#Yeowool imagine
taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Nine
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3007
         “The border is right up there,” I nod, messing around with my bow in hopes of burning off my nervous energy.
         “Do you think we will be late? Or early?” Hansung asks.
         “Right on time,” I grin, looking around at all the boys around me.
         All the Hwarang and Nangdoo are on foot making our way to the border. Master Wihwa and the other teachers are on horses. Once I told everyone my idea, I went from lucky to strategist. Even Master Wihwa was praising the brilliant Star Eyes to all those who could hear. This will all end once we get back to the Hwarang House.
         “Look,” Hansung points ahead of us.
         I focus on the scene that is unfolding in the distance. There seems to only be two Hwarang on horses, and then a group of citizens are panicking on the ground. Soldiers of South Buyeo are all on horses as they aim bows at the people. In fact, some people are already injured and dead.
         Without even true commands, multiple boys and myself shoot arrows right at the soldiers. Then we rush into the field to protect the citizens who have been caught in this terrible situation.
         I spot Sunwoo with a busted face and Jidwi as the ones on the horses. BanRyu and Sooho, the latter having an arrow in his shoulder, are on the ground. Ahro is among the scared citizens. It makes me so angry to see everyone like this.
         I smirk as I stand among the rest to protect the weak from the strong.
         “I don’t know who you are,” Master Wihwa speaks up, settling his horse between Sunwoo and Jidwi’s horses. “But you are currently on Silla’s land. From the looks of it, you lost your way while hunting. You are very close to being mistaken for starting a war. By chance, you wouldn’t be South Buyeo’s Crown Prince Chang, who chased our peace seeking delegation that was not accompanied by troops?” He directs at the man on the lead horse. “If not, you sure look like a bunch of robbers.”
         I nod, looking over all the men that have hurt people on our side.
         “What would you like to do? Why don’t you observe Hwarang’s skills before you leave?” He raises his hand, and we all get into fighting stances.
         The bow in my hands feels right as I grin.
         Then the lead man edges his horse closer, and then he speaks. “I was so caught up in tiger hunting that I crossed the border. Please, forgive me immensely for that.”
         Master Wihwa chuckles. “If that is the case,” he bows.
         “Today, I leave you with a debt,” he is looking at Sunwoo. “However, the next time we meet, at that time, let’s finish the hung, Jinheung.”
         I sigh, lowering my bow as the men ride off.
         The cheers of the citizens behind us make us all relax. We have won this time. Everyone is safe.
         “Sooho,” I gasp, turning to rush up to the boy who is only on his feet thanks to BanRyu.
         “Ah, Ara,” Sooho smiles through the pain. “I think this wound deserves a date.”
         I roll my eyes, “It seems that you will be perfectly fine. I can stop worrying. Now, it is time to get everyone home.”
         “Sunwoo is the King,” Sooho chokes out.
         “Sure he is,” I look away. “And I am a foreign princess. Now, let’s start the journey home.”
         Sunwoo is not the King, I just know it. Something about him doesn’t add up for him to be the Faceless King. It’s too easy for him to be King.
         The dining room is filled with laughing, yelling, and excitement as everyone is talking about the fight at the border. We all feel alive, and I can’t stop smiling. I’m squished between Sooho, who now has his arm in a sling, and BanRyu, who seems more relaxed now. It feels amazing to be here.
         From what I can piece together from the stories that everyone is giddy about, the journey went something like this. On the first night that they stayed in an inn, they were robbed by starving farmers that had no other choice. They took all the gifts for the prince, as well as the supplies for the trip. That means that the next night they slept outside, and Ahro is the reason they had any food as she helped nearby citizens. Thankfully, they arrived in South Buyeo the next day, but other than not sleeping outside, it didn’t get much better. The prince was not happy that he got no gifts, and Ahro was arrest for helping a small child. The four Hwarang then were locked up for trying to do the right thing, and the princess could do nothing.
         This lead to Sunwoo confessing he was the King so no more people would get beheaded the day after, as the Crown Prince was told the King was among the Hwarang there. Sunwoo then had to fight the Prince to save the delegation. He narrowly won, and his wounds show it. His win didn’t save, the citizens, though. Not willing to leave without Ahro and Silla’s people, Jidwi and Sunwoo went to break the people out. Eventually getting help from BanRyu and Sooho. They got the people close to the border, but that stupid prince came to kill them all. Some people sadly did not make it, but we came before more blood could be shed. The Hwarang really saved the day.
         “It’s an honorable wound, you rascal,” Sooho smiles at whoever made fun of him.
         “It’s manly, Sooho,” I grin up at him, shoving rice into my mouth.
         “Ah, thanks, Ara,” he hisses as he moves in a way that pain shoots through him. “It’s really nothing, and if you’re a man, you should endure it.”
         “Stop showing off,” Yeowool chuckles.
         “Ah, let him,” I giggle.
         “Why aren’t you bragging, Ara?” Hansung widely smiles.
         “Seeing everyone back safe and sound is enough for me,” I shrug, a big smile on my face.
         “You came up with the plan to come to the border for us, right?” Sooho asks.
         I nod, “It was common sense. If you needed help on the way back, then we should be there. Simples as that. Everyone has given me enough praise, and now you guys deserve to get all the praise.”
         “Sunwoo got hurt,” Hansung pouts.
         “I hope that he got his wounds treated,” I shove more food into my mouth.
         “After the fight, if he’s not dead now, I’m sure he will be fine,” BanRyu speaks up for the first time since he’s been back.
         “I told you, he is the King,” Sooho pokes my side.
         “What about Jidwi? Where is he?” I look around the room, but he’s nowhere to be seen. “I saw him earlier, but he should be here with us.”
         “It might be too much for him,” Yeowool shrugs. “Are you still worried?”
         “No,” I shake my head, making sure that I have no food left on my tray. “But I do want to check on him.” I maneuver my way off the bench, leaning down to press a kiss to Sooho’s cheek. “Nice work taking an arrow for someone else.”
         “Thank you,” Sooho’s cheeks barely redden. “Nice work coming up with such a good plan.”
         “A pleasure,” I giggle, rushing out of the room to get outside.
         The evening is calm, and the stars are out in all their bright glory. It feels right to be outside with the chaos going on inside.
         “Now, Jidwi, where are you?” I mumble as I begin my search.
         It doesn’t take long for me to find Jidwi, as the boy is rushing towards me with watery eyes.
         “Jidwi, I have been looking for you,” I call out, trying to reach for the boy. “I wanted to talk.”
         “Leave me alone,” Jidwi snaps at me, shoving my hand away.
         “Oh,” I mumble, stumbling back in shock. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to anger you.” I blink back tears, but I will myself not to shed them for him.
         “Ara, no,” Jidwi takes a deep breath, grabbing my shoulders to look in my eyes. “I should never snap at people. Most of all you.”
         “Is something wrong?”
         “I think my heart is breaking,” his voice cracks.
         “Oh, Jidwi,” I sigh, reaching up to cup his face with one hand. “Was this your first love?”
         “Yes,” he nods.
         I know that he’s talking about Ahro, and I know that my doctor friend is in love with Sunwoo. How he saw them together or figure out that they are dating is beyond me, but I can understand his sadness.
         “I don’t want to bother you with my problems,” he brushes my hand off his cheek.
         “Let’s stargaze somewhere,” I tenderly smile. “We don’t have to talk, just look at the sky.”
         “Your eyes will always be prettier than the sky,” he leans down to press a kiss to my cheek. “But I’ll gaze at the stars with you.”
         A heat rises to my cheeks. “Show the way to whatever you think will be a good place.” I take a deep breath, “It’s nice for you all to be back.”
         He pulls away, grabbing my hand and tugging me off with him. “It’s comforting to be back.”
         “Well, Ara, what is on your mind?” Yeowool asks as we walk around outside.
         “Relief has been on my mind since last night, with everyone finally back,” I answer. “Though, I hope Sooho’s wound heals quickly.”
         “He took the arrow for Sunwoo, you know. He really believes that Sunwoo is the King.”
         “I still think Jidwi makes more sense to be the faceless king,” I shrug. “It really doesn’t mean anything until the Queen confirms who’s King.”
         “You’re right,” he sighs. “Hey, is that Hansung standing over there being weird?” He points, and I follow his finger to see that Hansung is standing all by himself.
         “That’s him,” I shake my head. “What is up with him recently?”
         “Let’s go ask him,” he grabs my hand, leading us towards Hansung. “What are you doing?”
         “Is something wrong, Hansungie?” I furrow my eyebrows as I look at the boy.
         Hansung is staring down an area that rounds a corner. “Those two aren’t siblings anymore, are they?”
         Yeowool places his free arm around Hansung’s shoulder. “What are you talking about?”
         I follow Hansung’s gaze to see Sunwoo and Ahro walking together. “It’s cute,” I giggle as Sunwoo pats Ahro on the head.
         Hansung bites his bottom lip a few times.
         “Ah,” Yeowool takes his arm off Hansung. “He learned how to treat his sister from Sooho, so that’s why he’s like that.”
         “They aren’t siblings, though,” I wiggle my hand out of Yeowool’s grasp.
         “Wait,” Hansung looks between Yeowool and me before looking back at where Sunwoo and Ahro were. “If Sunwoo is the King, they’re not siblings,” he says after a pause.
         “Is that how it works?” Yeowool asks.
         “It’s a bit more complicated,” I mumble, having known the truth since Ahro told me not long ago.
         Hansung sucks in a breath, “Then what are they now?”
         “Whatever they want to be,” I poke Hansung’s side. “Come on, we have class soon, and we have nothing else to do.”
         The three of us take our time to reach the classroom, where a few boys are already gathered. Not meaning to, but not really caring, we split up to sit with whoever we decide.
         “Hey Jidwi,” I plop down next to him. “Doing any better?”
         Jidwi shrugs, “I don’t really know what to think.”
         “I wish I could say something to help, but my troubles are different than yours.”
         “A princess like you should never have to deal with trivial troubles like that.”
         I shrug, “It’s part of life, and reminds me that I am just like everyone else. That we all go through troubles with love, and it will all work out.”
         “I guess so,” he sighs.
         It’s a little while later before the rest of the Hwarang arrive, and then Master Wihwa enters, causing the chatter to cease.
         Master Wihwa slowly ascends the steps to the raised platform, and then faces us. “The subject that you will learn about today is the Book of Odes. It if the songs of the people which has been passed down by word of mouth for a long time. Inside are the lamentations of the people’s difficult lives, yet there are positive images. Also, there is resentment and pity for the powerless King.”
         I barely look at Jidwi, but he makes no real reaction to the mention of king.
         “Today, I am going to show you all a poem. The title is ‘Large Rat.’” He pulls a cord to release a scroll with the poem printed on it. “Who would like to read if for everyone.”
         I shift in my seat.
         “Jidwi, why don’t you try reading it?”
         Jidwi lifts his head to see the poem, and then stands up with a small grunt. “Rat, rat, large rat. Don’t eat my barley. I took care of you for a long time, you aren’t looking after me.” He stops, as if the words are slashing him. “Surely, I will leave you, and leave to go to that happy nation. Happy place, happy place. I will find a way to justify myself there.”
         I feel hurt for Jidwi, but I am not sure why. The poem isn’t about him, but it clearly bothers him.
         “The rat here symbolizes the ruler,” Master Wihwa says. “In the poem, the king doesn’t take care of his people. He’s hiding and eating grain. Just like someone in real life. If a big rat eats the people’s livelihood, all those people will leave. A king without his people is no longer a king. Do you understand the meaning of this poem?”
         “Yes!” I answer with the rest.
         I glance up at Jidwi as he stares straight ahead. His pauses stand out in my mind, and I wonder if he is angry at the lack of action that the King has done, or angry because he has done nothing as King. Master Wihwa chose this poem for a reason, and it will be on my mind for a while.
         I lie in bed, a book in my hands on my day off. All the boys are off doing their own thing, Ahro is busy with doctor things, and going home would just make me miss it more. It’s nice to relax in an empty room and read all day, so I am happy.
         “Ara?” Hansung’s tired voice fills my ears.
         I turn my head to see Hansung in the doorway in his normal clothing. He looks tired out of his mind, and I can only guess that he’s been training with Danse. “Hansungie, is there anything I can do for you?”
         “Cuddles,” he rushes over, collapsing onto the bed. In seconds, he is snuggled into my side.
         “Are you training?” I place my book down on my stomach, placing an arm over him.
         “On a break. Danse insists that I get better, but I hate it.”
         “I know,” I rest my cheek on the top of his head. “I wish I could help you, or make it fun for you.”
         “How do you do it?”
         “Me?” I take a deep breath. “I have a lot to prove, so I have to work hard. Archery is a blast, so I don’t have to worry. Everything else I do is to show people how wrong they are.”
         “I wish I could think like that.”
         “You don’t need to think like me. I don’t want you to think like me. I like how you think. All carefree and loving.”
         “Thanks for saying that, honey.”
         I giggle, “How long do you get to be on this break for?”
         “Until Danse comes and starts demanding that I spar with him again.”
         “Oh, Hansungie, did you run off?”
         “No, we needed a drink, and I just left him to come to you?”
         “Did you know I was here?”
         “I got lucky,” he shifts away moving to look at my face. His eyes not meeting my gaze. “I just want to be with you. I enjoy being with you, like this.”
         “I enjoy being with you too,” I tenderly smile.
         “I never want us to be apart,” he leans forward so our noses touch. “Danse is intense, and you are soft.” His voice is lower, and his breath on my face is driving me crazy. “My hearts longs for you.”
         “Hansungie,” I breath out, feeling my cheeks burst with heat.
         “I’m sick of the bone rank, and tired of being looked down on. Honey, I just want to be with you.” He slowly erases the distance between our lips. His soft lips are on mine in a second, and I let my eyes close.
         “Hansung!” Danse’s voice shatters the moment.
         Hansung pulls away, brushing hair off my face. “Why? Why can’t I just have more than a few minutes with my honey.”
         I bring my hand up to cup his cheek. “You’ll, no, we’ll have our time. For now, we have to do things that we may not want to do. Spend time apart. But you are my reason to keep going, Hansungie.”
         “I should go before Danse finds us like this. He’ll start yelling and whatnot.”
         “Yeah, I’d rather not be lectured by him.”
         “Keep enjoying reading, honey,” he presses a kiss to my cheek. “Tell me about it later.” He jumps up, rushing out of the room.
         “I will!” I call after Hansung.
         It takes a few minutes for me to compose myself enough to pick my book back up. Even though I cannot focus on the words on the page. I’m too giddy from Hansung’s actions. The smile hurts my cheeks, and I can’t stop moving from all the energy.
         “That boy,” I happily sigh. “He drives me mad, but I love it.”
Ah! So, how do you feel about Ara and Hansung? Or do you want Ara to be with someone else? Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading! I always love to know what you thought! :D
18 notes · View notes
lady-lanthirgil · 7 years
Imagine Yeo Wool Rang gifting you a hanbok because when he saw it he knew it would suit you perfectly.
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27 notes · View notes
written-in-flowers · 4 years
A Simple Game: Pt. 3
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Pairing: Yoongi x Taehyung
AU: daechwita!au, royalty!au/ Genre: Smut, fluff/ Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4k
Disclaimers:  These works are completely fictitious and for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to reflect or label the members of BTS in any way. The events within never took place. Thank you.
Warnings: executions, mentions of blood, depictions of violence, manipulation, nsfw content
An idea came to him suddenly, “I like you, Taehyung.”
“I’m honored, Your Majesty.”
“But I can’t just send them all home and insult their families. I made a promise to choose from five suitors, and I cannot take that back now.” Coming close enough, Yoongi detected a hint of jasmine from him and inhaled. Of course, it’d be jasmines. Namjoon knew he liked the scent from the bushel outside his bedroom windows. “If you wish to be my royal consort, be my companion and share my bed,” he whispered lowly to him, “Get rid of them for me.”
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As expected, Chulsoon pushed Hoseok in his direction. Two days after the trial his brother Seonu informed him a large host was spotted heading north from Ilsan. Whether friend or foe they were not sure, so the council sent scouts ahead. They reported multiple flags mounted, Ilsan among them. This did not surprise Yoongi, since it isn’t the first time they’ve come to his territory. He’d called for the council in the war room, and found Hoseok standing with his father by the table. Seeing them close together, he spotted the vast differences in their looks. Where Hoseok is dark, Chulsoon is light. Hoseok is tall and slim and Chulsoon stood stocky and short. He found it odd. 
“Advisor Chulsoon,” he said, “May I ask why your son, a non-council member, is here?”
“Forgive me, Your Majesty,” he bowed slightly, “But given as my son is very well practiced in war strategy, I thought he might be able to lend some ideas.”
“I would very much like to help you, Your Majesty,” Hoseok said, “However I can.”
Yoongi supposed he can’t give Taehyung all of his attention. “Very well,” he nodded, coming forward to the large table. “You know the situation,” he said to Hoseok, picking up a small dragon figurine, “Ilsan forces made land here on the coast a few weeks ago. Since then they’ve been slowly making their way upwards past the fishing villages. A spy caught sight of them near Busan. Whether their master is in league with these men, we’re not sure, but they are camped nearest him. If we leave them be, they will be on us in four or five days.” He placed the white dragon where Busan is located coming off from the coast. “What’s your opinion?” 
Hoseok stared at the map for a few minutes. He rounded the table until he stood beside Yoongi. A light scent of lavender came off him when he swept his hair over his shoulder. Rather than be enticed, Yoongi only thought that he preferred Taehyung’s jasmines over lavender. He caught Hoseok’s rounded features...that looked nothing like his father’s chiseled, square ones. His hand then brushed Yoongi’s as he reached for a twin serpent figurine. 
“Sorry, Your Majesty,” he blushed. 
“It’s fine.”
Watching Hoseok work out a plan, he wondered what Taehyung might be doing. He imagined him sitting in his bedchamber with Yeowool, the pair planning out their next scheme. Taehyung specifically asked that he be tended by household servants over palace ones. It’s a good move. The palace is full of spies working for one official or another; secrets never stay secret for long in this world. He considered sending one of his own to watch him, but then realized that takes the fun out of things. He won’t start things off by making Taehyung think he did not trust him. He wondered what the younger might think about Hoseok’s closeness. Would he be jealous? Would he want a jealous partner? Hoseok finally called back his attention. 
“The enemy host is nestled between these two areas, yes?” he started, pushing the small dragon pieces into a line, “If we direct them more eastward, they will run right through the King’s Canyon. With bowmen placed here and here,” he put more twin snake pieces on either side of a second dragon, “Then we have a higher level advantage over them.”
“And how do you suggest we get them to move east? They’re just as aware of the canyon’s dangers as we are,” Yoongi asked. “They won’t easily go into that territory; they might not even take that road. It’s not a guaranteed victory.”
“It is if they have no other choice but to go through there,” Hoseok said. He then placed two crouching tiger figurines in front of the white dragon, “Busan has a vast army and is a military power just second to His Majesty’s forces. Being nearest to the enemy as of now, if we get note to him, they can create a blockade that will force the enemy to move around them. Only a fool would try taking on the Busan army with so few numbers.” He then added, eyes focused on Yoongi, “They’re already foolish for coming after you, Your Majesty.” 
“Of course they are,” he said. “So that’s your strategy then?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “With them in this canyon, we can shoot down at them from above. It is a certified victory.”
