luckyfurygardener · 1 year
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cirrushosting · 2 years
Stand up your Business online with WordPress Hosting
WordPress is the world’s most popular website building tool. It gives you access to thousands of free themes and plugins that help simplify the design process and allow you to add powerful features with just a few clicks. And we help you to manage it.
Our plans include:
Access to thousands of free themes and plugins
Extreme speed tailored for WordPress platform and advanced security
Free 24/7 support and 30 days money-back guarantee
Free Domain with yearly subscriptions (.ca, .com , .net)
Free Email and Spam Filter provided by SpamExpert*
WordPress updates and security updates
Automatic backups
Free migration
Know More : 
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The spam filter is the best solution against inbound spam and viruses. Know more: https://milesweb.net/izW 
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growdigitallyy · 3 years
BlueHost vs Hostinger
If you are planning to create a blog, a business website, or an online store, one of the most challenging decisions would be to select a hosting service provider. Try searching for one online and you are sure to come across several names that you might not really have heard in the past. Here we having two dominating web hosting companies to look for.
Both hosting providers have the same goal although the companies implement a different way to achieve them. The main mission is to deliver trusted web hosting solutions for site owners.
However, Bluehost seems to implement instruments that are more methodical while Hostinger mainly relies on its updated network.
Here are some points to look at on BlueHost,
Reputation on the industry — High
Uptime (Performance) — 99.98%
Support — 24/7 -Bluehost has live chat support and e-mail support option. Even you can talk directly with Bluehost executive on a phone call
Security — It offers SSL, Cloudflare CDN, and SpamExpert for free in every plan
Backups — Bluehost does not offer any free website backup service in its cheapest plan
Domain — Free domain for one year
Money-back guarantee — 30 days money-back guarantee
some points to look at on Hostinger,
Reputation on the industry — High
Uptime (Performance) — vary from 99.91–99.98%
Support — 24/7 — Hostinger provides support over live chat and Email tickets. There is no support over the call with Hostinger
Security — Apart from Cloudflare CDN and SpamAssassin, there is nothing much available for free
Backups — Hostinger offers a weekly backup service for free on all of its plans
Domain — Free domain
Money-back guarantee — 30 days money-back guarantee
if you are running a few small but important sites, then Hostinger may be just what you need, ensuring your sites are well looked after and consistently up and running.
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serviciosonline-net · 7 years
SpamExperts: añadir un dominio en la lista blanca un dominio
SpamExperts: añadir un dominio en la lista blanca un dominio
Para evitar bloqueos indeseados, podemos añadir un dominio o eMail a la lista blanca (whitelist) en nuestro hosting StartUp > cPanel >> SpamExperts
Nos dirige al panel de SpamExperts, donde pulsamos en el menú de la izquierda Whitelist/Blacklist > Sender whitelist
Ahora podremos definir que dominios están en la lista blanca y añadir o eliminarlos:
En la parte superior, está el listado de…
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bytenap-blog · 7 years
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luckyfurygardener · 1 year
A Leading Email Marketing Company Cloud Hosting Provides best Email Solution services and guidance .
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readyspace · 3 years
ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20210820
ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20210820
New Features [SuperScaler] Added: Client Area pagination for client contacts Bugs Fixed [SpamExperts] Fixed: Module fails to add domain user in single domain operation mode when no custom email field is added [SuperScaler] Fixed: Incorrect payment gateways are displayed in cart [SuperScaler] Fixed: Despite using same template structure as invoice output PDF for estimate looks broken [SuperScaler]…
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mizemediaagency · 3 years
Web Hostinginizin Yetersiz Olup Olmadığını Belirlemek İçin 5 Soru
Web Hostinginizin Yetersiz Olup Olmadığını Belirlemek İçin 5 Soru
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Web barındırma bugünlerde bir meta gibi görünebilir. Sadece ihtiyacınız olan disk alanı ve bant genişliği miktarını seçin ve çalışmaya başlayın. Daha önce size dayatılan her türlü sınırlama varken, günümüzde seçeneklerle şımartıldınız ve barındırma maliyetleri çoğu işletme için neredeyse önemsiz hale geldi. 
Ancak web barındırmanın elektrik veya gaz gibi bir meta olduğunu düşünmek büyük bir hatadır. Basit gerçek şu ki, web barındırma çok sayıda hareketli parçaya sahiptir ve yüksek kaliteli, kesintisiz bir hizmet sunmak için hepsinin uyum içinde çalışması gerekir. Düşük maliyetli bir ev sahibi seçmek mantıklı bir seçim gibi görünebilir ancak aslında işinize verebileceği zararlar nedeniyle yanlış bir ekonomi olabilir.
Öyleyse, web barındırma hizmetinizin aslında işinize yardımcı olup olmadığını veya onu geride bırakıp bırakmadığını anlamanıza yardımcı olması için göz önünde bulundurmanız gereken beş faktöre bakalım.
1. Web sitenizin yüklenme süreleri nedir?
Yükleme hızı, web sitenizin yüklenme hızıdır. Sayfa Hızınızı ölçebileceğiniz birkaç site var . Yük hızı birkaç nedenden dolayı önemlidir. Öncelikle, daha hızlı yüklenen web siteleri, yavaş olanlardan daha iyi bir kullanıcı deneyimi sunduğundan. Basitçe söylemek gerekirse, insanlar bir sayfanın yüklenmesini beklemekten nefret eder.
