#Spiderman tickle
mushyblushyredhead · 1 year
HELP I was SO LEE yesterday and STILL AM TODAY AKFHWKDHFJ (*´ー`*) so here take this I guess it probably looks like chiz but I needed to draw some flustering tk art (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎) (also cuz I rewatched Spider-Man 2 for like the fleventeenth time last night)
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Ok bye gonna go hide in my blanket cave now (〃ω〃)
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jettorii · 2 years
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please dont flag me tumblr i am on my knees
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neppy-34 · 1 month
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How curious that you keep getting caught, spiderman.
Worked on this piece on and off for a few weeks :3 I hope you all like it!
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an0ma1y-th3d0ma1y · 2 months
Other Tactics
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(A/N: This fic doesn’t take place in the canon ATSV lore but rather a lil delusional AU where Miguel is chill with the spider teens and is like a father figure to em :] hope you enjoy!!)
A young voice echoed through the halls of the Spider Society HQ. The voice leading back to Miles who was currently running for his life from the one and only Miguel O’Hara, but not for the reason you might assume.
“So you think you’re so funny sneaking up on me like that, huh?”
The two went back and forth, the young spider backed up into the corner of the ceiling like a frightened tarantula. Immediately diving past the older man when he attempted to grab him. Quickly turning invisible, which was really dramatic for a situation like this, letting out a small scream when Miguel’s glowing red web suddenly wrapped around his waist.
In a moment of pure panic and excitement, he zapped Miguel. Quickly pushing himself out of his arms and into the go-home-machine room. Miguel calming his nerves from the sudden shock followed by a small chuckle as he walked into the room.
“Ay, you little arañas thinking you can get away with everything..” He growled deeply through a smirk, listening for any hints at where the spiderling might’ve ran off to. And sure enough, his ultra-hearing picked up an ever so slight giggle. Taking in a deep ‘annoyed’ breath, Miles nearly jumped out of his skin when Miguel’s web was all of a sudden wrapped around him. Yelping and failing at grabbing at an object for support when he was pulled from his secret hiding spot. His invisibility wearing off, revealing himself to Miguel who had a firm grasp on the boy to assure he wouldn’t wiggle off somewhere else.
“Miguel! We can talk about this, right man?? I mean, I-It wasn’t even my idea! Hobie suggested it to me and I just followed along-“
Miles continuously ranted while Miguel casually walked out and towards the database room. Rolling his eyes at the amusing nervous stammering of the young teen. “Doesn’t change the fact you executed it.. I’ll get that little pest later, right now you’re gonna have to face punishment.” Miguel brushed off his stammering, stepping onto the aerial platform with the squirming spider still in his firm grasp
“Well, taking your watch away obviously doesn’t seem to get my message through now does it?” Miguel raised an eyebrow, looking down at Miles who had a nervous grin. “..Whaaaaat?? O-of course it does!” He retorted, but he already knew where this conversation was going.. “Last I checked, no it doesn’t.” He commented, unsheathing his claw. “Perhaps I need some more.. extreme solutions. Since you little pequeños don’t seem to get the message.”
A small squeak escaped Miles’ lips when Miguel’s clawed finger ever so slightly dragged along his midsection. Tracing little shapes into it while it flinched and sucked in at every little small touch. “..Thihis reheheally isn’t necessary, mahahan..” He tried to protest through his small giggles, struggling to wiggle out of the firm hold Miguel had him trapped in.
“Oh, it most certainly is.”
Miguel winced a bit at the teens loud scream near his ear when he clawed at his belly. Kicking his legs and squirming like a maniac even if they had barely even started. “AAHAHAAA!?- MIhihiHIGuhehel please I-I’m- I’m sohoHOHORRY!!”
“Are you though? Or are you just saying that to get free?” Miguel questioned teasingly. Without warning, he switched his tactics to instead drag his claw up Miles’ side and ribs before descending back down. Resisting the urge to break out laughing at his hilarious response.
The kid cackled and squirmed, even snorting a little in between his laughter. However, their little lighthearted interaction was quickly interrupted when Miles suddenly shot his elbow up, not paying attention to who was behind him.
A sickening POW silenced the rest of the noise, Miles being dropped on the floor by Miguel who cupped his cheekbone in pain. Miles’ eyes widening, immediately assuming the worst. “Crap- Oh shoot I’m so sorry are you okay, man!? Did I do any serious damage d-do you need to go to medbay I can- AA!!—
Miles was cut off from his nervous ranting when he was suddenly grabbed by the older man. Before he knew it, he was shrieking and cackling like a mad man. Miguel scribbling furiously at his underarms while Miles had his biceps glued to his ribs.
“GYAHAAHAAHAHAA!!!— *snort* NAHAHAHA IHIM SAHAHARRYY!! *snort* *snort*” The young spider cried out, getting a chuckle from Miguel. Soon enough, the older spider gave mercy to him. Gently holding him under his arms and letting him get some breaths in, especially after having squirmed and thrashed like crazy..
“Ohoh gohod.. Look ihim sorry, ohokay!?”
“..Are you though?”
“..nope. Wahwahait nononNAHAAHAHAA IHI AHAM I AMM!!”
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gaybananabread · 3 months
♡~A Mother Always Knows⁠~⁠♡
~I’ve been reading a ton of sad books recently, so I needed something fluffy to get myself back together. So, here’s a completely self-indulgent fic I felt needed to exist. Fair warning, I haven’t seriously written in a few weeks, so this might suck. If you’re still here, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Miles
Ler: Rio
Summary: Miles’s job as Spider-Man has been weighing heavier on him, and school and the Spider-Verse isn't helping. Rio notices almost instantly, and while she may not know what's causing her baby to feel so stuck, she knows exactly how to give him a little boost.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Groaning, Miles keysmashed on his laptop, trying and failing to generate ideas. He’d done everything: rewarding writing websites, the Comic Sans trick, drinking electrolyte-heavy beverages. Nothing was working.
His English teacher had assigned another essay, and he was completely stuck. Miles was an artist, not a writer; the creative essay assignments loved to kick his ass. That, coupled with the actual routine kicking of his ass from villains, left him all sorts of stressed out.
Deciding he needed a break from staring at the white screen, Miles got up and went to the kitchen. He had all weekend to complete the creative essay; unfortunately for him, that was prime villain attack time. He had barely gotten to sit down and work for a cumulative of two hours.
Rio had been noticing her son’s off behavior for almost the entire year he’d been Spider-Man. It was negligible at first: forgotten assignments, baggy eyes, messy appearances. Those were typical for teenagers going into High School.
So, when she saw him stumble into the kitchen while favoring his left side, her mama bear instincts kicked in.
Over time, however, it had progressed to very noticeable, very worrisome changes. While she hadn’t confronted Miles yet, Rio was definitely not oblivious.
After all, a mother always knows.
“Miles, siéntate ahora.” Her voice was loving, but undoubtedly stern; he’d be smart to listen, and listen he did. Miles sat down at the kitchen table, doing his best not to limp. It wasn’t enough.
Rio set a bowl of Cheez-Itz in front of him before sitting across from him. Miles could feel the heat grow beneath his collar; she was using her Mom Face. For a solid four minutes, she just sat there, watching him as he snacked. Just act natural, just be cool, just eat the damn crackers…
“You gonna tell me what’s going on, or are we just gonna sit here?” Yeesh, there was that tone. Miles knew there was zero way of getting out of there without some sort of conversation.
“Just…loaded up, Mami. I’ve got a lot on my plate with Visions, ya know?” He tried to pin it all on school, hoping that would be the end of it. It wasn’t technically a lie; he did have a lot of stress due to assignments, especially his English teacher.
Rio sighed a bit; that was true, sure, but not the entire story. It worried her to see her baby like that, even more so when he wouldn’t let her help. Still, she had to find a way to get him to de-stress, even if she didn’t know the full cause.
“Hmm. Couch,” she ordered, standing and heading to their living room. Sure, it was a short walk, but she could still be mysterious.
Miles knew better than to argue, setting the empty bowl in the sink before joining her. He was stiff, his mind spinning with all sorts of theories and questions. Was she gonna press the issue? Did she know, and was just trying to see how much he would lie to her? Was she gonna ground him indefinitely for not coming clean?
Instead of confirming her son’s fears, Rio just pulled him into a hug by the shoulders. Miles’s eyes widened, but he quickly relaxed, resting his head on his mom’s chest. Man, he was tired…
“I love you, Miles. I know something’s wrong, and I know it’s hard for you to tell me. Just…remember that I’m always here for you, okay?”
Miles felt his heart lift at her words. She…she really loved him. She knew he was lying, but she still loved him. He swallowed a small lump forming in his throat before nodding; he didn’t trust his voice.
Now that she’d gotten him nice and emotional, Rio decided he needed to cheer up a bit. Miles was so stressed and reserved most of the time. She missed the days where his bright, unapologetic smile would light up their home - especially his giggles. How Rio longed to see him happy like that again…
Oh. Lightbulb.
“Thank you, baby. You just seem so sad anymore. Me encantaría verte sonreír de nuevo.” Shifting her hand down Miles’s side, she tried to hide her growing smile. If she wanted to surprise her son, she had to be crafty.
Miles's brain lagged a bit as he translated her words. Smile again? What...why was his spider-sense going off?
"Lucky for you, I think I remember how to fix that," she crooned. Then, in a gentle and teasy way, she started wiggling her fingers into her son's side.
The teen's eyes shot wide open, a giggle slipping out. His mom was...tickling him? It wasn't something they'd done in a while, thanks to his constantly loaded schedule and isolating tendencies. It immediately made him giddy and lit his nerves on fire.
"M-Mahahahahahami! W-Whahahat?!" Miles was shocked, kicking his feet against the couch. How could just a few fingers tickle so much?
"What? It's kinda obvious, Miles. I'm tickling you!" Her other hand joins the fray, pulling her son against her. While Miles was a helluva lot stronger than her, he couldn't risk overdoing it. So, like a true man, he giggled his heart out.
"Dohohon't sahay thahahat! Mohom!" Right as Miles tried to pry her hand off, Rio started to scribble on his belly. His giggles shot up for a moment, turning to adorable belly laughter.
"HEHEHEhehey! C'mohohon!" Two hands was just being mean. Rio was loving all the giggles, and she could feel the tenseness in his shoulders melting away against her. There was no way she could stop at that point.
"Don't say what, papa? Tickle? How about this? Cosquillas cosquillas cosquillas~" Rio quickly whispered the words in his ear, loving the squeak she got in return. Her son was just the cutest, even when he was trying to be all macho.
The teasing fried his brain, leaving him a squirming mess of nonsensical babbling and giggles. The t-word in one language was bad enough, but two? And in his ear? His mom was killing him!
Deciding to be cruel, Rio suddenly jammed both her hands into his underarms. Miles was tired, so she had to hit the sweet spots quickly.
"NAHAHAHA! *snort* MOHOHOHOHOM!" Miles shrieked and thrashed, absolutely losing his shit when his mom targeted his worst spot. Her nails were torturous, far worse than Hobie's lanky fingers or Pav's loving squishes. It shot ticklish lightning zipping across his skin, sending him into near hysterics.
Rio cooed at her son's near manic reaction, giggling as he snorted. Miles was always trying to act tough, but he just couldn't get any cuter.
Miles was sort of exploding inside. He was already tired from patrols, and now he was laughing his ass off; the boy was ready to crash. His mind was a goopy mess of flustered joy and giggles, rendering him unable to speak. Still, he could feel his stress melting away, leaving him in a stupidly happy, ticklish bliss.
Still, it tickled like crazy, and he couldn't last forever.
"MOHOHOHO- *snort* OHOM! IHIHI CAHAHAN'T!" Small tears of mirth pricked at the corners of his eyes as he tapped out. Rio stopped as soon as he said that, moving to pet his hair and rub his shoulder soothingly.
"Te tengo, Miles. Take a breath." She held him close, trying to help him regain his composure.
Miles was still reeling, giggling off the phantom tickles. After that lovely attack, he was completely drained. Thanks to his mother's gentle pets, he was on the verge of passing out right then and there.
"Ohoho crap... Whyhy?" Miles failed to stifle a yawn and rubbed his sides as he asked. His mother chuckled at his attempt before answering. "Because you needed to relax, Miles. You're too stressed anymore."
He rolled his eyes, but she wasn't wrong; he was practically limp against her. "Ihi...yeah, I guess. Still though, that was overkill."
