#Steve Harrington has tics
sabbathbloodysabbeth · 11 months
Random headcannon time- I’m coming out of the wood work for this and let’s pretend that I haven’t been inactive for months. But let’s talk about my boy Steve.
Now as an individual who struggles with this, I am kind of shoving some things on this character and I don’t care.
Let’s talk about Steve having tics. He’s had head trauma and because of that he has developed Tourettes. He doesn’t even realize he has tics until they get worst after season four. Before he would just whistle, click his tongue, snap his fingers and he’s never paid attention to it. He’s grown used to it that he doesn’t even think that much about it.
Now post season four, he now can’t get the uncomfortable feeling in the back of his neck. It’s similar to an itch that won’t stop bothering him unless he’s doing a certain movement. (Which is continuously turning his head to the right, which can be very annoying and causes whiplash for him very easily.)
He’s also started to notice his triggers, the lack of sleep is a huge one. But he’s also started to notice that a lot of the poppy songs he used to listen to has random noises that can trigger some of his tics if he’s having a bad day. (Normal days his music helps a lot)
But I was thinking he tried to get into more musics and find something that doesn’t trigger it so much, and shockingly solo Ozzy is something that doesn’t set it off (with some songs triggering it) and he just bonds with Eddie over looking for music. Because let’s be honest, Eddie is most likely really hyper fixated on music.
Anywho that was just a small idea, I might elaborate more if anyone wants but that was all I had for now ✌️
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italiansteebie · 2 years
tw/cw: tics, ticking, tourette's mentions!
thinking about steve with tics nd how he tics more when he gets excited, or has other strong emotions.
and thinking about how when he kisses eddie he has to pull away for a tic break, and how sometimes he does his little 'pops' when they're face to face.
and thinking about how much eddie supports him on bad days when his jaw is locked, or his hands are sore from the constant flicking from his tics, and how eddie will gently massage his jaw to ease the pain, or rub his hands or bring him ice or a warm towel.
and thinking about autistic robin who's got echolalia and how she echos steve's vocal tics and steve's tics will mimic back so they just get into a loop of saying "fuck off" in a british accent back and forth.
and thinking about eleven who's never seen someone tic before and she wonders if she goes in his brain she can see them happen. and maybe steve'll let her some day.
and thinking about how on their wedding day saying their 'i do's' steve tics with a loud whistle, yknow the one that's like whe-woo, calling someone hot, and he apologizes but eddie does it right back.
just thinking.
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eyesofshinigami · 8 months
Through Blood and Through Tears (I'm Still Here)
Rating: M
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, Sexual Content, Top Eddie, Bottom Steve, Mentions of Steve's Bad Parents, Mentions of Eddie's Bad Parents, Itty bitty angst
Prompt: "Love is wanting to know everything about what makes up the person you're in love with, even the difficult stuff" from Anon.
WC: 1007
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 3
Sometimes being known is terrifying.
Eddie and Steve fell together not long after everything fell apart and was haphazardly sewn back together, including each other. How could they not, finding comfort in someone who understood, who got it. Neither of them had to explain the scars, the nightmares, the little quirks and tics they’ve picked up from the trauma they’ve suffered. They also knew the other ugly parts of the other. Late night talks when neither of them could sleep were good for that. Eddie learned about how scared Steve is to be left behind, to never be loved for who he was and not what he could do for the other person. And in turn, Eddie cracked open his own chest and let Steve see the twists of his own heart. How Eddie wants to escape because he doesn’t know how not to run away from the things that scare him, how he may seem like he doesn’t care, but in fact he cares so much it suffocates him.
Sometimes Eddie is scared that this might be the only reason they’re together. It’s easier to be with someone who doesn’t ask questions, whose scars mirror his own so that he doesn’t have to come up with a reason for why he looks the way he does. Or why his demons don’t always come at night, sometimes in the middle of the store or when Steve has him pinned against the bed. Maybe it’s convenience, maybe its just simpler this way.
But then Eddie remembers the way it feels when Steve kisses him, hot and wet and perfect. He remembers how it feels when Steve listens to him ramble about the chords he learned or the book he read yesterday. He thinks about the way he loves how excited Steve gets about learning new recipes to make for them, or how good it feels to curl up on the couch together and watch movies until they both fall asleep.
He thinks about the way that their bodies move together under the moonlight. How Eddie never flinches when Steve’s hands roam across the damaged canvas of Eddie’s skin, touching each scar with a reverence like his boyfriend is worshipping at an altar. How Steve lets Eddie into his heart, into his body, rocking into each other over and over again until it bursts into pleasure that makes them forget for a little while.
It's the sweaty press of bodies, curled around each other to fight back against the nightmares they both can’t outrun.
It’s talk of how they plan to get out of this town, away from prying eyes and whispered words and too small minds. It’s shared fears about never amounting to anything, to being the sum of all the shitty things their fathers ever said about them. Steve’s scared he can’t escape from Richard Harrington’s shadow and Eddie’s scared that he’ll be trapped by the deeds of Al Munson for the rest of his life.
They are more than the sum of their fathers, they remind each other with kisses and touches and whispered words in the middle of the night.
So they make plans. They talk of where to go from here, what place will the safest to land once they get their feet under them. Eddie wants to go to California, Steve is happy with Chicago. They bicker and argue but it always ends with them deciding home will be wherever the other is, and that’s good enough for now.
It won’t ever be perfect, Eddie knows. They’re both stubborn fucks with scars inside and out, and sometimes that turns into yelling and words they don’t mean. Even then, they don’t let the ugly parts win, they come back together and try to fix what cracked but didn’t break. They’re both learning, figuring out how to navigate this thing that’s still so new but feels like a forever kind of love.
Eddie contemplates all of this in the dark, pressed up against Steve and tracing the softness of his lover’s skin beneath his fingertips. They’re both broken, both a little ugly, but somehow their jagged edges of each other fit in a way that Eddie doesn’t always understand but refuses to question. It just is.
“Nightmare?” Steve asks, voice hoarse with sleep. He turns over and presses against Eddie, the lines of their bodies touching everywhere they can.
“Nope. Just thinking about how much I love you,” Eddie replies. It might be a bit too early to say now, too raw, but he can’t keep it in. He loves Steve, all of him, even the parts that are ugly and broken and kept hidden away.
