#Sprawling 20-acre Property
antlersatdegray · 1 year
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ausetkmt · 9 months
Heirs of Power
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The forebears of three members of Congress regained – and passed forward – wealth and power their families lost when slavery was abolished. Their success shows how the Southern elite exploited Black Americans in new ways.
About a month after the Civil War began, a slaveholding ancestor of current U.S. Congressman French Hill seemed confident about the future. “Lincoln can’t starve me out unless he takes my land and negros,” plantation owner Creed Taylor wrote to a relative.
By the time the war ended in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln had freed the enslaved, including at least 70 who worked Taylor’s cotton fields here. But Taylor’s family found a path back to prosperity that didn’t look much different from the way he had first made his fortune.
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In May 1861, Creed Taylor wrote to his brother to explain his support of secession. Via Arkansas State Archives
Taylor still owned at least 1,500 acres of farmland. By the turn of the 20th century, his grandson oversaw a sprawling cotton operation that would eventually grow to more than 10 times the size of Taylor’s farm. And for years, the fields would be worked once again by Black people who didn’t have a choice.
Emancipation dealt many slaveholders a staggering economic blow, wiping out vast amounts of wealth across the South. In 1870, five years after the war ended and about 4 million Black people were freed from slavery, the states that once made up the Confederacy were enduring one of the largest wealth shocks in American history. The reported wealth of Southerners dropped by $4.3 billion, or about 65%, from a decade earlier, a Reuters analysis found. Put another way, war and emancipation appear to have erased about two-thirds of wealth in the South.
For this story, Reuters traveled to Arkansas and Georgia, and interviewed more than 20 experts on Southern history and economics. Journalists also used thousands of pages of newspaper accounts, census documents, court records, history books, family papers and other material to construct this story. The data analysis of the wealth shock in the South is based on a comparison of 1860 and 1870 census data from IPUMS.
Those who lost the most, like Congressman Hill’s direct ancestor, were the largest enslavers. They also had the clearest path to rebuilding – often by replicating elements of the slavery economy and reinstituting feudal systems that embraced white supremacy.
The Black people who had been enslaved emerged with far less. Racial violence and voting laws locked them out of political power. Schooling was limited, leaving most unable to read and write. The federal government let former slaveholders keep their land, and the newly freed were afforded few paths to prosper – leaving them once again at the mercy of the white elite.
In a report published in June, Reuters found that a fifth of the U.S. political elite – congressional members, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors – are direct descendants of slaveholders in America. Among the richest just before the Civil War were the forebears of three members of today’s Congress: Hill, Representative Dina Titus and Senator John Kennedy. Each had a slaveholding ancestor who was among the wealthiest 1% of Americans in 1860, Reuters found. By 1870, each of those forebears had lost between 60% and 90% of their wealth.
What remained, however, was land – and key social and political connections that, a 2021 study concludes, proved critical to the financial recoveries of the largest slaveholding families.
Such connections, Reuters found, helped the ancestors of Hill, Titus and Kennedy. In each family lineage, for example, at least two slaveholders or their descendants married descendants of other enslavers, pooling their assets and increasing their influence as they shaped the South’s postwar economy.
“The power of enslavers came not simply from their ownership of property, but from their ability to wield political power and from their clans,” said Steven Hahn, a professor of history at New York University who studies slavery, capitalism and the U.S. South.
Hahn said he believes that some lawmakers in both political parties benefit from advantages that stem from the slaveholdings of their ancestors. “And to this day,” he said, “their power and wealth can’t be dissociated from that.” Representative French Hill, Republican from Arkansas Representative Dina Titus, Democrat from Nevada Senator John Kennedy, Republican from Louisiana
In examining the lineages of Hill, Titus and Kennedy, Reuters focused on how their forebears reclaimed family wealth and power in the decades following the post-war Reconstruction era. It was a time when the old South sought to reassert itself socially and politically, stripping away the rights Black people had gained during Reconstruction before federal troops withdrew from the region in 1877.
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Hill’s great-great-grandfather leased prisoners, most of them Black, to pick cotton and handle other farmwork for pennies a day in Arkansas. Unlike the people Hill’s ancestors enslaved, the prisoners represented labor without substantial investment.
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A forebear of Titus married the daughter of a former congressman and slaveholder, and became a regional power broker in politics and real estate. In an address to state lawmakers, he explained that “in Georgia, the white race intended to dominate the negro race and control the government of the state, no matter how large the negro majority,” according to a newspaper account at the time.
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And Kennedy’s ancestors expanded the family’s Louisiana land holdings through marriage and inheritance, then used poor Black farmers to work the land. Family estate records and an interview with a descendant of one of those farmers suggest the family used both sharecropping and tenant farming, which effectively kept some of their Black neighbors in debt.
As Black people were denied basic rights, the strategies used by the ancestors of today’s political elites illustrate key facets of the legacy of slavery in America. Taken together, they make clear how the descendants of some of the largest former slaveholders regained prominence and wealth by subjugating Black people in new ways after 1865.
“At the moment of emancipation and the end of the Civil War, when there could have been a massive redistribution of wealth to the people whose forced labor had created it, that did not happen,” said Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. “Instead the plantation class reorganized itself and the laws to ensure continued privilege – and privilege built on the exploitation of Black labor.”
Determining how much of a family’s money today came from an ancestral slaveholder is exceedingly difficult. Fortunes made through chattel slavery – or through the abusive labor practices in the decades after emancipation – were lost, built upon or divided among multiple heirs over many generations.
But more than cash wealth was passed down. Slaveholding had enabled families to buy land and invest in other industries. It allowed access to top schools for their children, giving their descendants entry into prominent occupations. And it helped them foster relationships with other leading families, building connections that reinforced their economic interests, said Joshua Rosenbloom, an economist at Iowa State University who has studied wealth before and after the Civil War.
“At the moment of emancipation and the end of the Civil War, when there could have been a massive redistribution of wealth to the people whose forced labor had created it, that did not happen.”
While the formerly enslaved were “essentially turned loose without any assets and had to support themselves,” the wealth accrued through slaveholding provided a cushion for white families that allowed them “to suffer short-run losses” but continue to take risks, he said.
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“We still have this notion of America as a land of opportunity,” Rosenbloom said. “Understanding the extent to which that’s true and the ways in which it’s constrained is central to understanding our own self-image and understanding how people succeed.”
In approaching the three lawmakers, Reuters asked about the ways their forebears regained their wealth and standing in the post-slavery South. “None of them bear any personal responsibility for the specific actions that their ancestor did,” said Douglas A. Blackmon, author of Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II. But in learning about the choices their forebears made, Blackmon said, the legislators should “consider what that history means.”
Neither Hill nor Kennedy commented specifically for this story. In June, Hill issued a statement for a previous Reuters story, calling slavery “a scourge” and saying “we as a nation must recognize our past, learn from it, and look to the future.” In 2019, Kennedy called slavery “reprehensible,” but noted: “I believe in personal responsibility, and I just don’t think someone today is responsible for what someone else did 150 years ago.”
For this article, Titus provided a statement: “Slavery is a deplorable part of our history, and I have no bonds with any long-dead relatives connected to it. We must not forget the cruelty visited upon Black Americans over generations as we commit to systemic reform that ensures equal rights for all. That principle has guided my personal life, professional career, and political record.”
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The early childhood of John M. Gracie, an ancestor of U.S. Representative French Hill, was swaddled in the wealth produced by slavery. When Gracie was 4 years old, his father enslaved 11 people in New Gascony, Arkansas. Nearby, grandfather Creed Taylor enslaved 70. Combined, their estates would be worth as much as $119 million today – almost all of it in the value of their land and the Black men, women and children they listed as personal property.
After emancipation, the family retained its land. But who would work it?  Gracie began experimenting with a variety of solutions after taking over from his grandfather in the 1880s, including using poor Black farmers and immigrant laborers from China.
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But another option would prove lucrative, speeding the family’s path to greater prosperity and landholdings: leasing prisoners from the government.
Convict leasing involved paying the state or county for the use of prisoners, most of whom were Black. After Reconstruction ended, Southern legislatures enacted racist laws that diminished the rights of Black people and provided the pretext to jail them for petty transgressions. Often illiterate and struggling to make a living, they were ill-equipped to defend themselves in court or pay the fines that followed.
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Cotton baron John M. Gracie, via The Jefferson County Historical Quarterly
Southern states used the system to address budget deficits and inadequate prison capacity after the Civil War, while providing a cheap and essentially disposable source of labor to the highest bidder.
“Convict leasing was a method of truly resurrecting something that looked almost exactly like the slavery that had existed before the Civil War,” said author Blackmon, who teaches at Georgia State University. “It was not typical for convicts to go back into the exact same kinds of plantation settings ... but Arkansas was a place where that did happen.”
Unlike purchasing the people Gracie’s ancestors enslaved, leasing prisoners didn’t require a substantial up-front investment for landowners. And if prisoners died doing the backbreaking work, others could quickly take their places.
Gracie signed contracts with local governments to use prisoners. They were housed on Gracie’s land, and the conditions were grim, according to newspaper accounts and government reports from the time. Men were whipped. Others died of heatstroke. One lost a foot to frostbite. At least a dozen prisoners, mostly Black men, lost their lives on Gracie land from 1890 to 1905, according to newspaper and state reports.
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In 1888, for example, a state board reviewed a report by the penitentiary physician that examined the conditions at several prison labor camps. The report found 44 prisoners at a Gracie camp who, when not doing hard labor, were confined to a windowless pen measuring 20 feet by 20 feet. Ten years later, a Black man named Caesar Washington sued Gracie.
Washington had been pardoned by the governor of Arkansas, who noted his poor health. A petition presented by a government attorney mentioned, too, the fine and offense that put Washington on Gracie’s farm: $5 for “disturbing the peace by using profane and insulting language to a colored woman.”
