#Steven Meeks x reader headcanons
angelbowerz · 7 months
Being the only girl at Welton Academy/your first day
Movie- Dead poets society
Summary- it's your first day at Welton academy and you get taken in by the dead poets♡
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-you started a few days into the semester and you basically spent your first day getting introduced to the school (no classes)
-you'll get a teachers room as your own dorm (with an en suite) because you obviously can't be sharing a bedroom and the showers with boys😭
-when the boys saw you walking to your dorm..their jaws DROPPED
-Cameron was the only one who disagreed with the idea
"This is called an all boys school for a reason🙄"
-when their classes ended for lunch, they were all hovering over your door until someone had the courage to knock on the door (cough cough Mr Charlie Dalton cough cough)
-when you open the door he gives *that smirk* and says "hello there pretty lady, need any help with anything?😏"
-all the others was just gawping, too scared to say anything
-After you finish packing, you go to Mr Nolan's office to find out what extra circular activities you get
-he gives VERY strict rules of no dating..blah blah blah
-then he says you're getting a tour from his 'best student'..more like favourite student
-and who walks through the door? Do I really need to answer that?
-the most awkward tour...mainly because
A. He doesn't want you at the school
B. He spends the whole time actually talking about the school (no small talk)
-At the end if the tour, Charlie finds you and says
"Ohhh it's the pretty lady...well hey, why don't you come meet my friends? ;)"
-the whole time you're sitting with the dead poets at dinner
Charlie just flirts with you
Todd is too shy to say more than 3 words
Cameron either talks about lessons and shades you until Charlie shuts him up
Meeks just watches you in awe and giggles the whole time
Pitts just blurts out random nonsense then just awkwardly laughs afterwards
Knox just talks about Chris
Neil is the sweetest one who generally keeps a conversation without flirting the whole time (cough cough charlie once again)
-Charlie invites you along to a dead poet meeting and Cameron just says
"Guys, do we really need MORE members"
-Charlie just puts him in his place (as per usual)
-anyway...later that night ya'll sneak out to the cave
-you sit (forced) next to Charlie
"I'll protect you pretty lady ;)"
-Meeks+Pitts still watches you in awe the whole time
"Your hair just looks so...amazing"
-Neil and Cameron are the only ones who actually reads from the book
-Charlie does some overdramatic performance just to impress you
-Todd rarely speaks but sometimes smiles at you (cutiepie)
-what does knox do? Oh I wonder...TALKS ABOUT CHRIS THE WHOLE TIME!!!
-After they notice you getting sleepy ya'll sneak back into the school
-then you all go back to your dorms and fall asleep
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theladwhoisweird · 6 months
I was good. I was really good.
It's been 64 years, Neil.
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chasedbyunclewalt · 1 year
A whole bunch of random extremely specific headcanons I have been thinking about forever for dating all the different dead poets~~~
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Hear me out
He’s the ‘tough’ one of the group
This is terrible but I think the dead poets made him tell Todd about Neil because no one else could bring themselves to. (I wanna write a fic about this so bad)
Charlie aggressively cares for all his friends
He needs someone to aggressively care for him
So when you guys are alone it takes time for him to lose his tough guy facade
But when he does he’s kind of a baby
Clinging to you
Wanting attention
Having someone to care for him is so foreign but he loves it and tries to care for you the same way.
You guys when you aren’t being all lovey and adorable are like partners.
Making joint decisions, just working well together overall
He likes to high five you and then kiss you
Like high five, grabs hand, pulls you into a kiss
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His parents literally never keep an eye on what he does over the summer
So he’s always over at your house or you’re at his
His house is gianttttt and has a pool
Not that he cares that much
But it’s impressive to say the least
Jefferey is the only one of his family who actually knows you’re dating
Like I said his parents don’t care like at all
But Jef is actually super nice and supportive
Todd gets lonely very easily
So if you’re not together he tries to call you
If you don’t pick up he writes about you
He gets the best gifts
Not because of money or anything but because he’s so thoughtful
Everything thing he gives you has an entire train of thought behind it
Modern day AU almost every time you text him he screenshots it and sends it to Neil asking how to answer
1950’s universe he’s one of the few families with multiple television sets and lets you watch whatever you want.
He likes sleepovers
And his favorite way to cuddle is him sitting up on the bed with you laying on his stomach wrapped around him.
Touch starved.
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Gets sooooo annoyed when his glasses are dirty
He absolutely hates it
You buy him portable lense cleaner
He loves you period
Like everyone can tell this boy is in love
His love language is acts of service
So he’s always offering to help you with homework
He literally did your laundry once
He’s so down bad anything you do makes his jaw drop
On the floor
You guys create your own secret language
He speaks it faster than you and usually say’s disgustingly sweet things
Great with kids
Great with parents
Plant dad. He loves those big vine things idk what they’re called but they wrap around the room
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masivechaos · 24 days
as long as you're happy!
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── ☆ stephen meeks x gn! reader
── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: Stephen hid his feelings for you but it's hard to keep the act up when you're hurting
── ☆ Warning/content: reader is in a toxic relationship, my English
── ☆ a.n.: 1.3k words- first fic i wrote in months so it may not be good 😭
masterlist/ dps masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
Rejection is hard to handle. Especially when it’s not explicitly said, and Meeks had understood it really well. There was this constant lingering bittersweet feeling in the pit of his stomach. And he was good at pretending he was fine. When he learned you were dating someone, he didn’t show any sign of hurt, he even managed a smile, because pretending for you was worth it. As long as you were happy, it was worth it.
So he kept pretending. He managed to act interested when you told him about your first kiss, he hid his frustration, his clenched fist under the desk. He managed to give you a real suggestion when you asked what gift you should get your partner for your four-month anniversary. But he couldn’t pretend he was fine when you were crying curled up against his chest.
“It’s alright…” he kept whispering in your ear. He was clueless about what was going on. All you did was knock at his door with a face full of tears and falling into arms as the name of your partner escaped your lips in a sob. Has he ever seen you like this? Maybe once before a chemistry exam but he could not think of another single time you cried. You were always so positive about everything, a little ray of sunshine, the kind of person who enters a room and makes everyone smile.
His curiosity was piqued. What did your partner do to have you in such a state? God, how much he wanted to know. But he was resting the questions urging to slip past the tip of his tongue, for you. He let his own mind ruminate with the most absurd ideas until you were finally calm.
And as he kept trying to figure it out, he remembered. He remembered when he walked into your dorm without knocking and saw your red and puffy eyes. But he also remembered how you shrugged it off and said you had a bad grade in maths. He tried to think of it but you had A and A+ all year long. You lied. And he frowned. You never lied.
What happened?
When you were finally able to breathe without bursting into tears, he asked the question “What’s going on?” he asked softly, he tried to hide his curiosity that could come off as displaced in this situation. With the sleeve of his jumper he dried the tear remaining in the corner of your left eye.
You let out a hitched breath and snuggled closer to him, seeking solace and warmth “Drew… they… I fucked up,” you said, trying not to let out another sob.
Meeks’ eyebrows knitted together. You never fucked up. You were you. Everything he could dream of and everything he wanted. “I’m pretty sure you didn’t.”
“I did!” You said as another tear fell down your face, forming a wet patch on my uniform’s trousers. “They dumped me and it’s all my fault.” You were back to crying in Stephen’s neck again.
His arms tightened around your waist. He tried to ignore the part of his heart that was relieved and happy you were back to being single. He felt horrible for thinking such a thing. Meeks focused back on you and tried to make you feel better “Tell me what happened…”
You stayed silent for a minute. “I gave them the gifts for our four-month anniversary, the vinyl record and the love letter as you told me. And Drew said- they said-” As you started to sob again, Stephen rubbed your back with a circular motion “They said it was too much and that I loved them too much and it was wrong of me.”
Meeks frowned again “It wasn’t wrong of you.”
“It was,” you immediately answered “They’re right I’m just all too much and I shouldn’t have given them so many things during our relationship. It’s all my fault.”
He couldn’t grasp why you were blaming yourself for this. “But… they kept everything… right?”
You nodded “Yes, and asked for other gifts too…” 
Meeks was now confused. Drew was asking you for gifts but blaming you for giving them? It didn’t make any sense “Wait, wait- what do you mean?” he asked as he tilted his head and pushed his glasses back on the bridge of his nose.
“Drew said it was a test and I failed it and I was too stupid to believe they were being honest,” you said quietly, Meeks’ touch smoothing you “They said this once or twice already and I managed to get them back but now I think it’s done.”
