#Steven Meeks simps unite
Here’s the first beautiful ginger:
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What It Would Be Like Dating Steven Meeks
I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible :)
Meeks is a gentleman, that’s for sure, and we all know it.
Meeks would totally over flow your dorm room with flowers, there would be dozens of bouquets stuffed into your room. All of them would be your favorite flower and only one of them would have a tag on it. Which you would have to find. Meeks would not inform you that this was his doing and just wait till you found the tag. It took you till the next day to finally find which one had a tag on it. The tag simply read, in extremely nice hand writing, “Wanna get dinner? -Meeks :)” 
Like I said, Meeks is a total gentleman and your dates would always be so formal. He would probably do the basics: give you flowers, bring you to a nice restaurant, take you on a nice walk in the park while letting you wear his jacket and the night just wasn’t allowed to end without a soft and sweet kiss.
Theres this really adorable thing he does and it always seems to cheer you up, even on your worst days. So basically, everytime you compliment him, he can’t help but become just a little flustered. He loves the attention and as a result, he does this cute little laugh and it’s like angels singing.
Anyway, when you are having a bad day, he’s very gentle with you, making sure to give you as much attention and affection as he possibly can. He’ll even cook your favorite foods. This man literally treats you like a flower when you’re having a bad day, he will always make sure that you’re doing okay by checking in, at least, every 10 minutes.
He’s very observant and tends to notice that somethings wrong the second he sees you. If you think you were doing good at hiding that something was upsetting you, you sure weren’t doing good enough to fool Mr. Detective over here. And as soon as he notices, he’s not at all afraid to point this fact out and then insist on talking about it. 
Meeks is also not afraid to speak up about how he feels. If somethings on his mind, he says it and makes sure the two of you have a conversation about it. Even if it’s not then, it will happen. Not that he’s mad, it’s just, when he has a problem, he likes to get it off his chest and fix it as soon as possible, in a mature and responsible fashion. Especially when he’s jealous.
PDA for Steven is a huge no no. He’s okay with hold hands in public but that’s about it. He likes to keep your affection some what private. But, you do remember how I mentioned he’s not afraid to speak up when he’s jealous? Yeah well, when he becomes jealous, he’s very passive aggressive and clingy. If he sees you talking to someone he thinks is into you, he will walk straight up to you and say something like “alright Hun, you ready to go now?” And if slipping that little name in there doesn’t get the hint across, he will wrap his arms around you, nuzzling into you and if that still doesn’t work, then he will go straight to taking you into a deep kiss. He doesn’t get jealous much, but when he does, he sure puts on a show.
Meeks thinks it’s cute when you wear his clothes. He expecally loves seeing you wear his shirt or sweatshirt in the mornings, knowing that you probably spent the entire night cuddled up in the fabric. You don’t object to wearing his clothes either, they make comfy night clothes and they always smell amazing. Like lavender.
As I mentioned before, Meeks loves to pretend that you’re married and so that often leads to him calling you “Hun”.
The first time Meeks ever said I love you went almost exactly how you had imagined. During a winter night, it was freshly snowing and Meeks had suggested that the two of you go into town and walk around the now frozen pond. There were people laughing and talking everywhere around you, a lot of people were ice skating too. Anyway, you two were walking over a small bridge and he stopped you directly in the middle. And you’re heart stopped, you for sure thought he was gonna ask you to marry him. Sure, it would have been a nice gesture but you were just way too young. So when he admitted that he loved you, you just couldn’t stop laughing, which scared the life out of Stevie. He thought you were laughing at him. Once you noticed the look on his face, you quickly explained everything and told him that you, in fact, loved him too.
Something that Meeks does just for you that makes all the dead poets so jealous is that he let’s you cheat off his homework or quizzes. You never ask often, you don’t want him to think that you’re using him, but you only sheepishly ask if you’re in dire need. Often times though, he helps you through your homework step by step. 
Studying with Meeks is always really successful! He’s a great tutor and is always willing to help. But he often times has to reassure you that you’re doing great and that you are smart because you feel so stupid compared to you’re boyfriend.
Meeks loves to sneak you into his room at night, just so the two of you can fall asleep in each other’s arms, and he always make sure your gone early in the morning. Just so you don’t get caught. The only other person who knows about this is Pitts, because one night he woke up, spotted you in Meeks bed and though you guys had been up to something much differnt then just sleeping. He almost had a heart attack.
This man literally treats you like the two of you are married. Sure, he doesn’t go out of his way to call you “Mrs./Mr. Meeks”, like Charlie does, but he will go grocery shopping with you, cook with you, he loves spending every night, that he can, with you, he helps pick out your outfits and more. In his mind, the two of you are already married.
