starscaredwings · 11 months
Starting Information
Before anything else, the essentials would probably be a good thing to know, otherwise everything is gonna be really confusing.
This is essentially an AU(StarStained) that I've created for Minecraft, blending together mechanics, physics, and real world logic to create something new. Some of these things are spins on ideas I've read in fan-content made for Minecraft, others are my own ideas.
Starting off, there are many, many races that make up this world. Hybrids, Humans, End and Nether born beings. These races are basically things that are included into the Origins Minecraft Mod. Some of them are a bit different however, as I've changed the origins and abilities of some races. Most notably, and as an example, the Elyrian Race is an End-Born race, and not seen a whole lot in the Overworld.
The End | Size of the AU
On the topic of the End, this is very important to note. StarStained takes place in a world where the land stretches next to indefinite. Much large than even a normal in-game world, and those are larger than Earth. To put this to scale, I need to use this as a reference. Within one in-game Minecraft world there is only a singular End Spawn Island. A single dragon, and a single egg. The lands of StarStained are large enough to sustain so many of these islands that they cover any and all SMP's that have access/potential access to the End. DreamSMP, Hermitcraft, Empires, Hypixel, Private Servers, etc... They all exist within StarStained, and are located SOMEWHERE within the infinite expanse that is the land.
Character Possibilities
Any characters that anyone would like to create can do so. Any feedback that anyone would like to give, please send my way. I'm still in the process of creating this world and it's ideas, and would love any and all questions and recommendations about this AU. I don't have much actually posted here yet, but I would love to continue updating it with new things and ideas. I want to keep building on this idea.
Because of the AU containing literally anything you could think of, there are infinite possibilities. Do with that what you will ;)
How People and Codes Function
How DnA and Science is to us, Binary and codes are to those within the AU. "Players" are regular people, but are sometimes referred to as players by Admins. Each player has their own "inventory" like in-game. They can open their inventory by swiping their hand in any direction with the intent to open the storage. This inventory works exactly as in game, but people can also choose to do these things by hand.
If the person is an Admin, opening their inventory gives them an option to access their Admin Panel. This works exactly as it does in the actual game. Creative Mode for themselves or others, commands, etc... This panel is able to view player data as well as other more specific info. This player-data includes their name, family, server history, birth date, age, etc... The only way for an Admin to view something more in-depth than the person's name however, that person has to accept the request to look deeper into their info from their inventory.
The ONLY thing majorly different here is that the Admin is not invincible, Creative Mode is not a thing. Most of the time, this is not an issue, as admins can usually spawn in things like armor and enchants.
Please Give Feedback if you Want to!
If you are confused about anything in here, ask questions. If I need to clarify something here with more info, please let me know!
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starscaredwings · 10 months
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Wanted to draw something nice for these two, but here are two characters that are in the main story of Star Stained! Kemuri Skies, a Red Macaw Avian and Mist Moar, a Snow Owl Avian.
More info about the characters under the cut :)
Kemuri Skies
Kemuri dabbles a LOT with Redstone, and does so without much in the way of protection from the element. This has caused their feathers, claws, and feet to have permanent red stains on the ends. The only form of protection they now wear is a mask, which if they could, they wouldn't even wear that. Because of their dabbling without protective gear, they've developed some breathing problems. The mask helps keep nasty stuff in the air out of their lungs. The lenses of the mask are made with Amethyst.
Mist Moar
Unfortunately, I will not dive into her story here, as she is actually the main character of Star Stained. I will say, however, that her injuries are not natural. Originally they had been, but something happened that changed them. I'd say healed, but those are clearly not normal wings.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
Race Info - Human Beings
Humans are probably the easiest of the races to explain, since we all obviously know what they are. Us. We. You know all that fun jazz. The main thing to keep in mind is that all other races use humans as the base-line, meaning all other races are either "weaker" or "stronger" than that of your average Human. This is because the general consensus is that Humans came first. There is evidence of this in ancient cities and carvings found inside deep caves. If these carvings are not intended to be human, they are VERY human-like.
General Bonuses to being human :D
Congratulations! You are human. You are probably one of the least likely to have someone be racist towards you. This is, obviously, said here as more of a joke, but in all seriousness, this is true. It's unfortunate, but there are groups of humans who believe that the other races who life on the planet are inferior to themselves. That they should be the rulers of the planet since they came first, and it was ours. This is not everywhere, and in most cases it's not going to be a problem, but in some areas of the world, it can potentially be dangerous to be anything other than Human.
Humans are very adaptive to the environment, and are able to withstand quite a lot of beatings from the natural elements from shear willpower alone.
Humans have, by far, the highest population on the planet.
General Disadvantages to being Human D:
Humans are... squishy, per-say. Not that they can't adapt, but bringing something on to quickly is a good way for a Human to become overwhelmed. In the case of physical harm, it takes much more will-power then actual force to leave serious harm in some way, to either party, unless they have some kind of protective equipment.
