#Soryuin Shion
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I know Rei and Rino are dating, but I still can't help but ship her with Togo! (I pulled an all-nighter on the fifteenth, waiting for the new episodes!)
13 notes · View notes
w1lkazavrr · 2 years
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kengan doodles # idk
141 notes · View notes
Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen...
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☁️There was no way you could possibly forget your childhood bestie - The coolest guy alive, Hatsumi Sen - Or, as he liked you to call him, Hatsumi Sen-pai.
☁️Such a laid-back menace of a boy, but all the same, the bestest of friend a girl could hope to have.
☁️He was always so sweet with you, even though you were a little younger than you - All the same, he designated himself as 'Y/N's Protector' in front of your mum, so that she'd let you hang out with him for longer.
☁️Your mum was evidently impressed by his confidence and trusted his with your safety, of course.
☁️Not that you'd encounter any trouble, when you have Hatsumi Sen-pai around!
☁️The two of you would go together through the park, and he'd show off the latest Aikido moves he learnt from his grandpa, and how no kid would dare pick on you while he's around!
☁️Sen was always your #1 hero and nothing will ever change about that.
☁️He would pick you up and put you on his shoulders so you could reach up to places too tall for you.
☁️He felt very strong and cool being able to carry around a cute little thing like you.
☁️And it made you smile and laugh so sweetly, how could he not enjoy himself when he was making you so happy?
☁️He was the one to always play with you in the park, and if there were things you couldn't do, he'd do them for you - Like flying a kite, hanging upside down from a tall tree branch so he can give you a cute spiderman-like kiss.
☁️He introduced you to the world of public fights, taught you all the theoretical things about it, and got you all hyped about everything fighting-related.
☁️Sen was also in the Aikidou club at his school and invited you to be his pretty cheerleader ever time he had a school tournament.
☁️Of course, he was always winning his matches, earning gold medals and trophies and what not-
☁️Truth is, were it not for you being so enthusiastic and cheering for him to win, he wouldn't have bothered waking up and crawling out of his comfy, warm bed...
☁️He just couldn't resist that adorable smile of yours, or how you'd jump up and down, yelling his name to encourage him - And after each match, you'd kiss his cheek, and he'd just melt.
☁️Nothing else was worth leaving his house - Nothing else, but you.
☁️Furthermore, all his awards are actually in your house; He didn't acknowledge any of those silly matches as worth his time or a proper light on his skills - Not when his ambition is to become the very strongest man alive.
☁️Unfortunately, once Sen finished highschool, he was ready to spread his wings and fly; To properly pursue a full-time fighting career, to get better, stronger, faster...
☁️It broke his heart, seeing him leave the city - Leave YOU - Knowing you may never see your bestie ever again.
☁️Sen had always liked women - Women were gorgeous - But he knew since he was a little young lad, that he would only ever want his first kiss to be you;
☁️Before he left, he gently cupped your face and surprised you with a lingering sweet kiss - One special kiss that only you would get from him - His darling sweet princess.
☁️'I will always find you, cutie. I am your knight in shining armor, aren't I? Hatsumi Sen-pai. You aren't allowed to ever have any Senpai other than me, okay?'
☁️And you never did.
☁️You would soon grow up and decide to pursue a medical career; You were always a more career-orientated person, down to earth and intelligent... While he was nothing more than a floating cloud in the vast blue sky.
☁️Over a decade passed since you finished highschool and managed to get through University and get a decent grip on your career.
☁️Hatsumi, in the meantime, trained like crazy, found a pretty girl named Shion Soryuin whom he dated - And cheated on....
☁️Became a proud patron of the Gold Pleasure Group.
☁️Hatsumi always did enjoy his pretty girls, after all.
☁️Yet there never came one night, before going to sleep, when he wouldn't think about your pretty smile and how excited you were for him to save her.
☁️Hatsumi Sen was only ever going to be your hero, and no one else's.
☁️He did feel sorry for the way he treated Shion - Hence why he never did date officially no other woman - But his thoughts lingered to you every so often.
☁️You, on the other hand, for the longest time of your medical career, have been harassed and never felt safe since Hatsumi left your life;
☁️You had befriended a very nice gentleman called Wakatsuki Takeshi - He was your new best friend, always reliable and gentle with you - And you asked what you should do about this misfortune of yours.
