#Steve Harrington tourettes headcannon
sabbathbloodysabbeth · 8 months
Random headcannon time- I’m coming out of the wood work for this and let’s pretend that I haven’t been inactive for months. But let’s talk about my boy Steve.
Now as an individual who struggles with this, I am kind of shoving some things on this character and I don’t care.
Let’s talk about Steve having tics. He’s had head trauma and because of that he has developed Tourettes. He doesn’t even realize he has tics until they get worst after season four. Before he would just whistle, click his tongue, snap his fingers and he’s never paid attention to it. He’s grown used to it that he doesn’t even think that much about it.
Now post season four, he now can’t get the uncomfortable feeling in the back of his neck. It’s similar to an itch that won’t stop bothering him unless he’s doing a certain movement. (Which is continuously turning his head to the right, which can be very annoying and causes whiplash for him very easily.)
He’s also started to notice his triggers, the lack of sleep is a huge one. But he’s also started to notice that a lot of the poppy songs he used to listen to has random noises that can trigger some of his tics if he’s having a bad day. (Normal days his music helps a lot)
But I was thinking he tried to get into more musics and find something that doesn’t trigger it so much, and shockingly solo Ozzy is something that doesn’t set it off (with some songs triggering it) and he just bonds with Eddie over looking for music. Because let’s be honest, Eddie is most likely really hyper fixated on music.
Anywho that was just a small idea, I might elaborate more if anyone wants but that was all I had for now ✌️
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