#Stephen Farrelly
sulfurz · 10 months
ೃ༄ MEANT TO BE YOURS (sheamus x fem!reader)
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ೃ༄ PAIRING: sheamus x fem!reader
ೃ༄ REQUESTED BY: @lambofjudgement
now that I've finished screaming about how much I love your writing I have a request (to fill out your masterlist a little bit) for sheamus jealousy fluff? where the f!reader's been teaming with the brawling brutes for a while and when they're feuding with Imperium the Imperium tries to convince her she's too good for them? Maybe before they're together, where he's trying to convince her to stay by being extra nice and thoughtful or overprotectiveness of "his girl" that he lets slip accidentally? whichever route you take will be awesome I'm sure of it! <3
ೃ༄ WARNINGS: um idk like?!?! possessiveness ig??? sheamus is just hot n y/n fancies him
ೃ༄ WORD COUNT: 2.6k😳
ೃ༄ NOTE: UMMMM can u tell i got carried away……. i love sheamus sm i met him once and he is genuinely the sweetest guy in the world so a stephen request ????? i am in heaven pls enjoy
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in theory, the moment you saw the camera you should have known something was coming.
it was one of those peaceful saturday nights on raw, a rare evening where you didn’t have a match to be a part of in any shape or form. you were simply enjoying the energy backstage as you could hear the crowd thrumming beyond the walls, watching matches that didn’t involve you on the monitor. management had requested you come along for some segments, so you were somewhat on guard, but the most you expected was an interview with renee.
you did not expect for the imperium to trudge towards you, trailed by a camera man as they came over with their proposition.
“are you ready to be on the losing side again?” gunther asked, trailed by his lackeys sad they stopped before you, circling like hyenas on the prowl.
you could only cross your arms in defence. “what makes you so sure we’ll lose?”
ludwig laughed from his leader’s left side, an air of certainess to his posture. “oh come on, y/n. you know as much as we do. you’re too good for those brutes, pardon the pun.”
the brutes in question being the stable you had taken on under your management. the brawling brutes were a separate endeavour to your solo career, but it was no secret the group had thrived under your care. if you had been coerced into joining in the first place by a particularly charming irish man, no one would have to know, either. it just so happened your management were looking for another way to push you, and acting as manager for such a powerful stable seemed like a dream when that opportunity fell in your lap.
but of course, once you proved to yourself and the rest of the wwe universe that you knew how to handle yourself both inside and outside of the ring, it wasn’t long before others tried to hunt you down. the brawling brutes were gaining power quicker than a steamroller, and of course people would give anything to stop them in their tracks.
“and what’s in it for me? if i betray them?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, playing up to the camera, but asking more for your own gain than anything.
“unprecedented power, y/n. sweet, sweet power.” gunther added, motioning for the rest of his stable to follow as he began to walk away. “think about it, you’ll make the right decision.”
you gave a knock to the men’s dressing room door, a telltale shout of ‘decent’ giving away exactly who was in there — his accent certainly stood out amongst most.
pushing open the door, you were met by one single figure hanging back, but the man you needed to see. sheamus was standing there as decent as decent could be for a wwe superstar. it made you blush slightly, but you couldn’t quite understand why. you were used to going arm in arm with the man weekly when he was in nothing more than tight underwear and body oil — yet seeing him standing, clad in nothing but sweats, felt more intimate than before.
“heya, sweetheart.” he mused, charming as ever even when his in ring persona was lessened by the absence of cameras. “missed me that much?”
you rolled your eyes fondly, giving a light shove to his shoulder as you passed to take your place on a bench nearby. “don’t flatter yourself.”
sheamus grinned, a secondary emotion that you couldn’t place flashing past his eyes momentarily. he would never relent, and whilst you always had a rebuttal on the tip of your tongue, you wouldn’t deny how you were consistently forced to turn away, mainly so the man couldn’t see the reddening of your cheeks.
as the leader of the brawling brutes, it was sheamus who you came into contact with the most, and the two of you had built an interesting dynamic over the past few months. he had never hidden his affections for you in the ring, always jumping at an opportunity to be by your side, but you had foolishly put this down to his character, and never thought much of it. he was a naturally charming man, wildly different from everyone else in the roster, and it would have been easy to fall for someone like that. so, aware he was simply just being a character, you shut yourself down to every attempt to place that charm on you, not allowing the possibility for heartbreak.
“i had an interesting conversation today.” you commented quietly, crossing one leg over the other as you watched sheamus ruffle his wet hair from the shower with a towel (bright pink, and strangely familiar? was that a little decal of a flower? where did he get your towel from????). “let’s just say the last thing i was expecting today was to be accosted by imperium.”
sheamus stopped his drying motions immediately, hands coming back down to his side. “imperium? what the hell are they doing? trying to intimidate you?”
you hummed, considering how to approach this. “quite the opposite. in fact, they’ve got it into their minds that i’d be better off by their side, instead of yours.”
then, sheamus barked out a laugh and returned to his prior movements, seemingly unconcerned by the initial offer from your opponents. “well, can’t fault them for trying. as if they’re worthy of you.”
you stayed silent, watching as your friend and in ring partner raided his gym bag in search of a shirt.
