#spine physiotherapy in gurgaon
jointeffortsin · 9 months
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bestshospital999 · 2 years
NICU Care | Best NICU Care in Haryana | Mayom Hospital
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It is the multispecialty hospital in the Gurugram. We at Best NICU Care in Haryana constantly work around improving our services standards.
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besthospital111 · 2 years
Best Hospital in Gurgaon | Best Hospital in Gurgaon Haryana
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Best Hospital in Gurgaon has the approach and attitude with all the latest facilities to diagnose and treat disease
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orthocure · 2 days
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Find Relief from Back Pain |Spine treatment in Gurgaon
Ailments like back pain, spine dislocation can happen due to various factors, including lifestyle. Discover the best options available for spine treatment in Gurgaon, including physiotherapy, medication, and yoga.
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medicalprocare · 2 months
Spine Surgery in Gurgaon Haryana Spine And Scoliosis
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Mayom Hospital, under the guidance of Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, is renowned  for spine and surgery in Gurgaon, Haryana. Dr. Gupta, a highly esteemed spine surgeon, specializes in treating a wide range of spinal disorders with expertise and compassion.
With a focus on patient-centered care, Dr. Gupta and his team at Mayom Hospital strive to meet each patient's individual needs through personalized evaluation and treatment plans. They aim to help patients achieve active, pain-free lifestyles by combining cutting-edge techniques with established traditional methods.
Dr. Gupta's commitment to excellence in spine surgery has earned him recognition both locally and internationally. Patients from across the globe seek his expertise for complex spinal conditions, knowing they will receive the best possible care under his guidance.
At the Mayom hospital  for Spine and Scoliosis, Dr. Gupta leads a multidisciplinary team comprising physiotherapists, orthotists, physicians, neurologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, and anesthetists. Together, they provide comprehensive care for various spinal ailments, emphasizing conservative treatment approaches whenever possible, reserving surgery for cases where it is absolutely necessary.
Mayom Hospital, under the leadership of Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, continues to uphold its reputation as a premier destination for spine and scoliosis surgery in Gurgaon and the Delhi NCR region. Dr. Gupta's dedication to providing exceptional care and achieving successful outcomes for his patients ensures that individuals with spinal disorders receive the highest standard of treatment and support.
Spine & Scoliosis Treatment Services
At Mayom Hospital, we offer comprehensive spine and scoliosis treatment services aimed at providing patients with the highest quality care and personalized treatment plans. Our team of experienced specialists, led by Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, is dedicated to addressing a wide range of spinal conditions with expertise and compassion.
Our treatment services encompass:
1.  Diagnosis and Evaluation: We utilize advanced diagnostic techniques and imaging technologies to accurately assess spinal conditions and develop tailored treatment plans for each patient.
2. Conservative Management: Whenever possible, we emphasize conservative approaches to manage spinal disorders, including medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.
3. Minimally Invasive Surgery: For patients requiring surgical intervention, we offer minimally invasive spine surgery techniques aimed at reducing pain, shortening recovery times, and achieving optimal outcomes.
4. Complex Spine Surgery: Dr. Om Prakash Gupta specializes in performing complex spine surgeries, including deformity correction procedures, spinal fusion, and disc replacement surgeries, utilizing the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technology.
5. Pediatric Spine Care Our team provides specialized care for pediatric patients with spinal conditions, ensuring comprehensive evaluation, treatment, and ongoing support for children and their families.
6. Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy: We offer tailored rehabilitation programs and physiotherapy services to help patients regain mobility, strength, and function following spine surgery or injury.
7. Pain Management:Our multidisciplinary approach to pain management incorporates various modalities, including medication, injections, and nerve blocks, to alleviate spinal pain and improve quality of life.
8. Patient Education and Support: We believe in empowering patients with knowledge and support throughout their treatment journey, ensuring they are well-informed and involved in decision-making regarding their spinal care.
At  Mayom Hospital, we are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive spine and scoliosis treatment services, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to deliver optimal outcomes and improve the lives of our patients.
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manipalhospital1 · 11 months
Spinal Deformities You Should Know About And Their Treatment
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Any abnormal bending of the spine is termed scoliosis. Our spine plays essential functions in the body: it supports the body weight, offers flexibility to move and protects the spinal cord and nerve roots. The spine contains 100 joints, 120 muscles, and 220 ligaments, and the spinal cord protected by the spine is part of the central nervous system. The long and short of it is that it is a complex body part and any damage, deformity or disease can cause immobility, paralysis and many serious consequences. 