Ama sadece masaüstü kullanıcıları değil. Mobil taramanın masaüstü ve dizüstü bilgisayar taramasını geride bıraktığı devrilme noktasına ulaştık – 2015’te ABD’de yüzde 51, yüzde 42’den fazla. Ve mobil kullanıcıların talep ettiği bir şey varsa, o da hızlı web siteleridir.
Google bunu anlar ve bu nedenle site hızının genel arama algoritmasının bir parçası olarak ölçtüğü değişkenlerden biri olduğunu özellikle belirtir . Yük hızının ne kadar bir sıralama faktörünü temsil ettiğini bize söylemez, ancak genellikle algoritmasına ışık tutmaz, bu yüzden yaptığında not almaya değer.
Şimdi, yükleme hızını neyin oluşturduğu hakkında çok fazla ayrıntıya girmeden , çoğu tasarımla ilgili olan düzinelerce faktör söz konusudur. Bunlar, deneyimli ve genellikle pahalı bir web geliştiricisinin web sitenizin kodunda yapması gereken ince ayarlardır.
Alt çizgi? Web sitenizi hızlandırmak pahalı olabilir ve zaman alabilir. Ancak hızlı sonuç alabileceğiniz bir alan, seçtiğiniz web barındırma türüdür. Katı Hal Sürücüsü (SSD) barındırmaya yükselterek veya bir Sanal Özel Sunucuya (VPS) geçerek, sitenizin kodunu elden geçirme maliyetinin çok altında yük hızınızı önemli ölçüde artırabilirsiniz.
2. Gürültülü komşularınız var mı?
Gürültülü komşuları kimse sevmez. Anti-sosyaller, gürültülüler ve mahallenin havasını düşürmeye eğilimliler. Aynı şey web barındırma için de geçerlidir. Mesele şu ki, sunucunuz ayda sadece birkaç dolara ihtiyacınız olan kadar disk alanı ve bant genişliği sunuyorsa, tahmin edin ne oldu? O sunucuda yalnız değilsin.
Bu gerçek bir sorun. Ev sahibiniz bunu duyurmayacak, ancak bu tür bir teklifte her zaman zarfı olabildiğince zorlayacak insanlar olacaktır. Aylık 2$’lık hostinglerinden her son ons işlem gücünü çıkarmaya çalışanlar onlar olacak. Belki sunucuyu listelerine e-posta göndermek için kullanıyorlar ya da birden fazla bağlı kuruluş siteleri için düzinelerce RAM aç komut dosyası çalıştırıyorlar.
Her ne yapıyorlarsa, kesin olan bir şey var. Gürültülü komşuların küçük bir azınlığı, sunucunun temel kaynaklarını tüketecek ve genellikle sunucunun performansı üzerinde zararlı bir etkiye sahip olacaktır. Elbette, bireysel istemcilerin erişebileceği gücü sınırlayan CloudLinux gibi araçlar var , ancak ana makinenizin bu tür hafifleticilere sahip olduğunu bilmeniz gerekir.
3. IP itibarı nedir?
Barındırdığınız sunucunun spam gönderdiği veya kötü amaçlı yazılım barındırdığı tespit edilirse, IP adresinin kara listeye alınması ihtimali vardır . Bu sizin için kötü bir haber çünkü bu, e-posta teslim edilebilirliğinden arama sıralamanıza kadar bir dizi faktörü etkileyebilir. Sunucunuzun kara listeye alınıp alınmadığını görebilmeniz için sunucunuzun IP itibarını izlemek için kullanabileceğiniz çeşitli yazılımlar vardır .
Kara listeye alınmanın başlıca nedenlerinden biri, sizinle aynı sunucuda bulunan diğer istemcilerin güvenli olmayan uygulamalar veya güncel olmayan yazılımlar çalıştırıyor olabilmesidir. Bu mutlaka onların tarafında kötü niyetle yapılmaz. Genellikle sadece bir gözetim veya anlayış eksikliğidir.
Bir örnek alalım. Bilgisayar korsanları, işleyiş biçimlerini yayınlamazlar, ancak genellikle yalnızca istismar edebilecekleri güvensizlikler ararlar. Klasik örnek, spam göndermek için kullanılabilecek güncel olmayan bir iletişim formudur.
Başka bir örnek, WordPress veya Joomla gibi güncel olmayan içerik yönetim sistemidir (CMS) . Bunlar bu günlerde giderek daha popüler hale geliyor ve sorun şu ki, tasarım aşaması sona erdikten sonra, hiçbir şeyden şüphelenmeyen işletme sahibi, yazılımlarını güncel tutmaları gerektiğinin farkında değil. Bu güncellemelerin bir nedeni vardır ve asıl sebep, herhangi bir güvenlik sorununu çözmektir.
Bunları ana bilgisayar tarafında proaktif olarak ele almanın bir yolu, bir sunucudaki yazılımı sürekli olarak izlemek ve giden e-postaları, SpamExperts gibi bir araç kullanarak , bilinen istenmeyen e-posta, kimlik avı ve kötü amaçlı yazılımla ilgili e-postaların parmak izlerini izlemek için izlemektir.
Yine, bu araçların bir maliyeti vardır ve bazı ana bilgisayarlar, IP itibarlarını korumayla ilgili ekstra maliyetten kaçınabilir. Öte yandan, sorumlu ana bilgisayarlar, müşterilerinin kara listeye alınmamasını sağlamak için sorunların önüne geçmek için bunları kullanacak.