Because of the groups of Humans that throw around their "superiority" over the other races, they are sometimes considered to be very aggressive. This isn't always the case, but it has been known to happen.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
Food, Storage, and Grocery
This is more of an interesting tid-bit, but storage works generally the same as what it does in-game. The only difference, and arguably big difference, is that raw foods must be refrigerated/frozen, like in real-life. Making any kind of enclosed area with Blue Ice and/or snow blocks placed will basically create a freezer/refrigerator.
Most of the time, people copy the basic design of the devices for both storage systems. 3 blocks tall, 1 block wide, 2 blocks long space enclosed by blocks or trapdoors. Blue ice(for a freezer) or Snow blocks(For a fridge) are placed in the back and the shelves are placed in the front. A door, or more trapdoors, are placed at the front to keep the cold air from escaping the storage box.
Something similar is made for shops and stores, but the box instead becomes more like a basket. Blue ice at the bottom with an empty space above it, both the space and the ice are enclosed, save for the top, by trapdoors. This is usually used for meats. If a thin sheet of wax paper is placed on top of the ice, the meat tends to freeze. If a layer of carpet is placed with the sheet of wax paper on top of that, the meat will effectively be refrigerated for that day.
Only Blue ice is used in shops because there isn't enough room to have a separate section for both refrigerated AND frozen meats, so they've instead used more material to make it more convenient for themselves and for customers. Stores with more room and more currency are able to keep both sections.
About Wax paper, it can be made using paper and honey comb.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
The Land Outside the Story
Because of the world being infinite, it leaves room for literally ANYthing else Minecraft related. The DreamSMP, Hermitcraft, Empires etc... All of it exists. The only exception to this are the SMPs that involve the abilities of the Origins Mod. Instead, those are just normal servers, all containing a lives system going off of what I've created with my own lives system. If anyone has any questions about those feel free to ask. I will not expand on them unless for comparison reasons, as they are not a part of this story. The only similarity is that they take place within the same world as my story.
This includes places like Minecraft minigame servers. These servers would be run by powerful Admins that give out infinite respawns to the participants.
Much of the story will not discuss anything to do with the general area that the prologue is from, instead, it will take place outside the area.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
The Continent of Krimbark (Kr-rim-bark)
Miles upon miles of Rainforest and Jungle is what a vast portion of the continent consists of. The heat given off by Tiblar flowing over the oceans picks up moister from the ocean, and the surrounding mountains push the wind and water onto the continent. The far southern side of the landmass is divided by a mountain range, causing the land below the mountains to have less water. Because of the lessened rainfall, most of the land below the mountains is normal forests.
A lot of water-faring races have taken residence within the capital city of the Continent, being just below the massive lake in the middle of the landmass. That's not to say that other races aren't living here, but there are a higher abundance of water-fairing folk amongst the population.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
The Continent of Mirinbell (Meer-in-bell)
Those who live within the Northern half of the Continent will find plains, forests, and rolling hills. The two large lakes on this land mass have two rivers flowing from the top lake into the smaller southern one, with the capital city being located between the two rivers.
South of the bottom lake is a large mountain rage that divides the entire continent, trapping the moisture above and casting it in a wide arc to the other Continent below. Because of this weather, right below where these mountains reside is a large desert. There are very small pools of water located within the area, but most of it consists of vast quantities of empty space and sand. The two islands South-East of Mirinbell are also nothing but desert islands.
Capital cities tend to have Admins that are able to keep their players alive, seeing over the city and making sure everyone remains safe. These two capital cities are the only two places within the story limits that have Admins powerful enough to give their players infinite respawn. Once entering the bounds of the Server, if a player is to die they will find themselves within the plaza of the Capital City.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
The World Mechanics
This one is a bit of a doozy to explain, but I will do my best.
This world IS the world. I've seen stories of how there are different "servers" and they each take place in a completely different world. This world is not that. Instead, everything takes place in a singular world. Minecraft's worlds aren't infinite, but they are structured to seem that way. This setting takes that and makes it literal. The world here is vast, much larger than the circumference of Earth, and stretching on even farther.
"Servers" still exist, but in a different way had there been multiple Minecraft worlds. Servers are instead areas of the world where an Admin has exerted their power over the land and has created an area of control over the environment and the people within, like how a normal admin would have something akin to Creative Mode and Admin permissions.
Depending on the power of the Admin in control over the server has, the people within the server will have a specific amount of lives. Some Admins have IMMENCE power, and their people will have unlimited lives while within the bounds of the server's borders. Those with less power can have any number, but not anything super huge.
And no, the people who have died a few times within the server will not keel over as soon as they step out of the server border. Each player to ever enter a server has their "Player Data" saved to the server info that is accessible by the Server Owner and the allowed admins.
This does, however, mean that outside the bounds of the server, the people who live without the watchful eyes of an Admin will be limited to what is essentially Hardcore mode. You die out there, you are dead. For good. Your player info isn't wiped from servers, but the code that makes up that person is gone. The same is thought to happen when a person falls into the infinite expanse of void that is below bedrock.
Extensive Info about Admins and Servers below the cut.