This article features detailed documentation of types of spine deformities and their treatment. Continue reading to gather accurate medical information on various aspects related to spine deformities.
Consult our spine care Hospital in Gurgaon for treatment, if you have spine deformities discussed below. 
Types of Spinal Deformities 
Scoliosis is categorised into three groups depending on the age group it affects:
Any abnormal curve in the spine is termed scoliosis. It is a deformity that occurs in the side-to-side curvature. It can occur in people of any age group from infants to adults. The symptoms can vary depending on the severity and could be the following: breathing difficulty, sitting or standing imbalance, a rib hump, back pain, sciatica, or numbness in the legs. Scoliosis can be further divided into 3 sub-categories:
Infantile Scoliosis
This type of spine deformity is often associated with congenital defects or neurodegenerative disorders and occurs in children less than 3 years. 
Juvenile Scoliosis
Deformities in children between 3 to 10 years fall into this category. Surgery is not usually performed and bracing is recommended in this age group.  
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
This is a commonly reported type of scoliosis among the 10 to 17 years of age group. There are no known causes and also the symptoms vary depending upon the severity. The pain occurs mainly in the thoracic spine, below the neck or the lower back.  
Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
This type occurs when an adult is suffering from degenerative arthritis. This worsens with age and causes severe pain. 
When the spine bends forward and is unable to carry the body weight effectively is known as Kyphosis. Weak bones are a common cause of this deformity in older people. If this is diagnosed in infants or children then the main cause of this deformity could be malformation of the spine. Poor posture, injury, or fracture due to osteoporosis, or arthritis can also cause kyphosis. 
In this deformity, the lower back of the spine has a deep curve that pushes out the abdomen. The causes could be genetics, bad posture, injury or illness. 
Treatment Options for Spinal Deformities 
Thorough evaluation of the medical reports that involve the risks in the surgery, curvature, severity, patient’s age and lifestyle, etc determines the best course of treatment. The following are the common treatments offered for spinal deformities:
This is done in very young patients with the objective to encourage the straight growth of the spine. When the patient is a young adult it might not be recommended as it will only offer some relief and not correct the deformity. 
Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy can offer relief in mild cases of deformity. It can improve flexibility and strength and may also correct certain motions, and postures. You may be advised to perform certain exercises regularly to manage the condition and prevent it from worsening. 
Surgical Correction
The last resort to restore functions and mobility is surgical correction. There are two types of surgeries that are performed in cases of spinal deformity: 
Posterior Fusion
Medical-grade metal rods are inserted in the vertebra to keep the spine straight and in place. This helps in keeping the spine in its normal orientation, offers relief from pain and restores mobility.  Anterior spinal fusions: This is another corrective procedure done through the abdomen as assessing the spine from the front causes less damage to the surrounding spine muscles. This procedure is done in highly severe cases.     
Pain Management Injections
Injections can offer temporary relief from mild nerve compression or joint arthritis. The frequency of injections and the dosage depends on the type of symptoms and severity. 
Consult our spine doctors in Gurgaon if you require treatment and care for spinal deformities. 
Spinal surgeries may involve certain risks, which increase in cases of comorbidities, hence the decision to go for spine surgery is taken after thorough analysis of the medical reports. At Manipal Hospitals, we have the best spine surgeons in Gurugram who have successfully performed multiple spine surgeries in the past. Connect with our spine surgeons and experienced orthopaedic doctors in Gurgaon to know whether spine surgery is for you or not. We have a well-equipped facility featuring two dedicated departments for spine care and orthopaedics with high-end machines to perform numerous diagnostic and curative procedures. 
Save our blog page to read more interesting articles and to gather accurate information about diseases and their treatment.  
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Top 7 Tips for Back Pain From Gold Medal Physiotherapy
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It can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of back pain, but there are many things you can do to lessen it or prevent it from getting worse. It’s all about relaxing, reducing stress, protecting your spine, and developing your muscles. By making a few minor adjustments to your daily routine, you can keep your back healthy and pain-free for a long time. If you are experiencing severe pain, you should visit the best Physiotherapist in Gurgaon. 
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Hip Pain and Other Musculoskeletal Conditions Treatment In Delhi
Hip Pain & Other Musculoskeletal Conditions
Globally, musculoskeletal pain is a common reason of disability and seeking medical advice. It may be localised to one area or present as a widespread/ multisite pain. Musculoskeletal symptoms may be a consequence of orthopaedic, neurologic or rheumatologic processes and hence a comprehensive history and examination is required. Based on the findings further tests and imaging are requested to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other serious conditions.