Steve smiles, pulling him into a kiss. He feels Steve open underneath him, legs spread and his cock hard as they rub against each other. It’s not long until Eddie’s breathless, full of love and want for the man beneath him. He reaches down to rub across where he’d been inside Steve hours earlier, finding him still wet and open. “Yeah?” he asks, even as Steve bucks up against him.
“Yeah,” Steve breathes against his mouth. Steve’s hand snakes down, takes Eddie in his grip and guides him to where he wants him, gasping when Eddie starts to slide inside. It probably stings, isn’t the smartest idea, but neither of them seem to care. They’ll take the hurt with the pleasure they both know will fill their bones and chase away the empty spaces. “Fuck, Eds.”
Eddie nods against Steve’s neck, slowly pushing inside until he’s carved himself a space inside Steve, pressed tight against the man he wants to love for the rest of his life. “So good, baby,” Eddie says in between kisses, in between thrusts.
Sometimes Eddie gets scared. So does Steve. But moments like this? Moments like this remind him that they’re both here, love filling in the broken, ragged parts of them. They’ve seen the best and seen the worst of each other, and they’re both still right here. Right where they want to be.
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stonathandreamer · 4 months
🔸 Masterlist
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Synopsis: Jonathan and Steve exchange gifts on their first Valentine's Day.
A/N: It may not be Valentine's Day in your country, but it is in mine! In Brazil, "Valentine's Day" is celebrated on June 12th, the eve of St. Anthony of Lisbon's day, who is known for his reputation as a "matchmaker saint." So it's the perfect excuse for me to write a Stonathan Valentine's Day fanfic! And also, I'm having a shitty week and I need some Stonathan fluff in my life to cheer me up. You know what they say: Stonathan is the best medicine!
There's no date more romantic than Valentine's Day. You shower your loved one with flowers, chocolates, a handmade card expressing your deepest affection, romantic dinners, and other special plans for two. That is, of course, if you have someone special to share Valentine's Day with. If not, it's just another ordinary day. For Jonathan, Valentine's Day was just another day. An ordinary day.
Until it wasn't. This Valentine's Day is special because it's his first.
Anyone else would be freaking out on their first Valentine's Day, worrying about what to buy their loved one, what flowers and chocolates to get, and where to take them for dinner. But Jonathan is not just anyone. He has a perfect schedule.
He invited Steve to his house, where they will exchange their gifts. Afterwards, a short session of cuddles and kisses, after all, it is Valentine's Day; and finally, a beautiful home-cooked dinner.
Unfortunately, being a gay couple in Hawkins in the 1980s means they can't do anything that straight couples do in public — and that includes having a nice Valentine's Day dinner at a fancy, upscale restaurant. But that's okay, homemade food is better because it's special — and Jonathan doesn't want to brag, but he's a great cook.
Jonathan is sitting on the couch, tapping his foot on the floor so much that there is definitely a hole in the floor with the imprint of the sole of his sneaker, waiting for his boyfriend to arrive. The ticking of the clock is the only noise that echoes through the house.
What an annoying noise!
How many more times will this damn clock make that noise before Steve arrives?
In addition to time apparently not passing, with each tick of the clock, Jonathan becomes more and more anxious. He was so confident this morning with the gift he made for Steve – yes, he didn't buy a gift from some regular and boring store, he made one. He thought it would be more special and romantic to make a gift than to buy one. Not that buying a gift isn't romantic, but he wanted to do something special for his special boyfriend.
It seemed like a good idea until this morning, but what if Steve doesn't like it? After all, isn't it an expensive gift, neither branded nor chic. It's just... One thing he did.
His mind is flooded with stormy negative thoughts that only serve to make him even more nervous. What if Steve doesn't like his gift? Then it would all be ruined! Their relationship would be ruined! Does he still have time to fake his own death and flee to South Dakota? It's better than staying and seeing the unhappy face Steve will make when he sees his gift and...
Three knocks on the door bring him back to reality. He swallows hard. Time to experience the magic of Valentine's Day for the first time. But he didn't answer the door. He's still sitting on the couch, staring at the front door, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
Three knocks on the door again. He needs to answer it! But...
Maybe it's too late to escape to South Dakota, but if he leaves through the back door, he'll definitely make it to Michigan...
“Jonathan?” Steve's voice catches Jonathan's attention. His name is spoken in a cautious tone, as if Steve is afraid of the response he will get. Is it possible that Steve is nervous too? Impossible. No way THE Steve Harrington is nervous about Valentine's Day. “Are you there? It's me... Steve...”
Jonathan can't help but roll his eyes at Steve announcing himself, as if he didn't already know it was his boyfriend who was knocking on the door the moment he called him. “If you’re there, can I come in? It's kind of cold out here...”
After taking a deep breath, Jonathan gets up from the couch and walks towards the door, becoming more and more anxious with each step he takes.
He opens the door slowly, unable to contain the small smile that forms at the corners of his lips when he sees Steve.
He is wearing a red polo shirt and a black jacket – which, according to himself on a previous occasion, are some his best clothes, which he only wears for “special events”. Another thing that catches his attention is the bouquet of flowers, the heart-shaped box of chocolates, and the two gifts that Steve carries in his hands. My God, did he buy all this for Jonathan? And the only thing he's going to give him in return is a stupid homemade gift?! Jonathan is officially freaking out right now.
Steve smiles when he sees Jonathan. An almost blinding smile. “Hi... You're here.”
Jonathan gently tilts his head to the side as he raises an eyebrow. “It’s kind of like my house… And we agreed to meet here...”
"No... I mean, YES! I mean… It's just…” Steve sighs, “I'm just… I'm happy to be here… With you.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here too.” He closes the door and guides his boyfriend to his room, where his homemade gift waits to be delivered.
“Here...” Steve shoves the bouquet of roses and the box of chocolates in his face, “I... I don't know if you like flowers... Or chocolates...” He scrapes the back os his neck as he looks at Jonathan sheepishly. “I went kind of automatically... But I hope you like them.”
He couldn't help but smile at Steve's gesture. Sure, he's never been big on flowers and doesn't care much for sweets, but the fact that these things were given to him by Steve makes him want to cherish them forever.
“Thank you,” he gives his boyfriend a soft kiss on the cheek, taking him a little by surprise, as Steve wasn't expecting Jonathan to like receiving flowers and chocolates on Valentine's Day, as that's something you do “to a girl”, at least that's what society says. Ah, to hell with society! He just gave his boyfriend flowers and chocolates and he loved them, and that's what matters.
