#melaan mistborn
wyndlerunner · 2 years
The door swung open, revealing MeLaan wearing stylish blue trousers and a buttoned shirt. She’d been going for an androgynous look these days, with very short blonde hair and almost no hint of breasts. For her friends, she often maintained relatively similar features. This face, for example, looked like her — just thinner, less overtly feminine.
As usual she had picked a tall, limber body — this one was at least six foot four.
Storing this description away to look for her in Kowt future stormlight books
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gal-palanaeum · 8 months
A Change of Plans by Faithfully_Queer
Rated General, 800 words, Steris/MeLaan Steris finds her work interrupted by something unexpected.
Steris was sitting in her study, House Ladrian’s finances laid before her. While it wasn’t the most exciting thing she’d done in her life, it was just as vital and where she was most useful.
As she was tracking down the source of a small discrepancy in various reports, she heard the door open and someone walk in. She paid it no mind and continued working. Wax knew not to bother her when she was working unless it was necessary, and if it was she had created plans for dealing with almost anything important that could come up. 
Just as she was about to be able to confirm the source of the discrepancy, someone cleared their voice, someone who, based on the sound, was decidedly not her husband.
Only slightly startled, Steris turned around to look at her guest, mentally going through her list of people likely to do this and the associated appropriate response, finding someone unexpected but not unplanned for. This someone happened to be Melaan, who was leaning against one of the bookcases, nominally looking at the books on the shelves, but really examining Steris.
Melaan didn’t seem willing to start the conversation, so Steris spoke up. “Oh Melaan, I wasn’t expecting you, what brings you to my study unannounced?” A little accusatory, but acceptable, all things considered.
 “Just needed a little help with something best done in private, so I figured ‘Why not now?’” Melaan answered, still only looking at Steris out of the corner of her eye.
While Steris had an idea of what Melaan might need help with, it was always wise to confirm. “And what is this something?” 
Lackadaisically turning to face Steris, Melaan answered, “Thinking of ways to alter my true body to be less recognizable. I have ideas, but I need someone to see if they actually work.” That was an unexpected answer, one she didn’t have a plan for, but at least simple enough that she could do without. However, it did leave one question, “Why me, instead of Wayne? I feel like he would be the one you would ask first.”
There was a flash of something that briefly appeared on Melaan’s face. Though Steris couldn’t figure out exactly all the emotion in it, it was clear she’d somehow stepped on a sore spot. “Ordinarily I would, but I think for this, you would be more useful.”
She's probably referring to my attention to detail. Well, it would be a nice distraction from the tedium of finances, and probably wouldn't take too long… "Very well, if it won't take too long."
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cosmereplay · 7 months
Day 23: Copycat
Rated Mature for female presenting nipples and jokes of a sexual nature, Design/MeLaan, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter spoilers, Mistborn era 2 spoilers
“Well, if you were going for a sin curve, then I’d say you succeeded brilliantly,” MeLaan mused as she stared at Design’s breasts. “Do you mind?” she asked, twinkling her fingers in preparation.
“You’re right, I am brilliant! That’s why we’re lovers!” Design grinned, sticking out her chest with a coquettish tilt of her head. “It’s about time someone felt me up. You can appreciate how real they are.”
As she touched Design’s illusory breasts, MeLaan found an unexpected solidity. At the very least, they didn’t feel like illusions. They were comparable to very oversized bullets in both shape and sturdiness. She gave one an exploratory knock, and the sound defied her experience of both bodies and metal. “I mean, they’re certainly real in the sense that they seem to exist physically. Is that what you mean?”
“Yeah!” Design said proudly, but then cocked her head. “Wait. What’s the other meaning of real?”
“It’s probably a kandra thing,” MeLaan said dismissively, “but to us, ‘real’ means ‘passes for human’. We tend to go more for copying the way human bodies work. Like my breasts. See?” She twisted this way and that.
“No offense, but yours look like you forgot to grow them,” Design said, pointing.
MeLaan laughed. “If I take my shirt off, I can demonstrate. Do you mind?”
Design clapped her hands. “Not at all! I’ll take mine off too!”
