#Stark may have been a tad more interesting had they went with that angle
theshadowsanctum · 4 years
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Pulp column for The Spy Ring, promoting the upcoming “The Prince of Evil”
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lyssawritesfanfic · 5 years
Call Me Daddy
fandom: ikerev
sirius x reader
cw: smut, preggo
You’ve never been this late before. A few days here give or take, but it’s been nearly four weeks since your last cycle. A nervousness flutters in your chest like a swarm of butterflies, occasionally causing you sickness in the morning. You know what this means. Every woman knows what this means.
It’s not an unpleasant thought, the idea that you could be carrying Sirius’s baby inside of you, but is this too soon? You’ve only been together for less than a year. You’re still getting used to this new world where magic exists, where you live as “Alice”, much less getting used to being in an intimate relationship with the greatest man to ever walk the earth. Are you ready to be a mother? You know you’re ready to commit, Sirius is the only man you will ever love and you know there is nothing that will ever change that, but what about him?
No, perish the thought. You know you’re more precious to Sirius than every flower that has ever bloomed. You know he’s ready to commit to you, but does he even... want children? He does a hell of a job mothering the entire black army, but it’s one thing to parent soldiers; it’s another thing to parent an infant.
You decide to confide in your beloved, to ask him for his advice. You muster up every last ounce of courage and march towards Sirius’s office, and just as you are about to knock, you hear a disturbance on the other side of the door.
“Ha! And now you owe me big time, Sirius! I win this round.”
It’s Fenrir’s cheerful voice that rings through the door. You can’t help but smile when you hear the boundless energy and playful nature Fenrir so effortlessly exudes, but the smile falters slightly when Sirius groans in response.
“You’re such a child, Fenrir. What am I supposed to do with you? Seriously, are you actually going to go on about this?”
Ouch. The way he said ‘child’... it wasn’t... positive. You scurry away from the door before you hear another word. You know you’re overreacting to an innocuous comment, but that doesn’t stop your heart jumping into your throat.
Fine. Well, you suppose the only way to approach this now is to find out if you truly are pregnant. But if you were to go into Red territory now to see Kyle, everyone would get suspicious or worried. Hm, what a predicament.
As you slowly walk down towards the kitchen, you spot a wisp of flowing blue hair. Seth. He’ll find an excuse for me. 
“Oh my, well it isn’t little miss Alice! What can I do for you today?” he says with his charming, flirtatious smile.
“Seth, can I trust you to keep a secret?”
His expression turns concerned and slightly dark, clearly worried that perhaps you’ve gotten into some trouble.
“It depends on the nature of that secret... is everything alright?”
“I... well, I don’t want Sirius to worry, I just happen to... uh...”
Shoot. What’s a good excuse for going into Red territory other than to see the doctor?
“You happen to...?” Seth coaxes.
“I... I have had this terrible... um... headache! Yes, a headache, that has persisted now for a few days.”
“Oh well that is absolutely no good, let me escort you to see Kyle to make sure everything is alright.”
Oh dear, no, you can’t have Seth go with you! Seth is too shrewd for his own good, he’ll immediately figure out why you’re actually in need of a doctor if he goes with you!
“Well! Um... that is... I do need to go, but I believe it uh... has something to do with... uh...”
“Oh, is this perhaps a, erm, lady issue?”
“Yes! Yes, you’re absolutely right, I believe this may be linked to what is definitely a lady issue, so it might be inappropriate if you escorted me.”
“And... you don’t want Sirius to come with you?” Seth asks, the tone in his voice indicating some level of suspicion. Well, you technically aren’t lying, this is a lady issue that needs to be sorted out by a medical professional.
“He’s just so busy, I wouldn’t want to bother him with what are probably normal and routine woman things, hahaha!”
The laugh is nervous and shrill, but for the moment Seth buys it.
“Well, it’s good that you’re telling at least one of us where you’re going. It wouldn’t do for you to disappear with not a single one of us knowing of your whereabouts. I think the entire black army would worry themselves sick!”
“Yes, yes, truly. So if you could just... not tell anyone that I’m headed to the doctor? If anyone asks say I’m, uh... that I really wanted some cake, okay? Thank you! Bye Seth!”
You turn and run towards the courtyard before Seth can even say farewell, damn near impressed with yourself at how well you were able to provide cover for yourself. Ha! Perhaps you aren’t as innocently honest as everyone thinks you are!
Seth watches as you scamper away from the castle, unable to get a word out before you’ve disappeared from his vision.
“My sweet Alice, if you thought you could fool me for even a second, you sorely underestimate me.” He sighs, able to piece together enough information to have a general idea of what’s going on. 
“I’ll give you a head start... How lucky Sirius is.”
Seth smiled bitterly as he turned and walked to the kitchen, pushing down his feelings with a strong, silent swallow.
It’s just before sunset by the time you reach Red territory. You’re greeted warmly but incredibly formally, a stark contrast from the casual air that emanates from the black army. It isn’t long until you’re sitting with Kyle in an empty room.
“Alright, spit it out. What does Alice need to see me for?”
“I... um... well... it’s...”
Now that you’re being asked by the doctor, it’s suddenly hard to articulate. Especially since Kyle is a friend. And... also lacking in good bedside manner.
“Come on, out with it. Here, maybe a drink will loosen you--”
“No! I can’t!”
You shock yourself with how loud you refuse, then clasp your hands over your mouth, eyes wide, terrified.
“...Oh, so that’s what you want to know, huh.”
Kyle sets down the drink he began to pour, then rests his arms on his knees, touching his fingers together in a steeple.
“It’s still too early to tell for sure. How late are you?”
“Nearly a month.”