This section focuses on minimally invasive non surgical interventions available via pain clinic for joint pain and some other common musculoskeletal conditions. The interventions listed below are most often used as a part of multi-disciplinary management in combination with medications, physiotherapy, complementary therapy and psychology input  as required.
Hip Pain
Hip pain is a common condition and can be quite disabling because of the impact on walking. Pain may be localised to the front, side or back of the hip joint. Common cause for anterior hip pain is joint problems such as arthritis, that on the outer side of hip is greater trochanteric pain syndrome whereas posterior hip pain may arise from multiple sources such as sacroiliac joint, lumbar spine, piriformis muscle etc. It is important to evaluate lumbar spine as spine pathology commonly coexists and can be responsible for producing/ exacerbating hip pain.
When it comes to managing hip arthritis pain, there is a large lacuna in the treatment options as medications often offer limited relief or are limited by side effects and surgery is not always the answer as many are unwilling or unfit to have one. Some in their 40s and 50s are considered to be too young to undergo a joint replacement. Besides 5 to 15% of patients have persisting pain even after having a hip replacement. New treatment options including radiofrequency ablation, cooled radiofrequency and cryoablation offer a ray of hope for hip arthritis patients not keen on surgery. Although these options have been used most often for arthritis pain, they work equally well for other hip joint pain conditions such as avascular necrosis (AVN).
What is hip osteoarthritis (OA) and why does it hurt?
Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis and is a common cause of hip pain, especially amongst older people. It affects about 7% of men and 10% of women over the age of 45 years.
The main problem in this condition is the degeneration of the cartilage covering the ends of the bones. The loss of cartilage and its shock absorbing, cushioning effect leads to the bones coming closer to each other and their thickening in an attempt to protect the joint. Bony growth called osteophytes form around the joint edges. The joints and the surrounding ligaments, tissues may also develop swelling (inflammation).
Pain in arthritis may result from
Inflammation (swelling) of joints
Damage of joint tissues
Overloading of surrounding structures such as the muscles and ligaments
fatigue and extra effort required in mobilisation
What all are at risk of developing hip arthritis?
There are several factors that contribute to one’s chances of is developing this condition. These can be classified as those related to an individual and those related to the joint.
Individual factors include
Age over 50 years
Being overweight
Gender. Below the age of 50 years hip OA is more prevalence in men in, whereas above the age of 50 years it is more prevalent in women
Genetic predisposition
Occupation. Certain occupations such as farming which involve hard repetitive tasks, heavy lifting or standing for long periods are more at risk
How is hip arthritis diagnosed?
Your doctor can often diagnose osteoarthritis on the basis of your symptoms and examination findings. Tests such as x-rays are commonly requested to confirm the diagnosis. Other tests such as blood tests, CT scan or MRI may also be requested for further evaluation.
Tag :  Pain specialist in Gurgaon, Hip pain treatment in delhi, Joint Pain Specialists in Delhi,  Pain management centre in Delhi
For  more information :
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wemedicalcare · 1 year
Cancer Pain Treatment In Delhi and Gurgaon - Dr. Amod Manocha
Pain in cancer may arise due to many reasons and is often the presenting complaint leading to the diagnosis of cancer. It may be
Related to cancer itself or its spread to other body parts
A late presentation due to side effect of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery
A result of extra stress placed on other body parts for example shoulder pain due to using of a stick for walking
A totally unrelated coincidental problem such as arthritis
Pain can be of differentiated into background pain (which is always present in the background and is managed with regular medications) and breakthrough pain (pain which breaks through your regular pain relief). Breakthrough pain may occur unprovoked or may be triggered by external or internal factors. In cancer patients different types of pain may coexist. It is not just limited to pain arising from inflammation and tissue damage for example cancer of pancreas spreading to neighbouring organs and nerves leading to visceral and neuropathic pain respectively and a distant spread to bones producing bone pain.
Pain ManagementMedications managementNerve blocks, Radiofrequency & Neurolytic procedures
Radiofrequency procedures
Splanchnic nerve radiofrequency ablation for abdominal pain
Suprascapular nerve radiofrequency for shoulder pain
Pudendal nerve radiofrequency for pelvic pain
Spinal procedures e.g. epidural, intrathecal pumps
Certain procedures such as pumps to deliver medicines directly in the spine (intra thecal pumps) are performed more often for cancer pain.