Stephen froze. That didn’t sound good at all. “You.. got them back…?”
You nodded as you sniffled “Yes… I begged and they stayed if I did what they wanted but now it’s over” He stayed silent. He couldn’t believe it. It didn’t seem healthy at all and he started to worry for you. He didn’t manage to hide his surprise, begging for someone? It didn’t look like you. His worry grew as you kept opening up “But Drew’s right I’m just all too dumb and shouldn’t believe them.”
“Hey-” he immediately said, tilting your head by grabbing your chin between his fingers “don’t say that. You’re far from dumb and if you ask me it sounds like they took advantage of you.” 
You shook your head, tears spilling out of your eyes “No- no- they loved me and taught me a lesson. I just loved them too much.”
He made sure you looked him in the eyes. He was good at school, considered a genius, but he was awkward when it came to feelings. He didn’t even know how you managed not to see he was head over heels for you, his stuttering and blushing gave it away to everyone– but you, apparently. But for you he tried to put every single feeling into an understandable thought, he wanted you to know how incredible you were. How dared anyone make you feel this way?
“That’s not true,” he said, a bit more harshly than intended, “if they loved you they wouldn’t have you beg for them to stay. And you’re not dumb for loving them and showing it. They just aren’t made for you. They broke you to make you dependent on them to get what they wanted.” 
You pressed the palms of your hands to your eyes, a headache starting to cloud your mind. It was hard to think when you were this upset but you started to realise he was right “But they’re right… I’m way too much-”
Stephen cut you “No- no- you’re not too much. They manipulated you to break your self confidence and make sure you stuck to them. You’re not too much, at all.”
“But I understand why they wouldn’t love me-”
He stopped you once again “They have no reason not to love you. Everyone loves you just the way you are. Don’t think so lowly of yourself. You’re everything I can ever dream of. And if Drew doesn’t love you, then screw them. I love you. Even when you’re ‘too much’, because it shows you care.”
You stared at him, mouth ajar. Your eyes, wet from your previous tears, were glistening from emotions “Really?” you asked in a broken voice.
“Really,” he said with a reassuring smile. He hugged you closer to him, he wanted to make you feel better “I really love you and I wasn’t great at hiding and I kept silent because you were happy but… I want you to know now. Because you deserve to know how incredible and easy to love you are.” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You leaned into his touch “I’m so glad you’re here,” you whispered.
He offered you a small smile, his usually pale cheeks slightly pink. “I just want you to be happy. Don’t let Drew get through your mind.”
You let out a small sigh, resting your head against Stephen’s chest “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he muttered, “I’m happy as long as you are.”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ steven meeks taglist: @moonlitmeeks @toindeedbeag0d @juneberrie @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @kieracassette @vancitycharlie @oncasette @dori-and-gray @maddipoof @starlit-epiphany @willowseason @mellozhi @lovings4turn @ivyppoison @satelitis
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Getting Red
Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: shared trauma, fluff, swearing
Summary: You and the Dead Poets attend your ten year reunion, surprised by some of the faces that show up, you all agree spending the night catching up in the old Indian cave is the best way to remember Welton and it’s glory days. In the midst of it you reconnect with an old crush.
word count: 3109
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“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this” you spoke, fixing your hair in the visors mirror. Knox let out a chuckle beside you as he shook his head.
“You graduated from here too, whether you like it or not. Plus my wife couldn’t come and I didn’t want to go alone” Knox said pushing the visor up so you would stop fiddling with your hair.
“I only graduated from here because my parents forced me. I can assure you Nolan and the teachers weren’t fond of it” you said, the nerves swirling in your stomach. It felt like going to school here all over again, a piece of meat in a wolf den.
“Look I hated Welton too but I wouldn’t trade it for the world because I had you, the Dead Poets, Keating, and Chris. None of that would’ve happened without Welton” your heart softened towards the boy, understanding where he came from.
“You think they came?” you found yourself asking, hoping and praying that the boys had it in them to come back to this place because even though it held so many good memories it held bad ones too.
“Hard to say, but I hope they did” Knox, always the dreamer. Smiling over at your best friend since freshman year you sighed and pushed the door open.
“Fine, let’s get this over with” Knox smiled and hurried out the car himself. You brushed out any wrinkles on the skirt of your red dress as you waited for Knox to escort you into the building.
“You think Nolan will make an appearance?” Knox asked as you pushed through the doors, the action giving you an eerie feeling.
“Doubt it, I heard he retired a few years ago and he hated our class” Knox replied as you both made your way to where the reunion was being held. The minute you stepped foot in the room eyes turned towards you. The feeling in the air made it clear many people had been uncomfortable but your class was the one that dealt with tragedy. “I’m gonna go get us some drinks”
“Okay” you nodded as Knox helped you slip off the shawl and he moved to hang your coats and find some alcohol to ease the tension.
“Damn Y/N, you still look good as ever” looking up you rolled your eyes slightly and crossed your arms over your chest where his eyes were practically glued.
“Just cause you haven’t seen me in ten years Hopkins doesn’t mean anything has changed” you told him and he chuckled slightly.
“You’re right, but ten years later it was still worth a shot” he flashed a wink and you chuckled when suddenly he froze as he looked at something behind you.
“You okay?” you asked slowly turning around and suddenly your breath hitched. In all his glory, black suit, shaggy chestnut hair, and dopey smile stood Charlie Dalton who had been expelled before he could even graduate from the school.
“Of course Dalton would have the nerve to show up to something like this” Hopkins huffed from behind you but Charlie’s eyes locked on yours and he flashed a quick smirk as he strutted further into the room.
“Y/N my dear, you look surprised” he spoke once he was close and you tried to collect your thoughts quickly. It may have been ten years but you still wouldn’t let Charlie Dalton know he had any kind of effect on you at all.
“Well Charles, considering you didn’t graduate from this school I’m curious as to how you got an invite” you quipped back, knowing he hated being called Charles. Yet Charlie didn’t falter as looked back at you.
“Oh sweet innocent Y/N, you of all people should know Meeks still tells me everything” he gestured to a table where you had spotted the old red headed friend who had Pitts and Todd by his sides. They all offered you a small wave and you quickly waved and smiled back.
“Of course he does, only you could get kicked out of Welton and still have your henchman be so loyal” Knox now walked up behind you, a glass of wine in his hand for you when a smile grew across his face.
“Charlie!” he quickly handed you the drinks and he rushed to embrace the boy in a quick hug.
“Hey Knoxie, how’s Chris? Still hot?” Knox gave him a light shove but nonetheless the two boys laughed as they rejoiced.
“She’s great, the kids too. I see you and Y/N here already fell into your old ways” Knox could tell your annoyance immediately but the presence of Charlie just did that to people.
“Come on, let’s go see the others” Charlie moved to wrap his arm around your shoulders but you quickly knocked him away as Knox helped you with the drinks.
“Looks like I’m still losing out to Dalton” you heard Hopkins say once the boys started towards the table. Slowly you turned, knowing he was right because no guy in Welton ever did compare to Charlie.
“It was good to see you” you told him with a soft smile. He smiled back and you gave his arm a squeeze before you moved to the table where you belonged. You hadn’t spotted Cameron but that was more than likely a good thing considering what he had done to the group and Keating.
“Charlie Dalton, of course you’d show up to the reunion of a school you got kicked out of” Todd stood and shook the man’s hand, pulling him into a hug. He had really come out of his shell the last ten years but it really started after Neil had passed.
“I couldn’t help myself, to bad Nolan is an antique because I would’ve really enjoyed seeing his face when I came through those doors” Charlie told the group as you said your quiet hellos to Meeks and Pitts.
“And Y/N you look beautiful as ever” Todd said as you and the group all filled the seats around the table. Crazy how quickly you could fall into old habits.
“Thank you Todd, how’s your latest book coming along?” you asked. You had kept in touch over the years and Todd had been doing extremely well for himself. He had published two books and that was all thanks to Keating. Too bad he wasn’t here to tell him that.
“Slowly but that’s the process” he smiled and you nodded before taking a long sip from the drink Knox had gotten you.
“So, how bad is it?” Knox whispered to the boys who had been there a bit longer than them.
“Well all these assholes have graduated from ivy leagues and are richer than God. What a surprise, I know” Meeks spoke, sarcasm lacing his tongue to which the rest of the group snickered.
“They even set up this memorial for Neil. It’s ten years later and they still want us to blame anyone other than this school and his father” Pitts said and the group turned and sure enough at the end of one of the tables was a picture of Neil surrounded by stuff from his time here.
