#Spicy King Prawn Skewers
travelwithpriyaa · 8 months
Malaysia: Where Culture Meets Adventure
Malaysia is a country of astonishing diversity. It's a place where cultures blend seamlessly, offering a unique and unforgettable travel experience. But it's not just about the culture – Malaysia also has a thrilling side with adventures that can get your heart racing. In this blog, we will take you on a journey through the vibrant tapestry of Malaysian culture and the adrenaline-pumping adventures that await you.
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Malaysia: A Cultural Kaleidoscope
Malaysia is often described as a cultural melting pot and for a good reason. This Southeast Asian nation is home to a rich mix of ethnicities, including Malays, Chinese, Indians, and indigenous groups, each contributing to the country's cultural mosaic.
Kuala Lumpur – The Modern Melting Pot: Your Malaysian adventure often begins in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city. The cityscape is a juxtaposition of modern skyscrapers and historic architecture. The iconic Petronas Twin Towers dominate the skyline, while just a few steps away, you can explore the historic districts of Chinatown and Little India, experiencing the vibrant cultures and their delicious cuisines.
George Town, Penang – A UNESCO Gem: On the island of Penang, you'll find George Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its well-preserved historic streets and buildings. This town showcases the harmonious coexistence of various cultures and religions. Stroll through streets adorned with colorful murals, visit the Kapitan Keling Mosque, or explore Kuan Yin Teng Temple – all within a few blocks of each other.
Malaysian Festivals: Malaysia's cultural calendar is brimming with celebrations and festivals. Experience the vibrant and colorful Thaipusam, where devotees pierce their bodies with hooks and skewers as an act of devotion. Or join the exuberant Chinese New Year celebrations, marked by lion and dragon dances, lantern festivals, and endless feasting. The multicultural nature of these festivals offers an enriching experience.
Also Read: Street Art in George Town, Penang (Malaysia)
A Taste of Malaysia: Culinary Adventures
Malaysia is a gastronomic paradise. The cuisine is a reflection of the multicultural society, offering a vast array of flavors and dishes. Here are some must-try dishes:
Nasi Lemak: This is Malaysia's national dish, featuring fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and served with a spicy sambal, anchovies, peanuts, boiled egg, and cucumber.
Roti Canai: A delicious, flaky flatbread often served with dhal (lentil curry) or other curries.
Char Kway Teow: A stir-fried noodle dish with prawns, Chinese sausage, eggs, and bean sprouts.
Hainanese Chicken Rice: Tender poached chicken served with fragrant rice and accompanied by chili sauce and ginger paste.
Satay: Skewered and grilled meat, usually served with a peanut sauce and a side of rice cakes.
Durian: Known as the "king of fruits," it has a distinctive smell that people either love or find repulsive. It's a must-try for the adventurous foodie.
Adventures in Nature
Beyond its cultural treasures, Malaysia boasts an abundance of natural beauty and outdoor adventures. Here are some thrilling activities to consider:
Rainforest Exploration: Malaysia is home to some of the world's oldest rainforests, such as Taman Negara and the Borneo rainforest. You can explore these ancient ecosystems through jungle treks, canopy walks, and river cruises.
Cave Exploration: Visit the Mulu Caves in Sarawak, known for their massive chambers and intricate cave systems. Clearwater Cave and Deer Cave are especially noteworthy.
Diving and Snorkeling: The waters around Malaysia, especially in places like Sipadan and the Perhentian Islands, are teeming with vibrant marine life. Dive into the crystal-clear waters to witness an underwater world like no other.
White-Water Rafting: For adrenaline junkies, Malaysia offers thrilling white-water rafting experiences in various rivers, including Sungai Selangor and Sungai Kampar.
Climbing Mount Kinabalu: Scale Southeast Asia's tallest peak in Sabah, which is not only a physically challenging adventure but also a spiritually rewarding one with breathtaking sunrise views.
Wildlife Encounters: In Sabah and Sarawak, you can embark on wildlife safaris to spot orangutans, proboscis monkeys, pygmy elephants, and a myriad of bird species in their natural habitats.
The Harmony of Culture and Adventure
What sets Malaysia apart is its ability to seamlessly blend its rich cultural heritage with thrilling adventures in nature. Imagine starting your day with a visit to a centuries-old temple, followed by an afternoon spent diving among coral reefs, and ending the day with a mouthwatering plate of char kway teow in a bustling hawker center.
Malaysia isn't just a destination; it's an experience that offers the perfect blend of culture, adventure, and natural beauty. It's a place where you can delve into the traditions of different ethnicities while simultaneously immersing yourself in stunning landscapes and outdoor pursuits.
So, if you're looking for a holiday that combines cultural immersion with heart-pounding adventures, Malaysia is the destination that offers the best of both worlds. Explore its diverse tapestry, indulge in its delectable cuisine, and embark on thrilling escapades in the heart of Southeast Asia. Malaysia truly is where culture meets adventure.
Source: https://travelwidpriya.blogspot.com/2023/10/malaysia-where-culture-meets-adventure.html
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m980 · 9 months
Tantalize Your Taste Buds: Exploring the Global Impact of Malaysian Gastronomy
Malaysia, a country known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and diverse population, has another captivating facet – its gastronomy. Malaysian cuisine, a blend of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous influences, has taken the world by storm. Beyond being a delight for the palate, Malaysian food and beverage export plays a significant role in showcasing the nation's culinary prowess and cultural diversity on the global stage. In this blog, we'll explore the global impact of Malaysian gastronomy through its thriving food and beverage export industry.
