#Stentor. attractively
solareias · 2 years
You are sent far into the past through *hand waving* and find yourself somewhere around Ancient Mediterranean Europe.
Your time-and-space-napper informs you that you will be brought back to the present if you can figure out exactly WHERE and WHEN you are.
Naturally, you have to achieve this without alarming the locals.
What do you do?
I'm so sorry this took so long for me to answer but I love this prompt!!
first off, im waking up and doing a little happy dance while also anxiously hoping with all of my being that i was placed into a town/village/city that doesnt completely despise women (me). anyways, i would go searching for the nearest path/road (if i can find one) and simply begin walking. if i cannot locate a road, i would do my best to stay away from any thick brush to avoid wild animals while also searching for some form of a path.
so let's assume i find a paved path. first off, rejoice! i shall follow it until i find civilization or perhaps an Herm, which would be even better! with a hypothetical herm, i would begin by analyzing the figure to see if it is sculpted to be merged with a particular god (Herm-Ares or Hermanubis). This may give me some better insight to what the time period and culture nearby may be dominated by. I could also do the same with a road, for if it is "paved" then it will differ in appearance from Roman to Grecian roads.
Hypothetically, let us see if i find civilization. Personally, i am a speaker of english, spanish, german, and latin. I would have to hope with every ounce of my soul that i could find someone to transcribe/speak latin with. this may help me narrow down my options on where i am. I would also be doing my best to take in the surrounding architecture for time period and influences. temples and cults of the area would also be essential.
if in italy, i would be searching for different styles of villas and their armor types to differentiate the cultures (and speaking latin to the locals, given they wouldnt crucify me first out of fear). This, i feel, would give me a strong advantage into my exact location. meanwhile, i would be absolutely screwed in egypt/northern africa given the potential language barrier and the lack of knowledge i know on those peoples in comparison to the Greco-Romans.
Let's imagine the best possible scenario (for me). I walk down a path and find myself approaching civilization. I notice it is a prominently mountainous terrain that while i recognize, i have yet to ever see the majority of these ruins before. Perhaps i would hear an unfamiliar language being spoken, and even better yet i would be able to spy the symbols of the area on soldier's shields in the area. In this ideal situation, i would find myself in an archaic sparta/laconia and i would gaslight myself into believing that i was in athens so i could stay as long as my heart desired while taking vigorous notes to bring back to the historians and archaologists of today!
( while i wouldn't be thriving in ancient sparta due to the high mortality rate, lack of medicine, being a woman in ancient times, etc., i think i would enjoy being able to see the glory of the city-state i admire and study so much. who knows. maybe i would even find myself a decent enough and attractive husband //cough cough; stentor//. perhaps i would maybe even survive an ancient childbirth at that! but that may be too optimistic. /jk anyways lol)
thanks again for the question! this was fun!! <33333
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In Order: Phacus gigas 400x, Cercaria 200x, Diatom attracts bacteria 400x, Closterium and Surirella 400x, Euglena 400x, Diatoms and green algea 400x, Stentor polymorphus 40x, Nemotode 200x
Journey to the Microcosmos:  Are Microbes Good or Bad for Humans?
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aranict · 4 years
Hey! One for the askbox meme (if you’re doing it): Assassin’s Creed series? :-)
Heyy! Sure of course  ❤ Favorite Male:  Of the latest games- Basim . Of the older ones- Connor.  ❤ Favorite Female: Eivor and Kassandra.  ❤ Favorite Pairing: Eivor/Villi. I’d also say Kassandra/ Brasidas. <3 . Seeing a pattern here with brothers in arms to lovers trop lol I’   ❤ Least Favorite Character:  Pick any of the Borgias I’d say. Cesare is though so over the top everything he says is insta-meme material :D  Stentor was getting on my nerves a lot each time he appeared, but  I think he was intentionally written as a total brat.  ❤ who’s most like me: Hmm. I think that if I were in that setting, I’d be Randvi.  ❤ most attractive:  Villi, Basim, the Kenways ... the list is long :D  ❤ three more characters that I like: Shay , Finnr , Brasidas...  Thanks for tagging me!
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riddleredcoats · 6 years
So I just finished AC: Odyssey...
I have thoughts...Many, many thoughts. 
(This is mainly for me so I can remember what I loved about this game when I replay it, or when my friends buy it and I don’t forget anything, but anyone wants to discuss Odyssey is 100% welcome)
We’re I’m doing this in parts.
