Tumblr has become such a dark place.
Visiting for the first time in, like, a year. So strange... *crawling back under my rock*
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OMGOMG I just accidentally added someone on Facebook while trying to creep them. I think I just died. This is the end. 
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There are few things that I love more than harmonizing.
Cause when I'm on it, I'm ON IT. 
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Little kids really have the best jokes.
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how do non californians do it?
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I'm so sick of seeing Lana Del Rey EVERYWHERE I go on the internet.
I admit, she has a quality. But if I listened to a whole cd of her's I would probably want to kill myself because the chick sounds like a naughty baby kitten with a cold or something. And she is always just talking to music.
Not to mention she looks like that alien from mars attacks. And she does a creepy glide walk like her too.
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Aspergers is such a weird word. Sounds like you could only get it on Uranus.
My Dad
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Ladies and gentleman, My dad.
Me: Have you ever seen the movie Adam?
Dad: No...
Me: Well, my friend said it's really good. It's about a guy who has Aspergers who falls in love with a girl that doesn't have Aspergers.
Dad: Wow. Sounds Like a comedy.
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Why do I always have cake disasters when I am not feeling well?
This is why Brett needs to team up with me so I can make him do everything when i'm under the weather. haha
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Lord have mercy on my soul. 🍦💚 #talenti #icecream #dessert #delicious #gelato (Taken with Instagram)
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Creeping everyone rn
I hope that's ok...
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Hahahaha omgsh Brett LOL will Mimi adopt us all? Please?
windingroadsblindinglights replied to your post: I just went on the first and last blind date of my life.
Tell him I will kick his natural ass if he tries to make a move on you on the first date
Thanks, boo. But there will be no need for that seeing as he doesn’t have my number and I never intend on seeing this human again. 
Seriously Brett, I was planning an escape route 5 minutes into the date. It was so uncomfortable. You should read the texts I sent to Kayla, it was so hard to not laugh.
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Boston's beautiful sites and delicious cream pie! 🍰💚😃 @acp_ @ricardoagustinperez @erickalexanderperez (Taken with Instagram)
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Cape cod, MA. #nofilter #travel #eastcoast #familyvacation @acp_ @ricardoagustinperez @erickalexanderperez (Taken with Instagram)
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I found it! The only person that ever bought this sticker! (Taken with Instagram)
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Arlington national cemetery. The Kennedy graves and the tomb of the unknown soldier. (Taken with Instagram)
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