Malaysian Cuisine: A Symphony of Flavors
Malaysian cuisine is a symphony of flavors and textures that has captivated food enthusiasts worldwide. From the fiery heat of sambal to the comforting embrace of a bowl of laksa, Malaysian dishes are a testament to the country's rich culinary heritage.
Nasi Lemak: Often considered Malaysia's national dish, nasi lemak features fragrant coconut rice served with spicy sambal, crispy anchovies, peanuts, boiled egg, and cucumber.
Satay: Skewered and grilled meat, typically served with peanut sauce and rice cakes, satay is a favorite street food across Malaysia.
Roti Canai: A versatile flatbread, roti canai is often paired with dhal (lentil curry) or served sweet with condensed milk and sugar.
Char Kway Teow: This stir-fried noodle dish is a harmonious mix of prawns, cockles, Chinese sausage, eggs, and bean sprouts.
Durian: Known as the "King of Fruits," durian may have a polarizing aroma, but its rich, custard-like flesh is beloved by many.
Malaysian Food and Beverage Export: A Global Journey
The global demand for Malaysian flavors has led to the expansion of the Malaysian food and beverage export industry. Malaysian products are now found in supermarkets, restaurants, and kitchens worldwide. Here are some key elements of this global impact:
Palm Oil: Malaysia is one of the world's largest exporters of palm oil, used in various food and industrial applications globally.
Coffee: Malaysian coffee, particularly white coffee, has gained a dedicated following in international markets.
Tropical Fruits: From mangosteen to rambutan, Malaysian tropical fruits are exported to countries worldwide, offering a taste of paradise.
Spices and Sauces: Malaysian spices and sauces, such as curry pastes and soy sauce, enhance dishes globally.
Instant Noodles: Malaysian instant noodles, like Maggi and Indomie, have a loyal fan base in numerous countries.
The Secrets to Success in Malaysian Food and Beverage Export
Several factors contribute to the global success of Malaysian gastronomy through food and beverage export:
Quality Assurance: Consistency and quality are non-negotiable in international markets.
Adherence to Regulations: Compliance with international food safety and labeling standards is essential.
Innovation: Adaptation to global food trends, such as organic and healthy options, keeps exports relevant.
Sustainability: Ethical and sustainable sourcing practices appeal to eco-conscious consumers.
Packaging and Branding: Attractive packaging and effective branding create a strong market presence.
Market Research: Understanding consumer preferences and local markets helps tailor products.
The global impact of Malaysian gastronomy through food and beverage export is a testament to the nation's culinary excellence. As Malaysian dishes and products continue to tantalize taste buds worldwide, the country's rich cultural heritage and culinary traditions gain recognition and appreciation on a global scale. Whether you're savoring a bowl of laksa in Kuala Lumpur or enjoying Malaysian coffee in New York, the flavors of Malaysia have a universal appeal that unites cultures and showcases the power of food to bridge gaps and foster understanding across borders.
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appliancehouse · 5 years
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Mirela's BBQ Salad.
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If you’re planning a BBQ soon then make sure you serve this tasty recipe alongside! ‘Mirela’s BBQ Salad’ is full of steamed vegetables coated in a mildly spiced, creamy dressing.
The flavours can be easily adapted to serve alongside barbecued fish and meat but it is also delicious served on its own too.
Mirela’s BBQ salad is named after the lovely lady who has been making this recipe for years. She kindly shared this recipe with me (Not just on paper, I sampled the actual dish during our work lunch break too!), thank you Mirela!
Mirela’s BBQ Salad
Servings – 4
Preparation Time – 10 mins
Cooking Time – 25 mins
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3 Medium Carrots – Peeled and sliced (approx 330g)
2 Medium Potatoes – Peeled & quartered (approx 330g)
130g Peas
2 Large Free Range Eggs – Hard boiled
100g Gherkins – Diced
1 Tsp English Mustard
4 Tbsp Mayonnaise
Fresh Parsley – For serving
Steam the carrots and potatoes until al dente cooked. Be careful not to overcook, you still want them to hold their shape when mixed. We cooked in a steam oven for 25 minutes.
Cook the peas in a pan of simmering water for 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Place two eggs in a pan, add enough cold water to only just cover the eggs. Bring to the boil, once boiling, turn off the heat. Place the lid on the pan and leave the eggs in the water for 10 minutes. Run under cold water, shell the eggs then cut into small cubes.
Once the potatoes and carrots are cooked and cooled, cut into small pieces.
Place carrots, potatoes, peas, eggs and gherkins in a large bowl.
In a separate bowl add the mustard and mayonnaise, stir until combined.
Add the sauce to the vegetables and carefully fold together.
Sprinkle with fresh parsley before serving.
Mirelas-BBQ-Salad RecipeDownload
Author Tips.
It tastes great with the addition of a little parma ham or diced chorizo sausage.
To serve alongside fish, add a little lemon juice to the sauce.
We have more delicious barbeque recipes on our blog such as Spicy King Prawn Skewers and Incredibly Easy Mango & Coconut Pilaf. These two recipes go together perfectly and have been really popular.
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
Hello again, Talviel! Today I come to you with not a logistical question, but simply;
What are the best "food on a stick, cooked over an open fire" dishes you've come across in your travels? It's one of my favorite ways to eat, so I'd love to hear about some interesting new things I could try!
Radiant regards,
Rowan Redmane
Dear Rowan,
Luckily for you, there is quite an array of foods on sticks across Tamriel, as everyone enjoys the portability of skewer snacks (also good for  impaling skeevers when you're done). These are few of my favourites!
