flickeringflame216 · 10 months
i am Sophie Hatter like yes. bouquets of wildflowers all around my house would fix me actually. what of it.
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nofuckingbody · 2 months
watching pride & prejudice rn and i can only think of u when they show jane lol
that’s literally the greatest compliment a girl blogger like me could ever receive thank you
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halucynator · 5 months
I LOVE U AND UR BLOG MORE MWAH <33 thank you!!!
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baldurspeen69420 · 6 months
Does Sophie have any backstory? Parents? Exes? Who made her so cute? - @kelandrin
Thank you for the ask!! Getting stuff in my inbox totally makes my day 🥺❤️
My working backstory for Sophie is that her mother is from a very well-to-do human family in Baldur's Gate. While she had an arranged marriage set-up, an act of rebellion at 18 with a half-orc got her pregnant.
After this the mother's marriage was called off and she was basically sent away to an estate outside the city walls to have Sophie and hide the family's shame.
Sophie grew up very wealthy but lonely and spent most of her time play fighting in the yard or reading. Her only friends were her older maids and tutors, since her mother didn't really let her leave the house much out of embarrassment. Suffice it to say they don't have a good relationship, Sophie always got the impression her mom resented her for "ruining" her high society life and status. She also never had much exposure to other half-orcs, left oblivious to her cultural background and outcasted among others.
After coming of age, Sophie would end up leaving the estate after a grisly argument with her mother and would cut ties. She wanted to explore the world outside her little bubble, but found the only job she could find that would allow her to do so would be as a mercenary. Half-orc prejudice goes hard in Faerun and her options were limited.
For years she would work as hired muscle for merchants along the Sword Coast. While it was a niche that allowed her to see more of the world, the rough and tumble lifestyle of mercenary work weighed on her. While initially she enjoyed training herself as a fighter, a decade of the harsh reality of that line of work put her off. Eventually she realized she'd much rather be writing poetry by the seaside or knitting in a peaceful mountain cottage, but money was always tight and that dream seemed perpetually out of reach. During a job and at the height of her dissatisfaction with her life, Sophie got abducted by Mindflayers. Shouldn't have wished for more interesting times, indeed.
As far as exes go, there have been a few. You'd have to get a glass of wine or two in Sophie first before she'd talk about them though, none of them ended up particularly good. A woman struggling with her self-esteem tends to attract some ill-fitting partners and put up with way too much before pulling the plug. Sophie's always been a romantic, spending her evenings as a teenager reading piles of sappy novels about chivalric knights and dashing sailors, but time and experience made her cynical to the prospect of ever receiving that sort of story for herself.
I think Sophie ultimately from her childhood and romantic history alike has been left with an overwhelming feeling of being fundamentally misunderstood. She wants to be seen for the person she is, an inherently gentle and kind woman, but has never gotten that recognition and is used to being treated as less than. Maybe a wacky tadpole adventure to save the world will change that, who knows?
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lunarfleur · 4 months
Controversial fic idea;
Dallas & Sylvia angst/comfort, Sylvia gets an abortion
I give you:
At first, she didn’t tell him. They were on and off, a rocky relationship honestly, but she loved him. And she hoped in her heart he felt even half of that for her. So she kept it a secret. Told no one.
Until the next time they were about to get it on.
Sylvia didn’t want to bring a kid into her side of Tulsa. After the abortion, she was so afraid of getting pregnant again. She flipped out on Dally. Of course she felt bad, but it was practically unavoidable.
“The hell’s your problem?!”
“I can’t do it, Dallas.”
“What’re you talkin’ about.”
“There’s somethin I didn’t tell you.”
“You got me pregnant, Dallas.”
“…You’re pregnant?”
Somehow he understood.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was scared, Dallas. I didn’t want you to leave me again.”
“Leave you?”
She nodded.
“I don’t want kids, Dally. I can’t do that to em.”
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threetangerines · 2 years
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oh my god.. please we need to have meme parties at some point😂
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hurtshaped · 1 year
open starter . . .
sophie beckett / bridgerton / regency era
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sophie wandered the streets of london, her face red raw, and tear stained as she clutched araminta’s two shoe clips so hard that they began to dig deeply into the skin of her palm. she wasn’t entirely sure where she was going, and although the bag of belongings she had slumped over her shoulder wasn’t exactly heavy, it seemed to weigh her down, emotionally, with each step that she took. 
araminta never loved sophie, never cared for her in any way, never accepted her as a lady's maid, yet alone a daughter, but still somewhere deep down inside of her - she was surprised at the cruelty, surprised that araminta would go to the extremities of firing her, essentially throwing her to the streets. 
sophie stopped on the path corner, stepping aside and allowing herself to just… breathe. she let her bag fall to the floor by her feet, taking deep breaths as she wiped the salty tears from her cheeks. for a moment, just a moment, she closed her eyes - and thought back to the night of the ball, the beautiful dress, the music, the kiss that she shared with benedict bridgerton. 
she couldn’t allow herself to think of it too much, it would drive her to madness. before sophie could begin to walk again she felt a heavy weight walk straight into her, sending her stumbling backwards - tripping over her bag in the process. 
“oh – i am so sorry!” . . .
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bulletnotestudies · 2 years
hello 🌠
well hello there sophie 😌 for you i'd say floral summer dresses, beer, and ofc french
mutuals send me a 🌠 and i’ll tell you three things i associate you with
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kats-blogg · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Aww Sophie you’re so sweet ily <3 /p
I’m sorry for not opening this sooner I promise I didn’t do it on purpose lol
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bats-baby · 11 days
kinda glad part 2 came out during June so I can wish these two a happy pride month 😚🫶🏼🏳️‍🌈
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dinosaur-mayonnaise · 7 months
obsessed with characters who were written for one another. like, what do you mean the reason for my existence is to be by your side? what do you mean our divine purpose is to belong to one another, for better or worse?
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nofuckingbody · 2 months
new theme so prettyyyy
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glitterfairy-21225 · 1 month
Benedict next season: Mother, what you and Father, and Anthony, and Daphne... and Colin... and Francesca... all have is rare.
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marislittlethings · 16 days
deeply obsessed with the bridgerton siblings finding the loneliest, most underappreciated people and then forcibly adopting them into their family by way of scandalous marriages
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Cast Your Mutuals as Outsiders characters?
For you (@/collieflower215 ) I want to say either Tim, Buck, or Dallas. Maybe it’s all those posts you and Sophie make, but I honestly can’t relate you to any other character!
@sophie-i-guess13 makes me think of Sylvia, but also a little bit of Sodapop. That’s just what’s coming to me!
@juneberrie immediately makes me think of Two-bit. No interaction between Lizzie and I has been devoid of energy, and our conversations never fail to make me smile!
@whyareyouhere66 makes me think of either Darry or Pony, for some reason. That may be because I don’t talk to them too much, unfortunately, but that’s what’s coming to me!
@sluggmuffin makes me think of Sodapop. To be honest, I’m nor sure why, but our interactions are always super enjoyable!
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squipedmew · 8 months
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I went to go see the fnaf movie and someone had set up a picture of markiplier in the chair next to me for the entire movie
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