She chuckled and booped his nose, making him grunt. "Maybe a bit. Now, do yourself a favor and take a nap."
Miles begrudgingly closed his eyes, mumbling something about not being a baby anymore. Still, thanks to her gentle head pats and his exhaustion, he was nodding off in seconds.
"Te quiero, Miles. Sleep tight."
Rio couldn't help but smile at the sight. Her son was finally relaxed; she couldn't find a trace of the earlier stress on his face. After he relaxed, she'd work on the essay with him. It might not get far, but they'd struggle together. That was what mattered, especially to her. She kissed the top of his head with a small, happy sigh.
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lokust · 1 year
Literally anything with lee!miguel orz
I’m especially fond of the miguel/peter b/mj poly dynamic but I’d happily take anything lolol
There was something up with Miguel. Something just... not quite right, and everyone closest to him had noticed it. Hobie and Noir gossiped about his attitude, while Gwen interrogated Lyla in an attempt to get to the bottom of it. Miles minded his own business, but Pavitr and Jess went to Miguel himself to question it.
Miguel was irritable- more so than usual, and he was really, really jumpy. Every little noise, every accidental touch, made him flinch or jerk away as if he was expecting something to happen, but nobody had any idea what.
He was also incredibly snappy- again... more so than usual. Every inquiry about his mental state or general unusual behavior was met with a snarky remark or a near-deadly glare. Everyone had caught attitude from Miguel throughout the day. Well, almost everyone. Everyone but Peter B.
It was no secret that Miguel had something going on with Peter and MJ. What little free time he had was spent in their universe, and the kids had caught glimpses of heart emojis and sweet messages from both Peter and MJ on Miguel's phone, but nobody ever dared say a word about it.
It was unusual for Miguel to spare Peter from his general grumpiness. For some reason, though, Miguel seemed to be an absolute mess anytime Peter was in the room. It was like he couldn't keep his eyes off of Peter, staring at him from across the room and blushing like mad. Even something as simple as the sound of the older spider's voice had Miguel a blushing, stammering mess, but all he could do was hope nobody had noticed, especially Peter.
They had all noticed, especially Peter.
Peter knew exactly what the problem was, and he was not helping.
Every time they were in the same room, Peter sneaked "accidental" touches to Miguel's sides or back. He made it a point to let Miguel know that he noticed the staring. He stared back, smirking while drumming and tapping his fingers against whatever surface he could find. He wanted Miguel to know that he knew.
Miguel was, in fact, in a lee mood. The worst lee mood he'd ever been in.
Miguel finally realized that the only way he'd get through the day without turning into pure mush was by avoiding Peter at all costs. So that was what he did. If Peter was going one way, Miguel went the other; if Miguel noticed their paths crossing, he made a beeline for the bathroom or the closest supply closet; if he walked into a room that Peter just so happened to be in, he immediately walked out in a flustered, frustrated frenzy.
But, of course, Peter noticed. For the last time that day, Miguel had found himself inside a supply closet, peeking out of it for just a moment to make sure Peter wasn't following him, and he let out a sigh of relief as he realized Peter was nowhere in sight and had probably gotten lost in the crowd.
He shut and locked the door, allowing himself a moment to relax. He closed his eyes, resting against the wall as he took deep breaths. He tried his hardest to calm himself down and get rid of the embarrassing blush that covered his entire face and traveled all the way to the tips of his ears.
He sighed once more before taking a deep breath, "Come on, Miguel. Keep it together…”, he said to himself before pushing himself off the wall and opening the door, peaking out one last time before deciding it was safe.
Unfortunately, just as he opened the door, he heard the unmistakable ‘thwip’ of a web shooter, and the door was shut again, white webs covering the knob. Miguel's eyes widened as he stood completely still, blood rushing to his cheeks as his heart started beating nearly out of his chest.
"Turn around”, said the voice behind him, and slowly, Miguel turned around.
There he was, Peter B. Parker, hanging upside down from a web with that goofy smirk. Miguel looked up and mentally kicked himself as he noticed the open vent in the ceiling.
Miguel opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, to try to explain the situation away, but Peter beat him to it, "It’s been awfully hard for me to catch up to you today, Miguel~”, he sing-songed, looking around the small room as he did so “That’s alright, though! I enjoyed our little game of Cat and Mouse”, Peter said before dropping from his web and inching closer to the adorably flustered spider in front of him. "Care to explain why exactly we were playing?", he asked, his voice dropping slightly as he raised one eyebrow.
Peter loved this: toying with Miguel and watching the usually stoic spider crumble into a bashful mess. Even more than watching it happen, he loved knowing that he was the reason.
Miguel's throat went dry as he looked for an explanation, stammering over the beginning of his sentence, “I-I, uh, I don't- I have.. n-no idea what you're talking about. I was just- I came in here to-“
"To hide from me?", Peter teased, stepping even closer to Miguel. Miguel had backed up against the door, his chest nearly against Peter's. "You can't hide from me forever~", he said, placing his hand on Miguel's side and gently drumming his fingers.
Miguel swallowed nervously, his eyes widening as he looked down at Peter's hand and then back up at Peter. He tensed his muscles and bit his lip, preparing himself for the inevitable, but... nothing ever came.
They stood just like that, in total silence, for about half a minute, That teasing smirk never leaving Peter’s face, and Peter’s gaze never leaving Miguel.
Thirty seconds had never felt longer, and Miguel thought surely he would combust as his eyes darted nervously around the small room before finally landing on Peter again. Peter chuckled and rolled his eyes fondly, deciding to give Miguel a break. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna get you”, he said, ruffling Miguel's hair as the younger sighed in relief, “Not yet anyways."
Miguel's eyes widened again as he looked at Peter. That was just cruel. To get him all worked up for it.. and then take it away.
“That was a fun game, my little Spider-Mouse!” Peter said with a giddy laugh, patting Miguel’s cheek gently, "We'll deal with you later. See ya at home, my love!", he said happily before turning around, flicking his wrist at the open vent and hoisting himself back into it, but before he could leave, he was interrupted as Miguel uttered just one word.
“We?”, he repeated, his heart rate increasing as he looked at Peter incredulously. Peter giggled as he peered down at Miguel, nodding and bringing his phone into view, the screen facing Miguel.
“Oh, did I forget to mention that?”, he asked, still smiling from ear to ear, “I texted MJ! Had to let her know about your current condition.”, and sure enough, Miguel caught a glimpse of the few messages Peter had sent MJ over the course of the day.
Peter smiled triumphantly as he saw the look of realization cross Miguel’s face, and he quickly tucked his phone back into his pocket. “Now, I’ll leave you to sit with that information for as long as you need, buddy! I’ll see ya at home- er, we’ll see you at home! Love ya!”, and with that, Peter was gone.
As Miguel stood there in utter disbelief, he finally snapped out of his flustered trance, allowing himself to sink down against the wall and bury his head in hands.
'This is gonna be a long day...'
It was a long day, and Lyla had to pull him out of a smiley daze more times than he’d like to admit. He just couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop himself from imagining the trouble he’d be in when he got to Peter’s place, the way they’d tickle him to pieces, expertly targeting each and every little tickle spot, how they’d tease him…
He couldn’t wait for the end of the day, when he’d finally be able to leave, but once the time finally rolled around, he found himself too nervous to even leave his office.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”, Lyla said as she suddenly appeared, projecting on his desk.
Miguel jumped and hissed at the sudden noise, blushing when he realized it was just Lyla. He cleared his throat awkwardly and sat up straight in his chair, furrowing his eyebrows, “W-What are you talking about?”, he asked, trying to be inconspicuous.
Lyla quirked an eyebrow, propping her hand on her hip and tilting her head, “You really gonna make me text him and tell him to come get you? Is that what you want?”, she asked, not even a hint of a joke in her tone.
Miguel huffed, taken aback by Lyla’s threat as he stared at her with furrowed brows. With a few incoherent grumbles, Miguel stood, still glaring daggers at Lyla. Using his watch, he opened a portal directly to Peter’s house.
His hands shook nervously as he felt his face already heating up. He tried to contain the bashful grin tugging at his lips, but it was no use as he stood in front of the portal. He knew what awaited him on the other side. He knew there was no avoiding it. For a minute or so, Miguel simply stood there, taking deep steady breaths and trying to calm his shaking before finally letting out one heavy sigh… and stepping through the portal.
He was tense as he stood in Peter and MJ’s kitchen, looking around the dimly lit room nervously. He saw the glow of the TV from the living room, and he could smell something sweet- like cookies baking. He took a deep breath as he slowly entered the den from the kitchen, but as he rounded the corner into the den, MJ rounded the corner as well, bumping right into Miguel.
She yelped a bit as she was unaware of his arrival, but as she looked up and saw Miguel’s blushing face, her look of surprise turned to a sweet smile, “Hi there, sweetie”, she spoke softly, her tone loving as she leaned up and kissed Miguel’s cheek, “I’m gonna take these cookies out of the oven”, she said, putting on an oven mitt that had little flower patterns all over it, “I went ahead and made you a treat for… well, after”.
Miguel’s breath hitched in his throat and he buried his face in his hands, but before he could worry himself too much with it, he heard a much louder playful voice from behind him.
“Well, honey, would you like who finally showed up!”, Peter exclaimed, picking up a cookie before hissing in pain and immediately putting it back down, “Oh wow those are hot! Hey, Miguel, we had some matters to attend, right? I think we did!”, Peter spoke quickly, a happy smile on his face as he grabbed Miguel’s wrist and immediately turned on his heels, leading Miguel through the house. “Let’s go, MJ!”
MJ stood with her arms crossed, a slight smirk on her face as she watched Peter all but drag Miguel as the younger spider turned to look at her with wide eyes that were begging for help already. She just chuckled, shaking her head and following after them fondly.
Peter opened their bedroom door and playfully pushed Miguel onto the soft mattress, laying down next to him with one of Miguel’s arms underneath him. Peter smiled at Miguel and ran a hand through his hair, “And look MJ! He must’ve gotten into these clothes before he got here. I always wondered how changing out of a holographic suit worked…”, he said, furrowing his brows a bit in thought. “The tank top’s very subtle though, certainly doesn’t make your intentions too obvious. Very inconspicuous!”. Miguel was practically scowling, but the unusual bright red color of his cheeks certainly decreased the intimidation of it.
MJ couldn’t help but laugh at the two boys as she too laid down beside Miguel and did the same as Peter, pinning one of Miguel’s arms beneath her. Miguel just huffed, his face scrunching up a bit as he turned his neck to look at MJ instead of Peter. MJ raised her eyebrows as she placed a hand on his side, gently tracing her nails up and down, “Oh, do you think I’m gonna save you from him, hun?”, she asked, leaning in a bit closer and dropping her voice to a whisper. “Not a chance, sweetheart”.
Miguel squealed and tugged at his arms a bit as MJ’s nails traveled up to his armpit, and he also wondered what on earth was going through his head when he decided to wear the tank top. Spoiler: it was this exact situation. She spidered her nails slowly and oh so lightly under his arm, watching intently as he let his head fall back against the pillow and bit his lip in an attempt to keep himself from giggling.
Peter chuckled and shook his head, “Holding out on her, hm?”, he asked teasingly as he lifted Miguel’s shirt up above his ribs. “Why don’t you see just how long that works for ya! I’ll bet twenty seconds tops.” Peter placed his hand on the very center of Miguel’s tummy and formed a claw with it. “If you win the bet, we’ll stop teasing. Deal?”
Miguel looked at Peter with wide eyes and shook his head frantically as he realized Peter’s intentions, twisting his hips in an attempt to get away from the hand on his tummy.
“Deal!” Peter said on Miguel’s behalf. “Twenty seconds starting… now!” Suddenly, Peter began digging and clawing all five fingers rapidly into Miguel’s belly, wasting no time in driving him up the wall.
Miguel let out a strained squeal and arched his back, biting his tongue to keep himself from laughing, but there just wasn’t much he could do. Within seconds, he was a blubbering mess, “NNGH! Peheheter! Peter, that’s no f-FAHAHAIR! I cahAN’T!”.
Peter cooed in mock sympathy, moving his hand a bit lower to assault Miguel’s much more ticklish lower belly. He tickled from side to side, clawing from one hip to the other over and over again, “Aww, well, that was only about two seconds. Did you misunderstand the premise of the bet?”, he asked in feigned curiosity, looking over Miguel at MJ. “Should I have been more specific?”, he asked, rapidly squeezing the little bit of pudge at Miguel’s lower tummy.