While eating with your hands is generally frowned upon in Summerset, sticking your food onto a skewer is a good way to avoid greasing your fingers while still maintaining that carefully crafted air of casual dining. However, there aren't particularly any fire/stick dishes that really stand out in Altmeri cuisine compared to the other races, as it's really not the preferred dining format. I really love a type of sweet, cherry blossom-infused chilled rice cake that's stuffed with creamy centres with flavours like black sesame, almonds, and red bean paste. It's a delicious dessert on the go, but it is very chewy, so try not to run while eating...
If there's one race that's a master of the skewer, it's definitely the Argonians. From frog legs to seafood and stuffed flowers, nothing beats a good barbecue in Black Marsh. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by a witchetty grub and cricket skewer I had in Lilmoth recently, which were cooked over a coal grill after a good marinade in chili paste. The insects were seasoned with a delicious mix of local spices, and packed the right amount of crunch while still being tender and flavourful.
Skewers in Valenwood are generally made from metal or bone, as dead wood makes for brittle sticks. I am slightly obsessed with the goat meat satay from Marbruk, which packs loads of flavour from local seasonings like torchbug treacle sauce and pork scratching salt. The meat is perfectly charred on the outside, juicy inside, and very flavourful.
The Bretons make one of my favourite childhood desserts: doughnuts on sticks. I'm not talking about those grotesque, giant things with holes in them when I say doughnuts- these are small round beauties that are sometimes stuffed with things like chocolate or jam before deep frying. They're then dusted with cinnamon sugar, and stacked six per stick. So simple, but so delightfully fluffy!
Since the Argonians made the list with bugs on sticks, I'm going to try something a little same-same-but-different for the Dark Elves. I personally really enjoy kwama egg bites, which are bits of boiled kwama egg that's dipped into a nix-hound meat batter and cooked in a pan until crisp. They're usually drizzled with saltrice vinegar, a bit of melted scuttle, and topped with crispy hackle-lo nori.
Coastal Cyrodiil is home to some of the best seafood in all of Tamriel, and it invariably got put on sticks. I really love a plain old seafood skewer with the freshest king prawns, swordfish, scallops, and squid. What sets it apart, though, is the final dressing of a spicy-sweet lemon barbecue sauce and a dash of smoked powdered deer penis for flavour. What? It's traditional 3E Cyrodiilic cuisine!
Elsweyr is one of my favourite places to eat, because every meal from finger-foods to opulent banquets are always perfectly balanced perfection. I'm a huge fan of the fresh, hot egg waffles that come on sticks with a gooey moon sugar syrup dip. The waffles are bubble-shaped, with a crispy exterior and a fluffy, sweet centre. While I love my Breton doughnuts, Khajiiti egg waffles are a very close second.
Everyone knows about the honey nut treat, but nobody pays attention to poor old fried rabbit meatballs these days! Seasoned rabbit mince is shaped into small balls and skewered, before being fried in lard until golden brown on the outside. It doesn't sound like much, but visit The Bee and Barb for a taste of this true Skyrim snack (even more authentic with a snowberry dipping sauce)!
Were you expecting me to say meat, or radishes? Surprise, it's both! At a recent visit to Dushnikh Yal, they'd just broken out the previous year's durzog-and-echatere sausage, which we cooked on sticks over a fire along with radishes and sweet potatoes. I could have said "grilled pears on sticks for dessert", which we did indeed have, but where's the excitement in that unless someone's pear catches fire?
No, I'm not going to suggest goat again. Instead, I'm going to rave about the amazing king crab and mantis shrimp skewers I had in Stros M'Kai recently, which were grilled over a coconut-coal fire, giving the seafood a truly delightful aroma. The seafood was cooked in their shells on sharp metal skewers, and came with a coriander and calamansi lime salsa for dipping. Truly mouthwatering stuff.
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Santorini is located on the corner of Parker street and Cole Street in Williamstown. Located in the heart of Williamstown it is a friendly, relaxed and casual atmosphere for a lunch or dinner with friends or family. A short walk from a park and the Williamstown pier, as well as a short drive to Williamstown beach.
The menu is more leaned towards a Mediterranean style food but has some Greek delegacies. Saganaki, octopus, lamb meatballs and gyros are all great Greek items that are on the menu. Santorini is known for its charcoal grill where they have lamb, chicken and pork gyros (pork only on weekends) spinning on their spit over the charcoal. The dips on the menu are all made in-house and include a chef’s dip of the week!
Santorini also has a range of platters that feed 2 or more people.
The meat feast platter consists of lamb and chicken gyros, spicy pork and beef sausage, pork ribs, lamb meatballs, pork skewers, mustard, tzatziki, pita bread and a choice of chips or potatoes.
The seafood platter is also a favourite, muscles, king prawns, calamari, a whole baby snapper, garden salad, and pita. All served with tarte and a choice of chips or potatoes.
The combination platter also combines favourite items from both platters as well as being served with a Greek salad on the side and a choice of chips or potatoes.
If you are feeling like you need to try a little bit of everything, the feast is the meal for you! The feast feeds 2 or more and is great for both big groups and couples. On a per person price for $56, it has a variety of dishes, entrees, main meat and seafood platter, a Greek salad and a selection of desserts.
After you have tucked into your delicious meal, head for the desserts! Apple pie, baklava, loukoumades, and ice-cream are all on the menu. There is something for everyone.
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pulsdmedia · 3 years
The Week Ahead 8/22-8/28
Our weekly roundup of goodies to look forward to is back! The Week Ahead gives you even more insight into what’s happening in this amazing city, be it free workouts, tickets to the hottest events, or something to shake up your usual routine. That’s what New York City is all about, and we’re all about finding it all so you can enjoy every second...