☁️You wanted to learn self-defense, but in a way that it didn't require signing up to subscriptions and what not - You didn't have enough time to bother with overly strict teachers and what not...
☁️He told you to go at night to this shady pub, and ask around for this man called the 'Floating Cloud'.
☁️And you did just that.
☁️You were terrified - It was midnight, and you were sitting alone in the corner table of a run-down shack pub, filled with drunk creepy men who seemed to stare at her.
☁️Every night, you'd go there, but the man wasn't there; Every night, you'd return home, terrified out of your mind, to the point you were even afraid to stay home alone, an unfortunate reality you were plagued with for many years.
☁️Your only comfort was that your friend, 'Tsuki-san, wanted you to be safe, so the two of you would text the whole time she was out of the house, and even had a man he trusted from his uncle's company be your designated driver until you find the man who's supposed to train you.
One day, two days, three and more, until finally, as she was drinking a coke at one of the tables and doing some light reading, a man sat down dangerously close to her. He looked middle aged, with a pleasant, easy-going expression, and very long, beautiful looking chestnut hair. He was wearing a simple light blue shirt with flowers, and he looked like the very definition of a dad.
The oddest thing about him was that, after Y/N got over her fear of him, she looked into his eyes and immediately melted; Why did this man look so familiar? So... Gentle and trust-inspiring? For reasons unknown to her, she trusted this man as soon as she set her gaze on him.
He put his arm around the girl's shoulder and leaned back on the chair. "I heard you've been asking around about me quite a lot, little lady. What would a cute girl like you be wanting from me? It's not safe being late at night in a dump like this. Aren't you afraid?" he asked very leisurely.
"Terrified out of my mind." Y/N chuckled nervously. "But my friend, 'Tsuki-san, has been texting me the whole time, and even hired a driver to make sure I get home safe." she looked down sheepishly, scratching at her hands a little. "My friend, 'Tsuki-san, recommended you as the best aikido master."  Who was this 'Tsuki-san she was talking about. Wait, it couldn't be --
"Are you talking about Wakatsuki Takeshi?!" his eyes widened in shock.
"Yep!" she smiled so sweetly that it caught the man off guard. Her vibes immediately changed, and she looked more relaxed around him.
"Al... Righty then. I see there's a lot to unpack here. What's going on? There's no way a pretty girl like you wants to learn aikidou, especially from someone like me. I dwell in dangerous, underground business - You wouldn't want to get caught up in it." he spoke so mysteriously that it amused the girl.
"Is that your only concern? Endangering me? Ha! How cute." her giggle made the man look quite surprised at her - She was damn pretty! How was he supposed to focus on training her, when he just wants to look at her pretty face? "I earned quite a lot of money betting on Kengan matches. There's hardly anything I would be afraid of - Still; 'Tsuki-san told me aikidou would suit me and my frail physique... I struggle opening water bottles sometimes, you see... My studies, my work, they keep me busy and chronically exhausted all the time... And I can't protect myself." her voice went a little softer at the end. "Quite pathetic, don't you think?"
That self-deprecating chuckle of hers ripped Hatsumi's heart into pieces; She was so much like him, he thought, remembering how many times he called himself a pathetic failure, unworthy and useless... Despicable even.
Still, she was a successful career woman who had the misfortune of falling prey to the ugly side of the world... No one can do everything, all at once, perfectly well; But he can't even do the thing he dedicated his life to.
"I really need your help. I know it's going to be a huge bother, trying to teach me anything... I'm awful at sports and I'm afraid of getting hurt. I don't have anything to give you, either. But I'd really appreciate it if you were to take me in as your student." she explained, and the more she spoke, the more Hatsumi felt absolutely blocked.
Not only has he never taught anyone before, but now, a super cute girl was asking him to be her master - Recommended by Wakatsuki no less! And she's not in the least bothered or afraid of any danger that being involved with the kengan world would imply.
