#Steven Keaton: best TV dad
knickynoo · 1 year
Okay, so, I've made a handful of Family Ties posts in the past examining some of my favorite Alex and Elyse scenes, but there's one between Alex and Steven that I've always wanted to write about. It's such a good scene—so well acted and so in line with the relationship that Steven and Alex have with each other.
I haven't done a post breaking down a scene (from either FT or BTTF) in a while, and the itch to take a look at this particular scene struck me today. Will put under a read more on account of I'm sure it'll end up being kind of lengthy.
The Steven and Alex dynamic. Great, right? My favorite father and son duo in all of TV.
They're so different from each other! Opposites in many aspects. Yet, at the same time, they share a ton of similarities. When you really look at who Steven is, the things that make him tic, his quirks, etc., you realize that someone like Alex didn't come out of nowhere. See the post all about that, here.
They have a lot more in common than it appears, but one area where there's a very clear difference is the way they process and express emotions. If you know the show well, you know what I'm talking about. If you don't (because I do have several people who read my FT posts but have never seen an episode, hehehe) it basically boils down to this: Steven is super open about his emotions and expresses them in "big" ways. When he feels something, he can't hold it back, and he feels it all very intensely.
Alex, on the other hand, has a near-constant wall up that prevents his emotions from escaping. He feels deeply as well; it's just that he has no clue what to do with them most of the time and is afraid to really let himself feel them. The Keatons know this. They have an unspoken understanding that every so often, things are going to temporarily grind to a halt because Alex is spiraling and someone needs to help him sort his life out. Normal day.
One of the BEST examples of this is a flashback scene between Alex and Steven from the "Heartstrings" three-parter. A huge chunk of Alex's plot deals with him struggling to process a very serious situation surrounding the family. He's terrified but can't properly express it, so it comes out in a way that makes him seem uncaring and self-centered. The flashback is inserted there to remind us of a few things: 1. Alex does feel things 2. He needs help to get there 3. He loves his father, and Steven knows exactly what to do to help Alex in these moments
To set the scene: the flashback begins with Alex and Steven on the couch, watching TV together. They're having a great time. Steven gets a phone call and leaves the room, and when he returns, his demeanor has totally shifted. Alex asks what's wrong, and Steven tells him what happened. Steven's just found out his father has died. Right away, Alex goes straight to shoving the emotions away and trying to rationalize it all in his head. Talking and looking at it logically is his immediate coping method.
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And you can see. You can see that Alex is teetering. His breathing is heavy, and his voice is shaky, but he keeps going—unable to do anything other than try to talk himself out of the emotions that are trying to take root.
"I mean, he worked hard. Did the work of two men—three men. And yet, he was with you, you know? Every step of the way, guiding you until you were ready to go out into the world and start your own family, which you did. But time, as we know, marches on—"
He is babbling. Spewing a hurried, frantic stream of words until Steven interrupts him with a soft, "Alex. Stop." But Alex KEEPS GOING. And Steven is just sitting there, watching his son jump through all these hoops to keep from actually emotionally processing the situation. Keep in mind that Steven himself is reeling from this information, but he immediately sets it aside to focus his attention on Alex instead.
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"Not to mention the house," Alex continues, "which, if my sense of the Buffalo real estate market is accurate—and, you know, I have no reason to believe that it's not—"
Yes, Alex pivots right to what he knows: numbers, market information, and facts. Alex himself mentions in a past episode that these things comfort him. It's concrete information that he can rely on without the mess of emotions or complicated relationships with others.
And it's one thing for people to have different ways of coping with tragedy. People deal with things in unique ways, which is fine. The difference here is that Steven knows that unless he intervenes, it's unlikely that Alex will ever reach the point of being able to process this loss on his own. He's going to bury it and pretend it didn't happen (or that it doesn't impact him), and that's not healthy. Steven tries again to reach him.
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And it's at this point that Steven takes an interesting approach to handling this. If Alex isn't going to give himself permission to feel his feelings, Steven is going to push him until he has no choice to. Might seem to be an odd method—maybe even a little mean to force your kid to break—but it's important to remember that Steven knows Alex inside and out. He knows Alex will put this neatly into a box in his mind, hide it away, and pretend he isn't hurting. And it'll either turn into a painful memory that he simply never deals with, or it'll eat away at him until he runs the risk of reaching the point of meltdown, a la "A, My Name is Alex."