MJ chortled, shaking her head at her husband as her nails fluttered and danced oh so gently in the center of Miguel’s hollows- a total contrast to the rough tickling Peter was putting his tummy through, but the light flutters gradually became light, quick scratches, “Are you enjoying yourself?”, she asked in that soft, sweet tone. “Is this what you wanted? To come home and let us tickle all your worries away?”.
Miguel shook his head at MJ’s teasing, but his entire body tensed as he let out a squeal, Peter’s hand suddenly jumping from his hip to his armpit. Miguel arched his back as the two opposing sensations persisted: MJ’s light scratching and spidering, and Peter’s rough digging and clawing both assaulting his pits. “W-WAHAIT WAIT!”, he choked out, his face red as tears of mirth pricked at the corners of his eyes, “CAHAN’T- cahan’t tahaHAKE IT!”. He kicked his feet, clenching and unclenching his fists in hopes that it would distract from the tickling, but it was no use.
“Look at those fangs!” Peter said excitedly, “Who knew deadly weapons could be so adorable, am I right?”, he teased as his hand traveled down just a bit, squeezing and pinching at Miguel’s very top rib. He didn’t know what to do with himself. He tugged at his arms and twisted his hips, but it was all fruitless.
“Aww, Peter..”, MJ said as she slipped her hand into his tank top, raking her long nails up and down the side of his rib cage, “He said he can’t take it~”, she cooed, kneading her fingertips into the spaces between the bones.
Miguel’s laughter raised in pitch and volume, and there was nothing he could do to ease the maddening sensation. If he twisted his body to the right, he only brought himself closer to MJ’s long nails, but if he twisted himself to the left, Peter was right there, cooing about how he must love it since he’s trying to get closer.
As evil as they seemed to be, both MJ and Peter were in absolute awe as they teased and toyed with the man below them, admiring his blushing face and adorable giggles. Miguel squealed, his eyes shut tight as he squirmed. The two of them looked up at each other, both smiling as they gave a silent acknowledgment of their adoration for Miguel.
“Cant take it, hm?” Peter asked, tweaking up and down Miguel’s rib cage, vibrating a clawed hand into it after delivering a couple teasing pinches and pokes. “What about this? Is this any better for you?”, he asked, knowing damn well he’d just made it ten times worse.
Miguel’s eyes shot open at the sudden sensation of five fingers vibrating against the front of his rib cage while MJ’s nails danced up and down the side of his ribs. He couldn’t take it. “NAHAHA! STOPSTOPSTOHOHOP! MJ, HEHEHELP! M-Mahahake him stOHOP!”, he pleaded, tugging desperately at his arms. He needed to get away, but he couldn’t, and he really didn’t want to, but he thought certainly they’d tickle him to tears. He tried to take a deep breath through his loud belly laughter in an attempt to ease the sensation as he thought there was certainly no way it could get any more ticklish.
Oh, how wrong he was.
MJ giggled and shook her head, kissing his cheek, “You know I can’t do that, sweetie. You waited all day for this, why would I stop him now?”, she asked, only half teasing him. He had waited all day, and they were definitely making up for it, but suddenly, MJ’s nails latched onto his lowest rib, and a loud hiss sounded through the room in unison with a couple yelps as Miguel’s loud laughter turned to frantic giggles. It took him a moment to realize the tickling had stopped, his two partners looking down at him with wide eyes and smug grins. As he calmed down, he looked up at them, still giggling a bit, “W-Whahat is it?”, he asked, his face flushed red as he looked between the two of them.
MJ giggled, tilting her head as she spoke, “You hissed at us!”, she said, playfully feigning anger. Miguel’s eyes widened, realization hitting him like a train as he hurried to apologize, but he couldn’t get the words out before Peter was chiming in.
“That you did! And not to mention..”, Peter sat up, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding down at Miguel’s hand, “You stabbed us! Stabbed us both right in the back! What do you have to say for yourself, mister?”, he asked with a pout. It was clear neither of them were actually upset with him, but that didn’t stop him from feeling tremendously guilty.
Miguel gasped as he looked at his own hand, his claws now fully on display. He pulled his now free hand to his side, doing the same with the other as MJ sat up as well, “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”, he said, stammering over his apology as he hurried to get it out, “Did I hurt you guys? Are either of you bleeding? I really didn’t mean to, I promise! I just- it.. it-”, Miguel trailed off, unable to finish his sentence as he looked down at his hands.
“It tickled?”, MJ offered, smiling at him as she slipped her hand under his shirt, scratching gently up and down his back. He shivered a bit at the feeling of her long nails against his back, but thankfully, her touch was firm enough not to send him into a giggling fit. He really was too ticklish for his own good.
He blushed, curling in on himself and hiding his face in his hands. They knew there was no way he’d answer that, but thankfully, Peter answered for him, “It did! Like crazy probably, but he’s Spiderman”, he said with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure it was no problem for him at all!”
Miguel whined, shooting a glare at Peter before suddenly finding himself pinned down again. This time by webs that trapped his wrist against the headboard. He felt the familiar flutter in his tummy as he tugged at his wrists, “Hey! What are you doing? I-I thought we were done!”
Peter just laughed, tilting his head in confusion, “You thought we were done? Oh no! We were just getting started!”, he said as he and MJ both repositioned. Peter straddled Miguel’s hips, smiling down at him innocently while lifting his shirt up. MJ sat on his shins, facing Peter’s back. “And after all, you did scratch us… On purpose or not, I think that’s worthy of a punishment. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Miguel’s eyes widened as it struck him why they had pinned him in the way that they did, and he shook his head, “N-No! It was an accident, I couldn’t control it!”, he said, huffing a bit and glaring at Peter. “If anything, it was your fault that you got scratched!”
MJ tutted as she suddenly dragged her nails down his thighs. He absolutely should not have worn shorts. “That’s a shame… this could’ve been so much easier on you if you’d just taken responsibility..”.
Before he could protest any further, Peter’s hands were clawed and poised above his tummy, fingers wiggling as those hands got closer and closer, while MJ continued to drag and scrape her nails up and down every muscle and curve of his thighs.
“Remind me, my tickly little spider. Your worst spots are your belly, and your thighs, right?”, Peter asked, a small innocent smile tugging at his lips. Miguel couldn’t even try to conceal his nervous smile, and there was no point in trying to suppress his anticipatory giggles.
Peter’s hands were so close, Miguel swore he could already feel them.
“You ready, Miguel?”
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matchacowbee · 1 year
okay so I caved in and drew Spider-Man atsv tickles
here’s Lee miles :3
it’s on paper again so I hope it doesn’t look too weird ><
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0mistymystery · 6 months
Silly sketch of Spiderman with dr. Otto, (there are very few around here 😾)
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grayishgiggles · 21 days
You are Amazing!
Peter 3 was known to be the pessimist of the trio. When the time comes where he’s doubting his abilities as Spider-Man, Peter 2 steps in to convince him in the silliest way that he’s an amazing Spider-Man.
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Peter 3 weakly climbed into his apartment through the window and then closed it with a grunt. He slumped down the wall and held his head in his hands. “God…”
Peter 3 had a terrible day. It all started with him breaking a glass bowl when he had cereal, a silly mishap he could’ve avoided. And then on patrol he failed to catch three criminals from the New York drug ring, something he hoped he’d get to the bottom of at this point. And to add insult to injury, the Daily Bugle had just released their most hurtful issue yet on him, titled “Spider-Man Fails and Fails Again,” describing how his heroic feats have only hurt New York rather than helped. Was there seriously ANY news outlet that liked Spider-Man? If there was, Peter 3 hadn’t found it yet.
He didn’t want to get up. He wanted to curl into a ball and sleep on the floor under the window in his dirty suit. It took him a solid 20 seconds to realize he still had his mask on. Peter 3 yanked it off and threw it across the room. He decided to follow through on his plan and flopped on his side, legs tucked into his chest. He didn’t deserve a warm bed tonight, he thought, not after today.
Moments after he shut his eyes, a small swishing sound caught his attention. Opening one eye, he was startled by a bright red-orange portal spinning to life in his living room. Peter 3 recognized the ring, and hid his face in his knees. Out of all days, why did Peter 2 choose today to make a surprise visit?
“Peter 3?” The older man’s voice was followed with soft footsteps getting louder. The portal sounded like it swished away too. “Hey…oh..hey are you okay? What’re you doing down there?”
“What’re you doing here?” Peter 3’s voice was muffled.
“You know how the Peter tingle works. I had a feeling…something was wrong…so now I’m here.”
Peter 2 kneeled to Peter 3’s level. “Bad day?” The younger one nodded. Peter 2 offered a hand. “It’s okay bud. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“…okay.” Peter 3 sighed shakily and unfurled himself to grab the oldest’s hand. With his face exposed, it was easy to notice tears pooling in his eyes and his lip quivering. Peter 2’s heart broke at the sight of it.
“Aw buddy…” He pulled the other Spider-Man into a warm embrace and joining him on the floor. “I’m so sorry.”
Peter 3 broke, his strength melting as he let himself be held in Peter 2’s arms, hiccuping. “I-I dunno what…what I’m d..”
“Shhh..” the oldest Peter hushed him softly, rubbing his back. “You’re okay. You’re okay. It’s alright..”
“I…” he hiccuped, “I can’t d-do anything right.”
“Hey now…don’t be mean to yourself. You’re in a bad spot.” With Peter 3 so close to him, he couldn’t help but catch the scent of sweat, dirt, and smoke. He wrinkled his nose. “Oh man…yeah let’s get up and get you clean. You’ve had a long night.”
After a much needed shower and Peter 2 preparing some cinnamon toast with black tea, Peter 3 was feeling a bit better. Being out of his suit sure helped too, now in some of his comfy pajamas. He munched at the toast quietly, sitting on the edge of his bed with the plate. Holy shit, this was the best toast he’d ever had. Peter 2 sat beside him, watching but trying not to make it awkward. He cleared his throat.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better…” he said through chewing.
“That’s good, that’s good.” A beat passed. “Do you wanna talk about what’s been going on?”
Peter 3 hesitated, then nodded. Most of the time he would’ve refused but he knew with his older brother he wouldn’t get away with that. “Yeah..lemme finish this.” He took another bite of toast.
“Take your time.” Peter 2 nodded:
“You need to make more of this.”
Peter 2 snorted. “I will, don’t worry.”
Once finished and placing the plate on the floor, he inhaled slowly. “I’ve been off my game so much lately. I feel really…not good..when I’m out there. And today was just…” his face crinkled in frustration, “it sucked. Legit everything about it sucked and I’m…I’m having a hard time believing that this is what I’m supposed to do.”
“What do you think you’re supposed to do?”
“I dunno,” he chuckled sadly, “that’s the thing. Am I supposed to..to be just Peter Parker who does an internship at Oscorp with no real job or am I just Spider-Man…who can’t save anyone at this point?!”
“Well that isn’t true.” Peter 2 remarked.
He shook his head. “It’s like everyday I get a new reason to believe I don’t deserve to be Spider-Man.” Peter 3 laughed.
“What did you just say about yourself?” Peter 2 turned his head to the side.
“I said…I..I don’t deserve to be Spider-Man.” The tallest Peter shrugged, avoiding his brother’s gaze. He meant for the comment to be humorous but repeating it louder made him tear up. He didn’t wanna believe it about himself but he couldn’t help it.
“Oh no no no no no, we are not saying that about ourselves.” Peter 2’s big brother instincts kicked in. What happened next wasn’t what Peter 3 was expecting. A second later Peter 3 was in a cradling hug in Peter 2’s lap. “You deserve to be Spider-Man.”
“Oh..” Peter 3 froze. He had never been hugged like this before. It was a tad awkward since he was the taller of the two…but he couldn’t help but slowly curl up. For once he was being cared for. “This is n-nice..” The new sense of security opened the floodgates for him as he buried his face in his brother’s shirt.
“You’re okay, Pete. You’re Spider-Man for a reason…we all are. It’s the special thing about this job,” Peter 2 reassured with a few back rubs. “You’re an amazing Spider-Man.”
“Th-thank you..” choked out Peter 3.
“Of course. Even Spider-Man needs saved sometimes.” Remarked the oldest as Peter 3 took his time to cry. “Let it all out.”
