#Steel pinch rollers
bucketsquid · 13 days
a tired octoling's advice for gold ???? salmon run rotations
so i'm in evp950-999 bracket right now and seeing people clearly not use their weapons correctly and it's kind of driving me bananas. i don't know why this is happening. but it makes me want to make a cheatsheet for Grizzco weapons and what they should be doing to make the shift smoother.
note that anyone can deal with maws because of how you dispose of them, same with flippers. "grounded bosses" refers to eels + big shots + scrappers (not steelheads bc you need range or piercing to get them).
so here's some weapon-based tips for anyone who may need them during the last few hours of big run + for later gold rotations:
grizzco slosher: like the explosher, a flyfish killer. hitting the cockpit of a flyfish with a gslosh projectile is an instant splat. aim well and move fast. prioritize flyfish. also armored bosses (drizzlers, steelheads, sometimes scrappers + lids) because you two-hit all of them regardless where you hit them. mind your ink, you have 4 shots on a full tank.
unless you have 3+ gsloshers in team comp, please don't waste your shots on fish sticks i beg you
grizzco brella & blaster: as rapid-fire, you need to help handle fish sticks and stingers the most; deal with them as they show up. but outside of that, you are the flexible team slot(s) and can generally handle a lot of threats.
grizzco roller: your speed and contact damage helps you destroy hordes of lessers as well as grounded bosses. use your speed to run eggs and revive teammates, too. your flick is slow and can easily get you splatted; use it to fell steelheads, ink fish sticks, etc in a pinch. you can also use your speed to set off slammin lids very safely.
also please note the knockback from running into scrappers, it can and will get you into trouble. ALSO this weapon completely trivializes Glowflies/Rush. move slowly at the swarm.
grizzco dualies: like the rapid-fire weapons, you destroy stingers; unlike them you can't climb fish sticks easily without help. work on thinning hordes of lessers, reviving teammates, running eggs and dealing with grounded bosses. your dodge roll is a very safe bet to get slammin lids to go off. PLEASE be mindful of where you end up after you're done dodge rolling or you will get splatted.
if you don't have anything better to do, just run eggs or throw bombs at flyfish.... but this is advice for most generalist and low-range weapons.
grizzco charger: first get used to spamming it at max charge. good? okay, you handle steelheads, slammin lids, stingers, and sometimes drizzlers. you can also spam shots at steel eels and scrappers pretty effectively. in a sense you are a generalist with a lot of range.
for the love of fax machine kamisama, DO NOT WASTE YOUR SHOTS ON FISH STICKS. DO NOT. even a groller will do it better and faster than you. ink the side of a fish stick for a teammate and go do something better. please
grizzco splatana: all power, no range. focus on armored foes like drizzlers + steelheads, grounded bosses and hordes of lessers. you can kill flyfish in a pinch but you risk being hit by their exhaust and they need to be on land.
grizzco stringer: another generalist/flex team slot. you have the reach for steelheads and slammin lids but you need to align your shots well to oneshot them. i suggest helping with grounded bosses + fish sticks + stingers and then doing general duties like bombing maws/flyfish, running eggs, reviving allies.
a lot of this does rely on your whole team having common sense and knowing what each weapon is best at. and that's not always reasonable in random queue! but if you know what you're doing, then you're already doing a great job. if you're doing your best and your team still fails, it's not really your fault. it happens.
be willing to be flexible based on team composition. sometimes you get 3 stringer 1 splatana and you just have to deal with it. i've had multiple 2 roller 2 dualies compositions this weekend... and had times where the only bosses that spawn in the first 20 seconds are flyfish, with no slosher present. you gotta do stupid things to survive and hit quota and that is okay!
but being informed about what each weapon can do is very helpful too. i hope i could help. :3 please feel free to add since this is just for normal wave!
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univac1219 · 2 months
Does your 1219 have a nickname?
Also, I was wondering if you have any fun stories surrounding it! Strange quirks it has or anything like that.
I'd love to see more photos if you're allowed to post them!
Thanks for the question! These are my favorite part about my blog by far.
Not exactly, the UNIVAC 1219 doesn’t have a nickname. I did realize recently that I should specify the pronunciation (Twelve-Nineteen), but it doesn’t have any nicknames. Apart from ‘the 1219’, it’s also regularly referred to as the CPU or just ‘the computer’.
Fun stories or weird quirks? Boy, I could fill a book with this machine’s weird quirks (or as we say, intermittent issues), but I’ll try to blitz through the most common ones:
Sometimes the computer will stop running and enter a WAIT mode. No reason, it just needs a break. We can’t fix it, it just has to decide to go back into operating mode.
The computer will often start attempting to communicate on IO channel 13. We’re not telling it to talk to anything, it just decides to try to.
One of our teletypes (the Kleinshmidt) stamps ink splotches into the paper rather than characters most of the time. However, this weekend it worked for the first time in 10 months! We didn’t change anything, it just had an extra cup of coffee or something.
The Digital Data Recorder, or the tape drive, has the most gremlins out of any of our units. The top handler works fairly well, but the bottom handler won’t properly read data, write data, move the tape forward, initialize the tape, or any number of other issues.
There’s more but hopefully this satisfies your curiosity.
Fun stories? Well, I can’t name any specific ones, but I can say it’s a very endearing machine. It’s the very last of its kind and being one of three individuals in the world responsible for it makes every issue that more frustrating. There is no real forum for it, the subject matter experts sit next to me and are often just as exasperated as I am.
