#Spoilers for TOWL and World Beyond
The Ones Who Live opinions
In an effort to keep my blog Mostly Cegan, I’ve compiled my The Ones Who Live thoughts into one post that no one asked for! I’m open to discourse so let’s discuss 🗣
First off; WOW. It was incredible and everyone should watch it - even if you gave up watching TWD, TOWL is for you!
The Civic Republic and the CRM are SO cool. We see them a bit in World Beyond, and I’m so glad they expanded that part of the universe further in TOWL!!!
Six years really isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things; I think consignment could be fun for a while – plus, you’ll be in great shape when you’re let into the city 😉
Yeah I’d love it if Jadis/Anne could simply not exist please and thank you.
I hope there’ll be a limited series from the perspective of the Civic Republic and the various CRM-guarded safe zones/secret cities with a more in-depth view of them. World Beyond shows you how incredible the CR is, and why the CRM has to do what it does… To get meta with it, there isn’t a lot of rebuilding society in zombie shows/films; usually they either show the before or the after, but the TWD universe is showing the during 👌
What the actual fuck did poison gassing Michonne’s group do for the CR?? The CRM gained *nothing* from that; why did they do it??
Noooo Nat!
In episode three, the first time Michonne and Rick talk after he tricked her, the way she took his helmet off, threw it, and just glared at him is unintentionally hilarious. Like ‘this love is about to get conditional after what you just did’. He knows he fucked up, and he’d do it again in a heartbeat because his mind is Made Up.
Excuse me. Passive aggressive Michonne is my favourite person ever. Their snippy ‘heart’s not really in it because I love you more than life itself, to the point of detriment’ arguing while in life-threatening situations is adorable. “Commando, really?”
The Roomba! Hahahaha, love it. Rick and Michonne’s interactions feel natural, idk how to explain it but Michonne laughing and saying “that explains why it’s so spotless in here,” feels domestic and normal in a way that throws you right back to season five.
If these characters weren’t so well-established, their back-and-forth would have eventually crossed the line into being annoying, but because we know them and their journey so well, I was hanging on every word, man. Damn.
Not Rick shoving a knife through the fandom’s communal heart by dreaming about Carl… 
I appreciate that quick lift make out, then that quick car make out. Gotta get a smooch in while you can 😂 Also let me tell you, Rick wearing a plain jumper is *doing it* for me for some reason…
Uh. Hello Gabriel? I guess it makes sense because of Jadis but… didn’t expect to see him here…
Okay how is Rick tied to the bed - he has ONE hand??? Surely the tie would just slip right off? Unless he’s wearing his fake hand, but why would he be wearing it while sleeping? Is he faking?
Jadis/Anne/Bitchface was already an irredeemable asshole, but then episode five happened and OH MY GOD there’s a spoiler for Huck’s death! (I haven’t got to that episode of World Beyond yet and I’m dreading it). Though as much as Jadis is unpalatable, it’s difficult not to feel bad for poor Gabriel. He saw the best in her so he was ultimately the only one to lose her.
I was on the CRM’s side until that last episode – man, the Echelon briefing really shines a light on everything. But it’s good to know that the Civic Republic lives on!!
Rick, my man, why did you leave your insanely awesome hand behind? What was that about?
THE REUNION! I have no words.
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
Beautiful beyond words. 😭 I think this show is deliberately trying to send me to the afterlife. And they’re succeeding with every ep. That stunning Richonne reunion. That mesmerizing alone time between the vehicles. EVERYTHING. 🙌🏽🥹 I’ll be obsessing over every detail of this for years to come.
Also, Rick and Michonne are about to have to try and do the impossible and it’s not escaping the CRM - no, escaping will be light work compared to Richonne having to try and tone down all that piping hot passion between them so no one realizes they’re married. As well as try to pretend Michonne isn’t the baddest chick in the game. 😅Send them prayers for strength, y’all (or I guess prayers to hide the strength lol) #IBelieveInRichonne👑 #IAlsoBelieveTheirLoveIsStillGonnaBeRealLoud
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esmecarmona · 6 months
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The Walking Dead: World Beyond 1.02 "Blaze of Glory" The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 1.06 "The Last Time"
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arsenicalikat · 6 months
The 500-Year Plan/ Omaha, Campus Colony
In the World Beyond it was said that they destroyed Omaha, the Campus Colony, and will destroy Portland to prevent famine. They say that the Alliance of the Three was too dependent on them and would never be self-sustaining. I don't think it is that not really.
Sure, Omaha, Campus Colony, and Portland traded with the CRM, but they don't put much strain on them. Maybe in the long run, they could, but I don't think that is why the CRM attacked. I think it has more to do with As and Bs.
Who would be easier to control, As or Bs? Who would ask more questions? Who would sneak around and demand to know how things work? The CRM doesn't let As in for a reason, but Omaha, Campus Colony, and Portland don't have the same rules. So, when the CRM decides to step in and take over, would they truly have control?
I think the 500-Year Plan is how the CRP/CRM will grow and spread its ideals throughout the US and then throughout the world. They are steadily growing, they are getting better, and they no longer need alliances.
