I figured you all aughtta see Squallall as she is right now. My friend by the in game name of Lucid took this of her.
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Her PLD glam, shown here, was largely procured via the market board; the noir set was a pain to procure, but Dragoon blue? Much easier, funny enough.
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zidanetilornitier · 1 year
I have a FFXIV blog.
It's called The Fellowship of the Lupine's Kin.
It's... Supposed to be an RP blog, but it's more or less becoming my FFXIV content dump site. I still want to use it for RP related content, but I need to get something down so you all can get to know my FFXIV characters. But, please, ask questions if you wanna know about the group I have in my FFXIV lore that the blog is named after!
I hope you join me with the adventures of a lalafell and her rag tag group of adventurers!
"We do what the Scions won't... Buuut... If you give us an extra... Donation... We'll gladly fell a primal or two for ya. But, we're just a band of detectives who are willing to do more... Unsavory tasks for you. Need us to shadow someone? Consider it done. Need someone to... Go away? I hope you have the right compensation for us. Someone went missing? We'll return with them, no matter what. Now, if there's nothin' else ya wanna cover, I think it is best we depart. Until we meet again, may Alexander protect you."
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Questions from a Lalafell Main
1. How does a Lalafell dance with someone who is at least a fulm or more taller? As in a good ol' ballroom waltz? That just sounds like someone's bound to get back issues. 2. As a three fulm one tank, I wonder if it's possible for me to become unhealable because the enemy is large enough to shield me from the view of the healer. Don't want to become a festering corpse because I stood in the right spot for a behemoth's paw to hide me. Trying to fight an overworld enemy with a rock in front of me quickly taught me line of sight issues are a thing. 3. How does one best furnish a dining room to insure that even the most portly of taller races can be able to look everyone in the eye easily? What materials make for the sturdiest of chairs? How does one make sure that your Lalafellin dinner guest can even get into the chair at their spot at the table while still allowing for them to see over it and dine comfortably? That Lifter chair was certainly the wrong way to go about it, I say; showed a non-14 player friend the chair and she said it'd be better with a higher back. I'm on team Make-it-a-Stool. 4. I've seen some people call Lalafells potatoes. Do in game people call the popotoes? 5. Why are the Lalafell emotes so expressionate and dramatic? I watched an NPC Lalafell cry once and it just felt overly dramatic. Like what you'd do to portray an emotion in theatre or if you cannot speak. 6. I wonder what the percentages of each race are for both NPCs and players, because I keep running into at least one Lalafell NPC and/or player no matter where I am. 7. Why do some of you dislike/hate Lalafells? I just see them as chaos hobbits. That would become more chaotic when drunk. 8. Avoiding the door-within-a-door Idea, how does one properly make a door that all races can use comfortably?
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So, I was doing the Moonfire event quest yesterday and got to the point where you look at your surroundings and tell Lyonell where to go. Now, that camera is set at ye average Midlander Hyur eye level.
I'm most certainly not. I am a three fulm, one ilm tall Plainsfolk. Now, I would ask for something to bring the viewpoint to my actual eye level, but I'd get a buncha feet and knees, a hip, maybe, if you're short enough, so... Maybe not.
Gotta wonder what poor schmuck's holdin' me up to that eye level, though. Probably some poor Elezen or something.
Ya doin' ok holding me during those, dudebro? Ya shoulders ok? How's your back? I'm not exactly light, even for my kind.
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T'savia: Say, you know where we're supposed to go next?
Squallall: Left
T'savia, exasperated: Squallall, you don't have a sense of direction. Are you sure this-
Squallall: Left.
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Squallall Squal, witnessing chaos happen amongst the party: What in the lalafrick is goin' on...?!
T'savia Tia, with hands over face and ears back, exasperated: Just... Say... Fuck... You eloquently spoken, soon to be mashed, popoto Paladin...!
Squallall: Nay. 'Tis not the time when I am angry enough, you convoluted nimrod with an oversized fire poker.
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A little tidbit 'bout this blog's popoto in Dragoon blue:
Whenever someone says something like "May the Twelve be with you," in terms of current lore, any reaction Squallall gives to them is fake.
Because if you were to ask her, she'd respond with "Hydaelyn's a fraud; the Twelve don't exist." This is due in part to a few things.
1. She was raised by a singular caretaker that, during their time as a traveling merchant prior to discovering her, had come upon books and other writings talking about the Primal Alexander. Said caretaker then came to the conclusion that it is, supposedly, possible to summon the Holy Primal in its entirety, and due to the thing it's associated with, light/Holy, it is the best Primal to summon to protect as many people as possible. [Do note that my listing of Alexander as a Holy Primal is largely in part due to how the FF Wiki talks about him, especially in my favorite FF, Final Fantasy IX, where Alexander is seen being a protector at least once.] So, Squallall grew up being told that Alexander was the most likely thing to truly protect people. The fact a facsimile was summoned once before, like with Titan and Good King Moggle Mog, only cemented things. Squallall's caretaker was never tempered to the Primal Alexander, though, and was just someone who came to their own conclusions given the provided info.
"Given how more crystals than a carriage could haul in a day and a load and a half of prayer can summon a facsimile of a Primal that can cause devastation to a local, there must be some sort of key item(s) needed to summon the actual being instead of a half true copy." ~ Taken from the margins in one of the many books Squallall inherited about Alexander and Primals.
2. Same caretaker was unable to find enough consistent proof that the Twelve exist, and thus labeled all perceived proof as hearsay, and anytime Hydaelyn spoke of the Twelve herself was just an elaborate lie to make it seem like others were in charge of certain things and any issues those things caused weren't her fault.
3. The caretaker was one of a group of people, likely due to the Echo, but I am unsure 'bout that, that could hear Hydaelyn. Though said caretaker never had more than an occasional snippet once every blue moon, it was enough to prove she existed.
