#Southern African Development Community (SADC)
premimtimes · 1 year
Not Yet "Hamba Kahle", Thulani, By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu
Thulani Maseko was the outstanding lawyer of his generation. His crime was to believe that his beloved eSwatini, Africa’s last absolute monarchy, could be and deserved to be better. He believed that this cause was best served by reforming the country into a constitutional monarchy and he forged a formidable coalition to advance this goal. For this, he has given his life. His killers and those who…
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zvaigzdelasas · 5 months
[Monitor is Ugandan Private Media]
Joint South African, Malawian and Tanzanian troops are to lead a special Southern African Development Community (SAMIDRC) mission against militants in restive DR Congo, a regional body has said.
A statement issued by Southern African Development Community (SADC) on Thursday suggested they would work with the Congolese forces to fight armed groups, including M23 insurgents, in Eastern DR Congo.
“The deployment of the SAMIDRC is in accordance with the principle of collective self-defense and collective action outlined in the SADC Mutual Defence Pact (2003). The Pact emphasizes that any armed attack perpetrated against one of the state parties shall be considered a threat to regional peace and security and shall be met with immediate collective action,” the SADC statement reads.[...]
The deployment of the SAMIDRC was approved by the SADC heads of state on 08 May 2023.
However, this time Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana and Angola haven’t contributed troops as in previous wars that emanated from Eastern DRC.[...]
In 2013, the SADC backed Congolese forces defeated the M23 rebels, who had captured Goma City.
4 Jan 24
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24-blog-news-press · 4 years
Shepherd Bushiri : Preacher flees South Africa ahead of fraud trial
A well-known Christian preacher has skipped bail in South Africa and fled the country.
Shepherd Bushiri, who had previously said he wanted to clear his name, has now returned to his home country, Malawi, with his wife Mary.
Earlier this month they were released on bail after being charged with fraud and money laundering.
He said there had been attempts on his life and he accused the South African authorities of not offering protection.
Mr Bushiri described his decision to skip bail as "a tactical withdrawal meant to preserve lives" while speaking to supporters on social media on Saturday.
Observers fear the issue could cause a diplomatic spat between Malawi and South Africa - as questions are being asked about how Mr Bushiri and his wife managed to leave.
There had been allegations that Mr Bushiri fled on Malawi's presidential jet with President Lazarus Chakwera - something that has been denied by both Mr Chakwera's office and the South African authorities.
There are also questions over whether the two countries will co-operate over bringing the couple back to South Africa.
The South African government announced on Sunday that they have started the process to bring the couple back from Malawi "to ensure that the two fugitives face justice".
The statement made a point to mention that Malawi and South Africa have already promised each other to send back fugitives, as part of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) protocol on extradition.
But when Malawi's Foreign Affairs minister Eisenhower Mkaka was asked previously, he wouldn't be drawn on the issue.
He told the 24-blog-news-press's Nomsa Maseko that it is the duty of the government to protect all Malawians but added that President Chakwera is a staunch advocate of the rule of law and that all diplomatic channels will remain open.
Who is Shepherd Bushiri?
Controversial millionaire preacher Mr Bushiri has been referred to as one of the richest religious leaders in Africa.
He says he has cured people of HIV, made the blind see, changed the fortunes of the impoverished and, on at least one occasion, appeared to walk on air.
He grew up in Mzuzu, a city in northern Malawi and moved to Pretoria in South Africa where he leads his church - the Enlightened Christian Gathering. He is so popular that he has been known to fill sports stadiums with followers. But he has also been accused of preying on poor people, desperate to improve their lives, by selling merchandise including "miracle oil". The authorities in Botswana shut down his church after it claimed that money could be summoned out of nothing, which contravened financial regulations.
What is he accused of?
Mr Bushiri is accused of money laundering and fraud along with his wife and two others.
Crime investigators say the case involves 102 million South Africa rand ($6.6m; £5m).
How far along is his trial?
He appeared at Pretoria's Magistrates Court on 21 October to hear the charges and was granted bail on 4 November.
The trial is expected to start in May.
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thxnews · 19 days
Southern Africa's Cry for Help: Millions Face Food Insecurity
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Southern Africa is facing a humanitarian crisis of immense proportions as the region grapples with the devastating impact of drought and floods. The Executive Director of the World Food Programme, Cindy McCain, forcefully called for global action as millions of people face acute food insecurity.  