$35 Ticket To Drink Over 100 Beers, Wines & Spirits By The Waterfront
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This weekend, celebrate the summer send-off at The 2021 Brooklyn Summer Wine, Beer, & Spirits Festival. Imagine yourself drinking endless drinks, chowing down on eats, and soaking sunshine for an outdoor bacchanal to remember. Just $35 lets you unearth a sipper's dreamland complete with 3.5 hours to enjoy 100+ local, national and international beers, wines and spirits, as well as a few more tasty swigs and treats on deck! We're talking popular as well as rare bottles from big names like 902 Brewing, Twinstills Moonshine, 90+ Cellars, Amour Geneve, Codigo 1530 Tequila, Beam Suntory and so much more!In addition to interactive games and live music performances to fuel the vibes (and a heavy dose of dancing), foodie favorites like Chavas Empanadas and Taste of Poland will be ready to serve you to keep the drinks flowing and the munchies answered...
Shimmy & Shake At A Salsa Social 
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Aksana Almaguer is excited to bring Salsa to Washington Square Park! Join in a free Salsa Dance Class to learn the moves, then show off your new skills in a freestyle Salsa Social afterwards. Come alone, bring a date, or bring the family!
$29 For A BBQ Skewer Hot Pot Dinner For Two With Beers, LES
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"Flushing’s popular late-night Chinese street food restaurant has made its way to Manhattan." So says Eater when applauding Friendship BBQ's LES location, serving up succulent meats, fresh seafood, and other tasty delights. This $29 pulse gets you a BBQ Hot Pot Dinner For Two that includes 1 Skewer Hot Pot Feast complete with 30 Skewers, as well as 2 Beers or Sodas. A hot pot filled with mild or spicy yet incredibly fragrant and scrumptious broth will play host to various skewers meant to be dipped into the bubbling liquid. Think Beef, Prawns, King Oyster Mushrooms, Napa Cabbage and the like, all cooked to perfection while you get to be interactive! Ice cold brews will carry you through Friendship BBQ's dreamy banquet for the senses - memories will be made and appetites will be vanquished...
Adoptable Puppies, Treats, & Drinks
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Join Bond Vet and Twenty Paws Rescue at the aptly named, Hair of the Dog, for "Yappy Hour." Grab a drink and play with adorable puppies - what could be better? Plus, all the pups are up for adoption, so if you fall in love with a new furry friend, you can give them a forever home!
$79: Open Bar Champagne Sail & Buffet Aboard The Shearwater
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Clink your drinks, and channel your inner '20s flapper or dapper gent aboard a classic Gilded-age schooner, where you'll take in such exquisite scenes atop the deck of an impeccable replica of the lumber-hauling tall ships that filled the harbor over 100 years ago. Set sail with free-flowing glasses of Champagne in hand, or opt for a dash of orange juice to get your Mimosa fix. All the while, you'll munch on an array of brunch favorites, from bagels with lox to fluffy croissants and so much more. On what will be a whimsical afternoon being blown away by the jaw-dropping skyline, Lady Liberty, and scenes that make Manhattan one of the most amazing places in the world, this elegant excursion is set to become a seasonal tradition!
Get Groovy at This Themed, Dress Up Roller Disco Party
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Lola Star’s Dreamland Roller Disco at Lakeside in Prospect Park is a themed, dress up, immersive roller skating experience that will transport you into a fabulous retro roller disco “dreamland.” Each party includes DJs spinning the hottest dance floor hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s and today, dazzling performers, light up hula hoops, go-go dancers & so much more! This week's theme is Bowie vs Freddie so put on your best Ziggy Stardust look or white tank top and jeans and come have a blast!
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad). Lime chilli and coriander prawn skewers with avocado salad. This prawn salad is a great family dinner when you're in a rush. To make dressing, put lime zest, juice, oil, chilli, caster sugar and fish sauce in a small bowl.
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The zesty and fiery chilli dressing is an optional extra but works so well with this fishy dish. It's also a good one to learn for all future seafood dishes - it could even be used as a marinade for chicken and salmon fillets. Now this prawn and chilli linguine is probably one of the simplest seafood dishes you'll have in your recipe repository.
Hey everyone, it's Brad, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad). One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Lime chilli and coriander prawn skewers with avocado salad. This prawn salad is a great family dinner when you're in a rush. To make dressing, put lime zest, juice, oil, chilli, caster sugar and fish sauce in a small bowl.
Chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad) is one of the most popular of recent trending foods in the world. It's simple, it's quick, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. Chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad) is something that I've loved my whole life. They're nice and they look fantastic.
To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can cook chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad) using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.
The ingredients needed to make Chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad):
{Take 170 g of linguine pasta.
{Prepare 100 g of sugar snap peas.
{Prepare 1 tbsp of olive oil.
{Prepare 1 of garlic clove.
{Get 1 of large red chilli.
{Get 200 g of raw king prawns.
{Prepare 250 g of mini plum tomatoes.
{Get of Fresh basil.
{Prepare of Side Salad.
{Prepare leaves of Salad.
{Prepare 1 tbsp of Greek yoghurt.
{Prepare 1 of lime.
{Take 1 tsp of golden caster sugar.
{Prepare of Salt & pepper.
A quick prawn recipe loaded with BIG flavours! Seared prawns smothered in a spicy, sticky Asian sauce, these Asian Chilli Garlic Prawns will have you smacking your lips in utter satisfaction, feeling like you've just dined at a fancy modern Thai restaurant. Cook the linguine according to pack directions. Check out my Prawn Linguine With Chilli (Linguine ai Gamberi).
