipped grin that takes over my face as I move my hand slightly like the boy to my right.
         “The sun rises,” Master WooReuk continues his interpretive dance. “Just as the river and ocean flow, so must your body move. Sense it with your body, and let it take over.”
         I spot Sooho moving his hands as if he’s figuring out rhythm. These boys all around me seem to be trying to force the rhythm to come to them, but it just doesn’t work that way.
         “You must understand the softness…”
         I feel Hansung’s hand grab at my thigh, but all I can do is fail to push him away.
         “In order to express your feelings through dance, you need to understand the softness. Now, we must stretch out to achieve that softness, or you will risk hurting yourself.”
         In the next few minutes, boys spread out across the room, partnering up as they go. I’m not surprised that no one partners up with me, when I go down into the splits without a second thought. However, I am surprised when BanRyu pairs up with Sooho, Sunwoo joins with Jidwi, and Hansung decides to go with Yeowool.
         “Such babies,” I giggle as I bend down to reach for my feet. “I’m not even trying.”
         “It’s easy for you,” BanRyu groans in pain as his leg is up on Sooho’s shoulder. “You don’t have anything in the way, so you can do it without any real trouble.”
         “I’m in pain,” Hansung whines. “I can’t stretch any further.”
         “Neither can I,” Yeowool’s chuckle is higher pitched than normal.
         “Ara, how are you so flexible?” Sooho smirks at BanRyu’s pain.
         “I dipped my toe into all kinds of pools when I was young,” I straighten back up. “Some things stuck, others didn’t. This is one of those stuck things.”
         “What didn’t stick?” Yeowool asks.
         “Cooking, telling stories, raising birds, and much more,” I raise my leg up into a split position. “Good thing I didn’t give up talking to Hansungie.”
         “Hey,” Hansung pouts, wincing as he tries to stretch down towards Yeowool. “I’m not hard to talk. You love talking to me.”
         “Says you,” BanRyu grunts out.
         “You are pulling too hard,” Sunwoo chokes out.
         I look over to see Jidwi pulling on Sunwoo’s arms as he holds his legs apart with his feet.
         “I must not like brother’s who make their sister’s cry,” Jidwi glares at Sunwoo. “Either that, or I must be jealous. Not that it really matters.”
         I place my foot back on the ground, looking around at my friends in pain. “Okay guys, can someone help me stretch out. I want to find the softness too.”
         “Oh, you have the softness already,” BanRyu taunts.
         I slap the boy on the back, “Very funny ass. You know, I’m sick of all the harsh words and taunts. I work just as hard as every single one of you guys here. Just because I’m a girl, and maybe a half breed, and smaller than everyone, doesn’t erase that fact. I work hard to prove people like you wrong.”
         Sooho lets BanRyu place his leg back on the ground, and my long-time enemy turns to face me.
         “What?” I cross my arms over my chest, looking up at him with a daring look on my face. “What do you have to say?”
         BanRyu takes a deep breath, standing up straighter. “I’m sorry.”
         A noise escapes my mouth that sounds like I am choking on food.
         “Ara,” Sooho reaches out, but I just push his hand away.
         “Say that again,” I stare up at BanRyu in complete shock.
         “I said, I am sorry,” BanRyu lets out a breath.
         “Are you being serious? After all these years, you are apologizing.”
         “Yes, I am,” his body slouches as the words leave his mouth. “You didn’t deserve the hate, and now we have all been living and training together. We shouldn’t fight. We need to get along. I need to be the bigger person and forgive you.”
         “I’m dreaming,” I pinch my cheeks. “Nope, wide awake. Okay, I need to sit down before I pass out.”
         “Ara, come here,” Hansung calls out to me.
         I slowly turn around, shuffling over to Hansung before sinking to the ground next to him. “He’s sorry, I can’t believe it.”
         “Maybe he changed?” Hansung runs a hand over my hair.
         “Are you dying?” I look up as  BanRyu gets ready to stretch Sooho. “Can’t die with a guilty conscience?”
         “Just accept it, okay?” BanRyu shakes his head. “I won’t be saying it again.”
         “Fine,” I lean against Hansung. “I don’t know how I feel about it, though. You are confusing.”
         “Now that you’re down here, want me to help you find your softness?” Yeowool smirks at me.
         “She already has softness,” Hansung quickly has my stomach in his hand and squeezes the fat.
         I squeal, a string of giggles leaving my mouth. “Hansungie,” I flail to get out of my best friend’s grasp, but he just pulls me into his lap.
         “Can you please stop reminding us of how alone we all are?” A boy calls out.
         “You all have a chance,” I look around at the boys in the room. “Not while we are in here, of course, but later.”
         “Sure we do,” another boy calls out.
         “Honey, don’t tease,” Hansung breathes out just loud enough for me to here.”
         “Enough,” I place my feet on Yeowool’s feet as he is not in front of me. “I need to help all of you get the softness, so let’s go.”
         “I don’t think I can find the softness; I’ll just pull a muscle or something,” Sooho groans as BanRyu lifts his leg.
         “Come on, grab my hands,” I lean forward, holding my hands out for Yeowool. “I am down as far as I can go, so I think you can grab me.”
         Yeowool leans forward, grabbing my hands. “Do not pull back, or I may scream.”
         “Just a little,” I tug him towards me. “Stretching isn’t just about finding the softness. It helps to relax the muscles.”
         Hansung’s hands roam my back, “We’ll never be nearly as good as you, Ara.”
         “Whatever,” I roll my eyes. “Regardless, I will do what I can to help you all.”
         “I don’t know about this, Hansung,” I pout as we stand outside of Master Wihwa’s office. “What if he tells us that we have to go back to our old room? I don’t think that I can stomach going back there. Those boys were terrible, and I like being able to sleep through the night.”
         “I know, but we need to tell him,” Hansung sighs. “If we keep going behind his back, it just means when he finds out it will be worse for us.”
         “I guess, but I am still scared of what he is going to say.”
         “Whatever he says, we will get through it together,” he grabs my hand, knocking on the door. “I can promise you that.”
         “Come in!” Master Wihwa replies.
         Hansung opens the door, and we both step into the small room.
         “Ah, what brings you two here?” Master Wihwa gently smiles.
         Hansung and I step closer to him.
         “We have to tell you that we broke a rule,” I sigh, feeling like my heart might explode.
         “What rule?” Master Wihwa frowns. “I don’t take the two of you as rule breakers.”
         “We switched rooms, master,” Hansung bows his head. “We could not stay in the room that we were given on the first day here, and I know that we should have switched on that day, but I did not realize just how bad our roommates were going to be. They tease Ara every single, and make comments that make her feel less than a person. I try to stand up for her, but they just don’t learn. They also say things about me, but I do my best to brush it off. We went to room with Sooho and the others in his room. They treat us with respect, and we feel safe with them.”
         “Please sir, don’t send me back to our other room,” I plead, bowing my head like Hansung.
         “I commend you for coming to me and not going behind my back,” Master Wihwa speaks up. “It shows that you are brave, and that the problems was big enough that you needed to change to continue to do your best here. I really don’t care who you room with, so stay where you are. Just, make sure that you are eating with them, shower with them Hansung, and stick with them.”
         My head pops up, “Of course!”
         “Thank you so much,” Hansung bows before straightening up. “It feels nice to know that you are on our side.”
         “You are free to go back, then, but Ara, if you could please, I need to talk to you,” Master Wihwa looks at me.
         “Me?” I choke out, feeling my heart speed up. There are so many things that he could need to talk to me about, and I can’t think of any that are good.
         “I’ll wait for you outside. Keep your head up, and it will all go well,” Hansung gives my hand a squeeze before turning and walking about of the room.
         “What do you need to talk to me about, master?” I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
         “It is nothing bad, so you can relax,” Master Wihwa chuckles. “I am not kicking you out of Hwarang, Star Eyes. You are working harder than some of the boys here. You have proven to be tough, and I applaud you for that. I can only imagine that it is hard for you being the only girl.”
         “It has been interesting,” I shrug, feeling my cheeks heating up from his praise. “Being the only girl has proved to have its difficulties, but everyone is going through their own struggles. I am just taking it one day at a time with my friends.”
         “I know that it is hard dealing with all these stupid boys, but you are doing a great job of powering through. I’m sure that any other girl in your position would have given up after half the amount of comments made towards you, but you just keep on going. I knew that I was right when letting you stay.”
         “Thank you, sir, that means a lot.”
         “How are the living arrangements now that you have switched rooms?”
         “They are good,” I nod. “I share a bed with one of the boys, but I was doing that with Hansung before. It is comfortable.”
         “And when you shower? None of the boys have walked in on you?”
         “Once, and I was able to hide before throwing soap at them,” I slightly smile. “I feel good her, so don’t worry about me. I am safe, and I am proving people wrong.”
         “That’s good,” he grins. “I will keep looking out for you, Star Eyes. Now, go back to your duties.”
         I nod, turning on my heel and then skipping out of his office.
         “Why are you so giddy about?” Hansung pinches my cheek as I step up to him.
         “Nothing,” I giggle. “Master Wihwa just told me that he is proud of where I am, even if I am the only girl in here.”
         “Well, I have to agree that you are strong,” Hansung grabs my hand, tugging me forward. “You are doing a wonderful job, honey.”
         “Thank you, Hansungie. It means a lot coming from you.”
         “What are we going to go do now?” He swings our clasped hands.
         “We could go back to practicing our dance with the others, or we could go to the horses and check on them. The river might even be fun to go play in. Whatever you want to do, I am up for.”
         “We could practice our dance moves at the river.”
         “Oh, a perfect idea,” I giggle. “I’ll still splash you whenever I can.”
         “Of course you will,” he pokes my side. “With the moves that you have to do, it should be easy for you to throw water at me.”
         “And you will do the same to me,” I poke his side. “Now, come on, let’s get to the river!”
         I sigh as I’m half on Hansung’s lap and half on the wooden bench as we eat our meal. The table is still cramped with seven people, but they are my new roommates, and I enjoy eating with the ones I consider my closest friends.
         Hansung feeds me some rice as we share a food tray for convenience.
         Yeowool sits down across from Hansung and I. “Why are you here? Not you Ara, as you are lovely and I have no problem letting you sit here,” he smiles at me.
         “Master Wihwa said we need to stay here,” Hansung answer with cheeks full of food.
         I nod, remembering the talk Hansung and I had with the head of Hwarang just yesterday. “He was very understanding,” I nibble on my bottom lip as I think over the conversation.
         “I was surprised,” Yeowool’s voice has me blinking back to reality. “You dance well,” he directs at BanRyu. “I see hidden talent. Like you have practiced before.”
         I look down to see BanRyu pointing his spoon at Yeowool.
         “Shut up and eat,” BanRyu sneers.
         “Hm,” Yeowool thoughtfully nods. “Alright, I will do,” he begins spooning food into his mouth.
         “I think you all kind of suck at dancing,” I mumble, shoving sprouts into my mouth with my fingers.
         Sooho spoons rice from his own bowl into Jidwi’s rice bowl draws my attention over to those two boys. I’ve heard that Jidwi hasn’t been feeling well recently, so maybe Sooho is trying to help him keep his strength up with more food. Though, Jidwi looks fairly well to me.
         “Are you still off limits?” Sooho asks.
         I run my tongue over my lips as my eyebrows furrow together.
         “When I give someone food, it is a huge deal. You better not be weak because you are sick,” Sooho raises his spoon for a second.
         Jidwi stares down at his food. Not even making much of an attempt to eat, but that doesn’t have to mean that he is sick.
         “Sooho, what are you talking about?” I carefully examine the supposedly sick Jidwi. “I know that Jidwi has been sleeping more, but any of us could be tired from all the work we are doing.”
         “He looks fine to me,” Yeowool adds.
         Jidwi slowly raises his hand to cover his mouth, coughing and wiping away nonexistent snot. “I am a little sick.”
         “Don’t get Ara sick,” Sooho slaps his hand down on the table.
         “I feel great, actually,” I timidly raise my hand. “Not feeling ill at all.”
         “That’s good,” Hansung pats my thigh.
         “I must do well on this performance no matter what,” Sooho says. “I plan to show the Queen my deep loyalty to her. So, please cooperate.”
