#Start a side hustle
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hsmagazine254 · 8 months
Setting Your Price Point: A Business Strategy
Understanding the Art of Pricing Pricing your products or services effectively is a critical aspect of running a successful business. Your price point not only impacts your revenue but also shapes customer perception and can make or break your competitiveness in the market. In this article, we’ll delve into the art and science of setting the right price point for your business. Understanding Your…
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nilanthausjp · 2 years
How to Start a Side Hustle While Keeping Your Day Job
How to Start a Side Hustle While Keeping Your Day Job
Whether you want to work from home, start a side hustle, or build a business with money as the main goal, there are many ways to get started. The first step is to find your passion. This means deciding what to do, developing a business plan, and creating a business credit profile. Steps to start a side hustle Getting a side hustle can be an exciting and profitable endeavor, but you need to keep…
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mentorshelly · 2 years
Are You UnderEmployed? Do These 3 Things to Improve Your Economic Situation
Are You UnderEmployed? Do These 3 Things to Improve Your Economic Situation
Have you ever been in a job where you just feel like you’re not being paid enough? Maybe the work isn’t particularly stimulating, or your commute is brutal. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry – you’re definitely not alone. In fact, there are plenty of steps you can take to make a change. So if you’re feeling antsy about your current salary situation, read on for some tips on how to make more…
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nyaagolor · 1 year
I will never under why people insist the Paldean gym leaders need their other jobs “because the league doesn’t pay enough”. Maybe I’m misreading something, but so many gym leaders imply or outright say that the gym position came later than their other job and clearly don’t prioritize the gym itself. If anything, I would wager being a gym leader is the side hustle or a PR thing and not the other way around. Also if I were chasing the bag I prolly would not be doing abstract sculpting
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ra1ndrop5-on-ro5e5 · 8 days
Side Hustle // Fhatt
Finn had enjoyed the trips out of town with Schlatt. Once or twice a week they would get in his car and take a reasonably long drive out through the sprawling landscapes. Finn might spend half the ride tracing the mountains with his eyes, but don't worry cause the othe half was spent bickering with his business partner. It had been a long one today but the mood was still relatively pleasant. Schlatt had actually stopped for Boba on the way home this time. He was happily sipping it as he catalogged clothes for the store inventory on the floor of Shlatt's room. He hummed absentmindedly and let himself get comfy in Shlatt's domain over all this time spent scheming. He sipped his drink, ate a little stack of Pringles, eventually glancing over at Schlatt. He just looks at him, feeling happy about their team work, but his face was flat, relaxed. Unmasked. @principal-of-business
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honestly, blaine being like "I wasting my life as a human!" is so funny. Like what, running orphan murder butchery was meaningful? Have you found your calling? biohazard zombie virus blackmail scheme was that so very eat, pray, love of you? are you going to write your memoirs now??
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herssian · 1 year
i think all humans are capable of creating and do create even when they don’t realize they are, in various frequencies, forms, and across different mediums or aspects of life, but i truly believe there are some people who were made to create first and foremost and everything else comes second. i don’t know what the percentage is and i don’t know how many were taught to put it on the back burner because “that’s not how life or society works”, but it’s always sad to see the general public, especially those in charge, unwilling to give support to their creatives and help them flourish. it’d be a boon for everyone in the end, we all partake in art to be entertained or soothed or healed :(
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7 Online Side Hustles That Can Make Over $10,000 A Month
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tennessoui · 1 year
Because I’m still feeling very Eurovision: “I have a ghost in my body (and he is a lyricist)”
Someone suggested it elsewhere as a fic title and I couldn’t get it out of my mind since
Thank you! <3 Love you! <3
this feels so basic and like low hanging fruit, but I’m thinking of an au where obi-wan is paid to write love letters to strangers for clients who want to seduce the object of their affections but are horrible at romance or very self-conscious.
and then anakin contracts him for a series of letters he can send to Padmé who is 100% definitely the love of his life, and it starts out easily enough—obi-wan has a policy of one phone call pre letter, to talk through with the client about what they want to say, and then a phone call post letter writing, to read the finished product to the client to get the green light before he sends it off.
but somewhere in between hearing anakin talk about his feelings and the future he imagines with himself and Padme + actually meeting him in person (purely by accident, through some hijinks where they recognize each other’s voices in a crowded elevator or something), obi-wan falls in love.
and anakin finds it harder and harder to remember that the voice on the other side of the phone is reading love letters destined for someone else—not actually murmuring sweet and beautifully crafted love confessions to him.
(They were always going to fall in love)
send me a made-up fic title, and I’ll tell you what I would write for it
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hannahalexart · 2 years
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Witch is fine and he knows it! 😳
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mentorshelly · 2 years
Forced to Return to the Office? 3 Concrete Ways to Fight for Your Location Independence
Forced to Return to the Office? 3 Concrete Ways to Fight for Your Location Independence
  If you’re one of the many people who are being forced to return to the office against their will, there are a few things you can do to make the best of the situation. First, try to create a positive mindset for yourself. Remind yourself that it’s only temporary and that you’ll be able to appreciate your time at home all the more when it’s over. Second, take advantage of the opportunities that…
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detective-giggles · 1 year
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Baking tonight!
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astral-from-afar · 4 months
The competition I entered only gave me 10% off from the summer school I wanted to go
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cabinetduo · 4 months
cabinetduo when i catch you user cabinetduo /silly
how much money would you need for you to give me your username /hj
a zillion dollars, this user name is a chunk of my identity and a remnant of a beautiful era. there r like 8 cabinetduo fans total and I am hefting them onto my shoulders everytime I post
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hikeyzz · 4 months
what's absolutely driving me insane rn is that my clients at work are telling me i am killing it and very impressive people are talking about my work and my writing IN ROOMS I AM NOT IN bc i am still so ill i can't fcking be there!!!! i should be there. they should be telling the client "wow this is so great" while i'm standing right there so the client can introduce me and say "actually here's who made that thing you love so much..." and people should be remembering MY name and face for those things!!!! like i'm fine working behind the scenes but nobody fcking knows who's even back here!!! i'm trying to make a goddamn career for myself and i can't do that when i can't connect my work to who i am irl. like if i cannot be there when people praise my work, no one is going to credit me for it. the only way they'll know my name is if i tell it to them myself. and I CANT FCKING DO THAT WITHOUT BEING IN THE ROOM!!! FUCK!
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