Alex needs to cry, and Steven needs to get him to the point where he can do it. But Steven's going to bring him there in his usual gentle, loving way.
"Alex, my father died," he says. "Your grandfather."
Alex knows this, of course. But Steven is drilling it in. Trying to shove aside the talk of insurance settlements and the housing market and focus on the reality of it all. We flip back to Alex, who is quite literally trembling with the effort of trying to keep those walls up.
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Steven goes on, his own voice breaking with emotion, "You can cry. We love him very much. You can grieve."
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This moment! Alex's response says so much, and it's another one of those "THIS SHOW! MJF'S ACTING!" moments. He's still fighting it, but not quite as strongly. He leans back into his father's embrace, moving from where he was previously perched on the edge of the couch, trying to "distance himself" as much as possible from facing Steven. He takes a breath finally.
"Your grandpa died; you can cry," Steven tells him, to which Alex reacts in another poignant way.
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There's the briefest flash of eye contact, something Alex has not done since before he was told about his grandfather's passing. Soon after the information was delivered, he moved to the edge of the couch, gaze straight ahead, rocking himself ever so slightly as he went through his rambling. He has not turned to look at his father once during this whole thing until this point, and this little exchange has meaning. Alex is checking in—making sure it's okay. He sees the emotion on Steven's own face and really absorbs that he's safe, and he can cry. And he does.
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The flashback ends with their embrace, and we return to present-day Alex as he continues to deal with the new, serious situation that's befallen him and the family. (I won't get into that, but the Heartstrings episodes are phenomenal)
It's a very well-done scene and a relatively short one! But it does so much to encapsulate the relationship that Steven and Alex have. There's really such a good balance to this show, because these two can get so silly at times. Lots of fun, light-hearted and ridiculous scenes between them. However, they're interspersed with more serious moments like this. You get a really nice look at the type of man Steven is—someone with a quiet sort of strength, who consistently puts his family before himself and loves his son fiercely. (Steven even tells Alex in the very first episode that there are no other fathers who love their sons as much as he loves Alex. I mean, COME ON. This guy is a gem.)
When it comes down to it, I just really like that this show gave us a character like Alex, who we see struggle so much in the area of emotional connection, and then gave him someone as kind and attentive as Steven to help guide him and love him through everything.
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vickiabelson · 3 years
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Today, LIVE! Wednesday, Live! How fun when I get to sit down with a beloved hero, even better when they’ve become a treasured friend. Such is the case with Michael Gross, perhaps best known as Michael J Fox’s iconic dad, Steven Keaton, in the hit sitcom, Family Ties. The day after the wrap party he began work on Tremors and would star in the sequels, all the sequels, I believe they’re on 67 now, as well as the TV series, which followed. Michael’s made regular appearances on ER, The Drew Carey Show, The Young and The Restless, How I Met Your Mother, Suits, Anger Management, The Affair, and Grace and Frankie to name but a few.
Fun facts: With an MFA from Yale, Michael’s an Obie and two-time Drama Logie Award Winner with the exact same birthday as his Family Ties and more co-star, Meredith Baxter, he guest-starred as Michael J Fox’s shrink on Spin City, and his real-life sister is SNL's Mary Gross, keeping it all in the family.
Doesn’t Michael feel like he’s in all our families? He’d be the one we couldn’t wait to see at the reunions. I’m so looking forward to this one.
Michael Gross Live on Game Changers with Vicki Abelson
Wed, 7/21/21, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET
Streaming Live on my Facebook
Daily by Toni Vincent & @peter_and_paul_ Cartoons
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staczak91 · 4 years
Future Ties: A Family Ties-Back to the Future Fan Fiction
Just posting the first couple parts of my fan fiction here. Will continue the fan fiction another day when I have more written.
It’s a fic about Marty McFly and Alex P. Keaton meeting in Hill Valley in 1985! Before the events of Back to the Future take place. Alex is in college now, of course, and Marty is still stuck in high school. 
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Hope you enjoy! :)
Alex P. Keaton was not happy. In fact, he was miserable. He bemoaned the fact that his family simply did not care. Lugging his suitcase, he nearly tripped over himself as he groaned yet again to his parents.
