#Spelt Flour for Sale
ancientgrainsteton · 5 months
Unveiling the Elegance of Ancient Grains: Premium Spelt Flour for Sale by Grand Teton Ancient Grains
Welcome to a culinary journey where tradition meets excellence. Grand Teton Ancient Grains proudly presents its premium spelt flour for sale, a testament to the rich history and nutritional brilliance of ancient grains. In this blog, we invite you to discover the distinctive qualities that set our spelt flour apart and elevate your baking experience.
Exploring the Origins:
Derived from an ancient grain that has stood the test of time, spelt flour has been a staple in human diets for centuries. Grand Teton Ancient Grains honors this legacy by meticulously sourcing and cultivating spelt that retains its authenticity, delivering a taste that transcends the ordinary.
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The Grand Teton Difference:
Our commitment to quality begins with the careful selection of spelt grains, followed by a meticulous milling process that preserves the grain's inherent nutrients. The result? A premium spelt flour that boasts a delightful nutty flavor, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of culinary creations.
Nutritional Excellence:
Grand Teton Ancient Grains' spelt flour is not just about taste; it's about nourishing your body. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, spelt flour is a wholesome choice for those seeking a healthier alternative to conventional flours. Embrace the goodness of ancient grains and make each bite a moment of well-being.
Versatility in the Kitchen:
Whether you're an experienced baker or a culinary enthusiast, our premium spelt flour opens up a world of possibilities. From artisan bread to delectable pastries, its unique properties contribute to a light and airy texture, enhancing the overall quality of your creations. Elevate your dishes with the nuanced flavors of Grand Teton Ancient Grains' spelt flour.
Order Your Bag of Excellence:
Ready to embark on a culinary adventure? Grand Teton Ancient Grains makes it easy to bring the elegance of premium spelt flour into your kitchen. Visit our online store and experience the difference of ancient grains – where quality meets tradition.
Grand Teton Ancient Grains invites you to savor the essence of the past with our premium spelt flour. Unearth the richness of ancient grains and redefine your culinary creations. Elevate your baking with Grand Teton Ancient Grains – because exceptional flavor and wholesome nutrition are timeless.
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thegeekx · 2 years
Ocado shoppers accuse bakery of 'ruining' 'white' sourdough with wholemeal flour 
Ocado shoppers accuse bakery of ‘ruining’ ‘white’ sourdough with wholemeal flour 
Ocado shoppers are in uproar after a bakery changed the recipe for a ‘white’ sourdough to include wholemeal flour. Bertinet Bakery White Sourdough, which is for sale at Waitrose and Ocado, has been slammed by customers online, many of whom have written one star reviews for the bread. The recipe was altered to add wholemeal, barley and spelt flours, where it previously contained only white wheat…
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5 Fundamentals Points You Have To Do to Make Perfect Cookies | The Malibu Cookie Company
I was overcoming a batch of chocolate chip cookies and also attempting craft them to plump yet chewy perfection.
CBD cookies
I seriously required a break from the writing as well as editing and enhancing procedure and for me, cooking is treatment. Do you love to make cookies? I'm an unashamed cookie beast. I simply like to bake cookies.
 While baking cookies is fascinating it can additionally be strewn with difficulties. Are you amazed at how challenging it can be to obtain uniformity and conformity in several batches of cookies? I have been. Cookie baking is less complicated claimed than done in some cases. And also, sometimes it is what we don't understand that prevents the excellent cookie from being made.
 One week I am delighted with the crunchy edges and the soft facilities of oatmeal raisin cookies, the best color and creamy level of smoothness of springtime sugar cookies and the means the molasses cookies look with the sugar sprinkles cleaning their dark brownish crunchy tops. The next week my chocolate chip cookies look as flat as pancakes, the chips sticking out from the cookie in a very abnormal method, as if they were indicated to be somewhere else.
 Confusion made use of to marks my cooking as I ask yourself where I took a mistake with my cookies. I speak to the cookies and inquire what I did wrong. (They rarely comeback.).
 After transforming one thousand sets of cookies and also paying attention and reading other bakers, I ultimately have actually started to continually make good cookies. When they do not I currently have a hint to what cooking criminal offenses I committed that brought about the twisted or misinterpreted cookie.
 1. Never undervalue the power of the leaveners.
 Sodium bicarbonate and also cooking powder are extremely essential - both are leaveners and also yet they work in different ways. A few years back my sibling, Bethany, informed me she had refined her delicious chocolate chip cookie recipe by using both cooking soda as well as baking powder. I rapidly attempted her suggestion. By doing this she stayed clear of the "flat pancake" cookie look.
Pot cookies
I concerned discover the smart people behind America's Examination Kitchen area usage this technique in a number of their cookies. They discuss why a mix of leaveners works in their "The Best of America's Examination Kitchen area: Best Dishes and Testimonials 2012.".
 The answer is that both (baking soft drink and cooking powder) work in tandem to create cookies that not just rise, but spread, to the ideal degree.
 Are you cookies not spreading out or climbing appropriately? Try splitting the amount of leavening in between both leavening agents. If the dish calls for 1 teaspoon of cooking soft drink, usage 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of cooking powder.
 2. Different flours include various components and they impact the way the cookies cook, taste and also rise.
 Did you recognize King Arthur's flour has a significant greater protein level than other flours? The quantity of protein in the flour usage will certainly affect the density of your cookies. Furthermore, not only does the brand name of flour you make use of make a distinction yet the type of flour: wheat flour will make distinctively different chocolate chip cookies than utilizing all-purpose white flour. Using the extra artisanal flours such as spelt, rye or multi-grain can result in really various preferences and also appearances of cookies.