1. The overall
Man, I always loved Greece, I always wanted to go to Greece and I always loved  Greek history... This game only made love it more and it actually made me look up price flights to Greece  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This game is really, really cool in that aspect - it made me feel like I was there, enjoying the sun, beaches, the killing bears/sharks/fucking boars. It looks amazing, the graphics are awesome and the views are to die for. Aesthetic 10/10
The boat mechanics are practically identical to Black Flag - but hey, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But the lesbian crew? perfect. talented. inspired. worth the 35$ I paid for the game alone.
The music is decent, but the sea shanties deserve a soundtrack of their own lbr. 
The fighting was really fun, the movements fast and the animation was distinct, really fun feel.  (full disclosure I played on easy settings, cause I enjoy feeling like my character is a badass that can just walk into any fight and you know what, that’s exactly what I got, some enemies fell down with one blow. Super fun experience. Next playthrough Imma do a higher difficulty tho.)
2. The Family Storyline
I actually finished this one pretty quick. Everyone came out alive and well and living on the Adrestia. It was good drama, and I really loved Myrrine - she was incredible lbr, the only woman who can make Kassandra do anything with a single look.
I kinda liked Nikolaos too, in a weird way - even if he’s still an asshole. Spartan’s determination to have/be the best Nation was eventually its downfall, so I think it fits Nikolaos...He is a shitty father, he’s a good Spartan.
 Stentor is kinda meh, but his little spats with Kassie/Alexios are golden.
Deimos!Alexios is such a little shit, and his VA does a good job of portraying the asshole/bad guy, even if there were 1 or 2 cringe moments.
Barnabas is the only valid father figure in the game, there I said it! Y'all can @ me.
Herodotus is the weird and yet boring uncle. I approve of him and anyone who even looks at him funny will have to deal with me. 
Phoibe... Oh, Phoibe. The only moment where I actually felt a tear slide down my eye. I was emotional in other parts, but Phoibe’s death murdered me. 
3. The Cult of Kosmos...
I just wanna say to the asshole who spoiled me who the Cult Leader was... Fuck YOU! I mean honestly, it was a really cool reveal! Luckily he only spoiled it for me when I had done everything with Aspasia and I thought I’d never see her again, LMAO.
So yes, I saw Aspasia and I immediately fell in love with her. Like the second she walked into the scene I was hers. Just like that. 
I already knew of Aspasia - the real one - and like, it never even occurred to me that she might be the Ghost... Real!Aspasia was such a badass woman that needed no man but fell in love with Perikles and I never ever would have suspected her.
That final scene I have 2 complaints:
Why isn’t there an option to talk about Phoibe? I feel like it would be important and the forefront of Kassandra’s mind when she saw Aspasia again.
Aspasia sounded a little crazy? I mean I get HER, I do. The world was a mess - and let’s face it, it still IS - and I get her motivations and ambitions but her voice, her tone was too...dreamy, crazy? The VA for her was super good throughout the game, but I wonder what that part might have sounded like played differently... I dunno, it was hard to take her seriously. But I did let her live (and I kissed her...I am only human after all.)
4. The ‘’Atlantis’’ storyline.
So um... Kassandra dies, which, OUCH.
That part where she speaks Ancient Greek as she dies practically stabbed me in the heart lbr here, cause I imagine she hasn’t really spoken it for soo long (and no one has spoken it in so long). So, she says a prayer for herself cause she knows no alive knows how to do it the proper Greek way and I just... sobs. And as if it isn’t enough she just sounds so tired, so defeated, as if seeing humanity making the same mistakes over and over again broke her a little bit.
Loved going around Greece and fighting all the myths. ISTG, it was honestly one of the most fun parts of the game. The Minotaur is my fav, the aesthetic of the labyrinth was everything and Ardos was such a cute/asshole kid. Really liked the ‘’Medusa’’ too, but more the fighting it part -  it required a little more brain than the others - but that sick looking forest was 10/10.
Pythagoras was an asshole, but I knew that in fifth grade when I had to learn his fucking theorem.
Now we wait to see what Layla does with the staff. It will probably break me and I won’t be able to look at Herme’s staff the way ever again...
5. The Romance...
Kyra was my favorite romance in the game, their scenes were romantic but with a little air of tragedy still. It was well done, really. And the characters - Thaletas and Kyra - felt as if they had a little more thought put into them than some others. 