In his lawsuit, Washington alleged that while serving on one of Gracie’s prison labor farms, he was “brutally beat, struck, whipped, kicked and maltreated.” The assaults were so bad, the 67-year-old shoemaker said, that he was left “wholly and permanently incapacitated from earning a living.”
Reuters could find no record showing how the suit against Gracie was resolved.
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Amid similar allegations of mistreatment, Gracie thrived. He expanded the family’s farming operations, clearing thousands of acres of land around New Gascony and buying additional plantations near the Arkansas River. In 1908, news accounts said Gracie controlled 23,000 acres of land across multiple plantations and used as many as 250 prison laborers at a time.
Gracie’s precise profits are unclear. As of 1902, his contract with Pulaski County, for example, indicates he paid the local government 25 cents per day per prisoner, according to a newspaper account. Around the same time, the state of Arkansas’ own convict leasing operation, with a daily net cost of 27 cents per worker, produced a net profit of 48 cents – nearly twice as much as the cost of its labor.
After a 23-year run, Gracie ended his profitable business of using convict labor in 1909, as lawsuits and government investigations kept stacking up. In newspaper stories, Gracie had referred to the lawsuits by former prisoners as an “attempted hold up,” though he allowed that “it is impossible to handle a large number of convicts without sometimes resorting to somewhat extreme means in order to maintain discipline.”
But Gracie’s brutal practices didn’t affect his community standing. He was revered by white people in the Little Rock and Pine Bluff areas, where Gracie served as a senior executive for a bank and a railroad company. He supported local Catholic causes, helping to finance a school for Black children.
He and his family lived in Little Rock, in a Greek-revival mansion that he bought for as much as  $7.6 million in today’s money. There, his wife and daughters threw parties for as many as 175 people, decorating with magnolia blossoms and Japanese lanterns.
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After he stopped using prisoners and Black tenant farmers, Gracie turned to Italian immigrants. But he soon soured on the Italian workers as “money mad” – they complained of debts they couldn’t work off and poor conditions, including holes in the floors of their cabins and rampant malaria. Many Italians left Gracie’s plantations. By 1918, several hundred Black tenant farmers once again worked his land, despite Gracie’s published comments years earlier in which he referred to Black laborers as “irresponsible, dishonest and very poor workmen” – a common racist trope.
His cotton empire began to crumble after prices crashed in 1920. Gracie would lose his farmland and sell the mansion in Little Rock. But in the lineage that leads to Congressman Hill, the family’s standing endured.
In 1924, Gracie’s granddaughter married another prominent Arkansan. Gracie died at the age of 76 in 1933 – the same year his granddaughter’s husband, James “Jay” Wilson Hill, established one of the first investment banking firms in the state.
Today, Gracie’s great-great-grandson is an accomplished member of Congress, representing Arkansas’ second congressional district since 2015. As a teenager, James French Hill worked summers at the family brokerage firm before attending Vanderbilt University. By his 30s, he was a U.S. Treasury Department official and a senior economic policy adviser to President George H.W. Bush.
In 1999, Hill helped found a Little Rock-based financial firm, Delta Trust & Banking Corp. Hill served as chairman and chief executive officer there.
Hill has shown a deep appreciation for history, describing himself as a ninth-generation Arkansan and serving as a commissioner for the Historic Arkansas Museum.
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In 2011, when the former Gracie mansion was renovated with a loan from Hill’s Delta Trust bank, Hill wrote to the new owner. “Our family would (be) honored if you elected to name the development for John M,” the note read. It was.
In 2015, when Hill was sworn into Congress, he used a family Bible. It had been passed down from John M. Gracie’s father, a slaveholder.
Hill’s latest public financial disclosures show his net worth at between $10.3 million and $25.7 million, including his Little Rock residence. His holdings include a family investment vehicle with a name that echoes his family’s ancestral plantation: “New Gascony Company, LLC”.
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Powerbrokers and the Leisure Economy
In 1820, Francis Hopkins enslaved 183 people on his cotton plantation along the coast of Georgia. The son of a British naval officer, Hopkins also was a member of the state legislature. He is the great-great-great-great-grandfather of U.S. Representative Dina Titus – and the single largest slaveholder among the ancestors of America’s political elite identified by Reuters.
Titus, in her seventh term in Congress representing the state of Nevada, is the direct descendant of at least seven slaveholders, Reuters found. Five of those ancestors lived in Georgia, where Titus was born and raised.
After the Civil War, the son of Francis Hopkins reached out to the local branch of the Freedmen’s Bureau, the agency set up to assist the formerly enslaved during Reconstruction. Thomas S. Hopkins, who had also been a slaveholder, lodged a complaint, bureau records show. “The ‘Freedman’ on his plantation refuse to work,” it read, and “he wishes them removed.”
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The message was a sign of things to come for the Hopkins family and the place they called home: Thomasville, a town in the deepest reaches of south Georgia.
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Thomas Spalding Hopkins, a physician, reimagined Thomasville as a place for those seeking relief from respiratory illnesses. Via Thomasville History Center
Many Southern landowners clung to farming, but this branch of the Hopkins family was largely forsaking agriculture. Thomas Hopkins was a physician, and by 1871 the mayor of Thomasville. Three years later, he presented a paper to the Medical Association of Georgia.
Dr. Hopkins contended that his town was the ideal place to recover from “consumption,” as tuberculosis was then called. In an 1882 letter published in the Atlanta Medical Register, he extolled the virtues of Thomasville’s “dryness of the climate” and the city’s distance from the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, with their dangerous “saline vapor and moisture.”
His pitch, made through travel advertisements and testimonials to medical journals, effectively rebranded Thomasville as a destination for the ailing. The city was highlighted in a Harper’s magazine article in 1887, which described it alongside winter resorts that included the south of France, Switzerland and the Adirondacks.
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The son of Dr. Hopkins continued those efforts. But as Henry W. Hopkins himself became a prominent political figure, he used the family name and influence to launch an even greater transformation of Thomasville – one that in some ways capitalized on recreating elements of the antebellum South.
Often referred to as Judge Hopkins for one of the many offices he would hold, Henry married the daughter of a former U.S. congressman, who had also been a slaveholder. For parts of five decades that followed the end of Reconstruction, Judge Hopkins was one of the most influential men in the region.
From the mid-1880s through 1900, Hopkins spent nine terms as Thomasville’s mayor. When he wasn’t at city hall, he served in the state legislature – for 17 years between 1894 and 1926. Family papers reviewed by Reuters show Judge Hopkins traded favors with newspaper editors and politicians. He helped wealthy Northerners and Midwesterners, including Standard Oil heirs, acquire land, then hosted elaborate hunting trips. In the off-season, he often managed the plantations they bought.
In and around Thomasville, he built a social dynasty by brokering the sale of these plantations to monied outsiders, drawn to hunt quail and experience the old South.
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Southerners like Hopkins “basically ran these places like their fiefdoms,” said historian Hahn. “And poor white people and poor Black people were expected to bow down to them.”
These were “big families who wielded an enormous amount of patronage and either occupied local offices or had clients who did,” he said.
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Through his law firm and real estate brokerage, Judge Hopkins “compiled, and eventually sold, almost every one of the original plantations that now are such a wonderful part of our southern life,” according to a book written by his great-grandson.
In the world Judge Hopkins helped create, the old plantations became country lodges. Well-to-do white people attended Christmas fox hunts and “fancy dress” balls where they danced the Virginia reel. Black families worked on those properties as servants and hunting guides. Part of the allure for some Northerners came in touring the homes of the county’s poorer Black residents.
“When it becomes clear that there is interest in vestiges of the old South … there’s a real sense that you can sell this,” said Julia Brock, a history professor at the University of Alabama who co-wrote a book about Thomas County and surrounding areas.
“There was a real interest in Black life,” Brock said. But that interest was in the nostalgia of the antebellum South, “not Black life as it was emerging into freedom.”
The economic success of the country-lodge plantations recaptured some of the Hopkins family’s standing as “part of a gentry,” Brock said, conferring upon him “a central place in a new social world.”
The system that now offered leisure for the wealthy still depended on Black labor, from tending dogs to driving carriages to serving supper to making sure quail nests were safe from natural predators.
It was “a feudal-type thing” for Black people, said Titus Brown, a history professor at Florida A&M University.
Brown, who co-wrote a book built around interviews with former employees of area plantations, said working on the leisure plantations was like living in a bubble. That leisure economy provided Black families with jobs and other benefits, including medical care and access to education. And it granted them “some protection, as long as they are not violating the social conduct or etiquette,” Brown said.
Judge Hopkins’ life and livelihood exemplified the nature of that social contract.
After a school for Black students burned down in a neighboring county, Hopkins donated land for a new location in Thomas County. He also connected Black people whom he knew to the white families who owned the plantations, recommending them for plum jobs.
But Hopkins had also been an early member of the Ku Klux Klan, and he sought to reassure white people that his vision for the region wouldn’t upset their primacy.
In 1905, for instance, state lawmakers debated whether to create a new county by peeling land from Thomas County and an adjacent county. Critics argued doing so would give Black residents an electoral advantage  in two of the counties. Hopkins favored the move, and he testified before state lawmakers. According to The Atlanta Constitution, Hopkins “devoted his time to answering the argument of the opposition relating to negro domination,” and “closed with an eloquent reference to the fact that in Georgia the white race intended to dominate the negro race and control the government of the state, no matter how large the negro majority.” Judge H.W. Hopkins, an avid hunter, helped turn plantations into country lodges. Via Thomasville History Center
Judge Hopkins was in his 80s when sociologist Arthur Raper visited Thomasville in the early 1930s. Raper sought to explore the reasons behind lynchings in America, and two had taken place in Thomas County in 1930.
In one case, a Black man was accused of attacking a 9-year-old white girl. The man was jailed, and a mob gathered. When authorities tried to move the man to a different location, the mob wrenched him from the sheriff and told the man to run. Then they shot him repeatedly from behind.