"Ahhh... My, my, I can't just outright refuse a pretty girl like you. How about we take a walk and you tell me why you want aikido in the first place. You're a really odd one, so naturally, I'm pretty interested in you." the man said, guiding the girl outside of that hell hole of a bar. "I'll walk you home, how's that sound?" naturally, you agreed. The night was gorgeous to take a stroll, especially when you're not terrified by what lurks in the shadows. "I once saw this old, short guy taking down multiple super big guys with such ease that I... I started imagining what it would have been like, years ago, if I could do the same thing, and I wouldn't have had to go through the bad stuff that I did. The old guy said - Aiki is a fighting style that anyone can do. You use your opponent's strength against them - And I wondered... If even an old, frail, wrinkly guy like him could do that... Maybe even I could stop being so pathetic all the time, and letting people take advantage of me. Maybe I will finally stop hating myself for never being able to go as far as I want to."  the man was silent through it all. "Maybe I'll stop hating myself so much and live my life fearlessly."
Hatsumi continued walking with his arm around her shoulders. He was too deep in thought to realise that he had to speak out. This girl reminds him of himself, more or less.
How many times did he, in the past, but still, even now, call himself pathetic? How many times did he scold himself for not being able to do anything properly? He's always running away from responsibility, from fears... So what if he's strong? Is he the strongest? No. Can he be the strongest? Who knows. He couldn't keep relationships going just because he couldn't keep himself in check, and he had no discipline or motivation for so long.
If he could help her become a better version of herself, he would do it. Maybe, this way, he, too, would learn from her. Maybe his self-hatred will get knocked down a peg. He did need some change in his life, and p'haps, some fresh blood was exactly what he needed. 
"Oki-Doki. I'll take you as my student - But don't tell anyone else, that would be a drag. I don't take students, okay? You're an exception because you're pretty." he asked the girl, smirking leisurely. They soon reached her home.
"Do you want to come over for coffee or something? As thanks for agreeing to train me, and walking me home." what a tempting request! Of course Sen agreed, and he was welcomed inside a gorgeous, cozy apartment, furnished stylishly.
"Rather bold of you to trust a stranger - A man, no less - Into your home, don't you think?" he chuckled, looking around the living-room and admiring the place.
"I trust any person that 'Tsuki-san personally recommends. He is a trust-worthy, reliable man, so I trust his judgement." she shrugged leisurely.
"What a nice lady you are~!" he chuckled lazily. "Can I look around?" he received a nod of approval, and he did just that while Y/N went to make coffee.
He saw some pretty pics of Y/N during her graduation day, and some with her friends... Then, he saw a box, somewhere in the corner, and naturally, he got curious. He crouched and started rummaging - A bunch of gold medals and little trophies and diplomas... And the sky fell on his head.
All of them were in the name of 'Hatsumi Sen'.
With a little more digging around, he found pictures of mystery lady since she was a little girl, along with her parents - But most pictures were together with the young boy with long chestnut hair...
Fate truly works in the weirdest ways possible - To think after so many years, the universe will bring them together once again...
Was it the answer to his questions? The solution to his pathetic life of misery and failure? Was Y/N always meant to be in his life, and his constant downfall spiral was all because he walked away from Y/N so long ago?
Once Y/N returned, she placed the coffee tray on the table and sees Hatsumi cradling a picture frame. "Ah, I see you found my precious treasure stash." she smiled bittersweet. "That cutie was my childhood bestie. Spending time with him was the best time of my life." the more she talked, the more his eyes felt gleaming and stinging with emotion. "He was my hero back then - Always protected me from the mean kids in the playground. Hatsumi Sen-pai, my knight in shining armor!"
At once, Y/N found herself engulfed in a very tight, warm embrace, and she could feel the man trembling a little. "You don't have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore, Y/Nickname." no one used that nickname with you - Hatsumi came up with it, thus only Hatsumi was the only allowed to say it. "I will protect you - Just like I always was supposed to do. I will protect you."
"Welcome back - My Hero."
But there came a time when he would almost fail Y/N, again - All because he was trying to prepare for a surprise romantic dinner for his darling, at his home, and she was walking on foot. He had given her the address, the directions... Alas, she got lost, and a group of thugs picked on jer, ready to mug her
She was on the phone with him, telling him she was in trouble and where she got lost - All before Y/N got grabbed by the the neck of her dress and slammed into the wall of a shady alleyway; One of the thugs dug his hand into her pretty hair, tugging on it harshly and telling her to give him all her money and jewellery, or he'll rip them off and do bad things to her.