I really liked Roxana too. They were adorable, by far the best ending for any romance that I saw. 
Odessa was the only one I didn’t romance, mainly cause she gave weird vibes... 
Yes, I felt weird vibes with Odessa - who arguably also ends up with a decent romance ending - but not with Aspasia? I’m hopeless. My love for slightly evil women will be the end of me. I’m at least 30% sure I’ll end up unknowingly married to a serial killer...
But my favorite pairing for Kassandra tho? Aspasia. No doubts, no regrets, no takebacks. Everything about them is bathed in history, drama, and attraction.
We all agree that the first time Kassandra sees Aspasia, she basically has heart eyes. Right? That scene was so gay, I felt straight in comparison... And Aspasia was practically eating her alive with her stare. 10/10 sexual tension. 
The dynamics are really interesting... They both want the same thing but feel there are different ways to get it.  Yes, I know Aspasia was in the Cult that put everything in motion but like that the beauty of it. Aspasia knows its wrong, she knows she did wrong (and she probably wasn’t in the Cult when they interfered with the Oracle to throw Alexios off the Mount Taygetos). 
Also, Kassie is Spartan and Aspasia is Athenian (technically). Two lovers -  a Spartan and an Athenian - in the Peloponnesian War? Yes, please.
So, Drama? Double Check  
The Kiss. Like, don’t get me wrong I loved it and I definitely kissed her (#noregrets), but I wish it would have a little more build up
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freddyabberline · 5 years
our grief bringing us home
rating: g characters: alexios, myrrine, lykaon word count: 607 read on ao3
buy me a coffee!
the first time it had happened, the first time he had jerked himself awake with gasping breaths and cheeks wet with tears and found himself in his bed in his little house on kephallonia, alexios hadn’t put much thought to it.
the gods did that sometimes, granted random prophecy; it was there in the stories, tiresias and the pythia and priam’s poor, poor daughter. perhaps he had been given that, a brief glance, and his dreams had simply run away with the idea.
(attracting the attention of gods was a terrifying thought. alexios was nothing and no one, a mercenary, an unwanted child.)
but barnabas’s smile always felt too familiar, his laughter too warm; he sees how herodotus’s quiet sense of mystery slips at times to reveal a sort of wistful loneliness. alexios finds himself repeating, word for word, things he’d spoken in dreams. 
and then something would happen, always something terrible. a sword would catch him in the ribs and slide through the vulnerable leather of his armor like butter; some brute would trip him up and smash his head in against the ground with a mace; the adrestia would catch fire or be rammed to pieces and he would die in the sea, gasping for air and swallowing salt water. one memorable time he even caught ill in some port they visited or another, and he spent his last few hours fever-stricken and incoherent, crying the names of people he’d yet to meet.
afterwards he would wake up again, shaking and sweating, to phoibe’s laughter.
there were some things he did differently every time (let the family in kausos burn, but spare nikolaos) and some things he did the same (lykaon’s soft hands and mouth and eyes, the way thaletas bit bruises into his skin and broke his heart) and every time, every time he’d watch aspasia a bit too long, just enough to watch her squirm.
“you look so old, lamb,” myrrine said once, her eyes dark as she lightly touched his cheek, just the barest touch of fingertips. “older than you should.”
“life is not always kind,” he responded, leaning into the touch. myrrine was a constant, myrrine and the comfort she brought him left him feeling like a child again, just wanting to be held. “more often it has been cruel.”
“when did you become so wise?” her tone was teasing but there was a wistful sort of sadness, too, her thumb stroking across the soft skin below his eye.
alexios didn’t have an answer for that.
eventually though, eventually he gets it right, and something rattles loose in his chest when myrrine gathers him and deimos- kassandra, her name was kassandra- close to her, and she pets his hair and presses a kiss to his temple as the sobs shake through him. 
later he is reassured that it was all worth it, all the blood and pain and death, when kassandra flashes him a sharp smile; when nikolaos gives him that soft, proud look; when stentor grudgingly admits that he’s impressed after watching alexios spar with a handful of hoplites. he knows that it was worth it when phoibe shrieks with laughter and joy as he hauls her up and spins her in the air, and lykaon smiles at him and rests a hand lightly on his arm.
“welcome home,” lykaon murmurs when alexios leans in for a kiss, brief and chaste.