“Groan one more time, Alex, and I swear you’ll get stuffed into your suitcase for good!” his mother, Elyse, snapped, turning abruptly to face Alex, anger in her eyes.
“He’s certainly short enough to fit in one,” Alex’s sister, Mallory, remarked, a sly smile on her lips. Although Mallory wasn’t that much younger than Alex – only by a year or two – Alex always felt like the more mature sibling of the two by a mile.
Alex gave a sarcastic laugh. “Very funny. My wonderful sister, everyone.” He groaned again. “Steven, Elyse.” His mother and father gave him a slight glare, as they didn’t like being called by their first name by Alex. “Why California, though? It’s the most shallow, depraved, boring state in the whole wide world.”
“Aren’t you being a little melodramatic?” Elyse asked, as Alex fervently shook his head. “Now, this is a family vacation, Alex. We decided as a family to enjoy this time together. Whether you like it or not. So, enjoy it now!”
“Geez, mom. No need to get so huffy. I was only saying my true feelings on the matter. Believe me, you’ll come round eventually to see my point of view. California really is-.”
“Can someone please shut him up?” Jennifer, Alex’s youngest sister, asked tiredly. “Are we going to hear this the whole trip? Alex this, Alex that. I’m tired of it already.”
“You said it, sis,” Mallory agreed, giving Jennifer a small hug. “But I can’t wait to finally see Hollywood! All my life has been waiting for this moment. The lights, the stars, the movies! I just can’t wait!”
“Mallory, you’re not going to become the next big Hollywood star on our family trip,” Alex said, grinning slightly. “I think they’re looking for someone a little more-.”
“Alright, Alex. That’s enough,” Steven, Alex’s father, said tiredly. “Just please let Mallory have her fun.”
“Yeah, Alex. Let me have my fun.” Mallory grinned, clearly enjoying where this conversation had led. Alex frowned again. He was about to say something else, then silently shook his head, thinking better of it.
“Mom, Dad?” Jennifer asked, tugging at Elyse’s shirt. “Can we see any of the baseball stadiums while we’re here, please?”
“Of course, Jennifer,” Elyse answered, giving her youngest a smile.
Now it was Mallory’s turn to groan. “Baseball stadiums? Really? When we’re in Hollywood of all places?”
Alex placed a loving hand on Mallory’s shoulder. “Come on, Mallory. Let Jennifer have her fun. Don’t spoil the trip for all of us.”
“Shut up, Alex.”
“Now, kids. Play nice.” Steven placed a tired hand on both of his children’s shoulders, a deep frown on his lips. “Now, I want this to be a nice, relaxing family vacation for all of us. No fighting. No teasing. Do you understand?”
“Aww…but Alex is such a ripe target,” Jennifer said sadly. “This vacation isn’t going to be fun at all.” Mallory couldn’t help but smile, as Alex gave Jennifer a quizzical stare.
Alex’s family would always be teasing him about something. He certainly was a ripe target by their standards. Although he loved his family, of course, sometimes it was just a little too much. One more joke about his small stature and he was sure he’d go off on them any day now.
“Now,” Steven continued, “we’re going to go to the rental car place without any problems. We’re going to rent the car. No fighting for the front seat. That honor belongs to Elyse.” All three Keaton children groaned at this news.
“Thank you, Steven.” Elyse nodded her approval.
“Wait, wait, wait a minute,” Alex began before anybody could stop him. “I’m oldest, so shouldn’t I get that honor? I mean, look at what I have to put up with every day. I’m not going to be squeezed in the back with them again. I’m in college now! I believe I deserve a break.”
“Very succinct argument,” Elyse remarked. “But I’m your mom, so I get it. End of story.”
Alex groaned again. This vacation was steadily getting worse.
“He’s too short to see over the dashboard, anyway,” Mallory giggled, as Alex shot her a glare. Jennifer giggled along with Mallory, as the Keaton parents tried to calm them down.
“Next time I’m choosing the next vacation spot,” Alex fumed.
“We’ll see,” Elyse answered tiredly, stifling a yawn. “Now, come on! The rental car is almost ready. It’s almost time to see California!” She gave a little cheer, as Mallory and Jennifer joined in. Alex stood there miserably, clutching his suitcase for support.