The mob tied the man’s body to the back of a car and dragged him through town, his corpse almost hitting a pedestrian, Raper wrote. The killers did not bother covering their faces, according to Raper’s account. Still, no one came forward to identify them.
Raper wanted to learn more about the leaders of a town where such a thing could happen. Among those he interviewed was Judge Hopkins.
Hopkins and other leading citizens of Thomas County, Raper wrote, saw themselves as above poor white people. The sociologist referred to them as the “local landed aristocracy” and wrote of their paternalistic attitude toward Black people. Raper paraphrased it as: “Why you know, that fellow’s grandmother belonged to my mother’s father.”
Hopkins, he wrote, called lynchings the work of lower elements of white society: “I’ll give anybody a thousand dollars who’ll find either a son or a grandson of a slaveowner participating in a lynching.”
Raper found that Hopkins had once been a member of the Klan – using the phrase “the original Ku Klux Klan.” He was referring to the group’s first incarnation, when the Klan rose during the federal occupation of the South in the Reconstruction years. Writing in 1932, Raper said Hopkins had recently declined to join the reconstituted Klan.
Hopkins’ great-grandson later wrote of watching Judge Hopkins meet with “a group of hooded and sheeted figures” assembled on the lawn. They had come to ask him to “join in some sort of mission or action.” Judge Hopkins, according to his great-grandson, told the men to contact the police if a law had been broken. Otherwise, Hopkins told them, “you men must go home and hang up your robes for good.”
Judge Hopkins had no need to circumvent state power. He and others like him now were in control. Hopkins lived into his 90s, dying in 1945.
His great-great-granddaughter, Dina Titus, was born in Thomasville and grew up in Tifton, a town about 50 miles to the north. She graduated from the College of William and Mary, earned a master’s degree from the University of Georgia, then got a doctorate at Florida State University. She taught government for more than 30 years at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
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Like her forebears, she pursued a career in politics. In 1988, she was elected to the Nevada State Senate, where she served as Democratic minority leader for 15 years. In 2008, she was elected to Congress.
Disclosure forms and real estate records show her net worth at between $978,000 and $2.5 million. The median U.S. family had a net worth of $193,000 in 2022, according to a survey for the Federal Reserve Board.
The Paralyzing Debt of Sharecroppers
The farm fields of Catahoula and Concordia parishes made white men rich and Black men miserable for many years in central Louisiana. Fed by a sprawling set of waterways, Concordia’s floodplains turned into what some call “million-dollar soil,” sprouting rows thick with cotton that were flanked by towering plantation homes.
Central Louisiana is where the ancestors of U.S. Senator John N. Kennedy came to secure their fortunes. In 1840, less than 30 years after Louisiana became a state, Kennedy’s great-great-great-grandfather enslaved 120 people in Concordia Parish. His estate in 1860 was worth about $57 million in current day dollars. His ancestor’s brother, a farmer and politician, enslaved 55 people on his Mississippi land in 1860. He then used cash from that estate – worth some $68 million in today’s dollars – to buy nearly 1,800 acres in neighboring Catahoula Parish.
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After the Civil War, when the Black people they had enslaved were freed, the forebears of Kennedy were never again as rich. But they remained monied and powerful – a lineage of doctors, politicians and landowners surrounded by poor Black families.
Marriages between the descendants of slaveholders further grew their holdings. Among the senator’s direct ancestors was his great-grandfather, Leonidas Calhoun, who controlled large swathes of land along or near the Mississippi River Delta.
Calhoun went to medical school in Kentucky in the 1880s, then returned to live on a family plantation in Catahoula Parish. From there, he practiced medicine and oversaw hundreds of acres of farmland in Catahoula and adjacent Concordia Parish. He died in 1903 at age 44.
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Portrait of Leonidas Calhoun. Via Facebook
At the time of his death, estate records examined by Reuters suggest that the Calhoun family was both sharecropping its land and also renting out larger tracts to tenant farmers.
In sharecropping, landholders typically gave farmers the right to live on and farm their land in exchange for a portion of the crops they produced. Farmers – those around the Calhoun land were typically Black and illiterate – often needed credit from their landlords simply to put a crop in the fields. Owners would front them everything from food and clothing to seeds and tools, typically provided at inflated prices and sold at stores on the plantations themselves.
After harvest, whatever was borrowed was deducted from the sharecropper’s earnings. In bad years, many may have owed more than they earned. Until those debts were repaid, laws forbade sharecroppers from leaving.
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“During the end of the year, when it’s time for settlement, (landowners) would then pull out these accounting records to say, ‘Oh, you and your family almost made it out of debt,’” said Cassie Sade Turnipseed, a history professor at Jackson State University who has studied sharecropping in the Mississippi Delta.
Using the appraisal of Calhoun’s assets and matching them with census records, Reuters identified at least two Black farmers who owed Calhoun money at that time.
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One was Granville Swift. Records show he owed $20 to Calhoun, and the debt was already at least six months past due. The 1900 census shows that Swift, a 23-year-old Black farmer, lived with his 22-year-old wife, who was a farmhand. Both were illiterate. Swift is also listed as a farmer in Catahoula Parish in the 1910 census, and records indicate he died there in 1918, at age 42. Reuters could find no evidence that he ever owned any of the land he farmed.
Another Black farmer who owed Calhoun money was Ben Polk. His debt was $5, according to estate records. The 1900 census for Catahoula Parish shows 49-year-old Benjamin Polk. He was listed as the head of a household with 10 other mouths to feed: his wife, eight children and one grandchild.
At some plantations, the owners issued their own scrip for use at their stores. Turnipseed, the scholar of sharecropping in the Mississippi Delta, said this meant that, even in profitable years, sharecroppers were unable “to acquire any kind of wealth because your currency would only be honored in very limited ways” on the plantation.
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In an interview with Reuters, Ben Polk’s great-granddaughter recounted her ancestors’ description of working the Calhoun land.
Men in the family labored “sun up to sun down” in the cotton fields and had little autonomy, said Bettye Johnson, now 75. She said they were forced to buy food and goods on credit and at inflated prices in a plantation general store. Their debts often dwarfed their earnings, Johnson said.
“It was the Calhouns’ place,” Johnson said, “and they were in charge.” In the 1930 census, the occupation for Leonidas Calhoun’s son, who inherited the family land, was listed as “overseer” of a plantation.
The struggle to earn a living was intensified by violence and racial animus, some that was chronicled by the Calhoun family itself.
Legacy of Slavery
The 1870 census shows the dramatic disparities after the end of slavery between Black and white people in Concordia Parish, Louisiana.
During Reconstruction, Black residents of Concordia Parish gained power at the voting booth.
In 1860, about 91% of people living there were counted as “slaves,” the third-highest percentage of any county or parish in the United States, according to data from a recent study. After emancipation, Black people outnumbered white people in the parish 9,257 to 720.
Those figures underscore how important slavery was to families including the Calhouns, and how different the post-slavery political landscape became during Reconstruction. In the 1870s, Black men in Concordia were sheriffs and district court clerks. A formerly enslaved man was elected to the state legislature and then founded a newspaper.
A book by a local historian named Robert Dabney Calhoun, a nephew of Leonidas Calhoun, provided a window into how at least some local white people viewed those results. Black officeholders, Robert Dabney Calhoun wrote, were “illiterate, dishonest and sweating” men who carried out “unscrupulous designs.”
“Our substantial citizens were forced to engage in election manipulations,” wrote Calhoun. “They prayed for the dawning of the new day of white supremacy.”
That is what the white people of Concordia and surrounding parishes established for decades, by unleashing a deadly campaign in the 1870s.
“Lynchings, massacres, and terroristic intimidation was absolutely central to how many plantation dynasties reasserted dominance,” said John Bardes, a history professor at Louisiana State University, whose studies focus on slavery in Louisiana. “It was just horrific spasms of violence all throughout the state.”
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A recent report by the The Equal Justice Initiative found that Louisiana ranked third in the nation between 1877 and 1950 in what it terms “racial terror lynchings” – killings that were “acts of terrorism” outside of any legal proceedings. The state had 549 such murders in that period, the group found.
Around the time Leonidas Calhoun took control of the land in Concordia and Catahoula parishes, white people across the South had succeeded at reasserting political dominance. Another report by the Equal Justice Initiative notes that, “from 1885 to 1908, all 11 former Confederate states rewrote their constitutions to restrict voting rights using poll taxes, literacy tests, and felon disenfranchisement.”
Near the turn of the 20th century, changes in Louisiana tightly restricted who could vote. In 1897, before the changes, state records show 164,088 registered white voters and 130,344 registered Black voters. After the changes, records show 125,437 registered white voters and just 5,320 registered Black voters in 1900. The year after Leonidas Calhoun died, the number of registered Black voters across all of Louisiana had dropped to 1,718.
Today, the great-grandson of Leonidas Calhoun is the junior U.S. senator representing Louisiana. John Neely Kennedy – his middle name is the surname of two of his slaveholding ancestors – was president of his senior class at Vanderbilt University. He graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law, and earned a degree in civil law from Oxford University in England. Before being elected to the Senate in 2016, he spent five terms as Louisiana’s treasurer.
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Real estate records and Kennedy’s latest public financial disclosures show his net worth is between $8.3 million and $22.6 million.
Kennedy doesn’t live in either Concordia or Catahoula parish. But after his mother died, he was named as one of the inheritors of her estate. Among her possessions listed in a 2005 probate document was hundreds of acres in Catahoula – family land that once belonged to one of Kennedy’s slaveholding ancestors.
Slavery’s Descendants
America’s Family Secret
Explore The Ties To Slavery
“The Slaves Built That”
“All We Are is Memory”
American Dreams
The Crown, the Cabinet and the UK’s Legacy of Slavery
Heirs of Power
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johnschneiderblog · 2 years
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The island’s other world
On Sunday we saw a slice of Hilton Head we’d never seen before - 8 acres, or so, of 20-by-20-foot garden plots. A world away, it seemed, from the sand and surf.
