#Hellfire stranger things
saramelaniemoon · 4 months
Eddie Munson and Patrick Verona are the same person and you can't convince me otherwise...
part 1
Cool bad boy appearance which means ofc:
Smoking (when someone doesn't stop them)
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Drinking (beer as a necessity and probably hobby at this point)
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School menace starter pack
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Something was off with Eddie.
Steve wasn't sure exactly what it was but the resident metal head was acting werid.
Well, weirder than usual.
He was squinting at Steve when Steve wasn't looking at him.
Like he had something in his eye.
And when Steve did look at him.
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.
He looked nervous and Eddie Munson wasn't supposed to be nervous.
It was freaking Steve out. But nothing short of the actual apocalypse would allow Steve to interrupt D&D.
The kids would probably kill him. "Something on your mind?" Asks Eddie soo after.
The kids finally, finally remembering their was food and had abandoned their game for a feast.
The other members of hellfire grumbled but noticeably didn't object.
While they were still warming up to Steve, no one could deny that the man could cook.
Speaking of, they'd been acting werid too.
Not as obvious as Eddie but they would sneak glances at him.
And whisper behind his back.
"How Max and Dustin are going to fight over who gets my car when they kill me."
Honestly always helped with Eddie.
"My bets on Red." Said Eddie, trying and failing to contain his laughter.
Steve nodded, taking a sip of his coke. "Didn't think you were one to muse on death." Eddie added, he had that look in his eye again. 
And it hadn't escaped Steve that the other wasn't addressing him by name.
"Oh you know, wondered what would happen if I interrupted your devil's and doormans game." Said Steve nonchalantly.
Eddie snorted "hmm yeah they probably would. And don't think I don't know you know what it's actually called."
Their was a teasing glint in his eyes, but their was something else.
Something Steve couldn't put his finger on.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Shrugs Steve, trying to defuse the air. It was just them in the kitchen now, the kids happily eating with the rest of hellfire.
He wished Eddie would just join them.But Eddie had other plans. "No, no I think you do, Evie." Says Eddie, folding his arms and leaning against the door.
Steve knew it was probably just a joke.
Another nickname from the man who gave them out like free sweets.
Didn't stop his blood from running cold.
Fear to overtake his face just for a few seconds before Steve bottled it up.
But Eddie had seen it all.
It was all the proof he needed.
"You know, the kids were snooping about the other day. Nosy little buggers, found some old photo from middle school." The more he talked the slowly he was moving toward Steve.
Who was frozen in place.
"Told em, don't snoop around my shit but the werid thing is... Is that they didn't find it in my room. But that's impossible because the only other person who'd have that picture, moved away years ago." Eddie stopped walking, standing infront of Steve.
"At least, that's what I had thought." He added softly.
Steve opened his mouth, shut it, opened it and shut it again.
He couldn't speak.
He couldn't move.
Of all the things for Eddie to notice, Steve hadn't betted he'd ever notice that.
There was nothing to say.
What could he say to defend himself?
"Eddie I..."
"It's true isn't it?" 
... And that's when Steve noticed that Eddie wasn't angry.
Wasn't glaring at him, wasn't looking down at him like he would have looked at King Steve.
Eddie was...
Eddie was crying.
His eyes were all teary red rimmed and tears were spilling out onto his cheeks.
He didn't even make a move to hide them. Only looking at Steve with a pleading expression.
And any lie Steve may have thought about died on his tongue.
Steve looked down.
"Yeah... It's me."
Instantly he was pulled into a hug. A warm, loving hug. Steve couldn't remember the last time someone had held him like this before.
A stray tear escaped his eye.
"I'm so sorry." Steve blinked, looking up at Eddie, who was now the one who couldn't meet his gaze. "I should've known it was you. I should've known you wouldn't have just vanished into thin air and moved away... I should've known!"
Steve couldn't take that, this was his mess and Eddie shouldn't be blaming himself for it.
"You weren't supposed to."
Eddie went quiet at that.
Steve took a deep breath "my dad left us, my mum remarried. They were in town and he went through my stuff...
And I lost another fight so I had to change or they'd kick me out too. So I did move, I guess, I had to make sure no one would know.
I had to dissappear, I couldn't be that anymore I had to..."
Steve "Evie" Strauss had to vanish.
Steve "King Steve" Harrington had to take his place.
 "But I couldn't get rid of it...and I guess the kids found it." Steve added lamely.
He wanted to be mad but he couldn't.
All he felt now was dread.
He waited, waited for Eddie to let him go.
To storm out.
To yell.
To scream.
Because what Steve had done, was doing was unforgivable to someone like Eddie.
To someone who was so unapologetically himself that hurt Steve to watch.
To turn on your own....
Eddie did none of those things.
"I'm gonna kill em." Steve blinked, looking back at him and seeing fury on his face.
Fury that faded when Eddie saw Steve looking at him. Gently, almost hesitantly Eddie held Steve's hand in his.
Looking at him, with nothing but fondness. 
"And here I was thinking you couldn't be any more metal." He said with a smile, before frowning. "Can't believe all it took was for you to change your style for me to not see you." 
Steve leaned in to the touch.
"You're not mad?"
"Mad? Oh I'm pissed, I'm absolutely going to cash in on those murder charges and get your parents sent to hell."
It shouldn't be possible for someone to sound fond while talking about murder.
But that was Eddie for you.
Constantly breaking every presumption someone made.
"But for you, might be the second happiest day of my life."
Steve raised an eyebrow and Eddie grinned. "Sorry love but you can't surpass the day I got my sweetheart so easily."
Steve couldn't help it he laughed, all the anxiety fading away.
He always felt safe with Eddie, with them all.
He never thought coming second to a guitar would make his heart flutter.
"That's not how murder charges work."
"Ah you'll see, baby bat." Steve snorted "bet you didn't imagine the demobats back than."
Eddie grinned "nope but, it's fitting you know. Can't wait to tell the others..." He looked down, awkward "erm they've guessed but... They don't want to assume and be wrong."
"I don't want to tell them." Said Steve, clasping Eddie's hand in his. "I want to show them."
A smile wormed it's way onto Eddie's face. "Well, dont let me stop you."
Steve smirked "You not coming with me?" Eddie chuckled "as tempting as that may be, I can't wait for the grand reveal... But" he caressed Steve's cheek and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Either way my darling is right here."
And with that Eddie headed back inside.
And yet Steve never felt less alone.
Having to forget hellfire...Having to forget Eddie was the hardest thing he'd ever done.
And Steve had many things he'd rather forget.
But them...never.
His heart broke when he watched them look for him.
Knowing he was right there, not a touch of make up on his face or his product in his hair.
He'd grabbed his mothers hair spray in a rush and just guessed.
Steve had been content to look from the side lines.
Hiding a smile at Eddie's table speeches.
Watching the kids he'd grown to love, who reminded him of better times.
Steve hadn't made any other friends his age other than Robin.
She was the only one who knew, of course she did. She was half his soul afterall.
He had spilled after Eddie got blamed for Chrissy's murder.
Broke down into tears on Family Videos bathroom floor about his past.
That Eddie could die without him ever being able to tell him.
And yet Steve couldn't, he was too afraid.
It was easier for them to hate King Steve.
To hate the facade.
Because if they all knew who he truly was and hated him.
.... Steve didn't know what he'd do.
Robin walked into the kitchen, an I told you so look on he'd face.
"Well, heard your having a grand reveal."
Steve snorted but followed her up to his room. He remembered when the ugly plaid walls were full of posters.
The bits you could see he'd drew and painted on them.
Now it was like Steve himself, covered in something else.
And now, now it was time to lift that cover off.
He had kept as much as he could.
It had been hard at first but when the vists stopped so did the bedroom inspections.
Robin bustled about, grabbing the bits of pieces he'd scattered about.
Together they somehow mashed together an outfit.
It was something considering most of this stuff Steve hadn't touched since the beginning of high school.
But some stuff he'd made in between... When things got to rough it was nice to remember the past.
"And remember, you've got this. If anyone says anything I'll knock em out."
Steve wasn't sure Robin could knock anyone out but he knew better than to underestimate her.
They parted ways and Steve took a deep breath in. Looking at the assembled pieces, a smirk making it's way onto his face.
Oh this was perfect.
Eddie was into the game but not entirely.
He was bouncing a leg impatiently and looking at the door every so often that it was suspicious.
Robin was similarly nervous but she was also death glaring anyone who dared to question her why.
"Okay what's going on with you two?" Whispered Gareth, giving Eddie a pointed look.
Eddie grinned from ear to ear and pressed a finger to his lips.
Gareth was about to re-ask when heavy footsteps came down the hall.
Everyone paused and looked at the source.
No one was prepared for what they saw.
There was Steve except it didn't look like Steve at all... His usual perfect hair was all mussed up, teased with a comb in all directions.
He was wearing a cropped hellfire top but it wasn't one any of the kids had seen.
Because it was one of the originals.
He had a battle vest with "Harrington" cut out from his old old letterman jacket. It was decorated in safety pins and various badges.
One arm had a black fingerless glove. In the other was his infamous nail bat.
His nails were red, his lipstick was purple and was wearing eyeliner.
"Evie..." Whispered Gareth, slowly walking towards him.
"It's me."
That was all Gareth needed to run over and jump into his arms.
Steve dropped his bat and hugged him tightly.
"I thought...we thought..."
"I know... I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." Steve looked at the rest of hellfire who all looked similarly awe struck and emotional.
"My dad..." He didn't have to say more before the rest were hugging him close.
"I knew it! Knew you reminded me of him."
"God, Evie we've missed you so much."
Steve blinked, tears in his eyes. "How are none of you mad? I lied to you? I went to the darkside."
Gareth snorted, shaking his head with tears in his eyes.
"You could've been an actual serial killer and we'd still be happy to see you, dumbass."
Steve laughed, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"So... That photo was real... You're really, like them?" Asks Will, Steve nodded.
"See, told you. We all love our Steve but no one could replace Evie... And look at you, being the 2 coolest people on the room." Said Eddie, unable to take his eyes off Steve.
"And now we don't have to hear Eddie wax poetry about your eyes anymore." Says Jay.
Eddie flips him off but the rest sigh in relief.
"Or the soul crushing melodies about being torn apart by his love for the two of you." Says Gareth, dramatically holding his hand on his heart.
"Eat shit and die Gare."
"Eat shit and live." Countered Gareth with a grin.
Steve snorted, batting his eyelashes "aw come on I wanna hear all about it."
The original members of hellfire and Robin all laughed as Eddie went red.
"You will, believe me... We've got a lot of catching up to do." Says Eddie, pulling Steve close and kissing him.
Steve melted against him, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder with a smile.
"Get a room!"
"We're in one, get your own."
Steve rolled his eyes, idiots... He'd missed them.
Dustin who had been silent the whole time suddenly jumped up and yelled.
And what he did sent the rest of the party into outrage and everyone else into laughter.
"Wait... That means Steve knew about D&D the whole time?!"