Thankfully, before any damage could be done to Y/N (except for quite the scare), in the blink of an eye, she felt her hair being released - Before she knew it, none of those guys were standing anymore. Fantastic - Such speed... Was Hatsumi even human? Was he truly a superhero, as she's always seen him?
"Are you alright?" Hatsumi seemed to have worry in his eyes as he approached the whimpering girl, pulling her into a hug. "Yeah, I... I... I just got scared when I saw the knives." she explained, before clearing her throat and looking away. "That was pretty pathetic. I get lost, I get in trouble, and I need saving. What the hell..." she sighed, tearing up. "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to have to go out of your way to rescue me. How stupid... I'm such a good for nothing failure... You shouldn't stay around me." her fright made her brain go all crazy with overthinking and self-hatred. "I'm really sorry that you have to deal with some pathetic failure like me. I really don't know why you accepted me. I wouldn't have accepted myself." 
Hatsumi's heart broke, seeing the girl he loves so much hang her head and speak so freely about how much she hates herself. He couldn't help but remember himself throughout his entire life. Still, he never admitted to anyone how pathetic he often thought he was. To others, his self-love and confidence were through the roof. Only he knew the truth. And now, this little missy too, whom he hugged tightly to his chest. "You're not a failure, sugar. People have their own strengths and weaknesses. What is important is to learn how to glorify our strengths, and work on bettering our weaknesses. You're already on the right path. You're already doing much more than I ever did my entire life." the girl couldn't help but frown and look up at him. His expression, despite smiling tenderly, was pained.
"Don't say that, Sen. I refuse to believe that someone as awesome as you thinks so lowly of yourself. I won't take it. I can't let you do that. You're a great person... My Hero... So, don't do that." he could see how frustrated she was by the way she was gritting her teeth so much, trying not to cry.
"Y/N... Let's do our best. Both of us. Okay? I'm not giving up on you... So don't give up on me either, okay?" his voice was so filled with emotions, so raw and gentle, so darling, that she couldn't help but hug him back. "Okay."
☁️Since then, Hatsumi never let go of you ever again.
☁️Yes, he couldn't stay long in one place, he was restless, but he would take you with him everywhere he went -
☁️Unless he had to go training, somewhere in the middle of the forests and mountains; There's no way he'd have you renounce your comfort and have you suffer the harsh conditions he had to go through to train to the extreme.
☁️He would take you on months-long vacations and more or less act like a Sugar Daddy without the Sugar involved - Unless you want to, of course. Hatsumi has been taken with you since you were kids.
☁️He loved to lay his head on your lap and just fall asleep while watching the clouds float by.
☁️He was determined to give you a life of luxury and comfort, because you were his literal support system since the two of you were little, and he's forever grateful to you.
☁️He has you meet the cute secretary of the Nogi Group, the business he's associated with, so that you two can hang out like girls; He knew you were in dire need of some friends, and the secretaries were the only girls he knew that would make for great company for you.
☁️One night when Hatsumi gets drunk during a chill time at home, he ends up spilling his guts to you about how much of a failure he is, and how he just cannot get his life together, no matter how hard he tries.
☁️He ends up telling you how he fucked up with Shion, cheating on her, leading her on and staying in on-and-off relationships with her; Tell you about the far too many losses he earned simply because he was too lazy to show up, he forgot or overslept - How much more pathetic could he get?
☁️He even ended up telling you about that time when Katahara came to him and scouted him as a potential Fang - Only for him to run away a week later 'cause he got bored.
☁️All his lingering thoughts of self-hatred, he spilt to you - Then he nestled in your arms and fell asleep like a little kitten who snored a little too loud.
☁️Of course, you didn't agree with his far too leisurely lifestyle, but there was a kind of reverie you felt, just spending time around your childhood bestie, just like you used to long ago.
☁️He was gallant with you, and loved to pick you up and run around; He loved making you laugh, making you smile, as if his own life depended on it.