The Human Toll of Climate Extremes
The El Niño weather phenomenon has exacerbated conditions, leading to severe drought and floods. In Zambia, at the heart of this crisis, Director McCain witnessed firsthand the heartbreaking reality facing farming families. "I met farmers who usually grow enough to feed their families and communities. This year they harvested nothing," she lamented.   Urgent Need for Assistance The impact of extreme weather will have long-lasting consequences, with crop losses ranging from 40 to 80 percent in the hardest-hit countries of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) estimates that 61 million people have experienced the effects of El Niño, leading to an urgent appeal for $5.5 billion to tackle the crisis.  
A Race Against Time
As food supplies dwindle, time is of the essence. McCain emphasized the need for immediate action, stating, "We can’t ask millions to wait for the next harvest season – a year from now – to put food on their tables. These families need our support today."   Building Resilience for the Future Efforts to address the immediate crisis are crucial, but long-term solutions are also essential. The WFP has been working with governments and partners to implement measures that build resilience, such as early warning systems and drought-resistant seeds. However, sustained support is needed to ensure these efforts are successful.  
A Call to Action
The situation in Southern Africa demands a coordinated and robust response from the international community. The UN has issued a flash appeal for donations to support life-saving assistance, including food aid, cash transfers, and the construction of water sources. Global citizens are urged to advocate for action to prevent further suffering in the region. The devastating drought and floods in Southern Africa are not just a crisis for the region; they are a global humanitarian challenge that requires a united and immediate response.   Sources: THX News & World Food Programme. Read the full article
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warningsine · 30 days
Mozambique's military is battling a major Islamist attack in the town of Macomia in northern Mozambique, according to President Filipe Nyusi.
"Macomia is under attack since this morning. Fire exchange still continues," Nyusi said in a televised address on Friday, adding that the militants initially withdrew after about 45 minutes of fighting, but then regrouped and came back.
Macomia lies in the gas-rich province of Cabo Delgado, where Islamic State-linked militants launched an insurgency in 2017.
What do we know about the attack?
Local media reported that hundreds of militants took part in the Friday attack.
The attack appeared to be the most serious in a while, amid a surge in violence since the start of the year. The International Organization for Migration said in March that over 110,000 people had been displaced in the province since the end of last year.
A regional force from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), deployed in Mozambique in 2021, started withdrawing last month as its mandate ends in July.
The president warned attacks can occur during periods of transition.
The attack comes as French energy giant TotalEnergies explores restarting work on a $20-billion (approximately €18.56 billion) liquefied natural gas project in Cabo Delgado. The project was paused in 2021 due to the insurgency.
rmt/ (AFP, Reuters)
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hicginewsagency · 2 months
Kagame has expressed his displeasure with SADC's diplomatic blunder.
President of the republic of Rwanda Paul Kagame. Courtesy image The SADC Mission in the DRC (SAMIDRC) is tasked with targeting armed groups in eastern DRC who refuse to lay down arms. M23 has been identified as one of the biggest threats. Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame, again, expressed his frustration about how Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states deployed troops in the…
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africabriefingsblog · 3 months
Breaking barriers: aviation experts rally to propel Southern Africa's economic growth
IN a resounding message from industry leaders at the Southern African Industrialisation Forum (SAIF) held in Sandton recently, aviation experts highlighted the pressing need to overcome regulatory hurdles, visa restrictions, and collaboration gaps to unlock the economic potential of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Natalia Rosa, SADC Business Council Tourism Alliance…
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dailynation · 3 months
Zambia wants peace to reign in SADC
By LUCY PHIRI MINISTRY of Defence Permanent Secretary Norman Chipakupaku says Zambia remains committed to supporting a common position on matters affecting the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Mr. Chipakupaku said this is because the Zambian government believes that peace is essential for stability, regional integration, and trade CLICK HERE TO READMORE
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sophiyastar2022 · 3 months
Boulders Beach Entrance Fee: A Guide for Visitors
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Boulders Beach, nestled along the picturesque coastline of Cape Town, South Africa, is a haven for both nature enthusiasts and beach lovers. Its unique charm lies in the presence of a delightful colony of African penguins that call this rocky paradise home. As you plan your visit to this remarkable spot, understanding the Boulders Beach Entrance Fee and practical details is essential. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about Boulders Beach and its admission costs.