“And you haven’t changed any of your habits? No sudden interest in rock climbing? Many sleepless nights? Overworked? A severe lack of cake or cookies?”
“N-no, none of those.” You hardly can whisper your responses, trying your best to hold in your shaking.
Kyle leans back, sighing and chuckling.
“Well, that’s your answer right there. Although it’s still in the early stages. I don’t recommend preparing or sharing until it’s been about two or three months. Bad luck, they say. But for what it’s worth, from doctor to patient, congratulations.” Kyle smirks mischievously, but the happiness emanating from his presence is genuine and warm. You can feel the heat rise to your cheeks as the realization truly begins to sink in.
“Y-yes... thank you, Kyle. Thank you so much.”
As you stand and turn to go, you hear him lazily add, “Be sure to see me again in a month, but bring Daddy-o next time.”
You turn back to face him.
“Yes, I will.”
You walk out in a haze, one part over the moon, other part terrified. So it’s true. Pregnant. If all goes well, you’re going to be a mother. You cradle your still-flat stomach, wondering how another human could even begin to grow inside of another, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
“Well that’s a sigh if I’ve ever heard one, little lady.”
Your eyes immediately open to the handsome form of your man, standing outside of a carriage parked right in front of the Red castle.
“S-sirius...? How did you...”
“Seth gave you a head start. Said he didn’t want to pry but also felt bad if he was the only one who knew where you went. Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been feeling ill?”
He takes your head in his hands, tangling his fingers in your hair and kissing your forehead reverently, his touch filled with nothing but adoration. 
“I... it was... well...”
“You didn’t want to bother me?”
“No... not until I knew if...”
You stop yourself. It’s bad luck to talk before the first few months. But, then again, does it count if you’re telling only the other person who assisted in creating the life forming inside of you?
“Knew if what?” Sirius’s expression shifts, growing more concerned by the second.
No, it doesn’t count. You have to tell him. Besides, waiting months to know whether or not he’d even want this child would be agony.
“Um, let’s talk inside the carriage. I don’t want anyone else to hear.”
Sirius looks at you gravely, opening the carriage door and helping you climb inside. You’re suddenly aware of every bend and angle you take, wondering if climbing into a carriage this high off the ground, or riding in a carriage so bumpy, is detrimental to the growth of the flower budding inside of you.
Sirius gets in immediately after, closing the door with a tad more aggression than normal.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to slam it.”
“It’s fine.”
“So, tell me. Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Sirius... I...”
Now that it’s come time to tell him, you’re not sure if you can. The words hang back in your throat like they’re stuck on hooks, unwilling to leave the safety of your mouth. Will he still love you? Will he abandon you? Will you have to go back to England, cold and alone and pregnant with no husband to speak of? Tears begin to sting your eyes when you feel your hands enveloped in his.
“Tell me. Please.”
You look up at him and his face is barely masking the panic in his voice. You can’t bear to keep him waiting, knowing that he’s surely thinking you’re near death’s door or something much more dangerous.
“Sirius... I... I’m pregnant.”
Sirius blinks.
“It’s still early on, like just about a month, so who knows if it’s going to like, you know, actually... happen...”
You can’t look at him directly. Your eyes dart about the cabin like an indecisive fly, unable to hold the gaze of any object for very long, much less the face of your beloved. You feel one of his hands move from your hand to your chin, forcing you to face him, but you instinctively close your eyes.
“Look at me.”
You open your eyes nervously only to see Sirius barely able to contain a smile, his cheeks red from joy.
“The only other time I’ve been happier is when I first learned you loved me back. You’re incredible, little lady. You keep bringing me new heights of joy I never knew were possible.”
He pulls you into a gentle yet passionate kiss, bringing you into his lap as he holds your frame tight against him. Tears fall as you embrace him and return the kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“I... I was so worried you’d be unhappy...”
“Why would I be unhappy!” Sirius laughs. “If all goes well, I get to be a father. To an actual child instead of adults masquerading as children.”
You giggle. “I heard you call Fenrir a child today... I got needlessly worried, I suppose...”
He looks up at you warmly. “This is different. You’ve taken parts of me, mixed them with parts of you, and now you’re creating a new life with nothing but those. Fenrir be damned, I’m going to be a dad!” Sirius buries his face in your breasts, and you feel slight tears of happiness stain your chest. It isn’t long before he begins to nip and kiss at your skin, coaxing a soft groan of pleasure from you.
“Nnng... Sirius... n-not here...”
“Call me ‘Daddy’.”
Your moans grow louder as you instinctively unbuckle his pants, freeing his growing bulge, your earlier protests mere seconds ago all but forgotten as your temperature begins to rise.
“When we’re parents... it’s going to be hard to have alone time... we’ll need to take advantage of every second we get...” He looks up at you with a playful grin, a hand skillfully pushing your panties aside, teasing your already dripping opening.
“Oh...! S... daddy...!”
You feel his thick cock plunge into you as you wrap your body flush to his, rocking back and forth on him, his grunts and groans of pleasure music to your ears. He pumps into you rhythmically, hitting every spot that makes you cry out in ecstasy, but a glimpse out the window shows that you’re nearly home.
“Ah, S-sirius! We’re almost home!” you call out breathlessly. He takes his fingers and circles them on your clit, causing you to bounce on him faster, easily bringing you both to climax within less than a moment. Gasping for breath, red-faced, chests heaving, holding each other tightly as the carriage begins to slow. You reluctantly untangle yourselves from each other and get vaguely decent before the door swings open and you let yourselves out.
As you walk back towards the castle, Sirius slows his pace, holding his hand on your hip. “Just so you know... I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
Your cheeks flush red as you giggle and look up at him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Daddy.”
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