“i mean. they’re not wrong when they suggest my style fits theirs slightly better. when i’m on my own i think anyone would have put me with them over you guys.”
silence met you, and when you glanced at sheamus, he wasn’t even looking in your direction. too focused on untangling his shirt straps. for a moment you thought, if that was how much he cared, then you might just take imperium up on their offer—
“you really think that?” sheamus asked darkly, not sparing a glance to his side.
shrugging, you added “i mean, we don’t know for certain but, what have you exactly got to offer me in terms of furthering my career?”
sheamus barked a laugh, but it was void of any humour. “i could list a million reasons why you suit us, sweetheart. how many do you want?”
you raised an eyebrow, his tone rattling straight through you. he was intimidating when he wanted to be, and it was clear that on stage persona was blurring with the man behind the camera for just a second.
“stephen.” you offered as warning, rarely choosing to use superstars’ real names unless the moment required it.
he spun quickly, taking one look at you before any of that hardness slipped away from his features and he was back to looking at you with a level of respect and awe.
“you’ve seen what we can do with you by our sides, y/n. you’re a warrior in and out of the ring. imperium don’t want to further your career, they want to use you for their own benefit.” he took a moment to pull the shirt over his head, before making his way to sit beside you. there was a couple of feet between your positions, but somehow the distance felt even greater.
you hummed, contemplating for just a second. “and? isn’t that what you’re doing? using me for your own benefit?”
when sheamus spoke again, there wasn’t the harshness in his tone like there was before, replaced by the sound of honey dripping off of every word. “we’ve never used you. sure, there’s no denying we’re better with you by our side, but you did all that. imperium want to use you as a pretty show piece, but to us you’re our lifeline.”
you smiled everso slightly, more having to fight the upturn of your lips than anything. “sure you don’t just like a hot woman on your arm every night?”
your stable mate grinned, playfulness returning to the air as he buttered you up. “sure, that’s a bonus, sweetheart. but you’re so much more than that.”
if your heart fluttered slightly at the tone he used, deep and rooted with genuineness, you wouldn’t tell anyone. that was a secret for you to keep.
“you’re a fool if you think we only want you to make us look good.” sheamus began again, shameless as he reached across the space between your bodies, brushing a stray strand of your hair away from your face and behind your ear. another flutter of your heart, this time more like a whisper of wind. “imperium want you to be their arm candy, we want you to be our soul. half the stuff we do wouldn’t be possible without you. you’re one of the strongest women in the roster right now, and that’s not just opinion but a fact, and it’s an honour getting to prove that. you can hold your own, hey, you can be even better, amongst the men, and i think that says everything.”
“you think that highly of me?” you asked, half jokingly, half from a place of needing reassurance. it was easy to doubt yourself amongst so many powerful opponents. “you’re already fighting pretty hard to get me to stay and i barely said anything.”
“you said enough for me to know i don’t want them getting their hands on you.” sheamus muttered, and suddenly the gap between the two of you seemed much smaller than before. “i won’t let them take my girl away that easily.”
your eyes widened at the same time his own demeanour cracked, both noticing the slip of tongue at the same time. again, you were used to the flirting the irish man undertook in the ring, and half of the time outside of it, but any semblance that those layers ran deeper than just kayfabe and your head was in a spin.
another knock at the door brought you out of the moment, a staff member poking his head in to let the two of you know they were closing up soon.
so with a few last goodbyes, you parted ways, this time with a new feeling of confusion in your chest. it was no longer the question of whether the brawling brutes wanted you more than the imperium, but now whether sheamus wanted you more than you wanted to leave.
after the segments on the show the week prior, it was no shock when the brawling brutes had one of their promos cut by the imperium themselves. you had expected it really, but it didn’t make the image of the four men wandering down the ramp towards the ring any less intimidating.
you stood just by the curtain of the ring, watching in concern as predator stalked their prey. you could see imperiums eyes on you, and you knew sheamus had noticed too, for he seemed to step in between their view of you protectively.
“well if it isn’t our favourite manager and her lackeys.” gunter began, practically toe to toe with sheamus as they stood leader against leader. “have you given any thought to our little conversation last week, y/n?”
before you could even react, sheamus was speaking on your behalf. “she doesn’t want to run around with little boys, she wants to stick with the men.”
gunther only chuckled into the mic, not quick enough to give his own response before giovanni was adding in himself, “if she wants men, she’s with the wrong team.”
“i wonder, if we asked her now, who’d she’s choose?” gunther challenged, the crowd hollering for you to join the conversation.
“stop fooling yourself, gunther, it’s getting embarrassing—“
sheamus was cut off by gunther once more “why don’t we let the little lady speak for herself?”
if the imperium wanted brownie points, they certainly weren’t getting them speaking about you like that. sheamus seemed to think the same, if the way his fists clenched had anything to do with it. he didn’t seem happy about it, but turned to offer you a hand to climb in the ring nonetheless.
you took his offer of help, jumping inside and trying to ignore how you were sure he was squeezing your hand just a little harder than usual. he seemed reluctant to even let go, but dropped the contact only when butch offered you his own mic to join the chorus.
the outcome of this promo was up to you, your manager had made sure that you knew that fact. he was prepared to damage control whichever side you chose, but how was the moment, and you were more unsure than ever. one look at imperium had you wanting to change allegiance. for all the talk about their true intentions, you knew one thing for certain, and that was imperiums power. they were a force to be reckoned with, and having gunther as an ally? that could do wonders for your career both in the stable and in your own solo endeavours.
yet, as you glanced to your side, seeing how sheamus watched you with uncertainty, the decision began to unblur.
he hadn’t spoken to you since the little dialogue mishap in the locker room. you had, at first, thought maybe he was disgusted by his own words, wishing he could take them back out of sheer unhappiness — but when you looked at him now, you could see past sheamus, and just see stephen, and you realised everything he had said was true.