         “I’m doing it for the people,” I state, knowing that the boys probably aren’t listening.
         “Okay?” Sooho raps his knuckles on the table near Sunwoo. “Cooperate.”
         “Loyalty?” Yeowool snickers. “Are you sure about that? Did you think about it at all?”
         “What?” Sooho’s face falls, and he looks down at his food.
         “The Queen forced us into this,” I speak up. “She pushed her kids away. The King should be ruling, yet he’s not. That’s why I serve the people, and not someone on a pedestal. That is why I work hard as a Hwarang.”
         “So, you hate the faceless king?” Jidwi coughs, looking over at me.
         “I don’t hate him, no. I just wish he could stand up to his mother and take over like he is meant to. He’s king, and I just want to see his face once to know he’s real, and that he wants to protect Silla. That he cares about us.”
         “What if you have seen him?”
         “Like he walks around as a common person?” I chuckle. “I don’t think so. He’s probably not even in the capital as we speak. I bet he has no idea about Hwarang. I can only hope that he wants to come back, but even then, I can only hope.”
         “Is this one of your feelings?” Hansung asks, poking my side.
         “No, because it’s just a guess I am making from all that I know and have heard,” I shrug. “Until he comes back, a guess is all we can give.”
         “I’m sure you’ll meet the king one day,” Jidwi sniffles. “He’ll want to meet you, Ara, the girl with the universe in her eyes.”
         I smile, looking away as my cheeks begin to heat up. “I’m not too sure about that, but thank you. That makes me feel good.”
         “You don’t need the king to cheer you up and make you feel special,” Yeowool pats my hand.
         “That’s what we are here for,” Sooho speaks up.
         “Yeah,” Hansung rubs his cheek on mine. “We have to keep the princess happy.”
         “All of you just shut up and eat,” I giggle, shaking my head. “Flattery is nice, though. All of you are so sweet.”
         “She didn’t even dispute the princess part,” BanRyu smirks.
         “Don’t even dare, BanRyu,” I toss a sprout over at him. “I thought that we were on the path to become friends.”
         “Friends is a strong word.”
         “Forget him,” Sooho leans in towards me. “You are our princess, and we are never going to stop thinking it.”
         “With how pretty you are, how come we?” Yeowool smiles.
         “You have the night sky in your eyes, that must mean something,” Hansung adds in.
         “Please all of you, can we just move on?” I roll my eyes as a chuckle passes through my lips.
         The banter explodes over the table as the boys try to get their thoughts out. All I can do is smile and feel so blessed in this moment. These crazy boys really do make days here exciting.
         I feel so lucky to have been accepted here. It is not luck, though. It’s deeper than that and more explainable. These boys are my friends by their own choice. Luck had nothing to do with it.
I am so sorry that it has been a while since I have put out a chapter and that this one is a bit shorter than what I have been doing. It has a lot going on in it, so I hope you enjoyed reading. As always, please let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3418
         “It’s nice to be alone with my honey,” Hansung smiles as we sit down on a bench in the shade of a tree. “All the dance practices, and school like lessons, and eating, we are with our roommates.”
         “Hansung, we shower at the same time, so we are alone every day,” I shove his shoulder. “I could be reading right now, but I didn’t want you to be all pouty.”
         “How has sleeping with Jidwi been?” He looks up at the cloudless sky; fingers messing with any part of his clothes. “You’ve been sleeping straight through the nights by his side, so that must mean something.”
         I reach out, placing my hands on his to stop his fidgeting. “He’s fine. Gives me my space, makes sure I have enough blanket, doesn’t give kisses like you do, and there’s no cuddles. So, he’s fine, but he’s not you. I miss you.”
         Hansung looks down, a tender smile on his lips. “I miss you at night too. Sunwoo is nothing like you. I have to hold my pillow to my chest and pretend it’s you. It sucks, but I do what I can.”
         “Just power through it,” I lean closer to him. “I mean, once we graduate from Hwarang, you’re going to marry me as quickly as possible. It’s that right?”
         “You’re actually gonna let me marry you? After all the talk of not wanting to because of status, my grandfather, and whatever else. What changed you mind? Did you finally realize that I am the best for you?”
         “Why are you questioning it?” I pout, scrunching my eyebrows together. “Do you not want to marry me anymore? It’s oaky if you’ve changed your mind. I can ask my father to set me up with someone once we get out of here. The only reason he hasn’t is because I am content with being free to go on adventures. After this though, I don’t know how I will feel about adventures.”
         “No,” he cups my face in his hands. “No, no. My mind was made up years ago. You’re the one for me. I just, don’t want something to happen to me, and you’re left alone. It will be an adventure. Our life together will be an adventure.”
         “So, we’re okay?” I search his face for something that even I don’t know.
         “We are great,” he presses his lips to my nose. “Sorry if I freaked you out. You are still my favorite person, Ara.”
         “As are you,” I giggle, leaning away from Hansung. “I wonder what the other boys are doing.”
         “BanRyu was studying, Sooho won’t stop asking him for his memories. Jidwi is in bed feeling ill, Yeowool is off somewhere doing whatever it is he does to stay pretty. And Sunwoo was picking flowers last I saw him. Everyone has their own agenda for our break.”
         “It seems like it,” I nibble on my bottom lip. “Master Wihwa has been gone for some time now, and I miss him in a weird way. I can’t help but feel like something is happening that he doesn’t like. That something is going to be changing around here that will throw off the balance.”
         “He does what he can to keep the Hwarang safe.”
         “I don’t think it’s a matter of our safety,” I look over at the covered walkway. “More like, someone is going to disrupt our way of life here.”
         In the next moment, I notice Ahro fast walking in our direction. She looks off in a way that I have rarely seen her.
         “You get feelings like this all the time,” Hansung places a hand on my thigh. “We’ll have to wait and see if you are right.”
         “Hold on,” I brush Hansung’s hand off me, standing up with a leap. “I’ll be right back, I have to check on Ahro,” I glance down at my favorite person before rushing off to Ahro’s side.
         From a distance, her eyes look puffy as if she was crying just moments ago. The closer I get, the more that observation seems correct as I see the redness around her eyes. The fast pace of her walk like she wants to run away from whatever has broken her.
         “Ahro,” I call out, my hand resting on her shoulder.
         The two of us stop walking, facing one another in a second. Ahro’s tear stained cheeks breaking my heart.
         “Who did this to you?” I ball my free hand into a fist.
         Ahro shakes her head, wiping tears off her cheeks.
         “If it was Jidwi, I swear, he has another thing coming.” I set my jaw in anger. “No one does this to my best friend and gets away with it.”
         “No,” she chokes out. “Brother…lie…I just want to be alone,” she sniffles. “To figure everything out.”
         I take a deep breath to relax, “Don’t go too far. I am here to help when you get back, okay?”
         She nods, patting the hand I have on her shoulder. “Thank you.”
         “We’ll be okay. Tough girls are made to be pushed, and we have the energy to push back,” I tenderly smile.
         Ahro is rushing away in the next second, tears threatening to spill once again. Her strength to hold back the waterfall of tears slowly breaking.
         I shuffle back to Hansung, carefully sitting down between his legs.
         Ahro’s words echo in my mind as I try to piece together the little that she was able to get out to me. The fact that she couldn’t even stand to talk to me about it feels like a punch to the gut. She is hurt more than any other time that I have seen her.
         “Everything okay, honey?” Hansung wraps his arms around my middle, pulling me back into his chest.
         “No,” I sigh, closing my eyes to help process everything. “Not for Ahro, and the same is true for Sunwoo. Actually, that’s probably not even his name.”
         “What are you talking about?”
         “Ahro’s brother isn’t that boy who claims to be. There is something deeper going on, and Ahro is heartbroken. She doesn’t even know what she wants him to be. Brother or not, but either way, it will hurt her. I mean, they didn’t look anything alike, so it makes sense. But, how could she not trust him?”
         “Then who is he?”
         “Ahro couldn’t get anything out other than to tell me he was lying,” I wiggle into Hansung’s chest. “She’ll tell me when she is ready, so I just have to wait.”
         “What about Sunwoo? You could just ask him.”
         “I am going to give that boy the cold shoulder for a little while. It’s their drama, but I do hate that he hurt my best friend. She like him, wanted to be close to him, but he lied for whatever reason that we may never understand. I can’t believe this happening. This place is crazy.”
         “You need a nap,” Hansung runs a hand through my hair. “Just, relax, and know everything will work out. I am sure of that.”
         “Easy for you to say,” I barely smile. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”
         “Oh, I do, but I don’t let it run my life. Trust me, my life isn’t always big smiles and good memories. It all will work out in the end, though. You trust me, don’t you.”
         “Of course I trust you, Hansungie. I trust you more than anything.”
         “Then we can face this problem head on.”
         “At least Hwarang is helping us reach new heights.”
         I sigh, walking into the medical office as my feet are on fire. The chances of Ahro being here after how I saw her yesterday is small, but I’m sure that I can figure out what cream is used on my feet and apply it. The tricky part will be wrapping them back up as good as her, but I can always get Hansung to help me.
         “Ara, what brings you here?” Ahro spins around from her shelf of medical supplies.
         “I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I mess with the ends of my sleeves. “I need cream for my feet, so that’s why I’m here.”
         “Sit down,” she motions at the cot in the room. “I’ll fix you right up.”
         “Are you okay?” I take as seat on the cot, slipping my boots off slowly as to reduce the pain that shoots through me like lightning. “The boys have been a bit off since you ran out. Well, just two of my new roommates, really. All of them are weird in their own way, so who am I to judge.”
         Ahro kneels in front of me, carefully removing the bandages. “How are you? Boy troubles calming down or staying the same?”
         “I think that Hansung and I are set, but it might just be because we are all happy from the thanksgiving dance we are practicing. Or the fact that I actually feel safe in welcomed since moving rooms. Either way, we have been acting way too close.” I hiss as the cream Ahro is rubbing on me hits a raw patch.
         “Sorry, sorry,” Ahro grimaces as she dabs at the area with a cloth. “Take a deep breath and try to focus on something else.”
         “Sooho won’t stop asking about his lost memories,” I take a deep breath to push the pain away. “Yeowool really likes being pretty with me, but I hate being like a doll. He can sit around fanning himself if he wants, but I like to go out and get a little dirty. Then BanRyu hasn’t been a complete ass. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in his head.”
         “I never thought I’d hear you say that,” she stands up, walking over to her shelf. “What about…” She trails off, but I know who she wants to bring up.
         “Jidwi and Sunwoo? Both seem distant. Jidwi seems to be thinking of something or someone. I know a boy in love, and that might just be him. Then Sunwoo just seems sad. To top it off, something is off. A bad event is coming up, and I just want everyone to be okay.”
         “How do you know?” Ahro is back in front of me, expertly wrapping my feet back up. “Did you have a dream?”
         “No, not a dream. I just have a feeling,” I shrug. “Someone is going to disrupt life here, and then it may all go to hell.”
         “You don’t know who?” Ahro stands up once again, walking over to the shelf to put the bandages away.
         I slowly slip my feet into my boots. “All I get are feelings. I don’t know exactly what is going to happen. If I did, maybe then people would stop calling me lucky and respect me.”
         “Did you have a have a feeling,” she takes a shuddering breath, “that Sunwoo. That he wasn’t my brother?”
         I look up to see Ahro looking at me with tears welling up in her eyes. “You look nothing alike, and he didn’t know your mother was mute, so, it wasn’t much of a feeling, really. More of a looking at the facts.”
         “Of course,” she forcefully shakes her head. “I’m such an idiot.”
         “Ahro, you know that’s not true. There must be a reason. One you can’t understand at this time. Hansung told me that worrying will get you nowhere, and you just have to let it all work out. It will all work out in the end. At least, that is what he thinks.”
         “Why would he lie? He played with my emotions! I like him, and wanted to believe my brother was back to cheer me up. But that was not worth some boy lying to me!”
         “I know, I know,” I stand up, taking a step towards my friend. “But, he was doing his best. He really cares for you, and he’s beating himself up over hurting you. All he’s ever wanted to do is protect you. Even if those feelings just started, that is his main goal right now.”
         Ahro breaks our gaze, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Jidwi is trying to make a move, and at least I know he’s not lying to me. Or maybe he is. How can I trust anyone?”