[The party: Steve hiding that he was a secret metal head who knew hellfire and Eddie and in love with with Eddie 🤭
The party: Steve having known about D&D the whole time they knew him and never telling them 🤯😡!]
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father-dingus · 1 year
I saw a post awhile ago saying that Robin and Steve would end up playing the same DnD character (I can't find it anywhere plz help lmao. I'll tag them if I do find it.) and I totally agree.
But, I also love the idea that Eddie wouldn't allow that because they have to play their own seperate characters (or at least something along those lines) and makes them make new characters. Instead, they figure out a way to work around that. They make conjoined twin characters. That way they can both play two people but they are quite literally attached by the hip. Where ever one goes, so does the other. They share a body too. So, maybe they only roll one dice or both roll two different dice but it only effects one attack. If they were to use a bow and arrow for example, Robin's roll effects the hold of the actual bow but Steve's roll would effect the pull of the string. So, if Robin rolled high the aim would be on point but, then Steve rolls low and the power behind the actual shots a little lackluster.
I also love the idea that Eddie does everything he can to try and split them up.
"Sir Steve and Bobin. The old witch approaches you, her eyes glistening in joy at the sight of her lost spell book. 'Oh thank you, thank you for getting it back! In reward I offer you both this potion which grants you both your own bodies to possess.' " Eddie says, eyebrows raising near the end of his speech in expectancy.
"No thanks." Steve and Robin say at the same time, both quite literally said looking like the epitome of the :) emoticon (and if they end up keeping the spell book in spite... Well that's Eddie's problem).
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i-had-a-novel-idea · 2 years
His Queen | E. Munson
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Eddie is always working on creating new campaigns for Hellfire and isn’t one to be easily distracted. However, his girlfriend is one person he is happy to be distracted by.
Tw: none
     Hawkin’s High was, at the very least, a cliche. The jocks and rich kids were one in the same; and those that didn’t play a sport or drive a BMW were outcasts. More accurately, they are deemed freaks by Jason and his group of ball in laundry basket players.
     ‘86 was a hell of a year to be a high school senior who preferred the imaginative quests of Dn’D. But for Eddie Munson, such a game was the foundation in which he found a group of sheep that would follow him and raise him up into his own version of popularity.
     However, while being the founder and DM of Hellfire was something that Eddie prided himself on and openly rubbed in the faces of Jason and his goons for pure enjoyment, it was not always easy to run such a club. He would spend hours creating stories in his mind that would capture the attention of his sheep for months on end as the campaigns were known to be arduous journeys for the party.
     As he sits hunched over a notebook, Metallica blaring from the speakers of his boom box, he is entirely oblivious to the knock on the front door or the fact that whoever it was gave up after the first knock (it was more of a courtesy knock really) and let themselves in.
    Walking down the short hallway of the Munson trailer, y/n was not surprised to hear the harsh vocals of Metallica ringing out from behind Eddie’s closed bedroom door. Seeing an opportunity to scare the Dungeon Master, she slowly creeps to the door hoping that the song is not nearing any final notes. As she inches closer and closer to the white barrier, she allows a grin to form on her face, smile lines appearing in the creases of her eyes as she imagines what Eddie might do if she is able to actual scare him. As she reaches the final few feet between herself and the door, she pauses slightly and takes a deep breath.
    Slowly, y/n reaches her hand out to grasp onto the brass door knob that sat at hip level, and begins to turn it ever so gently, so as to not produce any sudden squeaks that may give her away. Feeling the latch pull free of the doorjamb, she begins to slowly push the door inwards, revealing bit by bit the room that holds so many memories for the young couple. 
    From creating the first designs of the Hellfire Club shirts on the floor, to the intense debates on who had a better taste in music, and even a multitude of firsts happened in this room. The first kiss, the first “I love you”, the first time, the first time Eddie admitted that her music choices weren’t “always that bad” (though he would never admit that he would listen to her favorite songs when he missed her, and would listen to certain songs on repeat just so he could surprise her with mini concerts). 
     As the door completes its inward swing, y/n is met with view of Eddie hunched over at the cluttered desk near his window, furiously scribbling in his notebook, DnD manuals all around as he created yet another insane campaign that was, admittedly, a little sadistic. The smile on her face spread even further as she stared at the back of his head, hair unkempt and frizzy, though that was nothing running her fingers through it couldn't fix; and she had every intention of doing so.
Stepping into the room she kept her sights on him hoping that she could make it across the narrow room without him noticing her presence. Though in her moment of admiration upon first entering the room, she failed to notice the slight hitch in Eddie’s hand as he stopped writing for a few seconds, beginning again at a slightly slower pace as though his concentration had been disrupted. 
    Just as she steps up behind him and begins to reach out her hand with every intention of sending a light shove to his shoulder, Eddie spins around and grabs her wrist, effectively stopping her attack and at the same time pulls her down to sit sideways on his lap. He leans into her ear so she can hear him over his music, “Well hello there boogie woman, have you come to scare me? Maybe hide under my bed? Or, my personal favorite, on my bed?” He raises an eyebrow and has his signature grin spreading across his slightly chapped lips from him constantly bitting them in concentration as he conspires new ways to make Hellfire more and more... hellish. 
    “How did you know I was there?! I was so quiet and your music is so loud!” She huffs in sarcastic and playful annoyance as she tries to get off of his lap, feigning irritation. Eddie reaches over and turns the music down to a more tolerable level, then refocuses his attention on his beautiful girlfriend. 
    “You really think I wouldn’t know when I am in the presence of my queen?” He slaps a hand over his heart in a wounded manner and leans back in the chair effectively knocking them over onto the floor. 
    “EDDIE!!”, she screams in fright as she tries to stop the effects of gravity on her body as they tumble over. Eddie makes sure to take the impact of the fall, not wanting to hurt her but finding some amusement in the inevitable twinkle of mirth that finds its way into her eyes as she pushes herself up, her hands on his chest for balance. She can feel both the vibration of his laugh and the pounding of his heart underneath her palm as she stares down at his face. His eyes are closed and his mouth is turned in a full blown smile as he laughs out loud at her reaction. 
    “Don’t do that! Are you ok?” She moves to straddle his lower stomach since her previous sitting position in the chair was not a comfortable position on the floor. She moves one hand to the floor and uses her other to move his hair off of his forehead, running her fingertips lightly through the tangles of brown curls that she adores so she can check the back of his head that hit the floor.
    He slowly stops laughing like a maniac and stares up at her, watching the concentration and concern filter through her eyes as she inspects his head for any injuries. “No I am definitely not ok.” He says it in such a serious way, even adding a slight shake of his head and a wince, that has y/n immediately pulling back with a growing look of worry waiting for him to tell her exactly what is wrong. “I think I died and went to heaven cause there is this beautiful angel above me.” 
    She hits his arm, “Don’t do that! I thought you were really hurt!” He pulls her down and hugs her to him as he starts laughing once more enjoying the slight rise that he could get out of her. 
    “I’m serious Eddie that’s not funny! I thought you hit your head and killed off those last couple of braincells that have been hanging on for the last few years. If they were gone how would you be able to come up with DnD campaigns. It would be such a shame if the legendary DM of Hellfire had to give up his throne to one of the sheep.” As she speaks, a teasing tone slips throughout her words and Eddie’s jaw slowly drops and he moves his hands to her shoulders and pushes her off of himself, to the floor, and rolls over on top of her to stare down into her eyes with a look of complete shock. 
    “What do mean ‘last couple of braincells’?! I will have you know that there are more than a couple braincells up here.” He points to his head and lightly pokes himself in the temple, “I know for a fact that are exactly eight braincells up here and each one is very dedicated to their job. It’s not my fault that two of them are dedicated solely to you my queen. They are but your humble servants within my head.” He sarcastically bows as best he can given their current position. 
     Again, y/n reaches out to slap him lightly, this time going for the back of his head as it is inline with her vision. Eddie snaps his hand out quickly, grabbing her wrist and turning it over in front of his face, pressing a soft kiss to the palm of her hand. “Now now, let’s not risk harming any of my eight braincells.” 
     “You are such a goof Eddie Munson!” She laughs out as he pulls her arm around him as he leans down to fully cover her with his body, hugging her to him like she was the most precious thing to ever be within his presence, which, to Eddie, she most definitely was. 
     She lets him lay there for a few minutes slowly moving her hand up and down his back, feeling the different materials that adorned the denim vest that was a standard part of his wardrobe. “Do you think we could possibly move off the floor now? My back is starting to hurt lovey.” She knows that using his nickname would make him all shy. Sure enough, she hears him softly chuckle and nuzzle further into her neck. 
      “But I’m comfy here angel. Don't you want to just cuddle for a little longer.”
      “What about what you were working on when I got here? Don't you still have to finish writing the campaign, school starts up again in like two weeks.” She runs her hand up into his hair and softly scratches her nails on his scalp, getting a soft sigh from Eddie in the process.
     “I can do it later. Just want to be distracted for a little while by my queen. Though I wouldn’t be opposed to ordering some pizza and moving this cuddle session to the bed. Would definitely be a lot more...comfy.” Eddie starts to lift his head to gauge her reaction to his suggestion.
     “If we move to your bed, it is just cuddling.  No funny business mister. I know you too well to just take your word that all you want is more cuddles. Last time I fell for that Wayne almost walked in on us cause you decided listening to music was perfect for “the mood” and we almost didn't hear him in time.” As she recalls the almost catastrophic moment, Eddie has moved off of her and begins to stand up. He reaches down and offers her his hand to stand with him at the side of his bed. 
    With her now standing, Eddie again pulls her into his arms, resting his cheek on the top of her head since she really only reaches to his chin. “I said I was sorry angel. I didn't know he would be home early and you have to admit it was definitely a thrill; almost getting caught.”
    “You are something else Eddie Munson. I swear, one of these days you are going to get us caught at a bad time and I’m going to leave you to explain it to whoever is so unfortunate.” She chuckles under her breath as she speaks, a little teasing grin slipping onto her face.
    “If I promise no funny business and to be the one to take the fall should anything happen in the future, can I please get my pizza and cuddle time? Being DM is so stressful and I just need my queen. I may even let you help me come up with some surprises for the sheep. Let them know that I’m not the only sadistic one in this town.” He wears a grin the match her own and she finally agrees to his proposal. 
    “Fine! You are lucky your cute Munson. Besides, I’ve been thinking about it since you told me about this campaign and I thought it would be cool if you had something where Vecna makes some kind of unexpected return.”
   Eddie smiles even wider hearing his girlfriend, his angel, his Queen become fully invested in the campaign that he has been pouring his heart and soul into for all of winter break. Usually he would hate to be distracted from creating the most metal campaign ever, but for her, he would welcome any. distraction he could get just to see her smile, hear her laugh, and be able to wrap her up in his arms while they discuss every kind of way to bring back the dark wizard. 
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joshkiszkachaos · 2 years
The Morning After
Paring: Eddie Munson x Plus Size Female Reader
Summary: After a drunken night Y/n wakes up naked next to her high school crush Eddie Munson with no memory of the night before.