“Makes me sick” you spoke, your stomach clenching as you closed your eyes. It never hurt any less losing a friend like that.
“He would’ve loved to come to this. See everyone ten years later. He probably would’ve dragged all of our asses into going” Charlie said because he came here for the same reason everyone else did. If Neil had never died none of them would’ve cared to come back to this school but because he did coming back was as close as they could get to seeing him again.
“He would’ve been happy about it too” Todd said and the group all smiled sadly at each other. You often wondered if any of you would’ve stayed in touch if Neil had never passed because sometimes it felt like you all did for him.
“Hey, here’s to Neil and sucking all the marrow out of life” Charlie held his glass up and the rest of you followed suit as you clinked glasses and all took a drink. The conversation was obviously sad but you all had grown used to the feeling.
“As long as you don’t choke on the bone” you winked at the boy beside you and Charlie smiled, surprised you had remembered. Yet how could you forget when the stunt he pulled nearly got you kicked out of the school.
“Well I’ve had about enough of this reunion, how about you guys? Perhaps we can have a reunion of our own” Charlie rose his eyebrows and grins danced across each of the boys faces as they eagerly nodded.
“I’ll steal a bottle of champagne” Knox said and without any spoken agreement everyone moved to collect their coats and leave the stuffy room full of boys who have no idea what life could really feel like.
“This is so fun, I feel so free knowing we’re doing this and we don’t have to worry about getting caught” Knox said as you all made your way through the woods, the route to the old Indian cave still clear as day.
“This feels like the first time we came out here” Todd said as they started to pick up their pace. Before you knew it the boys were all fairly ahead of you, unable to keep up in your footwear.
“Need a lift?” Charlie appeared at your side as you unstuck your heel from the grass. Laughing lightly you looked at him.
“If you could?” you weren’t usually one to say yes to Charlie but at this rate you’d be left alone in the woods and that terrified you.
“Alright princess, hop on” he squatted down in front of you and you were surprised your first reaction wasn’t to be annoyed that he called you princess. It was actually quite nice hearing him say it for the first time in a decade. You swiftly hopped onto his back and his arms locked underneath your knees as he started walking towards the boys. “You didn’t yell at me for the pet name”
“Contrary to your belief Charlie but I missed you and even though I don’t really prefer you belittling me with pet names like princess it was still nice to hear” you spoke, your hot breath hitting his neck and he smiled.
“Wow, you admitted you missed me and it was followed by more nice words. I’m in shock” Charlie said and you laughed, your chest bumping into his back with each laugh.
“It’s been a while, I figure we can’t spend all of our time bickering even though that is our favorite past time” you said as you rested you chin on his shoulder, thankful he offered to carry you through the woods.
“How’s that fiancé of yours, what’s his name? Marion?” you rolled your eyes at Charlie’s bash towards the man’s name.
“Martin and I’m assuming fine considering we broke off the engagement” Charlie’s eyes widened at this, surprised you of all people were still on the market.
“Oh. I’m sorry” Charlie told you but you shook your head on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, I broke it off. He wanted me to be a housewife and my degree from Harvard said otherwise” you told him and Charlie grinned at the fact you were still tough as nails, taking no shit from nobody as you navigated through life. Keating would be proud.
“Well, his loss” Charlie said as you approached the entrance of the cave. He slowly slipped you off his back, helping you to the ground before allowing you to enter first.
“There you are, we had to keep Todd from starting the meeting” Knox said as you both entered and you laughed as you climbed into the cave and took a seat, Charlie plopping next to you. Pitts finished starting the small fire and Todd stood up beside it.
“Go for it Todd” Charlie said and Todd smiled as he pulled the book from his coat.
“Keating left it in my dorm. I didn’t have the heart to ever get rid of it” he explained as he turned it over in his hands and opened the cover. “I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately-“
“To live deep and suck all the marrow out of life. To put to rout all that was not life and not when I came to die discover that I had not lived” the rest of you chimed in, the words never leaving your souls.
“Who wants to go first?” Todd asked and Charlie stood swiftly, Todd moving so he could take center stage. You took this time to look around the cave, your stomach tightening when you saw the God of the Cave still where Neil had left it, just worn down from the years.
“I actually came prepared” he said as he denied the book from Todd and pulled a piece of paper out of his suit jacket.
“Dark in the night, we felt free. Like taking flight, like birds in a tree. The moon our spotlight, the words so sweet. We loved with great might, and hurt so deep. Bonded in weather, our message forever, missing you together, the Dead Poets and me” a tear slipped from your eye and you quickly wiped it away as the boys applauded.
“Hey Charlie, that was great” Knox patted his back as he sat back down.
“I wanted to write a poem for tonight but no matter what I put down it ended up being about how I felt about this place” he said and the boys nodded, knowing what he had meant. Welton was never the same and they were changed forever.
“I’ll go next” Knox said and Todd handed him the book. Knox read and the rest of the boys followed, you all passing around the bottle of champagne. You stood as well, reading from the book, and trying to memorize the feeling of what it was like to read in the cave again. But once the meeting was over the rest of you still couldn’t find the heart to leave. If you could live in this moment forever you would.
“I’m gonna get some fresh air” Charlie perked up beside you and stepped out the cave. The boys watched as he moved out and you decided to follow after.
“Yes, fresh air indeed” you spoke sarcastically as you saw the now lit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Needed a buzz doll, visiting the past can be a bit overwhelming” he spoke, the cigarette dancing across his lips, his hands shoved deeply in his pockets from the cold night air.
“Yeah, I get that” you said as you grabbed the cigarette from his lips, your fingers brushing softly against them as you pulled it away to take a long drag yourself. His breath hitched as you pulled it away, your red lipstick stained on the end, as you placed it back in his mouth.
“It’s a nice feeling, all of us together again. No Cameron is a perk too” he knocked you with his shoulder, never liking the boy long before he finked.
“Is it wrong I wish things were still like this?” you asked and Charlie chuckled. One thing you both had in common was you had romanticized this part of your life, and maybe now allowing anyone new into your life wouldn’t come close to feeling as good as this.
“No, at least I think so. I would do anything to get back those nights in the cave” you nodded along with him, holding your hand out, a sign to pass you the cigarette. He obeyed and passed it to you, both of you staring off into the darkness of the woods.
“Do you think we’re still single because people will never understand the things we’ve gone through?” you asked, because there wasn’t many woman your age that weren’t married yet and you were running out of single men.
“Yeah, but I have more reasons than that” Charlie spoke, taking the cigarette back to give it one final drag.
“Yeah, like what?” you asked as he stomped out the bud, the cigarette light no longer illuminating his face.
“Well for starters no girl I’ve met has ever come close to you” you gasped slightly at his admission, shocked to hear that all those years of bickering Charlie felt the same way about you that you did him.
“Why didn’t you ever reach out?” you nervously asked, trying to calm your breathing as he stepped closer.
“Well I didn’t think I deserved someone as amazing as you. After I got kicked out I felt like I deserved nothing” he said, you now both facing each other, chests only an inch apart.
“And now?” you whispered due to the close proximity and he smiled as he pushed some of your hair behind your ear.
“Now I know we all deserve to be happy. I also think it’s a sign both of us being single all these years later. So I want to give this a shot” Charlie spoke and you nervously swallowed, surprised grown Charlie had you as worked up as teenager Charlie would’ve.
“Okay” was all you could say and he grinned as he leaned down and pulled you mouth against his. His hands slid up into your hair and you didn’t care as you grabbed his hips, kissing back with everything you had in you.
“Shit, I’ve always wanted to do that” Charlie said, panting slightly as he pulled away, your red lipstick smeared across his face.
“Me too” you grinned before pulling him into another kiss. This time you wrapped your arms around his neck as he ran his down your back. The need to be against each other overtaking anything else.
“We should get back in before they get suspicious” Charlie pulled back and you smirked at his lipstick covered face and nodded, knowing he wasn’t aware you had made your mark. You nodded and allowed him to lead you back into the cave, snickers immediately coming from the others.
“Look at that, Nuwanda’s getting red bit worked” Todd spoke and the rest of the boys busted out laughing to which you sat back down, enjoying how embarrassed he was.
“You got a little something here buddy” Meeks told him and he pointed to his lips and Charlie tried to wipe away the lipstick but a lot of it stayed.
“Told you it drives girls crazy”
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nightforest1 · 7 months
These days I've become very obsessed with Steven Meeks' stories
It's so beautiful, I love him.