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Writing this reminded me how much I love him. Anyway, here’s Meeks as I promised! I hope you all liked it, up next is the beautiful tree man, Pitts. So Pittsie simps, stay tuned :)
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Same as the last one, quick PSA, I know I usually keep these gender neutral but I’ve decided for this ask to be fem so I hope that doesn’t offend anyone. And if it does, I’m sorry and feel free to send in an ask asking for a gender neutral version of this if you’d like, because I’d be glad to write one, or you could change the pronouns to your preferred ones as you’re reading. What ever works best for you :)
Also this isn’t my best work so yeah, sorry about that lmao.
The first time Meeks ever laid his eyes on you, his whole world seemed to stop. You quite literally rendered him speechless, from the way you walked, talked, the way your hair flowed and more. You were absolutely show stopping in his eyes and he immediately knew that he wanted you.
When he finally got the nerves to ask you out, his worst nightmare came true. You felt really bad but in your mind, a relationship between the two of you would go south, and you didn’t want to end up hurting him. You did think he was cute, smart and kinda funny. And you did go to your dorm and day dream about the ginger a lot, but you didn’t want to waste your time on a relationship that was destined to fail. Or so you thought it would. But Mr. Meeks ended up suggesting that you to just give it a try, and you reluctantly agreed. “Just a week, and we’ll work things out then.” “Yeah, deal.” Yeah, you guys’ relationship ended up lasting more than just a week, that’s for sure. And you will never regret giving Steven Meeks a chance.
Steven usually went for the more nerdy and passive type. Quiet and sweet girls. But you were totally different. You were strong and totally a fighter. So when he started chasing after you, it not only surprised him, all the dead poets but you too. He just seemed to surprise everyone.
Meeks honestly only had one, logical guess and explanation as to why he fell for you the way that he did. Because he liked being told what to do, being put in his place and bossed around. That may sound weird but, hear me out, why else would he close the door the way he did after Charlie demanded it of him?
Easy, because he loved a women that was in charge, took a stand and held some sort of power. He liked having a confident and strong girlfriend. So, what I’m trying to say is, boss him around a little? Don’t worry, he enjoys it.
Meeks is one of the only people who knows how to accurately and sufficiently calm you down. And he’s one of the only people who actually succeeds at it. Your mad at one of the poets? Someone get Meeks. Blew a fuse with a stranger? Quick, someone find Steven. Many teachers have even started calling poor Stevie into their classes when you get into one of your “moods”. “Do you want me to play with your hair while we cuddle?” “I don’t want to cuddle at all.” “Sure you do, come on.” He would say before dragging you away. And once you two returned to the real world, it was like you were a whole new person.
You don’t often get mad at him. He never does anything to upset or annoy you, and he’s actually very gental with you. Pitts could piss you off, but five minutes later, Meeks could do the same exact thing Gerard had done and you wouldn’t feel a thing. He’s the only person who listens when you’re upset or angry, he understands that you’re just feeling a lot of emotions in that moment. And all anyone wants is someone who will understand and listen. So on the rare occasions that you do get mad at him, you automatically feel horrible, apologizing one million times, because he most likely didn’t do anything wrong. Meeks is just way too perfect, he’s always way too understanding, sometimes to the point where you just wished he would get mad at you. It’s hard to tell if he’s being serious or not, it’s always a worry of yours that “What if he actually is upset or hurt and just he won’t admit it.”
Meeks often tutors you, or the two of you work together, and you get easily frustrated or mad with your work. Usually, he attempts to help you continue working, using sweet, nice and encouraging words to calm you down, but if that doesn’t work, he just lets you go on a long rampage, letting out all your steam, before he pulls you into a nice, comforting hug.
When ever you blow a fuse with someone, especially if it’s someone you don’t really know, or someone you don’t know at all, Meeks is always the one to discretely apologize on your end. If you yell at someone on the streets, he’ll always quietly whisper “Sorry.” As the two of you walk past.
Meeks is a very calming person to be around, and you’re so happy that he’s your boyfriend for that reason. You often need someone to calm or relax you, and some how, everything about Steven just does that for you. The way he smells, his soft hair, his nice hugs. Everything. He’s just an all around soothing person. And with a personality like yours, you need someone in your life like that. Someone who’s always gonna be there to calm you.
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For some odd reason, this one was a lot more complicated to write then the Charlie one, but I still hope you like it.