Yoongi gazed down at the map. He ignored all of Hoseok’s pieces and looked where he’d placed them originally. They are camped between the Han River and Busan, who never refuse a chance at war. Yet, sources say the host isn’t very large; they’re slowly and discreetly right past the capital. Judging by the northern roads they’re closest to, they might not be headed to the capital after all. He took one of the white dragons and placed it further north. He noted another spot on the map plotted east of the Han River. Incheon. 
“It is a good strategy,” Chulsoon nodded to him. “My son is cunning and clever, like his old man.” 
“We can indeed waste our resources bringing in another army to distract an enemy that is barely a threat in the first place,” he said, ignoring the boast. “We can waste time idly sitting around waiting for the off chance that the same host will come riding through the canyon. We can even daydream that a plan like that has any chance of actually being successful.”
“Your Majesty?” Hoseok began to question, but Yoongi lifted a hand to stop him. 
“Rather than do anything you just proposed,” he took away the twin snake statue from the table, “We can simply let them pass.”
“Let them pass?”
“Our man says this particular host was flying Ilsan flags, yes?”
“They are.”  
“Did he describe the flags to you?”
“Well, um, he saw several different flags, but Ilsan was amongst them for sure.” 
“Which ones?”
“He recalled the white dragon of Ilsan, a flaming green dragon, a sword surrounded by suns-”
“-Hoseok, do you know your house symbols?”
“Of course I do,” he answered. 
“All of them or only the major houses such as mine?”
“I know them all, Your Majesty.”
“Hm,” he mused, “Then you’d know that the Park-Yoon family carries a flaming green dragon as their house sigil. The Goh family flies a sword surrounded by seven suns, since they’re from the islands down south.” He sighed, shutting his eyes for a second, “The Park-Yoon and Goh families are loyal to the crown. If they were planning to engage in battle with us, they wouldn’t make such a show of being close to us. It seems the threat is no threat at all.” 
“A threat is a threat no matter how small, Your Majesty,” Hoseok spoke. “It’s still important we engage before they-”
“-Namjoon,” he called the man standing beside him, “Did our man give you any details on their destination or plans exactly?”
“I’m sorry, but no, Your Majesty. Our scout wasn’t able to get close enough to hear.” 
Yoongi narrowed his eyes, “You’re telling me The King’s Council, my council, decided to call on a meeting to discuss a strategy for a supposed enemy that might not be an enemy at all?”
“I tried telling them, Your Majesty, that you do not like having your time wasted and that we should await details from other scouts in the area.” Yoongi did not miss the smug smirk Namjoon tried hiding as he said this, “But Advisor Chulsoon insisted we call for a meeting anyways.”
“I thought it’s best to be ahead of our enemy, Your Majesty,” the man bowed. “We don’t know when we will receive news from our-”
“-And potentially damage ourselves and waste vital resources? Based solely on an assumption and little information? I thought you’d have better sense, Chulsoon. Be thankful I do not have you chained up in the prisons for this,” he scoffed. He turned to Namjoon, “Send a bird to Wang. He can ride out there and get a clearer picture of what is happening. It might not pose a threat to us at all, and I won’t be made a fool of.” 
“As you wish.” 
“And if not, Your Majesty?” he heard Hoseok say, “They can always be keeping their true intentions a secret. We’d need a defense strategy for the worst.”
“Hoseok,” he faced him, “Your strategy is based purely on luck and chance-”
A knock on the doors broke through the conversation. Yoongi nodded to a guard who opened the door. He half expected Taehyung, but instead saw Yeowool enter the room. He bowed down to Yoongi, then the council before him. 
“Beg your pardon, my lords,” he said, “But an urgent letter came for my brother.”
He handed Namjoon the note and the elder read it quietly. Yoongi took a minute to observe the half-breed. Yeowool’s beauty preceded him. He looked nothing like Taehyung or Namjoon, being fair skinned with a smaller nose and lips. Still, he and Taehyung shared a mysterious charm that intrigued people. Being half-bred, Yeowool is neither a noble or a commoner. He is in this special place in between: he can go to most elite functions, but can also blend in with the common folk in the city. This means he can go where Taehyung cannot be seen such as brothels, taverns, and back alleys. He’s sure the Kim family uses this to their advantage often. 
“It appears our crisis has been averted, Your Majesty,” Namjoon announced to the room. “Wang reported that they’re on their way to Incheon for the Harvest Festival tournament. They have no intention of moving this way nor have they been hired.”
“They could be lying!” Chulsoon exclaimed. “There could be mercenaries hiding among them and we’d never know!”
“Don’t be so foolish, Chulsoon,” Namjoon retorted. “There are scores of people heading to Incheon for the tournament. Many people have been arriving through the gates for the city festival next week. Should we inspect and interrogate every merchant, whore, and commoner who comes walking in? I think not. These men are simply on their way for a bit of sparring and riding. The King has bigger things to be concerned about than this.”
“If I may speak, my lords?” Yeowool cut through the conversation. 
“You may not,” Hoseok spat, “You’re only a half-breed. You have no business being among us in the first place.”
“Let him speak,” Yoongi said, only partly listening as he studied the map on the table. 
The man stepped forward to them and said, “There is no assassin amongst the minor houses.”
“Psh, as if you’d know.”
“I would,” he replied to Hoseok, “I blush when I admit that I have spent some time in the company of such people.” This sparked Yoongi’s curiosity and the king looked to him, “You see, my lords, mercenaries and assassins have a certain way about them that makes them stand out. It’s in the way they walk and talk. It’s how they handle business and who they decide to associate with. Any self-respecting mercenary wouldn’t make himself known if he traveled with an official or master because they might get suspicious if he’s caught. If I were an assassin, I’d travel with the regular crowds into the city. They’re less likely to be spotted and it’s much easier to blend in with common people than the elite of this city.” Yoongi weighed this information in his mind, “Such as the man my brother sentenced,” he continued, “He'd be hired in the city.”
“Yes, after being offered an exorbitant amount of money,” Hoseok said.
“Money the rebels do not have in the first place,” he told Yoongi.
“So what are you suggesting, brother?” Namjoon asked him, ignoring the other masters' stunned expressions. “We already search people who come through the gates. People with wagons and weapons, anyways.”
“As you should, but may I suggest you at least have a scout keep an ear out in the city as well as outside it?” he then added, “I can offer my own services, if it please you, Your Majesty.”
“I have a few little birds of my own,” he smirked. “They watch and listen, then come back to me. I’d be more than happy to help the crown in any way I can; it is what my family has done for years.” 
He considered this as he stared at him. Yoongi did not know much about Yeowool other than court gossip, but he certainly can be connected enough to service him. Especially if it is to help his brother's chances. “Alright,” he said, despite the stares he received from his advisors, “You may send your ‘little birds’ to do some watching.” He looked at his advisors, “I think the plan is relatively simple: listen and watch for any signs of engagement. We have other things to worry about for the moment.” 
Such as the festival and his announcement. So far, Taehyung only rid one of his competition. Yoongi wondered who he might take on next. “You are dismissed,” he said, watching the men file out of the room, “Yeowool, stay.” 
The man hung back from the crowd, making his way towards Yoongi with a bow. “Yes, Your Majesty?”
He waited until the room emptied and the door closed, then said, “I’d like you to send a message to your brother Taehyung. Tell him I look forward to his next move with great anticipation, but if he’d like some advice, I’d go with the one who can get himself closest to me,” he nodded to the door Hoseok had exited from. 
Yeowool understood, “I will make sure to pass it along, sire. Good day, Your Majesty.”
Yoongi watched him leave and found himself alone. His mother came back to his mind in this lonely moment. A beauty of her time, her status and family made her the perfect match for the king. While his father taught him war tactics and politics, she’d taught him things too. She told him love made him weak; to never give himself over to anyone until he is sure he can trust them. She said they must prove their loyalty first before they can be trusted. Did he trust Taehyung? Can he? That left him with another question he cannot answer. 
Another day passed with the harvest festival a week and a half away. It turned out they’d been right about the soldiers heading to Incheon. They headed east earlier that morning to follow the river down to the riverlands where Incheon is located. Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief at this. It’s certainly annoying having to deal with rebel groups still lingering around the country. He didn’t need his own lords starting a war. They’d learned their lesson during the last one; surely they wouldn’t try it again. Chulsoon, however, asked if Hoseok may attend more advisor meetings in the civil hall where they met in the mornings. Yoongi agreed. Not because he liked Hoseok’s ideas, but to see Taehyung’s face when he heard the news. 
Hoseok sat beside him in the banquet pavilion where they ate dinner. Yoongi paid extra attention to the young man’s ideas and thoughts about politics, art, and nature. He said he’d construct a new barrack to house more palace guards, and possibly add onto the garden pavilion across the water. Yoongi occasionally glanced over to see Taehyung trying his best not to notice them. He wondered how the man planned on getting his attention until He approached him. Taking the seat beside Taehyung, a slim young man with long brown hair smiled at him. He recognized the man immediately: Master Jinheung.
“I didn’t know Master Jinheung accompanied you,” he said, keeping this disdain out of his voice. 
“Oh yes,” Hoseok looked over to him and then back to Yoongi, “He’s a close family friend. Our fathers served together in the war.”
He saw Taehyung laugh at something Jinheung said. Yoongi did not like how the man looked at Taehyung; eyes full of flirtation and interest. He did not like how he leaned close and whispered as the musicians started up another song. Yoongi bit his tongue seeing the younger respond sweetly. He kept his gaze on Hoseok, but his blood simmered thinking of Taehyung with another person. He enjoyed their private talks and exchanges. He liked having someone like Taehyung to confide in. At the tea house, he'd talked to the younger in a way he didn't with many people. Taehyung brought a strange comfort he'd only found with so few others. Jinheung is very sought after; both men and women all over the kingdom would say he’s the most handsome man they’ve ever seen. He’s sure if Taehyung didn’t choose Yoongi, he’d end up with Jinheung instead. The thought of the younger being swept away by another nobleman made his teeth grind together. 
“Is something wrong, Your Majesty?” Hoseok’s voice brought him back. “Does the performance not interest you?”
“No, not at all.” 
“May I entertain you instead?” his eyes sparkled at the question, “I’m sure my father’s told you I’m a dancer as well as a fighter.”
“Feel free then.” 
Jinheung scooted closer to Taehyung, pulling a tray of different fruits over to them. Their cook decided to choose fruits from the different kingdoms so each suitor felt closer to home. Jinheung clearly used this to his advantage. Yoongi decided he disliked everything about him. Everything. Hoseok took to the center of the room, waited for the drums to start playing before he began. Everyone watched him in awe of his fluid, powerful motions. They took in his emotions and expressions as it moved to the drum beat. Yoongi forced himself to pay attention to him rather than seeing Taehyung’s hand gently brush over Jinheung’s on the tray. What if Taehyung decided he no longer wanted the king? Perhaps Yoongi’s challenge is too much for him to handle. Then so be it, he thought. He refused to have a weak partner.
Then Taehyung glanced in his direction, pointedly biting a strawberry Jinheung handed him. 
Hoseok’s dance ended to loud applause in which Yoongi joined. The dinner continued this way with the suitors trying to gain Yoongi’s attention. Jinheung eventually left Taehyung’s side and Taehyung excitedly turned to Yeowool again. When dinner finally ended, Yoongi stayed behind with a cup of liquor in his hand. He'd been gazing over the still waters, taking in the floating flower lanterns gliding across, when someone approached him from behind.
"Did you enjoy your dinner, Taehyung?" he asked. 
"Very much, Your Majesty," he answered. 
"And dessert? Those fruits are imported."
"I did."
Yoongi glanced over to him. In robes of dark and light blue, the reflecting water and pavilion lights made him glow. He took in his rounded profile, wanting to memorize each feature. Taehyung had a way of engaging him so quickly. Yoongi worried what a feeling can do to a king. Pretty faces never swayed his father. They never did with him either...until Taehyung arrived. He wanted the view Jinheung witnessed tonight.
"You seem awfully close to Jinheung," he noted stiffly. "Do you know him personally?"
"Not closely. We run in the same social circles, so I have spoken to him a few times." He paused, "Did that bother you?"
"No," he said. "I was only curious. I hardly noticed to be truthful. Hoseok was explaining his opinions on my palace's structure. He's very into the architecture."
He scoffed, "As if he'd know. He's a nobody, Your Majesty. I wouldn't bother with him if I were you."
"I wouldn't say so. He is the son of one of my advisors. He is one of the finest lieutenants in the country; he’d make a great military leader if not a consort. I think he’s worth at least considering.” 
"He is Master Chulsoon’s mouthpiece, sire. Anything he says was fed to him by his licentious father to impress you and gain status. I would not trust him."
"What makes you say that?"
Taehyung sighed, then stared around the area for other people. He reached into his coat and withdrew a letter. "I'd hoped to show you this in a more private place, but I realize after tonight it is wrong to keep it from you any longer."
Yoongi took the letter and opened it. He quickly read through it, his lips pursing as he read. "I see…" he finally folded the letter, "How did you come by this information, Taehyung?”
“It was delivered to me by accident, sire. My apartments are close to Hoseok’s, so I suppose the poor messenger was confused.”
This made the king give a breathy laugh. “Oh come now, Taehyung, you can do better. Is that what you plan on telling the court tomorrow?”
“You can’t expect a group of aged officials to believe you just happened to come across this letter,” he explained. “This letter has some very incriminating information in it. If anyone thought you’d doctored this in any way, they’ll demand your head. You need to make them believe you found this out on your own.” He ripped the fake letter in two, and then in quarters. Ignoring Taehyung’s shocked face, he said, “Forgery worked once before, but it won’t work a second time. You need something more solid.” He thought for a moment, then said, “Is your accusation true?”
“It is.”
“How do you know for sure?”
“My brother Yeowool spoke to several of Hoseok’s servants,” he replied. “It’s common knowledge that Master Chulsoon has a taste for pretty young women. However, he still had children with his wife: three sons and a daughter. Hoseok’s two younger brothers and sister all take after both their parents. They have their father’s pitch black hair and light eyes, but their mother’s fair skin and pointed noses. Hoseok is a bit darker, with brown hair and brown eyes.”
“One doesn’t look like the others.”
“Like you, Namjoon and Yeowool.”
Taehyung paused at the mention of his brothers, then said, “Yes, like us.” When he noticed Yoongi hanging on his words, he continued, “The servant who my brother spoke to is one of Lady Jisoo’s oldest maids. Master Chulsoon had gone away to serve in the army during the war, as you know. Almost a year later, he returned in the middle of the night to his wife. With him, he brought a baby.”
“A baby? He brought an actual baby home with him?” 
“Yes, to cover up his shame, he asked his wife to go away for nine months. He told everyone she’d become pregnant, but she was in a fragile condition. But she went away to care for a child she never bore.” 
“And nobody questioned the child’s age?”
“If they did, they did not dare ask out loud.”
“How do you plan to prove this? I doubt anyone or anything that proves this is around. A piece of paper is nothing.”
The pair stood in silence for a while. Yoongi stared straight at the water, but did not really take in its calmness. Chulsoon believed he could fool the king. He almost had too. He's slipping. He wanted to kick himself. He's become too distracted. He almost wanted to send all the suitors home and return to his normal life. He shuddered thinking about the scandal news like this might have caused. Chulsoon, the sneaky bastard, will have an ear in the king’s private chambers and eyes on him in his most vulnerable moments. It'd be like him to try pulling a plan like this. It's an open secret that Chulsoon had illegitimate children spread around the country. Many officials and masters did the same; some of them acknowledged the children such as Taehyung’s father with Yeowool. Yoongi himself had half-brothers and half-sisters birthed by his father’s concubines. Had Chulsoon not brought his bastard forward under the guise of being true-born, he wouldn’t have cared. However, the man thought he could sneak his way towards the crown through his son. It's the sort of scheme Yoongi would expect of him. 
“When children are born,” Taehyung broke the silence, “A Brother from The Holy Temple is supposed to record their birth. Especially so if the parents are nobles.”
“That is right.” 
“What if I were to somehow obtain evidence that Hoseok is illegitimate?”
“You mean another paper?”
“A more valuable paper,” he replied. “An actual record. Not a letter, but a record written by a brother of the Holy Temple.”
“How will you obtain this record? They keep their records locked in the temple. You won't know which Brother wrote it all down or who’d been there at the time. You’d be playing with fire if you tried sneaking in to steal it, Taehyung. If you have a real record, the officials will question how you got it or who gave it to you. They’ll want to know why you went looking for it in the first place,” he shook his head, “That’s too risky. You need to play things safely at the moment. Chulsoon isn’t a regular peddler in the street; he’s a high-ranking member of my advisory council. I told you, a piece of paper alone isn’t going to work this time.”
“Then what do you suggest I do? Grab a Brother and force him to say it?”
 “No, they’d never lie for you and to abuse a member of the Holy Temple is punishable by death.” He watched Taehyung search around in his mind, and he found it fascinating. He’s only seen such thinking in one other person: himself. “You need someone who will back up your claims. Think. Who can you persuade or threaten or bribe into speaking for you?”
Taehyung thought about it a bit longer, then said, "None of his servants will come out and speak the truth...but I can always find someone on the outside. It's not as if the entire court knows every person who served Chulsoon."
"You can do that, yes, but the court can also believe you've hired the person too."
“Do I honestly need to convince them?” he asked, irritated now. “You’re the King. I only need to convince you, and if you believe me then those old bastards have to believe me too.” 
He watched him with amusement, then said, “I need a reason to believe you.” Yoongi closed the gap between them more, leaving only a few inches. He glanced over Taehyung’s face once more. This time, he didn’t focus on his thick lashes or full lips. He saw the fire burning in him instead. A face contorted by the frustration of plotting. He knew how he felt. “Mask that,” he instructed. 
“Your anger. Mask it. You cannot let others see your real emotions. You can’t let your enemies know how they affect you.” He watched the fire kindle down inside him. He nodded, “Good enough. But, back to our situation, I need a reason to believe anything you say. It is my decision in the end who is punished.”
“What should I do then?” 
Yoongi picked up a strand of Taehyung’s hair, letting it slip through his fingers. He can hear the desperation for answers. He sensed the frustration inside him and related so much. He whispered closely to him, "Give me one.” 
He left the young man standing by the edge pondering further on his plan. It’d be rude of him to continue interrupting. He’d already done so with Seonu. Coming back to his bed chambers alone, he'd wait patiently for the game to continue. 
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 4 years
fic tag game
thank you so much for tagging me @cortue 💕 it’s always nice to hear about other people’s writing process/thoughts. i am tagging my dear @vishcount of course. anyone else who wants to share about their writing, feel free to do this and tag me in your post! 
Name: iamjustakiddo i just decided to stick with my tumblr username because i’m not really creative with my own nicknames. and honestly, i don’t mind just being kiddo online. 