Drug infusions
Cancer is often accompanied by anxiety, depression and fear of the worst. A psychologist can help in analysing these thoughts rationally and developing a positive approach. They can help by teaching relaxation techniques, coping strategies and by reducing the effect of mood on pain.
Complementary and alternative therapies including Acupuncture, TENS, meditation, ayurveda and wellness.
TAG : Cancer Pain Treatment in Gurgaon, Pain Treatment in Delhi, Cancer Pain treatment in Delhi, Best Pain Specialist in South Delhi
Pain relief needs to be tailored to the cause, severity and duration of pain. In most cases a reasonable control can be achieved by using a combination of methods. Multimodal, Multi disciplinary approach provides the opportunity to maximise pain relief and provide support not only for the physical needs but also for the emotional, spiritual and social needs.  
Some of the management options available via a pain clinic are
This involves using different classes of medications to optimise the pain control. Using a combination of drugs helps to minimise side effects and maximise the benefits. Whilst considering the drug therapy many factors need to be considered like type of pain, cause and severity of pain, other medical problems and medications being used, medications tried previously, pre existing nausea/vomiting, constipation, ability to take and absorb medications, liver and kidney function etc. Apart from the standard medications mentioned in other sections some other medications are used more often in cancer pain such as steroids, bisphosphonates (for bone pain).
Nerves are commonly targeted in pain relieving interventions for example pudendal nerve for perineal or rectal pain, suprascapular nerve for shoulder pain, intercostal nerves for chest wall pain etc. The pain impulses being transmitted via the nerves can be temporarily blocked using local anaesthetics. The transmission of impulses can be reduced for longer duration using Neurolytic procedures, which involve injection of alcohol or phenol instead of local anaesthetic. Examples of neurolytic procedures include :
Coeliac plexus, splanchnic nerves neurolysis
Hypogastric plexus neurolysis
Lumbar sympathetic neurolysis
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jointeffortsin · 10 months
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Relief Seeking from Effective Backpain Treatment in Gurgaon
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Cupping Therapy - The New Cure To Pain
Cupping as therapy helps to clear blockages and increase the flow of life essence energy throughout the body. The body may become compromised or unsteady if the circulation is interrupted or disturbed. The procedure is thought to speed up healing because it improves blood flow and loosens soft tissue or the epidermis. It is comparable to how it can break up scar tissue, and a full-body massage can decrease pain. The spine, neck, upper limbs, and any tired spots are frequently treated with the cups. Bone Strong Physiotherapy brings cupping therapy services if you are looking for "the best physiotherapist near me" to feast your cramps.
Cupping therapy is decompressive, as opposed to other manual compressive treatments. Improved trigger points, improved blood flow, and improved nutrient exchange are all benefits of decompression. Tight tissues are also released. It alters the neuromuscular system, causing a temporary reduction in pain. Bone Strong Physiotherapy has expert physiotherapists to offer the best cupping therapy in Gurgaon.
How does Cupping Therapy Work?
Cups, typically made of glass, are warmed and placed on the skin during a therapeutic cupping treatment. The cup creates a vacuum by heating the air inside, which draws the tissue into the cup when it is placed on the skin. During cupping, fluid is drawn into the wound site by vacuum. Small blood vessels under the epidermis are expanded and split open by the vacuum pressure. Your body processes the area of cupping as though something hurt it. More blood is sent to the site to encourage the body's healing mechanisms. Some claim that cupping freshens the pores and lets pathogens out.
Depending on how much suction the vacuum creates an internal blockage, cupping may temporarily result in redness and swelling. It would be a positive solution, indicating that the diagnosis effectively removes contaminants and deprivation. Elevating one rim of the cups releases the vacuum and allows air to enter, breaking the cover.
Types of Cupping Therapy
Listed below are the different types of cupping therapy treatment at Bone Strong Physiotherapy - the best cupping therapy in Gurgaon -
● Traditional Cupping
● Sliding Cups
● Wet Cupping
● Air Cupping
● Needle Cupping
● Herbal Cupping
● Pump Cups
Cures from Cupping Therapy
Cupping stimulates positive blood circulation in the injured area, reducing inflammation, cramps, and stress. It eliminates toxins by bringing impurities to the surface. Acupressure, acupuncture, and cupping relax tissue and lower inflammatory marker levels. There is a decrease in inflammatory cytokines and an increase in neurotransmitters that support recovery and stress relief. Connective tissues are loosened by cupping, which also promotes blood flow and circulation. Additionally encourages tissue relaxation and improved cell-to-cell communication.