But the unique nature of this situation make every successful diagnostic test that much sweeter. Every new addition (5.25” floppy drive via serial) that much cooler. I have an IBM PC-XT clone at home, but I thank my lucky stars every day that this big iron is what I get to specialize in.
As for more photos, I have none that are as grandiose as you would probably expect. I do have my working photos though. I took all my photos when I first started working on it and now I am more dedicated to fixes than photo-ops.
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This is a photo of our finicky Kleinshmidt teletype. Still has blotches but it actually printed!
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This is the back of the bottom handler. Pictured is the vacuum pump in the bottom left (so sudden stops just yank magnetic tape slack rather than ripping tape). The big cylinder in the center is a motor for running the magnetic tape handler itself. The big black ‘hose’ of wires coming out of the steel plate contains all the cables that come right off the handler’s head for reading and writing data!
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This is the forward pinch roller of the bottom handler. It was replaced after this photo was taken as you can see the rubber has deteriorated in the 55 years this machine has been operating.
As for being allowed to post photos, that’s not an issue. The last 1219 was decommissioned in 2014 and now you can find all of its documentation online at http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/univac/military/1219/
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shining-latios · 2 years
little splatoon 3 salmon run observations/tips? I have made in my time playing (and also splatoon 2 I guess for applicable bosses) - if you fully ink over a flipper-flopper’s ring, no salmonid attacks/passive abilities will be able to re-ink the area until the flopper either is killed or recovers from stun, this includes missiles, steelhead bombs, steel eel trails, and the ink trails lesser salmonids leave behind from moving around. meaning it creates a temporary small area where you can swim freely without having to worry about rogue ink trails slowing you down
- at least in my own experience, drizzlers will typically aim their weather-bomb for the player that’s closest to them when they begin to take aim, meaning that if you are right up against a drizzler when it begins to take aim, you can use this to your advantage to CHOOSE where it aims its bomb, which also means you can just make it shoot it off into the ocean or another unoccupied area of the map where it will do minimal harm to other players
- a stinger will (usually) aim for the furthest player away from itself, meaning if you’re on low tide and want to give your teammates a break from rogue stinger fire, head to the back and for high ground as a way to draw their fire to you in an area where it’s less crowded and easier to dodge (and off of your pals)
- steel eels, for obvious reasons, cannot follow you up fish stick posts. steelheads also have difficulty aiming their bombs at you if you’re on top of a post and will usually just stand there staring at you instead of trying to attack you (UNLESS they’re on equally or near-equally high ground to you). that’s it. that’s the tip.
Some additional weapon tips:
- e-liter can one-shot steelhead bombs, steel eels, slammin’ lids, scrappers (only from behind), and unmasked flipper-floppers. it can also INSTANTLY pop a griller into its stun animation with a direct hit
- dynamo roller is able to run over cohocks without them needing to take chip damage first, prioritize rolling over flicks if you find yourself cornered by lesser salmonids if you get this weapon
- most blasters are able to one-shot stingers by aiming at the middle of their stack, as the explosion will take out the pots both above and below where you aimed. inkjet shots can also take down a stinger in one hit due to the blast radius when the shot connects
- every kind of roller EXCEPT the carbon roller can one-shot chum by just rolling over them, if you have a roller during a glowfly round, just stand in one place with the roller DOWN (preferably in an area the salmonids running at you can be bottlenecked easily) and gently nudge forward to clear out the chum while waiting for goldies
- the tenta-brella chute does enough contact-damage to one-shot both smallfry AND chum. if you’re cornered with this weapon by lesser salmonids, keep the chute open as much as you can until you can get to safety (this, like rollers, can also be used to protect your team during glowfly rounds)
- a fully charged shot from the grizzco bow will do as much damage to cohozuna as a shot from the egg cannon does, so if you’re able to, save power eggs for taking out other bosses rather than using them on cohozuna if you’re given this weapon and just hit him with charged shots instead
- common knowledge I know but explosher is able to take out flyfish bins without the use of a bomb, in addition, the crab tank’s cannonball and a shot from the inkjet gun can also do the same thing in a pinch
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hs-killjam · 2 years
Some salmon run tips for splatoon 3 players
-at the start of the session and in between waves, along with inking the ground, be sure to ink the walls as well. Saves time when you're trying to escape and you don't have to spend those few seconds making that route to safety (pretty sure mr.grizz states this point in the second game if you fail)
-Throwing bombs can revive faster than shooting with certain weapons (especially if you aim just right), and is also a time saver
-Allow some bosses to approach the egg basket, I.E every boss expect for the high priority bosses, to also save more time
-As expected, high priority bosses must be dealt with as soon as possible (every boss that can get you from a far away range like fly fishes)
-the boss with the steel umbrella can be stopped and countered with its own attack if you shoot at it at the right angle before it shoots up into the air and causes rain
-try not to separate from the main group as much as possible. Even if you're dealing with a high priority target, be sure to have someone with you to have your back in case anything happens
-During the glowflies event, its ideal to be in the highest ground you can where all the salmons have one way to get where you are, so everyone can just shoot at one spot and easily revive anyone who goes down. Running all over the place does not help and can make things confusing -extra tip to this: if someone has a paint roller (not the light version of it), use them as the front line
-The goldie event where you must shoot at the right valve is not that random. If you fail to find goldie, use the light emitted from the pipe to determine how close goldie is. The more light it emits, the closer you are.
