#Spicy emmet my beloved
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🔻Emmet is a Subway Boss, and an unstoppable freight train. You wouldn’t want to make him mad, would you?  Based on a dream I had with the twins. A little explanation below! (tw: kidnapping mention)
- Ingo was missing (but not in Hisui) - Emmet was kidnapped while trying to find him.  - Idk who kidnapped him, but they probably also took Ingo.  - Those who kidnapped them wanted access to the subway.  - Emmet did not like, but he really wasn’t scared at all.  - Emmet can be verrrry threatening.
May have to… expand on this a little. 
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Please I’m a sucker for self aware au’s but come on! Emmet is right there! 😩
He hasn’t made himself known to you yet but with the way you keep talking he might. He’s biting his conductor hat to muffle all his frustrated groans and screams.
Everytime you battle him it’s always something with you! It started off with ‘He’s so cute I swear.’ Down to ‘I’d fuck him in the Ferris wheel.’
He loves you, and he knows you love him, but your words are getting the better of him. His brain shuts down if your words get lewd enough it’s not fair! Constantly listening to you rattle on and on about how you’d put on his coat and hat and ride him, and oh he’d let you, but don’t misunderstand, he’s in charge.
Emmet is going feral within this digital prison and without you by his side.
- Jes
Imagine just how frustrated and slightly unhinged he'd be. He loves watching and listening to you, and the moment you first see and start fawning over him? He's gone. You like him! You actually like him! His one sided feelings aren't one sided after all! ...At least somewhat. You aren't exactly aware he's aware, but that shouldn't matter in the long run, right? You immediately fluster him with all the compliments you give him, cooing at him when you first see him in Nimbasa. You can't see it, but he's popping the hood of his coat to hide his blush. He desperately wants to admit to you his secret. His sentience. But he doesn't. Not yet. He doesn't want to scare you away. He still pines after you though, and secretly follows your character around. You also make the effort to battle him at least once a day! He is so excited, especially whenever you shift or change your team around! But then the compliments start again. 'He's so cute... I wish I could kiss him.' 'I love his eyes. I bet they look gorgeous in person.' 'I wonder if his lips are soft... I bet he's a great kisser.' Are you trying to distract him to win?! it almost feels like you are! If he wasn't 100% sure you weren't aware he was sentient, he would have actually accused you of such. He has to physically stop himself from giggling or squealing when you compliment him. He doesn't want you hearing him yet, after all. He can't help it! It makes him so giddy to hear you say such things! Still... He loves hearing you talk about him. He could listen to your voice all day, if he was being honest. Then one day, when you're on his super line about to challenge him, he hears you. 'Maaaan. Emmet, I would fuck you in the Nimbasa Ferris wheel. Why can't you be real.' Emmet has to physically bite down into his coat to muffle his scream. His face is bright red, and he's practically pulling his hair out. How can you expect him to battle you after saying that!? Not only do you like him, but you want to be physical with him too!? Emmet is already a horndog, so the moment you say this outloud, he loses almost all restraint. All his fantasies revolve around you now. They already did of course, but now he doesn't feel shame when imagining bending you over his desk, and pounding into you from behind. He's also almost thankful he's in a game. You can't see him while he jerks himself off while looking at your face, imagining those lips around his cock. That, and he doesn't have to worry about anyone catching him either. Everyone follows the code when the game is on, like robots. Anything he does outside of it is never remembered. So he slacks off (and jerks off), and thinks of you. A lot. It gets to a point where every time you battle him, it's something new, and Emmet swears he's going to lose control. 'God, I want him to fuck me for days. Ugh. I'd let him pump me full of cum.' Emmet is screaming into his hat. 'I wonder if he would let me where his coat and hat, and ride his dick at work?' The thought practically makes him short circuit. 'I wanna pin him down and ride him for hours. I bet his cock would be huge.' He is banging his head against the side of the train car. The idea makes him want to groan, though he can't help but laugh. He'd love to see you try fighting for dominance. He won't let you top that easy. ...Though he can't help but fantasize about wrestling for the ability to top. He'd win, of course. He loves winning more than anything, but he can't help but feel flustered at the idea of you winning once or twice. Maybe if he was feeling generous. 'Ugh, I want him to spill his warm cum deep inside me. I bet he would love trying to breed me.' Emmet's resolve nearly snaps. This wasn't fair! Wasn't fair at all!!! What god did he piss off in another life to deserve this?? You obviously wanted him, and he couldn't even touch you!! When the game is off, Emmet is practically yelling every thought and feeling he has about it. 'I want to cockwarm him while he works at his desk.'
That. was. it.
After he takes care of his hardening dick, he's letting you know just how fully aware he really is, and what you do to him. If he ever gets his hands on you, in the real world or into his, he's going to make sure to do everything you have wanted him to do to you. When he does... Don't expect to walk for at least a week.