There you’ll find 18-inch high onions, cabbages the size of soccer balls, tomato plants already in the ground - in early March, when gardeners Up North are still  perusing seed catalogs ... and dreaming.
The sprawling community garden is in Sea Pines resort. Property owners there put their names on a list and claim plots when they become available. They plant vegetables, flowers, herbs ... anything that’s legal. One woman working her plot Sunday said her specialty was growing weeds. I was pretty good at that, myself, in my gardening days.
Looking at all that fertile earth, all that thriving vegetation, makes a person want to get his hands in the dirt.
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tulipmonsella12 · 1 month
Tulip Monsella: Exploring the Remarkable Growth and Luxury of Gurgaon’s Premier Tower
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Tulip Monsella, located on the prestigious Golf Course Road in Gurgaon, is more than just a residential project; it’s a statement of luxury and sophistication. This towering marvel is not only one of the tallest structures in the area but also offers a host of features that set it apart from the competition. Here’s a closer look at what makes Tulip Monsella a standout choice for discerning homebuyers and investors.
Key Features of Tulip Monsella
1. One of the Tallest Towers on Golf Course Road
Tulip Monsella proudly claims its spot as one of the tallest towers on Golf Course Road, providing residents with breathtaking panoramic views of the city and beyond. This striking vertical presence not only enhances the skyline but also offers unparalleled vistas from the comfort of home.
2. Zero Vehicle Movement on Ground Level
A unique feature of Tulip Monsella is its zero vehicle movement on the ground level. This innovative design ensures a tranquil environment free from traffic congestion, allowing for a cleaner, safer, and more pedestrian-friendly living space. The absence of vehicles at the ground level enhances the overall aesthetic and ambiance of the community.
3. Expansive 20-Acre Land Parcel with 5-Tier Security
Set on a sprawling 20-acre land parcel, Tulip Monsella offers ample space for luxury living and recreation. The project is secured by a robust 5-tier security system, ensuring the safety and privacy of its residents. This comprehensive security framework includes advanced surveillance, controlled access points, and on-site personnel to maintain a secure environment.
4. Sports Academy by an International Cricketer
Sports enthusiasts will appreciate the dedicated sports academy within Tulip Monsella, established by an international cricketer. Spanning 2.5 acres, this world-class facility offers exceptional training opportunities and recreational options for residents, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
5. Fine Dining Restaurant with Private Dining Area
For those who enjoy gourmet dining, Tulip Monsella features a fine dining restaurant with a private dining area. This sophisticated venue provides an exquisite culinary experience, perfect for both everyday meals and special occasions. The private dining space adds an element of exclusivity for intimate gatherings and celebrations.
6. Olympic-Size All-Weather Swimming Pool on the Rooftop
An impressive Olympic-size all-weather swimming pool graces the rooftop of Tulip Monsella. This remarkable amenity allows residents to enjoy a refreshing swim with stunning views of the cityscape, regardless of the weather. The rooftop pool is a highlight that combines luxury with leisure.
7. Sky Deck with Every Apartment
Each apartment at Tulip Monsella is complemented by a sky deck, offering an elevated outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment. The sky deck provides a private retreat where residents can unwind, host gatherings, or simply enjoy the panoramic views of their surroundings.
Growth and Investment Potential
Tulip Monsella in Sector 53 allure extends beyond its features, with significant growth in property values reflecting its market appeal. Over the past year, the price per square foot has seen a notable increase to ₹26,700, representing a substantial growth rate of 26.8%. This growth highlights the project’s increasing demand and its potential as a lucrative investment opportunity.
Growth of the Project (Last 1 Year):
Current Price: ₹26,700/sq. ft.
Growth: 26.8%
Growth of the Area (Last 1 Year):
Current Price: ₹22,450/sq. ft.
Growth: 14.5%
Growth of the Area (Last 3 Years):
Growth: 92.7%
Growth of the Area (Last 5 Years):
Growth: 116.9%
These figures reflect the robust appreciation of property values in the area, driven by the increasing desirability of Tulip Monsella and the overall growth of the local real estate market. Investing in Tulip Monsella offers the potential for significant returns as property values continue to rise.
Tulip Monsella represents the epitome of luxury project on Golf Course Road, combining height, innovation, and sophistication in one remarkable package. With its unique features, such as zero vehicle movement on the ground level, a world-class sports academy, and an Olympic-size rooftop pool, it stands out as a premier residential choice. The impressive growth in property values further underscores its investment potential, making it a compelling option for those seeking both a luxurious home and a valuable asset.
Whether you are looking for a new residence or a strategic investment, Tulip Monsella offers an exceptional blend of luxury, convenience, and future growth.
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flatsinkalyan · 2 months
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CONTECT : https://wa.link/mk8qpw
Township Projects In Bhiwandi
Exceptional Offer:
Super Home Offer: Take advantage of a flexible 20:80 payment plan—pay 20% of the total cost upon booking and the remaining 80% over time.
Affordable Luxury: Discover 1 BHK homes starting at ₹45.99 Lakh and 2 BHK homes at ₹69.99 Lakh, offering luxury within reach.
Prime Location:
Strategic Position: Situated on a sprawling 20.4-acre site in Thane, enhancing the city's reach and accessibility.
Convenient Access: Enjoy proximity to Metro Line 5 and the Mumbai-Nashik Highway for exceptional connectivity.
Abundant Amenities:
50+ Lifestyle Amenities: Features a diverse range of facilities including a kids' zone, sports zone, sky zone, health zone, and convenience zone.
Grand Clubhouse: Access top-notch amenities such as a swimming pool, gymnasium, jogging track, and a party lawn.
Green and Open Spaces:
Expansive Greenery: Enjoy two hectares (five acres) of lush green spaces and 70% open areas.
Peaceful Environment: Relish a tranquil setting away from the city's noise and bustle.
Comprehensive Services:
Convenience: Benefit from 24x7 concierge service, shuttle service, and easy access to essential facilities like schools, hospitals, and shopping malls.
NRI Support: A dedicated team is available to assist NRI clients with budgeting, location selection, and documentation.
Family-Friendly Features:
Kids’ and Senior Citizens’ Areas: Dedicated zones for children and seniors, including play areas and a senior citizens’ park.
Additional Facilities: Enjoy a sky lounge with a star-gazing deck, sports courts, and a creche.
Developer’s Legacy:
Godrej Properties: A trusted name in real estate with over 119 years of experience, known for blending innovation with reliability.
Nationwide Presence: Developing landmark projects in 12 cities across India, encompassing residential, commercial, and township projects.
Future Prospects:
Growing Location: Thane is becoming a prime real estate hub with a flourishing job market and outstanding connectivity.
Investment Opportunity: An excellent chance to invest in a high-quality home at an attractive price, with possession approaching.
Amenities in Detail:
Sports and Recreation: Includes a badminton court, futsal court, skating bowl, and outdoor tennis courts.
Health and Wellness: Features a yoga and meditation area, organic plantation, and extensive open spaces.
Additional Amenities: Rainwater harvesting, intercom facility, visitor parking, and enhanced security.
Nearby Essentials:
Restaurants: Nearby dining options include Flora Family Restaurant, Rice House, and Mughlai The Spice of Biriyani.
Banks/ATMs: Convenient access to Axis Bank ATM, Corporation Bank, and ICICI Bank ATM.
Schools and Colleges: Close to Mhatre College, Swayam Siddhi Educational Campus, and Choudhari Madhukar Science and Commerce College.
Hospitals: In close proximity to B. S. Bidkar Hospital, Jeevak Hospital, and Shree Krupa Hospital.
Godrej Nirvaan harmoniously blends luxury, convenience, and affordability, making it an ideal choice for your next home.
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Is this a good time now to invest in property in Karjat?
Hello, it's a really good time to invest in property in Karjat. I will tell you why. 
So currently (and in future also) Karjat has served as the most favored scenic weekend holiday destination for people from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, and Pune. And with the rising demand for real estate properties, Karjat was placed under the control of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) a few years ago.
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As a preferred tourist spot, studio flats and resort villas are the top picks for weekend home buyers in Karjat. Sales of 2BHK and 3BHK villas have increased in the past few months, with small-scale investors evincing an interest in the peripheral location of Mumbai. Higher infrastructural development and price appreciation are bound to take place in Karjat upon the completion of the four-lane State Highway 38 (from Chowk to Karjat) and making it operational in such a way that travel time between Karjat and Mumbai is drastically brought down. Also, the upcoming Navi Mumbai Airport considerably enhances the connectivity of Karjat with Navi Mumbai & so with other countries. If you are looking for a second home or a luxury villa for sale in Karjat, the project near the Karjat-Murbad Highway best fits you. The project comprises studios and villas having price variations to fit various budgets, giving one not just luxury but also an astute investment option.
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A project sprawling over 22 acres with 25+ functional and ready-to-use amenities, it boasts some beauty that resonates with the luxury this project offers. It provides a 20% return on investment that stands above par for anyone desiring a holiday retreat and a solid financial venture. Instead of pouring in money to other holiday destinations every year, realize this as an investment opportunity for a villa for sale in Karjat. This permanent second home pays off in enjoyment and financial returns. In short, it's an opportunity to invest, enjoy, and earn from this incredible project.
Moreover, they've launched a new project within the Pushpam Sanskruti known as 21 Enclave. Here, you can enjoy the dual benefits of resort living and earning. There are only 21 select edition resort villas, starting at Rs. 1.38 crore (pre-launch offer price). If you are really interested, you should check this out.