Fandoms: during 2019-2020 i was most active in The Untamed fandom, though i have been taking a break lately. i still have some stories left that i wish to tell, so i hope some time in the future i can return to this universe. this fandom gave me so much, especially having so much fun with my dear friend vishie. i have a lot of fics for BTS as well, though it’s been a while since i wrote something there. all of them are AUs and i just enjoy drawing inspiration from the boys. last year i also dabbled with YYY The Series, Winter Begonia, Hwarang and Nirvana In Fire - all of these have been very fun, eventhough those were only a smaller projects. I also have an ongoing story for Narnia which i updated recently. Currently I have a WIP for Original Sin and my silly comic for Strangers From Hell - both of those i will never publish. And for the past two-three years I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for ATLA, so i hope i can get this down on paper at some point finally.  it’s interesting that i have dabbled in so many different fandoms recently, which is unusual for me? i link this to my difficulties with writing. sometimes i wonder if i should return at all or just give up. but i miss it too much, so i have not given up hope yet
Tropes: I don’t think i write any particular tropes? i write a lot of angst, a lot of introspection and character studies. i love slow burn, though i never actually manage to write ‘proper’ slowburn so it always feels too short. i love friends to lovers or enemies to friends to lovers. i love writing stories that are bittersweet. i guess recently i have become interested in writing relationships with more problematic sides to them, exploring these kinds of dynamics that feel very heavy? i am not sure why, but it’s interesting.  i guess the one proper trope my friend pointed out for me was Drunk Kissing, because apparently that happens a lot in my fics. 
Fic I spent most time on: Take Me Into Your Skin this is a BTS Mafia AU i wrote back in 2018 and took me half a year (Jan - Aug) to write, excluding the epilogue which i posted a year later. it was the first multichaptered fanfiction i had ever written and i still can’t believe it became more than 160k words in the end. the story feels silly at parts and i would probably change a lot now, but i am still very proud of it
Favorite fic you’ve written: it’s definitely my niemo (Nie Huaisang/Mo Xuanyu) which i wrote march-june 2020 and it left something aching in my heart ever since. it was a very intense process, but i feel proud of it. i did the best i can, poured so much time and energy into giving these two characters a story. it was a sad, heartbreaking journey which made canon only worse for me, but i still enjoyed the process. it will forever stay with me, probably. 
additionally i want to mention my silla taegi AU, because i had ton of fun doing proper historical research for that and creating more historical gay angst. 
Fic I spent least time on: To Wish Impossible Things it’s a taegi 70s-90s AU, about their reunion as adults after breaking up when they were teenagers. i wrote this story in one afternoon and posted it on the same evening? i think that was the only time something like this happened. usually i am not this spontaneous. but i enjoyed writing this so much and the scenario just didn’t leave my mind - writing a meeting between two adults, remembering their youth. it was so nice and i adored making the playlist for it as well. i think today i would go back and check for more historical accuracies because i did not research for this, but i forgive myself.
Longest fic: the previously mentioned Mafia AU with 167.535 words and 20 chapters. 
Shortest fic: my snippet for hwarang’s yeowool/hanseong with 777 words. today i regret that i could only write such a short piece for them, but that was the time my writing slump began showing signs and i truly did not have the capacity to give them what they deserve.
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: amongst all of these, my mafia AU wins again - the only exception is heart made of glass, my first wangxian post-canon fic i wrote, which has the most kudos. i never really understood why, but i guess i had good timing posting so early while ao3 did not have many fics for the untamed yet. 
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: precious stone & fine jade - this is a oneshot i wrote for Wen Ning & Song Lan. i list this here because i have actually planned to write more for them, since i realised i need more. i always loved the idea of them befriending each other, sharing the fate of being undead in this world and yet dealing with it so differently? i want to write more about their relationship in my universe. am excited to see where it takes me and in actuality, i just want to see them hug. 
another one would be remedy, surging sea - it’s a oneshot for princess sook myung/ahro from hwarang. i just wish i could give these girls a proper story and make up for the mess hwarang left me with. this oneshot only gives a glimpse of what i have imagined for them and i wish i could expand the story properly. 
Share a bit of a WIP: i have a ton of WIPs but i am writing nothing currently. so i am not sure what to share here? i have shared my halted original sin project last time and now i have a few the untamed wips floating around that i don’t want to share. i have no current writing project but maybe i can talk about my strangers from hell comic? 
it’s a very silly idea, but i am drawing/painting this comic for jongwoo’s revenge arc. i am basically following the same trope as hannibal - jongwoo gaining moon-jo’s trust, becoming his ally and betraying him in the end. i will never finish this project, but that’s what i want to do, theoretically. i have the story and 15 pages outlined, but have actually drawn only 5,5 pages. after jongwoo’s betrayal and moon-jo’s heartbreak, i want these two characters to finally be on equal footing. their third act would be reconciliation and maybe true allyship.  thank you for tagging me again. it makes me miss writing but also makes me proud of things i have already done. 
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serenitymoriarty · 7 years
Drabble: Hansung and Y/N
For @mymisst 🌺 I hope this is as good as you expected 💓
You could see Hansung from a distance in the court yard talking with Yeo Wool, showing him his best fighting stance; making a fool of himself. You couldn’t help but laugh at him as he continued. He soon spotted you, leaving Yeo Wool standing on his own looking dazed as he ran towards you. You stumbled back as he embraced you, both of you laughing with a grin from ear to ear.
“Y/N! Ah I’m so happy you’re here!” Hansung was completely overwhelmed to find you in the court yard when he assumed you’d have better people to visit like Sun Woo or Ban Ryu.
“Of course I’m here, I haven’t got any jobs to do at Hwarang House today.” You laughed, observing the huge smile that crept onto Hansung’s face the moment you arrived.
“We have to do something today! You never get any free time, I’m going to show you how great it is to be a Hwarang!” His enthusiasm was almost over powering, you couldn’t help but try to match his excitement.
“Teach me how to ride a horse.” You asked, the large smile on your face still remaining.
“Really?? Y/N this is so exciting!!” He jumped up and down on the spot, embracing you in a hug as he did so.
“Hansung calm down.” You giggled, holding his arm and bringing it down to his side to try and calm his excitedness.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, it’s just we never get any chance to see each other apart from on days like today. These days are my favourite days.” He smiled, settling down.
“I’ll make it my job to get more days like today where we can go on adventures, okay?” You asked, meeting his eyes. You both smiled as Hansung nodding his head.
“Come on, follow me to the palace and we can get the horses and ride down to the nice forest, the one with the lake! Last one to the palace has to clean the stables when we get back!” He announced before running east towards the palace, leaving you flustered and hurriedly chasing after him.
It was Hansung who arrived at the stables first, not a surprise to either of you. You laughed, out of breath, as Hansung opened the gate to where his horse was. “Meet Dong Yul, my personal favourite horse!” He ran into the training ground, grabbing his horse by it’s reins and pulling it along with him. You followed after him, stroking the chalk white mane and soft chestnut fur.
“Dong Yul is such a beautiful horse” you spoke, staring into the horses beautiful eyes, “is he yours?” “Yes, I’m very proud to say he’s my horse, he’s one of the most beautiful here.” Hansung responded, walking back into the stable to get another horse. When he returned with another horse, he saw how enticed you were with Dong Yul, stroking his soft fur and brushing your hands over his head.
“You can have Dong Yul today, I’ll take this horse.” Hansung spoke as he walked in with a pale grey horse with a jet black mane.
“Really? Are you sure? Dong Yul is your horse, not mine.”
“I’m sure, don’t worry! You two seem to have a really strong bond.” Hansung reassured you and you smiled politely back, bowing your head.
“Careful now, just step up onto the saddle.” He held your arm tightly as you attempted to get up onto the horse for the third time.
“Y/N there’s nothing to worry about, I’ve got you!” But you fell down again. This time, Hansung couldn’t hold back his laughs.
“Hansung his isn’t funny you should be helping me!” You exclaimed, standing back up off the hard ground.
“Okay okay, try getting on it again.” He said, helping you brush a mixture of sand and mud off your hanbok.
You took a deep breath and stepped up onto the horse again, trying hard to keep your balance, and sat yourself down on the saddle.
“Y/N you did it!!” Hansung cheered, applauding you, the grin on his face growing even wider.
“Now stay there while I go and grab our picnic bag.” You held firmly onto the reins firmly as Hansung left the stables, only briefly to grab some food he managed to sneak from the Hwarang’s when they were eating.
Out of no where, the horse bucked wildly. You yelped and kept your grip on the reins tight as the horse began to run all round the stable at a speed faster than you thought it could go at. It began heading for the stable doors, the ones Hansung had left only minutes ago. You called out for Hansung once you were in the courtyard again, but you could only see other Hwarang’s looking startled as the Dong Yul wouldn’t stop running no matter how hard you tried to slow him down. Suddenly, the horse bucked for the second time, this time not giving you enough warning to grip the reins as you felt yourself falling back, and no one was there to stop you.
“Y/N!” You heard Hansung call out to you and before you knew what was happening you, you were in his arms.
You panted, out of breath from the panic and on the verge of tears. You wrapped your shaking arms around his neck and whimpered into his neck, still trying to calm yourself.
He slowly settled you on the small grassy area nearby along with himself.
“You’re okay now, you’re safe.” He rubbed his large hands across the back of your head, trying to reassure you that you were safe and out of harms way.
“I thought I was going to die.” You muttered shakily. “I’m here now Y/N, I’m not going to let anything happen to you ever again, I’m so sorry for putting you in danger, this is all my fault.” Hansung rambled, close to fretting.
“Don’t feel bad Hansung, please. I don’t blame you for anything, it was m-” before you could finish your sentence, you noticed his plump lips pressing against yours, moulding perfectly. Hansung placed his hands on your cheeks, catching the small tears that still fell from your glazed eyes. Euphoria filled both your bodies, a true connection being formed. Hansung pulled away breathlessly, hands remaining on your tear stained cheeks.
“I’m sorry I put you in danger Y/N, I love you.” He muttered, staring deep into your eyes. This was a different to the giggly Hansung you knew, this was lovestruck Hansung, but you knew every word he spoke was true.
“I love you too.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders again and pulled him into a hug, smiling into his neck.
This was where you wanted to be; in Hansung’s arms.
Edit: Since y’all are here and this blew up can y’all request me things to write I’m mega bored. My requests are open, I’ll write pretty much anything for quite a lot of groups! Don’t be shy!
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leesungjongg · 7 years
 hwarang fangirl time
I’m gonna start this off by saying episode 18 was uncalled for and that I hate everyone. Anyways I’ll just talk about the characters because i think the reblogged things were self-explanatory~ Seonwoo/dog-bird: I  love  seojoon, and i honestly mainly watched this drama because of him. his acting is amazing and so is his face. i admired his character a lot because of how strong and brave he was. from the start, just… fearless. Jidwi/Jiheung: he’s just a baby :( he really is. his mom’s been overprotective of him and he’s kinda sick and tired of being in the shadows (and also having people get killed when they find out he’s the future king of Silla). i’m glad he finally became king at the end. i wasn’t expecting him to, because everything was screaming ‘you’ll never make it’ because he was portrayed as a weak character… and countless times, seonwoo overpowered him with bravery. i cant imagine how that must have felt. and he kept questioning why he should be king, or how he’s even going to become king. but im so glad he did. lil bby’s growing up :’) also really happy that seonwoo didn’t kill him in revenge for makmoon. im also super happy how he gently told his mother at the end that he’ll rule now, and that although his way of ruling will be different from hers, it’ll still be to protect Silla and the people. Ahro: ngl i got tired of watching her cry, but tbh the stuff she went through like…. i’d be crying too omfg. she was used to get to seonwoo and jiheung omfg. i was so frustrated about that and it bothered me so much.. but in the end, she still had a good heart and helped anyone she could. she gave hope to the silla people who were trapped in the temporary jail. i think everyone needs someone to give them hope~ Sooho: MINHOOOOOOOOOO MY BBY!!! i love him so much, but tbh i prefer him in To The Beautiful You than this drama. (tbh mainly because of seojoon jsfijgsif) but he was amazing regardless. i love him and banryu’s relationship. they both had a rivalry and sooho somewhat got closer to him. he was always the one initiating some kind of friendship between the two. sooho was warm, despite being a player and all that, he was warm. (kinda weird how he had a crush on the queen tho) Banryu: MY BABY BOYY!!!!!!!! EVERYTIME HE SMILED MY HEART JUST LEAPED OUT OF MY CHEST BECAUSE HE WAS SO BEAUTIFULLLL!!! He was constantly struggling whether to be the bad guy that his “father” wanted and i was like no banryu!! no!! i like that despite everything, he became one of the good guys. he was in hwarang after all. funny how he didnt want to be at first, but then it was like hey, it’s not so bad after all? he got someone who would believe in him (sooyeon - and sooho even!) so i was really happy with his character development. :D Sooyeon: man if she was real, i’d go and thank her. even though banryu rejected her sometimes, she still didn’t give up. i think part of her knew he loved her. so sweet :’)))) i loved their relationship so much. making the tough looking banryu melt into a big puddle of goo T_T so cute. she was so pretty too T___T Yeowool: PRETTY BOY ALERT. I recognized him from Mask i think? i think he was the driver/secretary for the male lead in that one. anyways, in this drama, his first appearance was simply him wearing a pretty white robe and looking all elegant AND I WAS SCREAMING BC HE SAID “what? haven’t you seen a pretty boy before?” AND I WAS LIKE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEESS!! PRETTY BOY!! pretty boys are the reason for my existence tbh. Hansung: he’s such an important precious child T-T all he ever wanted was his older brother to be at the same level as he was :(( HE WAS SO PURE. he slowly made his way into my heart and when he was gone, i felt like someone had literally taken a part of me with him T_T i will honestly never forgive the writers for doing that to him. never ever ever ever. this was the hardest i’ve ever cried over a drama… his smile at the end of it all just made everything worse because he really was so pure and so innocent, and he just wanted what was best for everyone. i’ll miss him forever, i love him so much, i wish nothing happened to him because he didn’t deserve that, he really didnt. Danse: tough. always looking out for his younger brother, and trying to push him to become a stronger person, both in mind and body (because Hansung had a big heart already T-T) . i think in the end, he became part of the hwarang? which i was really happy about because seonwoo was like 'you’re not my servant, you’re my equal’ and i was happy to see him among the other hwarangs. Overall, I thought it was a great drama, and it was the first historical drama i actually sat through and finished watching! now i can cross that off my bucket list LMAO. The ending was a surprise to me, because i actually thought seonwoo would become the king, but he didnt! the old father dude’s plans were ruined YES!! By ruling Silla, Jiheung will learn, and he’ll have bad experiences along with the good, but hopefully, mostly good. Idk what’ll happen with that other crown prince from that city though ;) Hwarang 2 anyone? bring hansung back and maybe i’ll forgive the writers -_-
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tae-gi-kook · 8 years
done watching hwarang...
I would give it a 7/10. I love the actors and the characters, seriously, but the storyline or episode 19 and 20 just went meh. Okay, I’m not being totally biased just because Hansung’s no longer there so hear me out (I actually want to write a fanfic or an alternative ending for hwarang; I’ll also write my Hansung piece at the end of this post)
> I actually kind of wanted to see Ah Ro and “Sunwoo” going to her brother’s grave to tell him that they’re actually together. You know, to pay some respect and to show the real Sunwoo’s significance in their lives.
> We didn’t see how Ahn Ji reacted to his daughter’s relationship with Sunwoo (although it might’ve been implied but there’s no actual asking of the hand?)
> The real status of Sooho and Banryu’s friendship. I actually wanted to see a scene of them being all friendly and then going at it with their another banter, maybe with Sooho’s sister laughing at them (but yeah). 
> A scene of Banryu with his real father. I mean, they could’ve at least showed us how his father asked for forgiveness or something like that? A reconciliation? We know that he did everything for Banryu but he was kind of a bad guy because he wanted power (and helped Youngshitl). 
> Where did Sooho go? What happened to him? 
> Jinheung’s reaction to his mom’s death???
(*whispers* I still don’t get what Jinheung saw in Ah Ro for him to easily “fall in love” with her but idk, I guess that’s love? maybe it’s just actually infatuation because boi you dont know anything loljk)
> Sunwoo, you didnt get to kill the commander who killed your best friend. loljk.
> A scene of Danse with their grandfather. His grandfather apologizing for what he had done (and we all know where I’m going with this). Well, Danse became a true Hwarang so there’s that (it’s left for our imaginations)
> Ah Ro... *I’ll just sigh*
Now... Hansung... 
I find it funny how news inside the Hwarang house travel so fast and yet Ah Ro haven’t heard of Hansung’s death. I know she wasn’t there because of the Wonhwa thing but come on, Seonwoo, you could’ve at least told her?? Hansung mentioned her when he was dying (that Ah Ro would heal him) but nobody mentioned him to her? To think that Hansung has confided his problems with Ah Ro before and yet they didn’t write it?
To be honest, the writer could’ve done better with Hansung’s death because a lot of opportunities were opened to make the storyline better. But I don’t know, the writer just used it as some sort of plot device without being able to manipulate it wisely. 
I saw how the writer tried to squeeze in Hansung’s memory but it came out as a poor attempt to me. Yeowool just saw the glass that Hansung held before (and correct me if I’m wrong, Yeowool wasn’t even there when Taehyung held that thing; it’s not actually even his to begin with) 
Hansung saved Sunwoo but I saw none of Hansung’s memory from him. They just gave it to Yeowool to remember Hansung and I’m like...?? (urgh, I’m so frustrated af with how they squeezed that tiny snippet because it wasn’t even that appropriate; you know it’s like just for the sake of it)
I kind of (I wanted to) expected more from Sunwoo since Hansung sacrificed his life for him. The least that he could’ve done was to get rid of the Bone Rank system to honor his death (or even the Hwarangs). He had promised to walk with him but I saw none of it. It’s like, he had just forgotten about Hansung.
Hansung was the only Hwarang who died, and he was inside the Hwarang house when it happened. How can they not (at least) give him the honor of being the bravest Hwarang for saving the life of a dear friend?
Hansung was seen as weak and cowardly and the least that they could’ve done was to establish the fact that he wasn’t. A solid proof that he is to be remembered because of his sacrifice. But I didn’t see any of it. Hansung’s character was diminished into nothingness. Just poof. Gone. 
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melpomienie · 8 years
Me @/myself: dont think about how yeowool is now gonna miss that silly kid whos always by his side. Dont even try to think about how everything yeowool sees reminds him so much of hansung's antics. Dont try to imagine how hes now gonna live a life without hearing his boisterous laughter or his bouncy step while walking alone with him. DONT EVEN--
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Suho pushes down lightly on Banryu’s covered chest, and is met with little resistance.  
“You’re never allowed anything you want.”
His eyelids flutter in unspoken agreement.
“Let me spoil you.”
With uncharacteristic composure Suho crawls over the other man’s body. Banryu can see everything, his head propped up on a pillow to watch Suho straddle him. The way he looks up at him, as if he’s his whole world, is almost too much.
Suho unties the loose bow that holds his robes closed, letting the silk slip off of his shoulder and pool at his legs. It’s a perfect distraction for Banryu, who’s still overwhelmed by the intensity of their eye contact. He admires the body above him. His skin isn’t pale and milky, flawless, and adorned with the soft curves of a woman. He’s tanned from the sun, and dotted with scars from where he’d been nicked by the sharp edge of a sword. Banryu notes, with a swell of unintended pride, that he’d probably been the cause of most of them.
Suho's hands reach up to the stars in silent worship.
“Intimate things need to be treated like a dance. You’re not very good at dancing, so let me lead?” He adds with a cocky smile that makes Banryu prop himself up on his elbows as an attempt at opposition.
“What makes yo—“ he snaps his mouth shut immediately.
Suho’s body begins to undulate in rhythmic waves that roll down from his chest and end at his hips, firmly pressed against Banryu’s own. He’s in sync with his own steady breathing; the rise and fall of his chest.