Steps to make Chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad):
SALAD DRESSING: - Mix Greek yoghurt with the juice of 1 lime and caster sugar. Season with salt & pepper. Pour over salad leaves and place to one side..
Place linguine into a large saucepan and cover with boiling water. Set a timer for 10 mins..
Meanwhile heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. Add finely chopped garlic and deseeded finely chopped chilli. Fry gently for 30 secs (don’t let the garlic brown)..
Add raw king prawns to the frying pan and cook over a high heat for 3 mins until pink..
Add sliced tomatoes to the king prawns and cook for a further 3 mins until softened..
When the timer for the pasta goes off add sugar snap peas to the pasta and cook for a further two mins..
Drain the pasta & sugar snaps and mix into the frying pan..
Serve with fresh basil, a grating of Parmesan and the side salad.
What ensures that this seemingly simple dish evokes the sea is the rich prawn stock, layered with the other flavours, all unified at the end by finishing the linguine in the seafood sauce. Bacon + prawn = heavenly combo. with a sprinkling of lemon zest and thyme to keep it fresh. Zucchini (courgette) is one of my favourite vegetables and I love cutting them into fine strips as I find they cling so well to the linguine, as well as look really pretty. So this is what you need to make this pasta. Linguine with tomatoes, greens, and prawns in a buttery sauce = bomb.
So that is going to wrap this up for this special food chilli prawn linguine (with lime salad) recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I'm sure you can make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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spooningaustralia · 5 years
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Stand up and applaud people, the @flourdrumnewtown boys have reopened dinners Wednesdays to Saturdays and their food will blow your tastebuds but not your wallet. The Flour Drum boys are synonymous with the Sydney day time Cafe Scene and their dinner menu is as good and take advantage of their licence and get some drinks into you (responsibly). Pictured is a selection of their entrees that Mum and I devoured together: 1) Spiced Lamb and Beef Koftas with tahini, lime and sesame 2) Skewered King Prawn and Chorizo with lime, chilli and garlic butter 3) Hot and Spicy Baby Squid 4) Skewered Tofu and Pumpkin with water chestnut, hoisin and ginger sauce . . . . . . . . #flourdrum #flourdrumnewtown #sydneyfood #koftas #prawns #chorizo #tofu #sydneyfoodblogger #foodphotography #newtown #newtownfood #entrees #menutasting #menwithcuisines #sydneyfood #sydneyfoodblog #sydneyfoodguide #sydneyfoodporn #sydneyfoodshare #sydneyfoodies #foodiesinsydney (at Flour Drum) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvGiGDbnm6o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=77e20f5qr9eb
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The Food Regions of Vietnam
Vietnamese cuisine is famous for its blend of flavors, fresh seafood, and generous use of herbs and vegetables. The food has drawn from Chinese, Thai, and French influences while maintaining its own unique cultural flavor the result is a style that is district, memorable, and absolutely delicious.
The geography and culture of Vietnam has given rise to three separate food regions across the country, and each area serves up its own array of dishes that have to be tried while you’re there. You don’t want to miss these delicious specialties, so take note here’s what you need to know to have some of the best foods possible while you’re traveling in Vietnam.
The Northern Region
Northern Vietnam is characterized by green mountains and high altitudes. It is the coldest region of the country, and so there are less available spices. This doesn’t mean less flavor, though! They use black pepper in place of chili, and they carefully blend their sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour flavors for lightly balanced meals.
It can get cold up in the mountains through those winter months, so families have traditionally gathered around a charcoal stove to make slow-cooked stews. The broth is kept on a long boil with fresh vegetables and meat thrown in, and everyone stays cozy and warm.
The North is also influenced by their Chinese neighbor, so here you’ll find lots of stir fries and the use of chopsticks. The preference here is for noodles, rather than rice, so you’ll see lots of vermicelli with the meals here.
Read more:
We love Vietnamese food too much
Sample Local Food in Sapa
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Bun Rieu @Alpha
They use lots of freshwater fish and seafood, such as prawns, squid, crabs, shrimp, and clams– expect to find lots of crab-centered dishes here, it’s a favorite! They flavor their food with fish sauce, soy sauce, prawn sauce, and lime juice.
Vietnamese culture came out of the northern mountains, and many traditional Vietnamese dishes originated in this region of Vietnam. While you’re in the area, make sure you try these tasty classics:
Bun Rieu: a tomato broth soup with shrimp or crab paste and rice vermicelli
Banh Cuon: pork, mushrooms, and minced shallots rolled up in a thin rice sheet and dipped in your choice of sauce
Cha Ca: fish fillets pan-fried with turmeric and dill and served on top of rice vermicelli
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Banh Cuon @butforthesky.com
The Central Region
The last royal dynasty in Vietnam made its capital in the city of Hue in the Central Region, and the cuisine that comes from this part of the country is truly fit for a king. The foods here are colorful, decorative, and complex. The portions are smaller, but the number of courses is larger you can expect to be served all sorts of appetizer-sized dishes.
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Bun Bo Hue @Alpha
The Central Region is also known for all of its spices. Strong, bold flavors distinguish the food here. I hope you like a little heat with your meal, because the food here can be very spicy! Go for lots of chili peppers and shrimp sauce to add that extra oomph to your meal.