Warning: 18+, mentions of sex, bruises, hickies and alcohol use, light smut.
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Waking up slowly, you blinked adjusting your eyes to the light. Looking around you realized you were not in your room. Panic filled your mind as your heart started to raise waking you up out of your daze. You felt hands on your lower waist and you flinched when you realized they weren't your own.
These hands belonged to someone who's bed you were currently in. You couldn't see the person beside you since their head was engulfed by the pillows and their hair fell down over their face. Removing the blanket you gently removed their hands from you by their wrists. As you inspected this person's hand you couldn't help but see they had tattoos and these tattoos seemed all too familiar.
No. It couldn't be, could it? Looking to the side to gather your thoughts and to decide if this was a dream or not, your eyes landed on the Corroded Coffin banner and Eddie's guitar hanging up on the wall. Not thinking about it for another second, you quickly placed his hands gently at his side making sure not to wake him, and you slowly slid over him off the bed. You cursed quietly to yourself when the floor creaked as it came in contact with your foot.
Feeling a slight breeze you looked down realizing you were naked. Quickly collecting your clothes from the floor, you put them on trying not to wake him. Thinking you succeeded, you let out a sigh of relief as you zipped up your jeans. Looking over at the bed, your eyes widened as they connected with another pair of deep brown ones. Your face was now turning red, you pulled your eyes from his and awkwardly looked around. Eddie leaned onto his elbow as he stared at you from the bed.
You rubbed your hands on your thighs nervously reconnecting your eyes with his you smiled. "Uhh hey Eddie. Last night was great but I'm sorry, I should be going now." You say trying to run over to the bedroom door just to get stopped by him. "Wait." You shut your eyes tight and prayed the he will just let whatever happened last night go without having to have a conversation about it.
Turning around you looked at him, he was shirtless and had only boxers on. You tried to look him in the eyes but his chest was basically on full display in front of you. He smiled and came closer to you "You're not leaving without having breakfast are you? After care is my specialty." He admits putting his hands on your shoulders leaving you to wonder how many times he's done this.
 “I really think I should leave, my parents will be worried sick." You lie previous telling your parents you were staying over at your friend's house. Which is all your memory could replay at this point, now finding yourself somehow doing the walk of shame from your crushes house.
"No please stay, it's my treat." He's says practically begging you to stay. It was weird hearing this from him, did he really enjoy last night so much he wants me to stay? or does he see this as some sort of pay back for last night? A million questions formed in your head as Eddie took his hands off you and got dressed. Once he finished he walked back over to you and reached forward causing your eyes to widen. Closing them tight you waited for whatever contact he was going to make with you. However, it never came. Instead he reached around you and said "Excuse me." You opened your eyes and moved to the side letting him leave the room.
Eddie came back a second later and gave your clothes that you packed for the sleepover and a towel. "Here. If you wanna take a shower it's the second door on the left." He says smiling as he left again.
What the hell, how did your clothes end up here? Pushing the thought aside for a moment, you walked over to his bathroom and closed the door locking it. You sat the towel and your clothes down on the toilet lid and took off your clothes. The cold air suddenly hit your body as you stood there naked feeling strange in someone else's home. Looking at yourself in the mirror, your hair was a mess and your face was flushed you were embarrassed that you looked like that in front of Eddie.
However, that isn't what struck you the most there was countless bruises all over your body. Your thighs, your waist and chest were all covered in purple finger marks, on your neck and stomach laid fresh hickies. There was no way Eddie had done this last night, why would he want to after he'd seen you naked.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door making you jump "Hey, are pancakes alright with you?" He said through the door. "Yes." You managed to get out trying to cover yourself up as if he was about to burst through the door, even though you knew it was locked.
"Great." He said as you heard shuffling footsteps walk further away. Assuming he left you turned on the water and took your shower. After you showered, you dried off and got dressed. Since you didn't have a brush, you combed your fingers through your hair the best you could and left it at that. Collecting your dirty clothes, you walked down the hallway following the smell of pancakes.
"Hey, the pancakes are ready." He said smiling over at you while setting down two plates onto the kitchen table. You nod noticing your bag on the couch, you walked over to it and put your clothes inside. Turning back around you stood there for a moment stealing glances between Eddie and the front door thinking about how easy it'd be to get out of here. Just make an excuse and running seemed like the best thing to do without having to have an awkward conversation about how this was a one time deal.
As if Eddie read your mind, he turned around and looked at you "Your pancakes are getting cold love." You felt butterflies in your stomach at the nickname and you slowly walked over to the table and sat down. "Thank you." You said looking down at the plate of food in front of you. He nodded and started eating, with you following along.
It was silent until Eddie spoke up "So, how was last night?" I look up at him. "You know, did you enjoy it?" He says curiously as he put another piece of food in his mouth. "See thats the thing about last night, I don't remember anything that happened." You admitted to him as he looked shocked at you.
"You don't remember anything? Not even us, you know umm..." You shook your head no and he looked down thinking. "Well, I can tell you what happened if you want." He suggested casually. "Ok..." You said nervously but desperate to figure out how all this happened.
"Last night you and your friends came over here with some of my friends, then we all got drunk and somehow we ended up having sex." He says as his hand was slowly inching towards yours on the table.
"Oh." You said quietly as pulled your hands onto your lap. "Did you umm," you sigh looking down picking at your fingers. "Was it...okay?" You finished looking over at him. "I should be asking you that question. Judging by the looks of you, it was more than okay for me." He smirked and sat up straight pulling his hands back.
You laughed and nodded remembering the way you looked in the mirror. "Eddie can I ask you something?" You said nervously. "Yeah." He said pulling his chair closer to yours concerned. "Well, did you mind that I was umm...bigger than most girls?" He caught on immediately trying to catch your eyes as he lowered his head.
"No, not at all. Actually, it was kind of nice to have someone who I was not afraid to break and you know me, who am I to go along with what society rules is beautiful or not." He grinned while throwing his hands in the air enthusiastically.
You blushed at his attitude towards your question with shifting eyes, he sucked in a breath and held your hand in your lap. "I'm sorry about last night, I kind of bruised you up." He chuckles lightly as he stared at your neck and then back up to your eyes.
"It's okay." You said smiling slightly as a red tint flushed on your cheeks. You looked over at him and he was looking deep into your eyes almost like he was in his own world. Then he moves closer and stuck his thumb onto your lips and circled them before dragging your bottom lip down. "God you’re so sweet, I bet you taste like syrup." He scooted closer to you and you looked at him in shock as he stared at you like he was ready to devour you.
"Can I kiss you." He asked practically begging you to let him. You nodded not being able to form words.
He reached over and started to kiss you eagerly. You kissed him back softly afraid to make the wrong move. However, he kisses you with no care in the world licking all over your mouth capturing the sweetness of the syrup off the corners of your mouth. He grabbed your chair and pulled it towards himself earning a surprised gasp from you.
He took this chance to stick his tongue in your mouth and explore every crook and cranny there was. You moaned softly and kissed him passionately no longer afraid of the thoughts in your mind as they were now crowded with desire. Now lost in the kiss, he wrapped his hands around your waist and tried to pull you into him. You stood up a bit and leaned forward as you continued kissing him.
He pulled you down towards him as he signaled for you to sit down on him. You pulled away and he catched his breath looking up at you worried "Are you okay?" You looked away and sat back down in the chair "Yeah." He held your hands in your lap and he looked over at you with curiousity written all over his face "Then what's the problem?" Playing with his rings nervously you spoke "I'm too heavy for you." His eyebrows furrowed as he laughed to himself
"Babe that's like the whole point." He laughs nervously leaning in. "The pressure it umm feels good." He admits with shifting eyes. You looked up at him "Oh." staying silent trying to decide your next move. However Inside Eddie's head there was a war going on between his emotions. He wanted you to sit on him again but he tried to push those thoughts away and out of his head unsure of how you were feeling.
Fuck it, you thought as you got up surprising Eddie throwing one leg over his lap and straddling him. "Wha-" he let out a little moan as you fully sat down on top of him. Eddie was at a lost for words as he stared at you in shock and admiration. You stared deep into his chocolate eyes and slowly leaned in. You put your forehead against his and breathed him in as your lips hoved over his.
A minute went by before any of you did anything, Eddie broke it by kissing you softly and placing a hand on your jaw. You slowly kissed him back and then matched his pace when he sped up. Soon enough, you two were making out and as you slowly moved against him. It was almost like something snapped in him as he started kissing you hard and fast. Standing you two up, he pushed you halfway against the kitchen counter and grinded himself against you. Moaning you ran your hands through his hair as he ran his hands all over your body squeezing some parts tigther then others.
You guys continued kissing until the front door opened, both your heads snapped to the trailer door seeing Wayne standing there. Quickly, you both ripped yourselves off each other as you avoided eye contact with him awkwardly standing in the kitchen. He stood there looking at you guys for a moment before he walked into the trailer and took off his jacket and work shoes. He said nothing as he passed you both in the kitchen.
"Pancakes?" You spoke smiling over to him trying to break the heavy tension in the air . He opened the fridge and took out a beer "No thanks doll, I'm pretty tired from work." You nodded as he left the kitchen, stopping in the hallway he addressed Eddie. "Next time, be cautious of the time so I don't run into something like that again." Eddie nodded even though he couldn't see him "Yes sir." Hearing a door shut, you and Eddie both looked over at each other and fell into a fit of laughter.
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mothball-munson · 1 year
Eddie Munson:
The Starter Pack / Before the Relationship
He was (and still is) totally smitten with you long before dating
Even as friends he has referred to you as “my girl/boy/”
Eddie does his best to flirt but often gets flustered and can be a bit awkward with it. His experience with romance is extremely limited due to his reputation. as well as his focus being on other things.
Comes up with elaborate excuses to be around you. Ex: says he left something in a room right next to the one your headed to just to walk you to class. There is nothing he left behind. His class is on the opposite side of the school. 
Exchanging notes and leaving them in each other’s bags/lockers to find.
Protective af. 
Both make spicy jokes and tease each other making a point that is “definitely a joke” but you both mean it.
He can’t help but stare longingly at you if your anywhere in sight. Everyone seems to notice it a lot more than he does.
Friends to lovers ❤️
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hannahleightattoos · 1 year
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meeting joseph quinn in four days and my brain said “hey you know how you’ve painted two portraits of him already? yeah? well fuck those two and let’s do another 👀”
i am so unbelievably overwhelmed at the fact that joe is gonna see this and sign it???? like? how is this happening to me 😭😭😭
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devil-girl-888 · 10 months
Can everyone atop bitching about this man's hair. Yes he was fine asf with his hair pulled back and facial hair but look at him!!! Cutie!!!!!! He looks adorable like that!! It shows off his curls more! He's so attractive no matter what because his personality is beautiful. You're not his partner you don't have a say in his appearance. I like him no matter how that man looks. OOOOF he's fine <3
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Land of Infinite Wonder
Arbors note- I got inspired while listening to Light My Love by Greta Van fleet. You should give it a listen.
Warnings- fluff, a bit of angst over Eddie’s mom.