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novumtimes · 4 months
Judge rules on large RV park. Heres whats next for controversial MS Coast development
A 400-acre RV park can be built in Jackson County next to Gulf Park Estates, a large subdivision east of Ocean Springs where some residents oppose the development. The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors were “duly diligent” in considering the request of Ocean Springs Islands RV Resort to build the waterfront park off Beachview Drive just east of Ocean Springs, Circuit Court Judge Keith Miller ruled this week. Eamon Mohiuddin, an Ocean Springs resident who owns rental property in the neighboring subdivision, Gulf Park Estates, claimed in his court appeal that the county’s decision was “arbitrary and capricious.” Mohiuddin told the Sun Herald on Friday that he plans to appeal Miller’s decision to the state Supreme Court. He said infrastructure in the area, including roads, are not designed to support such a large influx of tourists. “It’s going to destroy the residential character of Gulf Park Estates and it’s going to destroy Gulf Park Estates as a whole, so there’s a lot riding on this decision,” he said. “It was extremely political from the get-go.” But developers believe they will ultimately prevail. “We are as excited about this project as ever and obviously grateful for the wheels of government playing out like they’re supposed to,” developer and investor Adam Dial told the Sun Herald on Friday. “We’ve been confident in our resort from the very beginning.” This map shows the layout of the proposed Ocean Springs Islands RV Resort off Beachview Drive in Jackson County, where the Gulf Park Estates subdivision is also located. Zoning exception permits RV park The development is expected to include 476 RV sites, 20 Airstreams available for rent, a lazy river, 16 elevated houses referred to as “tree houses,” a clubhouse, pools and more. The sprawling RV park property sits in a flood zone on Davis and Simmons bayous, and the Mississippi Sound. RV parks can be good uses of flood-prone properties, particularly where early warnings are available, the Federal Emergency Management Agency says. The property has sat unused since Hurricane Georges flooded it in 1998. In 2006, plans for condominiums and townhouses on the property fell through. The current developers had bought the property by March 2023. Dial said the owners have been cleaning up Katrina debris and mowing the property, where a site manager and maintenance worker would live full time. The property is filled with Live oaks that the developers plan to preserve. The judge found that “substantial evidence” presented to county supervisors supported their decision to grant a special zoning exception that will allow the RV park next to Gulf Park Estates. Gulf Park Estates is the largest subdivision in Jackson County with about 3,500 lots, according to the Planning Department. The subdivision includes a mix of single-family and rental properties. The entrance to the former Pine Island Golf Course property on Beachview Drive on Thursday, May 2, 2024. A developer plans to turn the flood-prone property into an RV park with multiple amenities. Source link via The Novum Times
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psatalk · 5 months
Interview – VK Seth of Sakata Inx
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Sakata Inx India has been a supplier of cold-set offset inks to the newspaper, commercial, and packaging industry market segments and also of liquid inks to the flexible packaging industry for many years. In the past four years, the company has been affected by the supply chain and market challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the Gaza conflict. However, Sakata Inx India has shown resilience and even growth – in terms of capacity expansion. Priyanka Tanwar reports.
Sakata Inx started operations of its new plant near Dhaka in Bangladesh at the end of 2019. The 5-acre Sakata Dhaka plant in the Meghna economic zone, on the banks of the Meghna river, is about 30 kilometers from Dhaka and is home to several other industrial plants. The 100% subsidiary of Sakata India has already become a profitable investment despite very severe economic conditions in Bangladesh – including steep depreciation of its currency and shortage of foreign exchange, according to VK Seth, managing director of Sakata Inx India.
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In India, Sakata Inx has two plants – one is in Bhiwadi, about 45 kilometers south of Gurugram, and another in Panoli, 10 kilometers from Ankleshwar in Gujarat. “In the state-of-the-art Panoli plant spread over a sprawling area of 20 acres, we have a monthly capacity of 2,000 metric tons for liquid inks for flexible packaging, 1,200 metric tons of cold-set inks, and 100 metric tons of energy curing inks – including UV, LED and Electron Beam (EB) inks,” Seth had said to Packaging South Asia in one of our earlier reports on the company.
Seth says, there is a steeply growing interest to change into green chemistry, recycling, and reducing wastage in the packaging industry, adding that Sakata is also extremely focused on GHG, SDG and governance issues and has started monitoring its carbon footprint. “As the monocartons segment is also a part of the sustainable initiatives undertaken by the industry, Sakata is well ahead of the curve and has products (inks and coatings) currently being utilized by the monocartons segment. Sakata has also committed to SBT goals.
“Sakata has been able to reduce its carbon footprint by 5 to 6% in 2023-24. Though our sales are increasing, there is a continuous effort to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Sakata’s coatings
The coatings supplied by Sakata help improve both the barrier properties and recyclability of packaging. “There is a continuous focus on compliance issues such as removing toluene, ketones and vinyl systems from inks. Sakata Inx has recently launched an LSG series of inks for flexible packaging, that are toluene, MEK and vinyl-free. Suitable for all kinds of lamination including extrusion lamination, these inks are receiving increased attention from multinational companies. Our coatings are helping customers to either downguage their laminates or make them recyclable, Seth added.
Water-based technology has both positives and negatives
Though Sakata doesn’t currently have water-based inks in its portfolio, Seth says it is working with third-party producers in this area and at some point in time, Sakata Inx India will surely enter this segment. There are both positives and negatives in water-based technologies such as reduced printing speeds, and appropriate configuration of printing equipment. Moreover in Japan, Sakata is marketing many water-based, adding that in India the uptake is still slow and water-based products are yet to catch the imagination of the brand owners.
“Ink makers have to work in tandem with the machine makers. Water-based technologies are slowly capturing the attention of machine makers and manufacturers but they can’t match the speeds of solvent-based products which are close to 500 meters per minute. Unless water-based technology also runs with those speeds for long runs, a lot of productivity issues come into place,” he said.
India is a very large consumer market and our run lengths are much bigger than most of the advanced countries, which puts pressure on converters to run at higher speeds. “Sooner or later, we will be ready for the water-based products in India,” he adds, saying, “We are waiting for that kind of push coming from brand owners.”
Inks for locally made recycled newsprint
Sakata has made several ink developments for Indian-made or lower-grade recycled fiber newsprint considering the price and availability of imported newsprint in the country. Seth says that there is a lot of demand to print on locally available newsprint with very high recycled content, which comes with its own set of issues such as higher absorbency, show-through and strike-through along with lint and hickey issues. Sakata has introduced low penetration inks in the Indian market, which are running very successfully on some of the Indian-made newsprints, Seth revealed.
Indian news media suffered greatly in the pandemic lockdowns and some of the loss in readership is permanent with many younger readers switching to digital formats, Seth says, adding that newspapers are nevertheless coming up with new strategies to increase their circulation and revenue. “Sakata is there to provide them with new products to help the newspaper industry to achieve these targets.”
The company is also making progress on the sheetfed side with UV sheetfed, LED sheetfed and LED flexo inks for packaging requirements. Recent innovations include metallic effects such as silver and silver UV inks and inks that have a pleasant odor. Sakata India has been certified as a Great Place to Work for 2024 –25. “We are very proud to be certified as a Great Place to Work and this is a big motivation to our team,” Seth shares.
Along with six other employees from Sakata India, Seth will be visiting the drupa 2024 exhibition. He says the main purpose of the visit is to network with existing customers from Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and to look at new developments in consumables, technologies and machines.
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ippnoida · 5 months
Interview – VK Seth of Sakata Inx
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Sakata Inx India has been a supplier of cold-set offset inks to the newspaper, commercial, and packaging industry market segments and also of liquid inks to the flexible packaging industry for many years. In the past four years, the company has been affected by the supply chain and market challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the Gaza conflict. However, Sakata Inx India has shown resilience and even growth – in terms of capacity expansion. Priyanka Tanwar reports.
Sakata Inx started operations of its new plant near Dhaka in Bangladesh at the end of 2019. The 5-acre Sakata Dhaka plant in the Meghna economic zone, on the banks of the Meghna river, is about 30 kilometers from Dhaka and is home to several other industrial plants. The 100% subsidiary of Sakata India has already become a profitable investment despite very severe economic conditions in Bangladesh – including steep depreciation of its currency and shortage of foreign exchange, according to VK Seth, managing director of Sakata Inx India.
In India, Sakata Inx has two plants – one is in Bhiwadi, about 45 kilometers south of Gurugram, and another in Panoli, 10 kilometers from Ankleshwar in Gujarat. “In the state-of-the-art Panoli plant spread over a sprawling area of 20 acres, we have a monthly capacity of 2,000 metric tons for liquid inks for flexible packaging, 1,200 metric tons of cold-set inks, and 100 metric tons of energy curing inks – including UV, LED and Electron Beam (EB) inks,” Seth had said to Packaging South Asia in one of our earlier reports on the company.
Seth says, there is a steeply growing interest to change into green chemistry, recycling, and reducing wastage in the packaging industry, adding that Sakata is also extremely focused on GHG, SDG and governance issues and has started monitoring its carbon footprint. “As the monocartons segment is also a part of the sustainable initiatives undertaken by the industry, Sakata is well ahead of the curve and has products (inks and coatings) currently being utilized by the monocartons segment. Sakata has also committed to SBT goals.
“Sakata has been able to reduce its carbon footprint by 5 to 6% in 2023-24. Though our sales are increasing, there is a continuous effort to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Sakata’s coatings
The coatings supplied by Sakata help improve both the barrier properties and recyclability of packaging. “There is a continuous focus on compliance issues such as removing toluene, ketones and vinyl systems from inks. Sakata Inx has recently launched an LSG series of inks for flexible packaging, that are toluene, MEK and vinyl-free. Suitable for all kinds of lamination including extrusion lamination, these inks are receiving increased attention from multinational companies. Our coatings are helping customers to either downguage their laminates or make them recyclable, Seth added.
Water-based technology has both positives and negatives
Though Sakata doesn’t currently have water-based inks in its portfolio, Seth says it is working with third-party producers in this area and at some point in time, Sakata Inx India will surely enter this segment. There are both positives and negatives in water-based technologies such as reduced printing speeds, and appropriate configuration of printing equipment. Moreover in Japan, Sakata is marketing many water-based, adding that in India the uptake is still slow and water-based products are yet to catch the imagination of the brand owners.