Don’t miss these Central Vietnamese dishes:
Bun Bo Hue: A spicy soup with beef, vermicelli, and lemongrass
Banh Xeo: A savory fried pancake made of rice and stuffed with pork, vegetables, and herbs and dipped in a special soy sauce
Nem Nuong: Grilled pork meatballs, marinaded in a fish sauce and served on skewers
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Banh Xeo @stu_spivack
Click here to read more “Top 4 hard-to-resist Hue delicious bites”
Southern Vietnam
The Southern region of Vietnam has sunshine and fertile crops, and that lends flavor and variety to their cooking. The diets in the south are very green. The food here is full of fresh, natural goodness– tropical fruits, leafy vegetables, and an abundance of seafood provide a rich, healthy, and delicious range of dishes to choose from.
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Chao Tom @Ron Dollete
They use generous amounts of garlic, shallots, and herbs in their dishes, the open coastline provides crab, fish, squid, and shrimp, and the Southerners have the biggest sweet tooth, so coconut milk or sugarcane is used in many dishes to sweeten things up.
In the south, don’t expect the stews or stir-fries of the north. Instead, try some of the grilled seafood or the fresh veggies they have to offer. Thai, Cambodian, and Indian cuisine have all traveled over and added to the flavors. Meals are served with rice and fish sauce spiced up with chillies so dig in!
Get ready for some truly delicious treats. Try these meals when you’re in Southern Vietnam:
Chao Tom: Grilled shrimp wrapped around sugarcane, served with herbs, garlic, and dipping sauces
Com Tam Sai Gon: ‘Saigon-style Broken Rice’ is rice with grilled pork served with vegetables and prawns
Banh Bot Chien: A fried rice cake with onions, eggs, and often garlic and chillies, served with a tangy soy sauce
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Com Tam @Ron Dollete
So now you’ve got an idea of what kinds of food you can expect while you’re traveling in Vietnam. Be prepared to shock and delight your taste-buds, because Vietnamese food is absolutely delicious! The Vietnamese are creative with their ingredients, and more often than not, the street food is going to be the tastiest bang for your buck. So be adventurous, try some new flavors, and let us know what your favorites are!
See more:
Horrible dishes in Vietnam make foreigners shudder
Source: https://www.asiatouradvisor.com/blog/vietnam/the-food-regions-of-vietnam/
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chingdeeportfolio · 6 years
Chef Nobu is coming to Manila for a one-night-only dinner at City of Dreams
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World-renowned Chef Nobu Matsuhisa will be in Manila to host “The Nobu Experience”, a one-night culinary affair at his eponymous restaurant at City of Dreams Manila on March 31, from 5 pm to 11pm. 
The experience will have the guests moving around the room, interacting with him and Nobu Manila’s chefs, indulging in dishes that are passed around canapé style, complementing those served exquisitely on a buffet counter, or prepared a la minute in live action stations.
Capping his month-long promotional tour to key cities around the world to visit select Nobu hotels and restaurants in London, Milan, Munich, Paris, New York, Melbourne, Perth and Kuala Lumpur, Chef Nobu makes his last stop in Manila to spearhead a dinner for the third time since the restaurant’s opening in 2015.
Chef Nobu is the recipient of the prestigious GQ Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2017 British GQ Food & Drink Awards, an accolade presented to him 23 years since opening the first Nobu restaurant in New York. 
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With the support of Nobu Manila’s Head Chef Michael de Jesus and Head Sushi Chef Kirika Oi and their team, the celebrated chef’s March tour finale dinner showcases his Japanese-Peruvian fusion artistry in the selection of handcrafted finger food and other dishes to be served in strategic stations: the sushi bar for cold dishes, robatayaki station for assorted charcoal-grilled meats and seafood, a teppan table for meat carving items and another for salmon and shrimps, and a dessert corner for signature pastries, sorbets and specialty desserts made a la minute. 
A number of dishes will be served to diners at table seats: freshly made hors d’oeuvres from the cold kitchen – such as Japanese Yellowtail Sashimi with Jalapeno, Bigeye Tuna Sashimi Salad Skewers in Matsuhisa dressing, Tachiuo (swordfish) Dry Miso on Endive, Lapu-Lapu New-Style Sashimi; and Japanese Octopus Tiradito – and canapés fresh from the hot kitchen such as Rock Shrimp Creamy Spicy, Black Cod Butter Lettuce with Crispy Kataifi (shredded phyllo pastry), Nobu Mini Tacos (King Crab, tuna, Wagyu, salmon avocado, and pork), Chilean Sea bass with Jalapeño Miso, Umami Chicken Wings with Sweet Soy Anticucho, Green Papaya Salad with Yuzu Dried Miso, Mixed Seafood Ceviche with Quinoa, Aka Miso Braised Short Ribs with Tofu Crema, and Roasted Baby Corn with Aji Amarillo. 
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The carving station at the teppan table highlights Nobu-Style Wagyu Pastrami Sliders and Wagyu Gyoza with spicy ponzu sauce. The robatayaki station features assorted kushiyaki skewered & grilled beef, chicken, chicken skin, squid, baby octopus, leeks, and shiitake stars. At the sushi bar, a buffet of Nobu specialties includes Sake cup sushi, Kumamoto Australian oysters with Nobu sauce, Kohada (local gizzard shad), Norwegian Salmon Toro Nanbanzuke (deep-fried and flavored with red chili and leek, then soaked in vinegar), Japanese Uni Shooter Sake and Ponzu, Manila Prawn Cocktail; and Seared Norwegian Salmon with Karashi su Miso. Also at the sushi counter sushi, maki and sashimi are prepared to order, as sashimi are sliced fresh from the fish display. 