Summary- sometimes after a shit day all you need it the one you love.
It had been one of those days. You missed your alarm and ran late, you tripped getting out of bed, traffic was a bitch, everything seemed to move two miles an hour today. You were miserable. You had a shift after school and that was equally as crappy. Customers treated you like shit and you dropped and shattered something and got yelled at by your boss.
After getting home you lay on your bed and stare at your ceiling. You lay there for what feels like hours. You watch the evening turn into the night, as the night falls and gets deeper a debate begins to take hold in your mind. “Do I call him? It’s a school night. I shouldn’t. But he said if I need him. Ugh fuck it”
You grab the phone off the wall and dial Eddie’s number. It rings for a bit when a click happens and an irritated groggy voice answers the phone.
“Hey Ed’s” you breathe quietly into the receiver.
His voice softens. “Hey sweetheart. Sorry we didn’t see each other much today. Had to work after school.”
“Me to Ed’s.”
“You okay sweets? Why are you callin so late?”
“Do you wanna go on a late night drive with me and then get high and skip school tomorrow?”
“Babe where is this coming from?”
“I had a real shit day Ed’s. I’m tired. I just wanna spend time with you.”
“Okay baby. Whatever you need. You wanna drive or me.”
“I wanna drive. I’ll pick you up outside your trailer in 10.”
You arrive at Eddie’s trailer and he gets in the truck. You reach over and hold his hand as you drive around Hawkins blasting your favorite music. Eventually you drive up to the lake and park down by the seaside. Leaving the music on you grab a pillow and blanket from the back of the truck and you lay down in the back. The two of you get high and then lay down beneath the stars.
Eddie wraps around you as a big spoons. Tucking his head into your neck he just listened as you hummed along to your favorite song with his hands around your waist. Eventually at your favorite part you begin to sing.
“Your mind is a stream of colors
Extending beyond our sky
A land of infinite wonders
A billion lightyears from here now”
You stop singing and start stroking the arms wrapped around your waist.
“This song reminds me of you Ed’s.”
“The song. It reminds me of you.”
“Well I think your mind is beautiful Eddie. It makes my life so much brighter. I’m grateful to have you in my life Eddie. Thank you for this tonight. I really needed this.”
You hear Eddie sniffle behind you.
“I love you sweets”
“I love you too Eddie.”
He squeezes you into him and gives you a peck on the shoulder.
“Dance with me sweets”
“Come on dance with me.”
Eddie stands from the back of the truck and pulls you with him. He begins to waltz to the song. One could debate on whether or not it was a song you could dance to but it didn’t matter he made it work.
“Wow Eddie I didn’t know you could dance.”
“My mom and I used to dance all the time. She loved to dance.”
“I wish I could have met your mom.”
“I wish you could have too. She would have loved you.” He pulls you into him so your head is resting on his shoulder. He guides the two of you back and forth to the song and every once in awhile he slowly spins you around.
After dancing for awhile he can tell you’re getting tired so he leads you back to the truck and puts you in the passenger seat. He drives you back to his trailer where he helps you get ready for bed and he lays you down and curls up behind you.
He begins to sing Into your ear. You recognize it immediately.
“Your mind is a stream of colors
Extending beyond our sky
A land of infinite wonders
A billion lightyears from here now”
When he finishes the lyrics he leaves a kiss on the top of your head.
“Goodnight sweets.”
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creepydude78 · 1 year
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Rock vampire eddie for you, all humping the mic stand
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akiratoro420 · 1 year
Viewer discretion advised
I need Eddie so bad it's not even funny guys 😵‍💫
Alright ik no one asked for this but...
It exists.
Akira x Eddie Sketches
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👆 bunny girl Akira
Shitty attempt to draw his room
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Heh 👀
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Hahahaha!! I added moe!
There is more to come, lemme kno what u wanna see next 👀
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shedoesnthaveaclue · 2 years
You ask - I give to you my lovelies 🥰 Another Eddie Munson Audio
Imagine: Eddies been away with the gang for a trip to California while you’ve been stuck home studying. Finally he gets home to you and the first thing he intends to do is pound you into the bed until you can’t see straight anymore🫠🥹❤️
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joshkiszkachaos · 2 years
I Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Plus Size Female Reader
A/n: This one shot is pure fluff.
Warning: Mentions of insecurities and comparison.
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Today was the day Eddie's band would be preforming in the Hawkins High School Talent Show. He'd honestly been looking forward to showing his peers the right kind of music, that he believed everyone should be listening to, Metal.
You would lie if you said you weren't scared for him, being bullied, harassed and called the school freak by your peers doesn't seem like the perfect crowd to be performing for. However you had full trust in Eddie and his ability to shut down anyone who opposed him since he already held his own. Whether that was by his weird yet, interesting sense of humour or by running if they were seriously gonna kick his ass.
Since you can't fight an entire basketball team for him by yourself you decided to stay out of it. If he would end up running away, you were always there to comfort him and remind him he's not any less of a man for running. In your mind it was the logical thing to do, one man against a team of highly active bullies was a recipe for disaster.
You got off the bus and watched everyone fill into the school. Nerves were eating at your insides as you walked over to the school doors, following along everyone to the auditorium. Deciding to sit down next to Dustin, he looked over at you and smiled as he greeted you "Hey y/n! Are you excited? Eddie's been waiting to show off his guitar playing skills for a while, tonight's the night." He reminded you. Nodding at him you bit your nails in anticipation while shaking your leg nervously looking towards the stage.
God please let Eddie be okay you thought.
"Please welcome Corroded Coffin!" The student announcer said walking off stage as the Curtin dropped. Dustin and the other Hellfire boys started to shout for them. Your heart almost shot out of your chest looking over at the stage, lights started flashing back and forth and the only thing we could see was their shiny instruments reflecting off the light.
Gareth started to play his drums lightly almost making the crowd wait in anticipation. All the sudden the lights lit up the stage and the whole band started to play one of their songs. You looked at people in the audience, they held no expression and were just talking amoungest themselves. You looked at the stage and seen Eddie, and even if it was only for a minute you relaxed and watched him play his guitar.
Amazement was the only way to describe what you felt seeing Eddie play his heart out on stage each night. Your stomach would always do a flip everytime you would catch a glimpse of the smirk on his face directed over to you when he catches you staring. Blushing you looked down at his fingers again still very much focused on him and his talent.
All the sudden high pitch screams were heard from the audience. All the females stood up and practically threw themselves onto the stage as Eddie played a riff to one of their popular songs. You felt like you were watching the first Elvis performance when the girls thirsted for a piece of forbidden fruit they didn't know they wanted before. However this time, the boys of the school were also into the music as they shouted and jumped up and down at the band now joining in with Eddie.
You watched them with wide eyes, confused at first but then you were shocked and the nerves were no longer there as you realized that it wouldn't just be you, Dustin and the other Hellfire boys screaming for them as they finished. Wow, they actually did it, they changed this boring crowd into a metal loving audience.
"Isn't this amazing!" Dustin yells over at you over the music. Nodding and beaming at him you hugged him in excitement and jumped up and down at the music with the crowd. Singing along to the song with the rest of Hellfire boys, you realised no one knew the lyrics but you, The Hellfire boys and The band but it didn't matter. Corroded Coffin had won over the school and maybe now the club wouldn't be such outsiders and be called freaks from now on. Probably not but one can dream, let's just enjoy the moment you thought.
Their song ended and the boys bowed and the Curtin fell down, everyone went back to their seats. You and Dustin watched the rest of the show as the rest of the Hellfire boys including Eddie were slowly making their way back. Looking back, you seen Eddie being swarmed by girls being more than friendly asking for autographs and pictures. Feeling a pang of jealously in your chest, you tried to shake it off reminding yourself that Eddie wasn't yours and even if it felt that way to you, he could still do what he wants.
Being the closest girl to Eddie and him being quite over protect of you, you kind of felt there was something there but maybe he only thought of you as a sister. Seeing him next to those girls made you realize that maybe he would be better off with one of them instead of you. With those thoughts in your head you turned back around and shifted uncomfortably your seat as you finished watching the other performers.
A bit later you felt arms wrap around your shoulders from behind. Looking down, you see familiar tattoos. Eddie you thought. "Hey guys like the show?" He says smiling between the two of you. "Yeah it was amazing, your guitar solo was insane." Dustin says in awe looking at Eddie for a moment before going back to talk to Mike.
All the sudden, you felt Eddies warm breath against your ear sending goosebumps all over your body. "What about you, Hmmm?" He grins from behind you. Trying to shrug the feeling off, you focused on the stage in front of you "It was good as usual."
"I seen you looking at me, did you like what you seen?" He said with a glint of playfulness. Turning around you shoved him playfully "knock it off." He holds his hands up in surrender mode and laughs lightly.
"It's alright princes, no need to get defensive. I liked the attention." He admits smiling. You felt exposed as he called you out but you stood your ground "yeah, I'm sure you did and those girls over there gave you plenty of it."
"Hey, you're not mad at me are you?" He asked sounding concerned as he leaned closer. "No." You spoke flatly crossing your arms. Dustin looked over at you questionably and you gave him a glare as if to say what are you looking at?
He quickly looks away as Eddie leans back in his seat "Good cause one of them actually gave me their number and she wants to go out Friday." He says nonchalantly smirking as you turned to look at his cocky expression. Getting up you walked out of the theater, decided you couldn't sit there and hear him talk about it anymore or deal with his teasing.
Eddie gets up and follows you as he murmurs shit a few times to himself trying to catch up to you. Walking out of the school he grabbed your wrist. "What!" You yell at him causing him to release your wrist and step back cautiously. Softening your voice you continue "I'm sorry I- just." You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "I just don't want to hear about you and whatever girl you're seeing okay."
"Why?" He asks genuinely concerned about your sudden outburst. Looking away you responded "I can't." You held back tears as you begin to walk away again. But before you could do so, he pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back comfortingly. Trying to pull away, his hold only strengthens around you. Wrapping your arms around him you cried into his chest.
After a few minutes, he pull away and he rested his hands on your forearms looking down at you. "Please, tell me what's wrong." Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes getting ready for whatever impending doom awaits you after you confess.
"Listen, Eddie. I have a crush on you and before you say anything, I just want you to know I don't expect you to feel the same way. No one ever does. However, I just wanted you to know this so that before you go on that date, you know you have me as an option- not that you'll choose me over her seeing as that she is clearly the better looking option. I also understand if I made things weird by suddenly confessing and you don't wanna be friends with me anymore-"
Eddie takes you by surprise and kisses you passionately. It was warm and gentle, as he moved his lips effortlessly on top of yours. You stood like a deer caught in head lights trying to register what was happening. Slowly melting into his kiss, you kissed him back swearing that your lips had a mind of their own. It was your first kiss and even though you weren't sure what to do, your body reacted for you. After a minute or two he pulled away and smiled at you "You're right, I don't want to be your friend anymore." You looked at him with question and a bit of concern.