“sheamus over here seems to have gotten it into his head that your allegiance to him is stronger than your want for success.” gunther’s menacing tone brought you out of your realisation, and you turned back to see how the man towered over you. “but you and i know better, don’t we, y/n? you’re a strong woman, you’ll make the right decision.”
a deep breath. “you’re right gunther.” a gasp echoed throughout the crowd as you seemingly made your decision to turn sides. the man in question watched you with a sly smirk, thinking his plan had worked. “my want for success is stronger than anything. so, i have to choose the side i know will get me there.”
you could practically feel the panicked looks of the brawling brutes, and when you turned to hand butch his microphone back, the expressions of betrayal were just as expected — especially from one particular redhead.
taking a step back, you made to stand with the imperium, facing your other stable-mates as the crowd shouted all sorts of nonsense directed at you, surely horrified by your abandonment. you waited a second, revelling in the reaction and allowing the imperium to glow in what they thought was a victory, before in one swift motion, you landed a back elbow straight into gunther’s stomach.
the crowd cheered again, and you wasted no time in stepping back across the ring to sheamus’ side, the grin creeping across the man’s face larger than you had ever seen before.
as you joined back by his side, he didn’t bother removing the microphone from his lips as he solidified his comment from the week prior. “that’s my girl.”
for once, you didn’t think about consequences, not caring that this wasn’t part of the plan or even prior discussed by the two of you — you knew he wanted it as badly as you by now. so, in one swift motion, coupled with a whisper of ‘your girl’, you grabbed sheamus by the back of the neck and pulled him down to crash your lips together.
if the shout from the rest of the brawling brutes was loud in your ear, the screams of the audience were practically deafening, but you barely focused on the reaction as sheamus dropped the microphone he held to the floor in favour of grabbing ahold of your waist.
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henrycavillcumdump · 1 month
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Stephen Farrelly AKA Sheamus
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Buddy Games 2019
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ncisla-source · 1 year
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LL Cool J as Sam Hanna and Stephen Farrelly / Sheamus as Odin NCIS: LOS ANGELES (2009 - 2023)  Season 14, Episode 15: The Other Shoe
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 26, 2023)
20:16 Honeyroot - Summer Sky 20:12 Treepines Makdaf - Here 4u 20:06 Smood - Principle Of Love 20:02 Marga Sol - It's You 19:56 Blue Lagoona - Follow Me (Feat. Io Vita) 19:52 Flunk - Sugar Planet 19:48 Jacob Gurevitsch - Affection (Original Mix) 19:43 Blank & Jones - Unknown Treasure (With Claudia Brucken) 19:39 Vincenzo - Today 19:35 8barz - Look In Your Eyes - Guiddo Remix 19:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:29 Man Behind C. - Pitcard (Dreamguitar Mix) 19:25 Five Seasons - Round And Round 19:19 Architect - Immaterial 19:09 Jean Mare - Everything (Original Mix) 19:03 Suntheca Prod. - Beleza 18:57 Jens Buchert - Octalimbo 18:51 Sly - Like Love (Original Mix) 18:46 Living Room - Silkroad (Original Mix) 18:41 El Rio De La Vida - Sevillo 18:38 C Cil - Calm & Quiet 18:34 Ingo Herrmann - Walking Away 18:27 Olive - Miracle 18:23 Blank & Jones Ft. Elles - Mind Of The Wonderful (Acoustic Version) 18:18 Dominik Pointvogl - Malibou Beach (Original Mix) 18:14 Grant, Zarenzeit - Amaranthine Profundity 18:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:09 Roberto Sol & Chris Le Blanc Feat Ines - Ahora 18:04 Brook Sapphire - Wave By Wave 17:59 Re-lounge - No Ordinary Love (Stephen Floyd Rework) 17:53 Bee Side - Twilight 17:51 Phlocalyst, Mr. Käfer - Luminous 17:46 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 17:41 Blank & Jones - Puerta Del Sol 17:36 Tracy Diamonds & Step Away - A Pain That I'm Used To (A Lounge Tribute To Depeche Mode) 17:30 Merge Of Equals - Gravity 17:26 Tears - Cicada 17:21 Jero Nougues - Decoded 17:18 James Farrelli - Can't Get You Out Of My Head 17:12 V - Sta - Peaceful Day (Original Mix) 17:06 Bliss - Desert Sun 17:01 Goldroom Feat. Nikki Segal - Running Wild 16:55 Climatic - Doo Wop 16:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:49 Don Gorda Project - Stay On Course 16:44 Marga Sol - Come And Love Me (Original Mix) 16:40 Stefano Mastronardi - It's Lounge Time 16:36 Sonic Company - Alternative Road (Remix) 16:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:32 Late Night Alumni - This Is Why 16:28 Jens Buchert - Fly With Me 16:23 Michael E - Secret Dancer 16:19 Bijelo De La Cruz - Driving In Circles 16:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:15 Jizz Jazz - Lost In Your Eyes (Cool Cut Mix) 16:09 Tycho - Systems 16:05 Kondencuotas Pienas - Elegantish Elephantish (Original Mix) 16:00 Club Salinero - Shade In The Sun (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 16:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:55 Alex Field - Wake Me (Bryan Milton Remix) (Feat. Natune) 15:51 Johannes Huppertz - Seven Sences (Original Mix) 15:46 Neophyt - Sence Of Rain (Original Mix) 15:40 Lemongrass Feat Jane Maximova - Reinvented Me 15:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:34 Genf - Aachen-brussel 15:29 Yaima - Gajumaru 15:24 Pat Appleton - Good (Original Mix) 15:21 Soulchef - Road Trip 15:15 Openzone Bar - Seven Seas 15:09 Aquanote - Nowhere (Speakeasy Remix) 15:04 Blank & Jones - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 15:00 Jaffa - Bklyn Bobbi 14:55 Gary B - Step Into The Sunshine 14:51 Sonic Company - Secret Path (Original Mix) 14:47 Soundset City - You Are My Angel (Smooth Vocal Lounge Mix) 14:43 Late Night Alumni - Virtue 14:39 De-phazz Feat. Karl Frierson - Time Slips 14:35 Vargo - Talking One Language Anniversary Mix 14:30 Blank & Jones - Takin' Off 14:24 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time (Sweet Velvet Del Mar Cafe Chillout Mix) 14:17 Noise Boyz - Yesterday Becomes Tomorrow (Flowmotion Mix) 14:12 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 14:08 Crystal - Sex Is In The Air - Psyche Lounge Mix 14:03 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 14:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:56 Lukas Greenberg - Sometimes 13:53 Frame By Frame - Seagulls 13:49 Anthony Island - Turn Around 13:46 D. Batistatos, Evita Saloustrou - After Dark (On The Road Again) 13:42 Stereomass - Modern Journey To Hawaii (Original Mix) 13:36 Trillian Miles - Don-'t Cry 13:31 S.w. - Humans And Gods 13:27 Afterlife - Pirates 13:22 Weathertunes - Jade Flowers 13:16 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 13:12 S-tone Inc. - In The Mood For Love 13:07 Skunk Tribecca - Siguiendo La Luna 13:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:06 Michiko - Morning Delight 12:59 Full Menthal Jacket - Another Chance 12:53 Oscar Salguero - New York City Evening Sax 12:47 Diario - Two Shells 12:42 Mop Mop - Blue Soul 12:37 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Edit) 12:32 Keep Shelly In Athens - Flyway 12:28 Jens Buchert - Sweetwood 12:23 Cupsurfer - Finishing The Boat 12:19 Michelle Simonal - Alright 12:13 Solanos - Sambado 12:09 Dadamnphreaknoizphunk Feat. Jen - Waiting 12:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:03 De-phazz - Anchorless 11:58 Nookie Feat. Larry Heard - Paradise Tease Mix 11:54 Steven Dual - Flying (Balearic Guitar Mix) 11:51 Lemongrass - Lovely 11:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:43 Fresh Moods - Rhythmbreeze 11:36 York - Be A Giant 11:30 All 4 Love Ft Tracy Diamonds - Precious 11:25 Merge Of Equals - Don-'t You Know 11:18 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time 11:15 Mikael Delta - Water Mirroring 11:11 Morcheeba - Undress Me Now 11:06 Naoki Kenji - Let It Flow (Jazz Jazz) 11:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:01 Zero 7 - Destiny 10:56 Andrea Caloni - Daddy Don't You (Original Mix) 10:50 Chris Zippel Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Still Love - Klangstein & Chris Zippel Mix 10:46 Music On Canvas Feat. Tabitha - Upside Down 10:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:44 Inside Soul - Keyless Gate (Elevate Mind) 10:37 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 10:33 Pearldiver - Motionflow (Original Mix) 10:29 Urban Phunk Society - Siesta 10:23 Cafe Americaine - Metropolitan Girl (Round The World Mix) 10:19 Mazelo Nostra, The Diventa Project - Chill Together On The Beach (Mazelo Nostra Ibiza Mix) 10:15 Blank & Jones - Heart Of Wax (Late Night Mix) 10:11 Dean Landon & Caron Nightingale - Makin' Moves 10:06 Blank & Jones - Good 10:00 Tikki Tembo Feat. Kyla Sexton - Ride (James Bright Vocal Remix) 09:55 Bruno From Ibiza - Golden Love 09:50 Yonderboi - Another Geometry 09:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:45 Afterlife - Shine 09:40 Velvet Dreamer - Chasing The Moment 09:37 Hooverphonic - One 09:33 Dreamhunter - Hurricane Bay 09:28 Oscar Salguero - With You 09:23 Hotplay - Turn Around (Guitar Del Mar Mix) 09:19 Amelie - Softwood 09:14 Don Gorda - A Taste Of You 09:09 Sky Sergeant - Stratosphere Samba (Jazzy James Junior Remix) 09:02 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 08:56 Jens Buchert - Dragonfly 08:51 Orfeo Project - Tonight (Original Mix) (Original Mix) 08:46 Lafoliedamour - You 08:42 Marga Sol - Cafe Del Amor 08:38 Mark Mars - Ship's Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) 08:34 Marga Sol - Goodbye 08:28 Jayson House - Time To Rest (Original Mix) 08:22 Space Tourist - Astro Chat (Milkyway Cut) 08:18 My 7sky - Way Home 08:15 Bcalm, Tibeauthetraveler - Midnight Swim 08:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:11 Island Dreams - Ohm G 08:07 Atb - We Belong 08:03 Tafubar - Fantastic Journey Of Mr. Mantra 07:59 Lemongrass - Not The End (Feat. Jane Maximova) 07:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:54 Oscar Salguero - Let Me Be Close To You 07:48 Soleil Fisher - Warm Winter - Sting Of Paradise Sunset Mix 07:44 Peter Pearson - Summer Memories 07:40 Gary B - The Moon 07:31 