4. Zirveler sırasında yavaş performansınız var mı?
Paylaşılan bir sunucuda barındırılıyorsanız ve yoğun bir e-ticaret web siteniz varsa, o zaman belki de yoğun zamanlarda veya yoğun sezon dönemlerinde yavaş performans fark etmeye başlıyorsunuzdur.
Öyleyse, RAM aç alışveriş sepeti uygulamanızın meyve suyu bitiyor olma ihtimali vardır. Mesele şu ki, paylaşılan barındırma çoğunluğun ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yöneliktir. Bu, CPU ve RAM gibi önemli sunucu kaynaklarının, o sunucudaki tüm web siteleri arasında eşit olarak paylaşıldığı anlamına gelir. Sonuç olarak, ihtiyacınız olan gücü elde etmek için kuyrukta beklemeniz yeterlidir.
Net sonuç? Ziyaretçilerinizi rahatsız eden ve sonuçta size satış kaybına neden olan ağır performans. Her ay birkaç dolar daha ödeyerek, performansla ilgili bu tür sorunlara veda edebilirsiniz. Bir VPS ile gerektiği gibi büyütme veya küçültme olanağına sahipsiniz. Size tahsis edilen CPU veya RAM miktarını kontrol edebilirsiniz ve bu güç seviyesi garanti edilir.
Bunu bir düşün. Yüzlerce ve muhtemelen binlerce başka işletmeyle işlem gücü ve bellek için savaşmak yerine, ihtiyaçlarınızın gerektirdiği şekilde anında ölçeklendirme yeteneği ile her şeye kendiniz sahip olursunuz.
Elbette, ekibinizde bir sistem yöneticiniz yoksa, kontrol paneli lisansı ve belki de yönetilen bir sunucu hizmeti gibi bazı ekstra aylık maliyetler vardır, ancak bu işiniz için akıllıca bir yatırımdır.
5. Standart olmayan yazılımlara izin veriliyor mu?
Bazen, paylaşılan bir barındırma hizmetinde desteklenmeyen yazılımları veya yazılım sürümlerini çalıştırmanız gerekebilir. Örneğin, ihtiyacınız olan alışveriş sepeti yazılımının PHP’nin en son sürümünü gerektirdiğini ancak sunucunuz henüz bu sürümü sunmadığını varsayalım.
Veya sunucunuz bazı alternatiflerden daha yavaş olan standart bir yazılım sunuyor olabilir. Birkaç örnek , LiteSpeed yerine Apache veya Percona yerine MySQL kullandıkları web sunucusu olabilir . Bu, daha yavaş seçeneklerin avantajları olmadığı anlamına gelmez (örneğin, Apache güvenlik konusunda güçlüdür), ancak daha egzotik araçlar çalıştırmak istiyorsanız, paylaşılan bir barındırma ortamı sizin için en iyisi olmayabilir.
Web barındırma, elektrik veya yakıt gibi bir meta değildir. Web barındırma hizmetiniz için bilinçli bir seçim yapmanız için çeşitli nedenler vardır.
LoadSpeed, gürültülü komşular, zayıf IP itibarı, yoğun zamanlar veya standart dışı gereksinimler olsun, işletmeniz için maliyet ve fayda dengesini anlamanız ve bar��ndırma hizmetinizi buna göre planlamanız gerekir.
Kaynak, Siteyi Ziyaret Edin
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Are your E-mails exchanging only messages or malware too? Secure E-mails using SpamExperts. know-how: https://milesweb.net/1Hq
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agenciainternet · 3 years
SpamExperts: añadir un dominio o eMail a la lista blanca
SpamExperts: añadir un dominio o eMail a la lista blanca
Para evitar bloqueos indeseados, podemos añadir un dominio o eMail a la lista blanca (whitelist) en tu hosting >> SpamExperts Opción SpamExperts en un hosting Nos dirige al panel de SpamExperts, donde pulsamos en el menú de la izquierda Whitelist/Blacklist > Sender whitelist Opción Sender Whitelist SpamExperts Ahora podremos definir que dominios están en la lista blanca y añadir o…
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ifactsnfigsblog · 3 years
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Both the web hosting providers are best in their way but only one can win the race in this comparison. So, after comparing both the web hosting providers, my vote is for MilesWeb over eHostingServer. MilesWeb is offering best features, uptime and competitive price as compared to eHostingServer. Plus, MilesWeb also provides various add – ons like SpamExperts, Sitelock, website backup, Google Webmaster and Analytics Integration.
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momarket · 3 years
Bluehost is a web hosting company owned by Endurance International Group (EIG). It is one of the 20 largest web hosts, collectively hosting well over 2 million domains. The company operates its servers in-house in a 50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) facility in Orem, Utah. Bluehost employs over 750 people in its Utah facility.
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EIG has offices all over the world. At Bluehost we have the bulk of our 700+ employees in Utah. There are also a number of employees in various locations around the world who work cross-functionally with other EIG brands including Bluehost. Matt Heaton first conceived Bluehost in 1996. However, he first created two other web hosts, 50megs.com and 0catch.com, before finally settling on Bluehost in 2003. In 2009, Bluehost introduced a new feature called CPU throttling. CPU throttling (at Bluehost and similar hosting services) refers to the process of reducing user's CPU usage in whenever the particular user is pulling "too much" server resources at one time. At that particular time, Bluehost would freeze (or drastically reduce) client sites' CPU usage substantially. This effectively shut down clients' websites hosted on the Bluehost server for several hours throughout the day.