His hands lower to rest on Banryu’s shoulders, absentmindedly massaging the tense muscles-- exploring under the robe that threatens to unravel at any moment. Suho’s eyes close involuntarily, leaving him blissfully unaware of what he’s doing to the feverish man under him that continues to look up at him in a mixture of adoration and arousal. Banryu's hips spasm and jerk, but they're pressed against each other with enough pressure that he's effectively powerless. Suho's always had complete control over him.
The sudden absence of Banryu's warm breath tickling his neck wakes him from his daze.
Suho runs his thumb across Banryu’s trembling bottom lip, freeing it from the clutches of his teeth.
“You only bite your lip when you’re being wronged.” He assesses.
“How can you be so calm?” Banryu gasps. “It’s not fair.”
Suho's incredulous laughter vexes him.
Suho draws Banryu in so they're flush against each other. Banryu can feel the press of his erection against his stomach, suggestive even through the layers of clothing separating them. He winds his arms around Banryu's neck and strokes his hair.
"If you can't see what you do to me," he presses Banryu's ear to his chest, "then listen."
The illusion of tranquility shatters. His erratic heartbeat sounds the way Banryu feels.
Suho pulls away, slightly breathless.
"I didn't know." Banryu whispers, eyes locked on the way Suho's lips shine appealingly.  
They open to say something, but never get the chance.
Banryu's first kiss is as tender and loving as it is powerful and passionate. Their lips fit snugly together as if they're been designed for the very purpose of kissing until they needed air. And they do, over and over again, each time renewing a secret vow between the two of them. Banryu let's Suho take the lead, letting their lips dance with each other in time to their heartbeats. They don't feel the need to fight for dominance. They become one.
Suho's wandering hands suddenly find themselves planted firmly on Banryu's hips. He gasps into the kiss.
"We don't have much time, I'll make you feel good first."
Banryu tries to protest, but shuts up when Suho's hand grazes his bare thigh under his clothes.
"I said I'd spoil you. Do you really want to argue with me right now?" He hums smugly, coyly eyeing the way Banryu jerks up to his touch.
The hand threaded though Banryu's hair cups his jaw lovingly, thumb stroking just under his lip. Without any thought, half in a drunken trance, Banryu parts his lips and takes Suho's digit into his mouth. He sucks and licks the calloused pad of his thumb in a way that's inexplicably dirty to Suho. Imagining those lips wrapped around something else, warm, pink tongue working their magic around--
"Make me feel good, Suho."
Hearing those words trigger something in him, like a dam finally breaking, and torrents of adrenaline and lust flood his system. Suho's hands work mechanically to remove his undergarments, freeing Banryu's erection. The fact that he hadn't bothered to take off his robe, leaving it only half open, makes Banryu seem oddly demure. To Suho, it's the most erotic thing he's ever seen.
His hand clasps around the hard member. His thumb is still slick with saliva, which he uses to lubricate the sensitive tip.
Suho notices his hands digging into the mattress.
"You're not used to this are you? You barely ever touch yourself, let alone allow other the pleasure of doing so."
Banryu stifles a moan.
"You have no idea how good it feels to finally get my hands on you."
Suho's hand is pumping at the same steady pace he uses for himself.
"The one thing forbidden to me."
He spreads beads of pre-cum over Banryu's member, moving faster and applying more pressure.
"How do you think they'd react? Seeing you undone like this. Because of me." Suho whispers into the shell of Banryu's ear. He feels a sadistic sense of satisfaction watching Banryu's jaw strain with the effort to contain his voice.
"You were hard before I could touch you. And look at how wet you are. Look at yourself."
Suho nibbles his way down Banryu's exposed neck, spreading more pre-cum with the rough pad of his thumb.
"Do you think I can make you scream loud enough to wake our friends next door?"
"You're such an arrogant rat." Banryu hisses through gritted teeth. Suho smiles against Banryu's collarbone. It wouldn't be them without a bit of teasing. Suho thinks, for once, that Banryu deserves the truth.
"You're so beautiful Banryu. I can't breathe around you. I can't think around you. Tell me you feel the same."
A tense moment passes between them. Their eyes lock and the sincerity in Banryu's eyes is enough of an answer for him.
Banryu cries into the crook of Suho's shoulder, spilling into his hand as an orgasm rocks him.
The heat of the moment is slowly dying down, and
"I'll take care of this in the shower."
"I could...Help you?" Banryu offers weakly, voice laced with fatigue.
"The others will be back soon. Get some sleep." Suho tucks a stray lock of hair behind Banryu's ear, but there's little point. Banryu's a complete mess. His lips are red and raw, hair unruly, cheeks flushed with the remnants of his orgasm. He doesn't know how ravished he looks, or how much it's affecting the painful strain in Suho's groin.
The event's that'd occurred tonight leave images that could satisfy Suho's libido for a lifetime, but knowing how much further they could've taken things leaves much left to the imagination. Before Banryu can drift asleep Suho brings his fingers to his mouth and licks the remnants of Banryu's cum, making sure he can see everything.
"If it makes you feel any better, I'll be thinking of you the whole time."
Banryu is still wide-awake when the others sneak back into the dorm some time later. He listens to the 4 climb into bed as quietly as they can, and smiles to himself at a comment Yeowool makes before succumbing to exhaustion.
"Of course Banryu is already asleep. He never does anything exciting."
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty Eight
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3300
         I’m walking through a building on my way to find Ahro before she has to leave. I want her to switch my bandages, but I also want to talk to her. She’ll be going on a trip to a place we’ve only heard about in stories, and I want to help calm her down. I’m going to miss my best friend, as well.
         “Why?” Hansung’s whine fills my ears. “Why can’t I?”
         I spot him with Sunwoo just around the corner, but I don’t go up to them.
         “Why are you doing this to me?” Sunwoo shakes Hansung off his arm. “If you wanted to go, you should have said something when he asked.”
         “I didn’t know because I has hiding,” Hansung pouts. “So, take me with you. Tell Master Wihwa for me.” He grabs Sunwoo’s arm again, shaking it as he talks.
         “Wait, wait, stop,” Sunwoo struggles to get Hansung to let go, but he eventually succeeds. “Ask one of the other guys.” He begins to walk away.
         Hansung grabs his arm to keep him from walking off. “I don’t like those other guys. I like you,” he grins, no longer whining.
         Sunwoo lets out a surprised breath, looking away for a few seconds. “How can you make a confession like that so suddenly, and make the other person flustered?”
         “I do it with Ara all the time.” He then uses both hands to cup Sunwoo’s face, squishing the other boy’s cheeks together.
         I want to talk away now that my name has come up, but I am frozen to my spot.
         “Nice eavesdropping, Ara,” Danse whispers to me as he walks passed.
         “Eep!” I let out, slapping Danse’s arm before he is out of reach.
         “Do you see me as a child too, Sunwoo?” Hansung asks. “I’m an adult even though I am younger. I win at everything.”
         Sunwoo brushes Hansung’s hands off his face, turning to lean against the wall. “Geez. Why do you like me?”
         “I don’t know. You are just cool,” Hansung chuckles.
         Sunwoo coos as he pinches Hansung’s cheek like you would a baby.
         I tenderly smile, but the sweet scene doesn’t last long.
         Danse steps in, pulling his brother away with a hand across Hansung’s chest. He briefly bows to Sunwoo, “Sorry about this, Sunwoo.”
         “Ah, good thing you came,” Sunwoo points at Hansung. “Hold onto him so he doesn’t follow me. He might follow us all the way to South Buyeo or wherever we’re going.”
         “What?” Hansung whines as Sunwoo begins to walk away, fighting against Danse’s hold. “I am going to follow you. I want to follow you. I want to,” he begins to say like a mantra, doing whatever he can to tray and break away from Danse. He even grabs onto the bars on the wall. “Why? I am going to follow you!”
         I take a deep breath, straightening up to compose myself. “Hello Danse, Hansung,” I nod at them as I walk quickly passed.
         “Ara, where are you going?” Hansung calls at me.
         “Doctor Ahro!” I glance back.
         It takes a little while to reach the doctor’s office, and I am glad to see that Ahro is there getting things ready for her travel.
         “Hi Ahro,” I close the door behind me. “Do you have a second to talk, and maybe change my bandages?”
         Ahro looks up at me, a tired smile spreading on her face. “Yes, oh goodness, yes. I need a break to clear my mind, and talking will help me calm down.”
         “Okay, good,” I smile, walking over to sit down on the cot. Then I kick my boots off, wiggling my toes. “Do you have something to talk about?”
         She steps up to me, pulling her sleeve back to show a bandage. “A sword, because I know you will ask.”
         “Who?” I furrow my eyebrows.
         “Sunwoo, but it wasn’t on purpose,” she pulls her sleeve down. “We are fighting, I guess.”
         “That is not good. Boys can be so dumb sometimes,” I shake my head, swinging my legs up onto the cot.
         “Sometimes,” she chuckles, working on unwrapping my bandages.
         “I was being nice,” I giggle. “I’m sure that if you talk it out with Sunwoo, it will all work out.”
         “I’ve tried, but he just walks away,” she sighs. “He refuses to talk to me. When it gets hard, he shuts down.”
         “Then he just needs time to breath. I do that too when nothing seems to go my way. He’ll come around.”
         “I hope so. I finally felt like we were getting somewhere.”
         “Maybe he is afraid of going too fast,” I shrug, letting out a sigh of relief as my feet breathe.
         “Enough about me, Sooyeon was so distraught when I told her BanRyu was leaving for Baekje. Though, she was not for me.”
         “I am very worried for you,” I pat her arm. “I will not be able to sleep until you all come back and I know you are safe.”
         “Thanks,” she gives a tight-lipped smile. “Sooyeon is going to give BanRyu some of her hair so he remembers her.”
         “It is so cute that they are in love,” I giggle. “Weird because it is hard to see BanRyu like that, but I am warming up to him.”
         “Never thought I would hear you say that,” she pats my head. “Do you need me to check for a fever?”
         I giggle harder, shoving her away. “Shut up. He’s been nicer, maybe thanks to Sooyeon.”
         “Bad boy turned good boy by sweet girl?” Ahro teases.
         “Stop,” I lunge at her, but she just steps away. “Get back here and heal my feet!”
         I stand with the rest of the Hwarang as we are ready to send off the delegation party. The four boys going are in their red uniforms, and Ahro looks beautiful in a light blue, purple, and pink dress. I should have gone as her protector, but there is nothing I can do now. I’ll just pray they all return safely.
         The Queen with Master Wihwa, our secondary teacher, a servant, and the Queen’s bodyguard following behind, walk to the base of the balcony where the four boys wait. The group stops as the Queen looks over the boys. Then she makes her way to the balcony with everyone, and the princess comes to stand at the base.
         As quickly as we can, the Hwarang and Nangdoo get into line to face the balcony. This is truly a sendoff fit for royalty.
         “Your duty is to protect Princess Sookmyung,” Master Wihwa says. “As Hwarang, keep yourselves proud. Do not back out of a fight. Keep your loyalty toward your friends. You may find yourself in unexpected situations, and you must keep this in mind: You are Hwarang! You are the pride of Silla! Do you understand!?”
         “Yes!” We chant as one.
         I look at Ahro, seeing her less worried than earlier. The chances of her looking at me are slim, but I still do my best to send positive messages her way.
         Master Wihwa motions for the Queen to step forward to address us. She does, and he falls back into the shadows.
         “These four Hwarang, as envoys seeking peace with South Buyeo,” the Queen says. “Will guard Princess Sookmyung. Further solidifying the alliance with Baekje before you return.”
         “Yes!” We shout once more.
         I look over each of those at the base of the balcony. My friends are going to a scary place, and all I will be able to do is sit and wait for their safe return. As much as I don’t like the princess, I hope that she comes back having made peace. Maybe even changed for the better, as well.
         The ones going on the trip exit through the back, and we our left to go back to whatever we were doing before.
         “I can’t believe they are leaving,” Yeowool sighs as we settle in an alcove outside. “We’ll be all alone in our room, Ara,” he sings. “Will you sleep with me?”
         “She’d sleep with me,” Hansung smiles at me. “Right Ara?”
         “I just want to sleep alone for once, actually,” I grin, lying down on the bench. “A whole bed all to myself. I can’t believe it. I will spread all out.”
         “Won’t you miss having a buddy?” Yeowool asks.
         “Jidwi has been having nightmares, and as much as I worry about him, I want to sleep through the night.”
         “You are only worrying about him?”
         “No,” I blurt out. “No, no,” I take a deep breath. “I am worrying about all of them. I want them back as soon as possible without trouble.”
         “The princess is going to see a whole part of Silla that she probably doesn’t even think about.”
         “They all are,” Hansung says. “None of us do. Outside the capital are people that we never give a moment to wonder about.”
         “I wonder about them,” I place my hands on top of my head. “I wonder if my family is out there. Or if they are even alive. Where did I come from?”
         “It doesn’t matter where you come from, but where you are now,” Yeowool says.
         “I guess so,” I sigh. “I do so much, but not everyone can see passed where I come from.”
         “We need to stop caring about what people think about us,” Hansung sighs. “They can’t keep telling us what to do. We can do what we want.”
         “We can, but with consequences,” I tap my feet together.
         “But are the consequences harsh enough to stop you from doing what you want?” Yeowool asks.
         “Honestly, I don’t think so,” Hansung takes a deep breath. “I want to do what I want, and if that hurts me in some way, I don’t really care.”
         “I just, I don’t know,” I cover my face with my hands. “Whatever happens will happen, and that is how I will keep going about life.”
         “The book on military strategy says the best tactic is not to go to war,” our secondary teacher addresses the class.
         I’m sitting between Yeowool and Hansung as we are forced to attend lessons.
         “When is Sunwoo coming back?” Hansung whispers.
         “Worried about him?” I giggle.
         “I wonder,” Yeowool responds. “I am guessing he will return after preventing the war.”
         “Where is he?” Hansung whines.
         “Are you like this when I’m not around?” I pout.
         “Maybe,” he grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze.
         “Do you really like Dog-Bird that much?” Yeowool questions, looking at Hansung.
         “Yes,” Hansung looks at Yeowool with a big grin on his face. “He’s a good brother figure.”
         “What about me?”
         “I don’t like you,” Hansung looks away, pulling my hand onto his leg.
         “Geez,” Yeowool raises his voice, slapping Hansung with some of the loose fabric of our uniform.
         The room goes silent as everyone looks at us.
         “Geez?” Our teacher narrows his eyes at us.
         “Boys,” I quietly hiss.
         Yeowool coughs, trying to play off his outburst. “This isn’t over,” he mumbles.
         I feel my cheeks heating up as the attention goes back to the teacher on the raised platform. “Idiots,” I bite the inside of my cheek.
         The teacher returns to his point of military tactics, but now all I can think about are the boys who are gone. They will ever come back safe and sound, or we will find out about their demise through war.
         As I have completely zoned out worrying about those who are gone, I don’t catch when we are dismissed.
         “Ara,” Hansung pinches my cheek.
         I rapidly blink, “Sorry, what?”
         “We can go do whatever,” he steps in front of me. “And you zoned out.”
         I look around, expecting to see Yeowool, but I don’t. “Where’d Yeowool go?”
         “I think he’s mad that I said I didn’t like him,” he shrugs. “I was only joking, a little bit.”
         “It was rude,” I sigh, looking up at Hansung.
         “Should I have lied?”
         “No,” I stand up, taking a step back to not be so close. “You still like me though, right?”
         “”More than anyone,” he tenderly smiles. “Do you want to go relax somewhere? Grab a book, maybe.”
         “For a little bit, sounds like fun,” I smile back.
         He grabs my hand, pulling us out of the room and then outside.
         “Hansung,” Danse stops us before we can go to our room for me to grab a book.
         “Hi Danse,” I flash a wide smile.
         “Ara,” he bows to me. “I need to borrow my brother from you. Our grandfather is here to talk.”
         Hansung’s grip on my hand tightens, “What does he want?”
         “I don’t know. That’s why he has come to talk to us,” Danse glances down at our clasped hands. “Come on, we shouldn’t keep him waiting.”
         “I’ll grab a book and meet you back here,” I push onto my tip toes to press my lips to his cheek. “It’s all going to be okay, and I will be here when you get back.”
         “Fine,” Hansung lets go of my hand. “Show the way.”
         Danse and Hansung walk off, and I watch carefully so I can follow them.
         “Book first,” I firmly nod, turning on my heel to rush off to the room. I grab the first book that I find, and then I find the area where Hansung and Danse are meeting with their grandfather.
         “This is not right, but they mean so much to me,” I breathe out as I stare down the boys as their grandfather talks.
         The only thing that stinks about hiding from a distance is that I cannot hear a single word being said. Though, I can see all the emotion on everyone’s face when Master Hyunjae flogs Danse’s shoulder multiple times, causing the boy to fall to his knees.
         I hold in the scream that wants to rip through me as my jaw clenches in anger. I have never been fond of Master Hyunjae, and I know that he hates me for Hansung being drawn to me and not a pure blood. This just solidifies in my heart how much I want to go against his wishes.
         I wipe my angry tears away. I cannot let Hansung or Danse know that I saw this, ever. I need to leave before either of them catch me snooping.
         I turn on my toes, running all the way back to where I said I would be for Hansung.
         “Ara, why are you running so much?” Chiwon chuckles as he steps up to me.
         “No reason,” I say through deep breaths. “I just, I needed to be back here to meet Hansungie,” I stutter out.
         “Why the book?” He nods at the object in my hand.
         “To read as the two of us relax in the shade somewhere.”
         “Shouldn’t he train? He seems to be behind everyone else. Even you.”
         “He’s doing the best he can when fighting is not his interest,” I stand up straighter, looking for Hansung. “I don’t need you right now, Chiwon, so feel free to go do whatever you want.”
         “Of course, Ara,” he bows to me. Then he walks off, leaving me to be alone.
         I stand by myself for a while, looking out for a sign of Hansung or Danse. It eventually comes, as Hansung rounds a corner. There is no sadness on his face like I saw earlier.
         “Hansungie,” I coo as he reaches me. “Did it go alright?”
         “I’d rather not talk about it,” he forces a smile. “I just want to spend time with you, and not worry about anything else. Just you and me, okay?”
         “I can do that,” I grab his hand, leaning into him. “Let’s go find a place where we can do that.”
         “It’s been a couple days, and I am so worried about them,” I pout as I look out the window in the classroom. “I just wish they would come home.”
         “It can’t be much longer now,” Hansung pats my arm. “I’m sure that everything is going fine.”
         “Are you saying that because you believe it or because you want to cheer Ara up?” Yeowool asks.
         “What does it matter?”
         “I do feel better,” I slightly smile. “I can still worry about them, but I know that they are safe. This kind of trip would take a long time no matter what.”
         “You are too cute and sweet, Ara,” Yeowool chuckles.
         A boy skids to a stop at the door, “Guys! Hey, everybody! Guys, and girl!” He stumbles over the last half. Then he rushes to the center of the room, jumping over the last step. “Did you hear? Did you hear about it?” He faces us with a frown. “They said that the Hwarang might not be able to return,” he whines.
         “What?” I jump to my feet. “What are you talking about?” I narrow my eyes at the boy.
         “Yeah, what do you mean they might not come back?” Another boy stands up, rushing at the boy who gave the news.