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What It Would Be Like In A Poly Relationship With Steven Meeks And Gerard Pitts
Coming to the conclusion of “we’re all dating” was a confusing process. All three of you were sitting around Meeks’ and Pitts’ room, in a comfortable silence, when you decided to get something off your chest, something that had been on your mind for a bit now. Probably about to ruin the comfortable silence. “Look, okay, this is hard for me to say, but I like both of you.” You said, your face turning a dark crimson as you looked over at the wall. They were silent at first until finally, Meeks spoke up and added to your statement with “I like you too...But I also like Gerard.” Which made a smile grow across your lips and Pittsie’s face turn a deep shade of red, just like your own. “But I like you both too.” Was what Pitts squeaked out.
It was a complicated and long conversation, trying to decided who would date who, if Meeks and Pitts would date, if you and Pitts would date or if Meeks and you would date. You all just couldn’t agree upon a final pairing, not being able to pick who you liked more, when Pitts just mumbled “Well...Why don’t we all date.” No one really said anything about the whole topic after that, but it was obvious you all happily agreed and liked that idea. But the words were never shared, it was never “official”, it just kinda happened.
That being said, it’s always a jumbled mix of “uhm”’s and “I don’t know”’s when someone asks if you’re all a thing, because you don’t really know what you all are. Those conversations usually just end in you all awkwardly shrugging while looking around at one another. You guys also never said anything about it to the rest of the poets, never clarifying if you were actually in a relationship or not. They just all kind of knew, and that was that.
Holding hands with Meeks was really one of the first, big turning points in you guy’s relationship. A mutual agreement was formed then, you all just knew “well...guess we’re dating now”, without the words actually being said. The same with quick hugs between passing periods that were shared with Pitts. He absolutely loved hugs, and giving them to Meeks and you was another, special signal.
It wasn’t often a struggle to come to an agreement for dates. One of you would throw out really any random suggestion that came to your mind, and boom, that’s what you found yourself doing an hour later.
Pitts perfered things such as tree climbing, which Meeks would happily sit and watch the two of you from the ground, the safe grass, where he wouldn’t fall, and Pitts also liked picnics. Which seemed to be a group favorite, picnics. Meeks liked dates such as ice skating and climbing up to the top of a water tower to look out at the view over town or watch the sunset cast pinks and oranges over each of your features. 
Studying together wasn’t uncommon, study dates and helping each other with homework was a very normal thing. And you all actually worked very nicely together.
The conversations are never boring, bringing up random topics, new things you learned and having intellectually stimulating conversations is a must have. You three could talk for hours about anything that would get your brain thinking. Many mature and academic debates have been held between the three of you, politely arguing with respectful reasons is your speciality. So when the time comes that you do get into an actual argument or fight, it’s gonna be like a whole damn debate.
Blanket and pillow forts are almost always set up in each other’s dorms. Meeks’ and Pitts’ room is so full of them, and because of that, they’ve stopped sleeping on their beds and just sleep in the little set up tents every night. So much tea and gossip has been spilled in the depths of those forts, many late night book readings and make out seasons have gone on in the dim light.
Playing a game of tossing Stevens glasses around is a terrible, terrible thing. But that doesn’t stop you and Pitts from taking part in it. Tossing them around the room while effortlessly dodging him. Yes it’s crude, but he’s like a little blind puppy. It’s totally worth it to laugh at later.
You like to play with the boys hair, so they often argue about “whose turn it is”. They don’t argue over much, but that’s the exception. They love to have their hair played with. It doesn’t matter where or when, they will gladly have their hair played with. In or out of class, while you’re trying to sleep and more. They are needy in that aspect.
Meeks making food for the three of you is one of his favorite activities. Bringing meals into the dorm and seeing Pitts face and yours light up is like a treat to him. He’s an extraordinary cook and you couldn’t be more thankful.
You and Meeks only wear Pitts’ clothes. You take his sweatshirts, sweaters, t-shirts, long sleeves and more. You don’t wear each other’s clothes and he doesn’t wear yours, you guys only wear his. He doesn’t mind though, because not only does he get to see the two of you wear his over sized hoodies around school, but when he receives them, they always smell like you and Meeks.
Squeezing all three of you into an arm chair is how you guys cuddle. And it’s odd because most of the time, you actually make it work. Usually by just sitting on Pitts lap, but it still works. Being so close is extremely comforting and you’ve all been caught, many times. Which only makes the teachers more suspicious of the relationship you all hold.
Mr. Keating is your biggest supporter for some random and unknown reason. Probably because you all get your work done ten times better ever sense you’ve all started dating. Anyway, so that means, ever sense you’ve all became a thing, he’ll group you together for group projects, not even letting you intervene or speak, just throwing the three of you a little smirk before he sends you on your way. You’ve never told him before but he knows. He definitely knows. And most likely because Neil told him.
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Next are Charlie and Cameron so Charlie and Cameron simps, stay tuned :)
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