As soon as they arrive at Jonathan's room, Steve immediately sits on his bed and hands him one of the gifts - the smallest one. “I hope you like it.” He hands it to Jonathan and immediately looks away, suddenly finding his Evil Dead poster very interesting, afraid of his reaction.
Steve's reaction brings a little calm to Jonathan; after all, if his gift is bad, that means it won't be a problem for him to give his homemade gift to Steve, because they'll both be bad, and the two will be even!
He carefully unwraps the paper, his eyes widening as he sees that it's...
“A Thumper plush…” The rabbit from the movie Bambi. Steve blushes as he runs a hand through his hair - a habit he has when he's nervous. “Y-Yeah... You once said that... You liked Thumper... And I saw this plush and immediately thought of you. But when I got home I noticed it was a ridiculous gift and...” He swallows hard and turns his gaze to Jonathan. “It's stupid, I know... You don't have to keep it if you don't want to... I can go to the store and return it...”
He reaches out to grab the stuffed rabbit, but Jonathan moves it out of his reach. “No!” He blushes at his own scream. “I mean... I liked it... Thank you...” Steve's eyes widen, both because of the fact that Jonathan screamed (something that happens once every time Halley's Comet passes) and because of the fact that he liked the present.
“Serious? Don’t you think it’s silly or ridiculous?”
“No, I think… it’s sweet and thoughtful of you.” He looks at the stuffed bunny in his hands and then at his boyfriend. “Thanks, Steve.” And with that, Steve is smiling like a child who had just woken up on Christmas morning!
But he still has the other gift. “I bought a second gift, just in case you don't like the... Rabbit...”
“Thumper.” He corrects him.
“Yes, Thumper,” Steve takes the gift and places it in front of Jonathan. “I'm absolutely sure you'll like this one!” Again, he's smiling like a child on Christmas morning, eagerly awaiting Jonathan's reaction to opening his second present.
Meanwhile, Jonathan is at war with his own mind. If this second gift is as good as Steve says it is, then that means his half-assed homemade gift isn't going to be good enough. Damn, he should have bought something...
Jonathan's eyes widen when he sees what was hidden beneath the wrapping paper.
“Ta-da! It’s a photography kit!” Steve throws his hands up and smiles. “Look, I don't understand much about this photography thing, but the guy at the store assured me that this is the best one available on the market! There's a... Err, standard spare lens, an ultra-wide-angle lens, a wide-angle lens, a short and a long telephoto lens, a zoom lens...” Steve is reading the product description on the box, as even a week ago he only thought there was one type of photography lens.
He was so distracted explaining about the kit that it took him a while to notice the look of panic on his boyfriend's face. “Hey… What’s wrong?” The happiness in his voice was completely replaced by worry and a bit fear. “Did you not like it?”
Jonathan's eyes widen, and he shakes his head. “N-no! I mean, yes! Yes, I liked it... It's great, thank you. Your two gifts are... Amazing. It's just…” He sighs and looks away at his desk, where Steve's gift is hidden inside the top drawer. “Your gifts are so good... And mine's... It's not that good...”
Steve raises an eyebrow and tilts his head to the side. “Why do you say that?”
“Because I didn’t buy it, I… I made it…” Jonathan suddenly gets up from the bed. “But don't worry! I'll buy you something real quick! There must still be some stores open! I'll be back soon…” He takes his wallet from the nightstand and a jacket. But before he can get close to the door, Jonathan feels a hand grab his wrist tightly, keeping him frozen in place.
“Did you make me a gift?” Steve questioned, still sitting on the bed but leaning forward to prevent his boyfriend from rushing out of the room. Jonathan looked at him with a shy, embarrassed look and nodded. “That's great! It means that my gift is unique and special! Where is it?” And the excitement returned.
Honestly, Jonathan is sometimes surprised by how excited Steve can be about pretty much anything.
He took two steps back, until he was next to the desk, and opened the first drawer, removing an object carefully wrapped in dark blue paper. “I hope you like it,” he muttered, sitting down on the bed again and handing the gift to Steve.
He was amazed at the speed at which Steve grabbed the gift and started tearing up the paper, making him even more nervous. Part of him wants to see what Steve's reaction would be, while the other part wants to jump out the window and run away so he didn't have to see Steve's reaction.
His boyfriend's eyes widen when he finally sees his gift, and this makes Jonathan even more nervous. “It's a...”
“It’s a scrapbook,” Jonathan says, preferring to look at the sheet on his bed than his boyfriend's expression. “I put all the photos we took together and some other things... And Will did a drawing of us on the first page. He said he wanted to contribute to the gift...”
Steve flips through the pages. He can't help but smile as he looks at Will's drawing – Steve has one arm around Jonathan while the other holds some hairspray aimed at his exaggerated hair, and Jonathan is smiling and holding his camera towards Steve. This boy will become a famous artist one day, Steve is sure of that.
The second page has a photo that Jonathan took of Steve; he's on top of a park bench, almost losing his balance. Steve remembers that day. It was one of the first times they hung out together as friends. He accompanied Jonathan on one of his photography sessions to the park; he had to take a photo of something as part of an assignment for the photography club or something - he can't quite remember the specific details, all he remembers is wanting to spend some time with Jonathan.
There is a caption next to the photo: "When I started to fall in love with you."
Steve carefully analyzes each of the photos; there's one of him trying on his Scoops Ahoy costume for the first time, an unhappy look on his face, both because of the stupid uniform and because Jonathan was taking a picture of him wearing that stupid uniform; another of the two of them sleeping on the couch, Jonathan's head resting on Steve's shoulder while his was resting on top of Jonathan's head (it was definitely Will who took this one); one from when their plan to spend a quiet night at home was ruined by the arrival of six noisy kids who begged them to play some board games with them – in the photo (certainly taken by Joyce), he can see Jonathan sitting in front of the coffee table playing Monopoly with the kids while Steve is sitting on the couch behind him, his arms crossed and face turned away with a slight pout on his lips.
There are so many photos, each one better than the last.
“Wow…” Steve mutters.
Jonathan takes this as a sign that he doesn't like the gift. “I know, it’s ridiculous and stupid and…”
“I loved it.”
“... What?” He quickly looks up to Steve. That's when he notices the sparkle in his eyes, the almost blinding smile on his lips, and the slightly flushed cheeks. “R-Really?”
“Are you kidding? It’s the best gift I’ve ever received in my entire life!” He places the scrapbook next to him on the bed and leans forward, wrapping his arms around Jonathan's shoulders. “Thanks. You are the best boyfriend in the world!”