They grinned and both removed their shirts, discarding them on the table. “Okay, so right now I have very small breasts. They are really good for travelling. They don’t get in the way of any straps, and they don’t weigh me down,” MeLaan said. She gestured to the subtle curve below the nipple. “See how even with smaller breasts, the bottom of the breast curves a bit compared to the skin above the nipple? It took me forever to get those curves right.”
Design put her face almost directly to MeLaan’s chest. “I do see!” she exclaimed, looking from different angles, and lifting a breast with her finger. “Well that’s interesting. It must have to do with the pull of gravity on soft, stretchy surfaces. That’s some complex math. Oooo, I’m gonna write this down!” She pulled out a notebook from the apron tied at her waist and started jotting down notes at a furious pace.
Meanwhile, MeLaan thought she’d demonstrate the other end of the boob spectrum. She frowned in concentration, then grew herself a pair of H cups. “Now these, on the other hand, are very fun to play with, but they are ruin on my back muscles. I have to make my back and core incredibly buff to keep up with these.” She supported them from underneath, and her hands disappeared as the breasts overflowed around her fingers. “See how the nipples point downwards? And they can be any size, although larger breasts usually have larger nipples.”
Her topless partner looked up from her notes, then took a closer look. “Wow, those veins are a really nice touch. Very lifelike!” she said, tracing them with a finger.
MeLaan smiled proudly. “Thanks for noticing! I placed them in tribute to a mom I knew. So, uh, what’s with your nipples? You got a math reason for that placement?”
“Oh, my innies?” Design said. “Well, firstly, it’s really hilarious when one of them peeks out from my cleavage and scares a customer. And secondly, some women have innies! I placed mine in tribute to my friend Yumi!” 
She looked at the other end of the table, where a huddle of people was desperately trying to ignore them. A large, buff man was staring pointedly at the ceiling while a young, attractive woman hid her face in his chest. One young woman, presumably Yumi, looked up. She froze in the middle of feverishly stacking sauce packets, her hand hanging in midair.
“Right Yumi?” Design asked. “You wanna show MeLaan your innies?”
The young woman’s eyes went wide in shock, and she dropped the packet to hide her face in her hands. “Yumi?” Design asked curiously, but the young woman just made a soft, protracted squeal. 
MeLaan touched Design’s arm. “It’s probably best to just let them keep admiring us,” she chuckled, and waved at another young woman wearing white, who had been openly staring at them the entire time, a heavy blush to her cheeks. Design’s friend Masaka, meanwhile, had been taking her own notes, angling them away from the others.
Just then, a huge crash erupted from the kitchens, and everyone turned to look.
A young man stood amidst a wreckage of soups and bowls. He stood in a growing pool of soup and stared at them with a red face, looking as if he might explode.
“What on Komashi are you (lowly)... you (highly)...you (lowly)...you (highly)...” he stammered, seemingly unable to figure out where he should be looking.
MeLaan grinned, jjiggling her boobs at him. “I can see why you like this planet,” she said to Design. “So much appreciation for the work we do.”
“My restaurant, my rules!” Design said cheerfully, and the young man fainted.
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lamaery · 7 months
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Cosmere femslash febuary is over, but I still have some things from it to post. Marasi being impressed by MeLaan's storage power and Khriss and Jasnah giving themselves an earned rest from a ll that heavy researching. 💕
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onlycosmere · 3 months
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 8 months
Listening to the Dragonsteel spoiler rafo streams and I just wanna say, on behalf of the cosmere, a deep thank you to Wayne and MeLaan for not having children because it’s apparently possible for humans and kandra to interbreed.
Can you imagine? Those kids would be a fucking NIGHTMARE
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cosmereclysmic · 8 months
⚠️ I know it's been out over a year now, but for those who haven't read it: The Lost Metal Spoilers ahead!
There's no reason to think there's even a salt shakes worth of dust left of Wayne after he exploded himself, but I'm just imagining some of the kandra sifting through all the debris at the bottom of the ocean and managing to piece together a tiny leftover scrap of bone and bringing it to melaan. I like to think she would incorporate it into one of her favorite skeletons, perhaps the Emerald one. Maybe she carries it with her like Wayne carried around his lucky hat. A tiny little piece of the human she shared a tiny little piece of her life with.