In 2010, Bluehost was acquired by Endurance International Group. In June 2011, company founder Matt Heaton announced on his blog that he was stepping down as CEO to focus on the company hosting platform's design and technical structure, while COO Dan Handy took over as CEO.
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In 2013, Bluehost introduced VPS and dedicated server hosting.
In January 2015, Endurance International Group appointed Mike Olson as CEO of Bluehost, while Dan Handy moved to enterprise-wide mobile development for small businesses.
In January 2017, the company announced that it will lay off 440 Bluehost employees at Utah, in an effort to consolidate its business to improve customer support.
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Bluehost is One of the premier shared/VPS/dedicated hosting solutions for websites, domain names, email, eCommerce, SEO marketing, & more. Bluehost offers various hosting solutions including shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting and WooCommerce hosting as well as professional marketing services. Their servers are powered by PHP 7, HTTP/2, and NGINX+ caching.
At Bluehost they focus on delivering high quality technology and innovative solutions for their customers. Bluehost was among those studied in the analysis of web-based hosting services in collaborative online learning programs. At Bluehost we focus on delivering high quality technology and innovative solutions for our customers.
At Bluehost they core competency is hosting. They do offer many complimentary products to help customers succeed online including design, marketing and other small business services. they have a number of hosting products. If you break it down they have shared, VPS, Dedicated and Cloud offerings. Within each of those categories they have multiple product lines that help meet customer needs. For example, they have a specific hosting plan on their shared product for eCommerce customers located at www.bluehost.com. This plan includes everything the user needs to get started with an online store including hosting, dedicated IP, SSL certificate, WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin and themes pre-installed.
What does stand out about this company is that they’ve been around since 2003 and host over 2 million websites. They’re one of the most popular, inexpensive, shared hosting options available.
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Originally they just offered shared plans, but they now provide a variety of services including domains, cloud hosting, and a variety of hosting options including hosting for WordPress and WooCommerce.
Like every company, they come with both pros and cons. And, being one of the largest hosting providers in the world, it proves many have faith in them. According to the Consumer Rankings, they are ranked at 9.7 out of 10 by users.
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They have some of the cheapest hosting plans in the industry. Plans start at $2.95/month at the time of this writing.
· Bluehost is a good option for WordPress because its new Bluehost platform is a WordPress focused control panel offering an integrated experience with WordPress websites.
· Installing WordPress is a breeze, you can either go through the 1-click automatic WordPress installation process, or you can get WordPress installed on an account set up when you sign up.
· Bluehost delivers WordPress pages 2-3 times faster than the prior technical stack, and it comes with built-in NGINX page caching.
· Every WordPress website will benefit from the latest security and performance features such as:
1. Free SSL certificate
2. PHP7
3. WordPress staging
4. Unlimited GB SSD storage
5. NGINX caching
6. Free Cloudflare CDN
7. HTTP/2
Endorsed by WordPress:
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One of the largest hosting platforms, WordPress, recommends them. FYI Site Ground is also a WordPress.org endorsed web hosting provider. These are, of course, paid endorsements (at least indirectly as both Bluehost and Site Ground sponsor lots of the WP conferences around the world), but nonetheless it’s still an official endorsement.
Good uptime:
Apart from page load times, it’s also important that your website is “up” and available to your visitors. I monitor uptime for a test site hosted on Bluehost to see how often they experience outages.
Security is a priority:
Bluehost offers good protection for your website. They provide secure shell access (SSH) so web devs and admins can access config files securely. SpamExperts, Apache SpamAssassin, and Spam Hammer are their anti-spam tools of choice.
Bluehost offers other security features such as an IP address blacklist, password protected directories, email account and user account filters, and access to manage digital certificates and private keys.
Helpful user support portal:
They provide 24/7 technical support. In addition to that, they have a knowledge database where users can check out video tutorials, review supportive documentation, and more.
The knowledge database works well for those who don’t want to wait around for phone or live chat customer service. Also, their YouTube channel contains tons of helpful tutorial videos.
Quick Start Plan:
For those that have no clue where to begin, they have a Quick Start Plan for $79.99. This 45-minute session gives you 1-on-1 training with a company expert.
You’ll learn how to use all the tools in the account such as a cPanel guided tour, site builder recommendation, theme and plugin installation assistance, page creation tips, email account guidance, and other general advice you may have.
Many hosting providers offer free training, so some(I) could consider paying for the Quick Start Plan as a bad feature. But if you don’t have time to wait around and need all of this training in one sitting, it could be a plus for you.
A variety of hosting options:
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If you’re looking to stick with just one hosting company as your business grows, Bluehost has an answer for that. They provide four plans, so you don’t have to switch for server upgrades as your site grows: shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting VPS, dedicated server, and reseller hosting plans are available.
Generous extras:
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As a part of their hosting package, you get a free domain name for the first year. Also, for those looking to boost their business marketing, Bluehost offers advertising credits on Google’s AdWords, Bing, and other leading sites.
Bluehost WordPress Pro:
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WordPress Pro is Bluehost’s newly launched managed WordPress hosting platform that is optimized for WordPress websites to load fast and to be secure. WordPress Pro comes with an all-in-one marketing center and dashboard, where SEO, email marketing, and social media tools all come included.
WordPress Pro is more expensive than Bluehost’s other plans and prices start at $19.95 per month. Speed and security are the main features but it also comes with geeky features such as automatic WordPress core and plugin updates, and regular backups and a staging environment.