I need more stories about him. 💕
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sulsulellison · 1 year
hello! I would like to know if you could do something where Meeks is starting to date a girl and he is still very shy or also something where Charlie the other poets discover being cute with his girlfriend and he gets a little shy about it
the shy type
steven meeks x fem!reader
dating a shy person can be nerve wracking (especially if both parties are shy)
dates werent bad in any way but they tended to be on the down low
like study dates in the library, going out to eat at cafes, and movies in theaters
one might hear that and think he was a 12 year old boy asking out his first crush on a date
steven just likes quiet spaces where talking too much or too loud is looked down apon
that was all fun and just being with each other was enough
however, one day, meeks wanted to stay in his dorm room and sleep rather than go and study
as you and him were lying on his bed reading, charlie came in looking for gerards notes to steal (instead of camerons for once)
in typical fashion, charlie didnt bother to knock
his jaw dropped (hes dramatic)
keep in mind, moments before this only your best friend and gerard knew about you and steven
he felt like he had just caught you two red handed
"since when?" "wait, how? how did HE get a girl to like HIM?"
no time was given for you to respond before more of the guys to walk in on you and steven
cameron simpily hit charlie on the head and told him to leave you two alone cause, quote, "no one needs him in their relationship"
which surprisingly worked for the time being (aka a week)
since being seen by charlie, meeks started to be more public with you but only with the other poets and some of your friends
dates didnt change much but you did get invited to one of their dead poets meetings
it was exciting for you
especially when steven went to hold your hand, he was extremely hesitant, and you could still feel his hand shack as he held yours
once it was his turn, he continued to hold yours as he read off a poem, he recently found about some pretty mountain range
he has a nervous studder like most shy people, but you had never heard it as prominent as it was now
he didnt want to mess up in front of you (and all the poets shooting curious and excited stares at you and meeks)
(^they are very happy for you both but are still surprised that he knows how to show love with how shy he was known to be)
it took him a few months before he even dared to kiss you or even just on the cheek in front of everyone
he wasnt big with pda
but neil found your relationship endearing and would take goofy, paparazzi like pictures of you and steven in the halls or the library to later send you and make lighthearted jokes (theyre hilariou)
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nogoandbees · 2 years
Ten Ways To Say "I Love You" | Neil Perry edition
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First one shot of the serie. The gift isn´t mine.
Pairing: Neil Perry x Fem!Reader
Summary: Neil may never dare to say those words out loud, but he will take advantage of every situation to make you feel loved.
Word count: 950
N.A: Well, this was supposed to be a short one shot, but as I really enjoyed writing the first part I've decided to turn this story into a series. I don't really know when I will update the next part, but it will be soon so... stay tune!
This whole fanfic is dedicate to @mietlynn , thank you for all your love and support. I love you sis.
Next part here:
Little more than two months had passed since your arrival at Welton Academy. Of course, being the first and only girl to attend the school caused quite a stir, but things calmed down over time.
After being expelled from yor fourth school due to bad behaviour, your grandfather, Mr Nolan, decided that interning you in his own school would give you a lesson. Despite your mother's concern about leaving her little miss surrounded by teenage boys, your behaviour did improve.
Weeks passed and, although the idea of playing a prank on the teachers dangerously caught your attention, you were so immersed in your studies that you had no energy to plan any prank. You finally felt like you were learning useful things, and not the “how to be a lady” nonsense that the nuns tried to teach you in yor preveious schools.
However, what really changed the way you saw the school, were the friends you made there. By the second day you were joking around with Charlie and Meeks, and by the third day, Neil offered you to get into their study group. Not just that, you were proud to be a member of the second generation of dead poets.
Exams period was getting closer, but all of you considered club meetings more than sacred. You don´t really mind to sacrifice a few hours of sleep just to not fall behind on your studies after staying in the cave until late at night.
This particular night you had barely slept. All the poets were so fascinated in Byron's poetry that you all lost track of time. However, the thought of not handing over your trigonometry homework on time kept you awake until the sun began to peek over the horizon. When professor Hager said he would take a point from the final mark if anyone was late on his homeworks, he wasnt kidding.
When you finished the last exercise, you didn't even bother to get into bed. You waited a couple of minutes for the alarm clock to go off and sighed as you reached over it to turn off.
Through your window, you could see the path the dead poets took to go to the cave. A sleepily smile appeared your face at the thought of how quickly you had hit it off with the boys. Maybe, in other circumstances, a girl in a boys school would cause a hormone problem; being the head master´s granddaughter makes boor boys stay away.
Although most of the time you were grateful that it was so, your heart shivers every time Neil looked at you. You knew it was impossible for the boy to feel the same way about you; but you couldn't help but get butterflies in your stomach every time you heard him recite sonnets from Shakespeare, rehearse for his play, or just see him sitting in class with his glasses…
After a while, a bell pulled you out of your thoughts. Without being able to believe it, you grabbed the clock from your table, and with a gasp, you rushed towards the closet. You had wasted an hour rambling about Neil and the club, there were only a few minutes to get dressed and get to trigonometry class.
By running through the corridors and avoiding the rest of the stragglers, you managed to get to class before Mr Hager. You have never considered yourself a religious person, but the fact that the stricter and puntual teacher was five minutes late could be considered a divine miracle.
You sat at your place, behind Neil's, thanking any god in existence for his services. The boy turned to you smiling; he had the same dark circles under his eyes that you after the previous evening.
- For a moment I thought you wouldn't come. Did you stay awake after coming back from the meeting?
- It´s fine. I had to finish today's exercises, I've been up all night. I thought I was late, couldn't even get any breakfast.
As if waiting for a signal, your stomach growled for food. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until that moment.
Neil was about to say something when voices came down the hall. You both turned your gazes towards the door.
- Thank you for solving my doubts, sir.
- It is not necesarry to thank anything, Mr Dalton, but I still don't understand why you couldn't wait until we got to class to answer.
- I couldn't take another second without understanding the argument of complex numbers. I almost felt like I was going to faint!
Mr Hager came through the door followed by Charlie, who was still in the role of his concerned student. The chestnut had left full of numbers under his arm. Before sitting down on his seat, he looked up and winked at you mockingly.
As the teacher got the books ready to start class, Neil turned back to you.
- Are you sure you're okay, darling? It seems that you are going to fall asleep on top of the exercises at any moment -He asked raising an eyebrow
- These exercises worth more than my life right now. I wish I could have taken some coffee from the dining room. -Your stomach sounded again as if you were right.
Neil stifled a laugh as he shook his head in amusement. He casually reached down to pick up his backpack and pulled out a white, messed-up napkin and an apple.
- Sorry to disappoint you then. -He smiled as he placed the wrappers on your desk.
Curiously you unwrapped the napkin and you see a couple of toasts.
- I couldn't fit a coffee pot in my backpack.
~ End of the first chapter
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years
heyy! I was wondering if you could do a Todd Anderson x fe!male
I read your rules I fully respect them but idk if you find this rather awkward but here goes nothing.
*stands up on desk*
Todd Anderson x fe!male reader- readers on her period and she feels completely awful, bad- HORRID cramps! can't even move her legs. Todd is a sweetheart in this! pls?
Just a oneshot- if you do onshots, if not hc are good. even if its short, idc. Love your writing! ur amazing!
Period. [ Todd Anderson/fem!Reader ]
TW/CW: Reader is on her period/talk of blood/ she/her pronouns are used!
of course this is one of the plots that are set in the 50s bcs yk i just do it thag way sometimes. There is 0 shame in being a menstruating person! But in the 50s that was a different story! So that will be shown here in the story of course if wanted I could do a similar story but have it be modern!
You sat at the library, you were studying for an upcoming exam in Trig. You took in a deep breath when it was announced that it was lights out.
You stood up when a rush of something went down. Your heart dropped when you realized that your menstrual cycle started. Your eyes widened as you checked the chair for a sign of a stain.
You sighed in relief when you saw nothing. You groaned before deciding to deal with this later. Your period usually was tamed and not at all messy. If you could get a pad from your roommate everything will be better.
Walking up the stairs the uncomfortableness of the feeling bugged you.
“Please, not right now.” You cried as you rushed up the steps and into your dorm room.
Your roommate gave you a confused look as you began searching all your things for anything!
“What’s going on?” Your roomie asked as you nervously sighed.
“I just started the curse,” you whispered here eyes widened. “I can’t find anything!”
“I have like one extra in my closet hidden behind my clothes!” She quickly got up and began to search her closet.
She found it and handed it to you with a gleeful smile.