 What is the most convenient method to correct this? Use the very same kind of flour at all times- the very same brand name and also the very same kind. Many times I buy the flour that is on sale or I have a voucher for. Nonetheless, for the sake of consistency and also improving my baking skills, I currently get one type of flour and stick to that. I will alter flours only when I wish to trying out different flours and am looking for various lead to the cookies.
 3. Examine the expiration days of your flour, baking powder and cooking soda.
 The age makes a difference. When in doubt, throw it out. These items are cost-effective. I tend to be fairly penny-wise yet losing a set of cookies over a 67 cent box of cooking soda is SO not worth it.
 4. The sort of fat made use of in cookies transforms the characteristics of the cookies.
 I will use various sorts of fat depending upon the dish as well as what I have in the house. Butter, oil and reducing all create various preferences as well as structures in cookies. By far, butter wins the taste test, particularly in a pure cookie like a chocolate chip without add-ins (coconut, nuts, oatmeal, etc.).
 Nonetheless I have actually had success making use of 1/2 cup of butter and 1/2 mug of oil or reducing in specific cookies. For instance, delicious chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies oat meal cookies function well with 1/2 cup of butter and also 1/2 cup of oil. In Snickernoodles and also Sugar cookies butter as well as reducing mix works well together.
 5. Check the consistency of the temperature level of your stove.
 Changing the temperature level by also ten degrees will certainly affect the way the cookies increase, spread and also taste. Couple of points are as aggravating as cookies that are a tad-too brown under and still gooey between. Some stoves are not regular in the temperature level specified on the stove thermostat. Stove thermostats are an inexpensive and vital device of every baker to ensure cookies baked to excellence.
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deathbyvalentine · 6 years
“THIS IS WHAT I’M REDUCED TO.” - A Death Unto Darkness Coffee Shop AU, Chapter One
The hot coffee splashed up their arm and they recoiled, violently, letting the mug slip to the floor and shatter. The noise hurt them more than the burnt skin, knowing it would carry up the stairs to the manager’s office, and they’d be called in. Again. The dream shifted, and they were on the balance beam, hearing a dull snap from across the arena - 
The alarm was no less jarring for how often it was heard. Cal opened a single eye and groaned, feeling on the bedside table to switch it off with a fair amount of unneeded violence. For a few long, long moments, they just lay there. As they stared at the ceiling, feeling their heart already racing, their skin in a cold sweat. The inside of their mouth was bleeding from where they’d bitten it in their sleep. The new job was already doing a number on them and they hadn’t even started it yet.
They sat up with a great deal of effort, running a hand through the birds nest that was their hair. Moving to the mirror, their hands hung uselessly at their sides. Somehow, they had to look presentable, and they had no idea how to achieve that. The best they could hope for was a loose company policy on hair-dye. In the rushed email they had been sent, there had been no dress code.
Looking healthy was out of the question, as was looking relaxed. But they could do clean. They could do neat. Within half an hour they were if not pleased with how they looked, they were satisfied. Only the tips of their fingers and their neck/face were uncovered, and so their fidgeting managed to still. Something like armour. Something like a mask. 
The morning was brisk, the type of weather that sunk down to your bones. Not Cal’s natural clime, but they found a strange sort of beauty in the way their breath curled in the frigid air like the smoke of some great dragon. They were still learning this new country, but they didn’t hate it. It had the allure of the new. They glanced down at their phone to check the directions one more time, though they had almost memorised it by now. ‘The Lord’s Coffee’. What an odd name.
One more deep breath. They looked at the shop front again, unable to see inside due to the fogged up windows. The sign was beautiful, if somehow old fashioned. Gold script on a deep, (slightly flaking) rich red. It could have been the sign for an apothecary or a book shop or an opium den if not for the word coffee. They reached out and pushed the door open, hearing a delicate tinkle from an overhead bell.
Inside was... Something like chaos. A flurry of activity, steam rising from tea cups, old jazz crackling over the store radio. Everything was dark wood and velvet, any metal showing was brass and brazen. It seemed to be attempting a vintage look, but couldn’t quite decide on what decade. Cal stood by the door, slightly stunned for a moment, taking it all in. At the counter, a young man looked up from a notebook where he was scrawling numbers, his face breaking into an eager smile. He hurried over, putting out a hand to shake. “Mx. Callum Gearwright, correct? You’re five minutes early. Excellent. I admire punctuality.” Cal nodded at his hand, their own staying firmly on the strap of their bag. He withdrew it, apparently not in the slightest deterred. “I am your manager, Stephen White, though my friends call me Chalkie. I do hope we can be friends.” Cal just about managed a smile, though his friendliness took them back. This was clearly not the cold corporate management they were used to. Their teeth found the familiar groove in their lip, hand clenching even tighter around their bag. “Right then. Let’s show you around.”
It was a split level affair, something that made Cal wince for the future fate of their knees. Upstairs there were large windows that looked onto the cobbled street and tables who wore their age on their sleeve. The winter sunlight illuminated it, covering it in frosty light, but later in the evening there would be low hanging ceiling lights. There was a dumbwaiter tucked in a corner, much to Cal’s relief. They wouldn’t have to worry about tripping over their own feet with hot drinks. Again. 
Stephen knocked on the frosted glass of the office door with the back of his knuckles, barely waiting a moment before opening it and stepping inside, gesturing for Cal to follow. Inside, a woman tapped on her laptop, fingers a blur over the keys. The modernity of the laptop was the first thing Cal noticed. The second thing was the bright scarlet of her lipstick. The third was the orange of her tightly coiled hair. She was striking. For a moment, she didn’t seem to notice them come in. Then, she glanced up, eyes resting on Cal before raising a quizzical eyebrow at Stephen.