Why Visit Boulders Beach?
Before we delve into the specifics, let’s appreciate why Boulders Beach deserves a spot on your travel itinerary:
Penguin Paradise: The star attraction here is undoubtedly the African penguins. These charismatic creatures waddle around the granite boulders, creating an enchanting scene. Observing them in their natural habitat is a heartwarming experience.
Scenic Beauty: Boulders Beach boasts crystal-clear waters, sheltered coves, and dramatic rock formations. It’s a photographer’s dream, offering stunning vistas at every turn.
Family-Friendly: Whether you’re travelling solo, with friends, or as a family, Boulders Beach caters to all. Kids will be thrilled to see penguins up close.
Entrance Fees and Timings
Here’s the lowdown on Boulders Beach Entry Fee:
Foreign Visitors:
Adults: R152
Children (ages 2-11): R76
South African Citizens:
Adults: R39
Children (ages 2-11): R20
SADC Nationals (Southern African Development Community):
Adults: R76
Children (ages 2-11): R39
Note: The entrance fee collection plays a crucial role in conserving these endangered African penguins. Your contribution directly supports their habitat preservation and research efforts.
Practical Tips for Your Visit
Timing Matters: Boulders Beach opens its gates from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Arriving early ensures fewer crowds and better wildlife sightings.
Bring Your Camera: Capture the penguins’ antics against the backdrop of turquoise waters. Remember to respect their space and maintain a safe distance.
Footwear: The beach is rocky, so comfortable walking shoes are a must. Flip-flops won’t cut it here!
Sun Protection: Cape Town’s sun can be intense. Wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.
Swimming: While swimming is allowed, be cautious of the chilly water and strong currents.
Explore Nearby: Combine your Boulders Beach visit with a trip to Simon’s Town, a charming naval town nearby.
Supporting Conservation Efforts
As you pay your Entrance Fee to Boulders Beach, know that you’re contributing to the preservation of these delightful penguins. The funds go toward research, habitat maintenance, and educational programs. So, not only do you get an unforgettable experience, but you also play a vital role in safeguarding our natural heritage.
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Boulders Beach beckons with its unique blend of wildlife, coastal beauty, and tranquillity. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a beach lover, or simply seeking a memorable day out, this gem on the Cape Peninsula promises an unforgettable adventure. So, grab your camera, embrace the salty breeze, and let the penguins steal your heart!
Remember, every penguin sighting is a step toward conservation. See you at Boulders Beach! 
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nationnewsletters · 5 months
Nord-Kivu : La force de la SADC s’apprête à attaquer les rebelles du M 23
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La force de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe, SAMI DRC, lance bientôt, aux côtés des FARDC, l’offensive contre les rebelles du 23 mars, M 23.
Le secrétaire exécutif de la SADC, Elias Magosi vient de l’affirmer lors de la rencontre avec le gouverneur militaire du Nord-Kivu, le général major Peter Chirimwami.
C’est hier lundi 22 janvier 2024 à Goma, le chef-lieu de la province du Nord-Kivu.
La visite d’Elias Magosi consiste concrètement à s’imprégner de la situation sur le terrain et voir comment aider la mission à s'établir et à opérer.
L'Accord portant statut de la Force de la SADC a été signé le 17 novembre 2023, il y a 3 mois.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Christophe Lutundula, a souligné l'engagement ferme du gouvernement congolais à appuyer cette Force régionale. 
Selon lui, cette force vient soutenir l'armée congolaise dans la lutte contre le M23.
Pour la société civile du Nord-Kivu, cette mission ne pourra réussir que si elle bénéficie de l'appui total de toute la population.