Did he not like the kiss? Was that a goodbye kiss? Oh no you ruined it, you ruined everything thing. You started to think maybe you should've kept your mouth shut. He doesn't feel the same way you thought, how could he? He was just teasing you like he always did. Nothing more, nothing less.
"I wanna be more than friends, I wanna be your boyfriend, your soulmate, your lover and your bestfriend. I just wanna be yours." You stared at him in disbelief, no one had ever responded to you like that usually when you have a crush they say they don't feel the same, or they're not looking for a realtionship right now even though you seen them flirting with other girls.
But not Eddie he was standing right in front of you confessing his love and being totally open. "but what about..." You looked down at yourself and then looked at him in the eyes again. "What about, what?" He genuinely looked confused as to what you were talking about.
You thought you were dreaming when you heard him say that. No guy has ever seen past your weight before. So, it was was safe to say you were shocked when you heard his response and if possible, you felt even more inlove with him. "What about my size, I know I'm not skinny and I don't have thin thighs or a flat stomach, how could you love me when you have perfect girls falling at your feet."
Eddie furrows his eyebrows and sighs "First of all, I don't care about you're size. You're beautiful the way you are, and to be honestly I don't see why people judge other people for that when it has nothing to do with who they are on the inside-not that you're any less attractive on the outside babe." He smirks and winks at you.
"And second of all, you know that girl who I said wanted to hang out with me and get my number?" You swallow hard and nod as you look away, it still kind of hurt imagining him with another girl. " Well, I gave her a fake number. I'm not interested in her, I haven't been interested in another girl since you've joined Hellfire." He admits with no shame. You blush at his confession and smile over at him.
"Really?" You say softly. He nods smiling as he takes his hair and puts it over his mouth. He stands back and reached for your hand."Y/n Y/m Y/l will you give me the honour of being your boyfriend?" Eddie says bowing."Yes." You say smiling at him as he kisses your hand.
He looks up at you and asked "Can I hug you again?" You nod as he puts your arm around his torso and engulfs you in a huge hug. "You're so cute when your jealous, did you know that?" Huffing you glare up at him "kidding, kidding. I'm just kidding babe." He says giving you an award winning smile as he pulls you in tighter rocking you back and forth when he notices you try to squirm your way out of his grasp.
A/N: I know it's been awhile since I promised plus size Eddie Munson stories to you guys but they're all just in my drafts waiting for me to edit them properly. Here's one I wrote a bit ago.
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ok-boke · 1 year
ok-boke's Recommendation Masterlist
I was tired of play hide 'n seek with old stories in my likes. So I'm just going to leave them here so I can find them better and so other people can find them easier too ♥︎
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Beth by @farfromharry
Eddie’s trying to navigate adulthood after a baby is dropped on him from a prior hookup. He tries his best for the baby girl and does well, things are made even easier with the help of his friends around him. When he meets you his life flips again, and although it takes a while to admit your feelings, he eventually ends up with a family he never expected he would have.
june baby by @luveline
you're a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. queue smiley face oatmeal, grossly misused power tools, desserts on the living room floor, a haircut, and an abundance of nerd metaphors
the pain of letting you go by @strangermarvelss
you've separated from your husband, eddie, but aren't looking to rebound anytime soon. but he is
Penny 'Verse by @queenimmadolla
having found a family in your friends, Hawkins is no longer a sinkhole to you, so when you and Eddie discover you’re expecting, letting all your other plans go in favor of starting a family isn’t all that difficult.
Billy Hargrove
18 by @perpetuelledaydreaming
Billy Hargrove needs a Queen and you need someone to help you get out of the hellhole that you are currently in as you move to Hawkins. It should be an easy and obvious solution, right?
the hurt is good by @bookshelf-dust
Cruel Summer by @billyhargrovetitties
It’s the summer of 1985 and Kim has insisted that it will be her best summer ever. This will her time to get invited to parties, learn what it's like to be high, and that she will finally lose her virginity. Nothing ever goes as planned, however, and her stepbrother Billy seems to become a bigger nuisance than ever. A deal is struck between the two of them and Kim is not sure if her life can ever go back to normal. (Includes stepcest, some violence, drug use and drinking and of course smut) {This will be so long lol}
Good Neighbors (Steddie X Reader) (Book One) by @justmeinadaze
You move into a new apartment complex with you six year old son while going through a divorce. You meet your sexy neighbors Steve and Eddie who are adorable with your kiddo and both care a lot about you.
We're A Family (Book Two) by @justmeinadaze
Steve, Eddie, reader, and her son are now all under one roof taking things one day at a time with their taboo little family.
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Steve Rogers
the send-off by @earth616variant
Being his best friend and assistant, Howard Stark asked you to be the first one to be tested on his time machine project. After some unexpected errors, you ended up stuck in the modern times of the 21st century. Where you meet the man you thought died years ago: Steve Rogers.
Peter Parker
Infinitely You by @spider-stark
In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right.
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Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Pure-Blood Potter by @fanfics4all
Are You With Me? by @sourstilinski
Y/N is a Slytherin muggle born. She’s used to her house ostracizing her due to her blood status and her friendship with the Golden Trio, especially Draco Malfoy. But during their fifth year, they discover they might need each other more than they think
Bill Weasley
long hair & tattoos by @wisteria-blooms
You, (Y/N) Malfoy, despise your family’s views on blood purity. Unlike your little brother Draco, you won’t be roped into marrying for status. However, when your father, Lucius, puts down an ultimatum, you’re forced to find a lover for next week’s dinner. With his long hair, tattoos, piercings, and your father’s worst nightmare reincarnated in a man, who better to bring than a much older Bill Weasley? What should’ve been one night of deceit turns to a battle of charades and wits. Just who will crumble first: your family, Bill, or you?
Remus Lupin
it just sort of… happened by @sunflowertuliplily
After Hogwarts is turned upside down after Harry Potter started attending, a new normal DADA professor seems like a Godsend.
James Potter
𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 by @astonishment
James plans on proposing to Lily. Trying to calm his nerves, he goes for a walk in the woods, then somehow finds himself in the land of the dead, engaged to Y/N, the corpse bride. With his friends and girlfriend looking for him, can James make it back to the land of the living? Does he even want to?
Regulus Black
Manipulating Death: Season One by @morganalatina21
When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Second Son by @cherryslyce
Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
Tom Riddle
Challenging fate by @lovebeinaprincessworld
There were a lot of unexpected things happening the day of the Battle of Hogwarts. Being send back into the past to change the course of history was definitely one of them.
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Young Sheldon / The Big Bang Theory
Georgie Cooper
Texas Romance by @countrymusiclover
Y/n is Missy's high school friend, even though the Cooper girl is only in elementary school. She spends a lot of time at the Cooper house and learns what living with Sheldon was like. Through her years of high school, she realized that she's crushing on the eldest football playing brother Georgie. He's reckless and does things his mom doesn't approve of so Y/n questions herself of how she is falling for him. The two have to figure out if they can actually be a couple or not and deal with Missy's teasing.
The Texas Tire Family by @countrymusiclover
10 years after George Sr passed away Georgie and Y/n have to adjust to being the adults of the family. But when Sheldon reunites with the pair he needs them to come to his wedding, except Georgie tells him no. Dealing with two ten year olds and a secret they never expected to hear Sheldon was getting married.
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Jake Sully
Si fpom by @fluloa
You're dead to me by @chaethewriter
In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
ocean eyes ✩ jake sully by @theseuscmander
in which you try your hardest to cling onto your freedom but your sister pushes you into the arms of a former olo’eyktan.
folklore masterlist ✩ jake sully by @theseuscmander
widowed jake sully tries his hardest to heal from the loss of neytiri and you’re there to pick up the pieces and mend him back together, even if neither of you wanted to or realized.
Hoodie by @midnightsapphire
you thought jake was the one, now you’re grasping straws at what was.. and what could have been
All THE STARS by @kittiris
Jake is not so wholeheartedly welcomed into the AVATAR program by his soon to be co-workers, but one if his co-workers, he didn’t really expect to be blue and almost 8ft tall.
I See You by @heirtothekingdom
You observe the mighty warrior, the famed Toruk Makto, struggling to adjust to his new life in the Metkayina clan. The gentle whisperings of Eywa push you past your comfort to reach out a helping hand, to ease Jake Sully in the only way you can.
Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
i want to see mama too by @avatarbyamara
seven years ago, you had died alongside grace while trying to protect pandora. a few months after your death it was discovered that you were pregnant; leaving tsu'tey to raise your son vu'ran without you. but, things start to get strange when vu'ran is certain he saw you move.
Miles Quaritch
Ma Miles by @mechformers
When your son is taken, left behind by your Toruk Makto, you desperately go on the hunt for your boy. Knowing who took him, knowing that nothing good awaits him, you search high and low through the battlefield of Pandora, praying that Eywa will guide your way.
What Do I Tell My Friends Family by @plzfeedmebread
No More Than a Memory by @chaoticlicense
Miles isn't the same man as his human counterpart. The mistakes of the past are not his own. Neither are the feelings he has for a woman he's never met but remembers as though he has. In another life, you were everything to him. His light, his life, the one who brought a little joy to his dreary world. But you made your choice just as he made his. You both know that neither of you can change the past but maybe, just maybe, you can forge a new future…
Avatar: The New Mission by @milknhonies
After failing his mission to hunt down Jake Sully, Miles Quaritch is given a new mission. Let’s just say you’re not the most co-operative na’vi native and Quaritch loves to put you in your place.
Just for you by @idontknowwhyyouask
Everyone knew about her little crush, even Colonel himself. She always did what was asked of her, always did what he told her to do, she was always so nice to him even when he wasn’t, never once did she lie to him, was always happy when he walked into the room, but he couldn’t show that kind of feeling in the open so he just treated her like the rest. So maybe that’s the reason why he was so shocked when he witnessed Y/n helping Jake escape into one the aircraft’s, maybe it made his heart ache when he watched Y/n fall over when he pulled the trigger, maybe it made him so upset about the events that just took place, maybe it’s because he knows he’ll never get the chance to tell you about his thru feelings. Lucky for him, fate grants his wish and he returns, younger, taller and bluer. But this new Miles doesn’t know exactly how to handle these feelings, his new Avatar body isn’t making it easier for him either and it stirs something inside of him. Maybe it made you happy when he wanted to spend time with you, maybe you got a little confused when he said things that didn’t make any sense, maybe it made you a little scared when people you know disappear and maybe you know that you can’t escape his grasp.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
ONE OF US by @forever--darling
neteyam sully was the next olo'eyktan and for years had been focused on his training and his responsibilities only. he had never accounted for you to become one of them. when you got your avatar body and ended up in the forest alone, being brought to the village and offered to be taught the ways of the people wasn't what you expected. let alone it being neteyam, future olo'eyktan becoming your teacher.
“you make me feel brave//you make me feel safe” by @thesparkisnearlygone
alyara was only six weeks old when she was left behind as the sky people were forced to leave pandora 19 years ago. she was raised by Norm and Max, and she grew up running through the forest of pandora with the sully’s. her love for neteyam had blossomed over the years, but she knew nothing could come of her feelings for him, even after she is surprised with her own avatar. still, she can’t seem to picture herself with anyone else, and she will soon find that her feelings are not unrequited.
