#Steve harrington alt phase
Something was off with Eddie.
Steve wasn't sure exactly what it was but the resident metal head was acting werid.
Well, weirder than usual.
He was squinting at Steve when Steve wasn't looking at him.
Like he had something in his eye.
And when Steve did look at him.
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.
He looked nervous and Eddie Munson wasn't supposed to be nervous.
It was freaking Steve out. But nothing short of the actual apocalypse would allow Steve to interrupt D&D.
The kids would probably kill him. "Something on your mind?" Asks Eddie soo after.
The kids finally, finally remembering their was food and had abandoned their game for a feast.
The other members of hellfire grumbled but noticeably didn't object.
While they were still warming up to Steve, no one could deny that the man could cook.
Speaking of, they'd been acting werid too.
Not as obvious as Eddie but they would sneak glances at him.
And whisper behind his back.
"How Max and Dustin are going to fight over who gets my car when they kill me."
Honestly always helped with Eddie.
"My bets on Red." Said Eddie, trying and failing to contain his laughter.
Steve nodded, taking a sip of his coke. "Didn't think you were one to muse on death." Eddie added, he had that look in his eye again. 
And it hadn't escaped Steve that the other wasn't addressing him by name.
"Oh you know, wondered what would happen if I interrupted your devil's and doormans game." Said Steve nonchalantly.
Eddie snorted "hmm yeah they probably would. And don't think I don't know you know what it's actually called."
Their was a teasing glint in his eyes, but their was something else.
Something Steve couldn't put his finger on.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Shrugs Steve, trying to defuse the air. It was just them in the kitchen now, the kids happily eating with the rest of hellfire.
He wished Eddie would just join them.But Eddie had other plans. "No, no I think you do, Evie." Says Eddie, folding his arms and leaning against the door.
Steve knew it was probably just a joke.
Another nickname from the man who gave them out like free sweets.
Didn't stop his blood from running cold.
Fear to overtake his face just for a few seconds before Steve bottled it up.
But Eddie had seen it all.
It was all the proof he needed.
"You know, the kids were snooping about the other day. Nosy little buggers, found some old photo from middle school." The more he talked the slowly he was moving toward Steve.
Who was frozen in place.
"Told em, don't snoop around my shit but the werid thing is... Is that they didn't find it in my room. But that's impossible because the only other person who'd have that picture, moved away years ago." Eddie stopped walking, standing infront of Steve.
"At least, that's what I had thought." He added softly.
Steve opened his mouth, shut it, opened it and shut it again.
He couldn't speak.
He couldn't move.
Of all the things for Eddie to notice, Steve hadn't betted he'd ever notice that.
There was nothing to say.
What could he say to defend himself?
"Eddie I..."
"It's true isn't it?" 
... And that's when Steve noticed that Eddie wasn't angry.
Wasn't glaring at him, wasn't looking down at him like he would have looked at King Steve.
Eddie was...
Eddie was crying.
His eyes were all teary red rimmed and tears were spilling out onto his cheeks.
He didn't even make a move to hide them. Only looking at Steve with a pleading expression.
And any lie Steve may have thought about died on his tongue.
Steve looked down.
"Yeah... It's me."
Instantly he was pulled into a hug. A warm, loving hug. Steve couldn't remember the last time someone had held him like this before.
A stray tear escaped his eye.
"I'm so sorry." Steve blinked, looking up at Eddie, who was now the one who couldn't meet his gaze. "I should've known it was you. I should've known you wouldn't have just vanished into thin air and moved away... I should've known!"
Steve couldn't take that, this was his mess and Eddie shouldn't be blaming himself for it.
"You weren't supposed to."
Eddie went quiet at that.
Steve took a deep breath "my dad left us, my mum remarried. They were in town and he went through my stuff...
And I lost another fight so I had to change or they'd kick me out too. So I did move, I guess, I had to make sure no one would know.
I had to dissappear, I couldn't be that anymore I had to..."
Steve "Evie" Strauss had to vanish.
Steve "King Steve" Harrington had to take his place.