Go and (check out the WordPress Pro page) LINK"" to see what is included. It’s worth noting that you get live customer support with Grow and Scale, and for these plans Bluehost also gives you hands-on assistance with design, functionality, or general questions from real WordPress experts 24/7.
· Bluehost isn’t perfect – but Bluehost is one of the best web hosts for WordPress beginners offering automatic WordPress installation and solid features including a free domain name.
· Sure, it’s an all-round, cheap, and overall good web hosting company for when starting your first site but people do tend to either love ’them or hate ’them.
· Do I recommend Bluehost? Well yes and no because it depends on what you're after. It's a good web hosting option for personal and small business websites and blogs (i.e. for creating your own first website) because Bluehost is cheap (very cheap), reliable, secure, and comes with a free domain. However, for high traffic websites it (or any other shared host for that matter) isn't a very good choice. Other major letdowns are that automatic backups and site migrations only come as paid upgrades.
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jachoos · 3 years
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How to select an effective web hosting provider?
If you are running an online business or planning to start a new one, it is very important to select a reliable web hosting provider. Because, website is the major platform through which you can make your online business successful. So, designing a suitable website with relevant theme, choosing and registering your domain name and selecting the best web hosting provider are three important factors that decide your growth and success in business. Let’s discuss here a few important tips to find out the best web hosting provider, for making your business successful. High bandwidth High bandwidth helps website users to download and upload greater amounts of data without interruption. This will result in greater customer satisfaction and increased profit for your website. Low down time One of the major features to check in a web host is high uptime. It is the total time during which a website remains active. If your website remains down for most of the time it will lead to a loss of potential customers, decrease in sales and ultimately a low return on investment (ROI). Web hosting providers like JachOOs gives 99.9% uptime guarantee. Less loading time If a website takes too much time to load, users will naturally get frustrated and leave the site. This may be due to increased traffic or lack of optimization. With a good web hosting service you can solve such problems. User friendly control panel An intuitive control panel helps the end user to manage the site effectively without depending on the web host provider for making even basic changes. At JachOOs, you have access to leading cPanel that gives you complete control over the website. High security features A good web hosting company will ensure robust infrastructure that is essential to keep the user website safe from all potential harms and cyber threats. There are various high end security features available now like SSL certificate and SpamExpert Spam Filter that keeps your website safe, which are provided by many web hosting providers. Low renewal price Most companies offer web hosting services at a very low initial cost and later increase the price during monthly or yearly renewal. This is part of a common marketing strategy. So, make a detailed analysis of such hidden charges before selecting your web hosting provider. High storage space High storage space is a basic necessity for today’s websites as it needs to cater to the increasing demands from users across the globe. Also, there should be an option to scale up or down your storage space as per the demand. Latest software/tool updates The best web hosting service provider will offer its customers latest software updates that are necessary for a smooth and seamless functioning of the website. If you are not receiving such updates from your current web host, it is time to migrate to a better web hosting provider. Adequate backups Data is a vital component of every business and companies all over the world have suffered a great deal due to sudden loss of data as a result of unforeseen situations. That is why regular backups are very essential. Make sure you get at least one backup per day. As the leading web hosting company in UAE, JachOOs provides 2 backups per day for our customers. Server maintenance and monitoring Uninterrupted server maintenance and monitoring is an added advantage to check in a web hosting provider. JachOOs is very keen in offering continuous server monitoring and also shares the information for transparency. Add on domains The best web hosting provider will offer customized hosting packages that allows you to use multiple domains and subdomains without taking extra effort or spending additional amount. JachOOs provides unlimited cloud hosting on branded datacenters to our clients with options for hosting unlimited domains and sub domains. Auto script installer This feature allows you to create or edit a blog or website page without prior experience in HTML or coding. Thus, you can have a certain amount of control and mastery over your website without depending on the service provider for making every minute changes. Good technical support Availability of an experienced technical team is a major quality that can be expected in a trusted web hosting company. Such a team would be able to diagnose complex website issues within no time and offer expert solutions to keep your business moving. Customer care Good customer support is the most important part of any service. Even if your web hosting provider has excellent hosting features, it won’t reach you at the needed time if their customer service is not up to the desired level. So, ensure your web host is prompt in offering 24/7 phone and chat support, as we cannot predict when an outage occurs. Conclusion So, before selecting your web hosting provider check for the above features so that you will have a website that functions optimally. This also helps your website users to have a hassle free experience. As this keeps your website more engaging with increased traffic, you will also be able to stay ahead of your competitors. If you are on the search for a reliable web hosting service provider who can offer all the above mentioned features at reasonable rates, send us a message or use the given chat support to avail a quote at the earliest. You may also choose from our customized plans and add to your cart by registering with us.
Visit website:https://jachoos.net/
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Bluehost Review – 7 Pros & 4 Cons of Bluehost (Server Speed Tested!)
 Bluehost is a fantastic choice for beginners who want to build their first website for their businesses or blogs. Their onboarding process and automatic WordPress installation makes everything feel very easy to use. They may not provide the best value or service, but their product just works.
 If you’re flopping about, unsure whether or not to use Bluehost as your web hosting provider, worry not – you’ve stumbled on to the right page.
 Here at Bitcatcha, we’re a little obsessed with web hosting (our doctors say it’s borderline unhealthy).
 We’ve gone ahead and gotten ourselves a Bluehost account, run some performance tests on their shared hosting plan, and we’re ready to present to you the most definitive Bluehost review you’ll find on the internet.