         “Right now, as I speak, they are being held prisoner by South Buyeo’s Crown Prince,” the messenger says, slapping his chest. “They are all going to die.”
         More boys are standing now, not sure what to really do with the information.
         “This is terrible,” I groan, resting my head on Hansung’s shoulder as the boy is now standing next to me.
         “Explain it in detail,” a boy demands.
         Hansung grabs my hand, “You aren’t being serious, are you?”
         “What do we do? What are we going to do?” Multiple boys cry out.
         I lift my head up, taking a deep breath. “First, all of you need to calm down,” I raise my voice above the noise.
         The boys slowly stop talking and turn to look at me.
         “You have a plan?” A boy speaks up.
         “Sort of,” I nod. “Have you all stopped freaking out?” I look around at all the nodding boys. “Perfect. Now, we cannot go all the way to them, or else we will all be killed. I trust that they can get out of whatever bad situation they are in, but getting home after that is different.”
         “So, what do we do, Ara?” Yeowool helps to keep me going.
         “We go to the border to help as they come back. I’m sure they would be happy to see us, and if they need our help, we will be there to give it.”
         “When did you become a military leader?” Some boy jokes.
         “Yesterday,” I smirk. “I have to be well rounded if I want to keep acting like a princess. Now, we need to get ready, and we need to leave as soon as possible.”
         “Of course,” the messenger boy claps. “Come on, let’s prepare!”
         “All the boys in the room rush out besides Yeowool and Hansung. The three of us standing, looking between one another.
         “That was great, Ara,” Yeowool says. “You commanded a whole room, and they never doubted you. Not even for a second.”
         I shrug, “With how crazed they were, I bet they didn’t even think about it.”
         “How did you think of what to say so quickly?” Hansung asks.
         “I just let my mouth do the work. I never really knew what I was saying, but it sounded good, so I was just trying to sound confident.”
         “You are just being modest,” Yeowool places a hand on my shoulder. “You have been worrying so much that so many scenarios have played out in your head. You were ready for this.”
         “While that may be true, I can only think so far.” I shake my head. “It really doesn’t matter. We need to go get ready like the others, and then get on the road. This is where we prove that we are worthy of being Hwarang.”
Ah, so much happening, and that usually means the end is near, and that would be true. Don’t worry, there is still a bit left to tell, and something exciting is coming up. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you thought! :D
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Hansung being salty af is my aesthetic tbh. Like imagine him getting jealous of some of the other guys bc Yeowool pays them more attention, and then whenever the other guys needs help, Hansung is like "Oh look, pretty flowers" and just straight up ignores them ~plot twist anon
oh my god i’m-and yeo wool just stands there pretending to be shook tm but in reality he knows exaclty what’s going on and he’s having the time of his life watching hansung act uninterested and bored hahaso he sometimes angers him on purpose only to get that kind of reaction out of himwhich always ends up with ((passive aggressive)) cuddles and yeo wool showering hansung’s face with kisses to get his baby to forgive him!!!*sigh* now i’m soft and in need of yeosung fluff :(
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whispersatdawn · 8 years
Hi~ Just wanted to say that i read your hwarang yeowool scenario and it was so great! I felt all the character's emotions perfectly and i must say your writing skills are top notch and i def subbed but imma stay on anon now hehe btw you should tag "hwarang imagine" too since it's a tag people search for a lot too ! "Hwarang x reader" works too but i don't think it's as popular as the other two lol anyways this has been long so take care and I'm looking forward to your writing in the future 🤓💕
Hi! Wow, I’m so glad that you enjoyed the scenario! I really had lots of fun writing it. Also, thank you so much for the tip. ^^ I’m going to add those tags for the Yeo Wool scenario now & the rest of the “Hwarang” scenarios later, too. You’re so sweet~ Hope to see more of you, Anon. Take care as well & I’ll continue to work hard on future writings! ( •⌄• ू )✧
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Six
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3482
         “It was nice to be able to stay inside while it rained,” I shove meat into my mouth. For once I can sit normally as we have a meal since Jidwi and Sunwoo are not with us.
         “It was cute to see you read by the window,” Yeowool lovingly grins at me. “How can someone be that cute when reading?”
         “Ara is cute doing anything,” Sooho adds, looking at me with awe.
         “I don’t know how I was able to get to know so many boys that are so sweet,” I giggle.
         “I want to say a certain word, but I know you will throw something at me,” BanRyu says, scooting away from me.
         “Oh, you know it.”
         “Jidwi or Sunwoo,” Hansung holds his chopsticks up, one in each hand. “Cold one of them be the king?”
         “Seriously, why do you keep eating here?” Sooho stares at Hansung. “Go to your room.”
         I pout, stuffing rice into my mouth.
         “We all grew up together in the capital,” Hansung continues without missing a beat. “We watched each other grow up in some way. We know each other, even before this. Those two, not so much.”
         “Stop talking crazy,” BanRyu raises his chopsticks for a second.
         “Jidwi is Master Wihwa’s nephew,” Sooho says. “And Sunwoo is Ahnji Kim’s son.”
         “That’s true,” Hansung nods, placing his chopsticks into one hand.
         “I think what Hansung is saying has truth to it,” Yeowool speaks up.
         Hansung bites his bottom lip as his lips spread into a smile.
         “It is true that we don’t know them like we do the rest of us. If the kind is among the two of them, I think I might know who it is.”
         I giggle, “You know, I have a good guess on who it is too.”
         Hansung pokes my side, but says no more.
         Sooho slowly chews the food in his mouth, looking around as the ideas said settle in his mind.
         We spend the rest of lunch in a strange silence as we all think about the fact that a King is among us. It is no longer a joke to us, and now we will be itching to know who the King is. Which fake name he has given himself, and who he has become close with.
         Somehow, once we finish eating, I end up in the classroom, sitting with Yeowool, Sooho, and BanRyu.
         “I don’t bother you guys, do I? I find myself asking without really thinking.
         “You bother me,” BanRyu answers.
         “Idiot,” Sooho shoves BanRyu’s shoulder with his foot. “Ara, you are a pleasure to be around.”
         “I don’t like Ara the way you two do,” BanRyu rubs his shoulder as he rolls his eyes.
         “You just taunt Hansung a lot, and he drug me to your room, so I was just worried,” I shrug.
         “Worrying will bring wrinkles to your face,” Yeowool taps my nose. “You are always welcome with us.”
         A boy rushes into the room with excitement written all over his face. He goes around to each group, telling them who he has figured out is the King.
         “Sunwoo is the King?” Sooho looks at Yeowool.
         “It seems like I was not the only one to see that symbol of the king,” Yeowool says.
         “Oh, I thought it was Jidwi,” I pout. “He seemed more mysterious and with less past that we know of.”
         “It’s okay to be wrong,” BanRyu mockingly pats my shoulder.
         “Bit me,” I growl.
         “Is it true that the mark of his bracelet has the same shape on the scrolled paper that was up on the wall?” Sooho asks.
         “If Dog-Bird is King,” Yeowool leans down towards BanRyu. “That is fortunate for you.”
         BanRyu turns his head just enough to acknowledge Yeowool. “What are you going on about?”
         “Do you not remember what happened between you and him? You got hit by a king, not a half-breed. Does that make you feel better?”
         “Shut up or I will beat you,” BanRyu glares, turning around fully to face Yeowool.
         “Fine, sorry,” Yeowool pats the air, leaning away.
         “I still think that Jidwi is the King,” I mumble.
         The whole room changes, and I look to see that Sunwoo has entered the room. He seems confused, but sits down like everyone else.
         “Ara,” Hansung sits down next to me. “Did you hear?”
         “I have,” I nod, watching as Jidwi takes a seat next to Sunwoo. “And I don’t believe it. Not even a little bit.”
         I lie on my back on Jidwi and my bed as the boys strip down to the clothes they sleep in. The only ones missing are Hansung and Sunwoo.
         “Ara, is, hm, well, you know,” Sooho awkwardly coughs.
         “Lucky, I am lucky,” I chuckle. “To be in this room right now? Yeah, some people would say that.”
         “So we can call you lucky now?” BanRyu scoffs.
         “In certain situations,” I raise my arm, pointing at the ceiling. “Yes, you can.” I let my arm fall back down to my side.
         “You aren’t even looking,” Jidwi pats my thigh. “Too much for your eyes?”
         I giggle, wiggling around as my cheeks heat up a tiny bit. “You guys can’t watch me, so I don’t watch you. Simple as that.”
         “She’s a princess, and acting like one,” Yeowool says.
         “If you guys keep calling me a princess, then it might come true.”
         “Now that would be amazing,” Sooho happily sighs. “I would get a date with a princess. A nice and sweet one.”
         “Shut up,” I chuckle, placing my hands on top of my head. “No one is getting a date.”
         Jidwi sits down on the edge of the bed. “You are quite stubborn, Ara.”
         “I know,” I smirk.
         The door to the room opens, meaning someone has entered, and the whole tone of the room has changed.
         I life my head enough to see Sunwoo.
         “What is wrong with you guys?” Yeowool questions the room. “Having the King as a roommate, that must be a good thing?”
         “Hey,” Sooho says in a disapproving manner.
         “Sorry,” Yeowool sighs.
         “Are you actually the King?” BanRyu does not beat around the bush.
         “Wow, nice way of being subtle,” I roll my eyes, letting my head fall back onto the bed.
         Sunwoo does not answer BanRyu, and I catch him go to his bed.
         “If you are not, just say so,” BanRyu states. “I won’t believe you even if you say you are.”
         “What is the point of asking if you won’t even believe it?” Sunwoo responds.
         “You must have something to say,” BanRyu raises his voice. “Then say it.”
         I sit up just in time to see him rush at Sunwoo, but Sooho stops him with an arm to the chest.
         “Don’t do it,” Sooho shakes his head.
         “Right, our day-off is soon,” Yeowool steps up to the duo. “You wouldn’t want to go home with a fail because you lost your temper.”
         BanRyu slaps Sooho’s arm before walking back to his bed.
         “It is never a peaceful evening in this room, is it?” I sigh, flipping around until I am under the covers.
         “How come you never sleep with someone else, Ara?” Sooho asks.
         I close my eyes, getting comfortable under the covers. “Because you would wan to cuddle with me, and I just want to sleep.”
         “I didn’t mean me,” he sputters out.
         “Sure you didn’t,” BanRyu scoffs.
         “Do not fight,” I sigh, feeling the bed shift as Jidwi climbs in. “This bed is comfy, and there is enough space for two people.”
         “And I know how to be good,” Jidwi says as he pokes my back.
         “Yeah right,” Yeowool chuckles. “You just say that, so she won’t leave.”
         “You boys are so stupid,” I shake my head. “You can stay up, talk, do whatever, but please, leave me out of it.”
         “You heard the princess,” Jidwi says.
         “How do you know that Ara isn’t a foreign princess?” Sunwoo asks.
         “We don’t,” I answer. “My past is covered with fog. We may never know if I am or am not.”
         “You all are going crazy,” BanRyu groans. “She’s not a princess.”
         “Says you,” I yawn.
         “Maybe we start that rumor to stop the king rumor,” Sooho says.
         “There’s no mystery to it, so it won’t stick,” Yeowool says.
         “I agree,” I add. “It’s only a joke between us, anyways.”
         “Come on, Hansungie,” I whine, tugging on his sleeve. “Another day off, and the others are off on their own, so we can be alone.” I feel my cheeks slowly heat up as I understand what I said. “I mean, alone as friends. Not like, alone at my house, doing anything strange.”
         Hansung chuckles, “You are cute, honey. I’d love to go out with you, but I need to go see Ahro.”
         “Why? Are you feeling okay? Why wouldn’t you tell me?” I pout.
         “It’s nothing serious,” he tenderly smiles, caressing my face. “My ankle is just a bit tender.”
         “Then I will come with you,” I giggle, grabbing his hand. “Let’s go!” I tug him towards Ahro’s office.
         Hansung chuckles, following me like he always has.
         We reach the doctor’s office in no time, walking in to catch Ahro organizing her supplies. She really never stops working. There is always something to do.
         “Hey Ahro, do you have a second?” I motion for Hansung to sit down on the cot.
         “Oh, Ara, Hansung,” Ahro looks up, a smile on her face. “Do you need bandages changed?”
         “I’m not the one with a problem this time,” I giggle. “Hansung says that his ankle is bothering him, so we came to you.”
         “Isn’t this your day off?”
         “It is,” I nod, finding a seat to relax. “Even if we don’t do much today, I just enjoy spending time with friends.”
         “Okay Hansung, which ankle hurts?” Ahro steps up to Hansung, grabbing her seat to be on his level.
         Hansung pulls his shoes off, pulling his legs up onto the cot. “This one,” he points to a leg.
         Ahro begins to examine Hansung’s ankle. “Tell me when it hurts,” she slowly twists his ankle.
         “It hurts,” Hansung cries.
         “Oh, let me do this then,” she starts feeling his ankle.
         “That hurts! Ow, it hurts,” Hansung pouts.
         “Hm, here too?” She moves to lower the foot.
         “Yes, it hurts,” he cries. “It hurts,” he reaches for her to stop, but Ahro continues to feel.
         “That is strange.” She begins to move the foot all around.
         “It hurt,” Hansung mumbles.
         Ahro looks at me, raising her eyebrows.
         I shake my head. Hansung is faking his injury, and I have no idea why.
         He looks down as Ahro twists his foot. “That hurts!” He cries out.
         “Ah,” Ahro looks back at Hansung, but not before I see the glint of mischief in her eye. “This is going nowhere. We need to do acupuncture. Ara, can you get the needles?” She sets Hansung’s foot down, standing up to get other supplies.
         “On it,” I jump up, going to look for the acupuncture needles.
         “Acupuncture?” Hansung chokes out. “Don’t you think I’ll be fine if I just rest? I think that will be good.”
         “No,” Ahro holds the word out. “If you leave this with no treatment, you will suffer chronic sprains. We must pull the weed out from the root.”
         “Here you go, Ahro,” I giggle, opening the box to show off the needles.
         “Thank you, Ara,” she pulls out two needles, holding one in each hand.
         Hansung coughs, scooting away in fear. He has always hated needles, so this is the only way to get him to spill the truth.
         “If you get poked thirty times a day for ten days with these needles, you will be healed without a problem,” she steps closer, making the boy scoot away.
         “There is no need for that,” Hansung shields his ankle with his hand.
         “Mmhhmm,” she shakes her head. “Don’t worry because you are getting this for free.”
         “People do it all the time, Hansungie,” I close the needle box.
         Ahro lifts the needles, but before she can poke Hansung, he pulls his feet away and places them on the floor.
         “I’m fine,” he grumbles, hurriedly putting his shoes on.
         Ahro flashes a grin at me. “Why are you faking sick all of a sudden?”
         “You can talk to us,” I place the needle box on the nearest table.
         “I don’t like being compared to Danse while we train together,” Hansung answers, refusing to look at either of us. “It would have been better if I was born as him and him born as me.”
         The door to the room opens, and the one person that we wished didn’t show up enters: Danse.
         “Come out,” Danse commands of Hansung.
         “I don’t want to leave,” Hansung pouts, scooting closer to Ahro and me.
         Danse takes a slow breath, “Let’s do sword training. I’ll help you. Hurry now.”
         Ahro pats Hansung’s arm, motioning for him to go.
         I walk around to his side, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. “Do it for me, please.”
         Hansung sighs, reluctantly getting up and following Danse to the door. He turns around before they leave, “Bye Doctor Ahro. See you soon, Ara.” He sounds so sad as he waves to us.
         Ahro and I both smile, giving small waves to the two boys as they disappear.
         “There is a lot of weight on his shoulders because of his grandfather, right?” Ahro gets up, grabbing her needles to put away.
         “That’s correct. His grandfather is harsh when it comes to Hansung being the best for the true-bone statues of their family. That is why he hates me so much because Hansung likes me so much. The stupid bone status would be broken if Hansung married me.”
         “Hansung doesn’t care about bone rank at all,” Ahro starts organizing her desk. “He told me when he came the other day.”
         “I know he doesn’t,” I sigh. “But the one looking over him does, and I hate it so much.”
         “What about his brother?”
         “Oh, Danse,” I lean back on my heels. “He’s always been kind to me, and I bet his grandfather wishes that we liked each other. That just was never going to happen. We don’t view each other like that.”
         “Boy troubles,” she clicks her tongue. “We can never catch a break.”
         “What is going on with you?”
         “Well, Sunwoo took an arrow for me, that the princess shot at me.”
         “Ah, it was the princess,” I nod a few times. “Why is she after you?”
         “I saw something I shouldn’t have,” she takes a deep breath. “I’d tell you, but it would just put you in danger, and I would never do that to you.”
         “I just with I could help you.”
         “Just being able to talk to you helps. Now, what are you going to do for your day off?”
         “Hm,” I look up at the ceiling. “I’m not sure. Hansung won’t want to come do anything, and going home will just make me sad. I’ll just go buy some books for later,” I shrug. “And you?”
         “Organize, and then relax.”
         “Want me to help,” I look around, ready to put stuff away.
         “Only for a little bit,” she giggles. “I want you to enjoy your day off.”
         “Being with you is enjoyable,” I walk up to Ahro. “Now, tell me what I need to do.”
         After a calming day off spending time with Ahro and briefly Hansung, and then getting some new books, it is back to the grind today. There is sparring again today, like has been happening, and Sunwoo and Jidwi are at it.
         “Wow,” I gape at the two boys as they give it their all. I wish that I could fight like the, but my sword skills will never be that good. No matter how much I train with Chiwon.
         Not everyone gets to spar at this time, but sometimes watching can be just as helpful as practicing.
         “Ara,” Yeowool places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to walk with BanRyu, Sooho, and Danse. “We have missed having you around recently.”
         “I’ve been with you almost all the time,” I giggle.
         “What about Hansung?” Yeowool asks.
         “He’s not in our room,” Sooho answers. “And he’s not with Ara.”
         “I saw him yesterday, and I don’t think I have today,” I nibble on my bottom lip.
         “Him and Ara are in our room from now on,” Yeowool pulls his arm away from me. “You got chased out of your other room, right?”
         “Basically,” I sigh.
         “Too bad,” Sooho lets out a breath.
         Danse catches my gaze, sending me a small nod before turning and rushing off.
         “I’m going to go find him,” I take a deep breath.
         “Good luck,” Yeowool pats my arm.
         “Cheer him up,” BanRyu adds in.
         I nod, rushing off towards where I believe Hansung is, hoping I reach him before Danse.
         It takes less time than I thought to reach the Hell Room that I lovingly think of as my own. I slowly open the doors, poking my head in to see that it is empty.
         “Well, I do know this place better than him,” I take a few deep breaths to calm my heart as I step into the room. I close the doors, looking at the closets that are building into the walls. “Which one?” With no real idea, I do to a random closet and slide open the door.
         Hansung looks up at me with sad eyes.
         “Hansungie,” I pout, feeling my heart crack at the sight of him.
         He looks away without even responding.
         “I’ll join you,” I firmly nod, climbing into the small space. I slide over Hansung as he pulls his knees to his chest. Once settled, I lean over him and slide the door shut. “Perfect,” I wrap my arms around his torso, resting my head on his arm. “We don’t have to talk. I know that you don’t want to talk. Just know that I am here for you, and I want to help when you feel ready.”
         Hansung takes a slow deep breath, letting it out in a shudder.