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The dessert action station features decadent treats prepared a la minute: Chocolate Bento cake, , Mini Miso Cappuccino, Nobu-Style Halo-halo consisting of shaved iced from either fresh fruit-infused Fiji water or fresh coconut water, and sake-infused yuzu, raspberry, and blueberry sorbets. Assorted mini pastries complete the selection, namely: Azuki Bean Crème Brulee, Green Tea Royal, Yuzu Dome Cake, and eclairs. The Chocolate Satandagi (fried donuts with a melted dark chocolate filling) will be the pass-around dessert.
The one-night dinner experience with Chef Nobu is at P10,000 net per person and includes the canapé dinner, a meet-and-greet and photo ops with the celebrity chef, and a signed copy of his book, “Nobu: A Memoir”. 
For reservations, guests can call 800 8080, e-mail [email protected], or visit www.cityofdreamsmanila.com.
Text courtesy of City of Dreams Manila; photos courtesy of City of Dreams Manila and @therealnobu on Instagram
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virginiachiang-blog · 7 years
#Grilling delicious #kingprawns with a Garlic Lemon Butter sauce. #Itwas delicious. #It tastes good! #Seafood #2Skewers #2per tail #Spices #Butter #Pepper#olive oil #rosemary #Condiments #1 tsp Lemon or #lemon juice #1 Garlic clove #Ingredients #Tofu vegetables salad #Hot#Spicy #shrimp #lobster tail #Do you like it?
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pippyeats · 7 years
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Spicy lemongrass chicken skewers with pickled cucumber salad 🌶👌🏼. Simple and bloody tasty! (How cute are my chopstick holders?!) This recipe is inspired by the one in the @luckypeach cookbook, but altered slightly. Recipe: 1 stick lemongrass, tender part. Finely chopped 1 green finger chilli, finely chopped 1tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1tsp turmeric 1tbsp garlic oil 1tbsp fish sauce Mix all the marinade ingredients together in a bowl. Then add: 2 chicken thighs, bite size pieces OR 16 king prawns OR Aubergine/lotus root/tofu, bite size pieces Marinade for at least 1 hour, skewer and whack under a hot grill until crispy and golden! . . . . . . #EEEEEATS #forkyea #ukfoodblogger #devourpower #buzzfeast #feedfeed #recipegram #lovefood #eatguide #foodiegram #foodislife #homecook #bonappetit #feedgoals #foodislife #infatuation #happytummy #dailyfoodfeed #whatweate #mcrfoodies #foodblogger #feedyoursoul #comfortfood #luckypeach #lowfodmap (at Manchester, United Kingdom)
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clicknlick · 7 years
Nowadays, restaurant and cafe growth is so rapid here in Kolkata that if you go to a place after about 3 months you are bound to see a new restaurant or cafe there!
Most of us like North Indian Cuisine, especially because of the richness and spicy preparations. On the same line, there are a few speciality restaurants focusing on individual territories as “North India” has many places!
We were recently invited to try out the offerings of one of the renowned in Kolkata: Peerless Inn for their Punjabi Food Festival at Oceanic. So, as the name suggests these guys focus on Punjabi Cuisine and the way they present their dishes are impressive (their taste is even more!) I had a chance to meet with Mr. Jimmy Tangree, Head at 91.9 Friends FM. We used to grow up with Love Songs played by him at Red Fm station in every Friday via “DIL SE WITH JIMMY”. Such a lovely down to earth person. He was just surprised when I asked him for an Autograph. “Me?” Eventually we ended up with a Selfie. He actually came there to cover the Punjabi Food Festival launch.
Oceanic has displayed a very special lineup of authentically Punjabi dishes for this festival. From Mango Lassi and Samosa Sadabahar to Makki Ki Roti and Sarson Ka Saag, the Punjabi menu is available for a limited time only i.e. 31st March to 13th April.
Not every body can live upto the expectations of a Punjabi Dishes and its taste buds. But these guys surpassed our expectations . The food was so so so yummy.
The word “Punjab” is a combination of the Persian words Panj means five & Aab means Water giving literal meaning of “The Land of Five Rivers”.Punjab is also known as “The Granary of India”, the northern state of India is very popular for rich food. Traditional Punjabi food is cooked in Earthen Tandoor known by Clay Oven which lend it a unique aroma.Punjabi cuisine has an immense range of dishes and has become world leader in the field.while talking about Punjabi food one cannot miss the essence of Vaisakhi in Punjabi culture. to celebrate the succulent Punjabi cuisine and Vaisakhi, at Oceanic, the multi cuisine restaurant at The Peerless Inn, Kolkata we are delighted to celebrate THE PUNJABI FOOD FESTIVAL with all pomp and grandeur from 31st March to 13th April.
The buffet spread will herald with starters like Samosa Sadabahar,Vegetable cutlets,Chaat chatpati, Chicken tikka,Chicken chaat, followed by Non vegetarian dishes like Butter Chicken,Chicken tikka masala,Mugh Shaan-e-Punjab,Tandoori Chicken Gosht Nawabi,Masala prawn and vegetarian dishes like Makki di Roti te Sarson da Saag,Dal Makhani,Dal Handi,Malai Kofta,Gobhi Kasturi,Palak Paneer. The buffet course will end with delightful dessert like Punjabi Malai Kulfi, Mango Kulfi,Gulab Jamun. Not to miss the special Punjabi lassis will also be there to give a gratronomic pleasure to our adorable guests. One can savour the cusines from the land of five rivers, from Monday to Friday at dinner and on Saturday and Sunday, for lunch and dinner. Sanjay Punj, General Manager informed that Cgefs from Punjab have specially have been flown in to design this menu to enthralls taste buds of all diners.
The Dishes We Had : 
Starters :
Paneer Tikka – Paneer tikka has been a mainstay in the rich North Indian cuisine since ages and is a perfect example of a luscious yet healthy dish. House made paneer grilled with fresh exotic spices.