IN ENGLISH : North Kivu: SADC force prepares to attack M23 rebels
The Southern African Development Community force, SAMI DRC, soon launched, alongside the FARDC, the offensive against the March 23 rebels, M 23. The Executive Secretary of the SADC, Elias Magosi has just affirmed this during the meeting with the military governor of North Kivu, Major General Peter Chirimwami. It was yesterday Monday January 22, 2024 in Goma, the capital of the North Kivu province. Elias Magosi's visit consists of immersing himself in the situation on the ground and seeing how to help the mission establish itself and operate. The SADC Force Status Agreement was signed on November 17, 2023, 3 months ago. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Christophe Lutundula, underlined the firm commitment of the Congolese government to support this regional force. According to him, this force supports the Congolese army in the fight against the M23. For civil society in North Kivu, this mission can only succeed if it benefits from the full support of the entire population.
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africabriefing · 6 months
African Politics News Updates: Navigating the Continent's Ever-Changing Political Landscape
The political landscape of Africa is a complex tapestry of diverse ideologies, leadership transitions, and socio-political movements. From democratic progress and regional collaborations to governance challenges and societal aspirations, this article aims to provide an overview of the latest African politics news updates. By exploring the continent's political developments, we gain insight into the ongoing efforts, successes, and struggles that shape Africa's political future.
Democratic Transitions and Governance:
Many African nations have made significant strides in strengthening democratic institutions and promoting transparent governance. Several countries have witnessed peaceful transitions of power through democratic elections, exemplifying the continent's commitment to democratic principles. Countries such as Ghana, Senegal, and Malawi have held successful elections, emphasizing the importance of inclusive political processes and the will of the people. However, challenges such as corruption, weak institutions, and electoral irregularities persist in some regions, necessitating continued efforts to uphold democratic values.
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Regional Collaborations and Integration:
Regional collaborations and integration efforts are gaining momentum across Africa. The African Union (AU) continues to play a vital role in fostering unity, peace, and development on the continent. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a landmark agreement that aims to create the world's largest free trade area, fostering economic integration and boosting intra-African trade. Collaborative initiatives like the East African Community (EAC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) further promote regional cooperation in areas such as security, infrastructure development, and economic stability.
Socio-Political Movements and Activism:
Socio-political movements and civil society organizations are instrumental in driving change and advocating for the rights and aspirations of African citizens. Across the continent, grassroots movements are demanding accountability, social justice, and equal rights. Youth-led initiatives are particularly noteworthy, with young Africans at the forefront of advocating for political reform, climate action, and social inclusion. Movements like the #EndSARS protests in Nigeria and the Sudanese Revolution serve as powerful reminders of the agency and resilience of African citizens in shaping their political landscape.
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4. Security and Conflict Resolution:
While progress has been made in resolving conflicts and maintaining peace, Africa continues to face security challenges in various regions. Armed conflicts, terrorism, and political instability remain significant issues in countries such as Libya, Somalia, Mali, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Regional and international efforts, including peacekeeping missions by the United Nations and regional organizations, are striving to restore stability and promote conflict resolution. The pursuit of lasting peace and security remains a priority for the continent, as it is essential for social development and economic prosperity.
The political landscape of Africa is a dynamic arena that encompasses both progress and challenges. Democratic transitions, regional collaborations, and socio-political movements continue to shape the continent's political future. While Africa celebrates democratic successes and economic integration, there is still work to be done in addressing governance issues, promoting inclusive politics, and resolving conflicts. By staying informed about the latest African politics news updates, we can appreciate the efforts, complexities, and aspirations that define Africa's political landscape, and support the continent's journey towards sustainable development and good governance.
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
countries neighboring Mozambique, particularly fellow members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), also hope to benefit from gas exploitation [along with Europe]. They are counting on the 3.4 trillion cubic meters (tcm) of natural gas reserves in Mozambique and Tanzania to provide electrification and economic growth for the continent. [...]
But six years of conflict in Cabo Delgado has kept everyone waiting. The Mozambique LNG Project, the region’s largest, has had construction on hold since 2021, when it declared force majeure after insurgents captured the port town of Palma. African troops and international military aid have since helped subdue the insurgency.[...]
Stretching from just above the Comoros Islands to below the southern tip of Madagascar, the Mozambique Channel separates Madagascar from the African continent. It is an essential route for maritime traffic heading towards East Africa, the western side of the Indian subcontinent, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Persian Gulf. About 30% of global tanker traffic passes through there. The channel is vital for East Africa’s economy since the major Madagascar rivers empty into it, and it includes the exclusive economic zones of Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar, the Comoros, and France. Landlocked and southern African countries also rely on the channel to export goods to Asia and Europe. [...]
insurgents seized the port towns of Mocimboa da Praia in August 2020 and Palma in March 2021. Rwandan, SADC, and Mozambican forces have since retaken the port towns[...]
