#Lawyers for Human Rights
premimtimes · 1 year
Not Yet "Hamba Kahle", Thulani, By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu
Thulani Maseko was the outstanding lawyer of his generation. His crime was to believe that his beloved eSwatini, Africa’s last absolute monarchy, could be and deserved to be better. He believed that this cause was best served by reforming the country into a constitutional monarchy and he forged a formidable coalition to advance this goal. For this, he has given his life. His killers and those who…
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lexa-el-amin · 1 year
love that australia's lead singer is an immigration lawyer in his day job
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zimmbzonzon · 6 months
When were you all going to tell me about this?!!
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and this!!
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And THIS!!!
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despazito · 10 months
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gojonanami · 3 days
everyone in my ask box got me thinking about lawyer!geto and I can’t stop thinking about him
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cruelsister-moved2 · 7 months
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chterzidislaw · 1 month
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⚖️ 🏛️ The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki orders the Administration to allow our client's temporary stay in Greece until the decision is issued and to refrain from any action that would result in his forced departure from Greece.
✅ In this way, he is not at risk of arrest and deportation !!!
💼 As a greek law office, we provide legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Greece. Christos M. Terzidis, a Greek migration lawyer with a PhD title from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and former legal advisor to the NGO 'ARSIS' on refugee and migrant issues, is greatly experienced and specializes in Migration Law.
⚖️ We protect the human rights of refugees, providing legal assistance to refugees and migrants,undertaking cases that deal with refugee and immigrant residence permits (issuance and renewal) , application for political asylum and support at all stages of the process , appeals , protection from deportation and protection from administrative detention, deposition applications and their presentation and support before the Administrative Courts , presentation and representation before the Appeals Authority and its competent committees , passports (issuance-renewal) , family reunifications, Golden visa cases and so on.
✍ We prepare each case methodically with the outmost care and attention.
🆘 There is a 24-hour service available for emergency cases (like arrests and so on).
📞 You can reach us on 00306977424779 , so that we help you resolve your legal issues!
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houseswife · 5 months
the house md hyperfixation hit me at the absolute worst time because I’m in an LLB program and we have to choose specialisations for next year….. medical law is looking real appealing in the course catalogue rn but what happens when idc anymore and I’m stuck dealing with irl malpractice doctors for the rest of my life….
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aleenapaulsposts · 9 months
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Albert Einstein said
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing any thing.
In my opinion bystander not consider as a guilty but coward who ignore the crime
ALEENA PAUL || NEW DELHI ,INDIA _published 9 sep 2023
I am just a consciousness raising women and i want to tell my story because we matter our voice matter.
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Have you seen this image ever before ? If ‘No’ then its right time to describes about this image .its seems like I am going to describe about a such type if crime which happens in every day in our life this is not just about our country but a serious issue around the world .
I don’t know what you call this crime but I call it coward bystander .
You know what people fear the most ?yes .its ‘FEAR’ and that’s make a person coward.
Today we will discuss about very important issue which you call as bystander which known as crime but not crime in law
Have you hared about a very popular crime murder case which was happened in 1964 in newyork city the bystander effect following the violent attack and murder of a women name ‘cathedral kitty genovese’. This crime occurred over 30 minutes. During this time 38 neighbors heard kitty cries for help .but no one helped her or call the police so shameful incident . she attempted to save her own call was made to the police but it was dismissed as a domestic dispute all though the incident become globally famous. Image of news published in 1964.
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Simpler to this case one more incident was done by a boy called sahil in metropolitan city delhi , INDIA on March 2023 ‘nikki murder case’ .which gone very viral.
In this case sahil who was prime suspected for his girl friend nikki murder case .which was cord in cctv camera which visible very clearly in cctv camera the boy nihal stabbed 21 times then battered with boulder. Public cought in cctv camera delhi girl killed as people walk by .
The girl suffered a ruptured skull during the attack according to the preliminary final post mortem report .scenes captured by cctv camera in a lane located in the shahbad diary area of delhi rohini.
Now my intention was not to discuss about such crime murder case but a small alert related such crimes .a topic which happen every day life in entire world a globle problem which every one ignore .known as bystander.
Before we discusses about this topic can I ask you a question?
What type of personality you are upstander or bystander?
If you are any of these plz comment .