☁️His own self-worth depended on your happiness.
☁️You would be there to cheer on him for every Kengan match, just as you used to as children, and each and every time, he would win, and you'd go kiss him congratulatory.
☁️He also dropped his Gold Pleasure Group membership, much to everyone's surprise.
☁️He was trying his hardest to take baby steps in the right direction.
☁️Hatsumi was determined to have a proper life with you, no matter how difficult it would be for him.
☁️In spite of how flickery he was, he remained the sweetest man you'd ever met.
☁️Always in charge of romantic dates that ended up super cheesy and filled with playfulness and laughter.
☁️At least once a month, he takes you out on vacations to some new country, knowing your dream is to travel the world, and it fits well with how restless he gets and how he can't stay in one place for too long.
☁️His love language is, at first, gifts, thinking that, until he gets a proper grip on himself, the least he can do is lavish you with all the best things known to mankind;
☁️Not to mention, you look gorgeous wearing all those pretty clothes and jewellery he gets you -
☁️Though the most beautiful accessory you own is your smile.
☁️In terms of intimacy, with how sweet and loving you are with him, it all comes natural, and he forgets all about how big of a fuck-up loser he truly is.
☁️He loves touching you in any way - Be it kisses, hugs, or more; Be it fixing your hair, straightening your clothes, opening doors for you, holding your bags or tying your shoelaces.
☁️Sen loves taking care of your hair - Makes sure to properly wash it, then gently blow-dries it and carefully brushes it - And you never have any nasty tangles thanks to it.
☁️He loves how, every night, it became a ritual to brush each other's hair and gently braid it so it wouldn't get in the way.
☁️Also is the type to let you do whatever you wanted with him - Play dress up with him, do his nails, do his hair, have a tea party with him; None of it mattered, as long as you were happy - Although he was a little more reticent with make up, he still would eventually say yes.
☁️He cannot resist your beautiful puppy eyes.
☁️Intimacy with him is a bliss focused entirely on you.
☁️He's had his time with selfish with the ladies when he was a proud patron of GPG - But at least he's learned a few very useful tricks.
☁️He easily goes crazy for you - Your beauty, your reactions at his touch, those sweet thrills of yours, all for him - You're simply flawless.
☁️You often hangout together with Wakatsuki, Kaede and Sakura over drinks - Everyone is shocked to see him so faithful to you, but no one knows you go way back and he would never betray you.
☁️Your social media is full with pretty pictures of you that he takes in every one of your trips - He loves seeing you so happy and enjoying yourself; Every once in a while he joins in the selfies also, with a lazy peace sign.
☁️When the Kengan Annihilation Tournament is announced, you're surprised to see him going alone to train, but you encourage him from afar, knowing full well he needs it.
☁️You two enjoy the luxury of the cruise all the way to Ganryu Island, and even there, you have fun, playing volleyball with Mokichi and Elena, swimming with Seki and Cos, drinking with Tsuki and Kaede.
☁️At night you also go clubbing together, drinking and dancing, losing yourselves in long, seducing kisses.
☁️You took the habit of tying his hair before every match, as a lucky charm.
☁️His match against Chiba was fascinating - How easy he defeated him, in less than 10 seconds - What a monster!
☁️He was happy that he didn't have to reveal any special move of his - He was lucky he could chill out with you for most of the day, watching the matches on TV to know what to prepare for and expect going further into the competition.
☁️His wish of fighting Hanafusa instead of Bando went to shit once he saw that hulking psycho walk in on the second round - What a drag, truly.
☁️That sleazy jerk not only ripped his shirt off, but he took his hair out of his hair-tie ; How was he supposed to fight without Y/N's lucky charm? He was pissed.
☁️During the coup d'etat, you and him were up on the roof, chilling and sleeping; The weather was lovely, they had an umbrella and chair-lounges, and even cocktails. What more could you want?
☁️It was Wakatsuki who told you about the coup, and he was flabbergast to find out about your whereabouts. Ignorance truly was bliss.
☁️Naturally, he was afraid, but highly ambitious about his fight against the Fifth Fang of Metsudo.
☁️As per the ritual, you tied his hair, and kissed him sweetly for good luck -
☁️Alas, no amount of luck and hard work could help him win.