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king-of-the-oreo · 7 months
this is how shadows of self went right?
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[Start ID]
Image of a white cat on a windowsill with open mouth. Text at the top right corner says "Father I crave violence"
On top of the cat is the word "MeLaan"
[End ID]
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jewishicequeen · 1 year
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Diversity wins! The holy person about to eat you is genderfluid!
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barlydoodles · 2 years
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Era 2 crew 
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melaan is the eldritch horrors girly pop
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kandra-chameleon · 2 years
VenDell, at any opportunity, in any break in the conversation, with absolutely zero prompting:
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gal-palanaeum · 8 months
Calamine by kaoinim
Rated Teen, 74,000 words, Marasi/MeLaan A Bands of Mourning AU where Marasi gets agency, a proper character arc, and, most importantly, a hot shapeshifter gf
For two glorious hours, Marasi Colms mattered. 
VenDell wanted her. Sure, he’d gone to Waxillium first, and made no attempt to hide it. Sure, it was only her connection to Waxillium that made her relevant to the kandra’s interests in the first place. Sure, Wayne’s request to return to the mansion was a completely unsubtle ploy at getting Wax involved.
But none of that mattered, because Waxillium wasn’t working with them, and she was-
-and then he walked in, and she just knew that it was all over.
“Sorry about this,” she said, trying and failing to keep the colour from her face. “We were going to go to my flat to talk, but Wayne insisted…”
“Needed some nuts,” the man in question said, tiny fragments of half-chewed walnut flying from his lips as he spoke. “When you invited me to stay here, you did say to make myself at home, mate.” He was slouched in an easy chair with his filthy boots up on the coffee table, MeLaan draped over the other chair in the set next to him.
The kandra woman (if the word ‘woman’ even applied) was wearing a new body, one Marasi hadn’t seen before - tall and lean, straight blonde hair in a simple tail, wearing a loose blouse and trousers that looked almost uncomfortably tight. Her posture was similar to Wayne’s, loose and relaxed with her hands behind her head, but where Wayne’s was practised, deliberate insouciance, hers had more of an air of effortless confidence about it. Marasi wasn’t sure if it was part of the character MeLaan was playing, or a quality MeLaan herself possessed - if there even was any such thing as a ‘real’ MeLaan. 
Waxillium tucked his thumbs into his belt, something Marasi had noticed he did when he wanted to appear authoritative but not intimidating. Part of his ‘rough country lawman’ schtick- affect. His affect. 
“I’m still unclear as to why you needed a place to talk,” he said slowly. All eyes in the room had turned to him, and he seemed to unconsciously settle into the centre of attention. “I said I wasn’t going to help.”
“Quite so,” VenDell said. “As you were unavailable, of necessity I turned to other options.” That’s me, Marasi Second-Choice Colms. Maybe someday they’d start calling her that, the way they called Wax “Dawnshot”. “Lady Colms has been so kind as to listen to my proposition.
“Marasi?” Wax asked. “You went to Marasi?”
VenDell said something in reply, but Marasi didn’t hear it. She clenched her hands into fists at her sides, focusing on the thin crescents of pain to keep her from saying something. A lady is polite and courteous, a lady does not lose her temper. A small part of her brain, the one she ignored most of the time, whispered a warrior is blunt, a warrior is unafraid, but listening to that voice had never led to anything good.
Whatever VenDell had said, it didn’t seem to have convinced Wax.
“You’re trying to get to me through another route, aren’t you?” he accused VenDell.
“Look who’s full of himself,” MeLaan replied from her chair, saving Marasi from opening her mouth without thinking.
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MeLaan, from the Mistborn books
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lamaery · 2 years
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Character scribble time!!!
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skyofdarkmatter42 · 2 years
Scadrial was always bound to have a human-kandra couple and I'm glad Sanderson put it where the freaky sex potential would surely be fulfilled
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