#Stellar Loussier
queenofsliferred · 2 days
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Base by BinOfTrash
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okutadecyl · 11 months
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iiyanadesu · 6 months
I just watched Gundam Seed Freedom! This is a movie full of cringe and fun(ny) moments lmao.
If you need tiny spoilers (which is kinda big too but eh): The movie is set in C.E. 73, i.e. about a year or two after events in Gundam Seed Destiny. A new group called the Foundation tries to pursue the Destiny Plan made by late PLANT Chairman Gilbert Dullindal. Shenanigans ensue.
Major spoil points and rants under cut.
Being a former fan of Gundam Seed, who is more into the people than the machines, I find this movie delightful. And cringe. And fun. Basic plot is still about war, destroying lives whether soldiers or civilians, groups protecting their loved ones, etc. Back then I was a fujoshi (maybe I still am) so the interactions I love the most are between main character Kira Yamato (first name last name basis) and his best friend Athrun Zala.
I was Athrun's fan.
For those who are curious, Gundam Seed series is about war between 2 factions of humanity: one is genetically-enhanced human beings called the Coordinators based in space (the base is called PLANT, the military is called ZAFT), and the other is non-genetically-enhanced Naturals based on Earth (military is called... Earth-something, I forgot). At first the war is just between these two factions, and Kira and Athrun were on opposite sides despite both being Coordinators (Kira was with Earth military, Athrun was with ZAFT), but as time goes they end up defecting from their military groups to form a third party wanting peace between both races.
SEED is a special trait that some Coordinators have; they become basically invincible in battles. It's like The Zone. SEED mode.
Enough for the introduction. Let's go!
1. The movie is set in C.E. 73 (C.E. means Cosmic Era). Like I said earlier, a group called the Foundation is trying to follow the Destiny Plan made by late Gilbert Dullindal.
2. What is Destiny Plan? Destiny Plan is a... idk, doctrine? Not sure. An order to assign each and every person in the world different jobs based on their genetics. But it's one-sided; Coordinators are genetically enhanced in everything (looks, intelligence, battle prowess) so they will surely get good jobs while Naturals may or may not get good ones. So battle-powerful Kira and Athrun, and their politically-powerful girlfriends Lacus Clyne and Cagalli Yula Athha, join forces to stop that plan.
3. A year later, Lacus is appointed Chairman of PLANT. Cagalli is the Prime Minister of Orb Nation. Together with a few other countries, they form an alliance called... I forgot lol
4. A new nation called Foundation ruled by Queen Aura wants to join forces with the alliance. However it's a trap; they wanted to lure Lacus away from the alliance. Their plan caused the relationship between Kira and Lacus to waver.
5. Add to it a lil b*tch called Agnes also likes Kira, and since Kira is a non-confrontational person Agnes attacks him with words, saying Lacus is not suited with him. This b*tch knows nothing, but maybe because Kira hasn't really said "I love you" to Lacus that he's kinda... shaken? What
6. Ok there's a former enemy-turned-follower named Shinn Asuka and his girlfriend(?) Lunamaria Hawke. They are both ZAFT soldiers. Shinn used to hate Kira so much because he thought Kira killed his ex-girlfriend Stellar Loussier (an Earth soldier). Turned out Kira was trying to stop Stellar from rampaging; her death was unintentional. This info is important later on.
7. The Foundation has a battle team called the Black.. Uh, whatever and know Agnes the... uh, Moonlight Valkyrie (err...). They tried to engage in swordfight with Kira, but Kira isn't very proficient in swordfight (he was a civilian thrown into war because of his mecha programming skills). So Shinn (a trained soldier) offers to do it on Kira's stead, and lasts for a while before defeated.
8. The Foundation's Prime Minister, whose full name I already forgot, only remembering Tao, kinda fell for Lacus. So this Tao guy somehow managed to insert himself into Lacus' memories, saying that he's more fitting with her instead of Kira. Drama ensues. It was super cringe I went 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
9. Turned out that Tao has some ulterior motives with Lacus. Apparently Lacus and Tao are both created by Queen Aura. They are a race more superior than the Coordinator: the Honda Accordion 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Ok, they call themselves the Accords.
10. The Accords have the ability to hack into a Coordinator's mind and control them. They can also use telepathy. So they managed to hack Kira's mind, causing him to stray from his supposed mission, leading to the Black Ops thingy to launch nuclear missiles against civilians and the entire alliance's battleforce in an attempt to frame Kira of massacre.
11. Oh, I didn't mention before, but the alliance's battleforce consists of Kira and Athrun's friends. They're called the Archangel based on the ship they work on, but the Archangel is damaged from the chaos.
12. Kira is almost killed by the Black Ops before a saviour arrives: Athrun! I was squealing happily when he appeared lmao Athrun rescued Kira.