“and what a welcome,” alexios says back in the same quiet tone, because this was something just for him: this house in the chora, with lykaon and phoibe, and this quiet, quiet life that he’d earned several times over.
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egitana00 · 5 years
Egitana Offers a Range Of Music Equipment Online
Egitana is the musical instrument store of Portugal that has been serving people for extra than forty years. We deal in any form of tune instrument and the tune studio tool which includes guitars, Ukuleles, digital pianos, violins, saxophones, and lots more. We are the most depended on shop as we offer a musical technique to every person and we sell nearly every musical tool. Our aim is to satisfy the customer by means of our nice product and worldwide-elegance offerings that is the motive we are in excessive demand everywhere in the worldwide. A number of Stentor is available in our keep to fulfil the music learner needs.
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Want to buy musical tool of Elixir, you then are at right location. From us, you continually buy the excellent rate song gadgets. We are right here to fulfil song lover’s desires. We at Egitana deal in manufacturers like Yamaha, Yamaha p45, Casio, AKG, Pioneer DJ, Ibanez, Nectar and hundreds extra, its miles the handiest prevent hold to your musical device solutions. Simply think of the logo and the musical product and we will provide it to you and that too at less pricey costs. Waldorf at our preserve is of tremendous with a couple of ports on enter and output to connect your microphone, speaker and other devices. At our save, you may find Electro Voice alternatives on the quality market charge.
Dino Baffetti will upload an attraction for your musical life whether you're a learner or a professional inside the subject of the musical world. Any form of musical device is available with us on our online music save, all you have to do is to go to and order your product and we are able to supply it to you. We additionally provide Palmer three loop station that is ISB nicely proper and easy to apply. Hook up with us to shop for your musical products and experience the hassle-unfastened delivery at your door-step. To recognize extra approximately us, visit at our legitimate internet site at your free time.
Find more information visit at:-
Contact Us
Egitana Musical, Lda.
Website: www.egitana.pt
Address: Rua General Pinto Monteiro, 15 CV 6300-713 Guarda
Phone: 271 222 048
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theblackbeam · 6 years
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Went to a lecture today by Wallace Marshall from UCSF about pattern formation and regeneration in stentor, which can be a up to 2mm, and are some of the largest unicellular organisms. They have wider pigmented stripes on one side of their cone and narrower stripes on the other, establishing a dorsal/ventral polarity in addition to the obvious head to toe polarity of their cone shaped organization.
They can be cut and spliced and manipulated all kinds of ways and will not only regenerate the missing pieces, but do so proportionally and in the correct location. As Marshall put it, they “seem to recognize alteration in their geometry.”  Using various inhibitors, however, they are able to generate all kinds of mutated forms. 
The first question from the audience was, “Why are the original stentors so aesthetically pleasing, while the mutated versions are not?”
This brought to mind the link between facial symmetry and perceived attractiveness in people (subjects regularly judge manipulated photos, where one side of a face is copied and flipped over the central axis, as more attractive than the original photo). Theories about this preference range from evolutionary advantage (symmetry as indicator of fitness) to perceptual bias (an innate preference for symmetry). An interesting study by Little and Jones in 2003 finds evidence for the former when participants expressed preference for symmetry only when viewing the photo in upright orientation (ie, looking at it as a potential mate). When they were shown inverted portraits (which interrupts normal facial processing and causes us to interpret the shapes as any other non-face object), the symmetry preference disappeared. 
However, the perceptual bias seems to be supported by the dominance of  harmonics and proportions, throughout the arts and designed world, that represent simple mathematical relationships and tend towards symmetries. 
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From Symmetry As A Developmental Principle In Nature And Art, by Werner Hahn. 
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saptaswara-blog · 6 years
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Tips on staying comfortable while holding and playing your Violin
The music festival or music season attracts music lovers across the globe. There are a variety of instruments that are taught, famous among which is the guitar, keyboard, drums, and Violin. As an aspiring violinist, you may become familiar with the different kinds of violins such as the Filbert Violin, Stentor Violin, and Cecilio Violin. One of the challenging aspects about learning violin is assuming a comfortable posture while playing this incredible instrument. If you go one step behind, even more important is to learn about the different parts of the Violin. Once you are familiar with your instrument and its components, the next step is to understand how to use it.