“A life savor!” You hugged her before quietly and quickly walking out of your room and into the ladies restroom.
After the whole fiasco was over you decided to turn in for the night. Getting into your nightclothes you shut down for the night.
The worry of what you’re going to do with your problem haunting you.
The next morning you woke up with the absolute worst cramp humanly possible.
You held your stomach as you began to softly sobbed.
“You alright?” Your roomie asked as you shook your head. “Want me to go to the nurse? I can ask for some medication?”
“Could you? I have to get up for this stupid Trig exam,” you deeply sighed the realization that you would have to put up with this horrible sensation all day.
Your roommate quickly rushed to get some medication, anything would be helpful.
She came back in with a Tylenol and a cup of water. “This is all she would give me.”
You gave her an appreciative smile before taking them. “I just hope this keeps me alive for at least the rest of the day.”
Sighing you got up and the rush of blood came down as you held your stomach.
“I wish they did more to help the menstruating population of Welton.” Your roommate sighed as you two began the journey to class.
“Ha! Welton doesn’t care about us. We are only here because the parents insisted the girls get the same education as the boys,” you mumbled.
“Hey!” The cheery voice of none other then your boyfriend Todd Anderson smiled as he approached you.
“Hey! Good morning Todd,” you smiled as he hugged you.
“You okay?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Just some personal problems, no biggie,” you laughed as a terrible cramp began. You had to hold the smile so he wouldn’t notice.
“You sure? You look like you could use a cig,” he laughed.
“She said she was fine Todd, now stop insisting!” Your roomie shouted angrily.
“Oh…” Todd awkwardly smiled as the walk to Trig was silent and tense.
Class was over as you survived day one of your cycle.
“It wasn’t that bad!” You smiled as a cramp began. You groaned in pain as you and your roommate walked to the dorm room.
“You looked like you were in awful pain the entire time.” Your roommate said and you rolled your eyes.
“Probably because I was in absolute pain,” you mumbled as you two entered the dorm room. “I don’t even know if I have the energy for any studying or doing any homework!”
“You should rest, maybe I could go get another Tylenol from the nurse,” she smiled as you shook your head.
“I’m just going to take a quick nap to sleep away the pain.” You mumbled as you got into bed and shut off for the night.
You woke up the next morning, day two of your cycle to the most excruciating pain you have ever felt. It felt like knives were being impaled onto your stomach.
“You okay?!” Your roommate asked as she rushed to your side. You shook your head quickly.
“Tylenol will not help this,” you cried hugging yourself tighter as the pain increased.
“You have to stay in bed!” Your roommate said as she looked at you.
“I-I can’t! I have to go to class!” You groaned as you kept your eyes shut.
“Please, I will explain to the nurse and see if she can do anything about this.” Your roommate rushed out the room as you laid there holding your stomach.
You heard a knock before someone entered.
“You okay?” The sweet voice of Todd Anderson whispered. “I just saw Gregoria rush out the room.”
“I’m swell! Just not feeling my best!” You tried your best to keep a happy smile on your face as you turned to look at him.
“You don’t look amazing…” He whispered as he crouched besides you. He felt your forehead, “it isn’t fever.”
“Todd, darling, you’ll be late for class if you don’t rush over there right now.” You mumbled facing him.
“I’d much rather stick by your side then go to class.” He smiled.
In that moment your roommate barged in, “The nurse said she’ll talk to the professors and suggested that you stay in bed!” Her expression dropped when she saw Todd.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked and Gregoria shook her head refusing to say.
“Todd, I’m on my period and the cramps are seriously killing me,” you whispered holding his hand. His dace went bright red as he nodded his head in understanding.
“My mom takes this tea when she was you know.. on her period.” He smiled as he caressed your hair. “I can sneak and make you a cup of it.”
“That would be lovely, I’m staying in bed all day.” You laughed as you turned and looked at him caressing his cheeks and bringing him in for a kiss.
“Well, I guess this is the que for me to go to class. I’ll share my notes for each class… For both of you of course.” She smiled before excusing herself.
“You really don’t have to stay here, you still have time to be in class…” You whispered even though you hoped he would refuse and stay by your side.
“Nonsense, I can’t leave my girlfriend to lay by herself in pain,” he laughed as he kissed you again.
“You’re so lovely Todd,” you whispered bringing him in for another lovely kiss.
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duxpuella · 2 years
steven meeks x fem reader smut pls!
Oneshot: Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
< Atention: Modern AU where Neil lives, and Welton’s a boys & girls school. This piece is a bit further into future and everyone's at college already.
Warnings: Fluff, +16 content, if you’re under 16y or feel uncomfortable with the prompt please do not interact! Nothing way too explicit, but there’s a lot of sexual insinuation and generally soft smut, Steven being a housewife, an obscene amount of The Cure reference, hints of sub! Steven >
Words: 1.8k ;
Note: Heyy there, so I recommend listenning to Hot Hot Hot!!! by The Cure while reading (it was the main inspiration, but if you really want to dive in, listen to the entire album- Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me);
There's a bunch of songs excerpts in here, all from the same album, and they're supposed to translate what's going in Steven's head, since I headcanon him as an action person and the reader knows he has ways of by-passing his verbal difficulty it through music. 
Plot: Steven and you have been dating for awhile, and now in college with both constantly exhausted you've been out of time for each other. Steven decides to fix that and make room for you in his schedule if you know what I mean.  Steven Meeks x (fem!) reader 
Also, here’s my Meeks playlist, hope you enjoy it!
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Steven was your best friend, and it has been like this since the both of you met. He had a crush on you from the start, you intrigued him, and after a few schemes and setups from his friends, you had your first date at the movie theater. After that, it became really clear that the infatuation was mutual, and also that both of you were willing to take your time with things. 
By the end of high school, you were in a stable strong relationship. You knew him like the back of your hand, and he used all his scientific expertise into studying you as well. Charlie always joked that you were like an old married couple, and as odd as it could be, you felt like that too. 
However, physical intimacy was a current problem. Not because you didn't want it (you were both starving from it) but due to the unpleasant circumstances that had followed you. In Welton, there was never a proper place for things to unravel naturally. It was always rushed by the fear of getting caught, and neither of you liked that, at least not as a regular condition.
At the beginning of the semester, things were heavenly. You made an arrangement to share your dorm with him, and so, you lived almost literally like a married couple. Enjoying all the bliss that domestic life could offer. It also helped a great deal to truly enjoy each other's bodies and engage in emotionally fulfilling intimacy. 
That was, until last month. College life was starting to weigh on both of you, and though the desire was still under your skin, exhaustion often took over your body. Not to mention that your routines would often mismatch, making Steven go to sleep by the time you would wake up and vice versa. 
It didn't make you feel insecure, the boy loved you. He'd still kiss your hand every time he greeted you. He'd still bring you snacks during your study sessions, remembering you to make regular pauses and drink water. He'd still avoid smoking near you because he knew you hated the smell. You could see clearly that the feeling hasn't faded one bit, but you were frustrated. 
And so was he. Steven would never complain or express, verbally, his discontent. But every time he would embrace you behind and lay his head on your shoulder, you could feel the tired sigh coming out of his mouth. You could hear him mumbling an apology whenever he got in bed later than you. 
This week your tests had finally been over, and Christmas was in sight: only one week left. As you arrived at your dorm, you noticed your boyfriend was already there. A delicious smell came from the oven, and a pan was placed on the stove, cooking pasta. 
Steven caught you by surprise with his embrace, "Welcome home, darling." You could tell he was happy, "What's the occasion?" you asked as he gently entwined your fingers and guided your hand to his lips, placing a soft peck. "Freedom. I'm finally free, now I can fully enjoy you, and I intend to do it properly within every second of this weekend. Starting tonight," he said looking at his wristwatch "Friday, 10p.m." a coy smile tugging the corners of his mouth. 
"You're unreal, you know that Steven Meeks?" you said as you detangled yourself from his embrace, intending to face him directly. You cupped his cheeks as they've become a light pink, emphasizing his freckles. He stared at you, shy and smitten. He then bend, touching his forehead to yours, and closed his eyes enjoying the warmth.
"I love you." He whispered, like a confession. The noise of steam interrupted the moment and made Meeks drive away, leaving your hands empty. He stirred the content a bit and looked at you, "Take a shower, it will be ready when you get out." You took the advice and went your way. 
The hot water helped your muscles to relax and you felt like you could, after weeks of stress compiled, slow down. As you got out, a set of Christmas-themed pajamas freshly out of the dryer rested patiently on your bed, waiting for you. A chuckle escaped your lips, when did he even get time to shop you something? 
