medicdoodles · 2 years
Some WheelRatch 🥚preg Dino babies, because of anyone was going to do it I guess it's me.
(Part 1) || (Part 2)
This is mostly about Wheeljack learning to accept that Ratchet could really love him and then they bond.
How Wheeljack ended up with a bot like Ratchet he wasn't really sure. It was probably not because they had the same interests, although it didn't hurt, and not because he was particularly interesting in looks either.
When he'd asked Ratchet would answer with the most beautiful laugh, claps his servos around Wheeljack and tell him it's how easily he makes him happy. Which, Wheeljack supposed is a good thing, considering he sometimes caught a strong guilty feeling about how much he changed for him.
Ratchet went from spending long nights at the bar to quiet evening cuddling on the couch. Talking with any bot who said hello, to only keeping his optics on him.
Ratchet used to spend most of his free time facing with any bot willing, almost anywhere, any way that was agreed upon, except spark sharing. He was adamant about that type, every time Wheeljack brought up that maybe tonight they should share energy, Ratchet would say he isn't ready to open up to him like that yet. Those nights he would wake up alone.
So when bots would congratulate him saying things like he must be so good in the berth to "tame" some bot like Ratchet he'd simply exvented in agreement because what else could he say.
"Wheeljack is something wrong?", Ratchet unfurls himself from their going to charge cuddling and flops over so he can rest his helm between Wheeljack's hip joints.
"No, just-", he ex vent turns his helm to look away. He promised Ratchet he would stop asking if he was happy with him, and he's really trying, but...
"You're feeling unsure about my feelings for you again." Ratchet shift more so his helm lands on Wheeljack's windshield and reaches to grab his face.
"Yeah how'd you figure that out?"
"You've asked me five times this week."
"Sorry I'm trying to be better about this but just I think about the life you used to live before our relationship and I can't believe you're happier this way." Wheeljack turns his focus on Ratchet's face plate. So slim in its shape, optics so blue and pure it's hard not to get lost in them. How could he ever-
"Who said I was happy before?" Ratchet breaks sight contact and rubs his helm into Wheeljack's chest plate right above his spark. "I'm glad I don't have to fight to keep any bot's attention anymore. I have yours and you don't even force me to open my plating like all those other hook ups." He kisses the center of where 'Jack's spark would be. "How can't I be happy when the bot I love enjoys me for everything else that I am."
When he out it like that Wheeljack supposes it does sound condescending to keep doubting Ratchet's choice in picking their relationship over that of any bot else. That maybe his doubt would probably make any other bot think he was trying to break it off, but no his Ratchet is stubborn. "I'm happy too. I'm glad we picked each other."
"Yeah, you better."
When he restarts Wheeljack sees the soft light of the sun hitting his loft's window. The smokey blue haze running into the atmosphere's natural golden moring glow, it was all nothing compared to the absolute relaxation on Ratchet's face.
He runs his digits around that white helm. Wheeljack never gets up before Ratchet. Even when Ratchet shuts in longer he gets up to present himself picture perfect. Nothing like now, cheek smotched, lips parted and glossa sticking out mid lick. He drools in his sleep, Primus below them his engine even whistles. If it was possible to love any bot anymore Wheeljack was sure this was it.
Ratchet then boots up and shame fills his field, and he realizes that this is the first time he's ever felt his EM Field. He usually so self composed that he never let so much emotion slip from his frame. "Sorry 'Jackie. Let me clean that for you."
"It's just a little drool it won't kill me." He watches as Ratchet pulls out a smalls rag from his space sub and avoids looking back at him. "Hey", he grabs his servos, "It's fine, really."
There's an awkward pause. They look at each other and then, "Let's get bonded."
"C'mon let's get bonded, Conjunx, share spark, find other rites and do those too." Ratchet crawls to cover his frame, beautiful blue eyes look back at him and all that shame turns to a warm happiness.
"You don't have to do that, Ratch' I understand your happy how we are." Wheeljack puts his servos on Ratchet's windshield and without a nano sec passing it splits open showing the medic's spark.
It's so light that it he mistaken it as white, but the blue glow on Ratchet's face says other wise. There's small cuts that leave a dent warping what should have been a perfect sphere but still it was Ratchet through and through.
He doesn't know how or why it happens, he doesn't even remember when he sent the command to open his spark. All Wheeljack notices is the absolute joy emitting from his casing. Of two wild and frenzied energies spinning and figuring out how they should form. Where the extra energy will go and that they'll be linked for a while, but with all the love they shared with each other; Wheeljack knows without a doubt,
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calamitycons · 5 years
gnight everybody here’s a spark merging under the cut
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uneryx · 5 years
/clangclang and sparksex???/
I’m not emotionally ready to explain this to you, Izaak. 
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captainbaneberry · 7 years
Redoing my commission info. Please read everything before contacting me about ordering a commission!
I'm offering fics with 2k (or a little over) words for $22.
IF YOU WISH TO COMMISSION ME FOR SMUT, PLEASE READ: You must be 18+ years to commission smut from me. No ands, ifs, or buts. I need a legitimate form of identification such as an ID; you are free to omit/remove any personal details, but it is IMPERATIVE I see your DOB. I'm not going on the honor system here; you cannot tell me you're over 18, I need actual proof. If you cannot provide me proof, then I cannot write you a smut commission.