He would rather be anywhere but here. He could be in London, educating himself at the museums. He could be in New York City, learning about stocks. Or he could be back home in Ohio, hanging with Skippy and his other friends, instead of with his family. They didn’t seem to care how miserable he was now.
The children all squeezed into the back of the rental car, Jennifer, being the smallest, taking the middle seat. Alex silently watched out the window, as the car left LAX and started its course towards the most boring trip of all time. Alex lamented this to himself, as he watched the traffic and fumes outside the window.
“So, Hollywood first?” Mallory asked, leaning forward excitedly.
“Well, actually,” Steven began, as both Mallory and Jennifer looked distraught, “I want to start with something a little quieter. Both me and your mom, at least. We think we’re going to stop by this little town called Hill Valley first. It has some very interesting history that we both want to take a look at.”
“But Hollywood!” Mallory exclaimed.
“And my stadiums!” Jennifer chimed in.
Mallory and Jennifer pouted, but Alex couldn’t help but grin. “Now, guys. Listen to mom and dad,” he started slowly. “I’m sure they have a very good reason for choosing this place. So, tell me more about this Hill Valley!” He coughed slightly. “Please,” he added, as his family gave him a glare.
“That’s easy for you to say. You don’t even want to be on this trip,” Mallory whined.
“Well, things change for Alex P. Keaton.” Alex grinned, as Mallory gave him a playful shove. Steven and Elyse just sighed.
And for Alex P. Keaton, at least, this vacation was already looking up.
 Things were not looking up for Marty McFly. He had had his first tardy of the year, and Mr. Strickland had really beat him down about it, calling him a “slacker” in front of his entire math class. At times like these, Marty really detested school.
“Marty, you have to come to school on time,” his girlfriend, Jennifer, told him that day, giving him a tight squeeze as she did so. “No more hanging with Doctor Brown in the morning. It’s really throwing you off schedule.”
Oh, Jennifer Parker. How Marty loved her, except for when she tried to make his life better.
“Come on, Jennifer. Don’t worry. I got this.” Marty gave her a timid smile. “There’s no way I’m going to stop hanging with the Doc just because Mr. Strickland is out to get me. Where would be the fun in that?”
“But, Marty-.”
“Jennifer, don’t worry. I got this.” He gave her another timid smile, as Jennifer gave a slight nod of affirmation.
“How are things at home, Marty? Is your mom drinking again?”
“Things are fine,” Marty answered shortly, although his lazy speech inflection had all but disappeared. Jennifer frowned but didn’t say anything else. “I gotta go,” Marty continued quickly. “The Doc’s got something to show me tonight.”
“I’ll catch you later, right?” Marty leaned forward and gave Jennifer a small kiss on the lips. She smiled, as Marty couldn’t help but grin.
Grabbing his skateboard, he began the long ride home. Looking back, he saw Jennifer give a tiny wave of her hand, before she disappeared from view.
He knew in his heart that Jennifer was probably right about Doctor Emmett Brown. Doc Brown, or “Doc,” as Marty affectionately called him, was the local mad scientist in Hill Valley, and multiple people had told Marty to stay away from him. Yet Marty couldn’t help it. He had to see him. Besides Jennifer, who else would listen to him? His own family? No way!
The Doc always listened to his problems and gave him good advice. The Doc was more family than his family ever would be.
Turning into the driveway of his house, he took a deep breath. Another day at home with Biff bullying his father, George, and his mother, Lorraine, drinking herself through the liquor cabinet, while his brother and sister fought over the TV. Just another average day in the McFly household.
Seeing Biff’s car in the driveway, Marty let out a groan. Biff Tannen was his father’s manager and main bully, ever since his high school days. If Marty had his way, he would have clocked Biff in the face a long time ago.
As soon as he entered the house he saw his family doing what they did best: arguing, and in his mom’s case, drinking. Stealing up to his room, he dropped into bed, feeling exhausted.
Hoping something would come to light up his miserable life, he fell asleep to Biff’s demands floating up the stairwell.
 “What do you mean we’re stuck?” Mallory asked, looking shaken.
“It means the car can’t start,” Steven answered, sounding exasperated, as he tried once again to rev up the engine.
“Stuck here? In Hill Valley of all places?” Mallory groaned. “Dad, why did you have to do this? Why couldn’t we just stay in Hollywood?”