Leendder Feat. Chaz - Everytime You Cry (Satin Jackets Remix) 07:26 Mara J Boston - Butterflys 07:19 Apollo 440 - Omega Point 07:14 Duo Varial Feat. Enaïd - Fly Away 07:09 Marga Sol - So Long 07:04 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) 06:58 Groovecatcher - Ultramarina (Original Mix) 06:52 351 Lake Shore Drive - All Around Me 06:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:47 Marie Therese - Just Try It 06:43 Everything But The Girl - Amplified Heart 06:39 Emma Hewitt - These Days Are Ours (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 06:35 Lisa Shaw - Grown Apart 06:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:32 Marcel - Love & Lite (Feat. Katie Gray) 06:28 Vargo - Awakening (Chorus Mix) 06:25 Groove Da Praia - Is This Love 06:20 Bliss - Mivahetsek (Feat Lisbeth Scott) 06:15 Zenyatta - Swimming Into Vibrations (Ibiza Downbeat Vocal Mix) 06:10 Lazy Hammock - Deep Sunday Bliss 06:06 Headstrong - Love Until It Hurts (Original) 06:01 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind 06:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:53 Skindive Inc. - Hopelessly Love (The Man Behind C. Edit) 05:48 Airily - Harmonize (Spring Version) 05:43 Afterlife - Breakfast At Benirras 05:39 Evolve - Well I Gotta Story 05:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:34 Marco Torrance With York & Asheni - Forget To Remember (R.i.b. Chillout Mix) 05:29 Blu Martini - Better With You (Miguel Musso Mix) 05:24 Shazz - Fallin' In Love 05:20 Charly-'n Black - Today 05:16 Simon Le Grec & Denise Guttenbach - This Time 05:13 Brain Child - The Guitar Power (Original Mix) 05:08 Dimentia - You Dont Know (Vision Of Love Mix) 05:03 El Segundo - Blue Marlin (Juan Padilla Serve Chilled Remix) 04:59 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 04:55 Weathertunes - Champs De Lavande 04:51 At The Eleventh - Venice Beach Girls (Springbreak In The Hotel Californa Mix) 04:46 Trillian Miles - A Little Love 04:41 Solaris Navis - Blissful Memories 04:36 Afterlife - Black Iris 04:32 Carly Aurora - The Liar (Jepsen Downtempo Mix) 04:28 Marcel - Love & Desire (Feat. Jen) 04:23 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue (Cafe Ibiza Edit) 04:17 Monodeluxe - After Midnite 04:13 Peter Pearson - Drifting Off (Original Mix) 04:07 Yekuro Losho - Strong As Love 04:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:00 Pacator - Tears (Marcielo Ambient Mix) 03:57 Creflex - You You You 03:54 Luke B - Matucu (Original Mix) 03:49 Beanfield Feat. Ernesto - Kiss 03:45 Soro Sori - Starry Light (Vocal Dub Version) 03:40 Lo64n5 - Retrogram 03:36 Lenny Ibizarre - A Drop In The Ocean (Original Mix) 03:31 Sky Sergeant - Music Connection (Dolphins Mix) 03:25 4 Wings - Penelope 03:21 Light Of Aiden - Loving You 03:17 Lounge Vargos - Follow My Dreams - Sunshine Mix 03:11 Marc Hartman - Love Can Save The Day (To Roberto Concina) 03:07 El Rubello - And I Love Her 03:04 Lemongrass - Journey To A Star 03:01 Olivia Broadfield - Silence 02:57 Svendaq - Cosmic Sweeper 02:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:52 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 02:50 Deeper Sublime - Buddha Cafe (Original Mix) 02:45 Max Melvin - Roots 02:40 Bite My A - A Lonely Place 02:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:35 Matthew Kramer - I Want You Back (Feat. Liv) 02:30 Flashbaxx - So Close To Midnight 02:25 Ielo - Beautiful Flower (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 02:21 Ayla - Time Will Tell 02:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:18 Catching Flies - Daymarks 02:13 Bank & Jones - Beyond Time (Ambient Edit) 02:08 Cities Of Foam - Without You 02:04 Mystique - Essences (Rico Van Basten Chil Mix) 02:00 Man In A Room - Thief Of Time (Feat. Sanura) 01:56 Triangle Sun - Back To Soul (Instrumental) 01:51 Marie Therese - Sea Of Mind 01:47 Keep Shelly In Athens - Flyway 01:41 Michael E - So Many Colours (Original Mix) 01:36 Emmanuele Landini, Denny V - Emotion 01:27 Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 01:23 Natasha Sas - So Far (Original Mix) 01:18 Living Room - Aqua 01:12 Project Blue Sun - Show Me What You Know 01:08 Lemongrass - Let The Day Begin (Feat. Jane Maximova) 01:03 Marga Sol - Other Side 01:00 Randy Seidman, Rogerio Jardim, Tommy Cunningham - Come Back To Me (Original Mix) 00:55 The Soulful Sun - Loose It - Original Mix 00:52 Michael De Kooker - My Sweet Dani (Original Mix) 00:49 Nightcruzer - Under Your Skin 00:43 Jens Buchert - Seroton 00:38 Index Id - Nautik 00:34 Keep Shelly In Athens - Flyway 00:30 Mo'jardo - Summer Rain (Original Mix) 00:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:24 Deep Phenomenal - Single Day 00:20 Svendaq - Tropical Bells 00:18 Lostifi - Expedition 00:13 Weathertunes - Road Trip 00:07 Jean Mare - Insani (Sound Modify Downbeat Mix) 00:04 Hess Is More - Yes Boss 00:00 Triangle Sun - Summer Of Our Love
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sugarzamofficial · 1 year
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peachandpineapple · 2 years
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Culinary class comes to Perth concert venue as dynamic duo revamp corporate boxes.