13. Lacus boarded the Foundation's ship, so when she heard Kira went rampage she did not believe. Tao wanted Kira dead. When they heard the alliance got obliterated in the nuclear missile attack, Lacus passed out. Meanwhile, b*tch was picked up by the Black Ops; Kira's rejection was too much for her to handle that she defected. Damn b*tch.
14. Kira was all gloomy and told his team he was entirely at fault for not being strong enough, and rambled on and on (it was cringe to hear it really, I was already wishing for Athrun to slap some sense into him) and Athrun went and punched him. lmaoooooo gj Athrun 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Athrun was super annoyed - just tell us what you want, we can help you out, you're not fighting alone damn it! Kira said he wanted to talk to Lacus.
15. With most of their machines destroyed, Team Archangel had to resort to stealing ZAFT's ship the Millennium. But not only the Millennium's captain is super cool with it, they also provided Gundams! Shinn is happy to get his Destiny back (it was damaged in the battle against Kira in the last war), Kira gets his Strike Freedom Gundam repaired, Lunamaria gets Impulse, while the war-seasoned Athrun gets... a red Zaku. (Athrun is infamous for having destroyed all his Gundams - Saviour, Justice, Infinite Justice... 😂🤣😂🤣)
16. But even then they deploy a trap. Athrun uses Strike Freedom to bait the Foundation into thinking it's Kira. Kira uses a machine with transparent ability to sneak in. (After Kira successfully retrieved Lacus, they swapped places.)
17. Ok lalala, battle ensues. One of the Black Ops member Sh.. forgot his name, let's call him Shalala engaged against Athrun and tries to hack into his mind, but Athrun imagined Cagalli naked, trying to kiss him 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Apparently Shalala has no love experience and was caught off-guard lmao (Meanwhile, Cagalli who is remote-controlling Athrun's Zaku be like "wtf Athrun??? ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄")
18. One of the other Black Ops members tried to hack into Shinn's mind, but Shinn's mind was protected by Stellar's spirit, who turned into a monster 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 The Black Ops were like, "omg this kid's darkness is so intense!" But Shinn is like, "???" Stay that way, Shinn.
19. After taking Lacus back into Millennium, Lacus asks Captain Murrue to let her send Strike Freedom's METEOR set to Kira personally. But. Her suit was too skintight unlike other girls who have some kind of paddings; you can practically see her boobs and butt cleavages wtf is with that design. Who designed that suit? It's cringe af.
20. Strike Freedom with METEOR controlled by both Kira and Lacus in SEED mode is freaking OP. Enough said. Befitting of Kira's nickname J*sus-kun.
21. Not said before, but now I'm saying it: the whole war is the Millennium team trying to stop the Foundation from attacking Orb Nation using the all-powerful, formerly ZAFT's super cannon, the Requiem.
22. T.M. Revolution's METEOR plays during the entire Strike Freedom + METEOR entrance. Nostalgic. I forgot part of the lyrics, but I still sang along.
23. Once war ended, Kira and Lacus strip themselves naked standing on the beach, holding hands and kissing. I was like, "What the hey?? Yameteeeeee" (at them being stark naked) These kids are not afraid of getting sand onto their bodies and genitals I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
24. There are no mid or post-credit scenes.
25. And yeah the ending is that the entire Foundation team dies, Team Millennium and Orb Nation won, Kira and Lacus both frolicking stark naked at the beach. Oh yeah, b*tch was disarmed by Lunamaria for insulting Shinn. The end lmao
26. Bonus: Kira still loves belts.
27. Bonus 2: Athrun is in serious need of a fashion coordinator. He can pull off uniforms, but casual clothes... err...
28. There's a cameo of this one-eyed guy from Gundam Seed. I forgot his name, but what I do remember is that he used to have a girlfriend named Aisha. Why I remember non-plot details but can't even remember the main enemies' names is beyond me lol
30. Missing info: At one point Tao was pissed because he wanted Lacus but Lacus loves Kira, so he almost SA'd her. (Pushed her onto bed and slid hand trying to rip her dress.) Luckily Tao was distracted with the news that Kira is still alive and is coming at him, so Tao stopped and went to stop Kira from approaching base.
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incorrectcosmicera · 3 years
Stellar: I love sleepovers!
Shinn: This isn't a sleepover, you're in the Minerva's sickbay.
Stellar: Then why do I have this cool nightgown?
Shinn: That's a hospital gown.
Stellar: Truth or dare?
Rey: Dare.
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ankodesoy · 4 years
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the-stray-liger · 6 years
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me: I’m gonna draw something less niche that ppl will enjoy and share and get me the attention I crave
also me: yeah gundam seed stuff sounds right
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archangelorb · 7 years
I really don’t understand Shinn. He defends Stellar who is completely crazy and burns entire cities (and who killed Heine), and wants to kill Kira who protects innocent people.
I watched Gundam Seed Destiny dozens of times, I still find it stupid!
What do you think?
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baqki · 7 years
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stellamancer · 6 years
15 & 21
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
I typically use names I’ve heard or seen before in animu and games. For example, Kira’s name is derived from (Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed and Akane Kurashiki from the Zero Escape series). I’m really bad at naming characters LMFAO. It usually takes a while. 