The gentle silence and sounds of sobbing and kind words lasted a good ten minutes. Peter 2’s shirt was wet from Peter 3’s tears, but he didn’t mind.
“How are you holding up, bud?” He asked. Peter 3 slowly pulled away from his chest and swallowed. “That felt good.”
Peter 2 smiled softly. “Yeah, it helps to get it all out, huh?”
“Mhm..” Peter 3 wiped his face. He remained in Peter 2’s lap.
“You know…I had a point in my life where I quit being Spider-Man.”
Peter 3 blinked. “What?”
Peter 2 nodded. “Yeah. Spider-Man’s work was getting in the way of Peter Parker’s life and…it was a lot. Probably my rock bottom. For a small period I even lost my powers.”
“No. You’re lying.”
“I’m serious. It was so weird.”
“That’s..that’s crazy,” Peter 3 let out a small chuckle of surprise.
“I know, right?” Laughed Peter 2. He continued, “so…yeah I had that whole problem and for quite a bit, I quit putting on the mask. I thought I wasn’t meant to be Spider-Man. Everything was just going wrong for me. I nearly gave up.”
“But…I had a moment where I realized that people really do need me. No matter what, Spider-Man was and is gonna be a part of me. It goes for you too. People need and love you, Peter 3. It may be hard to see it, at times, but they’re out there. One of em’s here right now, because I need and love you.”
Peter 3’s lip began quivering again and he quickly wiped away incoming tears. He let out a laugh and buried his face in Peter 2’s chest again. “You’re good at the..the whole comforting positive vibes thing…you should do a TED talk or…or something.”
The oldest smiled hearing the quippy remark. “I dunno what that is, but I’ll think about it.” He gave the younger one a good few pats on the back. A small spark of mischief fluttered in his heart. “Can you…humor me with something?”
“Just..hold on, just lie down.” Peter 2 gently turned  Peter 3 around in his lap, his back resting on his chest. “Yeah, like that.”
“Wh-whahat’re you doing?” Now Peter 3 was leaning back against Peter 2.
“I want you to say that you’re amazing.”
“You’re amazing.”
Peter 2 frowned at Peter 3’s smug grin. “No. You tell me that you are amazing!”
Peter 3 groaned. “No, that’s stupid.” He tried to sit up but the oldest gently pushed him back down, his hands resting on his shoulders. “It’s not stupid, it’s positive affirmation. Now say you’re amazing, because you are!”
“This is like the whole talk we had in the scaffolding all over again..”
“It is, and I’ll keep doing it,” Peter 2 wagged a finger. “Now say it, cause I’m not letting you go until you genuinely say that you’re amazing.”
Peter 3 groaned. “What if I just bit your hand?”
“That would be weird.”
“You’ve been cradling me for like 20 minutes. That’s not weird?”
“No, cause I know us Peters love physical affection like that!” Peter 2 answered.
Peter 3 pursed his lips. “Okay, you got me there.”
Peter 2 sighed, his hands resting on Peter 3’s stomach. “That’s it. No more stalling.”
Peter 3’s tingle didn’t need to go off for him to grab at his older brother’s wrists with a nervous smile. “W-wait what’re you doing?”
“Say you’re amazing.”
“Gehet your hands off!���
“Why? Is this making you nervous?” Peter 2’s resting fingers curled into claws. That small movement got Peter 3 to burst into nervous giggling.
“Don’t be!” Peter 2 chirped, his fingers gently wiggling at Peter 3’s tummy. The younger Peter bucked his hips in an attempt to get away, but his position kept him trapped. “NAHAHoho no no not thiHIHIS!!”
“There we go!” Exclaimed Peter 2. “All it takes is some tummy tickles, huh? To get you all smiley n cute?”
Peter 3’s smile kept plastered on his face and his hands continued yanking at Peter 2’s wrists. His legs curled inward but that didn’t do too much. It only made him look cuter. He didn’t think Peter 2 would stoop down to tickling the crap outta him over something like this. Three minutes ago he was crying like a baby and now he’s giggling like a little kid. What a turn of events.
Each of Peter 2’s fingers were gently poking and prodding around, which tickled a ton more than he expected. “PleheheheeEEEASE NOHO MORE!!”
“Say you’re amazing and I’ll stop!”
“Thihihis is sohOHO DUMB-AAAANONONO!!” Peter 3 squealed. Peter 2 had snuck a hand under his shirt and begun scratching at his lower ribs. He arched his back, pushing against Peter 2’s chest. “STAHAHAP!!”
“You know what you gotta say to make me stop.”
“No, I’m Spider-Man, and you’re Spider-Man! And we. Are. Both. Amazing!” He punctuated each word with a pinch on each rib going upwards.
“GEHET OFF OF MYHY RIBS!!” He hiccuped.
“I will once someone says something I told them to say.”
Yeah, Peter 2 wasn’t gonna let this go. At this point Peter 3 could easily just admit it but…did he want this to stop? Did he want to stop laughing? Peter 2 was right about the physical affection thing: Peter Parkers from all dimensions crave it. Do they all like being tickled though? Wait…does Peter 3 like being tickled?! No, that’s silly. Who likes being tickled?!
…Peter Parker, that’s who.
“Say it! Say it! Say it!” Peter 2 kept repeating, both hands of his under his shirt giving rib jabs to emphasize the point. Peter 3 squeaked at each one, except for when he felt a zap to one of his middle-bottom ribs. He squawked at that one.
Peter 2 had to stop and gave a curious glance at Peter 3’s torso. “What was that?” He gave a pinch to the same rib. Peter 3 jerked to one side.
“EEP-! Wahait wait wait nO!”
“Oooohhohohoh did I find a sweet spot?!” Peter 2 drilled a thumb into this brand new area.
“PFFAAA-!” Peter 3 was cackling, his arms no longer fighting back but weakly hugging one of Peter 2’s arms. “NOHO! NOOOO PLEASE!!”
“Say you’re amazing!” The oldest brother singsonged. The fact that he said it like that got Peter 3’s face to flush in an instant.
“Say ittttt!!” He kept doing the singsong thing.
“Just say you’re amazing, cause you aaaare!” Peter 2’s fingers turned into claws, vibrating at his younger brother’s very ticklish rib. Peter 3’s cackles got hiccupy and more squeaky.
Peter 2 stopped. “You mean it?” He took his hand out from under Peter 3’s shirt.
The older brother hovered five wiggling fingers over his face. “Say it again!”
“IHI’m amazing..I’m amazing!! I-I mean it!” Peter 3 hid his face in Peter 2’s chest, now a pile of giggly goo. “Ihihihi promise!!”
Peter 2 slowly lowered the claw, his tickle attack finished. “Good. Cause you are amazing.” Watching his younger brother recover and rest in his arms made him sigh happily. He gave a warm smile.
“I-Ihi am..” Peter 3 admitted. That one was genuine, and letting those words sink in helped him slow his breathing down. “Yeah…I’m amazing.”
“How are you feeling?” Peter 2 gently ruffled his hair. “Other than probably wanting to kill me?”
“Nah nah..I-Ihi don’t wanna kill you…” Peter 3 panted, “that was just..wow. You’re good at the..the..”
“Being a tickle monster?” Peter 2 finished with an amused grin.
“Yeah…wait don’t call yourself thahat.” Peter 3 covered his face in his hands. “That’s stupid.”
“Well too bad. I’m no longer Peter 2, I’m the tickle monster,” he chuckled, “just wait till I get Peter 1 whenever he gets all grumpy.”
“Oh no you’d kill him!” Peter 3 laughed. “Spare the boy, please!”
Both Peters laughed for a moment. Peter 3 sighed, then swallowed, letting the humor in the air dissipate a little. “Yeah..that was uh…I dunno that was kinda fun.”
“Fun? You getting tickled?” The oldest asked, trying to act surprised. He knew his brothers well enough to know when they were enjoying themselves.
Peter 3 half-shrugged, blushing. “…yeah.”
Peter 2 couldn’t help but smirk. “You just gave me a free pass to tickle you whenever now. I hope you know that.” He ruffled his hair a little more and let him out of the cuddle they were in.
Peter 3 groaned as he stretched, “yeahhh..whatever. I’m amazing.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He patted the younger one’s back. “You wanna sleep?”
Peter 3 blinked and took a glance at his alarm clock. About 12 AM. He could feel sleep’s hand tugging at his shirt now that all the adrenaline was fading. Peter 3 nodded and flopped back on his bed.
“Okay you’re not snoozing without the covers. C’mon, get a move on.” Peter 2 gently poked his side. He didn’t need anymore of a prompt to hop out of bed and pull the covers down. “AahhHH okay okay!!”
Now tucked in, Peter 3 curled up on his side. “You can stay here if you wanna.” Peter 2 was fiddling with his portal device, prepared to depart. He turned around. “Hm?”
“You can..you can stay. It could be like a sleepover or somethin, I dunno.” Peter 3 shrugged.
“Well…” Peter 2 thought for a second, “yeah. Yeah I’ll stay, bud.” He pursed his lips. “I might need to uh…get pajamas though. Could you give me like 10 minutes?”
“Yeah that works.” Peter 3 gave a thumbs up from under the covers.
Peter 2 turned his attention to the portal device, and a few seconds later a ring of orange fired upon the wall into Peter 2’s living room. “I’ll be back,” he said.
And so, the oldest Peter hurried through his home, up the stairs, into his room. Tiptoeing past the bed where MJ was sleeping, he grabbed some flannel pants and an old t-shirt.
Peter 2 stepped back through the portal. “And I’m ba-!” He cut himself off, the ring of sparks dissipating behind him. Peter 3 was sound asleep, in his blanket cocoon breathing steadily.
Peter 2’s heart swelled at the sight. He changed into his pajamas in the bathroom and returned, now hovering beside the bed. He placed a hand on the younger one’s head and whispered, “sleep tight.”
Not wanting to wake him, Peter 2 took a pillow and set it on the floor beside Peter 3’s bed. He had brought a blanket from his home to wrap himself up in.
As he laid and stared at the ceiling peacefully, he chuckled to himself. It was funny, now he was the Spider-Man who decided to sleep on the floor that night.
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star-stuckwithgay · 9 months
This is my first fic so please dont judge.
𝖲𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗒:𝖯𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗌𝗈 𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗒.𝖳𝗈𝗇𝗒 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄.
Tony is trying to upgrade one of his suits when he hears a certain someone hop in the lab. “Hey Mr. Stark!“ “Hey kid,what do ya need“ He asked,still trying to work. “Nothing.“ He said,being obvious that he wants something. “I know you want something,you can tell me its not like ill lash out at you.“ Peter was embarassed because he never usually comes to Tony when he wants attention. “Really, its nothing. I just came to see what you were doing. “ “I’m just working on a suit upgrade.” He said,trying to get Peter to tell him what he wants by not talking about it. Peter usually doesn’t tell Tony what he wants right away because he doesn’t wanna bother him or anything,but he eventually tells him if they’re just standing/sitting there. “Why don’t you go hang out with Harley?” He asked,thinking that would get him to talk. “I’m good.” He said seriously. Tony turned around to look at him. “Okay seriously kid,I know you want something. Just tell me,it hurts that you don’t feel comfortable telling me.” “It’s not that I don’t feel comfortable,it’s just… 𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀...“ He whispered the last part. “What was that last part?“ He asked,while Peters face was turning red as a tomato. “Its embarrassing!“ He raised his voice a little. Tony laughed a little, “Juhust tell me.“ Tony patted his head but accidentally touched his neck while pulling his hand back. “EEP!“ Peter jumped back like 1 foot away. Tony thought for a moment and then it hit him.
“Peter,are you tihicklish?“ “No!“ He said defensingly. Peters ears and neck have now turned red along with his face. “Then whyhy are you so rehed?” He laughed,knowing he’s lying. “It’s just hohot!” Peter said,his face burning with embarrassment. Tony snickers, “Sure sure,then you wouldn’t mind if I tested it out right?” He said teasingly. If it were possible,Peters face would’ve turned even more red. “Uh,I think I gotta go,I’ve already over-stayed my visit!” Peter blurts out,already sprinting away from Tony. Before he could even get a foot away from him,he feels a hand wrap around his arm,yanking him backwards. “Oh no you don’t you little twerp!” He knocked him down to the floor and pinned his arms above his head.