  A Little Bit About Bluehost
 Founded by a very young Matt Heaton and Danny Ashworth all the way back in 2003, Bluehost has been around a LONG time.
   They’re practically dinosaurs in the industry, but that ain’t a bad thing – having been around for so long means that they’ve learned a thing or two about web hosting, and are able to provide their users with a kick-ass user experience.
 For a web hosting provider that’s known and used by people all over the world, Bluehost has but 1 datacenter, which is located in the US. That datacenter powers all of their clients’ websites, which adds up to a whopping 2 million, and is growing by the thousands each day!
 Hot Damn!
 They obviously made quite an impression in the market, because, in just 7 short years, they got the attention of web hosting giant Endurance International Group, which proceeded to acquire them into the EIG group of companies.
 With the support of EIG, Bluehost managed to substantially grow their once small team to a family that’s 750 people large, allowing them to provide much needed round-the-clock support for their customers!
 Not impressive enough for you?
 Then check this out – Bluehost is also one of the 3 web hosting providers that are actually recommended by WordPress!
 If you’re wondering why that’s impressive, it’s because 30% of sites in the entire world wide web is actually powered by WordPress. In other words, they’re the rock stars of the internet and getting an endorsement from them is similar to getting your workout gear endorsed by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
 Now that you’re acquainted with Bluehost, let’s find out why, in our humble opinion, Bluehost is a pretty strong web hosting provider!
  7 Great Reasons To Pick Bluehost!
 1. Bluehost Is Surprisingly Easy To Use
 If you’ve ever built a website before and used a web hosting service provider with a crappy interface, you’ll understand the pain of logging into the dashboard and… not knowing what to do.
 Bluehost surprised us with their onboarding process. After completing the registration process, we logged in to the dashboard and before we knew it, clicked next a few times and then, *poof* magic – WordPress was already installed and ready to go.
 But pictures speak a thousand words, so here are some to show you what really went down after logging in.
   Bluehost will begin by asking you a series of questions about what kind of site you’ll be creating. Select an option from the drop-down menu, and hit continue. Easy-peasy.
   They’ll then ask what kind of site you’ll be creating, whether it’s a blog, e-Commerce site, or a niche website selling poop scented wrapping paper.
   Them pesky buggers will want to know more about your site, but worry not, because they have your best interests at heart. Name your site, think of a tagline, and rate your website building level on their noob detector scale.
   All you have to do next is pick a theme you like, and then boom, WordPress is automatically installed just like that! No need to worry about getting it installed in the wrong folder, or drastically messing something up.
   Bluehost will take care of the backend, while you just need to worry about customizing your site and making it look pretty.
 If you’re new to site building, I’m pretty sure you have no problems at all creating your site with Bluehost. Even those of us that are a little more seasoned will appreciate how convenient their dashboard is to use.
   Look out how beautiful that custom cPanel interface looks. None of that confusing looking dated mess that comes with stock cPanel.
  2. They’re Surprisingly Fast Around The World!
 According to thinkwithgoogle, fast site load speeds are important for online businesses to be successful, and server response time plays a HUGE role in getting websites to load up fast.
 However, with merely 1 datacenter located in the USA, we didn’t think Bluehost would do very well when put through our proprietary server speed test.
 Using our test site hosted on their basic plan, we went to town and started testing their response times – boy, we were dead wrong.
  Average Speed: 153 ms
 The American hosting provider responded exceptionally well, hitting speeds that are WAY faster than Google’s recommended 200ms in all countries, except for Bangalore.
 They’re obviously fastest in the USA as the datacenter is located there, but they’re no slouch in countries on the other side of the world like Singapore, Sydney and Japan!
 With an average worldwide score of 153ms, Bluehost is one of the fastest A-ranked hosting providers we’ve ever had the pleasure of reviewing. You can rest assured that no matter where your target audience resides in the world, Bluehost will be able to deliver!
 Well… except if your audience is in India. You might want to check out our piece on the best web hosting for India instead.
 * User-friendly hosting with great speed at an affordable rate!
  3. They’ve Got High-Performance Servers
 Those of you with plans to run large scale e-Commerce websites or reddit-like forums would be happy to know that Bluehost offers High-Performance Servers that are suitable for your needs.
 Why is this important?
 Well, with shared web hosting, the purpose of the server is literally in the name – you’re sharing the space with other users, which helps reduce the cost.
 However, some users might accidentally (or intentionally) use up way more resources than allocated, which means that everyone else sharing the server with that user will experience site slowdowns – sometimes their sites won’t even load at all.
 With High-Performance Servers, Bluehost allocates fewer users per server, and each user is given a file count of 300,000 – this means more computing resources per user, consistent site load speeds, and less downtime caused by rogue users!
 As it is with all things good, there’s always a catch.
 Their High-Performance servers are only available with their Pro plan, which is a whole lot pricier than the rest of their shared web hosting plans.
 Guess if you want good performance, you’ve gotta pay for it.
 Quite frankly, we have every confidence in their servers. Our test site is hosted only with their Basic plan, and even then, the uptime for it has been 100% since April 2018!
 Uptime since April 2018
* Bluehost Basic Plan Uptime - tracked with uptimerobot.com
 If their shared hosting servers can produce such uptimes, we can easily expect the same from their High-Performance servers.
  4. Fantastic Security Features
 When we say security, we don’t mean features that just keeps your website safe from those fiendish, ne’er do well hackers.