I think my FFXIV WOL was the fastest name I cooked up (Luna Alneth). Though arguably the ‘Luna’ in her name is to match the ‘stellar’ in my url. Those naming themes also came from Gundam (Seed Destiny in this case). It’s Luna(maria) Hawke and Stella (r) Loussier. LOL. 
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Most people have probably heard me mention my ‘senpai.’ I’ve admired her and her writing for almost as long as I’ve been writing LOL. She’s one of those people who can just… write, as in length. Like updates from her were easily 10k a pop and personally I struggle to get past 1k sometimes. I don’t worry about length as much as I used to, but still I’m in awe of people who can write so much LMFAO. I’m not sure what else I could say about her without just flat out gushing. I think her stories were really interesting too. I reread one recently and I bawled like a baby LMFAO.  MY SENPAI IS COOL. IF SHE WROTE A MYSTIC MESSENGER FIC I’D DIE.
Another writer I admire is Kelsey ( @cannibalisticskittles ). I don’t think I’ve ever actually written a legit review for any of her fics (OOPS). But I think watching her process is so interesting because it’s so different than mine. :o AND IT’S A LOT MORE WORK. But she just puts so much love and care and effort into her fics. I know most of the time I’m just like ‘FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ AN ACT OF KINDNESS’ but she legit thinks so hard through every chapter making sure it’s as good as possible and I admire all that effort because I’m a lazy Niku. 
Anyway, with that said GO READ AN ACT OF KINDNESS. 
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mandarake-en · 5 years
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★Mandarake Latest Store Topics★ December 22 12pm Update Nakano - 2F - Cosplay-kan - Everyday Auctions Information - It has sent 'Gundam SEED DESTINY / Stellar Loussier / S about size for women.' https://t.co/BNXWFZYmD7 #Mandarake https://t.co/Kn3H3Qs9S3 Mandarake Twitter: http://twitter.com/mandarake_en Mandarake Facebook: http://facebook.com/mandarake (Automated Tumblr Post)
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incorrectcosmicera · 4 years
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The Mincing Mockingbird’s Guide To Troubled Extended - 100 posts special
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stellamancer · 6 years
get to know MEme..????
tagged by @officallytheduchess
tbh i think i might have done this recently but. idk. 
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
NICKNAME(S): Nikki, Niku, Nik, Nikums, um, I think that’s it??
GENDER: Female.
SIGN: Scorpio
HEIGHT: 5′6ish?
TIME: 1:01am
FAVORITE BANDS: Yellowcard even tho... they broke up. T ^ T
FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST: ....listen bros I’m gonna be honest and tell you these days I only really listen to anime/vocaloid covers by Amalee and Jubyphonic.
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Amalee’s cover of Kalafina’s ‘Magia’ I was never really super duper into Madoka Magica but tbh Kira and Saeran cosplaying Homura and a human Kyubey is on my to commission list.
LAST MOVIE I SAW: Deadpool 2
LAST SHOW I WATCHED: Fate/Apocrypha? Does anime count? Otherwise Idk.
WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: Sometime in 2011.
WHAT DO I POST?: Stuff I like and find funny. Some other random little rambles too, though some of it I keep to twitter.
LAST THING I GOOGLED: how to spell fate/apocrypha
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS?: My Mystic Messenger otoge sideblog kirachama (it also houses some of my fanfics lmfao).
WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL?: it’s the handle i’ve been using for a long time. ‘crytal’ was some cool word i saw in a title of a fanfic once and liked and ‘stellar’ is for stella loussier from gundam seed destiny... back when she was believed to be named stellar.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP?: Uh. I’d say about five. It can go as low as 3 (when I am attempting to actually sleep). The highest was probably 14.
LUCKY NUMBER: 15 and 27.
INSTRUMENTS: I own a guitar that I can’t really play. I wanna learn the ukulele. 
WHAT AM I WEARING?: Black panties.
DREAM TRIP: Lemme go back to Japan DAMMit. 
FAV FOOD: Meat. Sushi. Sweets. Noodles. 
NATIONALITY: filipino.
FAVORITE SONG: Here I Am Alive by Yellowcard.
LAST BOOK I READ: Uh. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Mystic Messenger (coughs hella loud)
No need to feel obligated to do the thing (esp since i mighta done it recently): @capitolscum, @skele8rity, @joz-stankovich, @angelsdoexist, @reticentseiko, @livinginthepantry, @renguji
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IS IT EVEN ?? A QUESTION ?? —- SHINN !!! please bring us the destiny ~
  STELLAR !!! KIRA !!! @loussiers @eternalshield 
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incorrectcosmicera · 4 years
Shinn: Can I just have a moment alone with her? Thank you.
[after the doctors leave]
Shinn: Listen you faker I know you're not actually in a coma.
Stellar, waking up: Yeah no shi -
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