“George.” “And who’s this?” “New hire, remember? A Mx Callum Gearwright, came with recommendations.”  “Oh, from that dreadful chain?” She stood up and shook Cal’s hand with her similarly gloved one. “Well, I do hope they can keep up. We’re rushed off our damn feet.”  Cal felt their cheeks colour a little. Something about them must have been found lacking. It was hardly surprising, as they were somewhat lacking. The rest of the day was something of a blur. The machines were outdated and hissed and spluttered out hot water at a moments notice. There were only three types of coffee on the menu, but there were twenty types of tea to memorise, all with different brewing times and serving suggestions. The till needed to be individually rung up, nothing automated. Cal didn’t mess up, not exactly, but they couldn’t help but feel like they were clinging on by the skin of their teeth. In their old work, they were suffocated under management and oversight, their place clearly spelt out and any over stepping punished with alarming speed. Here, there was the opposite problem. Cal found themselves flicking through an old, stained employee handbook, looking desperately for some actual description of all their duties. They found none. 
There were perks however. Nobody yelled (well, not at them, at least). Tea and cake was free to employees. There was a steady stream of people coming in and out, all of them eccentric. Cal could take a breath, leaning against the counter and just watch them, picking up on their accents, clothes, stories. Several regulars treated them with suspicion, but Stephen assured them that if it ever crossed the line into outright hostility they would be swiftly ‘dealt with’.
“They’re not bad people, you understand.” He began, earnestly, pushing his glasses up his nose. “They’re just, well, set in their ways. And you’re new.” Cal could understand that. In small towns, nobody liked an outsider.
The evening had closed in by the time their shift was over. They were coated with a light sheen of sweat from mopping the kitchen floors, clearing them of flour and tea. They hadn’t done this much physical work since well, they were a kid. Stephen had already gone home, but George had remained. Apparently she always locked up herself, not trusting anyone else to do it. She lived beside the shop, in an apartment that was expensive but not exactly roomy. All of this Cal had discovered from listening to the gossip and chatter of the other workers. They themselves tried to keep quiet. They had a stupendous knack for saying exactly the wrong thing, so they preferred to say nothing at all. 
The wind had turned cruel when they stepped outside, flipping the open sign to closed. The sweat instantly cooled, sending shivers across their skin. They paused a moment, taking a deep breath of the bracing air and watching the moths dance around a streetlight.
Something caught their eye. Across the empty street was an deserted shop front. By the looks of it, it had been empty for some time, the dust so thick as to be impossible to see past. A ‘For Sale’ sign hung in the window, faded from being exposed to sunlight for so long. It was a shame really, it was small but the glass front looked pretty. Cal wondered vaguely what was wrong with it, almost forgetting why they were gazing at it in the first place.
Then it happened again, right towards the back. A small flicker of light. Like a torch or a phone. Cal squinted, but being partially sighted at the best of times meant that their investigation was futile. They decided to watch for a few minutes longer but the light didn’t reappear, and the cold had gotten to their bones. They decided to go home.
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sorav93 · 3 years
Gluten-Free Products Market 2021-2027 Size, Share, Trend, Key Palyers with Products
Gluten-Free Products Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Gluten-Free Products Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Gluten-Free Products market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Gluten-Free Products industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Gluten-Free-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley or any of their crossbred varieties and derivatives. In baking, gluten is the binding agent within the flour that prevents the baked good from crumbling. As such, gluten is found in many processed and packaged product. A gluten free product does not contain any gluten or grains such as spelt-wheat, which is gluten-rich. In this report, gluten free products include Bakery Products, Pizzas & Pastas, Cereals & Snacks, Savories and Others.
The report offers detailed coverage of Gluten-Free Products industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Gluten-Free Products by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Gluten-Free Products market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Gluten-Free Products according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Gluten-Free Products company.
Market Segment as follows:
By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies Boulder Brands Dr. Sch�r ENJOY LIFE NATURAL General Mills, Inc The Hain Celestial Group Kraft Heinz HERO GROUP AG KELKIN LTD NQPC RAISIO PLC Kellogg’s Company Big Oz Industries Domino’s Pizza
Market by Type Bakery Products Pizzas & Pastas Cereals & Snacks Savories Others
Market by Application Conventional Stores Hotels & Restaurants Educational Institutions Hospitals & Drug Stores Specialty Services
Check Discount @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/request_discount/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Gluten-Free-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Table of Contents
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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Gluten-Free Products Market Size, Share With Top Companies, Region Forecast 2021-2027
Gluten-Free Products Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Gluten-Free Products Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Gluten-Free Products market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Gluten-Free Products industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Gluten-Free-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley or any of their crossbred varieties and derivatives. In baking, gluten is the binding agent within the flour that prevents the baked good from crumbling. As such, gluten is found in many processed and packaged product. A gluten free product does not contain any gluten or grains such as spelt-wheat, which is gluten-rich. In this report, gluten free products include Bakery Products, Pizzas & Pastas, Cereals & Snacks, Savories and Others.
The report offers detailed coverage of Gluten-Free Products industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Gluten-Free Products by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Gluten-Free Products market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Gluten-Free Products according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Gluten-Free Products company.