☁️You were horrified to see Kano using those techniques to K.O. your beloved; It was a novelty, seeing him laying there on the ground, limp and bloody.
☁️You ran to him and held him in his arms until the workers came and put him on a stretch to get him to the hospital wing.
☁️Thankfully, he woke up on the way and had them let him down. He was fine. His body was damaged, but nothing like his pride and self-esteem.
☁️A beautiful woman whom you recognised as the CEO of Kiryuu Setsuna rushed to Hatsumi's side, along with the old CEO of Tokita Ohma.
☁️Shion Soryuin looked horrified, worried for his well being.
"SEN! STAY WITH US, HATSUMI! DR. HANAFUSA'S ON HIS WAY!" Miss Shion cried out in shock, terrified for his life.
"Shit, I lost in front of an angel. How pathetic." was the first thing he managed to utter, groggy voice and self-hatred dripping from his voice.
"Well, this angel can't even open a water bottle - So, Senpai - Let's be pathetic together, yeah?" that crystalline, easy-going giggle of her only made him feel worse. It was him who taught her how to throw away all worries in the world - Why couldn't he truly do the same, but only mask it with that stupid, dumb facade of his? "I just wanna smoke." without another word, Y/N looked at Shion, who handed him a lit cigarette, though dared not speak. "This ain't gonna kill me. I just need a little rest, that's all." Y/N took out a handkerchief, and holding his face carefully, started wiping away at the blood caking his face. Shion, too, knelt by his side and tried to care for him. "Gah, how humiliating. Good grief." he puffed from his cigarette, his heart shattered, as well as all of his hopes. He then felt his messy hair being ruffled, and he looked down at that tender smile - Yet he couldn't reciprocate.
Y/N was heartbroken to see him so mentally and emotionally defeated - But at least he was alive, right? It was finally time for her to cheer him up, instead of the other way around.
"Stop being so upset over what happened. You're alive and that's all that matters. You know what Gaolang said after his fight? There's only going upwards from here. Isn't that right, Hatsumi Sen-pai?" he tsk'ed, looking away. How could she give him advice from other men?! How annoying. "I know your fighter pride is wounded, but I'd rather have my senpai alive, and defeated, than with his skull cracked open. I love you too much to lose you - Again."  she threw her arms around the man's throbbing body, as he stiffened hearing her words.
Her words held truth, yes... But at least, at the moment, he was going to grovel and wallow in self-hatred at how disgustingly pitiful he is. "Hey, Sen." she pulled apart slightly, making him look into her eyes. They were such a beautiful shade - And they held life. Vitality. Energy. Damn, what a lucky man he is. "We did our best. Both of us. Okay? Though I'm weak, I'm not giving up on myself, nor on you... So... Don't give up on me or yourself, okay? In fact - Let's be pathetic together!" Hatsumi's exhausted eyes shot wide open, and his mouth agape - The cigarette fell from his mouth, making Shion reach out to take it so it wouldn't burn his fighting clothes. She had told him the very same words that he himself spoke to her once he saved her from that gang of thugs in the alley, when he agreed to train her. With a chuckle, he reached out his hand to pat her head, mimicking her. "Yeah. Let's." he whispered, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I love you, Y/N."
☁️Shion was the most shocked to see Hatsumi being so genuine with someone, for once.
☁️She still hated him for cheating on her, for giving her so many hopes, only to be let down multiple times - But for some reason, she couldn't hold a grudge against him.
☁️In spite of the many awful things he did to her, she still held the times spent together, the memories, very dear to her.
☁️And seeing how genuine he was with you, well... Shion smiled, content.
☁️Hatsumi Sen wasn't the same unreliable prick he used to be.
☁️Hatsumi Sen was irredeemably in love with you, and he would never hurt you.
☁️She was happy for him for finding someone like you, and for finding his happiness, for once.
☁️Even so, after the Tournament ended, Sen took Mikazuchi Rei to some mountains in China to train together with the help of the Wu clan.
☁️You were there together for almost 3 years, but instead of bothering with their training, you became a family member of the Wu clan, who treated you so nicely, integrating you in their culture and customs - All this grace to Hatsumi's grandpa being a very good friend of Kure Erio.
