#Stene photography
mike13mt · 6 years
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Fruit basket by JohanStenbeck
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fragrantblossoms · 3 years
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James S. Stening.  Untitled (Waterlillies), circa 1920.
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superbimages · 7 years
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Have a seat... by JohanStenbeck http://ift.tt/2wILfq9
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travelless · 7 years
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Arms to the left
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42soul · 8 years
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Sun beds by JohanStenbeck
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stephanocardona · 7 years
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Green grass by JohanStenbeck
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topcao · 8 years
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Pots by JohanStenbeck
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hariesautomoto · 8 years
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The Boat by HariesAutoMoto
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fragrantblossoms · 3 years
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James S. Stening.   Untitled (Grasses), circa 1920.
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superbimages · 6 years
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Part of painting by JohanStenbeck https://ift.tt/2GoXj52
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fulviomeloni · 7 years
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Alien by JohanStenbeck http://ift.tt/2iqQngm #macro
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travelless · 7 years
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Going home
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42soul · 8 years
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Pots by JohanStenbeck
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Photography between the 1900′s and the 1910′s
1900s, vintage cameras were mainly constructed of wood, metal parts (usually brass) - sometimes nickel plated and were often fashionably maroon in colour.
Some cameras used in this time were ;
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They are extremely common and can be picked up for as little as £1. These three are all Kodak examples. 
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This Pecto 1 is one of a small series of cameras produced by the English manufacturer, Columbia Optical Co.
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W. Butcher & Sons Cameo, an imported German, Mahogany brass camera with nickel plated fittings, for glass plates. Body No. 14582 Shutter No. 16275, speeds B, T and I (instant, i.e. about 1/25sec) Lens, f/8 Condition, 4F.
Before developing was created it took 8 hours for a photograph to expose. 
Photographers between 1900′s and 1910′s
1900 - Charles F. Stene
1901 - Peter A. Johnson
1902 - Fred F. Smith
1903 - Soren O. Erickson
1904 - Hans Thomas Hansen
1905 - James E. Raze
1906 - Thorn Brothers
1907 - Alf Amundson 
1908 - James S. Drysdale
1909 - Nels P. Hamre
1910 - John A. Hubertz
Images between the 1900′s and 1910′s 
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These images all have that really vintage feel with the clothing and the black and white effect that the old cameras capture. 
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These images are of a low quality, although in that decade it was the best images you could capture with the type of camera used, I really like these images as they take you back to those times. 
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A common explanation for the lack of smiles in 19th century photographs is that, because it took so long to capture a photograph back then, people in pictures couldn't hold a smile for long enough.
Things that changed throughout the 1900′s to the 1910′s in photography
1901 – Kodak introduces the 120 film format.
1902 – Arthur Korn devises practical telephotography technology (reduction of photographic images to signals that can be transmitted by wire to other locations). 
1907 – The Autochrome plate is introduced. It becomes the first commercially successful color photography product.
1908 – Kinemacolour a two-color process known as the first commercial "natural color" system for movies, is introduced.
1909 – Kodak announces a 35 mm "safety" motion picture film on an acetate base as an alternative to the highly flammable nitrate base. 
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janamakroczy · 7 years
Tešila som sa do galérie, ale čiastočne aj v očakávaní kľudu a znudených študentov umenia strážiacich expozíciu. Omyl! Pamrte tichých návštevníkov, ktoí poctivo prechádzali miestnosti, čítali popisky a tvárili sa dumavo. (zrkadlá a farebné sklenné dosky na piesku) Tehlové budovy samotného Haus der Photographie a okolia mi hneď pripomenuli Krakow a dodali dôvod tešiť sa na jeseň a zimu. Neviem aké podniky to navštívil (a ofrflal) vyhlásený vegán Martin S., ale Nasch bol veľmi naporiadku. Kuchyňa a interiér aký by robili kundy crew. Za quiche so šalátom som dala 5 eur, za obrovský cookie naložený čoko krémom a arašidmi 2 (Bratiska chod dopekla). Plagát na stene pozýval na koncert proti G20. Na najväčšej demonštrácii sa očakáva 100 000 ľudí, policajtov zvolali 20 000. Musím sa dopátrať čím to je, že má Hamburg historicky tak početnú ľavicovú zložku. Obyvatelia sú tiež nasratí, že zorganizovali stretnutie uprostred mesta, a buzerujú a obmedzujú ľudí.
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detourartipelag · 6 years
Ulrika Sparre connects art, spirituality and life. On the occasion of Detour she has decorated a selection of natural stones with signs that are associated with different sounds. The combination of signs and sounds creates a complex and inexplicable experience filled with vibrations and images.
Ulrika Sparre was born in Stockholm in 1974. She studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and at Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. Sparre applies her artistic practice to multiple media creating installations, sculpture, photography, film, performance and sound art.Ulrika Sparre is represented by Stene Projects Gallery, Stockholm.
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