         We stay in the same position for what feels like a long time. It’s calming to just be in Hansung’s presence like this. To be holding him like there is not a care in the world. If only this could happen more often.
         The peace comes crashing down when the door slides open, and I look up to see Danse staring us down.
         “You always do this, Ara,” Danse shakes his head, adverting his gaze to Hansung. “And you. Are you going to avoid sparring because you are afraid?”
         “The problem is not sparring,” Hansung glances at his brother. “When is it ever dangerous?”
         “Then stop this behavior and come out. Both of you.”
         I whine, pouting at Danse.
         “Suk Hyunjae’s grandson must appear before the Queen and the royal council. I do not want to hear that you ran out headfirst.” He looks at me, “And Ara, you have a lot riding on you to prove yourself. You can’t always baby my brother.”
         “I don’t baby him,” I roll my eyes.
         Hansung pulls my arms off him, climbing out of the small space with a huff. “It’s important to listen to what others say, right?” He turns back to look at Danse from the middle of the room. “I don’t want to fight!”
         I shrink back at Hansung’s yelling.
         “Doing those things is dangerous.”
         “Are you going to disappoint grandfather, then?” Danse asks. “You, it’s not you who is the only one.”
         “The main line descent,” Hansung begins to sway in annoyance. “The main line descent. Stop talking about someone’s descent!” He yells once again. “Was I born into this family because I wanted to be?” His tone turns sad. “Why is everyone placing their burdens on me! Why?! I just want to live my life with the one I care about and not worry about others!”
         I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
         “Then you should have been born a half-breed,” Danse says.
         Hansung is breathing heavy as a sadness is in his eyes.
         “If you were going to live like this, then why do you get everything?!” Danse shouts.
         I curl more into myself, feeling out of place as the brothers fight, but I can’t leave now.
         “Hyung,” Hansung calls out, but his brother keeps on talking.
         “If you have everything than make yourself deserve it. Prove it someway.” Danse has lowered his voice, but I can still feel the anger. He walks over to Hansung, placing a hand roughly on his brother’s shoulder. “Come out,” he drags Hansung out of the room.
         “Wait for me,” I scramble out of the closet, rushing to catch up with Hansung and Danse. “Please don’t hurt my heart anymore today.”
The scenes in this chapter are some of my favorite and ones that I had been planning for so long, so I am so glad to get them out there. I hope you enjoyed reading! Please let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Seven
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Warnings: Fighting?
Word Count: 3578
         We Hwarang stand in the courtyard in our red uniforms as master Wihwa, Princess Sookmyung, and the princess’s helper stand in front of us. Our trainer walking among us like an inspector before he joins the others at the front.
         I’m scared out of my mind as I do not want to be picked to fight another boy for real. I know that I will only get hurt with how hard a boy will go after me.
         “Is the sight of blood what you want?” Master Wihwa asks as he stands in his fancy blue with some red uniform.
         “Someone who fears blood cannot become a brave general,” the princess answers as she stands in her red with gold design and white sleeved dress.
         “Still,” Master Wihwa looks at the princess but refrains from saying the rest of his thought.
         Our secondary teacher rushes down the steps, stopping in front of Master Wihwa to tell him something. It is soon after that the Queen and the Royal Council walk out at the top of the stairs. Master Wihwa, along with the princess and her help, ascend the steps to greet them.
         My heart speeds up as the moment I have been dreading approaches. I try to take deep breaths like Ahro has instructed, but it doesn’t seem to help that much. The grip on my sword only tightens in fear.
         Once the royals have settled into place, the first pair to spar is BanRyu and Sooho. They bow to each other, and then dive in once given the command. They look loose, like this is just another wooden sword fight. Until Sooho slices BanRyu’s side and pulls away a bloodied sword. It takes everything in me to not gasp out loud.
         Then a command is shouted at them to stop, causing us all to look up at the royals. A conversation happens that we cannot hear, and then someone’s bodyguard comes to the center. It looks like sparring between us is over.
         “Sunwoo, come forward,” a man commands as he stands up.
         Sunwoo is about to go when Sooho stops him with his sheathed sword.
         “I will do it,” Sooho says. “You aren’t capable to fight someone like the bodyguard.”
         “I’m fine,” Sunwoo pushes the sword away and walks to the center, and then walks up the stairs.
         Master Youngshil raises his voice for all to hear, “Princess, give them your word that even if one of them loses their life, no matter the status, no one is held responsible.”
         “I will do so,” Princess Sookmyung responds.
         “I will do so in your honor,” the bodyguard of Master Youngshil says.
         “In the honor of Hwarang, I will do so as well,” Sunwoo says.
         I feel my whole body tense as the two make their way down to the courtyard. This is not what I wanted to happen. To see my friend have to partake in an actually fight. I blink back to reality at the sound of two blades colliding.
         Sunwoo and the bodyguard take no time jumping right into a heated battle. The two out for blood. It is the bodyguard who slices first.
         A whimper leaves my mouth before I can stop it.
         Sunwoo doesn’t even give the wound much more than a quick tap with his hand before the fight is back in full swing. The bodyguard attacking more as Sunwoo must defend. Then Sunwoo is sliced across the top of his shoulder, and the next blow sends him to the dirt.
         “It is not over until the death!” Master Youngshil shouts.
         I watch in fear as I am about to lose a friend.
         The bodyguard raises his sword for a killing blow, but it never comes.
         “Stop!” The Queen exclaims.
         The bodyguard lowers his sword and turns to walk away from Sunwoo.
         Sunwoo grits his teeth, using his sword to get up. Then he rushes at the bodyguard, jumping over his shoulder to face him again.”
         “Continue,” Master Youngshil demands.
         The fight resumes, and Sunwoo has a renewed energy. They slash at each other, and then Sunwoo jumps over the bodyguard once again, cutting off his hair that is on top of his head in a bun. There is an anger in the bodyguards eyes like he has lost.
         Some boys around me break into cheers, and I can’t help but join in with a wide smile on my face.
         Sunwoo just saved us all from senseless sparring against each other. He just saved me from doing the one think I have feared for the time being. He also brought honor to all of us, and he did it without a senseless death.
         Jidwi shooting straight up in bed and breathing like he was just in a battle is what wakes me. It’s concerning as this is not the first time that is has happened.
         I flip over to face him, but I refuse to open my eyes. “Nightmare?” I mumble.
         “Yes,” Jidwi chokes out.
         “It’s not real,” I reach out to grab his hand and pull it to my chest. “It can’t hurt you.”
         “Then why did it feel like I couldn’t breathe for real?”
         “Our brains are capable of a lot, so it shut of your breathing to correspond with what your brain was showing you in the nightmare. Like how you think you can smell or feel.”
         “None of it is real,” he takes a deep breath. “It helps, not much, but it helps.”
         I give his hand a squeeze. “I wish I could help more.”
         “What you are doing now is more than enough,” he sighs, lying back down. He pulls his hand away from me, but then his arm is placed over my hip.
         I open my eyes just enough to see Jidwi facing me with a calm look on his face. “Does that help you feel better?”
         “And if I say it does?”
         “Then leave it,” I yawn, letting my eyes fall shut. “I feel safe.”
         “Good. If feels good knowing I can protect someone.”
         I don’t respond, hoping that the both of us will fall back asleep. That no more nightmares will plague Jidwi, and that he starts to feel better soon.
         Just as I am about to drift off to sleep, Jidwi tenses, and I wonder if another nightmare is haunting him. However, he doesn’t burst awake, and he makes no noises of pain. He must feel someone’s gaze on us. If that person is not attacking because I am in bed with Jidwi, or because of the multiple other boys in the room, I don’t care. Someone wants to hurt Jidwi, or at least Jidwi thinks so.
         It’s that stupid King rumor that has yet to trickle away. All the focus is on the two mysterious boys who refuse to talk about their past in a lot of detail. I am sure that Sunwoo is not the Faceless King, though. I still believe that the boy I share a bed with, who has his arm over me, is the king that Silla has been waiting for. If only he could take the Queen off the throne without fear of being taken out himself. I wonder if those are the types of nightmares tormenting Jidwi.
         “So, I am still in shock about the sparring yesterday,” I look up at Hansung as we walk around outside.
         “I will never be able to thank him enough,” Hansung links our arms together. “I knew that I would get hurt, but I don’t think I would have been able to watch you fight. The agony of waiting to see you possibly get hurt would have been too much.”
         “That’s why I would have watched your fight intently. Though, I hope that most of us would never have been fighting to the death.”
         “BanRyu still got hurt by Sooho,” he sighs. “Sunwoo got hurt a lot.”
         “I know,” I pout. “It sucks because I just know the royals view us as toys of some sort. That we are here for their enjoyment.”
         “I just try not to think too much about them,” he shrugs.
         “Is that Ahro?” I point at what can only be Ahro as she stares blankly in the distance. “What is she doing?”
         “Let’s go ask,” Hansung tugs us over to Ahro. He jumps when we reach her, wave his hands around her head. “What are you doing?”
         “Waiting for someone?” I look in the direction she is staring.
         “He didn’t see me, right?” Ahro asks.
         “He did,” Hansung answers.
         “Who?” I furrow my eyebrows.
         “Dog-Bird saw you, Ahro, and he turned around and went another way to wherever he was headed,” Hansung points the way that Sunwoo went.
         “No way. He would never,” Ahro shakes her head.
         “So observant, Hansungie,” I giggle.
         “Just taller,” he nods. “Ah, so, you are being avoided by your brother?” He leans towards Ahro with a smirk playing on his lips.
         “It isn’t like that,” Ahro has  the beginning of a pout on her lips.
         “How did you end up like this? Brothers protect their sisters,” Hansung narrows his eyes in thought. He clenches his fists, punching the air a bit. “Did he betray you?”
         “He better not have,” I cross my arms.
         “No, it’s not that,” Ahro looks up at Hansung with wide eyes. “The situation at the time-”
         “He did,” Hansung and I let out in awe. He has a smile on his face while I have a frown.
         “I said it wasn’t!” Ahro raises her voice. “Why don’t you two leave, and stop goofing around,” she looks down and then back at where Sunwoo once was. Then she walks away from us.
         “What did he do!?” I call after her. “What do I have to do!?”
         “Why did he betray?” Hansung shouts. “Because of someone?” He starts to walk after her, but I grab his arm to stop him.
         “Sometimes you just have to let the girl run off,” I chuckle, pulling Hansung back to me.
         “Would you ever run off?” Hansung smirks as he turns to look at me.
         “I would run at you, and maybe away from tickles,” I jump away from his fingers trying to tickle my sides. “I don’t think I  have ever run away, unless you were chasing me for fun.”
         “What about if we were yelling at each other? Like we got in a fight?”
         “Hm,” I puff out my cheeks and purse my lips. “It depends on what the fight is about. I might just start crying if you were yelling at me. Like when you yelled at Danse, I felt, not scared, but it was a feeling I can’t describe. I didn’t like it, that’s for sure.”
         “Thank you for just holding me then,” he looks away as a faint redness appears on his cheeks. “I really didn’t want to talk, and I really like having you close. I felt safe.”
         “I felt safe with you too,” I lazily smile.
         “I’m sorry that you had to be there when I yelled,” he sighs. “I don’t like raising my voice at all.”
         “Then we will never fight,” I step closer, wanting to hug him. “We will never yell at each other in anger.”
         “Honey, you are too sweet,” he pulls me into his chest in a tight hug. “What if we do fight? Once we get married and are stuck in the same house.”
         I giggle, trying to push away, but he holds me close. “Our fights will always silly. I am sure of it.”
         “Good,” he pinches my sides, causing the laughter to spill out of my mouth.
         “Hansungie,” I try to rush away, but he just keeps me trapped in his arm. “That was mean,” I take deep breaths.
         “I like to hear your laugh,” he releases me, give me the chance to step back. “It is music to my ears.”
         “You are goofy,” I chuckle, rolling my eyes as I shove his shoulder.
         “What should we do now?” He grins at me.
         “Anything, as long as I am with you.”
         “No room to sit by Hansung, so am I your second choice?” Yeowool grins at me.
         “Well, I mean, that’s not it,” I stutter out, shifting on the classroom step.
         “Hm, is it because you don’t want to seem too close to him? Or do you actually like me now that we have gotten to know me?”
         I shake my head, “You will never know.”
         The chatter around the classroom quiets down, and then Sunwoo sits on the free side of Yeowool.
         “What is this?” Yeowool looks at all the eyes now trained in our direction. “Why the subtle stares?”
         “I know the answer, boys are too nosey,” I mumble.
         The tension in the room rises when Jidwi enters. He stares down Sunwoo before finding a place to sit.
         I hear a boy whisper to his friend, but all I catch is something about fighting.
         “I thought I was going to pee my pants,” another boy speaks up enough for me to hear this time.
         “If I had known he was the King, I would have treated him better,” a boy whines.
         I furrow my eyebrows as I look at Sunwoo. “Boys will believe anything you tell them,” I sigh.
         “How have you not gotten a hole in your face?” Yeowool looks at Sunwoo. “Everyone is looking at you.
         Sunwoo just stares straight ahead with no emotion on his face.
         “He’s ignoring all the idiots, like he should,” I shake my head.
         It’s not long after that Master Wihwa enters the room, slowly making his way up the raised platform steps. He seems troubled.
         “Today there is something I want to tell you all,” the Master begins.
         I notice our secondary teacher take a worried breath.
         “What I am about to say is not an assignment that you will pass or fail. It also isn’t something that you must do. However, it is a task that someone must do. No matter what.” He takes a pause to look over us.
         I feel a chill raise on my arms.
         “It is called a delegation for peace, but I cannot guarantee your security or your life. Baekje is meant to be our allies, but nothing can be promised. Delegation will depart in three days. Tomorrow in the courtyard, I will be accepting volunteers. Think deeply on this until then.”
         “Who is going to do that?” Yeowool whispers.
         I take a deep breath. If I want to prove myself, then I should go. Though, I won’t go if I know that no one I know is going. Should I tell my father and Yeseul? Or will they just worry too much? Do I really have to go, though? This is not something that I would have ever imagine I would need to think over just mere weeks ago. Hwarang is getting a bit crazy.
         “Have you decided what you are going to do, Ara?” Hansung asks as we make our way to the classroom.
         “After three days of thinking, no,” I sigh. “They say to go with your gut when making a choice like this, but I don’t think that is a good idea here.”
         “Do you just want to see what everyone else will do?”
         “A little bit, yes,” I shrug.
         We make it to the room as everyone ese, and today we are standing as Master Wihwa and our trainer wait on the raised platform. Everyone files in, finding a place to stand. Little me has to get a spot in the front to have any chance of seeing.
         “Have you thought it over well?” Master Wihwa asks once everyone has settled into place.
         No one answers his question.
         “Is no Hwarang willing to volunteer?”
         “Who would willing do it?” Yeowool asks, causing me to look up at the boy next to me. “What do you think, Sooho? Ara?” He glances at me.
         Out of nowhere, the princess enters the room, but she is not alone. She has a servant, but also a worried looking Ahro at her side. She takes center stage on the platform as Master Wihwa steps to the side.
         “We are going with the objective to make peace with South Buyeo,” Princess Sookmyung speaks up. “However, I cannot guarantee that you will return alive. This is the first mission for the kingdom of Silla’s Hwarang, so if you come back safely, you will be received with tremendous honor.”
         It sounds like the choice to volunteer has been thrown right out the window the way the princess talks. I’m not that surprised, though.
         “Yet, if you fail, there will no longer be peace in this kingdom.”
         It seems like the whole room gasps at her statement.
         “Including this doctor,” she turns her head to barely look at Ahro. “I will travel with the smallest number of people. So, I will ask one more time, who will go to South Buyeo with me?”
         I feel my heart clench as all these thoughts bounce around in my mind. I should go to keep Ahro company, but she would hate me for doing something stupid like that. Or I justify it by saying I need to prove myself, which is still just as stupid.
         Sunwoo raises his hand, “I will go.”
         “Sunwoo, that’s great,” Master Wihwa says. “Will anyone else go?”
         Sooho raises his hand, “I will also go.”
         “Sooho,” Yeowool and I whisper at the boy.
         “That is great, Sooho,” Master Wihwa nods.
         “I will go to,” BanRyu raises his hand.
         “Okay, BanRyu.”
         I can see Jidwi raise his hand, but Master Wihwa ignores him. In fact, he looks almost shocked at the action.
         “Anyone else?” Master Wihwa refuses to look in Jidwi’s direction. “If there is not-”
         “I will also go with them,” Jidwi speaks up.
         Master Wihwa chuckles, “That’s good. You four are going to protect Princess Sookmyung and have been appointed as the delegation leaving for South Buyeo.”
         I feel a breath pass through my lips in relief that I do not have to go. Though, I will worry about the four.
         “Protect Princess Sookmyung well and succeed in making peace. Do you understand?”
         I nibble on my bottom lip, looking around at the four boys who are going and risking their live. My friends who I have become close with and love in some way. I want them to be safe, and going off to a foreign place shakes things up.
         Those on the raised platform file out of the room, leaving us Hwarang to do whatever we please.
         “Sooho,” I pout, stepping in front of Sooho and grabbing his hand with both of my own. “You know that I am going to worry about you when you are gone. I am going to worry about all four of you, really.”
         “If I make it back, will you let me take you on a date?” Sooho smirks.
         “You know the answer to that,” I sigh. “Besides, if I do agree, I will worry so much more until you return. And what if you don’t return? I will be heartbroken.”
         “I will come back without a scratch, and then I will take you on a date,” he winks at me.
         I roll my eyes, but the heat still rises to my cheeks. “Sure, keep telling yourself that.”
         “I will get a date out of you, Ara.”
         I pull my hands back, “I cherish our friendship too much. You can keep wishing though.” I catch Jidwi standing off to the side. “I have to talk to Jidwi before he leaves, too.” I flash a smile at Sooho. “Give love to all my wonderful roommates.”
         “Go,” Sooho pokes my side.
         I skip over to Jidwi, a wide smile on my face as his shows one of worry. “Jidwi, are you okay?”
         Jidwi looks over at me, his worry being replace with a relief of sorts. “Ara, I am fine. Just thinking about some things.”
         “You are so brave for going with the princess to a scary place.”
         He shrugs, “I’m sure you would have gone if there was more room.”
         “No, I don’t think so,” I sigh. “I was so afraid that he might have to pick people, and I would have cried if I had to go.”
         “You are stronger than that, I know it,” he tucks some hair behind my ear. “I enjoy sparring with you because you keep me on my toes. Don’t doubt yourself.”
         “Great,” I look away, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. “Now I am going to really miss you and worry about you.”
         “Because I was kind to you?” He chuckles.
         “Yes,” I pout. “We are friends, at least I think we are, but we still have some ways to go before I feel we are how I am with other friends.”
         “Even if we share a bed?” He smirks.
         “That is because the others would have crossed a line, and I know you would never do that.”
         “What are you going to do now?”
         “Would you like to join me at whatever I do?” I giggle.
         “That sounds nice.”
First, I want to say sorry that some scenes are super short. I don’t want too much dialogue dragging this along if it doesn’t call for it. I hope you enjoyed reading! As always, I would love to know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Five
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 4291
         It has been four days since Sunwoo passed out, and he has et to wake up. His pulse is good, and he hasn’t stopped breathing like the first time. However, he can’t seem to warm up, so it has been a bit crazy trying to keep him warm.