         “Don’t do anything rash,” I run a few fingers through my hair. “Both of us need to think everything through so we don’t make a big decision with our emotions. You can always trust me, I promise you.”
         “Do your feet feel okay?” Ahro looks up; the conversation from moments ago now dropped.
         “Much better, thank you,” I slightly smile, shifting around on my feet. “I’ll see you around, Ahro. If you need me, just come and find me. I’m always here. Kind of against my will, but here nonetheless.”
         Her mouth twitches with the hint of a smile, “I know. Just, right now, I need some time alone to think. To think about what was just said. To trust that you know what you are talking about.”
         I nod, words will no longer be of help. Then I turn on my heel and exit the way I came.
         Oh Ahro, my friend through thick and thin. This isn’t the same grief as losing your mother. That we could prove as fact, and I was there with you through that healing process. I never had a mother, so I felt like a piece of me had broken when she left as well. I felt like nothing could be any worse. Then we grew up. I felt the pain of having to push away feelings for the only boy who understands me, and you always had the hope that your only brother was out there somewhere and that he would come back. That your family would be pieced back together. Now, it seems like even more cracks have appeared, and that must hurt more than anything else. I can only say that I understand pain, but I will never understand this pain. I am so sorry, Ahro. What did either of us do to deserve this?
         “Whoa,” Hansung’s eyes widen as the Princess of Silla walks onto the balcony across from the one that Sooho, Yeowool, Hansung, and I are relaxing on.
         I roll my eyes, fanning myself with Yeowool’s hand fan. I may hate the title of Hwarang Princess, but I will defend my title against anyone who thinks they can dismiss it.
         Princess Sookmyung, the complete opposite of me. Her long dark brown hair lies flat, held up by a royal clip. The pools of her eyes a solid brown, and her smooth skin makes her look more like a doll. She’s thin, as she was sent away because of some illness, and hasn’t done much in years. She was trained like a knight, but I doubt she’ll ever use her training. Her husband is the only thing for sure in her life, even if it’s to her brother, the faceless king. In some regards, I pity her.
         “I’ve never seen a princess before,” Hansung has a look of awe on his face as he turns to look Yeowool and my way.
         “Hurt,” I scoff.
         “You’re a different princess,” Yeowool runs his index finger over my cheek.
         “Why is she here?” Sooho asks, no longer looking out at the princess.
         “To ruin my only girl thing here,” I grumble, tossing the fan at Yeowool.
         “Yeowool chuckles, “Oh Ara, no need to be jealous. She’s here to be wed, of course.”
         Hansung and Sooho’s faces fall into looks of confusion as they look back at the princess.
         “She is at the perfect age for marriage.”
          “Great,” I sigh as I see how much attention Hansung is giving the royal girl. A pang of hurt shooting through my heart. “Why else would the doll come to the Hwarang house? Ruining my life.”
         “It is filled with top, eligible, young masters,” Yeowool pats my shoulder in comfort. “She’s looking for a spouse.”
         “Her mother probably wants her to marry the king, to keep bone states and whatnot,” I bite my bottom lip. “I hate it. I hate the cursed system.”
         “She is not my type,” Sooho folds his arms over his stomach, looking back at us.
         “And your type is me?” I tease, seeing Hansung whip around to look at us again. “Flattery won’t cheer me up.”
         “The Hwarang Princess,” Hansung winks at me. “Better than the one born royal.”
         “Of course you’re my type, Ara,” Sooho tenderly smiles. “A special girl in this sea of boys, and different than that princess. She’s not like her mother at all. Why is a woman so cold? She does not smile.”
         “She has no reason to be cold with the life she was born into,” I can feel my face tighten in anger.
         “What are you even talking about, Sooho?” Yeowool confusingly looks at the boy.
         “Her mother is colder, is she not?” Hansung’s eyebrows are knit together.
         “She’s the devil,” I apologetically shrug at Sooho. “Sorry, but my life has been hell because of bone rank and such. If they would just do away if that ruined system, everyone’s life would be so much freer.”
         “No need to worry about it,” Sooho waves my words of hatred off.
         “I am jealous of her outfit,” I shake my head. “Stupid, I know, but I like how it’s a brighter version of ours in a way. Not quite, but close to it. And, of course, it’s a dress.”
         “Do you think she’ll want to talk to you?” Hansung has perked up.
         “She’ll probably want to dual Ara for top spot as female,” Yeowool picks up his fan to use. “Both beautiful in their own way, and talented with weapons.”
         “Thank you, Yeowool,” I slightly smile, leaning into the pretty boy. “I’d rather not take down the princess though.”
         “Confident that you’d be able t beat her in a sword fight?” Sooho grins.
         “I’m good at sword wielding, archery, and knives,” I catch the princess walking away from the balcony. “You boys don’t know how good I am. Mainly because you never let me show you.”
         “I know,” Hansung sits up straighter. “I’ve been on adventures with you.”
         “Is that code for something?” Yeowool fans my face.
         I shove off the boy, a chuckle bursting past my lips. “No, not at all. It’s just the word I use to say I’m going out and exploring. Hansungie has accompanied me many times. He’s also had to carry me back home several times after I hurt myself.”
         “That’s cute,” Sooho tenderly smiles. “Why can’t a date with me be an adventure?”
         “Because she’s-” Hansung starts before I cut him off.
         “I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I stand up, reaching for the sky to stretch my back. “It’s all for the best, as we are both in Hwarang.”
         “She’s smart, don’t forget it,” Yeowool pokes my side with his fan.
         I swat at the fan. “That’s what happens when you are stuck inside for years. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go write a letter to my father, and clear my head. Too much is happening in a short time, and it’s not going to slow down.”
         “This was your feelings,” Hansung points at me.
         “Feeling?” Sooho curiously looks at me. “What does that mean?”
         I shrug, “I just had a feeling that something was going to change around here, and those feelings have never been about something good. Then, the princess shows up for no reason, and I can only assume that life here is going to get a little crazy until she leaves. If she ever leaves,” I place a hand on my hip. “There were things happening that I thought of strange, so it’s not like my feeling wasn’t base on some sort of fact.”
         “Life around here isn’t easy, anyways,” Yeowool says.
         “I agree,” Hansung lets out breath.
         “All you boys know is easy,” I chuckle. “We have barely done anything yet, other than the chores, and you already make it seem like we have been here for years.”
         “Ara’s right,” Sooho places his hands on his knees as he leans forward. “We need to pull ourselves together and be ready for whatever comes our way.”
         “Her feeling already came true, though,” Yeowool rolls his eyes. “The princess showed up.”
         “She hasn’t done anything yet,” I turn on my heel. “I’ll see you boys later than. Don’t do anything stupid without me!”
**** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** 
Hope you enjoyed reading! A bit of a filler chapter, but there were still a lot of important things said! There may be another chapter before the end of the month, but we’ll see! Please, as always, let me know what you thought!
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Nineteen
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3227
         “I am in so much trouble, Ahro,” I groan, dropping my head into my hands. “I shouldn’t be here.”
         “Here as in my clinic, or here as in Hwarang?” Ahro unwraps my feet, throwing away the dirty bandages into a bucket.
         I pull my head up, shifting around on the cot. “Hwarang. Being in your clinic is good because this is the only time we can talk.” I hold out my feet to see the little redness.
         “Your feet have not been bleeding, right? Stopping the bleeding is my most important goal.”
         “Nope, no bleeding. Just tender from some rubbing still,” I sigh, letting my legs relax. “I wish that they would just fit like normal, but I guess my feet are just too small.”
         “So, what is troubling you?” Ahro begins mixing some medicine cream for my feet.
         “I have four boys trying to, how do I say it? Win my love?” I chuckle, shaking my head. “It sounds so stupid, but I can understand why some of them would go after the only girl in this crazy place.”
         “That doesn’t sound stupid at all,” Ahro walks back over to me, kneeling down to be closer to my feet. “You are very pretty, I’m surprised more boys aren’t trying to get you to fall in love with them.”
         “I think most are afraid of me. I mean, they should be, but you can still come up to me. If they aren’t afraid, then they don’t want to be associated with the lucky title that I will never accept.”
         “So, what boys think that they can get you?” She begins slowly applying the could cream to my feet.
         “Hansung, as always, but I am letting him in so close. Yeowool, the pretty boy just loves to flirt, which can be fun banter at times. Sooho, but he swears I’ll go on a date with him one day, no matter how much I tell him our friendship is too important to me. And then Jidwi. He’s a bit more confusing than the other three, since it’s been clear from our conversations that he likes you.”
         “Yup, he likes me from the advances he’s made. The state of my clinic is the result of his feelings towards me.”
         I take a good look around that clinic that has been upgraded with every fancy and expensive item in Silla. It is not what I expected when I walked in, so I held my tongue. Ahro has surprised me more than once, so having an over-the-top clinic could have just been one of those surprises.
         “I didn’t want to say anything, but,” I nibble on my bottom lip, trying to come up with a nice way to say that the room is loud.
         “It is way over the top, I know,” Ahro sighs, standing up and walking away to get bandages. “I yelled at him.”
         I chuckle, “It was a sweet attempt, though. He seems to be knowledgeable about many things, but women is not one of those things. It is like he grew up without access to many other people, and they taught him nothing about relationships of any kind.”
         “He forced himself on me, so that is clear evidence that he is an idiot when it comes to women.” She has made her way back to me, and is kneeling once again to be near my feet. “Such a pervert, but he can have his good moments.”
         “He’s a good dancer,” I shrug. “Your brother, not so much.”
         “I’m having my doubts that he is actually my brother,” she begins wrapping my feet with the bandages. “He didn’t know our mother was mute. Is that something that you would forget being gone as long as he was?”
         I suck in a breath, “That’s a big thing to forget. Even if he has been gone for quite some years now. Knowing that your own mother is mute isn’t something that most people would easily forget. She wasn’t even my mother, but I remember that.”
         “She loved you like a daughter, and knew that you had no mother to look to,” Ahro sadly smiles. “At times, I really wish he was my brother. I have been waiting for my brother to come back for years. Still, there are other times I don’t want him to be my brother. Ah, I can’t take it, Ara.”
         “I’ll always be here for you, I hope you know that,” I stand up at the same time she does. “Just because I’m training means nothing. Friends before Hwarang. Forever and always.”
         “No, I don’t want to ever take you away from your training. Even though it is super sweet that you think that way. You keep working hard, and come here from time to time so that I can make sure your feet are as okay as possible.”
         “Of course,” I pull her into a hug. “I work hard to prove to those around me that I was never handed anything. But you are my best friend, so I can come to your side if you need me.”
         “Hansung is also your best friend,” she pats my back. “And he will always be by your side. That’s my advice for you.”
         I sigh, “I now. He’s my life. If he were gone, I don’t know what I’d do. Who I would go to?”
         “That will not happen for years, so you have nothing to worry about.”
         We pull away, holding each other out by the shoulders. A soft smile graces Ahro’s lips, and I know that my goofy smile must be plastered on my face.
         “You should probably head back to whatever it was you were doing before coming in here,” Ahro giggles.
         “Dance practice, actually,” I shake my head. “I never thought that is something I would ever say, yet here I am having to go back to dance practice.”
         “For the festival coming up, yeah?” She pulls her arms away.
         I let my arms fall to my sides. “That would be it. I swear, if someone runs into me one more time, I may lose my mind. How hard is it to just let the music flow through your body like water?”
         “Boys will never understand dance, so good luck with teaching them how not to trip over their own feet.”
         I chuckle, “With the fact that we all have to do good to pass, I probably will be teaching them a lot.”
         “Yell at them if you have to. You have my permission.”
         “This is why you’re my best friend, Ahro. You and I think almost the same.”
         I groan as the noise from the boy’s practicing their different instruments keeps me awake. Even with them outside, and so many walls in between, I can still hear them as clear as ever. All I want to do is fall into a deep sleep, but that will never be easy with the terrible music they are producing. It is like they are punishing all of Hwarang for a reason that I was not informed of.
         “Honey,” Hansung whispers, gently shaking me by the shoulders. “Are you awake?”
         I flip onto my back, eyes wide open as I stare up at the boy staring down at me. “No, I am fast asleep thanks to the lovely music. Can’t you tell?” I scowl, sarcasm dripping off my every word.