Jonathan can't hold back the sigh of relief that escapes his lips as a smile forms.
“You’re also the best boyfriend in the world, Steve.” He responds, resting his hands on Steve's back.
They pull away from the hug, but Steve takes Jonathan's hands in his.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jon.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve.”
They lean forward simultaneously, their lips meeting halfway.
Best (first) Valentine's Day ever – at least for now, because they're both planning to outdo each other next year.
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
Eddie losing at uno… he has at least 30 cards
I love this so much! I just imagine him being so uncoordinated it’s not even funny
<w.c> 450
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Game night with the Harrington 5, soon to be the Harrington 6, is something Eddie wouldn’t miss for the world. There was movie night at the Buckley’s where Robin and Vicky hosted a wonderful evening full of delicious snacks and stove popped popcorn, you and Eddie housed D&D night by renting out an entire trailer to house the sick events of his Dungeon Mastery. All nights were a blast, D&D at the rented trailer lasting sometimes all weekend long the boys caffeinated up on Mountain Dew with Dorito stains on their fingers. But nothing compares to Game Night— that was serious business. Why? Cause no matter what the game was— Eddie always lost.
Monopoly? Eddie was in jail for a majority of the game, never rolling doubles to get out and nobody ever seemed to land on his properties. The Game of Life? Nope. Eddie couldn’t even win against the Harrington nuggets in Chutes & Ladders. So it’s no surprise when everyone is crowded around the table in the basement to play UNO, that Eddie is losing indefinitely. The Harrington nuggets are giggling hysterically at the sight of uncle Eddie with almost half the deck in his ring clad fingers.
“Draw 2 uncle Eddie!” The oldest one squeals. As Eddie huffs out a groan and adds two more cards to his heaping collection. You and Nancy watch with big smiles as the kids get closer and closer to winning and as Eddie gets closer and closer to insanity. His tongue is poked out in concentration as he racks his brain sithna strategy to win.
“Alright guys pizza will be here soon! Better hurry up and let the kids win, Ed.” Steve says, bounding down the stairs.
“Let them?! Steve, they are all but kicking my as—butt here!” Eddie flusters, “Oh come on! There is no way I get the Draw 4 again!”
“UNO!” The youngest says with a mischievous grin. The others all laugh as Eddie’s cards go flying across the table in a forfeit.
Eddie stands up with a huff and makes his way over to you, eyebrows knitted together and a fake mad voice in his throat, “You’re all cheaters! Dirty little cheaters!”
You giggle as he snakes his arm around your waist and hides his face with your hair in fake embarrassment. The kids all laugh as they put away the game. “Maybe next time we will play tic-tac-toe so you have a 50% chance of actually winning.” Dustin says with a laugh.
Eddie flips Dustin the bird and mouths a “fuck you.”
Door bell rings
“Pizza’s here!” Steve yells as he runs up the stairs.
“Finally, something I’m good at!” Eddie cheers.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 7 months
broken brain
by ghosttotheparty
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Additional Tags: eddie has tics, author has tics too, Bullying, Falling In Love, Neurodivergent Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington's Love Language is Physical Touch, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, I Love You, Crying, very extremely soft Words: 4,086 Chapters: 2/2
Not everyone was awful. Some kids were just curious about him, asked why he acted the way he did, and he did his best to calmly explain it all. I can't help it, actually. It's just my brain works different. That turned into Eddie's brain's fucked. It's broken. He's a fucking-- So he used it. Eddie the Freak. Attention-seeking, desperate for people to notice him. So he started making devil horns, yelling from tabletops, making himself The Freak so no one could use it against him.
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berylcluster · 2 months
if they had a kid for michael and steve <3
Name: Robyn Harrington-Meyers 
Gender: Cis Female 
General appearance: A dark brunette with striking blue eyes, she has freckles and moles all over. Her hair is either always in a ponytail or down her back, a cascade of waves. An athletic girl, she’s tall like Michael, though not quite, and she was a bit stocky in her youth, now a days she’s grown into her height.  
Personality: Almost like Michael’s if she didn’t crack into a smile at everything; Robyn’s demeanor can sometimes be off putting, her personality isn’t big, she’s quiet and kind of a loner, but she loves to laugh and have a good time with her dads. As a child she was timid, afraid to play with the other kids and would often hide “under the skirt” of her fathers. As an adult, no longer timid and unafraid to speak up for herself, but can be paralyzed by a crowd.  
Special talents: She is an artist! Somewhere between not having many friends and school, she found her love for traditional art. Her fathers encouraged this of course, she was given sketchbooks, supplies, and easels beyond what she asked for, and Robyn will forever be grateful for it. Her skills flourished and now she dreams of being in art shows and selling her works.  
Who they like better: Michael (Much to Steve’s dismay) 
Who they take after more: Michael 
Personal headcanon: Robyn is a very brave and humble woman, but comes with a lot of anxiety due to her size and inexperience with socializing with others. Her smiles all mean something different as one of her nervous tics is smiling and nervous laughter, she also picks at her nails. She IS named after Michael and Steve's bestie, Robin!
Face Claim: Laura Kutschera 
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touretticeddiemunson · 8 months
my ongoing WIP fic, “i’ll catapult my love to you (i’ll try to catch it)” is out now on ao3!
Summary: Eddie Munson was always different. When he was a kid, he’d jerk. It started with his head. It would jerk to the side without warning. His teachers would tell him to stop, and he tried. He just couldn’t.
Steve Harrington had always been intrigued by Eddie Munson. His friends referred to him as “The Freak”, but that nickname just rubbed him the wrong way. Eddie didn’t seem like a freak to him. He just seemed…different.
Eddie Munson has Tourette Syndrome, and Steve Harrington is determined to learn about him.
A/N: As an author with Tourette Syndrome, I saw myself in Eddie when watching the show. He was unapologetically weird, and I just couldn’t not love him. I decided to write a tourettic Eddie fic because I feel like it fits, and that since I have the disorder, I could write the representation well. However, my experience does not fit everyone else’s with Tourette’s. I headcanon that Eddie would have coprolalia (swearing) and copropraxia (obscene/inappropriate gestures) tics. Not everyone with this disorder is going to have cursing tics or use inappropriate gestures. That’s just something I experience, and I see in Eddie’s character!