“You wouldn’t lie to me right Peter?~” He teases with a poke to his side. “EEK!” He squealed with a rather unmanly voice. Tony then squeezed his side. “StoHOhop!” He hoped this stopped as soon as possible,or did he? “I thought you said you weren’t ticklish Pete~” Tony was now lightly scribbling his hip. “I’m noHOOO-“ Tony drilled his finger into Peter’s middle rib. “You wanna finish that sentence?” He teased,making Peter squeal. As he started to get to his top rib, Peter’s laugh was getting higher. “TohoHO clohOse!” Tony stopped and Peter was just lying there with heavy breathing and light giggles. “Does someone have a tickle spot there?~” He teased like he was teasing a toddler. Peter’s bright blush rushed to his ears and neck, looking anywhere but Tony’s eyes. “I think they doooo~” Peter’s blush got darker, “And that someone is, you~” He started digging into Peter’s underarms, making him laugh like crazy, his eyes squeezed shut. “NAHAHAHAHAHAAAA” He screamed, Bucky was a little near where they were, so he was alerted and rushed to the lab.
“What happened?!-“ He was surprised to what he saw. Tony looked up, noticing him, “Oh hey Buck! Just trying to get this little bug to talk.” He says, now scribbling lightly. Bucky immediately pulls out his phone and starts recording. “Just tell me what you want so bad~” He’s enjoying this just as much as Peter, and so is Bucky. “EHEHEHEHEEEEE” He squirms, knowing he couldn’t get away. Even if he was trying. “I am SO showing this to the whole tower later!” Bucky says making Peter try to look up at him. “NOHOHOHO” Bucky smiles down at him sinisterly. He squeals when Tony starts poking and prodding at his sides. “StOhOhOhOp!” He laughs, hoping this wouldn’t end as soon as he thought he would. But then Tony starts digging at Peter’s hips.
“AHahAh! *snort*” He stops, his jaw hanging wide open while also smiling. And Bucky is just laughing his ass off in the back. “Thahahat is a nehehew souhond.” Peter lies there with his face as red as a tomato. Giggles still spilling out of his mouth. “Sh-shuhut uhup man!” He says while pushing his face. Bucky stops recording and runs away still laughing, “Saham! Hey Samhm!”
“Noho! Mr.Stahark get ohoff so I can get hihim!” Peter laughs, trying to get up. “Sorry, no can do.” He says, then starts digging into his sides. “NoHoHo! Mr.StAHahark!” Tony ignores him and keeps going. “You stihill haven’t told me whyhy you can into my lahab!” He laughs, making Peter cover his blushy face. “Dohont cover your cuhute little fahace!” He says, then tickling his underarms. “NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” He really didn’t want to tell him why since he was so embarrassed, plus he didn’t really want this to end either.
“You gonna tell me why now?” But then again, he couldn’t STAND the teasing. “OKAYAY OKAYAY ILL TAHAHAHALK!” Tony stops, looking at him with a teasing questioning look. Peter lays there giggling trying to catch his breath. “Ihi just.. wahanted attention…” He whispered the last part. “What was that?” “I wanted attention!” He yells, with bright blush on his face. Tony chuckles with an adored look on him. “You could’ve juhust asked bahambino.” He lets up, with Peter covering his face in a tiny ball. “You have nohothing to be embarrassed about Pete.” He smiles at him. Peter slowly uncovers his VERY blushy face. “I didn’t wanna bug you..” He says quietly, making Tony’s heart break from adorable-ness. “Yohou could never bug mehe bud. That’s vehery adorable.” Peter’s blush darkens.
After that, they come upstairs to find Bucky and Sam laughing at Bucky’s phone and hearing Peter’s loud laugh coming from it. God, they were gonna tease him so bad for this.
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mushyblushyredhead · 10 months
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Squirmles critters belong to @wormonastriing
Grayson belongs to @parker-fluff
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jettorii · 2 years
“What’s so funny?”
With either Peter 3 or 2 as the ler and Peter 1 as the lee :)
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why not both >:]??
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neppy-34 · 2 months
Miguel’s “best friend”
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7200 words, long Miguel x Reader (PLATONIC!)
Lee Miguel, Ler reader
Becoming close with Miguel had been an uphill battle. His constant standoffish and harsh demeanor was anything but easy to get past. Yet glimpses of softness behind his eyes, the way his frown faltered ever so slightly from time to time. That is what made it worth the effort. A chance to see a gentle, softer Miguel pushed you to be by his side time and time again.
Your efforts often went without reward. On lucky days Miguel would simply let you observe. Days in which luck was not in your favor, he would push you out of his lab at a moment's notice. Shutting you out from even attempting to get closer to him.
However after many long, tiresome months of staying by his side. Asking him questions about his interests, and befriending Lyla, Miguel had opened his heart up to you, even if it was just a simple peek.
It was quite the surprise when you received a private message on your watch. A message from miguel. It was a simple statement. A time, place and an activity.
Dinner at Miguel’s house, 7 PM tonight.
How lovely, oh how very, very lovely. He trusted you enough to invite you to his own home? Oh you've only ever dreamed of getting this far. To think Miguel was going to cook you a meal that he invited you to?
The concept left you starstruck. You fervently texted back, before deleting said message and retyping something that both represented your excitement, but remained normal enough as to not scare off or unsettle Miguel.
Dinner at Miguel’s house. What a treat.
At 6:58 you fidgeted nervously at his front door, contemplating on knocking or waiting the extra two minutes. By the time you made a decision the time on your watch read 7:01
Accepting your defeat with your head held high, you knocked with an air of confidence. Firm knuckles over hardwood.
Miguel's apartment door opened up almost immediately, as if he was anxious for your arrival. Miguel was an interesting sight to say the least, his attire consisted of a rather plain looking, cool toned sweater and jeans.
You sighed in relief, no longer afraid that you had underdressed for the occasion.
After a few beats Miguel leaned away from the door, opening it further as he did so. He bit his lip before speaking.
“The food is almost done, you can take your shoes off and put them on the rack…”
Miguel then smoothly turned on his heel, and walked out of your sight towards the kitchen. You complied to his instructions, taking off your shoes and placing them in a neat, orderly fashion next to Miguel’s.
You always believed you could tell a great deal about a person from their shoes. Yet now you began to second guess that notion.
Boots, multiple pairs of sneakers, a pair of converse, dress shoes. Miguel had it all. All pairs in various stages of wear and tear.
You snapped yourself out of your contemplations and followed the smell of something delicious. Hoping that your nose would guide you to the kitchen, where Miguel would undoubtedly be working away at making dinner.
Making you dinner to share with him.
The idea made the corners of your mouth pull into an excited grin, quickening your steps as the pleasant smell grew stronger.
Turning the corner granted you a rather pleasant sight. Miguel was calm, standing over a sizable pot as he gently sired the contents with a ladle.
“It's pozole.”
The dazzling red hues of his eyes met yours as he looked in your direction, eyes nearly half lidded. It was new and quite exciting to see Miguel so calm. The usual tension in his shoulders was nowhere to be seen, now replaced with a comfortable slack.
“You can pick a bowl from the cupboard”
Miguel's gaze returned to the pot, opening the drawer to the side of him and plucking out a pair of utensils.
Too nervous to speak, you nodded wordlessly and stepped across Miguel's kitchen. His cupboards were quite tall, like him. but you had no trouble opening the door and carefully grasping two identical bowls.
Dinner was great, albeit a bit awkward. Thankfully you had coaxed Miguel into talking by inconspicuously asking about how he learned to make the dish. Which led him to recall a time in which his mother called him into the kitchen, and walked him through the steps, start to finish.
The story continued as the two of you washed your dishes, Miguel told of how his mother was abrasive and outspoken, yet she guided him with such gentle confidence. Miguel ended his monologue with a rather simple statement.
“Yeah… my mom is pretty great..”
He chuckled, yet it wasn't a chuckle out of joy or amusement, rather you could tell Miguel harbored a sense of sadness regarding his mother.
You decided not to push on the topic, however as you two sat on Miguel’s rather large and comfortable couch. You found your own curiosities nipping at your psyche.
You slowly sat up, curiously walking towards your host’s bookshelf. Eyeing the ocean of different textbooks, think pieces, anatomy studies…
So much information, you had wondered if Miguel had read each one.
You heard Miguel mirror your movements, wordlessly standing up and taking a place next to you.
“These were what I studied when I was a biologist full time. I still go back and read them every once in a while.”
You glanced to your left where Miguel had taken his place. Dazzled by the idea of him being so intelligent. All spider-people were smart. You knew that for certain, but the idea of Miguel being so well read charmed you to no end.
You continued to scan the bookshelf, finishing each row until your eyes met the bottom. Most books fit the same look as the previous dozens but one stood out.
“What's that one?”
You pointed curiously at a rather old looking, hand bound binder, obnoxiously sticking out from the rest of the pristine white texts.
Miguel squatted down, his movements fluid and graceful. Reaching out to grab the binder, he pulled it out of the shelf carefully and dusted off the front cover with his hand.
“It’s a family photo album.”
He spoke with such an air of uninterested ease, which clashed perfectly with your unspoken excitement. A smile took hold of your face and you could no longer resist the urge to chirp out.
“Can we look through it?”
Your eyes glistened with joy, and Miguel could simply not resist. He sighed gently, holding the binder under his arm and he unenthusiastically padded over to the couch. Miguel unceremoniously dropped down into the cushion, the excessively soft padding causing him to bounce slightly. He looked towards you, patting the space beside him as a wordless invitation.
As you sat down, you took the opportunity to lean into his arm, rationalizing the behavior as simply wanting to get a good view of the binders contents.
You felt Miguel’s curious gaze fall upon you for a moment, yet he made no efforts to change your positioning, it seemed he simply allowed you to be close to him.
With confident hands, he opened up the book with a face of neutrality. Gently turning the pages as he presented each picture, adding little anecdotes to the ones he deemed memorable or Important enough.
“And this one..” Miguel chuckled before he continued.
“This one is of me and my athair when I was little, he used to carry me on his shoulders”
Miguel's fingers gently dragged along the page, obviously reminiscing on a time in which his life was much less complicated. A time where his family was simple, and sweet.
Your tone was gentle, yet conveyed your confusion and curiosity perfectly. You looked up from the pages, studying the expression on Miguel’s face.
He bore a sort of wistful smirk, looking down, deep into the photo of him and his family.
“It means father”
He turned his head towards you before continuing.
“You know he used to sit me down at the kitchen table every night, and we would just talk in Gaeilge… he always made sure I never used any slang, only proper textbook words and phrases..”
Miguel blinked a few times before sharply inhaling through his nose, he quickly turned the page. Obviously embarrassed about how emotional he had begun to get. His voice was watery as he continued to speak, pointing out fond memories involving his brother, a few notable, sweet moments with his mother, and of course the events that were documented with him and his father. None of the pictures were in a particularly chronological order, so it wasn't a surprise when Miguel turned the page, and you caught a glimpse of a much younger Miguel compared to the previous photographs.
He looked about four, maybe five years old, his dark curls were long and wisped around his eyebrows, making the cutest little bangs imaginable. His cheeks were still a little chubby, and his grin possessed no fangs.
As you looked further at the spectacle of photos, you noticed a particular image. A photo that Miguel had neglected to comment on. It actually seemed that he was actively ignoring the photograph.
The printed picture depicted that same, young and curly haired Miguel, giggling and playing with his mother. A book was placed in her lap, said book showed a small illustration of a brightly colored creature playing with other silly looking characters. A classic children's book.
Yet this one seemed a bit different.
Miguel's mother wore a rather interesting pair of fingerless gloves. The color pallet matched the creature from the book perfectly, the bright and gentle blue color accented with rainbow colored cuffs.
Then it clicked.
It was “the tickle monster” book of course it was. In all your efforts to recognize the material, you had failed to notice that Miguel's mother was actually tickling him with the gloves on. A warm smile on his mothers face complimented his blush filled giggling.
“Aww you liked that book as a kid too?”
Pointing at the photo with your index, you tried your hardest to sound sweet, avoiding any teasing tone. But Miguel still stiffened up as he blushed.
“Um, yeah I guess.”
It was the reddest you’ve ever seen Miguel, the beet color even spread down his neck and to his ears. You didn't quite understand why he was so embarrassed. A lot of children enjoyed playing with their parents, a lot of children enjoyed being tickled. Why not combine the two.
You caught Miguel biting his lip before he turned the page, hurrying onto another subject. Specifically the time his brother had gotten stuck in a tree while playing. Miguel smirked casually, and you watched as the redness of his cheeks began to dissipate.
