#Spine Surgery in Gurgaon
Where to get the best spine treatment in Gurgaon?
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Spine Surgery India is where people get the best spine treatment in Gurgaon because this hospital hires highly qualified and experienced doctors to perform the best spine treatment in Gurgaon for people suffering from spine pain for a long time. A spine surgeon aims to perform spine surgery in Gurgaon to improve the quality of life of the patient who has been affected by a damaged spine. Spine Surgery India is a hospital where spine surgeons first prioritize non-surgical spine treatment to stabilize the patient's spine. If the non-surgical treatment does not yield the desired results, the surgeons only recommend the patient undergo spine surgery in Gurgaon to get rid of the pain.
What spine surgeries are available at Spine Surgery Hospital in India?
Below are the best spine surgeries in Gurgaon available at Spine Surgery India Hospital and they are:
1. Discectomy: This is the best spine surgery in Gurgaon, where the surgeon removes the part of the herniated disc that rests between each vertebra. Medical research says that herniated disc is the most common problem that requires a patient to undergo spine surgery in Gurgaon. In this procedure, an experienced spine surgeon removes the herniated disc, which relieves pressure on the nerves.
2. Foraminotomy: While performing a foraminotomy during Spine Surgery in Gurgaon, the surgeon removes part of the patient's bone and other tissues that compress the nerve as it exits the spine.
3. Cervical Spine Surgery: This is the best spine treatment in Gurgaon, where the surgeon treats various problems related to the patient's cervical spine. Generally, surgeons perform this procedure when the patient is dealing with instability or degenerative disorders. These spinal conditions can increase pressure on the patient's spinal cord. To relieve pain, weakness, tingling, and numbness, a spine surgeon performs cervical spine surgery to help restore nerve function and prevent abnormal spinal movement.
4. Lumbar Laminectomy: It is another best spine treatment in Gurgaon, where the spine surgeon treats the patient's leg pain related to a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, and other conditions. A spine surgeon aims to perform laminectomy surgery for pain relief on the spinal cord, which is done when the spine surgeon removes the lamina of the vertebrae that make room for the nerves.
5. Spinal Fusion Surgery: In this spine procedure, a spine surgeon fuses two or more vertebrae together, usually in the lower back. Spinal fusion is a spine surgery in Gurgaon that is performed by the surgeon using different methods of spinal fusion, which depend on the health condition of the patient. The surgeon takes bone from the pelvic bone to create bridges between the vertebrae to achieve the procedure. With the help of a bone graft, the chance of new bone growth increases. Surgeons can also treat the condition of spondylolisthesis with spinal fusion surgery.
Why choose Spine Surgery India Hospital to get the best Spine Surgery in Gurgaon?
People choose spine surgery India Hospital to get the best spine surgery in Gurgaon due to the following factors which are:
1. Qualified Professionals: Spine Surgery India Hospital hires highly qualified and experienced doctor who helps patients get rid of their pain by offering them the best spine surgery in Gurgaon without compromising treatment quality.
2. Behaviour: The surgeons in this hospital will answer every question of the patient in a polite manner so that the patient feels comfortable throughout the treatment and recovers quickly from the injury. In Spine Surgery India, Neurosurgeons and orthopaedic surgeons often work together in the operating room to provide the best and improved quality of life to the individual who visits them.
3. Cost of treatment: The main factor that attracts many people from other developed countries is the cost of treatment. We all know that there are different procedures for treating spinal conditions, and each of them has an additional cost structure. Spine Surgery India provides a wide range of spine treatments at a very reasonable price ranging from INR 3,50,000 to INR 10 lakhs depending on the patient's health condition, the procedure chosen by the patient, etc. However, if people compare the cost of Spine Surgery in Gurgaon to other developed countries, they will find a massive price difference.
4. Success Rate: Another factor that attracts people to visit Spine Surgery in India is the success rate which is very high compared to the success rate in other developed countries. These are the factors that attract more international patients to come to India and Gurgaon for spine treatment. Other medical staff members ensure that individuals receive the best service and care during their journey at Spine Surgery India.
5. Decision Making: Surgeons at this hospital educate and assist individuals with the decision-making process by providing information about the full range of options and describing the technically possible risks and potential benefits of the procedures. The surgeons at this hospital will assist individuals throughout their treatment and also provide timely updates on their recovery status.
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drarunsaroha123 · 1 year
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Dr.Arun Saroha
How to Prepare for Spine Surgery
Spine surgery can sometimes be the only way to reduce pain and lead life. If you have already scheduled surgery or planning to get one done in the future, you can make some lifestyle changes for the surgery to be successful.
Preparing for a successful surgery is like preparing for any life event in advance. Educating yourself about the pre and post-operative needs, planning your recovery, and making adjustments at your home, are some of the most important things you need to prepare for a better recovery.
Here are some tips to prepare for spine surgery to make it successful.
Stay active, and improve your motor function.
Staying active improves blood circulation and helps to keep those extra kilos away. Doctors suggest that good blood circulation helps in further recovery. If you have a healthy weight before the surgery and good blood circulation, you are less likely to get a blood clot or circulation issues post-surgery.