 "But I couldn't get rid of it...and I guess the kids found it." Steve added lamely.
He wanted to be mad but he couldn't.
All he felt now was dread.
He waited, waited for Eddie to let him go.
To storm out.
To yell.
To scream.
Because what Steve had done, was doing was unforgivable to someone like Eddie.
To someone who was so unapologetically himself that hurt Steve to watch.
To turn on your own....
Eddie did none of those things.
"I'm gonna kill em." Steve blinked, looking back at him and seeing fury on his face.
Fury that faded when Eddie saw Steve looking at him. Gently, almost hesitantly Eddie held Steve's hand in his.
Looking at him, with nothing but fondness. 
"And here I was thinking you couldn't be any more metal." He said with a smile, before frowning. "Can't believe all it took was for you to change your style for me to not see you." 
Steve leaned in to the touch.
"You're not mad?"
"Mad? Oh I'm pissed, I'm absolutely going to cash in on those murder charges and get your parents sent to hell."
It shouldn't be possible for someone to sound fond while talking about murder.
But that was Eddie for you.
Constantly breaking every presumption someone made.
"But for you, might be the second happiest day of my life."
Steve raised an eyebrow and Eddie grinned. "Sorry love but you can't surpass the day I got my sweetheart so easily."
Steve couldn't help it he laughed, all the anxiety fading away.
He always felt safe with Eddie, with them all.
He never thought coming second to a guitar would make his heart flutter.
"That's not how murder charges work."
"Ah you'll see, baby bat." Steve snorted "bet you didn't imagine the demobats back than."
Eddie grinned "nope but, it's fitting you know. Can't wait to tell the others..." He looked down, awkward "erm they've guessed but... They don't want to assume and be wrong."
"I don't want to tell them." Said Steve, clasping Eddie's hand in his. "I want to show them."
A smile wormed it's way onto Eddie's face. "Well, dont let me stop you."
Steve smirked "You not coming with me?" Eddie chuckled "as tempting as that may be, I can't wait for the grand reveal... But" he caressed Steve's cheek and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Either way my darling is right here."
And with that Eddie headed back inside.
And yet Steve never felt less alone.
Having to forget hellfire...Having to forget Eddie was the hardest thing he'd ever done.
And Steve had many things he'd rather forget.
But them...never.
His heart broke when he watched them look for him.
Knowing he was right there, not a touch of make up on his face or his product in his hair.
He'd grabbed his mothers hair spray in a rush and just guessed.
Steve had been content to look from the side lines.
Hiding a smile at Eddie's table speeches.
Watching the kids he'd grown to love, who reminded him of better times.
Steve hadn't made any other friends his age other than Robin.
She was the only one who knew, of course she did. She was half his soul afterall.
He had spilled after Eddie got blamed for Chrissy's murder.
Broke down into tears on Family Videos bathroom floor about his past.
That Eddie could die without him ever being able to tell him.
And yet Steve couldn't, he was too afraid.
It was easier for them to hate King Steve.
To hate the facade.
Because if they all knew who he truly was and hated him.
.... Steve didn't know what he'd do.
Robin walked into the kitchen, an I told you so look on he'd face.
"Well, heard your having a grand reveal."
Steve snorted but followed her up to his room. He remembered when the ugly plaid walls were full of posters.
The bits you could see he'd drew and painted on them.
Now it was like Steve himself, covered in something else.
And now, now it was time to lift that cover off.
He had kept as much as he could.
It had been hard at first but when the vists stopped so did the bedroom inspections.
Robin bustled about, grabbing the bits of pieces he'd scattered about.
Together they somehow mashed together an outfit.
It was something considering most of this stuff Steve hadn't touched since the beginning of high school.
But some stuff he'd made in between... When things got to rough it was nice to remember the past.
"And remember, you've got this. If anyone says anything I'll knock em out."
Steve wasn't sure Robin could knock anyone out but he knew better than to underestimate her.
They parted ways and Steve took a deep breath in. Looking at the assembled pieces, a smirk making it's way onto his face.
Oh this was perfect.
Eddie was into the game but not entirely.