Market Segment as follows:
By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies Boulder Brands Dr. Sch�r ENJOY LIFE NATURAL General Mills, Inc The Hain Celestial Group Kraft Heinz HERO GROUP AG KELKIN LTD NQPC RAISIO PLC Kellogg’s Company Big Oz Industries Domino’s Pizza
Market by Type Bakery Products Pizzas & Pastas Cereals & Snacks Savories Others
Market by Application Conventional Stores Hotels & Restaurants Educational Institutions Hospitals & Drug Stores Specialty Services
Check Discount @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/request_discount/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Gluten-Free-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Table of Contents
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Gluten-Free Products Market Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast 2021 to 2027
Gluten-Free Products Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Gluten-Free Products Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Gluten-Free Products market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Gluten-Free Products industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Gluten-Free-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley or any of their crossbred varieties and derivatives. In baking, gluten is the binding agent within the flour that prevents the baked good from crumbling. As such, gluten is found in many processed and packaged product. A gluten free product does not contain any gluten or grains such as spelt-wheat, which is gluten-rich. In this report, gluten free products include Bakery Products, Pizzas & Pastas, Cereals & Snacks, Savories and Others.
The report offers detailed coverage of Gluten-Free Products industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Gluten-Free Products by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Gluten-Free Products market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Gluten-Free Products according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Gluten-Free Products company.
Market Segment as follows:
By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies Boulder Brands Dr. Sch�r ENJOY LIFE NATURAL General Mills, Inc The Hain Celestial Group Kraft Heinz HERO GROUP AG KELKIN LTD NQPC RAISIO PLC Kellogg’s Company Big Oz Industries Domino’s Pizza
Market by Type Bakery Products Pizzas & Pastas Cereals & Snacks Savories Others
Market by Application Conventional Stores Hotels & Restaurants Educational Institutions Hospitals & Drug Stores Specialty Services
Check Discount @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/request_discount/(COVID-19-Version)-Global-Gluten-Free-Products-Market-Status-(2015-2019)-and-Forecast-(2020-2025)-by-Region,-Product-Type-&-End-Use
Table of Contents
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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isacookinpadua · 3 years
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Sourdough Bread | Pane con Lievito Madre . Flour - Water - Salt Farina - Acqua - Sale . . . . . #sourdough #sourdoughbread #natuallyleavened #sourdoughstarter #mamaisacookingschool #fermentonatural #fermentedfoods #goodbacteria #spelt #italyforfoodies #igbreadclub #sourdoughschool #wildyeast #masamadre #artisanbread #opencrumbsourdough #levain #biga #panefattoincasa (at Mama Isa's Cooking School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNG_m-BLIK/?igshid=11hd1okkh1aqp
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flour2door · 3 years
Where to Find Gluten Free Flour
So you uncover that you dislike foods which contain gluten however you simply do not recognize where to discover it.You have a desire for sure foods but you require gluten complimentary flour and do not recognize where to find any kind of. Living a gluten cost-free way of living doesn't have to be that hard if you can find the ingredients that you require. I have actually been living the gluten free way of living for quite a while currently as well as have actually discovered lots of replacement for the important things that I can't tolerate. As time has passed, I have actually also located numerous sources that stock gluten totally free items. In this short article, I'm mosting likely to assist you learn where you can discover gluten complimentary flour.
Canadian Bread Flour Lot of times when you go in the store to search for gluten free items, it's very tough to find because you do not have numerous choices. The neighborhood supermarket does not advertise the sale of it due to the fact that there isn't a high need for it. There are some of us that are seriously looking for it and do not want to pay an arm or leg to get it. One store that I discover has the highest choice of gluten cost-free flour is Whole Foods Market. In addition to offering that, they additionally have baked goods. There have been numerous celebrations where they have had days of free examples. They likewise have a bakeshop that produces gluten totally free cakes, cookies, muffins, as well as bread. I have had the possibility to sample the muffins as well as they were heavenly. They tasted just like the genuine thing and I seemed like it was wicked to feed on such a treat. On certain aisles, you will certainly discover several sorts of blends that can be made from home.Whole Foods Market is also known for marketing grains, flour, rice, etc by the pound. So there are many selections of gluten cost-free flour to select from. It varies from Spelt, Rice, Quinoa, and also Wild Rice. Entire Foods Market has a number of areas throughout the United States and also Canada. This would be my front runner to find what I'm trying to find. One more shop that has actually just recently acquired interest in is Wal-Mart. When visiting a couple of months back, I found that they were offering Spelt Flour but it wasn't the most effective thing since it was very hefty and also resembled the texture of Corn Dish. Naturally, if you were trying to bake a cake with that said, it would not be of the very best high quality. They also began to sell a cake mix created by Betty Crocker that is acquired of rice flour. And rice flour has the very same quality as that of Spelt. Right here recently they have included a new enhancement to the gluten totally free supply. They have a section on the cakes aisle which contains all rice products. This consists of rice flour, rice pasta, hamburger meals, as well as a lot more. It's an extremely small section in the meantime yet it will expand over time if the demand rises. I like to utilize rice items over others but not the rice flour due to the fact that it is not all that terrific for baking with. However Wal-mart is the next best area to locate what you are seeking.
yeast For Baking Recently, there have actually been several health food stores turning up all over. A few of the others that I didn't discuss above are Central Market, Market Street and Sprouts. These likewise provide the same features as Whole Foods Market. Locally, there are several little, specialty stores that sell various assortments of what you would certainly be looking for. For that reason, living a gluten cost-free way of life isn't as tough to discover as you would think. As even more individuals become aware of Celiac Condition, the lack of ability to find items will come to be a distant memory.