-Grillers can be easily dealt with if you're being chased by one. Basically you want them to go back and fourth while your teammates try to take it down. Depending on the map, you can go up and down a wall where the griller needs to go the long way to get you. Basically make it a wild goose chase for them.
-Fog is one of those times that you want to separate a tiny bit to find the bosses or goldie. Remember to use the "This way" command to direct your teammates to bosses or goldie.
-The ufo boss can basically take out anything under it, including other bosses. The only boss I can think that won't be affected by this is fish sticks
-speaking of the ufo boss, please be careful when jumping on it. I've seen a clip of all four teammates jump on it then proceed to fall into the water as it was high tide. So watch where the location of where it falls to. -during the event with the locked box of golden eggs, I HIGHLY SUGGEST having everyone in a way where you’re always tossing to the next person who will then toss it to the next until till reaches the teammate by the egg basket. Saves more time instead of spending most of it going back and fourth. -The extra wave if you get it gives you a free special, so don’t hesitate to use the ones you already have.
-Specials are also great to revive teammates when you’re in a pinch (like the last one standing). 
-the green waves on the screen at the start of each round indicate if there’s going to ne a high/normal/low tide. Be sure to pay attention to it. 
-during the extra round, focus on the usual bosses and run away from the king salmonid as for the most part, your weapons won’t do much to it. 
If I have missed anything, don’t be afraid to add on to this post!! Good luck on your shifts!!
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year
my thoughts on new weapons (that ive tried in turf war) + some extra thoughts:
its nice. it threatens a lot of weapons and gets quick kills if you can get past the lag before the first swing. trying to use the brush roll mechanic to escape tight spots is pretty hard due to that lag, though. maybe i just suck at the game but every time ive tried it fails.
i like curling bomb on it, a bit finicky but it can catch people off guard well. quick movement alternative to the brush roll is also nice, though it doesnt work as well.
it can combo VERY nicely with wavebreaker. i believe it just straight up kills people on the first swipe if they took wavebreaker damage beforehand but im not 100% sure on that
its definitely one of if not the best blaster out right now. it gets kills very quick if you can hit the direct, and abusing tech with jump shots allows for your shots to have little to no shot rng i think which is really good. technical stuff aside, its just really good at killing, though its painting isnt amazing. i think thats why they put sprinkler on it
sprinkler isnt good on this weapon. i just use it to paint and build special. if youre in a pinch it can paint your feet and briefly block an attack, but itd be better to try to get a quick direct with the main weapon
not sure how i feel about reefslider being on this weapon at the moment. it isnt bad, but it isnt good, either. couldve been worse
heavy splatling deco
i only used it for like, 3 games and i dont know how to play this thing, but i like it. it reminds me of naut, probably because it has point sensor and functions better at midline lol
kraken is interesting, it can do the job, though im not good at using kraken so i cant give a reliable opinion on it. i struggled moving from back/midline to frontline to activate it, but that could very well just be a skill issue so take that with a grain of salt
light tetra dualies
okay i used this once so my opinion will definitely change in the future, but i prefer the original kit atm. zipcaster is better but i dont know how to use it lol. i miss my autobombs..
it cant take advantage of sprinkler well, i wish it got literally anything else. im a bit of a sprinkler hater
big swig roller express
okay im a bit of a liar, i havent even played this one at all. but a friend said it combos really well with angle shooter for kills and with ink storm for painting
side note: i fought against someone using one on flounder heights splat zones and they were so annoying (i mean this in a positive manner). we traded zones like every 5 seconds and they killed me many times despite me having the favorable matchup (i was using naut) really fun and tense match
im not gonna main any of them BUT these are all good weapons, some better than others. not sure about the other new releases. still gotta wait for a new naut kit, though... hope it gets suction bomb+trizooka/inkjet 🙏 (it wont)
snipewriter 5h
why is this here? it got the biggest buff ive ever seen in salmon run: each shot from a full charged set deals 240 damage. to put that into perspective, it now:
3-shots steel eels, scrappers, and slammin lids
4-shots drizzlers (easier one-cycle from before)
can now one cycle and 5-shot big shots, armored flipper floppers
call me crazy, but this thing went from a charger that was good based on niche uses to genuinely being one of the best chargers in salmon run. used this in the most recent rotation and it perform REALLY well. when i discovered how quickly it can kill flipper floppers my jaw literally dropped mid-match. ive always loved using snipewriter in sr but, damn, its amazing now
thats all i have to say
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jiningjifeng · 15 days
What is a compactor and how to choose the right one?
Did you know that the total amount of municipal solid waste in 2017 was 267.8 million tons? Are you looking to reduce the waste generated by your company?
In this article, you will learn what a compactor is. You will also learn how to choose the right one. Keep reading to learn why owning one is so important for your business and how it can be so beneficial.
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What is a compactor?
A commercial, construction or industrial compactor is a machine that collects waste into a container. The operator first places the waste from a loading dock into a chute on the machine on the ground. The waste accumulates inside the container until the operator performs a compaction cycle.
The compaction cycle is the process where a platen connected to a hydraulic ram pushes the waste into one end of the container. This waste is then crushed and reduced in size.
You can also choose from road compactors, soil compactors, and earthwork compactors. Soil compactors are popular in industrial construction areas.
Soil Compactors
Soil has four components: granular rock, minerals, air, and water. Soil compactors increase density and remove air pockets by kneading, vibrating, or compressing the soil. It is vital to use soil compactors correctly because they can cause serious or fatal injuries. Always make sure you use the correct operating instructions and receive practical training for the soil compactor you use.
