#St Nicholas' Church Brockenhurst
amf1950 · 4 years
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Bluebells in Roydon Woods
Shut in for too long and feeling the need to break out, safely we hope, and get some excercise. The woods at Roydon are where I always choose to see this annual spectacle. And at the moment, when most of us are being careful about keeping well away from others, it is good to find that there was nearly no-one about. The walk, which starts at Sandy Down, cuts through fields where a new-born foal was just finding its legs, and into an area of softwood plantation. It then crosses a short section of heathland before dropping to a man-made pond and then rising back up to the old hardwood forest of Roydon.
I played here as a child almost sixty years ago, building camps and staying out all day during the summer holidays. So it carries so many ,memories for me. Today, the oak, beech and birch are all breaking into leaf with fresh, pale green as you look up to a blue sky. Blackbirds are calling, each declaiming its territory, bracken is unfurling, violets are out (although primroses have almost gone over now) and then, as you climb up the path, nearly to the old road that leads to St Nicholas’ Church the ground is hazily blue from the drifts of bluebells along the edge of the woods. 
As a child my brother, sister and I came here to pick flowers for Mothering Sunday. Back then there were also wild daffodils nearby, but sadly no longer. But it was a fantastic break and I feel that my batteries are fully re-charged.  
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thelifeoflorna · 3 years
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~4/12/2021~ This fatigue episode is definitely going to take some time to shift - haven't felt entirely human, so had a very slow morning. I then realised that I'd left my usb sticks at my flat with all my uni work on, but maybe that was a good thing as I haven't really got the concentration for it. Got the bus into town to get some lunch and to pick up something to help me with my christmas card designing. Hate how the shops get in the run up to christmas so didn't stay long. Got the bus back, did some drawing for an hour, then took the mothership out on a short walk to the sea and back as she seemed quite low - she's been ill with a cough (not covid) all week - still isn't overly well and feeling a bit sorry for herself. My stepdad was visiting his friends (the ones me and my mum have issues with) to do some diy for them - which is where he was yesterday too! I think she's been feeling a bit neglected - tbh we are a bit too as it's nice to spend some time together at the weekends. Spent the whole evening drawing, which is something I haven't done in a while! 🦄 #instadaily #instablog #update #mentalhealth #dissociativeidentitydisorder #cptsd #autism #traumarecovery #edrecovery #anxiety #chronicillness #disability #pots #potsie #dysautonomia #positivevibes #recovery #newforest #magical #leafy #fresh #blueskies #walking #englishheritage #cottagecore #quaint #stunning #church (at St Nicholas Church, Brockenhurst) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXEz5gGqDC0LScyU60Gti2o1AEE_MkDmTl-bZw0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amf1950 · 6 years
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Boldre Church of St John the Baptist, New Forest. Built 1087
One of several old New Forest churches, not as old as Brockenhurst’s St Nicholas, and similarly placed on a hill outside the settlement. Boldre church was the mother church covering several settlements, including for many years, the larger settlement in Lymington. It houses a memorial to HMS Hood, sunk by the German battleship Bismark with the loss of nearly its whole complement of men.
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thelifeoflorna · 3 years
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~3/12/2021~ Today was a bit of a write off! Despite being incredibly tired last night, I couldn't get to sleep as hadn't had a chance to process the busy, long day yesterday, was over stimulated, and my brain decided the middle of the night was the time to run through everything from the day, including the fact that somekne spelt optimistic wrong on the board at uni! Seem to have a sore throat - not covid - tbh it's often a sign of a chronic fatigue episode :/ Had specialist mentor appointment. Then met A for a hot chocolate and catch up. H came at lunch time - said I looked so tired - I was really struggling to function. We went to 2 garden centres for a wander. I then spent the rest of the afternoon in bed watching stuff. My Pom was picking me up to take me to parentals on his way back from somewhere in the evening, but he arrived earlier than planned - my mum was supposed to tell me :/ so meant I had only just started packing by the time he arrived, and he was a bit annoyed. It wasn't exactly ideal as due to fatigue it was hard to pack in a rush - I felt slightly irritated that he didn't offer to help me in anyway - as clearly I was struggling - in dropping things mode! But anyway, was taken to parentals and all calm now. I have been feeling very low this eve, but this often happens when tired/fatigued - hopefully sleep will be better tonight... 🦄 #instadaily #instablog #update #mentalhealth #dissociativeidentitydisorder #cptsd #autism #traumarecovery #edrecovery #anxiety #chronicillness #disability #pots #potsie #dysautonomia #positivevibes #recovery #newforest #magical #newforestponies #fresh #blueskies #walking #englishheritage #cottagecore #quaint #stunning #church (at St Nicholas Church, Brockenhurst) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXCXLqsK5QvsbWpAkNf2zagzeV3HEseEBgoQ6g0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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