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ancientgrainsteton · 8 months
Shop Organic Spelt Flour At Grand Teton Ancient Grain
Spelt is a type of grain that is related to wheat, barley, and rye. Grand Teton Ancient Grains is to restore the finest organically grown ancient foods from around the world into our modern lifestyles. They provide 100% organic, natural, and healthy spelt flour for sale. These Spelt berries are premium food grade, ready for milling into flour, sprouting, or serving as a whole grain in salads, pilafs, and soups. Free Delivery is available on pails to all 50 US States. Buy Now!
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quillachau · 3 years
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Yeast free spelt pitta bread 🥯 Lima bean mash 🧁 #Matcha #coconut #latte 🍵 I got these organic spelt flour that is past its best before date for free sitting in my kitchen for months so I’ve decided to make something out of it. First time making this type of Pitta Bread. I tried to cut ingredients in half because I don’t wanna make too much bread, eating alone, Mis-calculated,I’ve put a bit too much water and it was very sticky so I just added more flour in and on the working board and rolling pin. I love how the apple cider vinegar and the baking soda created this good reaction and bubbled up which gives a bread a better texture without yeast. Next time I want to make them look even better. I made this mash just like hummus by just replacing chickpeas with Lima Beans(Butter beans). With my new multi functional blender to boil the beans and then turn it into a really smooth and thick mash. I loved it so much🥰 These food gave me so much energy. I could only eat a little more than one bread +1/3 of the mash for lunch. Life is so much easier with this nice blender that can cook and blend at the same time. Especially when you’re vegan and want to eat healthy yet busy, this thing just save a lot of time and effort in cooking. I’ve actually bought a cheaper one before trying to save money, but it only brought me more trouble, it was hella noisy and stopped functioning within a month but it’s difficult and expansive to send it back to China for refund or repair 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lesson learned : Invest on stuff that can really last saves more money and time. So I bought this new model on CNY sales from a brand that Is specialized in soy milk makers and blenders and got really good reviews. So far I think I’ve made the right choice choosing this one. It is not that noisy and easy to use, pretty good looking as well. I’ve been off from social media most of the time busy with new projects and realized that I haven’t been posting much food porn lately, and I kind of miss doing that, So here I am again. If you wanna know about the recipe or the blender that I’ve got just leave me a comment or inbox me. I’m more than happy to share. #vegan #homemade #pittabread https://www.instagram.com/p/CLBdAxyAGaB/?igshid=ivfn253p1nsw
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isacookinpadua · 3 years
Sourdough Bread | Pane con Lievito Madre . Flour - Water - Salt Farina - Acqua - Sale . . . . . #sourdough #sourdoughbread #natuallyleavened #sourdoughstarter #mamaisacookingschool #fermentonatural #fermentedfoods #goodbacteria #spelt #italyforfoodies #igbreadclub #sourdoughschool #wildyeast #masamadre #artisanbread #opencrumbsourdough #levain #biga #panefattoincasa (at Mama Isa's Cooking School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNG0ZcKvmf/?igshid=6fmibt61ij3l
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flour2door · 3 years
Where to Discover Gluten Free Flour
So you discover that you dislike foods that contain gluten but you just do not recognize where to locate it.You have an impulse for certain foods yet you need gluten complimentary flour as well as don't understand where to discover any kind of. Living a gluten complimentary way of life does not need to be that tough if you can locate the active ingredients that you require. I have been living the gluten complimentary way of living for a long time now and also have located numerous replacement for the things that I can't tolerate. As time has actually passed, I have actually likewise discovered many sources that supply gluten cost-free products. In this short article, I'm going to assist you learn where you can locate gluten cost-free flour. Sometimes when you go in the shop to try to find gluten totally free products, it's extremely difficult to find since you do not have several alternatives. The neighborhood supermarket does not advertise the sale of it due to the fact that there isn't a high demand for it. There are several of us that are seriously seeking it and also don't intend to pay an arm or leg to get it. One store that I discover has the highest option of gluten cost-free flour is Whole Foods Market. In addition to selling that, they likewise have baked products. There have actually been numerous celebrations where they have had days of cost-free samples. They also have a bakery that creates gluten free cakes, cookies, muffins, and also bread. I have had the chance to example the muffins as well as they were heavenly. They tasted much like the real point and also I felt like it was sinful to devour such a reward. On specific aisles, you will locate a number of kinds of mixes that can be made from home.Whole Foods Market is additionally understood for offering grains, flour, rice, etc by the pound. So there are numerous selections of gluten totally free flour to choose from. It ranges from Spelt, Rice, Quinoa, as well as Brown Rice. Entire Foods Market has several areas across the USA and also Canada. This would be my front runner to discover what I'm trying to find.
Canadian Bread Flour An additional store that has recently obtained passion in is Wal-Mart. When seeing a couple of months ago, I found that they were offering Spelt Flour but it had not been the best thing because it was very heavy and looked like the structure of Corn Meal. Naturally, if you were attempting to bake a cake keeping that, it would not be of the most effective top quality. They likewise began to market a cake mix created by Betty Crocker that is derived of rice flour. And also rice flour has the exact same quality as that of Spelt. Below recently they have added a brand-new addition to the gluten free supply. They have a section on the cakes aisle which contains all rice products. This consists of rice flour, rice pasta, burger dishes, as well as much more. It's an extremely tiny section in the meantime but it will certainly grow over time if the demand increases. I choose to use rice products over others yet not the rice flour due to the fact that it is not all that wonderful for baking with. However Wal-mart is the following best location to find what you are searching for.
yeast For Baking Recently, there have actually been a number of health food stores appearing everywhere. A few of the others that I really did not discuss above are Central Market, Market Road as well as Sprouts. These additionally supply the exact same features as Whole Foods Market. In your area, there are numerous little, specialty shops that offer different selections of what you would certainly be trying to find. As a result, living a gluten complimentary lifestyle isn't as hard to discover as you would certainly think. As even more individuals familiarize Gastric Disease, the lack of ability to discover items will certainly come to be a thing of the past.