“It will be the best stadium food in WA,” says celebrated chef Stephen Clarke.
In a bold move, destined to shake up the culinary scene at Perth’s major sporting and concert venues, RAC Arena Perth has launched a major re-boot of its food and wine offer with the announcement of a high-powered collaboration between Clarke and one of Perth’s finest sommeliers, Emma Farrelly.
Together they have developed new menus for the arena’s corporate boxes and suites. The dynamic duo have teamed up with Arena executive chef Paul Beard to deliver a “new, more modern series of menus,” which they are confident will eclipse similar offerings at Perth’s other major sporting and concert venues.
Read the full story here:
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chjust · 2 years
Outside providence
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New York : Atlantic Monthly Press : Distributed by Little, Brown. With his breadth of knowledge from prime steaks to refined American cuisine, he creates varied and distinctive menus while showcasing a colorful array of fresh seafood selections as he continues Hemenway’s long-time tradition as a “Providence seafood classic. Genre/Form: Fiction: Additional Physical Format: Online version: Farrelly, Peter. by Stephen Thomas Erlewine Even though it was directed by Michael Corrente, Outside Providence is the Farrelly Brothers coming-of-age story it was co-written by the brothers and Corrente, based on a novel Peter Farrelly wrote. On the surface, Outside Providence seems to be of the same ilk-there's a three-legged, one-eyed dog, physical humor with a kid in a wheelchair, and a character nicknamed Jiz, among other things. It wasn’t long before Chef’s talents helped him rise to the top and he was named the Executive Chef at Hemenway’s in 2013. Outside Providence was written by the Farrelly Brothers, known for the outrageous comedies Dumb and Dumber, Kingpin, and There's Something About Mary. Eventually Chef Max joined the Newport Restaurant Group as a sous chef at Boat House. He helped open the Zephyr Grill and Bar in Livermore, CA and then headed back east to join the West on Centre in Roxbury, MA. From Ama's further disclosures, Congo surmised that Nweka's hope of a fulfilling life might lie outside Providence and that when she had Stepped with Asa. Unlike the duo's previous hit comedy There's Something About Mary, Outside Providence is a period piece, set in the. His friends have no future, but he's about to get one whether he likes it or not.
Timothy Dunphy has a broken home, a three-legged dog and a full blown attaction to trouble. Working with Chef Jonathan Caressimo helped nurture that passion and after graduating from UMASS Amherst, Chef Max decided to focus his energy on becoming a Chef. Outside Providence (1999) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Michael Corrente Writing Credits ( WGA) Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Sheldon Mirowitz Cinematography by Richard Crudo. Even though it was directed by Michael Corrente, Outside Providence is the Farrelly Brothers' coming-of-age story it was co-written by the brothers and Corrente, based on a novel Peter Farrelly wrote. A coming-of-age tale set in the blue-collar town of Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Executive Chef Max Peterson, a native of Massachusetts, has cooked from coast to coast.Ī Fall River native, Executive Chef Max Peterson credits his parents for starting him on his culinary journey and helping him find his passion. Paroles de OUTSIDE PROVIDENCE par The Wilkinsons: Chorus, Cause there a world, Outside Providence, Somewhere to spread, Her wings and fly, Shes taking.
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shortyiceheart · 2 years
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February with Drew: Day 24
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lu-16-maddy · 3 years
So, you already found out that Sheamus got engaged?