You showed up in the kitchen already dressed, you saw two plates of spaghetti and a tray full of cinnamon rolls placed on the table. Steven was washing the dishes when he heard you arrived and smiled in contempt "It fits!" His hands gesturing towards your body, "I got it earlier when I went over town to buy the ingredients. Just saw this set with the corner of my eye on my way to the cashier and remembered how your previous one shrunk last week." 
"Does that mean you don't want me wearing your shirts to sleep anymore?" you said, teasingly as it was your turn to embrace him from behind. "Absolutely. It was getting very hard to focus on my tasks with you wandering around every night in my clothes." you couldn't see his face but you could hear through his voice that he was smirking. 
As Steven finished the dishes, he took your hand and guided you to the table. "Now, let's eat. I'm starving," he said as a grunt came out of your stomach causing you both to laugh. You ate and talked through the night simply enjoying your time together. 
After all the dishes were savored you watched him set up a fun melody from the first Spotify playlist he gifted you. The song started as he also started dancing to the melody, gesturing towards you. You started dancing as well, surrounding your arms on his neck while his hands organically grabbed your waist.
Hey, you! Yes, you... You, the one that looks like Christmas... Come over here and kiss me!!! Kiss me!!!
Your smitten gaze met his, as you shared a passionate and slow kiss. You felt yourself completely melt into his arms, as his hands now at the small of your back bringing you closer. He parted your lips and laid his head onto your shoulder, recovering oxygen. 
I kissed her face, I kissed her head And dreamed of all the different ways I had to make her glow Why are you so far away, she said Why won't you ever know That I'm in love with you That I'm in love with you?
"I can't wait to marry you." His warm breath caressed your neck, his voice low, almost in as if he was stating that to himself solely. The tip of your fingers softly stroking his auburn hair. "I missed you so much, love," you said, in the same tone. He held you tighter, "I know. Me too." he raised his face from the crook of your neck, and bend touching foreheads again. 
You're just like a dream You're just like a dream
You danced to the melody as one, letting your bodies be guided by the rhythm. Eyes hypnotized by each other's, his mouth being pulled by yours as magnets. He kissed you, his hands crawling to the back of your neck deepening the kiss. He was starved from you. You could tell it wasn't just a matter of flesh, it wasn't just primal. It was ancient, almost spiritual. 
He didn't want just your body, he wanted your time, your dedication, your devotion. He wanted to dive into your soul once again and have you become one. And he would willingly provide the same for you. When your breath was lost, your lips parted. Inches away, panting desperately. You watched as his lips, already swollen, would repeatedly open and close signing the passage of air. 
Tonight I'm screaming like an animal Tonight I'm losing control Tonight I'm screaming like an animal Tonight I'm getting so low
The lyrics came through the speakers as the realization hit you, making you chuckle. "You put the entire album?" "Not the entire album..." his one-sided grin made your heart skip a beat, "but yeah, like, half of it. I found it to be quite appropriate since I do want you to kiss me, kiss me, kiss me." the burst of laughter came immediately, making your eyes squint. 
"Well, you're very hot, hot, hot yourself, love." you stroke back right after. "Happy to serve," he spoke softly as his mouth made its way to your neck. "speaking of which, how can I please you tonight?" you gasped as goosebumps covered your body. "God, Steven..." your hands clenching around his shoulder now. 
As you felt his lips ghost over your exposed neck, an unintelligible mumble exiting it as you guided both to your shared bed. You pushed him a little, causing your boyfriend to sit on it while you stood. He brought you closer, placing you between his legs, looking up at you in adoration with strands of ginger curly hair stuck onto his temples. 
You pushed his hair back and cupped his face delicately, caressing his cheek with your thumb as his eyes submerged into your figure. He bit his lower lip, completely enchanted. 
The third time I saw lightning strike It hit me in bed It threw me around And left me for dead For a second that room was on the moon
You placed your other hand on his neck, this time thumb under his chin gently forcing it up. "I love it when you're subservient like this, truly makes justice to your name." he smiled, enamored. You got closer whilst he tried capturing your lips. You recoiled, taunting him as a sadistic grin took over your face. His hunger frame almost made you feel guilty, but deep down you knew these power displays were what kept things thrilling for you both. 
Finally, you gave in to his embrace. You let his hands wander through your body, helping you to undress from the pajamas. You switch positions with you, fully undressed laying in the bed and him standing. He took his shirt off with one swift motion and watched your body as he finished undressing. 
You're so gorgeous I'll do anything! I'll kiss you from your feet To where your head begins! You're so perfect! You're so right as rain! You make me Make me hungry again
He dove into bed, kissing every part of you he could reach with his mouth. His hands pulled you closer and closer each time as if he would be able to merge your bodies together. Ravishing adoration in each gesture, delicacy within each touch, and reverence carved in his glance. 
You're not sure how long it took for the both of you to be fully satisfied, but as you rested your head on his chest you could hear a soft melody playing in the background alluring you into sleep. You made yourself comfortable as your left hand traced invisible patterns near his heart. 
And hold me up so high And never let me go Take me Take me in your arms tonight
Just like that, everything else beyond your bedroom walls was irrelevant, and you slept soundly.
Tag list: @tall-my-beloved ;
Hope you like it! I take requests by ask! (info on requests);
Also, you’ll find more of my writing here.
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angelbowerz · 7 months
your only girl at welton fic is such a guilty pleasure for me lmao. if you ever wrote more for it i would forever be thankful lol, esp if it had mr keating taking them under his wing or smthn haha
Of course! I'd love to do more, if you have any other suggestions I'd be more than happy to do it!
Keating taking you under his wing♡
Movie-dead poets society
Summary-continuing on from 'being the only girl at Welton'
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-he obviously knew about your arrival before the students, the second Mr Nolan told him, he knew he'd become your 'school father'
-since you had no classes on your first day, you first got introduced to him when he came into the common room
-he pulled you aside and basically said about how he's excited to meet you in class, and that you could always go to him for things (since all the other teachers look on the brink of death lmao)
-when you enterd his class the next day, he placed you next to todd (awhhh his two fake children🫂)
-After class he pulled you aside to check in on you, also telling you where his bedroom is when you need him after lessons
-at lunch or when you're passing him through the halls, he'll give you one of those encouraging dad smiles
-he'll give you a nickname like 'Dear miss l/n'
-now since Mr Nolan gave the rule of NO dating,if you do get a boyfriend, keating would be so happy for you, basically the opposite of Nolan
-okay...being at an all boys school would be hard being the only girl, especially at that time of the month so who do you go to? Your school dad of course
-if you ever run out of products after free time is over, you just go to Mr Keating's room where he has a box of things for you
-On some weekends, he would take you and Todd out into the town and will sometimes buy you two gifts (only if you keep it a secret)
-lets say your parents couldn't make the open day thing, you was obviously very sad...but who was there to pretend to be your father? KEATING OF COURSE! Also with Todd (cute lil family🤗)
-on the last day of school before the Christmas period, he would give you the cutest lil present (proud dad)
-when you graduate, you'll miss him SO MUCH (in my world keating didn't get fired and Neil is still alive SHHHH)
-you both would write to eachother once you leave Welton and would stay in contact until Mr Keating passes or something happens
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mietlynn · 2 years
Fireworks - Charlie Dalton
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Hey! This is my first post ever so i hope you like it <3
This idea came to me while watching some fireworks with my friends @nogoandbees <3
Summary: you watch the fireworks with Charlie Dalton and he focuses more on you than the view in front of him.
Warning: none.
Pairing: Charlie Dalton x gn! reader
One shot is below the line, thank u for reading!
The boys were pretty excited about going to the end-of-summer fair, however, you weren´t as thrilled. Loud noises and big crowds were not your thing, but Neil literally begged you to go with them.
The reason?
Charlie Dalton.
He had spent the whole week calling the Perry´s House to the point where Mrs. Perry stopped picking up the phone because she already knew who was calling.
Of course, the poets knew why he was so persistent about you going with them to the fair. His plan was to kiss you on the top of the Fair Ferris Wheel, as cheese as it sounded. That was all he could think of for the last weeks of August until the day finally came.
You spent almost half an hour deciding what to wear, while Neil waited in the hallway just outside your door reading a book. Putting chapstick on your lips you finally came out of your room, and of course, your big brother had to make a comment about how much time you took to get ready.
"Dressing up for someone?"
"Never" Even though you were lying to yourself.