Educate yourself
No one can care about your health as much as you do. If you are getting spine surgery, educate yourself about the procedure, recovery time, types of surgeries etc. So you can walk into the surgery with realistic expectations and confidence about the surgery. The more you know what to expect, the higher the chance of being satisfied with the outcome.
Consider taking a second opinion.
Surgery is a lifetime decision. Before deciding on the procedure, you need to trust your neurosurgeon completely. If you see any red flags with your doctor, always consider a second opinion. Do not go into surgery with doubts. We recommend looking for a spine surgeon with experience in at least a dozen successful surgeries.
Stop smoking and make lifestyle changes.
Nicotine can have adverse effects and can cause infections after surgery. Doctors recommend quitting smoking months before going under the knife for surgery. Making lifestyle changes and following a healthy routine can help build immunity, improve motor skills and maintain a healthy weight.
Don't have unrealistic expectations.
Spinal surgery is not the final solution and cures it all. There is a long road ahead to recovery after the surgery. It can remove the root cause of the problem. But the surgery is only successful if you follow the post-operative guidelines given by the doctor. Post-operative care can make or break the success of the surgery.
Prepare for postoperative care.
The most crucial aspect of spine surgery is post-operative care. Your doctor will give you many directions and things to avoid after surgery. It's vital to make sure that you have made sure to get proper care after the procedure for post-surgery recovery. Making adjustments at home and work, having someone to take care of your dressing needs, and managing your medication and physical therapy sessions is crucial post-surgery.
Getting surgery is a stressful decision and can be overwhelming. It's always good to research and understand the pros and cons of every process and have realistic expectations. Educating yourself not only helps you understand the process but helps you to become mentally strong to recover. Always look for doctors with experience in the required field for better healing.
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bestshospital999 · 2 years
NICU Care | Best NICU Care in Haryana | Mayom Hospital
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It is the multispecialty hospital in the Gurugram. We at Best NICU Care in Haryana constantly work around improving our services standards.
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besthospital111 · 2 years
Best Hospital in Gurgaon | Best Hospital in Gurgaon Haryana
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Best Hospital in Gurgaon has the approach and attitude with all the latest facilities to diagnose and treat disease
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bestenthospital · 2 years
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mayomhospital155 · 2 years
Best Spine Hospital in Gurgaon | Spine Surgery in Gurgaon
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We as a Best Spine Hospital In Gurgaon cater to all kinds of spine, nerve, and backbone issues.
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abhinay123 · 2 years
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jointeffortsin · 10 months
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Relief Seeking from Effective Backpain Treatment in Gurgaon
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How much does spine surgery cost in Gurgaon?
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The increase in spinal problems has made spine surgeries necessary. However, the high spine surgery cost in Gurgaon is not affordable to everyone. People should know that patients struggling with spinal issues should not ignore their symptoms. As soon as possible they should go to a nearby hospital and receive counselling.
And if the people are worrying that the high spine surgery cost will not be affordable for them. Then they should know that the spine surgery cost in Gurgaon is not high. And this cost is affordable and reasonable for everyone. Spine surgery in Gurgaon has become really popular with the increase in spine surgery hospitals in Gurgaon.
To know more about the spine surgery price in Gurgaon, read below:
How much does spine surgery cost in Gurgaon?
Spine surgery cost cannot be available just like that without knowing the issues and condition of the person. First of all which spine surgery they need to perform is most important.
Every person has different issue in their spine and according to those issues surgeons perform the spine surgery in Gurgaon.
One of the spine surgery is “Artificial Disc Replacement,” the cost of this surgery is INR 2,25,000 to INR 4,30,000. In this surgery surgeons replace the abnormal disc with artificial one.
The other surgery is “Spinal Fusion” surgery in this two or more vertebrae (spinal bones), surgeons fuse to alleviate the pain. The cost of this spine surgery in Gurgaon is INR 2,55,000 to INR 5,00,000.
What affects the spine surgery cost in Gurgaon?
Every surgery cost has factors that can affect it. In the spine surgery the first factor is the medical examination. The different expensive blood test, x-rays and all those other tests increases the total spine surgery charges in Gurgaon.
The second factor is the procedure of the spine surgery. If your surgery is a major one then there will definitely be increase in charges.
Next comes the additional services and the facilities. If there is a patient who wants to increase the number of days stay in the hospital, or wants VIP treatment, then the cost for them will surely raise.
Which hospital provides the best spine surgery cost in Gurgaon?
As we know now that no matter how affordable spine surgeries are, they can increase if the factors affecting them are not in control. So, learning about a hospital that can control these factors is good thing.
“Spine Surgery India” is a centre that provides all the details of the best hospitals that can provide affordable surgery. Spine Surgery India does not just have details of those hospitals but when a patient contacts them they make sure to provide them with the surgery there.
And as the success rate of surgery here is high, there will be no failure. This means there will be no cost of post-surgery therapy or treatment.