 We’re talking about security in terms of peace of mind, and keeping spam away from the sanctuary of your brand new email inbox.
 Let’s look into peace of mind first.
 You don’t want to spend days, weeks, months, customizing and tweaking your business website to get it to look perfect and suited to rank on the front of page Google, only to load it up to discover that someone screwed the pooch and your entire website is gone.
 For this, Bluehost provides their users with CodeGuard basic – at $2.99 a month.
 CodeGuard Basic
 The name sounds cool, but it’s actually just a fancy name they came up with for their daily backup service. It’s not bad at all – monitoring your website/database frequently, notifying you if there are any changes, and automatically performing backups.
   The basic version provides 1GB storage space, daily backup and monitoring, and 3 restorations a month.
 If you need more, CodeGuard comes in Professional, Premium, and Enterprise versions too, but be prepared to pay higher prices for those.
 We assure you, Bluehost won’t be sending someone that can tell you the nuances between different types of pork used in SPAM products.
 Instead, SpamExperts is their term for an advanced email filter. It scans incoming emails for spam, viruses, phishing, and other email-related attacks by spammers, and filters them with a rockin’ 99.98% accuracy, all before it reaches your inbox.
 Basically, it helps your mailbox stay squeaky clean and junk-free.
 In terms of actually protecting your website, Bluehost comes with a basic firewall that offers a minimal level of protection against external threats.
 However, If you want enhanced protection, you can get it in the form of SiteLock.
 SiteLock comes in three tiers: Essential, Prevent, and Prevent Plus.
 With Essential, you’ll get to enjoy automatic Malware removal, which does exactly nothing against DDOS attacks or anything major.
 With Prevent, the security level is upped a little with Automatic Malware Removal, DDoS Protection, 6-hour response time and….Image Optimization. Quite frankly, I don’t know what image optimization has to do with security, but it’s a feature I won’t be complaining about.
 Prevent Plus does everything Prevent can, but with the added benefit of having daily scan frequency.
 SiteLock is good and all, but the thing is, they all come as an add-on, meaning we’re gonna need to fork out more money to enjoy it. Come on Bluehost, you can afford to give your customers a little extra security for free!
  5. They’ve Got A Buffet Of Benefits
 Gone are the days where you have to carefully plan out the number of sites you’re planning to launch, and the kind of resources needed to run all of it effectively.
 Bluehost’s shared hosting plans come with all sorts of benefits, and best of all, almost everything is unlimited! We’re talking:
 ·      Unlimited websites
·      Unlimited SSD storage
·      Unlimited parked domains
·      Unlimited subdomains
·      Unmetered bandwidth
 You are basically free to create as many sites as you want with them! And you won’t have to worry about the number of visitors to your site!
 Be wary though – having too many visitors at the same time might take up too much resources, and Bluehost is notorious for deactivating/deleting rogue sites.
  6. Support Responds Very Fast!
 One of the most infuriating things in life is waiting for support to respond to you, especially if your site needs attention NOW.
 While we were setting up our test site, we were quite pleased to find that support responded via Live Chat very quickly. We’re accustomed to waiting at least 15 minutes for live chat support staff to respond, but the Bluehost support team consistently responded in less than 5 minutes.
 We didn’t try phone or email support, but with live chat responding as quick as they do, we hardly think that those methods of support are necessary, although it’s nice to have in case of emergencies.
 You won’t have to worry about support in different time zones either, because Bluehost’s support is available 24/7.
 Excellent job, team!
  7. Freebies That Matter
 Some companies will entice you to sign up with their service with shallow free gifts. We’re talking about those that market regular services as “free”, such as “free” 24/7 support, or “free” WordPress installation.
 Not Bluehost.
 With the all-American web hosting service provider, you’ll actually get freebies that’ll make a difference in your bank account.
 With every shared hosting plan purchased, Bluehost will throw in a domain name, free for the first year. To put things in perspective for you, domain names can cost anywhere from $8 to $872 million – yes you read that right. Here’s proof.
 Aside from that, you’ll also get the enjoy free SSL – now this might not be much, but every little bit definitely helps to make a difference to the small business owner!
 * Unlimited website, SSD, domains, and more!
  4 Disadvantages Of Bluehost
 They say that every rose has its thorn. Well, turns out Bluehost is quite thorny.
 1. Bluehost Only Has 1 Datacenter
 We mentioned previously that we were quite impressed by how fast Bluehost’s 1 datacenter performed, and we still are.
 However, every millisecond counts when it comes to site load speed, and we know they can actually perform WAY better if they had datacenters in other continents to support audiences living further away.
 They might have one of the best worldwide average speeds among all the web hosting services we’ve reviewed, but if another hosting provider like SiteGround has a datacenter in Asia, it’s a given that sites will load up faster for target audiences located there.
  2. Untrained Trainees
 I hate to say this because we all start out somewhere, but you really have to be wary of support that are a little wet behind the ears.
 Bluehost doesn’t really make an effort to hide that they outsource their support team to India, which isn’t really a big deal anyway. I don’t mind, as long as they’re efficient and fast.
 But what I do have a problem is incorrect advice given by trainees.
 While setting up our test site, we asked the support team one really simple question:
 “Does Bluehost provide us with an Uptime Guarantee?”
 The support didn’t know what an uptime guarantee was.
 Fine, maybe it got lost in translation. We explained what we were looking for and their reply was YES, Bluehost has an uptime guarantee!