         “I’m sorry,” he clutches his pillow closer to his chest. “It is a bit loud and annoying, but they do have to practice like everyone else. If only that could do it a bit quieter.”
         “A bit?” I rub my left hand over my face in hopes to wipe away the tiredness. “Hansungie, I can’t sleep, and I am so tired,” I push my bottom lip out slightly. “Why must they practice at night? Was the day not good enough? Is it because the festival is at night, so they need to practice in the dark? What about a room with no windows?”
         Hansung lowly chuckles, “I think you know the answer to all of those.”
         “I just want to cry,” I take a slow deep breath.
         “Come on. Grab your pillow, we’re moving.”
         “Moving? Like running away to a new city to get married?” I feel my brain already coming up with hundreds of ways that we could possibly escaping from Hwarang.
         Hansung smirks, “Just moving to a different room. However, if you want to get married, we can go and do that instead, I have no objections.”
         I sit up, grabbing my pillow from behind me. “No, no, I just spoke too soon. I’m so tired…Wait, why are we moving?”
         “Because I said so, now come on,” he holds his hand out for me. It is like he is giving me a choice: to grab his hand and follow him anywhere, or just lie back down and forget his offer. There is no choice though, and we both know it.
         I sigh, placing a hand in his so he can help me stand up. “Can we even do this? We have name tags, and we had a chance to switch roommates at the beginning.”
         “Doesn’t matter, don’t care,” he starts pulling me towards the door. “I’m sick of these boys. I am sick of the way they treat you, and I hate how they look at you. If we get in trouble for leaving, so be it.”
         In the next moment, we are out in the hall, and Hansung has no hesitation on where he is going. It is like he has thought about this very chance to escape from our room for a few nights now. I have no doubt in my mind that this is a moment he has been looking forward to.
         “The Hell Room?” I let a yawn pass through my lips, rubbing my right eye with my fist.
         “They are our friends,” Hansung can’t help yawning after me. “And accept you for all that you and are not. Unlike some other people in this place. I think they will be great roommates.”
         I barely smile, wiggling my hand out of Hansung’s grasp. “I can’t argue with that.”
         Hansung slides the door to the room open, stepping in with me close behind.
         All five boys are awake, and their gazes land on Hansung and I as we stand at the front of their room. I don’t blame them for being confused on why we have suddenly appeared.
         “Hansung?” Sooho pushes up onto his elbows. “Ara? What are you doing here?”
         I shrug, shuffling over to Sooho’s bed, not really sure who I will sleep with. At this point, I could curl up on the hard wood floor and pass out. Anything is better than being awake at this point.
         Hansung rushes over to a bunkbed, climbing to the top where Yeowool is. “I cannot sleep because of the noise, I need to study too, so we are sleeping here from now on. I have already decided that.”
         “Are you going to sleep with me, Ara?” Sooho smirks, scooting over as if making room for me in his bed.
         I look over to see Hansung watching the exchange from the ladder. The boy wears his heart on his sleeve, but his face is completely blank as he waits for my answer. Though I can’t even think to open my mouth to reply to Sooho. There is no one answer that could make both boys happy.
         “Princess, come lay by me,” Jidwi speaks up, giving me an out. “None of those boys are pure enough for you.”
         I giggle, skipping to the back of the room. “I am a princess.”
         Jidwi softly smiles at me, scooting over and lifting the blanket for me to climb in. “You are a special girl, that is for sure.”
         “Hansung, are you not jealous of Ara sleeping in another man’s bed?” Sooho speaks up. “I know that I kind of hate it.”
         “I am here favorite person,” Hansung is not in Sunwoo’s bed. “She loves me, so I don’t need to worry.”
         I roll my eyes, settling in beside Jidwi in his bed. “Hopefully, in a new room, with people that I actually like, I will be able to sleep.”
         “This is unbelievable,” BanRyu grumbles.
         “Try and sleep,” Jidwi moves hair off my shoulder. “Don’t mind those idiots.”
         I sigh, closing my eyes.
         Even with the drums loud annoying noise going on outside, I feel at peace. Finally safe in this room of the Hwarang house. Sleep takes me into its sweet hold in minutes.
         I twirl my practice sword, watching as the six boys closest to me spar one another. “You know, I want to practice my sword skills too. I am not a weakling. I bet I could take most of you down. If only I was giving the chance.”
         “Well, it is only because we have an odd number,” Sunwoo glances at me, offering an apologetic smile.
         “Sure, sure it is,” I bring my sword down between Jidwi and Sunwoo’s swords. “You boys sure are funny. Mind telling me why you really don’t want to fight against me?”
         “I’d fight you,” BanRyu evilly grins at me.
         “And yet, you aren’t,” I roll my eyes. “What’s the point of me even being out here if you will not let me show how badass I am?”
         “Guys,” Sooho smiles, looking around at everyone. His gaze enough to say what we all are thinking at the back of our minds.
         “Go?” Hansung widely smiles around at everyone.
    ��    We all look around at one another, smiles growing on our faces as we all agree without saying a word. This proves to me how perfectly I fit with these boys, and how changing rooms was truly the best decision we could make.
         “One, two, three,” Sooho counts off as we all spin into position for the dance we’ve been tasked to learn.
         “Come on guys,” I giggle as the back row, consisting of Sunwoo, BanRyu, and Yeowool, keep running into one another. “You need to find your flow.”
         “Do it right,” Jidwi spits out, glaring at the back row.
         “What do I have to do to get you to do it right?” I almost run into a sword as I can’t keep my eyes off Hansung’s fluid movements.
         “What are you willing to give up, Hwarang Princess?” Yeowool angrily sighs as Sunwoo bumps into him again.
         “Every time you perfectly do your moves, I’ll kiss your cheek,” I grin, looking around at the wide-eyed boys. “If you want, of course.”
         “Let’s go again, boys,” Sooho snaps his fingers.
         I chuckle as the dance starts over, and I’m floating between the boys. I am like a butterfly in the wind as I avoid swords and hit all my moves with ease and perfection. Ahro is right, boys will never understand dance like us girls do.
         “Ara, I am doing perfect,” Hansung pouts as he taps my thigh with his sword.
         I swiftly press a kiss close to the corner of Hansung’s mouth. “Always perfect.” I drift away, noticing that a group has gathered off in the distance to watch our dance. “We have a crowd,” I chuckle.
         “Great,” BanRyu grumbles. “Just what I wanted everyone to see. Us dancing.”
         “You know you’re enjoying it,” Sooho glances back at the one he hasn’t called enemy for a while. Still, there is a tension between them that I can’t quite put my finger on.
         “Dancing is freeing,” I press a kiss to Jidwi’s cheek. “Think of how happy people will be as they watch us. Our goal is to make the people happy, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”
         “They will be laughing at us like those boys over there,” Yeowool nods at the group that has gathered to gawk at us.
         “They are probably wishing to be one of you, since you get kisses from the only girl,” I press a kiss to Hansung and then Sooho’s cheek. “Feel special boys?”
         “No,” the back row groans, messing up again and avoiding my kisses.
         “I don’t want a kiss form you, anyways,” BanRyu glares at me.
         “She’s beautiful and you’re an idiot,” Yeowool flashes a smile at me.
         “That is sweet of you to say, Yeowool. However, I don’t want to kiss him either,” I stick my tongue out at BanRyu for a few seconds.
         “She really only wants to kiss me, so don’t get too cocky,” Hansung stands up a bit straighter.
         “Yet, she slept like a child with me,” Jidwi taunts. “Something she couldn’t seem to do with you.”
         “Hey, I just want us to get this dance to as close as perfect as we are capable of, and will give you an incentive to get us there,” I look around at all the guys. “I like all of you to the same degree, and want us all to be friends. No fighting, please.”
         “She’s the princess,” Sunwoo speaks up. “We have to listen to what she says.”
         “Glad you all understand,” I smirk, getting back into position. “Now, let’s try this again. I know we can get it right if we try hard enough.”
         “Do you have any other words of wisdom, oh princess?” BanRyu shakes his head with a look of disgust on his face.
         “Actually, I do,” I twirl around, pointing at each boy as I do so. “Don’t focus too much on the moves that you get lost in them. Remember that you need to let the music flow through you, and that you can’t be stiff.”
         “Hear that?” Sooho looks around at everyone. “Now, let’s go again.”
         This time around the boys actually seem to take my advice, and the back row flows better than before, but they still mess up enough that they get no kisses from me. The front row on the other hand, have the biggest smiles on their faces from the multitude of cheek kisses that they have gotten.
         “Can I just have a kiss for support?” Yeowool groans.
         “You three are giving a good effort,” I smile, walking over to Yeowool. “We are almost perfect, so I might as well help you get to there.” I press a kiss to Yeowool’s cheek.
         “Stay away from me,” BanRyu holds his sword out to keep me away.
         “Wasn’t even going to get close to you,” I step up to Sunwoo. “You are too worried about messing up, so just relax and the moves will come to you.” I press a kiss to Sunwoo’s cheek. “We all have to start somewhere, but we can all become great.”
         “Do you get wisdom from whoever gave you those eyes?” Sunwoo tilts his head slightly as he stares into my eyes.
         “No, I don’t think so,” I barely shake my head. “Whoever gave me these eyes wasn’t that nice.”
         “A galaxy was placed in your eyes for a reason, though,” Jidwi pulls my attention to him. “That reason is standing around you.”
         I chuckle, stepping back into starting position. “You think so? You think I have night sky eyes is why I am standing with you goofs today?”
         “If they were normal, I doubt you would be with us right now.”
         “Enough of this crap,” BanRyu commands.
         “We can discuss my eyes later,” I chuckle. “Come on, one more time. We are so close.”
**** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** 
Hope you enjoyed reading! Sorry that it has been a while since an update. Luckily I am now on Summer Break, so I can keep up with posting now. Another chapter should be out no longer than a week from now. And as always, let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 6 years
Lucky -- Chapter Eighteen
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3523
         “I’m just saying, I don’t have to eat with you guys anymore,” I sigh, crossing my arms over my stomach as I lean against a wooden pillar. “I’m just making it harder for everyone. Plus, BanRyu is acting strange, and I don’t know if I can handle it anymore.”
         “Nope,” Hansung shakes his head. “You are not going back to our old table. They were so mean to you, Ara. And there’s nothing I can do,” he pouts.
         “I can handle it,” I shrug. “Words only sting for a little bit, but punches can leave bruises.”
         “You will continue to eat with us,” Yeowool looks right into my eyes. “We are here to protect you, or at the very least step in when you are in trouble. So, because of your mean roommates, you will continue to eat with us. Even if you say you can take care of yourself.”
         “Gah, fine,” I look down at my shoes; a small smile tugs at my lips. “I can’t say no to that logic.”
         “Ara,” Hansung grabs my hand, pulling me to sit next to him.
         “What?” I look up to see him looking off in the distance. I follow Hansung’s gaze to see Master Yeongshil, feeling my body tense instantly.
         “I’m here,” Hansung whispers, but he doesn’t look that good either. His teeth are showing, with a look of confusion and pain written all over his face.
         Master Yeongshil makes his way up the steps to the raised platform; his companion of sorts right behind him.
         I squeeze Hansung’s hand, afraid of the reason that evil man is here. Master Wihwa is the only one I will ever take a command form, and the only teachings I will listen to.
         The tension in the room has gone up as all the Hwarang have take a seat to watch the man. It’s as if all the playfulness was sucked out.
         “Show some respect,” Master Yeongshil’s companion orders. “He is Master Yeongshil, and you will show him respect.”
         In an instant, everyone sits up straighter, hands on their knees, looking straight ahead.
         I don’t want to let go of Hansung’s hand, but I know that it is for the best. The evil man would just use it as fuel against me.
         “Why is he here,” Hansung leans over to ask Yeowool my very thoughts. “It is because of BanRyu?”
         Ah yes, BanRyu’s adoptive father is Master Yeongshil, so there is no wonder that I hate both of their guts so much.
         However, as I glance down to see BanRyu as tense as I am, something in me softens. He’s got a past that I don’t know about, and the same goes for me when he thinks about me. We use the unknown against each other, assuming the worst about the other.