Before using a soil compactor, make sure you follow the manufacturer's maintenance schedule and inspect the equipment. Always use guards on pinch points and moving parts. Have a backup alarm so pedestrians know the roller is moving.
If you don't use soil compactors, you may experience pipe leaks, ruptures, slab cracks, and foundation erosion. If you use a soil compactor for a long time, you are more likely to suffer from vibration syndrome. This can cause damage to the nerves and circulation in the fingers.
Symptoms of this condition include whitening, pain, and numbness. Read the instructions for vibration level ratings and maximum usage. Always keep your back straight and your posture correct when using a soil compactor.
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Road Roller
Road roller, also known as road roller, is used to compact asphalt, concrete, gravel or soil. It is used in the construction of foundations and roads.
Pneumatic Roller
Pneumatic rollers have rubber tires. They are used to compact coarse-grained soils, such as in roadbed pavement projects. The roller uses the weight of the vehicle to compress the surface. The flexibility of the pneumatic straps allows the roller to work on uneven ground.
Vibratory Plate Compactor
It is used to compact different types of gravel and soil. They use a thick steel plate at the bottom, similar to a lawn mower.
Plate Compactor
Plate compactors are best used to create level slopes. Jump jack compactors have smaller feet. Jack compactors are mainly used to compact backfill soil inside gas supply pipes or water supply ditches.
Determine What is a Compactor
Are you ready to start your next construction project and want to make sure you have all the necessary equipment? Check out our products today to meet your construction needs.
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lukehapper28 · 3 months
The Benefits of Garage Door Insulation in Lexington, KY
If you live in Lexington, KY, you know the importance of having a well-maintained home. One often overlooked aspect is the garage door. Many homeowners don't realize that garage door insulation in Lexington, KY can offer significant benefits. Not only does it improve energy efficiency, but it also enhances comfort and protects your belongings.
Why Insulate Your Garage Door?
Garage door insulation provides multiple advantages. Firstly, it helps in regulating temperature. Insulated garage doors keep the cold out during winter and the heat out during summer. This temperature control means less strain on your HVAC system, leading to lower energy bills.
Another benefit is noise reduction. Insulated doors dampen outside noises, creating a quieter environment inside your home. This is particularly beneficial if you use your garage as a workshop or an additional living space.
Finally, insulation adds to the durability of your garage door. Insulated doors are generally stronger and more resistant to dents and damage. This increased durability can save you money on repairs and replacements in the long run.
Types of Garage Door Insulation
There are several types of garage door insulation materials. The most common include polystyrene and polyurethane. Polystyrene is similar to Styrofoam and is often used in panel insulation. It is easy to install and provides good insulation.
Polyurethane, on the other hand, is a spray foam that expands and fills gaps. This type of insulation offers superior thermal resistance and adds structural strength to the door. Although more expensive, polyurethane is an excellent choice for those looking for the best insulation performance.
How to Insulate Your Garage Door
Insulating your garage door is a straightforward process. First, you'll need to measure your garage door panels to determine the size of the insulation sheets. Then, cut the insulation to fit each panel. Use adhesive or retainer clips to secure the insulation in place. Finally, seal the edges with foil tape to ensure a snug fit.
While DIY insulation is possible, hiring a professional can ensure a perfect job. Professionals have the tools and expertise to install insulation correctly, maximizing its benefits.
Choosing the Right Garage Door in Lexington, KY
When it comes to selecting a garage door in Lexington, KY, consider both insulation and design. Insulated garage doors come in various styles and materials, including steel, wood, and composite. Steel doors are popular for their durability and low maintenance. Wood doors offer a classic look but require more upkeep. Composite doors combine the best of both worlds, offering the look of wood with the durability of steel.
In addition to insulation and style, consider the garage door's safety features. Look for doors with pinch-resistant panels and tamper-resistant bottom brackets. These features can prevent injuries and enhance security.
Maintenance Tips for Insulated Garage Doors
Maintaining your insulated garage door ensures it lasts longer and performs better. Regularly clean the door to remove dirt and debris. Check the weather stripping around the door and replace it if it's worn out. Lubricate the moving parts, such as hinges and rollers, to keep the door operating smoothly.
Inspect the insulation periodically for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to maintain the insulation's effectiveness.
The Environmental Impact of Insulated Garage Doors
Choosing an insulated garage door also benefits the environment. By reducing your home's energy consumption, you contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, some insulation materials are made from recycled products, further reducing environmental impact.
In Lexington, KY, where temperatures can vary widely, an insulated garage door can make a significant difference. It helps maintain a stable indoor environment, reducing the need for heating and cooling. This not only lowers your energy bills but also lessens your carbon footprint.
Investing in garage door insulation in Lexington, KY is a smart decision for any homeowner. It offers numerous benefits, including improved energy efficiency, noise reduction, and increased door durability. Whether you choose to insulate your existing door or invest in a new insulated garage door, you'll enjoy a more comfortable and cost-effective home environment. For the best results, consider consulting with a professional to ensure your garage door is properly insulated and maintained.
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trifecta5745-blog · 3 months
The Benefits of Garage Door Insulation in Lexington, KY
If you live in Lexington, KY, you know the importance of having a well-maintained home. One often overlooked aspect is the garage door. Many homeowners don't realize that garage door insulation in Lexington, KY can offer significant benefits. Not only does it improve energy efficiency, but it also enhances comfort and protects your belongings.