How can we lower the spine surgery cost in Gurgaon?
Spine surgery cost in Gurgaon does not just depend on the hospital prices; instead the patient can affect it too. If there are patients whose health is on top then their spine surgery will have no many side effects. At the same time the success rate for their spine surgery will raise considerably.
Those patients will be able to save the additional charges that come before and after the spine surgery in Gurgaon.
That means the person’s health affects the spine surgery the most. As long as a patient is healthy with high body immunity, they will be able to save their money.
Overview – In the end as the conclusion we can say that the spine surgery in Gurgaon has the average prices that are affordable for everyone. The hospitals here help in controlling the spine surgery cost-affecting factors. And finally, the patient’s help is the most important factor that affect the spine surgery cost in Gurgaon.
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Which is the best hospital for spine surgery in Gurgaon?
Spine surgery India is the place where anybody can have the best spine surgery in Gurgaon.They serve the top medical services to their patients so that they can get a healthy life. Read more: https://spinesurgeryindia.com/best-spine-hospitals-in-india/spine-surgery-in-gurgaon/ Email us: [email protected] Call on: +91 9029304141
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medicaljournals1 · 1 year
Some typical reasons for seeking spinal decompression therapy include:
Bulging discs occur when the cushion between the vertebrae expands.
Degenerative discs occur when the cushion between the vertebrae begins to wear down.
Herniated discs occur when a portion of a disc presses on a nerve.
When a nerve is pinched (compressed), it causes numbness, discomfort, or tingling.
Sciatica is nerve injury to the sciatic nerve.
Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of spinal spaces caused by bone spurs or bulging or ruptured discs.
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drarunsaroha123 · 1 year
Recovery Timeline After Cervical Spine Surgery
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Cervical spine surgery is a common procedure used to treat a variety of conditions, such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease. While the surgery can be effective in relieving pain and improving function, it is important for patients to understand the recovery timeline and what to expect during the healing process.
Immediately After Surgery
Immediately after cervical spine surgery, patients will be taken to a recovery room where they will be closely monitored by medical staff. Depending on the type of surgery and the patient’s overall health, they may spend one or more nights in the hospital for observation and pain management.
First Week Post-Surgery
During the first week after cervical spine surgery, patients should expect to experience some pain and discomfort. Pain medication will be prescribed to help manage these symptoms. Patients will also be advised to rest and limit their activities during this time. In some cases, a neck brace may be required to help support the spine as it heals.
Two to Four Weeks Post-Surgery
Two to four weeks after cervical spine surgery, patients should begin to feel better and experience less pain. While they may still need pain medication, the dosage will typically be reduced at this point. Patients may also begin physical therapy to help strengthen their neck muscles and improve their range of motion.
Six Weeks Post-Surgery
Six weeks after cervical spine surgery, most patients are able to resume their normal activities. However, it is important to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for several more weeks to allow the spine to fully heal.
Three to Six Months Post-Surgery
Three to six months after cervical spine surgery, patients should continue to see improvement in their symptoms and function. However, it is still important to avoid any activities that could put stress on the spine, such as contact sports or heavy lifting.
Long-Term Recovery
Long-term recovery after cervical spine surgery involves ongoing monitoring and management of any remaining symptoms. Patients may continue to work with a physical therapist to maintain their strength and range of motion. They should also attend regular follow-up appointments with their surgeon to monitor their progress and address any concerns.
The recovery timeline after cervical spine surgery can vary depending on the type of surgery and the individual patient. By understanding what to expect during the healing process, patients can take an active role in their recovery and work with their medical team to ensure the best possible outcome. With time and patience, most patients are able to return to their normal activities and enjoy improved function and quality of life.
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sanarhospitals · 1 year
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mayom---hospital · 1 year
Best Spine Hospital in Gurgaon | Mayom Hospital
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Minimal access spine surgery, also known as keyhole spinal surgery, is the most recent advancement in the area of Best Spine Hospital in Gurgaon. It is carried out through one or more small punctures or incisions that are used to introduce tubular retractors. the knowledgeable Mayom Hospital in Gurgaon.
Website - https://www.mayomhospital.com/
Phone - 9999469669
Address - Mayom Hospital, D-Block, South City 1, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001
Info - Mayom Hospital is a multispecialty centrally air-conditioned. It has been established with a mission to provide world class health facilities at affordable cost while maintaining highest standards of ethical practice and professional competency.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mayomhospital.in
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mayomhos_24x7/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MayomHos_24X7
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/mayom-hospital-super-multi-speciality/?viewAsMember=true
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bestshospital999 · 1 year
Best Physiotherapist in Gurgaon | Mayom Hospital
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One of Gurgaon's best Physiotherapy Centers in Gurgaon, We offer top-notch physical therapy services in Gurgaon thanks to our expert staff.
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besthospital111 · 2 years
Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Gurgaon | Laparoscopic Surgery in Gurgaon | Best Hospital in Gurgaon
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Head & Neck Surgery, Base-skull Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery in Gurgaon are managed with the help of state of the art equipment in the Hospital.
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