#Steris x MeLaan
gal-palanaeum · 5 months
A Change of Plans by Faithfully_Queer
Rated General, 800 words, Steris/MeLaan Steris finds her work interrupted by something unexpected.
Steris was sitting in her study, House Ladrian’s finances laid before her. While it wasn’t the most exciting thing she’d done in her life, it was just as vital and where she was most useful.
As she was tracking down the source of a small discrepancy in various reports, she heard the door open and someone walk in. She paid it no mind and continued working. Wax knew not to bother her when she was working unless it was necessary, and if it was she had created plans for dealing with almost anything important that could come up. 
Just as she was about to be able to confirm the source of the discrepancy, someone cleared their voice, someone who, based on the sound, was decidedly not her husband.
Only slightly startled, Steris turned around to look at her guest, mentally going through her list of people likely to do this and the associated appropriate response, finding someone unexpected but not unplanned for. This someone happened to be Melaan, who was leaning against one of the bookcases, nominally looking at the books on the shelves, but really examining Steris.
Melaan didn’t seem willing to start the conversation, so Steris spoke up. “Oh Melaan, I wasn’t expecting you, what brings you to my study unannounced?” A little accusatory, but acceptable, all things considered.
 “Just needed a little help with something best done in private, so I figured ‘Why not now?’” Melaan answered, still only looking at Steris out of the corner of her eye.
While Steris had an idea of what Melaan might need help with, it was always wise to confirm. “And what is this something?” 
Lackadaisically turning to face Steris, Melaan answered, “Thinking of ways to alter my true body to be less recognizable. I have ideas, but I need someone to see if they actually work.” That was an unexpected answer, one she didn’t have a plan for, but at least simple enough that she could do without. However, it did leave one question, “Why me, instead of Wayne? I feel like he would be the one you would ask first.”
There was a flash of something that briefly appeared on Melaan’s face. Though Steris couldn’t figure out exactly all the emotion in it, it was clear she’d somehow stepped on a sore spot. “Ordinarily I would, but I think for this, you would be more useful.”
She's probably referring to my attention to detail. Well, it would be a nice distraction from the tedium of finances, and probably wouldn't take too long… "Very well, if it won't take too long."
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turttastic · 1 year
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marvelousmagicalaura · 4 months
Thoughts on The Bands of Mourning
Everything about this book is a bundle of pure fun. It’s just like an Indiana Jones adventure!
The breakout character this time is definitely Steris. I was shocked to find out a character could develop so much in such a small amount of pages. But, Sanderson did it with Steris. And to me, she’s insanely relatable. I was literally saying aloud “SHE’S JUST LIKE ME FR 😭” So much I could gush about her omg.
Wax x Steris is better than Vin x Elend. There, I said it. I also started to become a fan of Wax’s character arc - his arc of finding his true position in the world. Wax’s arc feels more subtle than the Era 1 characters and his personality is definitely more rigid than them, but I think I can appreciate it.
Allik was hilarious. Wayne x MeLaan was pretty wholesome and fun. Marasi is always great ❤️
The highlight of this book’s plot was definitely the Southern Scadrians and their Metallic Arts technology. A complaint I’ve had about the Mistborn Saga is that its world and history either feels too small or too shallow, even though there are reasons. This book definitely didn’t eliminate it, but it did mitigate it. The Southern Scadrians’ mask culture sounds intriguing, AND THEIR TECH!!! I’m so excited to find out more about them.
Another highlight of the plot, even though it came during the Sanderlanche, was the conversation between Wax and Harmony. This helped me realize that Sazed is still Sazed, but a Sazed that realizes the complexities of being God. Apart from the issues behind the Shard of Harmony mentioned in book 5, it seems like he’s trying to be different from Preservation. Even with Sanderson’s hazy writing of Era 1’s themes, I felt Preservation was indirectly portrayed as a coddling force. Much like the Lord Ruler, it could be a force who wants to protect, keep things stable, and keep the status quo even at the cost of change and lives.
Granted it’s fuzzy because of The Plan, so I could be reaching lol. Anyway, those attributes clearly aren’t Harmony or Sazed. Harmony is representative of a perfect balance with Ruin’s attributes, and Sazed wants to change Elendel and drive innovation. I love that Sanderson made this clear. I also love the mention of Harmony’s futuresight and his insight into Wax’s mind. It shows he really thought about all future possibilities before deciding Wax needed to go through pain for Paalm and the world’s sake.
And I’m pretty confident Harmony placed Wax’s group in place to stop the Set from getting the ettmetal bomb and Bands. His lines about Trust remind me of what Preservation did throughout his several thousand year long plan, but moderated/expanded with the Shard Ruin’s attributes and Sazed’s outlook.
Harmony’s speech about choices made me cry 😭
I’m shook by the Sovereign twist lmao. Kelsier is the Sovereign?! What the hell is going on?!
I have several theories but I’m sure some will be answered in Secret History and Lost Metal.
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pekgna · 1 year
Make it worse. Vin was the only option that threw me. I want to say what the fuck out loud.
Sure! i ship my blorbos with everyone:
Kaladin x Raoden
Jasnah x Blushweaver
Jasnah x Kelsier
Kelsier x Vin
Sarene x Shallan
Jasnah x Khriss
Shallan x Mraize
Adolin x Wayne
Adolin x MeLaan
Kaladin x Steris
Jasnah x Steris
Marsh x Me
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