Chicken Tikka – A traditional and very popular Indian Chicken dish which is bursting full of flavor & colour. The word ‘Tikka” means bits, pieces or chunks. Chicken chunks are marinated in special spices & yoghurt and grilled on skewers till it is brown & tender.
Main Course :
Basmati Rice – A simple pot of Basmati rice can defeat even the most experienced cooks, especially when it comes to getting it right. 
Ragda Chana Dal –  I was not a big fan of chana dal during my childhood days and would try to avoid all the possible way but now it’s just opposite I like it much now to my delight. That’s a perfect looking dal don’t think the dal is not mashed, it’s not suppose to be.  Perfect to start with rice.
Vegetable Jhalfreezi – This Jalfrezi is a spicy smoky vegetable preparation with crunchy veggies, tangy cumin spiced tomatoes. A well prepared Jalfrezi  without having any creamy curry.
Malai Kofta – A delicious and rich main dish for any special occasion.  Kofta or Veggie balls are made from shredded paneer that’s been seasoned with fennel, coriander and red pepper flakes for a little kick. A nutty curry sauce of onion, garlic, ginger, cashews, tomato and green chilies complement the savory paneer dumplings in this healthy spin on an Indian classic.
Aloo Barain Curry  –
Gobi Matar –  This curry is traditionally a North Indian sabji. It is a very simple vegetable  dish that you can have with roti or rice. This dish is very light in the food and also gives a feeling of stomach fill up. This is so simple yet delicious dish.
Sarsho Da Saag – Sarson da saag is the favorite dish of winters. This is another gem of a Punjabi dish. Rich in flavor, nutrients and color, reflecting the culture of the region. Green, glorious, gratifying dish. It tastes really nice with Makai Di Roti.  The evergreen vegan combination.
Makai Di Roti – Makki ki Roti is a classic Punjabi corn meal flat bread that is spiced with green chillies and ginger. Famous Punjabi dish needs no introduction. Gosht Nawabi – Mutton sauteed with onions, tomatoes, cooked in creamy gravy. A delicious spicy dish and rich in appearance. Here Mutton is thoroughly cooked and seasoned with Indian spices. I was really ready to give me a royal treat with this mouth watering preparation. The pieces were succulent and tender and it melted in mouth. 
Kukran Shaan-e-Punjab – This dish is a balle balle Punjabi dish. It is yummy and delicious. Chicken is sauteed in onion tomato masala and flavored with aromatic spices and that is what makes this dish is so delicious. The taste is overwhelming and the taste is unforgettable. 
Methi Machhi Masala – Fish cooked in a Methi flavored Curry. It is a mildly spiced fish (Rohu) curry in yogurt gravy and a lot of fresh fenugreek leaves.
Bhutta Ka Pulao – This pulao is loaded with yummy sweet corn kernels, and is undoubtedly a favourite with young and old alike. I liked it very much.  With spices, Basamati rice and beautiful corn kernels, really packs a punch to complete a meal. 
Salan –  Phool Gobi Aur Mirchon Ka Salan is prepared with Cauliflower, Green Chilies and Tamarind Pulp. A vegan dish with warming taste.
Chicken Tawa Pulao – Chicken Tawa pulao is a traditional and classic punjabi dish. It’s a pleasant rice based delicacy which has its own unique and distinctive flavors. Normally the Punjabi dishes are spicy and flavorful. This dish is popularly known as the Kodi pulao which means chicken pulao.  I just loved the flavor ! This is delicious!
Mango Lassi – Mango, the King of Fruits has many followers world over. Punjab is no different. Punjabis love mangoes and have mango-based recipes in almost every course. It is soothing cold drink for hot summer days or to brighten up any meal. This pale drink is a blend of mango and yogurt. Relief after such Gargantuan meal.
Kulfi – Who doesn’t love a creamy Kulfi ? Prepared with milk and flavored with pistachios, almonds and saffron. Loved by people of all ages!
Rasgulla – Perfect beautifully presented Rasgulla. The Bengali twist in Punjabi festival. At the end of the day who does not love Rasgulla ? No Food Festival cant be ended without  Rasgulla in Bengal. These were juicy, spongy and soft.
Gulab Jamun –  Gulab Jamun is easily the most popular and loved dessert in India. Spongy milky balls soaked in rose scented syrup were yummy. 
If you truly want to experience dining like the royal Punjabis, with their lavish spread of extremely heavy yet deliciously indulgent dishes, Oceanic at Peerless Inn is your destination this summer. Of course, make sure you carry a gargantuan appetite.Though, you must not forget to renew your gym membership. I have to really start hitting the gym soon. Do not miss this festival because happiness is the feeling when your stomachs perpetually full with delicious food but you cant resist having one more bite.  We left with happy tummies and could not resist doing a “Balle Balle” .
For reservation kindly call : Ashim : 98317 80403 Sanjib : 91633 08730 Pradipta : 90077 70841
Special thanks to:
○ Debasree Roy , Senior Vice President at Peerless Hotels Ltd – For hosting us so nicely and extending the warm hospitality  and her team for service us amazing Dishes
○ Soumi Sarkar , PR at Peerless Hotels Ltd – For inviting us.
○ Rajdeep Bhattacharjee (Gourmets Travel Guide) – For leading us
○ I am a Proud Member of Panch Phoron #panchphoron
For more details:
Oye Balle…Balle…Punjab Flavour at Kolkata Peerless Inn Nowadays, restaurant and cafe growth is so rapid here in Kolkata that if you go to a place after about 3 months you are bound to see a new restaurant or cafe there!
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