However, I am perfectly okay with doing G to PG-13 related fics. These fics will not include smut. If your prompt is "A and B go on a date and snog," that's not a problem. I can do that. If you think your fic would require anything heavy BUT no porn, we can talk about it and come to a compromise.
As such, I am under no obligation to accept your commission. If I am uncomfortable with the prompt, I will gladly try to work something out with you. But I am free to turn down commissions otherwise.
Now, onto the DOs and DON'Ts.
- Transformers is mostly what I write on this account. The Transformers series I will write for: MTMTE/Lost Light, G1, Animated, Prime, live action films, Shattered Glass, and RiD cartoon. My Beast Wars and Armada are rusty, but can be done. I don't really read RID/exRID, BUT I can still write the characters/ships from them. - Gen (no pairs/ships) - Het, slash, femslash, other - Canon/OC (please provide a photo reference or detailed description of their appearence, as well as imperative personality information and data, etc) - OC/OC (see notes above) - I like to think I'm pretty open-minded about kinks, so tell me what you want and we'll talk about it. A few examples of what I will write: tentacles/consentacles, monster sex, (mild) cum inflation, xenophilia, BDSM, D/s, toys, oviposition. - For smut: sticky, pnp, sparksex, tactile, combinations of one or more of these things
I WILL NOT WRITE: - Noncon (dubcon is fine, but even then I'm a little iffy), bestiality (monsters and tentacles excluded), bathroom kinks, underage/lolicon/shoutakon, incest (no, clones do not count), hard vore (I don't mind writing cannibalism, but anything involving vore as in swallowing whole, etc, I will not write).
TO CONTACT ME: - You may leave an ask or submission. Tumblr can be wonky, however, so if I don't respond within 48 hours, resend it or shoot me an email. - My email address is tennlemonpie @ gmail . com.
You pay AFTER the fic is complete. I will also ask if I have permission to upload your fic into the public or if you'd rather it remain private. (If you are okay with it being published, but don't want me to disclose your name, I will address you as Anonymous or a moniker of your choice.)
I'd really appreciate reblogs for signal boosting! ;) I hope to do business with you in the future!
I also have a ko-fi account if you’d like to show your appreciation and give me a little tip! https://ko-fi.com/24950GH7CV6VU
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anonymousfragger · 8 years
Transformers Fanfic Terms 101
So @novelty-spark was asking about a masterpost for those sorts of things, I thought I'd throw down the terms i've used in my seasoned time as a TF fic writer. Shoutout to my bae @guttermech for helping with some of these tooooo
So for those who don’t know there’s actually a ton of strange inner-fandom terms and shorthand that’s used in fanfic/general discussions, and can also be used for tags on art. 
First off there's the different types of TF porn/fic. 
Sticky and PnP/Wireplay are the most common, less common is Sparkplay/Sparkbonding There's also a now-unheard of fourth type called Tactile/EM fieldplay.
Sticky: Sticky is organic-based sexual organs, with organic genitals. Usually it's a set of a penis/vagina combo, but there's lots of different versions. One thing is for sure; it's messy, it's slippery, and it's the most common type of TF porn you'll find. 
PnP: Short for Plug-N-Play, it's also sometimes called wireplay, is the counter to Sticky. It's more based on the passing of electrical currents and information between two cybertronians to bring pleasure to both parties. The fact that it's also a common phrase for electronics is a hilarious bonus for when you find that shit in public and can laugh about it. 
Sparksex/Sparkplay/Sparkbonding: This is a fairly well recognized but not always utilized form of cybertronian coupling that involves direct interaction between two or more party's sparks. It's usually coupled with them becoming bondmates which is a term i'll cover below in more detail. 
Tactile/EMfieldplay: This is from the olden days, I've not seen any content made of this forgotten type in years and years, but now's a good a time as any for a resurgance. EMfield stands for Electromagnetic Field, which is the sensory net that surrounds a cybertronian. Long ago [before time began...] it was very common for fics to include the fields as a form of close-contact, a field that would become meshed with others when cybertronians were near each other. This type of porn was more closely related to foreplay, though climax could easily be reached by the two [or more!] fields interacting. This one's pretty complex to explain here, but I think I've got the gist of it down. 
Here's a list of some terms, not all are inherently sexual but are useful to know for the flow of things/knowing the name of some parts of the anatomy and terms: 
Interfacing is sex. It's just what sex is called, pretty basic. 
cable/cord/plug are the words for a robot penis, however a lot of people call them 'spikes' too, which is uncomfortable sounding as hell! Let's normalize cord/cable/plug =u= I've also seen 
Valve is the term used for a penetrable hole, a vagina or butthole or whateverthefuck, it's also sometimes called a port. 
Anterior/Outer node is a term used for a clitoris, and 
Calipers are the internal structure of a valve/port, similar to the muscle structure inside organic holes to clench/cause a milking action. 
Overload is what an orgasm is called. 