         “I don’t know,” Yeowool whispers back to Hansung, getting the boy to lean away.
         “Since I am here, I would like to speak,” Master Yeongshil is looking around the classroom. “With a particular Hwarang.”
         The companion takes a deep breath, “BanRyu.”
         I look down to see BanRyu stand up, but that is as far as he gets.
         “No,” Master Yeongshil waves his hand at the companion. “I would like to speak with Sunwoo.”
         Hansung and I both suck in a breath; our faces mimicking what his was a few minutes ago. I know gazes are shifting to the poor boy that has been called on a man he probably knows nothing about, but I dare not to look for fear that I will become too emotional.
         “He wants to speak with the Queen’s Hwarang?” Yeowool wonders aloud.
         “This can’t be good,” I whisper as Hansung turns back to look at Sunwoo. “I don’t like it.”
         “You can go back to whatever nonsense you were doing before I arrived,” Master Yeongshil frowns, walking off the platform, and then out of the room with his companion and Sunwoo.
         “I hate him,” I grumble, leaning into Hansung.
         “He’s always had it out for you, that’s why you hate him,” Hansung grabs my hand, running his fingers over my knuckles to calm me down.
         “It is because you are a half-bone, yes?” Yeowool asks for clarification.
         “He has it set in my mind that I am not even half, but a low rank that does not deserve to be living in luxury with my father,” I shake my head to force the anger away. “No one can prove that I am not, so he just does whatever he can to drag me down. I’m sure he came up with the title of lucky for me. Not like I would ever marry BanRyu, so he has nothing to worry about,” I roll my eyes.
         “Who will you marry?” Yeowool smirks, looking down at my hand clasped in Hansung’s. “Will you worry about bone rank? Or will you go with your heart?”
         “I always worry about bone rank,” I sigh. “Maybe I will marry you, Yeowool,” I giggle.
         “We would be the prettiest couple in all the city,” he grins, scooting closer.
         “Ara,” Hansung pouts, squeezing my hand for a few seconds. “That was not nice.”
         “Oh, Hansung, come on,” I chuckle, wiggling my fingers in a failed attempt to get him to release my hand. “Lighten up a little bit. You are still my favorite person,” I rest my head on his shoulder. “You have nothing to worry about.”
         Few things can pull me from my sleep and not make me angry: my father, Hansung, and Yeseul. Birds annoy me to no end in the morning, and now what sounds like drums have made the hate list.
         “Honey,” Hansung coos into my ear. “Do you hear that?”
         I groan, trying to wiggle out of the boy’s tight grasp to flip over and go back to sleep.
         “Drums waking us up.”
         “Stupid,” I open my eyes the smallest amount, knowing that falling back asleep is pointless now. “Why do they hate us?”
         “It’s not that bad, Ara,” he kisses the back of my head.
         “Just help me get dressed,” I force myself to sit up, slowly opening my eyes more. “Then we can go check out the drums. Wherever they are.”
         Hansung pulls me out of bed, quickly getting to work on getting our Hwarang clothes on. He’s always been like an eager kid to get ready in the morning, but I think helping me get dressed recently is because of a different meaning.
         I make sure his headband and hair is perfect before he does the same to me. Through checking each other out goes beyond our hair.
         “I think I know where it’s coming from,” Hansung grabs my hand, and in the next moment is pulling me out of the room.
         “Slow down,” I giggle as I struggle to keep up. “You’re going too fast.”
         Hansung slows down, giving me time to catch up. “Sorry,” he gives my hand a squeeze. “Forgot about your short legs.”
         A few minutes later we end up in the classroom where a man is putting his all into playing the drum. It sounds better now that I am awake and not angry.
         A few other Hwarang are already seated in the room, so Hansung leads us to an empty spot to take a seat as well. As the time goes by, more boys enter to find out what is going on. The last group to enter are the boys from the Hell Room. They make it just in time for the end of the performance.
         Applause erupts throughout the Hwarang; all of us impressed at the drumming skill the stranger showed.
         Master Wihwa is back for now, and it makes me wonder what he has been up to when not teaching us. He’s one of the reasons I’m still in the Hwarang, so I feel sad when he’s not around. Every private moment we’ve had, he always gives me encouragements and never fails to call me start eyes. It is quite endearing.
         He takes a step to the front of the raise platform, releasing a yellow poser with the symbol for enjoyment painted on.
         A wide smile spreads across my face as I try to think of what we could be learning today.
         “The palace will host the Thanksgiving Festival soon. You will present for the Queen and the people,” Master Wihwa seems overly please with himself as he pauses to let us ponder over our next task. “The gift of music and dance.”
         “Are you letting us to dress up, dance, and play music for the Queen?” BanRyu sounds like he is about to protest.
         Master Wihwa, “I am not telling you to perform for the Queen, but to present for the people with music and dance, so they can enjoy and be happy. This is your second assignment.”
         I am almost bouncing in my seat from the excitement of doing a more fun task. If all we have to do is dance so others can be happy, then this will be a piece of cake.
         “It must bring enjoyment,” Master Wihwa motions to the poster with his hand.
         Boys around me groan and do not seem pleased with this task, which I can understand. They don’t see it as a manly task that warriors would do.
         “He will teach you music and dance,” Master Wihwa can only be referring to the drummer man that is now standing next to him. “He is Master WooReuk. You should be honored that you are able to listen to his music first-hand.”
         My smile is as wide as it can possibly be as everything is sinking in. This is going to be way better than writing a paper. Though, I did enjoy being one of the few to pass that assignment. I’m ready to keep my passing streak going.
         “Is he really the Master of Instruments, WooReuk?” Yeowool, sitting on the left of Hansung, asks.
         Hansung has his mouth open in shock or confusion; I can’t really tell.
         “Is he that famous?” Sooho leans towards me from my right.
         “I have heard of him,” Hansung leans into my left side. “There is no instrument that he can’t play. He’s especially good at playing the gayageum.”
         “This is going to be so much fun,” I hold in my excited giggle.
         “Is he that good?” Sooho asks.
         Hansung just looks at Sooho as I look between the two with a wide smile.
         Master WooReuk starts with a basic tune on the drums, making almost everyone happy. He has skill that has me smiling before he’s hit the first drum.
         “Yay!” Hansung and I shout when his performance finishes, starting a chain reaction of people clapping with us.
         “The basis of all instruments is rhythm,” Master WooReuk begins. “If you cannot feel the rhythm, even the most beautiful melody will be nothing but chaotic noise.”
         I’m nodding along to every word that comes out of our new teachers mouth; hooked on what he has to say about a subject I have always admired, but never really tried to do myself.
         The music master moves away from the drums, walking over to a device that is holding bowls. He pours water into on of the bowls, creating a waterfall like noise. Then he taps the bowl causing a loud ‘ting’ to ring out.
         As boys around me force themselves to find something in the music that the master is creating. I am tapping along with ease. The smile on my face is replaced by a solemn look as I concentrate on the music being played.
         He moves to the gayageum right afterwards, producing the best sound I have ever heard from the instrument, and proving that Hansung knows what he is talking about. At this point, boys are understanding the rhythm better, and I have the urge to get up and dance.
         Master WooReuk stops on the gayageum, hitting a drum once. “Rhythm does not suppress the freedom of melody, but gives it strength to carry on without tiring. Open your chest,” he slaps his chest a few times. “And feel the rhythm. Do you understand?”
         “Yes!” I shout with all the other Hwarang.
         Before moving onto the next part of the lesson, Master WooReuk gives some of the boys a chance at the drums. The two that go actually do a good job, and I find myself tapping along to their best. It has me longing to try out any of the instruments.
         “You use your body to make sounds,” Master WooReuk is speaking to all in the room, but more directly to the four boys standing in the middle. “You use your feet. You use your hands,” he points to the boy he is directing. “You use your shoes, and you slap yourself.”
         It is a sight to watch the four boys try to make music that way. They are a bit weird looking as they do it, and it takes everything in me to not laugh.
         Next up is Yeowool, Hansung, and me. We won’t be making sounds with our bodies, but instead dancing to whatever the mast decides to play. It’s a simple slow beat that flows through me as I dance between the two boys. Hansung and I are close to flawless, while Yeowool has a little stumble during a spin.
         The other Hwarang are impressed, nonetheless. I hear ‘Awesome’ and ‘They are good’ uttered from the crowd. The master even smiles at us.
         Jidwi is up next to dance by himself, and I feel a flutter burst through my stomach as he sets up. His beat is similar to the one that I just dance to, but his dance it nothing like mine. He goes for a more fighting like dance while Yeowool, Hansung and I were more like dancing in the wind.
         “Awesome, Jidwi!” I shout out, clapping a few times.
         Jidwi glances back at me, smiling just slightly with a twinkle in his eyes.
         “How come you didn’t congratulate me after I did so good?” Hansung whispers to me.
         “We danced together, it would have been weird,” I whisper back, patting his hand. “But you did so beautifully, Hansungie. You are so smooth. Your moves fluid.”
         “Thank you,” he smiles. “You were beyond beautiful. I never knew you could dance, honey.”
         I push him away as I see BanRyu walking to the middle to try his shot at the drums. No matter how much I hate him, I feel some kind of sympathy for him as he seems super nervous.
         BanRyu starts drumming and is actually giving a pretty good beat. He seems to be getting into it. That is until one of the drumsticks slips out of his hand.
         I suck in a breath as the wooden stick flies through the air.
         Sooho catches the drumstick with ease, a smile on his face.
         “Nice try, BanRyu,” I call out.
         Master WooReuk shakes his head, saying nothing about what just went down. “You boy, who caught the drumstick, you are next.”
         Sooho makes his way down to the middle with a smug look on his face.
         The beat is similar to all the past dance beats, but Sooho’s dancing is different than anyone else. It’s like a more flowy version of a fight.
         “Awesome, Sooho,” I clap along with everyone else at the good performance.
         Sooho bows to the master before turning back to look right at me. He sends a wink my way, causing a heat to spread across my cheeks in seconds.
         Hansung discreetly puts his arm around me waist, pulling me closer to him. “So bod towards my honey,” he says under his breath.
         Sunwoo is the last up out of the boys that I consider my close friends to go to the middle. He clears his throat, looking around at everyone behind him.
         I catch his gaze, smiling in hopes he’ll relax. “You can do it,” I mouth to the boy.
         He turns back to look at Master WooReuk, nodding for him to start the beat. His dancing is very stiff, and he doesn’t get that far before the master stops.
         This is going to be great fun watching all these boys get more rhythmically inclined until our performance. Not to mention how much better I’ll become at something that I have wanted to do for some time now. This is going to be one of the best things about joining the Hwarang.
         “The female Hwarang,” Master WooReuk grins as he takes me all in.
         The break we were given for lunch is coming to an end, and the music master wanted to see me.
         “Yes sir,” I smile, nodding a few times. “I am the different one.”
         “You have certain boys you are comfortable with, yes?”
         “Oh, um, I do,” I fiddle with my fingers.
         “How do you feel about being with Dog-bird and his group, but dancing in the middle?”
         “So, I won’t be dancing the same dance?” I clarify.
         “Correct. It will be different, but I think it’ll be good. You’ll do fine.”
         I nod quickly a few times, “That is perfectly okay.”
         “Then that is what we will do.” He narrows his eyes at me. “Wihwa is right, you do have stars in your eyes.”
         I giggle, feeling a tiny heat come to my cheeks, “That’s what everyone tells me.”
         He shuffles past me, heading back into the classroom, and I follow close behind.
         It is now time for a group dance session, and what must be the groups we will be in for the festival. Sunwoo, Jidwi, BanRyu, Sooho, Yeowool, Hansung, and me are in the middle of the room ready to dance to the music. The beat starts up, and I flow between the boys as easily as water. However, the boys have little rhythm, and are very stiff as they dance around with long wooden sticks. Hansung is really the only one who seems to be moving smoothly.
         I see Sunwoo hit Hansung in the back of the head with his stick, and it makes me flatter in my moves.
         Hansung is annoyed as he rubs the back of his head, but doesn’t stop dancing.
         Master WooReuk stops playing on the drum, probably just as frustrated as we are.
         “Why can’t you do it right?” Hansung turns around, staring Sunwoo down.
         “I can’t control it,” Sunwoo answers.