The night had ended off quite well, Miguel walked you to his door after a rather pleasant conversation, you carried a tupperware of the soup he had made in your hands. You both understood that it was quite odd that he was walking you to his door, as you were obviously not from his world. But common practice seemed to outweigh your reasoning.
As he shut the door, Miguel bid you a goodnight, and told you to text him when you arrived at home in your own universe. To make sure you got home safe, of course.
The colors of the portal you opened shifted hues as you stared into the warm light, taking a short moment to stare behind you at his door. Your feet began to move as you looked, almost yearning to return Miguel’s warm side. Despite the feeling you stepped through the portal anyway. Landing in your room in which you promptly got ready for bed.
Getting under the covers and laying your head on the pillow, you searched for the solace of slumber. Yet none was granted. You couldn’t stop thinking, your head was completely full.
Full of miguel. Full of how he made you such a delicious meal. And how he let you lean into him. His books and the baby pictures and how he blushed.
Oh how he blushed. The picture simply wouldn't leave your thoughts, your fixation wasn't just amusement it was something deeper. A fondness that only emerged at his vulnerability. You scoffed and rolled over.
The tickle monster
How ridiculous, why did Miguel get so embarrassed by it. You had to understand. Was it general mortification at the childishness? Or was it something deeper.
You shot up in bed as you came to the realization. Miguel's flush wasn’t from simple embarrassment. Its roots sprouted from a sense of shame that always accompanied desire. A desire for a carefree, simpler time in which Miguel could just play, and not have to worry about saving lives or universes. Miguel had never let himself enjoy things, even when invited to. Of course he wouldn’t want to indulge in lighthearted, childlike play.
If Miguel wouldn't let himself enjoy it, then maybe you could become his own personal tickle monster
Excitement filled your heart and a smile shone on your face once more as you reached for your laptop. Ignoring the blinding light that emerged from the screen, you frantically typed into the search bar. Nothing wrong with a little meddling, right?
You could make Miguel happy, and achieve that closeness you were so heavily desiring. It was in fact, the perfect plan.
You only hoped that Miguel wouldn't be too embarrassed or shameful.
You quickly bought the item you were searching for, pleased to find a listing that didn't include the book. While such an item could be rather beneficial in the future, it wasn't needed in order to enact your current endeavor.
Now your only task was to wait.
Waiting to tickle Miguel was nearly as enjoyable as actually tickling him.
In the days it took for your package to arrive you had taken it upon yourself to be Miguel’s resident menace.
You had followed him around like a shadow, never straying too far away. Even when he needed time to focus you would remain nearby, chatting to Lyla or tinkering with your own projects.
You stuck to him like glue, which would have been borderline pleasant if you hadn't decided to subtly tease him every moment he wasn't working.
Miguel jumped when you snuck behind him to blow a puff of air in his ear. Swiftly turning around to glare at you before walking away, and of course you followed, never falling far behind. Miguel gasped when you jumped at him as he was turning a corner holding your hands out like claws and playfully making a sort of light growling. You pretended to not notice as he instinctively brought his hands up to protect his torso. He pushed past you with a scowl, storming off into his office.
You simply looked after him with a smirk and turned to follow.
The day the gloves finally arrived you nearly jumped for joy. They were perfect, just like in Miguel’s photo, Gentle blue with rainbow patterned cuffs. They were absolutely wonderful. You quickly took off the gloves and paired them together in your bag. In one swift motion you opened a portal, jumping through the omni-colored doorway.
You just had to make it through the day without foiling your own plans. Summoning the screen on your watch, you sent Miguel a private message.
Still on for tonight?
With a swipe of your finger, the holo screen dissolved and you began sorting the anomalies through the “go home machine”. Letting out short, witty quips as you sent them through.
Every so often your bag would catch your eye, and you shook your head frantically trying to ignore the thought of Miguel giggling beneath your gloved fingers.
You focused on your work, sorting, sending, recording. The job was rather easy, which only aided your wandering thoughts into becoming distractions.
Halfway through the day, you received a message from Miguel, it was short. Not concerningly so as Miguel had the habit of being long winded in person, and curt through messages.
You smiled at your watch as you smugly waved goodbye to a prowler variant, who was currently being restrained from swiping at the electric shield with his claws.
The remaining hours of your shift passed by quickly, and you internally thanked Lyla for being stricter with Miguel about his near constant overtime.
Excitement turned to nerves as you reached the door to Miguel’s office fidgeting with your bag. Maybe bringing the gloves was a bad idea. But, Miguel looked so happy in the photo…
You peered into your bag, snatching the soft gloves before holding both in your hands. Your gaze rapidly shifting between the door and the gloves. Taking a deep breath, you returned the gloves to their position in your bag, and confidently opened the door to Miguel's office.
You strode in, bouncing slightly. While it was easy to conceal your excitement through your expression, it was a bit more difficult to hide your excited steps.
Miguel was still at his screens, concentrating fully on his work. His eyes were narrowed, glancing slowly between each orange screen. His shoulders held tension, as he hung his head lower than he naturally would.
Miguel looked tired.
Lyla materialized beside him, whispering in his ear and pointing a finger towards you. Lyla always made you laugh, she consistently made little jokes and gestures that were unnecessary, but very entertaining.
Miguel rolled his shoulders as he turned to look at you, his eyes glowing red in the dark room.
The usually aerial platform was positioned towards the ground today, and Miguel stepped off with ease, Lyla took over his position as she conjured up a very comfortable looking digital chair
Oh lyla
Miguel loomed over your stature as the two of you met, his tall frame and broad shoulders casting you in a shadow. It was almost intimidating. Almost.
“Is it that time already?”
Miguel's voice was steady and calm, yet lacked that air of wit that he usually possessed. Miguel was definitely tired.
“Mhm, it’s movie time”
You opened your bag, praying that Miguel wouldn’t notice the gloves. Pulling out the film of your choosing, you presented him with its case. The brightly colored cover catching his eye.
“Hm, looks… interesting”
You scoffed at Miguel’s attempt to be polite, for an unfunny spiderman, he had been making you laugh quite a lot these past couple of days.
“don’t worry Miguel, I chose a stupid movie on purpose”
A chuckle was shared between the both of you. After All this was your first ”movie night” with Miguel, you purposely chose a rather meaningless film as you had the sneaking suspicion that you wouldn't be doing much watching anyway.
You watched as Miguel turned towards Lyla, the pair made eye contact for a moment, a shared knowing nod was had before Miguel began to fiddle with his watch. Opening a rather unneeded portal to his living room. You smiled at the absurdity as Miguel gestured for you to step through the warm colors. You complied instantly, casually walking head-first into Miguel’s now familiar living space.
He followed briskly behind you, striding farther in the room and grabbing one of the bags of snacks that had been placed on his coffee table.
“Have a preference?”
You looked over the two bags, contemplating your options for a moment before Miguel spoke up, casually walking out of the living room.
“I'm going to go ahead and change, the bathroom is down this hall to the left if you want to as well.”
You hurried to comply, while comfortable, your spidersuit was nothing compared to casual clothing. Miguel's bathroom was nice, it had a clean, yet mild scent. And the mirror was quite large in height. Most likely custom made for Miguel to be able to see himself in the mornings without having to duck down. You changed with as much efficiency as you possibly could, yet when you arrived back in the living room, Miguel had already sat on the floor, fiddling with his console in hopes of getting the movie to work.
“You know… we’re lucky I collect vintage consoles, this disk is ancient.”
You chortled quietly at the idea of something from your timeline being considered “ancient”. Rolling your eyes playfully, you plopped down on the couch, leaning back into its softness. You had made sure to keep your bag close to your feet, in order to avoid suspicion when your plan inevitably came to fruition.
Miguel let out a triumphant hum, before standing up and sitting on the couch next to you. His movements exhibited much more poise and grace than your ragdoll-esque falling onto the cushions. His position was comfortably close, yet allowed for a polite amount of distance. He reached out onto the coffee table, grabbing the remote and handing it to you.
The opening scene of the movie played, and you leaned back into the cushions, fingers gently twitching as you shot secret glances at Miguel. You just needed to be a little patient.
“Wow, this is a boring movie.”
Your tone was dry, you looked up at Miguel who had an utterly unamused expression on his face. As he glanced down to look at you he sighed, no longer even attempting to pay attention to the theatrics on screen.
“Yeah this is… not great.”
You smiled, reaching for the remote and pressing pause. A small silence fell between you two as you simply stared at one another. Unsure of what to do next.
This was perfect.
“You know Miguel..”
You started to speak, leaning down to rifle through your bag, making a show and taking extra time to put on the gloves. Lucky for you the dim lighting provided a bit of cover from Miguel’s curious gaze, concealing the bright gloves currently being slipped onto your palms.
“That dinner was really great, I’m really happy you showed me your family..”
You were still bent over, faux looking through your bag as you purposefully built up tension. You felt Miguel’s gaze land on your back. You had him in your clutches.
You began to slowly sit up, hands still concealed in the dim lighting.
“But you know… I’m surprised that you still haven’t recognized me.”
Miguel’s eyebrows furrowed together as he leaned back, scanning your expression for answers. He looked utterly confused and a fair bit concerned. His lips began to thin into a line as he raised a hesitant hand.
“I mean how could you forget about your best friend…”
His eyes met yours as your serious expression melted into a rather goofy grin.
“The tickle monster!”
You eagerly lunged forward, catching Miguel completely off guard, allowing you to push him over without much struggle. Miguel let out a startled guffaw, sputtering out a confused exclamation.
In his confusion you were able to get him to lay flat on his back on the couch, sitting on the upper halves of his thighs as you wiggled your fingers and continued your act.
You danced your “paws” mere inches over Miguel's stomach. In his daze, rather than push you off, he only raised a hand to cover his mouth, attempting to shield his smile from your view.
You growled playfully, watching as Miguel finally caught a full glimpse of the gloves. You smiled as Miguel recognized the colorful patterns, and your heart gushed as even in the dimly lit room, you could still see the blush forming on his cheeks.
“Now I have to make up for lost time you see? It's been so long since we’ve played together”
You put on your best growling, teasing tone as Miguel kept his hand adamantly clamped over his mouth.
Oh well, that will soon come to an end anyway.
With an obviously over the top evil cackle, you plunged your glove adorned fingers into Miguel’s stomach, aiming for the spot in which his stomach and sides met. Spidering up and down the area with such enthusiasm, it really did seem like you were feeding off his laughter.
Miguel giggled loudly behind his palm, shaking his head back and forth before using his free hand to gently swipe at you. Unable to cope with the ticklish feeling.
The sight made you wonder how long it had been since Miguel has received this type of affection.
While his giggles were satisfying, they were muffled by the palm of his hand. You needed to get Miguel to really lose his mind in hysterics.
You began to growl once more, attempting to make Miguel lighten up as much as possible.
“As much as I’ve missed playing, I think I miss tickling this cute little tummy even more! I think you missed it too, haven’t you Miguel?
Your sly attempt to both fluster and call out Miguel lead him to slap the hand that was covering his mouth into your shoulder.
Leaning his head back into the cushions miguel giggled and snorted, finally responding to your shameless teasing
“Oh shOCK! DONT no no don't do THAT!”
his uneven tone amused you to no end, the way he protested so fervently yet made no effort to throw you off. The way Miguel shook his head, hoping to get your teasing words out of his ears. Oh it was simply too sweet.
“Hm? What is that Miguel? Don’t what? Don't talk about how ticklish your tummy is? What, did you think I would have forgotten my favorite spot to tickle?”
Miguel snorted at your words, blushing traveling down from his cheeks to his neck. His squirming grew more frantic, and he opted to simply hold your wrists rather than pushing at your shoulders.
After a few more seconds of spidering your nails up and down, you slowed to a stop, rubbing the spot to exterminate any lingering ghostly tickles. Granting Miguel a break.
Miguel was tough, however you had assumed that due to his lack of ticklish affection in his recent years, he would highly benefit from frequent breaks. In order to assure that he's actually enjoying himself.
You waited a few seconds, granting Miguel the opportunity to push you away, or tell you to stop, but no negative reactions came. Miguel simply caught his breath, his hands defensively placed on his torso. A wobbly smile was planted on his face as his gaze darted from your face to the gloves.
You simply chuckled and began to tap your chin, putting on a show of being in deep thought.