Some one who sees or know about bullying or any crime but takes no action to address it or report it.simply who sees the crime happening but simply ignore or wrought take responsibility or simply ignore may be he/she don’t know how to handle this.
Eg – shy , fain-hearted , coward etc
Someone who recognises when something is wrong and act to make it right.
Eg – honest , faithful , brave and supporter etc.
We are upstander and want to create a campus environment where every members of our community feels included , valued and safe.
We all play a critical role in identifying situation that have a potential for harm and intervening it something dons’t look or feet quite right.
Don’t just be a step and protect people who need help your action could prevent some one from becoming a victim of any crime.
🟥 Be aware of event around you
🟥 take responsibility for the well-being of everyone in the community.
🟥 step in help others
🟥 step indirectly and separate the person
🟥 use distraction to re – direct the forces of one person elsewhere
🟥 let some friends know what going on and recruit them help
🟥 if the situation looks like unsafe call the police department or ngo for help .
Watching but doing nothing (bystander)
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🟧 effect occurs from interdependence between group of people .
🟧 people in a group may expect someone else to help which relieves them from any type of responsibility to take in action.
🟧 if know one help still the blame for in action applies to everyone in the group.
🟧people may feel a shared responsibility where in a larger group so individual may not take action because they feel less responsibility when other are present.
🟧 fear of unfavourable judgement.
🟧 pluralistic ignorance is a thought that how will we do .if no body else is taking action bystander will think it is not a emergency situation and it is not my problem.
🟧 passive supporter who witness the incident but do nothing to interface.
How can we encourage bystander to get support to bullying victim?
Now the good samaritan law was introduced in india .to provide legal frame work to motivate and encourage the bystander to offer aid to the victims with out any fear of legal hassles.good samaritan who make a phone call to inform the police or emergency service .for the person lying injured on the road .shall not be compelled to reveal his name and personal detail .government of india provide cash who saves lives in road accident by those who saves lives in road accident by taking them to hospital within the golden hours. The amount of good samaritan is 5000/-rs per accident. The scheme will remain will remain operational the completion of the 15th financial cycle till 31st March,2026. One of the historic figures was mahatama gandhi ,nelson mardela and martin luttor.
Who are upstander and what they do? UPSTANDER are community members who provide acknowledgement , understanding and support for neighbours facing challenges as a result of hateful acts , natural disasters , violence or interference that threaten the integrity of their community.
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I can’t imagine being the lawyer for Azrael when he defends him in criminal court. Poor lad is LOSING that case in a heartbeat.
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awkwardhumann · 8 months
lol not my lecture starting w a notice abt how the university is "deeply saddened about the attacks on the citizens of israel" lol. lmao even. and throwing palestine in there with a "we share immense grief with people suffering Israel and Palestine 😔" stfuuu
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indras-wife · 1 month
Weird thing to ask but...what other things you like doing besides writing about Indra?
Its not a weird thing to ask at all anon! I have some other hobbies I love doing besides writing about Indra. Some of them are:
Playing games: I have been playing some games for the past 3 years and I been enjoying them a lot. The games I love playing are Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Honkai Impact 3rd and sometimes Cookie Run Kingdom (yes they all are gacha games... yes I am obsessed with them.., Yes I did spend lots of money to get my favourite characters and no I do not regret at all)
Studying to become a lawyer and also Human Rights Defender in my country: On a more serious note, I am currently doing my masters in the sphere of Human Rights, after which I plan to apply for another MA program (more specifically Law) and PhD in Law as well. Human Rights, Justice and Law are very important for me, especially now after whats going in the world and my own country, I feel I need to stdy to make a change, to help people have access to their human rights and to courts. Protecting innocent people is my priority in life.
Crocheting: I started this hobby half a year ago but it consumed me a lot...No regrets I love creating pieces that are cute and innovative.
Digital Art: I been practicing my digital art skills for some time now. I forgot my skills so I am slowly getting back into it. I have posted some of my drawings here so if you want to look at them, you can scroll down in my page(they are Indra related. I know very surprising)
For now only these come to my mind)) Hope the answers are satisfactory hehe.
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startrekgaysex · 1 month
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nepolana · 1 year
So they finally published the Illegal Migration Bill
And surprise surprise Braverman is unable to say if it’s compatible with the Human Rights Act
But they still want to proceed with it
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