I think The Echelon Briefing is a projection of what could happen if they continue to let the other communities grow. How they will have different ideals, different security rules, different leading styes. With all those differences, there will be wars. (or at least the CRM says it will) Where there is war, there is tragedy. The CRM would project the end of them all if they didn't do what they had to do if they didn't destroy the rest of the communities after they get what they need from them.
That's why Pearl had a change of heart, I believe. Pearl doesn't like it, but she doesn't see another way forward. She isn't an A, not really. She's not like Okafor, Rick, or Michonne.
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months
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siancore · 7 months
Did they say why the CRM gassed Michonne and all those people? It feels like it goes against what Okafor was saying to Rick
Hey. There are some spoilery bits for TWD: World Beyond in my answer.
They didn’t say why, but it is a tactic the CRM uses. The CRM have committed genocide against their allies. They have destroyed whole communities who were in an alliance with them. They recruited members of said communities to CRM efforts – whether they be soldiers, leaders, or scientists – to ensure that they have means and power. The Campus Colony is an example of the CRM’s atrocities against the people they were ‘friends’ with. They do not care about random groups that they encounter outside of their walls. The CRM are interested in power and invested in hegemony; all of this is dressed up as self-preservation.
Whatever it was that Okafor told Rick, he believed in it. He believed in the CRM and their methods. He participated in those genocides. I feel like the gassing of random groups of survivors means two things for the CRM:
Annihilation of survivor populations as an element of hegemony to ensure that they have control over people. They didn’t need to sustain their alliances, because the other allies had come to rely on the Civic Republic too much, they could just get rid of them.
A way to test bio warfare should their scientists crack the code of the Wildfire Virus. They may want weaponized versions of the Virus to wipe out both perceived and real enemies.
Nothing the CRM did was by accident. Every action is measured, calculated, and part of their strategic workings. It’s no wonder Rick is afraid and doing all that he can to protect Michonne. The CRM are the ultimate Big Bad.
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
Fellowship of Fans didn't have any scoops today but instead they posted 6 of the actors their sources are telling them are the standouts so far for season 2 of "Rings of Power" and excitement for their storylines!!! :D Posting behind a cut since it includes previous spoilers. FOF's tweets are in quotes while my thoughts are right below it but making me even more excited for s2.
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"Adar (Recast) Sam Hazeldine We have been hearing particularly great things about Sam who despite the recast has made the role his own now with even more threat. Adar is a big part of this second season."
This fits with a lot of spoilers and from what we've seen about why Joseph left as they've expanded Adar's role far beyond the few episodes Joseph originally signed up for in season 1. Really excited to see what's going to happen as Adar seems to be a major character in season 2 and now that Halbrand/Sauron is back.
2. "Celeborn - Calam Lynch Just like we said in a similar thread we did for S1 where we stated internally that people thought Ismael had star potential and could be the face of the show, for season 2 we have heard the same things but this time for Calam Lynch."
Now this one I'm not so sure about since Calam actually wasn't able to film for most of season 2 due to a play he did in England. I don't think he'll actually have that much screen time as he only filmed for a bit last fall, took months off for his play, and then came back in late May/early June when filming wrapped. They could spread his scenes out but he's also still only recurring for s2 and not a regular yet. But could be this source means that the screen time he does have will be memorable and setting up for s3.
3. "Sauron (Charlie Vickers) Charlie Vickers foremost loves the lore and the books and we have heard that he has been particularly good in transitioning his performance from a more comedic/rogue- like performance in season 1 to a more serious and threatening character style."
Then this one I expected. We knew already season 2 was going to be Halbrand/Sauron centric from the post-finale interviews with the showrunners and Charlie. So many of us are really excited to see Charlie fully play Sauron and go full villain so that's going to be great to watch.
4. "Nia Towle (Heyla codename) Not much has been revealed about Nia Towle’s performance at except the leaked picture but we have heard that she is a terrific actor and delivered with her role this season."
Nia's character doesn't have a name yet but since she's been pictured with Maxim's Isildur and as a human woman there's already speculation she might be his future wife that was never given a name in the books. So I'm curious to see how this plays out.
5. "Markella Kavenagh (Nori) Markella was great in season 1 and we have heard this has translated to season 2, but we have heard that she particularly cares about the quality of the dialogue and has been vocal about it."
I also expected Markella to be here too with Nori's storyline of leaving her family and exploring the world for the first time with The Stanger. There's a lot of mystery surrounding this storyline and she was part of the filming in Spain that likely will be for scenes in Rhûn.
6. "Robert Aramayo (Elrond) The reason we have included Robert Aramayo on this list is because he loves the books to death and was particularly upset with the reaction to season 1 (as a whole) and is now very serious when on set and in character (before shooting) so he can deliver the best performance when the cameras roll. Though it’s been clarified it’s not at the level of a method actor but he wants the best for the show and is very passionate which translates to his acting technique."
Then finally Robert made the list but unlike what FOF wrote I had a feeling Elrond's going to get more storyline too especially with the confirmed 2 episode battle that supposedly is happening to end the season in eps 2.7 and 2.8. Elrond's never really faced battle and war now but will with this and that likely will change him as he struggles with it.
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