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Tips to hold and play your Violin
As a Violinist, you will understand that one of the most important requirements is the posture. A correct posture requires holding the bow at the precise angles to produce the tone or note. There are a number of useful tips to help you assume a comfortable position while playing the Violin. Though these may sound basic, it will make a huge difference to your musical delivery if you inculcate these habits right from the start.
You may choose to play the Violin either by standing up or sitting down. Either way, you must avoid slouching when you play for long periods of time either at practice or during concerts. In the long run, such poor posture can lead to chronic injuries. On the other hand, when you assume an upright posture, it infact creates enough space between your body and the Violin to help your arm and bow move comfortably. Basically, it gives you scope to exercise a full range of motion. Further, a good posture will also strengthen your back as opposed to a slouching position.
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When you rest the Violin, you must place it between your chin and left shoulder. Your left hand will be used more while playing and it needs to more agile as you take up advanced learning including access to higher positions on the Violin. A poor posture or holding position will have a long term negative impact even on the best of musicians. Hence a physical accommodation while playing the Violin is a non-negotiable requirement.
The Violin should be rested on your collarbone, tucked under your chin, without straining your neck while applying a gentle weight of your head. This is supported by left hand and shoulder. Use a shoulder pad to support the gap between the Violin and the shoulder. The main purpose of the shoulder pad is to provide friction so that the Violin stays in position.
You can use chin rests to provide a comfortable position for the jaw, while at the same time protect the Violin’s varnish, and adjust the distance between the collarbone and the jaw. Flatter chin rests are a better choice than contoured versions for obvious reasons.
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When you hold the Violin, avoid tightening your grip and instead support it with your left hand.
Once you correct your basic posture, you will realise how easy it becomes to play your Violin without straining your body.
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thomasslobo-blog · 5 years
Global Violins Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Violins Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com
Violin is a stringed musical instrument that have four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth and a usual range from G below middle C upward for more than 4¹/₂ octaves and have a shallow body, shoulders at right angles to the neck, a fingerboard without frets, and a curved bridge.
North America violin market size was valued at around USD 166.46 million in 2018. APAC countries such as China, India, and South Korea currently have a low penetration rate but are expected to emerge as an attractive opportunity for vendors to venture during this period. The region is predicted to emerge as the fastest growing markets for violins globally.
The worldwide market for Violins is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 2.1% over the next five years, will reach 340 million US$ in 2024, from 310 million US$ in 2019.
This report focuses on the Violins in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/43993-violins-industry-analysis-report
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers
    JinYin Musical
    NS Design
    Barcus Berry
    Beijing Forest Violins
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
    North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
    Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
    Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
    South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
    Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
    Electric Violin
    Acoustic Violin
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
    Professional Performance
    Learning and Training
    Individual Amateurs
Download Free Sample Report of Global Violins Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-43993
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Violins product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Violins, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Violins in 2017 and 2018. Chapter 3, the Violins competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Violins breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 12, Violins market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Violins sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
Purchase the complete Global Violins Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-43993
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
Global Electric Guitar Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023
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egitana00 · 5 years
Egitana Always Offer Premium Range of Music Instruments
Egitana is the online music instrument store. We deal in any type of song tool and the music studio tool which incorporates guitars, Ukuleles, virtual pianos, violins, saxophones, and lots extra. We are the maximum trusted keep as we offer a musical method to all of us and we promote almost each musical tool. Our goal is to fulfil the customer by using our high-quality product and international-beauty offerings, this is the reason we're in high call for all over the international. A range of Stentor is to be had in our store to fulfil the tune learner needs.
Want to buy Fluid Audio, then you definitely are at proper place. From us, you usually buy the fine fee track instruments. We are right here to fulfil track lover’s desires. We at Egitana deal in producers like Yamaha, Roland, Casio, AKG, Pioneer DJ, Ibanez, Nectar and hundreds extra, it is the most effective stop hold on your musical tool solutions. Just consider the brand and the musical product and we are able to offer it to you and that too at much less pricey prices. D´Addario at our preserve is of tremendous with a couple of ports on enter and output to attach your microphone, speaker and other devices. At our keep, you will discover Electro Voice alternatives at the great market rate. Want to buy J. Michael equipment, then you can end your search with us anytime.