         Yet, life still has to go on. We still have to train with each other and our Nangdoo. We still have chores to do, showers to take, meals to eat. My roommates and I are anxiously awaiting Sunwoo waking up and returning to us, but we can’t sit around and wait for him.
         “Thanks for being patient with me, Chiwon,” I smile at my Nangdoo as we walk through the Hwarang house. Today we will be sparring against other Hwarang, but we were able to work with our Nangdoo before them.
         “Of course, Ara,” Chiwon flashes a smile at me. “You work hard, and have shown me that you have a lot of skill. Luck has nothing to do with you, and the others were wrong about you. Though, I am sure that you being a girl is also the reason that no one wanted to pick you.”
         “No one wants to get their ass kicked by a girl,” I chuckle.
         “Too bad, because it is going to happen.”
         “Ara!” Yeowool’s voice floats to be.
         “I will see you later, Ara,” Chiwon pats my shoulder as he walks away.
         “Oh,” I rapidly blink as Yeowool steps up to me. “Yeowool, hello. Is something wrong?”
         “More like something good,” Yeowool smiles, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Sunwoo is up, and he walked around, and it looks like he is okay.”
         “Do we know what was wrong with him?”
         “No, but at this point, all we care about is him being awake.”
         “That’s true,” I bounce on my toes a few times. “Ahro will be so relieved.”
         “We were finally able to get her to sleep this morning, so hopefully she gets her rest in.”
         “She did good taking care of him,” I grab Yeowool’s wrists, pulling his hands off me. “I told her that it was all going to be good, so I can only hope that calmed some of her nerves.”
         “Ah, you had one of your feelings?” Yeowool smirks, pinching my sides.
         I burst into giggles, “Yeowool, stop, it tickles.”
         “Oh, does it?” He chuckles, pinching my sides a few more times.
         I take a few deep breaths. “That was just mean.”
         “You are too cute,” he grabs my hand, tugging me in the direction of the courtyard where we will be sparring. “Come on, I want to see you fight.”
         We make our way to the courtyard where all the other Hwarang have begun to gather. Our sword trainer stands off to the side. We’ve been working on certain techniques with our Nangdoo, and now we will be going against one another.
         “Ara, Yeowool,” Hansung steps up to us as we begin to look for a spot to sit.
         “Hansungie,” I grab Hansung’s hand, fighting the urge to intertwine our fingers. “We haven’t been able to get together a lot recently. Are you working hard?”
         “I have to keep up with you,” he lightly smiles, poking my cheek with his free hand. “Do you hope to go first today?”
         “Yes,” I let go of his hand as we take a seat on the ground. “I have a lot of energy right now.”
         “And you are all giggles,” Yeowool lightly nudges me with his shoulder.
         Once all the Hwarang arrive, the teacher goes around, picking boys to go against each other. Somehow I get lucky enough to go in the first group.
         We use wooden swords to go through the different moves, with the teacher clanking two sticks together to keep us in rhythm. The boy that I am paired with is giving his all as he swings his sword, but I am not going to let him intimate me. I just block and attack when I am meant to.
         I’m not sure how much time passes, but the teacher tells us to stop, switching out the pairs.
         “Good luck, Hansung,” I hand him my sword. “I know you will do great.”
         “You look so beautiful,” Hansung says, stepping close as he grabs the sword.
         “Thank you,” I step back, feeling my cheeks heat up. “You look handsome.”
         “I really wish we were alone,” he sighs, stepping into place.
         I open my mouth to speak, but close it seconds later as I can’t process a single thought.
         “Go sit,” he chuckles.
         I walk away, finding Yeowool to sit next to.
         “Ah, your cheeks are red,” Yeowool pokes my side. “What did he say?”
         “Nothing,” I mumble, watching Hansung’s fluid movements.
         “Cute,” Yeowool sighs, watching the matches.
         Out of the corner of my eye I see Ahro watching. Her gaze lands me on Sunwoo, who acts as if he wasn’t asleep for four days. He also acts as if Ahro and him didn’t share a kiss by the way he adverts his gaze if as she waves at him. Man, boys are way too confusing.
         “I’m just going to the river with Ahro,” I hold my hand out to stop Chiwon from following me. “You don’t need to watch over me.”
         “But that is my duty,” Chiwon says.
         “Fine,” I pout. “Just, stay back.”
         “Of course,” he slightly bows. “I will give you your space.”
         I walk off, finding Ahro at the entrance of her office. “Are you ready?”
         “What took you so long?” Ahro links her arm with me, leading us towards the river. A tub of dirty clothes resting on her hip.
         “Chiwon, says he has to keep an eye on me no matter what.” I unlink our arms, twirling around her to help carry the laundry. “At least he is nice or else I would have sent him away.”
         “So, he will be listening to us?”
         “No, he will stay away, but still be able to see me,” I roll my eyes. “I know he has to do it, and not because I am a girl, but it still bothers me.”
         “Well, it is good that he is following orders,” she shrugs.
         “They picked who they wanted to be with, and he was the only one who would pair up with me.”
         “That’s very kind of him. Everyone is missing out on a badass fighter who just happens to be a girl. Those other boys are idiots.”
         I giggle, “That makes me feel better.”
         It takes a few minutes to reach the river. We slip our shoes off, placing our feet in the cool water. The laundry not a concern at the moment.
         “Do you really think that Sunwoo can’t remember our kiss?” Ahro asks.
         “Well, boys are stupid,” I look up at the sky. “He was in a weird state, you said, when he kissed you. It is possible the memory didn’t stick.”
         “No way,” she shake hers head. “He wouldn’t act so cold to me if he didn’t remember.”
         “That is a fair point,” I look over at Ahro. “Then, he does remember.”
         “He’s never acted so mean to me before,” she pouts. “Why now?”
         “Well, kissing changes things. If I ever truly kissed Hansung, our relationship would for sure change.”
         “I doubt that,” she tenderly smiles. “Wait, have you kissed before?”
         “It wasn’t really a kiss,” I feel a small heat surface on my cheeks. “More like two pairs of lips brushing up against each other very lightly. But this isn’t about me. This is about you and Sunwoo going through issues.”
         “Do you think he regrets it?”
         “Are we talking about Sunwoo now?”
         “Yes,” she chuckles, shoving my shoulder. “Now that he has come to, do you think he regrets kissing me?”
         “Regret?” I nibble on my bottom lip, mulling the idea over.
         “Then why did he kiss me?” She whines, kicking at the water. “Why would he do this to me?” She flails, sending a shoe into the stream.
         “Ahro,” I stand up, ready to catch the shoe.
         “Let it go,” she sighs.
         I watch as the shoe floats down the river. “Hm, to wear flats again.”
         The shoe doesn’t make it far, when Sunwoo steps right in it’s path. He crouches down to pick the shoe up, and then looks up at us.
         “Ahro,” I squeal, slapping the girl on the shoulder. “Look.”
         Ahro lifts her head; eyes widening as she recognizes the boy. “What do I do?” She whisper-yells at me.
         “Talk to him like a normal person,” I snatch up my boots. “Don’t be weird.”
         “Shut up,” she whines.
         “Hello, Sunwoo,” I smile as the boy steps up. “Always a pleasure to see you.”
         “Ara,” Sunwoo flashes a grin at me. “Having some girl time?”
         “I was just leaving, actually,” I pat Ahro on the top of her head. “Thank you for saving Ahro’s shoe, and I will see you back at the house.” I skip away before Ahro can beg me to stay and keep her from talking to Sunwoo.
         It’s a peaceful walk back to the house. If only my thoughts didn’t drift to Hansung an how I should just tell him how I feel like Ahro has done. To commit to him and stop letting all the other boys flirt with me. Even though I know it will cause a lot of problems. It is the right thing to do, and I know it.
         “It’s never easy,” I sigh, talking a deep breath to keep the tears away. “It will never be easy.”
         I feel like I am on fire as I shift around in bed. Jidwi’s body is rigid, but it’s not like he snuggles up to me, so I am not shocked by how he is acting. I just wish I wasn’t burning up.
         I throw the blanket off my body, hoping that I will cool off. The last thing I need is to be getting sick.
         Then Jidwi shoots up, his breathing heavy like he was just running.
         “Hey,” I mumble, flipping over so I can face him if I choose to open my eyes. “Are you awake?”
         “Yes,” Jidwi groans. “I’m sorry Ara, for waking you.”
         I open my eyes just enough to see Jidwi looking down at me. “Are you okay?”
         “I had a nightmare,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t remember a time before this where one woke me up that felt so real. I was so scared.”
         “What happened?” I yawn, blinking until I can open my eyes all the way. “If you remember, that is, and if you want to tell me.”
         “Someone close to me was put in danger, and there was nothing I could do about it.”
         “You must be stressing over something, and your brain turned it into a nightmare because you are so fixated on it. You have no control now, and you won’t if and when it happens.”
         “You analyze dreams now? When did you pick that skill up?” He smirks. “It seems like you are skilling in quite a lot.”
         “I read a book,” I lazily chuckle. “It stuck with me. I’m not sure if I can help, though. I can just tell you what basic dream things mean.”
         “You listened, which is more than I could ask for,” he runs the back of his hand along my cheek.
         “Is there anything else on your mind that you would like to talk about? Maybe it will help to not have another nightmare.”
         “There’s a lot that I wish I could tell you, but I just can’t,” he sighs. “You would be in danger if I told you.”
         “Fine, I’ll talk,” I yawn once more. “I may be good at fighting, but I hate it. I don’t want to hurt anyone, even if they want to hurt me. I may be happy to be here, and fighting does give me a bit of a rush, but I know in the end I will beg to stay away from war.”
         “You shouldn’t be forced to fight,” Jidwi clenches his jaw.
         “I’ve always wanted to play sports, but girls don’t do that. My father would worry about me all the time though, so I just played on my own.”
         “I understand playing by myself,” he sadly sighs.
         “My best friend, Hansung, is the reason that I keep going. I have been bullied all my life, but he can always make me smile.” I lower my voice, “And I am sure that I love him.”
         “That’s not surprising. You two are close, and he talks about you in a way that I know he likes you like that.”
         “He’s always done that,” I sigh.
         “I think a few other boys like you like that, though.”
         “I will not pick anyone while we are training like this,” I let my eyes flutter close. “No matter how much they like my eyes. Which is a must.”
         “Your eyes are pretty.”
         “Tell me something about you, Jidwi.”
         “Um, I have a sister, who takes after my mother, so both are harsh. My mother has been very controlling over my life and what I do, but I have started to break away. I need to break away and stand up for myself.”
         “That’s good. She can’t control you forever.”
         “I’m sorry again for waking you up,” he lies back down, getting comfortable under the covers. “Were you hot?”
         “You were making me hot,” I place a hand gently on his arm. “No worries, it was nice to talk.”
         “Sweet dreams, Ara.”
         “And to you too, Jidwi. Hopefully the nightmares stay away.”
         I stand next to Hansung as we stand with the other Hwarang in the classroom, waiting for someone to come tell us what is going on. After last night with Jidwi, my mind has been all over the place. Add on everything that has happened with Ahro, life has been crazy. At least Ahro’s life is looking good not that she is practically with Sunwoo. Not that they can really tell anyone since everyone thinks they are real siblings.
         Hansung brushes his fingers against mine.
         I press my lips together to keep the grin small.
         The doors to the room open, and we all turn to see Princess Sookmyung with our teacher. The two walk to the raised platform, earning a bow from our training teacher.
         “What’s going on?” Sooho whispers to Sunwoo.
         “Nothing good,” Sunwoo answers.
         I take a deep breath, knowing he’s right.
         “In ten days, there will be sparring among the members of Hwarang,” the teacher speaks up. “Princess Sookmyung will personally supervise the sparring. Only the Hwarang who win by sword, archery, and horsemanship will get a pass.”
         “Sparring?” I nibble on my bottom lip. “Like, with a real sword?”
         “The princess is doing what now?” BanRyu asks.
         “She hasn’t changed at all,” Jidwi scoffs.
         “This assignment is different from the ones before,” the teacher speaks up again. “In this sparring, you can lose your life.”
         Hansung grabs my hand as my heart jumps to my throat.
         Death? We could die in here? What kind of sick person decided that? The princess with no heart, probably.
         Hwarang all around me look at each other in shock like what the man just said was crazy. Honestly, it is.
         “You must fight with your life on the line,” the teacher continues. “If you are afraid to die, you cannot protect those around you. Remember that.”
         The princess has been standing by the teachers side, silent and with no emotion. I hate her for lacking emotion. How can she let something like sparring to the death come to her mind?
         “Work hard,” the teacher nods. “It is not going to get easier.”
         We are dismissed and to say we wan tot leave that room badly is just scratching the surface.
         “Death,”  I wrap my arm around my body. “Why is that even a possibility? Are they crazy?”
         “The princess is,” Jidwi responds. “She came up with this assignment.”
         “How could we kill someone we have been living with for so long?” Sooho speaks up.
         “Is someone really going to die?” Hansung takes a slow breath.
         “If they aren’t strong enough,” BanRyu shrugs. “That is what this is all about.”
         “The stupid strong verses weak,” I roll my eyes. “That’s all she cares about, and that’s not all that matters.”
         “The weak never have a chance to grow,” Sunwoo says.
         “Why must we fight?” Yeowool groans. “We could ruin the pretty faces.”
         “Of course you think that way,” Sooho chuckles.
         “I don’t want to get hurt,” I sigh. “You guys would never hurt me if give the chance, but I know that the others aren’t like that. They hate me for being here. They always have. If they lose to a girl, it will only be worse for me.”
         “If anyone thinks of harming the Hwarang Princess outside of sparring, they have to deal with us,” Jidwi grins. “And the others should know that by now.”
         I look around at my roommates who all smile and nod. “You all are too good for me. My knights,” I let my arms fall to my sides. “Thank you for always being so kind and protecting. It has helped me to grow.”
         “Anything for the only princess that matters to us,” Hansung smirks. “Princess Sookmyung has nothing on you, Ara.”
         “Don’t let her hear you,” I giggle. “Come on, he asked us to change into our red outfits, so we better go do that, so we aren’t late.”
         The Hwarang stand in the courtyard, all of us wearing our red uniforms that were used during the festival. We are looking up at the balcony where the princess is standing in the middle, and the two men from earlier are on either side of her.
         “Right now, we will split into groups to train in the art of hunting,” the teacher speaks up. “You all known that the most effective method to master archery and horsemanship is through hunting.”
         “She looks pretty, but is too tiring in all other areas,” Yeowool says. “Nothing like our Ara.”
         I grin, catching the small smile on Yeowool and Hansung’s faces.
         “You can catch a rabbit, or a bird, something like a pheasant. The winner, though, is the first person to catch a doe or a deer.”
         Yeowool takes a breath, “I think I know where the Princess’s heart lies.”
         I look up at Princess Sookmyung, but it is impossible to tell where she is looking. “You can rule me out.”
         “Unless she looks at a guy to make sure no one notices her love for you,” Hansung says.
         I roll my eyes, “That will never happen. I would never be with someone like her.”
         “Her personality would never fit with yours,” Yeowool nods.
         “Break into groups,” the teacher commands. “Then head to the woods.
         It takes a moment to get everyone into small groups. I end up with Yeowool and Hansung, which is the best I could hope for.
         “I really don’t want to kill an animal,” I pout as we stand in the forest. “I also don’t want to lose.”
         “We might not even see anything,” Hansung shrugs. “This is a big forest, and the animals might miss us.”
         “I am just going to take the time to practice horsemanship,” Yeowool says. “Who cares if we can find an animal?”
         “The princess, but she’s out of her mind,” I roll my eyes. “If she wants us to do something. I don’t trust it.”
         “You’ve never liked the royal family,” Hansung says.
         “And for good reason,” I twirl my bow. “They are so focused on bone status when more important things are happening. Plus, they are just mean.” I hoist myself up onto my horse.
         “Off to find an animal?” Yeowool grins.
         “If the gods allow it,” I settle into the saddle. “Meet up in a bit back here.”
         “Have fun out there,” Hansung looks around at the trees that surround us.
         I command my horse forward, and I am even farther into the woods in seconds.
         Hunting has never been something that I have enjoyed or wanted to do. Inside the capital, we aren’t even allowed to kill any animal, and I rarely leave the safety of the capital walls. Also, making an animal suffer for the game of hunting is not something that I would ever purposely do.
         “Why would she let us break the no killing rule for this?” I place an arrow in my bow, aiming it at passing trees. “Is she planning something? Why must she be so strange?”
         A twig breaks nearby, and I quickly spot a rabbit chowing down on some leaves. I send an arrow at it, but make sure it misses.
         “Well, I found something,” I sigh, climbing off my horse to retrieve my arrow.
         “Ara,” Hansung’s voice fills my ears.
         I spin around to see him on his horse. “Have you been following me?” I chuckle. “Waiting to get me all to yourself?”
         “No, I just got lucky,” he nervously grins, scratching the back of his neck. “Did you mean to miss that rabbit?”
         I shrug, “Maybe.”
         Hansung hops off his horse and walks over to me. “You’ve been getting close with the other boys.”
         “Yeah,” I tense slightly. “They are my roommates, so it only makes sense.”
         “You still like me the most, right?” He drops his bow, using his free hands to cup my face. “Right?”
         “Hansung,” I breath out.
         “I know I have been a bit distant since Danse showed up, but my brain is trying to figure so much out. I don’t want to drag you down with my problems.”
         “You would never do that,” I lift my free hand up to cup his face. “I’ve vented my problems to you, so you can do the same to me.”
         “It’s getting harder not to call you mine,” he sighs, stepping even closer.
         My cheeks are beginning to heat up. “Hansung, you are my whole world, and I would never do anything that goes against that. We can’t become a couple while in here. Please, know that I still like you. You are still my best friend.”
         “But I want to go up a step,” he whispers, leaning his face close to mine.
         “Hansungie,” I mumble, frozen in my spot.
         His lips brush against mine, but that is as far as we get.
         “Hansung! Ara! Where are you!?” Yeowool’s voice snaps Hansung and me out of our trance.
         We jump away from each other right as Yeowool rides up to us. Our faces red with embarrassment of the act we almost committed, but I don’t regret it.
         “What is wrong with you two?” Yeowool gives us a curious look. “Did you two plan to go off and share some kisses?”
         “No!” Hansung and I blurt out way too quickly.
         “Whatever,” he shrugs. “There has been an accident. Sunwoo was shot.”
         “What?” I rush over to my horse. “By who?”
         “Not sure, but they want us back at the house,” Yeowool turns his horse around.”
         “What if someone is after us?” Hansung picks up his bow and rushes to his horse.
         “I don’t want to find out,” I anxiously look around. “Let’s get going.”
         It takes us only a few minutes to race back to the house and put our horses away with the others. Then we join the rest of the Hwarang in the courtyard.
         “Catch anything, Sooho?” I grin as the boy steps up to us.
         “Didn’t have the time before Sunwoo got shot,” Sooho shrugs. “What about you?”
         “Only saw a rabbit, but missed.”          “On purpose,” Hansung adds.
         Before anyone can say more, an arrow flies through the air, hitting the wood above the balcony to release a scroll with red symbols.
         “What?” I look around frantically like everyone else.
         “There is a king among the Hwarang?” Yeowool questions the scroll.
         “Does it mean the faceless king?” I shift around on my feet.
         “It’s not impossible,” Hansung shrugs.