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leggerefiore · 3 years
Okay, so Unova is Pokemerica, right? And one of the most American foods is burgers. (What's IN those burgers I don't want to think about, but they're definitely a thing if you can make Burger-Steak Curry in Galar) So! What kind of burgers do the train boys like to eat? Does one prefer Poke Mickey Ds and the other Poke Burger King or something like that? French fries, onion rings, or tater tots? How do they settle which place they go to? DO they settle it, or do they just go to both places?
pokeamerica... i want pokeitalia😭😭
i don't really eat fast food because the food is so unappealing to my tastes.
● They have many fast food places in Unova that often get mocked on pokemon's equivalent of social media. Champion Wallace went to Unova and posted about how ridiculously huge the serving sizes were, while horrified by how greasy his meal was. He went to pokemon McDonald's. Elesa responded by saying such: “You went to hell and were surprised it was so hot.”
○ Anyway, naturally as busy working men with little time to develop skills outside of their love of locomotives and battles, the dearly beloved Subway Bosses at a lot of fast food and quick meals. They usually attempt to hit up local restaurants, but their lunch breaks only last so long. Ease of convenience happens even to the best intentioned of us. For example, they frequently visit local cafés and have a favourite one, this does not mean they do not use pokemon Starbucks. They do. Or pokemon Dunkin' Donuts.
● At least if you're an under loved, underpaid worker at these establishments you get to see some local celebrities walk in and go: “Can I get uhhhh… Give me a second…” loudly while staring at the menu like it's completely different. It's exactly the same; they've only added so weird spicy nugget combos. Pick something. “Yeah, I want the chicken salad.” The below living wage employee is so close to murdering this absolutely clown dressed man whose voice is obnoxiously high in volume. WHO GOES TO MCDONALD'S TO GET A SALAD? (Later, they learn that was Subway Boss Ingo and scream about it on poke twitter. Which Ingo doesn't have, nor does Emmet. Well, they do, but they don't use it.)
○ Imagine this: you're a 'sandwich artist' at pokemon Subway. Your existence at work is pain. People get angry you don't have food items in the case that you've never sold. You've just finished serving an old couple who tells you to 'smile'. Suddenly, in walks two overly enthusiastic, identical men. You note their attractiveness, but also fear for whatever they decide to order. Hopefully, it is nothing complicated. The one dressed in white is buzzing around the place silently, searching for something. The one dressed in black approaches the counter. “Where are the trains?” He asks. You're confused. What does he mean? You ask him to repeat his question. “This is a Subway, right? Where are the trains at?” He is completely stoic with a serious tone. You want to scream. Why do you never get the normal people?
● Ingo and Emmet try to be more health conscious about eating, even if it's at fast food places. They'll get the smallest serving sides if it's a meal or a medium if it's just a single item. Ingo gets water over a soda or juice, but Emmet refuses to eat something without a soda.
◆ The older twin tends to go more traditionally for burgers, but will occasionally break away and get a spicy chicken sandwich. Always spicy, he claims normal chicken in too sweet. No one understands. He'll also grab one of those breakfast wrap things if he's grabbing breakfast.
◇ The younger twin goes for chicken nuggets and tenders, he refuses to break away because he doesn't trust new foods. Ingo gave him his spicy sandwich once, and he spent the next hour crying because his tongue burned. He'll also pick up cookies when offered because he cannot resist sweets.
○ Notably, Ingo will also go to wing places to try their hottest wings. Nothing has broken him yet. He is determined to find the spiciest wings in all of Unova, or at least Nimbasa. Emmet says the sweet honey BBQ is too hot. They have different preferences when it comes to flavours, and it's horribly confusing to any food service worker who mistakes them for each other.
● If they want different things, which they often do. The twins will just go to the two places unless they're short on time. In which case, they have the dumbest sibling argument. Do you know how many times Ingo has pulled the “I'm the older sibling” card? Emmet knows. Emmet is keeping track. Does twenty minutes truly give you that much authority? They sit in their office and refuse to speak to one another for a good five minutes before realizing they are wasting time. Then they just eat whatever is the most empty and nearby. No one gets what they truly wanted when they argue.
“Oh! Mr. Ingo, do you want your usual order?” The cashier is trying to be nice, knowing how busy the Subway Boss normally is if he pops in. Ingo, however, clearly is currently acting strange. There is a big smile across his face, and he is wearing white instead of black. Not even his common loud greeting was heard when he walked in the door. His attention is broken from the menu. The near iridescent nature of his eyes makes her uncomfortable. What is wrong with him? “No. I am Emmet. I want a number five,” the apparent not-Ingo seems to speak in short bursts. Alright, if he wants to be Emmet, then she can do that. Quickly, she punches in his order and asks what he would like to drink, along with what size. The door chimes with a loud 'hello' following, another person has walked in. Her attention shoots up. Ingo. There are two of them. “It's nice to see you again, may I get my usual order?” She can only nod.
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