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Why Insulate Your Garage Door?
Garage door insulation provides multiple advantages. Firstly, it helps in regulating temperature. Insulated garage doors keep the cold out during winter and the heat out during summer. This temperature control means less strain on your HVAC system, leading to lower energy bills.
Another benefit is noise reduction. Insulated doors dampen outside noises, creating a quieter environment inside your home. This is particularly beneficial if you use your garage as a workshop or an additional living space.
Finally, insulation adds to the durability of your garage door. Insulated doors are generally stronger and more resistant to dents and damage. This increased durability can save you money on repairs and replacements in the long run.
Types of Garage Door Insulation
There are several types of garage door insulation materials. The most common include polystyrene and polyurethane. Polystyrene is similar to Styrofoam and is often used in panel insulation. It is easy to install and provides good insulation.
Polyurethane, on the other hand, is a spray foam that expands and fills gaps. This type of insulation offers superior thermal resistance and adds structural strength to the door. Although more expensive, polyurethane is an excellent choice for those looking for the best insulation performance.
How to Insulate Your Garage Door
Insulating your garage door is a straightforward process. First, you'll need to measure your garage door panels to determine the size of the insulation sheets. Then, cut the insulation to fit each panel. Use adhesive or retainer clips to secure the insulation in place. Finally, seal the edges with foil tape to ensure a snug fit.
While DIY insulation is possible, hiring a professional can ensure a perfect job. Professionals have the tools and expertise to install insulation correctly, maximizing its benefits.
Choosing the Right Garage Door in Lexington, KY
When it comes to selecting a garage door in Lexington, KY, consider both insulation and design. Insulated garage doors come in various styles and materials, including steel, wood, and composite. Steel doors are popular for their durability and low maintenance. Wood doors offer a classic look but require more upkeep. Composite doors combine the best of both worlds, offering the look of wood with the durability of steel.
In addition to insulation and style, consider the garage door's safety features. Look for doors with pinch-resistant panels and tamper-resistant bottom brackets. These features can prevent injuries and enhance security.
Maintenance Tips for Insulated Garage Doors
Maintaining your insulated garage door ensures it lasts longer and performs better. Regularly clean the door to remove dirt and debris. Check the weather stripping around the door and replace it if it's worn out. Lubricate the moving parts, such as hinges and rollers, to keep the door operating smoothly.
Inspect the insulation periodically for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to maintain the insulation's effectiveness.
The Environmental Impact of Insulated Garage Doors
Choosing an insulated garage door also benefits the environment. By reducing your home's energy consumption, you contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, some insulation materials are made from recycled products, further reducing environmental impact.
In Lexington, KY, where temperatures can vary widely, an insulated garage door can make a significant difference. It helps maintain a stable indoor environment, reducing the need for heating and cooling. This not only lowers your energy bills but also lessens your carbon footprint.
Investing in garage door insulation in Lexington, KY is a smart decision for any homeowner. It offers numerous benefits, including improved energy efficiency, noise reduction, and increased door durability. Whether you choose to insulate your existing door or invest in a new insulated garage door, you'll enjoy a more comfortable and cost-effective home environment. For the best results, consider consulting with a professional to ensure your garage door is properly insulated and maintained.
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txhmachine · 11 months
The stainless steel spiral welded pipe unit adopts front-swing intermittent production, which is a complete set of spiral pipe welding machine integrating machinery, electrical automation control and hydraulic control.
Forming direction
Front swing, intermittent production, center positioning
Forming direction
Left feed, right rotation molding
welding speed
Forming method
Three-roll bending forming, external control roll sizing, internal expansion plate auxiliary forming
welding equipment
TIG welding machine WS1000
Welding method
Internal welding, argon arc automatic welding without filler wire
Host installed capacity
100 KVA
Uncoiling→pinch leveling→vertical roller→shear butt welding→vertical roller→delivery machine→guide plate→forming→internal welding→flying cutting of centralizer→drawing out
Pinch leveler
Electric vertical roller
Shear butt welding
Delivery machine
Forming machine
Front bridge
Rear bridge
Fly cutting car
Internal welding device
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seo-top-up · 1 year
Barn Shower Door Enclosures: Elevate Your Bathroom's Aesthetics and Functionality
Step up your bathroom game with barn shower door enclosures that perfectly blend style and functionality. These stunning enclosures, including the Crescent, Hydroslide, Barn Style, and Serenity series, feature a unique barn-inspired design, accentuated by sleek hardware and minimal framing. Whether you have a shower stall or a bathtub, these enclosures add a touch of luxury and sophistication to your bathing space. At Glass Governor of Atlanta, we offer an exquisite collection of barn shower door enclosures, complemented by expert installation services and premium materials, ensuring a bathroom transformation that stands out.
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The Crescent Series - Timeless Simplicity
Experience the shower of your dreams with the Crescent Series shower enclosures. Crafted with precision, these enclosures boast a single rail system that supports both 3/8" and 1/2" glass applications, ensuring durability and a contemporary appearance. Also known as the 1000 Series, the Crescent Series provides various back-to-back handle options, available in elegant finishes such as Oil-Rubbed Bronze, Brushed Stainless Steel, and Polished Stainless Steel.
Key Features:
Accommodates 3/8" and 1/2" glass, suitable for doors up to 37" wide and 110 lbs.
Choose from a range of handle options: Towel bar, pull handle, or circular recessed handle with adjustable inserts.
Running rail available in lengths up to an impressive 240".