Charming Killer by @writing-makes-me-human
You get chased into the wilds of Pandora with a broken communication collar and a bullet wound, but Neteyam finds you. He goes to kill you but an omen from Eywa stops him, and as he approaches you he realizes you are his destined mate.
His Secret Admirer by @teyums
All Of My Love by @kurogxrix
IN WHICH Neteyam’s mother and clan disapproves of your relationship, because you’re a dreamwalker. When you both advance in your relationship, the clan cannot help but attempt to ruin things for the both of you.
going back home to the forest by @eywascall
believe or not but this skxawng would do anything just to make you happy.
Weakened by Eywa by @shkudss
Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
tame impala by @lvrcpid
you’re the oldest sully child. only born a year before neteyam. everything was sweet until your siblings came along. your parents slowly forgot you, soon your siblings did too. you were the forgotten sully. but what happens when you’re given another chance at life after your death.
Jake & Neytiri
My Heart Never Knows by @star-girl69
In the safety of the Reef, you know no war. You only know your family, the feel of the ocean on your skin, the feel of the wind blowing through your hair. You know only simple things, the barely there shine of the sun, a reprieve from where you are covered by your sister. You are the moon and she is the sun, and you are destined to live like this. You had long since given up any hopes of a mate until the Forest People arrive, on their colorful flying ikrans. Ronal does not like them. Tonowari respects them. Tsireya is entranced, Ao’nung sees them as new market to tease. With your family divided, you do not know how to feel about them. Until you See them, the parents of this family, Jake Sully and Neytiri, and the sun suddenly feels so much brighter. But your heart never know the future. It is in the hands of Eywa, but you cannot give your heart to these strangers knowing it could hurt. But, it seems this strange man and woman have other plans.
Keep Me Ablaze (Book One) by @star-girl69
The only mother you have ever known is the forest. Yes, you have Grace, other women at the base. But they are not quite your mother. It’s hard for your Aunt to talk about her- but how can you blame her? Alone and drifting through the world, a fire burning inside of you that threatens to snuff out, Grace teaches you alongside the Omaticaya at her school. They call her sa’nok, and sometimes you wish you could call her that too. But you feel like you would be betraying your mother. Neytiri is your spark, even while you’re young, shy when Grace pushes you to play with her and even shyer when the two of you form a tentative friendship. But it grows, and she grows into the woman you know now. Life without her is miserable, but at least you have something new to explore in the form of your Avatar. You run through the forests and help Grace, and soon you are 20 years old and looking out onto your life like it is a prison. You could leave. Go to Earth. But you couldn’t leave the forest, your Aunt, the memories of your mother and father. Then, Jake Sully comes, a warrior with no legs, who holds the same spark as Neytiri does. But with the weight of impending war looming on each of you, death everywhere, you don’t know if they can keep you ablaze.
Ember in Your Hands (Book Two) by @star-girl69
Although a part of you had died, you found that you were still full of life. With children running around and healed scars, life is what you dreamed about during those dark nights so long ago. You don’t know betrayal anymore, you don’t know loss or suffering. When you’re forced out of the only home you’ve ever known, you find yourself becoming hateful and bitter. You blame your mates, who have only ever burned for you, for all that has happened. You’ve changed and they’ve changed, and you’re not sure if they can keep you ablaze- not this time. You’re just an ember in your hands.
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. _ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Tonowari & Ronal
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
With her arrival in Awa’atlu, reader seeks to find a sanctuary for her family, one that she may find in two particular individuals
Neteyam & Ao’nung
He's Not So Bad by @biolumilunareclipse
your parents as well as the his had decided that you would be ao’nungs mate and the tsahìk of the metkayina clan. you were to be mated after you had both reached a certain point in your training. naturally, they suggested you help ao’nung and tsireya help teach the forest people your ways in your free time. this allows you to develope a close bond with the eldest son, neteyam, with whom you have plenty in common. as time passes and ao’nung becomes more accepting of them, he realizes they have plenty in common as well.
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Wilbur Soot
SIMP by @maarriiii
An internet interaction with a streamer leads you to a new friend.
Wilbur has been a thief for years. He pickpockets and snatches people's belongings and plays guitar on the streets for money, all to feed himself and his younger brother. They have nothing, they live purely by spite, but they endure. (Y/N) is the youngest daughter of the wealthy and powerful royal family that rules over Wilbur's land. She is expected to have just as grand of a future, but she still craves something more. When Wilbur and (Y/N)'s paths cross, they become intrigued by the contrast of their lifestyles- one given everything from the day they were born, and one fighting every day just to stay alive- and their fates are forever entwined.Wilbur has been a thief for years. He pickpockets and snatches people's belongings and plays guitar on the streets for money, all to feed himself and his younger brother. They have nothing, they live purely by spite, but they endure. (Y/N) is the youngest daughter of the wealthy and powerful royal family that rules over Wilbur's land. She is expected to have just as grand of a future, but she still craves something more. When Wilbur and (Y/N)'s paths cross, they become intrigued by the contrast of their lifestyles- one given everything from the day they were born, and one fighting every day just to stay alive- and their fates are forever entwined.Wilbur has been a thief for years. He pickpockets and snatches people's belongings and plays guitar on the streets for money, all to feed himself and his younger brother. They have nothing, they live purely by spite, but they endure. (Y/N) is the youngest daughter of the wealthy and powerful royal family that rules over Wilbur's land. She is expected to have just as grand of a future, but she still craves something more. When Wilbur and (Y/N)'s paths cross, they become intrigued by the contrast of their lifestyles- one given everything from the day they were born, and one fighting every day just to stay alive- and their fates are forever entwined.
Unfinished Symphonies: A Tale of Star-Crossed Lovers. by @lyssys
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124 notes · View notes
crashnbrn · 2 years
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he’s the cutest ever actually <3
649 notes · View notes
strangerhottotties · 2 years
Ty's Kinktober | 11. Anonymous Sex with Eddie Munson
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Warnings: MINORS DNI +18, Seriously. Sex clubs, voyeurism, exhibitionism, drinking, inappropriate drug use, consensual sex, anonymous sex, Steve being awkward as hell, virgin!perv! Eddie because I love him.
A/N: I want to say thank you to my wonderful readers. I'm really trying to work on quality for you guys instead. I've pretty much just been doing nothing lately. I have no excuse besides the fact that sometimes you just gotta hibernate. In true GoblinGirl fashion, I was just kinda dancing around my dwelling and eating for like 2 months.
A reward for a great quarter and for Eddie graduating, Rick had called it. Eddie's turn in the upside down, and all the craziness that went with it had really increased his risky behavior and made for a great monetary motivator. Because despite his friend being a drug dealer, he still wanted the best for Eddie. He was the older brother that Eddie had never growing up. Rick wanted to mold him, churn him out as someone better than he'd ended up. Besides, Eddie was there to market to the high schoolers who wanted cheap weed.
Steve Harrington was crammed in the backseat, shifting uncomfortably. Every time Eddie looked back he had to hold in a cackle at just how terrified his friend looked. He'd cracked a couple nervous jokes about dealing drugs tonight. Eddie's reassurances to both of them lead to Rick shaking his head often.
Eddie spent the reast of the ride pestering Rick.
As Rick pulls into a parking lot filled to the brim with cars and trucks and other things, Eddie catches a glimpse of the building, people filing in. "Is this a strip club? You know we have those in Hawkins, right? We didn't have to drive all the way to Indianapolis just to see some tits." He chirps as a woman in a skimpy leather makes her way into the building. He could hear the thrumming of music from the building.
"This is better than a strip club. You gotta make a reservation to get into these places. This is the only one in the state."
"What is it?"
"Here," Rick chuckles, nudging Eddie. From his jacket pocket, he dragged out a thick roll of money. "This is for you both. Entrance fee is two hundred, if you want a room, it's another hundred for an hour. You got a grand here." Eddie's brows shoot into his hairline.
"Is this a brothel!?"
"What is this? The Middle Ages? No, man, this is a sex club. People show up to meet people and fuck. It's a good time. The only people they're paying in there are the bouncers and the bartender."
"I'm sorry did you just say sex club?" Steve baulks.
"Yeah, I did. Now, get your ass out of the car and have your I.D.'s handy."
"Hey, what if we see someone who we know." Rick passes Eddie a look. They tread on ahead and Eddie feels his belly roll with excitement at the idea that he might actually loose his virginity.
"Aren't you the Freak of Hawkins?" With an encouraging nudge, he leads on. Eddie feels his heart racing in a familiar way as they approach an awaiting bouncer. There is a crowd out the door. He follows the lead and glances at the rows of skimpy college girls and crowds of frat brothers in sheets made into Togas.
They pause at the front of the line where red ropes cart them off. A burley giant guard the door with a wicked mean sneer. "Please, look at these two." One kid at the front calls, looking like how Eddie expected Steve Harrington to turn out. Clean, pressed and swimming in nothing but Daddy's money.
"Rick. I'm gonna need some ID from those two." The bouncer grunts, giving the two runts behind him a doubious look as Rick gives him a pat to the shoulder.
"Were celebrating."
"Celebrating what? Bought a new trailer?" The kid in line chirps. Steve scoffs at him.
"Excellent quarterlies," Rick grins at the kid, looping his arm over both of their shoulders. Eddie gets the whiff of his cigarettes and cheap cologne. "And my best investor." The kid rolls his eyes at them As Rick starts to lead the two young men in by their shoulders.
"Vinny, do me a favor and don't let this kid chase any of the girls inside away."
"Just what I was thinking, Rick." Up goes the rope. Eddie grins at the guy as they pass into a dark red hallway.
"What! You can't be serious! You're letting white trash dictate whether or not you let me in! You're gonna regret-" The shut of the door seals off the rest of the entitled pricks words. Loud music replaces the sound of it. Eddie is appreciative of whatever guitarist was playing.
They approach a counter with two cashiers. Both assistaning people to start. "It's not about money in here. Just remember to wrap 'em up boys. From personal experience, gonorrhea is not fun." Rick tells them as they form a line to wait, and he hands them both a roll of condoms. Eddie is nudged by Steve, trying to see through the round window on the door. The throngs of people are bathed in the bright red light of a repurposed disco ball.
He follows Steve's eyes toward the rule board behind the Cashiers.
No minors.
No fetish shaming.
Clean up after yourself.
Always use a towel.
No outside food or drinks.
"I'm not gonna see some guy's dick, am I?" Eddie gives Steve a bewildered look.
"It's a sex club, of course you're going to see dicks."
"Eddie," Steve hisses.
"This is so fucking weird. I thought we were going drinking."
"Oh, they've got a bar." Rick replies like Steve was more worried about being able to get a beer, then he steps up to the register.
"Let's just get a drink, and if it's too weird than we can go." This has got to be at least a little cool if it's worth a two-hundred-dollar entrance fee." Steve narrows his eyes at him.