Transfluid is cybertronian ejaculate/jizz. Most artistic renderings have it be glowing like Energon but it can be just about anything you want, I used to write it as silver or different colors, they're robots, go wild. Glowy jizz or metallic jizz or black inky jizz or just white jizz, who cares! It's jizz! Have fun! 
CNA  is sometimes used as a version of DNA, often used for when baby Cybertronians are talked about being made through sexual reproduction. On that note- 
Sparklings, are baby cybertronians. Sometimes they're also called protoforms but more often than not Sparklings is the most accurate way to get it. Protoforms are also a canon material so I don't know if anyone uses it anymore. I'm not going over different methods of sexual and asexual cybertronian reproduction because that honestly deserves a post all it's own. 
Glossa is what tongues are called, while 
Coolant is often used as their version of saliva 
servo is used interchangeably for any moving part w/ a joint- legs, arms, fingers, etc [for fingers i would suggest 'digits' too ] 
Vents are used to describe air flow and to emulate panting/heavy breathing, often used for when a cybertronian starts to get heated and their vents will turn on, expelling hot air. 
Pedes are words used instead of 'feet'
Chevron is the shape that's on many Cybertronian's heads, [examples: prowl, ratchet] 
Headfins are another helmet shape, often described as sensitive or an erogenous zone. [examples: sunstreaker, fort max]
Kibble is the name of anything that is not a vital part of the cybertronian's anatomy but is needed in order to form their alt mode. Examples include tires, headlights, car doors on arms/back. 
Door-wings are pretty self-explanatory, but they are a specific anatomy belonging to the likes of Prowl, Jazz, TFP/Bayverse/RID2015 Bumblebee; they are the doors for their car mode that are perched between the shoulders like wings. 
Audials are used instead of 'ears', while 
Finials describe a more protruding shape of 'ears', such as those on Shockwave, Drift, and Wing. 
And as a special added note, here are some Cybertronian curse words often used in fics:
Dross [Damn]
Frag [fuck] fragger, fragging, etc
Scrap [shit]
Slag[aggressive derogatory term, means to call someone scum or garbage]
Feel free to add things! I hope this helps! 8U 
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ao3feed-kobb · 5 years
by Drift
Kinktober 2019 day 24 - Bathsex
Knock Out and Bumblebee enjoying an Oil bath
Words: 950, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 24 of Kinktober 2019, Part 5 of Organized Chaos Verse
Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Prime
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Knock Out (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers)
Relationships: Bumblebee/Knock Out
Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Bathing/Washing, Bathtubs, Bathtub Sex, Bath Sex, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Sticky, Oil, Sparkmerge, Kinktober 2019, Kinktober, Not Beta Read, sparksex, Playful Sex, playfighting
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parkerbombshell · 6 years
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Today The Menace's Attic/Just Another Menace Sunday #interview w/ The Faint 6pm-8pm EST 3pm-5pm PDT 11pm -1am BST Bombshell Radio bombshellradio.com Bombshell Radio Repeats Thursday 6am-8am EST 3am-5am PDT 11am-1pm BST BombshellRadio #melodicrock #radioshow #rock #alternative #TuneInRadio #justanothermenacesunday #dj #DennistheMenace #radioreplay #today #TheFaint #RockNRoll #Alternative #BombshellRadio This Week – Episode #567 A CONVERSATION WITH THE FAINT (11/09/2014) Theme SongJust Another Menace Sunday Theme (Dennis The Menace) - Mighty Six NinetyHour 1 A CONVERSATION WITH THE FAINTJust Another Menace Sunday Theme - Mighty 690OPENING SONG: Evil Voices - The FaintTHE FAINT MUSICAL SANDWICHOPENING BREAD: Mental Radio - The FaintBlue Moon - Elvis PresleyGoodbye Horses - Q LazurusLook A Dollar - Quit Your Day JobAngst In My Pants - SparksEx-French Tee Shirt - Shudder To ThinkA Man Inside My Mouth - The CureManhole - Man's Recovery ProjectNo Tears - TuxedoMoonTR/ST - SulkCrow And A Baby - Human LeagueFutureworld - Trans AmSimian Fever - Six Finger SatelliteCLOSING BREAD: Help Is In The Head - The FaintHour 2 NEW MELODIC ROCK AND ROLL!OPENING SONG: How Long's It Gonna Be - High Hazels (Heist or Hit)Leaning On The Lamp Post - Herman's Hermits (MGM)Wolves - Dreamers (Self Release)Girlfriend - Streets Of Laredo (Dine Alone)Destroy - In-Flight Safety (Ooh La La)Gloria - Cult Fever (Self Release)Didn't Need To Know - The Bad Years (Kaleidoscope Wonder Sound)Elevation - Erasure (Mute)Am I Still Here - From Indian Lakes (Triple Crown)Make You Better - The Decemberists (Capitol)As Tears Go By - Marianne Faithfull (London)Deep Water - Marianne Faithfull (Easy Sound)CLOSING SONG: Every Single Time - Raw Fabrics (&King) Read the full article
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uneryx · 5 years
1980sspaceman replied to your post: /clangclang and sparksex???/
the terms are. something.
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