“Now where do I tickle you next… so much lost time! So hard to choose!”
You wiggled your fingers in the air once more, drawing out a surprised grunt from Miguel, whose hands raised slightly in defense. You glanced from spot to spot, contemplating where to draw Miguel's laughter from next. Suddenly you were hit with an epiphany, an evil, mortifying epiphany.
You bore a devilish grin as you opened your mouth to speak.
“How about you choose where I tickle next Miguel?”
You placed your palms on his shoulders, gently rubbing your thumbs along his collar bones. Watching the cogs turn in his head as Miguel’s gaze shifted from your eyes to your hands.
“I'm not doing that.”
Miguel was barely audible, his mumbled out refusal only drove you to twitch your fingers tentatively along his shoulders. Your desire to make him choose outweighed your desire to take pity on him. Poor Miguel, doomed to face your wrath.
“You have to choose, come on Miguel, do it for your old pal.”
You watched as Miguel's lips shifted, forming into a slight pout. You held back a snicker, enjoying how childish Miguel was acting, still refusing to push you away. As he opened his mouth to speak, you noticed his sharp feline-like fangs poking out from his top lip. The sight made your heart melt, but you held your composure.
“You are not my old pal. I met you 4 months ago.”
Miguel's grumpy tone was partially nulled by the blush on his cheeks. You smiled fondly, before morphing your gentle grin into a devious smile. Removing your hands from his shoulders. one hand rested on your hip while you used the other to point at him as you spoke, mirroring how an adult would reprimand a child.
“Miguel I am surprised by you, I’ve known you since you were a little boy.”
You accentuated your lecture by taking your pointing hand, and gently spidering your fingers up the center of his stomach. Miguel bit down on his bottom lip to conceal his surprised squeak, but you noticed how his abdomen flexed in response to the light tickling. Drawing back you continued, noticing how Miguel's gaze focused on the gloves.
“Now I am a bit hurt you still haven’t recognized me yet.. but I’ll forgive you. If you choose a spot for me to tickle.”
Miguel turned his head to the side, avoiding your eyes. He seemed to think for a second, genuinely weighing his options. He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, then looked ahead once more. His brows were furrowed as he turned his head to look at you, returning it to its original position.
“You’re being so childish, what's wrong with you.”
Miguel's sour provocation made your expression falter for a moment, before you promptly burst out into boisterous giggles. You drew a hand towards yourself to slick back your hair for a moment, letting the hand drop by your side.
“What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!”
Your giggles broke through your words as you spoke, losing yourself in the hysterics of your situation. Miguel's face bore a look of shock and confusion, and his eyebrows furrowed as if he was worried.
“You haven't pushed me off, or tried to snatch my hands or anything!… you haven't even told me to stop”
Miguel’s lips parted in his surprise, showing off his fangs once more. His eyes sparkled with a sense of guilt and shame. Your heart softened at the state of him, poor Miguel you only meant to call him out. Not hurt his feelings.
Your glove adorned paws reached out to cup his face, the fuzzy softness snapping Miguel back to reality. You held eye contact for a moment, before leaning your body down, touching your forehead to his.
You let out a gentle whisper, rubbing your thumbs on his cheeks.
“I think it’s really cute, I really like tickling you Miguel.”
Seeing Miguel blush was one thing, feeling his face heat up in real time was another. You drew your head back, straightening up to your original position, seated on top of him. You removed your hands from his face, only to begin wiggling your fingers.
“Now. Are you gonna choose where the tickle monster gets you?”
You returned that sly, maniacal grin to your face. Wiggling your fingers right above his torso. You watched as Miguel averted your gaze, yet nodded slightly all the same. Of course, it took him a minute to build the courage, biting his lower lip in thought.
“Um if you have to, I wouldn't mind.. my ribs.”
Miguel’s tone was nothing like you had heard from him before. It was soft and gentle, borderline timid. You felt so lucky to be the one who brought out this side of him. The shy and gentle side, the side that liked to play.
“Oh your ribs?”
You shifted your paws to gently pinch at miguels lowermost rib bones. Gently squeezing each article between your index and thumb.
“I’d love to tickle your ribs Miguel! Why didn’t you just ask to begin with? … you know, i'd do anything for my best friend”
You happily giggled along with him, watching his torso shift slightly. He rocked side to side in little mico motions, and you felt him gently kick out his feet behind you.
Your dexterous fingers climbed up his rib bones as if they were rungs on a ladder. Taking your time to reach the very top, just below his underarms before dragging all ten Fingers back down to his first set of ribs.
You continued this pattern, crawling up then dragging down. It was very entertaining to watch Miguel giggle and squirm. The way he scrunched his nose up when you reached the top of his ribs made you chuckle with fondness.
“AH- waitwait not there!”
Miguel’s panicked protest snapped you out of your one track, ticklish daze. Looking down you realized that your hands had unconsciously traveled up to his underarms, wiggling gently into the flesh that resided there.
You sighed happily, stopping your fingers and gazing into Miguel’s eyes. The reddish hues dazzled you to no end.
“Anywhere…. Anywhere else but there”
Miguel's uneven breaths proved his sensitivity. You began to draw your hands back, playing with the soft fur on the gloves. Making eye contact once more you spoke with a soft yet ultimately very teasing tone.
“Of course miggy what kind of a tickle monster would I be if i didn't listen to my favorite little tickle buddy?”
The nickname combined with the still childish persona of a tickle monster sent shivers up Miguel’s spine. He could only let out a whine filled groan in response, tipping his head back.
Laying down once more, you let your head rest on Miguel’s shoulder, bringing a gloved hand up to rub the fur on his exposed neck. The fur was incredibly soft, and Miguel could only stiffen up, leaning away from hid assailant. Unfortunately he was leaning straight into your whispering teases.
“Remember me yet Miguel? Surely you must by now.”
Your hand followed Miguel as he leaned away, unintentionally wiggling closer towards you. The teasing and soft, furry touches only clouded his mind. Sending little electric shocks throughout his body.
The statement was choked out, you could tell he was trying not to squeal. Closer and closer he wiggled towards you, until your forehead met his profile.
“Oh really? Then I guess I’ll have to tickle and tickle you until you remember. You seem to really like my paws here miguel.”
As you finished your teasing statement, you brought up your other hand. You had Miguel effectively trapped between your hands, the soft fur of the gloves nearly driving him to madness. Still, he refused to speak to you. His stubbornness drew out an idea from the back of your psyche, and you grinned once more as you opened your mouth to whisper.
“… and I can bring all your other friends too, maybe seeing Mr. Feather will help jog your memory.”
You chuckled as you heard Miguel gasp between his muffled giggles and titters. Finally you had reached a breakthrough.
“No! No no don’t-“
Miguel cut himself off, obviously mortified that he had been intimidated into talking by something so inconspicuous as a feather. His lips pressed together, forming a rather thin line. You pushed further, enjoying how the heat returned to his cheeks.
“So then you do remember me.”
Miguel swallowed, shutting his eyes. You leaned up, still rubbing the furred gloves on the sides of Miguel's neck.
You watched him nod, almost frantically so, as if he wanted to get the whole interaction over and done with.
You smiled, stopping your hands to once again cup Miguel's face in your palms. You tilted his head up to look at you, and you watched as he peeked at you through his eyelashes.
“What's my name?”
Miguel remained silent, chewing his bottom
Lip as his gaze fell to your hands. Examining how your gentle hold perfectly framed his cheeks.
Your mocking words were so cruel, yet your hands were so gentle and kind. The contradiction between the two made his head spin, and he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.
“Go on, you can tell me. What's my name?”
A whine built itself up in Miguel’s throat, his hair was messy and the curls at the back of his neck splayed out as they were flattened on the couch cushions.
“I.. I just, ugh…”
You watched Miguel’s expression switch from a conflicted turmoil to a sort of sour expression. It was if he was cringing at even the concept of you being a “tickle monster”.
“Maybe if I…”
As you spoke, you removed your hands from Miguel’s face and began to ghost your fingers over the side of Miguel's neck. You dragged your index up and down his jugular and even up the shell of his ear. Simultaneously, your free hand began to gently scratch under his chin as if you would a cat.
Soft titters began to flow out from Miguel’s mouth once more, much less frantic than when you had been using the fur. His giggling almost seemed like it was pleasant, rather than hysterical.
“Now, I think it’s about time you say my name Miguel.”
Rather than squirm or thrash, Miguel simply let his head fall back onto the couch cushions, unintentionally giving your hands more room to wander. He drew his hands up, not to bat yours away, rather he simply clutched at the hem of your shirt. Miguel was seemingly only searching for an anchor, and not for the sensation to end.
Still, he remained silent.
You removed your hand from his chin, sneakily slipping it around his upper ribs before attacking. You spidered up and down, making sure to reach his underarm as well.
Miguel slammed his arms to his sides, only trapping your hand into his armpit. His hands withdrew from your shirt and he began trying to shield his torso.
You waited a few moments before spotting an opening, you swiftly removed your hand from his neck, zeroing in on the center of his stomach.
Miguel arched as you did so, the gentle spidering and pinching sending him into hysterics. You felt his legs kicking behind you again, realizing you had him in your clutches, your mouth moved faster than your brain.
“Tickle tickle tickle! Come on Miggy I don't have all day!”
Miguel had snorted at your incessant mocking. His hands gripped your wrists but once again he made no move to push you away. He shook his head once more, needing an outlet from the borderline overwhelming feeling.
“OKAY!-okay okay! Just get out of there!”
“Get out of where Miguel?”
You were so very close to showing him mercy, but he was simply too cute when he frantically sputtered out answers. The fingers wedged in his underarm sped up their wiggling motions, seeking to push Miguel into saying what you wanted to hear.
“My armpit! Gehet out of my armp-shock!”
Miguel threw his head back as you picked up the pace of your tickling motions, feet kicking wildly behind you now. It impressed you, the immense control that he needed to possess to wiggle about yet not push or buck you off. You caught yourself smiling once more at the notion.
“I’ll stop once you tell me what my name is.”
Your plan was so very close to ending perfectly, Miguel only had one last job. He needed to simply let go of the shame and embarrassment that he held within his heart. If only for a moment, he needed to let himself have fun and enjoy the childish closeness you two were sharing.
“Fine! Fine you’re the- the!”
Miguel cut himself off with another bout of quirky laughter, his fangs glistened in the soft light, and he shut his eyes, unable to look at you as he spoke.
“You’re the tickle monster!”
As the words left his lips, you watched as Miguel turned the reddest you had ever seen him. Your tickling slowed to a stop, your hands changing positions. You simply held Miguel’s shoulders as you leaned down to lay on his shoulder once more. Reaching up to run a furry hand through his hair.
His breathing was ragged, but even. You continued to soothe Miguel with your gentle petting, before whispering to him that you'd be right back.
You clambered off of Miguel, your feet connecting with the cold wooden floor. You quickly peeled off the gloves, dropping them on the table. You calmly strode into the kitchen, grabbing a glass before filling it with water. Your mind began to wander as you filled the glass. You had hoped you hadn’t gone too far.
Upon returning to the living room, Miguel had taken the initiative to sit himself up. He was still taking in breaths, but he seemed much more calm. However his hair was still quite messy, and his cheeks seemed to be stained with the color red.
“I brought you some water.”
You had nervously held out the glass, waiting for Miguel to take it. Doubt filled your mind, you began to worry that your impulse to make Miguel happy may have taken the opposite effect.
“Thank you.”
Miguel gently took the cup from your hand, taking slow sips as he tugged on your arm. Taking that as a cue to sit down next to him, you slowly lowered yourself onto the couch cushions.
After a few more slow sips, Miguel placed the glass in front of him, turning to you.
“That was insane. You are insane for that.”
Miguel smirked, genuine humor in his voice. Was this his attempt at being funny?
A chuckle formed in his throat as he shook his head wrapping a casual arm around your shoulder
you were rather startled at such contact, despite the occurrence of your tickle attack less than 5 minutes ago. But you leaned into the touch after a moment.
“You won't tell anyone, right?”
Miguel peered down at you with narrowed eyes, a rather skeptical expression adorned his face. He pulled you closer, semi forcing eye contact. He was so much different now than he was a few minutes ago, Confident, bold, intimidating.
“Of course not Miguel, I just did all that goofy stuff to make you smile.”
You grinned fondly, wiggling your body closer to his. As you did so, his hand that had been resting on your shoulder began to rub its thumb softly on the fabric of your shirt.