Thanks everyone! Please go show my WIP some love! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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bludhavensbirdboy · 2 years
I’m a “Steve Harrington has ocd” enthusiast and these are some of the compulsions I think he would have as someone who is diagnosed with ocd !!
Kids head count has to happen 4 times before they get going
I believe Steve’s ‘number’ is 4 and multiples of 4
Has to touch the top of every door frame he walks under (people thought he was one of them douchey guys that like show off how tall they are and try to be hot leaning on door frame nah mans just has a dumb fucking compulsion)
When he did swimming in school he could only ever do even laps of the pool
When he was at scoops ahoy he organised the ice cream in a way that only made sense to him but it felt right to him
Same with the video store he organised the shelves of the store in his own system and when he’s putting tapes away he has to do it by certain genres first (gets upset when someone moves it)
He has to shower everytime he comes back from being out cause he feels like the outside air/dirt can’t be inside
Washes his hands 4 times in a row everytime he needs to wash his hands
Has a keychain that has no real meaning to him but has to carry it everywhere to have a good day he thinks it’s bad luck to not carry it
Has a tic disorder that comes on when his ocd plays up and he can’t do the impulses
Doesn’t allow people to touch the music tapes in his car because he’s organised it a certain way (one time Dustin messed up the order and Steve had a mini breakdown in the car after he left so he just banned everyone from touching it)
also he listens to the tapes in a certain order
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richiekirschs · 2 years
hi could you write a fic of Steve and fem reader who has anxiety?
hey! i will write this because i can never get enough of steve but i have a similar post here! if you enjoy this concept you might also enjoy that post :)
steve harrington x anxious fem!reader (under the cut)
warnings: anxiety, anxiety attack
- he understands what having anxiety is like
- he has plenty of his own
- but he also understands that anxiety has a different effect on everyone, so he does his best to figure out what yours does to you
- if you use heat on your hair, he always double checks to make sure you unplugged the iron
- he knows you’ll obsess about it
- he memorizes all of your anxious tics
“how did you know i wanted to leave?”
“you were [cracking your fingers, doing the 1234 finger tap, playing with your jewelry, etc]”
- will absolutely order for you if you want him to
“are you sure you’re not hungry? i haven’t seen you eat all day.”
“yeah, i’m sure.” your stomach growls at the thought of food, betraying you.
“baby, i can hear your stomach growling. please eat something.”
“i just… i don’t like ordering. it makes me nervous.”
“i’ll order for you if you want, all you have to do is say so.”
“will you order for me?”
“of course, baby. what do you want?”
- if your anxiety keeps you up at night he absolutely shows up to try and make your nights more peaceful
- he lets you spend the night at his— a change of scenery, and you’re alone with him
- will do whatever in an attempt to help you sleep
- braid your hair (if that’s something he can do with your hair), drive out and get you food, play a game with you in an attempt to tire you out, read to you
- he offers you benadryl
“benadryl? steve, i’m not having a reaction to anything.”
“i know, but it’ll knock you out. like out.”
“…i guess we could try it.”
- the first time you had an anxiety attack he didn’t know what to do
- it was at some party one of his old friends was throwing
“fuck, nancy told me you had these sometimes, i don’t remember—“
“steve, please stop talking.”
“okay, i’m sorry. what do you need? how can i help?”
“i need you to hold me, something about the pressure makes me calm down.”
he’s immediately pulling you in. he’s warm, and smells like cologne and aftershave. once your shaky gasps and tears turn to hiccups and sniffles, he pulls away just enough to see your face. “go start the car, okay? i’ll tell everyone we’re leaving.”
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frog4278 · 2 years
Stranger Things useless headcanons because I need more of them
Useless headcanons are ridiculously fun to make and I think we should all make more
Thanks @dawg3i for helping me again bestie
Last night we came up with stupid middle names and now all of you will know about them
El would pick out her own middle name and she has Rose vibes. Her name actually sounds nice
El Rose Byers
Max has to have a middle name starting with m so she can be M.M.M for her initials
Maxine "Max" Mackenzie Mayfield
Mike calls her 'Tic Tac' as a joke since Max Mac sounds like Tic Tac and Max chases him around with a pair of scissors
Mike is Micheal Micheal Wheeler. It just seems so him he is so Micheal
Nancy got a pretty middle name and Mike got some shit
Nancy North Wheeler
Holly has Jennifer as her middle name idk it just fits her vibes
Holly Jennifer Wheeler
Lucas' middle name is Williams he sounds so professional
Lucas Williams Sinclair
Joyce picked out Will's middle name right after she gave birth so she was out of it
That's how Will ends up with William Billiam Byers
Jonathan Trey Byers
Lonnie picked out that one. It was all downhill from there
Dustin Jack Henderson
For some reason I see Steve having George as his middle name. Basic ass rich white boy
Steve George Harrington
Eddie tries to do that shit like. Eddie “Hellfire” Munson but everyone knows his middle name is Bobbie
Robin doesn't have a middle name. That's what being a lesbian does to you, it erases your middle name
Misc headcanons so I can make these posts easier to read:
When Steve gets sick he acts like he's fucking dying. He makes a will and everything
If you leave Robin alone for two seconds she will get horribly lost. She doesn’t rely on basic directions but relies on small details that help her remember where to go
Once Steve was throwing a party with the kids and the fruity four and all of the sudden his parents came home (which is rare) and a huge game of hide and seek ensued
Everyone chose the WORST hiding spots
Dustin is under the couch
Will somehow squeezes himself into a cupboard (I’ve done it before it is not comfortable)
That one gag where Steve’s dad opens the cupboard but doesn’t see Will and Will hands him a mug and closes the cupboard
Mike is under the sink
Max and Nancy manage to find actually good spots
Steve really just doesn’t wanna talk to his parents so he hides too
He and Robin hide in the pool against the walls
Lucas is found on the roof. He's clinging to the chimney and crying. No one knows how he got there. Camera footage shows him scaling the house with a straight face
El just walked outside and is standing there
Eddie chooses the absolute WORST spot. Steve’s parents bedroom closet.
Argyle gets there late and is about to shout that he’s there when everyone shushes him from their hiding spots and motion for him to hide
He hides behind a comically small plant and somehow doesn't get noticed
Jonathan stays in the van and just sinks down to the floor as if that will make the pizza van out front any less obvious
When Eddie gets caught he does his scream. You know the AAAIIIIIIIIIAHHH
Max catches Lucas no man left behind
Max, holding her arms out: DO YOU WANNA DEAL WITH THE HARRINGTONS?