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ancientgrainsteton · 9 months
Discover the Rich Heritage of Einkorn Whole Wheat Flour with Grand Teton Ancient Grains
In the realm of ancient grains, Einkorn stands out as one of the oldest cultivated wheat varieties, tracing its roots back thousands of years. Its rich history and unique nutritional profile make it a fascinating choice for modern bakers and health-conscious individuals. Grand Teton Ancient Grains, a passionate advocate for preserving heirloom grains, has been at the forefront of reintroducing Einkorn whole wheat flour to the world. In this blog, we'll explore the wonders of Einkorn and delve into the story behind Grand Teton Ancient Grains.
Einkorn: A Nutritional Powerhouse
Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) is often referred to as the "original wheat" due to its ancient origins. It was domesticated around 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, making it one of the first cultivated grains. Einkorn has a distinct nutritional profile that sets it apart from modern wheat varieties:
Higher Protein Content: Einkorn boasts a higher protein content compared to modern wheat. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to increase their protein intake naturally.
Rich in Nutrients: Einkorn is a good source of essential nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins. It's also a rich source of antioxidants, particularly lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health.
Lower Gluten: Einkorn contains less gluten than modern wheat varieties. While not suitable for those with celiac disease, some individuals with gluten sensitivities may find Einkorn easier to digest.
Complex Carbohydrates: The carbohydrates in Einkorn are complex and have a lower glycemic index compared to modern wheat, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.
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Grand Teton Ancient Grains: A Guardian of Einkorn
Grand Teton Ancient Grains is a family-owned company dedicated to preserving and sharing the wonders of Einkorn whole wheat flour. Here's why they stand out in the world of ancient grains:
Sustainable Farming Practices: Grand Teton Ancient Grains is committed to sustainable and regenerative farming practices. They cultivate Einkorn using environmentally friendly methods that promote soil health and biodiversity.
Heirloom Varieties: The company focuses on heirloom varieties of Einkorn, ensuring the preservation of the original genetic diversity of this ancient grain.
Non-GMO and Organic: Their Einkorn wheat is non-GMO and certified organic, guaranteeing a pure and natural product free from synthetic chemicals.
Quality Assurance: Grand Teton Ancient Grains takes pride in their meticulous quality control processes, ensuring that you receive the highest-quality Einkorn whole wheat flour.
Educational Outreach: The company is passionate about educating consumers about the benefits of Einkorn and ancient grains. They provide resources and recipes to inspire bakers and chefs to explore the versatility of Einkorn flour.
Using Einkorn Whole Wheat Flour
Einkorn whole wheat flour can be used in a variety of culinary creations, from bread and pasta to pancakes and cookies. Its nutty and slightly sweet flavor enhances the taste of your baked goods while providing the added benefit of its exceptional nutritional content. Substituting Einkorn flour in your recipes is a delightful way to introduce ancient grains into your diet.
Einkorn whole wheat flour is a treasure trove of nutrition and history. Grand Teton Ancient Grains' commitment to preserving and promoting this ancient grain allows us to reconnect with our culinary heritage while reaping the numerous health benefits it offers. So, the next time you're in the mood for baking, consider reaching for a bag of Einkorn whole wheat flour from Grand Teton Ancient Grains and embark on a flavorful journey through time. Your taste buds and your health will thank you.
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moleasia4-blog · 5 years
Sugar-Free Sugar Cookies
[photo: Celine Saki]
I’d been wanting to develop a Christmas sugar cookie for years.  My first attempt was a wonderful variation with spelt flour and agave nectar, but when I reaffirmed my commitment to the anti-candida diet and cut gluten out, I had to find an alternative.
I worked on dozens of iterations of this cookie for my first book, Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free, and am happy to report that this cookie is perfect in both texture and appearance! It also can be rolled and re-rolled almost indefinitely.
This is a great way to introduce healthful, sugar-free treats to your family in a way that won’t raise any “oh-if-it’s-healthy-I-don’t-want-it” alarm bells!
Here’s to your very happy holidays!
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Sugar-Free Sugar Cookies 
reprinted from Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free, ©Ricki Heller, Sellers Publishers
These simple, not-too-sweet cookies are the perfect base for cutouts or decorations. The dough remains soft and workable even when rolled and recut several times, but these will work well as drop cookies, too. They are great to make with kids — and don’t worry if they snack on the raw dough, as it doesn’t contain eggs!
6 Tbsp (90 ml) light agave nectar or low glycemic fiber-based sweetener 1 Tbsp (15 ml) finely ground chia seeds (from about 1-1/2 tsp or 7.5 ml whole seeds) 2 Tbsp (30 ml) plain or vanilla soy or almond milk 1 tsp (5 ml) pure vanilla extract 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) pure lemon extract 2 cups (265 g) Ricki’s All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour Mix 1 tsp (5 ml) xanthan gum 1-1/2 tsp (7.5 ml) baking powder 1/4 tsp (1 ml) fine sea salt 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut oil, at room temperature, preferably organic
Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180˚C). Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper, or spray with nonstick spray. In a glass measuring cup or small bowl, whisk together the agave nectar, chia, milk, vanilla, and lemon extract. Set aside while you prepare the other ingredients, or at least 2 minutes.