Both regions, particularly the EU, have increased resources to end the conflict. In 2022, the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) and Rwandan forces received $35 million from the European Peace Facility Fund, making Mozambique the biggest recipient after Ukraine. India has been the most active in protecting the Mozambique Channel. An Indian Navy P81 maritime patrol aircraft has been staging joint channel patrols with the French Navy since 2020. India also donated two patrol boats to Mozambique in 2021[...]
The SADC has a particularly keen interest in Mozambique’s gas as many member countries rely on imported petroleum, which puts their economies at the mercy of fluctuations in global oil prices. As the SADC’s economic powerhouse, South Africa has led efforts to stabilize Cabo Delgado. With 205 days of countrywide blackouts in 2022 due to failing coal-powered plants, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is counting on gas imports to ensure their energy security. He said, “Mozambique is endowed with significant volumes of natural gas. This can benefit the people of Mozambique and South Africa and the rest of the SADC region.” He emphasized that energy security was “vital to economic growth in our respective countries.”
3 Sep 23
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iilssnet · 9 months
Maritime Matters in Namibia: Law & Security
Namibia has a long history of maritime activity that has only increased in recent decades. Maritime matters are regulated both nationally and internationally, and Namibia is subject to both. This article will explore Namibian maritime law, the security measures in place, and the various challenges and limitations to its regulation.
Overview of Namibian Maritime Law
Namibia has a dedicated legal framework regulating its maritime activities, with the primary law being the Maritime Act, 2008. This law is supplemented by regulations, such as the Marine Resources Act, 2013. The primary purpose of the Maritime Act is to ensure the safety of the marine environment and the safety of vessels navigating within Namibian waters. The Act also sets out the responsibilities of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in the management of Namibian waters. The Maritime Act also establishes a number of marine safety regulations, such as requiring vessels to carry a minimum amount of lifesaving equipment and navigation markers. It also sets out the requirements for ports and harbours, including the installation of navigation aids and security measures. The Act also regulates maritime disputes, and establishes a Marine Court to hear and decide on such disputes. This court has the power to issue orders and sanctions, and to impose fines and other penalties.
Maritime Security in Namibia
The security of Namibian maritime activities is of paramount importance. The Maritime Act provides for the establishment of a Marine Security Agency, which is responsible for enforcing maritime regulations, ensuring the security of ships and vessels in Namibian waters, and responding to any threats to maritime security. The Agency is also responsible for monitoring the movement of vessels in and out of Namibian waters, and for providing advice on security issues to the government. The Agency is equipped with a range of vessels, including patrol vessels, search and rescue vessels, and personnel boats. Additionally, it has access to a range of surveillance technology, including radar systems, sonar systems, and satellite imaging. The Agency is also equipped with a wide range of weapons, including firearms, grenades, and other non-lethal weaponry.
Coast Guard Responsibilities
The Namibian Coast Guard is responsible for the enforcement of the Maritime Act, as well as ensuring the safety of the marine environment. Its primary role is to patrol the waters and to respond to any incidents or violations of the law. The Coast Guard is also responsible for responding to maritime emergencies, and for rescuing vessels and personnel from distress. The Coast Guard is also responsible for conducting maritime search and rescue operations, both on land and at sea. In addition, it is responsible for enforcing maritime safety regulations and ensuring the security of vessels navigating within Namibian waters.
International Constraints & Limitations
Namibia is subject to a range of international maritime laws and regulations, which must be complied with. These include the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which establishes the rights and obligations of states in their use of the world's oceans, and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). Additionally, Namibia is a party to various regional agreements, such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Fisheries Agreement, which regulates the management of fish stocks in the region. Namibia is also subject to the provisions of the 1982 Convention on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (the Convention), which regulates the exploitation of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks. This Convention is designed to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of these stocks, and requires states to cooperate in the management of such stocks.