☁️You only returned because Sen was called to help exterminate some Worms on Mount Godslayer, where the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament was being held.
☁️Since then, the two of you would continue traveling the world, with him either taking the time to seriously train, or just having fun with you.
☁️And on the off-chance you were home, you'd go watch some Kengan matches.
☁️Hatsumi was very hung on keeping you as safe as humanly possible - He knew how terrifying the Worms were, and he didn't want you to be aware of all the problems of the underground.
☁️Ignorance was bliss.
☁️He was going to keep you ignorant, and happy, for as long as he's capable.
☁️He just wanted to live a long, happy, chill life, with you by his side.
☁️To wake up to your beautiful face on the pillow next to him, to wake you up with a kiss and say 'Good morning, sunshine'
☁️And to fall asleep, with you by his side, holding you in his arms and whispering 'Sweet dreams, my princess'
☁️Funny enough, he's also the first of the OG Kengan fighters to get married.
☁️No one believed it - No one thought that fleeting man could actually settle, be tied to a single human being.
☁️But when they saw him, all dressed up and dancing at your wedding, never once taking his gaze away from you, they just knew, Hatsumi Sen was 100% wrapped around your finger.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi...Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing...Being in a relationship with Kure Raian...Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi...Being in a relationship with Kano Agito...Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat...Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki...Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga...Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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koujinna · 3 years
Soryuin Shion is the type of person who needs to hear:
“Stop settling for less just because that’s what you’re used to.”
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zetsu-bou07 · 5 years
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Kengan Ashura genderbent part 2
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cat-berry · 5 years
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kaazzzyy · 5 years
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Kengan Ashura random icons part 3 !
Feel free to use them ~  ( ര ‿ ര )╯
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gwynlovesdrum · 5 years
SETSUNA after headcanons~
I love all of the headcanons made by this wanting-to-grow fandom! So here, accept my headcanons of Setsuna being a Soryuin, because I still cry how he said goodbye to Shion and Tomoko
After the Tournament Shion actually adopted Setsuna as her little brother
It made Setsuna Akemi (Dumbbell) ’s big brother and she fell in love with his body, ofc
Akemi’s friends thought Setsuna is her real brother because they have the same face expressions (they actually do)
Setsuna really pays attention to not make Akemi and Shion uncomfortable. Being the only man in the household he always wears buttoned up long sleeve shirt and jeans, he even got used to sleep in pajamas
He left his ohma plush on the island...
Mother Soryuin only met Setsuna once. She thought he’s a woman PLUS she immediately accepted what she misunderstood: Setsuna&Shion love life. Shion had to correct her.
Setsuna knows that Shion is still in love with Hatsumi and understands that letting the first love go is almost impossible
Because Akemi was curious about his life, Setsuna told her one night... It made Akemi cry till midnight. For her Setsuna is a “must protect”
On the other hand, Akemi got shocked when she got know Setsuna killed Ozu Toshio
Akemi sometimes talks with Setsuna that he should get into a relationship, so that would help his PTSD and all his pain from the past, but Setsuna is not confident about it
Tomoko introduced him into the world of fanfictions
Setsuna always reads her fanfics
Shion and Tomoko made him trying to write his own story with his own life. It definitely helped his mental health
Setsuna actually feels himself much closer to Tomoko
Setsuna has no idea what’s a mother-child bond, but when he accidentally fell asleep on Tomoko’s lap on a trip, he saw himself as a kid in his dream, felt fragile but safe
His first birthday in the Soryuin residence was forgotten even by Sestuna. Only Tomoko remembered. When she appeared with a cake infornt of him, Setsuna felt the strange owerflowing warm in his chest first in years (or maybe in his life)
Setsuna still wandering around Koyo Woman University when he can’t spend time with his three sisters (Akemi, Shion, Tomoko)
He likes all of his friends from the uni even if he forgets all of their names sometimes
He refuses to attend any lectures. He can see his friends’ suffering from it and he finds it pointless
BUT he spends the new years to go with the university girls to temples. Everyone pray to get good grades and pass, while Setsuna prays for everyone to get good grades and pass because he sees it’s important for them
He always helps out the Koyo sport clubs. Together with the girls he plays basketball, volleyball, etc.