In the bowl of a food processor, briefly process the flour, xanthan gum, baking powder, and salt. Drop the coconut oil in chunks over the flour mixture, then process again until incorporated. The mixture should appear crumbly, but hold together when squeezed in your hand. Pour the wet mixture in a ring over the dry and process until it comes together in a soft, sticky dough.
To make drop cookies, use the dough immediately. Drop from a small ice-cream scoop or tablespoon (15 ml) onto the prepared cookie sheets about 2 inches (5 cm) apart. Flatten slightly with your palm (or use a silicone spatula).
For rolled cookies, gather the dough together and form it into a disk. Wrap the disk in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, about one hour. Once firm, remove the dough and roll out on a piece of waxed paper to about ¼ inch (6 mm) thick. If it’s very firm, it may begin to crack as you roll it, but if you persist, the dough will begin to warm and will roll beautifully. Cut into desired shapes and place 2 inches (5 cm) apart on the cookie sheets. Gather any remaining scraps of dough together and roll again; repeat until all the dough is used.
Bake for 10 to 13 minutes, rotating the sheets about halfway through baking, until the edges are golden. Cool completely before  removing from the cookie sheets and decorating as desired. May be frozen.
Suitable for: ACD Stage 3 and beyond; refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut free, vegan.
Disclosure: Links in this post may be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase using those links, at no cost to you, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.
Subscribe for recipes and more about living well without sugar, gluten, eggs or dairy! Click here to subscribe to RickiHeller.com via email. You’ll receive emails sharing recipes and videos as soon as they’re posted, plus weekly updates and news about upcoming events. A healthy lifestyle CAN be sweet!
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Source: https://www.rickiheller.com/2018/12/sugar-free-sugar-cookies/
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phillybaguettes · 5 years
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Let’s break bread. Give us this day our daily bread. The band Bread. 
Yes, nothing brings people together like some good old fashioned bread, and at the top of the list of all-time great breads sits the mighty baguette. While Philadelphia is known for its classic Italian breads and hoagies, it’s never had much of a reputation as a baguette town. But as this one-post blog hopes to show you, we’re a city on the rise, like a baguette gloriously puffing up in the oven. And while it may not be obvious, there is no shortage of bakeries in this town churning out beautiful batons that would make even the gruffest Frenchman say “oui oui” with delight.
So one hot and humid summer afternoon, fellow baguette head Brian Chu and I set out to tour Philly’s quietly thriving baguette scene. First on our list was Artisan Boulangerie, a South Philly staple owned and operated by Cambodian immigrants André Chin and Amanda Eap. Chin honed his baking skills in Paris before moving to Philadelphia to open his own French bakery about twenty years ago. This is a no-frills joint that makes tasty pastries and breads each morning, then stays open til they sell ‘em out. They’ve been crushing it in a hip part of South Philly since long before the third-wave coffee shops and yoga studios joined the fray. Even though it was our first stop of the day, they were already pretty much out of everything, including baguettes! (get here early folks) But luckily, the charming Ms. Eap convinced us that a “banette” is essentially the same thing, but in her opinion, even tastier. We couldn’t say no to that, and quickly got to work on what turned out to be essentially a baguette with a big old paunch in the middle, gradually tapering to pointy ends.
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Aesthetically, this bread is an absolute beauty, with precise flour-dusted ribbons wrapping around its soft bubbly bulge. While it was quite tasty, it was more reminiscent of a French bread than a baguette, lacking the crispy edges and airy middle that I crave. It’s doughy and chewy in the interior, and while I could see it being a great vehicle for a sandwich, it did not quite cut it on its own. 
From there, we ventured a few blocks east to the Bok building, the eight-story monolithic former public high school that has recently reopened as a hip space for small businesses and organizations, housing everything from a pre-school to a rooftop bar. We had our sights set on Machine Shop, a wholesale bakery that’s been operating out of Bok for a few years. While we knew they don’t sell directly to the public, we figured it was worth a shot to see if we could pop our heads in and check out the operation, and maybe ask them where to find a nearby retailer that carries their bread. As luck would have it, Bok’s security is fairly lax, and we signed right in and walked up to the fourth floor bakery to find co-owners Katie Lynch and Emily Riddell sweeping up the joint and getting ready to end their day by delivering bread to local restaurants. We sheepishly explained our baguette tour concept, and Katie was kind enough to not only give us a free baguette, but to tell us about the operation and show us around the small and charming space.
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Whoa Nelly, was this a good baguette. Rustic in appearance, with a deep brown hue, and an organically irregular shape with nice crispy ridges and ends, you could almost see and hear how good this baguette was before even tasting it. Breaking the crispy and crunchy exterior revealed an impossibly airy middle, with big pockets resembling the moon’s craters. Each bite had the perfect combination of a satisfying crunch followed by a nice chew, and with the addition of salt and butter it was a baguette lover’s dream come true. This baguette utilizes sourdough instead of yeast, along with just a touch of whole grain added to the white flour, all of which, while not quite traditional, gives it a depth of flavor rarely found in baguettes. Moral of the story - get this baguette.
It would be tough to top, but from Machine Shop we hopped on our bikes and headed north to Old City to see what High Street on Market had to offer. The more casual sister restaurant to the ultra high-end Fork, High Street is a full service operation for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but also has a sort-of secret side biz as a bakery. While I’d only had their bread with meals, it is damn good, and I wanted to see if it might be worth swinging by next time I’m in need of a nice baguette to go. They have a number of loaves for sale, including a picturesque spelt baguette.