 So we asked him to point us to the terms of the guarantee and after going through it, we discovered that the provider does not actually guarantee uptime.
 Lucky that this is just a minor issue. God forbid this young support chap gives the wrong advice regarding something major and causes some real damage to our sites.
 Bluehost, if you’re reading this, PLEASE train your trainees. This is not acceptable.
  3. No Uptime Guarantee
 After ranting about it in the earlier point, I can’t really not talk about the lack of uptime guarantee here.
 Downtime is quite detrimental to any website. You lose potential sales or conversions if your site is experiencing downtime, and if it’s consistent enough, search engines might not even bother listing your site.
 This is why an uptime guarantee is important.
 It shows you that the provider is committed to keeping your site up and running, and they’re willing to compensate customers if they face downtimes of below a certain percentage.
 Not having one is a giant red flag in our books.
 That being said, we have to give Bluehost props – their uptime is actually fantastic, as evidenced by the uptime data collected from our test site.
 For the lazy, it’s been at 100% since April 2008. Quite an impressive feat!
  4. Dodgy Checkout Practices
 Pretty sure everyone reading this will be familiar with the sleazy used car salesman that tries to slyly upsell you things you don’t really need just to make a higher sale.
 Making a purchase with Bluehost feels a little bit like we’re dealing with people of that sort.
 Upon checkout, the box for SEO tools and Sitelock will be checked, which pushes the price up to close to $60 a year.
 These things are nice to have but are completely unnecessary, and unsuspecting buyers might just click next and make the purchase unknowingly – which happened to me.
   Make sure you uncheck these boxes before making your purchase (unless you actually want these features).
  VPS Hosting
 If you’re in need of VPS hosting, Bluehost’s virtual private servers are sure to please. Supported with SSD storage, you’ll enjoy all the power, flexibility and control you’ll need for your VPS needs.
 Plans range from $18.99 – $59.99 a month.
  Dedicated Hosting
 Bluehost’s dedicated hosting plans allow users to have unrestricted access to their servers. With their industry-leading robust platform, you’ll get to enjoy powerful flexible hosting at decent prices.
 Their dedicated hosting plans range from $79.99 – $119.99 per month.
 * Price shown is based on 36-month subscription. ** 30-day money back guarantee!
  Verdict: Bluehost Is Good, But Not The Best Choice!
 Just because we didn’t pick Bluehost to be the best web hosting brand, doesn’t mean that they’re not a good service provider.
 They’re actually pretty decent, providing their users with fast enough speeds worldwide to ensure their users’ sites are loaded fast enough to generate a healthy amount of sales.
 With superb useability and great UX, Bluehost is fantastic for beginners. Their WordPress recommendation should speak volumes about their service.
 One thing we need to mention is that Bluehost is still using cPanel, which is great news for those of us that are accustomed to using it. Since cPanel increased their prices, most web hosting providers have decided to dump them, but so far there seems to be no indication of Bluehost dropping cPanel.
 However, the lack of an uptime guarantee got us pretty peeved, as most major providers have the balls to provide some sort of compensation if their users’ sites are down for a certain amount of time.
 The very fact that the companies are willing to put their money where their mouth is, inspires confidence. Bluehost does exactly the opposite without an uptime guarantee… what if the websites hosted with them go down for an entire week?
 Anyone can promise to “strive to maintain network and server uptime” but it means completely jack if they can’t sack up and foot the bill when shit hits the fan.
 However, credit where credit is due – we’ve never had a problem with Bluehost’s actual uptime before. As a matter of fact, the uptime has been 100% on our test site since April 2018!
 Our humble opinion is that Bluehost is a pretty strong hosting provider. They may not be the fastest and they may not be the best, but if you’re just looking to host a simple website, they’ve got all the tools you’ll need to do so effectively.
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nyubitech-blog · 4 years
Domain COM Hanya Rp 100000 DEWABIZ
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Promo Voucher Gratis Kupon Diskon - BIGVOUCHER.xyz Domain COM Hanya Rp 100000 DEWABIZ Domain COM Hanya Rp 100000  lagi obral DewaBiz.com Dengan senang hati kami mengumumkan bahwa Kami memiliki promo spektakuler untuk domain register .com. Hanya Rp 100.000! Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini! Fitur Hosting Unlimited Terlengkap untuk Mendukung Kesuksesan Online Anda Essential Features Gratis Domain : Ya Disk Space : Unlimited Addons Domain : Unlimited Unlimited Database MySQL : Ya Unlimited Bandwidth : Ya Unlimited Sub & Parked Domain : Ya Garansi 30 Hari tanpa Syarat : Ya cPanel Terbaru : Ya Auto Installer (Softaculous) : Ya Gratis SSL Selamanya : Ya Fitur Kecepatan Litespeed Enterprise : Ya WordPress Accelerator : Ya Cloudflare Support : Ya Network Speed 10Gbps : Ya Gratis CDN WordPress : Ya Cegah Downtime & Keamanan Network Redundant : Ya Power Redundant : Ya Cloudlinux OS : Ya Isolated Account and Resources : Ya Ddos & Malware Protection (Imunify360) : Ya Backup : Ya Spamexpert Protection : Ya CloudFlare Protection : Ya Layanan Support Terbaik 24/7 Bantuan pelanggan terbaik dan fast response 24/7 : Ya Layanan pelanggan via chat, whatsapp, email dan telp : Ya Gratis Transfer Hosting : Ya Fitur Advance untuk Developer PHP : 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 7.4 Akses Read the full article
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