Side note Max is a boy princess and Lucas is a girl prince you get me
Max is the knight in shining armor Lucas is the princess in the tower cmon
Imagine you’re Nancy and Max just chilling in a closet no one goes into and you hear Eddie’s AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIUUUI
Mike comically pulls Will out the cupboard
The drive away is kinda silent
Steve and Robin, sopping wet:
Nancy: The pool. You chose the pool.
Robin: Last time i talked to Mrs and Mr Harrington I think they could smell the gay on me I was not doing that again
These guys would work so well for filler episode situations
For example: Beach episode
Steve gets a hand print tan line because Robin puts her hand over his chest when he’s tanning
Mike is a lobster
Eddie is the mf to accidentally go into a school full of jellyfish
Dustin gets attacked by seagulls RIP
Lucas is the one to find the jumping spots. Like he will rock climb to get height
Him and Steve start a canon ball competition
Max, trying to surf:
Steve about to do the biggest canon ball:
El and Max just chilling and sitting on a paddle board. They hear a faint scream that’s getting louder. They look up and oh hey Steve
El, holding up a shark: Look!
She makes big ass waves for everyone
She just picks up a sunken ship miles out and drops it from hella high
Everyone is standing there watching this 50 ft wave coming towards them like :standing person emoji:
Nancy: Wait have you checked up on the kids yet
Steve: No I left Eddie with them
Nancy: You what.
Cut to the 70 foot tall wave
We don't have much for this one but imagine. Cruise ship. Fruity Four get high. There's a buffet. Eddie hijacks the tiny orchestra/jazz band that’s playing during said buffet
Road trip!!! So many possibilities
Mike goes missing and everyone thinks he’s dead but he’s actually buying a hotdog or something. It starts a whole search party. Everyone is decked out in camo gear with flashlights and guns and knives and Mike’s just “Aw man I’m short 50 cents”
They run into him and he asks if anyone has two quarters
Mike: Aw thank God you guys are here does anyone have a couple of change to spare
Everyone in the random ass town that they’re in standing behind the main group:
They tie him to the tree for the night
Will feeds him smores but doesn’t help him down
They do steal a car at some point. And blow up a gas station
They also accidentally go into a cult town. Cue the classic “character becomes center of cult accidentally” trope with like, Dustin
Dustin: Yk what these people are cool! Unlike you guys
Steve: Dustin. Dustin they think that you’re a fucking alien
Dustin: they what
They make statues of him
Bet they think Mike is a weird bird. They don’t let him in
Dustin: Look at all the sculptures they’re making for me!!! it’s fine!!!!
Mike: I’m literally gonna be burned at stake on that thing tonight DUSTIN
Dustin: No you’re not, you’re just being dramatic as usual
Mike, tied to a stake: Oh yeah I’m just dramatic
Lucas: Dustin they’re making CHANTS ABOUT BURNING HIM
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daily-hayley568 · 2 years
meet the parents!!|steve harrington
Baby blurb!! Super short
pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
summary: Steves parents are back in town and just in time to invite Steve’s girlfriend to dinner
Authors note: first steve fic!! reader is 18 obvi. Pure fluff
Warnings: swearing
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You and Steve had been dating for about four weeks. And this last month has been the best part of your 18 years on this earth.
Steve’s parents were back from a business trip and Steve had been telling them all about you. So Steve’s mom decided to invite you to dinner.
Oh boy. You were scared. You were standing in front of your full length mirror flattening your yellow sundress that fell just above your knee. You were fixing the headband on your head when you heard Steve knock.
You grabbed your white purse and dashed down the stairs just as your father opened the door for Steve, “Hey Steve.” Your dad greets with a beaming smile on his face.
“Mr. Y/L/N. It’s good to see you. I’m just here to pick up your daughter.”
“Alright. You two have fun.” Your dad closed the door behind y’all and you wrapped your arms around Steve’s neck giving him a quick kiss.
“Missed you.” He mumbles continuing to pepper kisses around your face, his hands finding a home on your waist.
“Missed you too, Bub. We can continue this later. I don’t want to keep your parents waiting.” Steve waved a dismissal hand before opening the car door for you and getting in on his side.
“They’re fine, Y/n. Very excited to meet you. Very.”
“I hope I don’t disappoint.” You started fiddling with the rings on your hands. A nervous tic of yours Steve always noticed. Steve placed his free hand on top of them.
“they’ll love you babe.”
“I hope.”
Sure enough his parents did love you. Maybe more than steve loved you. Nah.
You and his mother bonded over things related to fashion and his father was impressed you knew about a lot of the town’s politics. You had basically charmed them. They loved you!
You were the ideal package girl for Steve. They saw you two getting married in the future. You did too.
Steve dropped you off and you kissed him goodnight, “My parents love you. You were worried for nothing.”
You rolled your eyes, “Love you, Harrington.”
“Bye, Sweetheart.”
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italiansteebie · 2 years
Shaking Hands
Also on ao3
TW: use of the R slur
Steve has never felt… Normal. Which is why hanging out with Robin felt so odd. It was like he didn’t have to pretend, like he felt weightless around her.
In fact, he felt weightless around the kids too, but dropping them off at school, it made the tightness in his chest return. He felt the urge to run a hand through his hair, to tug on it, pull it until he felt right. 
Robin could always see it. She knew King Steve was a fake. She could see the hands twitching, fluttering around his body, nails looking for something to catch on. The only thing is, Steve Harrington was blissfully, well maybe not blissfully, unaware of what plagued him. But she knew, she knew, what he’d be called if anyone else noticed, what would happen to him. 
So she kept her mouth shut, that is until Steve Harrington had a melt down on her living room floor. Murmuring, stuttering, hands tugging, and tears leaking out of his eyes. “What’s wrong with me?” He sobbed, and her heart broke.
“Why can’t I just be normal,” he begged, beating hands against his head.
“Stupid, stupid!” And Robin died inside, seeing her best friend, her exact, calling himself stupid, cursing himself, stabbing her, and criticizing himself so harshly.
“Dad was right. Retarded. That’s all I am. I can’t fucking do anything right!” It seemed like he was begging for help, but didn’t know how to ask for it. All she can do is rub his back, hold his hands away from his head, trying to stop the hurt. 
She sat there with him on the floor, when her mother came home, she just shook her head at the offer of dinner. She’s seen the way Steve forces the food down his throat, hiding a grimace at the texture. She wants to tell him he doesn’t have to. 