“Ink makers have to work in tandem with the machine makers. Water-based technologies are slowly capturing the attention of machine makers and manufacturers but they can’t match the speeds of solvent-based products which are close to 500 meters per minute. Unless water-based technology also runs with those speeds for long runs, a lot of productivity issues come into place,” he said.
India is a very large consumer market and our run lengths are much bigger than most of the advanced countries, which puts pressure on converters to run at higher speeds. “Sooner or later, we will be ready for the water-based products in India,” he adds, saying, “We are waiting for that kind of push coming from brand owners.”
Inks for locally made recycled newsprint
Sakata has made several ink developments for Indian-made or lower-grade recycled fiber newsprint considering the price and availability of imported newsprint in the country. Seth says that there is a lot of demand to print on locally available newsprint with very high recycled content, which comes with its own set of issues such as higher absorbency, show-through and strike-through along with lint and hickey issues. Sakata has introduced low penetration inks in the Indian market, which are running very successfully on some of the Indian-made newsprints, Seth revealed.
Indian news media suffered greatly in the pandemic lockdowns and some of the loss in readership is permanent with many younger readers switching to digital formats, Seth says, adding that newspapers are nevertheless coming up with new strategies to increase their circulation and revenue. “Sakata is there to provide them with new products to help the newspaper industry to achieve these targets.”
The company is also making progress on the sheetfed side with UV sheetfed, LED sheetfed and LED flexo inks for packaging requirements. Recent innovations include metallic effects such as silver and silver UV inks and inks that have a pleasant odor. Sakata India has been certified as a Great Place to Work for 2024 –25. “We are very proud to be certified as a Great Place to Work and this is a big motivation to our team,” Seth shares.
Along with six other employees from Sakata India, Seth will be visiting the drupa 2024 exhibition. He says the main purpose of the visit is to network with existing customers from Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and to look at new developments in consumables, technologies and machines.
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terracotta-retreat · 5 months
Discover the Magic of CasaBlanca Farmhouse: Your Ideal Family Retreat!
Embark on a journey to CasaBlanca Farmhouse, where cherished memories and endless adventures await! Nestled amidst the stunning hill country of Wimberley, this enchanting farmhouse beckons families seeking a slice of tranquility and fun. With room for up to 20 guests, it's the ultimate haven for those craving relaxation and togetherness.
As you step onto the sprawling 5-acre property, you're greeted by a scene straight out of a dream. The inviting in-ground pool sparkles in the sunlight, while the private backyard oasis invites you to gather around the fire pit for stories and s'mores. And with disc golf adding a dash of excitement to the mix, every moment at CasaBlanca promises thrills and laughter.
Venture indoors, and you'll find yourself immersed in a world of timeless charm and modern comfort. Each room is a testament to classic movies and TV shows, from the elegant nods to "Casablanca" to the playful touches inspired by "I Love Lucy" and "Nestled within this haven are snug bedrooms, luxuriously equipped bathrooms, and a kitchen primed for gastronomic escapades. Each element meticulously selected to enhance your pleasure
Outside the farmhouse gates, the wonders of Wimberley await your exploration. Lose yourself in the quaint shops of downtown, plunge into the crystal-clear waters of Jacob's Well and Blue Hole Regional Park, or embark on a tasting tour of local wineries and breweries. And with attractions like Canyon Lake and Gruene Hall just a stone's throw away, the possibilities for excitement are limitless.
At CasaBlanca Farmhouse, your comfort and happiness are our top priorities. With our unwavering commitment to cleanliness, safety, and guest satisfaction, you can relax and unwind with complete peace of mind. Plus, our convenient amenities, including contactless check-in and 24/7 guest support, ensure a stress-free experience from start to finish.
So why wait? Escape to CasaBlanca Farmhouse and immerse yourself in the magic of Wimberley. Reserve your retreat now and craft unforgettable moments that will endure for generations!
#Casablanca Farmhouse #Family Retreat #Wimberley Magic
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anamikagupta01 · 5 months
Captain Tractors: A Guide For First-Time Tractor Buyers
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Captain Tractors come in various shapes and sizes, and choosing the right one can be as tricky as starting a rusty lawnmower. Here's a guide for you in the right direction.
First things first, consider your property or farming land. Captain Tractor are champion of small spaces, ideal for lands under 10 acres. They'll become your trusty steeds for mowing, tilling the soil, or clearing winter woes. If you have sprawling fields or dream of tackling heavy-duty tasks like brush removal, you might need a more robust tractor altogether.
Next, horsepower (HP) is like the engine's heart rate – the higher the number, the stronger the tractor. Mowing your lawn? A 16-20 HP Captain Tractor will have you covered. However, for more demanding jobs, aim for the 25-40 HP range. Remember, bigger isn't always better. A supercharged tractor can leave a dent in your wallet and be a handful on smaller properties.
Now, let's talk about turning your Captain Tractor into a multi-tool! These tractors boast a variety of attachments that expand their skillset. Need to move dirt or gravel? Look for a loader attachment. Yearning for a perfectly manicured lawn? A mower deck is your answer. Make a list of your desired attachments beforehand – this will ensure your chosen tractor has the muscle (hydraulics) to handle them effectively.
Finally, comfort and safety are key. Take a test drive in your potential Captain Tractor. Does the seat feel adjustable and comfortable? Can you reach and understand the controls easily? Consider the tractor tyre size and ensure they are suitable for your terrain. Safety features like roll bars and good lighting are non-negotiables, especially for first-time tractor owners.
With these pointers in your pocket, you're well on your way to selecting the perfect Captain Mini Tractor – your reliable partner in conquering your land. Remember, the friendly staff at your local Captain Mini Tractor dealership are there to answer your questions and ensure you get the right tractor for the job.
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Rent Chateau Cendrillon France
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Nestled amidst the picturesque Loire Valley, Chateau Cendrillon offers a serene escape for families seeking a week-long self-catering holiday. This family-owned château, conveniently located between Nantes and Cholet, promises a perfect blend of tranquillity and convenience. For those desiring culinary indulgence, arrangements can be made for a chef to deliver delectable meals or cater elegant dinner parties within the comfort of the château. Set within 20 acres of idyllic rural parkland, Chateau Cendrillon ensures guests a high degree of privacy, making it an ideal retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation. The fully heated outdoor pool, operational from May to September, invites guests to unwind and soak up the sun in a serene setting. Meticulously restored to an exceptional standard, the château exudes the charm of a traditional French estate while offering modern comforts and conveniences. Whether lounging in the elegant interiors or exploring the sprawling grounds, guests are enveloped in a sense of timeless luxury and refinement. Accessing Chateau Cendrillon is effortless, with Nantes airport just a 45-minute drive away. Well-maintained motorways ensure smooth journeys, with convenient travel times of 3 and a half hours from Caen, 4 hours from Le Havre and Cherbourg, and 6 hours from Calais. This seamless accessibility allows guests to embark on their enchanting getaway without hassle or delay. The château boasts 9 bedrooms, and 11 bath/shower rooms, and comfortably accommodates up to 15 guests (excluding infants in cots). A generously sized heated swimming pool (5m x 12m), exclusively reserved for guests, is nestled within the property, enclosed by hedging and gates for privacy and safety. Within the château, guests enjoy the convenience of a fully equipped kitchen, laundry room, dining room, and two reception rooms, including a dedicated games room. Additional amenities include a spacious entrance hall, a downstairs shower room and WC, a separate downstairs WC, and a lift facilitating access to a first-floor bedroom. A mirrored dance studio and two expansive porches cater to various recreational needs, providing ample storage for swimming gear, footwear, and bike helmets. The inviting outdoor pool area features abundant lounge chairs for relaxation, surrounded by hedging for added privacy and safety. Accessible through two gates, the pool is equipped with a key-operated electric cover. Guests can also make use of the built-in barbecue, with briquettes readily available from local supermarkets. While linen and towels for the château are provided, guests are kindly asked to bring their own swimming towels. The château offers a versatile accommodation layout, comprising 6 double bedrooms (including 1 super king, 1 king, and 4 double beds), 2 twin bedrooms, and 1 family room featuring a queen bed alongside 2 singles. This arrangement caters to the diverse needs of family groups. The first floor hosts 7 bedrooms, while 2 additional bedrooms are situated on the second floor. One of the second-floor bedrooms is a twin room without an ensuite bathroom, although a neighbouring ensuite is conveniently located. This particular room is thoughtfully adorned with a captivating underwater mural, making it ideal for children. The kitchen is a spacious and luminous area, comfortably seating 8-10 guests at the table, with additional seating available through window seats and a breakfast bar. Equipped with an electric range oven, gas hob, separate ‘croissant’ oven, and griddle plate, the kitchen ensures culinary convenience. Other amenities include a full-size fridge and freezer, microwave, 2 sinks, dishwasher, mixer/blender, and an array of saucepans, frying pans, and cooking utensils. A separate pantry offers ample storage space, while an adjoining turret houses a well-equipped laundry room, complete with a full-size wine fridge. A side porch adjacent to the kitchen serves as a convenient storage area for shoes, bike helmets, and swimming paraphernalia. Connected to the kitchen, the dining room comfortably seats 14 guests at a bespoke table, with room for 16 if necessary. An impressive glass chandelier adds a touch of sophistication, enhancing the dining experience. The first reception room invites relaxation with three comfortable three-seater sofas, complemented by two occasional chairs, ideal for unwinding after a day of exploration. A satellite television, equipped for DVD viewing, ensures entertainment, with a diverse selection of DVDs