Optional SealPro Glass Sealant for enhanced protection.
Hydroslide Sliding Shower Door Kits - Versatility Redefined
Discover unparalleled versatility with the Hydroslide Sliding Shower Door Kits, designed to fit various bathroom layouts. Whether you have a bathtub or a freestanding shower, these kits adapt effortlessly with fixed glass panels at 90 or 180-degree angles. Embrace the modern European "all-glass" design with smooth-sliding doors and near-ceiling glass panels.
Key Features:
Available in two widths: 84" (2.13 m) or 60" (1.52 m), customizable to your requirements.
Easy installation with options for 180 Degree Wall-to-Wall or 90 Degree Wall-to-Glass configurations.
Choose from a variety of finishes, including Oil-rubbed bronze, polished brass, and chrome.
Serenity Barn Style Shower Door - Unparalleled Elegance
For an unparalleled appearance, consider the Serenity Barn Style Shower Door. Its minimal hardware design creates a frameless illusion, giving the door a floating effect. Specially designed roller bearings enable smooth and silent door operation.
Key Features:
Comprises one sliding panel and one fixed panel (180 Degree Standard Kit).
Accommodates tempered glass of 10 mm or 3/8" thickness.
Supports doors up to 30" (762 mm) wide and 88 pounds (40 kg).
Allows for unique configurations with free-standing shower head and valves.
Essence Series Frameless Sliding Shower Door System - Seamless Functionality
Embrace the seamless functionality of the Essence Series, featuring a headerless appearance and a bottom rolling system. The anti-derail/anti-pinch guard feature ensures smooth and safe door operation.
Key Features:
Requires tempered safety glass of at least 1/2" (12 mm) thickness for added safety.
Available with rounded or square corner rollers and sold in four popular finishes.
The Basic Kit supports both 180-degree and 90-degree installations for ultimate flexibility.
Transform your bathroom into a haven of elegance and practicality with barn shower door enclosures from Glass Governor of Atlanta. Choose from an exquisite range of designs, premium hardware, and expert installation services to create a bathing space that showcases your personal style. Embrace the allure of barn-inspired shower enclosures and elevate your daily bathing experience.
For all your barn shower door enclosure needs, contact Glass Governor of Atlanta:
Name: Glass Governor of Atlanta Address: 9878 Main St #105, Woodstock, GA 30188, United States Phone: +16787491591 Website: https://glassgovernor.com/ GMB: https://goo.gl/maps/w2YqsfCA85pvdAMe6
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ccjhshop · 1 year
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Spring Door Stoppers
Unique spring design not only makes no sounds when opening and closing doors but also minimize the impact between the track and the wall.
Track Connector
Double-sided pinch junction plate connect the tracks closely, keep straight, sliding smoothly. It is seamless connection.
Wood Plugs
Insert wood plug in the hole, the hole diameter won’t enlarge, which stabilizes the nail into the wall, keeps whole system runs stable.
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Package Including
Spliced rails with pre-drilled long holes--Easy installation.
Track connector--Seamless connection & sliding smoothly.
Full set rail spacer & screws--Fit wooden & concrete wall.
Pure carbon steel hanger rollers--Sliding noiseless.
Door stoppers--Quiet close with nylon cap and spring wing.
Floor guide--Stabilize the bottom to keep it from swinging.
Anti-jump disk block--Prevent the door from falling down.
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Q: How much space do I need above the doorway?
A: 9" clearance is needed from the top of the door to the ceiling (or crown molding) for CCJH sliding barn door hardware kit to fit accurately.
Q: Which size of the track should I choose?
A: Track length should be twice of your opening or door panels width. We suggest that the track's length should be 2 inches wider than the opening width.
Q: What is the clearance from door panel to the wall?
A: The clearance between door panel and wall is about 5/8".
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runxiang-machinery · 1 year
Steel Rolling Mill High-Speed Zone Equipment Maintenance Procedures
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1.Check the rolling mill daily for any strange noise, spot check the coupling for any strange noise and heating phenomenon, whether the coupling bolt is loose. 2.Check whether there is a large amount of oil leakage signs at the seal of pre-finish rolling transmission box and connection flange, slight leakage is allowed, but should be wiped clean, listen to whether there is a strange noise from the gears or bearings. 3.Check whether the oil and gas lubrication PU pipe of the pre-finishing roll box panel falls off to ensure that the lubrication points are in good lubrication condition.
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4.Check every day whether there is oil leakage from the combination surface of roller box and cone box, if there is thin oil leakage, the double lip and O-ring seal should be replaced by optional machine. 5.Every day should check the gear box, try to listen to the gear and bearing for any strange sound, check the temperature of the box at the bearing. 6.Every shift inspection of lubricating oil pressure, flow, cooling water pressure, shall not be lower than the specified value. 7.For the finishing rolling unit 10 mills to be measured twice a shift sub-vibration, the required vibration value ≤ 4.5 mm / s, such as greater than this standard, need to pay attention to observe its development trend and promptly inform the shift manager. If the vibration remains stable in a higher range of vibration values, production can continue to maintain. 8.If there is a fault alarm of the finishing rolling unit during the production, the maintenance personnel should check carefully and confirm before agreeing to continue to turn. 9.If the roller box parameters are found to have seriously exceeded the standard during the inspection, the roller box should be replaced immediately. 10.Check daily whether the solenoid valve of the pinch feed roller is intact and whether the air and water lines are smooth, and deal with the problems found in time.
