#Spinx Cat
thestalkerbunny · 1 year
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alien-insomniac-05 · 2 months
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Finally got a semi good photo of glep
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weirdbabs · 1 year
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do you think ape doesnt feel any of crush’s hits bc of that evil looking doctopus? bc ive been trying to figure out whats that guys deal/when were gonna see him since the cover page and that feels about right
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 11 months
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Morning crew!!!
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crimson-catalyst · 2 months
wrote some prose for my december 2023 neph prompt, "gift shopping" ft Jesse, Oliver, and their sister @skittykittycat's Ersie! enjoy Jesse being a piece of work <3
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"Anyone special you’re getting a gift for?" Ashleigh waggles her eyebrows, making conversation as she and Jesse leave class. 
Jesse rolls his eyes. “I have no more time to date anyone than the last time you asked me. Nor money to go shopping with.”
“You’re not shopping at all? Nothing for your family or anything?” she looks shocked, almost hurt, her little ears drooping. Different strokes for different folks, he figured; Seasons' Gifting had never been such a big deal to Jesse, besides as a reason to ask his parents for things.
He shrugs. “They live all the way in Roost. I'm not gonna get something there intact in time.”
“No like- don’t you live with your brother?? and isn't your sister here in town too??”
“oh” Jesse blinks, “right.”
Ashleigh circles in front of him, corralling him as she walk backwards. “Have you really never gotten them Seasons’ Gifts before??”
Jesse quirks an ear. “Not really, no. Ersie moved out before I had my own money and Mom and Dad have always gotten everything for me and Oliver.”
“omg." she practically prances, little hooves clipping excitedly on the ground. "Then you totally should!! Start a tradition!!”
“Wouldn't it be weird?”
“Of course not!! You're an adult now - mostly. You've got your own place and you're independent! You should totally pick something out for them, it'll be fun!”
He tilted his head, thinking. “I guess I could,” it did sound fun. Maybe he could be the star bringing them closer, starting a new tradition between them all. Surely they wouldn't have thought to get him anything; it wasn’t really a habit for the Sceo siblings...
-- How did he get here, again?
Jesse stares blankly at the shelves in a street-level shop selling… whatever this shit was. Glass sculptures clearly from molds, mass-produced macrame that'd fall apart in a month, stock photos printed on canvas. Useless knick-knacks and dustables. Kitsch. He wrinkles his nose and pointedly looks away from the display of fish shaped mugs so contorted they were long past useable for drink.
You're buying gifts for Ersie and your stupid brother, he reminds himself. How’d you let yourself get suckered into this one?
He didn't know what they’d want. It's not like they ever shared their interests with him. All Ersie ever did these days was get on his case, after she insisted on dragging the twins out and about with her to socialize. And Oliver was… Oliver. He hid in his room for days and days and only showed his face for food he didn't have to make. Jesse feels his lip curl in annoyance.
Whatever. Whatever!! This isn't what he was here for. He heaves a sigh and shakes his head to clear it, trying to calm down. Maybe all this’d be a good reason for them to open up more with him. He had been pretty busy with school and hadn't been able to devote them that much of his time and attention, after all. What in the world could he get them, though? He really didn't know what either of them liked these days - although at the very least, he certainly wasn't going to find what he was looking for in this shop.
C'mon, Jesse, brainstorm. Ersie's easy she just likes lights. She wears them all the time and she won't shut up about her light shows when you get her going.... didn't Ashleigh just show you her new fairylights in her dorm?? Done. Sorted. He mentally pats himself on the back. This was easy. Ashleigh would love that she was his inspiration. Now Oliver.....
Gods. He really did just spend all his time in his room, out of sight and talking quietly to his Whisker chat. Video games would be an easy answer but he definitely had all the ones he wanted, sometimes even before they were released; and he knew way more about his ludicrous gamer tech than Jesse ever would. Neither of those would work. He'd have to get a little more creative. As he passes the last shelf in the store he stops and thinks. Maybe...
"HEY hi Jesse sorry, I only finally got out of work!!" Ersie adjusts her grip on her phone, holding it slightly above her face so she looks okay on camera. "We've been sooo busy this season. What's up?"
Jesse smiles at Ersie on his screen, admittedly with a little pride. “I left you a gift in your mailbox between classes!”
“Oh?” Ersie’s eyes light up, though her voice belies a bit of her confusion. “For Seasons’ Gifting? I wasn’t sure if you wanted to do an exchange so I haven’t bought you anything yet, forgive me.” The background of her video shifts through her apartment as she moves towards the door, little sparkly lights behind her putting starbursts in the camera.
“It’s fine,” Jesse sounds smug. “It was my idea to surprise you anyway.”