She wants to tell him to just spit it out. 
And Steve. Well he just sits in silence. He thinks it happens to everyone, they’re just better at keeping the tics contained, better at choking down the food that makes his stomach revolt, better at pretending he didn’t just throw up all of his dinner. 
Because he couldn’t get the feeling of it out of his mouth.
But after his episode, his 15th one to be exact, Robin sheds some light on the situation.
She bares her soul, her mind, to him. She shared parts of herself that only her mother knew, and it was terrifying. 
But it helped. And Steve suddenly didn’t feel so alone. And he knew that his chest tightening at the sight of Hawkins High, didn’t have to happen anymore.
He knew the hands raking through his hair would help him be a better brother. To Dustin. To Max. Because if he didn’t hide himself, they wouldn’t have to either.
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eddieslov3 · 2 years
Birthday's suck..
This one was requested by @thegreencanary and its so cute I needed to write this.
I didn't proofread so pls be nice and I hope you like it.
Content warning⚠️: talk of the upside down, hospitalized!reader. Birthday sucks. Mutual pining and fluff. Also steve blindfolds reader but its sfw. Also the ending sucks I'm sorry
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You hated this. Things have been worse but you hated this. You were sick on your birthday and naturally had to spent it alone since you were in the hospital. It made you wanna cry, since it wasn't the first time you couldn't celebrate your birthday on the actual day. You should have been used to it by now but it didn't make it any better. Since you hated being alone and it was even worse on your birthday. Crying the whole morning didn't make you feel better though. You didn't wanna cry about it but you couldn't help but feel lonely.
You had another week left, but since you had some type of weird sickness(the upside down had had its toll on you and the doctors thought it was contagious.. spoiler alert: they weren't) no one was allowed to visit you. So you couldn't be mad about no one visit, especially if Steve had made sure to show up anyway every day. You were thankful that your room had a window because that's where he stood every day at around 4pm but today he didn't show up. By 5:30 you had given up hope, silently staring at the wall hoping that the day would just end. You hated feeling this miserable.
Not even you book could cheer you up anymore at 6pm you tossed it aside groaning at yourself. Calming down by running a hand through your hair, sitting up. "God I hate this" you sigh and get interrupted by a nearly silent knock. "Hi hi birthday pal" a very familiar voice says. Looking up you can see Steve, hes holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a ballon in the other. Again, you start to cry, but this time out of Happiness. "I thought you had forgotten my birthday.." you mumble and walk over to the window. As you walk closer you see the others, the kids, Eddie, Nancy and Robin.
"you didn't think we'd forget you, right?" he reminds you smiling. "I did think that" you then reply honestly. Quickly wiping your tears away you smile widely. "Thank you guys" you say smiling. "No need to thank us, this was Steves doing" Dustin says grinning. Steve blushes slightly, not exactly hiding the fact that this boy.. this man was in love with you. Like really.
Naturally you start blushing too and wave it off. "Thanks you then Steve" you reply smiling. You smile.
They all stayed for an hour until they all had to leave, steve being the last one to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" he asks rubbing his neck slightly. You nod. "Tomorrow sounds good"
And then he leaves, he has a hard time leaving you alone as he always does.
Steve was your best friend since diapers, you had seen him be a douche, a jock, be with nancy and all that jazz. You we're also relived when Henderson was responsible for his massive change, that made you like that lil guy more.
You had the staff give you the flowers and balloon so you could feel the love that they had brought you. This made the week you had left to stay less awful.
The week had gone by and Steve had been there every day. One day he had brought erasablemarkers to play tic tac toe on the glass of the window. "You're cheating Harrington!" you stated pouting. Slightly laughing he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just playing the game, babe. I don't know what you mean" babes was a nickname he commonly used for you. Among other nicknames like sweetheart or love, you liked babe the most of you were completely honest. It made your heart flutter and your head turn red.
Two days after that he made the stuff roll out a tv with an vhs player so he could watch the goonies with you. You loved the movie. "Thanks for spending your time with me" you said during a quiet moment and leaned into the cold glass, he did the same but you missed the cuddles you usually got while watching a movie with him.
The day you finally got to leave the hospital had come and you packed your stuff and now are waiting for Steve to actually pick you up. The upside was that you got to leave the hospital already, waiting infront of it. Breathing in the fresh air and being more than thankful for the wind that's flowing through your hair. Slightly sighing und strech as Steve finally rolls by. "Hey Babe" he greets you winking at you, making you giggle. You get into the car. "Hi Baby" you say back making him rub his chin smiling. Your heart is making backflips by now.
"You look so good" he comments making you blush. "Thank you.. I felt like dressing up after wearing that stupid hospital gown for two weeks straight..." you mumble putting your seatbeld on while he turned the car. You didn't think much of it, since he said he was gonna drive you home. "You're welcome Babe.. you deserve to feel good about yourself after these idiots locked you in for no reason" he says leaving you all blushy not really paying attention where he was actually going. You two bicker about the doctors mocking them a little which makes you laugh. God hos much he loves your laugh.
When he took a left turn instead of a right you were confused but didn't say anything, he has his reasons. He then stops and looks at you. "So I have a surprise for you and I'm gonna put a blindfold on you, if you're okay with that" he says holding his bandana you definitely recognize. You look down at the bandana for a moment before you nod. "Yeah go ahead. I trust you" you then say. "Thank you sweetheart" he then mumbles, carefully putting the bandana on you. Slightly tickling you in the process making you giggle in his face. He blushes, turning crimson red. He was definitely glad you didn't see him.
"Is that okay?" carefully pulling the ends of the bandana into a rather tight but not uncomfortable knot. "Yeah thats fine.. thank you" you state smiling. You can feel him adjust himself and continue driving. He turns on the radio, humming along with the tunes until he stopped after what felt like years to be honest.
"so I'm gonna guide you, just let me" he says parking the car and getting out. You bite your lip and patiently wait for him. As the door opens he takes your hands. "Careful don't bump your head" he says putting a hand on your head while guiding you out of his car. The door slamming. You have no idea where you are but you can hear some hushed voices. Not really thinking anything of it while he guides you, what feels like, into a garden. "Okay.. we're here. Are you ready?" his calm voice, laced with excitement makes you nod. "Yes I'm ready".