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11.Check the wear of the inlet conduit of the spitting machine every day, and replace it in time when the wear is serious. 12.Check the vibration of the wire rolling mill during operation, if the vibration is found to increase, it should be stopped to check whether the installation of the spitting tube is secure, check whether the bolt connection between the wire plant spitting machine and the hollow shaft is tight. 13.Regularly check the wear of the live set of rollers and the smoothness of the oil and gas lubrication of the rollers on a daily basis, and promptly replace the maintenance for the specific situation. Read the full article
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hotiongroup · 2 years
Get the Quality Steel Spares From a Reputable Manufacturer
The need for high-quality steel spares is unavoidable in the industrial sector. Every industry demands different steel parts suitable for their projects. Whether you need a shear blade or Sink Roll, we recommend joining hands with a reliable manufacturer. It helps you to get quality steel spares within your budget. Besides, you will enjoy several benefits upon engaging with the experienced manufacturer.HOTION is the leading provider of high-quality steel spares. With a wide range of products, such as hydraulic cylinder, tungsten carbide rings, shaft coupling, pinch roller, crane wheel, Sink Roll, electromagnetic stirrer, Drill Bits, Shear Blade, hearth rolls, etc., we provide superior quality and exceptional service to our customers
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china-vpn · 2 years
AG roll forming machine It adopts guiding bar and sliding block to control the width and position of steel sheet; and rubber pinch roller is to help to clip and send the sheet to roll forming unit. The sheet is guided in the correct position and runs to the roll forming equipment.Roll forming system consist of machine frame, transmission parts and roll forming rollers etc. Certified with Multi-Patents; CE Certified, EUROPEAN quality standard。 HANGZHOU ROLL FORMING TECHNOLOGY CO,. LTD website: www.hzrollforming.com Email: [email protected] WhatsApp:+86 17816061817
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himalayamachine · 2 years
Buying a Plate Bending Machine? Gain the Himalaya Advantage
When it comes to workshop machines, one of the versatile machines is a Plate Bending (Rolling) machine. It can do various jobs over and above circular shells when used suitably. Its ability to bend any workpiece is important in many industries. Most of the customers use a Bending / Rolling machine to make Circular bending jobs, Conical bending, and various other jobs. Compared to other machine tools, it exhibits quite an extended working life.
How do Rolling/Bending Machines Work?
Permanently changing the workpiece into a certain shape is called bending. Steel is elastic under normal circumstances. It means that it is subjected to deformity under load, but upon removal of load, it regains the original shape. However, this is true only up to a certain extent of deformation. Beyond a certain level, the material cannot regain its original shape. However, after the load is removed, it does spring back a little.
The plate is deformed (bent) due to the roll’s force (see below figures) –
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The deformation should be sufficient to develop stress in the plate material higher than the plate’s yield point. In simple words, it can be said that yield point is the stress at which a material bends or elongates, while Ultimate Tensile Strength is the stress at which the material breaks into two pieces.
Suppose the rolls are now given a rotary motion. In that case, a continuous bending process results, which is called Rolling (refer below figure) –
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It can be seen that a certain end portion of the plate has not passed under the top roll and remains almost straight, and to reduce that pre-pinching feature is provided.
With the rotation movement and position change of work rolls with different shapes, the plate bending machine is capable of processing oval, arc, and cylindrical parts. Upon the proper adjustment of the relative distance between the lower and upper rollers, users can bend the plate to any value. However, it must be remembered that the lower roller’s radius must not be less than the radius of the upper roller.
The bending roll process is a deformation operation, which can make the plate have a certain curvature. It has the function of rolling O-shaped, U-shaped and multi-stage R-shaped plates. With a Plate rolling, you can manufacture a wide range of different products. Typically, all steel or metal forming for cylindrical lines use bending rollers for rolling.
How to Use a Bending Machine?
Step-1: From the wall-mounted isolator switch, you have to switch on the main supply to the machine. After this, you will see a ‘power on’ indicator light up. If the phase sequence is not ‘OK,’ or in case of any fault with the incoming power supply, such as phase failure, under voltage and overvoltage, or unbalanced voltage, the single phasing preventer will not allow the ‘control on’ indication on the operating console. However, the ‘control on’ indication will automatically light up when the incoming power supply is okay.
Step-2: Switch on the Hydraulic Pump Motor and allow it to run idle for a minute or so.
Step-3: Amidst the idle run of the Hydraulic Pump Motor run, monitor the direction of rotation of the main pump motor and run the cooling fan motor of the oil cooler. They must be in the direction of the arrow indicated on it.
Step-4: You can now try other operations like UP, DOWN, REVERSE & FORWARD etc., at no load.
This idle run spreads the lubricants on the working gear trains and bearing journals. Then, if everything appears fine, you can begin the bending work.
Now that you have a better understanding of the functioning of bending machines, it is recommended that you take a closer look at which options your needs are met. Always look into factors like bending force, length, table height and breadth. Considering these factors will help you determine the efficiency of the machine. To solve your woes, Himalaya Machinery is here with its powerful range of machines. Let us see some of the basic features of the machines.
Features of Himalaya Bending Machine
Sturdy Steel Structure
Himalaya machines exhibit a strong steel structure made up of heavy metal plates. A strong box design chassis connects the frames. The frames have interlocks and strengthening ribs. The roll guideways are machined together utilizing a fixed single reference point which allows for parallelism of all axes and precise surfaces, as well as longevity and precision of the critical characteristics of the machine.