catering to both adults and young children. Additionally, an iPod docking station and speakers offer customisable music enjoyment, easily relocated to the kitchen or any preferred room at guests' discretion. In contrast, the second reception room transforms into a lively games haven, featuring a versatile table tennis/pool table for spirited competitions. A plethora of children’s toys and games, along with engaging puzzles and board games for adults, guarantee endless amusement. Conveniently, the lift access is situated within this vibrant space. Ascending to the second floor, guests encounter the dance studio, adorned with a mirrored wall, fostering an ambience of elegance and creativity. Complete with an ensuite shower room, this studio provides a private retreat for dance enthusiasts or those seeking serene moments of reflection. Beyond the château walls, the sprawling parkland beckons exploration, offering guests exclusive access to observe the region's diverse birdlife and wildlife in their natural habitat. With ample space for outdoor activities, including leisurely bike rides, the parkland promises memorable moments amidst nature's beauty. Please be aware that Chateau Cendrillon offers accessibility for those with limited mobility through a lift, conveniently installed in one of the turrets. This lift provides access to a first-floor bedroom, featuring a king bed and an ensuite wet room equipped with a shower, WC, and basin for added convenience. However, it's important to note that accessibility on the ground floor is restricted for wheelchair users. The doorway between the kitchen and dining room measures 60cm in width, which may not accommodate standard-width wheelchairs. In such cases, collapsing the wheelchair to navigate through the doorway may be necessary. Please be advised that all other entry points into the Chateau involve steps. For guests seeking provisions and amenities, the nearest village with shops is Villedieu la Blouère, merely a 2-minute drive away, offering a post office, bakery, and a small supermarket. Additionally, St Philbert en Mauges, located at a similar distance, lacks shops. However, St Macaire en Mauges, reachable within a 10-minute drive, presents a bakery, patisserie, and a larger supermarket for essential supplies. For comprehensive amenities, Cholet is a mere 20-minute drive away, boasting a hypermarket and an impressive leisure centre featuring several pools and an ice rink, ensuring a plethora of entertainment options for guests. In addition to savouring the idyllic atmosphere of Chateau Cendrillon and its environs, guests are spoiled for choice with an array of captivating excursions. Here are just a few enticing suggestions: Embark on delightful day trips to renowned cities like Nantes, Angers, Tours, and Saumur, each boasting majestic châteaux, ancient abbeys, and captivating museums, promising a journey through history and culture. Venture into the enchanting Saumur region, celebrated for its mesmerising troglodyte caves transformed into captivating tourist attractions. Perfect for inclement weather or scorching days, these dry caves maintain a constant temperature year-round. Explore the fascinating Zoo de Doué, nestled within an ancient quarry, where 500 animals thrive amidst the unique cave setting. Discover the innovative Museé du Champignon (mushroom museum) in St-Hilaire-St-Florent, showcasing mushroom production within the caves. Nearby, the Parc Miniature Pierre et Lumière offers a truly one-of-a-kind experience, featuring intricately sculpted tufa stone replicas of renowned Loire Valley sites, meticulously crafted by a skilled Breton sculptor. Be awed by the stunning bas-relief of Saumur, stretching 12 meters in length and 2 meters in height, depicting the town's essence in exquisite detail. Immerse yourself in the equestrian heritage of Saumur, home to Le Cadre Noir, one of the world's most prestigious horsemanship schools. Witness captivating performances by the renowned equestrian display team, showcasing unparalleled skill and artistry. Indulge in the renowned wines of the Loire region with visits to its myriad vineyards, offering wine tastings ranging from expansive commercial wineries to quaint family farms. Delight in the diverse flavors and aromas of the region's exquisite vintages, each sip is a testament to the rich viticultural heritage of the area. With these enticing excursions and more, guests of Chateau Cendrillon are sure to create unforgettable memories amidst the beauty and splendour of the Loire Valley. Chateau Cendrillon offers more than just a luxurious retreat; it serves as a gateway to a plethora of captivating attractions and activities. Here are some enticing options: Le Puy du Fou: Less than an hour away lies one of France's premier tourist destinations. The medieval-themed park transports visitors back in time with its grand Roman amphitheatre, featuring thrilling spectacles such as chariot races, gladiatorial combat, jousting knights, and mesmerising falconry displays. During the summer, the park dazzles with enchanting sound and light shows, promising an unforgettable experience. Seaside Excursion to Pornic: Just an hour and a half away lies the charming seaside resort of Pornic. Here, guests can bask in the sun, stroll along the sandy beaches, and indulge in delectable fresh French seafood, including the famed moules et frites. A delightful day trip offering relaxation and culinary delights awaits. Loire à Vélo: Cycling enthusiasts can explore the picturesque Loire Valley along the Loire à Vélo, a network of 400km of meticulously maintained trails and cycle routes. With plans to extend the route to cover 800km, cyclists can traverse the unspoiled rural landscapes and quaint villages at their leisure, renting bicycles from numerous rental places along the way. Clisson: This medieval town, renowned for its charming ambiance, hosts a popular food market on Fridays. Guests can meander through its picturesque streets, marvel at the ruins of the Château de Clisson, and immerse themselves in the town's rich history and culture. La Séguiniere: Shopaholics will delight in exploring La Séguiniere, home to an expansive factory outlet village boasting 80 major brands spanning fashion, sports, kitchenware, and more. Additionally, a tempting chocolate shop offers complimentary samples, adding to the shopping experience. Japanese Gardens at Maulévrier: Families with young children can escape to the serene Japanese Gardens, where children under 12 enjoy free admission. Originally built in 1899, these gardens have undergone meticulous restoration, showcasing Japanese architecture, tranquil water features, and traditional trees, making it the largest of its kind in Europe. Glissé Leisure Centre in Cholet: Adventure seekers can make a splash at the Glissé leisure centre in Cholet, featuring an array of spectacular sports facilities, including an ice rink and an 8-pool indoor/outdoor swimming complex complete with slides, diving pools, and a beach, promising endless fun for all ages. From bikes of different sizes to a diverse selection of books, Chateau Cendrillon caters to children of all ages. The swimming pool's shallow end and an array of floats and toys provide endless entertainment, while the sprawling lawn and woodland area beckon young adventurers to explore and play amidst nature's beauty. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure, Chateau Cendrillon promises an unforgettable family getaway. SUMMARY Sleeps: 15-18 Bedrooms: 9 Bathrooms: 11 OVERVIEW Pool Chateaux & Castles Heritage Collection Ideal for Kids Walk to Village Ideal for Parties ABOUT THIS PROPERTY Private Pool Child-Safe Pool Heated Pool Wi-Fi/Internet BBQ Bicycles Provided Gym/Fitness Room Games Room Indoor Games Outdoor Games Table Tennis Table Football Pool/Snooker DVD Working Fireplace/Woodburner Heating THE LOCAL AREA Walk to Village Rural Location Walking/Hiking Paths Wine Tasting Golf Nearby Horse Riding Outstanding Landscapes Outdoor Pursuit & Activities Tourist Towns & Villages KIDS Ideal for Kids Ideal for Teens Local Amenities NEAREST TRANSPORT Nearest Airport: Nantes (51-60 km) Nearest Ferry Port: St Malo (Over 100 km) Nearest Village: Villedieu la Blouère (1 km) Nearest Town/City: Cholet (4 km) Nearest Golf: Cholet (16-20 km) BABY AND TODDLER EQUIPMENT Booster seat Mattress protector Baby bath Bath toys Bibs Changing mat Baby monitor Pushchair Potty Plastic crockery Cot(s) High Chair(s) KIDS ACTIVITIES CLOSE-BY Walk to Village Horse Riding Outdoor Pursuit & Activities Tourist Towns & Villages ONSITE FACILITIES Xbox/Playstation/Wii Children's videos/DVDs Children's books Child-Safe Pool Heated Pool Bicycles Provided Games Room Indoor Games Outdoor Games Table Tennis Table Football Pool/Snooker DVD Toys Fenced Grounds Read the full article
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nikhilsingh77770 · 6 months
Indulge in the Lap of Luxury: Raunak Bliss in Thane by Raunak Group
Nestled within the vibrant cityscape of Thane lies a sanctuary of opulence and refinement – Raunak Bliss. Spanning an expansive 20 acres, this grand township stands as a testament to luxury living, seamlessly blending sophisticated amenities, architectural splendor, and a thriving community ambiance. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the allure of Raunak Bliss, a coveted haven for those seeking the pinnacle of contemporary lifestyle, including individuals in pursuit of 1 BHK flats for sale in Thane.
Location and Accessibility
Set against the backdrop of the sprawling 21,500-acre expanse of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Raunak Bliss enjoys an enviable setting characterized by tranquility and natural beauty. Its strategic position ensures effortless connectivity, with a gated entrance seamlessly linking to Pokhran Road 2, a bustling artery coursing through Thane's heart. Here, residents revel in the convenience of proximate amenities and services, simplifying the rhythm of daily life. For those seeking reputable builders in Thane, Raunak Group stands as a beacon of trust and excellence, shaping the city's skyline with unparalleled craftsmanship. Raunak Bliss emerges as one of the most distinguished projects in Thane, embodying a harmonious blend of luxury, convenience, and aesthetic appeal.
Luxurious Amenities
Raunak Bliss, curated by the esteemed Raunak Group, sets the bar high with an array of amenities designed to elevate the residential experience to unprecedented heights. From cutting-edge technologies like automated light and fan control to conscientious features such as monitored power consumption and motion sensors, every facet of modern comfort is meticulously integrated into the living spaces. With automated temperature control and gas detection systems equipped with mobile alerts, residents enjoy peace of mind and security around the clock. It's no wonder that Raunak Bliss stands out as one of the most coveted projects in Thane, promising a lifestyle of unparalleled luxury and convenience.
The sprawling clubhouse, overseen by Raunak Group, serves as a bustling social nexus, providing residents with a space to unwind and foster connections with neighbors. Sports enthusiasts can indulge in their passions with indoor football fields, trampolines, and cricket pitches, while creative souls find solace in dedicated arts and crafts spaces, play stations, and music rooms. For fitness aficionados, jogging tracks, foot spas, and basketball courts beckon, offering ample opportunities for physical well-being and recreation.