         “It’s not like any of you are keeping together or to the beat,” I step back to my starting place.
         “Sorry,” Sunwoo sighs.
         “Again,” Master WooReuk calls out. He takes a deep breath, and then he starts playing on the drum again.
         No one gets hit this time, but Hansung and I are the only ones who seem to stay on beat. Sooho does a pretty good job too. I’m just happy to be able to dance around with my friends. We try a few more times to dance, and eventually are dismissed to do chores or practice dancing.
         “Your dancing is so smooth, Ara,” Sooho steps up to walk next to me on the way out of the school building.
         “I like music,” I shrug. “I’ve always had a thing for dancing.”
         “The last time you dance was years ago,” Hansung pinches my side as he falls into step next to me. “How are you still so good?”
         “She’s pretty, can fight, and has rhythm,” Yeowool sighs from behind me. “Ara, can you get better?”
         “I read and write,” I point up to the sky and wiggle my hand a few times. “Don’t forget that, I have brains,” I smirk, lowering my hand.
         “Princess Ara,” Jidwi passes by as we exit the building. “Full of surprises.”
         “Shut up,” I chuckle.
         “It’s nothing special,” BanRyu scoffs, rushing off to do who knows what.
         Sunwoo grabs my wrist, pulling me away from Sooho and Hansung without a word.
         I giggle once we are far enough away and see that Sunwoo’s embarrassed face. “Bold boy, pulling me along for private time. Do you have any item what the other boys will think?” I tease.
         “I just wanted to thank you,” Sunwoo releases my wrist. “Ahro has told me about you, and every time we lock eyes, you smile at me. You barely even know me.”
         “I just know you’ve had it rough, and want to make you feel sort of welcomed,” I shrug. “I don’t hate anyone unless they give me a reason, so I don’t need to know much about you to like you. Also, you are my best friend’s brother. Just because you came from less means nothing. It is what you do with your life that matters.”
         “You are very sweet,” he awkwardly pats my shoulder. “I hope to continue to get to know you.”
         “As do I,” I widely smile back.
         “Good talk,” he nods.
         I chuckle, walking away to find Hansung pouting, but starts smiling as I get closer. “Hansungie, let’s go visit the horses. Don’t you want to visit the horses?”
         “I want to do whatever I can to stick by your side,” Hansung grabs my hand, tugging us towards the horse stalls. “So, let’s go visit the horses.”
Hope you enjoyed reading! This was a weird chapter all around with a lot having to be explained, and with four short scenes that I broke up for better flow. Still, I am glad to get it out. Please, let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 6 years
Lucky -- Chapter Seventeen
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 4397
         I grumble in discomfort as I shift around on Hansung’s leg. My position has proven to make eating almost impossible, but I will not cave in without a little fight.
         Hansung is done dealing with out roommate’s comments about our friendship, my status, and any other rude thing they can think of. This has made him take us to sit with the boys of Hwarang’s hell room.
         As there are only six spots to sit, Hansung has an arm around my waist as I am forced to sit on his leg that is close to the outside of the table. My tray of food is on my lap, and I have to eat slow to make sure that food makes its way to my mouth.
         “What is this? Is it a sprout?” Yeowool speaks up as he holds something green up with his chopsticks.
         “It tastes good,” Hansung replies. “It tastes like mother’s cooking.”
         “Why are you two here?” Yeowool looks Hansung up and down. “I’d be fine with just Ara,” he gives a sly smile.
         I feel the heat crawling onto my face, so I look down at my food, stuffing whatever I can into my mouth. It won’t get the blush to go away, but it helps to get my brain to focus on something else.
         “I like it here,” Hansung answers for the both of us. “And I have to bring Ara wherever I go. We are like a package deal.”
         “Of course,” BanRyu mumbles under his breath.
         “I can leave,” I make a move to get up. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
         “No,” Sooho firmly states. “Stay. We can figure out a better way for you to sit here next time, but don’t leave.”
         “I told you that you can’t survive here,” BanRyu flips the entire conversation as he stares Sunwoo down. “You already have a fail, so our time together will come to an end soon.”
         “Are you that proud about passing?” Yeowool speaks up. “Are did as well, and she’s not boasting about it. She’s been quite modest about passing, and I bet she did better than you.”
         “Please, don’t drag me into this,” I look over at Yeowool. “I appreciate what you are doing, though. It is a very sweet thought.”
         “As you wish,” he gives a small nod with a smile on his face. “I think Dog Bird’s answer was the best, anyways.”
         BanRyu glares at Yeowool, tossing his chopsticks down. “What did you just say?”
         “Everyone thinks so too. Does anyone not?” Yeowool looks over at Hansung and me.
         “I liked it,” I glance at Sunwoo, showing a small smile at the boy.
         Hansung just gives a tight-lipped grin as he nods.
         The tension at the table soars through the roof at these answers. The silence is deafening as no one dares to speak up first.
         “The anniversary of a death,” Sunwoo breaks through the uncomfortable air. “Is it very important?”
         “Who’s death?” Sooho asks.
         “Yes, that makes quite a bit of difference,” I add in.
         “She said our mother,” Sunwoo answers.
         “You should go home then,” Hansung speaks up as my heart clenches in hurt. “We finished out assignment, so you should go home to be with your family.”
         Everyone looks around at each other with a bit of sadness in their eyes. All of us feeling the pain of a loved one that we have lost. Death does not discriminate.
         Hansung, noticing the downcast of emotion at the table or not, pops some rice into my mouth in the cutest act of friendship. It gives everyone a second of joy at my squished-up face thanks to the tasty food.
         “The Hwarang couple,” Sooho sighs. “It is so unfair.”
         Hansung gives me a squeeze, telling me without words that I should really listen to those words.
         “No, no,” I shake my head, pointing my chopsticks at various boys around the table. “We are not a couple, nor have we ever been. Hansung and I have been close friends for years, so we show more affection than most. It is not that big a deal.”
         “Nice going Sooho,” Yeowool sighs, rolling his eyes. “You angered the warrior princess.”
         “Princess?” Jidwi gives me a curious look.
         I glare at all the boys around me, “You are all teases. Making fun of me for not reason.” I meet Jidwi’s gaze again. “I am no princess. Just a girl with dreams that reach far above the stars. I may not be able to achieve most of them, but I am not going down without a fight.”
         “That’s why so many of us like you,” Hansung pats my thigh. “You are willing to go out and work for what you want.”
         “I agree,” Sooho smiles.
         “Plus, you are very pretty,” Yeowool smirks.
         “Eh, whatever,” BanRyu rolls his eyes. “You just got lucky.”
         I feel my jaw clench in anger, but I hold back on the insults.
         “You are an odd mix of cute and tough,” Jidwi has the tiniest smile on his lips. “It works for you, and will probably get you far in life.”
         “She’s the little sister of the Hwarang,” Sunwoo joins in on the compliments that I did not ask for but am loving.
         I giggle, “Thank you guys. I’ll be the little sister only for you six, but I don’t need that much protection. Trust me, I can defend myself.”
         “If you can defend yourself so well, how come you have to sit with us instead of facing the problems of your room?” BanRyu speaks up.
         “Even the best fighters walk away sometimes,” I calmly place my chopsticks down, looking over at the boy who thinks he is so much better than everyone else. “Like you should do right now, BanRyu. For once in your life you should just shut your mouth and stop being such a smart aleck.”
         BanRyu’s jaw clenches as his face reddens in anger. “You little-”
         “Little what?” Hansung, Sooho, Yeowool, and Jidwi cut him off.
         “I don’t want to fight with you, BanRyu,” I lean back against Hansung’s chest. “We are meant to be a team within the walls of this Hwarang house. My hatred for you and how you have treated me in the past has not disappeared, but I want to work towards being allies.”
         BanRyu takes a slow deep breath, “We’ll see about that.”
         I chuckle, defusing the tension at the table. “I think that it will be fun eating at this table.”
         “I feel bad for them,” I sigh, leaning to the side to rest against Hansung. “But also not because they did sneak out to go into town. Thus, breaking the rules.”
         “At least they are getting along more,” Hansung runs a hand up and down my back. “They need to learn to work together.”
         Just like the last time, the boys of the Hell Room are being punished by carrying Master Wihwa around the forest on the mountain. This time they got caught sneaking back in after a night in town. Plus, they got a few of our teachers drunk, which would have been enough for a large punishment even if they didn’t break out.
         “There’s no way that they will really be doing it a hundred times,” a boy nearby says.
         “According to my calculations,” another boy speaks up, “their legs will stop working after twenty times. If they do go one hundred times, they will die.”
         “What are you talking about?” I giggle, shoving the crazy boy.
         “Why did BanRyu do that to Sooho’s sister?” Hansung asks out of nowhere.
         “What did BanRyu do?” A boy asks, turning to look back at us.
         “This time,” I look up at Hansung.
         “He touched Sooho’s sister’s bosom,” Hansung looks up at the tree tops.
         “Gosh Hansungie,” I slap the boy’s leg. “You are worse than a girl, spreading a rumor like that. Who even told you that? Can you even trust them to tell the truth?”
         “How would you even know how girls’ gossip?” A boy butts in. “You never hang around other girls. I have never once seen you with a group of girls, and the only girl you talk to is the doctor’s daughter, but she doesn’t count.”
         “I have spent time with other girls when I was younger,” I sit up, stretching out my back. “Every now and again I was forced to hang with the daughters of officials. There were even a few times in the last few years that I had to do it. They are all dolls,” I stop myself from growling the words. “They always gushed over boys, and talked about the latest fashion trends, and never could have a meaningful conversation. I have my books and true friends, so why would I waste my time with them?”
         “You truly are one of a kind,” the crazy boy chuckles.
         “Is that a compliment?” Hansung sets his jaw in mocking anger, showing the other boy that he is serious.
         “Um, yes, yes, of course,” the boy stammer out. “What else would it have been?”
         “Thank you,” I smile, patting the crazy boy’s shoulder. “I mean, I am the only girl here. Overwhelmed by all these boys around me. Having to do things that I never dreamed about doing, but still making the best of it.”
         “Too bad you are forced to shower alone,” a boy mumbles out.
         “Excuse you,” Hansung’s voice drips with poison. “What did you say?”
         “Ignore him, Hansungie,” I run a hand up Hansung’s chest.
         In an instant I feel Hansung relax under my touch. The words of one of our roommates floating away on the breeze. Nevertheless, my cheeks have a slight heat to them. Only because the boy’s statement isn’t true.
         Every time I have showered, Hansung has been in there with me, and then he goes off and pretends to shower with the boys of our room. The two of us never look at each other while we are in there, but we do talk the whole time. I know there’s no way I could do that with any other boy here. That’s just how much I trust Hansung.
         “At least we get to spend the day together watching the Hell room,” I happily sigh, settling back into Hansung’s side. “I get to relax with my best friend, and that is a good way to spend any day.”
         “This is a place that I would love to come back to once we finish our training here,” Hansung lowers his voice to speak directly to me. Our roommates have shuffled away to talk about whatever among themselves.
         “It is a very pretty area that gives me such a calm that I can’t explain,” I take a deep breath of the crisp fresh air. “I wonder if there are any cherry blossoms around. That would make the springs here even better.”
         “When we live together, I will make sure to have a cherry blossom outside our bedroom window.”
         I giggle, “That would be a lovely sight to wake up to in the spring. I am still focusing on the present, though. There is no reason to look too far ahead when there is still so much that we can do right now.”
         “All we are doing right now is watching those boys run around, so we can talk about whatever we want,” he pinches my side a few times.
         “Can you talk about something that is not many years into the future?”
         “What should we do on our first break day?”
         “Oh,” I am a bit shocked as I wasn’t expecting Hansung to seriously listen to my request. “Hm, that is a good question. We can do whatever we want.”
         “We have to visit your father, and then we should go to a café to get some sweets. I’m sure the other boys will want to spend some time with you, too.” Hansung’s tone shifts to one with jealousy coating his words.
         “Well, it doesn’t matter what the other boys want because I am my own person and can spend time with whoever I want,” I grin, looking up at the treetops.
         “Who would that be?” Hansung’s tone is once again cheerful.