He was bouncing a leg impatiently and looking at the door every so often that it was suspicious.
Robin was similarly nervous but she was also death glaring anyone who dared to question her why.
"Okay what's going on with you two?" Whispered Gareth, giving Eddie a pointed look.
Eddie grinned from ear to ear and pressed a finger to his lips.
Gareth was about to re-ask when heavy footsteps came down the hall.
Everyone paused and looked at the source.
No one was prepared for what they saw.
There was Steve except it didn't look like Steve at all... His usual perfect hair was all mussed up, teased with a comb in all directions.
He was wearing a cropped hellfire top but it wasn't one any of the kids had seen.
Because it was one of the originals.
He had a battle vest with "Harrington" cut out from his old old letterman jacket. It was decorated in safety pins and various badges.
One arm had a black fingerless glove. In the other was his infamous nail bat.
His nails were red, his lipstick was purple and was wearing eyeliner.
"Evie..." Whispered Gareth, slowly walking towards him.
"It's me."
That was all Gareth needed to run over and jump into his arms.
Steve dropped his bat and hugged him tightly.
"I thought...we thought..."
"I know... I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." Steve looked at the rest of hellfire who all looked similarly awe struck and emotional.
"My dad..." He didn't have to say more before the rest were hugging him close.
"I knew it! Knew you reminded me of him."
"God, Evie we've missed you so much."
Steve blinked, tears in his eyes. "How are none of you mad? I lied to you? I went to the darkside."
Gareth snorted, shaking his head with tears in his eyes.
"You could've been an actual serial killer and we'd still be happy to see you, dumbass."
Steve laughed, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"So... That photo was real... You're really, like them?" Asks Will, Steve nodded.
"See, told you. We all love our Steve but no one could replace Evie... And look at you, being the 2 coolest people on the room." Said Eddie, unable to take his eyes off Steve.
"And now we don't have to hear Eddie wax poetry about your eyes anymore." Says Jay.
Eddie flips him off but the rest sigh in relief.
"Or the soul crushing melodies about being torn apart by his love for the two of you." Says Gareth, dramatically holding his hand on his heart.
"Eat shit and die Gare."
"Eat shit and live." Countered Gareth with a grin.
Steve snorted, batting his eyelashes "aw come on I wanna hear all about it."
The original members of hellfire and Robin all laughed as Eddie went red.
"You will, believe me... We've got a lot of catching up to do." Says Eddie, pulling Steve close and kissing him.
Steve melted against him, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder with a smile.
"Get a room!"
"We're in one, get your own."
Steve rolled his eyes, idiots... He'd missed them.
Dustin who had been silent the whole time suddenly jumped up and yelled.
And what he did sent the rest of the party into outrage and everyone else into laughter.
"Wait... That means Steve knew about D&D the whole time?!"
[The party: Steve hiding that he was a secret metal head who knew hellfire and Eddie and in love with with Eddie 🤭
The party: Steve having known about D&D the whole time they knew him and never telling them 🤯😡!]
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
i think that robin should bond with all 3 byers kids (el included) and max bc all of them are some aspect of alternative/punk
bonus if robin takes steve’s old clothes and messes w them to make it more her style, and if will and el gives max some of their old clothes (max and el just share a closet at this point)
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Steve who had an alt phase in middle school. And one day the kids find his old stuff.
Because look at them, they are nosy as hell and descend into his room while Steve's too busy cooking.
And descend into his draws and wardrobe, finding among the polo's, mesh tops, different coloured laces, an old battle vest decorated in safety pins and various badges.
Pictures that they all double take at because they don't recognise their babysitter as the young boy with his infamous hair now sprayed and teased to high heaven.
Steve Harrington, not a polo in sight, eyes lined with liner and black lipstick marks on his cheek, looking unrecognisable in a crop top, mesh skirt and high heeled boots.
His arm lazily thrown around another guy looking seconds away from laughing.
While the other guy is laughing manically.
A guy who looks a lot like...
"Is that Eddie?!"
They'd probably be even more suprised if they knew that Jonathan took the photo.
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