Challenges to Maritime Regulation
Despite the existence of a legal framework and an enforcement agency, there remain significant challenges to the effective regulation of Namibian maritime activities. Chief among these is the lack of adequate resources and personnel to effectively police the waters. Additionally, the state of the Namibian economy means that funds for maritime security are limited. The lack of resources is compounded by the fact that much of the country's coastline is remote and difficult to access, making it difficult for the Coast Guard to patrol and respond to incidents. Additionally, the presence of foreign vessels in Namibian waters poses a challenge to the Coast Guard, as it is difficult to enforce regulations in such cases.
Namibia has a dedicated legal framework that governs its maritime activities and an enforcement agency to ensure compliance with the law. However, there remain a number of challenges to the effective regulation of maritime activities, such as a lack of resources and personnel, and the presence of foreign vessels. Despite these challenges, the government of Namibia is committed to ensuring the security and safety of its maritime activities. Namibia has a long history of maritime activities, which are subject to both national and international regulation. This article has explored the legal framework and enforcement measures in place, as well as the various challenges and limitations to the effective regulation of maritime activities in Namibia. With the right resources and commitment, the government of Namibia is working to ensure the safety and security of its maritime activities. Read the full article
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What are the requirements for ISO Certification in South Africa
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ISO Certification in South Africa, There are some distinct ISO certifications agencies can exercise in South Africa, with their precise requirements. The most commonplace certification is ISO 9001, which could be a great manipulation tool certification. Organizations ought to meet high-quality requirements if they want to be eligible for this certification, inclusive of having an exceptional management device in the vicinity and having the ability to expose their dedication to non-stop development. Other well-known ISO certifications in South Africa encompass the ISO 14001 (environmental management device) and the ISO 27001 (data safety manipulation system).
The benefits of ISO certification in South Africa
 Obtaining an ISO certification in South Africa can benefit groups of all sizes. It not only demonstrates a commitment to quality and consumer pride, but it also provides a competitive advantage. Several ISO certifications are available, each with its own set of benefits. South Africa's ISO certification has the following benefits:
Improved Customer Satisfaction
One of the principal benefits of ISO certification is that it could produce superior client satisfaction. This is because customers are often much more likely to do industrial enterprise with corporations certified by a good employer, including ISO. In addition, ISO-licensed companies must meet effective, high-quality necessities that could supply clients peace of mind, such as getting extraordinary products or services.
2. Increased Sales and Market Share
 Another benefit of ISO certification is that it may help to boost profits and market percentage. This is because functionality clients are much more likely to select an authorized enterprise over one not licensed. In addition, ISO certification can assist companies to win tenders and contracts, as many agencies now choose to do agency with certified groups.
3.Improved Efficiency and Reduced Costs
 ISO certification also can be a reason for advanced performance and decreased prices for groups. This is because certified agencies are required to fulfill certain requirements and strategies that can assist in streamlining operations. In addition, certified companies are regularly admitted to remarkable reductions and offers from ISO-time-honored companies. This can result in giant economic savings over the years.
4. Enhanced Reputation and Credibility
 ISO certification can beautify an employer's reputation and credibility. This is because ISO is a well-reputable enterprise organization that demands high requirements for extremely good. In addition, licensed corporations are regularly visible as an extra experts and trustworthy, which would assist in constructing consumer self-belief.
5. Improved Employee morale
 Finally, ISO certification can also motivate advanced employee morale. This is because certified group employees are regularly proud to work for an enterprise recognized for its determination to do its best. In addition, employees of licensed companies often get a preserve of virtually all kinds of schooling and development opportunities, which
The requirements for ISO certification in South Africa
South Africa is the southernmost country in Africa, so ISO certification is required. Members of the Commonwealth of Nations, members fthe Southern African Development Community (SADC), African Union (A.U.), and United Nations (U.N.) member countries. There is a parliamentary democracy in South Africa. The capital is Pretoria, with Cape Town serving as the legislative capital and Bloemfontein serving as the judicial capital.
South Africa is one of the most industrialized international locations in Africa. Manufacturing debts account for about 25% of the GDP and employ approximately 30% of people's frame. The essential production industries are food and drinks, textiles, chemical compounds, mining, motors, metalworking, and systems. The South African economic machine is superb, with large contributions from the rural, manufacturing, and provider sectors.