         “You,” I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers. “It will always be you, Hansung. I enjoy being around the other boys a lot, but you are more than a friend to me. You are the reason that I keep going. Kind of like a light in the dark to guide me.”
         “I would be lost without you, Ara. I’m glad that we are here for one another. Now, do you want to here about some of the other things that happened last night?”
         “Your hair is so curly,” Sooho coos as I walk from the showers to where we store our clothes.
         “I know, it can be a pain at times like this,” I wipe water off my face with a towel.
         “Does the water make it crazier? I don’t think I have ever seen it like this.”
         I grin, “Yeah, water can make it frizzy. Along with air drying, as I usually towel dry, but I have started to care less and less since become Hwarang. I haven’t always loved my curls, so getting to love them now is important to me.”
         “You know, you are really pretty. Beautiful even, and have been since I first laid my eyes on you. Many of the Hwarang think so, too.”
         “That’s great,” I open the little cupboard where my clothes are stored. “Too bad we are all living and training together, and I am a half breed. Those little crushes will never bloom into anything.”
         “Can you tell me about the memories I lost?” Sooho blurts out.
         I let out a chuckle, turning to face the boy. “Is that what this is all about? Sweetening me up so that I will spill?”
         “I mean, I wasn’t lying,” Sooho innocently smiles.
         I roll my eyes, “How do you know I even know anything about those lost memories? Is it because I am a girl, and that normally we like to gossip?”
         “No, no,” he shakes his head, trying to pull himself out of the hole he has dug. “I heard Hansung knows, and since the two of you are best friends and hang out all the time, it would only make sense. You two tell each other everything.”
         “So, you get your memories back, and I get what?” I toss the little towel at him, turning to grab my Hwarang attire out of my box.
         “A date with me.”
         “Ha,” I shake my head, slipping my outermost clothes on. “Not worth it.”
         “Come on,” he whines. “Please.”
         “You will never give up on trying to get a date with me,” I shut the door to my box, turning around to face Sooho again. That’s when I see Jidwi walking past, giving me a way out of this conversation “Jidwi!”
         Jidwi stops and looks over at me. “Ara? Sooho, what are you doing?”
         I rush around Sooho, skipping up to the mysterious Hwarang. “Can you help me with my hair and headband? It’s hard when it’s all curly like this.”
         He gives me a look like I am out of my mind.
         “Sooho won’t leave me alone about his memories,” I whisper. “Since he hit his head and all last night, and I do not want to tell him.”
         “Oh,” his face relaxes in an instant. “Of course I’ll help. Let’s head outside for better light.” He grabs my hand, pulling me out of the building.
         “Thank you so much,” I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “That was too lucky.”
         “I thought you hated that word,” Jidwi teases, leading us to a bench. He plops me down, walking around to be behind me. “You’ll really be a princess now with me doing your hair.”
         “I hate lucky when it is aimed at me,” I firmly state, but I relax in an instant when Jidwi’s fingers run through my hair. “Maybe I want to be a princess sometimes.”
         “Maybe you can be royalty after all of this is over.”
         “Says who?” I giggle.
         “Well, crazy things happen all the time. Like you being here, and me doing your hair. It isn’t impossible to become a true princess.”
         “I guess so,” I close my eyes to lose myself in getting my hair done. “Who knows, maybe I will marry the faceless king.” I can’t keep the laugh in. “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but could you imagine me marrying the king?”
         “That would really break the Bone rank if he married a half-breed. It would be spitting in the face of all the generations of trying to keep that rule alive.”
         “I know it won’t happen, I was just joking around. My future is a blue right now,” I open my eyes as Jidwi’s hands pull away from my hair. “I just want to get through this. I just want to become a true Hwarang. I want to do something big with my life.”
         “You have ambition, and I like that,” Jidwi comes into view as he sits down next to me. “You don’t take any shit from anyone either, and that is admirable.”
         “I have lived my whole life being looked down upon by adults that never truly believed that my father was telling the truth about who I am,” I clench my fists in my lap. “I don’t blame them, seeing as I look nothing like him. He just wanted to protect me, and I owe my life to him.”
         “Maybe you come for a different kingdom, and he was doing a favor for an old friend,” Jidwi taps his fingers on his thighs. “Maybe you are royalty, but your family was taken out, so you were sent here to be saved.”
         “Maybe I am just from a family outside of the capital whose parents left her at the border in hopes that I would be rescued,” I barely smile, enjoying imagining what my past could be. “Or, my father is who he says he is, and had an affair with a commoner, promising to take me in so my mother wouldn’t have to worry about me.” I giggle, shaking my head at the ridiculous ideas. “It doesn’t matter to me, though.”
         “How come? Aren’t you curious about where you some from?”
         “I’m curious, yes,” I turn my head to look at Jidwi. “However, there’s nothing I can do about it now. I am stuck being a Hwarang for who knows how long, and I will always have to deal with people thinking differently of me because of my eyes. It is just the life that I have been given.”
         “Your eyes are unique,” Jidwi locks gazes with me. “They are also prettier than anyone else’s.”
         I feel a small heat creep onto my cheeks, “You are mysterious, you know that, Jidwi?”
         “Both of us are, and I think that is why we make a good pair.”
         “If you say so,” I flash a smile, turning my head to look anywhere but his face. “I like talking to you, so I am glad that we are friends.”
         I grimace as another boy tumbles to the ground after being hit by the practice sword wielded by a big guard. It’s time we finally get some training, so we can fight and protect ourselves. It is not going that well. All the boys who have went up against the man have landed a combined zero, and each person is hit multiple times.
         “I’ll have a go,” I shrug, standing up with the practice sword.
         The guard has no emotion as he sets up to spar with me.
         Little does anyone know that I can actually wield a sword fairly well. This man is skilled beyond imagination, but I think I’ll do better than any of the others.
         I strike first, being blocked by the man easily. Then the sparring goes by in a rush. I block five attempts on me, landing none of my many attempts on the man. All the boys are impressed with my skills, shouting out praises that I can’t help smiling to. Maybe this will show that I’m just as strong and as important as them, regardless of me being a girl.
         My time facing against the guard ends in a blinding flash of pain as a hit lands on my left leg, making me crumple to my knees in an instant. It’s a hit on my shoulder that has me crying out in pain to have him stop.
         Everyone sucks in a tense breath, waiting to see if I will get up on my own. They want to help, but I know how bad that would look for me. Master Wihwa would have a solid reason to treat me differently. Everyone would see me as the weakling.
         I hiss in pain as I slowly maneuver to my knees. Then I take a deep breath, forcing the pain down so I can stand up. The practice sword still clenched in my fist. “That was fun,” I let out a pained chuckle.
         Multiple boys around me, probably the ones who I would call my friends, clap for my effort.
         I hobble over to a spot by Hansung, tossing my practice sword down behind him. “I am going to be sore,” I groan as I carefully take my seat on the ground of the wall-less room that has been set up for sword practice. The breeze flowing through every now and again keeping us from overheating.
         Hansung turns around to pick up the practice sword, placing it on a rack with some others. “You did good, Ara,” he taps my nose. “I hope you don’t bruise too bad.”
         “The warrior princess has some skill,” Yeowool smirks at me.
         “Thank you,” I smile, wincing in pain as I bend my leg. “I hope I surprised you.”
         A few more boys go against the guard, failing faster and harder than myself. It truly is painful to watch now know what they are feeling.
         “He is not human,” one boy comments of the guard.
         “I could not even feel his stick come at me,” another boy groans.
         “He is incredibly strong,” A boy speaks up, voice laced in pain. “Even if he grazes your head, it will explode.”
         I notice Sooho grab the practice sword as his side, standing up to take his place in the middle.
         “Oh, Sooho,” Hansung mumbles. “You can do it, Sooho!” He claps a bit, causing others to join in.
         “Yes, go Sooho!” I shout out my own encouragement.
         “Sooho won’t be any better than those before him,” one of the boys from before speaks up.
         “Still, he’s the best in the capital,” another boy retorts.
         “He just has to block ten times, right?” Hansung leans over towards Yeowool.
         I watch in nervous anticipation as Sooho spars with the guard. A smile on my face as his skills that are clearly better than mine are shown. He will last even longer than me.
         “It is eight now,” Yeowool answers.
         As like all the others before him though, Sooho is defeated. His weapon flies out of his hand as he falls to the ground.
         Jidwi is the next boy to try to beat the challenge. The practice sword resign casually on his shoulder. He seems a bit cocky as he adjusts his grip on the handle.
         “Come on,” I feel myself tense as I suck in a breath.
         Jidwi lunges at the man, showing skill that goes beyond anyone else that has gone. It’s as if he has been taught how to sword fight by some professional for many years of his life. It’s amazing to watch him in an area that looks to be his element.
         After a few hits form both sides, the two fighters pause to take a quick breath. The guard’s facial expression has been stone faces this whole time, but I thought I saw a burst of surprise flash across his eyes when Jidwi attacked. It seems the mysterious Hwarang is keeping more to himself than I first would have thought.
         “Keep it up, Jidwi!” I shout out, raising my fists in the air for a few seconds.
         Jidwi gives a brief look over at me, a smile playing on his lips as he sends a wink at me.
         The fighting starts back up, but I can’t seem to focus. My brain is a jumble of thoughts, and my cheeks are on fire. When Sooho winks at me, I can’t help but chuckle and roll my eyes. His flirting attempts don’t go on deaf ears, though, because I still blush every time he does it. When Yeowool winks at me, my cheeks burn up in an instant, and I can’t think straight. It baffles me that a boy as pretty as him would like a girl like me. When Hansung winks at me, the few times he ever does, I feel my feelings that I have pushed down for years bubble to the surface. He knows just how to make me feel like the only one that matters. I’ll always need him in my life.
         Jidwi, however, smashes all those feelings into one with the wink he just sent my way. The one making advances at Ahro is making me go crazy. We have barely had any contact with one another, but Jidwi has made me feel like a young girl crushing on a boy for the first time ever single time. It that is his intention or not, it is hard to tell.
         Four boys seem to want to be with me. Am I lucky or what?
         “Wow,” Hansung breathes out, pulling me back to reality.
         Jidwi has beaten the challenge, and stands panting with a smile tugging at his lips.
         “Nice going,” I clap, causing others to do the same.
         “Such a show off,” Hansung grumbles.
         The sparring doesn’t end there because what fun would that be. Instead, Sunwoo takes up a practice sword to face off against Jidwi. Both boys have very different styles, but it is clear who has the upper hand. The fight ends with no winner, and we are dismissed for lunch before it is time to head to the classroom. This training couldn’t have gone better.
**** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ ****
Hope you enjoyed reading! I think this will be the length for the chapters starting now. Probably not four different scenes like this one, but this came out more like a filler than I thought. I’d love to hear what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 6 years
Lucky -- Chapter Sixteen
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 2892
         “Are you excited for this first test of knowledge,” I smile, looking up at Sooho as we make our way to the classroom.
         “No, I would say I am feeling the exact opposite of that,” Sooho sighs. “Looks like all your time reading is going to pay off.”
         “Finally,” I almost start skipping, but control myself as I don’t want to be teased. “It really makes all those rude comments about reading all the time seem so small. They were just stepping stones to get me to pass this test.”
         “You are too cute,” he gently pinches my cheek. “How can you be so cute?”
         “Sooho,” I whine, slapping his hand. “I’m trying to be serious. Why must you only see how cute I am? I am more than my looks.”
         He chuckles, “I know, and I heard you. Whoever tried to push you down is stupid. You are strong enough to do whatever you put your mind to. I mean, there is no way you would be here right now without the mindset that you have.”
         “That’s sweet, I think” I pat his arm. “I’m still not going to go on a date with you on our free day.”
         “Come on,” he groans as we enter the classroom. “Why not?”
         “You know why,” I roll my eyes, looking around the room.
         Boys are rushing around, taking seats in front of small desks on the floor. They seem to be doing whatever they can to ensure they have information to cheat on the test. I have no doubt that Master Wihwa will be able to catch a cheater with his eyes closed, but I would never try and deter these idiots from something we all know is stupid.
         A laugh bubbles up out of my throat, causing some to give me a strange look because of the sudden happy outburst in a time of panic. I can’t help it, though. These boys really think they’ll get a passing grade if all they do is copy and paste.