As he takes off the blindfold a swarm of voices errupts and you have to blink a few times to fully grasp what is happening. "Happy late Birthday!" They scream along with you name. You can't help but tear up at this cute gesture. "You did all of this for me?" Your eyes scan the garden and you can see a grill, loads and loads of Fingerfood and baked stuff, beautiful decorations and of course your friends.
"I hope you like it" is all steve says while blushing. You nod and just look at him. "This was your doing wasn't it, Harrington?" you tease grabbing his hand. "Yes it was!" Max and Lucas confirm while handing you each a cupcake, both of you take them gratefully. "Thanks Max" you say and can't fully function as Steve suddenly pulls you closer. With a quick look at your lips he then dips his head in your direction, kissing you softly.
You gasp lightly before returning the favor and kissing him back. As you break the kiss all your friends are cheering and Eddie hands Dustin ten bucks. "Finally" says Dustin while Eddie mopes looking at you. "I thought you'd do it first!"
"I'm glad I did it though. Not even sorry about this one, Munson" steve says while kissing you again.
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thatharringrovehoe · 3 years
A little blurb from an angsty brain damage fic I'm working on
At first glance it just looks messy, like the maid that Billy is sure the Harrington’s employ hadn’t bothered to stop by this week. But the more Billy looks, really looks, the more apparent it is that something is wrong. There’s glasses of water placed randomly throughout the kitchen, all at different levels of fullness. A frozen lasagna lay thawed and leaking on the counter, half way unwrapped. A quick peek in the fridge leaves him even more confused. There’s literally no food. Just a crumpled white paper bag with the pharmacy logo that Billy has absolutely no business snooping in. Closing the fridge, he turns to make his way upstairs, more anxious with each step. What the hell was going on? The chief of fucking police apparently drove Harrington home this afternoon, so whatever this is has been going on for a lot longer than today. When Billy finally reaches the top landing he picks up the far away sound of gagging down the hall, and the closer he gets to what is hopefully a bathroom the worse he feels. Because Harrington is in there what sounds like puking his goddamn guts out and it’s all Billy’s fault. Can't even hide behind the righteous big brother crap now. Not since his talk with Maxine.
A heavy thud sounds from the other side of the door, making Billy jump. It’s quiet after that. And Billy’s heartrate starts to ratchet up up up because he doesn't know what to do. Hell, he’s not even supposed to be here let alone try and…what? Open the door of Steve Harrington’s bathroom while he’s in there? The tick tock of the grandfather clock downstairs sounds like a countdown. A decision hanging in the balance. And fuck, Steve still hasn't made any noise. What if he fell? What if he passed out? What if-
What if he’s-
Billy knocks gently on the door.
“Harrington? You okay in there?”
He feels like a fucking idiot. Of course he's not okay. Steve definitely has a serious concussion and, if what Maxine told him is true, actual brain damage. Not only that but the asshole responsible has now broken into his house. But as the tic-tok-tic-tok of the grandfather clock drones on, Harrington still doesn’t answer. Doesn’t make a sound. Billy’s palms are starting to sweat.
“Hey man, um. Look. I'm pretty sure you passed out so like. If you don’t answer I’m gunna just, I don’t know. Bust the door down or some shit. So say something for fucks sake. Let me know you haven’t kicked it or whatever.”
Billy can feel a lump rising in his throat, breathing just a little too fast. Tries one last time. Desperate. The resounding BANG BANG BANG of his fist against the solid slab of wood a rattling echo in the silence of the otherwise empty house.
“Harrington! Fucking- Say something!”
Somehow, over his heart pounding a drum beat through Billy’s ears, he hears it. A tiny whimper.
Steve’s voice sounds wet and shaky. Pleading.
Billy rears back and kicks in the door.
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sarcasmco · 2 years
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—— it’s just another typical week in hawkins i guess — isn’t that right, robin buckley? huh, guess they can’t hear me over girls just want to have fun by cyndi lauper playing on their walkman, but it looks like they’re headed to work as a sales clerk at family video. did you know roro has been in hawkins for their entire life? yeah, they’ve been described as a bit rambly, but i suppose them also being like a caring big sister outweighs the negative. i’ve also heard people say they remind them of dancing in the rain and screaming lyrics even if you don’t know them, someone who can make you smile even when you’re crying, and learning to love yourself… however, that could just be this weeks newest rumor.
this is the story of robin buckley, a brave woman helping to fight hawkins unknown battle. a look into her life below.
it was as though she was a child again, hiding under a blanket from things that go bump in the night. life was simple before, dull even. before she was held in an underground russian bunker, before being drug into an inter-dimensional war fit for the silver screen, before becoming so close to a ragtag group of misfits that she would consider them her family.
full name: robin louise buckley nickname: rob, roro pronouns: she/her age: twenty-five birthday: march tenth gender: cis female sexuality: lesbian hometown: hawkins, indiana education: graduate of hawkins high occupation: sales at family video religion: agnostic mannerisms: talks with her hands life philosophy: no one should be judged and/or celebrated for one deed keywords: pessimistic, extrovert, daredevil, logical, emotional, animal lover, confident in public, unsure in private
height: 5'8" weight: 170 lb eye color: blue hair color: brown tattoos: 1 (hidden, beneath her left shoulder blade) piercings: 2 (her lobes)
good traits: bad traits: sense of humor: sarcasm nervous tics: fiddling with her jewelry, whether it's her ring or necklace, she has to twiddle her fingers greatest strength: her unwavering persistence greatest vulnerability or weakness: her friends
color: yellow music: new age synth with a touch of heartbreak food: greasy/deep fried expression: a smile that’s too big for its face mode of transportation: biking hobbies: musical instrument: trumpet sport: soccer childhood hero: wonder woman
mother: melissa buckley father: richard buckley best friend: steve harrington person(s) character feels responsible for or takes care of: will, max, dustin, mike, lucas, and eleven person character admires: nancy wheeler person character most hates: anyone being a dick
robin absorbs knowledge exceptionally well. this has notably shown itself twice in her life. it can be seen in her proficiency while learning languages (knowing french, spanish, italian, and pig latin while being able to decipher languages such as russian) and in her ability to play music by ear after only hearing it once (maybe twice if she's tired).
she has a tattoo underneath her left shoulder blade that was given to her by her childhood friend and first love maddie before she moved. it was of two connected cherries using the stick and poke method, and her reasoning was "this is to remind you that even when we're apart, i'll always be a part of you"
she swears, the best thing she's ever made continues to be "coffee cream" wherein she mixes hot coffee and ice cream to put a spin on the popular iced coffee
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