Architectural Design and Aesthetic Appeal
Raunak Bliss stands as an architectural marvel, epitomizing finesse and elegance in every detail. The skyline is graced by three towering one-bedroom towers, soaring majestically over 28 stories high, casting a new silhouette upon Thane's horizon. Meticulous design principles seamlessly merge functionality with aesthetics, resulting in spaces that exude warmth and sophistication, captivating residents and visitors alike.
Lifestyle and Community
Beyond its architectural magnificence, Raunak Bliss cultivates a vibrant sense of community and belonging. Exclusive sectors cater to like-minded families, fostering bonds of camaraderie and shared values. Residents converge for social gatherings, cultural festivities, and recreational pursuits, enriching their lives with meaningful connections and enduring friendships.
Investment Insights: Seizing Opportunity in Raunak Bliss
Investing in Raunak Bliss transcends mere property ownership; it represents an investment in a future of prosperity and growth. The township's prime location, coupled with its unrivaled amenities and architectural grandeur, positions it as a lucrative investment opportunity. With Thane emerging as a coveted destination for homebuyers and investors alike, Raunak Bliss offers a gateway to capitalize on the city's burgeoning development and appreciation potential. Whether you're in search of 1 BHK flats for sale in Thane or discerning prominent builders in Thane, Raunak Bliss presents an unparalleled opportunity for discerning investors.
In a world where luxury often equates to excess, Raunak Bliss offers a refreshing alternative – one that celebrates elegance, harmony, and sophistication. From its idyllic location to its lavish amenities and vibrant community spirit, every facet of Raunak Bliss is crafted to cater to the discerning tastes of modern urban dwellers. So why settle for anything less when you can immerse yourself in the lap of luxury at Raunak Bliss? It's time to elevate your lifestyle and embrace a blissful existence like never before.This article is already Submitted on Medium.com Url- https://medium.com/@nikhilsingh77770/indulge-in-the-lap-of-luxury-raunak-bliss-in-thane-by-raunak-group-1867a57d33f8
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rahulp678 · 7 months
Discover Somani Dream Home Punawale: Your Gateway to Contemporary Living
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Explore the seamless blend of modernity and comfort at Somani Dream Home Punawale. Offering ready-to-move-in 2 BHK and 3 BHK homes with luxurious amenities and easy connectivity. Find your dream home today!
Welcome to Somani Dream Home Punawale, where dreams meet reality in the heart of Punawale. Offering a range of ready-to-move-in 2 BHK and 3 BHK homes, Somani Dream Home provides a contemporary living experience within a secure gated community. Nestled amidst lush greenery and boasting a unique butterfly layout, every aspect of this project is designed to elevate your lifestyle.
Key Highlights:
- Enjoy the biggest kitchens and spacious living areas in our 2 BHK and 3 BHK homes.
- Sprawled across 8 acres of land parcel, experience a vast expanse of luxurious living.
- Choose from over 20 lifestyle amenities, including state-of-the-art fitness centers, designer entrance lobby, multipurpose hall, and more.
- Each home is Vastu compliant and comes with covered car parking for your convenience.
Indulge in a plethora of amenities meticulously crafted to enhance your living experience. From a fully equipped gym area to lush landscaped gardens, children’s play area, and ample parking space, Somani Dream Home offers everything you need for a fulfilling lifestyle.
Pricing & Floor Plan:
Explore our thoughtfully planned floor options, offering roomy 2 BHKs starting from ₹59.99 Lakhs onwards and lavish 3 BHKs starting from ₹79.99 Lakhs onwards. Each layout is designed to maximize space, practicality, and coziness, catering to various preferences.
Discover the carefully crafted homes featuring contemporary features and sleek finishes. From smart home elements to thoughtful designs, every detail at Somani Dream Home harmonizes effortlessly with your lifestyle.
Experience seamless connectivity with easy access to highways and key landmarks. Bid farewell to commuting woes with quick access to schools, hospitals, malls, and parks.
Rera Details:
Somani Dream Home Punawale is RERA registered, ensuring transparency and reliability in every aspect of the project.
The content provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to avail any service. Prices mentioned are subject to change without notice, and properties are subject to availability. Images are for representation purposes only. For more information, visit our official website or contact us directly.
For more information, visit somanidreamhome
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tourguidesindia · 7 months
7 Dreamy Cottages in vagamon for a steeply-priced live amidst nature
1. Saj Vagamon Hideout
Stepping into Saj Vagamon Hideout is like entering a pristine international untouched by the ravages of civilization, where the loudest sounds are the songs of birds and the buzz of the crickets. This luxurious 30-acre belonging boasts the most fascinating cottages in Vagamon spread around a tranquil lake. The green cottages constructed in traditional architectural style are made totally from herbal substances to retain the concord with nature. With enough amusing activities like fishing, pool desk, organic farm go-to, and treks you didn’t like to step out of this natural paradise. Munnar's Tea Estates, Alleppey's Houseboats, Kochi's Heritage, Thekkady's Wildlife, and Varkala's Cliffs most popular tourist places in Kerala.
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2. Vagamon Heights
Vagamon Heights is the proper area to forget the out-of-doors global and lose yourself in the splendor of nature. Spread over 250 acres of farmland, this awesome belongings boasts of an in-residence journey park, satisfactory viewpoints, and quiet lakes for boating. You can choose from various of the maximum charming cottages in Vagamon, depending on your taste and organization size. The open jeep power to the hilltop is an adventure in itself and the views from the top are breathtaking. Barbecue nights, a campfire, and a warm and welcoming staff add to the appeal of this mind-blowing Vagamon cottage stay.
3. Orion County
This 240-acre property fulfills your dream of that best quiet cottage ensconced in lush greenery and completely happy serenity. Orion County offers many satisfactory one, two, and three-bedroom cottages in Vagamon for the ones seeking out a rejuvenating getaway. Located at various levels of tea plantations, cottages higher up the hillside provide satisfactory panoramic views. You spend languid days proper in the belongings, taking long walks on mist-encumbered mornings, and enjoying the scenic splendor from various factors.
4. Misty Dreams Vagamon
A best desire for a set stay in Vagamon, Misty Dreams gives an image best cottage sitting prettily amid tea plantations with sweeping perspectives of the encircling meadows and forests. This dreamy plantation homestay is the perfect vicinity for quiet contemplation and completely satisfied solitude. The beneficial owner and pleasant group of workers make sure all of your wishes are met right away and satisfactorily. From arranging treks to organizing fun bonfires, horse-using sessions, and jeep safaris, the management is usually prepared to assist
5. Vagamon Green Hill Estate
These are surely one of the pleasant cottages in Vagamon in your tryst with nature in all its glory in a tranquil setting. Nothing is too much trouble for the warm and worrying body of workers that exit their way to make your stay secure and unforgettable. You can take leisurely walks through the tea gardens or trails leading to the forest and glowing springs. There is a youngsters’ play vicinity, swimming pool, and basketball courtroom for the ones looking for a few of doors fun.
6. Winter Vale
Sprawled over 20 acres of lush greenery, this green inn will attract you with its serene atmosphere, impressive location, and astonishing views from all of the cottages. Your hunt for reasonably-priced cottages in Vagamon nestled in the lap of nature with all contemporary amenities ends at this fantastic belongings. With a youngsters' play region, out-of-doors swimming pool, campfire facilities, and adequate spots inside the assets in which you can truly sit down lower back and soak inside the herbal splendor all around, Winter Vale is certain to enthrall you. The inn additionally organizes fish fry, cycling & trekking trips, plantation walks, and jeep safari on request. The backwaters of Alleppey, the Beaches of Kovalam, the Hills of Wayanad, the Streets of Fort Kochi, and the Forests of Periyar are places to travel in Kerala.
7. Green Palace Residency
Located close to first-class sights and with an adorable view of the mountains, the fascinating Green Valley Residency gives cozy budget cottages in Vagamon. The properly appointed -bedroom cottages located very close to the famous Vagamon Meadows are nicely maintained and are perfect for a circle of relatives with children. Waking as much as misty mornings and astonishing views, tasty home fashion food, and low-cost charges make this an amazing choice for your stay within the enchanting hill-town.
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Is this a good time now to invest in property in Karjat?
Hello, it's a really good time to invest in property in Karjat. I will tell you why. 
So currently (and in future also) Karjat has served as the most favored scenic weekend holiday destination for people from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, and Pune. And with the rising demand for real estate properties, Karjat was placed under the control of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) a few years ago.
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As a preferred tourist spot, studio flats and resort villas are the top picks for weekend home buyers in Karjat. Sales of 2 and 3BHK villas have increased in the past few months, with small-scale investors evincing an interest in the peripheral location of Mumbai. Higher infrastructural development and price appreciation are bound to take place in Karjat upon the completion of the four-lane State Highway 38 (from Chowk to Karjat) and making it operational in such a way that travel time between Karjat and Mumbai is drastically brought down. Also, the upcoming Navi Mumbai Airport considerably enhances the connectivity of Karjat with Navi Mumbai & so with other countries. If you are looking for a second home or a luxury villa for sale in Karjat, the project near the Karjat-Murbad Highway best fits you. The project comprises studios and villas having price variations to fit various budgets, giving one not just luxury but also an astute investment option.
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A project sprawling over 22 acres with 25+ functional and ready-to-use amenities, it boasts some beauty that resonates with the luxury this project offers. It provides a 20% return on investment that stands above par for anyone desiring a holiday retreat and a solid financial venture. Instead of pouring in money to other holiday destinations every year, realize this as an investment opportunity for a villa for sale in Karjat. This permanent second home pays off in enjoyment and financial returns. In short, it's an opportunity to invest, enjoy, and earn from this incredible project.
Moreover, they've launched a new project within the Pushpam Sanskruti premises called 21 Enclave. Here, you can enjoy the dual benefits of resort living and earning. There are only 21 select edition resort villas, starting at Rs. 1.38 crore (I think it’s a pre-launch offer price). If you are really interested, you should check this out.
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