He especially enjoys to play handball with Raian’s little sister
Once Raian had to cover for his sister so he had to visit the office of the uni. He met Setsuna on the way and started to provoking him, but since Setsuna didn’t remembered him at all, he moved on
Jezz I wrote a lot and I could make more... Those who love Kengan still gonna read it so <3 I have some for Raian as well, I’ll write down one day What do you think about Setsuna and his life as a Soryuin?
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kenganparadise · 3 years
This may or may not be a surprise but after JoJo, when I see some of the fighters, I had the same reaction as Akemi Soryuin( shion's little sister) from dumbbell nan kilo moteru (part of the kengan verse)
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ME TOO. I see a muscular person and I go F E RA L
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lilham18 · 5 years
Okay here are my thoughts on the differences between Kengan Ashura's manga and its Netflix anime adaptation...so far (part 1 episode 1 - 12). For the record I love the show and I am really looking forward to more in October! I also apologize if there's poor grammar or information missed.
The manga of Kengan Ashura was released in 2012 and received multiple awards which afterwards in 2019, Netflix decided to release its anime. Needless to say a huge fan base of tournament fighting enthusiast flocked in. However fans that have read the series have realized some significant differences and many have noticed similarities of this anime with another that was released in 2018.
First the similarities: Baki the Grappler vs Kengan Ashura. In 2018 Netflix decided to pick up where Baki left off with a season 3 in Japanese (with English subtitles) and it was a huge hit. The blood and grit of the show caught people's attention. When Netflix released its English dubbed into two parts: part 1 (episodes 1-13) in the winter 2018 and part 2 (episodes 14-26) was delayed twice in 2019. Part 2 was set to be released in March then delayed rumored in April and finally it was released in May. Two months later on July 31st Kengan Ashura was released. Even though partial to both series being the same genre of tournament arcs, viewers have confused the series with each other due to the spatial release dates of Baki part 2 and Kengan Ashura. Many say the main character of either look the same, despite personality. Nonetheless both have a small difference in plots. Netflix then decided the animation would be in 3D much like they had tried with Baki season 3. However during mid-season of Baki that format was removed due to the backlash of fans stating of poor quality. Fans of the series of Baki just found it strange after having watched season 1 and 2 in its old animation in the 90s or early 2000s. With it being Kengan Ashura's first season, the flow of 3D animation was easier to watch and was obviously put into more detail by creators. On a side note 3D is still a work-in-progress and people believe during mid-season the anime will go back to pencil for part 2 (in October) like Baki.
Now the differences: the manga vs the anime. It's the age-old saying “the movie will never be as good as the book”. Already into part 1 (episodes 1-12) of Kengan Ashura scenes were cut in order to focus on the main plot but was it necessary? Yes...and then no. If done cover-to-cover the anime would have lasted for four seasons if not five, I guess. So far comedy, characters, fights, personality traits and relationships have been removed. For example Katahara Metsudo doesn't seem as whimsical as he is from the manga. The anime went straight for an old powerful businessman, not adding the comedy relief he gave when simply saying let's take a day off instead of working. For characters that were removed the decision makes sense; such as Kaburagi Koji and Hassad "The Arabian Worldwind" (most likely). These two characters were just background comedy and didn't provide much development. As for character relationships a few were gladly present, some were lacking or some have yet appeared (until part 2, maybe). The friendship of Wakatsuki Tekashi and Cosmo Imai was spot-on. The friendship of Inaba Ryo and Urita Sukizo did not include Nishihonji Akira which cycled of friends/business. Last the sour but pining romance of Hatsumi Sen and Soryuin Shion has yet to be present. Cutting scenes in order to complete a season is part of the business of film; however in personal opinion, not adding the small details and focusing on knuckle-busting creates a similarity of anime stated above, Baki.
To finish this tirade I've done I'll just have a bowl of Halloween candy ready when part 2 is released on October 31st. Hope you guys agree or leave a comment below.
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zetsu-bou07 · 5 years
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"Kengan Ashura it's only a shonen manga and doesn't have shipping"
*Sen and Shion exist*
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