         I take a deep breath, waling over to an empty desk near Yeowool, Sooho, and Hansung. No one looks in my direction as I take my seat, busying myself by rearranging the writing utensil and paper smoothing tool to the other side so I can use my left hand. I am once again the odd one out by being left hand dominate, and another trait about myself that people use against me.
         “Everyone is out of their mind thinking that they can just copy the answer right out of the book,” Yeowool sighs. “Don’t you think so, Ara?”
         I look over at the pretty boy ready to answer, but am cut off as Sooho sticks some paper to the boy’s back.
         Yeowool looks back at Sooho; a look of confusion mixed with agitation on his face. “What did you just do?”
         “It’s a cheat sheet,” Sooho is smiling. “When someone gets flustered, it is hard to think of an answer,” he taps his forehead with two fingers. “If I don’t have a little help, my brain blanks out.”
         “And what were you doing not stopping him?” Yeowool looks over at Hansung.
         I turn to face the boy sitting behind me. “He’s guilty of something. I can just tell.”
         Hansung gives a closed mouthed grin, humming a few times instead of replying with words that will just dig him into a hole. It’s the same guilty face he would give me when I caught him doing something against the rules as a kid. Now it seems like we are breaking the rules together.
         “Hansung can just copy my paper since he is right next to me, “Sooho turns to show the papers he has stuck to himself.
         Hansung reaches over to make sure the papers are secure.
         “Oh, geez,” Yeowool clicks his tongue.
         “Hansungie,” I pout. “I thought you were above cheating. If you needed help studying or understanding the material, why didn’t you just come to me?”
         “I just want to pass,” Hansung pouts back. “Not everyone can be as smart as you. Even if you have helped me, I still wouldn’t be able to understand it enough to write a good answer.” He reaches over to gently pinch my cheek.
         “Aish, so much cheek pinching today,” I slap his hand. “I get it, I am cute, but please stop with that treatment.”
         “Geez,” Yeowool is still looking back at Sooho. “You have been perfect up to this point.”
         Sooho sighs, smiling away. “Why are you calling me perfect to that level?” He questions as he fixes his hair.
         “It’s not what I meant if you think twice,” Yeowool turns around to face his desk.
         “But if Dog-bird doesn’t pass this time, what’s going to happen?” Hansung seriously asks.
         I glance over to see Sunwoo doing his best to prepare for the test. No cheating in sight. I’m interested to know what is going to happen with him as well.
         “One of his three chances will be gone,” Sooho answers, shrugging it off like it is that simple. “Then it won’t be easy for him to remain here.”
         Hansung looks over at Sunwoo, but says nothing.
         “I am rooting for him,” I speak up, shifting around in my seat. “He has a lot on his shoulders, and a lot to prove of himself, so I hope he succeeds. To prove something to all those watching and expecting he will fail.”
         “That’s sweet,” Yeowool smirks at me. “You are too cute,” he reaches over, gently pinching my cheek.
         My cheeks heat up, and I can only tap his hand to get him to stop. “Can anyone see past my cuteness, please? I am a Hwarang just like all of you. I am strong. I can defend myself.”
         “We can,” Sooho taps his chin with his pointer finger a few times.
         “It’s just hard,” Hansung gives me a wide smile. Because you will always be cute. No matter what.”
         “I agree,” Yeowool nods. “If you can stop being cute, we will treat you as such.”
         I roll my eyes, “Like I can change how you see me. I bet I could kill a man, and you would all gush at how cute my technique was.” I face forward in my seat. “Just, stop babying me so much.”
         “Ara,” Hansung leans forward to mess with my hair resting on my back. “We just want to protect the smallest and youngest among us. That just happens to be you.”
         “Yes,” Sooho adds in. “We can’t let you get hurt.”
         “And you being cute is just adding to us wanting to help you,” Yeowool leans over to grab my hand. “A princess amongst all these gross boys. How do you handle it?”
         I look over and slightly smile at Yeowool. “I am no princess, and gross boys are better than doll-like girls any day.” I pull my hand out of his grasp. “I am a warrior, and I am going to prove that to all of you.”
         “That’s my girl,” Hansung chuckles, smirking no doubt.
         “What about a warrior princess then?” Yeowool pulls his hand off of my desk.
         I giggle, “That doesn’t sound that bad.”
         The small talk dies down, and it isn’t long before Master Wihwa has enter the room. He takes his spot at the front of the classroom, and I find myself anxious for the words that will soon spill out of his mouth.
         “Do you want to have power?” Master Wihwa asks. “Do you want to become a member of the royal council?” He lowly chuckles. “Being a member of the royal council is great because you have fewer responsibilities, and unbelieve power to yield.”
         I force the grin off my face as the truth behind what he is saying.
         “Once you become a member of the royal council, you will become the owners of this new county for the rest of your lives. If you want to go higher than where you are now, or protect what you have now, even if your goal is just to survive, you must pass this. That will become the path towards what you all want.”
         I feel a tingle run through me. I’m just here to survive and prove my worth. What else do I want?
         “I’ll say this again, discuss how water relates to a king. It must be based off of the Tao Te Ching.”
         There is a break in his speaking as he looks out over all the Hwarang, thinking of something that I wish I knew.
         “Well, you may start,” Master Wihwa nods.
         I quickly pick up my writing utensil, seeing boys tense up all around me. A grin spreads across my face as I realize the advantage I have over these boys.
         Not long goes by before Master Wihwa speaks up to scold a boy. “Hey! You can’t look over at someone else’s paper!”
         Many boys shift in their seats, tension rising in them. The Master can see all form his high spot.
         I feel no pressure, knowing I would never cheat by just copying down what a book says. I have faith in my own words and thoughts.
         Once the ink dries, and everyone has written all they can, we place our papers on the desk that Master Wihwa is now sitting behind.
         “I see you wrote the whole third chapter of the Tao Te Ching word for word,” Master Wihwa comments on the first paper. “It is difficult to rule over people,” he reads the next paper, “because people are wise. Hence, we must make the people be like water. Like water in water, and water in alcohol.”
         “What is it?” Sooho whispers to Yeowool. “Am I wrong?”
         Yeowool and I both let out disappoint sighs.
         Master Wihwa then reads the next paper to himself, folding it up and setting it to the side. “Did you really think I would like that you wasted precious paper to write your terrible answers?”
         I have to stop myself from shaking my head. I should not feel guilty because I have done nothing wrong.
         “The task was given so that I know what kind of world you aim for. However, to my surprise, you hardly have any ideas.” He picks up the next two papers to show us. “Out of all of you, who are the two responsible for these thoughtless answers?”
         I look around to see Sunwoo and Jidwi stand up. I’m not that surprised that those two would write answers that would get them in trouble.
         Master Wihwa chuckles, “Were you prepared to fail? Or could these be out of your deep thoughts?”
         “I do not think Laozi would have answered the question in writing,” Jidwi boldly answers.
         I feel my heart skip a beat, and I don’t understand why. No matter, I can’t help turning to look at him again.
         “His philosophy stands against doing things by force.”
         Another chuckle escapes from Master Wihwa. “Do you agree with him?” He directs the question at Sunwoo.
         My gaze turns to the boy who I have had little interactions with thus far, but I know he has a good soul.
         “I cannot write what I want to write,” Sunwoo speaks up. “That is why I wanted to say my answer in words, Master.”
         “Then, who would like to go first?” Master Wihwa asks, looking from one boy back to the other.
         “I-” Sunwoo raises his hand, but is cut off before a sentence can leave his lips.
         “I will go first,” Jidwi confidently says.
         Sunwoo lowers his hand in defeat.
         “You, who submitted the blank sheet, may go first,” Master Wihwa directs.
         I turn in my seat once again to look at the mysterious Hwarang.
         “The law of Silla is the Bone-rank system,” Jidwi starts. “The path of water is the law of water. Thus, it is the natural flow that is defined by nature. However, there is not a path for water everywhere. Some lands are dry, while others have an abundance of water, following the path that was formed by the flowing water. There is harmony, and the power of nothingness, which does not irritate. A king’s law, and his path, are there.”
         Hansung and I tap our fingers together in silent claps for the nice answer Jidwi gave.
         “That is gibberish,” Sunwoo speaks up, causing me to instantly turn to face him. “Nobility uses humble as its roots, and high uses low as its base. That is even more gibberish.”
         My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. I want to see what Sunwoo has in mind, but I fear he might not have a good idea.
         Master Wihwa chuckles, “Do you dare call Tao Te Ching gibberish?”
         “A path of water makes water flow from highlands to lowlands,” Sunwoo motions with his hand the moving of water from high to low. “Where must something origination in the lowlands find its path?”
         My face relaxes, and I understand just what Sunwoo is saying. Even relating to it on a very personal level.
         “A path on which low can become high. Not only a path of water flowing high to low, but a path that is dry and desolate, which you must carry water uphill if you want to wet it.” He sucks in a breath to calm down. “I could not find the answer in that Tao Te Ching.”
         I feel my breath stall for a moment. Maybe I forced myself to see what is not there in the text. Maybe I am wrong.
         Silla is tough for anyone without royalty in their blood. I’m glad for my struggles in life, as they helped me become the tough woman that I am today. Though, I can recognize how I get off easy, and others fight their whole lives to get nowhere.
         “No path started as a path,” Sunwoo continues. “Someone must walk on it for it to become a path. You must pound and break the hard land and pierce through it for the water to flow out. If the law is to ignore the dry land, and if that is the path of the king, that king should not be king.”
         Sooho smiles, nodding at the statement with some humor. Hansung has his mouth open in a little circle as if Sunwoo just said the most shockingly profound thing ever. I am pushing my lips together to keep the smile off my face, but I agree with all that was said.
         Master Wihwa is chuckling once again, but makes no more comments. Instead, he gathers the papers back into one pile.
         I settle back into my seat, facing forward to be proper. Now we will know who passed or failed.
         “Kim Kibo,” Master Wihwa begins. “Fail,” he stamps something on the paper in red ink. “Kim Shibo, fail. Kim Janghyun, fail.”
         Boys all around me are sighing and letting our groans.
         “Suk Hansung, you copied down chapter three of the Tao Te Ching, fail.”
         I shake my head at my best friend’s mistake.
         “I see,” Hansung mumbles.
         “Kim Sooho,” Master Wihwa is still grading. “Fail.”
         I hear Sooho let out a sigh.
         “Kim Yeowool, fail. Park BanRyu, pass.”
         All the boys let out noises of astonishment, but I just clench my jaw in disgust. My fists tightening in my lap. If he passed, so should I.
         “Kim Jidwi, you have passed.”
         I smile for the unknown boy.
         “It is not because I like your answer, but because it is based on the Tae Te Ching.” There is a pause as he moves to the next paper. “Kim Sunwoo, you fail. It is not because I do not like your answer, but this assignment was to base your answer on the Tao Te Ching. However, you called it gibberish, so I cannot pass you.”
         I pout for Sunwoo, but I have to agree with the Master. The rule are the rules, and in Hwarang you have to follow them as close as possible.
         “Min Ara,” he gives the smallest glimpse of a smile. “Pass.”
         Some boys let out noises of disbelief, but most are impressed. Yeowool smirks over at me, winking to make my face heat up. Hansung pats my back, making my heart swell.
         “All we did was create kindling,” Master Wihwa says now that all the papers have been graded. “We will end the lecture here. You all may go.”
         In the next moment, all of the Hwarang stand up, and we slowly make our way out of the room. It seems like hours of shuffling before I am breathing in the fresh air.
         “Nice job, honey,” Hansung comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my middle. His lips tickle as they brush against my ear. “One of three passes. That’s so amazing, Ara.”
         I giggle, “Thank you, Hansungie. That is very sweet of you. I just used my brain, and I love learning, so this was an easy task for me.”
         “You deserve a reward of some kind.”
         “Let’s go somewhere and just relax. I’m kind of tired now, and I would like to be alone with you for a little while.”
         He chuckles, “I’ll find us the perfect place, and you can take a nap without the fear of anyone interrupting us.”
         “Thank you. That is why you are the best.”
         “Anything for you, my honey.”
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I am so sorry that is has been so long since a chapter of this has gone up. I could make excuses, but I just hope that you enjoyed reading! I am going to try to be better at posting this year, so get ready! :D
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