#St Magnus of Füssen
cuties-in-codices · 9 months
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st. magnus catching birds
illustration for a vita of st. magnus of füssen, st. gallen, c. 1451-60
source: St. Gallen, Stiftsbibl., Cod. Sang. 602, p. 161
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santandreas · 5 years
Saint of the Day 6 September-St Magnus of Füssen
Saint of the Day 6 September-St Magnus of Füssen
Statue of St Mang of Füssen outside the Basilica of St Mang in Füssen, Bavaria. cc by 3
Saint of the Day – 6 September – St Magnus of Füssen – Religious Priest, Monk, Abbot, Missionary, Spiritual student of Saint Columban and Saint Gall at Arbon (part of modern Switzerland) (Died in c 666? or 722? at the monastery at Füssen, Bavaria (in modern Germany) of natural causes).    Patronages –  
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Holidays 9.6
Abbots Bromley Horn Dance (Staffordshire, UK) [Wakes Monday; 1st Monday after 9.4]
Amed Forces Day (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Barbie Doll Day
Bonaire Day
Burning Man ends (Nevada) [1st Monday]
Defence Day (Pakistan)
Fight Procrastination Day
Flag Day (Bonaire)
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska) [1st Monday]
Great Egg Toss Day
Independence Day (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland; from UK, 1968)
Khurat (Elder Scrolls)
Labor Day (Canada, U.S.) [1st Monday]
Luxembourg City Kermesse (Luxembourg) [1st Monday]
Mouthguard Day [1st Monday]
National Coffee Ice Cream Day
National Do It Day
National Read a Book Day
National Writing Day
Piggly Wiggly Day
Player Piano Day
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
Read A Book Day
Rettir (Sheep Round-Up; Iceland)
Rosh Hashanah (begins at Sundown)
Sacrifice to Hera Thelchinia (Ancient Greece)
Somhlolo Day (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
St. Giles Fair begins (Oxford, UK) [1st Monday]
Stillbirth Remembrance Day
St. Magnus of Fussen's Day (patron saint of crops)
Unification Day (Bulgaria)
Wakes Monday [Monday after Wakes Sunday]
World Shorebirds Day
Christian Feast Days
Begga (a.k.a. Bega or Bees)
Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria
Gondulphus of Metz
Macculindus, Bishop of Lusk
Magnus of Füssen
Pambo of Nitria
Zechariah (Hebrew prophet) (Catholic church)
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anastpaul · 7 years
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Saint of the Day – 6 September – St Magnus of Füssen – Religious Priest, Monk, Abbot, Missionary, Spiritual student of Saint Columban and Saint Gall at Arbon (part of modern Switzerland) (Died in c 666? or 722? at the monastery at Füssen, Bavaria (in modern Germany) of natural causes).   Patronages – against caterpillars,• against hail or hailstorms,• against lightning,• against snakes,• against vermin,• for protection of crops.
St Magnus of was both a monk and a missionary. An interesting story involves him bringing reconciliation between St Gall and his master St Columban.   He is also venerated as one of the Holy Helpers invoked in time of plague such as the Black Death.
Monk of St Gall Magnus was a monk at St Gall.   One moving story involving him is that, on learning of the death of Columbanus whom Gall had refused to accompany to Bobbio in Italy, Gall sent Magnus to pray at Columbanus’s grave.   Magnus returned with St Columbanus’s staff which on his deathbed Columbanus had instructed to be given to Gall as a gesture of reconciliation in the quarrel which a few years before had separated them.   Magnus is said to have succeeded Gall after his death.
Missionary Invited by a priest of Augsburg, Magnus went with the support of Bishop Wichbert of that diocese to preach to the pagan people of the Allgäu region of Bavaria.   When he was left alone, Wichbert sent some young clerics to help him and these formed a monastic community later known as Sankt-Mung at Füssen, in Bavaria. Magnus helped the locals clear the land for cultivation and began a mining industry in a nearby mountain.
Death and influence
Magnus died after 26 years of missionary work and his relics were returned to St Gall. He is usually represented as treading on serpents.   He is also named as one of the fourteen Holy Helpers invoked against storms, insects, dragons and other disasters, such as the Black Death.
(via AnaStpaul – Breathing Catholic)
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beyondsomewhere · 5 years
Organ by Frank Fujimoto Via Flickr: St. Magnus Basilica, Füssen, Germany
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Suele ser el broche de oro a la Ruta Romántica (Romantische Strasse), y centro de operaciones no solo para visitar los castillos de Luis II de Baviera, sino también para el amplio abanico de actividades con que disfrutar la montaña (el cercano Tegelberg), lagos, ríos y deslumbrante naturaleza. Asomada al río Lech desde un zócalo rocoso, con los Alpes al fondo, las casas medievales y barrocas se cobijan a los pies del castillo de los príncipes obispos de Augsburgo (ahora museo de pintura) y el monasterio benedictino de St. Magnus (que aloja otro museo).
La calle mayor (Reichenstrasse) mantiene el trazado de la Via Claudia Augusta romana, a cuya vera se alinean fuentes, iglesias y fachadas decoradas con pinturas en trampantojo. El claustro de St. Magnus acoge uno de los mercadillos navideños más pintorescos, con el castillo episcopal como telón de fondo.
Füssen es una ciudad de Alemania, dentro de la región de Suabia, en el estado federado de Baviera. Se encuentra al pie de los Alpes, muy cerca de la frontera con Austria.
La ciudad es mundialmente conocida por sus espectaculares castillos: Neuschwanstein y Hohenschwangau que se encuentran en las montañas a las afueras, y la enorme montaña próxima llamada Tegelberg (1870 m).
Tiene un interesante casco antiguo con sitios de interés como el palacio Alto de estilo gótico tardío, el monasterio Santo Mang, las casas con frontones medievales e idílicos lugares.
Prácticamente todo el invierno está cubierta de un manto blanco de nieve e incluso se llegan a helar los lagos que hay por esa zona.
Forma parte de la ruta romántica alemana.
El centro de Füssen, su estación de ferrocarril, así como sus carreteras y campiñas alrededores, fueron escenario en la famosa película La Gran Evasión, en la que unos prisioneros aliados consiguen escapar de su campo de concentración durante la II Guerra Mundial.
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cahenri · 8 years
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St. Magnus' inside #füssen #stmagnuscathedral
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cahenri · 8 years
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St. Magnus' tower #hohenschloss #füssen #bavaria #stmagnuscathedral (at Füssen)
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