“Aw, sweet of you!” Ersie’s picture dipped to her paws for a moment as she opened the door. “Reception’s kinda bad in the lobby so if i drop you just call me back!!”
A moment later she was scurrying back into her cozy flat, backlit by her softly pulsing light display on the walls. Balancing her phone atop the gift, she snaps her claws and another set of brighter lights illuminate the room at her bidding.
“Okay!!! Let’s take a look,” Ersie exclaims as she plops onto her plush couch, box in hand, wrapped in a perfectly nondescript way indicative of the paws of a tired retail employee. Jesse watches as she untied the glitter-filled ribbon and delicately tears down the middle of the paper with an extended claw, exposing the packaging beneath.
"...Little Kits'... DIY fairy lights? This is cute, Jesse." She pulls out the prepackaged craft kit: little die-cut origami papers to fold over an included string of lights. She was smiling, sure, but Jesse had heard her freak out over something she loved before and this wasn't it.
"You don't like it?" His ears twitch, irritated, and he thumps the carpet with his tail off-camera. 
"I didn't say that! This is really thoughtful," her voice is still cheery as she turns the box over in her paws, examining the packaging, clearly branded for children.
"You don't need to lie to make me feel better."
Ersie rolls her eyes and picks her phone up from its stand. "Jesse, I'm not. I'm really, honestly flattered you went out of your way to pick out something for me when you didn't have to and that you got me something I enjoy! We've only barely known each other for a year now." "I'm twenty y-" "-and we've hardly interacted for fifteen years, Jesse, yes. I'm really, really happy you dropped this off, okay?" She smiles earnestly into the camera. 
Jesse narrows his eyes and swishes his tail, but this finally passes his approval. "Okay well good. I went to like three different craft stores before I found the right ones. And the Highe's lighting aisle is wild? what's up with all the chandeliers? there weren't even any stupid light strings." he shakes his head. "Shopping sucks on its own - stores never have what you want and you wander all over and spend so much money, and then you still have to walk home..."
"How you suffered for your generosity!" Ersie snickers. "This was really sweet, Jesse, thank you. I'll see if I can't scrounge something up for you too before the season's over."
His ears perk up, triumphant, but he can't let it go. 
"-but for real Ersie. What didn't I get perfect?"
Ersie bursts out a good-natured laugh. "I love you, and I love the gift, but this is for spittens, Jesse. I do this for a living."
“...a candle.”
Oliver holds a round jar candle in his huge, scarfy hand, peeking through the barest crack of his bedroom door. It’s a question disguised as a statement.
Jesse shrugs. “I dunno, people who spend all day in the house like to make their place… smell nice, or whatever. Look, it's scents of Roost. Mimos rosa and spring winds.” He grabs the jar back from his brother’s hand, pointing at the pink label.
“I…. can’t leave candles burning when I’m streaming, I’m not paying attention to my surroundings for too long. And fire… doesn’t… tangle well with um. fabric.” he whispers the last word about his curse, as if his voice wasn't already too soft. “Why are you giving me this?”
Jesse rolls his eyes. “It’s Seasons’ Gifting, obviously. Happy Seasons’ or whatever. You're welcome.”
“You’ve… never given me anything for Seasons’ before?” Oliver shifts his weight, hesitantly lowering his hand from the doorway, candle still in Jesse’s paws. “thank.. you? um…”
"I thought I'd start a new tradition," Jesse snorts in annoyance. "We should buy each other Seasons' things now that Mom and Dad won't - and Ersie"s around. It's fine if you didn't get me anything this year. It's not like I told you I was gonna. And there’s still a week anyway.”
“y..yeah, okay." His eyes shift away and his eyebrows furrow at the mention of leaving the house. He's trying to shrink back into his room, Jesse can tell. His ears twitch.
“At least take it.” he thrusts the candle back towards his brother. "Ersie liked hers."
“I just told you I can't use it.”
“You said- there has to be times you're not huddled over that stupid microphone - Its for you, you can just let it look pretty! I don't want it!” he waggles it meaningfully, his arm extended, tail rising in anger. His brother doesn't even raise his hand from the floor.
“Thank you Jesse but I don't want fire in my room.” an edge creeps into his voice as he turns away from the crack of his door.
Jesse bristles, and snarls as he turns away in a furious huff. "Gods, so much for new tradition! sorry I bothered!"
He doesn't seem to hear Oliver's quiet retort as the door shuts with a click. “Maybe you shouldn't have.”
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haneys · 1 year
domestic pigs are literaly like the sphynx cats and wild boars are like normal cats. im connecting the dots fr
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pixelxgore · 24 days
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I love uncanny human face on cat wonderful
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
Until Dawn Headcanons!!!
Josh smokes. (He has a lighter so I'm assuming it's actually more canon than headcanon.)