Miguel scoffed, turning his head away from you.
“Well I guess you succeeded then.”
Your eyes glittered with excitement, before you could really rationalize your thoughts, your arms wrapped around Miguel's torso. You giggled happily, nuzzling your cheek into the side of his chest.
“So you liked it? I knew you would!”
Joy and relief overwhelmed any sense of embarrassment or shame you harbored. You simply wanted to be close with Miguel.
Miguel only chuckled at your assumption, petting your hair and playfully rolling his eyes. He glanced at the time on his holo screen. It was quite late. Taking great care as to not jostle you, he slowly began to reach for the remote. Turning the television off, you two were cast in darkness.
Miguel layed back on the couch, watching as you nestled yourself deeper into his chest.
“Yeah.. I liked it.”
Mighel had made sure his whisper was soft enough that you would be unable to register what he said in your sleepy daze. He simply laid there, watching you breathe for a number of minutes, counting your breaths.
As the comforts of sleep coaxed him into unconsciousness, Miguel could only smile at the fact you went through all that trouble, just to make him happy.
He had to admit, you had succeeded.
Thanks so much for reading my fic! This was my longest one by far and horribly self indulgent. I hope you enjoyed!
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an0ma1y-th3d0ma1y · 9 months
Last update: 5/5/24
Welcome Aboard, Mateys!
My name’s Motley, I’m apart of the SFW tkl community and am a professional homosexual
Thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you find your stay comfy!
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- NSFW blogs please do not interact in any way, I stay in my corner you stay in yours.
- Don’t try and flirt with me/make comments about my body. I’m a minor and I’m taken.
- Do not beg for/spam me to do something (ex. Tkl art, fics) it’s extremely uncomfy.
-Do not ask for my age, I am not ready to spill it here yet.
Ninjago 🥷
Spider-Man No Way Home 🕸️
Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse 🕷️
Doctor Strange ⏳
Gravity Falls 🌲💫
That should be it! Hope y’all enjoy your stay :)
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gaybananabread · 7 months
I might be forgetful or just obsessed, but I don't think anyone's asked for headcanons about our Spider Gang: Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie. >w< Or just your favorites, of course. I admit I'm most curious about Gwen and Hobie.
-Panda/Black Feathers
🕸️Spider Gang Tkl Headcanons☆
~What's wrong with both? But yeah, I've yet to do headcanons with these goobers. I don't know this “consistency” people speak of, so expect none of it. I do wanna add some other spider peeps to these, but we'll keep it to the Gang for now. Expect some more food, probably within the next few weeks. Thank you for the request!~
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We can all agree that he's a massive dork about this, right?
He's a lee-leaning switch, though it's close.
Loves tickling both ways, but can admit neither.
Boy gets squirmy every time the word is even mentioned. You bet he practically dies when any scene comes on TV
Lee moods for him are quite frequent.
His friends have a system for detecting them at this point. Checklist and everything if they feel like being goofs.
Nervous giggles, extra knee bounces, higher voice, showier clothes if he's bold, easy blushes and jumpiness. They've got him down to a T at this point (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Super squirmy lee, you almost definitely need to pin him if you wanna live. Known for his donkey-kicks.
Worst spots are his armpits. He will screech if you even try to get him there. Not a spot for the weak-willed.
Melt spot is his neck. A few fluttering fingers, maybe gentle scritches under his chin, and you’ll have a giggly puddle of sleepy mirth.
Real easy to fluster. Say the t-word a few times, compliment his inevitable blush, maybe incorporate the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Immediate results!
He feels like he'd be super air-ticklish. Can not handle any wiggling fingers or sneaky teases.
Doesn't ask for what he wants, like, ever. Gotta use your detective skills around him (the checklist above is very helpful (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠))
Such a shit, even though he can't handle a fraction of what he dishes out-
Absolutely webs people up to help himself (only if they're comfy with it ofc)
Very playful and teasing. You blush? Get ready for him to point it out at least seven times. Snort? Good luck.
“Your cheeks are all red, gigglebox. This fluster you that bad?”
“Aww, you snort? No, don't hide your face! I wanna hear it again!”
“What d’ya think happens when I go here? Yeah, right there. Only one way to find out~”
Once he gets a handle on his venom power, he learns that very small shocks can be quite effective in wrecking his lee.
So, Miles being Miles, abuses that knowledge at the most inopportune times.
Little jolts during training, walking through the halls, studying, you name it. By the end of the day, people are either ready to kill him or want him to just get it over with. He's happy either way.
Has high respect for boundaries. Before starting, he'll make sure the safeword is remembered and clarify what they're comfortable with.
Super nice aftercare. Cuddles, snacks and maybe listening to some music and napping on him while he sketches.
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I’m gonna go with ler-leaning switch. Like Miles, it’s pretty close. These kids just love to laugh ¯\_(´꒳`)_/¯
A bit better in terms of confidence. If it’s a good day and the mood isn’t too severe, she can ask one of her close friends. Other than that, suffering until someone notices.
When she gets lee moods, everyone is almost immediately alerted.
Either she has the courage to ask, or in the more likely event that she doesn’t, she’ll provoke everyone.
Snippy comments, crop tops, hair up, sarcasm for days, and THE SASSSS
If they don’t realize she’s in a lee mood, they’re gonna wreck her anyway for getting on their nerves.
A squirmer for sure, though not quite as bad as Miles. Careful of her legs, though. She was a dancer; that kind of strength combined with spider-power won’t feel very good to the jaw.
Worst spot is her navel. A few raspberries and she’ll be a cackling, snorty mess.
Melt spots are her back and ears. She loves light traces and scratches along her back, and a feather on the shells of her ears would be heavenly.
Adores cheer-up tickles. You’ll make her entire week if you gently trace her belly or squeeze her sides when she’s upset.
She’s got a really pitchy, bubbly laugh. You get her to belly laugh, and you’ll be rewarded with lovely snorts.
VERY sassy and playful. Will tease the living hell out of you and giggle while she does it.
Anything she can tease you for, she will. Usually teasing-compliments, but she shakes it up.
“Such an adorable belly! It’s like it was made for me to poke and squeeze. Can’t deny its purpose, can I?
“It’s so easy to fluster you! I just need to say that one little word, and you can hardly breathe~”
“It tickles, does it? Sucks to be you. Now, onto those ribs…”
Gwen likes doing her nails with her friends, so those babies are always nice and tickly. The boys can never manage to keep theirs like that, no matter how hard they try.
She likes blowing raspberries if it’s someone she’s close to. Loves the silliness, and their reactions are just too cute.
Very good at giving cheer-up/comfort tickles. If someone’s upset, they go to Gwen for some special pick-me-ups.
Wondrous aftercare. Back rubs, praises and a movie night. She’ll even braid your hair if that’s something you’d enjoy.
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The switchest spider to walk the Earth, I dare you to fight me on this/j
So chill on both fronts. He just goes with the flow.
Has magic “can say the t-word whenever” powers, loves abusing them.
Absolute menace in tickle fights. He’ll either kick your ass, or fluster the hell out of you while you attempt to wreck him.
If anyone’s in a mood, lee or ler, Hobie’s their best bet.
Okay, so…he definitely is open to being wrecked by his friends.
One of them has a killer ler mood? Hobie’s here to help. He’s gonna be all teasy about it, but it’s quickly replaced with giggles.
When he’s just straight-up in a lee mood, he can ask with next to no problems. Coincidentally, he “accidentally” flusters his ler more often than not.
If he just doesn’t feel like asking, he’ll put on a crop top, rest his arms behind his head, and wait for someone to get a ler mood or try something.
We can all agree that this smug bastard would try to fluster his ler, right?
Holding his arms up without being asked, telling them to keep going, how good they’re doing, “Ready when you are~”, teasing them for “staring,” the list goes on.
Worst spots are his feet, followed by his underarms and hips. He’s not always in the mood for footer tickles though, so the pits are your best shot.
Melt spots are his calves and palms. Mr. Guitar would adore some hand tickles, and the tall prick deserves some draw-backs.
Rumbly, base-sounding giggles if it isn’t that bad a spot. If it is, you’ll get loud, boisterous, scraggy laughter. Very fun to find and point out the differences to him, he’ll definitely appreciate it! ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
He has two sides, one very different from the other.
The first is gentle, comforting tickles. He won’t go too fast or vigorous, only upping the ante if you ask or seem ready.
“Those some cute giggles ya got there, mate. Glad you’re sharin’~”
“You’re adorable, ya know that? All blushes an’ squirms, but you ain’t said ‘stop’ once~”
The other is the one you should be terrified of.
Evil teases, immediate worst-spot tickles, keeps you laughing until you’re in tears (unless you tap out beforehand)
“Wha’s that? Oh, tickles, does it? Good, ya needed a laugh.”
“Man, you’re laughin’ pre’y hard. Blushin’, too. I didn’ know any better, I’d say yer enjoyin’ yourself~”
Either way, he listens to boundaries and stops whenever you ask/seem like you’re done. Boy is all about respect, in this sense anyway.
He definitely plays the lee-guitar game. Your ribs are now his strings. Might even get his pick out if he’s feeling really evil.
Changes up his methods for each lee (let’s stick with the gang’s regular moods here before I go on a tangent)
For Pav, he’s a smug asshole. Lots of fake-outs before he actually starts, continuously calls his reactions “fuckin’ adorable” to see him blush. No mercy until it’s needed.
With Miles, he’s a bit less evil. Mainly just teases him for being so ticklish and his blushes.
For Gwen, he’s rougher. She usually likes to forget her name, and he’s more than happy to help. Raspberries, teases, the whole nine. Whatever gets her cackling.
Amazing with aftercare. Will pull you into his lap for cuddles, and he gives incredible massages and back rubs. Praise for days if you need them, and even if you don’t, he’s happy to supply them.
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Suuuuuch a sunshine boy I swearrrrrr ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
He gives lee-leaning switch. Loves getting his ass handed to him, but occasionally loves making his friends giggle and squeal.
Can admit that he likes both sides, though he can only say the t-word itself if he isn’t flustered.
Always up for helping one of his friends if they’re in a ler mood, and sometimes ready to wreck them for the greater good (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Loves being tickled, especially if he’s in a really bad lee mood.
Most of the time, he’ll whine to either Hobie or Gayatri that he’s “feeling fuzzy” and they’ll get the message. If he isn’t that worked up, he’ll flat out ask.
Very squirmy little worm, though he doesn’t flail like some of the others. Has accidentally headbutted before though, so careful if you’re messing with his neck.
Decently easy to fluster, though it takes a while to wreck him. You’ve gotta know exactly what you’re doing to really get him good (just ask Hobie or Miles, they’re loving narcs)
Worst spot is his belly, specifically his navel. Raspberries are killer for him there. Him and Gwen share a death spot and both torment each other with that knowledge.
Melt spots are his forearms and under his chin. Adorable to trace a few inches up from his pits and watch him dissolve. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t love some gentle tickles under his chin, can you? (answer: no)
Bright, bubbly, almost boyish giggles. Things get a lot pitchier when you really wreck him, squeaks and squeals coming in no short supply.
Surprisingly formidable ler when the mood strikes him.
Most don’t suspect it to be that bad and give him full reign. They’re quickly proven wrong.
He respects boundaries of course, doesn’t ever go overboard. Takes breaks to check in and let his lee breathe every few minutes.
Loves to tease with compliments and praises. This is where he abuses his powers.
“Aww, your laugh is so cute! Who knew you’d be so ticklish?”
“That blush is just adorable, friend. You really have to show it more often!”
“I know, it really tickles here, huh? You’re doing great!”
If he’s feeling like a goober, he’ll play “Tickle Monster” and blow little raspberries on your belly. Might even make little “nom” noises while he does it to be a menace.
Loves giving tickle hugs. He’ll sneak up behind someone, koala-hug them and start wiggling his fingers into their sides. (Being short actually helps him there)
If one of his friends is upset or stressed, he’ll talk it out with them before suggesting a tickly cheer-up. If they don’t legitimately object, he’ll sweetly tease them until they’re all giggly and happy again.
SUPER sweet with aftercare. Cuddles, snacks, praises, and just general conversation. If you want to, he’d even be open to a nap.
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potatohater · 1 year
It’s so funny for me how atsv tickle community don’t have ONE proper hashtag so people could look up where every tickle content has been made
Like– there are dozens of diff variations
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