You both started walking towards Meeks´s place since it was near the fair. You kept trying to calm yourself down, you haven´t seen Charlie since the school year ended and it seemed that every time you saw him he just keep getting more handsome than last time.
You were meeting Knox and Chris directly at the entrance and you were suddenly missing the female support she gave to you, she just seemed to understand you and your little crush better.
After what appeared to be forever, they all entered the precinct and started pointing out everything that they liked, from the cotton candy to the big roller coaster.
When the sun was starting to set, Pitts recommended seeing the view from the top of the Ferris Wheel. Charlie got mentally prepared to ask you out and he finally spoke.
"Hey, I was wondering, well, if you wanted ..."
Just as he was going to finish his sentence, Chris snatched your arm,
"Y/n!! Sit with me on the Ferris Wheel, please!"
She looked really excited as she grabbed your hand and you couldn´t help but to say yes. You then turned around to face Charlie.
"What were you saying?"
"Nothing important"
Just as he said that he turned and joined Neil and Todd in the queue.
You wondered what he was going to say but your turn to get on the ride was coming. You enjoyed your time with Chris on the wheel even if the ride wasn´t really long.
"So, Y/n, how´s your crush going? Still there?"
You wondered for a little while. You never knew what Charlie was feeling, he was always so extra and extroverted. But you could tell that was just a facade for how he truly was. The only thing you really knew was that he was extremely loyal to his friends, which honestly just made you like him even more.
"I don´t know, I really don´t know if he´s even interested in me"
Chris just smiled as if she knew something you didn´t.
"Why are you smiling?"
"It´s nothing really, you will see it for yourself later"
The sun was already set when all of you sat down at the stairs of the building next to the fair. Pitts had said something about watching the fireworks from there because it had the best view. They sat down in the blankets and had a few laughs while you kept thinking about what Chris said about you seeing it for yourself.
"Everything okay?" Neil asked sitting in front of you.
You pulled yourself out of your mental trip and answered.
"Yeah, you know how I feel about loud noises"
Knox was quick to enter the conversation "Oh yeah, I remember that time we tried to make a surprise for your birthday and when we came into your house shouting, you almost fell down the stairs."
Charlie added another story "Or when I accidentally blasted music through your speakers while you were reading almost had a heart attack"
"That could happen to everyone" You tried to defend yourself.
Just as you said that the first firework was shot through the sky and you covered your ears just in case. You felt an arm wrapped around your shoulders and turned to see Charlie looking at the fireworks like nothing happened.
You tried to ignore it like everyone else who were too focused on the display in front of them to even notice.
Charlie´s plans had gone to waste, so this was pretty much his only chance to kiss you. he leaned a bit closer as you looked up to find his gaze.
"Are you alright?" you asked.
"I just, can I try something?"
Confused by his question you slowly nodded. Right after you agreed, you felt his lips on yours. Surprised, you opened your eyes and completely froze.
He pulled away with a sad look on his face. "Sorry, I thought we liked each other and..."
You quickly put your hand on his cheek and kiss him again. It was a very soft kiss, not rushed, perfect for you. A few seconds passed and you were so happy that forgot the fireworks. Though a really loud noise brought you back to reality and surprised you, accidentally biting his lower lip.
He pulled away touching his lips in shock. His reaction was so pure that you couldn´t help but laugh. A lot.
"Oh my god, I´m so sorry, I didn´t mean to, Charlie."
But he didn´t look mad at all, he just smiled and snuggled closer.
"Is this payback for the speaker's situation?"
You just smiled like a fool in love.
"Maybe it is, Dalton."
"Damn me for falling in love with a Perry."
I´m sorry if this is cringy, I really tried my best :(
Hope you like it! <3
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wordsarelife · 7 months
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i know it’s a bit weird but i’m just so in love with writing this fic!! charlie and ray are my absolute favorites right now!
if you want to read more of my writing, feel free to check out my wattpad!! dress gets updated regularly and includes the following tropes:
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i’d be so happy if you were in the dps fandom and checked it out!! 🥰🫶🏻
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masivechaos · 11 months
lovesong - send a prompt/scenario + a character from the list above -> i'll write some headcanons!
could i maybe get meeks w a makeup obsessed/ girly girl gf <33 ilyyyy
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he would love it omg
he would watch you as you get ready and put make up on
he's really impressed
he's also curious and would look closely to try to understand how you manage to do that
would blush so hard if you ask him to do his makeup
he would love eyeliner on him like under his eyes smudged??? aaah
he would be so proud of you i swear
also if you need anything, he's there
clasping your necklace? he's there
need to clean the smudges of your mascara? he's there
you don't know where you've put the dress you wanted to put on? he's there.
i think he would love to gift you clothes
just to see the excitement on your face
if someone dares to make fun of you for having "too much" makeup or a bullshit like this he's reading to fight (i see him like sam ready to fistfight aragorn in lotr lmaoo)
he adores you so much omg <33
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⋆ ★ steven meeks taglist: @moonlitmeeks @toindeedbeag0d @juneberrie @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @kieracassette @vancitycharlie @oncasette @dori-and-gray @maddipoof @starlit-epiphany @willowseason @mellozhi
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
Truths of Our Past Part 6
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Pairing: Older!Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, sex talk, mentions of nudity, mentions of suicide, depression, depressing thoughts, past trauma, facing trauma, romance, understanding, fluff.
Summary: You had met Charlie in University, were married shortly after, and had become accustomed to a beautiful life together. When you receive a wedding invitation to one of Charlie’s previous classmates weddings you discover that Charlie had a dark past, one he had been trying to forget. In the midst of it all you try to help him through it while finding out that he’s not the guy you thought you married at all. Maybe he’s even better.
word count: 2.3k
Part 5 ←→ Part 7
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Day 6/8
Thankfully that night you hadn’t gotten drunk enough to be down for the count. You were too busy being proud of Charlie for overcoming and working through his emotions over Neil. By the end of the night it had actually felt like Neil had been at that table with them and you knew that was comforting for Charlie. Tonight you hoped would be the same because he was to go out with the boys for a Bachelor party. If Todd had set aside a seat for Neil at the engagement party he definitely had something up his sleeve for the bachelor party. As for you, it was Ann’s bachelorette party, and you had planned to party like you never had before. Which at the moment was proving to be very successful.
“Chris, you did not!” Ann drunkenly squealed, her blonde hair frizzing from the crown she had to keep adjusting on her head.
“Listen, I have no care about what Todd’s appendages look like but I figured if you were promising yourself to them for the rest of your life I’d at least provide one bound to be good” and Ann blushed firetruck red as the penis shaped cake was placed on the coffee table.
“For your information his appendages are more than fine” and your hands were flying to your ears, eyes squeezed shut, and humming as if to tune her out. You could still hear her giggles though at your reaction.
“Todd is sweet, quiet, innocent Todd. He doesn’t have any appendages” you were telling her, shaking your head, and praying the alcohol buzzing through you would make this conversation go away.
“Oh don’t be such a prude Y/N. You’re with Charlie” Rachel pointed to you and you felt yourself gasp lightly.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, a giggle bubbling past your lips.
“Oh Charlie loved and breathed sex majority of his life” Chris groaned out and Ann was nodding right beside her.
“Todd told me he was the one to show him his first centerfold” Ann tipped her drink at you and you blushed at the mention of dirty magazines.
“Yes and Knox learned most of how everything works from him” Chris nodded along and Maggie giggled drunkenly from across the room.
“He was legend at Henley Hall, he was too confident. He oozed this personality that had most of us crossing our legs” Rachel informed you and a deep blush rose to your cheeks.
It was fact Charlie was overconfident, charming, and knowledgeable when it came to women. When you had gotten to know him he warmed up to that behavior around you fairly quickly. It was just hearing about how he was legend for these things shocked you considering Neil’s death has mellowed him out, made him so much more unspoken. He was much different from the legend of the kid who got a phone call from God saying they should allow girls at an all boys school.
“You knows girls, Todd once told me Charlie would use red paint to put a lighting bolt on his chest. Something about it being a sign for virility and attracting women” Ann giggled, clearly one too many drinks deep. You on the other hand found this of interest. You actually had never known Charlie had done such a thing, and the thought made you giggle and warm over because now you were missing your husband.
"Please don't hold out on us Y/N. I've been single for so long" Maggie whined after slugging back the rest of her drink and you sighed which to them was an instant sign of you caving to their prying questions.
"Fine, if you must know Charlie is good. Really good" you said hoping that this answer would be enough but the groans and boo's coming from the drunk girls said otherwise.