Steven was about to answer, when Alex, feeling rejuvenated, cut in. “Mallory, Mallory, Mallory. Just give Steven and Elyse a break and enjoy the vacation. Really, Mallory. You need to act more like an adult. Like me.”
Mallory looked like she was about to punch Alex, when Elyse stepped in. “Alex, that’s enough. And stop calling us Steven and Elyse. We’re still your mom and dad.” Elyse then turned to Mallory. “We need to get some help. If anybody in this town knows a gas station or someone who can fix cars, that would be greatly appreciated. Or we’re going to be stuck here a long time.” She then turned to Alex. “Alex? As oldest child, who is, as you like to put it many times, in college now, do you volunteer?”
Alex leapt in his seat at once. “Volunteer for what? El-Mom!”
“To find some help. And nice catch there.” She smiled. “Come on, Alex. We’re not asking for much. Just to be an adult like you so eloquently put it.”
“I’d better not have to take out the trash anymore,” Alex muttered to himself.
“What?” Elyse asked.
“Nothing! Alright, I’ll do it. If I can strike up a deal-.”
“Okay, okay. We’ll talk the particulars later.” He hopped out of the car, and gave a short wave to the rest of the Keatons. “I’ll come back with good news, I promise.”
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wardenari · 4 years
7 Comfort Movies
I was tagged by @thejeeperswife​ and @laraslandlockedblues​.  Thanks!  As soon as I was tagged my brain immediately forgot any movie I’ve ever seen.  Took me a while to remember what the F I like LOL
Once I worked that out though, I had trouble making 7 because there were 8 and I just couldn’t eliminate anyone, so sorry, I don’t listen to the rules :P 
1. The Crow
How much do I love this? I STILL have the VHS because it has the final interview with Brandon Lee on it, which for some reason the DVD does not (???) When I was a senior in High School, actor Brandon Lee was killed on the set of his latest movie. At that time I was really into watching action movies (seemed like Van Damme and Steven Segal had a new movie every month) so I was familiar with Brandon (plus we all knew his dad). His death really hit me. When the movie came out, I was there opening night with my college friends. We watched it (I’m not kidding) 10 more times. Now keep in mind, movies were WAYYYYYY cheaper then, plus we got a college discount!! The sequels were “eh” to me, but this original, still breaks my heart. It’s the story of a loving, young couple killed because she stood up to the wrong people. It’s about getting vengeance, and getting the closure denied to you.
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2. Penny Seranade
This movie is a comfort to me because it’s my grandma’s favorite movie. She lives in NY and I live in NC, so I rarely see her but this movie always makes me think of her. This is a HUGE tear jerker. TW: Miscarriage, Child death
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3. The Big Lebowski
In college I took an “American Comedy” class for an elective. It exposed me to Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, and a host of others. The Coen Brothers was the final film we watched (”Raising Arizona”) and was one of the instructor’s favorites. This was a few years AFTER The Big Lebowski came out. I may have heard of it, but hadn’t seen it. After this class sparked an interest in the Coen brothers, I rented this movie (went to a Blockbuster and everything). Every time I watch this movie I notice something new. What’s it about? A rug. But it really did tie the room together.
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4. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
This movie is special to me because I remember my dad taking me and my brother (9 and 7 respectfully) to see this in the movies. My dad awakened a love for scifi in me and my brother and it’s something the 3 of us still bond over. I can remember my dad explaining to us the recap from the previous movie so we’d understand what was going on. Every time I see this on TV, I’m taken right back to that movie theater with my dad. It’s Star Trek, so I love it, I’ll watch all of them (well except maybe “Undiscovered Country”) over and over.
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5. Serenity
I know Joss Whedon is not well liked anymore because even though in the 90s he was ahead of his time, he’s sadly not grown and updated his own thinking to reflect how the world had changed and improved.  But this movie is still a comfort to me because I was part of the movement to get it made. I got to see this in theaters 6 months before it was released. It wasn’t a final edit (so there were things in the version I saw that wasn’t in the release). But can you imagine having to keep mum about Wash for 6 fucking months from your best friend? Plus I love the story of a group of rag-tag people on the wrong side of the law taking on the powerful to do what’s right.