This proves if you are a huge (almost an obsessed one) fan, barely legal, you could marry a wwe superstar that's into minors 💁‍♀️
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sulfurz · 10 months
ೃ༄ TWENTY TWENTY T’REE (sheamus x fem!reader)
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ೃ༄ PAIRING: sheamus x fem!reader
Can I have a one shot with sheamus where he’s kinda irritated and speaking loud and fast. Just ranting to his partner and he turns to see her trying not to laugh because she loves his strong accent
ೃ༄ WARNINGS: none (unless u count laughing at his accent. reader is gonna laugh at his accent)
ೃ༄ WORD COUNT: 788
ೃ༄ NOTE: THIS IS VERY SHORT BUT as someone who is dating an irish person…. this is the story of my life don’t get me wrong my girlfriend is the loml but sometimes i do have to ask her to slow down. just read everything in an irish accent pls
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you heard sheamus arrive home before you saw him. the telltale sound of a car door slamming in the driveway gave away how your boyfriend was most likely feeling, so you resigned yourself to readying the comfort as you finished up your work.
you were lazily thrown across the couch, laptop on your thighs as you flicked through spreadsheets for your job. no day off apparently.
as the door to your home opened, you could hear telltale irish muttering that the day hadn’t quite been everything he had wanted it to be. he seemed to kick his shoes off as opposed to place them on the rack neatly, if the banging against the hallway door was a good enough sign.
“i’m home.” then came a tired shout, and you chuckled to yourself at the obvious statement.
“no way.” was your sarcastic response, turning your head just in time to see your boyfriend appear through the doorway, wasting no time in shooting you a (hopefully) playful glare. “welcome home, love.”
for a moment, he cracked a smile through the layers of frustration, walking over to where you sat and leaning down just enough to peck your lips. his hair was still slightly damp from a shower at the training centre, the feeling of it touching your forehead making you shudder momentarily.
“how was training?” you felt vaguely like your were poking the bear, seeing the way his shoulders tensed at the question.
sheamus immediately jumped into busying himself around the room, unpacking his bag and putting everything back in its place. “it was a load of shite. boss man pulled me into his office not even half way t’rough, something about a new storyline that’s entirely bullshite if you ask me.”
you raised an eyebrow, allowing him to move around you as you formatted something on your spreadsheet, noting down a total at the bottom. “in what way?”
“they’re just not even trying t’ hide their favouritism now — got the most insane match cards lined up with winners ya wouldn’t even t’ink possible. half the guys in t’ locker room don’t like it, but we’ve gotta do what the boss man wants.”
you hummed noncommittally, typing something into your laptop as he continued in the background.
“i’m fed up at this point. we cannay even have a day these days, then i got put t’rough a table wrong in training, proper botched it and could barely get up for a second. i tell yous it’s gone to shite since the hey days, could do with a whole rebrand a’ this point but i don’t t’ink even tha’ could save us.”
by now, you were barely following what sheamus was saying. he had a habit of talking fast when annoyed, and this time was no exception, but coupled with your half focus — you wouldn’t deny you had lost entire understanding of what he said half way through. it was something you had noticed in the years you had been together; no matter how used to his accent you had gotten, he always got more irish the moment he was even slightly upset. unfortunately, the thicker accent coupled with the speed usually equaled y/n losing everything he was saying.
you had to chuckle to yourself as he went off again in the background, thankful he wasn’t looking in your direction as you tried to hide your amusement behind your hand.
“i dun’ even know their reasons for this one, i t’ink they’re just t’rowing shite out there now ‘nd hoping for the best. they used to give us reasons for whatever they did, but now it’s just ‘hey sheamus my man do this entirely unreasonably t’ing just for views even though it doesn’t match your character at all’, it’s— are you alright there?”
you glanced up to see sheamus looking straight at you, clearly having seen the way you were practically folded in on yourself in amusement.
trying to calm yourself down was worse, the laughter you were suppressing coming out in snorts by now. “i’m so— i’m so sorry! you’re-“ you hicupped “you’re just very irish.”
“no shite sherlock.” your boyfriend responded, but as you looked up at him, he was cracking a smile of his own, the frustrated expression he had worn before cracking in its facade “have i ever told you i hate yous?”
you giggled again, lying full on your side by now on the sofa. opening your arms, you beckoned him to come join you with a smile that he mirrored on his own face “many times. you never fail to remind me.”
sheamus cackled loudly, practically jumping on top of you as he peppered kisses along your cheeks. “wait till you meet my father.”
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release-your-sweets · 5 years
Why are the Irish so beautiful?
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 712
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - @wresy
Year posted - 2020
Warnings - None really.
"Oh hold on we're getting some urgent news." Michael Cole commented as Vince McMahon came rushing up to him, whispering into his ear. "Oh my god." Cole murmured in astonishment, handing Vince a microphone like he asked. "Hold it, hold it, stop the fight!" Vince hollered into the mic, halting the fight when the referee called for timeout. Vince sat the mic down as he quickly climbed into the ring, approaching Sheamus, who was just as confused as everyone else in the entire stadium. "Sheamus come here son." Vince walked Sheamus away from the others, needing to tell Sheamus the news as privately as possible. "What's goin on?" Sheamus frowned in confusion, panting heavily through his nose. "Sheamus there's been an accident." Vince started, taking a moment to compose himself. "And?" Sheamus pried with a chuckle, thinking this was some sorta joke. "It's (Y/n)." Vince swallowed thickly when Sheamus' demeanor changed entirely. "What!?" Sheamus hissed looming over Vince and cornering him against the ropes, the crowd began cheering in anticipation, believing that this was part of the show. "She's alive, and she's in the hospital." Vince continued. "Where?" Sheamus demanded, his mind clouding with anger and worry. "Saint Mary's." Vince sighed when Sheamus practically bolted out of the arena, and left the stadium without so much of a word to anyone. "What's happened?" Cesaro asked Vince, who nodded to Cole. "Lady's and gentleman it is with heavy heart that I have to inform you all, that (Y/n) Farrelly has been in a near fatal accident tonight, and the rest of the show has been cancelled." Cole announced just as Vince had instructed him to, the entire stadium went as silent as a church during mass. "Shit." Cesaro murmured under his breath, worried for his teammate.