On the topic of Admins. Admins are beings born with the innate power of advanced creation. They do not have this power off the bat, and it's not often that it happens in this way in the first place. This power is discovered through the help of another Admin looking through the newborn's "code" to find the lines that tell them if they are a natural born Admin or not. Those that born within the bounds of another Admin's server generally have their permissions taken from them until they become old enough to set out and create their own server. Some choose to stay within the server of their birthplace, in which-case they typically join the Server Owner in keeping watch over the server.
Most Admins who know of their power set out to make their own Server's, where they can keep it open to other people or keep it protected for specific individuals. Some Admins though don't care about the power, and continue life just as anyone else.
This isn't to say that all Admins are... great. Some Admins will abuse their power over the people living within their server. Some will set out with the intent to take control of an area to simply destroy the land. A good example of this would be an Admin who has the power to make infinite lives for their players, but instead limits those lives.
Some of these terms are debated about. There are arguments against calling people “players” and those with more power “admins.” Calling their controlled lands “servers” and such. Since this is all something based on Minecraft however, I figured I would just use terms people are more familiar with instead of calling them things like, “Zones” or “Deities.”
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starscaredwings · 11 months
The Continent of Tiblar (Tib-Lar)
The concept of building a Nether Portal is simple, the after-effects are less so. When a Nether Portal is built now-a-days, the obsidian used in it’s construction is refined and shaped by the one who picks it up. Precautions have been taken on every server/location that Nether travel is possible, because the first time one was built, none of that was known, and now, because of the ignorance of those who discovered it, a once lively and bustling continent has been corrupted. A slice of the Nether having carved itself into the Overworld and destroyed any hope of living there again.
Now, it is known that it can't spread through water. It was more of a gradual learning, one that came with the realization that it wasn't spreading through the ocean. All water that had been on the island though, well, that evaporated as the temperature rose, eventually being replaced by lava.
Anything that is able to survive within the Nether is able to live here. This means Piglin, Ghast, Blaze, etc...
It's also where Nether born/hybrids come from. Piglin and Blazeborn being the two most common seen sporadically throughout the lands. Interestingly enough, those that have been born on the continent do not have the same constraints of those born within the Nether. These individuals are able to leave the continent without injury. This is mostly referring to the zombification process of the Piglin, but it's also referring to Blazeborn. Their relatives, referring to the Blaze of course, are not able to survive being in water for any longer than a couple seconds, adventurers having known for a while now that snowballs will actually kill them. Blazeborn are able to withstand the feeling of water, however is does leave slight burns if submerged for to long.
There are a lot of restrictions put on how to build a Nether Portal now, but most build them in the air or completely encased in water to prevent the spread of Netherrack.
This is also how Netherborn races came to be. Any who were living on the island during the time of its mass corruption became… Nether Touched, so-to-speak. They became much more Nether-like in origin, finding themselves with new abilities, benefits, and disadvantages.
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starscaredwings · 11 months
I thought we had all gotten past this, but because Microsoft is a greedy piece of shit who doesn't understand what the word "commercial" means, I need to state this here so that I am not potentially sued because of their new Guidelines.
Anything listed within this "world" is not any kind of official Minecraft content. It is not endorsed by Microsoft or the Minecraft team, and is a completely made up idea. I am not receiving money from this in any way, shape, or form, and do not plan on doing so at any point in the future. I do not own the Minecraft brand and am in no way related to anything having to do with the game other than being someone who plays it.
I want to start this off by saying that this isn't a happy story. At least, not the beginning of it. This character's origin story is upsetting, and I will be tagging posts appropriately. I will be including warnings at the top of posts that deserve those warnings, just so you know what you will be getting into should anyone happen across this blog.
There's a lot of stuff here... well, there's going to be. I've had this idea in my head for a couple years, mainly ever since getting into the DreamSMP, then Hermitcraft, OriginsSMP, and other SMP's just in general, but those are the big ones.
I love Minecraft as what it is, but I also love what the community has made of it, and what they've explained away as game mechanics, and how DNA and Science is to us as Binary and Code is to them. I've always found it fascinating, how we've taken these things and given them real-world effects, but always keeping that element of, "That wouldn't work in real life, but it would work in Minecraft." Like Admins And eating raw pork
Bracketing this off, because the list might get pretty long.
I will put tags here to categorize things. Locations, characters, general information, etc... If anyone ever has any questions, feel free to ask! I'd LOVE some input. I'm taking in readily, and will likely use it in world building :)
!!!READ THIS FIRST!!! This link will lead to the basic information that you will need to know in order for any of this to make sense.
#StarStainedMC - Locations - Information on the locations within the world. This can be cities, continents, towns, special locations, ect... #StarStainedMC - General Info - General information on how things work, mechanics of the world, etc... #StarStainedMC - Race Info - How each race within this world works, things they experience and have to deal with etc... #StarStainedMC - My Art - Art that I have created for the story and it's characters. This includes written stories along with the general art that I've created. #StarStainedMC - Characters - Information on specific characters are located here. Most of these will have art attached to them, but some of them might not, especially the races with human faces. I'm not great with human faces, but I will try my best.
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