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6. The Pink Panther
Oh Inspector Clouseau, you make me laugh so. I’m talking the ORIGINAL, with Peter Sellers here. This and the second movie make me laugh. It’s about a jewel theft, and even though Sellers didn’t even get top billing, he steals the show.
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7. Galaxy Quest
You have to laugh at yourself, and as a sci-fi fan, this movie has that. It lovingly mocks those of us that go to cons, write fanfics, and just worship scifi. And I laugh so so much every time I see this. PLUS it has Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman, both of which I just love. Seriously Sigourney is my bad ass hero that I want to be when I grow up.
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8. The Princess Bride This one is on many people’s lists for a good reason -- it’s a great film. This movie was my first ever real date!!  The date was a flop but the movie was great! Several years ago I showed it to the kids of my friend from High School. They didn’t like it so my friend is now wondering where she went wrong with her parenting. If you haven’t seen this well tell me so that once we’re out of isolation, I can come over and MAKE you watch it. It’s a grandfather telling a story to his sick grandson. It has giants, sword fights, pirates, princesses, an evil prince, and, yes, kissing.
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Tagging @kemvee​, @fandomn00blr​, @turbootaku​, @esmeralda-juniper​, @thelittlestfische​, @charlatron​, @serial-chillr​, @sarenkascrawls​
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lovebtob · 7 years
tagged by  @mtvkris thank u bby ♥♥♥
this is crazy long so
instructions: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping.
Sign // GOT7
Let Them In // PVRIS
Back 2 U (AM 01:27) // NCT 127
Lying to You // Keaton Henson
You Were beautiful // DAY6
History // EXO-K
Kingdom (Kor Ver.) // B.A.P
Everything’s Alright // To the Moon OST
Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time // Panic! at the Disco
Ribs // Lorde
5 things you’d find in my bag:
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
my bed
a tv
soft toys
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
travel (europe especially but everywhere)
get a house w my friends
make it through uni
actually get a job as a writer ??? that would be cool
learn a language
5 things i’m currently into:
strong woman do bong soon
writing (????)
tolkien (always)
5 things on my to do list:
get a job
do absolutely nothing for the next day or so
maybe try to start my assignments before the end of break
do the dishes
make food
5 things people may not know about me:
im v introverted and idk why a lot of people find this surprising
im currently studying 2 languages at uni (french and japanese)
i want to get into screenwriting
i get to see got7 in just over a week
im a hoe for scented candles
Top 10 BTS Songs Tag:
Cypher pt 3
House of Cards
Blood Sweat and Tears
I Need U
Satoori Rap
Am I Wrong
Spring Day
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
Ed Sheeran
Jhene Aiko
Hayley Kiyoko
Mumford & Sons
Panic! at the Disco
does Hamilton count bc it’s amazing ???
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
Is There Somewhere // Halsey
Happier // Ed Sheeran
House of Memories // Panic! at the Disco
Golden Days // Panic! at the Disco
Sleepover // Hayley Kiyoko
Pretty Bird // Jhene Aiko
Glory and Gore // Lorde
10am Gare du Nord // Keaton Henson
Gravel to Tempo // Hayley Kiyoko
Foreigner’s God // Hozier
10 favorite movies:
lotr: fellowship
lotr: two towers
lord: rotk
star wars: the force awakens
treasure planet
ca: tws
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
in the flesh
death parade
steven universe
miraculous ladybug
strong woman do bong soon
mr robot
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
the raven cycle (books)
all for the game (books)
percy jackson (books)
the song of achilles (book)
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe (book)
fall out boy (music)
lotr (books just bc i love them as much as the movies)
assassin’s creed (video game)
six of crows (books)
hamilton (musical)
last movie you watched: stardust
last song you listened to: sleepover // hayley kiyoko
last show you watched: goblin
last book you read: crooked kingdom
last thing you ate: stir fry
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: ,,, w my gf tbhhh
when would you time travel to: can i go to the future?
first thing you would do with lottery money: look into getting my own house/apartment/living place idc what just something that’s MINE also like probably plane tickets to see my gf
character you would hang out with for a day: ronan lynch
time right now: 12:15pm
the ‘or’ tag
build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR go to london with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and j-hope
rules: answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
What is your name? - Beth
A four letter word? - bird
A boy’s name? - Ben
An occupation? - baker
Something you wear? - bracelet
A color? - blue
A food? - bread
Something you find in the bathroom? - basin
A place? - brisbane
A reason for being late? - broken
Something you shout? - bitch
A movie title? - Brave
Something you drink? - beer (if u hate urself)
An animal? - beluga
A type of car? - bentley
Title of a song? - baepsae // bts
on shuffle (kpop edition)   rules: put your music library on shuffle and list down the first 10 songs and tag 10 people.