Cupping therapy can treat the following conditions -
● Back Pain;
● Arthritis;
● Neck Pain;
● Knee Pain;
● Asthma;
● Gastro disorders;
● Migraines;
● Headaches;
● Rising Blood Pressure, etc.
Both patients who are healthy and those who are ill should consider receiving cupping therapy. Knee pain, neck pain, lower back pain, and headaches are localized conditions that respond well to cupping therapy. Cupping therapy has been effective for specific medical disorders.
Benefits of Cupping therapy
In some instances, the benefits are immediate, but they frequently last only a few hours or days. When used with manual therapy or naturopathy, cupping can bring immediate relief and relaxation. When experiencing alternative therapy procedures may be beneficial.
The following are the benefits of Cupping therapy -
● Improves blood flow;
● Reduces inflammation;
● Relaxes muscles;
● Boosts recovery and healing process;
● Relieves pain from injury;
● Treats certain medical conditions;
● It Boosts the immune system.
In a variety of conditions, combining cupping therapy techniques can be beneficial. There needs to be more strong research about how well cupping works. Additionally, more is required from scholars about the benefits of cupping or how it might help people. It's possible that cupping has treatment effects, which is when something works because people think it will. Certain symptoms, like pain, may be reduced with cupping therapy. If you're hitting the search bar for "the best physiotherapist near me, " Bone Strong Physiotherapy will help you with the best cupping therapy in Gurgaon. Contact Bone Strong Physiotherapy today or mail us to get in touch with our experts.
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Kalpanjali is a well-established physiotherapy clinic having years of experience. We have the best physiotherapist in Gurgaon who are professional expertise in providing the best physiotherapy treatment for several types of Joint pain treatment and all types of sports and spine-related problems. Contact us now!!
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physiohealthplus · 2 years
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What is chiropractic manipulation?
The word chiropractic is a combination of the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (practical application). As the name suggests, this is an experimental treatment. Chiropractic manipulation is the application of pressure to a person's spine or other body parts by a qualified chiropractor. This pressure allows the chiropractor to align and adjust. The goal of chiropractic manipulation is to reduce pain and improve a person's mechanical function or movement.
Physio Health Plus
B16 Ground Floor, Mayfield Garden
Sector50 Gurgaon
Haryana 122018
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medicalprocare · 2 months
Taking Care of Your Body: A Guide to Top Medical Services in Haryana
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Haryana, a vibrant state in North India, offers a plethora of medical facilities catering to various healthcare needs. This blog delves into some of the most sought-after medical services in Haryana, focusing on Gurgaon, a prominent city within the state. Whether you're seeking exceptional physiotherapy care, world-class orthopedic treatment, a comfortable birthing experience, or expert pulmonology services, Haryana has you covered.
Physiotherapy in Haryana: Regaining Strength and Mobility
Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation and pain management. Physiotherapists utilize a combination of manual therapy exercises, and equipment to help patients regain strength, mobility, and overall well-being. Here's what you should look for when searching for the Best Physiotherapist in Haryana.
Qualifications and Experience: Ensure the physiotherapist holds a valid degree in physiotherapy and possesses relevant experience in treating your specific condition.
Treatment Approach: Look for a physiotherapist who tailors a treatment plan to your individual needs and preferences.
Communication Skills: Effective communication is key. Choose a physiotherapist who explains things clearly and answers your questions patiently.
Patient Reviews and Recommendations: Positive online reviews and recommendations from friends and family can be a good indicator of a physiotherapist's effectiveness.
Spine Hospitals in Gurgaon: Addressing Back and Neck Problems
Gurgaon, a fast-paced city, can take a toll on your spine. If you're experiencing back or neck pain, sciatica, or other spinal issues, seeking treatment at a specialized spine hospital in Gurgaon can be beneficial. These hospitals boast:
Spine-Specialized Expertise: They have a team of highly qualified orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and pain management specialists dedicated to treating spinal conditions.
Advanced Technology: They utilize cutting-edge diagnostic tools like MRI scans and X-rays for accurate diagnosis and employ minimally invasive surgical techniques for faster recovery.
Comprehensive Care: They offer a holistic approach to treatment, including physiotherapy, medication management, and pain relief strategies.
Top Maternity Hospitals in Gurgaon: Welcoming New Life
Giving birth is a momentous occasion. Top maternity hospitals in Gurgaon provide expecting mothers with exceptional care throughout their pregnancy journey. These hospitals offer:
Skilled Obstetricians and Gynecologists: A team of experienced doctors specializing in childbirth and women's health ensures a safe and comfortable delivery experience.