         “Move!” Master Wihwa bellows, causing the Hwarang to scatter so he can walk up with his two subordinates and read the scroll.
         “Who shot the arrow?” I whisper to the boys around us. “Do they know who the king is?”
         “This must be some joke,” Sooho shrugs.
         “There are a lot of boys here that we don’t know anything about, and then a few who are almost strangers. Even if they are our friends.”
         “Are you saying you believe it?” Yeowool asks.
         “Like Hansung said, it’s not impossible.”
         Master Wihwa has made his way up to the balcony, ripping the scroll in half and throwing the bottom chunk down to us. “If this is a joke, I will let it slide this time. However, if this was done with a motive, I will not forgive it the next time. Do you understand?”
         “Yes,” we Hwarang respond with little enthusiasm.
         “There is nothing more to see or talk about here, so go back!” Our training instructor shouts. “Hurry!”
         The Hwarang slowly disperse. All but Sunwoo and Jidwi, along with Ahro who has showed up. They look to be in shock at what the scroll said.
         A crack of thunder fills the sky, and the smell of rain has taken over.
         “Come on Ara,” Hansung grabs my hand, pulling me towards the buildings faster. “We can’t get stuck in the rain.”
         ‘We used to when we were younger,” I giggle. “This storm came at the perfect time.”
         A king is among us? How does anyone even know that? What will happen if he is found out? Life can never be easy, can it?
There were a lot of scenes in this one, but I hope you still liked it! I didn’t want to try and draw out the scenes with pointless talk, so that is why they were a bit shorter. As always, let me know what you thought! :D
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty-Four
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3556
         Hansung and I stream into the Hwarang house with the rest of the boys.
         “Well, today was nice being able to do what we wanted,” I smile as I stretch my arms above my head. “Besides the fight, I had a lot of fun today.”
         “Me too,” Hansung nods, brushing my hip with his fingers. “Any time I spend with you is perfect in my mind.”
         “Ah, found you two,” Yeowool steps between Hansung and I, placing an arm around our shoulders.
         I lower my arms. “Have you been looking for us, Yeowool?”
         “Just when I got here. Might as well find my roommates.”
         I grin, “That will always sound perfect to my ears. It’s amazing that I have such great roommates now.”
         “I think that all of us enjoy having the princess in the Hell Room,” Yeowool leans into me. “Besides BanRyu, after what we saw today, but him not liking you in our room never really would have been surprising.”
         “Yeah, well, he is kind of an ass, so I don’t care what he thinks of me being in the room,” I chuckle.
         “I like seeing you sleep without fear and being happy to go back to our room,” Hansung adds.
         “You deserve to be happy,” Yeowool coos, pinching my cheek.
         “Stop,” I giggle, slapping his hand and slinking out of his grasp. “We should line up for Master Wihwa’s speech that he is most likely going to give. Things are probably going to start changing.”
         It takes some time for all the Hwarang to arrive and line up like the first day at the house. Master Wihwa is standing above us all to give what I hope will be a positive speech. The small grin on his face makes me think that it will be.
         “In the end, the assignment focused on music and dancing was completed, even with the problems,” Master Wihwa speaks up once we have all settled down. “Was it fun?”
         “Yes, master!” The Hwarang call out as one.
         “The people enjoyed it, and you all enjoyed it, so there is no reason not to give everyone a pass.”
         We break into cheers and claps, turning to those around us to shake hands, share smiles, and congratulate each other.
         “Are you curious about your next task?” Master Wihwa brings the attention back to him. “Before the assignment, I am going to attach an appendage to every single one of you.”
         I furrow my eyebrows as I try to think what he could mean. Are we forced to carry something around with us, or will we be training with another person? Will that person be below us? Will someone even willingly train with me?
         “Stay where you are, and we will bring you the attachment,” Master Wihwa instructs before walking away with his helper.
         “We are going to be given someone that will train with us?” Sooho asks.
         I look around at my roommates as they stand around me. “Whoever is with me is going to complain,” I pout, swinging my arms against my sides.
         “Don’t worry about that,” Yeowool says.
         “We’ll put them in their place,” Hansung grins.
         “No one disrespects our princess,” Jidwi smirks.
         “You boys are too kind,” I giggle. “Hopefully we won’t have any trouble, but with the way things have been going recently, I wouldn’t putt it pass the universe to hurt me.”
         “Everyone, please separate!” A man directs us. “Your companion is on the way!”
         It is brief chaos as everyone spreads out to make room for the boy that will be linked with us for an unknown amount of time. Then the uniform clad boys make their way to us, kneeling in front of each Hwarang.
         My heart clenches as I look down at the boy in red and black. He has a soft face, and a soft smile graces his lips when he catches my gaze. I don’t think we will be having any problems.
         “The one in front of you is your Nangdoo,” Master Wihwa exclaims. “From now on, you will use them as your subordinates, but you will also have to receive their help.”
         “Stand!” The other teacher commands.
         All the Nangdoo stand up. The one in front of me is taller, but I am not surprised. Everyone is taller than me.
         “Nangdoo, pay your respects!”
         The Nangdoo put their fists together in front of their chests and bow their heads for a few seconds.
         “What is your name?” I ask the boy in front of me.
         “Chiwon,” his voice comes out smooth. “It will be a pleasure being with you, Ara.”
         “Did you pick me?” I nervously run my hand over the hilt of my sword.
         “The only one who would,” he flashes a sad smile.
         “Well, we will be good together, Chiwon, so thank you.” I take a deep breath, glancing around to see if I can spot anyone I know.
         Some older guy is with Jidwi, and then one of BanRyu’s group is with the said boy. The one that I am most excited to see is Danse, since it has been so long. He is with Sunwoo, which must hurt Hansung that his own brother wouldn’t go with him.
         “Nangdoo, line up!” The teacher shouts.
         All the Nangdoo step around their respected Hwarang, standing behind the one they are now linked to.
         “You must become one with each other,” Master Wihwa speaks up. “Through your wisdom, instruct them, and after they have received instruction, the Hwarang should compete with one another.”
         I feel my jaw clench, and I can’t tell if it is from fear or some other emotion.
         “Yes!” We all shout.
         This is the start of something truly interesting.
         “Horses are my favorite,” I smile as I run my hand over the horse’s mane. “I haven’t held a bow in a while, but it shouldn’t be that hard to get back into it.”
         “You are special with what you have been able to do,” Chiwon hands me a bow. “I think we should do well together.”
         “I hope so,” I walk passed the horse, standing in front of a target. “This is a nice first activity for us.”
         “Not getting on a horse today?”
         “Let me get back in the mindset of shooting a bow,” I pull an arrow out of my quiver. Then I quickly send it flying at the center of the target.
         “Wow, that was spot on,” Chiwon chuckles. “You really have done this before.”
         “On an adventure once or twice,” I smirk, sending another arrow flying at the target.
         “Let me try,” Chiwon nudges me out of the way.
         As other Hwarang and Nangdoo train with the horses. Chiwon and I stay on the ground. We do little competitions to keep it interesting, and it is a great time between us. My fears of having to deal with someone that hates me fully leave my mind at the end of our training session.
         “Man, I need to see Ahro,” I gingerly take steps to where the bows and quivers are stored.
         “What’s wrong? How did you get hurt?” Chiwon anxiously looks me over. “I don’t see any wounds.”
         “My feet. The boots rub,” I point down at my feet. “The bandages must have moved with I danced, and then I wore different shoes for a bit today. I can just feel the tender skin, and I don’t want it to bleed.”
         “I’ll clean up here then, and you go see the doctor,” he nods.
         “Thank you, Chiwon,” I smile. “I’ll see you later.” I rush off as quickly as I can, making it back to the Hwarang House in fairly good time. Then I make a bee line for Ahro’s office, hoping that she is in.
         “Hansung?” I furrow my eyebrows as he exits the room that Ahro uses. “What are you doing?”
         “Oh, I was talking to Ahro,” Hansung shrugs. “I was feeling down because of Danse, and then my grandfather. But she gave me tea, and I feel better.”
         I don’t even bat an eye as I rush at Hansung, wrapping my arms around him. “It feels good to talk it out, right?”
         Hansung wraps his arms around me to return the hug. “You were training, or I would have come to you. Ahro is nice, though. I can see why you two are friends.”
         I giggle, ���She also patches me up, so I love her for that too. And we are similar in a lot of ways.”
         “Do you like your Nangdoo?”
         “He’s nice, yes,” I tilt my head up to look at Hansung’s face. “It was fun shooting a bow, and I liked being near the horses, but I missed you and the rest of the boys.”
         “Hopefully we can still get with our roommates a lot like with the dancing,” he looks down at me with a small smile on his lips. “I’ll see you at dinner.” He leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead, and then my nose, before he releases me from his hold and walks away.
         “That boy,” I sigh, fanning my face as the blush takes over.
         “Come in, Ara!” Ahro’s voice makes me jump. “I’m waiting? Do you think I have all day?”
         “Sorry!” I rush into the room, grinning as Ahro has the cream and bandages ready. “It is so nice to see you, Ahro, even if my feet are killing me.”
         “I actually want to talk to you,” she grins back, “It’s been a while it seems like.”
         “A lot has happened recently,” I plop down in my seat. “The festival last night was crazy, and I never got to really talk to you then.”
         “Yeah, well, last night was crazy for me too,” she takes a deep breath as she kneels in front of me to do her job. “Jidwi, he, well, he came to me afterwards.”
         “He didn’t kiss you by force again, did he?”
         “No, no, we just talked. Then Sunwoo came and dragged me off.”
         “To where?” I sigh in relief as she takes the old bandages off.
         “My brother’s grave,” she chokes out.
         “Ahro, I’m sorry,” I place a hand on her shoulder.
         “I knew, but I wished it wasn’t true,” she sighs. “It hurt like hell. It still hurts, but I feel better in a weird way.’
         “Sunwoo means well, so he’s doing what he thinks is best.”
         “Sooyeon tells me you saw her knock Sooho out and help BanRyu.”
         I giggle, “I was there, yes. She is so, how do I say, does whatever she wants.”
         “And loves BanRyu,” Ahro begins wrapping my feet. “Can you make sure Sooho doesn’t do anything stupid to BanRyu.”
         “I can, but why?”
         “Sooyeon doesn’t want her idiot brother hurting her man. Her words, not mine.”
         “Sounds like here,” I giggle. “I’ll keep my eye on Sooho.”
         “Thanks,” she slips my boots back on my feet. “Hansung came to talk to me.” She stands up, walking over to her desk.
         “He told me,” I smile, looking up at the ceiling. “You talk about family, right?”
         “Mostly, but you came up for a little bit,” she giggles as my head snaps down and I stare at her with wide eyes. “All good, but I promised him I wouldn’t tell you.”
         I sigh, relaxing my face. “Fair enough. I’ll leave you to think, as dinner is going to start soon.”
         “Came back soon,” she tenderly smiles. “I enjoy talking to you and having a girl in here that I can do to.”
         “And I will always be here,” I stand up, bouncing on my feet to make sure everything feels good. “Ahro, you are the best,” I rush over to her, throwing my arms around her in a hug. “Thank you for always doing this. Not only this, just everything you do for me. Thank you.”
         “Of course, you are my best friend,” she gives me a squeeze before pulling my away by my shoulders. “Now, go get ready for dinner. I look forward to seeing you again.”
         I place my legs over Hansung’s, thankful that I can at least sit on the bench to eat meals now. “It’s nice being with you all.”
         None of the boys respond to me. It seems like they are all in their own worlds inside their heads. Not that I blame them. There’s a lot to think about recently.
         “I will let go of what happened,” Sooho speaks up, staring BanRyu down. “However, we are not done.”
         BanRyu takes a piece of his mean and gives it to Sooho. “Eat. There is no need for an apology.”
         “You really are growing as a person, BanRyu,” I smile, grabbing Sooho’s arm with one hand and continuing to eat with the other.
         Sooho takes in a pain breath, gingerly touching the back of his head where Sooyeon nailed him with the bottle.
         “You are holding it in so well, Sooho,” Yeowool grins.
         “He has no other choice,” Hansung says. “What can he do but that?”
         “All this time it was never breast, so I kept it a secret for nothing,” I pout.
         “It was BanRyu’s butt,” Hansung leans over me to get in Sooho’s face and tease him.
         “If you keep doing that, I will hit you,” Sooho rips his hand out of my grasp, raising his hand at Hansung who quickly pulls away.
         “Not while I sit here,” I poke both boys in the side.
         “You are lucky then,” Sooho lowers his hand, patting my knee. “Ara, always keeping us calm.”
         “Not when you were punching me,” BanRyu looks at me.
         “Sorry,” I grimace. “It was all happening so fast. I didn’t want to jump in and get hurt myself.”
         “Did you come to see me?” Jidwi speaks up, causing us all to look up and see Ahro.
         “No offense, but she’d come for me before any of you boys,” I smirk.
         “Doctor Ahro is here,” Yeowool looks at Sunwoo. “Do you need to see her?”
         Sunwoo takes a shaky breath, “She is not here for me.”
         Ahro’s eyes flash with sadness. A pout threating to form, but she bites it back. Then, just as quickly as she drifted in, she walks out.
         “Well, that was not the right thing to say,” I cringe for a few seconds.
         “I never know what to say to here,” Sunwoo takes a deep breath.
         “That is evident,” Jidwi scoffs.
         “Ahro is like that,” I tap the edge of my rice bowl with my spoon. “She can be a bit standoffish, but you have to get to know her.”
         “Easy for you to say that as her best friend,” Yeowool raises his eyebrows at me. “What do you talk about when you meet her? Hm?” He smirks.
         I feel the heat take over my cheeks slowly. “Well, that is for us to know, and you guys to not find out.”
         “Ah, so you talk about us,” Sooho chuckles. “I mean, surrounded by boys all day with no way to talk out your feelings, it’s a good ting the doctor is here.”
         “Shut up,” I grumble, slapping Sooho’s arm with my spoon. “Why must you tease me?”
         “She likes me the most,” Hansung smiles that boxy smile that I love. “That’s all that matters.”
         “Hansungie,” I whine, dropping my spoon on my tray so I can hide my face in my hands.
         “Spending time with all of us for so long is starting to get to her,” Yeowool chuckles. “Our friendship is growing, and her heart can’t take it.”
         “I hate all of you,” I spread my fingers so I can look around at the boys. “Why can’t you just not tease me?”
         “It’s too fun,” BanRyu smirks at me.
         “I have never teased you, so don’t lump me with them,” Jidwi shakes his head. “I have, and will always, treat you like a princess.”
         “Thank you for that, Jidwi,” I sigh, letting my hands fall.
         “It’s easy to tease someone that we can view as a little sister,” Sunwoo says, slightly smiling at me.
         “Oh, and only two of you see me like that,” I look at Sooho, Hansung, Yeowool, and then Jidwi. “What are their excuses?”
         “We do it out of love,” Hansung leans into me.
         “That is very true,” Sooho leans into me from the other side.
         “I really want to punch you,” I narrow my eyes in anger. “You are all being mean today,” I shove Hansung and Sooho away. “Let me eat in a sort of peace.”
         “At least I’m not being mean to you anymore,” BanRyu says.
         “About damn time,” I roll my eyes. “Can we just stop talking about me? I want to hear about your Nangdoo? I want to know why the ones who picked you did so,” I giggle. “So, who wants to talk first?”
         “So, he just passed out?” I ask Ahro, glancing over at Sunwoo in the hospital cot.
         “He fell off a horse,” Ahro answers, never taking her eyes off Sunwoo. “And I thought he died. He wasn’t breathing, and there was no pulse. Then, it was like he got a second wind, and he was alive again. He, um, he,” she looks at me. “We kissed,” she whispers.
         “You lucky duck,” I breath out, catching myself thinking of Hansung who is absent. “But then he passed out again, right?”
         “Correct,” Ahro nods.
         I watch Jidwi step away from the group of his roommates. “That spells trouble for you though.”
         “I know,” Ahro mumbles, letting out a heavy breath.
         “He fell off the horse?” Sooho asks to anyone willing to answer.
         “I went out to check what had happened because the horse came back by itself,” Yeowool replies. “And I came upon him like this.”
         “It was a good thing the doctor was there,” Danse says, causing Sooho, Yeowool, and BanRyu to glance over at where Ahro and I are sitting.
         I feel my eyes widen as I avoid the boys’ gazes. “Don’t stare,” I scoot closer to Ahro in comfort. “She’s dealt with a lot today.”
         The boys look away.
         “The shock must be high, since he is her brother,” Sooho looks down at Sunwoo.
         I tap my toes together, knowing that Ahro’s shock is a bit more complicated than that.
         “Why did you call me, though?” BanRyu speaks up.
         “This is why people call you rude,” Sooho replies. “At this moment, your roommate could die. Is your concern really on yourself right now?”
         BanRyu presses his lips together.
         “I feel bad for the lady who will marry a guy like you.”
         “Hey,” I choke out, but bite my bottom lip as I have nothing more to say.
         BanRyu looks around and then down at the floor in shame.
         “Seeing as he is still not waking up,” Yeowool lifts up his hand, poking Sooho’s head. “Is the problem here?”
         “Well, watching over him like this isn’t going to wake him up,” I stand up, brushing dirt off my uniform. “Ahro, call us if you need anything.”
         “Wait,” she grabs my hand. “Can we talk just a while longer? Alone?”
         “Of course.” I glare at the boys, “Leave.”
         It takes a few moments for the boyos to exit the room, and then it is just Ahro and I.
         “I have some questions,” Ahro tugs me back to my seat. “Hansung said that he thinks Sunwoo is one of the best boys to hang out with. Do you think that is true?”
         “He is with him more than me, even if we are all roommates,” I nod slowly. “Sunwoo is never mean to me, and always says nice things to me, no matter what. If Hansung said it, I trust that he is telling the truth.”
         “Do you think he will wake up?” She stares at Sunwoo.
         “I do,” I place a hand on Ahro’s hand. “Just a feeling, but those usually end up being true. Even if it is a bad feeling. This is a good feeling though.”
         “Thanks, Ara,” she takes a deep breath. “You told me yesterday that I was the best, but I think you are the best.”
         I squeeze her hand before standing up. “Don’t work yourself too hard.”
         “You know I will.”
         I chuckle, shaking my head. “I’ll be back when he wakes up, and we can do something fun.” I exit the room as my heart clenches for Ahro.
         “Is she okay?” Jidwi’s voice causes me to jump.
         “Don’t scare me like that,” I playfully slap the boy’s arm a few times. “Ahro is hurting, but she will be fine. Once Sunwoo gets over whatever plagues him.”
         “She works too hard sometimes, doesn’t she?”
         “That’s how she has always been,” I shrug. “Don’t worry.”
         Jidwi links his arm with me, “You are doing all the worrying, aren’t you?” He starts leading us somewhere.
         “That is how I have always been,” I chuckle.
         “She is your close friend, so it is sweet that you worry. You care about her a lot.”
         “I care about all my friends a lot.”
         “Would you like to join me at the river then to talk for a bit?”
         “To grow as friends?” I smile up at Jidwi.
         “I have been wanting to get closer,” he glances down at me with a smirk on his lips.
         “Lead the way to the river then.”
I am so sorry that I said chapters would come out every Saturday, and then didn’t do that for a few weeks. Life was weird. Anyways, now I will get on track, and every Saturday there will be a new chapter until the story is over. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! Please let me know what you thought! :D
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