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Alesis will add an attraction in your musical lifestyles whether you're a learner or a professional in the difficulty of the musical world. Any kind of musical device is to be had with us on our on line song store, all you need to do is to go to and order your product and we are able to deliver it to you. We also provide Ampeg station that's ISB nicely acceptable and clean to use. Connect with us to shop for your musical products and revel in the trouble-free transport at your door-step. To recognise greater approximately us, visit at our legit internet site at your free time.
Find more information visit at:-
Contact Us
Egitana Musical, Lda.
Website: www.egitana.pt
Address: Rua General Pinto Monteiro, 15 CV 6300-713 Guarda
Phone: 271 222 048
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egitana00 · 5 years
Egitana Offers A Range Of Musical Instrument Fulfil Music Expert Needs
Egitana is the musical instrument store in Portugal that has been serving people for extra than 40 years. We deal in any kind of song device and the track studio equipment including guitars, Ukuleles, digital pianos, violins, saxophones, and a lot greater. We are the most trusted shop as we provide a RCF brand music instrument to all and sundry and we promote almost each musical instrument. Our intention is to fulfil the patron by using our satisfactory product and global-magnificence services, this is the reason we are in excessive call for everywhere in the global.
We at Egitana deal in brands like Yamaha, Roland, Casio, AKG, Pioneer DJ, Ibanez, Eurico A. Cebolo and a lot more, it's miles the only forestall keep to your musical tool answers. Just think of the logo and the musical product and we are able to offer it to you and that too at lower priced fees. Interface De Audio at our shop is of tremendous with a couple of ports on enter and output to connect your microphone, speaker and other devices.
Stentor will upload an attraction in your musical existence whether or not you are a learner or an expert in the field of the musical world. Any sort of musical instrument is to be had with us on our on-line tune keep, all you have to do is to visit and order your product and we will deliver it to you. We additionally offer Tascam that's ISB and easy to apply. Hook up with us to shop for your musical merchandise and enjoy the problem-free delivery at your door-step.
Find more information visit at:-
Contact Us
Egitana Musical, Lda.
Website: www.egitana.pt
Address: Rua General Pinto Monteiro, 15 CV 6300-713 Guarda
Phone: 271 222 048
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Eagle Bearer or Heart Bearer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31E5Tr3
by HarukaHamato
'The rules of fair play don't apply in love and war' a statment which certainly applied to certained Eagle bearing misthios
Words: 246, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Alexios (Assassin's Creed), Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Stentor (Assassin's Creed), Odessa (Assassin's Creed), Alkibiades | Alcibiades (c. 450-404 BCE), Nikolaos (Assassin's Creed), Myrrine (Assassin's Creed), Leda (Barnabas' wife) (Assassin's Creed), Barnabas (Assassin's Creed), Herodotos | Herodotus (c. 484-425 BCE), Original Spartan Character(s), Brasidas (Assassin's Creed)
Relationships: Alexios (Assassin's Creed)/Reader, Stentor (Assassin's Creed)/Reader, Kassandra/Odessa (Assassin's Creed)
Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), One-Sided Attraction, Unrequited Crush, Daddy Issues, Swearing, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Mount Olympus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Semi-Public Sex, Rough Sex, Awkward Flirting, Kassandra is Deimos (Assassin's Creed), Bisexual Female Character, Bisexual Male Character, Relationship Advice, Mommy Issues, Cult of Kosmos (Assassin's Creed)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31E5Tr3
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The Historian's Assistant
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UPjvw6
by potsticker1234
Your time at college can be some of the most formative years of your life. They can also be filled with unnecessary stress, fortunately for Kyra, she is in for the time of her life when she meets the most attractive girl in the world at her coffee shop. Will their paths cross more than once? Will they be able to get past the mutual pining?
Words: 2591, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, AC Odyssey - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Kyra (Assassin's Creed), Thaletas (Assassin's Creed), Herodotos (Assassin's Creed), Brasidas (Assassin's Creed), Barnabas (Assassin's Creed), Alexios (Assassin's Creed), Stentor (Assassin's Creed), Myrrine (Assassin's Creed), Nikolaos (Assassin's Creed)
Relationships: Kassandra/Kyra (Assassin's Creed), Kassandra & Kyra (Assassin's Creed), Brasidas & Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Kassandra & Stentor (Assassin's Creed), thaletas & kyra
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, College AU, coffee shop AU, Fluff, shameless flirting, Mutual Pining, the one in which kassandra is a TA and kyra works at a local cafe, frat party shenanigans, kassandra is a track athlete, Slow Burn
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UPjvw6
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