"I'm not gonna look at your dick." Eddie passes Steve a disturbed grimace as Steves words. "Wait, that came out wrong."
"Sure it did," Eddie chuckles and walks to the counter to pay. Steve mutters to himself in mortification. And watches a woman in a tiny black dress hang off of someone old enough to be his grandfather head up stairs on the opposite side of the room.
"What'll it be?"
"Uh, entrance?"
"First time?" The cashier grins at him. "What package would you like?" The cashier spreads a menu out in front of Eddie with a flourish of his hand. Steve approaches with interest. "It can be a little overwhelming at first, you know, a lot to take." Eddie watches as the cashier passes Steve a hot look once over. He pats Steve on the back with a chuckle. Steve shoots him a panicked look.
"What... what would you suggest for two... young... straight guys," Steve hints. The cashier gives him a lofty chuckle.
"Well, if you change your mind, I'm here all night. Our basic services include the bar, where you're welcome to order from our fabulous bartenders. I recommend Lindsey's Liquid Marijauna. It goes down smooth and packs a mean punch, while you look for a potential partner for tonight or simply watch the exhibition."
"Exhibition?" Steve asks. Eddie clears his throat.
"Probably people who liked to be... watched."
"Oh," Steve chimes while his spreading blush creeps down his neck. "Yeah, of course."
"That's the Classic package, but really, why stop there when you could sample the whole spread."
"There's more?" Steve chirps nervously.
"So much more," the cashier purrs. "The Gold package gives you all of that, an hour in one of our personal rooms, with a fully stocked mini bar, access to the buffetroom where you can choose what and where to eat, and the pool if you'd like to cool off, but I never recommend water as lube."
"That sounds kind of unsanitary."
"We pride ourselves on cleanly. The pool is also treated every night."
Eddie passes an impress look onto Steve. "Can I ask about the togas?"
"Yes, that's a very exciting event we're having tonight. If you want to you can purchase our VIP package and you can have access to go where you please, including Mount Olympus, it's the orgy room. There will be an excellent spread of fruit and wine before we name tonight's Love Goddess, Aphrodite. It'll be put to a vote. She wins our best suite in the house." The cashier holds up a brochure that showcases an expensive looking room, wall lined with every toy you could want. "And will be allowed to spend the night with whomever she chooses, and all of our ladies who have signed up for the competition have marked that they are single."
"Yeah, and how much extra is this VIP."
"Two hundred total for VIP access."
"You didn't think I'd lie to you, now, would you, Eddie?" Rick jokes, as he appears with a gold streak of paint down his left cheek.
"Never, man." Eddie slides the wad of cash out of his pocket and fishes out four hundred for the both of them."
"Would you like to reserve a room tonight? We have several rooms available for reservation."
"Let's see how the night goes," Rick interjects.
"Absolutely." The cashier chirps and then checks the twenties Eddie rolled out. With a satisfied smile, the cashier lifts his brush up, stroking it through gold paint. "Come forward my little Sex Club virgins!" Eddie steps forward with an awkward chuckle. A nervousness is sinking into his belly.
The paint is cold as a gold stripe is swiped down over his forehead, left eye and onto his cheek, stopping as it neared his mouth. When the cashier leans back, he moves to let Steve step up and the Cashier takes his time detailing a heart on his left eye in gold. "All set, go forth and prosper, boys."
Eddie feels his heart racing as Rick animatedly leads them out of the lobby and into the barroom. It's a club. The room thrums with life. The band is playing something dark and sexy. Edgy enough that Eddie doesn't completely mind the vibe. Above the bar he sees the exhibition. His heart leaps in his chest at the sight, like it was wrong. Despite him anticipating it, the sight of people actually fucking so publicly above the bar gave him a start.
The tits pressed to window as he watched a woman get railed buy a man dressed in a toga. Beside them was a man getting a blow job and the final room was empty for now. The bar was busy. The dance floor even more so, packed with people dancing to the live band playing in the corner.
"Let's get started with my last surprise of the night, at least as far as you're both concerned!" Rick shouts. He passes them each a little white pill. "Only one."
"What is this?" Steve shouts back.
"They call it Exstacy."
"What's it do?" Steve demands.
"What do you think it does?" It's at the bar he gives them a good luck and instead begins to trot after a blonde in a toga.
"He bailed quick."
"No kidding. I'm just surprised he didn't get a drink first."
"We definitely shouldn't take this, right?"
"Nah, he wouldn't give us anything crazy. Drink water with it and you'll be fine." Eddie waves down a stunning bartender with smokey eyes and cleavage. She rolls up.
"This is so crazy! What the fuck did we just pay four hundred dollars for!?"
"Dude, to get laid! Come on, you complain about all the sex you have and you can't handle a sex club?"
"That's in private! That dude is getting blown above the bar!"
"What can I get you virgins to drink!" Steve gasps in offense at her playful grin.
"Two beers. Whatever cheap shit you got."
With a quick lean below the counter, she withdrawals two cans of P.B.R. and sets them down in front of the two. "Someone as Vanilla as you, this is a cruel joke from your friends I guess. Stick out at the bar, Rick will be a while."
"Vanilla? I am not vanilla." She snorts at him.
"Sure," she hums leaning onto the counter with a flirtatious undertone that Eddie picks up on. He rolls his eyes and is gratefully distracted by someone pushing her way around him. She has to brush up against Eddie to get to the bartender. She weasles around him so quickly that she's essentially pinned against the counter and him. He's about to bitch at her because someone is now bumping against his front and back and Steve's climbing onto the open stool, but then he gets a waft of her perfume and decides it's not so bad. He can't see her face, but he gets an excellent view of the stunning curls that are piled on top of her head.
"Lindsey, please, I need a drink."
"You're supposed to be getting ready for the competition!" The bartender scolds but reaches for a glass. She fills it as the girl who Eddie isn't minding.
"Yes, hurry, they're herding us into the orgy room." The girl blinks and shakes her head. "Fuck, I can't believe that actually came out of my mouth."
"You're the one who wanted to show Jean up with your costume."
"IT'S AUTHENTIC!" The bartend laughs and passes her a drink that's blue and most definitely almost straight alcohol.
"Yeah, yeah. Now run for this month's rent!" The girl twists around with her drink and finds Eddie. He's nearly knocked flat at her and finds that he goes mute for once, only offering her a his most charming smile. She sucks in a breath, he sees it in the way that her chest expands. And he doesn't miss the gold paint that is like big winged liner or the gold lips she's sporting.
She tries to lean to go around and he leans with her by accident. Or maybe subconsciously he wants her to stay. She's pretty. And soft. And not wearing a bra. He'd like to fuck them, certainly. "Uhh, excuse me?" She tries awkwardly.
Eddie immediately feels his chest tighten at the girl who was... cute. Very cute.
Steve smacks Eddie's shoulder. "Dude, you have to actually talk to a girl you know."
"I fuckin' know that, asshole." Eddie snaps back. The girl's eyes widen, and she passes an anxious look back at the bartender.
"Uh, it's pretty packed in here and I've got to get to the orgy room!"
"Do you want some help to get there?" Eddie offers. She blinks at him in surprise.
"No thanks," with that she slips right past him.
"She a friend of yours?" He chirps. The bartender smiles a chesire cat smile.
"Yeah, she's not as intimidating as she tries to be. Give it another shot. You're just her type."
"Sure, whatever you wanna call it. A suggestion: ask about her dress." Steve doesn't hide his grin. Eddie watches the way the lights make her dress glow all the way across the room. He decides that he's up for a challenge tonight. And he'd really like to fuck her.
Eddie doesn't stick around Steve who is hitting on the bartender relentlessly. She's laughing at his jokes at the very least. He explores slowly, finding Rick locking lips with a babe in the pool room. His clothes are soaked through, and the woman is working on unbuttoning his shirt. Eddie tries not to stare and lets his eyes pass the people sloshing through the pool with a game of volleyball. That didn't particularly appeal to him, so he moved on. The buffet was something new.
There was an actual buffet with a steaming spread that actually smelled really good. Some people were eating, and they were also watching couple eating things off each other, feeding each other.
He found the entrance to the Exhibit. And than he came to the gated off section. The Orgy Room was guarded by a bouncer. Only people with gold paint on their faces being allowed through. VIP access, he realizes. He throws back the MDMA, washed down with his beer before he even approaches the room.
The interior is decorated with the sheets and shimmery drapery. There are couches and ornate furnishings. Cushions and hookah, the room smokey and thick around the pond that was the centerpiece. Or it felt like one. The fountain already had people gathering.
The contestants were lining up on the stage at the far end. He grinned when he spotted the girl from before, sipping on her drink at the back of the line.
He found that he wanted to make her face lose that sour expression, wondering what she might look like when she was laughing... and then he wondered what her face would look like after she came. He's imagining her hair sweety and messy - falling out of the careful hairstyle she had. Face flushed and sweaty.
This room drew him in more as he moved slowly though the gathering people. Some of them already celebrating the festivities. She spots him halfway through the room. His eyes are on her. She straightens her shoulders up and tilts her head at him. Still, he approaches, holding her gaze until he stops a few feet from her.
He doesn't actually know her, so he can't be biased, but he thinks she's going to win. "Hi," she replies, not having to shout in here. Although her voice is stern, it's not tight enough to be completely dismissive. "Did you follow me in here?"
"What's authentic?"
"Excuse me?" She asks in confusion.
"At the bar. You said 'It's authentic'."
"Oh... my attire," she offers nervously. She glances down at herself.
"Are you saying it's historically acurate?" She seems to light up as she realizes he's actually asking about an interest.
"Yes, this is a chiton, it's the bottom layer. The upper class wore more dyed fabrics cause they were more expensive. At least until the forth century. That was around the time that the Greeks and Romans started to sew." Eddie find himself smiling down at the excited explanation she gave him.
"It looks really good. Did you make it yourself?"
"Yes! I even hand stitched the embroidery!" Eddie grins at that.
"Really? Can I take a closer look?" He asks. She opens her mouth but is cut off when they announce for everyone to find a seat because the competition is about to begin.
"Shit," she curses.
"Do you want to talk about it more after?" Eddie offers. Her eyes light up at that.
"Oh, you're really trying to get your dick sucked." His eyes widen at her bluntness, but her grin tells him she might not just be joking. "Deal. I want a sofa though!" He grins with red cheeks before he nods once and glances around. There's one close to the side of the stage that he quickly claims. He doesn't miss the stack of black towels nearby, he reaches for the hookah as the girls prep to walk on stage.
They're introduced as the Greek Muses. Eddie catches a glimpse of the fruit that's presented in a bowl. He snatches the grapes as the bowl to munch on as the night starts up. They introduce her as Clio, the Muse of history. He wonders if she chose that herself. She takes the crowd with statuesque pose. Eddie grin when she looks genuinely surprised that she got first place. She gets presented with a scroll of some kind, a basket of things Eddie couldn't see, and a voucher for the best suite in the building for the entire night.