So, whenever someone says something like "May the Twelve be with you" to her, she's silently wondering why in the world you believe the lies of a fraud.
This is also why she says stuff like "May Alexander protect you" and "By Alexander's wings" in place of various Twelve-centric phrases.
She's been accused of being tempered, only to quip back that tempered people usually are actively seeking to summon their Primal, where as she thinks that now's not a good time to attempt.
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Squallall: There's chaos goin' on right now, sn't I'm unattended!
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-After a trip through the Palace of the Dead- Squallall, staring out of the palace's entrance: New record! 'Tis wondrous! Never thought I'd see the day where we'd make it ta level 168. New Hyuran Recruit: Excuse me, Boss? Squallall: Yeah? What's up, kiddo? Recruit: I have a question. Squallall: Shoot, sniper. Recruit: Uh, what's the ratio of men to women in the crew, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: In the Fellowship? Whoo... Uh... [makes calculations on fingers] 'Bout... Oh, two women to every man. [pauses] Nope, crap, I foggedaboutta few. It's three to one. Oops, tryin' ta not be biased. [sheepish back of head scratch] Recruit: That skewed? [pauses to count in head] I can't think of that many women. Squallall: Did you exclude the alliance only persons? Recruit: Yeah, of course. Squallall: Who ya got? Recruit: [lists off names of female fellowship members] Squallall: Oh, ya missed me. That's why your list was off. Recruit: [is puzzled] You're a woman?
Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Recruit: But... [gestures at his chest] Your... Squallall: Just 'cause my desire to be as flat as the floorboards in the Fellowship's base of operations doesn't change anythin'. Your boss is still a woman. Recruit: But people call you Sir! Squallall: So? [pauses, comes to a realization] John... You sweet spring sapling... You've not left the grove you were planted in much, huh? John: No... Squallall: [sighs] Whelp. Uh, crouch for me, please. It's more polite when you're at equal eye level when speakin'. John: [obediently crouches] Squallall: Good. Thanks, kid. Now, you wanna just ask me all the questions ya want, so you can better understand one of the many flavors of people a bit better? John: Yeah... Squallall: [gestures for him to speak] John: Oh! Right. Uh, romantic preference? Squallall: Women. I'm simple; I stick wit one option. John: Uh, sexual preference? Squallall: I'd rather filet myself like a good steak than partake in any o' that. Gives me a feelin' of sharp discomfort. John: Oh... But people call you Sir, and Mister. And you dress like a man! Squallall: [stuffs hands into noir coat pocket] Yeah, that's just people makin' a mistake; I've heard it too much ta care at this point. As for clothes... Personal preference. It's why I latched ta the term of butch. John: Huh. [genuinely curious] Squallall: Now, come. Stand up. Let's talk and walk. You can ask all the questions ya want ta on the way home. I hear Twilly's cookin' somethin' fierce tonight. Heard rumors it's a monster ov ah steak. John: Ooh. That sounds good.
-The two walk off, John asking questions, and Squallall answering as best as she can. Occasional talk about what Twilly's cooking breaks up the talk about her identity and what terms mean.-
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Squallall: No rules say otherwise? Kiddo, I feel rules should say otherwise. For your sake, anyways.
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Someone: What did you do?!
Squallall, simply: Got stuck in a hole in the ground.
Someone: HOW?!
Squallall, flatly: Miscalculated.
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Fun Fact: I was going to call this blog The Fellowship of Lalafell, that is, until I added other races into my stories' main group, so I renamed it to The Fellowship of the Lupine's Kin. Hence the discrepancy.
Due to a character constraint, the blog's URL is still The Fellowship of Lalafell.
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There's some irony here behind Squallall.
Behind the computer, I dislike my height. I'm sized enough that things I look at, that are on shelves and such at eye level, are just a pinch out of my reach due to arm length.
But I chose to recreate myself as a Plainsfolk Lalafell.
But I've griped about being short irl.
I do not understand why I decided to pick the race that is my in game representation of myself, my in game look-a-like, that is the shortest race available, set to max height.
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"Welcome to chaos! I'm a bad tank!" ~ Squallall Squal, said with a smile after forgetting to use tank stance. Again. For not the last time. And managing to deal somehow without.
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Squallall: There ya go. Safe an' sound. Please don't go wanderin' 'round near Garlean occupied areas again, 'k? Hyuran Maiden: Thank you! I wasn't sure I'd make it out unscathed! [kisses Squallall on the cheek] Squallall: [lowers helmet visor slowly] I... I-it was a pleasure to help! It's our duty to help the less fortunate! Hyuran Maiden: Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong? Tea Leaf: No, no. You did nothing wrong. Buuut... Congratulations~. You've just managed to fluster the valiant leader of the Fellowship. She'll be fine, eventually. Hyuran Maiden: [giggles] Squallall: That lapine lass is a liar! I am perfectly fine, I can assure you that! Hyuran Maiden: Then, may I see your face, dear Paladin? Tea Leaf: [smirks] Squallall: Absolutely not. There's dried blood on my face and I'm due a clean before you may. Tea Leaf: Sweetheart, you are in denial. Squallall: Preposterous! Absolutely not. What a confounded thing for you to suggest. Tea Leaf and Hyran Maiden: [giggling]
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What's the stupidest thing you've done in FFXIV at any point during gameplay?
I have, somehow, wedged Squallall in the most stupid of locations on numerous occasions because I (wrongly) assumed I would be able to pass through an area with ease. Something like jumping off of something and into a small cluster of trees, or getting stuck in a river between rocks.
I think a friend has witnessed my "And now I am stuck." shenanigans once. I can only wonder what that auri White Mage thought of my stupidity.
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