One of Sam's favorite songs is Unwritten.
Chris LOVES Fortnite and Minecraft.
Mike had a childhood dog — Rusty — who was his best friend. (That's why he bonded with Wolfie so much.)
Jessica loves Justin Bieber and One Direction.
Josh's middle name is Robert. (Named after his father.)
If Sam found a spider, she wouldn't be afraid of it and she wouldn't kill it. She would take it outside.
Ashley loves romantic comedies.
Sam works at a shelter part time. Josh visits occasionally just to play with the dogs.
Josh writes scripts for movies in his free time. He uses his friends as characters in them. Chris and Sam are usually the main characters and always survive.
Sam likes to go to parks, sit under a tree and write poetry.
Emily has a cat. (Siamese or maybe Spinx. I seen another headcanon that she had a Spinx cat and I think that's actually a better fit. 😂)
Jessica has a chihuahua named Princess. (But she's mostly a purse puppy and SUPER bitchy.)
Josh has an iguana named Vorhees.
Matt is a momma's boy.
Mike has big bonfires at his place every summer and invites everybody over. They always have beers and music playing in the background as everybody talks about memories of high-school.
Beth is (The twins didn't die. 😤) like the brother Josh never had. They play video games often and poke fun at each other all the time.
Josh treats Hannah like his own daughter, constantly babying her and acting SO overprotective that even Beth is shocked sometime. Hannah hates it unless she had a bad nightmare and needs comforting from her older brother, who will cradle her in his arms and hum to her until she falls back to sleep. They have been doing this since they were children.
Either way, the Washington siblings with protect each other no matter what the situation is.
Jess' favorite color is blue. (Though I think this is canon because it's literally the only color she wears!)
Josh wears eye contacts. He used to wear glasses as a kid and that's one of the main reasons why him and Chris bonded so much.
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melled42 · 3 months
I like how you've differentiated the cats. Forneus looks like the big fat cat your grandma has that curls up on your lap for a nap while narinder looks like the type of cat to hide around corners and attack your ankles as you walk down a hallway.
i'm not the best at character design but i try to at least make them reflect their personalities. Forneus to me gives off the loving mom/grandma vibe who will make sure you're fed and loved to a fault. Narinder is death and got his ass beat by an adorable little sheep and needs care now that hes mortal, so furless spinx.
and the boys i kinda see them as baby, even if they aren't so babies
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sunstar-of-the-north · 4 months
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Name: Murrtog Spinx
Age: 57 Years Old
Gender: Man/Non-Binary
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Species: Alien Cat
Bio: Not much is known about Murrtog's past. They only know of who he is now, the marauding space pirate who steals both treasures and hearts.
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beannary · 7 months
Most random thing but I love that you gave your Donnie a cat. He’s so cat lover coded and I just adore it! And making the cat a SPINX cat was just the cherry on top because yeah! This Donnie would totally have a spinx and adore it more than anything!
omg thanks!!!!! I really wanted to give him a cat or just some sort of companion in general and a sphynx cat just seemed so in character for him! I was considering giving him a black cat but I think big mama would get annoyed if he had a cat that sheds hair everywhere
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[whoever sent me that ask to trigger tag Spinx cats.... what] [it wasn't even on the basis of trauma or anything, they just said that it made them mildly uncomfy]
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crimson-catalyst · 3 months
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nephfei's july 2023 prompt, "vacation"!
someone please try to convince this man that vacation means relaxing not. more work
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mr-oggdog · 4 months
Spinx kitty cat
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garndiddlious · 22 days
zim as a spinx cat….dib as a persian cat….im onto something…..
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thenixkat · 6 months
i'm in a pokemon mood
been thinking about a Normal type evolution for Eevee called Eevil. It evolves via lvl up at like 40 with extremely low friendship and low affection. And looks like the hare counterpart to eevee's bunny
Learns Frustration upon evolving. Can be found in the wild in locations very far away from towns but has an extreamly low catch rate
Eevigon- Dragon type evolution. Lvl up at night with low friendship while holding any dragon related item. Lanky with a black-purple body, a mane made of orange-red fins, tusks, and a tail that goes from the body color to orange at the tip.
Eevimite- Bug type evolution. Lvl up during the day with low friendship while holding any bug related item. Picture spinx cat naked furless look. Has multiple round metalic looking balls on the ears and sides of the body, these are ticks/a tick pokemon.
the 'eevi' evolutions are considered to be unethical to rear an eevee to evolve into for many reasons
all of the 'Eevi' evos can be found in the wild just with a low encounter and very low catch rate. They have pretty good stats tho, especially their speed stat
There's a mechanic that means that wildcaught 'eevi' evolutions warm up to their trainer a lot faster than ones that were evolved from an improperly raised eevee
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