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This was certainly the most Instagrammable baguette of our tour, a bit stouter than most, with deep dark ridges flanked by sensual white-dusted ribbons. Despite its beautiful appearance, the crust didn’t crunch and crackle as I had hoped, resulting in a baguette that was a bit too tough to break apart. The inside, however, was delightful all around, hitting the right balance of chewy and airy. It was a bit bland on its own, with a mild fermented taste that was not quite as pronounced as Machine Shop, but was hitting all the right textural notes. It was a great vehicle for toppings, and was absolutely beloved by French bulldog Xavi.
We were a bit full, a bit parched, but there was plenty more baguette bounty to get to, so we soldiered on to Northern Liberties to hit up the hip bakery and coffee shop Kettle Black. Though the owners/bakers were not present at the time, the friendly barista was happy to tell us that this joint opened because the French owners had been living in Philly for a while and just couldn’t get a baguette that lived up to their lofty expectations.
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Well, those must have been some damn lofty expectations, because this baguette was an all around banger. Starting with a rustic appearance with deep dark hues from the ridges and ends, intermingling with the golden brown of the crust, this thing was a beauty with zero fussiness. Similar to the Machine Shop baguette, this baguette had the perfect combination of crunchy exterior and soft chewy interior, with the elastic and springy dough meshing about the porous craters. They use an all-natural fermentation process, but the sourdough taste was a bit subtler than our previous two baguettes. Definitely a baguette worth going out of your way for, and I’ll be back soon to check out their bagels and other goodies.
Next stop - another French spot with a significantly different aesthetic, the brightly lit, white-walled Center City bakery J’aime. This place has a very modern French vibe, with a pastry case full of dainty pastries and miniature quiches. While the focus here seems to be on the cutesy sweets, they do offer two baguettes, a “French” (which looked more like a French bread loaf than a baguette) and a sourdough. We opted for the sourdough, which despite its oddly round ends had a nice appearance, with precise and thin ribbons giving it a satisfyingly geometric vibe.
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Unfortunately, just holding this baguette I could tell we were dealing with our densest bread of the day. Just as the sky was hinting at some heavy rain, it seemed the forecast was also calling for a heavy baguette - an arguably worse omen. The interior was lacking the large cavernous holes that we all know and love, with little tiny air pockets in their place. This was a doughy, chewy, and soft baguette, and on top of that it was undersalted and dry. While this place seems to be doing great work with the pastries, they are sadly lacking in the baguette game.
When we left J’aime, the wind was howling and it seemed that heavy rain was imminent, so we biked as fast as we could to seek some shelter, non-baguette food, and beer at Parc. Oh, we would also be getting a baguette there. Duh. Parc is a Disneyfied French bistro, one of the OG’s of the Stephen Starr empire. While the annoyingly high prices ($15 Frosé), the annoyingly bougie crowd (a healthy mix of tourists, Jersey-ites, and old people who live in Center City), and the annoyingly on-the-nose faux Frenchiness (pretty sure it says joie de vivre AND je ne sais quoi on the menu) make you wanna hate this place, they actually make some damn good French comfort food. In fact, my love of their baguette is what inspired this tour in the first place.
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I’ve been hitting this restaurant up for all my baguette needs for years, because they’re baking them all day long, so it’s the ideal way to get a fresh-out-of-the-oven baguette at just about any time. While there’s nothing flashy about the Parc baguette, it’s so consistent and inoffensive that it’s the perfect vehicle for a pre-meal meat and cheese board. It’s never gonna steal the show, but this is a baguette you can set your watch to. Solidly middle of the road in almost all of the factors that we’ve been analyzing (crunch, chew, airiness, flavor, appearance), it’s hard to praise this baguette too much, but it’s also hard to find fault with it. For $3 and always fresh, there’s no reason I won’t be fighting through the crowd of befuddled old folks and out-of-towners to snag one of these the next time I need an impromptu baguette.
After a nice salade lyonnaise and beer at Parc, the storm had subsided and we ventured across Rittenhouse Square to Metropolitan Bakery, a Center City institution that’s been running the French baked goods game since the early 90′s. 
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Right off the bat, Metropolitan set itself apart from the pack by offering a third of a baguette for a cool $1.35, definitely an appealing option for those that are craving just a taste of baguette. Sadly, despite this customer-friendly option, and their dope old-school French signage, the baguette itself was a disappointment. Similar texture and bubbly exterior to Artisan Boulangerie, it was very lacking in crunch. The soft crust gave way to an gummy interior that was laboriously chewy, and while the taste was solid, the unfortunate texture left much to be desired.
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In Summary
Artisan Boulangerie (South Philly): Aesthetically pleasing soft and chewy blank slate ($3)
Machine Shop (South Philly): Boldly flavorful sourdough baguette with earthiness from a touch of added whole grain, a textural superstar with a most satisfying crunch and perfectly airy middle (Wholesale only, but available at various coffee shops and restaurants, as well as on site Friday mornings)
High Street on Market (Old City): Instagram-ready spelt baguette with a slightly fermented taste ($3)
Kettle Black (Northern Liberties): Delicious rustic baguette with deep dark crispy crust and springy air-filled interior ($3.50)
J’aime (Gayborhood): Neat and tidy appearance, but a bland and doughy interior ($3.78)
Parc (Rittenhouse): A baguette you can set your watch to. Hot and fresh any time of day and a simple crowd pleaser ($3)
Metropolitan (Rittenhouse): Unique value and a mild but pleasant taste, but an overly chewy texture and no crunch ($1.35 for a third)
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