The U.S.A. The United States is a first-rate producer of minerals, along with gold, platinum, chromium, manganese, and diamonds. South Africa is also a splendid coal, iron ore, and one-of-a-kind metal manufacturer. The issuer region is the most essential area of the monetary device, accounting for approximately 60% of the GDP. The crucial offerings are finance, actual property, commercial enterprise company services, and authorities.
South Africa is a center-income country with a substantially immoderate elegance of residing. The constant with capita GDP is ready at $ 9,000. The US of the United States has a nicely superior infrastructure and a pro body of workers. South Africa belongs to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). The SABS is the national requirements body of South Africa and is responsible for the development and selling of requirements inside the usa.
With the aid of the ISO, the SABS is allowed to problem ISO certificates. ISO certificates are across the world and signify that a product or service meets the necessities of a particular ISO large. Over 20,000 ISO standards protect a large variety of products and services. The most famous ISO requirements are the ISO 9001 outstanding management standards and ISO 14001 environmental management standards.
South Africa is a signatory to WTO's Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (TBT), which calls for member global locations to notify the WTO of any technical guidelines that can be.
The impact of ISO certification in South Africa
Some benefits encompass ISO certification in South Africa. Perhaps the most crucial gain is that it can help your industrial organization become more green and enhance its backside line.
In addition, ISO certification can improve your business enterprise's picture and popularity, making it extra appealing to capable customers and partners. There are unique ISO certification schemes in South Africa, each with one-of-a-kind necessities. However, to be eligible for ISO certification, your enterprise should have an exceptional control machine in a location that meets the applicable ISO requirements.
Once your enterprise has been certified, you may be required to maintain your brilliant control gadget and undergo ordinary audits to ensure it satisfies the favored standards. While the blessings of ISO certification are clean, achieving certification may be daunting. However, with the help of a professional certification frame, the tool can be made a good buy, much less complex and extra honest.
 A certification frame will assist you in finding the most appropriate ISO certification scheme for your commercial enterprise. It may provide steerage to put into impact and hold a nice control device that meets the favored necessities. If you want to improve your commercial enterprise agency's efficiency and bottom line, ISO certification is nicely done and worth considering. With the assistance of an expert certification frame, the procedure of carrying out certification may be made much less difficult and more sincere.
For more information visit : ISO Certification in South Africa
Related Links
ISO Certification in South Africa
ISO 9001 Certification in South Africa
ISO 14001 Certification in South Africa
ISO 45001 Certification in South Africa
ISO 27001 Certification in South Africa
ISO 22000 Certification in South Africa
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biglisbonnews · 11 months
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Southern Africa: SADC Holds a Workshop for Exchange of Knowledge On Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Impact of Climate Change On Communities #AfricaClimateHope [SADC] The Southern African Development Community (SADC) convened a workshop to share knowledge on issues connecting water, energy and food (WEF Nexus) and how these are affected by climate change, and the resultant impacts on communities in Southern Africa. https://allafrica.com/stories/202307100356.html
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Southern Africa, 26 June.
Zambia has reached a debt restructuring deal with its official creditors, including China, allowing for rescheduling of its $6.3 billion debt over 20+ years with a three-year grace period.
2. The outgoing Chairperson of the South African Development Community (SADC) Chiefs of Police Sub-Committee, Joseph Shikongo, recommends that member states lacking secure communication systems should consult other states on safety systems.
3. Namibian Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila called on all citizens to take ownership of the Sixth National Development Plan and make it a rallying cry to achieve their goals.
It was on these grounds that the Prime Minister extended her call to every Namibian, to play their part and contribute to the NDP6 “so that it cannot just be another plan but to be a plan that speaks to them in terms of what they want and to realise the dream of vision 2030”.
4. At least 31 illegal miners are believed to have died in a gas explosion in a shuttered gold mine in South Africa that happened more than a month ago but is only now coming to light after people reported their relatives missing.
Illegal prospecting is rife in South Africa’s old gold-mining areas, where miners go into closed and often dangerous shafts to dig for any deposits left behind.
The latest deaths in Welkom sparked a diplomatic spat Friday between South Africa and Lesotho over the issue of illegal miners coming over the nearby border.
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