Himalaya designs the rolls with the optimal diameter and uses forged carbon steel rolls machined by high-precision CNC lathes. Our rolls have a spline-based design that is extremely efficient in connecting the rolls with planetary gear systems. This diminishes points of roll failure compared to welded connections.
All the rolls manufactured by our company are crowned to compensate for roll deflection during the bending process. While ordering, users can select custom crown-machined rolls for different materials or thicknesses.
Hydraulic System
In all our machines, we ensure additional energy saving with the help of a hydraulic system that can work at less than full capacity when jobs with less than maximum thickness are rolled. The twin-speed operation also reduces energy consumption by up to 50% when a slower operating speed is selected. The Himalaya Planetary driving system ™ used in the machines is efficient and eliminates energy wastage associated with heavy-transmission systems and yet achieves the goal of speed reduction by increasing the stages in gears and pinions.
Why Choose Himalaya Plate Bending Machines?
Himalaya Machinery is a 40-year-old company that has supplied over 2500+ plate bending machines to customers across India and abroad. Let us see why:
Better Accuracy: All our machines are designed and manufactured with proven superior Linear Guideway (bottom rolls positively guided without any linkages) Design (like HAEUSLER) for Plate Bending machines. As a result, the machine does an accurate bending / rolling job.
3-Year Warranty: We offer a 3-year warranty that demonstrates the performance; thus, the reliability of our machines at a nominal cost.
400+ Clients Across the Globe: More than 400 customers have already placed repeat orders on Himalaya Machinery. Some names are market leaders like Thermax, Tatas, Godrej, Reliance, etc.
Operator-Friendly & Minimum Maintenance: Himalaya’s Machines are robust and convenient to maintain. Also, there are quite operator-friendly machines and therefore a preferred choice among many.
Top-Notch Customer Support: Himalaya is known for its exceptional customer service support — the USP of purchasing the company’s wide range of plate bending machines. Our technicians reside in major cities of India. So they are readily available in case of any issues with the machine.
Trusted Brand: The machines by Himalaya come with a high resale value, are quite high in demand, and get resold almost immediately. Some of our valued clients in India are government organizations such as Railways, Defence, Steel Plants, Refineries, Fertilizer Plants, Atomic Energy plants, Shipyards, BARC, BHEL, HAL, BEML, NTPC, etc.
Four decades of excellence: The company supplied its first machine 4 decades ago, which is still functional, speaking volumes about the brand’s credibility. We’ve never accepted anything below excellence and never will.
More than 2500+ operational machines: Himalaya Machinery has manufactured over 2500 bending machines, all in operation today. We believe in quality, and the numbers are a testament to it.
Are you looking for a reliable manufacturer of bending machines? Then, Himalaya Machinery is your answer! Schedule a free consultation with our experienced team to walk you through the process of buying a plate bending machine.
Learn more about our 3 Roll Plate Bending Machines and 4 Roll Plate Bending Machines.
Original Source : https://www.himalayamachine.com/post/why-buy-himalaya-plate-bending-machine
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jiningjifeng · 2 months
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What is a compactor and how to choose the right one?
In this article, you will learn what a compactor is. You'll also learn how to choose the right one. Read on to learn why having it is so important for your business and how it can be so beneficial.
What is a compactor? A commercial, construction or industrial compactor is a machine that collects waste into a container. The operator first deposits the waste from the loading dock into a chute on the machine on the ground. Waste accumulates inside the container until the operator performs a compaction cycle.
The compaction cycle is a process in which a platen connected to a hydraulic cylinder pushes waste into one end of the container. This waste is then crushed and reduced in size.
You can also choose from road compactors, soil compactors, and earth moving compactors. Earth compactors are popular in industrial construction areas.
soil compactor
Soil has four components: granular rock, minerals, air, and water. Soil compactors knead, vibrate, or compress soil to increase density and remove air pockets. Proper use of soil compactors is critical as they can cause serious or fatal injuries. Always make sure you use the correct operating instructions and receive hands-on training on the soil compactor you use.
Before using your roller, be sure to follow the manufacturer's maintenance schedule and inspect the equipment. Always use guards on pinch points and moving parts. There is a backup siren so pedestrians know the roller is moving.
Without soil compaction, you risk pipe leaks, cracks, slab cracks, and foundation erosion. If you use a soil compactor for an extended period of time, you are more likely to suffer from vibration syndrome. This can cause damage to the nerves and circulation to the fingers.
Symptoms of this condition include blanching, pain, and numbness. Read instructions for vibration level ratings and maximum usage. Always keep your back straight and posture correct when using a soil compactor.
road roller
Road rollers, also called rollers, are used to compact asphalt, concrete, gravel or soil. It is used in the construction of foundations and roads.
pneumatic roller
Pneumatic rollers have rubber tires. They are used to compact coarse-grained soils, such as in subgrade pavement projects. The rollers use the weight of the vehicle to compress the surface. The flexibility of pneumatic ties allows the roller to work on uneven ground.
Vibrating Plate Compactor
It is used to compress different types of gravel and soil. They use a thick steel plate on the bottom, similar to a lawnmower.
Plate compactor
Plate compactors are best used for creating level slopes. Jump jack compactors have smaller feet. Jack compactors are mainly used to compact backfill soil in gas supply pipelines or water supply trenches.
Determine what a compactor is
Are you ready to start your next construction project and want to make sure you have all the necessary equipment? Check out our products for your construction needs today.
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