healing // seventeen
ace // temin
i miss you so bad // ikon
ready or not // monsta x
why so serious // shinee
don’t recall (hidden vers) // kard
moonster // exo
rush // monsta x
21st century girls // bts
hey // got7
kpop - firsts rules: list five or ten of your favorite kpop boy / girl groups. put your first bias of each group and the name of the mv you first saw them in.
bts - jungkook; dope
nct - ten; 7th sense
got7 - jaebum; girls girls girls
btob - sungjae; insane
bap - jongup; skydive
blackpink - lisa; boombayah
mamamoo - hwasa; piano man
monsta x - all of them; all in
shinee - taemin; lucifer
exo - sehun; i think it was call me baby ???
random k-pop rules: go to this website: www.random.org/lists/ and pick 15 of your bias/faves.
mum/dad: changkyun
sibling: yoongi
grandma/grandad: lay
haunts you: yongguk
boyfriend/girlfriend: bobby
your ex: zuho
your best friend: lisa
proposed to you: ten (BOI)
your boss: ilhoon
random person you meet at a bar: chanyeol
rival: mark tuan
first kiss: sehun
drunk and singing karaoke: jinyoung
played 7 minutes in heaven with: taehyung
gave you your favorite dessert: wonho
im too lazy to tag anyone lmao but if u wanna do it go for it~
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veebomb · 8 years
was tagged by @alyaluthientinuviel, thank you!
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
LAST… Drink: pepsi max Last phone call: my dad Last text message: my dad telling me how much money i have on my bank account Last song I listened to: Panic Song by Green Day like 3 seconds ago Last time I cried: a few hours ago
HAVE YOU EVER… Been cheated on: no Kissed someone and regretted it: no Been depressed: yes for many years Been drunk and thrown up: no Kissed a stranger: no Drank hard liquor: no Lost glasses/contacts: nope they’re always close to me Been arrested: no Turned someone down: no Cried when someone died: yeah fallen for a friend: yeah i guess you could say that
IN THE PAST YEAR, HAVE YOU… Made a new friend: yeah!! Laughed until you cried: probably yeah Met someone who changed you: who changed me? yeah probably lmao Found out who your true friends were: yeah Found out someone was talking about you: no
GENERAL: How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: idek Do you have any pets: no :( Do you want to change your name: i’ve already changed it but i dont think i’ll ever change it legally What time did you wake up this morning: i woke up many times but i finally woke up at 12:15 What were you doing last night: i was on my mental illness tumblr blogging abt MaDD i think Name something you cannot wait for: summer Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ...i mean...probably...but not like anyone i know What’s getting on your nerves rn: my mom, anxiety, these dizzy spells i’ve been having all day Blood type: dont know lmao Nicknames: Vee (+ many others given by my dear best friend) Relationship status: takennn Zodiac sign: Cancer Pronouns: he, she and they are all cool but i prefer he/him Favourite tv show: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Avatar, Steven Universe, Friends...i was probably supposed to pick just one but yeah lmao Hair colour: brown Long or short: short Crushes: i mean...my girlfriend?? does that count as a crush lol Tattoos: no Righty or lefty: righty
FIRSTS… First surgery: haven’t had it yet (hopefully never will oh god D:) First piercing: ears when i was like 7 First best friend: a boy from kindergarten First sport you joined: gymnastics i think First vacation: belgium when i was like 2
RIGHT NOW… Eating: nothing Drinking: nothing I’m about to: do Research on a Thing Listening: Teach Me by Keaton Henson
WHICH IS BETTER? Lips or eyes: eyes i guess Hugs or kisses: both Shorter or taller: idk??? Older or younger: older? Sensitive or loud: sensitive i guess Hook up or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… Miracles: yeah sure Love at first sight: maybe idk Heaven: im agnostic so....possibly? Santa Claus: all the way man santa claus is my homeboy
im not gonna tag anyone so just do it if you feel like it :)
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