Like a bat outta hell Sheamus rushed to the Saint Mary's hospital, his heart hammering and his mind a whirlwind of worry. When he reached the hospital he parked the car as quickly as possible, sprinting into the hospital, still dawned in his wrestling uniform. "Where is she!?" His voice boomed as he rushed inside, quickly getting stopped by a doctor. "Sir I need you to calm down." The doctor urged. "Dont tell me ta fuckin calm down you fuck, tell me where my wife is!?" Sheamus yelled in frustration. "Who is your wife sir?" The doctor asked, trying to calm the worried Irishman. "(Y/n) Farrelly." Sheamus huffed out as if it were obvious. "Mrs. Farrelly is my patient, she just got out of surgery an hour ago." The doctor explained. "Is she okay!?" Sheamus fussed. "She's okay, but there's something you need to know." The doctor frowned. "What is it?" Sheamus' mind filled with the worst possible thoughts. "I'm afraid (Y/n) has slipped into a coma." The doctor explained mournfully, his words shattering Sheamus' heart. "Can I see her?" He asked, sounding broken and weak. "Of course, follow me." The doctor instructed before walking off down a long hallway. However before they reached the room a cameraman came running down the hall, pissing off Sheamus instantly. "Get that fuckin camera outta here!" He hollered at the cameraman, who didn't listen. "Turn that shite off boyo!" Sheamus yelled before punching the cameraman in the face, knocking him unconscious. "(Y/n), now." Sheamus hissed at the doctor, who took Sheamus to her room hastily. "Oh no no no no." Sheamus muttered as he entered her room, tears welling in his eyes at the sight of the love of his life hooked up to all those machines. "Oh love." He sniffled as he knelt beside her bed, taking her hand in his. "What happend ta ya?" He brushed back her hair with his free hand, trying desperately to hold back his tears. "She swerved off the road to miss a child that had run out into the road, and crashed into a tree." The doctor informed him with a soft voice. "She broke her back and right leg in the crash, along with fracturing a few ribs." The doctor explained just before the rooms door swung open. "Tha fuck are you doin here?" Sheamus growled at Roman Reigns, who stormed into the room, following closely behind him was a petit nurse. "I have every right to be here." Roman argued as he took his place on the other side of (Y/n)'s bed. "I'm her husband, and I say ya need ta fuck off." Sheamus warned Roman with venom in his voice. "I'm her brother, and I say fuck you." Roman shot back, flipping Sheamus off. And while every fiber of his body told Sheamus he should tear Romans head off, he remained at (Y/n)'s side, cradling her head in his hand. Roman to dropped the argument all together, and took ahold of (Y/n)'s other hand. The both of them knowing their arguing and fighting wouldn't help the situation, and that it was better just to be there for the woman they both loved.
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themightychristoff · 5 years
It physically pains me no longer seeing Sheamus and Cesaro working together as The BAR. They were, without a doubt, one of the BEST wrestling tag teams I’ve watched on WWE, and it breaks my heart seeing them separated and on different brands.
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i-am-fearless83 · 6 years
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Celtic Warrior with The Queen Flair!! WOooo👑👑👑👑
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andrewsmoviereviews · 5 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows (2016)
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Plot: A year after their original battle against Shredder (Brian Tee) and the Foot Clan, the Turtles and April O’Neill (Megan Fox) face a greater threat when Shredder teams up with alien being Krang (Brad Garrett).
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Review: Two years after originally trying, there was a second Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie foisted upon a bewildered population. And after the first didn’t go over too well, they have made a number of changes, and somehow produced something even worse.
There is a lot about Out Of The Shadows that doesn’t make sense; there is even more that only makes sense if it’s being purposefully acted out for a movie. At one point the Turtles put their hands together in the middle - while standing in a line. That only makes sense if they are doing it for the camera, especially given the dimensions of them. They are on a flight to Brazil to stop Shredder’s henchmen, Bebop and Rocksteady (Gary Anthony Williams and Stephen Farrelly) when they find out the pair are already on their way back to New York. But don’t worry, their flight paths intersect. And despite there only being a thirty second window for the turtles to jump, Raphael manages to throw a wobbly about it for a good two minutes before successfully making the jump.
It’s that kind of movie; aggressively stupid in all manner of ways. Story points don’t make sense, characters aren’t consistent, and contrivances abound - such as Bebop and Rocksteady having access to a tank they had previously used, having randomly crashed somewhere over the same country. It doesn’t make any sense. None of it really does. There is a sub-plot about how some ooze can turn the turtles human, but it’s a Suicide Squad level plot - it only exists because of itself. Then you have the bad guys; Shredder creates a wormhole to bring Krang through piece by piece, but the turtles are able to find information on Krang by hacking into one of the pieces from their sewer computer - it doesn’t make any sense.
Krang is basically the poster-boy for why things need to be changed between cartoons / comics and live action - it just doesn’t work to keep him looking the same. And you can bring in Steve Jablonsky for all the Transformers-alike score that you want, it doesn’t matter if what it’s backing is abysmal.
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