The other women leave the stage as she's lead up to the chase that's decked out with an extravaganza of everything Greek. "Let's let our Aphrodite take her choice of Lover." Eddie's ear perks up when he catches that particular line. The woman's eye's find his immediately. Then she points and Eddie's got to drop his grapes to follow her up on stage. He feels hopeful when she
"Congratulations," he greets as she sets her things on a table. He sits himself on the end of the chaise lounger and watches her make herself comfortable.
"Ha, thanks, I just wanted to place higher than Danica."
"Who?" He asks.
"The red head. She's in my Latin class, she was bragging about winning last month's nurse contest and that she would win the Aphrodite contest. We argued, I said she should be authentic and she laughed at me for it. Besides, Lindsey said it was gonna be in the orgy room and I thought it was an excellent way to study something first hand that the Greeks actually did!.... And I really wanted to beat Danica."
"You want to study orgies, Clio?" Her ears perk up at that and she grins.
"I'm a history major, with a minor in Greek studies."
"Smart and beautiful is a dangerous combination," he offers. She snorts at that and snatches up a towel. "Towel?"
"I don't want to sit bareass on that couch," she replies casually as she shakes out the towel and drapes it right next to Eddie. "Did you get the hookah started?"
"Yeah, here." He offers her the pen, he feels confident enough to ask her a more risqué question. "So does that mean you're not wearing any underwear?" She glances at him as she straddles the chaise he'd chosen.
She hits the hookah with a grin. "Do you play a game?" Eddie realize she's correct very quickly as her skirt billows just slightly. Eddie finds himself laughing softly. There was an intimacy that came from this. Genuine. Any doubt in his mind that he wants to fuck her all night is far from his mind.
"I like games," he breathes. She was leading him like a horse. He was eating out of the palm of her hand eagerly.
"No lies. No names." He considers it out.
"Not even first names?" She draws another hit as he asks.
"No, for tonight only, let's act like lovers. Passionate and unhinged and we'll never see each other again. A perfect night for only us. No holding back. A genuine connection that ends in the morning." Eddie smiles and leans forward to hit the pen between them.
When he sits back, he blows sweet smoke across her.
"Anything for Aphrodite," Eddie affirms. She grins a dazzling smile at him and then eagerly leans closer. She captures his face, studying it with an open affection that makes his heart race in his chest. And then he takes initiative. Her mouth tastes sweet and coconuty. Thankfully, he'd had experience in this regard, when Kathy Higgins had made out with him to get free weed.
He liked when she gasped into his mouth under the full, eager kisses he was giving her. Her hands funnel into his hair. A groan shudders out of him without his control when she tugs it. He could kiss her for ages. The first taste of her already hardening his cock in his pants.
"Did you know the Greeks used olive oil as lube?" She manages to murmur against his mouth.
"And they wrestled naked with it, right?" He gasps back. He can feel her smile against his mouth her tongue flicking out against his open mouth.
"Mhmm." Eddie breaks away from her panting.
"Can I touch you?" Her cheeks are pinking in the same way his are. He sees how dilated her eyes are and decides that she likes what he's doing.
Her hands drop to his and the next thing he knows, his palms are filled with the soft and heavy mass of her breasts. Her nipples were hard, he could feel.
"Holy shit," he breathes out as he focus on one of his favorite parts of a woman's body. "I have to tell you something," he hums as she encourages him to squeeze.
"Yes, Lover?" She hums.
"Don't be surprise if my first round is quick," he rumbles.
"Been a while?" She hums playfully, diving in to mouth at his neck. He shudders under the heat of her mouth and the nipping of her teeth.
"I'm a virgin."
Eddie grunts as a hand snaps over his mouth. She glances around them. "Careful," she urges. "You say that and they'll swarm you." She pauses to regard him for a moment, a stern look on her face like she was trying to think too hard. "How experienced?" She whispers before peeling her hand back.
He shakes her head at him. "Kissing." He expression is still bewildered. "Are you okay with that?" Please be okay with that. Please be okay with that. Please be okay with that.
"Yeah. If I'm going to far... just say so."
"My safeword is bat."
"Yeah, is there anything uncomfortable for you?"
"I'll let you know." He grins and leans up to kiss her jaw, his mouth is sloppy but she doesn't seem to mind. He experimentally drags his teeth over her neck and is rewarded with a fierce shiver.
"Defintely don't mind the teeth," she sighs out and he's chasing her as she leans back. Eddie follows her until she's pressed below him into the fabric.
"Can I eat your pussy?" He asks, feeling hopeful.
"Not yet," she hums. "Gotta work your way up to it."
"You said passion earlier," he taunts back, words muffled by her collar bone. But he used that to turn around and go back to her mouth.
"Don't push," she hums, "Pull me closer instead." A rising disappointment in his throat snaps into white hot arousal. She pulls him by Steve's shirt down on top of her and he can feel the heat of her cunt against his own arousal. He gives her a shaky sigh before grabbing a handful of her thigh and drives his hips into hers.
She gives him a low moan and his pride soars. He rocks back against her when she arches into him. In just a few moments there is a building between them.
His hands reach across her thighs, sprawling as widely as he could so he could feel as much as he could. His hand feels the curve of her ass as he sinks his fingers deep. He uses it as leverage as he ruts against her. Her mouth is eager against him. "Let me taste you," he groans. "Please."
She pants below him, eyes far away.
"You want to eat it that bad?"
"Yeah," he answers lamely. She rolls her eyes at him.
"Fine," she sighs. Eddie slides off part of the couch so he can kneel before her spread legs. He can smell her and is shocked by the deep arousal it rises in him. He always did have a gross fascination with pussy. He starts with kissing her thighs, that was always something girls cooed over in the PG-13 scenes that they loved so much.
It works though, he decides as she spreads wider for him.
First taste is fantastic. It's briney and filthy. The flavor fades on his tongue the more he laps at her, parting her lower lips to lave his tongue through the dewy residue she was creating. He sinks his tongue harshly into her cunt and she arches completely off the chase.
"You can use some of the food, too." She pants.
"Please touch my clit," she begs softly. His eyes snap to hers, unable to deny her. Especially when her voice was so tempting. "Show me," he groans. She sends him a desperate look and then slips her fingers down between her folds to do as she's told. He sees it, all red and inflamed. His mouth was on it before she could say anything. Then she's arching completely off the chaise.
Between her legs, his head shakes rapidly back and forth. She sucks a harsh breath in, he pushes her thighs further apart to lick as deeply into her as he can for a little more. She gasps when he sinks both of his thumbs into the hot little hole he had been so focused on. He parts her in hopes of tasting just a little more.
She's crying out under the changing assults he was testing against her. Loud whimpers when he discovered that he could push the hood back on her clit. He loved everything about this, he discovers. The taste, the smell, the feel and sight were all grounding him to this. She was getting loud as he slurped his mouth across hers. "Oh, baby," she cries out finally, in a hoarse whisper. "Oh, baby, please, just a... just a little more."
She was close. He paused only to gain leverage, hoisting her thighs higher and spreading her wide to drive firm licks to her clit directly. Hands jerk the hair at his scalp and he groans against her. She was rocking onto his tongue as he watched. He couldn't help it, her chest was heaving, breathing shallow and desperate. Little moans filtering into it. "Oh, fuck, please, please, I'm so close, please!"
His heart spasmed in his chest as she shot him a fierce look, one with big eyes and flushed cheeks. Lips parted. So while maintaining eye contact, he sucks hard. Her eyes lead the arch back, rolling into the back of her head as she arches off the chaise. She's so fucking loud it nearly hurts his ears, until she clamps her quaking thighs around them. His tongue finds where she's leaking, just so he can taste it again.
Until she pulls at his head, dragging his face out. "No- no more," she whimpers with glassy eyes and a wobbling lip.
"Just one more taste?" He pleads with her. She gives him the most pathetic look.
"Want... want to..." she glances between them at the bulge he's sporting.
"You want to fuck?" He questions. The smile she gives him is sinful as she nods.
"Do you want to fuck me?" She asks, he reaches up to cradle her face.
"More than I need air to breathe."
"Here or the room?" Eddie bites his lip.
"The room."
The room was nicer than he'd ever been in. There were toys that lined the walls but he could barely focus on anything other than keeping her mouth sealed against his.
Together they fall onto red sheets and he hikes her thigh up onto his as he grinds his cock into her. She's squirming below him, still sensitive from his attention downstairs.
"Pants," she grunts. He eagerly shucks them down, sighing in relief when he's no longer being crushed by denim. "Hey," she hums and he leans back to evaluate her. "Is it really your first time?"
"Yeah," he offers her and she bites her lip with a hesitation he's not sure he's reading right. "If you don't want to I under-"
"You don't have to use a condom, unless you want to." His brows raise and then he's just dragging Steve's shirt off him.
"You sure?"
"Mhmm, want you to feel it. Really feel it." Eddie groans as she grinds the wet folds of her cunt over his.
"Fuck, now?" She nods with a gentle smile and he slides his cock forward until it notches on something. Then there is resistance, just enough for him. "O-ooh, fuck. Fuck. Oh, fuck, you feel good." She whines as he splits her apart slowly. He sinks to the hilt with little effort. "You feel good. So good. Fucking Goddess."
She moans below him as he draws back, just to sink into the end of her. He's already close. He can feel it. Coming with a low groan and a stuttering of his hips. She holds him to her chest stroking over his hair. It's quiet for a moment, and then his hips begin sawing back into you slowly.
He's still so hard, dragging his cock through his own spend just to watch it spill out around him. You're so expressive, he can't help but study your face while he stares. Neither of you are blinking.
"You came a lot," you murmur through your eyelashes.
"I'm not done, yet," he replies. His hands grasp at your hips before he really starts to kick it up his pace.
"UH!" You cry out, "Shit, you're big! Oh shit! Oh fuck!"
"That's it! Louder," he orders. He watches you hook your hands behind your thighs and draw your knees up by your shoulders. His hands slide over your ass to take the place of yours, pinning you more effectively as he begins to snap his hips into yours, moaning at how tight it makes your cunt.
"My pussy's so wet! Oh God! Baby! Never stop! Oh please, oh please, oh pleaseeeee! Uhh!" He felt you tightening as the obscene noises fill the room.
"You gonna cum, princess?" Your eyes snap to his and he feels the fluttering of your cunt.
"Hard," you gasp out. "Fuck me hard, please! Wanna cum on your cock! Oh gooooooood!" You scream, a heavy sob shuttering out as you tighten impossibly around him. He can't hold out through it. Your moaning and trembling are enough to have him cumming. He groans as he watches more thick spend spill out around his cock, still imbedded deep in your pussy.
"Jesus," he breathes out. You let out a shakey laugh that shoves his cock from your cunt in the prettiest of ways. "Fuuuck."
"Got another fuck in you?" You whine with a neediness that has Eddie chuckling darkly.
"Oh, honey," he hums. "Give me five minutes and you'll regret asking that." He drops down to mouth at your neck. It's vicious.
"Wanna leave sore," you pant underneath his next assalt.
"I'm going to be insatiable for you, just you wait, baby."
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