Advanced Birthing Facilities: State-of-the-art birthing suites equipped with the latest technology cater to different birthing preferences, including natural childbirth options.
Neonatal Care Unit (NICU): A well-equipped NICU staffed by qualified neonatologists ensures the best possible care for newborns requiring additional support.
Postpartum Support: Hospitals often provide lactation consultants and support groups to help mothers adjust to parenthood.
Best Pulmonologist in Gurgaon: Breathing Easy Again
Lung health is vital for overall well-being. If you're experiencing respiratory problems like asthma, COPD, or other lung diseases, consulting the Best Pulmonologist in Gurgaon can significantly improve your quality of life. Look for a pulmonologist with:
Specialized Training: Board certification in pulmonology ensures expertise in diagnosing and treating lung conditions.
Experience in Treating Your Specific Condition: Choose a pulmonologist with a proven track record of successfully managing your specific lung disease.
Access to Advanced Diagnostics: Access to lung function tests, chest X-rays, and other diagnostic tools allows for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of your condition.
Patient-Centered Approach: The best pulmonologists prioritize open communication and develop treatment plans tailored to your individual needs.
Haryana boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure with highly qualified medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities. This blog serves as a starting point for those seeking the Best Physiotherapist in Haryana, exceptional spine hospitals in Gurgaon, top maternity hospitals in Gurgaon, or the Best Pulmonologist in Gurgaon. Remember, prioritizing your health is an investment in your well-being. Take the time to research and choose the best hospital in gurgaon that best suits your needs.
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Travel to India for Your Joint Replacement Surgery
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In India a number of orthopedic procedures are available such as hip and knee joint replacement, the Illizarov technique, limb lengthening, Birmingham Hip resurfacing technique (which scores over conventional hip Joint Replacement Surgery and is still unavailable even in the US) etc. 
IAS Medicare in Gurgaon specialize in latest techniques and treatments such as minimal invasive surgery, cartilage and bone transplantation, spine surgery and limb sparing surgery. All kinds of muscular- skeletal problems ranging from Arthritis to sports injuries, to complex broken bones, bone tumors and childhood conditions like scoliosis are treated most effectively in India at costs much lower than in USA and UK. 
Joint Replacement Surgery: Shoulder/hip replacement and bilateral knee replacement surgery using the most advanced keyhole or endoscopic surgery and arthroscopy is done at IAS Medicare hospitals in Gurgaon, India 
What Is Joint Replacement Surgery? 
Joint Replacement Surgery is removing a damaged joint and putting in a new one. A joint is where two or more bones come together, like the knee, hip, and shoulder. The surgery is usually done by a doctor called an orthopedic (or-tho-PEE-dik) surgeon. Sometimes, the surgeon will not remove the whole joint, but will only replace or fix the damaged parts. 
The doctor may suggest a joint replacement to improve how you live. Replacing a joint can help you relieve pain and move and feel better. Joints that can be replaced include the shoulders, fingers, ankles, and elbows. Hip and knee Joints are replaced most often. 
What Happens During Joint Replacement Surgery? 
First, the surgical team will give you medicine so you won't feel pain (anesthesia). The medicine may block the pain only in one part of the body (regional), or it may put your whole body to sleep (general). The team will then replace the damaged joint with prosthesis. 
Each surgery is different. How long it takes depends on how badly the joint is damaged and how the surgery is done. To replace a knee or a hip takes about 2 hours or less, unless there are complicating factors. After surgery, you will be moved to a recovery room for 1 to 2 hours until you are fully awake or the numbness goes away. The average time taken for Joint Replacement Surgery is 1-1.1/2 hrs. 
What to Expect after the Joint Replacement Surgery? 
If the surgery goes well, without any complications, the patient can be mobile on crutches within 48 hours itself. Usually 3-4 physiotherapy sessions are advised for the patient so that he understands the new prosthesis properly and trained to use the Joint Correctly. 
Why should one go for Joint Replacement Surgery to India?
Most Important Reason to do so is that the cost of the Joint Surgery is very low in India-almost 20% of the cost of what one would pay in USA, Canada or UK.
Source: - https://ivf-treatment-in-gurgaon.blogspot.com/2022/06/travel-to-india-for-your-joint.html
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graysonworld · 2 years
The alignment of those sitting positions can create a huge pressure on the back or better to say spinal cord and hip joint. As the result, many people are looking for Back Pain Treatment in Gurgaon during the Pandemic.
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