"Details! We need details" Rachel told you and a deep red hue found it's way to your cheeks because Charlie may not openly talk about his confidence towards women as much as he used to but he sure as hell still had it when it came to the two of you alone.
"Her and Charlie did it two mornings ago" Chris tattled on you and you gasped before chucking a pillow her way just for her to loudly laugh at it.
"In Chris' house! Did you get caught?" Ann inquired and you rolled your eyes at Chris before turning to Ann.
"No we were quiet. I woke up to him kissing my neck and then when we were making out I realized he wanted more. I tried to tell him we could get caught but he promised me we wouldn’t" you said, already feeling like you had shared enough details of your sex life with your friends. Being married to Charlie without kids required a very busy sex life that you weren't used to discussing. Charlie was very hard to turn down, the kind of guy that once you had a taste you couldnt stop. It was no wonder he was such a ladies man, he made sure he knew what he was doing and sometimes you just couldn't get enough.
“Gosh. I don’t think I’ve ever been woken up by a man kissing me” Maggie hummed delightfully, eyes shut and mind buzzing with the idea. The other girls giggled lightly.
“My first kiss with Knox was dizzying” Chris gushed and everyone tuned into her quickly. “I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t quite get him out of my head, I was still with Chet. Then he kissed me and it all just made sense”
“I love love, I wish I could marry Todd every day the rest of my life” Ann grinned widely and Rachel snorted, knowing what it was like to be in love with the Anderson gene.
“No you don’t” Rachel told her and Ann rolled her eyes.
“Todd is much gentler than Jeff, you wouldn’t get it” but the rest of the girls were laughing anyway because they knew pretty soon Ann would be out of the honeymoon phase even with a guy like Todd.
“Alright I’m getting a refill, anyone else?” you asked and the girls all shook their heads, continuing to tease Ann for her minor obsession with her soon to be husband.
As you refilled your drink in the kitchen you tried to remember what the week before your wedding was like. Just like Ann you were head over heels for Charlie, you almost had no room to tease. You had spent that entire week with Chris and college girlfriend drinking and mooning over how lucky you were to have him. It almost felt like a life time ago but it had only been three years ago. You had known the boy six years now and even though six years can be a lot of time it was nothing compared to the forever you vowed to each other. You were still learning things about him, especially now. This town brought out parts of him that he was hiding most of the time.
Before heading back to join the girls in the living room you stopped in the bathroom. Bound to make this trip multiple times tonight with the way you were drinking. As you washed your hands your eyes caught the tube of lipstick left on the counter. More than likely Ann’s but between the alcohol, thoughts of your husband, and the story of Charlie, you found yourself grabbing it. Taking one glance at yourself in the mirror you slowly unbuttoned your blouse before uncapping the lipstick and placing it on your skin. If you knew your husband as well as you thought you did he was going to go nuts when he saw this.
“Hey what took so long?” Rachel inquired as she noticed you come back first.
“Bathroom” you explained before returning to your previous seat and it didn’t take long to notice the deep blush on Maggie’s face and Ann’s not so innocent giggling. “What’d you do?”
“Nothing!” Ann squealed, struggling to stop laughing when she began to defend herself.
“She was telling Maggie in detail the very dirty things she’s done with Todd” Chris tattled and you snorted out a soft laugh, knowing you’d be wearing the same face as Maggie if you had been here.
“Maggie, you do know what single bridesmaids do right?” you found yourself asking and Maggie gave you a confused look, sitting up now safe from Ann’s words.
“No, what do they do?” she asked and you tried to suppress the evil smile on your face into the rim of your drink as you took a sip.
“They get with the single groomsmen” and a gasp was falling out of the innocent brunette girl as the rest of you laughed loudly.
“That can’t be true” but Rachel was shaking her head with amusement, hand landing on her shoulder.
“It is dear, I remember my first single wedding party. I found myself with a man named John Lester, back of the reception hall, tongue down my throat. He always tasted like saltine crackers” and Chris’ face was twisting in disgust over this.
“Lucky for you Mags there is two single groomsmen. You can take your pick” Ann told her and Maggie pouted.
“Not the red head” Maggie said and Rachel gasped loudly.
“What’s wrong with red heads?” she accused, her own red hair and vibrant green eyes shining back at the girl.
“Nothing, he’s just short. The other one though, he’s tall. I like tall” Maggie said and all the girls were laughing again.
“Whatever one you pick they are both lovely people. I’ve know those boys since I was seventeen” Chris was telling her and you nodded right beside her.
“She’s being honest, both are sweethearts. Those boys have a really great friend group” and now you all could tell Maggie was genuinely considering it.
“I’m not making any promises, but we’ll see” and you all were squealing like teenage girls over the prospect of Maggie finding true love with either of the two boys.
You wouldn’t mind coming back together so soon for another wedding. You had come to enjoy and love the group around you. In fact you loved coming to Vermont all the time. The city was big and exciting when you were eighteen and exploring the world on your own for the very first time, but now it was just the city. It was big, noisy, smelly, and full of rude and crowded people. You longed for quiet nights in your shared apartment with Charlie but you longed for a large townhouse surrounded by autumn trees with your kids running through the yard more. You longed for the life Chris had here and you wouldn’t mind being so close to them and having your hand chosen family all in one place together. If you were to end up lucky enough to bear a child you knew deep in your bones you’d come here. The city was no place for a child, it was barely a place for you.
These thoughts stayed with you when the boys had appeared to pick you up. They had gotten Todd sloppily drunk, he has half asleep, arms slung over Knox and Meeks shoulders as they practically dragged him into the house and left him on the couch. Ann seemed to sober up instantly at the sight of him and began to take care of him. You could only smile as you found Charlie and wrapped yourself up in his arms. He smelled of pine and tobacco and you missed him more than ever for some reason. “Let’s get you home Mrs. Dalton”
“Sounds like a plan Mr. Dalton” you hummed back and allowed him to guide you out to the car and back to Chris and Knox’s place for the night. You pretended it was your actual home though, with all the room and smell of nature around you. No footsteps from the upstairs neighbors, just peace.
“Someone got a little drunk huh?” Charlie teased as he eased you down into the bed and you just giggled as his hands slowly grazed up your leg as he went to pull off your shoes.
“Only a little” you told him, toes wiggling as both heels had been removed and he was now dropping his blazer off his shoulders and to the ground. He watched as your hands reached for the buttons of your blouse, fumbling lightly as you struggled to unbutton each one.
“Need help” he smirked devilishly at you and suddenly your fuzzy brain remembered the sticky red symbol laid under your top. It wasn’t hard considering what you imagined cocky teenage Charlie was like, was smirking above you.
“Somehow he always makes it to third base folks” you teased as if you were talking to a crowd and Charlie just grinned as his own steady hands reached to free you from your blouse.
“It’s cause you simply can’t get enough of me doll” he told you and you rolled your eyes despite it being true. Charlie was a drug, one you were addicted too. You figured it would always be that way and you were lucky enough to end up with him.
Once he had the third button undone you knew he had spotted the red mark under your shirt. It was noticeable by the sharp intake of air he sucked in, his hands suddenly moving faster to undo each button and see more of the lighting bolt drawn steadily through your breasts. “Like what you see?”
“Baby” and then his hand was tucking under you, unhooking your bra with one hand like he always did just to impress you. Once both the bra and blouse had been removed you stared back at his blown out eyes, unmoving from you beneath him.
“Say something handsome” you urged and finally a soft smile broke across his face as he dipped down and met his mouth with your own.
“I love you so much” he grinned, a look of awe written all over his face.
“I love you more” you were telling him but he was shaking his head, kissing you hard until you were absolutely dizzy.
“That is absolutely not possible”
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mendesxruel · 2 years
ooh may I request stargazing with Meeks perhaps? O_O
"This is stunning," you admired the sky above you in awe.
"Not more stunning than you," Steven whispered and looked up at the sky, hoping you hadn't heard him.
You did, and now your cheeks were burning.
He cleared his throat, trying to break the awkward silence, "look, that red dot is Mars."
"Oh." That was all you could say, since you were still processing the fact that Meeks had just called you stunning. More stunning than the stars.
"Steven," you sighed. As he looked at you, you got a bit closer to him, "can I... can I tell you something?"
"Yeah," he nodded, smiling softly.
"I... I... have feelings for you," you looked down, avoiding his eyes.
He grabbed your hands gently, "hey... i have feelings for you too..."
You looked at him, cheeks still burning, eyes watering. Your first instinct was to hug him. He felt like home.
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